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dibukae · 6 months ago
serennedy mini week Day 1: anniversary
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idk how many days I'll be able to do cause I have school and stuff :/
(comic description)
Leon Kennedy is walking then he stops. he is staring Luis Serra's grave. he places flowers on his grave.
Leon: Happy anniversary...
Leon then drinks some alcohol sitting next to Luis' grave.
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raccoons-garbage-can · 6 months ago
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Day1 Anniversary
I'm so happy this week has started you guys have no idea jsvshajsbsj
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 6 months ago
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((Click for better quality!!))
I’ve been wanting to properly re-render this piece for AGES now but I’ve never had the time until now,,,
I think we’re all STILL thinking the same thing too :))
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blubellion · 6 months ago
Hello serennedy nation here are my miniweek entries
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(Closeups under cut)
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Doodling these bozos every day was a blast I love these two with my whole heart and soul
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ame-in-the-rain · 6 months ago
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DAY 2 - Starting over
save me re6 serrennedy au. save me (also sketches for a scrapped animation under the cut)
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watch as this 36 year old man spontaneously combusts and dies at the sight of a man’s exposed midriff
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trans-luis-serra-navarro · 7 months ago
Serennedy Mini Week hosted by @wisecrackingeric-2 & @raccoons-garbage-can !! (September 22nd-26th)
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For the one-year anniversary of Seperate Ways the super duper talented and amazing @raccoons-garbage-can (who you should go give ALL your love to!!) And I ( @wisecrackingeric-2 ) thought it’d be fun to host a miniature Serennedy Week under the tag #serennedyminiweek!!
We know this event is on SUPER short notice, so please please please don’t feel pressured to participate if you don’t have the time!! There aren’t any deadlines, signups or strict rules- This entirely just for fun!! Feel free to skip as many days as you want, mix-and-match prompts, only post doodles or drabbles, etc etc etc!! All that we ask is that if you do chose to join, please use the tag #serennedyminiweek so it’s easier for us to find your works!!!
Once again there’s absolutely no expectations or pressure to join, we’re just doing this to celebrate both this lil community the anniversary of Seperate Ways!! :)
Dates and prompts under cut!! :D
Day One: Anniversary (September 22nd)
Day Two: Tied Up / Starting Over (September 23rd)
Day Three: Letters / Locked In A Castle (September 24th)
Day Four: Running Away / Goodbye (September 25th)
Day Five: Splish Splash / Free Day (September 26th)
Once again there’s no strict rules except we ask that there be no offensive material, whitewashing, bigotry (ie racism, sexism, transphobia, ableism etc), excessive gore/dark content or explicit NSFW!! Thank you!!!
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losrgeek · 6 months ago
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Explides it's serennedy mini week I rushed this cuz I'm lazy and didn't know what to do 4 this day😓
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totallynottinsel · 6 months ago
Serennedyminiweek day 5: splish splash
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Just another silly day for them
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deblep-kai · 6 months ago
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lil bit late on the anniversary qwq uppie
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vizishereig · 6 months ago
Day 1: Anniversary
oh, when I tell you I speedran this...
Luis's first time seeing Leon is when he's in the company of his guard. He's impossible to miss, blue eyes bright and steady as he converses with the Captain on some sort of issue plaguing the city.
Luis isn't the only one to stop and stare, most of the street going still as the guard walks on. Whispers break out among the masses, and he half listens as he watches. He can't drag his gaze away from the way the sun catches in his hair, turning blond locks gold.
"He's out again? It's rare to see him in the city," one passerby whispers to another, as if he'd hear them.
"I've heard the king is making him interact with the people more. Getting him ready for the crown," their friend whispers back.
"I think he interacts with us just fine," the first one sniffs, as if defending his honour.
"Hah, sure. He's horrible at talking to people, but keep up with your little crush on Prince Leon. He wouldn't look twice in our direction, if the rumors are to be believed."
They move away before Luis can hear more.
He hasn't stopped looking at the mortal, the price, apparently. And that's why he sees him stiffen and perk up, looking through the crowd until his eyes land on him.
Hm. Interesting.
And this…
Sun tanned hands run through golden hair, as he sings an old lullaby that his caretaker used to sing to him when he was a young godling, still learning about the world and domain he'd inhereit.
Leon had taken a while to warm up to him. At least, in a more human way.
Luis has never been fond of the way mortals treat him, the inherent reverence. It gives one a complex, one that most of his other gods have.
Leon, though. He got past that quickly, eager to joke with him, laugh at the times when Luis trips on uneven stones (purposefully, to get that smile out of him), and let Luis hold him. Not only lets him, but seeks it.
Luis holds it all close to his chest, cradles it in his heart as he leads the sun across the sky. Focused, focused, even when he was traversing the ground during the day. The world needs to be safe, whole, unscathed.
All for his personal sun, his light.
Luis cares for the sun, two times over. And he relishes the duty, holds it close.
Luis is aware he'll live forever.
Luis is also, so, so painfully aware that Leon will not.
He's not sure what he'll do then.
And this.
The day comes too early. Much too early.
Maybe that was why the others had been giving him sad looks as he walked the halls at night. Maybe that's why they would go quiet when he entered a room. Maybe, maybe, maybe.
He examines those moments from his room, replaying those days again and again and again.
Seeing Leon die, again and again and again.
Watching the discus hit Leon's chest, ribs breaking, flesh splitting.
Again. And again. And again.
And this.
The day is overcast. Clouds crowd the sky, blocking out the sun. Good.
It's the anniversary of his passing.
A century and he still feels it as acutely as the day he held him in his arms, bleeding out.
Luis is aware the fates aren't kind, but he hasn't had to feel it. Now he has.
And feel it, he does.
The summers are scorching and last longer than they should. He's summoned to court, has been every year for the last century, told to let the seasons change. He listens.
The winters are freezing, the sun hiding away. Humans die, but he turns a blind eye. He'd let the world hurt, feel the same pain that pulses in his chest with every second gone by.
He is angry. He is sad. He is missing his light.
His light, which was taken by one of his kind. A god. His kind, one who was so greedy. that he deemed it better that his light be dead than not his. His kind.
He'll make peace, eventually. He must. But the world will suffer with him a bit longer. Suffer until he is better.
And if he's never better?
He doesn't know, then.
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clayderogatory · 6 months ago
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hello everyone im not exactly sure what day it is for serennedy mini week for my mind is very school (theatre and choir) right now, but i am one to skip around so i wanted to write cute headcanons and a sort of plot for day 5 because i am silay (splish splash!)
°‧ 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 ·。°𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 ·。°‧ 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞·。
Leon is a merman, Luis is a pirate. They originally met from a large storm and Leon saved Luis' life. Leon takes Luis to a island with a large cove and decides to care for him because he's never seen a human before, and he clearly wants to know more. Luis also wants to learn, and thus they learn each other's cultures and fall in love!
There's a language barrier. Leon speaks a language that only merfolk can understand, and he doesn't understand what Luis says. Therefore! Luis teaches him and thus they learn how to communicate. At first it was making little pictures or hand signs (similar to sign language) to communicate, but it evolved to speaking too.
Within Leon's culture, they are very social and very clingy creatures. They spend most of their time with other merfolk and they are very VERY cuddly. Being physically affectionate is how merfolk actually stay alive. My vision is that if they get very upset, or sad—their tails will dull and they get very droopy. If their tails turn completely black this way, they will turn into sea foam entirely. Thus, this leads to Leon getting extremely attached to Luis and always being around him, hugging him, kisses, etc.
Merfolk also have a "mating" system. They all wear necklaces and when they find someone they want to love for the rest of their lives, they exchange necklaces! If someone is rejected, their necklace fades and they can never find another mate again. It is a one and done deal. So when Leon asks Luis to mate with him, it takes a second for the idea to cross until Luis says yes and they are now bonded for life. Fish marriage!
Luis always shows Leon human trinkets. Very specifically, shiny and valuable objects. As meaningful they are to humans, they are similarly so for merfolk! "Shinies," as they call it, are very rare to come by and typically are found near shipwrecks. Merfolk are fascinated by these objects and their pupils will very much dilate like a cat. It's worth a lot and since their economy is mostly trade based, shinies go for a lot! So Luis shows all the ones he has to Leon, and how even some of them can work if it's more elaborate than jewelry.
Merfolk learn by copying! So when Luis was teaching Leon how to speak English, Leon copied how to do it to learn! So they can generally learn extremely quickly, so when Luis was asleep, Leon kept copying what he would learn so he could impress Luis!
Leon is also curious about everything! He wants to learn everything that the surface world has to offer and about Luis himself! He also loves to share his own culture and how they can differ so greatly from one another. He listens very intently to what Luis has to say and vice versa!
Because being underwater makes it hard to tell night/day, merfolk basically say happy light/dark time instead of good morning/evening. They only can tell when the waters are brighter or darker, and that's how they can determine when to sleep or not. Leon also loves to sunbathe on the shore! He can stay moisturized from the seawater and also be very warm! He always asks Luis to join him too.
Mermaids are very kind and almost very naive. Especially Leon (a lot more of an RE2R personality but amped up a bit. Leon would do anything for Luis should he so ask, but he's also very gullible and technically could be taken advantage of emotionally by others. Luis never does that and would never dare to! They're also very energetic and very playful!
Whale surfing! Merfolk ride on the backs of whales to either get around or to relax!
Leon does like to splash Luis, sometimes as a greeting, but never too severe!! Unless he's in the water, then it's free reign!
that's most of what i could think of!! i hope you enjoyed and hey if you ever wanted a fic idea, i don't mind as long as there's proper credit!! also shoutout to @j-siexoxo for also coming up with a lot of this with me!
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dibukae · 6 months ago
serennedy mini week Day 2: tied up
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Leon thinks he's funny
(text hm in comic)
Leon: so uh...
Leon: "Barthelona"--
Luis: ¡cállate estúpido hijo de puta!
(for those who don't understand, people in Spain can pronounce some Spanish words in a way that seems like they are saying "th" like with Barcelona or zapatos)
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raccoons-garbage-can · 6 months ago
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DAY 3 letters
Shh he's having a gay crisis
I'm back after taking a break, thank you for the patience I really needed that rest
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 6 months ago
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((Click for better quality!!))
Serennedy Mini Week day 4: Running Away!!
The Prince has been rescued!! But at what cost!!!!!
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star-maker-rain-dancer · 6 months ago
Serennedy Mini Week Day 3: Letters
Set in that one AU where Luis doesn’t die and he goes and works with Rebecca and they become friends and he’s the one that heals Leon a lot and makes vaccines with Rebecca and—
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ame-in-the-rain · 6 months ago
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DAY 4- Running away
this is what happened in between chapter 10 and 11. trust me. (ignore how this only barely fits the prompt shhhh)
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