#Loveless novel
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lauralot89 · 2 years ago
I'm late on this because the book was published in 2020, but I only heard about it in the last month when I was reading an article about asexuality in fiction but in case anyone is out of the loop like me let me tell you about this glory
Loveless is a YA novel by Alice Oseman, author of Heartstopper and Solitaire. It tells the story of Georgia Warr, freshman at Durham University, and her realization that while she's in love with the idea of romance, the actuality of a romantic/sexual relationship repulses her.
Alice Oseman herself is aroace, which makes perfect sense because throughout the novel I kept asking myself, "How does she know? How does she know?! How did she get these thoughts out of my head?"
for my fellow ace and/or aro people, let me quote some of the lines that just got me straight in the soul:
"I had a theory that a lot of people's "celebrity crushes" were just faked to fit in."
"I was disgusted by the thought of him near me. Wanting things from me. That wasn't normal, was it?"
"Oh, God, this thing is actually real, it's not just in fanfics and movies. And I'm supposed to be doing it too."
"Did I even know what romantic feelings felt like?"
"He was clearly the sort of person who I should like romantically. Who I could like romantically. He looked like a boyfriend. I loved his personality. I'd loved his personality for years. So I could fall in love with him. With a little bit of effort. Definitely."
"I thought I'd understood what all these romantic things would feel like--butterflies and the spark and just knowing when you liked someone. I'd read about these feelings hundreds of times in books and fanfic. I'd watched way more romcoms than was probably normal for an eighteen-year-old. But now I was starting to wonder whether these things were just made up."
"Straight people don't think shit like that."
"Just because I'd never liked anyone didn't mean I never would. Did it?"
"I thought all the movies were exaggerating, but you're all really out there just craving genitals and embarrassment. This has to be some kind of huge joke."
"How could I feel so sad about giving up these things that I did not actually want?"
"I felt like I was grieving. I was grieving this fake life, a fantasy future that I was never going to live."
"How was it fair that everyone got to feel that except me?"
"I never had any crushes when I was a child. Not any real ones, anyway. Sometimes I confused friendships for them, or just thinking a guy was really cool."
"For a long time, I was just dating and having sex because that's what people did. And I wanted to feel like those people."
"You've been so confused about stuff. You really thought we could be together, because you do love me. Not in a romantic way, but just as strongly."
"Oh. This is an asexual thing. I forgot other people are obsessed with having sex."
seriously the entire time I spent with this book I just kept asking "was this written for me specifically?" because that's exactly how it felt.
It is a gorgeous book that explores that bizarre feeling of not knowing the word for what you are, not even knowing that you are something out of the ordinary because we don't define ourselves by what we lack and we just expect that one day, it'll happen and we'll be like everyone else. That struggle of trying to differentiate between loving someone and being in love with them, and trying to make the former into the latter and hurting everything in the process.
It is so good. 10/10, no complaints
also there's an asshole in the university's queer pride group who doesn't think aces belong and everyone hates him so that's fantastic, aphobes fuck off
in conclusion I highly recommend it
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pearlycomplaints · 5 months ago
I want a Loveless movie or mini series SO BAD!!! Ugh, Alice, I’m getting greedy please make it happen! I love the strides Heartstopper is making in aro/ace representation but I want Georgia/an aro/ace to be the MAIN character! Also I need to see Georgia and Rooney on screen! Rooney my beloved 💕 The promise Rooney made Georgia meant EVERYTHING!
Thank you, love you, bye!
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normalpeoplethiings · 1 year ago
“It was something adults said all the time. “You'll change your mind when you're older. You never know what might happen. You'll feel differently one day.” As if we teenagers knew so little about ourselves that we could wake up one day a completely different person. As if the person we are right now doesn't matter at all.”
- Loveless, Alice Oseman (2020)
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renkagrenka413 · 2 months ago
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catboy Jeff :3
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oohlookafrog · 3 months ago
fun little trivia fact about me i once innocently suggested a book (Loveless, by Alice Oseman) for a book club that i was starting with a couple people and then proceeded to spend the next 3 months fighting to get that book in the school library like in my free time i was emailing the other book club members links about content warnings and unfairly banned books and meeting with the librarian and the principal and anyways i just realized that that was like. a full year ago now. And the funniest part? despite rereading that book countless times during that time period it still took me several months to realize i was aro/ace
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soundsofnature203 · 5 months ago
Can someone help me out?
This year I’m writing my Master Thesis and I decided to do it on asexual representation in YA novels. So far, I’ve selected Loveless, Solitaire, and Radio Silence by Alice Oseman and will look at the differences in narrative.
However, I’d like to include a novel written by an author who isn’t asexual themselves to see what differences can be found in the way the ace character(s) is/are written.
Does anyone know a YA novel with asexual character(s) written by an author who isn’t ace? The author can be queer or straight, that doesn’t really matter, just not asexual.
Thank you so much in advance!
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tsunagite · 6 months ago
*sigh* whatever, I'll do yt video instead.
Anyways, here's the origins of a certain rogue temporal entity.
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ewwwabug · 2 years ago
i posted wbb update yay check this out
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plortasy · 1 year ago
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Updated Osemanverse collection ❤️🩷🧡💛💚💙💜
I ended up buying a second copy of Heartstopper which i think are the UK edition and I’m so happy about it. My collection looks so full!
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softandwigglybones · 1 year ago
This is utter bullshit
I'm not going to go into much detail, but basically, because a certain result is clogging up my search results I can't find what I'm looking for.
So, I'm asking for your help.
If there is a novel (preferably fantasy) whose protagonist is aroace AND loveless, please share.
It'd be a huge help, especially since even when I was specifically looking for aroace books a lot of them are still about some kind of love
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darcyolsson · 2 years ago
somehow i just forgot iwbft constantly and explicitly mentions tumblr??? i thought angel was a twitter girl but i was wrong shes a tumblrina warrior like us 🙏 ofc she is. love you neurodivergent girl
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bloomingraine · 1 year ago
My Alice Oseman Book Collection (as of 11 Oct. 2023)
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As of October 11, 2023 :)
This is my Alice Oseman collection so far! I still have many books coming this December, and I'm so excited to unbox them when they get here!! ^^ I'll do another unboxing when I receive them :)
I'll be posting these books individually soon when I start or when I've finished reading them! Or just to let you see how beautiful these books are!
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normalpeoplethiings · 1 year ago
“If I could spend every night of my life eating snacks and watching something silly in a giant bed with one of my best friends, I'd be happy.”
- Loveless, Alice Oseman (2020)
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renkagrenka413 · 4 months ago
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nastyushkaboom · 11 months ago
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Пусть в жизни будет все отлично,
Тепло, светло и гармонично!
Здоровья крепкого, успеха,
Побольше радости и смеха!
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По сравнению с тем годом поменялось конечно, жесть 🙏
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hope-luvs-hrtstppr · 3 months ago
just pulled an all nighter to read loveless in one sitting. my priorities are questionable but my heart is full!!!
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