lunaprimera · 2 years
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com4tableinyourskin · 2 years
"It's been two years, I keep calling
I'm standing here and I ain't got you. As we lay here, lovers in arms. I can feel your fear, can this love be true? Come on, lift me up, love, I keep falling. I'm losing faith 'cause you keep stalling. Lift me up, love, I keep falling. I'm losing faith 'cause you keep stalling"
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God she’s gifted 😩 and SO underrated
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kaitlinj16 · 2 years
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"I’ve been stable, runnin’ to an open heart,
See me crumble, crumblin' is just a start," -Lyves, "Shelter" 🍂
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cruelrhythm · 2 years
no more crying.
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spockette11a2b · 10 months
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Je me sens vide.
C’est bizarre, tu te dis ce n’est que des youtubers, tu ne les as jamais rencontré, et puis ce n’est pas comme si ils arrêtaient tout. Et pourtant, ça me touche beaucoup cette annonce. Voilà Vilebrequin c’est fini!
Peut-être que c’est la soudaineté de l’annonce qui me donne cette impression d’abandon. Une semaine ils prennent un rond point à 130 et celle d’après, ils disent au revoir. Comme ça, sans préavis, sans indication au préalable.
Je ne leur en veux pas, ce n’est pas une critique. En vrai, je comprends leurs décisions. J’ai toujours détesté les séries qui ne savent pas s’arrêter à temps (looking at you spn).
Et honnêtement, après le 1er gp et le mondial de l’auto ça s’est vu que Sylvain était à bout. Surtout dans la vidéo où ils ont fait voler la voiture. J’avoue que je ne sais pas si cette vidéo a été tournée avant ou après le gp, mais ça m’a vraiment marqué de voir Sylvain dans cet état où tu sentais qu’il tirait sur la corde.
Ce qui me manque aussi avec cette annonce, c’est la réaction des gens. Je m’attendais a un peu plus de bruit du côté d’autres youtubeurs mais à part Etienne Moustache, j’ai rien vu passer pour les saluer. Ok ils sont pas mort et ils s’arrêtent pas d’être présent sur les réseaux, mais quand même, ça manque de réaction envers Vilebrequin en tant que soi.
Après comme j’ai toujours beaucoup été dans des fandoms actifs où dès qu’il se passe quelque chose on en entend parler pendant 3 jours, c’est plus dur d’accepter la chose quand je vois pas de réaction d’autres personnes…
Bref tout ça pour dire, qu’ils auront été une hyper fixation pendant presque 2 ans (bien que je les regardais avant mais je suis devenue vraiment fan qu’il y a 2 ans) et que maintenant il n’y aura plus rien. J’ai du mal à m’y faire. Ça m’a bien mis un coup sur la tête. Comme une rupture qu’on voit pas venir ou comme arriver à la fin totalement inattendu d’un bon livre, il y a cette espèce de dépression « post bonne chose », à laquelle il faut un peu de temps avant de pouvoir s’y faire. Là c’est pareil, je vais avoir besoin de temps pour digérer la nouvelle et pouvoir passer à autre chose…
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mel-supream · 1 year
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bantuotaku · 11 months
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kawaiiobessions · 1 year
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love/lyte! spc hospital patient (sadly >-<) crushin on doom n unii!! taken! :3 ... rentry!
ooc: ref sheets n shit
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Strapping Fieldhands — LYVE: IN CONCERTE (ever/never)
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LYVE: IN CONCERTE by Strapping Fieldhands
When we reminisce about 1990s lo-fi, we usually stick to the well-behaved parts, like Pavement’s hyper-articulate guitar meanderings or Guided By Voices brash but lyrical pop or Jon Spencer Blues Explosion’s archly feral soul vamp.  We are less apt to reflect on the unhinged and unstrung glories of the Strapping Fieldhands, captured here in all its Clinton-era heyday.  Untuned, unshaven and untrammeled, they made art-damaged garage like a pack of zombies, though, admittedly, these zombies could rock.
This compilation captures seven performances from the Strapping Fieldhands prime mid-1990s run, recorded at various American venues by various people.  The band is cagey about exactly where and when the tapes were laid down, though you can hear Bob Malloy thanking Mike Rep and the people of Columbus at the end of one late album track.  In any case, the disc includes roughhousing favorites from Discus (1994), the In the Pineys EP (1994) and the singles comp Gobs on the Midway, in addition to a few that don’t turn up on any of the records. The difference, of course, is that they are live, raucous and desperate and clinging to reason by a dirty fingernail. There’s a shamanic quality to these cuts, as if you could open a portal to otherness with a howl and a blast of fuzz guitar, and who knows, maybe you can?
“Red Dog the Deconstructor,” for example, is extremely well-named, since sets up the clanging, banging contours of a primitive rock song, then blasts them into dissonant oblivion. There’s a verse and a chorus, and a dippy, tiptoe-through-the-tulips psychedelic break jammed into this song, but mostly there’s the junk shop entropy of machinery rolling down a hill, shedding parts as it goes.  “Arrogant Flower” wails and flails at the disc’s most memorable hook, pounding it with meat hammers until it falls about at the joint.  Malloy spits in Spanish for a second or two, then keens out a chorus of “Hey you arrogant flower.”  
I find that the music gets more enjoyable as it goes, cresting with “Sad Lament of the American Indian,” the chaos stitched together with a bass line as sinewy as tendon, and winding down with the bent, woozy lyricism of “I Don’t Know Why.”  I’m still not sure if the music is actually better or it just takes me that long to get acclimated.  Either way, it sinks its hooks in slowly, so that you hardly notice it’s stopped hurting.  
Jennifer Kelly
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lyvevn · 2 months
25+ thực phẩm giúp tóc mọc nhanh, dày, cực hiệu quả
Mái tóc bóng khỏe và mượt mà là mục tiêu mà nhiều người hằng ao ước. Không chỉ cần chăm sóc tóc từ bên ngoài, việc duy trì một chế độ ăn uống đầy đủ và cân bằng cũng vô cùng quan trọng để nuôi dưỡng tóc từ bên trong, thúc đẩy sự phát triển của tóc và ngăn chặn các vấn đề về tóc. Vậy bạn nên bổ sung những loại thực phẩm nào để tăng cường sức khỏe cho mái tóc? Trong bài viết này, cùng Lyve khám phá những thực phẩm giàu dinh dưỡng được các chuyên gia khuyên dùng, giúp bạn sở hữu mái tóc đẹp một cách tự nhiên.
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jameslealyve · 1 year
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jameslyve · 1 year
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peleda-dainius · 1 year
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Playing around with coloring and stuff, having a good time
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jezabelofthenorth · 6 months
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Portrait of Anne of Cleves, Hans Holbein the Younger
Lourve Museum, Paris
Holbein was sent to paint her at Düren in summer 1539, so that Henry could appraise her as a possible wife. Holbein posed Anne square-on and in elaborate finery.  Henry was disappointed with her in the flesh, and he divorced her after a brief, unconsummated marriage. He redesignated Anne as "king's sister", and she remained in England, where she died during the reign of Queen Mary
The use of parchment suggests that Holbein painted, or at least began, the portrait in Düren. A miniature version in the Victoria and Albert Museum was probably painted at the same time. Holbein also produced a portrait of Anne's sister, Amelia, which is now lost. Nicholas Wotton, the head of the English delegation, reported to Henry: "Your Grace's servant Hanze Albein hathe taken th'effigies of my lady Anne and the lady Amelye and hath expressed theyr images very lyvely". The tradition that Holbein flattered Anne is not borne out by the evidence: no one except Henry ever described her as repugnant.
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cruelrhythm · 2 years
weathered by the storm.
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