deblep-kai · 13 hours
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lil drawing on magma. Lets say they were both suppose to look after her but someone got tired
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deblep-kai · 14 hours
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leon's captain just calming down his lil boy
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deblep-kai · 2 days
Lil HC for Luis for the upcoming comic! If you don't like seeing just kinda useless stuff then feel free to skip this post and have a nice day ^^
1) Tattoo:
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Luis has two birds on the inside of his forearm tattooed out. (I know he grew up in a highly religious village and a lot of times I hear "your body is your temple and you should never taint it with ink etc." Which could go well with trying to throw that part of his life back a little. Also tattoo with friends, c'mon.) Maybe I will change the design a lil bit, but this one is for now.
I wanna connect Luis to birds simply for symbolism (and maybe because they are cool and pretty, shush). They are usually connected to freedom, hope and new opportunities which I feel like young Luis that is just starting off in his city life, trying to be a scientist in basically completely different world, would associate with.
There are two birds depicted (will make more detailed depictions a bit later). One is a crow and second one is a robin.
Robin is there as he symbolizes rebirth, happiness and wisdom, which young Luis when getting it done wanted to asociace with. It also means sacrifice which he felt like when studying hardly, almost getting lost in it, until he got Lobo, (later on sacrificing things as time, resources and his good ol' back for Leon).
Crow is usually symbol of wisdom. Later on he would become closely tied to crows as they are very intelligent group animals, as he sees himself to be, but also sees the "darkness" that they are a lot of times connected to (guilty of the plaga project). Crows can also symbolize rebirth which he wanted to achieve by changing and helping his home village, later on Leon and Ashley too.
2) Animal person:
He really liked animals as he grew up in a village filled with them (farm animals, stray dogs, birds etc.) of course he was going out hunting with his grandfather, but he took it as part of the life cycle. Things must die for others to keep going.
When he was studying he had a shepherd mix by his side called Lobo. He got him as moving from a village to a city was quite a change even if he lived on the outskirts. He had him as a companion, someone for mental suport but also for exersise to not get lost in his work and not get burnt out. That dog traveled all the way back to the village with him and lived out it's last year's there.
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He looked kinda like this. Don't worry, he made sure it was not overheating.
These days you can spot Luis feeding some birds while smoking and just relaxing, trying to get some peace and hear some nice little chirping.
That's it for now... Let's be honest it is quite long already. Maybe I'll share some more later on uwu
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deblep-kai · 4 days
POV: Dumbass lost his Plaga medication
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deblep-kai · 4 days
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Finished this right before work. Some fine night cuddles
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deblep-kai · 4 days
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Maybe be workin on something-
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deblep-kai · 5 days
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"You're a fool for believing their lies" "They are trying to put you down out of fear. Don't let them" "You are powerful and I'm proud of you" "and it's a shame they are blind to the gift they got when you came" Just feeling like making more of these. I just hope whoever needs to hear this sees this and will feel at least a tiiiny tiny bit better. Stay safe
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deblep-kai · 6 days
I love drawing roughly just out of fun with no bounderies, but also love details but also it gets so messy and annyoing for anyone seeing the piece KSDJFLKJKL why does stuff have to be like this qwq
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deblep-kai · 6 days
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"Hey, I heard you're feeling not so great so I just wanted to check on you." "Don't worry, It's alright. Everyone can have bad days and that's perfectly fine." "What about a meal? at least something small with a glass of water." I hope whoever needs this at the moment finds this at least a little comforting. Stay safe
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deblep-kai · 7 days
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Ever like watched something and then realized oh shi- it's morning already?
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deblep-kai · 8 days
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don't worry guys Leon's just gonna give Luis an aggressive hug!!
(text in comic)
Leon: Luis!?
Luis: Sancho!
Leon: Luis...
Luis: Sancho!! ^-^
Leon: LUIS!!!
Luis: ¡Mierda! not again!
( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
if Luis survived and was in death island
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deblep-kai · 8 days
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gotta love shitposting...
Plaga Leon belongs to @soldier-of-mayhem
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deblep-kai · 8 days
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Some comfort art. Sometimes having chesticles is a struggle
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deblep-kai · 17 days
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deblep-kai · 27 days
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This was a personal thing of mine, trying fo focus on Danny's past before the fog but... kinda gave up on making the comics sadly.
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deblep-kai · 29 days
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Nice lil time off
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deblep-kai · 1 month
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"Oh Frankie, I'm not leaving you alone, when will you realize that?"
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