#guys c’mon don’t act like you’re not imagining it now
ennabear · 14 days
i beg of you to write more mean abby.. i reread all of ur mean abby works religiously i swear i just love her too much ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
ʕ≧ᴥ≦ʔ NONNIEEEEE STOP THIS JS TOO SWEET!!!! IM BLUSHING IM BLUSHING I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! sorry this is a lil bit messy, i haven’t really had time to lock in on anything official I HOPE THATS OKAY!!!! here are some thoughts… 18+
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i think mean!abby is one of those people who are discreetly rich. she’s not the type of person to go on big fancy vacations, or buy expensive sports cars, or to always have the newest technology. before she met you, she probably spent most of her money on books or expensive brands of tea imported from countries she’s never even heard of. after she met you, though? she’d swipe her card a million times a day to see you smile.
the best way i can describe her personality is like some old cranky grandpa, the scary guy on the block who never smiles but is very confrontational. if you’ve seen her around, you’d know that she’s always wearing a scowl, only leaves her penthouse apartment early to go to the gym, and has beef with most of her neighbors. but if you know know her? she’s a sweetie pie. she loves spontaneous sweet treats, slow dancing to 70’s music, old horror films (mean!abby letterboxd goes CRAZY i just know), and most shockingly, her cats.
and she LOVES those fuckers. it’s so perfect how she can have a companion who’s quiet and small and independent, and two of them? barely any responsibility. they have an automatic feeder, entertain each other, and only bug her about once a day for attention.
as for her job, i could see her having two possibilities. one being an extreme workaholic. maybe an office job or a surgeon or something?? (NOT a nurse because they’re supposed to be good at talking to people…) OR she only really works part time, some freelance job that doesn’t really have any rules. a photographer or a tattoo artist or some sort of small business that she can mostly manage on her own. money has never been an issue for her, coming from a family of doctors. her ass was spoiled rotten as a kid, and after her dad died she inherited all of that money.
she’s the biggest protector in the world. someone was talking shit about you? she’s breaking their nose right now actually. i think the biggest reason she’s “mean” is because she actually just has anxiety. the last time she felt a love this strong, it was for her dad. she can’t afford to lose you like she lost him, so she always has to make sure you’re safe and sound. it’s not like she’s trying to be controlling by texting you every half hour, she just worries that maybe she won’t be able to protect you for once, and it’ll be at the worst possible time.
ok lock in here are some nsfw thoughts :3
you know that trope that’s like “big mean stoic character is actually the subbiest bottomest little puppy in the whole world.” yeah…. if you don’t agree what are you still doing here.
it definitely took her a while to be this vulnerable, but jesus christ is it worth it!!! the way you get to watch her squirm and whimper underneath you, knowing that you’re the only one who can make her feel this way. to give your big protective guard dog girlfriend a night off, to take care of her in return for all that she does for you.
and she lovessss being tied up!!!! something about the intimacy of knowing you’re gonna give her a good time makes her submit to you almost instantly. she has to trust you on this, has sit back and relax and let her brain melt because she physically can’t do anything about it.
when she does dom i imagine she’s a pretty big brat tamer. c’mon, not everyone has the luxury of having a girlfriend like her. if you don’t act grateful she’ll whip you in to shape. literally. she’s not afraid of a good spanking.
also she’s strapped up 24/7 but this is canon in every universe… no matter what she’s doing or where she’s going or who she’s gonna meet, the strap stays ON!!! just in case she may need it….
but she’s the aftercare QUEEN. of course. apart from the basics like food, water, cuddles, etc. she has tonssss of knowledge on proper aftercare. you’d never have to worry about being hurt or getting a uti or feeling unloved because she’s read every forum to exist about aftercare!!! i just know this bitch runs a tumblr kink blog like it’s the military… 🤦
that’s all…. going to eep now……
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planetxiao · 2 months
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𖤐 sakura haruka ; togame jo ; kaji ren x reader
⟢ fluff, scenarios // random instances with them that feel like real love to you and him.
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All it took was a misstep on uneven ground for you to twist your ankle. Of all the things that could’ve taken you out, it was a spot in the sidewalk that was all broken up. Regardless, it hurt like hell to walk on, and as luck would have it, you have a somewhat willing boyfriend to help you out in any way you need it.
With blushing cheeks, you’re hoisted onto his back easily. Your arms came to rest around his neck, a small smile forming on your lips. Sakura carried on with one destination in mind: Kotoha’s cafe in hopes that she has the means to care for your injury. His gaze remained on the street in front of him, though it would shift back to you every once in a while. However sneaky he thought he was being, you caught every glance sent your way.
“I’m sorry Sakura,” You laughed bashfully, “I hope I’m not too heavy.”
“D-Don’t get the wrong idea! It’s just faster this way!” He sputtered out, averting his eyes to the dull pavement on his right to try to hide his burning cheeks once again, and grumbled quietly, “Can’t even feel you on me anyway.”
You giggled to yourself at his antics, ever the most easily embarrassed. His poor attempt at hiding the colored tinge of his skin gave you instead a view of Sakura that was your favorite. The rosy pink complemented his pale skin in a beautiful way, heterochromatic eyes acting as a perfect accent to a most delicately painted picture. You couldn’t imagine anyone matching up to how pretty Sakura Haruka looked right now.
You laid your head on his shoulder, honeyed gaze lingering on him alone.
“Thank you.” You whispered.
Sakura felt his heart skip a beat at how close your voice sounded in his ear. Your very existence did nothing but permanently leave him red. With a stutter in his step, Sakura scoffed.
“Don’t thank me. It’s my fault you got hurt.”
You huffed. “Sakura, I’m going to flick you.”
Sakura furrowed his brow with an incredulous look. Was this a challenge? What did he even do?
“Stop talking like that or I’m going to flick you hard!”
That time, he turned his head to bark something back, but his words caught in his throat as soon as his eyes connected with yours. Your face was mere inches from his. He wasn’t expecting your lips to be so close to his, to see the little details of your irises, to feel the heat radiating from your skin. His hard expression melted into a flustered one with a quiet gasp, eyes widened and mouth fallen agape. He was quick to turn his head away again.
Your lips curled. Your tough boyfriend was just too cute for this world.
“You always pay, ‘game! C’mon, it’s my turn!”
Togame acted blissfully ‘unaware’ of your claim, not even sparing you a glance as he swiped snacks from your hand. You gawked at the action. He totally brushed you off. The only sign that he heard you was the playful glint yellowed by his colored glasses.
Oho, okay. He wanted to play games with you, huh? Well, you weren’t going to turn down this challenge. Not without a fight, at least.
You’d just have to beat him to pulling out the change. Easier said than done, considering your boyfriend’s brute strength. But you were determined. He paid for you both every time you guys went out — he never let you, anyway — and you just wanted to pay this one time.
With Togame’s hands full of the snacks, you pulled out your wallet and tried to do the math on the total before you both reached the counter. Togame wasn’t oblivious to your antics, nor did you think he was, but he wasn’t going to try to stop you. He really just found it amusing — cute, even.
Togame set your items down on the counter before resting his hands in his pockets. You glanced at him quizzically. He wasn’t going to try to do anything…? Was he actually going to let you pay?
Of course not.
Once the total was given and you were about to hand the change to the cashier, a toned body shoved between you and the counter. Your eyes stared at the lion emblem on the back of the man currently body blocking you from the cashier, taking a second to process what had just happened.
You jumped to the other side of your boyfriend, trying to thrust the change at the cashier as fast as possible, but Togame’s body shifted in a way that pushed you away again. You jumped back to the right side, and again his body shifted to block you.
“Togame Jo, move!” You exclaimed, bouncing back to the left.
“Oi, stop moving,” He laughed, “It’s making it hard to count the coins.”
Oh, you could hit him.
You glanced up at the cashier to see them snickering at your attempts. You huffed. Trying to fight Togame was an uphill battle you were not winning.
Though you continued trying to slip the change through his constant guarding, the cashier ended up taking Togame’s coins instead of yours. He wore an easy smile on his face as he took the bag of goodies from the counter. You stared in both defeat and a bit of annoyance that you couldn’t best your boyfriend in a battle of strength. All because you wanted to pay this time around.
Togame patted your head, emerald eyes crinkling behind his yellow lenses.
“C’mon, the boys are waiting for us.”
You vowed to get him next time.
Static muffled the music playing from the speaker just above your head, making the melody barely decipherable amongst the bustle of the busy cafe. The dishes you both ordered had yet to come due to the sheer volume of customers surrounding you. Apparently, there was a new special being offered that drew in a crowd from all across town. You had no idea. When you asked if Kaji knew, he simply shrugged. You had somehow managed to accidentally pick the most crowded cafe on their busiest day. What luck you have.
The waiting game was no easy feat when you were hungry, but neither of you minded too much. Your head came to rest on Kaji’s shoulder in the meantime, causing the blond haired boy to tense up a bit. Kaji still wasn’t fully comfortable with public affection, but small things like that he was learning to get used to. But only a little bit. 
You stole glances at Kaji – well, you tried to, at least. The first glance up at him, you had been met with his very same gaze, which was averted after a blink or two. It left you both with slightly burning cheeks. The second and third you managed to sneak were successful, and you were able to take in his pretty features: smooth, pale skin; deep blue irises that rippled with something akin to curiosity; soft pink lips which held a lollipop stick between them.
A small smile graced your face. Kaji had no idea just how pretty he was, and every time you told him, red would stain his cheeks and the tips of his ears. You closed your eyes, trying to remember a picture of him like that. The song playing over the speaker seeped into your mind, though, and with strained ears, you barely recognized it. It was a simple little tune that played on the radio from time to time. It wasn’t anything special, but it reminded you of something you’ve been meaning to show Kaji.
You sprung up with a blooming grin. Kaji jumped.
“Can I see your phone?”
Kaji furrowed his brow but pulled the device out of his pocket and gave it to you. You excitedly took it from his hands, typed in the password and found his music app.
“There’s a song that I think you’ll really like. I forgot who it’s by, but it’s right up your alley.”
You pressed play before he could really register what you had said. Before Kaji even moved his hands, his headphones were being pulled over his ears. How you were able to swiftly do all of that in a matter of 45 seconds flustered him.
“Hey, wait–! Stop-”
And then everything froze. At least, that’s how it felt to Kaji. He halted his protests as soon as he saw the alluring curl of your lips. It drew him in like a siren to a sailor, insatiably with a promise to show him things he’s only dreamed of. The twinkle of loving anticipation in your eyes made his heart jump in his chest. Even though Kaji had never heard this song before, he swore that the sight of you before him made the melody sound that much softer.
An unknowing smile softened Kaji’s face, causing yours to grow wider.
“You like it, right? I knew you’d love it!”
Kaji blinked away the trance he was under with wide eyes. Pink tinged his skin as his heart rate began to climb. All he could do to distract from his embarrassment was poke your forehead lightly.
I love you, idiot.
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note: i don’t know if you can tell but i love kaji <33 also YEAHHH MOTHE’S COMEBACK LETS GOOO!!! big shoutout to koi ( @dear-koi ) for helping me with these!! you’re the best
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miyamizuna · 4 months
Is it that sweet? I guess so~
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Haikyuu boys as lyrics from "Espresso" by Sabrina Carpenter part 1 | part 2 ft. miya atsumu, kuroo tetsuro, semi eita
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I can’t relate, to desperation (miya atsumu)
Being the MSBY social media manager means work- especially when it comes to Miya Atsumu. It seems like every other week he gets himself. caught up in controversy. Whether it be him being too touchy with an already-married older actress, or even being spotted on dates with multiple female idols. It’s your job to defend his already poor internet reputation. 
“Y/n~ c’mon now, one date is all I'm askin’! Throw me a bone here!” He pleads for the 5th time today. He was sure to be persistent after the many rejections before.
“Miya, how many times do I have to tell you no?” You sigh as you reject him once more to add onto the tally of 56 rejections over the course of a year. 
Sure he was attractive, what normal person would say no to a 6’1” professional volleyball player? Sadly you know firsthand about his player activities. You understand it though, a young early twenties male is bound to act like this. though the severity of actions vary on a case-to-case basis; he happens to be on the far end of the spectrum. 
“Besides, it’s unprofessional to have a relationship between the two of us. I’m your manager.” You explain to him hoping finally you’d be able to get the message through his thick skull.
“Professional or not, who cares! give me a chance to prove myself! C’mon I've been good recently, no contreveries!” He explains trying to persuade your thoughts.
“If you call being spotted with a married woman in a fancy restaurant ‘good behaviour’, I don’t know what to tell you.” You frown as you avert your eyes from him, back to your laptop, typing out a public apology for Atsumu’s recent events.
With a frown, he steps forward and closes your laptop whilst leaning over your desk. His figure obviously towering over your sitting self. 
“Enough of that, It wouldn’t be the same as those famous women who only want me to have an affair. It’s different with you.” He explains with sincerity as if this time he actually means what he says.
You look up at him with a smirk and now with crossing arms, leaning back on your office chair. “Oh really? Maybe when you give me an easier time with your little affairs, I’ll consider it.”
That's when his face lights up and puts on a stupid grin and leans in closer to your ear. i’m
 “Oh you bet.” He whispers seductively in your ear before pulling away and walking to the door of the office. 
“Well, see ya around Y/n, ya better hold up yer end of this.” He tells you before walking out of your office.
God this man. He's so… desperate for attention!
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and I got this one boy, he won’t stop calling (kuroo tetsuro)
42 missed calls. Are you fucking kidding me? You had met this hot guy today at the cafe you work at, he was a tall man in a business suit, kind of built as you could see some of his triceps through the dress shirt, a really classy guy overall, though odd his hair didn’t match the aesthetic. You left your number on his cup just for the slight off chance he wasn’t in a relationship. Clearly, he’s not in one.
You decided to call him back, afterall you were busy with the cafe with the 8 hour shift you had just worked. Now lying on your stomach first, your leg hanging off the bed, you hit the call button.
“Hello?” a male voice says after only one ring. 
“Uhm, Hi. You left 42 calls on my phone.” You informed him as if he wasn’t already aware of what he did.
“Oh yeah, I did do that~” He teases through the phone. “So what’s your name, coffee girl?” 
“It’s L/N Y/N, and you?” You ask with a semi-interested tone returning the energy of his voice.
“I’m Kuroo Tetsuro. Y/n is a pretty name ya know” He flirts through the phone. 
You can just imagine his silly smirk, the same exact one as when he saw the cafe when he read your number, and then the “call me <3” written under it. 
“So I take it you’re not taken as you’re calling me” You suggest as you twirl your hair and kick your legs, god you feel like a teenage girl.
“Nah, I’m not taken. Haven’t really had a girlfriend before, closest was talking stages.” he explains you hear the ruffling of papers in the background. 
So that explains the 42 calls. Takes a man's guts to admit that.
“You don’t exactly know what you’re doing, don’t you~” You tease as you hear a sigh from the end of the phone.
“Well no- I do know what I’m doing! Just I wanted to get to know you- soon!” He fumbles words trying to explain himself which brings a laugh out of you.
There’s now a long awkward pause in the conversation. In which both of you don’t exactly know what to ask each other next.  
“Soo- Are you a full-time worker at that cafe?” He suddenly asks, speaking up to fill the silence.
“Well no, I’m still in college. I’m going there for an English degree. How about you? You seem like you got a pretty good job.” You explain, then follow up with a question about himself. 
“Well darling, I’m a sports promoter, specifically for volleyball. I work for the Japanese Volleyball Association.” He informs you with a proud tone. 
This does pique your interest, not every day do you meet a guy who works for a sporting association who happens to walk inside a hole-in-the-wall café.
“Well shit, that's cool! Did you play in high school or something?” You ask now, flipping over onto your back to a more comfortable position.
“I did- made it to nationals during my last year.” He answers with a cocky tone. There is more shuffling of papers in the background, maybe he’s still at work-
“Kuroo! We need the papers finalised by tonight!” A voice from the background of his end says with a very demanding tone. Causing him to groan into the phone.
“Well you certainly heard my boss…” He sighs. “Call you back cutie. We still need to finalise our date.” He tells you before hanging up the phone not even leaving time for you to respond to his statement.
“huh…? DATE?” You shout to the void that is your room. 
Man, this guy is confident. Both him personally, and you being too willing to give this man a chance. You know one thing though. You’re definitely going to come back to 42 calls again.
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I'm working late bc I’m a singer (semi eita)
Oh, Semi Eita, the lead singer and guitarist of his little band. The foundation of what his band is about all stems from him. His rock style is unique, flashy if you call it. He always felt the need to stand out from others. You know that best as his significant other. Since high school, he’s always been a show-off or tried to be. Because of his show-off nature, he was benched on the volleyball team in his 3rd year. 
Now here he is, slumped over on his office desk at one in the damn morning, struggling to come up with meaning to his new song. 
“You know, Eita, This song must really got you stumped. You haven’t stayed up writing this late in forever.” You smirk leaning on the doorframe to his office. You both know that you’re right.
Eita usually has a set schedule; sleeps at 11 pm, unlike his teen days when he’ll pull all-nighters for fun. He sighs and turns his office chair around. 
“Well, I guess you can say that.” He replies as he tiredly smiles at you. 
You walk over to his desk, the wood planks creek in the silence of night, and lean over his shoulder to look at the song. 
“So what’s this song about?” You ask him while reading the lyrics. 
“A boy who fell in love with a girl and sees her with rose-tinted glasses.” He explains as he taps the pen on the paper every few seconds, clearly in thought.
“Well is she a good person, or a bad person.” You ask, sitting yourself at the corner of his desk. 
He sits at his desk long in thought. “That’s the thing. I don’t really know.” He admits and he runs a hand through his hair, the other hand twirling the pen around.
“Well when you think of this girl, who do you think of?” You ask him whilst  playing with the drawer of his desk that sits above you. 
as he sits there in thought, an idea suddenly pops into his head. There is one girl in particular that comes into his head.
“I think of you.” He lets out with a grin as he ruffles your hair, causing you to let put a laugh
“Me, huh? You really love me that much huh..?” You grin in response to his actions, with a proud tone of voice.
“I guess I do huh?” He smiles at your proud self. “I’ll write about you being the girl who I view in rose-tinted glasses,” He says as she writes down his ideas on the paper, making light scribble noises.
That's just when you get up and try dragging him away from the desk. 
“You know its bed time right?” You tease and you put him in a headlock and ruffle his hair.
“I’ll be there soon! Just, let me finish noting these ideas down!” He protests and he doesn’t look away from the page despite what you’re doing to him.
You sigh in response and let go of him. Walking to the door in the process. 
“Don’t stay up too late. We both know how grumpy you get without your beauty sleep.” You tell him in response to his protests. Finding a good opportunity to tease him in the process.
As you walk out of the room, all you can hear is a grumble in response. All for the fact he knows you’re right.
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©miyamizuna 2024 do not repost
espresso is my spotify number 1 rn
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l3viat8an · 4 months
Omg so imagine you are sitting on the couch with the bros and all of the sudden you feel it. That clot means it's shark week for you. Panicking you sit up can check your spot, yep it's blood.
Lucifer sees first and is immediately in protect mode. The human is bleeding! Why? Are they hurt? Is this an attack? What's going on?
Beel smells the air and connects what he's seeing with the blood on the couch, now he thinks you're dying and he starts to yell in panic
Now everybody is on your ass, asking questions about what's wrong. You try to walk off but Satan is determined to know what getting on with you as well as all the brothers.
So now you're here Asmo and Mammon crying that you're gonna die. Satan is trying to put his human anatomy books to good use. Lucifer has Solomon on the phone. Belphine is actually awake and Beel and Levi are having an anxiety attack.
Finally being able to escape walk out of the conversation you change and pop in or put on a tampon/pad. As you walk back down there are even more people, now you have to explain the concept of a period to not just seven demons but, nine demons and four angels
Great 🫠
Ooooh so we’re going the full dramatic route!!!- I mean crying and panic attacks over a lil blood??? c’mon now boys sjksjs
Although humans are far weaker then demons- if you got a paper cut in front of them they’d probably act like you’re dying too lolol
I’d like to think Solomon just laughs and hangs up on Lucifer, simple as that. Solomon knows you’re not dying and this is something you’d be better at explaining anyway.
Actually getting the demons and angels to relax long enough for you to explain that it’s perfectly normal and not a big deal is another matter all together-
You’ll have to hope Satan’s anatomy book is actually up to date and show them all on paper how it’s perfectly normal. Most guys are visual learners- so thank goodness for Satan’s book!!!- jsksjksha
Belphie’s the first one to actually listen and fully understand you’re not dying. (and you’ll have to keep reassuring the others you’re not dying the whole time you explain.) over the dramatics, crying ‘n the endless question it’s going to take awhile-
But when they do calm down they’ll all start worrying about how you feel and asking if they can at least get you something so you’ll be more comfortable!! Beel’s vv worried about the cravings for chocolate you mentioned- jkjk (Now that they know you’re not gonna die it’s time for them to fuss over you the right way )
Extra/side note; I honestly don’t think Asmo would be freaking out. As the avatar of lust it’s kinda part of his job to know about stuff like that. So he could potentially help you explain or he’ll stand there laughing his ass off because everybody else is so worked up over something that’s completely natural for some humans. jsksjskjs
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wonbriiize · 11 months
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baking with riize
how the members would act if you’d suggest baking something together…
⋆。‧˚ʚ shotaro ɞ˚‧。⋆
biggest grin on his face. he stood up and walked over to the kitchen before you could even finish your sentence. “of course i want to bake with you! let’s start right away,” he is so excited. “we should bake cupcakes!”. it‘s making you nervous that you have to tell him that you guys need to buy the ingredients first (you got nothing at home) because you don’t want shotaro to feel sad about it, but not even that is bothering him. “so what? let’s go buy them,” he grabs after your hand. “i‘m going to put so much love in making these cupcakes, just for you.”
⋆。‧˚ʚ eunseok ɞ˚‧。⋆
baking isn’t really his thing, he’d rather cook. so, you’re not too sad about him not participating in the baking process because he always cooks for you — now it is your turn to make something for him. you decide to bake your delicious brownies. “you’re going to love my brownies!” “you‘re making them specifically for me, so of course i will love them,” he smiles at you. and even though eunseok said he doesn’t want to help you bake them, he can’t just sit there and watch you do all the work. he stands up, puts on his apron and walks right next to you. “they are going to taste even better now because we will make them together. tell me what i can do.”
⋆。‧˚ʚ sungchan ɞ˚‧。⋆
flour fight. it started when sungchan tried to pour the flour into the bowl but he missed, which resulted in half of the flour landing on the kitchen counter. you wanted to clean it but sungchan thought it would be funny to blow the flour.. right into your face. “you did not just do that,” you rub your hands over your face, cleaning it. sungchan laughs. “you look like a clown.” opening your eyes, you glare at him. he apologetically puts his hands up. “i meant a lovely clown! not these creepy ones.. but if you keep looking at me like this i might change my opinion,” he laughs even more. you grab after the flour in the bowl and throw it at him. the two of you keep doing this until all the flour is gone.. poured all over the kitchen. you would be mad, but honestly, this was far more entertaining than baking.
⋆。‧˚ʚ wonbin ɞ˚‧。⋆
decorating the cookies you two have just baked is serious business to him and he’s not letting himself get distracted. not even when you plant kisses all over his face (because you’re so proud that he‘s working so hard on this). “y/n you have to stop, i need to concentrate.” this makes you pout, but you pull yourself together and let him work on the cookies. you decide to decorate your own cookies and you are so invested in it that you don’t bother to look at how wonbin decorated his cookies until he puts one in front of you. he drew a heart and wrote your initials in it. looking over to his side of the counter, you see that he has done it to every single one of the cookies he has decorated (and he has decorated a lot). when wonbin sees how speechless you are, he smiles proudly, pulling you close to him. now it’s his turn to plant kisses all over your face.
⋆。‧˚ʚ seunghan ɞ˚‧。⋆
heart-shaped. to everything you suggest to bake, seunghan keeps saying “it needs to be heart-shaped!”. after you decide on making a big heart-shaped cake, seunghan can’t wait to start baking. it takes the two of you hours to finish (because sometimes seunghan would wrap his arms around you, start kissing you and you’d just get lost in it), but once you do, the cake turns out to be better than you could have imagined it. before you could decide on how to decorate the cake, seunghan is already on it. he writes down “seunghan loves *y/n* very much” with icing and proudly grins at you afterwards.
⋆。‧˚ʚ sohee ɞ˚‧。⋆
“i haven’t baked in ages,” sohee admits when you ask him to bake pizza together. “oh, c’mon, pizza isn’t that hard to make,” you plead with your eyes and sohee can’t help but to give in. whenever you look at him with those beautiful eyes of yours, he has no other choice. he would do anything to see them sparkle. once you finish making your own pizza, you look over to see how sohee is doing. “don’t look yet!” he says, trying to cover up the pizza he has been working on, but it’s too late, you’ve already seen that he cut off the edges to make the pizza look like a heart. it makes you smile so hard that your cheeks start hurting. sohee sighs when he notices that you’ve seen his surprise for you. “i even put on your favorite toppings,” he softly smiles.
⋆。‧˚ʚ anton ɞ˚‧。⋆
“i don‘t think i‘m good at baking,” anton shyly says when you drag him into the kitchen. “you don’t have to be, you got me. just follow my orders,” you grin at him. anton nods, not really trying to get out of the situation because he knows you won’t let him. you two decide to bake muffins and as of right now, everything is going well. you only had to help anton once (out of nervousness, he almost poured salt into the bowl instead of sugar so you had to stop him). it’s making you really happy that anton is here, trying his best even though he isn’t very good at baking. “thank you for doing this with me,” you nudge him softly and he smiles. “you know i’d do anything for you.”
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ariseur · 6 months
Hmmm…Cloud with a s/o thats the EXACT opposite of him? How do you think he’d act?🧐
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cloud n his polar opposite 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
cloud strife x reader
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
guys don’t mention the fact that i have to literally add esoteric angsty poetry in some of my works, it’s a habit i’m trying to break, okay?? 😭
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
none that i know of except intended lowercase (?), lmk if i missed anything though!! 💕
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
❥ cloud with someone who’s entirely different than him would def be an amusing sight.
❥ now we all know cloud. awkward, pretty stoic, his social skills all go into his sword basically. now, imagine him with this happy go lucky, sociable, sweetheart. it’s definitely a contrast.
❥ i think at the first meeting, it would take him some time to get used to you. especially if you’re chatty, then he might tell you to shut up a few times 😭 but once he gets used to you, he’ll somewhat stay quiet. if you flirt with him, he’ll literally combust. he has no idea what to do. leave him alone okay???
❥ once he’s around you enough, he might even start mimicking your behavior with certain traits. if you tease him, he’ll quip right back. he’ll even give you a close mouthed chuckle as your humor rubs off on him.
❥ it’s entertaining watching you follow cloud around like an excited puppy as you circle around him and ask all these questions while he’s just answering nonverbally. or imagine cloud just linking pinkies with you as he looks so determined on making sure you don’t get hurt in the streets while you’re just rambling on with no care in the world.
❥ if you’re the exact opposite of cloud, i assume you’re more extroverted or lively in a public setting. definitely more of a people person than cloud. but there are times where cloud will just drive you out to a quiet place and sit with you, watching over midgar or whatever sector you’re in. he’ll let you ramble on and on to him, listening for however long you want him to.
❥ ugh for some reason i can just imagine this scenario where youre just begging him to dance with you and he says no and then you keep going and pull him up to which he “begrudgingly” agrees and then UGH
❥ DO YOU GUYS SEE THIS VISION??????1??22?3?:?
❥ if you don’t know how to fight, cloud will gladly teach you. hes actually a really good teacher!! he’ll correct your form frankly and will give you a ‘good job’ if you perform correctly. he doesn’t know it, and he definitely won’t admit that he does if he knows it, but he’s a great teacher and he knows exactly what to say. cloud’s 50/50, he’ll either crack a smile or roll his eyes at you when he sees you pat yourself on the back for the simplest success, depending on how long you’ve known him.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
“c’mon, CLOUD—! just this one time!”
“no, i told you.” he huffs, “i don’t dance.” his eyes stay closed with furrowed brows, arms crossed while he leaned back in the small garden chair.
you decided to invite him to a family party, which ended up with you practically pleading on your knees for him to dance with you. you two were outside in a small clearing behind the small house as the music blared in the distance. only the whoops of family members and giggles of little kids running around were in the air, making you smile as you extended a hand out to cloud.
“just one?” you tilted your head, narrowing your eyes as you watched cloud exhale through his nose before he finally lifted his gaze to your hand. he observed it warily, almost as if it was a trick. cloud finally lifted his head and looked up at you, pressing his lips together as he considered his choices. he sighed, mumbled something under his breath, and took your hand in his own leather clad one.
you squealed and rushed to hug him, “thank you, cloudd—!” you drew out the ‘d’ as you squeezed him tight. he patted your back awkwardly before you pulled away and grinned at him, lifting a finger signaling for him to listen.
his gaze shifted elsewhere in thought, ears picking up the song blasting in the distance changing from a swing tune to a slow dancing rhythm.
you squeezed cloud’s hand in yours as you leaned your head on his shoulder, trying to ease him out of his stiffness. he closed his eyes, focusing on the music as you coaxed him into a small shuffle. the melody melded you into one being as you swayed with the music, cloud even being confident enough to eventually twirl you a bit.
you give him a sly grin, “y’sure you haven’t done this before, cloud?” you teased. he made a small noise of surprise before he looked away, still shuffling with you. the music was drowned out by the sound of each other’s heartbeats, cloud shaky sighs every time you’d giggle when you tripped over his feet. he reveled in the moments where you two were alone, only your bodies present accompanied with your minds and your hearts, full of love. where you’d persuade cloud to come out of his hideout and remind him that it’s okay to defrost, to accept that he is human and that he has feelings as well. he didn’t have to listen to everybody who’d recognize that he was cool or feel the pressure of their words where they’d only recognize him from a surface exterior. because truth be told, even the coolest of people try their damndest to be alright.
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ikkosu · 7 months
psst. if you want, do you think you can write some headcanons about Skylynx from the TFP: Predacon's Rising movie? if not him, predaking would be fine too. need more love for the predacon bois
a/n : ahhh! Predacons! I love them 😭 but I haven’t watched Tfp in a while and predaking is the only one I’m familiar with. I think I went a little haywire on this,,,,
you’re working with robots now, huh. er, autonomous sentient, lifeforms—say it right or shockwave will have your head— and, simply, you’re going to lose your itty bitty mind
the fact is this: you’re an archaeologist, stationed in the raging hot deserts of Nevada, as per your own request, for a find many people in your career would die for. that is, excavating a site that would definitely hit a Jack pot load of bones. can you believe that? prehistoric bones! imagine the things you could do with it. new species to discover, new ecosystems, new—
for unfortunate reasons you’re not disclosed with , it appears you wouldn’t be the only one dying for a find like that
in a desert, remote region in Nevada night had plunged the horizon. the crew had clocked out in their respective tents, and the flaps billowed as a cool breeze pass
”c’mon, kid, we can continue tommorow.” one of the guys said.
but you, the ever so persistent little idiot, were too preoccupied dusting this strange rock you’re certain is a bone,,,it’s a bone! to hell with whoever says it’s not. you’re a hundred percent certain it is,,,,you’re also guts deep below ground, dusty, sweaty ,,,and christ, who’s flaring this red light into your site, it’s hurting your eyes—
with a scowl, you swivel up — then , stoned up and cold like the bone you’re holding
oh, those are someones’s eyes
not very,,,mhn,,, not very friendly eyes, you see, eye? light bulb?
either ways, there’s too much purple, and the darkness had elevated it’s glaring stare and— you’re greeted with the sight of something swirling, yellow, as bright as the sun — is that a gun?!
you try to scream.
yeah, not very effective since claws had already sprung out to latch onto your body, yanking you out with its thumb against your lips, preventing you any ability to shout. hence, with the tried.
the creature, really you’re going to settle for robot, but you know it’s scientifically inaccurate given that it’s intelligence and emotional—
“it appears you have excavated the very piece I am looking for.” it hummed and you stilled, blinking, wide eyes and frantic. oh, god help me it can talk. its claws plucked the bone you were clutching close, ignoring your protesting hands trying to grab it back.
“most certainly logical, how did you find this?”
you’re going to die. you’re going to die. You’re going to die, but hey you replied anyways
"W-we take pictures above ground t-then scan the photos. S-sometimes we use remote sensing techniques when—“
“us that so? perhaps you can have some use with your hands then.”
— that’s how you find yourself in a laboratory, tinkering away on projects by his behest.
you’re not even sure if you’d call it one, given how many ethical protocols shockwave, he said his name was, had already breached. hell, the list can go on and on until it stacked up ‘till the height of the himalayas. you’re sure he doesn’t care. Why would he? He’s not even giving you proper safety gear.
at least, when you told him to he acted like it wasn’t a priority in the first place. and imagine this! there’s others like him too! others that are way too annoying to be considered a decepticon second in command
‘he’s a walking problem, purposely pestering you, disrupting your projects, calling you fleshie and how you’d look perfect as a red stain on the cave floor…
and then there’s this other problem,,,
“your fear for such a creature is illogical.” shockwave had brisked away without much of a glance when you tried to latch onto his pedes. “even your desperation to get away from it so. are you sure you wish to be left alone?”
“don’t be a prick! you can’t keep me with that thing forever!” you pointed at the glowering beast stalking you from behind the beams
“innacurate terminology.’’ He simply said. “a ‘thing’ would assume he’s an inanimate object.”
“ he’s a dragon!”
“innacurate, he’s a predacon.”
“I— what the hell even is that?!”
‘before you could plough a rock to his face you feel something hard, almost like tendrils, wrapping around your body
warm, misty air hissed at your face and you quivered, limp in their hold.
“do not make me repeat myself as I have always done so before." he said stiffly, "be gentle, predaking. I wouldn’t want my assistant to be damaged — a quest to find another is not an easy task.”
then turning on his heel, he left.
bastard had left you alone with this abomination.
Oh, joy.
You can’t get a sense of peace
everywhere you walk it follows. Why? You don’t know why. is it because you pat its head once and called it a good boy? Or that other time you tickled it's jaw and it purred? Though, in restropect you were a bit drunk off your ass ingesting Cybertronian booze by accident — as per Starscream request and amusement.
And now it won’t stop pestering you
You really wish it did.
He does this thing where, oh look it's waldo! And tackle you to ground, even thought you've told the dragon many times not to do that lest you're churned into a splatter of red on the surface
He'd also do this thing where he'd dangle you off the edge pretending to drop you,,,and when he does you're soaring towards the ground at god knows what mph before getting swooped to safety by the same dragon that tried to kill you
For a Predacon he's incredibly...sentient in a way it's aware of what he's doing most of the time
Feral cat behavior
A blurred line between black cat plotting to kill you and golden retriever,,,plotting to kill you with affection
And incredibly possessive at that
Talking to a vehicon? Oh, dear there you go again, hanging by his maw, shirt clamped between his teeth as he drags you away to that horrible, horrible cave
It's damp and it stinks! And he's nestling you like you're some egg desperately in need of protecting
And everytime you'd wrangle out of its— his— you're not even sure anymore — chest , the Predacon simply, with a pinch of his claws on your shirt, tugs you back into his embrace
Sometimes, if he's feeling mirthful he'll fall asleep with his fangdclamping down on a bit of your shirt to prevent you moving
"Let me go god damn it!"
And you know shockwave knows. He doesn't say a horse cobbler about it because it has it's uses
when Predaking decides havoc is what he needs on his agenda today shockwave will simply pluck you up from the ground and hold you to him like a candle
Most often than not the dragon will stare at you like dogs do when presented with a chew toy
and, technically, you are in some aspects
forget transportation, what better vehicle do you need when you can just hang from a dragon's maw as he brings you to the decepticon leader?
Starscream, hell even airachnid, would've exterminated you if not for your darling dragon by your side
and, to be honest, you did kind of grew fond of him. he'd take you on rides up in the air, and he'd nuzzled you close on stormy, cold days. Sometimes, you clean away the rust on his plating when you're free from Shockwave's obviously illegal work conditions
That's until he became a fucking robot
you didn't realize it was him at first, hearing a new rhythm of footfalls echoing across the cave, until the familiar paint scheme slapped you with the answers
What do you mean you're not a dragon this whole time?!?!?!?
you back away from him against the cave wall. you're not sure what to feel as he saunters towards you.
It ties between disappointment and embarrassment because did you really say good boy in a baby voice to a fucking man this whole time?;?-?-??&?
"Do not fear." His voice was far from sweet, god was it rough and deep,
It made your stomach do a 180 backflip and cracked it's head wide open
"Do not try to run."
when his talons curl around your waist, lifting you up to his eye level and the imperceptible smirk on his face is present, you knew you were fucked
"How obedient you are, my little pet."
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irisintheafterglow · 1 year
End Game (volleyball captain!gojo x you)
summary: the captain of the boys' volleyball team has only one victory on his mind, and it isn't Nationals.
word count: 1.4k
cw/tags: mild language, jjk volleyball au, mostly just crack
note: hiiii so i think this will be the first of a series of drabbles about volleyball captain satoru because he's just mmmm. i don't really wanna call it a chaptered series just yet because i'm still working on plot or whatever, so i think for now it'll just be drabbles within the volleyball au itself. hope you like it!
likes/reblogs/feedback are always appreciated <3
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He was infuriating, to say the least. 
The way he walked around with his long, lanky limbs, flashing a grin that could only be found on a pompous asshole; the way he winked a mesmerizing blue eye at any girls passing by, mouthing call me over his shoulder; the way he knew he was hot and that’s how he could get away with being such a prick; and you had to deal with all of it, five days a week, over six months for the past three years. 
“Do they ever end up calling you?” You ask him one day as you walk together to the gym. His bright white hair glints in the afternoon sun as he strolls beside you, sipping a fruity soda he’d nabbed before he found you. Ever since you were first-years, at the end of the school day, he always ended up coming to your last class to bother you, much to the entertainment of your classmates. 
“Your boyfriend’s here,” they teased, sticking out their tongues as his face appeared in the doorway. They swooned when he gave them a polite nod, whispering among themselves while you slung your bag over your shoulder. “Have fun, you two,” they sang, exclaiming how beautiful your children would be when you were out of earshot. It made you cringe, your mouth curling in disgust. Satoru was your friend, yes, but imagining a relationship with him was a line you never dared to cross. 
It became routine after you became a manager for the boys' volleyball team during your second year, Satoru coming to annoy you as you walked to the gym to open it for practice. Sometimes, before he met you at your classroom, he’d hurry to the vending machines and grab some sugary drinks, which you reluctantly accepted as you told him it wasn’t healthy for him to consume so much sugar before practice. You weren’t sure how he always managed to figure out where your last class was; you had a theory that Shoko was secretly supplying him with your schedule. With both of you in your third year, you came to expect the melodic call of your name down the hallway when the bell rang. 
“Those girls that you wink at and tell them to call you. Do they actually contact you?” He glances down at you with a look you can’t read and shrugs indifferently. 
“Nah. It’s more fun to flirt,” he drawls, tilting his head to the side with a lopsided grin and taking another sip of his soda. 
You laugh in disbelief. In all the years that you’d known Satoru, you knew that he’d never had a girlfriend. It wasn’t like he couldn’t get one; he had the whole school practically crawling over each other just to get his attention, guys and girls alike. You figured he liked the attention, and came to be one of the only people who could tolerate his constant shenanigans. “You’re a menace.” 
“You know you love it,” he quips nonchalantly. He watches you climb the steps to the gym with a satisfied look on his face. 
“I really don’t,” you smile over your shoulder as you flick through the keys for the gym door. “Go change, I need your help re-tying the net before the rest of the team gets here.” You finally get the door open, but Satoru doesn’t move from behind you. He stands there at the bottom of the steps, looking at you expectantly. You groan. He really was infuriating. “No.” 
He pouts, sharp eyebrows furrowing and bottom lip jutting out. “Oh, c’mon–”
You laugh him off, shaking your head. Three years, you’ve known him, and three years, he’s acted like he was still five. “I’ve told you this for weeks; I’m not doing it.”
“I’m just gonna keep asking then.” Your eyes find his, and you school your face to look as lifeless and irritated as possible. It doesn’t faze him. “Just once? Please?” You watch him unwaveringly as he turns on all his charm, flashing you another cocky smile. He sticks his hands into the pockets of his uniform, slowly walking up the steps to close the distance between you two. “I’ll stop asking if you do it.” His voice is enticing and manipulative, and you’d long since stopped wondering how he manages to get anything he wants. 
You exhale. There was no winning with him. “Fine.” 
Lightning-blue eyes light up like Christmas lights at your response. “Fine?”
“Yes, fine. I’ll make you a bet.” It was his turn to groan, and he threw his head back like a toddler during a tantrum, angrily following you into the gym. He runs a large hand over his face, careful not to smudge his sunglasses. “I will refer to you as captain if you make it to Nationals.” You let the words hang in the air, challenging him. It was a good bet, but it had a very likely chance of you winning. The school hadn’t gone to Nationals in decades despite being a former volleyball powerhouse. The trophy cases lining the halls and extensive frames of past teams were enough to explain the school’s long-gone glory. You knew there was potential this year, especially with how well the team worked together, but Satoru’s lax attitude as captain tended to negate any productivity during practices. 
He was silent for a moment, a determined look washing over his features as his eyes narrowed onto yours and appeared more serious than you’d seen in a while. “Easy. I’ll lead this team on a win-streak all the way to the top.” He’s close on your heels as you approach the net, inspecting the loosening cables. 
“Mhmm, I bet you will.” Reaching up, your fingers fiddle with the fraying ends but their height makes it difficult for you to create a strong knot. You huff, shaking out your arms in an attempt to try again. To your annoyance, Satoru’s arms easily extend over yours and tie the knot with nimble fingers. You silently curse him and his setter hands, unconsciously taking note of how close his body is to yours. He looks down at you, and you stare back, unfazed. He really was still trying to win a response out of you. 
“I’m the strongest, after all.” 
You nod patronizingly, ducking past him to grab the ball cart from the supply closet. “Mhmm, I know you are.” 
An indignant stamp of Satoru’s foot makes a chuckle slip past your lips. “Stop ignoring me!” 
“Get changed, Satoru.” Your hands wrap around the cool metal of the ball cart as you roll it to the side of the net. 
“You just want to see me with my shirt off,” he murmurs from behind you, and without a second thought, you lob a ball at his face. He yelps in surprise, forearm curling upward to protect his sunglasses before you fire a second ball, striking him squarely in the chest. He doubles over, moaning but still trying to flirt through the pain. 
“What’d he do this time?” Suguru’s voice calls from the doorway of the gym as he takes in the melodrama of his captain amusedly. He was Satoru’s best friend and his #1 partner in striking; when the team held practice matches, you couldn’t help but marvel at how well they understood each other during games. Satoru’s precision in setting and Suguru’s strength in striking formed a solid base for the rest of the team to support. Their sheer power and aptitude made them a dangerous duo during tournaments, if Satoru’s stupidity didn’t sabotage them in the process. 
“Exist,” you reply, scooping up the balls from where they’d bounced after successfully wounding Satoru. 
Suguru clicks his tongue disapprovingly. “Gotta stop doing that, captain.” 
Satoru ignores the first part of Suguru’s suggestion, instead whirling on you boastfully. “See! Even Suguru calls me captain!” A long, elegant finger points at his best friend, who shakes his head tiredly. “Our esteemed manager won’t call me captain unless we make it to Nationals,” he reports, and you cross your arms over your chest at his accusatory tone. 
“That’s fair,” Suguru says, unconcerned, stretching a muscular arm over his head. Dark eyes scan over Satoru, still dressed in his school uniform. “Shouldn’t you be changed?” he asks, casually switching arms. You stifle a laugh with a hand over your mouth at Suguru effectively dismissing the captain. 
Satoru’s mouth drops in fake-astonishment. “Neither of you love me.” 
“You’re correct.”
“It took you this long to figure it out?”
“Just you wait,” Satoru declares as he finally makes his way to the door. Fierce blue eyes zero in on yours, and a shiver runs through your body. “I’m gonna win.” 
And somehow, you don’t think he’s only talking about Nationals.
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blegh-110 · 4 months
okay i need a part two where she gets her own group and kinda starts acting like sam and she starts partying and hanging out with older boys to cope and sam gets all mad and jealous
unless you already have an idea either way i love ur fic 🙏🙏
fyi, anon is referring to "im not a princess, this aint a fairytale" part of older brother's best friend!sam. Honestly I was going to write this after I was finished with the whole series, but I'm kinda in a little writing rut right now and I've been wanting to write this since I got it so hopefully this will help with it. Anywaysss…
Let's say this happens, and Sam is at one of his high school parties where kids are drinking and doing drugs and all that kinda stuff, and he sees reader there across the room. That boy is beyond shocked!!
 He thinks it makes sense for him to be there, he's been making not so great decisions and hanging out with the wrong people lately. But you? He knows how much you hate big, loud crowds like this, as well as the smell of weed and smoke from cigarettes. He knows because the last time he saw you you had given you a quick side hug after convincing his teacher to let him out of detention, you quite literally scrunched your nose and turned your head when your nose made contact with his shirt. He and his friends had smoked a bit in the parking lot right before. 
So right when he sees you he’s wondering what the fuck are you doing here? And why? Do you have a ride home? Who did you come with?
Then he goes from concerned and confused to really fucking concerned and confused when he sees a boy handing you a drink and putting your hair behind your ears. He’s heard about this other guy and he’s a total asshole. He knows because he sits right next to a group of girls in his math class who absolutely hate him, apparently he cheated on one of them and just treated her horribly. As soon as he sees him touch you he’s storming towards you two, not caring who he shouldered and bumped into. 
“Alright, get the fuck away,” Sam pushed the other boy’s shoulder roughly, then grabbed your bicep and began pulling you with him, “lets go.”
“Sam, what are you doing?” You attempted to free yourself from his grip but he was just going through the crowd of people so fast that your feet couldn’t stop moving with him. Soon enough he had gotten you outside to his car. 
“C’mon.” He looked back at you expecting you to get in but you continued to stand in your place, the very last thing you wanted was to be near him.
“Does your brother know you’re here?” That was what broke you, if he found out he’d blow up on you. With defeated and frustrated tears in your eyes you got in the passenger seat, letting out an annoyed sigh when Sam closed the door for you. 
“I don’t know who you’ve been hanging out with, but you need to be careful around people like him.” You didn’t say anything in response, only staring out the window watching the cars go by and the silence killed Sam. He didn’t like that there was no confusion or worry at his words, so he continued talking, just so he could hopefully get something from you.
“I’ve heard some awful stuff about him, he probably looks like a nice guy but he’s not.” He looked at you, maybe he just didn’t see your reaction.
“Guys like him, (Y/N), they’re gonna treat you like shit if you’re not careful.” He spit out, thinking if he was aggressive with his word then you would understand what you were getting yourself into. 
“That’s hard to imagine.” Is all you say and Sam is fully ready to stop the car, reevaluate everything he’s done and apologize but he keeps driving. This was not how he wanted it to happen. Not when you were already angry and not when he didn't have his thoughts all together. So he gripped the steering wheel tightly and sighed, trying to let out his growing frustration in silence. 
And when he was back home, he was up for another hour going insane wondering if that wasn’t your first party you’ve been to, and that maybe that wasn’t the first time you were out with the other guy (it wasn’t your first party and it wasn’t your first time with him lol).
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Chan doesn't usually rank very high on the pack's jealousy scale. But bring in a brat-more importantly, his brat-and a direct challenge, and you've got a recipe for disaster. (or fun. Mostly fun.)
I needed you to have this daddy dom Chan chapter I wrote in a completely crazed fever dream first.
Tags: SKZ, Stray Kids, Stay, OT8, skz x you, skz x reader, skz!pack, poly!skz, skz!abo, omegaverse, ot8 x you, ot8 x reader, bang chan, lee minho, seo changbin, hwang hyunjin, lee felix, han jisung, kim seungmin, yang jeongin, y/n, skz imagines, skz reactions, skz scenarios, skz smut, skz fluff
Genre: Non-explicit Smut, Fluff, Crack
Warnings: Breeding Kink, Funishment, Mentions of BC Removal, Possessive, Jealous Daddy Dom Chan (you've been warned)
Title: Punish Me
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“C’mon, sugar, let me buy you a drink. One drink won’t hurt. Let me take care of you.” 
You smile sweetly-so fakely saccharine that it makes your teeth ache-at the persistent alpha leaning against the bar beside you and take another long slow sip of your wine, still half full. 
“That is so sweet.” You purr back, putting on the act, just to see how far he’s willing to go to try and get into your pants. 
Alpha Males, you scoff silently in your head, as he leans toward you, one arm laid on the bar beside your own, reading into your reply as interest. 
He cocks a brow and gives you the start of a smirk. “So c’mon then. What’ll it be?” 
You force yourself not to wrinkle your nose at the overwhelming scent of coppery steel washing over you at his words. 
“Like I said before though,” You put on a show of hesitating, glancing around as if you’re looking for someone, and the guy follows your gaze, expression smug. You tilt your head toward him, offering him what you hope is an unsure smile. “I’m fairly well taken care of already.” 
“Don’t play coy.” The guy says, a slight sneer on his lips now, as he puffs his chest and closes the distance between the two of you, fingers looping around your wrist a bit too strongly for your liking. 
He looks down at you, and his lips curl.
 “If you’re here alone, sugar, you can just say so.” The light in his eyes goes dangerous as he leans into your space, lips against your temple, voice dropping. “I’m more than happy to take you home.” 
You roll your eyes, opening your mouth to respond, ready to drop the whole ‘agreeable, single female’ act, when a wave of thunderous storm swirls the air around you, electrifying it instantly. 
You smirk up at the strange alpha, who looks slightly caught off guard, and feel a powerful presence appear at your back. 
“Actually-” Chan’s deep growl rumbles through you, and your wolf shivers in anticipation, as his hands come down to rest heavily on your shoulders, glare narrowed in on the man standing before you, almost between your legs. “-she’s not here alone. So why don’t you fuck off back to where you came from, mate?” 
The alpha raises his hands in defeat and takes a step back, clearly wanting no part of whatever this is with Chan. 
“Fine, man. Whatever. I don’t want any trouble.” 
He disappears into the crowd as quickly as he came, probably off to bother some other seemingly helpless, lonely female. 
Chan is still tense at your back, and you bite back a smile as you reach for your wine, taking another sip, before you address him casually, “Pretty boy.” 
You set your glass back down and tap your fingers along the bar top, cocking your head, even as you stare at where the guy had disappeared only moments before. 
“Took you long enough.” 
Chan scoffs behind you, and you glance up to see him arching a brow, staring down at you, a slight smirk starting to curl his lips. 
Unlike the strange alpha from before, the look on your mate has butterflies swirling in your stomach. 
He reaches around you and smoothly downs the rest of your drink in one go. 
“It looked like you had it under control.” He remarks dryly, still wearing that stupid smirk-the territorial, slightly dangerous, amused one-that makes you want to rip all his clothes off right here and now. 
“I did.” You reply back, twirling the now empty glass on the bar, still not looking back at him. 
He slides a hand around the front of your throat, tilting your head back to force you to meet his heated gaze, his lips now pulled into a serious line that sends your heart racing in your chest. 
“I know you can handle yourself just fine, little alpha, but-” His fingers tighten slightly around your throat, and you resist the urge to shiver at the look in his dark eyes as he glides his gaze possessively down your body, his voice a low growl in your ear as he suddenly yanks you back flush against him. “-this? This is mine. And I needed to give everyone here a clear reminder of that.” 
You gasp as his teeth nip your earlobe. 
You can feel him, pressing against every inch of your back, and suddenly, getting out of this seedy college bar and back to the house as quickly as possible becomes your top priority. 
However, you’re not quite ready to give up the game-and subsequently, this hot, possessive version of Chan-just yet. 
So instead of dragging him directly to the nearest car and undressing him in the backseat, you take a deep breath, and remark calmly-like your heart isn’t currently fighting to rip through your chest, like your inner thighs aren’t already wet with heat that he and his little show put there-
“I get the feeling you’re ready to leave. But I have a stipulation.” 
You spin on the bar stool to face him, and his expression is guarded, cautious, eyes dark and unreadable. 
When you don’t immediately speak, he growls out, “Go on.” 
You clench your thighs at his tone of voice, and by the way his eyes travel slowly down to your legs, bare in your dress, and the smirk that starts to curve his lips, you know he knows. 
You ignore him and push on doggedly. 
“You let someone in this bar buy me a drink before we go.” 
Chan’s entire body tenses at your words, and you have to bite back a triumphant grin at the immediate wave of petrichor that rolls off of him dangerously at your suggestion. 
You hold up a finger. “Just one, but you can’t interfere.” You arch a brow at him. “That means allowing flirting and touching, as long as it seems I’ve got it all under control.” 
Chan growls low and threatening beneath his breath, sending a shiver down your spine, and his brow furrows, clearly unhappy, but he finally straightens and blows out a long resigned breath between his lips, fixing a glare on you. 
“Fine.” He waves the bartender over to refill your wine glass and takes his own drink in white knuckled fingers. 
He does not look happy about this. 
The brat inside of you giggles gleefully, and you force yourself to remember to breathe as he steps back from you, eyes intently holding your own, warning written all over his serious expression. 
“But I step in immediately if something seems sketchy.” 
You nod, giving him the hint of a smile, which he doesn’t return, as he takes another backward step toward an unoccupied table in a dark corner, still in view of the full length bar you currently sit at. 
“I’ll be watching, little alpha.” 
His words send a pleasant shudder down your body, and you watch as he disappears into shadow, turning back to the bar to take a shaky, long gulp of your alcohol. 
You sit alone for several moments, intently aware the whole time of Chan’s eyes on you, making you feel hot all over. 
You sway slightly to the music, sipping your wine, and adjust yourself on the stool, making sure the long slit of the skirt you wear is in place to show your entire lower leg and tempting slivers of your thigh. 
You can practically sense Chan shift uneasily from the shadows, and you bite back a triumphant grin. 
Got him. 
You glance toward him, and he arches a brow at you, raising his glass to you in some sort of snarky salute, before he downs the rest of his drink. 
You’re well aware he knows exactly what you’re doing. 
It just makes the victory all the more sweet. 
“Hi.” You whip around to see a tall guy lean against the bar beside you, and by the immediate smell of clover and grass that sweeps over you as he waves over the bartender, you know he’s another alpha. 
Got him. 
You paste on your most innocent smile and widen your eyes as much as possible, pursing your lips as you covertly tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, focusing your gaze on the bar, trying to play shy,
“Hi.” You return, soft and husky, and the guy glances sidelong at you, obvious interest clear in his expression. 
“I haven’t seen you here before.” You fight the urge to roll your eyes at the very obvious line, but take a sip of your drink and say lightly instead, “Yeah, I usually frequent the bar on the other side of campus.” 
“Oh?” The guy arches his brow and takes a sip of his beer, turning to face you fully now, leaning into your space. “What brings you to this side of campus tonight?” 
He smiles at you, and he’s cute, you admit-white, straight teeth and bronze skin and dark hair sweeping over his brow, green eyes-but he’s not your type. 
No, your type is currently sitting in the corner, watching everything unfold. 
You can practically feel the waves of possession washing over you. 
You resist the urge to smirk. 
You take another sip of your drink and shrug, not missing the way his eyes flit to the bare skin of your shoulder as it flashes beneath your cardigan. 
“Some friends.” 
The guy nods his head, as if in understanding, and turns to face the dance floor, eyes sweeping the tightly packed crowd. 
“Yeah, I get that.” He raises his voice over the music, taking another drink of his beer as he grins over at you. “Mine ditched me for some more, shall we say, scintillating company on the dance floor.” 
You laugh, nodding like you understand, and dart a quick look in the direction of Chan’s table. 
He’s leaning back into the dark now, and all you can see are his black jean clad legs, and his knuckles, white and clenched, around the form of his empty glass. 
You bite back a smug smile, and turn back to the alpha at the bar. 
“Yeah, mine are probably puking in the bathroom by now, or on their way back to the dorms with some guy named Dan in an uber.” 
The guy laughs, and it’s a nice sound, but every nerve in your body is on high alert under the alpha’s unwavering gaze from the corner. 
You can feel the heat gathering between your thighs at the thought of what he’s going to do to you after this is over. 
This is mine. And I needed to give everyone here a clear reminder of that. You can feel the ghost of his fingers wrapped around your throat, and you suppress a shudder. 
The guy next to you places a hand over your own, and you resist the urge not to jump, as you turn a smile to him, arching a brow. 
He grins. “Can I buy you a drink?” There it is. 
You nod. “Absolutely.” 
He removes his hand from your own to wave over the bartender once more, and you sneak another glance to the table in the corner. 
Chan hasn’t moved, but you can feel his eyes boring into you. 
Alpha guy slides a shot in front of you, and holds up his own, as if in toast. 
“To being friendless tonight then.” You laugh and hold up your own glass to clink against his. 
“To being friendless.” 
You down the bitter alcohol in one swoop, and the guy beside you does the same. It burns on the way down, warming you from the inside out, but not as much as Chan’s narrowed gaze burns you up from the shadows. 
“Anyway, I-” The guy beside you starts to say, and you brace yourself for him to make a move, when you’re saved by another guy appearing from the dance floor at just that moment, hair matted with sweat, eyes wild as they fall on your male counterpart. 
“Dude. There you are!” He slaps the guy beside you on the shoulder so hard he winces. “Come dance with us!” 
The guy glances to you, and you give him a smile, before shrugging. 
“No longer friendless I guess.” 
He offers you a regretful look as his buddy, who hasn’t even noticed your presence, makes an attempt to drag him toward the writhing mass of bodies on the dance floor. 
He hesitates momentarily. “I guess.” He glances to his impatient friend, and then back to you. “See you around?” 
You hold up your empty shot glass in cheers. 
“See you around, friendless.” 
He gives you a small smile, and lets his buddy drag him off, disappearing from sight into the crowd. 
He won’t see you around, but who are you to break a nice guy’s heart? 
The sudden scent of thunderstorm makes you shiver, and hands clamp down roughly without warning on the bare, warm skin of your shoulders, Chan’s teeth against your throat making you jump slightly, letting out a gasp as he bares them and drags the sharp points of his canine across the sensitive skin. 
His fingers close around the front of your throat, holding you in place as he presses his body-and his very clear arousal- dominantly into yours from behind, and you squirm on your seat, instant, wet heat blooming between your thighs in response to the low, dangerous timber of his voice against your ear. 
“Get in the car, little alpha. We’re going home.” 
******* “Are you pleased with yourself?” Chan asks after shutting and locking his bedroom door, stripping off his jacket in one slow motion, as he keeps you pinned beneath his fiery gaze. 
You offer him a smug smirk, backing slowly away from him, toward the large bed, as you kick off your heels. 
“Yeah, I think I am actually.” 
Something minute hardens in Chan’s gaze, as he tosses his jacket aside, and takes a stalking step in your direction. 
“You like being contrary?” He questions in a low tone, though you can tell by the dangerous spark in his golden eyes and the punishing stance of his body that he already knows the answer. Another step. “You like making me jealous?” 
You cock your head and sink onto the edge of the bed with a triumphant expression. 
His eyes flash and he takes another menacing step toward you. 
“You like seeing me upset with you? Like seeing me insane out of my mind with possessiveness?” 
You nod, and your entire body aches in delicious anticipation. 
He rolls his tongue in his cheek-an angry motion, but it’s entirely too hot-and pins you beneath his gaze, taking that last step toward you before knocking your knees apart and stepping between them, forcing you to look up at him now as he towers over you. 
Your entire body quivers as his thunderous scent crashes over you in one, violent wave. 
His fingers find their way into your hair, tangling there, tugging against your scalp, and without warning, he wrenches your head back to make you look up at him, forcing a slight gasp from between your lips at the delicious, punishing sting. 
He leans down until your noses are brushing, golden, heated eyes flashing furiously, his voice dropping into a growl that makes your insides melt instantly into hot need between your thighs. 
“You want me to punish you, little alpha?” 
You nod without thinking, and when you speak, your voice is noticeably breathless, a needy little whimper, a plea to his angry alpha. 
His lips quirk wickedly, and he releases his hold on your hair, shoving you back on the bed as he crawls to straddle you with a growl, his hand going to your throat and his knees going on your arms to completely pin you in place. 
Every nerve is tingling at the feel of his weight on your own. 
“Oh, baby.” He purrs, as he arches a brow at you smugly, lips curling into a smirk that has you squirming beneath him with need. 
He runs a finger slowly down the hot, flushed skin of your throat, and a whine is ripped from your lips without your consent. 
His breath is hot against the shell of your ear as he leans down and whispers dangerously, “It’s funny how you think I care what your answer to that question is. Because we both know, you’re going to be punished for your little show earlier whether you want to be or not.” 
You swallow, your throat bobbing, and his eyes spark predatorily at the slight show of weakness. 
His fingers tighten around the column of your throat, and your breath stutters to a stop in your chest. 
“Besides-” He leans into you, his obvious hardness between your legs making you whimper, and drags his teeth down the skin of your throat, over your mating mark, before he bites down, hard, hard enough to hurt, but only enough to heighten the sudden, intense need you feel.  
You writhe in his hold, and he flicks his eyes to yours, before lathing his tongue over the stinging mark reddening your skin. 
“-I think you need a little reminder of who you belong to, don’t you?” 
You nod, breathless, and he pinches your cheeks between his fingers. 
“Words, baby. Use them.” 
“Yes. I need a reminder.” 
Pride flashes across his gaze at your consenting words, and he reaches for the buckle of his jeans, baring himself and making you shiver beneath him as you hungrily drink him in, nestled still between your legs. 
He hikes up your skirt with his other hand, and you openly pant, as he slides a finger along the skin of your inner thighs, testing your wetness. 
He openly groans, responding to your harsh intake of breath at his touch, and meets your wild gaze with the hooded darkness of his own, licking his lips slowly as he preps you.
“Listen closely.” He shifts against you, and you feel as if your entire body sparks into a raging fire at the feel of him. 
He leans one hand into the bed right above your head, holding himself above you, and you resist the urge to tug him down and crash his lips into yours. 
He’s in control right now, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Your muscles tense and quiver as he leans into you, breath hot as it washes across your skin, and lowers himself another inch between your legs, testing you. 
You suck your bottom lip between your teeth and bite down so hard you taste copper. 
Chan’s eyes flash, and his voice is a commanding growl, as he tugs your head back once more to meet his gaze. 
“You’re going to take every inch of me, without a sound, like a good girl who accepts her punishment, and then, when we’re done, I’ll reward you with a release. Understood?” 
You nod, and he gives you a hard, silent look, spurring you on to remember to use your words, like he’s always so fond of. 
“Yes, alpha.” You reply obediently, and his expression shifts, and without warning, he sinks into you. 
You bite back the gasp threatening to break from your throat, and Chan groans, low and long, in the back of his own throat, clenching his teeth against your skin as he digs his fingers into the bed above your head. 
“Good fucking girl.” He growls out, and begins to move, and you’re pretty sure you see stars. 
Being with Chan is always like this-hot and fast and punishing at first-but always completely worth it in the end. 
He lets his teeth graze down your shoulder as you arch up into him, across the still aching mating mark, and down the skin of your upper arm, pausing as his teeth brush the obvious outline of your birth control implant beneath your flesh. 
He pauses, both of you breathless in the space between you, and then he glances up from his position above your stomach, pinning you down with the intensity of his suddenly heated stare. 
He ducks his head, holding your gaze, and lets his teeth graze across the implant once more, tugging at it slightly with his sharp canines in a way that makes you tingle and pant for breath. 
“Some day, little alpha-” He muses below the sound of your lost breath, running his fingers over the raised skin, and the device beneath, scratching at it slightly, enough to sting your already sensitive skin. “I’ll rip this out, and fill you up with all my pups.” 
You clench up with his searing words, and Chan sucks in a harsh breath in response, smirking up at you as you quiver beneath him. 
“Ah, you like the sound of that, hm, baby?” He grins wickedly, letting the wet heat of his mouth suck on the skin that covers the implant once more, your body convulsing in response. 
“Like the thought of alpha’s pups, hm?” He murmurs against your skin, kissing along the line of your arm, before he nips the skin above the implant sharply once more, rising up again to meet you, covering your mouth roughly with his own. “I’ll give them to you, baby, all of them. Fill you up so good.” 
His tongue tangles with yours, and he moves again, and everything blacks out in a sea of wave after wave of pleasure. 
You’re lying in the middle of the bed, still trying to come down from the high moments earlier, chest heaving, when Chan chuckles without prompting from his spot between your legs. 
You glare at him weakly from beneath the safety of your arm, flung across your face, and stick your tongue out at him. 
You jump slightly at the first feel of the warm rag he’d brought from the bathroom against your inner thighs, but instantly relax into his tender, but firm hold, as he begins to wipe down your legs, cleaning you up in smooth strokes. 
“Nothing.” He shakes his head with another chuckle, and glances at you when he gives your inner thigh another swipe. “You just really are a brat.” 
You grin and hide back behind your arm, suddenly tired to the bone with the feel of his hands on you and the warmth of being cleaned. 
“It’s what I do best.” 
He hums beneath his breath in response, and there is silence for several moments as he continues to clean you methodically. 
You feel yourself sinking into the soft mattress, your eyes and body growing heavy. 
“I know the guy, by the way.” Chan speaks up again, and you raise your head off the bed to glance at him in bleary, tired, post sex confusion. 
He shoots you an amused look, moving the rag to wipe the warmth across your lower stomach, his fingers looping loosely around your ankle to move you where he needs you. 
“The guy at the bar.” He offers in explanation, and you furrow your brow, still not catching up. 
“His name’s Sammy.” He remarks casually, before tossing the rag aside and climbing once more to straddle you on the bed, running a gentle finger down your cheekbone, across the swell of your breasts, before he leans forward to press a soft kiss to your gapped lips. “Wouldn’t hurt a fly.” 
The puzzle pieces are still clicking into place in your head, and Chan sits back, watching you with open amusement now. 
Suddenly, you gasp and shove him, hard, right in the center of his chest. 
He doesn’t even budge, laughing again, harder this time. 
“You set me up!” 
Chan’s eyes twinkle with mischief, as he pins your still flailing hands back against the bed above your head and keeps you down with the weight of his body. 
“I didn’t ‘set you up.’ I simply-” He shrugs, grinning cheekily down at you. “-couldn’t leave some things to chance. Not when you insisted on being so goddamn stubborn and putting yourself at risk.” 
“I could’ve handled any alpha in that bar tonight.” You pout, crossing your arms over your chest as he releases you, but still refusing to look at him, out of principle. 
“I know, baby.” Chan placates you warmly, leaning over to press kisses to your cheeks and mouth until you give up the pout and swat him away halfheartedly. 
“So your friend-” You question, glaring up at him, even though your outrage is slipping away as quickly as it appeared in the face of his adorable dimples, revealed by his triumphant grin, curls still sweaty and tousled from your fingers. 
“Sammy.” You repeat sourly, sticking your tongue out at him, and he laughs and leans forward, snapping his teeth as you yelp and quickly pull your tongue out of chomping range. “How’d you convince him then?” Chan shrugs easily, reaching up to rake a hand through his hair. “It wasn’t too hard.” He fixes you with a stern stare, and laughs again as you harumph and make a move to buck him off of you, to no avail. “Just told him I had a stubborn mate who was wanting to play the part of brat and make me jealous.” 
“God.” You cover your face with your hands, suddenly embarrassed. 
“Don’t worry-” Chan pulls your hands off your face, and leans down, grinning widely, as he kisses you again, slow and soft this time. When he pulls back, he’s still smiling. “-I didn’t tell him you were all hot and bothered for my possessive, dominant head alpha side. That’s our little secret, little alpha.” 
He winks at you. 
“Shut up.” You mutter beneath your breath as he chuckles, and this time, he lets you shove him off of you, stalking toward the bathroom. 
“Baby, c’mon, it’s cute!” He calls out after you, still laughing to himself at your obvious irritation. 
“Don’t come in here unless you want me to drown you in the bathtub, Christopher!” You retort back sharply over your shoulder, already seeing him rising from the bed from the corner of your eye, a wicked look on his features. 
You hide a grin of your own and flit into the bathroom, flipping him off behind you for good measure. 
“Oh, you’re going to pay for that.” Chan growls against your ear, as he catches you on the threshold, tugging you to him as you yelp and make a show of struggling. 
“I was planning on it actually.” You grin up at him sweetly, batting your eyes innocently, and he growls once more, before tossing you easily over his shoulder and touting you into the bathroom as you shriek with laughter. 
Perfect. Time for round two.
💗 Taglist:
@starlostjimin /
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ariasdistress · 2 years
pervert stepbrother!rafe cameron imagines.
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warnings: heavy nsfw, stepcest, drugging, dub-con, coercion, jealousy.
pairing: rafe x fem!reader - all of my characters are over 18!
© to ariasdistress. no translations/reposts.
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perv stepbro!rafe: always thought you were pretty and voiced it, he was such a good step brother! like the older sibling you never had. he made sure to tell you how beautiful you were while leaning on your underwear drawer, using his free hand behind him to steal a pair; hiding the act with a charming grin and a few nods as you spoke. you always wondered where they disappeared..?
perv stepbro!rafe: took your phone constantly, jealousy issues you assumed. you bought a backup just in case.
perv stepbro!rafe: wrapped your laced panties around his hardening dick, stumbling upon your photos on ‘my eyes only’. hundreds of lewd images of you. soap covered tits- bent over- legs spread- your small fingers fucking into you mercilessly. his eyes locked at the screen, large hand gripping the small phone until his fingers turned pale. your older stepbrother now achingly close to climax, laughing to himself knowing he’d probably split you in half with his length.
perv stepbro!rafe: gets jealous whenever he sees guys around you in the hallways. once, your friend matt hugged you before class only to get into a fight straight afterschool. the next day, coming to class with bruises and refusing to tell you what happened.
perv stepbro!rafe: comes back from the fight with topper, sneaks into your room to take his anger out on you by eating you out. he doesn’t let you cum until he says so and forces you to keep it down. “our parents shouldn’t hear their precious stepdaughter moaning like a slut right?” he mumbles, kissing your inner thigh. “from her reckless older stepbrother too? they’d never let you out the house” pushing his tongue deeper into you.
perv stepbro!rafe: rests his large hand on your thigh during family dinner. under the table, his fingers sneak up to your inner thigh, you stumble in your words. your parents asking you if you’re alright as you recover. rafe’s calloused fingers now teasing your clit over your thin panties to hear you stutter while continuing telling your family about your day.
perv stepbro!rafe: whenever you walk up the stairs in front of him, he smacks your ass. sometimes tripping you up, slipping a hand up your skirt and groping you roughly all the while calling you an airhead for falling.
perv stepbro!rafe: pressures you to try coke - “c’mon don’t you want to be cool like your favourite step brother?” while you’re high, he slips two of his lengthy fingers inside you, spreading your legs with his large palm. all the while you’re squirming, getting wetter due to the drug induced overstimulation. “i didn’t realise my little sis was this much of a stupid coked out whore, don’t think too much sweetheart let it happen.”
perv stepbro!rafe: at a party, he calls you the best step sister in the world in front of your friends. immediately afterwards, cornering you into the bathroom and fucking you relentlessly - making sure your pretty voice is loud enough for others to hear outside. the older male assuring to everyone that you’re off limits.
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author’s notes: so happy to be posting on this new account! purely because @devilworeprada is my secondary blog n i get no notifs.. idk what happened :( but i hope you guys enjoy this - i’m currently working on a tyler galpin oneshot but i got writers block… currently high rn and watched a cute porn scene lol so i wrote this. thank you for reading! aria. ᥫ᭡
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gingerjunhan · 11 months
boyfriend headcannons - goo gunil
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☆彡 I felt burnt out after working on an essay all day, so what did I do? Went to my dorm and wrote some more! I’ve seen other blogs do little series like this with groups, so I wanted to give it a try! I hope you all enjoy!
word count: 777 | pronouns used: they/them | genre: fluff, established relationship | cws: reader is called “beautiful,” cringe moments /pos, swearing, mentions of alcohol, mentions of death (in a joking way), my delulu thoughts, all caps, lmk if I missed anything else!
next member →
Gunil strikes me as they type of boyfriend that would try to make your life feel like a rom-com
he definitely strikes me as one of the more romantic ones in the group, but probably in a more goofy way than Jungsu or Seungmin would be (but more on that later)
yes he’s buying you flowers every time he passes a flower stand
yes he leaves those cheesy little notes about how beautiful and perfect you are in your lunch that you take to school or work
yes he reminds you every day that you’re quite literally the light of his life and he wouldn’t be the same person without you
but I truly believe this man can get weird
like, very very strange
in the most endearing way… he’s cringe
let’s unpack that
starting off strong:
“Good morning sunshine!”
some find that cringe, but I’m kicking my feet so 🧍🏻‍♀️
the pet names… oh god the pet names
I know I have a whole fic on this topic already but I feel the need to say more for Gunil
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, “sweetums”
I’m sorry but he gives me “bubs”/“bubby” vibes
listen I don’t hate that one as much as other people okay hear me out
“angel” probably happens on rare occasions
I could go on
he may be cringe but he is free!
but it’s okay because you totally call him silly names back
you love him no matter what
you know who else loves him?
your parents
he’s shaking hands and being overly friendly, and your parents are eating it up!!!!
let's say you bring him over for dinner:
“You have such a lovely home!”
“Do you need help with anything? I can set the table!”
“The meal was amazing. (Y/N) clearly didn’t get their cooking skills from you!”
“Gunil what the hell-“
the next time your parents invite him over he definitely shows up with dessert, wine, a side dish, something
he 100% gets the parental stamp of approval 👍🏻
okay I’m sorry but we need to talk about Gunil and intimacy keeping it G y’all c’mon now
he :(( is the sweetest :(((( ever :(
he knows he’s strong so he tries to be so gentle with you
if you want him to hold you tight he absolutely will
but Gunil strikes me as a soft intimacy type of guy!!
soft, calming, long hugs
sweet compliments whispered between you during a cuddle secession
cuddle secessions :(
if he doesn’t cuddle with you before bed he literally acts like he’s on the brink of death
gently holding your hand at almost all times
like I’ve said, I think Gunil likes PDA
so he’s got a grip on your hand at all times in public
I also think that Gunil would be the type to wash your hair for you
I’m melting right now
imagine it like,,,, oh my god
Gunil knows you’ve been stressed and he can see how hard you’re working and how much the stress is affecting you so he offers to help you relax
he runs a nice bath for you
lights a few candles
and then if you’re comfortable with it he’s right by your side, absolutely pampering you and washing your hair :(
can we tell that he’s been bias wrecking me really really hard lately? yes? okay
but these gentle moments don’t last forever
he’s you’re hype man all the time every day
“You look so good baby! I love your outfit today! C’mon, give me a spin- OH MY GOSH youlooksogood!”
gives you those hugs where he gets really excited and picks you up and spins you in circles
Gunil definitely gives me the vibe that he would totally put his full body weight on you if you wanted him to
just *plop*
okay okay so we all know how Gunil is the only member of xh who can drive yes?
do you think he like,, does the thing? 🤭 when he puts the car in reverse? 🤭 because guys I think he does 🤭
I’m a firm believer in the fact that Gunil would quite literally be the most perfect man on the face of the earth (totally unbiased opinion!)
he always encourages you to try new things- even if they scare you- and always reach for your goals!!
he’s so supportive and full of love for you and he’s gonna be by your side every step of the way and MAN I JUST LOVE HIM SO MUCH—
final closing thought but imagine sitting on his lap while he teaches you how to play drums EEE okay I need to stop
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artiststarme · 1 year
Staying Alive, Staying Alive
I was feeling a little angsty today and now here we are. I hope you guys like this and please leave your thoughts in the comments!
Title brought to you by @lumoschild!
Steve’s stomach dropped when he heard Dustin’s screaming from the trailer park. He and the girls were only about halfway back in their trek when they started hearing his cries which caused Steve to sprint in his direction. Why was Dustin screaming and where was Eddie? They were supposed to be out of danger. They were the goddamn decoys and Steve told them not to be heroes! 
The sight he stumbled on when he broke through the barrier of the trees would forever haunt him. Just past the rows of trailer homes, Dustin was knelt on bloodied knees, sobbing, with an unmoving Eddie situated half on his lap. The two of them were sitting in a pond of blood that was growing ever larger. Steve had never seen Munson so still, he was always flamboyant and larger than life in everything he did. His face, usually so expressive and full of life, had never been so pale either, only made worse with the sluggishly bleeding wounds still leaking from his neck and torso. 
“Dustin!” Steve screamed for him as he ran closer and fell to his knees beside him in a careless slump. “What happened? When’d he stop breathing?”
“I-I don’t know, just before you got here, I guess. He-he saved me. He didn’t run away this time, Steve.” He grabbed onto Eddie’s shoulders even stronger in a desperate hug while tears ran down his cheeks.
“Okay, I know he didn’t. Munson’s a strong guy and he still has fight left. I need you to put him down so I can bring him back, okay?” Steve muttered soothingly. If Eddie had just lost his pulse a few minutes ago, there was still a chance that he could get his heart beating again.
“What? Steve-”
“Put him down, Dustin!” Steve would feel bad for yelling at him later but he had a very limited window for CPR to work and he didn’t have time for any more niceties. 
Dustin flinched back as if struck and let go of Eddie abruptly. His face screwed up in a vicious sob when Steve started applying forceful compressions to his friend’s chest. “Steve, you’re hurting him!”
“He can’t feel pain if he’s dead, Dustin! If this works, he can complain about it later.” Steve struck Eddie’s chest over and over again to the beat of Stayin’ Alive by the Bee Gees like he was taught to as a swim instructor. He never could’ve imagined then that this is how he’d be using his skills. 
Both Dustin and Steve winced when they heard Eddie’s ribs crack but Steve didn’t stop applying his full body weight into every push. Nancy and Robin showed up at some point between Steve giving compressions and breathing into Eddie’s mouth but he paid them no mind. In fact, he didn’t pay anything any mind until Eddie gasped for air on his own. 
“Eddie!” Dustin yelled and tried to scramble away from Nancy’s arms that restrained him. 
“Ouch,” Eddie whispered before his eyes slid shut once more.
“No, no, no. Munson, wake up. Keep your eyes open. We have to get out of here, c’mon. Robin, help me pick him up,” Steve ordered. She quickly stepped forward and helped situate Eddie bridal-style in his arms. With a few well-placed cloths to act as bandages, she patted Steve’s shoulder and he bolted towards the gate in the Munson trailer. The entire Upside Down started shaking and the ground started to fracture in a horrific version of  ‘the-floor-is-lava’ game. 
But Steve could only focus on holding pressure against a particularly deep wound on Eddie’s side and the soft breaths fanning his neck. One step in front of the other, he sprinted as fast as he could without jostling the injured man in his arms too much. His efforts proved fruitless if the muffled moans of pain into his ear indicated anything. 
When he got to the trailer, Robin was right behind him. She threw the door open and pushed the small kitchen table underneath the quaking gate and threw herself through first, ungraceful and uncoordinated as it was, in order to catch Eddie when Steve pushed him through the portal. Which she did. By falling with him and kneeing him in the spine. Seeing them mostly safe, Steve carefully guided Dustin onto the table and threw the gate with his injured leg and then offered a hand to Nancy and gave her a gentle push. 
As the gate started to close, he hardly had enough time to jump through the portal into the Rightside Up himself. He could feel the sizzling heat on his sides and burning on the outer parts of his leg until his back met a soft surface on the ground. He made it. 
They didn’t have time to celebrate though because Dustin was crying in pain about his leg, Robin was rubbing her side in discomfort, and Eddie was still groaning and bleeding out onto his own stained mattress. Steve’s sides were screaming but he didn’t have time to acknowledge his own wounds until he was sure his friends would survive. 
“Alright Nancy, where’s your car? We have to get to the hospital.” Steve asked her, easily falling into the position of leader once more.
“Um, it's right outside.” With a peek out the trailer’s window, Steve could definitely see that it was not. 
“No it isn’t. Where’d you park it?” 
“I swear,” Nancy promised. “I parked it right in front of the door. We’ll just have to call for an ambulance.”
Steve shook his head and ran a stressed hand through his hair. Eddie didn’t have time for an ambulance. With the earthquakes and the preexisting stigma around the people that lived at Forest Hills, an ambulance would take up to thirty minutes and he didn’t have that. Fuck, what were they going to do?!
He sent another glance out the window to see a small sedan parked outside the neighboring trailer. Bullseye. 
“Okay, new plan. Eddie and I are going to hotwire that car and drive to the hospital. You guys are going to call an ambulance and meet us there.” He nodded to himself and went to pick up a blurry-eyed Eddie. 
“Steve, we should stick together. It’s not smart to go off on our own,” Nancy expressed condescendingly. 
“Well, no one’s ever mistaken me for being smart so I guess that’s par for the course. We’ll see you at the hospital.” Then they were off. Steve was once again carrying Eddie as gently as he could but this time Eddie’s eyes were open and searching. 
“Who knew that Steve Harrington would be so adamant on keeping me alive?” He muttered.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Munson.”
“I’m bleeding all over you, surely we’re on a first name basis now. Right Steve?” His tone was pretty challenging for a guy that was dead less than five minutes ago. 
“You can call me whatever you want, Eddie. Just keep your eyes open.”
“Okay, I’ll try my best. What’re you planning on doing? Lisa always leaves her car locked,” he said as soon as he saw the direction Steve was walking in.  
Steve didn’t dignify his question with a response. He just grabbed the ax from its position secured on his back and swung the dull edge towards the driver’s side window, shattering it instantly. 
“Holy shit,” Eddie murmured in amazement. Unknowingly to Steve, that was the exact moment that Eddie fell in love with him. He had risked his life to save him in the Upside Down and carried him bridal-style out of hell. Now he was committing crimes to keep him alive and looking hot while doing it. Eddie’s heart didn’t stand a chance. 
Steve gently leaned Eddie against the car while he worked to get the driver’s side door open and then picked him up again to gently settle him in across the backseats. His movements caused Eddie to whimper in pain but they were so close, they couldn’t stop now. 
“Okay Munson, focus. How do I hotwire this car?” Steve looked back at him and saw the seats quickly staining red. “Shit Eddie! Put pressure right there, we have to slow the bleeding. C’mon, how do I do this?
Eddie tried to press his bandana into his worst wound as he gave Steve directions. “Pull off the steering column and grab the wires. Did you get my pliers? You’ll need those to strip the coating.”
“Yep. Okay, I got the cover off and I see the wires. What next?”
“There-there should be… two wires. One red and one black. You have to s-strip them and tap them together until the ignition starts…” 
His voice started to taper off towards the end of his explanation and he could hardly keep his eyes open anymore. Steve pulled the wires from the steering column and stripped them just as Eddie had in the RV. When he looked into the backseat, he did a double take. Eddie’s skin was even paler and clammier than it had been before. Most worryingly though, his eyes were glazed and his breathing was labored. Steve reached an arm back to shake at his shoulder. 
“Don’t fucking die, Eddie! I didn’t carry you out of the goddamn Upside Down just for you to die in some stranger’s backseat.” He hissed in angered panic. 
“Ooo kinky.” Eddie mumbled through chapped lips. 
“Not kinky, dying is not kinky! Wake up, Eddie!” 
Just then, the engine turned over and the ignition started. “Yes, yes! Eddie, hold on. I got the car to start. C’mon man, five minutes to the hospital. You’ve got this.”
“Okay…” Eddie whispered. Steve could hardly breathe as he sped down the roads and broke every traffic law. He didn’t care about the consequences of his actions as long as Eddie lived. He didn’t care about speeding tickets or jail time, he just needed his new friend to survive. 
“Eddie, you doing okay?”
“I wouldn’t… characterize this as- as being… okay,” he answered between labored breaths. 
“You’re doing great, man,” Steve told him. He looked back at him in the rearview and saw Eddie’s eyes looking back at him. 
“Thanks for doing this, Stevie. You didn’t have to. You-you could’ve left me there-”
“Shut up, man. I wasn’t going to leave you after you risked your life to help us. You’re one of us now whether you like it or not.” Steve told him. He wasn’t going to stand for any self-deprecating comments after he’d almost died (did die for a few minutes) to save Dustin. 
Eddie hummed before the car lapsed into silence for the next minute or so, only broken by the sounds of Eddie wheezing for air and Steve’s fingers shaking against the steering wheel. When they arrived at the hospital, Steve pulled right in front of the emergency room and screamed for help. Nurses, doctors, and assistants came rushing out to help him and they placed Eddie on the gurney. 
His lips were red with blood and his face was ashen without it. But when Steve looked at him, he smiled wide. “I’ll see you later, Big Boy.”
Steve couldn’t even threaten the hospital staff to treat him well or tell them to ignore the rumors on TV (although he would find out later that Nancy and Robin did that well enough on their own). As soon as Eddie was wheeled out of sight, Steve collapsed from his own injuries. 
Just a few days later, Steve woke up from sedation to find himself in a hospital bed with Eddie as a roommate. And if his heartbeat sped up on the monitor when Eddie smiled at him, well, that wasn’t anyone’s business but theirs.
Permanent tag list:@doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @pyrohonk @straight4joekeery @trippypancakes @conversesweetheart @estrellami-1 @suddenlyinlove @yikes-a-bee @swimmingbirdrunningrock @perseus-notjackson @anaibis @merricatty @maya-custodios-dionach @grtwdsmwhr @manda-panda-monium @lumoschild
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dark-angel-of-muses · 11 months
A Bunny In The Hand (Is Worth Two In The Bush)
So maybe, when Ravio saw an unfamiliar figure sitting on his living room floor, he screamed. Maybe he backpedaled, tripped on his own robe, and fell flat on his butt.
Thankfully, the only witness was that very same figure. A pink rabbit, wearing a tiny red vest and looking distinctly… pissed off.
“What- how did you get in here?” Ravio stood up and dusted off the front of his robe, thankful no one saw him screaming at a little pink bunny.
The rabbit fixed him with a look, nose twitching. It tilted its head, ears flopping. Was the rabbit considering him? Were Hyrule’s rabbits more intelligent than other woodland critters, like Sheerow was?
“Uh, hey little guy, I’m just going to let you go outside and go back to your burrow, alright?”
Ravio tried to reach for the rabbit, but it stomped its foot in displeasure and shook its head.
“Is that a no? You don’t want to go outside?” Was Ravio reading too much into the rabbit’s body language? Maybe it was just scared of the big person looming over it. Ravio plopped down on the ground, trying to appear non-threatening.
The bunny fixed him with an odd stare, then sighed. Was that a good sign? Maybe it was calming down?
Knock, Knock
Ravio jumped at the knock on the door. “Oh, sorry Bun-bun. That’s probably Link. He lives here with me. Maybe he knows where you came from, give me a second.” Logically, the animal wouldn’t understand Hylian, although as he spoke the rabbit seemed to grow more agitated, whiskers fluttering.
“Mr. Her- Oh! Hello, Twilight.” 
The rancher seemed out of sorts, panting heavily while running a hand through mussed hair. “You ah, wouldn’t happen to have seen a necklace lying around?”
Ravio tilted his head. “Mr Hero has a lot of necklaces. Are you looking for something in particular?”
“Legend wouldn’t have something like this. It’s my necklace. I seem to have dropped it when I went swimming. It has a silver chain and black crystal- You know, actually, if you see anything strange, just tell me. Don’t touch it, it’s cursed.”
“No worries, Mr. Hero also has a lot of cursed items. I know how to be careful.”
“Good, good.” Twilight panted a bit, then slapped his hands on his thighs, drawing himself up. “Alright, time for me to keep searching. Tell me if you see anything.” With that, Twilight broke into a job, hurrying down the south path. Hopefully one of the other heroes found it before they left. With any luck, Mr. Hero could pick it up and return it to his friend.
Now, back to Bun-bun.
“Alright, so I was a bit mistaken, that wasn’t Mr. Hero.” Was it just Ravio, or did the rabbit just roll its eyes at him?
“So, while we wait for him, I thought of giving you some food! I read in a book somewhere that rabbits like nibbling on things all day, so I’ll see if we have any good greens for you.” Ravio scooped Bun-bun into his arms to carry to the kitchen. The rabbit squirmed, but Ravio shushed and soothed until it stopped kicking.
Ravio set Bun-bun down on the kitchen table. Immediately, the rabbit bolted for the fresh garden vegetables Legend was keeping on the windowsill.
“Ah-ah-ah.” Ravio picked the rabbit up before it could reach its prize. “Those are Mr. Hero’s carrots. He worked very hard to grow them, and they have too much sugar for you anyway. You need something more leafy.”
The rabbit fixed him with a flat look.
“C’mon Bun-Bun, I don’t want to have to tie you up. Be a good bunny for me? Mr. Hero would be so unhappy to be unable to eat the vegetables he worked so hard for.”
The rabbit huffed, raising its paws like it was throwing them up in the air. Hyrulean animals were so weird, nothing in Lorule acted like this. The rabbit’s ears laid back in submission, and it laid down on the kitchen counter, tucking in its limbs as if to say ‘I’ll stay right here.’
“Oh, you’re such a good bun, aren’t you? Yes you are,” Ravio cooed as he squished the bunny’s little cheeks. He felt like the rabbit was glaring at him. Eh, probably his imagination. 
“Now, you graze on grass, if I remember correctly. I’ll probably have to go cut some from outside-”
“Did you just thump at me?”
Ok, this rabbit really was glaring at him. Temperamental little thing.
“I’ll get you your grass soon, hang on a second-”
“I don’t know what that means, Bun-bun. Use your words.” 
He had meant it as a joke, teasing the little rabbit while he went to get him food. He did not expect his command to be followed.
“I don’t eat grass!”
Did the rabbit just talk.
Wait, its voice was familiar…
“Mr. Hero?!” Ravio exclaimed, matching the features of the pink bunny to his Link. The pink fur matched Legend’s pink dyed hair tips. The little pissed off face with purple eyes. The red vest matching perfectly to a certain red tunic.
“Ugh, I was trying to keep it a secret, but screw it. I’d rather you laugh than try to force-feed me my own lawn.”
“What- How? Why are you a rabbit?” Ravio was baffled.
“You remember Twi at the door earlier? Yeah, this is because of that cursed necklace he was talking about. I didn’t say anything because I was trying to keep it secret from you.” Legend sat up, crossing his little paws across his chest.
“Twilight has a curse that turns people into rabbits?” He was lost.
“No it doesn’t- Just, don’t let anybody else know, ok? Twilight and Sky know, but I’m trying not to give the others any more ammunition for teasing.
So Mr. Hero could turn into a rabbit. Interesting.
“I won’t tell anybody. For a price.” Ravio smiled, and Legend pouted.
“Ugh, how much do you want, you damn miser?” 
“You give me five minutes of cuddles, no biting or running away.”
“What?!” Legend screeched.
“Well, if that’s not amenable to you, I can always go march on up to Wild and tell him about our rabbit infestations.” Ravio felt the greedy little merchant in him sing as he lorded his power in their deal.
“Fine, fine. If it keeps you quiet.”
Ravio squealed, then scooped the cute little ball of fluff in his arms, smushing his cheek against the fuzz.
“Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Bun-bun.”
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hsgucci94 · 1 year
What’s not being said out loud
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Word count: 1k
A/N: this gif is how I imagined his face looking like :((
“No, all I’m saying is that you should set some boundaries with him,” Harry spoke, trying to keep calm and not letting it all out like he wanted to do. He had been stuck in that place for years, not being fully honest with her, but mostly himself. And now that Y/N had a boyfriend, someone very different to all her previous exes and with whom she saw herself in the future, it had him panicking.
“What? Boundaries?”, Y/N replied, astonished, “If anything, it’s you I should set boundaries with, not James!,” she quickly shook her head, in an attempt to make her angry feelings disappear. He just couldn’t be for real right now. “You’re being so rude, Harry, and for what? I know you don’t like him but c’mon! He’s my boyfriend!”
“And he’s trying to keep you away from me!”
“Well, seeing how you’re behaving right now I think he’s got his reasons! What's got into you? You’re acting like a child!”
“I’m not!” he replied right away, "I'm just expressing how I see things between you and James from an outside perspective. How even is that overreacting?!"
"I just told you James wants us two to hang out a bit less, and your instant reaction is to tell me he's toxic and controlling? Well, you're not one to talk right now!"
Harry got up from the couch, as angry as he was anxious. He quickly made his way to the kitchen. What was supposed to be a chill afternoon at his place, watching movies and catching up before he left for his last leg of the Love On Tour, ended up turning into the messiest argument they had ever had since they had known each other, almost ten years now.
He rested his hands on the cold countertop, his body leaned forward as his head hit the drawer in front on him. He shut his eyes and forced his mind to go blank, but it didn’t work. He could only think about Y/N, and how it now seemed he was losing her for good. And only because he was a coward that wouldn’t admit his feelings to her.
At 19 years old he called it a crush, which he didn’t take into action because she soon got a boyfriend; someone that went to the same college as her, or whatever. He never bothered remembering that guy's name anyway. At 20, he almost confessed he liked her, but then Y/N went on about how she considered him her very best friend and... Well, he basically got friend-zoned. At 21 he tried another shot and this time he did it, he really did. He told her he liked her..., like a lot. And all he got for an answer were her giggles, and her saying that he was so drunk that he had probably no idea what he was saying. That part was true, thought, he got pretty wasted that night, only because Zayn was no longer part of the band and that hurt, but it didn’t mean his words were bullshit. Because they were not! Alcohol was simply in his system to boost him and give him the confidence to finally open up to her in that sense.
Fast forward to the next day, he got too embarrassed he decided to never bring that topic up again. Neither did she. Ever since then, he had been loving her from a corner, silently watching her fall for one asshole after another, wishing he had the chance they all were gifted.
Time passed, and Harry managed to focus on their friendship and see her the same way she saw him: as his best friend. But then those feelings he was forced to hide under the blanket for so long resurfaced and now he just couldn’t put them back. There was just one issue, and his name was James, a guy Y/N had been dating for half a year and who apparently didn’t like Harry very much. To be fair, the feeling was mutual. Who did James think he was to keep him away from Y/N? She might have dated some douchebags award-winners, but at least none of them ever tried to push him out of her life.
Maybe James saw what Y/N was so oblivious to; maybe James knew Harry wanted her, as well.
"Hey... H? I'm... I'm sorry."
He opened his eyes and turned around at the sound of her voice, seeing her walking towards him with a distraught countenance. "I didn’t mean any of it, it was just the heat of the moment. You know that, right?"
"Yeah, it's okay," he nodded, smiling faintly at her, "I didn’t mean what I said either. James is a great guy, it's just that-"
"Tour's about to start and it has you a bit anxious. I understand," she passed her arms around him and hugged him. He tended to turn into a bunch of nerves the previous days before going on tour, a bad habit he had developed during his One Direction days, which got him doing and saying things he mostly regretted.
"Yeah, you’re right," he mumbled against her hair, although that was not the case at all, "Will you come see me on tour?"
"Pss. Obviously,” she giggled, turning her head to look up at him, “Me and James already got that planned out."
Of course James would be there too.
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
Is this okay?
tw: discussions of panic attacks, discussions sa (nothing graphic or very far, and no assualt happens with steddie), and implied sexual coercion.
Steve knew there was never a good time to have a panic attack.
But this most definitely felt like the absolute worst time.
He was having sex with a girl. He had to clarify that to Robin when he told her he was going on a date; he hadn't gotten the nerve to do the “sex with a guy” thing yet. So he went with what he knew. Besides, there was only one guy Steve really wanted.
But he was having sex with a girl, a girl named Linda, who had given him her number at a diner across town where she worked. Steve had thought she was nice, pretty. Very all-American with her blonde hair, blue eyes and perfectly straight teeth. No matter how pretty she was though, Steve didn’t really feel much for her.
He felt terrible about that. Steve felt like he had wasted her time. He didn’t want Linda to feel that way, so he wanted to ensure she got something out of the date. So when they had finished milkshakes at a different diner than the one she worked at (yea he hadn’t put much thought into the date), he agreed to go back to her place.
He really shouldn’t have agreed to go back to her place.
In retrospect, Steve knew it was wrong to have sex with Linda. Not because having sex on the first date was bad, but because he shouldn't have sex with someone just because he felt bad. Steve imagines if one of the kids did that, or if Robin did that, he would lose his mind. He would be so upset, not with them, but with whomever they felt pressure to do it with. It’s just hard for him to apply to himself.
Guess that’s what valuing yourself for only sex at a young would do to you. King Steve, he could hear them say.
He had ignored his instincts, though, and went back to her place anyway.
It had started fine; it really had. Steve went down on her, wanting to make her feel good. That was the whole point. Steve was excited about that part. But then it came to sealing the deal. Linda wanted him naked, of course. But Steve couldn’t bring himself to take off his shirt. Even months later, he was insecure about the new scars on his body. Steve told Linda he wanted to keep it on.
She had been okay with it at first.
It’s when they were in the middle of it, sweaty bodies colliding with each other, that it happens.
Linda's hands snuck up his shirt, and Steve completely freezes. Steve just full stops in the middle of sex.
“Why did you stop?” Linda asked, exasperated like Steve was annoying her.
“I—just. Your hands.” Steve choked out.
“You’re upset? With my hands under your shirt? Seriously?”
“I—“ Steve felt the pressure begin to build up in his chest. Something was definitely wrong, right on the edge of overflowing.
“Sorry, I guess. Probably better off anyway. I don’t know what happened under there, but it didn’t feel good. Can’t imagine it’s pretty. Can we just get back into it?” Linda tried to pull Steve down for a kiss, but he yanked his head away from her.
Steve was suddenly hyper-aware of everything on his skin. Every stretch, every pull, every lump. Steve swallowed the dry lump in his throat as he tried to calm his breath.
Linda didn’t seem to notice. “C’mon, Steve. I thought I was getting the King out of this. I’ve heard the rumors. I may have graduated the year before you, but even I know how good you make girls feel in bed.” Steve felt dirty. Used. This wasn’t what sex was supposed to be like. Not unless he wanted it like that, and today he had most definitely not wanted that. His breath was coming out in short pants. His hands were sweating. Linda continued, “You’re acting like a freak right now. God. This was such a waste of time.”
Steve was up in an instant, scrambling to get all of his clothes on. He wanted out. Out of this bed. Out of this apartment. Out of his head.
Steve thought that maybe Linda had said something to him on his way out, something that his subconscious must have picked up because he could feel the tears down his face in reaction to her voice. Steve ran out the door, ignoring her.
The rest was kind of a blur.
One second, Steve was throwing himself inside his car, trying to choke himself on his own breath. The next, he was flying down Main Street, with only the flashes of street lights as a reminder to his brain that he was moving.
Then, suddenly, Steve was banging on the metal door of a trailer.
When did he get here? Who’s door is this? What time was it? God, where were his shoes?
Steve leaned his head against the cool metal, as he tried to ground himself. It wasn’t working. He could feel reality slipping from him. He just wanted to fucking breathe.
The trailer door opened just when Steve was contemplating banging his head against it. Steve fell forward, his weight had been entirely against the door, he stumbled slightly before catching himself on the frame.
“Steve?” He heard a confused familiar voice.
Oh thank god, it was Eddie. Eddie would help him. Eddie would know what to do.
“Eddie I—I”
“Stevie, what? What’a wrong?” Steve could see Eddie’s sleepy fast morph into concern. Steve felt bad, probably woke him up. He knew Eddie didn’t get much sleep nowadays. Steve needed to tell him he was sorry.
All that came out, though, was, “I—I can’t breathe.”
Steve hunched over, slamming himself into one side of the frame. Eddie moved to catch him, but hovers his hands instead. Steve saw panic flash across his face.
Steve really needed to say sorry.
He didn’t get to, though, because suddenly Eddie asked, “Can I touch you?”
It shouldn’t have broken him, something as simple as that. It was a simple question. A courtesy, a common fucking decency. Some people didn’t like to be touched during panic attacks, and Steve now understood what was happening, and Eddie was just being kind. It shouldn’t have broken him.
But it did. Steve couldn’t remember the last time someone asked what he had wanted. Especially tonight.
Suddenly Steve was sobbing, throwing himself into Eddie’s awaiting arms. Eddie shushed him softly and brought him inside. “It’ll be okay. Don’t worry. It may be scary now, but it’ll be okay.”
Eddie walked them to the couch, shutting the fire gently behind them. Eddie laid Steve’s head on his shoulder and gently rocked them back and forth for awhile. Eddie whispered sweet nothing in his ears as Steve loudly wept.
Steve wasn’t sure how much time had passed by the time his cries quieted. He pulled back to look at Eddie and rubbed furiously at his eyes. Steve felt the panic still stewing in his chest, but most of it had spilled out.
Eddie brushed a hair behind his ear, “Do you want to talk about it?”
Steve hesitated. He was scared of how Eddie would react. Would he call him dramatic? Would he say that both Linda and he were using each other? That he should be glad that he was getting laid? That someone liked him enough to look past the scars? Steve knew in his heart, though, that Eddie was safe. No matter what Steve said, Eddie would at least try to understand.
“Promise not to be mad?”
“I can promise to not be mad at you. Whatever that made you upset could be a different story. But I promise you sweetheart, I’ll never be mad at you for having feelings.” Eddie grabbed his hand and squeezed it in encouragement.
Steve took a deep breath before speaking. “I was on a date—“ Eddie had a flash of some emotion that Steve couldn’t process entirely at the moment, and it was gone before he could say something. “—And the girl I was with, she was nice. She was pretty. She should be what I want.”
Eddie nodded in encouragement. Steve pushed on. “But the date wasn’t good. It wasn’t bad, not really, just nothing special. It was on me, I didn’t even try. Not really. And I felt so bad that she wasn’t getting much out of it.”
“So you panicked because of a bad—sorry mediocre date? Steve, it’s okay. You don’t owe her anything.” Eddie didn’t sound angry or judgmental. He sounded concerned, if anything. His tone was gentle and warm; Steve didn’t want that to change.
“Please don’t be mad.”
“Steve, I promised you I wouldn’t be.” Again, Eddie’s tone was gentle.
“I felt bad, ya know? I should make the date better. Give her something. So when she asked me to her place, I didn’t say no, and I know I should have said no. But she was nice initially, and I didn’t want to upset her. So I went upstairs—“ Steve started to rush out his words, the panic building up again “—and it was fun at first. I gave oral; I liked that part; I always like making my partners feel good. But then she wanted to have sex, and I—I wanted to keep my shirt on. My scars they—they still feel like they're fresh some days. And I didn’t want to deal with them. And she was good about it at first, I swear! But then she put her hands up my shirt, and I just couldn’t do it. I just, god, Eddie, I just froze. And she was so upset with me. Talked about how she expected better from me. How this wasn’t King Steve. How she was happy, the shirt was on because what was underneath didn’t feel good and…” Steve trailed off.
Eddie looked furious. There was a quiet rage that seeped through his breaths. His shoulders were rigid. Even so, his grip never turned harsh. It never caused Steve pain.
“I’m sorry.” Steve whispered.
“Don’t. Don’t be sorry Steve. It’s okay. Continue if you like.” Eddie choked out but sounded sincere.
Steve looked directly into his eyes for a moment before deciding to continue. “I was panicking. I couldn’t breathe, Eddie. And she still…she still wanted to continue. Like, pretend I wasn’t about to have a psychotic break. And I just felt like this thing. Like I was an object to be used and discarded, and I couldn’t—I couldn’t stay there. I just left. And I probably freaked her out and gave her the worst night of her life, and I—“
Eddie cut him off by bring his hands to Steve’s face and gently brushed his tears away. “Ssshh, you didn’t—you didn’t do anything wrong. Okay?”
Steve nodded furiously unable to speak.
Eddie held eye contact as he spoke. “I want you to listen to me alright? I got a couple of things to say but I need you to tell me if it’s too much? This is not about me. You won’t hurt my feelings. Okay?
Steve nodded again.
“Honey, I need you to say it.”
Eddie let out a shaky breath. He didn’t let go of Steve’s face, gently cradled it as he began again. “First off, I am not mad at you. You did nothing wrong. Nothing Steve. I’m mad at her. She—She doesn’t get to touch you like that. Not if you don’t want her to. Even if you didn’t say it, you were clearly not enjoying yourself. And she didn’t care. She disregarded your feelings multiple times and even made fun of you, and guilted you into doing more than you’re comfortable with. I know it’s difficult to hear, but what she did was assault.”
Steve tried to protest, “I consented. I did that because I wanted to—”
Eddie cut him off but wasn't unkind in doing so. “Steve. If you felt guilty for not wanting to do anything with her, so you did something anyway to make her feel better, that isn’t consent. But I can’t label it for you. If you feel otherwise, it’s not my place to tell you. I’m here for you either way. But I’m going to tell you something. Not the whole thing, not right now. Maybe another day. This isn’t about me, though. I just think you might need to hear it.”
Steve nodded again.
Eddie slid his hands down to Steve’s hips like it was his turn to ground himself. Steve didn’t mind. “A couple of years ago, I was in my first relationship. I’m gay, as you know, so being open wasn’t really an option. No one could tell me right from wrong because no one knew. I lost my virginity to this guy; he was a couple of years older. I definitely knew what he was doing even though I didn’t. We had sex all the time. But one day, I wasn’t in the mood. It happens. But…but he made me feel so guilty about it. Like I had hurt him, told him he was the problem. Like there was a problem at all, like I didn’t simply want to have sex, he has made it about me having internalized homophobia, about how I didn’t really love him, how I was selfish. So I caved. I had sex with him anyway. And then I went home that night. Went back to the trailer, only to find Wayne had the rare night off that night. When I saw him, I burst into tears and told him what had happened. He hadn’t even known I was gay. He didn’t care, though, about any of it. But he had to explain to me that it didn’t matter what gender it was; if I didn’t want to have sex, that was up to me that I didn’t need to prove anything. And that anyone who said otherwise didn’t actually care about me.”
Steve was no longer in a panic, but his tears didn’t stop. He was so, so sad. Sad for Eddie. For himself.
“How do you feel now? About it all?” Steve spoke for the first time in ten minutes.
Eddie shrugged. He squeezed Steve’s hips. “Good some days. Bad others. Better overall. I’ll never be completely over it. I know that, but I—I have good things now to help me through it.” Eddie pointedly looked at Steve, a soft smile on his face.
Steve thought about saying sorry to him. That he was sorry that ever happened, but he knew that, like himself, Eddie wouldn’t want that. So Steve settled on the truth. “I don’t know what to call it. I think—I know I didn’t like it. And I know it hurt even if it wasn’t physical. I still feel like I did something wrong. Even if I know I didn’t. I’m worried I’ll change my mind and that I’ll be wrong.”
Eddie leaned his forehead against Steve’s. “You can always change your mind about this, but you’ll never be wrong. You will not be wrong about your feelings.”
“I think we should talk more about this, but you’ve had a long night. Do you want to stay tonight? I can stay on the couch; you can have my bed. I don’t really want you too far. You scared me a bit today—which again isn’t your fault. But if you’re okay with it, I want to be here to help.”
Steve swallowed another dry lump. The emotion this time was good. Overwhelmed with the care Eddie was giving him, he responded “You don’t have to stay on the couch. We can share.”
Eddie tensed, “Steve, don’t offer just cause I might be uncomfortable.”
Steve soothed a hand down Eddie’s arm. “I didn’t mean it like that. I would like it, if, ya know, you stayed with me. Just lay next to me. If that’s alright with you.”
Eddie smiled softly, “Only if you’re sure it’s okay.”
They get ready for bed after that. Eddie, already in pj’s, handed Steve an old Metallica shirt with holes in it and plaid pants. He changed in the bathroom despite having undressed in front of Eddie before. Steve wasn’t sure he was ready to be naked in front of another person yet.
After a few minutes, Eddie and Steve got comfortable in bed. Hair splayed out in the pillows and cozy under the covers, both boys just stared at the ceiling. “Would you…would you touch me, Eddie? Just…just need to know you’re there.” Steve felt silly saying it; he could see Eddie right there. He wasn’t making much sense.
Eddie seemed to get it, though. “Of course, baby.” He shifted to his side and moved Steve along with him until they were spooning. Eddie wrapped his arms around Steve’s waist and pulled him flush against his chest.
Steve could feel Eddie’s hot breath against his neck. In any other scenario with him, it might have been a charged moment. Now it was different. Better even. It was solace.
“Is this okay?” Eddie whispered into the dark room.
Steve thought about his night. How awful it was, how it probably would get worse before it got better. That he had a lot to work on, but there in the bed where Eddie held him tightly, safely, Steve couldn’t help but feel relief. He knew this was the place he needed to be. No matter how bad the day went, Eddie would support him. Love him.
“Yea, it’s okay.”
this was heavy and very personal. It honestly did start off as a panic attack fic but as usual I spiraled. This one though like spiraled in a different way then usual. It felt like something I needed to get out. I know probably three people will read it and no one will probably enjoy it, but it felt good to write it. I think I might write an extended version part on ao3, there were parts in it that felt rush or could have been more.
this again felt more personal (even though my fics are always at least a little personal) so be kind.
If you, a friend or family member may have experienced something like the content of this story please feel free to reach out. Whether that be to me, a friend, or a helpline. My inbox is always open. Be kind to yourself and others 🧡
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