#MISSION: Goddess
dazesanddoodles · 10 months
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the navidson record is real in nightvale
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alchemyofmaya · 10 months
I want to create such a sacred space, that it reminds you of how Divine you are. You are God masquerading as this beautiful, confused Human in this physical form. It’s your birthright to know yourself as the Powerful Creative Force that you are.
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adrift-in-thyme · 1 year
So no one was gonna tell me Legend has experience with weird hands asking for paper too??
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pinkniz · 9 months
My brain is currently pumping out multiple thoughts at the same time and one in particular is that
Do furry espers pant to thermoregulate? They're covered in fur and they would only be able to sweat through their pawpads but those are too small to properly regulate them so.. what if they need to pant when they get tired or when they start feeling overheated?
(I've studied animals my whole life leave me alone I cant help myself)
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seeinginthedark · 2 months
The injustices that occur here on Earth to the people here on Earth and to the Earth herself , is too much for my soul to comprehend sometimes. It hurts my heart ♥️ and breaks it .
So I sometimes imagine that it’s my duty (amongst other duties) to collate all the cases that come my way. Record down all the injustices happening to the innocents . Save it all in my memory. Make a long list of people whose justice is long over due.
Upon entering the afterlife , I will bypass the “light” as I don’t want to go into the reincarnation soul trap and memory wipe, incase that theory is real .
I will begin my afterlife journey , have my heart weighed, be judged by Anubis . After I get clearance from Anubis , I’ll catch up with my ancestors and update them with how our mission went down in this lifetime . Find out if we need to make any adjustments or tweaks for the next round. Because they keep sending me back here again and again. For the mission, to safeguard the bloodlines .
After that debrief with them , I will continue on to the ferryman and take a trip across the waters. The boat used to be filled with others , but now it’s just me and him, the ferryman. Maybe the others got caught up in the soul trap. We’ve gotten used to each others company over the multiple times that I’ve traveled over the waters . He’s a good listener actually . I inform him of my adventures , he’s doesn’t react much to them, but I know he is listening. I ask him if any of my children have travelled with him . He never answers me when I ask him this .
He drops me off to my destination .
I have to wait to in a waiting room for a long time before I am seen to. I know the gods and goddesses are busy , they get busier each time I come here . I’m impatient and I don’t like waiting around , twiddling my thumbs . I have a long list with me of all the injustices that happened to all the individuals I have met on my life’s journey on Earth. This list will be handed onto the gods and goddesses in the afterlife , in the ninth realm. I’m presuming that they will dish out the justice in their own ways . But each time I come , the list gets longer and longer and I have to wait a longer time to be seen too. It’s like , the Universal Law of cause and effect , spiritual justice you could call it, it’s being tampered with or there have been attempts to eradicate it. But it’s a Universal law! Can’t be eradicated ?! Like free will, another Universal Law. Which I can see is also experiencing problems. These problems began when they introduced the simulation. They tried to pervert the Universal Laws when they did this . They can’t keep getting away with this. The whole thing is a fuckn spiritual shit show.
Anyway , finally I’m seen to. By Kali. I hand her my list , she shakes her head. Her eyes glow with a fiery rage . I dare not look directly at them , as I fear they will burn holes into my soul.
“I should be there right now , burning the whole place to the ground . What a mess. But things have been falling apart up here and it’s taking up too much of my time.” She says .
I nod in agreement . I am aware that some of the gods have been swapping sides or forming alliances with the “enemy”. Putting our afterlife into jeopardy. But I don’t mention to her that i know this, because that isn’t my department and I don’t want her to get more angry.
“I need you to go to the Underworld now , there’s some business there you need to be aware of. “
I’m confused , but I just say “Yes Kali.”
“Hades and Lilith will fill you in when you get there.”
I leave Kali and make my way to the Underworld. It takes me so long to get there these days. We used to be able to travel there on the Valkyrie , but they are busy now fighting in The War , in other realms .
It really is starting to preoccupy everyone’s time here , This War. It becomes more obvious to me each time I come here .
So I get to the Underworld and make my way to Hades throne room. Hades isn’t there , but Lilith is .
I bow to her and show my respect 🫡 She seems distracted and not in the mood to see me.
“How did you go with the videos this time round?” She asks .
I answer , embarrassed “unsuccessful, again .”
“Well you need to come up with more clever ways of doing this then don’t you. “
“Yes, I do. I’m sorry . It’s hard, their attention spans are getting smaller and smaller each time I go there. I had to sex it up a bit this time, show a bit of skin to make it more appealing to watch . I’m at a loss of how to get the messages through. I tried Lilith, I really did. The videos just weren’t getting circulated . “
“Your ancestors put you forward for this mission , said you were suitable for it. Why don’t they help you with it?”
“They do try to help me , but it’s getting harder for them to get through to me when I’m there . The simulation is getting thicker and thicker each time I go there. I can’t receive signals very well like I used to.”
“Well you’re going to have to come up with something , fast . We are running out of opportunities to do this . “
“I understand . Leave it with me I’ll come up with something.”
“This time round , I’m sending you some helpers . They will attach to you when you’re a child , you will be aware of them. Then you will forget them. Only after you experience pain , you will be aware of them once more . Use them! Wisely ! We have a small window of opportunity. Don’t waste it!”
“Ok Lilith, I understand.”
I leave the underworld and get placed into my next life . This time I have to do it right , no stuff ups . I can’t let the goddess’s down or my ancestors . It has to be done properly.
There are others like me , trying to complete their missions . I wish I could connect with them. Share information. But I don’t know how.
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iwantataco63 · 7 months
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So… I had a dream. She was Aphrodite in my dream, and she lives rent free in my mind now. I know Aphrodite doesn’t have biblically accurate angel rings but I mean… it’s hot.
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thejadecount · 2 years
Honestly disappointing I haven’t got a ROTTMNT Warrior of the Mind animatic where the legendary mystic time traveler Renet goes back in time to train Mikey into the great mystic warrior she knew his future self was
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kdramaxoxo · 2 years
Shin Hye Sun Is the MOST underrated actor ever. Like ever. It’s a travesty she’s not been in like 598 dramas after Mr Queen. Come through 2023 !!!!
Oh and here I was just assuming she was everyone's favorite actor, silly meeeee!
I'll fight anyone who doesn't love her: Can you believe she can be a blind ballerina AND a manwhore? The duality. :P
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ruinakete · 9 months
ZEPHIA ( ZELESTIA ) DAHUT - KUROSAWA. has arrived at Garreg Mach Monastery!
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#RUINAKETE ━━━ private roleplay blog for Zephia of Fire Emblem: Engage ( FE17 ); interpreted & loved by Elix ( 8TEEN / any prns ); affiliated with The Officers Academy as a faculty member.
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with Zephia being written after the canon events of Engage, the likelihood of spoilers appearing in their posts is highly possible. of course, I will tag all of the appropriate posts accordingly. the official tag for any spoilers will be # engage spoilers to avoid them.
hired at Garreg Mach Monastery as a professor ( switching between Sword, Reason, and Flying classes ) and a dutiful church attendant, Zelphia arrives in Fódlan to shatter the unity of the Church of Seiros. with every crack of doubt created, she hopes to engrain the teachings of the Fell Dragon into the young minds of her students; to start their conquest over in a new continent.
having been brought back, Zephia has recognized her prior relationship with the Four Hounds as the kind of love she's fought so hard for. however, the effect this will have on her IC will be gradual. her detachment and independence from Lord Sombron as her utmost priority upon realizing that she can successfully create pawns to unconditionally love her is another factor I hope to explore with time. this is not to say that she does not / will not still support Sombron's cause.
also, in the case that it must be stated, Zephia is not a friendly or kind-hearted muse. none of her intentions are, in the slightest, of goodwill. there are plenty of boundaries that she will purposefully cross without apologizing and social standards she will break. Zephia is a bad person that will not be redeemed on this blog. just let it be known that I do not agree or condone her actions or morals.
because of how often she was near / learned of the Emblems and had a hand on them at some point, Zephia will mistake some muses in the monastery for their Emblem alternates. of course, this will be one-sided and not reciprocated.
as Zelestia is Zephia's alternate, I am beyond open to writing her for little AU / split interactions that are not set in the timeline of current Fódlan. depending on certain prompts / ask memes, Zelestia will be substituted instead of Zephia for a more fitting response. this substitution will be less than the amount I write Zephia since her alternate is not the muse I applied for.
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☽ ━━━━━━ ❝ the cruelty of a mother's greed ・ 【 𝐈𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 】 .
☽ ━━━━━━ ❝ a bleeding dragonstone; her heart crystal ・ 【 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 】 .
☽ ━━━━━━ ❝ to appease the handmade goddess ・ 【 𝐀𝐍𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃 】 . ( all answered asks )
☽ ━━━━━━ ❝ in the mouth of his dragon ・ 【 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 】 .
☽ ━━━━━━ ❝ she; who motherhood laughs at ・ 【 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 】 . ( drabbles of the muse )
☽ ━━━━━━ ❝ she; the daughter known by her teeth ・ 【 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 】 . ( headcanons or meta written about the muse )
☽ ━━━━━━ ❝ love is pain; pain is punishment ・ 【 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 】 . ( any quotes from literature that are reblogged )
☽ ━━━━━━ ❝ an immortal's memories ・ 【 𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐃 】 . ( posts that are reblogged that were not written by myself but contain an interaction with my muse that i want to save )
☽ ━━━━━━ ❝ mun; barely ・ 【 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐊𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 】 .
☽ ━━━━━━ ❝ thread name ・ 【 𝐀 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 】 .
☽ ━━━━━━ ❝ mission name ・ 【 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐍 】 .
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seilnakyle · 7 months
Do NOT ask me what’s going on in the Catwoman comics rn 😭
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motheruin · 8 months
EREMIYA ( EREMIAH ) AHAVA, has arrived at Garreg Mach Monastery!
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#MOTHERUIN ━━━ private roleplay blog for Eremiya of Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem ( FE12 ); interpreted & loved by Elix ( 8TEEN / any prns ); affiliated with the Officers Academy as a faculty member.
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with Eremiya being written after the canon events of New Mystery of the Emblem, the likelihood of spoilers appearing in her posts is highly possible. of course, I will tag all of the appropriate posts accordingly. the official tag for any spoilers will be # fe12 spoilers to avoid them.
hired at Garreg Mach Monastery as a counselor ( for the youth and seeking / troubled families ) and a dutiful church attendant, Eremiya arrives in Fodlan for a reason unknown to herself. though her heart yearns for salvation in the light of the archbishop; she is a monster that has not been declawed; the voice of Gharnef demands a second chance from his puppeteer. in the conquest of what? that, she does not know.
though the curse of corruption has been lifted from her mind, Eremiya is not a better person and, likely, will not be for a long time. the duration of Gharnef's hold on her has left a heavy impact on her physically, mentally, and emotionally. she does not understand the weight of her past actions, and after being alienated from the people she once loved, will not know how to fit herself within a community. her words are venomous and there is no denying the disdain she holds for everyone around her. let it be known that the development I have planned for Eremiya is based on time and will only be seen IC gradually.
likewise, Eremiya is a villain that will not be redeemed on this blog. I do not like how her character was handled in NMotE and, in the hopes of writing her properly, will not shine a light on the crimes she's committed despite the misfortune that was her backstory. I do not believe that Eremiya is a good person and would rather forgo any discussions on her "actually deserving more sympathy" or "needing to be treated more kindly". ( re; you being hurt in the past does not mean you can hurt people later and not face repercussions. does not matter if you were brainwashed or corrupted. ) this will be elaborated on in future meta and headcanon posts.
more minor than the previous bullets but I have written Eremiya as being dark-skinned. my actual edits of her FEH art will be posted or linked once they're done but, until then, feel free to ask me for the specific tone / shade her skin is. whether for descriptions, art, or just general knowledge, I do not mind! just remember to not reference her skin being pale or fair or light and we're good!
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♡ ━━━━━━ ❝ to love is to be deemed a ruination ・ 【 𝐈𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 】 .
♡ ━━━━━━ ❝ a forgotten sanctuary; an orphanage ・ 【 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 】 .
♡ ━━━━━━ ❝ to appease the handmade goddess ・ 【 𝐀𝐍𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃 】 . ( all answered asks )
♡ ━━━━━━ ❝ in the hands of his puppeteer ・ 【 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 】 .
♡ ━━━━━━ ❝ she; who motherhood must mourn ・ 【 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 】 . ( drabbles of the muse )
♡ ━━━━━━ ❝ she; the bishop known by her shadow ・ 【 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 】 . ( headcanons or meta written about the muse )
♡ ━━━━━━ ❝ love is sacrifice; sacrifice is love ・ 【 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 】 . ( any quotes from literature that are reblogged )
♡ ━━━━━━ ❝ the flaw we call memory ・ 【 𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐃 】 . ( posts that are reblogged that were not written by myself but contain an interaction with my muse that i want to save )
♡ ━━━━━━ ❝ mun; barely ・ 【 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐊𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 】 .
♡ ━━━━━━ ❝ thread name ・ 【 𝐀 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 】 .
♡ ━━━━━━ ❝ mission name ・ 【 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐍 】 .
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regnumaves · 2 years
In the Name of the Goddess, Square Up ❁ Tibarn & Rhea
@aurheatum ; Gauntlets +1
"Will freely admit, Archbishop, I didn’t take you for someone fond of throwing hands at first.” A good-hearted chuckle follows Tibarn’s words. “But, who am I to judge. I’ve met women who looked gentle, but could actually tear off my wings.”
He leans against the barriers of the small balcony stretching above the hall where the training is meant to take place, watching the slowly gathering group. A few more students arrive; scrawny Mages by the looks of it, every one of them. Studying their postures and body builds briefly, the Hawk cannot help but think a little of the likes of Soren and Reyson.
And by that, he means that he gets a feeling these kids might just hurt themselves more than they do the opponent if they try to throw a punch.
Well, uhhh, there is a nurse present for the demonstrations so hopefully the poor sods get quickly patched up if that happens. But also, hey, Tibarn would be the last person to discourage someone from training of all things.
“Though I’ve seen you train with a sword, too. You like to be versatile, aren’t you?” He adds, a hint of curiosity and amusement both in his voice. “We laguz stay well away from beo—” She probably doesn’t know the word, does she— “... human weapons, for the most part. We’ve got our claws and talons, and we’re set.” Well, so he says, though Kurthnaga certainly has been trying his hand at new things. But that one is curious to begin with. Anyway. So - were you the one that students went to for gauntlet practice before I showed up?”
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shiplikemyhelmet · 2 months
What were the chozo like? Any cultural beliefs or habits you still follow from them?
"The ones that raised me where the elders of their tribe, a spartan breed that, save for those that followed General Raven Beak, were dying. Their part of the tribe had been abandoned after the Thoha were slain. The younger of their tribe viewed them as soft-hearted heretics. They were the old guard, worshipers of the War God, sure, but they embodied Her more noble aspects. Our patron diety, or what you would call a 'goddess' is called Mata Ruda, from which the word Mathroid, and it's Standard Translation Metroid are derived. I still revere her, or at least, the version of her the elders spoke of. She embodies not only matrial prowess, but nobility, wisdom, and compassion for the innocent. It shames me to see Her name abused!"
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yukikorogashi · 2 months
Deciding whether Itsuki can just summon forth her giant hammer whenever she wants in her Shaman King and JJK verse like she seems to be able to do in her main verse. Or go through the trouble of carrying it wherever she goes.
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seeinginthedark · 3 months
I am now convinced that I once had an existence outside of this simulation. There, I was multi-dimensional and travelled the multi-verse. I had a very active social life there . I was invited to many worlds and dimensions. I was female there too. Maybe even a goddess. Perhaps even built worlds and destroyed worlds.
That’s why my soul keeps telling me that I need to liberate myself from here. That’s why I get befuddled at my apparent lack of “magical” abilities in this world .
I don’t know if I chose to live here or if I was chosen to come here for the purpose of this impossible mission I now find myself on , again . I think there are some souls that choose to reincarnate here .
They must be gluttons for punishment to want to come here . With no memory of how or even why they are here . This place isn’t a “spiritual school for learning and soul development”. This place is beyond fucked. A playground for egos. A circus of clowns. A farm. A zoo. A fucked up social experiment. Hunting ground for paedophiles. Rampant injustice . Rigged. It fails to educate or nourish my soul. My soul is Divinity and does not require this meaningless human education. The Earth herself though , is remarkable and beautiful. But she is getting disrespected and polluted , trashed, exploited. She’s pretty angry, actually. There are many other beings that reside here , not human, who are getting angry at how Earth is being treated. I won’t get into it in full detail of it in this post . But I think you get the idea . 🌋🌊😉
I’ve managed to remember who I am or who I was . My ego has been broken down numerous times . The only way this could happen to me, was by experiencing being damaged by trauma . The trauma is so great ,that it fractures my sense of self . The pain is so horrible that it forces its way through the ego - smashing it apart. That allows me to really integrate myself with my soul and hear what my soul wants to do - just for a long enough time before my ego builds back up again. FYI if you keep getting traumatised here , you are able to do this as well. It’s the only positive consequence of suffering and pain that I can see. That, and assisting others who are also traumatised.
For some reason I’ve taken pity on the other souls here and feel drawn to trying to bring them along with me on this “mission impossible let’s all escape the simulation “.
They don’t seem to hunger for it like I do . Maybe because they have never existed outside it before and this is all they know and they’ve become institutionalised by it. Like prisoners who get used to being incarcerated and they can’t handle it when they finally are released and get some freedom. Maybe I can actually escape it at anytime I want , but I don’t feel right leaving the others here. Maybe some of my multi- dimensional friends are stuck here and I’m waiting to reunite with them before I leave .
Also , what complicates things is that I have children here. Which puts me in a bit of a pickle . I’ve shifted to 5D before . Tried to tell people how to get there in my videos a couple of years ago. But they didn’t get circulated due to , fuck I don’t know , corrupted algorithms or people just weren’t interested. I implemented my 11 commandments, for the new 5D generation, but they gained no interest . I channeled deities and timeline agents in my videos, with prophetic messages included . No one cared. So what the fuck am I still doing here, dealing with ridiculous third dimensional demands. I am going to break the machine that created this simulation that every one is trapped in. I don’t give a fuck about the repercussions at this point .
And I want some justice for the Earth too. And the ancestors . And all the abducted children. Elderly too. The mentally “unwell”. Indigenous people who were colonised, justice for all these groups of people. That’s what my soul desires . And I’m getting better at getting what I want . I’m getting better at manifesting.
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yashahimewasamistake · 5 months
I still stand by the idea that Link is Hylia reborn and Zelda just decided to protect Link/Hylia from being sealed.
My proof:
Zelda says the Goddess became mortal to use the Triforce. Link is the one that makes the wish.
The Ballad of the Goddess is about a youth (Link ) destined to unite the skies and the lands.
Link is the wielder of the Goddess's Sword.
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