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n-just-n · 2 months ago
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If you think I know what's going on, no, I'm not
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nyxitycatboy · 2 years ago
something ive noticed abt like, dbd is a conception of like, "skill" as chasing ability, and "strength of a character" as mostly contained to chasing power the second half really relates to the perception of killers like Clown and Sadako, because clown has alot of chase power, the strongest out of any "M1 killer", and sadako has uhh,, barely anything in chase power? you can teleport to a television and you Might hit someone with the speedboost if they don't immediately run away [easier with bloody fingernails], and also you Can demanifest into a mindgame from the flickering but thats only effective at shorter loops [easier with reiko's watch or old newspaper] But, clown as a killer's biggest weakness is really low map pressure, the only upside being "not a 4.4 speed killer" but that is kinda negated by having to stop to reload like, alot. and sadako, due to having "instant teleport" type map mobility, to an object that spawns near generators, with inbuilt detection, has if shes nyot being properly played against / you brought the addon she needs to function that may or may nyot be removed in the next update >w> really good map pressure!
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citrine-elephant · 2 years ago
getting denied multiple jobs really fuckin sucks, especially when it's in fields that are considered "easy" and "unskilled/lowskilled" whatever
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marc-anthony-macon · 5 years ago
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"Boundary-Maintaining Tendencies" From the Dept. of Non-Innate Things. • • • #art #dadaism #portraiture #outsiderart #artbrut #popart #punk #punkart #rawart #marcanthonymacon #intuitiveart #collage #dada #process #lowskilled #stickers #fashion #lowbrow #middlebrow #gay #gayart #gayartist #neodada #neodadaism #analogcollage (at The Gilbert Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCZ7_Zsp2fc/?igshid=1ai4whbxhfpx4
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juliosalgado83 · 5 years ago
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Who Are You Calling Low-Skilled? 2013. #MigrantWorkers #LowSkilled #WorkForce #Immigrants #UndocumentedUnafraid #UndocuQueer https://www.instagram.com/p/B-DUrhWlR9i/?igshid=1l6nrx3u28nef
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sachwlang · 4 years ago
Stimulus on a tight budget: Emphasis on job creation for the low-skilled
Stimulus on a tight budget: Emphasis on job creation for the low-skilled
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The fall in recent months of the person days generated under the rural employment guarantee scheme has been sharper than the decline in the demand for work.
Thursday’s stimulus package was marked by a thrust given to incentivising job creation. Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman sought to earmark an additional Rs 16,000 crore to meet this objective – Rs 10,000 crore rural-oriented…
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anthonyt525 · 5 years ago
Low-skilled workers would not get visas under post-Brexit immigration plans unveiled by the government. It is urging employers to "move away" from relying on "cheap labour" from Europe and invest in retaining staff and developing automation technology.
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hezigo · 4 years ago
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captainpeejay · 5 years ago
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Playing new games with your friends be like.
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baliportalnews · 2 years ago
Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Masih Didominasi Low Skill
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, YOGYAKARTA - Tenaga kerja di Indonesia masih didominasi oleh pekerja berkeahlian rendah atau low skill. Hal tersebut diungkapkan oleh Ketua Umum Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (Apindo), Hariyadi B.Sukamdani dalam kegiatan Sosialisasi Pemagangan dan Kuliah Umum bersama APINDO dan GAPKI, Selasa (4/10/2022) yang berlangsung secara bauran di Ruang Multimedia UGM dan platform Zoom Meetings. Hariyadi mengungkapkan dari data Bappenas tahun 2018 diketahui pekerja di sektor pertanian dan industri sebagian besar berkeahlian rendah. Dari total pekerja sebanyak 121,02 juta sekitar 99,41% pekerja di sektor pertanian adalah berkeahlian rendah, 0,47% berkeahlian menengah, dan hanya 0,13% berkeahlian tinggi. Kondisi tersebut tak jauh berbeda di sektor manufaktur dimana sebanyak 90,45% berkeahlian rendah, 6,52% berkeahlian menengah, dan 3,03% berkeahlian tinggi. Lalu untuk sektor jasa dan lainnya cenderung membutuhkan keahlian menengah dan tinggi dengan potret sebanyak 14,36% berkeahlian tinggi, 52,74% berkeahlian menengah, dan 32,90% berkeahlian rendah. “Dalam empat tahun terakhir, proporsi pekerja formal berkisar pada 42% atau sekitar 53,09 juta ditahun 2018. Pekerja formal sektor industri cenderung berkeahlian rendah. Rendahnya kualitas pekerja ini salah satunya disebabkan keterbatasan angkatan kerja memperoleh pelatihan,”paparnya. Hariyadi menyampaikan tenaga kerja di Indonesia selama tahun 2018-2021 masih didominasi oleh pekerja dengan tingkat pendidikan SD ke bawah. Masih mendominasinya pekerja dengan pendidikan rendah menandakan kualitas pekerja di Indonesia masih sangat rendah. Menurutnya, upaya peningkatan keterampilan menjadi sangat penting untuk dilakukan. Salah satunya dengan membangun lingkungan pengembangan keterampilan yang baik. Beberapa diantaranya seperti pengembangan SKKNI sektor prioritas, pemagangan, pelatihan kejuruan, dan revitalisasi BLK. Selain itu, skema kebijakan ketenagakerjaan komperehensif untuk pengembangan keterampilan. Tak kalah penting adalah kerja sama industri dengan sekolah kejuruan dan perguruan tinggi. “Karenanya penting dilakukan kerja sama antara UGM dan APINDO ini untuk meningkatkan low skill pekerja ke medium bahkan high skill,” terangnya. Sementara itu, Ketua Umum Gabungan Pengusaha Kelapa Sawit Indonesia (GAPKI), Joko Supriyono yang diwakili oleh Direktur Eksekutif GAPKI, Mukti Sardjono yang menyampaikan bahwa industri kelapa sawit mempunyai peranan yang strategis terutama sebagai sumber devisa, penyerapan tenaga kerja dan pengembangan wilayah sehingga perlu terus dijaga kesinambungannya. Dengan luas dan tersebarnya industri sawit menjadi salah satu tempat belajar bagi mahasiwa maupun lulusan perguruan tinggi untuk untuk lebih memahami kinerja objektif industri sawit dilapangan. “Dengan peran penting industri sawit dan luasnya penggunaan produk sawit untuk berbagai keperluan, sudah selayaknya UGM sebagai salah satu Perguruan Tinggi tertua dan terbesar di Indonesia memberikan perhatian lebih kepada industri sawit, dalam bentuk pengkajian, penelitian maupun riset-riset karyatulis yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa maupun staf pengajar,” paparnya.(bpn) Read the full article
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starthink · 4 years ago
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hercules-photography-blog · 5 years ago
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"Beautiful things never last that's why fireflies flash" - Unknown. Imagine you start a fire and spray in the forest (alone) ... The firefly surround will lighting too. . #photography #photographer #editing #DIY #photoshoot #justdoit #nevergiveup #art #artwork #love #fire #lanscapephotography #lanscape #firefly #creative #justedit #ps #ripEnglish #lowskill #upskill #spraypaint https://www.instagram.com/p/B-bpaPnF1sy/?igshid=jyka2uyrg7eh
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marc-anthony-macon · 5 years ago
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"Still Think It's Funny? [1,001 Sobas with Senpai #800]" When I was a kid, I thought Gallagher was hilarious. I disagree with my former self. • • • #art #dadaism #portraiture #outsiderart #artbrut #popart #punk #punkart #rawart #marcanthonymacon #intuitiveart #collage #dada #process #lowskilled #stickers #fashion #lowbrow #middlebrow #gay #gayart #gayartist #neodada #neodadaism #analogcollage #soba #senpai #egg #eggs (at The Gilbert Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAb-pdFpmGT/?igshid=1f7sgs2ksxxol
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theheadlessguitarplayer · 7 years ago
#sunday #bucuresti #guitar #guitaristsofinstagram #fender #telecaster #youtubebackingtrack #jamsession #recordingartist #homestudio #lovewhatyoudo #positivementalattitude #blues #solo #highgain #lowskill #music #instamusic #musicislife #weekend #theheadlessguitarplayer (at Bucharest, Romania)
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akiterryaki · 8 years ago
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myshitblogger-blog · 7 years ago
Firms relabelling low-skilled jobs as apprenticeships, says report
Firms relabelling low-skilled jobs as apprenticeships, says report
Image copyright Getty Images
Fast food giants, coffee shops and retailers are relabelling low-skilled jobs as apprenticeships and gaining subsidies for training, a report says.
The study by centre-right think tank Reform says many firms have rebranded existing roles after being obliged to contribute cash to on-the-job training.
It adds that…
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