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that-handsome-rogue · 2 months ago
Happy new year. This one has been interesting… to say the least. Much has happened yet much has slowed down. I haven’t been here long but I’ve certainly felt welcomed and more worried for some of you than I thought I would be…
Well, I’ve nothing more to say. Take care and be decent to one another. Unless they’re your enemy, then stab them in the back. Happy year of the snake.
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We are happy to introduce you all to the Centennial Husbands' Big Bang!
We wish you a warm welcome to the Centennial Husbands Big Bang!
This is a Big Bang challenge focused around all things Dreamling (Dream of the Endless/Hob Gadling) from the Sandman comics and show, brought to you by the @mr-sadman Modteam!
Without further adue, here are all of the details!!
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Our stance on plagiarism and AI 
We do not accept nor condone the use of plagiarism, including the use of AI, whether in writing or art. If you are caught using either, you will be disqualified from the current event and barred entry for the other events the Mr. Sadman team puts forward.
General Rules and Informations
Anyone is welcome to participate! 
Fear you can’t make it yet? Sign-ups for pinch-hitters will be open later during the event!
You can sign up both as an artist and a writer!! That said, we do not want you to bite more than you can chew, be careful and conscious of the event’s schedule!
Joining the Mr. Sadman discord is strongly advised, as there will be event related channels and roles available, but not required. Please make sure to give us another reliable and quick way to get a hold of you in the case that you don’t join the server/don’t use discord often!
If you are under the age of 18, you will not be able to create explicit content for the event. As a general rule, Mr. Sadman is a 16+ server, be aware of this fact!
The Mr. Sadman Modteam is a firm believer of “ship and let ship” as well as the kinktomato (https://fanlore.org/wiki/Kinktomato). As such, and in accordance with the Server’s existing rules, we will not tolerate any discrimination and harassment in any forms whatsoever. This includes : queerphobia, homophobia, racism, content policing, hate speech, doxxing, shaming, etc. 
What’s a Big Bang?
What’s a Big Bang?
Glad you asked! This is a challenge where writers come up with a 15k+ words fic and get paired with a just-as-enthusiastic artist that accompanies their written work with a piece of art! A detailed schedule spanning around 4 months will be available down this post, fear not! 
15k is a lot of words, is there any other way that, as a writer, I can participate?
There is! We are offering a beta-reader partnering system as well as a Mini Bang!
What’s a Mini Bang?
This is a challenge similar to a Big Bang where you write a piece under 15k words! Do note that the Mini Bang does not come with art like the Big Bang does!
Why does the Mini Bang don’t include art?
This is the less stressful option for writers who still want to participate in the event! Less stress for the writers and none for the artists! That said, this might be revised if an important number of artists sign up!
I don’t think my Big Bang fic is gonna reach 15k, can I downgrade to the Mini Bang?
Yes! You will be able to downgrade until December 2nd, a few weeks before drafts are due and artist pairing starts!
I think my Mini Bang fic is gonna be longer than 15k, can I upgrade to the Big Bang?
Yes! You will be able to upgrade until December 2nd, a few weeks before drafts are due and artist pairing starts!
Rules and requirements
For Writers
What are the requirements for my fic? 
Your fic must be an unpublished, completely new work! It needs to be able to stand on its own (meaning that sequels and crossovers/fusions are allowed, but your fic must be able to be read on its own!) and must meet the minimum word count requirement, which is  15k words. It is also strongly recommended for no parts of your work to have been already published elsewhere (even small snippets)!
It is also mandatory that you keep your work a secret - this is to assure an anonymous art claim process and is very important. If you talk about your work in any public way (this includes our discord server), your violation will be discussed amongst the mod team and could result in potential removal from the event!
Does it have to focus on a romantic pairing?
Not at all! Your fic can be platonic, romantic, neither or all of the above, as long as it focuses on the relationship between Dream and Hob!
Does my fic have to be beta-read?
While it is not mandatory, we strongly encourage you to use a beta reader during your writing process! Don’t have a beta reader already? We offer a beta-reader pairing system! Just make sure to fill in the appropriate section in the sign-up form to indicate that you are in need of betaing!
My friend and I want to co-author a fic, is that alright?
Hell yeah! We love collaboration! Simply make sure to indicate it on each of your sign-up forms (meaning that each one of you needs to fill a form)!! The word count requirement is still 15k (even if you are one, two, three or more, yes!) and keep in mind, though, that you will not receive more art because there are more authors!
Can I have a secondary pairing in my fic?
Yes! As long as the focus of your fic is Dream/Hob, go ham!
Can I write threesomes, foursomes, polycules?
Yes! As long as the focus of your fic is Dream/Hob, please do!!
Can I write RPF (Tom Sturridge/Ferdinand Kingsley)?
What can’t I write, then?
Anything is fair game as long as it is properly tagged and/or warned for! Major content warnings (such as AO3 dictates) must also be applied properly! There is only one exception to this : work depicting real life children (such as the actors’), which is not allowed.
What if I have a fic that I’ve been working on but never posted?
You can totally use it! As long as your work remains unpublished, it’s fair game!
Can I write something for NaNoWriMo and use it as my submission?
Hell yeah!! As long as it’s unpublished and meets the word requirements!!
I’m so excited for this event that I want to write two fics, is that all right?
We never say no to more cake! Please do keep in mind that you’ll still have to respect the schedule for both works at the same time!
As the author, do I have a say in what my paired artist creates?
In short : no. While we do encourage collaboration, this is not a commission process. The artist has free reign on what they want to create that is inspired by your fic. If you can write what you want, then your artist can create what they want!
Can I already pair up with an artist friend?
Absolutely! Just make sure you tell us in the sign up form!
I don’t like my paired artist and/or what my artist has created.
While this is unfortunate, your artist has spent their own energy and free time to create their piece. To dismiss them and their efforts is plain rude. The mods will not step in and give you another artist simply because you are not pleased with your match. Your artist deserves your thanks, not your ire. 
What are authors check-ins?
Be not afraid! These are mostly touch points for the modteam to make sure everyone is still on board and on schedule! That said, these are mandatory! Failure to respond to check-ins will disqualify you from participating in the current event.
What if I can’t meet a deadline?
Please make sure to inform a mod as soon as you know! Accommodations might be worked out depending on the situation. We simply ask you to be considerate to your fellow artists, it is unfair to them to back out as they had already started working on their pieces!
Where do I post my fic?
We ask you to post your story to the AO3 collection! You are free, after that, to post it anywhere else you’d like and/or prefer! There, you will also be able to embed and link to your artist’s piece(s)!
For Artists
What kind of art can I make?
Anything from traditional or digital drawing, to photomanips, fanvids, podfics, songwriting, book binding and more! We only ask you to put some effort into it, after all, your author has worked hard on their piece as well! 
A few exceptions include : playlists, icons and banners. These, while being a nice and fun bonus for your author, can’t be counted as your primary piece!
How much art do I have to make? 
You are required to make one piece of art! But if you are inspired, more are definitely welcome!
What are the minimum requirements for my art?
A minimum of 500px by 500px piece for visual pieces. A minimum of 2 minutes for digital pieces. 
*If your art doesn’t fit within these parameters, an agreement can be reached between mod, author and artist as to what could be considered equivalent/sufficient. 
How will I be able to claim a fic?
Art claims will be held from January 6th to 10th to give authors the time to complete a first draft as well as send in a summary of their work. We ask you to be readily available to answer messages during that time period as the process will be held on a “first come first served” basis. You will receive a link to the claiming form at the beginning of this period. 
Can I already pair up with a writer friend?
Absolutely! Just make sure to tell us in the signing up form!
How do I get in touch with my writer?
Fear not, the mods will place you in contact with your partner once pairing is done!
What are artists’ check-ins?
Be not afraid! These are mostly touch points for the modteam to make sure everyone is still on board and on schedule! That said, these are mandatory! Failure to respond to check-ins will disqualify you from participating in the current event.
What if I can’t meet a deadline?
Please make sure to inform a mod as soon as you know! Accommodations might be worked out depending on the situation. We simply ask you to be considerate to your fellow writers, it is unfair to them to back out as they had already started working on their pieces!
Where do I post my art?
From your designated host (whether that’s tumblr, pillowfort, etc.) so that it can be embedded into AO3! We simply ask you to use the relevant tags and link back to your writer’s story!
I’m not a writer nor an artist, but I wish to help. What can I do?
You are very welcome to join us as a beta reader! Every author has different betaing needs, but betaing ranges from cheering your author on, to making sure their grammar and spelling is tip-top! This is an event-long commitment, so make sure you know this before signing up! You are also very welcome to share any relevant information about the Big Bang and join us on Mr. Sadman for all things Sandman!!
Event Schedule
Sign-ups : September 18th to October 21rst First Check-in : October 28th Second Check-in : November 18th Upgrade/Downgrade for Mini Bang/Big Bang : December 2nd Third Check-in/First Draft+Summary due : December 22nd Holiday Pause : December 23rd to January 3rd Art claims : January 6th-10th Art Pairings Masterpost : January 11th Pinch-hitter Signups : January 29th to February 2nd Fourth Check-in : February 3rd  Pinch-hitter post : February 4th Final draft : February 25th Posting dates : March 1rst to 3rd
I want to Sign Up!!
You can fill the form and sign up here : https://forms.gle/2RwZrPNxs4Y95oLS9
I need help, how do I reach a mod?
If there is something that is not covered by our rules masterpost and/or FAQ, you are very free to DM us here, on tumblr!
We are also available on email at [email protected] and on discord at Mr. Sadman
That said, the dedicated mods for this event are Winter, Aria, Ches and Britt!
Have fun and keep the Dreamling on!!
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gardenview-research-crew · 3 months ago
Heya guys, ymoved blogs (@garden-view-research-teams), this is a new blog you can actually send asks in.Well, This is kind of a new AU and Blog that polishes out the flaws and inconsistencies with the old AU that was shadowbanned and said blog will be deleted. What's the Survival! AU about? Basically the original Toons (aka the ones we play in-game) are slowly being twisted and taking the effects of the Ichor Operation as Dandy went missing right after. The Toon are separated in different teams as they face the other twisteds accidentally created by Dandy himself as they try to find out whatever happened.
-Please start your ask either like "To (Toon)", or "To (Team)", and no "Can you hug me"s or "Can I give you cookies". (sorry-)
-Can ask about research and give info on twisteds -Yeah feel free to be silly and goofy I don't mind-
-No NSFW/Smut/Proship/Incest questions since the mod is a minor
-No Racist, Political, Homophobic and any offensive stuff -Be rude or a jerk in general
-Interrupt RPs
-Don't Let mains be in Search teams for too long, they're VERY unstable as of now.
[NOTE: I do NOT support or condone Rox's actions and only love the game for the characters, lore, and game. ]
Oh well uhm, meet the teams! (thx for my bestie @catchingrockd for the team names): (TW/CW: Mold, Ichor/Bl00d, and some disturbing imagery(?))
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The first team made, Toodles isn't allowed to go on Runs often due to Rodger wanting to protect her, but when she is, Pebble has to go, too. Though if he goes wild, then Poppy and Boxten are alone or have to move to another team. With all of that aside, these guys know how to finish floors fast.
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These Toons know how to be prepared! Defending from twisteds and doing their jobs very well. They can get rather distracted at times…With that so, the team knows to support eachother and keep going no matter what!
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They're not the best…but not the worst too (if you don't count Shrimpo I guess). This team's compositions is just for Toons that aren't too well liked (minus Astro and Brightney, god pray that this team isn't going down). They CAN get the job done, just expect several problems on the way.
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This team's…..well they're quite…"unique" to put it lightly. Despite Flutter's weird staring habit and Sprout being a bit wild at times, this team does try to work things out. Razzle and Dazzle may not agree on everything, even in dire situations, but they're better than Team Brights o' Aquatic anyway.
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Probably the only team with some self-preservation. Rodger started the whole "Search Teams" idea and recruited many of the others along the way. Watch out for Vee though, she can get a bit…crazy, along with the others
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dailynyarinder · 4 months ago
wakey wakey
Is someone home?
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Another quick Daily Nyarinder coming soon! Plus… a challenge? 👀
An explanation for my absence + details on an upcoming Daily Nyarinder event under the cut!!
So kinda personal bt my therapist left her practice unexpectedly so I got off my adhd and depresso meds at the same time as I was moving to another house and I just… really lost steam and haven’t had the energy to work on this project orz
i love cotl with all my heart! But my main fandom is svsss (shout out to kamkamquats on twt, this blog was inspired by their dailybingpup!! 💖) and trying to move all my shit over from twitter to bluesky so it doesn’t feed Elon Musk’s ai has also taken a lot of energy that would have been spent drawing for both cotl and svsss.
Additionally, last time I checked this blog I got some anon asks trying to pull me into fandom wank. The admin of this account is a grown adult with a spouse, a house, community protests to organize/attend, cosplays to make, a startup business to take care of; online fandoms are my comfort place and have been since I was 13, and as such I resolved years ago to stay away from fandom drama and just do what makes me happy. I’m really used to how chill and sweet svsss fandom is, so it was kinda startling to remember that younger fandoms are very drama-prone. I deleted those messages, but it still left a sour taste in my mouth whenever I came back to this blog.
As such, I’ve been on a break. And I probably will continue this hiatus until things settle on bluesky and I can spend more time on my friend’s cotl discord server to get my motivation back.
THAT SAID, I hope to do a little daily nyarinder art challenge for anyone who still follows this blog! Instructions and rules will be posted separately later today, but the idea is thus:
“YOU, dear reader, are just as wonderful, creative, and capable an artist as any cultist here. What do YOU want to see in Daily Nyarinder’s escapades? Pick up a craft and get creating! Use whatever you’ve got—whether it’s a fancy tablet, ibispaint on a touchscreen phone (that’s how dailynyarinder has been made so far 👀), a pen and the back of a receipt, needle and thread, hook and yarn, scrapbooking paper and scissors, a word doc and a keyboard, a camera, etc etc etc. Whatever medium brings you joy and renews your belief in our benevolent God of Death, this humble Narinder blog calls upon you to make and share a Daily Nyarinder post of your own!
Skill level doesn’t matter in the face of creativity. Whether you’re a renowned oil painter, a fanfic author, a newbie artist, or a kid who just really likes cats, all offerings are encouraged and welcome!
As for content rules, the Nyarinderverse is full of strange and unusual things; anything goes! HOWEVER, since this is a sfw blog and is followed by lots of minors, I’ll ask that if anyone participating decides to draw nsfw content, please make sure it is appropriately tagged and locked behind some sort of link—whether it’s a link to twitter, privatter, or elsewise. Any NSFW that isn’t hidden from immediate view will not be reblogged on this blog. If and when I reblog potential nsfw content, it will be tagged “NSFW” BY ME BY AS WELL so that my followers can filter it out if they need.
Any characters, ships, potential squicks or triggers, etc should be tagged appropriately.
Please know that this blog will never, EVER harass or condone/encourage harassment based on what you make, but as the mod I retain the right to not reblog works that squick me out personally. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make them; it just means they might not all appear here.
Works may be posted separately under the hashtag #DailyNyarinderChallenge or submitted to this blog!
Finally, and most importantly, HAVE FUN!”
^^^ the challenge text will be reposted with some promotional artwork later, but does this sound like it would be a fun event? Let me know what you think.
Look forward to the resolution of the current daily nyarinder arc this week! But then I’ll likely go back on break again until things settle. 💖🐈‍⬛
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rain-world-positivity-blog · 5 months ago
Welcome to the Rain World Positivity Blog 🌧️
Hi I’m mod ☀️ (they/it/he) and have you all noticed how unbelievably hostile the fandom feels lately? Well, this won’t fix it but I’m hoping to help out a little! This blog sortve functions like a positive confessions blog BUT I also accept asks if you recommending fanfics or gushing about your ocs or sending in headcanons! I want this to be a positive space for as many people as possible.
This blog barely functions without asks, lets do what we can to be a little more welcoming 💖
I also have
@rainworlddaily and my Minecraft blog @clovercrafted if you’d like to either see my screenshots or keep up with other stuff I do!
There are a couple of ground rules you’ll find below:
1. NSFW is allowed and will be tagged accordingly and with community labels. All I ask is you don’t send just straight up porn and follow the other rules below~ (by straight up porn I’m literally talking about a video of irl activities)
2. No bashing on ANYONE in the inbox. I want to keep the heck out of the fandom’s issues so this remains a calm space. Also please don’t send in “opinion on X discourse of the day?”, leviathans under my fishing boat and all that.
3. No self-shipping with the slugcats or shipping the iterators with the slugcats or “comship”/proshipper stuff. Do not harass people that DO ship these things though, often the people holding the fandom frontline are the proshippers and other assorted freaks, I just have nothing to say about it here, you do you.
4. This is more of an apology because I know people really like these ships but I probably won’t answer any asks that feature sunstone, ragequit or triple divorce. Sorry. I really get triggered by those ships for some reason and I can’t, in good faith, give a nice response 😔 I respect y’all for enjoying stuff that squicks me out though! You enjoy what you enjoy 💖
5. No I will not boost your call-out posts and no I don’t know the people you’re talking about. I’m blind af.
Because I’ve had a few asks I’ve refused to answer: just because someone writes/draws weird porn, questionable things, darker nsfw aligned stuff and things you don’t necessarily agree with or find morally wrong this does NOT mean they condone these things or are a bad person. Grow up. And if you think telling someone to kill themselves over this is a good idea please do some self reflection, you’re not doing the right thing by doing that. Block and move on.
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twice-the-charm · 4 months ago
"--to teach is the best way to learn!"
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hello there, welcome to my corner of the internet. or rather, our corner! yep, that's right. 'ours' in more ways that one!
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first; this blog is for you! need help with school work? we can help!
second; there's two moderators.
@fishii28 and @thegolden-tigeress !
meet the mods!
fishii | shree
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so, how does this work? well, here's what you can do!
ask questions regarding your subjects [in the askbox, or in the replies of related posts!]
ask us to review your work
ask for feedback
ask for advice/tips on your work
rules, tagging system and more utc!
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we have some rules of course.
basic dni criteria.
dni if you're under 12 or over 20. [please respect our boundaries!]
please don't ask for help in your work if you're 16+ [neither of the mods are able to help with that!(;´д`)ゞ ]
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both the moderators have their own specialised interests and excelled subjects.
while we're out here making this blog and letting you ask for help, it's still important to do your own work and not rely on us.
we're here to help if you need it, any harassment or rude behaviour to either of the mods regarding anything related to this blog will not be tolerated nor condoned.
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well then, with all of that out the way, feel free to send asks interacting with us or asking for help! we'll try our best :)
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tagging system:
#fishii speaks - fishii's announcements / asks fishii answers
#shree speaks - shree's announcements / asks shree answers
#ttc. askbox - general askbox / used in every ask
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well, then. happy studying! <3
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saphiraslunala · 5 days ago
Pokemon Reborn Screenshot Let's Play - Prologue
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Black smog and acidic water garnish crumbling structures along the city skyline. Alleys fester with disaster and crime amidst the metropolis, a blemish over the once-vibrant region. Reborn City is ready for a hero.
So this is Pokemon Reborn. I have the biggest love-hate relationship with this game.
Reborn is a Pokemon fangame that's drastically larger in scope from the official games- we're talking all Pokemon up to gen 7, 18 gyms for every type, several sidequests, Mega Evolution and Z-moves- you name it, the game has it.
Basically, the game is a dream for fans who just adore Pokemon and want a larger scope, more difficult game. It's fun to replay because Pokemon is very important to me and I like to play long-term fangames that try to expand on the premise.
So where does the "hate" part come in? Well. The story leaves a lot to be desired. This is a "mature" fangame that wants to take on heavier topics with... mixed results. This is probably gonna be the focal point of this let's play.
Since I've been hyperfixating on this game again, I've been rambling about it to my friends, and they mentioned wanting to know the story, but not actually wanting to play the game, whether because of the time commitment, not being into competitive, etc.
And I could've just sent them a let's play... but I figured, why not make my own let's play for fun? Especially since I plan on doing a 100% run, which would allow me to show several nooks and crannies this game has to offer.
This is sort of an excuse for me to show off all of my thoughts about this game, good and bad. Don't go into this expecting a fully positive or negative perspective from me. You probably won't care for this LP if you are a diehard fan of this game (or a dev. I'm so sorry).
Some Disclaimers:
Major CWs for this game include death, suicide, animal abuse/death, mentions of CSA, child abuse, toxic relationships, and gore. The game does not handle these topics with respect most of the time, particularly in regards to abuse.
There are other triggering topics, but they are limited to a smaller part of the game, and are typically handled well. Those warnings will be added to individual posts.
This is actually my third proper playthrough of Reborn since it's been finished, and my first time trying out the 19.5 update. So most of this is familiar territory for me.
I will be using some mods and passwords. Reborn includes several passwords that affect the difficulty of the game. I will be using some QOL passwords for overworld navigation, but nothing that affects the actual battles, which I'll be keeping vanilla. The passwords I have used are:
-EasyHms, FieldApp, FreeExpAll, FreeFinder, FreeRemotePc, HardCap, MintyFresh (adds mints at the start), MoneyBags, NoPoisonDam, Pinata, PowerPack (EV training items), UnrealTime, WeatherMod
I'm also using some mods from the SWM modular modpack, which again, are mostly cosmetic or overworld changes. The only ones I'm using are:
-Item Radar, Glamazon Shop, Learn Egg Moves, No TMX Animations, Predict Relationship Values, Reusable Premier Balls, Type Battle Icons, and Type Announcer
-I will be going for the Lin route. If I get enough interest, I might go and do the Anna route as well via save file manipulation.
-This is mostly meant for me and my followers, but if this somehow breaks containment, I do not condone sending any sort of harassment to the devs over this game. The vibe here is gonna be more like a book club than anything.
-Even as this is a 100% run, I won't show all my catches or every bit of dialogue for the sake of thinking things concise.
-This is my first time trying a let's play. Please bear with me as I try to figure this out- I'm bound to make mistakes as I go!
With that, let's begin!
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theshowmastertv · 5 months ago
Welcome to the blog!
Hi, Mod here! You can call me Saber, I go by any pronouns. I wanted to make a Vee blog since I enjoy her character and personality Host Blog: @sabertoothking (I don't talk much but follow me 🔥🔥🔥)
(Please note, the host is a minor! Behave yourselves please!)
IC text is in Green. OCC text is usually marked as such.
Anyone is welcome to ask, though the amount of time it'll take for me to get to you may vary depending on stuff like my motivation.
--- Vee Headcanons
(A lot of this is just the host self projecting LOL)
-26 years old.
-She/Her, They/Them.
-4'2 feet tall.
-Short tempered and quite blunt, though a lot of the time she doesn't really mean the things she says and it's really just her emotions speaking for her.
-She struggles to understand emotions and social cues, usually leading to her tone coming off differently from how she first intended it.
-She sometimes can be very bothered by the things she's said to people in the past. Though she doesn't want to slow herself to become vulnerable enough to think about it, so she ignores it the best she can.
-She generally prefers to keep to herself, keeping to her own spaces as well.
-There’s a couple of people she'll actively seek out to talk to or hang out with.. Astro, Shelly, Pebble, Sprout,
-She acts the way she does almost as a defensive behavior.. she fears anyone who becomes close to her will only grow to hate her or end up hurting her, so she pushes them away.
-Despite her confidence, she has quite major self esteem issues.
-She doesn't like asking others for help, not wanting to seem weak, and she finds it hard to trust people for that help.
- She has the ability to hijack facility cameras and facility speakers, though she becomes particularly inactive as she does this. The process of hijacking more than one machine can be very exhausting for her.
-Her room is full of quite a lot of technology, including a bunch of monitors to watch the cameras.
-It's a bit of a bad habit for her to be working at her desk until she eventually falls asleep at her desk.
-She's knowledgeable on circuits and such, it's quite easy for her to fix the circuitry to revert Blackouts as long as she's given enough time.
-She is able to use her tail for self defense. Its weight can cause it to hurt quite a bit, and she can also use it to blast loud sounds to scare off any twisteds or tell other toons where she is to call for help.
-Her tail wags when she's excited, goes between her legs when she's afraid, sticks up when she's surprised.. etc.
-Her antennas droop when she's upset or afraid.. perk up when she's surprised or happy, etc.
-She isn't really the most careful person in the world.. because of that, her screen has some cracks on it of various sizes.. while it does in fact slightly affect her vision (larger cracks effect her vision more) she's just simply been too lazy to fix it. (She'd also have to ask for someone to help since she can't really fix it on her own.)
-She has pawpads on her hands, as well as small claws.
-She can display various things on her screen, emoji, emoticons, text, images, etc..
-The microphone on her tail can be detached easily and swapped out for other stuff, it's just she generally keeps the microphone there most of the time.
-She doesn't like anyone touching her (Unless it's someone she trusts.), especially her head and tail considering they're vital parts of her and she doesn't want either of those to be damaged.
-Water and robots don't mix, it can lead to pretty severe malfunctions, and are very painful.
-She’s very.. cat like. Hisses when annoyed/afraid. She also likes to climb on top of things and sit/stand on top of them (She usually sits to avoid falling and hurting herself.
-She's scared of storms. She claims it's because it messes with her systems but she's generally just afraid of them.
-She looks tired near 24/7 (she IS tired more often than not)
-Despite being a robot instead of a living being, she does technically "breathe" in a sense.. So stuff like suffocation and strangulation can actually affect her.
-Vee sometimes absentmindedly mimics the behaviors and actions of others.
-Water and robots don't mix, it can lead to pretty severe malfunctions, and are very painful.
-Vee can swear, but only in binary code. When she says binary out loud it sounds more similar to morse code.
-Vee doesn't really attend many extraction runs anymore due to having several violent confrontations with Twisteds (Vee had tried to fight back against a Twisted instead of running away on several occasions.
-Because of the dangerous confrontations she kept having with Twisteds, and also her being more vulnerable because of her lack of speed and being easy to spot.. she chooses to stay behind on the main floor of Gardenview and try to assist ongoing runs the best she can from the surface.
-Voice Headcanon: Nori Doorman from Murder Drones.
Vee Design
(Drawn by the host! You are allowed to use for stuff like profile pictures.. please provide credit, however!)
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gnostichymns · 2 months ago
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Happy new year, Gnostic Hymns! We ended 2024 with a new record of active members and muses, which is absolutely amazing. Whether you're just joining us, or you've been here since we opened, we are beyond grateful. With as rapid of growth as we've had, however, there are bound to be growing pains and reminders to be made. We ask that you please take a moment to read this month's newsletter in full.
The following clarifications have been made to our Rules and Guidelines:
There is a 0 tolerance policy for harassment of any kind, this includes the usage of slurs or any other hate speech within the GH discord server or on affiliated blogs. Gnostic Hymns does not, under any circumstance, condone the usage of generative AI as a means of writing. We approach every prospective member in good faith, however if you are found to be using AI to write your replies for you, this will fall under plagiarism and will be grounds for instant removal.
We understand that it's upsetting to everyone when rules are broken, but it is important to remember that mods are people as well. While we do our best to monitor GH 24/7, things will still slip through. It is important that if you see something, you report it to one of us. Unless action has already been taken, it is always safest to assume that we have not seen it. For urgent matters, it is best to reach any of us via Discord DM.
This brings us to the feedback form, which is kept anonymous intentionally to encourage the voices of members who might not speak up otherwise. The form is intended to provide a space for constructive feedback and thoughts from members to help mods in constantly improving GH, however it is not a complaint box. Remember that what you say is going to be read by us, and that passive aggression under anonymity does not benefit anyone. If you are concerned that an issue has not been handled by moderation, it is best practice to reach out to one of us and ask. Mods are not going to draw unnecessary attention to issues while they are being handled.
Now, we would like to remind everyone again that we cannot dictate who you do or do not choose to write with, however, the deliberate exclusion of or refusal to interact with muses from games outside of your muse’s own will not be tolerated.
We would also like to encourage everyone to regularly make sure that you are following all members. This should be done periodically by everyone. The easiest way to do this is to go to the masterlist's following and go down the list. If you haven't already, do that here.
And finally, on a much lighter note, our combat resources have been reorganized! Character ability kits are now located here, and each have an individually accessible document for easy reference. Several kits have been revamped or otherwise created, so check them out!
And for our routine reminders:
Artifact claims are open for December posts! This form will close at 11:59PM EST on January 7th, so don't procrastinate! Instructions on how to claim are included in the form.
The first feedback form of 2025 is live! Don't forget to fill it out.
New prompts have been added to the Crystallize board! Check those out here!
See you all again when the Lantern Rite begins on the 26th!
-Mod Alina
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powerpolyculeshowdown · 1 year ago
Mod's Self Indulgent Polyship Poll Masterpost
Hello and welcome to the poll where I cannot lose! As the winner of the next-poll poll, we mark the return of powerpolycule showdown with my own self indulgent poll, where every contest is a polyship I like so whoever wins I also win 💖
While the premise likely sounds a bit selfish, I hope you find something among the contestants that speaks to you, and maybe you'll have yourself a new polyship or even just a new piece of beloved media even if you disagree with me (which is fine!!). Do keep in mind the ships vary from canon, to personal headcanons that will never happen to "the creators were onto something here I swear but they were cowards".
Now, the rules!
Vote for whoever you like best, if you don't know them, please check out their descriptions! I worked very hard to write those.
Don't be an asshole in the notes section. If I see a fandom being particularly toxic I will disqualify that ship. You don't need to like everything, just don't be rude.
Propaganda is welcome and encouraged!
As a personal rule to myself, I left out 3 of our beloved polycules from last year because the next poll will be rare polyships, and I believe they fit that category. They will be returning there!
There will be revival rounds because I was unable to narrow the list down to 16, and I didn't want to exclude any other ships. So if a polyship you like loses their first poll, not all hope is lost!!
Not a rule, but a reminder: The inclusion of a polyship does not mean I support or condone statements from any of the cast members from the source media.
#selfindulgentpoll - all posts relevant to this poll
#siround[n] - every post for each poll will be tagged this way, [n] representing the number correspondent to each round (#siround1, #siround2, etc)
#sirevival[n] - revival round polls, [n] representing the number of the revival poll (#sirevival1, #sirevival2, etc)
#sipropaganda - any propagabda posts/reblogs/asks by other people. if u like any of the ships, make sure to campaign for it so it has higher chances of winning!!
#polypoll or #bonus poll - any poll made by me not directly related to the competition
#poll boost - self reblog of the polls for visibility, for people who might want to block those.
Relevant links:
Match Ups
Round 1 (finished!)
List of contestants under the cut!
Roy/Keeley/Jamie (Ted Lasso)
Gwen/Miles/Hobie (Spiderverse)
Wu Zetian/Li Shimin/Gao Yizhi (Iron Widow)
Julien/Marnie/Roman (Charity Case)
Eddie Munson/Steve Harrington/Nancy Wheeler/Robin Buckley (Stranger Things)
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson/Chrissy Cunningham (Stranger Things)
Kayla/Elise/Hotaru (Shootaround)
Oikawa/Iwaizumi/Matsukawa/Hanamaki (Haikyuu)
Akaashi/Bokuto/Kuroo/Kenma (Haikyuu)
Ennoshita/Tanaka/Kanoka (Haikyuu)
Midna/Zelda/Link (Twilight Princess)
Zelda/Link/Sidon/Yona (Tears of the Kingdom)
Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer (The Witcher)
Martin/Jon/Tim/Sasha (The Magnus Archives)
Georgie/Melanie/Rosie (The Magnus Archives)
Jon/Martin/Gerry (The Magnus Archives)
Georgie/Melanie/Basira/Daisy (The Magnus Archives)
Georgie/Melanie/Helen Distortion (The Magnus Archives)
Jon/Martin/Tim (The Magnus Archives)
Sam/Celia/Alice/Gwen (The Magnus Protocol)
Stede/Blackbeard/Izzy (Our Flag Means Death)
Black Pete/Lucius/Izzy (Our Flag Means Death)
Penny/Sam/Sebastian/Abigail (Stardew Valley)
Farmer/Leah/Elliot (Stardew Valley)
Zack/Cloud/Aerith/Tifa/Jessie/Briggs/Wedge (FF7R)
Edward/Winry/Paninya (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
York/Rosé/Grendan (Drawtectives)
Megaera/Zagreus/Thanatos (Hades)
(yes a huge chunk is magnus archives and i will not apologize)
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ranfren-confessions · 6 months ago
Update On The Rules (IMPORTANT)
I know I said to not have limits but I'll be drawing a line when what you say is potentially harmful/offensive to real people, I should've done this a long time ago. This also includes sending people direct or indirect death threats over their headcanons or opinions and whatnot - any and all asks that violate that will be deleted, and that's that.
I also am aware some people will be uncomfortable with "harder"/triggering topics such as pr0shipping (e.g. Iv-rycest), s3lf-harm/suic-de, n3crophilia, among others. So I will be tagging those topics accordingly in case you would want to filter them.
If you're uncomfortable with those topics, block the tags: tw ivorycest, tw sh, tw sui, tw noncon and tw necrophilia. There might be more to add. If you see Mod forgetting to tag anything please send an ask about it so will fix the mistake.
As a possibly important reminder, be aware that the Mod does not support/condone or enjoy any of the topics above. However this is a confession blog, and while Mod might be uncomfortable with some of those, there'll still be people who enjoy it, and the most can do is warn about the possible triggers in a certain confession so other people who are also uncomfortable with it can avoid it more easily.
Thank you for understanding
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sysmedsaresexist · 7 months ago
Mod Quill with some feelings tonight as I scroll the syscourse tags in the usual pits of despair with a bag of popcorn and too little free time. As always, that show I sometimes stumble upon and leave running in the background while I do laundry is on, 24/7 it seems like. The TV station really loves running that particular producer’s re-runs.
I watch for a little bit, but the main character is just… painful to watch. She constantly pushes people away in some sort of way to get her goals each episode — but the series has never ended. It just is the same exact plot line each episode. It gets spicy sometimes when there’s a recurring plot line, or a story arc. They’re all a little… circular sometimes though. She gets sassy too, but that’s few and far between nowadays.
This latest arc, she’s clearly blue.
Okay so now that I’ve rambled enough on this metaphor about Sophie-
Her latest bait for trying to hurt a clearly traumatized person is just as painful to see as it always is. Just... god forbid she do something to actually further plural acceptance. I find it so ironic how she peddles that goal to her followers — The Future is Plural, right? — while consistently and actively working against it. She consistently tries to bait people who are against her in an attempt to prop herself up higher, never realizing that all the outside world is seeing is her stomping on others. 
Blue-Bubonic is very clearly fragile, at least in my eyes. I haven’t forgotten their (pronouns unsure, but please feel free to correct me) first foray into syscourse. And yet she sees it as more acceptable to continue needling them -- and taunting that fact and touting it as a badge of honor -- in order to... do what? She's said she's painting herself as a villain, she's being the Bad Guy, but genuinely, how is that helping plurals? How is this helping further her goals?
She is quite literally attacking her own with this and further aggravating an already clearly traumatized individual. And she constantly does this. From my perspective, it must almost be fun for her, and if I remember correctly, she's admitted it's fun. She revels in it. I can't condone people who sit and just... soak in other people's misery. I have literally been working on overcoming some doubts of mine today due to harassment I received, simply because I said I thought people deserved better than literal death threats. And here she is, just... spreading negativity for negativity's sake. How is that helping anything? Isn't it just putting more negative into the world?
The worst part is, I agree with her on so many things. I have to restrain myself from reblogging her posts to my real blogs (you’re welcome, SAS, this blog isn’t real anymore, you’re free) simply so I can avoid syscourse there as much as possible. I’m also scared too. I’m scared of her. I’m scared to reblog something, both because her eyes might be on me if I do, and because the entire system community on tumblr that touches tulpamancy with a 5 foot pole is watching too. Every single action I do is not only scrutinized by her; it’s scrutinized by the community.
I just… wish there was a better way to spread positivity. I wish there were more The Plurality Of… posts, ones that aren’t written with the direct correlation of “let’s stick it to those anti-endos!” I would love more plural headcanons with the goal, “let’s uplift all plurals!” I try to do this as much as possible, but I’m one man.
I see her with her 😈 rightful anger (and I do believe she is justified in that anger, please don’t think I am saying she shouldn’t be angry, she has gotten so much shit that was undeserved, something I regret deeply playing any part of in the past, and something I want to apologize for now again)… I see her with that anger, and I just wish there were a way to help. I wish there were a way to turn that negativity away. I’ve managed it! I’ve managed to escape it in little ways. What am I doing that’s so different? It’s not because I’m a DID system and she’s not — lord knows I’ve had my fair share of harassment for my existence. It’s not because we’re different syscourse stances — I’m as pro-endo as they come in everything but label. Hell, shocker of all shockers, I’ve come to accept I have willed-to-life alters, so I can even relate to her way of existence, at least to some degree.
And yet, I feel so different from her. And it’s sad to see someone you agree with, someone who you know is just doing their best, causing so much harm for the things you also believe in.
So I turn off the TV. And I try not to watch. But in my head, my stupid writer brain gets the monkeys and the typewriters out. And it goes to town.
In my head, I’ve written a story where I sit down with her. Sometimes it’s discord, sometimes it’s via tumblr asks back and forth, and too often to count it’s some nebulous cafe somewhere where I’m drinking hot chocolate and she’s drinking some sort of white chocolate coffee. Not sure why that’s what I imagine, but it makes sense to me.
And I just… talk to her. Like a person. We set aside syscourse entirely and have a proper sysconversation. We talk about plurality and our feelings about it; we talk about how my disorder impacts me in similar and different ways to her tulpamancy; we even discuss how this very fanfiction-like-dream is, in a way, plural in of itself, because i don’t control what she says, not willingly. I guess she got her dream, an anti-endo (in a way) with a Sophie introject (in a way).
And I laugh, and she laughs, and it’s good.
And then I go online and see the latest callout post about why Sophie is a bad person. And I sigh, because I know they never work, and I personally know how traumatizing it is to have a callout post detailing everything you’ve ever done wrong.
And then I write up this, feeling like a hypocrite. But I want her to know, I’m not trying to paint her as evil. I don’t think she is. I think she’s just… a person, trying her best, and this is me publicly saying I disagree with her methods.
I hope the show reaches a final season soon. Maybe a spinoff series will get made. Crossover episode when? I vote for Sophie Through The Looking Glass as a sequel series name.
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badaziraphaletakes · 1 year ago
Assuming best intentions: are people maybe submitting screenshots to you with the usernames already cropped out? and if you don’t follow that one person’s blog yourself, were you unaware just how many of your posts feature the same person over and over? I can tell you by looking at your posts the last several days/weeks that it’s well over half. Anyone who does follow that blog can recognize the text in the screenshots and can see that you do repeatedly end up going after them in particular. If that genuinely was not intentional… is that not maybe an upsetting realization? that you’ve accidentally been contributing to someone’s harassment for weeks on end? to the point that they’re now making posts about leaving the fandom?
(Found the ask it was in my Drafts folder wahoo!)
This is the first we've heard of that. Thanks for bringing that to our attention.
Yes, I'd say 75% of the time, they are submitted to us with the usernames cropped out.
And I wouldn't recognize who posted what, because I don't read any GO blogs anymore because of the bad experiences I've had (literally this blog is the only space in the fandom I feel safe).
As to your question-
It depends on what you mean by "contributing to someone's harassment". (Stay with me. I'm not trying to split hairs.)
I'm not sure what precisely has made this person talk about leaving the fandom. (Which I don't want anyone to do.) If it's because people are targeting them directly (which is what I would call harassment) by tracing our posts back, then... wow that just amazes me that people have that much time on their hands?? I would not have expected anyone to waste their time doing that, and if people are doing that because of this blog, I'm truly disamyed.
The whole point of not featuring handles was to avoid that. If anyone is doing that... please stop?? That is not what this blog is about and I'd feel bad if anyone thought that's what we wanted. (Although it should be obvious from the fact that we don't feature handles that we don't want that. I'd say we've exercised due diligence by cropping/crossing them out.)
Like, I can't believe I'm having to say this, I shouldn't have to say this, but please do not track down and heckle the people who write the posts we feature. We do not condone that.
Because no, we don't want anyone to leave the fandom. I (Mod X) started this blog because I didn't want to leave the fandom. I've had dozens and dozens of queer and trans and Autistic and neurodivergent and fat people and trauma and ab*se survivors message me saying this blog is the only reason they haven't left the fandom.
Oh also people are free to message us and say "those are my takes" but so far only one person has.
That's all for now. Going to think it over and ponder whether there's anything I want to add.
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mcyt-co-create · 1 year ago
In light of recent events, we, as the mod team of MCYT CO-CREATE, have decided to ban the creation of works containing specific content creators. We do not want to imply that the inherent creation of works containing them is bad or that anyone who does create works containing them should be condemned, but we have decided that we do not want any works in our event associated with those creators. The following list will contain any creators that the mod team has chosen to exclude from the event. If there are any questions regarding why they have been banned, you can always DM us on tumblr and we shall explain the details on why we have made the decision. The list is non-negotiable, so please dont try to argue about specifics.
In the end, we want to try and keep the event a safe and fun space for everyone, despite any problems that may arise within. We want to make a clear list before the sign-ups open, so that everyone knows clearly which kind of fanwork they can create during this event. Once again, we do not condone harassment of any kind towards anyone outside the event that still creates content for these creators, but we do not want anything to do with those inside of the event. Thank you for your consideration of joining and your understanding regarding our executive decision.
The creators are: Wilbur Soot GeorgeNotFound Punz Dream Forever
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ask-tokito-muichiro · 2 years ago
“As for the reason I was born, I know that fully well. I was born to be happy. I was happy when we lived as a family. When I was alone, there were many hard and painful things, but then… I made friends, and there were good times, so I was able to smile again. There were countless moments when I thought I was happy. Was that not enough? I didn’t turn my eyes away or run from anything. I don’t regret risking my life for my comrades”
… I’m Tokito Muichiro, the Mist Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps
The Master told me I should ‘make more friends and try find myself’, so I was directed here by Lady Amane. It feels… kinda warm here… I can’t tell why…
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“You want to talk to me? … I’m listening”
🌫️ ~Rules~ 🌫️
This is not spoiler-free! Spoilers are here but warnings will exist beforehand!
The Mod for this blog is @colourstreakgryffin!
You can talk about whatever you want with Muichiro. If you can catch his interest, he’ll be more eager to converse
This is a RP Blog! Muichiro won’t mind being in detailed scenarios with demon OCs or slayer OCs. He’ll be himself, but he can do it!
Cross-community and cross-interaction is tolerated, and even condoned
Muichiro does not like Kokushibo, please don’t bring him up. He’ll get mad
Muichiro is a minor, below the age of eighteen. Shipping and flirting is not tolerated, you are allowed to compliment him but anything that seems romantic or NSFW will not be allowed
Muichiro is a busy Hashira. But he will try to get around to answering questions as often as he can… that being that he can remember he has a blog
Ginko, Muichiro’s Kasugai Crow may show up and get hissy, but if you have Muichiro’s like and/or respect, he will defend you
His personality is a mix of his former cold demeanour and his current nicer demeanour. Like a flipcard, he changes to either one! Depending on how you speak to him, depends which personality you get
Muichiro may be very respectful towards the other Hashira, but mentioning them will make him refer to them by the animal he associates them with
DNI: If you’re homophobic, racist, discriminative or aggressively offensive. If you wish to speak NSFW or spread unnecessary hate, please never engage
Thank you! And welcome to the Misty forest~!
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toh-proship-positivity · 2 years ago
Hello TOH fandom!
I'm Mod Hopscotch! I'm 18+ and just want to to offer a space safe for my fellow proshippers in the toh fandom, antis please stay away! Specially if you got a proship DNI, you don't get to whine at me while I'm not the one going out of my way to interact with you! Proship does not mean: - condoning irl pedophilla/incest/etc - pro = problematic - shipping problematic things only - Proship = Pedophile - more tba Proship does mean: - not harassing others over ships they have - anti censorship, people should be free to draw/write what they want, even if it's things you don't condone personally - writing/drawing problematic things =/= condoning it irl - Ship and let ship - understanding that fiction does not affect reality on a 1:1 scale - pro stands for "for" as in "not against" Proshippers do not: - Always have problematic ships - Create safe spaces for offending pedophiles - groom/brainwash minors The only obligation proshippers (or anyone really)have is to tag content accordingly! Please learn to use blacklists and learn to avoid content that is upsetting or triggering to you, you are not forced to look at things you do not want to see That aside glad to be here and to chat with you all! List of known antis/anti supporters and anti discords: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JgNi6Gr-YpHnUhxltgHqPcYiDncZXjf9MSedgVKnbc4/edit
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