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simonbrain · 21 days ago
Could you possibly write some more deer!hybrid stuff? I loved the first one :3
of course 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
true to his word, simon keeps you with him at home. it's a bit awkward given that he doesn't really speak to you other than a gruff keep still while checking on your injuries, but once you accept the fact that you're making conversation with a brick wall most of the time, you're just happy to be there with him. his cabin's pretty cosy, the bed much warmer and more comfortable than the pile of leaves you occupy. the food's not bad either, although you did refuse to eat the meat he had placed on the table the first couple of nights. you preferred your greens, fruits, and nuts, but you begrudgingly gave in when he cooked up some fish for you.
even when you're all healed up, he doesn't explicitly tell you to get out, and you take full advantage of that. wearing his clothes, slumbering in the sweet little garden he has at the back, curling up against him at night. he may grunt and act annoyed whenever you drape yourself on top of him and snooze away, but the arm wrapped tight around your body says otherwise.
however, that's where he draws the line at touching you, and you're beginning to get a little restless. you thought feeling his hand rub up and down your back would've been enough to soothe the heat prickling all over your skin; the soft pats on your head and gentle strokes on your excited little tail should have satisfied your need for affection.
yet here you are, face hidden in the crook of his neck as you rock against the thick thigh between your legs. you just can't help yourself, can't quell the urge to get on all fours and present. he's just right there, so big and warm, encompassing you from all sides; it's impossible to escape his heady, musky scent. maybe you should feel embarrassed about being so desperate, but he's ignored so many of your subtle signs. it's impossible to play coy when you're sprawled out on top of him like this.
simon swirls his glass, the taste of bourbon and want heavy on his tongue. such a pretty sight you make, his favourite headache shamelessly whimpering and getting herself off on top of him. when you whine for something more, something better, he only shushes you and places a supportive hand on your lower back, urging you to carry on. this is for him, doe; after all that shit he's put up with, he's earned the right to play with you.
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starlight727 · 4 months ago
A little gift (part 3, the final part, I promise lol)
Shadow Milk Cookie x reader fic (Chapter 2 - Theater of Lies)
Author's note: Had planned to leave this part for part 2, but decided to make a separate part for it, so here we go, final act, let's do this!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 (you are here)
"As saddening as it can be, we've reached the last round! And since it's the last question, you get twice the amount of points!" announced Shadow Milk with a sad tone in his voice, but at the same time he sounded excited for what was coming next. He pointed out this last question was for White Lily, you looked over your shoulder to see her pale face and eyes widened, she tried to steel herself, but what came next shocked her to her core.
"You sure seem proud of your new title of 'the Guardian of the Seal...' ...let's see how great you really are...!" and with that, Shadow Milk summoned lots of strings that held you and your friends up in the hair by the wrists and ankles, it scared you all, it was a painful feeling how tight the strings were.
But suddenly, you felt the strings let go of your limbs and you fell on a solid platform, it was a cardboard star! You were then carefully taken to the one place you never expected to be: Shadow Milk's hand. You were frozen in fear, trying your best to hide your trembling self. Your eyes were wide open, taking in every single detail in the giant entertainer's form, his attire, his strange hair (or hat, what even was all of that??), his face... his wonderful face and its... majestic features... oh my Witches, you were falling in love with him HARD, like a shooting star crashing on Earthbread (that doesn't make sense but you get the idea). You got up on your feet, but your shaking knees were not helping you keep your balance. You tried walking up to him, but you tripped over your own foot (like a clumsy main character, you hated it), but to your surprise, he caught you just in time! Your gaze softened at the surprisingly generous act, you were staring at him, at his gorgeous sky blue eyes, for so long, you got lost in them, you didn't notice you were so deep in there until Shadow Milk started talking to you with a voice so soft it could be softer than silk.
"Hello there, Y/N Cookie!" he began with a light chuckle, something that snapped you out of your trance and made you blush like mad.
"Hehe, don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you, my little star. You'll stay right here, close to me, so I can keep my eyes on you~." he said as he moved you to the top of the Silver Tree, where the night sky was covered with thousands of blue eyes peering into your soul. It took you a couple of minutes to register what just happened, you needed to lie down after that, you felt like you were about to pass out and you didn't wanna fall off the platform you were standing on, so you rested on it while everything else was happening.
While you were asleep, a lot of important events were happening: Shadow Milk Cookie was holding your friends hostage (Wizard’s string restraints were tighter than everyone else’s), White Lily Cookie was about to make the ultimate decision between saving everyone or defeating Shadow Milk, all while he was making sure you didn’t get caught in the crossfire because the last thing he wanted was for you to get hurt by his hands, especially hers. So everything was going great for him so far, he was going to kill your friends, rule Earthbread and have you be his favorite doll forever… until… something unexpected happened. White Lily used her Guardian powers not to attack Shadow Milk, but to seal the crack in the Tree, thus ruining his plans (also making shrink in size) and saving everyone in the process. You were slowly waking up after the blast healed the Tree, all those loud noises and bright lights were too much, you had to see what was going on.
“You... YOU...!!!! I gave you only two choices...!!!” his loud complaints woke you up more and more, you quickly got up from the platform and stretched. But suddenly, it started shaking and slowly falling, you tried your best to stay calm and steady, but you were at the top of the Tree so it wasn't as easy as you thought it would be. It wasn’t long before the cardboard star you were standing on disappeared completely and you were plummeting to the ground, screaming for help.
“…!!!” Shadow Milk gasped at the sight of you falling, so he extended his hand towards you and a bunch of gooey black tentacles rose from the ground to grab you, bringing you close to him.
“There you go, my darling! Wouldn’t want you hurting yourself now, would we~?” he said as he caressed your face, you blushed a darker tone at the gesture, you weren’t expecting to be this close to him like this, this was simply too much!
“Y/N Cookie! Hold on!” exclaimed White Lily, sending large green vines to your location, grabbing you and pulling you away from Shadow Milk.
“NO!!! You're NOT taking my star away from ME!!!!” he shouted as he sent more tentacles to grab you and pull you away from her, both cookies were now pulling you in opposite directions. It hurt you a lot, you were cracking from the tight grips the vines and tentacles had on you. You were visibly uncomfortable and groaning loudly, both cookies were now fighting for your safety and survival.
“How dare you ruin... This moment I've been waiting for for so long...” his tentacles’ grip on you was weakening, White Lily vines’ kept pulling away from him, their grips were so tight you were losing air, you couldn’t breathe properly anymore.
“Eugh... Agh...” you didn’t like hearing him groan in pain, his tentacles were getting weaker and weaker. White Lily took his moment of weakness to her advantage and used her vines to pull harder, successfully bringing you closer to her.
“WHOA!!” you exclaimed as you were pulled away from Shadow Milk’s grasp.
……everything went silent, everything turned white…
You were unconscious for a long time.
“…….Y-……” someone was calling out to you.
“…Y/N…………..” you were slowly opening your eyes.
“……Y/N Cookie…!” your eyes shot wide open, you were breathing heavy, you tried to get up but the pain in your waist hit you like a bullet. Pure Vanilla and White Lily were holding you steady, making sure you didn’t hurt yourself more.
“It’s alright, Y/N Cookie! You’re safe.” said Pure Vanilla as he was healing your wounds.
“Aughh, hmm? Pure Vanilla Cookie…? White Lily Cookie…?”
“Oh Y/N Cookie, I’m so sorry for the damage I caused, if there’s anything I could do to make it up to you…” said White Lily, gently placing her hand on your forehead while looking away from your damaged self.
“No no, it’s ok. You did it to save me, thank you…”
White Lily smiled softly at you, Pure Vanilla smiled at her, he was so grateful that she was able to save you. A few moments later, Gingerbrave and friends, Mercurial Knight and Silverbell came to see you.
“Y/N Cookie, you’re ok!” exclaimed Gingerbrave.
“Oh thank the Witches you’re alright!” said Strawberry.
“Finally, it’s all over for that Beast. Thank you so much, White Lily Cookie.” added Wizard.
“Hehe, hey guys.” you whispered as you tried to get up, your voice was weak from the screaming, and you couldn’t maintain your balance from your broken waist. Luckily, Mercurial Knight and Silverbell were there to catch you.
“Careful Y/N Cookie, do not overexert yourself.” said Mercurial Knight.
“Don’t worry Y/N Cookie, we’ll help you get better, we’ll take you back to the kingdom so you can rest!” said Silverbell while smiling at you.
“Thanks, you two, I appreciate it.”
As you all returned to the Faerie kingdom, you all noticed how everything was going back to normal, all the magic from Shadow Milk’s realm was receding. Oh man… he was gone… oh… why were you feeling sad? This was supposed to be a good thing, right? …right? You weren’t sure how to feel about this, until you heard his voice again.
“You think you won, don't you?!”
“HUH?! How are you still talking?!” exclaimed Wizard, you wanted to know how he was talking too!
“You may be celebrating your little victory for now... ... But heed my words! We have finally risen. Do not think that you can hold us back. Foolish Cookies...! You simply have no idea what's waiting for you...! HA HA HA HA HA!”
It had been a while since Shadow Milk warned you all about the upcoming danger that was headed your way. You were feeling better about your injuries, Pure Vanilla managed to heal you and the Faerie Cookies patched you up. Everyone was celebrating White Lily's triumph over Shadow Milk's evil ways by having a feast to honor her and the late Elder Faerie. None of this made you feel better emotionally though, you felt conflicted whether you should be happy for everyone winning against Shadow Milk... or sad over his forced departure. You needed some time alone to think, so you excused yourself to go check on the Silver Tree, Mercurial Knight suggested against this because you were still healing from your wounds. You told him you'd be ok on your own, you trusted White Lily's magic would protect you from harm, so he let you go. You made your way towards the Tree, where you rested your head against it and imagined yourself with Shadow Milk again.
"Hey, Shadow Milk Cookie? ...I thought your show was great. I thought... I think... you're great! You're amazing, and funny, and extremely handsome, heh." you started quietly, hoping he could hear you from inside the Tree.
"I wish... I wish I could... see you again..." you whispered as you placed your hands on the Tree, giving it a little kiss, maybe he could feel you from the other side...
"You're an interesting little cookie, aren't you~?" he spoke to you in your head, so no one else could hear you. You were startled by his response, you didn't think he'd actually say something! You took a few steps back from the Tree, you were hoping nobody saw you doing all of this.
"What the?? How are you talking to me?"
"I'm in your head, silly! Heheheheh!"
"Oh, right. That's not concerning at all."
"Hehe! Y'know, out of all the Cookies I've tormented today, I didn't expect you to resist. In fact, it almost looked like you were truly... interested in me! Why is that?"
You didn't think he'd ask you about your behavior towards him, so with no other way of answering (cause you knew he could see through your lies), you told him the truth.
"O-Oh, w-well, I just... I just thought... that... you were the most intriguing Cookie I've ever met, and I've met a lot of Cookies on my many adventures, but none of them had the same effect on me like you have."
"And what might that be?"
"...Your charms, your witty banter, the fact that you made me laugh several times during your show... and... the way you treated me was so... gentle and caring... not to mention bold... I honestly didn't expect that coming from the Beast of Deceit himself."
Your answer filled Shadow Milk's ego... and his heart. He felt himself blushing and genuinely smiling from the honest opinion you had about him, he wanted to jump out of the Tree to give you a big hug and never let go, he wanted to smooch you until you were breathless, leaving marks on you to let everyone know that you were his and only his.
"...Well aren't you such a cute little cookie~? As a token of my appreciation, here's a little something that you may have lost during my show." you tilted your head in confusion, what was he talking about? Suddenly, out of nowhere, you heard something fall behind you. You quickly turned around and gasped at what you saw. It was your hat! The one that puppet gifted you! Oh, you were so happy to see that hat again, you took a quick sniff and... yep, the same blueberry milk scent from before.
"...Thank you!" you held the hat close to you before you put it on, still fits.
"You're welcome, doll! Just make sure you don't lose it again... or let your small wizard friend see you with it... hats like that one don't just grow on trees, y'know. And... if you ever come back here... I'd love for you to give me more of those sweet and tender kisses of yours, maybe I could return the favor~."
What the?! How does he know about...?? Wait, he knows, but you never actually kissed him... did you? In a split second, your mind travelled back to the memory of you... giving the puppet a kiss... oh my Witches...
"I- uh-... uhhh...b-but... w-wait what?!" is all that came out of your mouth. You couldn't believe it: The puppet, that was him in disguise! You kissed Shadow Milk Cookie (on the forehead, but still)! Shadow Milk laughed heartily at your stuttering self, blushing while doing so.
"Hahahaha! Oh, you look so adorable when you're confused~!" he teased with a devious grin that you couldn't see. You were feeling very dizzy from all your rushing thoughts and rapidly beating heart, you had to sit down for a little while, luckily the wind was there to cool off your head.
"Hehe, you're full of surprises, Shadow Milk Cookie. And sure, if I ever come back here... then maybe... I could give you a surprise of my own~." you said while taking your hat from your head and giving it a long kiss while looking at the Tree, knowing that he could somehow still see you. Your words and your actions made him gasp loudly and jump with excitement, his face turning dark blue while he floated giddily, giggling, squealing, flapping his hands and kicking his feet in the air like a high school girl who got asked out on a date by the hottest guy in school. You heard him making all those noises, which made a light blush grow on your cheeks, then you chuckled while covering your mouth with one hand. But alas, it was time to go, you knew this because you heard your friends calling you in the distance.
"Y/N Cookie, come on! We gotta go!" shouted Gingerbrave.
"Pure Vanilla and White Lily are calling us!" said Strawberry as loudly as she could.
"Let's go Y/N Cookie, we don't wanna keep them waiting, do we?" added Wizard.
"Yeah yeah, I'm coming!" you answered back, hiding the tone of annoyance in your cheerful response. You really weren't looking forward to leaving, especially since you had a good thing going on with him.
"Well, I have to go now. It was nice talking to you again." you told him sadly with a small frown on your face.
"...Shadow Milk Cookie?"
"Oh, yeah, my apologies heh, I was just... thinking" he said sternly, staring at your friends, and Pure Vanilla's his Soul Jam.
"Hm, about what exactly?" you said teasingly with a smirk. This made him snap out of his thoughts and smile.
"About how much I'm going to miss you, my shining star~! Hehehehe!" he chuckled lightly. You were blushing a lot, he called you his shining star! Witches, you wanted to jump and squeal, but you couldn't show it because your friends were watching you.
"Uh-... w-well uhm, hehe, I'm gonna miss you too...!" you said while breathing heavily, he's been flirting with you so many times, it was time you did something about it before you left, so you did the next best thing.
"Goodbye, my dazzling jester~!" you finished your statement with a wink and a bow, then quickly turned around and ran to your friends with the biggest grin on your face. You had to hide it from your friends so they don't ask you about what you were doing by the Tree, you also hid your hat somewhere in your clothing only you knew about. As you approached your friends, you all waved goodbye to the Faerie Cookies.
If only you could see the look on his face, he was flabbergasted from your bold move, his face was a whole blueberry, melting in place, drunken smile and everything, sighing dreamily over your eventual return.
"Hey Y/N Cookie, what are you smiling about? Did something good happen?" asked Strawberry curiously.
"Oh it's nothing, just remembered something funny." you said as you cleared your throat, trying to wipe away the smile of your face as best as you could. As you all left the Faerie Kingdom, you took a glance at Pure Vanilla's Soul Jam and you heard him speak to you one last time.
"Farewell, Y/N Cookie of the Cookie Kingdom, I'll see you soon." he said softly, his last message to you, if you could, you'd invite him into your kingdom. You remembered how he mentioned that Dark Enchantress would give him and his comrades new cookie bodies so they could unlock their full potential again. Maybe when he finally gets his new body, you could give him some proper affection. Back home, you stare at your hat as you wait patiently for the day when you eventually reunite with him, when you give him those kisses you promised him... when he returns the favor in the most dramatic and romantic way possible, it would be expected from a Cookie like him, you'd still welcome him and his show of affection with open arms.
When you two meet again.
The end.
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zer0pm · 2 years ago
Imagine Luis hugging you closely as you two navigate through the darkness of Castle Salazar. But not just because he didn’t want to lose track of you…
Tumblr media
“Luis, what the hell are you doing?”
“One would think someone as intelligent as you would be able to tell when they’re being embraced. And by such a dashing man, I might add.”
You roll your eyes and proceed to bend your elbow back with swift force. Although you couldn’t see behind you, the contact with leather and the sound of him cursing in his native tongue was a sure satisfactory sign that you landed a perfect hit. He didn’t let go of you completely, but he did loosen his grip so that he wasn’t completely pressed against your behind. His closeness caused your cheeks to burn and you were thankful that it was dark.
The two of you found yourselves wandering warily inside the castle, having been forced to evade Saddler’s plaga-infected cultists once again. Their pursuit chased you inside a series of rooms devoid of light save for a few torches dimly lit with strange purple flames. As the torches were steadfastly stuck on the walls, it would have been difficult to navigate through the area without a reliable source of light on hand. Thankfully, on one of the side tables, you found a lantern already lit. This one burned a distinctive, eerie blue flame and like a moth, you were drawn to it, picking it up gingerly in your hand. It offered little in terms of illumination, but it was enough to help you get a grasp of your surroundings.
By then, your Spanish companion took it upon himself to attach his body to yours. His excuse, he didn’t want to lose you amidst the darkness despite the lantern offering enough light to allow some distance. He didn’t relent even as you shared this fact, creating the excuse that he didn’t want to take the chance especially as monsters could be lurking about anywhere and wanted to be ready to leap to your protection. While he had a point, if you had to guess, it was more likely that the notorious flirt just wanted to be close to you. For the moment, you let it go and moved on to lead you both through the abyss. Upon further inspection, you discovered that the two of you are in a library of sorts. One of many, as Luis candidly pointed out.
“And vastly interconnecting,” he added. In the darkness, his lips thinned into a pensive line before curving to that of delighted realization. “Actually, this place looks familiar. There should be a few hidden rooms somewhere around here. ¡Rápido! Look for a grandfather clock.”
He advises to act quickly yet the man still has his arms wrapped around your waist, restricting your movements. “You know, it’s hard to look for anything let alone move at the pace we’re going what with you holding onto me like this.”
“Hm?” The man hummed, intrigue rumbling in this throat. “How should I hold you, then?”
You scoff. This man is incorrigible. Yet as insufferable as Luis is most of the time, he is also undeniably charming. If you weren’t struggling to stay alive, you’d enjoy private moments like these with him.
As if reading your thoughts, he spoke up. “You know, if not for the certainty of danger lurking in quite literally every corner of this terrible place, this would be a rather romantic setting. Don’t you think?”
“What are you on about this time?”
“C’mon, just think.” The dark-haired man steps around to snake his arm around your shoulders and reposition his tall frame against your side. It was easier to walk this way for certain, but now you can see each other’s faces. You hope he can’t see how flushed your cheeks are. “You, me, and a single candle light. All that’s missing is fine dining with some wine and this would make a most promising night worth remembering.”
“I have a feeling that this whole journey is going to be memorable whether we like it or not,” you sigh. “So what, then? Like a date?”
Luis shrugs, “If that is what you would like it to be.”
Why can’t this guy ever be straight with you? As flirty and playful as he can be with his teasing, there are far too few instances where you can tell he’s being genuine. This is not one of those instances. And over such an intimate topic. You decided to bite the bullet and prod further.
“What would you want it to be, Luis?”
He pauses, clearly not expecting you to turn it around on him. The man twists his head to look into your eyes thoughtfully, the blue flame reflecting off his brilliant silver hues. There was a glint in his gaze that bordered on something hopeful and you wondered if you returned it. As if in doing so, it would drive from him the answer you wanted him to say. However, his lips didn’t move and although the words danced upon the tip of your tongue, you bit them back out of pride. Luis catches how your jaw moved when you clenched your teeth and opened his mouth to break the silence.
You both freeze in place.
“What’s that sound?”
“No se-”
Clunk! Shhft!
That sounded alarmingly close. You flash the lantern towards one of the countless bookshelves and through the thin openings, you see movement on the other side. Its figure is hard to discern but the way that the light reflects off its body, you deduce that they are covered in some type of metal armor. You and Luis aren’t alone anymore. Luis squeezes your shoulder and when you turn to face him, he had his pointed finger pressed against his lips. Nodding, you two kept walking as quietly as possible while also keeping a low head and an eye on the mysterious figure walking about. It didn’t seem to notice you and you thought you were in the clear until you heard another set of heavy steel footsteps thumping on the side.
The steps grew faster towards you and out of panic, you flash the lantern that way to see what was coming. The light reveals an animated suit of armor running at you with a sword raised high. You were about to run for it until you felt a familiar hand upon your waist, keeping you in place. You struggled against Luis’ hold, stricken with horror. Just as you were about to scream at him to let you go, he takes a firm grasp of your hand that held the lantern and lifts both of your hands upward towards the armor. Your eyes flinch to a tight close, shoulders tense of what you assumed to be your impending doom…
But the steps have stopped, the limbs of the armor come to a screeching halt and you open your eyes to see this new, terrifying enemy completely stationary, as if frozen on the spot.
“Huh. That’s new.” Luis comments with intrigue evident in this voice. “A mutated variant capable of using non-organic hosts. Salazar has been busy.”
So many questions flooded into your mind but your anger took over your voice. You glare at him over your shoulder, miffed over how calm he is given that he nearly gave you a heart attack. “How about a little warning next time?”
Shhft! Shfft! Shhft!
That’s definitely not good. It sounded like you two are surrounded and while the castle is huge, the rooms in the library are packed tight with shelves and thin aisles. A step in the wrong direction would spell your end.
Luis speaks up, “I have an idea. Do you trust me?”
Did you have a choice? The man practically drags you by the arm, managing to sneak you both behind the cover of a book-filled aisle. The tall, thick volumes block the lantern’s light from the plagas’ view. Leading you both into a crouch, he guides you through the library. You could do nothing but follow, keeping a careful ear to the movement around you. After several careful turns, you enter another dark room and stop right before a grandfather clock. Luis takes the lantern from your hand and a rare, serious expression settles on his rugged features.
He whispers, “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”
“Wait, what are you-”
He dashes off before you can finish your sentence. How a man can move that fast and not make a sound is beyond your comprehension. Completely alert, you watch his retreating form go down what looked like a long corridor. In the darkness, only the light illuminated his shape, making him appear like a shadow. You couldn’t see what he was doing but before you could ponder further, the walls seemed to shift in the distance, consuming the light and leaving your sight with only the only void.
Panic fills you like insects crawling into your pounding heart. Terror pricks upon your spine in chilling shudders. What did Luis do? Where did Luis go? Did Luis leave you?
You thought about calling out to him but the familiar sound of steel-capped footfalls fills your ears. You back yourself into the wall, making yourself as small as possible and hold you breath, daring not to make a single sound. The armored plaga are so close, the sharp clangs of metal echo off the walls in rhythm of your blood pumping. You thought for certain that it was over when one dreadful step resounded against the floorboard right beside you but a harsh thud in the distance catches the attention of the overgrown parasites. The plaga rush towards the noise and you listen carefully for their footsteps to echo further in the distance before sighing softly in relief.
Believing it would be best not to linger in this spot longer than necessary, you were about to shift to a stand until something firm gripped onto your shoulder. You nearly gasped aloud in shock, but your mouth is covered by what felt like a warm hand.
“Calma, calma.”
Luis’ thick accent reaches your ears in a soft, soothing whisper and you immediately relax under his touch. Remembering yourself, you slap his hand away and admonish him through clenched teeth.
“Luis, what the hell?!”
“No time for questions. Follow me.”
You hear him shuffle before you, the lack of light making it very difficult to make out what he was doing. After a minute, you hear the soft click of a mechanism and the low dragging of something heavy scuffing against the wooden floor. The hand on your shoulder swiftly slides down to grip your arm and you’re once again dragged through the darkness. The rush of your pace was short lived as Luis lets go of you. His body heat retreats from you and you nearly reached out for him, but your hand stops midair when you hear him tinkering offside and the familiar mechanism shifts gears. He must have led you both to one of the hidden rooms he mentioned before and just closed the entrance behind you.
“There. We’re safe. For the time being,” the Spaniard says.
You take in some much needed breath at his words. Once you have completely relaxed and was certain that you were not in immediate danger, you steal a moment to absorb your new surroundings and come to a familiar conclusion- it was dark as hell!
As you were about to ask what the next part of Luis’ genius plan was now that you have successfully evaded your armored pursuers, a soft click echoes off the wooden walls. Your curious eyes catch a small flame burning a ways from you, the warm light casting a warm glow against a familiar figure. It was Luis. With a lighter in hand.
You blink. “Have you had that this entire time?”
The man was hunched over one of the lower shelves of a large bookcase, tossing aside several books over his shoulders without a care for the amount of noise he made with his rummaging.
“Hey, are you listening to me?” you said as you beelined to his side. “What are you doing now, Luis?”
He responds without looking at you, “Un momento. It should be… ¡Oye! Found it!”
His hand lifts from the recesses of the shelf, revealing a rectangular tin container.
You blink, “It’s a box.”
It was Luis’ turn to roll his eyes. “Not just any box. Suppressants. This should help our two American friends with their parasite problem.”
His words perk you up to attention immediately. “That’s great! We should tell Leon and Ashley right away.” Your hand moves towards the communicator you keep on your person. However, again, Luis’ voice stops you.
“Not yet.”
You quirk your brow at him inquisitively. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
The dark-haired man shakes his head. “Nada. Rest assured, we’ll break the good news. But first, ¿por qué no nos tomamos un descanso?”
He wants to take a break? When you uncovered such a critical find?
You countered, “You really think now is the time for a breather?”
He responds with a shrug, “Now would probably be the only time, my friend. This room is completely safe, I promise. And I have every intention of savoring the moment it has to offer. You’re free to join me.”
The finality in his words truly left you with no room to argue. And boy, did you want to argue. But the ache in your muscles begged for rest and truthfully, the idea grew more tempting by the second.
Eventually, you cave. “Five minutes. And we keep going.”
Luis grins, “I can work with that. Next time will be longer.”
With that, his lighter closes with another metal click, killing the only light in the room and effectively rendering your sense of sight useless once more. You didn’t realize he moved until you felt his warmth breath fanning against your face, your nostrils taking in his musk.
“And for the record,” his voice comes off low and deep. “Me encantaría salir contigo.”
Before you could ask him to repeat himself as you didn’t quite catch that last part, he silences you with his lips pressed against yours, warm hands returning to your waist and pulling you close.
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halforresterluvsford · 4 months ago
Everyone talks about dark!Ford, but what are your thoughts on dark!Stan? 😳😳
Ngl I feel like, given Stan’s past, he’s already pretty dark. Like, this man was stealing radioactive waste to rebuild a portal to bring his brother back, he literally faked his death. And killed a demon for him. Maybe he isn’t as crazydark as Ford, but he’s definitely the type to beat up someone who was looking wrong at Ford. Or looking at Ford with lust. Or who was looking at Ford. Don’t look at Ford.
He’d probably drop a “word” with one of his contacts if someone was messing with Ford. Dealing with it himself is too messy, too much work, and takes his time away from spending it with Ford 🥺🥺🥺
And now that it’s only the two of them sailing on a boat, he’s thrilled! Yes he misses the twins, Soos, and Wendy (and maybe Fiddleford too-I feel like they’d be friends ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)), but he keeps in contact with them regular and sees them during holiday breaks. But for now it’s just him and his twin, his other half, living their dream happily. And Ford can’t leave him now! Not on a boat surrounded by water!
(And if Stan ever meets that one Siren Ford dated and “accidentally” drops a live wire in her tank well then that’s nobodies business)
I also like to think these two are both dark, so Stan follows Ford everywhere he goes, and Ford has a tracker he put in Stan, so Ford will also know where Stan is! And he’ll personally deal with any miscreants from Stan’s last (Rico and Jimmy) who want to pull Stan away from his dream (Being with Ford) and onto the wrong path (not with Ford)
They are literally perfect for each other because they are the only ones who will ever match each others freak.
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silvaskye · 10 months ago
Hey. I'm 💚 from @songbirds-of-halcyon (our system blog) by the way.
I'm making a tough decision with the host's permission. We're freaking out right now because we've been keeping our DID a secret on this blog for 3-4 years now (or however long idk).
Yeah. We're a lot more open on that blog, I guess. We're a medically recognised DID system of 100+, and the reason this blog is so inactive is because we just didn't feel comfortable being open about the system here. We think we've hidden for long enough (and a few of us want to be open on fandom side blogs).
If this post disappears and we never mention our DID ever again, assume the stress got to us and we started hiding again. This is really stressful for us, but we want to be open.
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nanistar · 3 days ago
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end of the flashback!!! yippee!!!
Read on tumblr | tapas | deviantArt | comicfury SBC Discord (13+) | patreon | commissions Tip Jar!
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mumbo-jumbo-facts · 6 months ago
he is having a great time playing ravager rush
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Mumbo is a professional minecrafter
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tiddygame · 11 months ago
Ghoap god type AU.
Soap is the long forgotten god of death.
Ghost is his first follower in a very long time.
Ao3 /// part 1 /// part 2 /// part 3 /// part 4 /// part 5 /// part 6 /// part 7 /// part 8 /// part 9
At first, Soap had been seen as kind and benevolent. The one to end someone’s suffering and help them along to the afterlife. However, as more wars began to break out, his perception changed into that of a bloodthirsty warmonger. The type that you sacrifice the blood of innocents to for luck in your upcoming battles.
Soap had simply ignored the brutish offerings. But then they spread. Like a plague, soon everyone was murdering their chosen victims in his temples in the hopes that it would bring them even more fortune.
Realizing that his presence was just causing more and more to die, he let himself fade away. He was reduced to nothing more than a comforting feeling people felt before they died. Over time, the so-called offerings stopped. Scared of what would happen should he return, he continued to fade.
A god is only as strong as their followers believe them to be. With no followers, no offerings, they are nothing. While mortal weaponry may hurt a god, may even get them to bleed, it cannot kill them. A god can only truly die when they are no longer remembered.
Soap is waiting for the day that he is truly forgotten and can pass on when he gets a feeling. One he has not had in an age. Though his worshippers have abandoned him, his temples and statues remained, though now significantly worse for wear. And someone just provided an offering of a single slice of bread on one of his statues.
A meager offering, sure, but it’s enough to get his attention. He has almost no power nor any energy left, but he sees a soldier sitting next to the statue as he ate his meal.
Meanwhile, Ghost hadn’t the faintest clue what god he just gave an offering to, but he felt a little better afterwards and so just hoped they weren’t evil. He took note of the statue’s appearance and when his troop was encamped near a town, he snuck away to a local library to see if there were any books he could find about it.
He was not apart of the army willingly, but he owed them a life debt and they had decided that it would only be repaid upon his death. Just a glorified prisoner, he was kept at the general’s side as his favorite weapon. Sneaking away was difficult, but definitely doable. The few times he was caught, he made enough of a disturbance that it was easier for everyone involved to let him do his thing.
They did not need to worry about him running away. If he was able, he’d have run the second he was given the chance. However, he was stuck. As long as he owed a debt, he could not leave.
The statue, at the very least, gave him something to do.
He was intrigued. He did not recognize the features at all, and his research confirmed that it was not a well known deity. It takes a long time of asking the right people and finding the right books to uncover the story of the forgotten god.
Having read everything — from loving poems about the being helping sickly children find comfort in their last moments to angry anecdotes about desperate townspeople sacrificing themselves in the hope that the god would show them mercy — he decides to give the god the benefit of the doubt.
He figures the world is shitty enough, why not find some good that had been tucked away? Ghost himself was seen more as a weapon than a person and couldn’t help but sympathize. He was never one for gods or worship, more likely to curse the heavens than ever sacrifice something of his, but he almost felt bad for the being. So, the next day, from one bloodthirsty monster to another, he gives the forgotten god more offerings.
It’s still not much, just an apple and a ring the general wouldn’t notice missing, but he sets them there anyways. He damn near jumps out of his fucking skin when the feeling of an accepted offering floods through him. He stares at what would have originally been the face of the statue, but nothing happens. The trees behind him continue to sing their song in the faint breeze, with the sounds of a lively woods never fading.
There is no outside sound, no out of place movement, no indication that he hadn’t just imagined the feeling. A leaf falling from one of the branches and landing on the pedestal, where the offerings were now gone, snapped him out of his staring contest. He muttered out a gruff thanks and sat down to eat, ignoring the feeling of being watched.
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yerimacoustic · 7 months ago
𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙙𝙤𝙣’𝙩 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙪𝙨 ♡ joshua x reader
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↳ ❝ 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙙𝙤𝙣’𝙩 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙧𝙚, 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙙𝙤𝙣’𝙩 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪’𝙫𝙚 𝙙𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙮 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩 ❞ 🧺🦢☁️
summary: your parents have been in a very public rivalry with joshua’s since before you were born, yet the two of you can’t seem to stay away from each other. secret relationship au, actor!josha and model!reader, joshua hong x afab reader. also featuring vernon and mingyu. 8.4k wc.
content warnings: fluff (joshua is literally just a sweetheart), a little bit of angst, overbearing/controlling parents, strong language, brief suggestive content (make out sesh in the coat closet), champagne drinking, it’s probably not very good since i’m just getting back into writing </3 18+ mdni!
soundtrack: secret love song by little mix, they don’t know about us by one direction, see you again by tyler the creator and kali uchis, telepatía by kali uchis, sober by childish gambino, slut! by taylor swift, and ofc darling by seventeen
for anyone else, going to a movie premiere in the spur of the moment wasn’t much of a risk at all. any of joshua’s other fans could watch his new movie in public without experiencing any scrutiny. with all of that being said, there was no reason you should have been waiting near the staff entrance with a baseball cap and sunglasses. and yet, you were peering around corners and checking your watch every two seconds.
he was only two minutes late. it’s no big deal. maybe he was just preparing one of his speeches or getting his makeup touched up.
or.. he could have finally chosen to listen to his parents and stop seeing you. he could have realized that your relationship put both of your careers and reputation in jeopardy. he could have been rehearsing his breakup speech with you.
before you could prepare yourself for a theoretical rebuttal, the door swung open. and you were graced with quite possibly the most beautiful sight to behold- joshua, himself. he wore a navy blue suit, suede. he had bleached his hair recently; it was still taking some getting used to, but it was a lovely color on him. it was snow white, minus a few streaks of yellow along the ends. all in all, he looked like an angel.
neither of you wasted a second, throwing your arms around each other as he pulled you in for a deep, slow kiss. your hands rested on your shoulders, leaving prints of your palms on the fuzzy, napped fabric. you smiled into the kiss, relieved that your doubts proved to be fruitless, and he quickly reciprocated.
“thanks for coming,” he whispered to you. “i know you’ve been really busy.”
you shrugged, “its nothing i’m not used to. besides.. i had to see you. it’s been too long.”
joshua pulled away just enough to look in your eyes, adoration filling his own. with a quiet chuckle, he slowly removed the sunglasses from your face and folded them over his dress shirt. just as you moved your hands up in protest, he grabbed them both and laced his fingers with yours. “you have no idea how good it is to hear your voice. can we go somewhere tonight? anywhere.”
“I-” you stopped, drawing in a shaky breath. your breathing came to a complete stop, as if you were waiting for someone to burst through the door at any moment. “i don’t know. where would we go? i bet everyone in the city knows which hotel you’re staying at.”
he snickered, “good point. but they probably don’t know which one you’re staying at.”
you furrowed your eyebrows in mock offense, “and what exactly are you implying?”
“that your fans have a little more common sense and decency than mine,” joshua sighed, though there was no sign of self-pity in his voice. he moved a hand away from yours to brush through your hair, detangling a few tiny strands.
“if only that were the case,” you chuckled gloomily. “let’s go to the restaurant by my hotel. there’s a rooftop terrace, i could buy it out for the two of us.”
“someone likes their privacy,” joshua teased. “i’ll be there. gimme a few hours after the movie ends and i’ll run to you.”
“it’s a date.” you smiled giddily and cupped his chin with your thumb and index finger, pressing your lips against his once more. and once again, the two of you smiled once graced with the pressure of a light, chaste kiss. “now, i’ve gotta get going. i’ve got a movie to watch.”
joshua’s eyes went wide; when the two of you made arrangements to sneak around that day, he wasn’t expecting you to purchase a ticket to his premiere. he expected a quick little meeting, a few kisses, words of affirmation.. he knew that the two of you were already taking great risks as it was, he didn’t expect you to take another one. “well you’ll have to tell me all about it tonight.”
“looking forward to it.” you stole another kiss from him, trying not to ruin any of his makeup. there would be plenty of time for that later. you also lifted up your sunglasses from the collar of his shirt, sliding them back on with a mischievous smirk before waving goodbye and turning your back on him.
getting into the theater wasn’t much of a problem, oddly enough. it was somewhat alarming, the realization that no one recognized you as you wore one of the most basic disguises of all time. still, you opted to sit in the very back of the theater. not only were you afraid of potentially stealing the spotlight away from joshua , but the mere thought of your parents getting wind of this was terrifying.
both of your parents had had a very public rivalry since before either of you were born. your mothers were both models, and were best friends for a long time. that was.. until your mother stole one of the most important modeling gigs from joshua’s mother. and her manager. and her celebrity crush. they ended up breaking up before she met your dad but still!
then, your mother just had to marry a football player. and joshua’s mother was quick to retaliate, entering into a marriage of convenience with a player on a rival team. needless to say, you and joshua had been forbidden from even speaking to each other, let alone supporting each other’s work. let alone falling in love…
to be fair, neither of you ever saw it coming. until you met at a mutual friend’s birthday party, the two of you had some pretty horrible preconceived notions of each other that were proven false after a private rooftop conversation. after all, they’d been planted in both of your brains since the two of you were children.
it started out as privately messaging on instagram. then when the two of you started traveling more, you moved to whatsapp. then joshua plucked up the courage to ask you for your private number and then you started meeting each other in secret wherever you could. exclusive bars and restaurants, botanical gardens, private hotels and residences… not even your closest friends knew. and it would stay that way for a long, long time.
sometimes it hurt, yes. some days were easier than others.. but it hardly bothered you as you stared up at the silver screen. dark fantasy films were making a comeback, joshua being at the center of the industry’s revolution. you leaned back in your seat, smiling dumbly at the sight of your beloved in one of those fluffy pirate shirts, exploring an unknown, frightening realm while finding love along the way…
it was cold that night. wind brushed through your hair while you kept your arms folded across the balcony, nipping at your nose and fingertips. you could see your breath, small clouds forming with each steady breath you took. you looked back towards the door near the center of the rooftop for the twentieth time; he had not stood you up yet, but the fear was always there.
your lockscreen remained empty, the only notifications being messages from your manager, vernon. several reminders about your interviews and photoshoots tomorrow, his ever present dry tone practically audible as you read the notes to yourself. it seemed you couldn’t escape reality for a second, even if you tried.
the slanted rooftop door opened quietly, but it didn’t startle you. you paid the maître d’ not to let anyone except for him upstairs. joshua stood in the doorway for a moment, letting the music from inside the restaurant ring through the air before shutting the door and muffling the smooth jazz. he watched you stare out at the city in quiet contemplation, approaching you timidly.
“the city’s so beautiful this time of night,” you told him quietly without turning to face him. “i wish we could stay here. just a little bit longer.”
he let his hands rest on the railing, one of them brushing against your elbow at the movement. “you’re heading back tomorrow?”
you nodded, “two more interviews, one more photoshoot. then it’s back home for a few weeks.” you looked back towards him. “you too?”
he shook his head, “there’s another showing in paris this weekend. and then in milan, then L.A….”
you tried to hide your disappointment, standing up a little bit taller. “well..i’m free for the next few weeks, so we’ll just.. work something out.”
joshua smiled, a pang of pain nearly visible within the movement. the flash of emotion was gone as quickly as it had first appeared, his beautiful, familiar smile quick to replace the pitiful look in his eyes. “perfect” was all he could say in the moment. “well..let’s make the most of the time we have together, then.”
“i couldn’t agree more.” with a chuckle, you led him towards a table near the center of the rooftop. It was the only one covered in a tablecloth and lit candle, where a bottle of chilled champagne and glasses awaited the two of you. you were the one to take the initiative, pouring a respectable amount of the cristal champagne in both glasses. you looked up to him as you rose yours, and he was quick to mirror your actions. “i loved your movie, by the way.”
he snickered with a bashful nod of his head, “i thought you might. you always had a dark sense of humor.”
“and a love for fantasy and romance,” you countered, taking a meager sip from your glass. “it was nice to escape reality with you, joshua. even just for a little while.”
he smiled dumbly, as if the endless amounts of compliments from critics meant nothing to him compared to what you had to say about his work. “i’m glad my performance was convincing to you,” he mused, an awfully sappy look in his eyes as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “but this-” he gestured to the empty space surrounding the two of you, “it’s really nice. thank you.”
you shook your head dismissively, “it was nothing.”
“no, i’m serious,” he told you, setting down his glass in favor of taking your free hand in his. “i haven’t had more than five minutes to myself in almost two months. i’m grateful that you would do something like this for me.”
once his warm hand was wrapped around yours, you felt prompted to look up in his eyes. his beautiful dark brown eyes.. “this wasn’t just for you, you know,” you teased him helplessly. “i’ve been needing some time to myself. you have no idea how insufferable vernon actually is.”
joshua laughed out loud, “i would have expected nothing less. someone has to keep you in line.” his hand briefly swatted at your elbow for effect.
“he’s not doing a very good job, is he?” this time, you were the one to gesture towards the space of the empty rooftop around you before facing him fully. comfortable silence passed between the two of you, warmth flooding your chest the second you got a better look at his eyes. then you whispered, “dance with me.”
joshua knew he would have been a fool to decline such a request. sorry, such a command. he was quick to set down his glass, which was half full by now. after settling on the best playlist of classy tunes he could find on spotify, he stepped towards you with a mischievous grin. once your arms were linked around his neck, his were curled around your waist in an effort to bring you closer to the warmth of his chest.
the two of you swayed in perfect time with the symphonies of strings that rang through the tiny speaker of his phone. your chin came to relax on his shoulder while his face was nestled comfortably into your hair. neither of you spoke for a moment, soaking in each other’s warmth. enjoying each other’s presence, uninterrupted, while you still could guarantee that no one unwanted would barge in on you. even your heartbeats were in perfect synch as you swayed in circles amongst the candlelight.
joshua’s touch was feather-light, but firm at the same time. there was confidence in the way he held onto your hips, fingers delicately tracing patterns in the fabric- but it wasn’t the boldest movement. he wasn’t making any efforts to insinuate that he wanted something else from you- no. it was more like he was trying to set your weary mind at ease. he knew that these less than ideal circumstances weighed on you, just like they weighed on him.
he’d washed the gel from earlier out of his hair, that much was clear once you ran your fingertips through the snow white strands. weaving the locks through your hands in gentle motions, you allowed yourself to take another step closer towards him. there was no room for either of you to even breathe without feeling the impact of the other’s chest rising and falling. you took a deep breath, getting a faint whiff of his cologne- a familiar scent of pine that you associated with him and him only.
neither of you said another word as you lifted your head up from his shoulder without breaking away from him. his lips were mere inches away from yours as the two of you stopped swaying just to get a better look at each other. the music swelled as the climax of the latest song rang through the air, painting a picture perfect moment for the two of you. you and joshua both studied each other, as if you were taking a mental note to memorize the godlike features in front of you.
After a moment, you couldn’t wait much longer. you pressed your lips against his, hoping to communicate more to him than words could in that moment. actions always spoke much louder, anyways. he seemed to agree; for her returned your kiss with fervor, cupping your cheek while his other hand kept his grip on your waist. your hands stayed in his hair even when you broke the kiss to press your forehead against his.
“let’s just stay up here for a little bit longer.”
your eyes were glued to the tiny screen in front of you once your makeup was finished. now that you had some time to yourself, you could fixate on the most recent message you had sent to joshua: ‘i’m leaving again on the fourteenth, ik that’s your first day back in town. come over to my place.’
‘my place.’ you two had never been brave enough to meet at each others’ private residences. you knew the risks that came with it; the fear that nosy reporters or stalkers could follow you home, that either one of your friends or family members could burst in through the door.. if only there was a channel of tunnels underground designed especially for you two.
anyways, you chose to forgo sounding like a broken record and voicing your familiar concerns towards him. the three bubbles appeared on screen, blinking in the rhythmic pattern. they stayed there for a moment; he was obviously thinking really hard about what to say next. your heart nearly stopped beating completely, your breath catching in your throat, and then..
“y/n,” a voice from behind you mused.
you hurriedly pushed the power button, letting the phone fall to your lap while looking over your shoulder. vernon stood with his hands in his pockets with a blank expression. somehow you were able to read your deadpan manager like a book by now; right now, he was unhappy with you. “oh good, you’re ready. what’s taking so long?”
you sighed, “sorry. there’s just a lot on my mind.”
“like what?” vernon took a seat next to you, eyebrows furrowed.
“i don’t know how many more times i can talk about who i’m wearing or who did my makeup or what i hope to see make a comeback this fashion season,” you answered truthfully. “i’m really tired.”
vernon tried to offer a reassuring smile, his best effort being a mere tug at the one corner of his lips. “this is your last day, then you get a few weeks off. you’ll have plenty of time to rest, clear your mind.”
your eyes briefly fixated on the ceiling as you tried to figure out what to say next. “i mean in general. don’t you think that i could be doing something a lot more..meaningful?”
“where is all of this coming from?” vernon was puzzled; you were never one to complain about your occupation. you knew that you were blessed, that there were a lot of perks that outweighed the cons most of the time..you’d known that for years now. why were you suddenly having second thoughts?
“i’m.. not sure.” for a brief moment, you contemplated telling vernon about your true feelings for joshua. but you quickly realized that there were two possible directions he could take with the new information: for one, he could tell your parents. he was loyal to them, not just to you. two, he could hear you out. as your manager, he had been there for you on a physical and emotional level.
but.. you weren’t sure if now was a good time to take that risk. you stood up, checking your empty lockscreen under the guise of checking the time. “let’s get this over with,” you told him.
vernon nodded sympathetically before following suit and opening the door for you. “the second they’re done asking questions, you’re on the first plane home. you have my word.
“and listen- we’ll talk more on the way home, okay?”
you flashed him a smile of gratitude before letting out a quiet sigh. to tell the truth, you were more focused on your intense heartbeat than anything else. what did joshua have to say that was so important it took him five whole minutes and counting to type it? however, it was nothing compared to the disappointment you felt after the interview when you came back to another empty notification center.
you didn’t stop checking your phone for new messages, even when you got home. every single time you were greeted by the two checkmarks, indicating that joshua had, in fact, read your message. what was taking him so long? had his phone been intercepted somehow? or had he finally realized…
you were ready to call it quits and fling your duffle bag onto the couch on the way to the kitchen, following through with your nightly routine. chamomile tea with a mint face mask, dimmed lighting and forest rain asmr playing on the television. however, your mother, who was sitting on said sofa with her back towards you, had other plans.
the sight of her didn’t scare you; you’d grown accustomed to her barging into your home and waiting for you to get back from work trips. sometimes you seriously wondered if she knew your schedule better than you did. maybe it was a good thing joshua was ghosting you.
“good to see you, mom,” you told her casually while making your way to the kitchen. not even her looming presence could stop you from brewing a much needed cup of tea.
she furrowed her eyebrows, taking offense at how casually you blew her off in favor of going to the stove. “that’s all?”
you flicked the stove on, waiting for the water to boil. with your back towards her you rolled your eyes, “what’s going on with you? how have you been?”
slapping her hands over her knees, she stood up from the couch abruptly. “i have excellent news, young lady. the kims are throwing a birthday party tonight for their oldest son, mingyu. and guess who has been personally invited?”
you pulled out your favorite mug, a light blue one with pale butterflies scattered across the cup. “i don’t know. vernon?”
your mother huffed, “you! mrs. kim told me that mingyu wants to meet you personally. your father and i will accompany you, of course, now let’s-”
“wait a minute, wait a minute, hold on-” you turned to face her, holding your hands up. “i literally just finished a month-long gig and went to five different countries. i don’t feel like going to a birthday party for someone i’ve never even met.”
“oh come on! just take a quick nap, and don’t drink any of this sleepytime tea.” she reached over to turn the stove off and move the kettle out of the way. “i’ll pick out your outfit while you get some rest. i want you looking your best tonight!”
before you could even think about protesting, she was gently pushing you into your bedroom. she made her own way to the closet after making sure you were seated on the edge of your bed, flicking the light on with a hum of satisfaction. she began muttering to herself while you tried to get comfortable among the blankets and pillows you’ve missed so dearly, “oh yes, you’ve got so many good options… oh this color would look marvelous on you… oh mingyu loves the color blue, you’ll-”
“MOM!” you shrieked, covering your ears with the nearest pillow.
of course, it was no surprise to you that your mother had chosen one of the most uncomfortable dresses in your possession. it was dark blue, short and sequined, completely backless save a series of tiny laces clinging to your lower back. you’d worn several outfits just like it in photoshoots, but you’d never felt more exposed in your life. the cold air crashed upon your bare legs as you stood in the driveway, gazing up at the kims’ mansion in a pained stupor.
this wasn’t how your night was supposed to go.
your parents, with a hand resting on either of your shoulders, led you into their close friends’ house. it was just like any other party they had dragged you along to, several esteemed guests mingling politely with champagne in hand. waiters in white tuxedos carried glasses around, wearing blank expressions that would put robots to shame. a classical string quartet played over the speakers, once that provoked you to reminisce about the special moment you and your beloved shared just a few nights prior…
your mother was quick to pull your tiny coat off of your shoulders, handing it to the nearest waiter to dispose of it properly. the air was much warmer, that much you were grateful for. “let’s go find her,” she spoke of her close friend, your gracious host. “she shouldn’t be too far behind.”
you deadpanned as she kept a firm grip onto your hand, pulling you through the crowd. you spotted a few familiar faces, friends of friends. but no one that you particularly wanted to see. although the music was classical, soothing, you could’ve sworn it was getting louder and louder by the second. you stopped in your tracks to grab a glass of champagne, knowing that it would do little to calm your nerves. but you took a quick sip anyways.
of course, your mother snatched the glass from your hands once the two of you came face to face with a woman dressed to the nines. she wore an elegant dress and pearls, making you second guess your choice of apparel (not for the first time that night), her dark hair in a slick bun. she turned to her friend(?), your mother, giving her a warm smile, “i’m so glad you could make it!”
“thank you for inviting us!” your mother chirped, tugging you closer to her by gripping onto your furthest hip. “this is my lovely daughter, y/n. she just got home, she’s been working nonstop for the past month.”
“hi,” you chimed in awkwardly, grinning.
mrs. kim looked to you, her smiled laced with pride, “i think i recognize you. mingyu and i noticed you in several television ads in one sitting! it’s great to finally meet you in person.” before you could thank her, she turned her back on the two of you in favor of grabbing a young man’s hand and prompt him to join your small circle. “ladies, this is my son, mingyu.”
you could admit that kim mingyu was objectively very attractive. he was tall, with wavy dark hair and a cut jawline of steel. you expected someone with his status (and honestly, his looks) to take one look at you and walk in the other direction with his nose up in the air. but he didn’t. he extended a hand towards you, beaming. “hi.”
“hi, happy birthday,” you whispered, bashfully taking his hand. “i’m-”
“i already know who you are,” he cut you off, not that you were going to complain about it. however, once he realized that he interrupted your train of thought, he smiled bashfully, “sorry. we’ve just.. seen you on the tv for a while now. it’s lovely to meet you.”
“we’ll leave the two of you alone,” your mother giggled, joining hands with mrs. kim and booking it out of the kitchen. much to your utter horror. you didn’t know why you were so surprised; your mother’s penchant for evil was growing stronger and stronger everyday, it seemed.
the two of you stood awkwardly for a moment, mirroring awkward smiles and nervous laughs. luckily, mingyu broke the silence before you could, “do you wanna get out of here?”
you furrowed your eyebrows, momentarily confused. “..huh?”
“i mean- there’s a balcony just outside. i need some fresh air, it’s awfully stuffy in here.” the tall man chuckled, briefly grabbing at the collar of his dress shirt for effect. he had a very nice smile, one that seemed to be especially suited for film and television. there was a kindness in his eyes; he only wanted to make sure you were comfortable.
“oh- oh! yeah, that sounds really nice, actually.” you chuckled. only when you were greeted by the familiar cold air did you remember that you were not well dressed for this particular weather. once mingyu shut the door behind you, your arms were promptly folded over your chest, your palms moving up and down to provide the skin of your upper arms any sense of warmth. needless to say, it was not very effective.
“shit-” mingyu caught on quickly, throwing his blazer off his shoulders and draping it along your much smaller frame. you were soon drowned in the fabric, chuckling at how it could wrap around your entire body and then some. “sorry. i didn’t-”
“no, no it’s okay!” you laughed. “i- forgot what i was wearing for a second. my mom picked this dress out for me. she doesn’t usually do that, i swear.” inwardly, you were kicking yourself for your word choice- why did you feel the need to tell him that?
mingyu snickered, “don’t worry, i know all about that. my mom had this tailored specifically for tonight. we take birthdays pretty seriously around here.”
you nodded, unsure of what else to say in the moment. the two of you stared down the balcony in somewhat uncomfortable silence. there were already a handful of guests leaving, which undoubtedly would soon be replaced by more friends and family members. you envied those who climbed into the getaway cars, laughing and recalling the events of that night. still, you knew you had to be polite.
“so-” you both said at the same time before promptly bursting into a fit of chuckles.
“you first, birthday boy,” you chuckled.
you could have sworn mingyu tilted his head to hide a growing beam upon hearing the affectionate nickname you’d bestowed upon him. “well.. tell me more about yourself. do you have any hobbies?”
you lifted your chin up, eyebrows furrowed in contemplation as if you’d forgotten every little detail about yourself in a moment’s notice. “well…not really. don’t have a lot of time to myself. sometimes i read.”
“what kind of books?”
“you know.. the usual. nonfiction, i like a lot of history books. also.. i read some romance novels every now and again.”
mingyu chuckled in amusement, “ohhh so you’re one of those readers.”
you furrowed your eyebrows, mocking offense. “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“nothing!” mingyu was quick to throw his hands up in mock defense, snickering. you could tell the expression of guilt on his face was genuine, a sympathetic yet sheepish grin on his lips. “nothing. you just don’t look like the type to read smut in your free time.”
“well, there’s a lot you don’t know about me,” you teased, smirking broader by the second. you’d even forgotten all about the freezing winds practically biting at your skin, thanks to him. he was easy to banter with, you could give him that much.
mingyu didn’t say anything at first, smiling bashfully towards you as if the last statement was.. promising to him. a moment of silence passed between you, your eyes instinctively falling over the balcony as a hum escaped your lips. even in your brief peace of mind, nothing could have prepared you for what he asked you next.
“are you seeing anyone right now?”
you chuckled bashfully, wondering how he jumped so quickly from such an icebreaker to a deeply personal question. “um..no. are you?”
mingyu shook his head, grinning dumbly. “my mom tries setting me up with girls all the time. that’s mostly what this birthday party is: an excuse for her to parade me in front of eligible bachelorettes.”
“i’m sorry to hear that,” you told him with sincerity, bringing his jacket a bit closer to your chest. “i get it, though. both of my parents have been pressuring me to start dating more seriously too.”
“and i imagine it's a bit harder for you too,” mingyu replied sympathetically. he had a point; there were a lot more double standards for women in the industry involving dating, hell, even just existing. you were either seen as a prude for staying single or a gold digger if you chose to date someone just as wealthy, if not more wealthy than you. there never seemed to be a happy medium, but you’d made peace with that long ago.
you shrugged. “it is what it is. frankly, i’m more concerned about keeping food on the table than seeing what the gossip magazines have to say about me.”
mingyu chuckled, albeit sadly. “well said.”
neither of you seemed to be quite sure where the conversation would go from there. there seemed to be little to no interest in elaborating on the particularly forward question he’d asked you. keeping that sentiment in mind you turned towards him, offering a small smile towards the much taller man. “should we head inside? i don’t want your mother to get the wrong idea.”
he snickered, “i could use a drink, anyways.”
he was gracious enough to let you wear his jacket just until he opened the door for you. you let out a faint sigh of relief once the familiar warmth flooded against your skin, reaching your hands up to slip the large pool of fabric off your shoulders.
but the moment you took your eyes off mingyu, your heart nearly lept out of your chest at the sight of joshua not five feet in front of you, reaching for another glass of champagne. your eyes locked, his own going wide with the realization you had caught him in a lie for the first time. he was able to keep his cool, act like your presence didn’t affect him in the slightest.. unfortunately, you weren’t so gifted in that area.
you turned to mingyu with a sympathetic yet slightly rushed grin, “it was- really nice talking to you. i hope you find what you’re looking for.”
“thanks. it was nice talki-”
before you could let him finish his thought, you rushed towards the man with fluffy bleached hair. discretion was the least of your concerns. you weren’t sure if you should be relieved that you were finally seeing him again, angry with him for ignoring you, or heartbroken that you had to meet again under such circumstances. “i thought you were going to paris,” you told him.
he looked over his shoulder, drawing in a deep breath. he knew the odds were stacked against the two of you now more than ever; you’d never found yourselves in the same public setting as both of your parents. you didn’t even have to ask him if his were close by; you knew they had a tendency to hover over him like a pair of vultures. “long story,” he whispered once he finally met your eyes. brief and distant was the contact.
you grabbed onto his arm, looking over your shoulder in the same manner as he’d done just moments before. and before you could listen to his protests, you walked him down the hall and to the nearest coat closet. no one else was around the hallways; the guests mostly found themselves in the music or drawing rooms where entertainment was provided.
you slammed the door shut, leaning back against it with your arms folded. joshua frowned once he saw the expression of hurt etched along your features, the way your eyebrows knitted together.. “you lied to me.”
“i know.”
joshua looked away, fingers brushing along the sleeve of a random guest’s coat. it was large, dark brown.. mink, no doubt. “i.. i guess it would have been easier going back home knowing.. knowing that you thought i was still out of the country.”
you felt a strange, tightening sensation in your chest. one that was painfully unfamiliar, especially since joshua was involved. “where is all of this coming from?” you asked him quietly, keeping your position against the small door. it served two purposes: keeping him in and anyone else out. “i thought..”
“i know,” he interrupted, taking a step closer to you and letting go of the soft, plush fabric in favor of holding onto one of your hands. “i know. and i’m really sorry. i just.. i hate this.”
your eyes widened, the tightening feeling in your chest growing more intense by the second, “w-what..”
“no- no, not this,” he stepped closer, his grip on your hand tightening as he brought it up to his chest. his thumb skimmed over your knuckles, over your chilled rings. his free hand flew towards your cheek, cupping your jawline with a gentle, featherlike touch. “i mean.. sneaking around. lying. i hate living like this. i hate pretending i don’t know you exist. i want you to be able to come to my premieres as my date. i want to be able to go to your runways with you. i’m tired of this, y/n.”
you held eye contact with him, as uncomfortable as it was. his words were like daggers, the look in his beautiful, doe-like eyes serving as salt to the wounds. “trust me.. i want all of those things too. more than anything.” you paused, looking down at your joined hands. “but you know it’s a bad idea. if we tell them, there’s no way they’ll react well.”
“they’ll disown us. cut us off. plus, if your parents are anything like mine, they’ll be very public with all of it.” it broke your heart to shut down such a beautiful and heartfelt declaration on his part, especially since everything inside you was telling you to abandon everything and run away with him. you couldn’t bring yourself to face him as your eyes flooded with tears; you knew the look of heartbreak on his face would prompt you to break out into heavy sobs.
“so.. what are you saying?” he asked you timidly. he was never one to raise his voice or get angry with you- honestly you weren’t sure if you would ever find anyone else quite like that in your life.
“i- i don’t know,” you answered truthfully. you couldn’t even dream of breaking things off with him. call it what you want, selfishness, fear.. but you didn’t want to lose him. that’s why you felt the need to reassure him through your heavy tears and your warbled voice, “i could never dream of being with anyone else. but i also know.. i have nothing without my parents.”
it embarrassed you to admit out loud that you were much too dependent on your parents. they dictated everything for you, they provided you with so much.. they had ties in the industry. without their help, you would undoubtedly be jobless.
“that’s not true,” he whispered with furrowed eyebrows. “you’re smart. and strong. i know you’d be more than capable.”
“i have enough money to support the both of us for the rest of our lives,” he told you, cupping both of your cheeks then. his touch was firm, yet gentle. “and once this movie takes off..” his voice trailed off. “let’s not make any rash decisions tonight, okay?”
just then, his fingers moved under your jawline, propping your chin up and prompting you to look up at him. “okay?” he repeated with that same beautiful gentleness, his voice hushed.
it took you a moment, but you nodded. with the realization that while you didn’t have everything figured out right that second, the least you could do was slow down and enjoy what was right in front of you. or more accurately, who was right in front of you. “yeah. okay.” you linked your arms around his neck, your chin falling to rest on his shoulder.
you pulled away just enough to look in his eyes. he’d blinked away any semblance of tears before you could see them fall down his cheeks- yet they still had such a glow of kindness and warmth in them. at times, it felt like they spoke directly to you, conveying every beautiful sentiment the two of you shared between each other. love, adoration, trust.. then they were fluttering shut once you leaned in to press your lips against his.
you both sighed in unison, as if it had been years since you held each other, kissed each other. with that being said, the kiss grew more and more desperate by the second. you’d even pulled yourself away from the closet door you had previously been leaning against, opting to press your chest against his instead. distance truly made the heart fonder, you were coming to find.
your knees felt weak once his hands slid down your figure to rest over your hips for a moment, his fingers snaking towards the small of your bare back. you could have sworn you were seeing stars by the time his fingertips folded over the tiny laces and skimmed over the skin in silky motions. his touch was so familiar to you, yet it never failed to bring butterflies to your stomach and a heated tint to your cheeks.
“i like this dress,” he whispered to you between heated kisses. you could only hum in response, hands weaving through his fluffy, ungelled hair. he smirked, feeling nothing short of pride that he left you feeling speechless. “what? you don’t like it?”
“i’d rather be wearing it just for you,” you admitted while linking an arm around his waist. under his suede jacket, of course. you clung to him, craving, needing his warmth..
“i love the sound of that.” before he could take any riskier steps, he pulled his hands away from the small of your back, his palms gliding upwards to hold onto your clothed upper waist, instead. as tempted as he was, he was not about to have sex with you in the closet; he thought it felt incredibly disrespectful, especially considering the heart-to-heart you had moments before. always the gentleman.
once his lips met your neck, you tilted your head while your hands relaxed on his waist. you felt like time had stopped from the moment you stepped foot in the closet with joshua, like nothing else mattered except the two of you. along with that beautiful, wonderful feeling came the harsh reality that your parents were most likely searching the entire mansion for you. so, you promised yourself you’d give him just a few more minutes before you’d be the one to break the embrace.
he was timid with his kisses, careful not to get too carried away and leave any marks. even so, his lips left you tilting your head back against the nearest wall in bliss. “come over tonight, please. i can’t-”
joshua lifted his head up, his eyes locking with yours. he was clearly surprised to see that your offer from earlier that day still stood, oddly enough. before he could agree, his lips parting, the door swung open next to you. you felt the impact as it hit joshua, causing him to shudder- but the culprit was quick to apologize:
“sorry, man, didn’t see you there-” vernon muttered, stepping forward to gently push past joshua, most likely with the intention to grab his own coat. of course, until he saw you pressed up against the nearest wall with your arms wrapped tightly around joshua’s waist, the man you were supposed to be in a feud with. his eyes went wide, his jaw agape as he stood in silence for an uncomfortable amount of time. “....y/n??”
needless to say, joshua didn’t come over to your place that night. you were both able to smooth things over with vernon before the party was over and luckily he agreed not to tell your parents, at least for the time being. joshua was the first to leave the closet, albeit reluctantly, leaving you to face your manager with a sheepish expression. he was disappointed in you, to say the least, offended, both on a professional and personal level.. but the important thing was that he swore he would be discreet.
you both agreed to meet for lunch the next day to discuss the important matter at hand, as well as your upcoming schedule. the pesto chicken sandwich placed in front of you hardly looked appetizing, given the severity of the situation. once your manager had found the table you reserved for the two of them, he sat down in front of you with his shoulders slumped. clearly he was just about as excited for this meeting as you were.
you were the first one to speak, flashing him that same awkward smile from the night before, “hey..”
“joshua? joshua hong?” you had to hand it to vernon: he went straight to the point more often than not.
you nodded your head, which felt heavier by the second. the weight and the severity of the situation caused an aching in your temples, one that you would have wished away hours ago if it were possible. “yeah..”
although he wouldn’t admit it out loud, vernon was grateful you took the liberty of ordering his sandwich for him. ham and swiss on rye.. you’d had his order memorized for years now. he took a bite of it, as if to drown his sorrows in the small sandwich. “i just- have so many questions. how did you guys even meet? aren’t you supposed to hate each other?”
“jihyo’s birthday party a few years back..” now that you admitted it out loud, you were in disbelief that the two of you were able to keep your relationship a secret for so long. only for all of the best efforts, the sneaking around, and the little white lies to be thrown down the drain at a stranger’s birthday party. “we got to talking and realized.. neither of the lies our parents told us about each other were true. that night he messaged me on instagram and.. one thing led to another.”
from the looks of it, vernon, himself, was starting to get a headache as you retold the events of your relationship to him. his palm went to his forehead, rubbing the skin with a heavy sigh of dread. “and.. just how have you managed to keep this a secret for so long? without my help?”
you shrugged your shoulders just as a pit began to form in your stomach. “luck, i guess?”
“let’s hope whoever blessed you with good luck is still feeling generous when your parents find out,” he shifted in his seat uncomfortably. “and they will find out, y/n. it may have been me who found you guys in the closet last night, but the two of you can only keep up appearances for so long.
“imagine if it was mingyu who found you. or one of his parents. hell, one of your parents.”
you shuddered at the thought of your parents walking in on you making out with anyone in that closet, let alone the child of their sworn enemies. “you’re right. it was.. super irresponsible of us.” you paused. “are you saying.. we should just tell them?”
vernon swallowed the last bite of his sandwich, nodding his head in the process, “better than finding out through the media, don’t you think?”
“i guess.” you leaned back in your seat with a sigh. not for the first time, you envied the couple sitting a few tables across from you. they were strangers to you, but they seemed so.. happy. they didn’t have to worry about being seen together, make sure no one was looking before holding hands, secret “i love yous..” none of it. it didn’t seem fair to you.
as vernon noticed you sitting in quiet contemplation, he folded his arms across the table. “what are you thinking about?”
“vernon.. you’re fired.”
you could have sworn vernon’s eyes grew nearly twice their size. “wait a minute, wait a minute- what??!”
“listen! you’ve given me a lot to think about and.. you’re right. i have to tell them.” you cleared your throat. “we both know it’s not going to end well, so i’m saving you the public embarrassment in advance. and i’m quitting my job. as soon as possible.”
vernon’s features softened, his relief evident. you knew that your long term manager would be well off; he had several other clients in the business besides you. still, he seemed puzzled. “are you- are you sure? you’re giving up a lot, y/n. are you sure it’s worth it?”
as you reflected on your time as a model, the benefits and perks that you were lucky enough to receive, along with the cons on the other side of it- you realized you’d never been more confident in your decision before. you were young, there was plenty of time for you to choose a more meaningful path. you nodded, leaving enough cash on the table to pay for the two sandwiches before standing up.
“it’s definitely worth it,” you beamed. “i’ve gotta go make a phone call.”
“it’s.. definitely risky.” joshua had his reservations about your proposal. he knew what your mother was like thanks to the stories you’d told him personally, which was why he found it all so.. commendable.
“what part of our relationship hasn’t been risky?” you countered while leaning into his chest. he’d finally taken you up on your invitation. the two of you were relaxing on your balcony, cuddling on the swing while soaking up the vanishing sunlight. you hadn’t let him leave your sight since the minute he walked through your front door; you wanted to take full advantage of his time there.
“true,” joshua let out an infectious laugh and the skin near his eyes crinkled, just like it did every time he smiled. truthfully, it was a trait of his that you’d found endearing since the moment you met him. his voice was hushed as his gaze shifted from the sunset ahead to you and he lifted a hand to cup your cheek. “is this really what you want?”
“more than anything.” you immediately reached for his free hand, both of yours holding it close to your heart. there was nothing but certainty in your tone as you spoke, the look of determination in your eyes only solidifying it. “maybe i can go back to school or something. my schedule’s clearing up pretty soon.”
you felt the gentle rumble in his chest as he chuckled, “you know i’ll take care of us. i wasn’t just saying that.”
“i know. but- i really need to do this. i feel like i’ve been missing out on so much.” you played with the rings adorning his fingers rather than meeting his eyes. your confession left you feeling bashful, even if you weren’t quite sure why. “but not anymore. i love you joshua, and i don’t want to have to live in fear anymore. i just want..you.”
those three beautiful words stood out to joshua and caused him to grin like a fool. all this time, it was as if the two of you knew fully well that you were in love and therefore, never felt the need to state it directly. your affection towards each other was unspoken at times, voicing itself in many more ways than one; stolen kisses behind curtains, brushing hands together in intimate discretion, risking discovery by supporting each other at premieres or press conferences.
but now.. those three words were out in the air, never to be taken back. not that either of you would dare to if you were given the opportunity, of course. personally, joshua felt as if he could shout it from the rooftops without a care in the world. “say that again,” he whispered to you.
you were quick to reply, your voice hushed to match his tone, “i love you.”
“i love you too.” as if to reiterate his words, he pressed his lips against yours just as the sun began to take refuge behind the large palm trees. it felt beautiful, picturesque, like a scene from one of his movies.
the rest of the night, you two never left each other’s embrace for more than a single minute, knowing that even if your parents lashed out at both of you, even if you were sure to face public scrutiny and humiliation, even if you were at risk for losing everything you’d worked so hard to build, you had each other. you would never part ways with each other again, and that was truly all that mattered.
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cantgetworsethanthistbh · 5 months ago
fluffy kid!stancest first kiss on glass shard beach would be so cute maybe by the swings or when they first find what would become the stan o war
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combining these two together, but 2nd anon PLEASE know your ask got me writing old stancest at first that immediately turned hurt and comfort, so i'll be posting that when i actually finish it udndhdhdu this one is a bit of a rush job, BUT i hope you guys like it! this is my first time writing kid stancest, trying to run my head over how boys just banter and this is the best i could relay lmao. also if ford's internal dialogue isnt as flowery as it ought to be, it's mostly because i do still want it to sound like it's coming from a child, and i imagine Ford's internal dialogue wasn't fully realized until he's at least a littls older, you know?
anyway enough stalling: please enjoy!
Ford thinks he could stay like this forever.
Sitting on a crate, Stanford watches Stanley draw on the sand with the end of a big stick, planning all their great adventures when they finally get out of this place, the promise of their Big Day of Adventure made them giddy all day, bouncing on the heels of their feet all over the beach until the deck guys they "borrowed" a can of paint from earlier found them, chasing them off and forcing the two of them to take cover. They did, only belatedly realizing they had to come back for their ship since their dream did rely on them fixing up the boat to be in top condition for it to sail. Luckily they didn't take their ship, so the two of them were able to push it back into the alcove they found it, keeping it their own little secret.
Ford looks at it in awe again. In bold letters, "The Stan O' War" stares back at him. Their promise of the future. A future with his brother, forever
"And then— Poindexter are ya listening?!" Stan asks, tapping the stick lightly on Ford's head who swats it away with a laugh.
"Yeah, yeah! I am, I am!"
"Good, cuz you better hear this!" Stan resumes drawing on the sand. Ford looks down, tilting his head quizically.
"Why are we standing on top of the sun?"
"That's an octopus!" Stan points to the pile of squigly lines Ford thought had been the ocean. "See?"
"That's still kinda impossible."
"Aw, shuddap!" Stan scoffs playfully, then proceeds to draw fish tails with long noses and circle ends.  "Of course its possible! This is after I killed it, and we're doin' a victory cheer on top of it!" Stan pumps his fist in the air, and begins chanting, echoing loud across the alcove: "PINES! PINES! PINES! And after—"
"Wait, how did we kill it?"
"I beat it up, duh!"
"What did I do?"
Stan huffs. "You math, science and bored it to death, you big nerd," he says with an annoyed expression, which quickly gives away to snickers as he dodges the fistful of sand Ford throws in his direction, leaving a grainy cloud in its wake. Stan points back at his drawing, at the long nosed fish with lines protruding off the top. Until Ford blinks, and tilts his head again, realizing that the messy scribbles are probably meant to be... "Anyway, after we totally beat this giant octopus monster, all the mermaid babes will be all over us! They'd give us kisses, and hugs, and and–"
Covering his mouth with his hand, Ford snorts loudly. "Stanley... you want to kiss fish ladies?"
An offended look crosses Stan's face, and if it wasn't for the sunburn already staining his and Ford's skin an angry, blistering red, Ford could swear Stan was blushing, his cheeks puffing, brown eyes wide and fists clenching. Cute, Ford thinks, so quickly, he almost doesn't catch it.
But he does.
Just like how his shoulder catches Stan's fists, sending him to more fits of giggling as he goes down.
"Shaddup, shaddup, shut uuuuuuuup," Stan continues his playful assault, clearly trying to not to smile, but Ford's laughter catches him like the infectious bug that went around school three months ago, and his grin stretches wild as he pushes Ford to the ground, and planting himself on Ford's short legs. Ford's hand land on his shoulders, trying and obviously failing at pushing off his stronger brother with all his twelve fingered might, but maybe it's because Ford is laughing too much he's out of breath, chest shaking while he heaves his giggles. Maybe it's the weird but nice heaviness Stan is forcing on him, and Ford counts that as the fifth time this day Stan made him feel that: 'weird but nice.'
Yesterday was seven whole times.
"Get off me, jerk!"
"You're the jerk," Stan argues, catching Ford's hands and pinning them down to the sand, grinning at Ford who's completely caught under him. "You've been making fun of me the whole time!"
"No I wasn't! I think it's cool you wanna kiss fish ladies!"
"They're not fish ladies, Sixer! They're mermaids!" Stan argues, looking a lot like Ford when he exasperatedly explains that solving the daily crossword on the newspaper is not lame, just with the additional large gap between his teeth, bandage on his face, cute puffy cheeks, which almost sends Ford to another laughing fit. "Mermaids are cool! No, they're hot!"
"If you say so," Ford shrugs, feeling the soft grains of sand move against his back. "They'd smell like fish though, but I think you would like that."
"Pfff," Stan lets go and straightens up to blow a raspberry, tilting himself to flop onto the sand next to Ford, moving so his fingers brushed Ford's when at their hips. Sixth. "Like you're any different. I bet you have a lot of weird stuff you wanna kiss too. You're obsessed with your ano– anama—"
"Aliens. I bet you wanna kiss aliens."
"No I don't!"
"Yeah, you do!"
"I don't," Ford insists, but he's definitely thought about it. Not in a weird way, of course. He wonders about kissing a lot of things, like growing boys do, like the health developmental sections of science books say so! Girls. Boys sometimes.
Boys most of the time.
A boy, most of the time.
"If you say so," Stan repeats dismissively, stretching his arms over his head while Ford watches behind his glasses. Feeling the sand starting to get to that 'pointy, sticky and annoying' state when someone lays on it, he sits up, eyes landing on the Stan O' War again. Stan follows, quickly sitting up.
"What'cha thinking of?"
"Just wondering the capability of weight distribution on the boat."
"I wonder if it's actually strong enough to hold us up to sail. We're gonna have to fix that up before we take it to the water, remember? Maybe it's not even built for two people."
The last part came out of his mouth without thinking, and Ford is alarmed with the quick moment of doubt. For a second, their dream seemed a little impossible.
Stan pushes himself up, and runs to the stationed boat.
"Stan? What are you—"
"Keep up, Sixer!" Stan exclaims, grabbing onto the ledge of the boat, and suddenly Ford is running after his brother. All caution thrown out of his system when Stan lifts himself over the edge and on top of the boat's deck effortlessly.
"Look, Ford, it's fine!" Stan exclaims, arms spread wide and standing victoriously. Ford grabs hold of the ledge, and tries to lift his legs over, only to almost fall off with a "Whoa!"— until Stan's hand latches onto his.
"Hold on," Stan tugs until Ford's body lifts high enough for him to wrap his arms around Ford's shoulders. He grunts, pulling the rest of his twin's body with all his strength before falling onto the deck, Ford landing on top of his legs.
Somehow, they find themselves almost exactly as before, just in reverse, skin still grainy and sticky and hot-red, Ford's chest shaking again but this time it's from panting in the short burst of physical activity. His face close to Stan's, Ford feels a bubbling in his chest, a little tingle all over his skin. One he wants to blame on the summer heat still simmering outside the cave or maybe the sunburn all over his back and torso, but it's not that.
"You're kinda heavy for a stick, Sixer."
Ford punches his shoulder this time, smirking. "Shut up, jerk."
"Now you hate it," Stan comes back smugly, then glances down at the deck. "Hey, look! It can hold the both of us after all!"
Remembering his previous concerns, he looks down on the boat, then raps his knuckles onto the floorboards. It's actually pretty sturdy for how old Ford theorized it to be. That's pretty cool.
"Guess we can cross that out of the stuff we have to fix up," Ford concludes. He pushes his glasses over his nose, thinking deeply again. "Still have a lot of stuff to consider though. Plus, who knows how much bigger we'll get too..." He muses, mostly to himself.
So many to consider... Ford doesn't think even his freakish hands could count all the ways it could go right, or wrong, if it goes anywhere at all... it's kind of big, and open, and Ford thinks it's almost like the ocean itself.
"Eh, don't worry about that stuff so much, Sixer," Stan shrugs, his voice breakjng through Ford's train of thought. Ford realizes he's still very much on Stanley's legs, and maybe it's because all the running, pushing, wrestling they've done all day that completely wrung him out, or maybe it's because the warm bubbling in his chest that overflows and keeps his own legs stuck like sap, but unlike Stan, Ford can't bring himself to move off, move away from Stan. His brown eyes wide, grin with a goofy gap in the teeth and cheeks puffing, Stan looks ready to sail off right then and there.
"As long as you've got me, we can do everything. We're getting out of this place no matter what."
Ford smiles warmly. Somehow he could never get tired doing that around his brother and that's weird. It's nice. His hands find Stan's shoulders, and without thinking, he blurts out:
"Stanley... It wasn't aliens."
"Wait, wha—"
And Ford presses his lips to Stan's. He doesn't really know how to do this. It's kinda gross, with Stan tasting like sand and sweat from rolling around it all day, but so did Ford and getting past that, it just feels good. Almost on instinct, he pulls away panic rising at throat, because Oh no, Stan will think I'm a freak too.
But Stan leans forward too, almost knocking Ford's glasses away and also not knowing what he's doing, but it feels nice. Really, really nice.
Ford thinks he could stay counting those forever.
If you like this send another prompt or a prompt of your own! Hope you liked this anons, be it sufficiently fluffy enough lmao
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jade-len · 1 year ago
bad svsss fanfic/au idea: random marriage/guidance counselor transmigrates into PIDW, sees the absolute mess of lord luo bingge and his harem, goes "jesus fucking christ", and makes bank.
and like. they're probably not even that good of a counselor. it's just that people lack any sense when it comes to bingge, and since he's the emperor, that means pretty much everyone. also because therapy doesn't exist. i'll give them some credit though, whatever they hell they're doing works.
now, while sqq and sqh are having a grand ol' time in SVSSS with their husbands, this random, average counselor has to deal with being in the care of lord luo bingge. no wife beam. no anything. all they have is some basic empathy and common sense people just tend to lack in here for some reason.
it's even worse considering the fact that they've arrived after luo bingge completed his plan and became the hailed demon emperor. now, while they've never full on read the entire thing, they've heard enough from a close friend who has kept up with it to know the main character is the literal embodiment of the cycle of abuse and heavy unresolved issues. like, it got to the point where they started to unironically use luo bingge as an example of how to not deal with conflicts and trauma.
really, how could people like bingge? seriously, it's just another edge lord main character with way too many glamorized issues and abuse. red flag! (hey, who the hell is peerless cucumber and why does he keep defending binghe? lord, have mercy on these impressionable young men...)
so, after being kidnapped taken in by bingge and his wives after the bunch claimed that they were a "wise man" or whatever (all they did was offer some basic relationship advice to some poor woman, who turned out to be ning yingying, who told the other wives, and it just spiraled from there), they were deemed "special" and given their personal office and a room! hey, better than being on the streets in this god forsaken hentai-ish world, i guess.
quickly, a routine was established. one that, especially, consisted of luo bingge outright ignoring them. which, they weren't complaining about!
wake up, eat, meet with multiple of the wives, spend their hard earned money on delicious delicacies, meet with more wives, sleep, repeat. the most interaction they had with the demon emperor was him ordering them around, but even then, that was uncommon. it was, surprisingly, easy to fall into the rhythm of this undoubtedly odd life. you're upset that lord luo hasn't spent much time with you? maybe you can ask! the other wives are being annoying? remove yourself from the situation. you're upset that lord luo has so many other wives? oohhh... yeah. uhm.
luo binghe only tolerated them, they knew that. and they're sure that, if not for multiple of his wives insisting on keeping them, they'd be dead for even daring to be so "intimate" with them. a little bit of a shock, if they do say so themself. like, insecure much (something that they'll probably never get used to is the fact that bingge built an entire little village for his wives, though)?
but that's not the most shocking thing, oh, no.
it's this.
"i- i tried.. i tried to take the.. hiic-- other.. other shizun w-with me.." lord luo binghe, the powerful, almighty demon emperor, trembles and sobs. "b-but he! he wanted to-- s-stay with that.. stupid, inferior version of my- hic- self.."
despite the mountain of gold they're getting paid in, is it really enough to deal with this? probably not. will they get killed for witnessing luo binghe's vulnerability? perhaps. is he a dictator, the embodiment of the cycle of abuse, and a crazily vengeful bastard? definitely.
"it's-- s' not.." his voice breaks. something else inside of them probably does, too. "..n-not, hiic- fair."
should they feel bad? they shouldn't. he's hurt much too many people. isn't it a little late? can he even be redeemed? because, they are absolutely not here to try and "fix" him.
and yet.
"can you breathe, lord luo? deep breaths, don't focus on anything else but me, okay? i'll do it with you too. can you do that for me? there, there. you're doing a very good job, do you know that? here, when i'm upset, sometimes i like to do something called, '5-4-3-2-1'. i promise it'll help, binghe. would you like for me to do this one with you too?"
they can't help but think about a small, lonely boy on qing jing peak.
. . .
after that, bingbing slowly starts to come around and develop an actual bond! cool!! he just,,, can't believe only his wives were granted the "wisdom". how foolish was he?
"i know i'm only a mere human, but i can tell that lord luo is... masking things. you can put that away for now, okay? i promise, everything you say here will be confidential information, and it'll never leak... no no there's no enemy spies here-"
"i'm not even going to question this. you go back there right now and deal with it yourself if you cannot respect me or the other clients. aka, your wives."
"no, it's not stupid. this is how people help themself, and it's okay if you want to do it. as long as it doesn't hurt you or anybody. it helps, and that's all that matters."
"oh? one of your wife confronted to you about it? i'm glad to hear that, she's doing well, i see. i'm also happy that you're listening too, really."
"yes, and when something like that happens, you--- no- don't pull out xin mo now. what did we say about that? good job."
"here, can i touch your hands, binghe? there we go. when you're unsteady, you feel the need to pick at your skin, correct? well, let's try a few different things to keep those hands busy! it must be quite stressful being an emperor. how about we start with crocheting! it's quite popular back at my hometown."
"your mother sounds like a wonderful woman, lord luo. hey, how about you take a small break and visit her, okay? you want me to come with you? of course, it'd be an honor."
and thus, the story of the poor transmigrator counselor continues on with luo bingge added to their schedule!! this could be read as romantic or platonic lol. but i was thinking of this as luo bingge obtaining his first actual friend. it takes a long while due to bingge's... bingge-ness, but eventually it all works out lmao
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youling-the-ghost · 2 months ago
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The poll spoke and I shall deliver!
I already mentioned this in the page itself but just to make it clear: this is NOT inteded to be a guide for new D&D players. The only intention of this page is to help sfth fans who want to support rfth but have no idea how D&D works.
Please let me know if there are any things you'd like me to add/change! Of course editing the page yourself is also an option :]
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astro-vision-au · 26 days ago
A little something that's been sitting in my wip box for a hot second now
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Silly versions of Mask and their Parents for @jovialoddity professor puzzles au! [I'll eventually draw the rest of Masks' parents as they're all professors in this au]
Some more info on these two-
Mask: student age 23, currently getting their art and animation degree. Since all five of their parents work at the collage they're taking their time taking as many classes as possible, really they should have gotten their degree a year or so ago but hey, if you don't have to pay why not take a few extra classes? Because their dad is dean of academics and their other parents are professors, they tend to distance themselves from other students since it's not uncommon for people to be friendly with them to get favors. Because of this, they tend to be more friendly to staff and other professors. Despite being an adult their parents are still treat them like a kid at times, it seems they're rather overprotective, most likely having to do with the reason as to why Mask wears a mask in the first place.
Arc: dean of academics, age unknown [he's old lol] once a human now turned into a slime like parasite he originally worked as a professor to provide for his adoptive child Mask as well as his four siblings, all of then raising Mask together. Eventually, he made his way up the ladder and found himself in the position of dean of academics, helping his siblings also become professors. Arc has a hard time showing emotions of any kind, which leads many to believe he's intimidating and extremely strict. In reality, he's extremely patient and kind, doing his best to provide the best opportunities for his staff and students. He seems to be quite fond of Professor Puzzles, going as far as covering up numerous student and staff complaints about him that should have gotten him fired years ago. Puzzles is under the impression Arc hates him because he always seems to stare at him menacingly. In reality, that's just Arcs normal face.
Some bonus doodles hehe
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How tf does this Puzzles pull so many ppl smh smh
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evilfrogcereal29 · 5 months ago
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I finished the design for werewolf!nikto, he looks small in the drawing but I imagine him to be 2x larger than the extinct dire wolf, so about 260ibs and standing at a terrifying 6'8 on his hind legs, He is LARGE, I'm just a bad artist. I thought up some hcs while drawing this:
TWs: hcs about torture/scars/injuries, transformation, translated german, Mentions of killing people brutally, and I think thats all enjoy!
- Will not kill Krueger, but he does deliver a nasty bite/nip to the austrian when he ticks him off (like when he refuses to give head pats, the fucking audacity...>:|)
- became a werewolf PRE-Nikto. Got attacked on a mission a few months before his capture by Victor Zakhaev. Its why they kept him alive as long as they did. once they found out about his... Condition. They sought to brainwash and use Nikto as a living weapon... You can tell how well that went...
- he was tortured in both his wolf and human form, usually collared and chained up. The damage to either form carries over. I think he gained his facial injuries in his human form, as well as the damage to his lips, removed fingernails, and torso, while his legs were injured in his wolf form, shaved, beaten, and set on fire. The scars still appear on his hands and legs in human form, the skin rough and textured. His tail was also cut off in this form, leaving him with a little nub :(
- the extra blood and cuts on his legs in the image are from whatever trouble I imagine he got into just before, probably from eating an entire small town, I think he gets injured a lot in this form. he’s usually completely feral, banging into anything and fighting everything in his path.
- he found protection under the alligence, where his status as a werewolf was kept hush hush, only Nikolai & Kamarov were supposed to know, but the guys in spetsnaz, and Krueger found out about it as well.
- nobody suspected anything for a long time, and Nikto had a schedule he'd follow to keep himself and everyne safe, but...nikto slipped up a few times, one of these times, he chased poor Nikodim through the halls in the dead of night, his girlish scream filling the halls, before getting chased all the way back by maxim with a rifle.
- he was basically forced to confessed after that night, with surprisingly calm reactions from his peers, they were a team after all, they needed Nikto. Rodion very calmly asked that Nikto never fucking chase him like that ever again, a rare moment of seriousness from the smaller man, who still had tears in his eyes and a pouty face from the traumatic event, that made Nikto nod with embarrassment. He was just hungry… can you really be that mad? (Yes)
- Krueger was also a slip up, but one that went entirely different. Nikto was having a few drinks, sharing stories with the insane man, when he felt a tingling, a prickling, all over his body. His body hair stood up, and started to thicken and spread under his clothes. He’d lost track of time. he looks out the window, realizing the moon was high in the air, it’s curse reaching out to claim him. His fists clenched and he shot up from his seat trembling, taking Krueger aback.
-Krueger tries to help the best he can, trying to put a hand on the other’s shoulder, to ask if he’s ok. But Nikto pulls away the second he makes contact, an unusual snarl emitting from his throat, telling Krueger to step back.
- he begged for Krueger to leave, to run. They were fucked in in the head, and loved to be rough with one another, and push each others limits, but Nikto always had control in those times. Here, he could not guarantee his control, his teeth sharping, with more pushing out of his gums, the feeling excruciatingly painful. His words turn into ragged growls and barking. His bones snapping and twisting as he takes on his alternate form. Krueger is stood in horror and twisted fascination. He was never a cowardly man, he would not run from his friend, no matter the form. Surely he could deal with this like any of Nikto’s other issues..
- but before long Nikto is snapping at him with jagged fangs and taking swings with his clawed paws, but Krueger is quick, dodging, while attempting to talk sense into his friend, Nikto, it’s me! Snap out of it!
- there’s a chase, and just as Krueger finds himself in a pinch, with Nikto just about ready to rip his face off, he reaches out a timid hand. His voice laced with hesitance as he decides his next words carefully. He chuckles nervously,
- “ohoho..be a good dog, ja? Clawing my eyes out would not be very good-“ Nikto suddenly lunges and he flinches, a hand moves to the top of the wolf’s head, pushing back against its forehead, stopping him from getting any closer.
-he can feel the monster tense under his touch, and a shivering, as if this monster is just as unsure as him now too. He peeks an eye open to see his hand buried in the fur on top of Nikto’s head. The monster looking at him with familiar blue eyes, there’s something… emotional in those eyes.. a realization? Perhaps his touch brought back a memory, a reminder of their bond?
“Nikto? Are you still in there?” He asks and the ears of the creature perk up at the sound of its own name, of course his friend is still there, he watched him transform into it, but.. after everything he wasn’t sure if this was just some sick game the creature was playing with his food before biting out his throat.
- the werewolf tilts his head in understanding, a whine eliciting from his maw. And Krueger let’s a small grin fall naturally back onto his face. That’s his (boy)friend right there. Just... different.
- Krueger's hand started to stroke the mangled fur, and was met with a suprsingly positive reaction, Nikto nuzzling into his hand. Letting out a relieved huff as dogs do.
- Krueger's always been a dog person, so loving Nikto as one came just as easy as loving him when he was human. That and he realized himself how useful nikto could be- except he wasn't forcing Nikto this time. He would utitlize his powers with Nikto willingly by his side, absolutely shredding enemies up in the dead of night.
-sicking Nikto on an enemy base and watching Nikto absorb bullets and bite enemies whole heads off >:3
- the rest periods after these are long and difficult, normal nikto is not as strong, the adrenaline no longer puming through him meaning the pain he indured but couldn't feel in that state was just hitting him now. Nikto definitely perfers doing missions in his human form instead.
- krueger giving him the biggest belly rubs known to man, "you're just a big puppy dog aren't you? Oh mein guter Junge.." he cooes
- Nikto won't talk about it in human form, he will punch krueger's shoulder if he teasingly asks if he can pet human Nikto's belly throughout the day, or wave a treat in his face. Its not funny. (Its just a little funny)
- overall he's a good boy, 10/10 would let him maul me and i'd still give him a treat :)
Ty hope u enjoyed reading these and my art :)
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forourtomorrows · 2 years ago
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help !! they all went through the chibi machine (tm) !!
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jaredthebc2 · 2 months ago
Doodled my Three Houses N in between a comm I’m currently working on I think y’all would appreciate it (Ft My semi self insert OC who I ship with him lmao)
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