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Star Wars Modern AU 2020 the Animal Crossing Era
So during 2020 they played Animal crossing new horizons a lot. Except Cody, although he played sometimes with Obi-Wan or watch him play (they live together).
Obi-Wan, Anakin, Luke and Leia are always in each other game or playing in the same room.
Same with Han, Lando and Lumpy.
Star Wars Modern AU Masterpost
#star wars#star wars modern au#star wars au#animal crossing#the clone wars#obi wan kenobi#anakin skywalker#luke skywalker#leia skywalker#leia organa#han solo#lando calrissian#Lumpawaroo#quinlan vos#captain rex#rex fett#boba fett#commander cody#cody fett#Animal crossing new horizons#acnh
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If you were curious about where my recent Might-as-well Monday and WIP Wednesday posts were going...
Only a select few frequencies were allowed to bypass the ‘do not disturb’ setting and only in truly urgent circumstances. She stumbled out of bed and answered in a panicked haze. It wasn’t until she had picked up and began to hear the caller that she even registered who it was.
The one where our favorite heroes get the “I’m at a party, and I’m too drunk to drive home and too scared to tell my parents” phone call from their nephew Lumpawarrump.
#fanfiction#wookiees#han/leia#lumpawarrump#lumpawaroo#i hate that he has two names#star wars holiday special#star wars#Space Mom/Aunt Leia#Space Dad/Uncle Han#my fic
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I finally watched the infamous holiday special and it is a tragedy I do not have the means or time to make gifs and edits lately. Especially for the holiday season. For those of you that enjoy Star Wars, Mystery Science Theater level of terrible movies, bad 70s tv and music videos (move over MTV), and want to laugh at something with friends — it’s worth one watch.
Related: I can NOT find that fic of Han and Chewie collectively lying and making up Chewie’s backstory of having a wife and a son named Lumpy/Larry. I thought I had it saved somewhere but I haven’t found it yet in my ao3 comment emails or in my fic history. It deserves a reread because at the time of reading I had not yet subjected myself to the holiday special.
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The Greatest Gift of All
(Third-person POV: Ben Skywalker, Anakin Solo; late-35 ABY; requested by @jason-todd-fangirl-14 )
Perhaps it should have come as no surprise that the conversation of new life entering the Skywalker-Solo family began over Life Day dinner.
The end-of-year holiday was a celebration born of Wookiee traditions, but one that had become something to acknowledge throughout the galaxy in the years following the Battle of Endor. Marked with festive décor, lights, feasts and music, the holiday sought to remind sentients of compassion and the harmonious bond shared between all life in the galaxy - both those who lived presently and those who had long since passed on. Having been introduced to Wookiee culture through Chewbacca, the otherwise Human Skywalker-Solos had taken to upholding the spirit of Life Day even after his passing during the Yuuzhan Vong War. And so it was that the two branches of the family, Skywalker and Solo, had gathered with relatives - blood or spiritual - to reminisce on the year gone by and those they had lost in the past, as well as present their best wishes for the years that had not yet come.
As Ben Skywalker sat beside his parents at the dining table of his aunt and uncle’s apartment on Hosnian Prime, the curiosity that had was simultaneously viewed as a keen asset and a path to trouble by his peers and authority figures alike satiated itself by dedicating a significant degree of his focus to observing all of the people joining him here. On either side of the eight-year-old sat his parents, Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker, the esteemed Jedi Masters who had for this day discarded the expected serenity and tranquil approach to life for a more feverous and bright attitude (though not bereft of his mother’s wry, sardonic sense of humour). His aunt and uncle, Han and Leia Organa-Solo, sat across from them, with both retired Republic heroes chuckling at some unclear joke told by the late Chewbacca’s son, the golden-furred Wookiee Lumpawaroo. His bronze-hued cousin, Lowbacca, was engaged in conversation with his old friends Jaina and Jacen Solo, with the twins’ eloquent sentences in Basic providing a stark contrast to the Wookiee’s short, choppy utterances in Shyriwook. On the other side of the twins and Lowie, Zander Zekk and Tahiri Veila seemed to be providing commentary on Leia’s spiceloaf - densely ground meat that Leia had tried to spice to a surprisingly wide array of tolerances - with Tahiri’s husband and Ben’s cousin, Anakin Solo, semi-seriously warning his wife of the risks that came with sparking Leia’s wrath.
The youngest of the married couples had attracted Ben’s attention early on, and not just because of Anakin’s role in helping Ben re-open himself up to the Force and ‘embrace his Jedi heritage’, and the strong bond the cousins shared as a result. Throughout the entirety of dinner so far - and indeed, the day that had unfolded hours earlier - the red-haired Skywalker had been unable to shake the sense that something was… off, in a sense. Whilst Anakin’s struggles with social skills were well-known, Ben couldn’t seem to erase the feeling that his youngest cousin was holding something tight to his chest - a suspicion only reinforced by the glances he and Tahiri seemed to exchange throughout the entire day. Furthermore, Tahiri had been uncharacteristically quick to shut down Leia’s offer of Alderaanian wine - whilst she wasn’t much of a drinker, she’d previously always allowed Leia to pour her a glass even if it was never consumed, for the sake of politeness. Now it seemed that Tahiri was doing everything in her power to avoid alcohol, and Ben found that unusual to say the least. Not to mention her strange aversion to certain foods when she’d previously been far from a picky eater.
As Ben continued to monitor his youngest cousin and (so far only) cousin-by-marriage, his reverie was broken by a loud roaring from the far end of the table, courtesy of Lowbacca raising his glass and delivering a toast in Shyriwook. Unlike most of his family, Ben hadn’t spent enough time around Wookiees to become fluent in their tongue, but it was obviously some kind of important statement and, judging by his mother’s gaze being fixed in his direction, he was likely supposed to join the others in raising their glasses. He did so, raising the fizzy orange drink he’d been given instead of alcohol, before noticing his father looking around the table with an… unreadable expression.
“May the passing of the old give way to the new…�� he murmured, which Ben could only assume was him translating the toast into Basic. “I’ve been meaning to ask, Lowie… what exactly does that mean?”
Surprisingly, it was not the bronze-coloured Wookiee who addressed the Jedi Master’s inquiry, but rather C-3PO, who’d been standing dutifully by Leia’s side across from R2-D2 - who was perched next to Luke - since he’d finished helping Han and Leia lay the food out. “It’s a traditional statement acknowledging the everlasting pattern of life, Master Luke,” the gold-plated protocol droid explained, as R2 gave an affirmative whistle, “Wookiees make this statement on Life Day with the comfort of knowing that while elders in their communities and families may pass on, younger generations will emerge to ensure the continuity of their people, thus ensuring that the Wookiee traditions live on for eternity. It is generally made with the hope that new family members will emerge in the year that is to come - or others that may follow, should that not happen.”
“New life, huh?” Zekk noted, shooting a glance at Han and Leia as he spoke. “I’m assuming that’d most likely be grandkids for you two?”
Leia smiled. “I think I’m ready. I plan to be the sort of feisty, bad-example grandmother who teaches her grandchildren deplorable habits -”
“You? Teach our grandchildren bad habits?” Han snorted, before his lips curled into the familiar Solo grin. “And here I was thinking I was the bad influence out of the two of us.”
Leia rolled her eyes. “Typical Solo ego.” She turned her attention to Jacen, her mocking smirk reverting to a genuine smile. “How long should I expect to wait?”
Her eldest son gave her an unconvincing admonishing look. “If you’re seeking to embarrass me, you’re talking into a dead commlink.”
“Not embarrass. I’m just trying to get a timetable.”
Jacen sighed, realising there was no way out of this. “I… haven’t got any plans specifically relating to that matter. But with the way my life’s been going - the direction I’ve taken as a Jedi… I doubt that’s going to be happening anytime soon. It possibly might not happen at all. Sorry to disappoint you.”
Leia shook her head over her wineglass, though the warm look in her brown eyes evoked parental understanding overcoming disappointment. “That’s perfectly fine - I had a feeling you might be the most hesitant to that proposition, considering how devoted you are to your responsibilities.” Her gaze settled on Jacen’s twin sister, who was observing her mother with noticeable apprehension. “What about you, Jaina?”
Jaina snorted, prompting a raised eyebrow from her father as she put down her own glass and properly addressed her mother. “Mom, I’m currently heading an all-Jedi starfighter squadron consisting of the Order’s best pilots, working on possibly establishing a Jedi presence in the Imperial Remnant, and juggling my duties with a relationship with a possible future Imperial Grand Admiral. Do I seem like someone who’s ready for kids anytime soon?”
The rhetorical question sparked a peal of laughter from all those seated at the table, even Leia, who just shook her head once again at her daughter’s typical bluntness. “Oh well, it was worth a try.”
“If you’re gonna ask anyone about grandkids, Aunt Leia,” Ben interjected, shooting a sideways glance at Anakin and Tahiri as he spoke, “You should ask these two. I mean, Anakin is the married one.”
The adults at the table blinked momentarily, before their gazes shifted almost one-by-one towards the young pair sitting across from the redhead that had just brought them into the conversation. Both of the young Jedi Knights had seemingly been content to sit in silence beforehand, and the sudden onrush of attention left them startled and noticeably flustered, with Anakin pursing his lips together and Tahiri glancing uncertainly at her fingernails. Yet despite having clearly been caught off guard, they also seemed to be… struggling not to laugh? At least, that was what Ben could deduce from the barely-suppressed snorting coming from Tahiri’s downcast face and Anakin’s lips being clearly torn between an embarrassed grimace and a humorous grin.
Upon seeing the obvious contrast, Luke raised an eyebrow. “Is something wrong, you two?”
“They’re hiding something,” Ben declared instantly, which earned him somewhat-disapproving looks from his family. The young boy raised his hands defensively in response. “What? I can’t have been the only one who’s noticed how weird they’ve been acting all day, right?”
If there was any possible means of putting Tahiri Veila’s feelings at this very moment into words, the answer would likely compare her to “a dewback caught in landing lights”. At the very least, she felt as vulnerable and shaken by this unexpected turn of events as the reptile from Tatooine would likely feel in that situation.
She and Anakin had arrived on Hosnian Prime with full knowledge that by the end of the Life Day festivities, they’d be the centre of their whole family’s attention. This day - and the revelation they were set to deliver - had been almost-inevitable ever since they’d made that life-changing discovery in the early hours of the morning roughly two standard months prior. The only reason they hadn’t gone through with it sooner was due to the harsh reality of the risks that could turn wonderful news into a tragic tale of a lifetime’s worth of joys cut short all too soon. But as of the previous week, they’d leaped past that hurdle - and at Anakin’s insistence, they’d begun rehearsing exactly how they would divulge this crucial information to the ones they loved most. Hours’ worth of revised speeches, proposed and rejected concepts, and arranged timing had all led to this: a plan that would end - they had both agreed - with them dropping the bomb after dinner was over. If only so they could avoid inadvertently drawing attention away from any important celebrations or individual accomplishments that might come up beforehand - and to try and steel their nerves as they faced the reality that this was actually happening.
But then Ben just had to open his big mouth and thrust all the attendees’ attention on them - at least ten minutes before they’d planned on making their move. Effectively causing a week’s worth of planning to go up in smoke in a single moment.
And yet, for as frustrating and utterly nerve-wracking as this was… Tahiri couldn’t help but find herself holding back a peal of laughter at the realisation of how easy it was for one’s plans to be totally dismantled by unexpected factors - in this case, the surprisingly acute awareness and excessive curiosity of an eight-year-old boy. It was just the sort of chaos she’d come to expect from her life - the unpredictability of faith that had led to her being adopted by Sliven, to being inducted into the Jedi Order, to meeting Anakin… to learning of this world-shattering development whose existence would soon be known by everyone they loved (well, in a familial sense, anyway - and minus Jag, who’d elected to celebrate the holidays with his own family). Why had they expected things to go any differently here?
Yet, as she felt the gazes of everyone else at the table fixate on her, Tahiri found her own eyes darting towards… everything. Her attention darted from one detail to another: the (mostly) cleaned plates of that their meal had rested upon; the soft golden glow of the triad of lamps gazing over the dining room; the delicious cream coating of the plaster making up the apartment’s walls and ceiling. It was a distraction, of course - she knew that she was only delaying the inevitable, excitement and anxiety warring in her stomach as she heard the muffled, concerned voice of her mother-in-law inquire on whether she was well. Ultimately, the former emotion - while still undercut by a significant amount of nervous energy - won out, and she steeled herself for the forthcoming moment of truth.
“Well, it’s just…” she finally said, drawing on every reservoir of emotional energy in her being to prioritise the humour of the situation over her nerves. Still, she wasn’t entirely sure that her words weren’t coming out in a trembling rush as she spoke again, even as she felt Anakin’s hand clasp around hers. “It’s just that… at least now we -” she gestured between herself and her husband, “won’t have to wait until after dinner to tell you that I’m pregnant.”
Ben nodded casually, “Oh, well I guess that makes sense -” his eyes suddenly widened as the full context of Tahiri’s words struck him. “Wait, WHAT?!”
As their nine companions froze in disbelief, Tahiri suddenly felt the urge to duck her head down towards her chest, grinning sheepishly as she did so. Force, this felt more awkward than she’d imagined it being. Perhaps sensing the escalation in his wife’s nerves, Anakin gave her hand a gentle squeeze whilst he reached into his pocket and placed the blurred holo they’d gotten from their most recent pre-natal appointment just a few days prior. The content of the unofficial portrait was small - roughly the size of a peach at this point - but its shape was unmistakably human - and its very existence sufficed in certifying the news they’d just shared.
Glancing from the edge of her line of sight as Leia gently picked up the image and raised it towards her face, Tahiri shot a nervous grin at her husband, who mirrored the gesture and once more gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. And as Anakin’s parents turned their attention to their youngest son and daughter-in-law, the younger couple couldn’t resist the urge to, somewhat shyly, utter, “Surprise!”
It was blatantly obvious that this revelation had caught the entire Skywalker-Solo clan off-guard: Ben’s jaw had dropped to such a low level that Tahiri briefly wondered if it would break off, whereas Lowie and Zekk both seemed paralysed by shock. Jacen and Jaina exchanged astounded looks with their aunt and uncle, while Threepio and Artoo appeared visibly torn on what would be the appropriate response to this unexpected twist. But it was on Han and Leia that the young couple’s attention was fixated, as Tahiri watched her mother-in-law carefully scrutinise the printed image they had provided for her, before exchanging looks with her husband of over twenty years.
Then Jaina abruptly lifted herself from her chair and practically rushed to Tahiri’s side, dropping on one knee and placing a hand on her sister-in-law’s shoulder. At the same time, Jacen reached over to his younger brother and gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze, his lips curled not into the iconic Solo grin, but a warm smile. And their words came out almost unanimously:
“How are you holding up?”
Their actions seemed to break the dam of silence keeping the whole family’s thoughts and feelings at bay. Lowie let out a celebratory roar as Zekk’s lips curled into a broad grin and he launched into a brief round of celebratory applause. Ben practically leaped out of his seat as a look of pure ecstasy crossed his face, almost squealing, “Oh my god!” on constant repetition as a visibly joyful yet more restrained Luke and Mara tried to calm his jubilation to a more moderate level. R2’s Binary speech manifested in a whirl of beeps and whistles that Threepio began hurriedly translating as several sarcastic, yet sincere remarks on the wonderful nature of this news. And Han and Leia’s shared look morphed into full, sincere smiles as they returned their eyes to the couple who were set to become the parents of their first grandchild.
And as congratulations began to be made in earnest and question after question flew in her and Anakin’s direction, Tahiri couldn’t help but wonder why she’d been so anxious about their thoughts and feelings to begin with.
Much later - after congratulations had been properly exchanged and what felt like every minuscule detail had been wrangled out of the expectant couple, Anakin Solo was leaning against the railing of the balcony outside his parents’ apartment, his gaze fixated on the waves of skylane traffic surging between Hosnian Prime’s skyscrapers. Having just finished discussing his impending fatherhood to his own father and uncle, Anakin had retired to the balcony while Tahiri had allowed Leia and Mara to escort her to the living area, no doubt to discuss the progress of her pregnancy and ease her anxieties about becoming a mother. The sound of muffled shouting reminded him, with a touch of amusement, that the twins were still fiercely debating the sex of their future niece or nephew - still unknown at this point - with Lowie and Zekk finding themselves caught in the middle. He wondered if he should tell them that he and Tahiri had opted to not learn their child’s sex until they were born - then, after catching on the indiscernible chatter reaching another octave of intensity and volume, thought better.
“Hey, Anakin.” A young voice cut through the silence of the night, causing Anakin to turn around and come face-to-face with his young cousin, Ben, flashing that now-familiar, humorous smile as he approached his older peer. Despite his current mindset, Anakin couldn’t help but smile at the sight of the boy he’d helped open up to the ways of the Force.
“Sorry for bothering you - I’ve been wanting to talk to you ever since you dropped the news, but Dad and Uncle Han have been practically hogging your attention for the last hour and a half,” Ben chuckled, shaking his head as he joined his older cousin and mentor in watching the skyline. “So… how does it feel?”
Anakin raised an eyebrow as he turned to face the young boy beside him. “How does what feel?”
Ben’s jaw slackened slightly and his sky-blue eyes widened in disbelief. “What do you think I’m talking about? How does it feel knowing you’re gonna be a dad?!”
The question made Anakin feel as though he’d been struck - not with emotional hurt or anger, but rather genuine surprise. Because, of all the inquiries made by his parents, his siblings, and the other attendees… not once had that particular question come up. Not even when he’d sought guidance from his father and uncle regarding the inevitable challenges that would come with fatherhood. “I suppose… it’s hard to put into words.”
Ben’s eyes narrowed as that now-familiar curiosity, the one that gave him so much potential as a future investigator, took over. “What do you mean?”
Anakin’s answer didn’t come straight away - instead, he turned his gaze back towards the bright, multicoloured neon glow of the city blocks laid out before him. When he finally responded, he was surprised to find that his voice was laced with some unfamiliar feeling - a sense of contemplation that he’d ordinarily expect from Jacen, not himself. “On the one hand… it’s obviously wonderful. We, me and Tahiri, I mean, we always wanted to have children - it was literally the first thing to come up after we got married.”
This time, Ben’s eyebrows shot up in disbelief. “Really?”
Anakin couldn’t help but smile as he recalled that first morning after their wedding - tangled up in the covers of their bed, bodies pressed together as they basked in each other’s presence and came to terms with the fact that they’d now share one reality, one future, for the rest of their lives. “Yeah, on the day after our wedding, we were literally relaxing in bed when she promptly turned to look at me and said ‘You know, now that we’ve sorted this out, we’ll have to decide how many children we want.’”
At this, Ben burst out laughing. “Wowzers, that must’ve caught you off-guard!”
Anakin shook his head humorously. “It was certainly a surprise topic of conversation, yes. And after I suggested that we figure that out as we went on… she suggested that we get as many as we could handle, and then get one more. And you want to know the scariest part? I’m not entirely sure that she was joking.”
Ben’s laughter promptly morphed into a fit of giggles as he struggled to keep himself upright. After taking a moment to regain his composure, he turned back to face his amused elder relative. “Okay, so what I’m getting is… you’re excited to be a dad? ‘Cause I’m definitely looking forward to not being the youngest anymore.”
Anakin rolled his eyes, but couldn’t quite keep the earnest smile off his face even as his gaze drifted to the horizon once again. The smile faded as he processed his thoughts once again. “As I said, it’s wonderful - albeit unexpected. We… weren’t exactly planning on having children for another few years…”
“Wait, so Tahiri got pregnant by accident?” Ben asked. “How did that happen?”
“That’s a conversation for when you’re older,” Anakin cut in firmly, unable to completely suppress the flush creeping up his neck and across his cheeks. “So, yes, I’m obviously delighted… but…” he trailed off, suddenly unable to properly look his cousin in the eye, “if I’m being honest, Ben… I’m not sure I’ve ever felt so scared in my entire life, even during the war.”
This time, Anakin’s words were met with no commentary, and a fleeting glance to the right allowed the Jedi Knight to see the visible confusion present in Ben’s features. Suddenly feeling a need to justify himself, he blurted, “In about six standard months, I’m going to have the responsibility of raising this child on my shoulders; well, mine and Tahiri’s, anyway. And from then, everything - my actions, my words, my approach to life - is going to contribute to how that child develops as a person. Whatever they become - whichever path they choose to walk down - will in some way, shape or form reflect on my influence and role as a father. And if there’s one thing I’ve gathered from my life so far,” he continued, seeing that Ben’s lips were parted in preparation to interrupt him, “it’s that succeeding as a father and being a good father… those are two completely different things. And… I can’t help but wonder if I’m… not cut out to be the latter.”
Ben’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Anakin, what - what are you talking about? You’ll be a great dad, I know it!”
“And I’m thankful that you feel that way,” Anakin replied with a sigh, “Your father and mine have told me the same thing, as have Jacen and Jaina. But I still can’t help but wonder -”
“Stop,” Ben interjected, startling his cousin out of his rambling as he delivered a fierce look that resembled his mother’s to an almost unnerving degree. “Look, Anakin… I’m not the best guy to be giving you this advice. I mean, I’m still a kid myself - I’m not sure if I even want to have kids of my own someday. But I’ll just ask this: Uncle Han was a good dad to you, right?”
Anakin allowed his subconscious mind to rummage through the archives of his memory; to absorb all of the details of his childhood and Han Solo’s role in shaping the man he was today. The answer came to him in a near-instant. “Yes, he was.”
Ben smiled, “Well, you’ve already got a good example to base yourself on when the kid gets here. I’d say that, and all the help you’re gonna get, is a good starting point, wouldn’t you?”
In truth, Anakin wasn’t entirely sure about that - but the genuine goodwill radiating from his cousin’s presence halted his attempts at an argument, and he couldn’t help but smile as his thoughts turned back towards the future and his gaze returned to the skyline. Yes, the next few months would be wrought with uncertainty - untold numbers of preparations to be made for the baby’s arrival; negotiating with Taan and the Yuuzhan Vong Council on how he and Tahiri’s roles as ‘divine representatives’ would have to be adjusted for the rest of her pregnancy and afterwards; figuring out how their additional assignment of establishing a Jedi outpost on Zonama Sekot was going to be affected by them becoming parents. But right now, he had a family who had happily embraced the news of their newest member’s impending arrival, a wife who he couldn’t trust more to be a supportive partner and wonderful mother to their child, and as Ben had pointed out, a substantial basis to start from in the form of his own childhood when it came time for him to take up the responsibilities of fatherhood.
For now, anyway, that was enough.
#star wars legends#anakin solo#star wars expanded universe#tahiri veila#new jedi order#jaina solo#jacen solo#ben skywalker#luke skywalker#han solo#mara jade#leia organa
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so the Wookiee nickname pattern is pretty consistent:
Chewbacca -> Chewie
Krrsantan -> Santy
Lowbacca -> Lowie
Lumpawaroo -> Lumpy
Burryaga -> Burry (kinda obvious lol)
what do we, or the characters, call Kelnacca? Kelly? is there a jedi master nicknamed Kelly??
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Yes I have gone on the record to say that Luis Serra is my favourite fictional character ever but that’s actually a lie. My favourite fictional character is Chewbacca’s cannonical son Lumpy (short for Lumpawaroo) from the infamous fever dream that was the 1979 Star Wars Holiday Special (featuring Carrie Fisher singing and a borderline sex scene)
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Like all good Lucas fearing star warriors out there, I too have many ideas and opinions about what I would want or do if by a miracle and/or curse upon everyone else were to be put in charge of the future of Star Wars.
Unlike my fellow warsies though, I do not have any illusions or delusions thereof of these being Good ideas.
I don't want a Thrawn trilogy movie.
Nor do I want an adaptation of Dark Empire.
And frankly I never really cared for the Yuzhan Vong saga.
Nono, what I want is a return to form, that form being "genre pastiche of some shit the creators like but in space now."
Give me a Ghostbusters like going-into-business comedy about Hondo Ohnaka.
Give me the wolf of Nar-Shaddaa.
Breaking Bad but it's the pyke syndicate.
A slasher where a group of rebels are marooned on a derelict space station, hunted by Vader, who is after a force sensitive in their party, and is picking them off one by one until they surrender her to him.
Hell, let's do a singer songwriter prestige drama about Max Rebo.
This will make Disney negative dollars and they will all be relegated to the dank gym locker of Star Wars ephemera where they keep Lumpawaroo "Lumpy" Kaapauku (son of Chewbacca Kaapauku) and The Tale of Lugubrious Mote.
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Set in 2012
Han and Lumpy, the first part
The second part of Han thought he was having a puppy but in reality he has a baby brother.
Of course Lando has to tell him. It was a huge shock.
Han is 5 and Lando 8.
3 part
4 part
#Star wars#Star wars au#star wars modern au#Modern au#han solo#lando calrissian#Lumpawaroo#Lumpy#Sometimes you want a puppy and you have a brother instead#The drama#chewbacca#Mallatobuck
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Wookiee Life Day
art by Grant Griffin
Star Wars: Life Day Treasury (2021)
#star wars#grant griffin#chewbacca#mallatobuck#attichitcuk#lumpawaroo#star wars life day treasury#star wars holiday special#chewie#malla#itchy#waroo#lumpy
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“Twelve hours is a hike,” Han complained. “Four days is a kriffing expedition. I don’t see why we couldn’t have taken a cloud car—at least as far as Thikkiiana City.”
Waroo—more properly Lumpawaroo, Chewbacca’s son—groaned a long explanation.
“Yeah, so we could’ve gotten back in the Falcon and flown to Thikkiiana City, and then that’s where we would’ve been starting.”
Waroo let out a very Chewie-like grunt of disgust and, shaking his head, started down the branch again.
“You know it doesn’t work that way,” Leia said. “The walk is part of the tradition.”
“No wonder they’re so slow to decide anything,” Han complained. “It takes half a year just to collect everyone.”
“Including us, ” Leia pointed out.
—Legacy of the Force: Inferno, Troy Denning
#leia organa#Leia Organa Solo#Han Solo#Lumpawaroo#excerpt#legacy of the force inferno#Troy Denning#Legacy of the Force
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#lumpawaroo!!#that name had me laughing out loud i love it so much. please say more about chewie's marriage
this is the information i got:
Chewie's wife is called Mallatobuck or Malla for short. they are happily married :)
Lumpawaroo's nickname is of course Lumpy
these characters actually debuted in the star wars holiday special so they are amongst the oldest star wars EU characters
here is is an excerpt from Malla's wookieepedia page. im saddened to report this is legends & Disney has taken her famous wookiee-ookiees away :(
Malla enjoyed cooking and was known for her meal of bantha surprise, and her famous Wookiee-ookiees. Chewbacca made her a number of crossbows as a gift, handmade by him
wait is Chewbacca still married or did they take that away from us
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Today's Glup Shitto is: Lumpawaroo!
Chewbacca's son, born Lumpawarump, he was raised by his mother and grandparents, as his father was away for much of his youth, though still visited often, along with his life debt partner Han Solo.
A timid child due to a traumatic experience in Kashyyk's shadowlands in his youth and his father's absence, Lumpawaroo proved his rrakktorr, or inner strength, when he helped his father and family rescue Solo from the Yevethan leader Nil Spaar, passing his hrrtayyk, a wookie coming of age ceremony and earning his name.
Following his father's death in the Yuuzhan Vong War, he would assume his Chewbacca's life debt to the Solos, along with his cousin, Jedi Knight Lowbaaca, later assisting with relief after the bombardment of Kashyyk during the Second Galactic Civil War.
Lumpawaroo first appeared as "Lumpy" in the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special. He had sporadic appearances in comics and other media, finally returning in earnest in the Black Fleet Crisis trilogy by Michael P. Kube-McDowell, playing a significant role in the third book of that series in a classic Glup Shitto incident of putting an obscure background character into an interesting, well-developed role in later media.
Glup Shitto Classification: Can I just take a moment to talk about how much I love how the black fleet crisis gives minor characters a chance to shine? It has Chewbacca's family, Lobot, and is a whole ass military scifi story on top of that. One of the most underrated books in legends imo.
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looking at your binder full of standard legal foils
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Random Star Wars Headcanons I WILL believe until they are disproved
Hera has to skip out of the battle of scarif early because her water broke while she was fighting (why we don’t see the ghost hyperspace jump out. )
Oh Boba Fett’s totally still alive after Jedi. (for context someone in the aftermath series of book is walking around on Tatooine wearing his armor, so AT LEAST his body made it out of the sarlacc pit)
Kallus and Han have had two fist fights on the Yavin 4 runway that needed to be broken up by Zeb and Chewie
Tam Ryvora is the sister of Finn. (I think it would be cool storytelling if Finn’s sister willingly joined the first order. And I do NOT want him to be related to Jannah or Lando.So, some point if Tam has to bloodwork or something an officer comes back to Commander Pyre and is like “We found something.”)
Ben Solo knows how to ‘navigate’ hyperspace in the Chiss sense of the term. And he kind of likes it because it’s one thing he didn’t learn from Luke
He also got the name “Kylo” from Chiss naming policies. I’m not sure how exactly it would fit, but because they don’t like boring single syllable names they rearranged it and mashed it up until the shortened version was “Kylo.” (Probably done by the navigators as a sort of hazing thing.)
Ciena Ree is wheelchair-bound after the battle of Jakku. Buckle up while in your escape pods kids!
Ben Solo also grew up wrestling Wookiees. Including Chewie’s son Lumpawaroo. There’s got to be a reason that that man is THAT big.
Katooni survives order 66, but just barley. She’s doing fighter training while it happens and manages to jump to hyperspace to escape. But the ship is damaged/running out of oxygen quickly and the TRAUMA of feeling the loss of the entire Jedi order just breaks her. Eventually she is found by Hondo, but she doesn’t remember who she is or her connection to the force. Hondo raises her as his younger sister and teachers her how to be a pirate. Years later Ahsoka visits Hondo and sees her and thanks him. And also maybe breaks down because of it. (Less of a headcanon more of a fic I’m not sure i’ll ever work on. I am aware of the Katooni spaceship, whose to say she just doesn’t remember/use that name?)
Clone trooper Hunter is force sensitive, yeah I didn’t really by his whole “Ugh yeah I just have extra senses and can uhh.. hear the enemy.” And i’ve justified it to myself that there had to be AT LEAST one clone that’s force sensitive statistically in the GAR.
#star wars#am i really gonna try and tag everything i mentioned?#we're gonna try#star wars rebels#we might need a read more on these tags#hera syndulla#boba fett#agent kallus#han solo#tam ryvora#finn star wars#ben solo#kyle ron#yeah im not tagging him#Lumpawaroo#katooni#hondo ohnaka#clone trooper hunter
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Happy father's day
Han Solo: I'm the best dad in the galaxy
Also Han Solo: I lost my son's shoe after 5 minutes twitter.com/WRD_tlaft my twitter
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