23 posts
sapphic | not a minor | leo rawr | mdni
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manonsmartini · 2 months ago
sophie’s pics w manon are still up and she still follows her soooo idk whats goin on 😩
EXACTLYYY WHATS GOING ONNNN + somebody clocked it on manon’s ig post lmao
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manonsmartini · 2 months ago
yooooo…………even their pics in their jerseys are gone in manon’s feed…………
girl LOWKEY…i noticed manon doesn’t follow sophie on ig anymore like its giving break up im scared
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manonsmartini · 2 months ago
just here to let you know that i am absolutely not normal about this jUST LOOK AT THEM GFS THEY BOTH WANT THAT COOKIE SO EFFIN BAD oh my god who said that?
also, peanutbutterlover finally meeting her idol the rising global popstar sensation lara raj without getting run over so happy for her
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manonsmartini · 2 months ago
i literally just opened the app… and now i’m feral nshdbjsjfjsjgjxj&:!:\]}]#[!]!]!
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manonsmartini · 2 months ago
CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER your writing is so good🙏
🥹🥹🥹 kahdhdbdhf i’m not even sure if it’s any good so thank you so much it’ll be out soon-ish (pray that i stop procrastinating 🫶🏼)
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manonsmartini · 2 months ago
u know what? i fuck with this so yes i agree
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manonsmartini · 2 months ago
then… we need more drama 🤓 more angst 🤓 hurt us 🤓
and when i say y/n should end up with sophia then what? cause clearly SOMEONE CARES MORE THAN DANI 🙄 /lh
ykw i might think it over🧐🧐🧐
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manonsmartini · 2 months ago
if dani starts leading yn on and sophia starts comforting her then becomes close with her
and dani realizes that she needs that cookie because lbr we all want what we don’t have… then what 🤭🤭🤭
and when i say y/n should end up with sophia then what? cause clearly SOMEONE CARES MORE THAN DANI 🙄 /lh
ykw i might think it over🧐🧐🧐
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manonsmartini · 2 months ago
oh no! what is happening to me…🚶🏻‍♀️…🧎🏻‍♀️…🐍
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manonsmartini · 2 months ago
there will be 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 there might even be more but u didn’t hear that from me
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manonsmartini · 2 months ago
really random thought but there’s something about some eyekons making lara thirst edits and including her tiktoks circa 2022 just doesn’t sit right with me…
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manonsmartini · 2 months ago
this is too much…. (no it isn’t i need more dani angsts)
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LOCKING IN for chapter 40. see yall on the other side🫡
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manonsmartini · 2 months ago
drafting the 3rd chapter for maniac and i’m immediately convinced that it wouldn’t be a three part story haha help
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manonsmartini · 2 months ago
Maniac: all alone with a shovel and a rose
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Daniela Avanzini x fem!reader
4.7k words | established relationship | predebut characters are fictional
fluff, ANGST, homophobia, profanities, drinking, not proofread, daniela what the fuck???
[ I ]
Folding some of your fresh laundry, you were surprised by the ring of your phone. Walking towards you vanity, you picked the device up and saw the face of an angel.
“Hi baby,” You heard the latina’s voice rasp on the other end of the line as you answered her call, “Dani, hey,” you replied, a smile already forming at your lips, delighted at the fact that the blonde called.
“I miss you,” The dancer said, “Are you home?”
You nearly giggled at your girlfriend’s words, feeling like an absolute schoolgirl. “I am, why?” You could hear the girl’s breath at the other end, “Like I said, I really miss you…” Daniela trailed off.
“What are you doing right now?” The latina asks, you look at your closet, replying, “Nothing interesting, just folding some clothes.”
Daniela hums, “Can I come over?”
You took a short pause before you responded, “But it’s almost midnight? We have class tomorrow,” you said, a bit worried. You wanted nothing more than to spend time with your girl but there were certain risks whenever you did—risks that would mostly affect her more than you, but if it’s important to Daniela, then it is for you as well.
“It’ll be fine, don’t worry about it,” Daniela said quietly on the phone, “I just really need to get out of here,” the girl admits, “And I really want to see you right now.”
You stared at your screen, your eyes tracing the beautiful features of the girl. You ultimately nodded, resulting in her dimples showing as a smile made its way to her lips, “Great, I’ll be there in 20.”
Just a little while after, you heard a faint vibration coming from your phone. You immediately went downstairs to sneak your girlfriend in, seeing that she sent you a message saying that she’s outside your house.
“Hey baby,” Daniela says, her voice soft and low, staring at your face, keeping her eyes on you as you felt yourself heating up from her gaze. You were about to usher her in when she grabbed onto your frame, holding you in a tight embrace, “God, I missed you,” the blonde sighs into your hair, inhaling your scent in the process.
“We just went on a date yesterday,” you said, reminding her of the fact. She grumbles quietly, “I know that,” another sigh escapes from her lips before she continues, “But I really wish I could spend time with you,” her voice barely audible as she practically whispers, “all day, everyday.”
It was you turn to sigh, feeling yourself get overwhelmed by the affection the girl is showing right now, with her sweet words and strong embrace. You truly appreciate the times like this that you share with the latina. Sure, she was always physically affectionate, but she always only did so in private, not wanting to risk getting caught with you.
But now, standing outside your house, holding the girl of your dreams where anyone who passes by could see you, despite the risky circumstance, you felt nothing short of safety in Daniela’s arms.
“I missed you too, Dani,” you whispered back to the girl, separating yourself a bit to place a soft kiss on her cheek, which immediately turned pink at the contact. Daniela separates herself from you before holding onto your face, caressing the soft skin, her thumb slowly finding its way towards your lips.
You could feel your heart pounding hard and you were afraid she could hear it from where she stood, which is just a couple of inches away from you. You stared into her eyes and you could almost feel your legs give up on you as you saw nothing but pure adoration from the blonde, never feeling this much warmth from anyone.
She took her time inching closer before you finally felt her soft lips on yours, her hand still stroking the skin beside your lips, the other finding its way to tangle itself in your hair.
This was by no means your first kiss with the girl. Daniela had already graced your lips with hers countless times already. But this felt absolutely different than the rest because of how public it felt. Sure it was way past midnight and there was nothing but silence in your area. Still, you couldn’t help but appreciate the little change which was an absolute big deal for you because you were certain that it was a big deal to her.
Daniela finally pulls away, her eyes slowly opening to focus on your swollen lips, “Let’s get inside?”
The girl decided to stay in until 6 in the morning, so that she could sneak back into her house and prepare for school. When the morning came, you felt nothing but pure happiness at the night you spent with the blonde. Daniela could barely keep her hands to herself as she kept holding onto your frame, keeping you close to her at all times.
The familiarity of her touch resulted in the best sleep you’ve had in your life despite only having less than 6 hours of it. The mere fact that you knew you spent it in the latina’s arms was enough.
It truly was a blissful morning for you—spending the night with Daniela for the very first time. The obvious progress in your relationship lately made your heart swell, knowing how much the blonde held back when she’d meet up with you to lessen the risk of getting exposed. Now, it felt like she was finally adjusting and getting comfortable with you, and there is nothing you want more than for her to know that you could be her safe space.
You were able to bring that positive vibe to class, walking the halls with a certain spring in your step. It would have been noticeable had there been people in your campus that you were close with—unfortunately, there were none.
You never exactly hid your attraction towards girls, and because of that, people pretty much just distanced themselves around you. It wasn't that they were all blatantly homophobic towards you, if anything, it was usually just the boys who were. But for the most part, they left you alone. The girls never really harassed you for it, they simply distanced themselves, thinking that you’d fall in love with every girl you interact with.
Although it should, It didn’t really bother you that much—it was just highschool after all. You were just content that you don’t get bullied for it, and it wasn’t like people considered you to be a loser; you were just different. Pretty soon you’d be done with highschool and move on with your life, and hopefully pursue a career in music.
Besides, you were an absolute introverted wallflower—which is also the reason why it really came as a shock to you when Daniela approached you with the interest that she showed. But then again, even if she wasn’t into girls, you knew that she wouldn’t treat you like trash; the latina was known to be social, and unlike others, she isn’t a mean girl.
Turning to a corner, holding onto the strap of your guitar case, you made your way towards the music room which was usually unoccupied during lunch hour. As you made your way towards the room, you heard a familiar voice that you would recognize anywhere.
"No, I'm serious, that's just how it went," You heard Daniela say. You peaked into the deserted hallway minus the two blondes who were standing by the door of a girl's bathroom.
You didn't want to eavesdrop on their conversation, however, curiosity got the best of you, so you took a step back, just enough so that you wouldn't be seen by the pair, but not far enough that you wouldn't hear them. As much as you felt like a creep, listening in on their conversation, you told yourself that it was the only way to the music room that you always went to, and you simply didn't want to bother the pair by announcing your presence.
"So you're telling me," you heard Hailey's voice echo through the hall despite their hushed voices, "I'm lowkey the reason why you're in that situation right now?"
"Well yeah," Daniela responds, “I met Y/N that night because you pretty much ditched her and stole her notes.”
You stood there perplexed, unsure if you heard the girl right—did she actually just mention you to her friend? It wasn’t that unusual especially since Hailey saw you and Daniela ‘hanging out’ during the weekend, but the blonde never really brought the topic up to you, so you assumed that she wouldn’t talk about you to her friend either.
The banging on your chest was so intense that you were afraid they might actually hear them. You were nervous at what Daniela was going to tell her friend; was she going to say that she’s friends with you? Will she finally admit that the two of you are dating? You didn’t want to expect much, but with all the blonde’s actions for the past week, you couldn’t help but be hopeful that it was the latter.
However, nothing could have possibly prepared you for the things that were about to come out of your girlfriend’s mouth.
“It was all fun and games until she became obsessed with me,” Daniela says which was immediately followed by a laugh from Hailey, “Like she keeps asking me to meet up and shit.”
“God I can only imagine, I mean, I noticed that she’s been giving you these puppy eyes when you’re not looking,” Hailey says, “Guess she’s really crazy about you now.”
You could pretty much feel and hear your heart shattering to a million pieces as you hear Daniela talk shit about you to her friend. The utter betrayal coming from the latina was absolutely unexpected. Tears start to form in your eyes as you gripped your guitar case tighter, wanting nothing more than to smash the instrument on the wall beside you.
“I seriously can’t get rid of her, it’s insane,” Daniela said, laughing. Even without seeing the girl, you could imagine the smile from her tone alone, her sweet voice spouting such bullshit about you, and there was nothing you could do but stand there pathetically.
You contemplated on whether you should make your presence known or just leave so that you could have time to process the fact that your girlfriend basically just stabbed you in the back. Peaking into the corner, hoping for a one last glance, you saw that the girls had moved from the position that they were in when you first saw them—with Hailey’s back facing you, and Daniela’s eyes ultimately meeting yours that were filled with unshed tears.
The look of surprise from the latina caused them to finally stain your cheeks. Daniela stood there in panic, but did nothing, not even listen to the other blonde who was oblivious of your presence and was standing there uttering homophobic things about you.
Anger immediately replaced the hurt that you felt from the lack of action coming from your girlfriend as she shifted her gaze from yours back to her friend, acting like nothing was wrong.
You grabbed onto your guitar and fled the scene, needing to escape the girl altogether, you exited the school despite still having a couple of classes later in the day, and went to the place you knew you would find solace in.
The bar was practically empty when you arrived, usually being busy during the night. You set your stuff down on a table near the small podium meant for performers, after ordering a snack and a drink, you sat yourself on the barstool in the middle of the stage and started fiddling with your guitar.
The notes were all over the place, a perfect reflection of your current headspace, still in absolute shock at the scene you’ve witnessed earlier. Your mind went back to the words that Daniela said, how she wanted to get rid of you. You can’t help but doubt the relationship that you had with her—was this her truth all along?
But thinking about your relationship, you knew that this wasn’t the case; sure you were completely enamored by the girl, but between the two of you, she was the one who was more physically affectionate, always texting and calling to meet up, holding you at every chance she gets, stealing a kiss when she knows that no one would see.
Still, you felt the betrayal seep through those happy memories—you couldn’t help but feel like you were taken advantage of.
Your train of thoughts were interrupted by a sudden ring of your phone, and upon grabbing the device, you could see her adorable contact photo, a picture you snapped while she was snoozing.
Rolling your eyes, you rejected her call, and not even a minute passed before Daniela started to call again.
You ignored her calls, until she started texting you.
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You put your phone on silent before finally focusing on making coherent chords on your guitar. Hours flew by and people started entering the bar, and when there was enough to consider it a crowd, you started singing.
It always felt safe singing in these places—you didn’t know anyone and nobody knew you. Sure, they could judge you by your ability to sing and play the instrument, but at the end of the day, you weren’t doing it for them, it was all to help you gain experience.
Daniela sat on the couch of your home, her phone clutched on her hand as your mother approached her, handing her a glass of water, “She usually stays out late,” your mother tells her, “She’s probably in some cafe singing again.”
Earlier today, the latina sat inside her mustang waiting for you to respond to her calls and texts, unsure whether you were home. When it started to get dark, she finally got out of her car, approached your window to throw some tiny pebbles until your mother arrived and saw her.
Fortunately for the blonde, the lady was not mad, making up an excuse telling her that she’s a friend from school and needed to vent about her (nonexistent) boyfriend. The mother only laughed, saying something along the lines of, “Oh I know what you mean.”
That was until she opened her twitter and saw the recent update of the little bar you frequented in.
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The latina immediately excused herself, thanking your mother for her hospitality, before speeding towards her car, hoping to get there on time.
Daniela was just about to pull up at a parking lot when she spotted you, still sporting your school bag and carrying your guitar behind your back. She immediately exited the vehicle and called out for you.
The familiar voice made you freeze on the spot, not expecting her to be here. Unbeknownst to you, the bar had given her your location when you really dreaded seeing her.
“Please let’s talk,” Daniela says, out of breath as she reaches you, a hand on her chest, trying to slow down her heartbeat.
You took a deep breath, you back facing the blonde, “What’s there to talk about?”
Before the blonde could utter a word, you beat her to it, “Careful, Daniela,” you said sarcastically, “You wouldn’t want this crazy bitch obsessing over you.”
The girl didn’t respond. Instead, you felt her soft hands fit into yours, pulling you and turning you to face her. For the first time since you’ve seen her in the hallway, you were able to look into her eyes and saw the utter hurt, tears threatening to fall, and something else, something you couldn’t quite point your finger at.
The girl pursed her lips, causing her dimples to show, taking a deep breath, she speaks, “I am so sorry. I promise you, I didn’t mean any of that,” she says, her eyes desperately scanning yours.
The longer you stare into them, the more evident it was—fear. You saw hints of them in the early weeks of your relationship, especially when both of you were doing something pretty risky. She feared that she would get caught with you.
Standing before you, with both hands desperately holding onto your left, Daniela feared nothing more than the mere thought of you leaving her. She knew she fucked up. The girl was aware of the hurt that you tried to mask every time she made an effort to hide your relationship, but she tried to convince herself that there’s nothing she could do—it’s simply what had to be done.
Daniela saw through the mask that you constantly wore to make her feel more secure in your relationship, and saw the pain in your eyes despite matching it with a smile or a comforting assurance. But she knew that nothing could compare to the hurt that was etched on your face when you caught her talking to her friend.
She fucked up. She finally did it this time. All she could hope for is that you could find it in you to forgive her and give her a chance. ‘Just one,’ Daniela thought, ‘Just this once.’
For the first time since the whole exchange, she felt your body respond to her, tightening your grip on her hands before letting go completely, “I don't know what more I should give, Daniela.”
Your tears finally falling from your eyes, “I tried being considerate, understanding you, giving you your space when you ask for it, giving you affection when you’d allow it,” you took a deep breath before meeting her tearful eyes, “I feel like I have given you my all, and there’s just nothing left for me.”
Daniela started shaking her head, still in denial, wanting, needing you to listen to her, to hear her out, but you continued, “I can’t do this anym—”
“I love you,” Daniela interrupted, her eyes wretchedly searching for hope in yours.
“That is so unfair,” you exclaimed. Staring at the blonde in disbelief, you laughed sarcastically, more tears falling onto your cheeks in the process, “Now you’re gonna tell me you love me? Wow.”
You shook your head, feeling absolutely emotionally exhausted and overwhelmed, “I can’t, Daniela.”
With the latina begging through her eyes, you continued, “Isn’t that what you always told me? Now you’re the one who’s gonna need to adjust.”
“We’re over. I’m done.”
Over the course of the past few days, Daniela did not fail to call and text you, coming over by your house, a bouquet of roses in her hand, hoping that you would take pity on her and finally let you in.
Earlier in the day, she decided to finally approach you in school, a singular rose tucked in the pocket inside her jacket, thinking that you might pay attention to her when people are around, and perhaps it would earn her extra points to give the girl she’s been hiding a flower in front of those who would see.
Alas, you ignored all her advances and when she was finally about to do something reckless, you pulled her into an empty hall just to scold her and ask her to leave you alone.
Now, she was at a house party with her ‘friends’ drowning the sorrow with whatever cheap beer and whiskey was available.
The more the latina drank, the more she lost her grip on reality, and the more she had no control of the bullshit she’s spewing.
The sober her would never say the words she’s saying right now, but at the moment, she didn’t know that—all that mattered to her was the approval of her peers; to conform and to belong.
“She’s literally crazy, you guys, I don’t even know how to get rid of her at this point,” Daniela slurs her words, “Like seriously, at first I just wanted a distraction from all the drama, y’know with my breakup and school, but I,” She takes another sip from her cup before continuing.
“I just can’t get myself to actually flirt with another guy,” Daniela says, knowing deep inside that it’s true; she’s sick of boys.
“I just broke up with Jake,” taking another sip from her cup, she prepared herself for what she’s about to say because despite being intoxicated, she knows it is bullshit, “And I still miss him, y’know? I’m not ready to move on, and that girl was just there, so easy to talk to, and she did her part entertaining me.”
“But now, she’s just obsessed”
Hailey nods at her friend’s words, laughing at her situation, “Yeah she’s totally giving me stalker vibes, god, I can’t believe you did all that for free drinks at her gigs,” the other blonde says, “Don’t get me wrong babe, I respect the hustle–I think it’s smart, but damn I wouldn’t even attempt that with her; she’s just psycho.”
They all continued partying until Hailey brings up the topic once again, “Wait, I have an idea!”
The latina looks at her in question, so Hailey continues, “Scare her! Just scare her, I mean, she’s a psycho stalker, just go up to her with like a hammer or something, and tell her you’ll end her or call the cops on her if she doesn’t let you go.”
And that’s what they did; the drunken friend group drove to your address, the pack blasting some white boys music, laughing at what may happen.
As much as Daniela tried to hide her true feelings, she couldn’t exactly stop the physical reaction to what was happening, her hands shaking as they held a shovel, the only thing in the trunk of their friend’s car that could resemble a scary weapon.
She wanted to back out—but the alcohol clouding her brain took over and she just can’t think rationally. She’s worried that if she backed out, her friends would realize that she’s lying about everything. Deep in her intoxicated brain, she also saw this as an opportunity; she knew that seeing her as drunk as she is, with her stupid drunk ‘friends’ watching, you would finally talk to her, perhaps keep her till she sobers up so that she wouldn’t have to ride in a car driven by another drunk teenager.
Yes, that plan seemed absolutely rational to Daniela.
Not long after, the car stopped suddenly, crashing onto a random trash can before she heard her friend say, “We’re here!”
Daniela walked out of the car and into the cold night, her hand still shaking from the nerves. She tried to feel inside her jacket, checking that the singular rose tucked inside the inner pocket is still there, she walked up to the doorstep of your home, sending you a quick text, unsure whether she’s hoping that you’re awake or hoping that you won’t see her message.
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Daniela could feel her heart pounding out of her chest in anticipation. She sends another text before looking back at her friends, their car still in park, also wanting to witness the exchange between you and the latina. She glanced at her phone and immediately felt her heart drop at the sight of your chat bubble showing.
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A few minutes passed and Daniela could hear the soft footsteps coming closer, then a rustle behind the door. Not long after, the door opened and revealed you in all your glory. Well, not really; you were barefaced and in your pajamas, but to the dancer standing in front of you, you looked stunning.
The girl’s heart sank when she saw the unamused look on your face, especially when your eyes darted towards the car in the distance as one of her friends shouted a homophobic slur directed towards you.
You clenched your fists at the sight of Daniela’s friends, and if you were being completely honest, you were also pissed at the fact that the latina had the nerve to show up at your doorstep, at four in the morning no less.
Daniela’s grip on the shovel tightened as she kept hearing her friends insult you with slurs, and in her intoxicated state, she couldn’t mask the hurt that painted her expression. “Daniela,” you called, voice soft enough that she almost missed it, “What is this?”
The girl looked up to meet your gaze, and with her eyes finally visible, you could see the pain in them. As much as the slurs annoyed you, it didn’t bother you that much, at least not as much as the latina seemed to be. And it dawned on you.
You both were on the same boat—she was also getting insulted by those slurs coming from her friends.
“Please let me in,” Daniela said, her tone begging. You could see the tears starting to form in her eyes so you stepped back into the house with the girl following you, looking all high and mighty. You didn’t miss how she signaled her friends to leave before she closed the door.
Before she had the chance to turn and face you, you started questioning her, “What the fuck is this, Daniela?”
The latina’s shoulders slumped, her grip on the shovel loosened, “I’m sorry,” Daniela starts, “I don’t know what has gotten into me, I’m really sorry, please.”
She lets go of the shovel, immediately reaching for the heavily damaged rose, holding onto the poor flower, trying and failing to make it look presentable before offering the lone flower to you, “Baby, I’m really sorry, please. Please, this is all a mistake, please take me back.”
When Daniela realized that you weren’t moving, she reached for your hand hoping that she could place the rose into them, but you immediately pulled your hand back, and as much as you felt utter disappointment towards the girl in front of you, you couldn’t help but feel bad at the look of hurt and inferiority that the dancer had.
“You’re so pathetic,” you said, voicing your thoughts. You felt the need to be completely honest with her, especially knowing that she must be struggling with honesty right now—she couldn’t be true to herself, so you’ll do it for her.
“You let your friends dictate your actions? You let them turn you into something you’re clearly not? Daniela,” the latina looks up to meet your gaze at the mention of her name, “I—” you sighed, “You should know better.”
“We’re done.” You kept your gaze on hers, the intensity in your eyes was enough proof that you were serious about this, “Your friends think that I’m some obsessed fan of yours,” you started, “They think I can’t let you go? Well guess what I can. And I will.”
You grabbed your phone, calling an uber for the intoxicated dancer standing in your living room. While waiting for the car to arrive, you got her a glass of water and a coffee in a to-go cup, hoping that she would sober up for the ride.
Daniela felt embarrassed. She didn’t even know what to say. You were right—she knew that. So she stood there in defeat, staring at her feet as though they were the most interesting thing to ever exist while you tried to help her get home safely. She didn’t even deserve that from you. That she knew, which was precisely why she couldn’t get herself to raise her gaze to meet yours.
“Text me when you get home,” she heard your voice say, “But that will be the only time you’ll ever contact me, Daniela. I don’t ever want to hear from you again.”
The girl couldn’t do anything but nod. The moment she stepped into the car, her eyes became faucets as her tears freed themselves.
Returning to your room, you pulled out your phone to check your socials. You immediately see Daniela’s drunken tweets with her friend.
Just as you were about to turn your phone off, you received a notification, expecting that it was from the blonde latina. However, you were surprised to see that it was a message from a different blonde.
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As you read through her words and watched the video, exposing what they all talked about earlier during the party, Daniela stepped out of the vehicle and entered her house, it was big, cold, and depressing.
The latina immediately took out her phone to send you a quick message to tell you that she arrived, she waited for a response that never came. Daniela stared helplessly at the read receipt, her legs giving up on her, falling onto the floor with tears streaming down her face and sobbing uncontrollably.
a/n: yn knows her worth and that she deserves better!! we love her for that!!
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manonsmartini · 2 months ago
she’s so allergic to not serving cunt god i love her 😭
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manonsmartini · 2 months ago
she literally said “internalized homophobia” as a joke like u can’t internalize that shit if ure not internally gæ i said what i said 🫡
ppl finding it hard to believe lara's gay just because she's really feminine IM CRYING
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manonsmartini · 2 months ago
lmao this genre of sophia pics is taking me out 😭😭😭 like pov: katseye sophia is choking u while being cute ✌🏼😗
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