#Luis has night vision
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zer0pm · 2 years ago
Imagine Luis hugging you closely as you two navigate through the darkness of Castle Salazar. But not just because he didn’t want to lose track of you…
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“Luis, what the hell are you doing?”
“One would think someone as intelligent as you would be able to tell when they’re being embraced. And by such a dashing man, I might add.”
You roll your eyes and proceed to bend your elbow back with swift force. Although you couldn’t see behind you, the contact with leather and the sound of him cursing in his native tongue was a sure satisfactory sign that you landed a perfect hit. He didn’t let go of you completely, but he did loosen his grip so that he wasn’t completely pressed against your behind. His closeness caused your cheeks to burn and you were thankful that it was dark.
The two of you found yourselves wandering warily inside the castle, having been forced to evade Saddler’s plaga-infected cultists once again. Their pursuit chased you inside a series of rooms devoid of light save for a few torches dimly lit with strange purple flames. As the torches were steadfastly stuck on the walls, it would have been difficult to navigate through the area without a reliable source of light on hand. Thankfully, on one of the side tables, you found a lantern already lit. This one burned a distinctive, eerie blue flame and like a moth, you were drawn to it, picking it up gingerly in your hand. It offered little in terms of illumination, but it was enough to help you get a grasp of your surroundings.
By then, your Spanish companion took it upon himself to attach his body to yours. His excuse, he didn’t want to lose you amidst the darkness despite the lantern offering enough light to allow some distance. He didn’t relent even as you shared this fact, creating the excuse that he didn’t want to take the chance especially as monsters could be lurking about anywhere and wanted to be ready to leap to your protection. While he had a point, if you had to guess, it was more likely that the notorious flirt just wanted to be close to you. For the moment, you let it go and moved on to lead you both through the abyss. Upon further inspection, you discovered that the two of you are in a library of sorts. One of many, as Luis candidly pointed out.
“And vastly interconnecting,” he added. In the darkness, his lips thinned into a pensive line before curving to that of delighted realization. “Actually, this place looks familiar. There should be a few hidden rooms somewhere around here. ¡Rápido! Look for a grandfather clock.”
He advises to act quickly yet the man still has his arms wrapped around your waist, restricting your movements. “You know, it’s hard to look for anything let alone move at the pace we’re going what with you holding onto me like this.”
“Hm?” The man hummed, intrigue rumbling in this throat. “How should I hold you, then?”
You scoff. This man is incorrigible. Yet as insufferable as Luis is most of the time, he is also undeniably charming. If you weren’t struggling to stay alive, you’d enjoy private moments like these with him.
As if reading your thoughts, he spoke up. “You know, if not for the certainty of danger lurking in quite literally every corner of this terrible place, this would be a rather romantic setting. Don’t you think?”
“What are you on about this time?”
“C’mon, just think.” The dark-haired man steps around to snake his arm around your shoulders and reposition his tall frame against your side. It was easier to walk this way for certain, but now you can see each other’s faces. You hope he can’t see how flushed your cheeks are. “You, me, and a single candle light. All that’s missing is fine dining with some wine and this would make a most promising night worth remembering.”
“I have a feeling that this whole journey is going to be memorable whether we like it or not,” you sigh. “So what, then? Like a date?”
Luis shrugs, “If that is what you would like it to be.”
Why can’t this guy ever be straight with you? As flirty and playful as he can be with his teasing, there are far too few instances where you can tell he’s being genuine. This is not one of those instances. And over such an intimate topic. You decided to bite the bullet and prod further.
“What would you want it to be, Luis?”
He pauses, clearly not expecting you to turn it around on him. The man twists his head to look into your eyes thoughtfully, the blue flame reflecting off his brilliant silver hues. There was a glint in his gaze that bordered on something hopeful and you wondered if you returned it. As if in doing so, it would drive from him the answer you wanted him to say. However, his lips didn’t move and although the words danced upon the tip of your tongue, you bit them back out of pride. Luis catches how your jaw moved when you clenched your teeth and opened his mouth to break the silence.
You both freeze in place.
“What’s that sound?”
“No se-”
Clunk! Shhft!
That sounded alarmingly close. You flash the lantern towards one of the countless bookshelves and through the thin openings, you see movement on the other side. Its figure is hard to discern but the way that the light reflects off its body, you deduce that they are covered in some type of metal armor. You and Luis aren’t alone anymore. Luis squeezes your shoulder and when you turn to face him, he had his pointed finger pressed against his lips. Nodding, you two kept walking as quietly as possible while also keeping a low head and an eye on the mysterious figure walking about. It didn’t seem to notice you and you thought you were in the clear until you heard another set of heavy steel footsteps thumping on the side.
The steps grew faster towards you and out of panic, you flash the lantern that way to see what was coming. The light reveals an animated suit of armor running at you with a sword raised high. You were about to run for it until you felt a familiar hand upon your waist, keeping you in place. You struggled against Luis’ hold, stricken with horror. Just as you were about to scream at him to let you go, he takes a firm grasp of your hand that held the lantern and lifts both of your hands upward towards the armor. Your eyes flinch to a tight close, shoulders tense of what you assumed to be your impending doom…
But the steps have stopped, the limbs of the armor come to a screeching halt and you open your eyes to see this new, terrifying enemy completely stationary, as if frozen on the spot.
“Huh. That’s new.” Luis comments with intrigue evident in this voice. “A mutated variant capable of using non-organic hosts. Salazar has been busy.”
So many questions flooded into your mind but your anger took over your voice. You glare at him over your shoulder, miffed over how calm he is given that he nearly gave you a heart attack. “How about a little warning next time?”
Shhft! Shfft! Shhft!
That’s definitely not good. It sounded like you two are surrounded and while the castle is huge, the rooms in the library are packed tight with shelves and thin aisles. A step in the wrong direction would spell your end.
Luis speaks up, “I have an idea. Do you trust me?”
Did you have a choice? The man practically drags you by the arm, managing to sneak you both behind the cover of a book-filled aisle. The tall, thick volumes block the lantern’s light from the plagas’ view. Leading you both into a crouch, he guides you through the library. You could do nothing but follow, keeping a careful ear to the movement around you. After several careful turns, you enter another dark room and stop right before a grandfather clock. Luis takes the lantern from your hand and a rare, serious expression settles on his rugged features.
He whispers, “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”
“Wait, what are you-”
He dashes off before you can finish your sentence. How a man can move that fast and not make a sound is beyond your comprehension. Completely alert, you watch his retreating form go down what looked like a long corridor. In the darkness, only the light illuminated his shape, making him appear like a shadow. You couldn’t see what he was doing but before you could ponder further, the walls seemed to shift in the distance, consuming the light and leaving your sight with only the only void.
Panic fills you like insects crawling into your pounding heart. Terror pricks upon your spine in chilling shudders. What did Luis do? Where did Luis go? Did Luis leave you?
You thought about calling out to him but the familiar sound of steel-capped footfalls fills your ears. You back yourself into the wall, making yourself as small as possible and hold you breath, daring not to make a single sound. The armored plaga are so close, the sharp clangs of metal echo off the walls in rhythm of your blood pumping. You thought for certain that it was over when one dreadful step resounded against the floorboard right beside you but a harsh thud in the distance catches the attention of the overgrown parasites. The plaga rush towards the noise and you listen carefully for their footsteps to echo further in the distance before sighing softly in relief.
Believing it would be best not to linger in this spot longer than necessary, you were about to shift to a stand until something firm gripped onto your shoulder. You nearly gasped aloud in shock, but your mouth is covered by what felt like a warm hand.
“Calma, calma.”
Luis’ thick accent reaches your ears in a soft, soothing whisper and you immediately relax under his touch. Remembering yourself, you slap his hand away and admonish him through clenched teeth.
“Luis, what the hell?!”
“No time for questions. Follow me.”
You hear him shuffle before you, the lack of light making it very difficult to make out what he was doing. After a minute, you hear the soft click of a mechanism and the low dragging of something heavy scuffing against the wooden floor. The hand on your shoulder swiftly slides down to grip your arm and you’re once again dragged through the darkness. The rush of your pace was short lived as Luis lets go of you. His body heat retreats from you and you nearly reached out for him, but your hand stops midair when you hear him tinkering offside and the familiar mechanism shifts gears. He must have led you both to one of the hidden rooms he mentioned before and just closed the entrance behind you.
“There. We’re safe. For the time being,” the Spaniard says.
You take in some much needed breath at his words. Once you have completely relaxed and was certain that you were not in immediate danger, you steal a moment to absorb your new surroundings and come to a familiar conclusion- it was dark as hell!
As you were about to ask what the next part of Luis’ genius plan was now that you have successfully evaded your armored pursuers, a soft click echoes off the wooden walls. Your curious eyes catch a small flame burning a ways from you, the warm light casting a warm glow against a familiar figure. It was Luis. With a lighter in hand.
You blink. “Have you had that this entire time?”
The man was hunched over one of the lower shelves of a large bookcase, tossing aside several books over his shoulders without a care for the amount of noise he made with his rummaging.
“Hey, are you listening to me?” you said as you beelined to his side. “What are you doing now, Luis?”
He responds without looking at you, “Un momento. It should be… ¡Oye! Found it!”
His hand lifts from the recesses of the shelf, revealing a rectangular tin container.
You blink, “It’s a box.”
It was Luis’ turn to roll his eyes. “Not just any box. Suppressants. This should help our two American friends with their parasite problem.”
His words perk you up to attention immediately. “That’s great! We should tell Leon and Ashley right away.” Your hand moves towards the communicator you keep on your person. However, again, Luis’ voice stops you.
“Not yet.”
You quirk your brow at him inquisitively. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
The dark-haired man shakes his head. “Nada. Rest assured, we’ll break the good news. But first, ¿por qué no nos tomamos un descanso?”
He wants to take a break? When you uncovered such a critical find?
You countered, “You really think now is the time for a breather?”
He responds with a shrug, “Now would probably be the only time, my friend. This room is completely safe, I promise. And I have every intention of savoring the moment it has to offer. You’re free to join me.”
The finality in his words truly left you with no room to argue. And boy, did you want to argue. But the ache in your muscles begged for rest and truthfully, the idea grew more tempting by the second.
Eventually, you cave. “Five minutes. And we keep going.”
Luis grins, “I can work with that. Next time will be longer.”
With that, his lighter closes with another metal click, killing the only light in the room and effectively rendering your sense of sight useless once more. You didn’t realize he moved until you felt his warmth breath fanning against your face, your nostrils taking in his musk.
“And for the record,” his voice comes off low and deep. “Me encantaría salir contigo.”
Before you could ask him to repeat himself as you didn’t quite catch that last part, he silences you with his lips pressed against yours, warm hands returning to your waist and pulling you close.
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froginmygarden · 5 months ago
Got a little brain worm on the way home and have a need to write it down. Just a drabble because I'm not good at writing.
DC x DP Just a (clone) couple
Joung Adult!Team Phantom for some reason end up in the DC universe. For reasons, there aren't any equivalents of them here. Danny and Sam are together and Danny and Dani have a familiar relationship. Whatever the reasons they stay in this universe.
So Sam, Danny and Dani start making a life together as a family, Tucker goes on to make a "small business" involving VPN's and tech in general (finds an anthropomorphic girlfriend on the way or something), Jazz goes to uni (JL members city of choice, although I advise against Gotham or Metropolis, because that would make this too short).
For some MORE reasons unknown, although they might be by the making of our favourite clock-man, the DP people's DNA has by default markings of being clones in DC (I don't know if this is canon or fanon but Connor had something like that ╮⁠(⁠^⁠▽⁠^⁠)⁠╭). The thing is here Jack = Bruce, Maddy = Alexander and Jeremy = Clark, Pamela = Lois! Do you see my vision here??
So *JL member from the perspective city* meets the Fenton/Manson/Nightingale?? family accidentally when they are visiting Jazz, and has a sweet deja vu moment. Some time passes and the off handedly mention it to someone in the JL.
Batman being the paranoid bastard that he is goes on to check this thing out, because he can smell the fish from a mile away. Thinks the couple are clones, gets very paranoid again and starts making plans, plans get found by his kids, kids tell the JL and friends. So starts the collective discussions of what should they do, some say that they should get rid of the clones, some others that they don't have proof for anything nefarious and shouldn't do anything at all, someone points out that they have literally showed up out of nowhere and that it is reasonable to be suspicious. And Connor is also there.
Meanwhile Team Phantom is going about their lives like normal, but with a "I know that you know" mindset, and don't really bother with hiding themselves.
In my opinion the part that has to be the most glaringly noticeable about them should be that Danny (Batman's clone apparently) should wear a lot of flannel and have a "Midwestern Nice" personality" (the stuff of legends I have only heard about in passing) and over all should resemble Clark in fashion sense. For Sam (Superman's clone apparently) the exact opposite - she can put the GOTH in Gotham.
And all JL angst/drama/confusion happens in the background as we follow Connor Kent's/Superboy's POV and him dealing with having two half siblings and the half siblings being together and them having a child and this is too much for him oooooooooo noooooooo nononoonononoonononononno what in the sweeet home Alabama whhhhhyyyyyyyy!??!
So it's like a metronome tick's between the POVs of fluffy new life/potential threat to the JL I mean the child of Bruce/Lex and child Clark/Luis having potential super-smart, super-powered (potentially evil??) children. But overall it's crack.
Maybe I'll plan it out and actually try to write it, but meanwhile you can enjoy my half-ill/fever induced brain worms and play in the brown dirt puddle I call my creative thinking.
To who ever finished reading this
Good night! ;P
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clayderogatory · 6 months ago
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hello everyone im not exactly sure what day it is for serennedy mini week for my mind is very school (theatre and choir) right now, but i am one to skip around so i wanted to write cute headcanons and a sort of plot for day 5 because i am silay (splish splash!)
°‧ 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 ·。°𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 ·。°‧ 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞·。
Leon is a merman, Luis is a pirate. They originally met from a large storm and Leon saved Luis' life. Leon takes Luis to a island with a large cove and decides to care for him because he's never seen a human before, and he clearly wants to know more. Luis also wants to learn, and thus they learn each other's cultures and fall in love!
There's a language barrier. Leon speaks a language that only merfolk can understand, and he doesn't understand what Luis says. Therefore! Luis teaches him and thus they learn how to communicate. At first it was making little pictures or hand signs (similar to sign language) to communicate, but it evolved to speaking too.
Within Leon's culture, they are very social and very clingy creatures. They spend most of their time with other merfolk and they are very VERY cuddly. Being physically affectionate is how merfolk actually stay alive. My vision is that if they get very upset, or sad—their tails will dull and they get very droopy. If their tails turn completely black this way, they will turn into sea foam entirely. Thus, this leads to Leon getting extremely attached to Luis and always being around him, hugging him, kisses, etc.
Merfolk also have a "mating" system. They all wear necklaces and when they find someone they want to love for the rest of their lives, they exchange necklaces! If someone is rejected, their necklace fades and they can never find another mate again. It is a one and done deal. So when Leon asks Luis to mate with him, it takes a second for the idea to cross until Luis says yes and they are now bonded for life. Fish marriage!
Luis always shows Leon human trinkets. Very specifically, shiny and valuable objects. As meaningful they are to humans, they are similarly so for merfolk! "Shinies," as they call it, are very rare to come by and typically are found near shipwrecks. Merfolk are fascinated by these objects and their pupils will very much dilate like a cat. It's worth a lot and since their economy is mostly trade based, shinies go for a lot! So Luis shows all the ones he has to Leon, and how even some of them can work if it's more elaborate than jewelry.
Merfolk learn by copying! So when Luis was teaching Leon how to speak English, Leon copied how to do it to learn! So they can generally learn extremely quickly, so when Luis was asleep, Leon kept copying what he would learn so he could impress Luis!
Leon is also curious about everything! He wants to learn everything that the surface world has to offer and about Luis himself! He also loves to share his own culture and how they can differ so greatly from one another. He listens very intently to what Luis has to say and vice versa!
Because being underwater makes it hard to tell night/day, merfolk basically say happy light/dark time instead of good morning/evening. They only can tell when the waters are brighter or darker, and that's how they can determine when to sleep or not. Leon also loves to sunbathe on the shore! He can stay moisturized from the seawater and also be very warm! He always asks Luis to join him too.
Mermaids are very kind and almost very naive. Especially Leon (a lot more of an RE2R personality but amped up a bit. Leon would do anything for Luis should he so ask, but he's also very gullible and technically could be taken advantage of emotionally by others. Luis never does that and would never dare to! They're also very energetic and very playful!
Whale surfing! Merfolk ride on the backs of whales to either get around or to relax!
Leon does like to splash Luis, sometimes as a greeting, but never too severe!! Unless he's in the water, then it's free reign!
that's most of what i could think of!! i hope you enjoyed and hey if you ever wanted a fic idea, i don't mind as long as there's proper credit!! also shoutout to @j-siexoxo for also coming up with a lot of this with me!
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justforbooks · 2 months ago
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David Lynch: the great American surrealist who made experimentalism mainstream
From disturbing debut Eraserhead to his masterpiece Mulholland Drive, Lynch’s dark tales combined radical experiment with everyday Americana
No director ever interpreted the American Dream with more artless innocence than David Lynch. It could be the title of any of his films. Lynch saw that if the US dreamed of safety and prosperity and the suburban drive and the picket fence, it also dreamed of the opposite: of escape, danger, adventure, sex and death. And the two collided and opened up chasms and sinkholes in the lost highway to happiness.
Lynch was a film-maker who found portals to alternative existences and truffled in them like they were erogenous zones, moist orifices of existential possibility. He was the great American surrealist, but his vision was so distinctive that he became something other than that: a great fabulist, a great anti-narrative dissenter, his storylines splitting and swirling in non sequiturs and Escher loops. Lynch was unique, in that he took a tradition of experimentalism in movies such as Maya Deren and Alexander Hammid’s Meshes of the Afternoon and brought it into the commercial mainstream, mixing it with pulp noir, soap opera, camp comedy, erotic thriller and supernatural horror.
Who did Lynch most resemble? Maybe Luis Buñuel from the pioneering 1920s, Douglas Sirk from the Hollywood 1940s, Alejandro Jodorowsky from the counterculture 1970s. Or maybe Edward Hopper (whose painting Office at Night has something Lynchian to it) or Andrew Wyeth and his mysterious midwest tableau Christina’s World. But “Lynchian” could as well mean mainstream or even conservative. Lynch himself was not joking when he talked about his pride at being an Eagle scout in his boyhood.
And he could direct conventionally plotted (if generically freaky) films such as The Elephant Man, with John Hurt as the exploited Victorian fairground attraction, and his adaptation of Frank Herbert’s SF standard Dune – and even the emotional and gentle The Straight Story (whose title concedes its outlying quality), based on the true story of an old man who drove his lawn tractor from Iowa to Wisconsin to visit his estranged brother. Lynch was always passionate about Americana, and Steven Spielberg shrewdly cast Lynch as the western movie legend John Ford in his film The Fabelmans.
Yet with films such as his disturbing, sepulchral debut Eraserhead and (what for me is his masterpiece) Mulholland Drive, a dark fantasia of Hollywood despair, he showed that the challenge to normality was itself erotic. He underlined it with the throbbing and groaning sound design and inspired musical scores from his longtime collaborator, composer Angelo Badalamenti. I will always remember after the first showing of Mulholland Drive in 2001, all of us dizzy and jittery with how very sensual and strange it had been, how witty and how erotic.
Perhaps most remarkably of all, Lynch’s ongoing smallscreen project Twin Peaks anticipated by decades today’s cultural prestige of streaming longform television. And in fact none of today’s Sopranos and Mad Men match Twin Peaks for auteur television. Watch the first two seasons of Twin Peaks from the 90s, the story of a straight-arrow FBI man (played by Kyle MacLachlan) investigating the metaphysical mystery of a violent murder, and see how the second ends with a promise to pick up the story in 25 years’ time – and it actually did. The brightly lit, theatrically soapy look of 90s TV drama was replaced in the third season by the darker, gloomier look of 21st-century high-class TV production. But it was Lynch, through and through.
“This whole world’s wild at heart and weird on top!” wails Laura Dern’s distraught Lula in Lynch’s Wild at Heart, anguished in her wretched motel bedroom, pregnant with her lover’s child – that is, the convicted killer Sailor, a Presleyesque figure played by Nicolas Cage. It’s actually not quite a description of the world as Lynch sees it. In the macabre Blue Velvet from 1986, the world is normal on top, weird underneath, but these layers can’t exist without each other. A clean-cut guy played by MacLachlan, walking home in a suburban American utopia, finds a severed ear on the ground: a symbol, perhaps, of the director’s own hypersensitive perception of underground stirrings and the hidden America. Soon this man is to conceive an obsession with a nightclub singer: part of Lynch’s own longstanding obsession with secret cabarets and occult theatrical rituals, and his particular rapture for the red curtain, rippling and stirring with the mystery it conceals. A Freudian image, yes, but maybe Lynchian is the superseding adjective.
Lost Highway, in 1997, was one of his doppelganger hallucinations, in which Bill Pullman’s troubled sax player and his wife (Patricia Arquette) are terrified by an anonymous tormentor who leaves video cassettes on their doorstep with footage of the outside of their house – an idea later borrowed by Michael Haneke in his movie Hidden.
But for me Mulholland Drive is his masterpiece of eroticism and despair, a brilliant riff on how in Hollywood disillusion is a toxic-waste byproduct of the dream factory. The relationship of Naomi Watts’s saucer-eyed ingénue and Laura Harring’s enigmatic troubled woman is one of the great fraught friendships of modern American cinema.
I myself met Lynch only once, and that was online: a video-linked Q&A for the unveiling of his photographs at the Photographers’ Gallery in London. One of the questioners was someone who had been a walk-on in The Elephant Man and Lynch was instantly hugely excited and insisted on her being brought up to the platform so that he could see her face; he could hardly be persuaded not to simply make the rest of the evening his reminiscences with her. Lynch was always plotting ways to smuggle his audience into new territories of fear, desire and pleasure.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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vizishereig · 6 months ago
Do you have any other WIPs and/or AUs in the works? If you have a snippet to share (no pressure) :3
oh, I do! uhmm, hmmm, lets sift through my documents.
okay, I'll give ya two <3
hiding under cut bc one has mentions of eye trauma and the other is kind of 18+? just a little?
He’s sitting in bed, on his phone, when it happens.
His left eye starts to tear up, out of nowhere. He blinks, confused. Trying to blink the tears away, but they keep coming. Leon blinks again, first the left eye, closing it for a second, then opening, then doing the same with the right.
There are black dots in the vision of his left eye. Something is wrong. He doesn’t know what, but something is wrong.
A small spark of panic is growing, but he pushes it away. He gets up (and he’s still in his night clothes, hasn’t even left his room all day) walking over to look in the mirror. He gets close, trying to see the problem. He catches a glimpse of his left eye, the spots in his vision making it hard for him to understand what he’s seeing.
The panic spreads. Something is wrong.
His phone is in his hand, and he thinks about calling 911, but hospitals have always been a huge fucking no.
He calls Luis instead.
"I'm not a dog, asshole," he spits out, the pain in his head knocking words loose. The tug on his hair is entirely expected, but he still winces at the sudden yanking, hazy blue eyes forced to meet Krauser's.
"You know, you say that, but you still follow orders so well. Even now, on you're wild goose chase to save that girl. You can't help it, huh?" The hand in his hair tightens it's grip as Krauser continues, "You were made for this. And I think you know it, deep down. You are nothing if you aren't listening to someone."
The words hit too close to home, but all Leon does is glare, struggling to move away, blood tracing the curve of his face. Krauser barks out another laugh, using already bloodied fingers to catch the drop and bringing it to his mouth. His rage is blinding as his own blood is smeared over his lips.
He wants to bite him. He doesn't.
"Here's how it's going to go, boy scout," The hand on his hair loosens just a bit, but he's distracted by the gentle shh of a knife being unsheathed. The tip comes to rest against his chin, digging into his skin. He tries to pull away, but the hand in his hair doesn't let him.
"Ah, ah, ah. Listen closely. You're going to open up," he pauses, knife moving up to gently trace over his lips, "and you're going to suck me off. Just like old times, right?"
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geddy-leesbian · 7 months ago
May I ask any headcanons you have about Luis's family?
I went into his family a little bit in the most recent chapter of my main ongoing fic, but I'll get more in depth here.
The Navarro family historically were fishermen, but Luis's grandfather, Alsen, was a black sheep who preferred hunting on dry land, very rarely fishing. His wife, Luis's grandmother, died before Luis was born. (I haven't thought about her that deeply yet, surprisingly.) They had one daughter, Juliana.
Overall Juliana was a nice, likeable girl, although a bit of an outcast because the walk between the Navarro home and the main village square was difficult enough to stop her from socializing with the other villagers frequently. She would walk there once a week for church, and because she was musically gifted she'd play piano or guitar in church. She was a bit of a hopeless romantic too, always hoping someone would make a move on her, but being too shy to try making the first move herself.
Mingo was a real Messy Bitch™ who didn't care for religion or social norms whatsoever, sleeping around with any woman he could successfully charm. Eventually he had his eyes set on Juliana. Alsen knew his reputation and warned Juliana to stay away from him because he'd break her heart, but she couldn't resist. He went through the trouble of hiking to the Navarro home at night to visit her in secret, and that was enough effort to really sweep her off her feet. Sometimes he'd talk about hating Valdelobos and how one day he was going to run away to a big city and do great things, and that vision also appealed to her.
Eventually she gets pregnant. She's excited, Alsen is furious. He gets into a screaming match with Mingo, demanding he marry Juliana before she has the baby. (And the anger is very out of character, Alsen is a very cool and collected man who almost never even raised his voice. It's just matters concerning his daughter, and Luis in some of my AU's, that would upset him deeply enough he'd lose his temper in an argument.) Mingo, allergic to commitment and not at all family oriented, fucks off and leaves the village, making promises to come back which he had no intention of keeping. It was quite scandalous, Juliana being pregnant out of wedlock in such a religious place, and she became even more of an outcast than she was prior. But she was still excited about having a baby, and believed the empty promises. Alsen knew Mingo was full of shit and would never come back, but still loved Juliana more than anything and looked forward to becoming a grandfather. He talked to Mingo's family, hoping they might take some interest in the child that would share their blood and give Juliana more of a support net, but they were entirely unsympathetic. They'd all but disowned Mingo themselves due to his embarrassing behavior, and didn't feel responsible for his child.
Juliana lived long enough to name Luis, and make Alsen promise to raise him and not poison him against his father, still believing that one day Mingo would come back and want a relationship with his child and fearing Alsen would try to get in the way of that, telling Luis he was a bad person that abandoned him and his mother. Which she was right about, Alsen hated the man, but he also loved his daughter enough to keep the promise. He had nothing nice to say about him, so he just refused to tell Luis anything about his father, technically keeping the promise.
Raising Luis would have been really hard at first too. Being socially ostracized meant the village's new mothers who may have agreed to nurse an orphan under different circumstances would have been hesitant to nurse Luis specifically, and formula wouldn't be an option in Valdelobos, so Alsen would have had to turn to poor substitutes like goat's milk. Baby Luis didn't thrive, there were a lot of moments where Alsen wasn't sure if he'd make it, but he pulled through and was very healthy by the time he was a toddler.
Luis looks a lot like his mom.
I also HC that Luis's jacket originally belonged to his mother. The fit/cut of it just strikes me as more feminine, and I like the thought of Luis having a connection like that to his family.
Alsen did his best to educate Luis himself, trying to give him a decent foundation for when he eventually grew up enough to leave the village and go to university. Of course it wasn't even close to the type of formal education Luis would have received outside of Valdelobos, but it at least instilled a love of learning into Luis so he was motivated to educate himself after his grandfather's death.
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iirulancorrino · 1 year ago
But Dallas? Haunted, uncool, materialistic, understudied, deeply second-tier and determinedly urbane at the same time. Try-hards in Bottega Veneta, their endless oil-and-gas money gleaned from other people’s sweat. Dallas is the America that America don’t want to show. And yet the city has a seductive appeal. When Nobel Prize winning writer and expert chronicle of empire V.S. Naipaul covered the Republican National Convention in Dallas in 1984, he wrote: “Air-conditioned Dallas seemed to me a stupendous achievement, the product of a large vision, American in the best and most humane way: money and applied science creating an elegant city where life had previously been brutish.” Naipaul was right. Like Jack Adkisson smoothing the edges of professional wrestling for his little family empire, Dallas loves to smooth the boundaries between country and city. Here you get a luxury car to cosplay city rich, then you get actually rich, then you buy a recreational ranch to cosplay country. Maybe only Miami enjoys money on as pure a level as Dallas does. I’ve seen men in stingray cowboy boots chatting through their manicures and heard a waiter in an expensive restaurant share a bawdy anecdote from their childhood in the Panhandle as they uncork the Krüg. One of my first weekends living here, I went to Deep Ellum, a neighborhood as essential to early blues recordings as New Orleans was to jazz. It was the peak of a Friday night. I saw a glistening new canary-yellow Porsche with paper tags and a license plate frame that read PORSCHE OF SHREVEPORT crawl down Elm Street. A young woman drove and her friend rode shotgun, the top down, their hair in the wind, sugar money and refinery money drifting in their wake. What Northern Ireland is to poets, DFW is to child stars (Selena Gomez; Demi Lovato; Kaitlyn Dever; etc.). Local Millennials and Zoomers will argue that Dallas is the progenitor of “bro” as an omni-race omni-gender pronoun. There’s exceptionally good eating here: Lao, Viet, Ethiopian, various sub-genres of barbeque, seafood from Sinaloa, pozole from San Luis Potosi, Iraqi bakeries, a half dozen steakhouses so thoughtful and so good that they make one reconsider the entire genre. AT&T Stadium absolutely rules. I’m the son of a Philadelphia Irish sports zealot and—forgive me father—when I was a guest at a Cowboys game, I bought Cowboys gear for my then-infant son and snapped up a Michael Irvin shirt for myself. I hit the Emmett Smith shimmy in a hallway. I regret nothing. Critics would say that Dallas was built to house the money. Yes, it was. As were Milan and Hyderabad.
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luigisblueoveralls · 2 years ago
Hey there! Just wanted to say a couple of things. First off, thanks for following back. Secondly, I love your blog and reading your xReader stories. I actually have a request for an angsty one. Where Luigi rescues reader after Bowser kidnaps them. 😁
You're welcome, and thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoy them!! I hope you enjoy this one, and thank you for your request!
See You Again
Luigi x Reader
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If anyone could send me any Luigi pics, please do. I'm desperate. Google sucks. Also Bowser lovers be warned, I made Bowser very evil in this one.
Summary: After you are kidnapped by Bowser and are on your death bed, Luigi rescues you, but is he too late?
Notes: Angst, angst, angst and some fluff. Hope you enjoy!
You laid there on the ground in the jail cell, hoping to succumb to your injuries. Your ribs were broken with a busted lip and sprained ankle. It hurt to breathe. So much. You had hoped earlier that Luigi and Mario would come rescue you, but you were so on the brink of death that you just hoped you died now so Luigi didn't have to die in your arms. Even though you wanted Luigi here, you didn't want to hurt him by dying in front of him. Bowser had kidnapped you to spite Mario, Luigi, and Peach. You tried to fight back as much as you could but Bowser was just too strong and powerful. He hurt you so much, mentally and physically. He tried to convince you that Luigi was not coming for you and he was more than likely fucking some other girl while you laid dying in the cell. It wasn't true and you knew that but of course it got to your head. You tried to roll over but an intense wave of pain washed over you. The claw mark wound that Bowser had given you was getting worse and even infected. It made it hard to move, let alone breathe.
"L-Lui..please. I need you." You cry out to no one.
Every once in a while, you would get a flashback of you and Luigi. Today's was of when y'all went stargazing in the park together. You both had pillows and a heavy blanket on you with some drinks and snacks while looking at the stars and the Milky Way galaxy. It was such a peaceful and amazing night that night. It made you smile, reliving that moment. It made you temporarily forget that you were on your death bed. Little did you know though, Luigi and Mario were in Bowser's Throne room with the Star powerup, kicking Bowser's ass. You just didn't know it because of how close you are to death. You felt that this was it. Your breathing was getting shallower and shallower and it hurt so much. But you were at peace. You felt okay. This was okay. Your vision was starting to tunnel into blackness. There was a bright light and you could see Luigi looking down at you. You couldn't read his face expression very well but you were just happy to see your boyfriend before you die.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N), please! Stay with me!!" Luigi frantically yells at you.
Even though you were smiling up at him, Luigi knows that you are on the brink of death. Your face was draining of color as well as your eyes. They were turning grey instead of your usual (E/C).
"Mario! Peach! Help me please!" Luigi screams out to them.
Mario and Peach come quickly to find you in Luigi's arms.
"S-She's dying. She's dying!!" Luigi frantically yells, while holding you.
You couldn't tell on what you were seeing was real. Luigi was crying hysterically over you with Mario standing there and Peach getting something out of her bag. You felt so weak but the bright light had gone away and your vision was mostly clear. Peach approached you and gave you a shot of some kind and it burned.
"Ah! AHH!!" You cried out.
"I know, baby it hurts I know but it will help you. It's okay, it's okay." Luigi tried to comfort you as he held you.
The burning radiated throughout your body but some of your strength was coming back as well as awareness. It helped you realize what Peach had given you. She has talked about it before. It was a temporary healer and pain reliever. It has a nasty burning side effect, but it helps you. You tried to regain your breathing as the burning slowly started to die down.
"Come on, (Y/N), we have got to go. We got to get you a hospital." Luigi told you.
You nodded in response. Thanks to the shot, you were able to somewhat get on your feet with Luigi's help, and the three of them helped you out of the jail cell and out of Bowser's place. Unfortunately, the shot only works for an hour, and by the time y'all got to a hospital, the shot was out of your system. The doctors immediately got to work on you. Your claw mark slash was indeed infected, and it made the doctors worry. It was just the waiting game at this point. Luigi, Mario, and Peach were in your hospital room, watching you rest. Luigi's mind was going a million miles per hour. Even though he saved you from dying, your infected wound worried him greatly. They put a cast on your foot and wrapped your chest in a wrap to keep your body still so your ribs could heal naturally. So much pain killers were being pumped into you, and naturally, they made you sleepy and you had fallen asleep before the trio got into your room. You dreamt of you and Luigi. It was the future cause Luigi looked older and so did you. Luigi walked in the room holding a baby. It was y'alls baby. A baby girl or boy, it didn't matter to you. But it was something that the both of you made. Luigi has always wanted to start a family with you, but with everything going on right now, it seemed a less likely chance.
"Oh, (Y/N). Please get better. I can't live without you." Luigi sniffled out.
Even though you were asleep, you could hear every word that Luigi was saying to you, you just couldn't reply back. It broke your heart to hear Luigi cry over you. You wanted to reach out or even squeeze his hand in reassurance but you couldn't. This wound was taking over your life. Even the doctors had told Luigi, Mario and Peach that your chances of waking up were slim. You knew you had to wake up, even if you were dying, you had to wake up and see Luigi one last time. One morning, your eyes had naturally opened up. You didn't know how but they did.
"(Y-Y/N)?" A timid voice calls you.
You turned to find Luigi sitting there in shock. He didn't think you would ever wake up. You tried to speak, but you were so overcome with weakness. You barely had any strength to lift your hand and reach for Luigi's hand.
"Lui..." You croaked out.
The beeping of the monitors were getting slower. You were dying. This was it. You were just happy you were willing to wake up before you did so.
"(Y/N). I love you so much. You're my everything, I am sorry I couldn't get to you in time." Luigi apologizes to you, holding your hand tightly.
He knew what was happening, and even though he didn't want it to, there was nothing he could do about it.
"I-I love you too, Luigi. Will I see you again?" You managed to get out.
Your body was getting weaker and weaker.
"Yes, yes you will. Sooner than you think." Luigi promised you.
His eyes were full of tears but he was holding them back.
"Lui, please. Keep living for me." You begged him.
As some tears fell down Luigi's cheeks, Luigi held your face, his soft skin soothing you. It was getting harder and harder to breathe.
"Oh honey, that's gonna be hard without you here. But I will try. For you. For my (Y/N)."
Luigi then leaned in and gave you a soft kiss. Your heart beated rapidly feeling Luigi's lips on yours. It put you into a euphoric state. You held Luigi as he did so and hugged him tightly.
This was it. It's coming. It hurts so much.
"I love you, Luigi."
"I love you too, (Y/N)."
Luigi held you until you took your last breathe. Once he realized you were gone, he broke down into screams and sobs. They were so loud that Mario and Peach could hear them all the way from the cafeteria. They both came rushing in but immediately knew what had happened. Despite them both wanting to cry over your death, they first went to try and comfort a hysterical Luigi. He couldn't believe that you were gone. It was hard to believe. Everyday that he woke up, leading to your funeral, he would hope that this was all just a bad dream and you would be next to him in bed when he wakes up. But you weren't there. And you never will be. It wasn't until he saw your dead corpse in the casket and saw you get lowered into the ground, was when Luigi really realized that you were indeed gone. Luigi felt as though your death was his fault. If only he had just been quicker rescuing you and you would still be here with him. But nothing could change that.
The afterlife was nothing that you would have expected. You expected to be walking on clouds and wearing gowns all the time but it was nothing like that. Everyone wore normal clothes and acted like normal human beings. It was like normal human lives here. It was very peaceful here with nothing but peace and love. You did everything normal as if you were alive, only difference was that there was no concept of time here. Sure it went into day and night here but there was no time or calendars here. It wasn't necessary really but you longed for one thing. Luigi. You missed him dearly. He would love it here, but you always want him to try and keep living. It was an ordinary day today. You were at the common library reading when you were informed that there was a new person arriving. When a new person arrives, everyone gathers around to welcome the person. Although you stayed in the far back, you still welcomed the new person in. You arrived to where the gathering was and the person seemed familiar but it was hard to see for sure in the crowd.
"I-Is (Y/N) here?"
Your heart dropped to your stomach. It was him. Luigi. Everyone stepped back to make a clearing for where you were standing. And standing there was Luigi. He looks exactly like he did since the day you left him. You could barely speak any words. But you ran up to him and you both jumped into each others arms, nearly falling over as a result.
"Oh my god, oh my god, (Y/N)! I'm so happy you're here you have no idea. I told you I would see you again." Luigi exclaimed as he broke into sobs.
You sobbed as well, thinking this was a dream, seeing the love of your life here in the peaceful afterlife.
"I am too, Lui." You said back, hugging him tightly.
"I kept your promise." Luigi told you, pulling away from the hug but keeping his arms around you.
"You kept living?"
"Yep." He answered.
That means...
"Luigi, how long has it been since I passed?"
Luigi sighed deeply before answering.
"Fifty years."
Your heart dropped out of shock. But you were happy that he kept his promise to you.
"I'm..just glad that you are here with me. In this peaceful world." You said, hugging him.
Your heart was finally full. Luigi was here in the afterlife with you, finally. And you two would be here together for forever and ever. And nothing wasn't going to stop y'all.
I hope you enjoy this!! I kind of went with a different approach with this one so i hope that is okay but again I hope you enjoy it!
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xmy-love-to-youx · 1 year ago
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Pairing: Simon Riley x reader
Summary: The apocalypse had struck humanity. Innocents were killed by the undead. The world is a dark and cruel place but it had just gotten a whole lot crueler.
Warning: Ansty, heartbreak, gore, death
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The apocalypse hit humanity hard and quick. The world became a bloody mess in one night. Streets painted red and littered with corpses. Car flips over, buildings and houses burned to the ground.
Humanity was forced to hide behind walls, surrounded by military personnel with guns in hands. The only ones roaming the streets are the undead.
Pale with dead eyes, dried blood on thier torn clothes, they groan and limp as they drag thier bodies aimlessly.
Many teams have been sent out to find out what caused the undead to rise but so far its been failures. Some teams make it back, others don't.
Some teams were sent out to gather food and to clear out any horde of zombies that may be approaching the base.
I'm part of the team that gets sent out. We are a team of 6. Me, Luis, Markus, Sasha, Arlo and Price.
Since the apocalypse. Task Force 141 has split up for some unknown reason, Price ordered Soap and Gaz to work inside the walls. I only met them the team once, when they were together. I enjoyed spending time with Simon, he may be a man of few words but he always shared tips and advice with me. Simon was the only one from the team that wasn't social so I decided to spend as much time with him as possible. I don't know much about the Task Force 141 but I know that they were a elite team, the best of the best.
Once we arrived in the city, we stayed alert for zombies. It was quiet which is strange, last time a team was sent out here, only 3 came back alive.
"Price..." I moved closer to him, feeling uneasy.
"Stay with me. Split up into 3 teams. Y/N is with me" Price looked at his team.
Luis, Markus, Arlo and Sasha nods at each other then eventually decide to have one guy and girl together.
Me and Price scoped out the area and it clean. There were a few zombies scattered but other than that it was clear. We walked into a neighboring building and we snuck around, trying to stay as silent as possible.
As we snuck around, I stepped on a old broken plank and fell through the floor, luckily there was a pool below me. I quickly swam up and gasped for air once I resurfaced.
Price looked down at me with worry in his eyes "Y/N! You okay?!"
I looked at him "Yeah I'm okay. I'll make my way to you"
Price says sternly "Stay right where you are soldier. I'm coming to you"
Without saying another word, he walks away to find a way to me while I got out and pool. My wet clothes clung to me and water pools at my feet.
I held my silenced gun in my hand and took out my flashlight. I looked around the room, the chairs were thrown over. People must have been relaxing here when the end started and they left in a hurry. I wonder if those people are ok or alive at least. I was deep into thought that I hasn't noticed a zombie had woken up from its slumber.
The undead dragged itself body to me and then leaped at me. I turned around just as it jumped onto me. I gasped in fear as I looked at death. He growled and tried to bite me, his mouth snapping open and shut aggressively. I tried to shove him off me but he was way too heavy when I managed to wiggle my leg in between us, I kicked him off me. I dove for my gun but the zombie launched itself at me again and tackled me into the pool. I watched helplessly as the zombie held me under water. I kicked and tried to get away but nothing was working. I was losing air fast and I started blacking out.
The zombie was ripped off me, dragged to the corner and his neck was snapped. I quietly resurfaced and gasped for air. My vision slowly went back to normal and I slowly got out of the pool. I was exhausted and panting.
"Thank you Price. You saved my life"
I was responded with silence. Strange. Why isn't he talking?
I looked up and it was Price. It was Simon.
I haven't seen him in a while. Was he on a mission?
Before I could process anything, I jumped to feet and wrapped my arms around him tightly. My heart beats with joy.
"Thank you Simon" I said, smiling brightly but that smile was immediately taken away when I saw him.
Simon was covered in blood, his beautiful brown eyes are now discolored and dead. He still had his uniform and gear on. His jaw was completely broken and dislocated and hung loose.
My heart sank into my stomach "Simon..." tears builds up in my eyes.
I slowly raised my hand to touch his cheek but he moved back. The room was silent.
"Simon. It's me. Y/N. Don't run from me" I moved towards him and placed my hands on the rotting flesh of his cheeks.
His eyes looked at me, I know his eyes dead and cold when he was alive but now, it's completely dead and lifeless. His freezing cold.
"Simon. Please... It's me Y/N" I begged with tears now, running down my face.
My sobbing fills the air as I pulled him down to hug him, his body is heavy against me and he stayed still, motionless, like he wasn't processing what is happening. His arms hung on both sides of his body.
My sobbing turning to crying, he probably broke his jaw so he doesn't bite or hurt anyone and it makes my heart, it hurts even more to know that he died alone.
Price heard my cries and he started panicking, he bursts through the door and when he saw what was happening, he immediately lowered his gun. His breathe was shakily and he tried not to let a few tears fall himself.
I looked at Price, he looked like he was about to cry "Simon" he approached us.
His eyes scans the dead zombie floating in the pool and knew Simon saved me, even in his undead state.
"Thank you Simon" Price placed his hand on my shoulder and pulled me towards him "Y/N. Say goodbye to Simon"
I covered my face with my hands and I cried uncontrollably. I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my face. My shoulders shook as I cried. I didn't want to leave him alone. He didn't deserve to die the way he did. He doesn't deserve this. He doesn't deserve to be alone but yet, none of us had the strength to kill him.
"I'm sorry Simon... I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you... I'm sorry for leaving you... I'm sorry Simon. Goodbye" I placed my head on his chest then placed a sad kiss to the skull part of his mask that was infused with his flesh.
I moved to Price and clung to him, I was no shape to fight anything or anyone. Price left he said his goodbyes to Simon too. The walk was quiet and heavy.
"You were surprised to see him like that. You knew" I finally spoke up.
"Simon didn't want you to know. His last words to me were 'don't tell Y/N'. Simon won't allow himself to get attached to anyone but with you, he attached and couldn't let go. He never got the chance to tell you his feelings" Price responded.
I stayed silent and pieced everything together in my mind. It started to make sense now. Why Task Force 141 don't exist anymore. Why the city was clean.
As Price and Y/N walked away, they didn't seem to notice Simon that's watched them leave. He maybe undead but he still protects innocent people from the shadows.
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adz · 10 months ago
i disregarded rhyme structure when doing my initial rough translation of this poem and it's thematically not really right for the project i'm working on anyway, so I'm posting it as-is with the original Romanian below the cut. this is unserious and incorrect and any native speaker would laugh, but i do love Bacovia and if anything about this appeals to you, you oughtta check out more of her stuff! In Memoriam - Agatha Bacovia
Thought, prepare yourself to walk Let us glorify him with every verse
We’ll weave tinsel steps From the long warp dream
Seeing how from blue eyes’ depths Two more stars appeared above
Bright in the evening’s secrecy Glowing on the cusp of dawn
The night has shuddered past On shoes of topaz and ruby
And his glittering visions Through furrows of heavenly fields
I watched through summer nights The light of heaven is a burden.
Te pregătește, gândule, de mers,
Să-l preaslăvim cu fiecare vers,
Să-i țesem trepte de beteală
Din lunga visului urzeală,
Să vezi cum din adâncul ochilor albaștri
S-au mai ivit pe ceruri alți doi aștri,
Strălucitori în taina înserării,
Când stelele se-aprind în fundul zării,
Și-nfiorată înnoptarea vine
Pe ruguri de topaze și rubine
Și visurile lui care sclipesc
Prin brazdele ogorului ceresc,
Cum urmăream în nopțile de vară
Inflăcărata cerului povară.
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bloodyfairy83 · 9 months ago
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"Eileen" (William Oldroyd, 2023)
Siamo a Boston negli anni '60. Eileen è una ragazza che lavora come segretaria presso un riformatorio minorile e vive in casa con il padre, un ex poliziotto alcolista. Una vita abbastanza monotona per lei fin quando al riformatorio non arriva Rebecca una nuova psicologa. Eileen rimane affascinata dalla sua personalità e dalla sua intelligenza. Le due legheranno molto finchè Rebecca non coinvolgerà Eileen in qualcosa di molto pericoloso.
Dal romanzo omonimo di Ottessa Moshfegh, Eileen interpretata da Thomasin McKenzie (protagonista di Last Night in Soho) è una ragazza che vive la sua vita come se fosse rinchiusa in due prigioni (casa/lavoro) reprimendo i suoi desideri e usando la sua immaginazione per soddisfarli.
Quando arriva Rebecca, per svolgere il lavoro di psicologa al riformatorio (interpretata da una splendida Anne Hathaway), Eileen rimane colpita dal suo modo di fare e dal suo magnetismo.
La psicologa si occupa di un caso abbastanza complesso: il caso di Lee Polk, un adolescente che ha ucciso il padre a coltellate. Rebecca parla con lui e con la madre ma senza risultati soddisfacenti.
La sera della vigilia di Natale Rebecca invita Eileen a passare la serata insieme a casa sua, ma proprio lì ci sarà un punto di rottura e avverrà qualcosa che potrebbe cambiare la vita di Eileen per sempre.
Un thriller dalle tinte cupe, con un'ambientazione e una ricostruzione degli anni '60 abbastanza credibile e con 2 protagoniste molto brave. Peccato che non appena si arrivi alla parte più tesa e drammatica del film, siamo praticamente già alla fine. Avrei preferito un maggiore approfondimento, soprattutto su quello che sarà poi l'elemento clou del film, ma anche sul rapporto tra le protagoniste e sulla loro caratterizzazione. È un peccato, perché il film è davvero interessante ma ti lascia con la sensazione di aver visto qualcosa di incompiuto e abbozzato. Nonostante queste pecche non mi sento di bocciarlo e penso meriti comunque una visione. Lo trovate al cinema 😊
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 1 year ago
-Leon has a death grip on Luis every night, he cannot escape (leon doesnt want his clown to get hurt again)
-One day, Luis asks Leon to lay on top of him, almost like an anxiety blanket (its the autism), and Leon’s like “I will crush you.” And that only makes Luis annoy him to do it more
-When Luis lays on top of Leon, Luis will annoy the hell out of Leon because he is right there and he cant run away (booping his nose, kissing his cheeks, playing with his hair, etc)
-When sleeping during the night, Luis flops around all night and Leon has to hold him down or he will wake up with Luis’s hand in his face
-If Leon dares step out of bed before 8 am, Luis will do everything in his power to drag his space heater boyfriend back into bed
-Along with having kitten sneezes, Leon also snores like a kitten (idk what that sounds like but it would be cute) and Luis will record them and listen to to them whenever he has a bad day. Also he will use it as leverage whenever Leon is winning an argument and be like “at least i dont snore like a kitten!” and leon will be so caught up in defending the fact that the recording is just him breathing that he will completely forget what they were arguing about in the first place
-Luis is very affectionate in the morning, and will kiss Leon all over his face until Leon wakes up and complains that his breath stinks (which will not stop Luis in the slightest)
-Since Leon’s favorite hobby is watching movies in the dark, you better believe these two are having movie nights every weekend in bed
-Luis frequently complains about the oreo crumbs on the bed that Leon generates from these movie nights, cause I hc leon as being a candy/sweet addict
-Luis is pretty chatty while cuddling so he’ll just be talking about a thing he’s passionate about and Leon will patiently listen while playing with Luis’s hair
-Leon will wake up Luis during the middle of the night and be like “dude i just came up with a funny one liner, wanna hear it?” This happens 3-4 times a week and Luis has long grown accustomed to it
-When Luis has nightmares, Leon will cuddle him and hug him while kissing the tears away, and let Luis cry into his chest and listen until he eventually calms down
-When Leon has nightmares, Luis will make him some tea and help him talk out his nightmare and reassure him. And when Luis is feeling extra romantic, he’ll sing Leon to sleep
-Leon will sometimes get up for a midnight snack and Luis will go to the bathroom during the middle of the night and just see Leon vacuuming up a pint of rocky road kirby style and be mildly disturbed
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micro961 · 5 months ago
La Triade - Il singolo “Night Walker”
Il brano della rock band siciliana sugli stores digitali e dal 25 ottobre nelle radio
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“Night Walker”, è il singolo dell’eclettica rock band de La Triade, siciliana d’origine ma dal chiaro sound d’oltreoceano. Il brano è disponibile sui principali stores digitali e dal 25 ottobre nelle radio in promozione nazionale. Arrangiamenti curati nei minimi dettagli che incarnano il mood della band che va dritta al sodo senza perdersi in chiacchiere. Un rock dalle sfumature acide che colpisce già dal primo ascolto e destinato a rimanere in testa. Interpretazione vocale degna di nota che non lascia scampo ad interpretazioni: qui si fa musica, col cuore, con l’anima… sensazioni d’altri tempi. A conferma di una maturità raggiunta grazie ai tanti anni di musica sulle spalle, La Triade si conferma come una delle nuove realtà più interessanti del panorama indipendente italiano.
“Night Walker” parla di un uomo che giunge ad una propria e vera illuminazione prima che per lui fosse troppo tardi… Un uomo vittima dei suoi stessi vizi carnali che si ritrova con la propria Anima affranta, ed un corpo usato come fosse un pezzo di carta. Giunge per lui però il momento dove capisce che finalmente è giunta l’ora di Amare la propria anima, affrontando una volta e per tutte i demoni che la imprigionano.
“Il brano incarna una vera e propria sfida personale! Un uomo che con coraggio e sacrificio giunge alla Redenzione… è un uomo libero. E niente e nessuno lo potrà più tentare!” La Triade
Ascolta il brano
Storia della band
La Triade è una rock band che nasce nel paese di Corleone nel 2024. Formata dai fratelli Trombaturi Leoluca (cantante e chitarrista), Trombaturi Andrea (bassissta) e da Scianni Leoluca (batterista). La band nasce con una visione chiara, sostenuta da una passione musicale che unisce un Triplice Sentiero di Conoscenza Personale, Culturale, e soprattutto Musicale nata per essere elargita. La Triade propone un genere musicale definito nei modi più svariati: originale, tosto, nudo e crudo… a volte un po’ blues, a volte psichedelico… incorniciato da Power Riff che riecheggiano antiche melodie popolari.
È stato un atto di coraggio? È stata pazzia? Non si sa! La cosa certa è che la band ha iniziato a far ascoltare la propria musica dal vivo: ha conquistato piazze, ha macinato chilometri e sin dalla prima esibizione il riscontro del pubblico è stato travolgente. Elogi arrivati anche da altri colleghi musicisti, non solo dal pubblico. Tutto questo è il carburante e la forza che sostiene la band e la porta ad elaborare sempre nuove sonorità, in continua evoluzione. Recentemente La Triade si è esibita, con grande soddisfazione, sul prestigioso palco del Teatro Ariston di Sanremo, partecipando come concorrenti di uno dei contest musicali più longevi e importanti d’Italia.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/triade_band_official/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61561082371940YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/@triadeofficial
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theviewfromthebooth · 6 months ago
Liverpool prove that stacking wins is hard work
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Credit: Naomi Baker via Getty Images
It’s a popular debate in football: “just how comfortable is a 2-0 scoreline?”. On a bitterly cold October night, Liverpool further muddied those waters, producing a disjointed display that bore little resemblance to the straight forward wins against Ipswich and Brentford that opened the Arne Slot era. Alexis Mac Allister and Mohamed Salah scored in each half, while Bologna will wonder how they didn’t manage any.
The answer was the peerless Alisson Becker, with a collection of outstanding saves as the fifth clean sheet of the season was undoubtedly the hardest to earn.The maximum six points earned from their Champions League campaign will ultimately trump any complaints of a win much more difficult than expected, especially in the wake of shock defeats for Bayern Munich & Real Madrid. Despite two years away from Europe's top table, the muscle memory needed to navigate tricky European encounters has remained.
The Anfield crowd arrived keen to make themselves part of the spectacle - they heard the call from the manager to feel the hurt and hunger generated by a year in the Europa League, and responded with interest. Bologna fans played their part, determined to enjoy their first European outing in 60 years. The result was a feverish soup of an atmosphere - the kind with the ability to inspire and intimidate in equal measure. The early exchanges showed two teams falling either side of that line.
It took 90 seconds for Liverpool to create a great opening. Ryan Gravenberch breached the Bologna midfield for the first but certainly not the last time, laying off to Salah at the perfect moment, who repaid the compliment. The ball eluded Darwin Nunez and Bologna fumbled it to safety. That was the catalyst for a swarm of red as the visitors were unable to escape their half, hemmed in by a tenacious Liverpool press. Bologna are merely loaned the ball for a matter of seconds at a time. Riccardo Orsolini took a speculative shot after a rare Gravenberch error like a man who doesn’t think he’ll get many. And yet, seconds later the ball is in the Liverpool net.
The centre backs were caught square but Thijs Dallinga was too eager - the Reds reprieved by the linesman’s flag. As is so often the case when Liverpool survive a scare, they snap into action. The genesis of the opener is a smart one-two between Dominic Szoboszlai & Alexis Mac Allister, great hold up play from Nunez, and then vision to find Salah. His lofted cross from the corner of the area is delicious, with Mac Allister and Luis Diaz beating the offside line and racing each other to tap in, the Argentine emerging victorious.
One is nearly immediately two. Another beautiful ball from Salah springs Trent Alexander-Arnold onto the Italian defence, at which point everyone in the ground knew what was coming: a perfect sliderule ball to put Nunez through on goal. This time it was the Uruguayan who was curbed by enthusiasm, his run starting seconds too soon to waste what was a comfortable finish. A minor mistake, but exactly the kind he needs to rectify if he’s to claim a permanent home in the team.
In those dominant opening twenty minutes it's clear that Salah arrived at Anfield determined to be the orchestrator - looking to hurt the opponents with his passing, as if stung by the justified criticism of his use of the ball at Molineux. Alisson superbly offered him another chance with a 60 yard volley into his path, but the Egyptian was unable to find the onrushing Diaz. After half an hour Bologna were finally able to take a breath, and began to pose a threat going forward. However, like many visitors to Anfield, when those attacks broke down was when they were at their most vulnerable.
Inversely, their most dangerous moments came when handed the initiative by their hosts. Szoboszlai headed a testing Alisson clearance into the path of Dan Ndoye, leading to a deflected shot rattling the Brazilian’s bar.
That clang of woodwork marked the turning point, as Liverpool’s profligacy gave Bologna hope. They were unlucky that another presentable opening, from one of a mounting number of free kicks, was inadvertently cleared by a black shirt.
Anfield had barely breathed a sigh of relief before Alexander-Arnold lost the ball in a dangerous area only to be bailed out by his goalkeeper with an excellent reflex save. For the first time this season, Liverpool faced a spell where it looked like a goal against was inevitable. Composure was sorely lacking, which soon spread to the top end of the pitch. Good opportunities - the kind that Slot lamented his team passing up in the dying moments on Saturday - were once again left unconverted.
Liverpool’s midfielders took turns to drive through the lines, but all were unable to deliver the killer pass. The half ended with plenty to ponder for the Head Coach, and as the second began it was clear that tigerish retrieval of the ball would be key to placing the game under their control. Szoboszlai and Diaz were the instigators, which in turn made them cheerleaders, as every lung-bursting run to close down their man was greeted with a guttural roar.
The second half’s first significant moment was another important Alisson save, as Orsolini evaded a sleeping Alexander-Arnold from another disputed free kick. After Kacper Urbanski slashed at his own golden opportunity to make himself a Bolognese legend, Slot had seen enough.
Diogo Jota arrived from the bench to replace Nunez, whose promising start faded as he struggled to keep hold of the ball. Bologna’s confidence remained, believing they were as likely to score as Liverpool. Diaz should have proved them wrong, but he failed to pull the trigger after motoring across the edge of the area. When the Colombian saw his number raised moments later he would have known that he had made a mistake.
And then, the moment Anfield yearned for finally arrived. With 75 minutes on the clock, Jota broke through the midfield and laid it into Szoboszlai’s path, who in turn found Salah in his favourite spot - the corner of the area with a worrying defender in front of him. A shift inside as Alexander-Arnold overlapped proceeded a wonderful curled finish into the top corner - the kind that appears if you close your eyes to imagine the typical Salah goal.
Bologna heads finally drop, and all that remained was for the supremely gifted Gravenberch to decide if he would deliver the coup de grace to another magnificent display with his first goal of the season. It’s truly a blessing to see a footballer become elite before our eyes, and the scariest part is that it’s clear that he’s not yet in full bloom.
That goal didn't come, but his ability to make the right decisions on the ball and execute them perfectly time and again is a precious commodity, proven by Liverpool’s willingness to spend hundreds of millions of pounds to find it. In the end they only needed thirty-eight of them. They also only needed two goals, despite creating enough chances for five or six.
Post match, Slot once again struck the right tone - happy with the result while slightly frustrated with the performance, without reaching either extreme: “You're always aiming for perfection, but you'll never reach it”, he smiled. Two months into his Liverpool career only Callum Hudson-Odoi has denied the Dutchman perfection, but despite becoming the first Liverpool manager to achieve eight wins out of nine, Slot is keenly aware that there is more work to do.
While his Liverpool team keep winning, that work will be all the more enjoyable.
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trutletruffle · 8 months ago
cant stop thinking about the presences. so we have three: tommy in elizabeths bedroom, the presence that haunts kate outside of her window (which may or may not be arnold, the devil, and the same thing haunting luis, josh and maybe the other townspeople? there will be further discussion. actually maybe a separate post. this one is about tommy related apparitions), and the second tommy that was seen running down the path in the borderlands that night. so the second category will be its own post but the other two, the tommy presences, are in my opinion both doppelgangers. visions of near future or recent past, portents of imminent disaster. when elizabeth sees tommy in her bedroom he may not be dead, but he will be soon. or already is. when tommy sees himself running down the path in the borderlands, he sees his future (literally) and also his death. he knows what he has to do and he knows that it will kill him. and jesus fucking christ isnt that something. and we dont know what any of it means until it is way too late.
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slimeslam · 11 months ago
The Forgetful
from Leena Krohn: Kadotus (Teos, 2018)
Some remember people's faces and forget their names, some remember people's names and forget their faces. I forget both the names and the faces. It is not that I have a bad memory. I simply think more about other things than people's things, such as the petrified footsteps of the dinosaurs, or Saturn's moonlight.
In a career guidance lesson we were asked what we wanted to become as adults, and many answered: "Most important thing is being allowed to spend time with other people."
I didn't know what I wanted, only what I did not: "Most important thing is being allowed not to."
Still, to some extent I have had to, even here, in the lost-and-found office of this town, which I call Oblivion. This is, after all, an office, keeping an eye on lost items, a service occupation, though barely anyone's calling. This quiet office is where I ended up following a certain logic, inevitability, even. My days have flown in and joined one another in this Oblivion of forgotten items for so long that an entire life has become of them.
After yesterday's celebration, the last one of the summer, the streets and the parks were left littered. The yellowing lawns and the paving stones whitened by dust were speckled by wrappings stained by ketchup and grease, booze bottles and crushed beer cans, pizza boxes and cigarette butts. The sight doesn't please me, and I don't understand why people don't take the empty packages with them, as they have been able to carry them around full. In such nights as yesterday's, the townspeople forget and lose their belongings even more than usually; on park benches, trams, metro stations and the tables of cafés.
I call those people forgetters, and from their forgetting I earn my living. When someone bothers to bring in a lost item to this office, I register it, and it turns into a found item. Not everyone comes inside. On the wall of Oblivion there is a hatch, through which many items left behind by partygoers have been put during the night. I have a box in which I put all the freshly brought in items. Later I sort them according to their kind and place them on different shelves and into their own lockers. Right now there are fourteen items in the box: a key, an umbrella, an earring, an empty box, a leash, a watch, a wallet, a phone, a coffee spoon, a game, a ballet slipper, a snake skin, a pencil, and gold colored scissors.
They call them inanimate objects. I do not think that way. I believe that everything is alive, only in a multitude of ways. Everything that is has its own life and fate, and that's why even these items have to be handled with care. An item surely does not breathe, or move, or reproduce, it has no metabolism - and yet it receives, stores, gives away and radiates information. Even an item has its personal tastes and some of its own will. It can like its owner, or not. If it doesn't, it keeps falling from their hands and breaking; a light flickers, a machine's function is disturbed.
What is organic and what is inorganic, I ask. The elements that compose living objects are the same that the so called inanimate object are built of, and matter and thought are not the opposites, for every item has first been a thought and a vision.
Whereas thought, indeed, it is by no means only a thought but an arrow, a weapon, a tool, the first and the foremost instrument.
I look at items and I see their loneliness and their connections. Items are not merely matter. Even the simplest, most insignificant object manufactured by humans is a story, as it speaks about the hopes, the needs, and the works of humanity. Every man-made product from shoes to rifles, from books to vehicles has the imprints of human spirit in it. In the same way as natural objects, the artifacts have something to say about the laws of the universe, its resources, and the history of this star.
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Baabelin kirjasto
kirjasta Jorge Luis Borges: Ficciones (Grove Press Inc., 1962)
Universumi (jota toiset kutsuvat Kirjastoksi) koostuu määrittelemättömästä, kenties äärettömästä määrästä kuusikulmaisia huoneita. Huoneet kiertävät parvimaisesti kuilua, jossa kulkevat varsin matalin kaitein ympäröidyt valtavat ilmastointikanavat. Tähyääpä kuiluun ylös- tai alaspäin, loputtoman kauas näyttävät huoneiden tasaväliset kerrokset ulottuvan. Kaksikymmentä kirjahyllyä - viisi pitkää hyllyä seinustaa kohden - peittää neljä seinää kuudesta lattiasta kattoon. Korkeudeltaan ne eivät juuri ylitä keskimääräistä kirjastonhoitajaa. Avoimella seinällä on kapea oviaukko, josta käytävä johtaa toiseen, täysin vastaavanlaiseen tilaan. Molemmin puolin käytävää on sijoitettu kaksi pientä huonetta. Toisessa on seisomatilaa nukkumista varten, toinen tarjoaa helpotusta aineenvaihdunnallisiin tarpeisiin. Käytävän läpi kulkevat myös korkeuksista tänne ja edelleen pohjattomuuteen syöksyvät kierreportaat. Sisäänkäynnin eteen on ripustettu peili, joka huolellisesti toisintaa tilan vaikutelman. Tämä on johtanut päätelmiin Kirjaston äärellisyydestä (jos se todella olisi loputon, miksi tämä illuusionomainen jäljennös?); minä kuitenkin haluan unelmoida kiiltävän pinnan olevan teeskentelyä, allaan lupaus äärettömästä...
Valo tulee pyöreistä hedelmistä, joita kutsutaan lampuiksi. Kussakin kuusikulmiossa niitä on kaksi vastakkaisilla puolilla. Niiden säteilemä valo on riittämätöntä, lakkaamatonta.
Nuoruudessani olen matkustellut, kuten kaikki Kirjaston asukkaat. Olen etsinyt kirjaa, kenties kaikkien teosten koontiteosta; nyt kun näköni tuskin riittää erottamaan mitä kirjoitan, valmistaudun kuolemaan täällä, muutaman tason päässä kuusikulmiosta jossa synnyin. Kuoltuani ei tule olemaan puutetta hurskaista käsivarsista heittämään minut yli kaiteen; muistomerkkini on oleva ilmasta tehty. Ruumiini tulee vajoamaan kauan ja mätänemään ja hajoamaan loputtoman putoamisen viimassa. Tulen osoittamaan Kirjaston olevan päättymätön. Idealistien mielestä kuusikulmaiset tilat ovat absoluuttisen avaruuden, tai ainakin meidän käsityksemme siitä, välttämätön muoto. He väittävät kolmi- tai viisikulmaisen tilan olevan käsityskykymme ulottumattomissa. (Mystikot väittävät hurmoksessaan heille paljastuneen pyöreän kammion, jonka seinämä on yhden suuren kirjan selkämys, mutta heidän todistuksensa on epäiltävä ja sanansa hämärän peittämät. Tuo kehämäinen kirja on Jumala.) Minulle toistaiseksi riittäköön klassinen opinkappale: Kirjasto on pallomainen tila, jonka keskus on mikä tahansa kuusikulmio, ja jonka ulkokehä on saavuttamaton.
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To do something different to pass the remaining ALMS hours, I decided to try translating some prose texts. I chose to translate passages from Leena Krohn's novel Kadotus and from Jorge Luis Borges' short story The Library of Babel from the book Ficciones to get a taste of translating both from Finnish to English and from English to Finnish. Translation is something I am interested in as a kind of a creative puzzle, and had I had more time, I would've liked to take part in the translation support group. I expected translating to Finnish to be easier, but after all both had their own kinds of knacks.
This of course has a lot to do with the texts in question as well. As I found out, it was not easy to picture the exact details of the architecture of the Library of Babel that Borges might have had in mind. In particular, the positioning of the mirror was quite a puzzle, as it was simply described to hang "in the entrance way". But as the mirror was described to create an illusion of extended space, I decided that it must be hung "in the way of the entrance", as it wouldn't make much sense for it to be hung on the wall of the corridor between rooms. I am not even sure whether there is a corridor, or only a doorway, but I couldn't imagine the two small rooms and the staircase positioned any other way. Also I couldn't for the life of me decipher what it meant for the lamps to be "running transversally", so I just settled for them to be located on the opposite sides of the room.
When translating to Finnish I of course have more control of the nuances, and I found it easier to take more freedoms in order to better convey the ideas behind the text. The first draft was pretty quick to write, but editing out the most flagrant anglicisms and suiting the sentence structures to Finnish took a lot of time. But I like that kind of fine-tuning.
The translation to English was in some ways more straightforward. For one thing the source text was simpler, and also my ability to adjust the result is more limited. I found that when translating from Finnish to English the problem is that the sentences tend to become long because of the compactness of Finnish with respect to English. For example, in Finnish it is possible to list things while adding quite expressive attributes to them, such as "jo kellastuvia nurmikoita ja katukiviä, joiden värit pöly on vaalentanut", in English having the exact same information content can easily make the sentence very bloated. The relative straightforwardness is likely for a great part due to my blissful ignorace about registers and nuances, and the nature of the source text, but I found the sentence structures to be easier to translate from Finnish to English. English is perhaps more liberal in that aspect.
ALMS progress: 4 h 50 min
89 h 30 min
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