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asteraws · 6 months ago
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this reminded me of the alterna soundtrack and while i was listening to it i felt like doing some color studies
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aashidoodles · 1 year ago
Class photo! Its the exocolonist kids in their mid teens with their new friends from Helio
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junjomonstah · 2 months ago
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Made a set of I was a Teenage Exocolonist Deco Cards!! It was a fun project to work on! ;D ✨️
The original cards as well as sticker packs are available in my st0re!! Iink in my Bi0!!
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manonsmartini · 2 months ago
just here to let you know that i am absolutely not normal about this jUST LOOK AT THEM GFS THEY BOTH WANT THAT COOKIE SO EFFIN BAD oh my god who said that?
also, peanutbutterlover finally meeting her idol the rising global popstar sensation lara raj without getting run over so happy for her
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theboytatu · 11 months ago
marz is lowkey so fucking funny when you think about it. like this bitch really cussed sm out for not letting him work with exo enough. he took them to court and now sm can't broadcast love shot and tempo anymore. he went on ig live and told people to go fuck themselves if they didn't like exo 😭😭😭
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foamofthe-sea · 2 years ago
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Beautiful piece of my girl I comm’d from the lovely @littlestpersimmon <3 Send him some love!
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yunazxxx · 4 months ago
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“you didn’t sleep again?” the red haired girl asked, “you didn’t eat again?” the brunette asked back. — meret manon x lara raj
cw ; angsty fluff, heavy topics (depression, struggles with mental health, feeling alone etc), established relationship (girlfriends), comforting, crying moments but not too many, physical affection (hugging, kissing, hand holding), manon lets lara cry on her shoulder at one point, lara wipes manon's tears at another, mentions of a eating disorder, kinda includes all of the girls, etc maybe
syponosis ; it's been no secret that the girls in katseye have suffered endlessly ever since the release of popstar academy, but even once th other members hate began to slow down it only picked up for manon and lara.
wc ; well over 1.5k
an - i want to first say this again, this story contains a lot of heavy topics if you cant handle that please take care of yourself and i’ll see you on my next update. this story is complete fiction, minus what can be proven as true. majority of this can genuinely take place but we don’t know that for sure if any of these have actually with these girls in specific. p.s not proofread bc im writing this at like 3am ntfm
it was 3:45 am, lara was still up on her phone, scrolling away on social media. she was laying in a fetal position due to how sick she felt, her stomach turned as she read comment after comment about herself. they were everything far from joyful comments, ever since geffen released their documentary the girls have been tormented by the media.
normally, lara wouldn't bother herself with reading every single comment, but on all of her social media that's all she'd see or someone calling her racial slurs or anything under that form of disrespect. lara didn't understand why, it had been so long since that recording, she was closer with everyone now, why was she getting so much hate for a small comment she made about her member, manon?
@larrarajj : are you awake? sent at 4:00 am. the redhead didn't know what to do, megan was asleep and it was too early in the morning for her to put anything on to distract herself, no matter what h tried all she could think about was those comments. lara got easily overwhelmed, unsure what to do with herself or anything.
she felt her heart getting heavy, as her eyes began to well with tears when her phone finally chimed.
@manonmeret : yeah, i am. sent at 4:05 am it was a text from manon, lara knew of her habit of almost never sleeping, espcially due to this endless stress they've been under, not ever given the chance to enjoy being ‘katseye’ because everytime they just breathe, they're getting ridiculed.
@larrarajj : can i come see you? - lara really didn't know what to do with herself at this moment, she felt so anxious it made her uncomfortable. she waited for manon's texts, seeing the bubbles pop up but disappear, then a knock was at her door.
she got off her bed and opened it, seeing manon in her comfort hat and a oversized t-shirt along with shorts. lara couldn't see the girl's face clearly, but her voice spoke enough that she had been crying. lara brought the older inside of her room, and hugged her.
manon could feel lara begin to break down in her arms, manon held her as tigh as she could, rubbing her back, "get it out, it's okay.." manon comforted the girl, it was heartbreaking watching lara suffer the way she was.
lara wouldn't ever talk about how she felt, she would always just isolate, or handle it herself, she'd never ask for help, which affected her girlfriend really bad because she'd always be available to assist lara, however she needed it.
anytime she'd ask if lara was okay, she'd just reply "oh i'm fine" but manon could see her about to break down, she'd bite her lip majority of the time or just nod because she could feel herself about to lose it. lara had her reasons, because yeah what she was getting was terrible, but she also got ahold of what was being said about the other girs, and those really messed her up.
when she did see happy comments about her and the girls, it'd only be about five of them, never including manon because everyone would berate her name ad drag it through the mud like she was nothing, lara wanted to speak out about it so bad, but she couldn't.
it made her feel so guilty, watching manon go through it every single day. as mentioned before, manon stopped sleeping. she was never calm enough to be able to sleep, she always felt so on edge that it fucked with her. manon started spending more money on energy drinks, catching the attention of the other girls.
sophia stopped her one day, seeing the stuff she had bought, asking why did she need so may. manon couldn't lie and say school, her and sophia graduated the same year, she would lie and say practice, or she was buying them for daniela too.
it wasn't like daniea didn't know of manon's habit, she roomed wth her, so obviously she knew. it really concerned daniela, so she began sleeping beside manon or letting manon lay in her bed so she could get a litte bit of sleep but as it got worse, not even that would help her.
manon would be up for hours, just writing in her journal. it wouldn't ever be something specfic, but as you read, you can her spiral mentally. infront of a camera, and seeig her laugh and smile you wouldn't ever guess that this is what she was going through.
lara lifted her head off of manon shoulder, manon just looked ather, with a frown but smile on her face, she looked reassuring, saying to her girlfriend, "you know, it's okay to get it out. we all need to talk to somene about what we're struggiling with." maon said, rubbing her girlfiends's back while she held her hands.
the pair was sitting on the bdnow, lara was fidgeting, but she didn't even know why. "hey, calm down, breathe" manon said gently to the panicked girl, she and lara took a deep breathe together, while manon was calming lara down she felt a tear fall down her face and lara wiped her tear.
lara kissed her cheek, "we're gonna be okay" lara said softly. they stayed with each other for a bit, before the sunrise began. manon took lara to the balcony, they watched the sun rise together. while this happened, lara put her head on manon's shoulder.
"i'm so glad i met you" she said softly, and the brunette nodded, "so am i" and they watched it rise in silence. soon the other girls began to come outof theirrooms, lara and manon began treating this as any other day, manon opening a energy drink while lara grabbed her water and gum, as her "meal for the day"
sophia watched as they did ths, it really made her feel terrible, watching them both sufferthis badly. she knew lara couldn't eat, after reading all of those comments everyday for as long as she would it began to make her so sick she would throw up everytime she ate something to the point where she wouldn't even get hungry.
it began affecting her health terrbly, lara would walk out of her room, she would look tired with bags under her eyes, oversized hoodie on and she'd grab her water then leave again. the most they would ever see of her would be during practice, butshewould get dizzy so easily due to her blood sugar and blood pressure being as low as it would get due to her never gettng enough nutrients.
megan caught on to this, and whenever mega would eat, she would have lara sit next to her and she would feed her older member. to the average person tis may soun ridiculus, but megan watched as lara began to give up on taking care of herself, the same way daniela watched manon.
her and megan did the best they could to help heal them, writing them mall notes and sticking them on their most used devices, notes of motvations, and quotes tha they know, or more hoped, would make them feel better.
overtime, lara and manon got better, it might've been a whole house effort but what mattered was that they started taking care of themselves once again. lara would pick up the habit of sleeping with manon more often, while when manon cooked she would feed lara to make sure she's eating well and would also keep an eye out incase she'd attempt to enduce vomitting.
overtime, things slowly became more normal around the house, lara wouldn't have to be monitorid as often and for manon, she started sleeing better ever since lara started sleeping next to her. even making a joked saying that she really just needed lara so she could feel better.
lara would spend so much more time in their room, that daniela would offer up her bed to lara until she was gone. lara would say it's fine but daniela didn't mind, normally saying she'd go talk to megan or something.
at some point the question was asked, "why didn't you come to me when you felt that way?" manon hd asked her girlfriend, she wasn't attacking her, but was curious what made lara isolate everytime she felt sad or down, "you had your own things to worry about baby, i'd hate to make you worry about more, let alone me" the redhead explained, but the brunette didn't accept it.
"it made me worry more ya'know?" manon said, playing in lara’s hair while the younger's arms were wrapped around her, "i know, didn't mean to though" manon nodded and kissed her head, "i know beautiful, it's okay"
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ducks-in-my-coffee · 6 days ago
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beachsideufo · 11 months ago
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12hangingmaidens · 8 months ago
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My Beautiful Princess with a Disorder
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aashidoodles · 1 year ago
I wanted to make my own memory card so i scribbled a little skit leading up to the memory
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And the card!
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hedgehogoftime · 1 year ago
Teenage Exocolonist Kids: How would they be as Jedi?
Sol: Our nonbinary icon is THE Jedi, especially after Transcendence. Goes on a long multi-lifetime journey to learn to accept there are things they cannot change and tragedies they cannot avoid is PEAK Jedi story. Definetly Master/Councilor material
Tangent/Tang: Eh, Tangent would probably not be a very good Jedi when it comes to active duty. She struggles with empathy which is a core Jedi value, but I think Jedi training would help her come to terms with her identity in a very helpful way. Definitely a more "stays at the Temple and researches/debates" type Jedi than one who goes out on active field work.
Cal/Recalcitrance: My gentle, plant-loving pacifist husband is PRIME Jedi material! Definitely head of the AgriCorps and teaches the younglings about cool plants from across the Galaxy on his off days. Man is literally great for the role of a Jedi. He's a Master, but probably not on the Council as he has no patience for politics.
Nem/Anemone: Eh... I do not think Nem would be a very good Jedi. Too angry, too attached to the memories of her loved ones. Relaly I see her more as a nat-born soldier or a light-aligned Bounty Hunter who works with the Jedi, but doesn't really get them. Not to say she's bad, but if she were trained as a Jedi she'd probably Fall at some point. However, I do think she'd make her way back to the Light eventually, with help. But, I don't see my girl as a very good Jedi.
Dys/Dysthymia: Dys would be a good Jedi... but only in certain circumstances. Definitely a Jedi Shadow, but with how he fails to get along with others I can't see him doing traditional Jedi things. However, he does have an instinctive knowledge of letting go. But, I do see his inability to feel fear as a detriment. Jedi train to overcome their fear and at in spite of it, but since Dys can't feel fear, i feel he would be missing a key piece of Jedi education. Not good.
Marz/Marzipan: Marz, actually would be a GREAT Jedi! Granted, not a very conventional one, with her love of the spotlight and drive to succeed, I see her as the Jedi's Liason to the Senate, as one of the few of the Order with a head for Politics. This lady would have the Senate and the Media eating out of her hand, giving the Jedi a sterling reputation. While she struggles with passion in some cases, I think she could easily overcome it!
Tammy/Aspartame: Did someone say Creche MasteR? Because this lovely lady is a Creche-Master! She would not only be great at caring for the Younglings, she's treasure every moment of working with them and readying them for the journeys ahead. And is Definetly secretly a Master and a badass, she actively chooses not to kick people's asses. Peace and love, baby.
Vace/Olivaceous: Not a good Jedi. At all. Too proud, too full of ambition and vainglory to hack it as one of the Servants of the Republic. Probably a Mandalorian, honestly, and a neutrally aligned one. If he were to become a Jedi he would fall. Period. He's too much like Anakin, too focused on his own glory and power to understand the Jedi Way.
Nomi-Nomi/Nomination: I'm...honestly at a loss, here. I think Nomi would make a very... weird Jedi? But a good one, probably? They're definitely kind and compassionate enough to be a Jedi, but they struggle with attachment so... probably a mid-ranked Knight who's a Smash Hit with the Younglings. Probably the first Jedi Twitch Streamer.
Rex/Basorexia: Honestly? Rex'd be a good Jedi. No in-depth explanations here, just vibes. Definitely Jedi material
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welcome-to-planet-marz · 5 months ago
Marlowe Hamada, my self-interest basically
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He's uhh, he's a bit like a tour guide in the tournament, only he's also a teenage dirtbag
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foamofthe-sea · 8 months ago
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dawntrail was so kind to her she's glowing
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druidshollow · 7 months ago
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yunazxxx · 4 months ago
guys im writing a angsty fluff fic for marz and BUT IDK IF I SHOULD POST
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