#Love me some hobgoblins
meanbossart · 3 months
Hey! I was thinking of trying to write something for you about DU Drow but after a trying to gather stuff about him via your page I’m struggling to get something substantial for his personality- like I get it mostly (I think?) but it’s hard to put into words (which makes it easier for me) so if it’s not too much to ask; how would you explain DU Drows personality and maybe some of his values? - if you don’t mind! I love your art BTW!
Man, this is a tough ask and I MADE the guy. The fic is definitely the best place to see his personality in action, but it is also 20 chapters long so far - and I'm a fairly reasonable man.
Before I get to any descriptions, there's two important things to note: A) Overwhelmingly, his looks do not match his demeanor. and B) DU drow is extremely hedonistic in practice. He might claim to have certain beliefs or standards but hardly ever practices them.
Anyways, I present to you: The guy, more-or-less summarized to the best of my abilities.
BEHAVIOR: Purposefully standoffish. He wants to be noticed, but he does not want to be bothered. He's a little bit stiff with his body language and mostly makes use of head/neck gestures to assert his sentences and signal his level of interest. On that note, me makes it extremely obvious for the socially-versed individual to tell what he thinks of them - he hardly ever tries to hide if he's disinterested, annoyed, or having a laugh at your expense. He expresses emotion through his face a normal amount, but his default look is eerily bland, and subtle emotions might go unnoticed because of his eye-color and thin brows.
As it is with most people, the more uncomfortable he is with a situation the more stiff and inexpressive he becomes, and vice versa.
SPEECH: DU drow is very much well spoken, and simultaneously very blunt. He abides by most conversational formalities (definitely more formal than you would assume him to be) and basic etiquette. He will greet you and he will say please and thank you even if clearly not meaning it or feeling like you're unworthy of the gesture. Sometimes, he does it just to be patronizing.
With all of that in mind, he has a tendency to use violent turns of phrase and analogies to express himself, this applies to both negative and positive feelings. That being said he's aware of social norma and knows full well when things are or aren't appropriate, even if sometimes he chooses to ignore that and be weird anyway - usually with the purpose of intimidation.
He is the most earnest and sincere with very close friends (quite literally only Astarion and Shadowheart) and rather curt with everyone else unless you catch him in a particularly good mood. He's a little chummier with dwarves and duergar (he finds them amusing and fun to hang out with) and reserves a slight bit more tenderness and kindness for children and mothers, especially if they're elves. He's also fond of animals. He is dismissive of gnomes, goblins, bugbears, half/full orcs and hobgoblins. He despises githyanki and drow. He treats humans fairly respectfully but thinks they are a far lesser race than pretty much all others.
He has a very dark/offensive sense of humor and a tendency to make well crafted, but cruel jokes or quips about sensitive topics. This goes for everybody, including people he's on good terms with.
VALUES: Here's where things get tricky. DU drow is both a hypocrite and a unreliable narrator of his own story, not to mention deeply unfamiliar with his own inner-workings and feelings. Politically, he would be the guy who doesn't vote, doesn't want to pay taxes and dreams of living off the grid, who thinks everybody should pull themselves up by the bootstraps and that it's a dog-eats-dog world. He hates systems of government, authority figures, hierarchical structures and archaic customs. He believes it would a chaotic but functional world if people governed themselves.
In practice, he doesn't stand for anything and gladly overlooks injustices and things that don't align with his supposed values as long as they favor him, or just don't get in his way, and easily makes exceptions for things on a whim. He's indifferent to slavery; unless it's Astarion's. - He thinks humans are a worthless pet-race, except for his dearest and nearest friend, the half-elf Shadowheart. He thinks Half-orcs are intellectually inferior, but he will gladly be chummy with them if they amuse him and make for good-company during a night-out.
INNER WORLD AND INTIMACY: DU drow is extremely unfamiliar with his own emotions and very often comes up empty when he has to justify or explain anything that is based on feeling, while simultaneously operating on impulse and instinct for the vast majority of the time. He is subject to fear, resentment, and insecurity as much as anyone else, but carries a deep shame in acknowledging his own vulnerability at all. He is very intense when it comes to love, however, and shows no reluctance in expressing it through his words and actions towards the people he cares about. He does care for the levels of comfort of those dearest to him though, and doesn't bombard them with it unless the moment is right, or if overwhelmed into doing so. The same applies to physical affection - he's extremely comfortable with it, but cares deeply for respecting the boundaries of his loved ones. When it comes to strangers, he only touches them outside of combat if there is some kind of power-game at play.
A couple of other things that might be of note:
-He likes creature comforts, but is also fine with going without them and won't ever complain about having to live, sleep, or survive in less-than-ideal circumstances as long as he feels in control of the situation. -He can be enticed by valuables and gold because they make the immediate future easier, but he doesn't seek a life of vast riches. -He is not an alcoholic but probably has a binge-drinking problem. -While he is fond and respectful of animals, he has no issues killing them if the situation calls for it. -He pretty much always believes himself to be the most impressive person in the room. -He is not a vain man, but very much likes the way that he looks and to have it be acknowledged by his partner. -He believes faith, religion, and gods to be a waste of time.
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thefirstknife · 3 months
The weekly lore book is so funny with Guardian reports. Love these two justifying why they didn't kill the enemy:
Instead of opening fire, it juked backwards and ran. I've never seen a Vex run before, and honestly, I was so surprised, I missed my shot.
Saw a big ol' Vex Minotaur hanging out in the shallows. It was far downrange, but it looked like it was leaking data or something from its neck. I fired before my Box Breathing kicked in, so it wasn't a kill shot.
This one got me. I sure do know what you mean:
The Minotaurs were being really defensive, staggering their shields to cover each other. If you've ever gone up against a team of Titans in Crucible, it was like that.
This one is so relatable:
The necklace Vex were wiped out and the others ripped the radiolaria cores from the bodies and took them back through the portal—or they would have, if I hadn't Thundercrashed the whole group.
But outside of the funny bits, I am really looking hard at the little details. The changes in individual Vex, for example:
The thing must've caught a glint off my optics because it looked right at me.
It looked back at me, then it popped its own juice box and dumped itself into the radiolaria.
Anyway, when I moved in to make sure they were dead, I saw little model buildings in the dirt. I'm telling you, they'd been building sandcastles.
Right as I was about to draw, the Hobgoblin waved its hand at me. I figured it was signaling an ambush and I looked around, but it didn't have any backup. It waved again, and I gave it a little wave back—I didn't see the harm. Well, it got real excited at that and waved with both arms.
It was creeping through the branches and making a little noise—almost like it was laughing, if that makes sense?
There's also a strange focus on singling out Precursors and how othey don't appear to have the collars:
One of those sleek Precursor models was leading a group of normal Vex Goblins. The Goblins all had glowing collars, but the Precursor didn't.
Saw them clearly before I engaged: some Precursors mixed in with Nessus Vex. Nessus ones had the glowing mantles from the reports, but the Precursors didn't.
What does it all mean.
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jadecantcreate · 14 days
idk if this has been said before but damn do i love the duality in once upon a witchlight.. i know many other pieces of media (and loa campaigns) have that same thing going on but let me gush for a second
(contains light spoilers for eps 1-56 of ouaw; some backstory things)
the comedic silly moments, fae curses, character interactions, etc, contrast SO well with the darker / more serious tone that sets in later on. its in the characters too
gideon is your average heartthrob lady killer; his presence is intimidating, threatening; he smokes cigars, flirts, and fights. and he was abducted and enslaved by hobgoblins at a young age, had his father die before his very eyes, is implied to have been tortured, and only escaped decades later, forever changed and having lost much of his life
frost has an extremely powerful mind and is able to kill and control without moving a muscle; he’s calm and calculating, a logical / critical thinker. he was taken from his family at a young age and never saw them (alive?) again. oh and he purrs when he’s happy or sleeping and follows laser pointers around
gricko is very cheerful, fatherly/kind; he went to Goblin High School and Goblin College and had a girlfriend he mistook a living garbage heap; wanted to be a musician since childhood…but he is also haunted by what only he knows (what happened to uncle glorbo) and struggled to survive for a good part of his life
torbek is a stinky rubbish wet rag of a man (affectionate) and speaks exclusively in the third person, is somewhat naive and innocent, but is also deeply scarred and traumatized by virtue of being experimented on and possibly tortured for years on end
kremy is conniving and an adept, terrifying liar; his magic is that of shadows and contracts that can leave you with nothing or worse; his words make people do his bidding without so much as a thought crossing their minds…and he draws on a mustache with Fantasy Sharpie (tm), enjoys cooking/baking for his friends, and is easily made jealous
just some thoughts for the Void in this lovely tuesday night
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Word List: Blood
beautiful words and phrases with "blood" for your next poem/story
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Blood rain - rain colored red by dust from the air
Bloodbath - a great slaughter
Bloodberry - a tropical American herb (Rivina humilis) with racemes of red berries resembling those of pokeweed
Bloodcurdling - arousing fright or horror
Bloodguilt - guilt resulting from bloodshed
Bloodhound - any of a breed of large powerful hounds of European origin remarkable for acuteness of smell; a person keen in pursuit
Bloodlessness - deficiency in or free from blood; lacking in spirit or vitality; or in human feeling
Bloodletting - phlebotomy; bloodshed; elimination of personnel or resources; severe criticism
Bloodline - a sequence of direct ancestors especially in a pedigree
Bloodlust - desire for bloodshed
Bloodroot - a plant (Sanguinaria canadensis) of the poppy family having a red root and sap and bearing a solitary lobed leaf and white flower in early spring; also called: sanguinaria
Bloodshot - inflamed to redness
Bloodstain - a discoloration caused by blood
Bloodstock - horses of Thoroughbred breeding
Bloodstone - a green chalcedony sprinkled with red spots resembling blood; also called: heliotrope
Bloodstream - the flowing blood in a circulatory system; a mainstream of power or vitality
Bloodsucker - an animal that sucks blood; a person who sponges or preys on another
Bloodthirsty - eager for or marked by the shedding of blood, violence, or killing
Bloodwealth - an indemnity for murder paid in some African tribes to the family of the victim
Bloodworm - any of various pink to red worms
Bloodwort - a plant of the family Haemodoraceae the members of which contain a deep red coloring matter in the roots
Bloody bread - bleeding bread (i.e., bread containing reddish patches produced by a bacterium, Serratia marcescens)
Bloodybones - (archaic) hobgoblin, specter—used especially in the phrase, "rawhead and bloodybones"
Lifeblood - blood regarded as the seat of vitality; a vital or life-giving force or component
Oxblood - a moderate reddish brown
If this inspires your writing in any way, please tag me, or send me a link. I would love to read your work!
More: Word Lists
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not-a-snowman · 3 months
Still caught up yet so no spoilers but this comic is still messing me up so bad and I CANT wait until I’m caught up to talk about it
I feel as though the story is going in a direction specifically crafted to break my heart. You CANT just say the fate of the world is potentially hinged on Redcloak being able to admit that everything he has ever worked towards has been a mistake
I don’t even know if he CAN DO THAT
If you are like me (you may be entitled to some financial compensation) and have adapted a Redcloak-centric approach to literary analysis you will know that this comic has a storied history of characters who are given ample opportunity to do and be better and then DONT
Even the ones with Noble intentions (looking at you Miko, love you) can become fixated on their incorrect view of the world. Miko could’ve recognized that she was wrong but that would require changing her entire worldview to one where she has committed tremendous harm. So she didn’t. Maybe with time she would’ve but time is finite.
If we look to the contrary, we see people like Varsuvius. To a much lesser extent, people like The Monster in the Shadows and Belkar.
And weirdly, people like Redcloak.
Redcloak realized that his treatment of the Hobgoblins was petty and pointless, and even though it meant accepting that the blood of thousands was wrongfully on his hands he was still able to confront his faults and change. Of course, that change took a hobgoblin directly sacrificing their life to save his, and he didn’t really have to change that much. He got to say that the mission was still correct, he just needed to include hobgoblins under the goblin umbrella to make it work. He’s not a racist but he’s “speciesist” and that’s a-okay
This is a deeper admission of fault.
And it’s messing me up that after all this time I spent accepting that Redcloak is a villain and probably isn’t going to change for the better and will most likely die- I get the possibility of redemption DANGLED OVER MY DANG HEAD. Like I love it but also damnit I grieved!!! Don’t give me hope like this. Don’t throw a bone to the part of my brain that is way too sympathetic to villains with tragic circumstance and noble goals. Im trying to mentally prep myself for Redcloak to die an unrepentant villain who was too stuck in his ways and afraid to put his people’s safety over his feelings over here. Don’t make me root for Redcloak more than I already am it’s stupid!!!
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wolfdrawer · 5 months
Alright so, who's ready for a cowboy au!!
General premise of it:
Gideon Coal is on the hunt for the hobgoblins that took his family away from him and has left him a permanent scar. With the help of a crew he hired, he'll finally seek his revenge.
All characters are their normal races just not their classes. So...Avantris that got hit with the western stick. Just so there's no confusion.
And they all have different nicknames but I haven't thought of much...still a work in progress.
Gideon Coal:
•The leader who's fiery revenge is gonna make for a mighty risky plan.
•His outfit is like Orville Peck's if it was more chaotic and messy.
• (Thank you @obsidiancreates for this idea) He looks like a mess on purpose, since he's had too many people doubting him, might as well adapt to it. His guns doesn't look clean so people assume he's got no game and will get himself killed.
•His fine weapon of choice is his Pappy's trusty shotgun and a dingy revolver that was left behind when the hobgoblins invaded. He's a tank that likes to go head first and do as much damage. Although he's not fully advanced with the revolver, he gets the job done with it.
•He's a massive risk taker, getting into fights with the wrong people to get what he wants and a big shit stirrer whether it's flirting or sleeping with another man's girl or just pick pocketing from his winnings. If it's a risk, it's already worth it.
Kremy Lecroux :
•The proud owner of the Hungry Catfish after running away from his old employer. When he's not making sure the patrons of his bar aren't ripping each other to shreds or causing mayhem or doing finance, sometimes he likes to go down and give a show. Whether dancing or singing, he'll put on a show for his patrons.
•He's the only one not affected by the hobgoblins because he runs away whenever he's paranoid and feels like they are too close to his business or his life. But he knows too many stories.
•He can be a flirt but it never goes far because although he doesn't look like it, he's a fighter.
•He's the closest one that maybe has magic, however, it's all just a magic trick, smoke and mirrors as he performs.
•His performing outfit consists more of a regular button up, a corset, leather gloves, normal leather pants, and a big jacket. And his actual outfit is something I have to get drawing on. He does wear his makeup for each outfit, his performing outfit more of the typical voodoo paintings and then when he's out, it's a hand made skull mask he made.
•Weapons of choice would be his two ranger guns that sit on the lower back of him and his cane that doubles as a hidden sword because I do love me some hidden swords.
•You can make a deal with him, whether it's getting him for a heist or helping you get the money you need from a game, he's your man as long as you can pay him with as much as you got. (60 - 40 like he said)
Morning Frost:
•A working farm hand that got his knack for shooting things across the way when he had to quickly grab his mom's rifle and snipe a hobgoblin that was about to grab his friend. He got a few more shots in before the hobgoblins finally got away from his village. He was regarded as a hero and forced to learn the ways of the world pretty harshly. Now in the future, his knack for the rifle has landed him to be able to turn off his emotions in a pinch to get the job done, although it bleeds through when the going gets tough.
•His outfit, and this may be obscure, is going to be a sort of ref to Tigerclaw from the 2012 TMNT, just without the eye patch and adding a few more details to make it more cowboy aesthetic.
•His weapon of choice of course is his mom's trusty rifle that he cares for deeply and makes sure it's in tip top shape everyday.
•He's calculated, knowing risks and how dumb it would be to do something, but he's not above going in and sniping for a job if he desperately needs the money.
•He still lives in his village, now a protector of sorts and still practices his shooting to hone it even though he's already good, but good just isn't enough.
•He has 2 lockets around his neck that his mom and dad wore, each containing a faux gem that he feels represents them with a picture of each them. I will say the jewels later but I have to do my research on jewels.
Gricko Grimgrin and Hootsie T. Grimgrin:
•A man in the midst of woods and barely any civilization, Gricko lives for the hunt. With his daughter and trusty companion Hootsie, they scavenge all they can for their meals. Unlike the rest of the guys, they are so far into the woods, that they don't know any stories about hobgoblins nor have they even heard anything that sounds like a train. What is a train to them?
•Because of hunting, he's mastered the art of traps and the usefulness of materials. Everyday, he makes a new trap or stocks up on old ones, just to be ready. On his scavenging, he finds things that people who venture too close have and makes more of his weapons like makeshift bombs or fixing himself a knife as best as he can. Basically a wild man.
•Weapons of choice would be his makeshift bombs, think of Sokka's bomb from Avatar, and a janky knife he tried to make using bullets he found on a random corpse. It does it's job and that's all that matters to him. I am debating on whether or not to give him a gun, but I want to get everyone different guns. Still debating.
•Hootsie was going to be one of Gricko's marks, but Gricko does understand nature more than anything and took pity on the owlbear cub that lost its momma, and now he raises her as his own, inseparable. Now, she helps with scoping out prey and sniffing out when people are near.
And that's what I have so far! Hopefully I can fully get more of an idea for them and can get the map fully to really scope out how much these hobgolbins have fucked with everyone, but for now, take these disconnecting things. Torbek and Twig will be here as well, but I'm also trying to figure out their backstory and their roles in this without overlapping a bunch. The drawings I will have to add later because Gricko's and Frost is something I have to workshop. Especially Gricko because I want to make him a wild man but not a savage, anyone catch what I'm putting down, you know. If not it's fine, but I just have to think of his outfit. Anyway Enjoy!
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apdreadful · 5 months
Quick (well..for me) thoughts on Season 7 Episode 6 - There Goes the Groom:
I loved this episode ♥️
I’m going to start with how goddamn much I love Maddie & Chimney.
Doug showing up as the hobgoblin hallucination is terrifying and appropriate
First with Chimney’s honoring Kevin (which was beautiful) with his parents, and then Kevin being the one to “save him”
Maddie’s flood of tears of relief when Chimney confirmed he remembered her. She was so terrified he didn’t.
Chimney not wanting to wait “even another minute” and their high five “We’re Married”
Buck and Eddie’s friendship is solid
I was a little apprehensive about Eddie’s interest in Tommy in the last two episodes. So I wasn’t sure how Eddie seeing them together would play. No issue. He’s happy for his friends. Period.
They’re a mess , those two. That bachelor party (so the two of them and a bunch of strangers) Tell me you could not smell that hotel room through the TV?
Eddie’s smile at the end when Tommy and Buck came in together. It was 100% happy for Buck.
Tommy and Buck are canon and I hope they last
I think Tommy probably has upgraded that “adorable” to “hot as fuck”
Because between telling Tommy he’s a beast (let’s not pretend I didn’t shout Holy Shit..because I did) and that kiss he planted in him.
Buck and Tommy are good to each other. And a Buck is so happy. He glows.
I was really really hoping they were going to steer this way
That big sexy refrigerator Buck has a lover that matches him in physical size and then some. This is a good thing.
As I said previously, Buck goes all in, there’s no halfway for him. And clearly he isn’t holding back (He is INTO Tommy)
It’s also safe to say that the previous brouhaha about Tommy outing him with his joke, has been laid to rest. Because, yeah. No closet.
Everyone was cool about Tommy & Buck (even Bucks parents, a little surprised..but we don’t care about them anyway)
Realization coming to Chimney was hilarious..
Hen and Karen give me life. Their reactions were solid platinum. And exactly what I hoped it would be
Especially Hens “Well, it’s about damn time”
I shamelessly adore Jennifer Love Hewitt’s cover of “Islands in the Stream”
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skitariiposting · 1 year
A rant about roleplaying and taking advice from goblin eratta
Look, look, I get it. D&D is famous for its goblins and whatnot. But trust me when I say, pathfinder goblins are so much better art wise and writing wise than D&D's.
For example:
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This is the D&D monster manual illustration for goblins.
Firstly, orange, chunky, this guy's has the aura of "might attempt tactics" about him. He looks more like he'd try and throttle you rather than run in fear at the sight of a large sword. The head is oddly shaped as a goblin's head should be, but it looks more lumpy warrior face than gobliny. The armor is far too organized. The ears are droopy and smooth. This is not goblin, this is a small ork at best.
Yeah they've got a brief section explaining the hobgoblins and bugbear relations, a little bit about goblin language, but not much as far as flavor text.
Now pathfinder goblins...
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These are the quintessential goblin.
Green, scrawny, cowardly, chaotic, looks like they scrounge their clothes from local landfills, oblong football head, big ol' perky pointy goblin ears; *chefs kiss* perfection.
Pair that with the tidbits of goblin lore from pathfinder and ough you've got something good going on.
They are afraid of and have a burning hatred for horses. They typically wield 'horse choppers,' basically big cleavers or axes, instead of daggers or shortswords like in D&D.
One of the few occasions they'll organize and come up with plans is if they're pulling pranks or massive attacks under the command of a warlord or leader, of which they will occasionally get on accident.
They don't have to be bound to a leader, though, sometimes goblin bands can manage just with cooperation alone.
Goblins are crafty little buggers, laying traps and building ramshackle contraptions to get the jump on their foes. They prefer going for sneak attacks or surprise attacks over head on combat. They know they can't win a fair fight, so they fight unfair.
If you invade a goblin dwelling, they'll usually retreat on sight, but not always because of cowardice. Sometimes, they do so to lead you into their traps or to get you into a bottleneck. They can come up with strategies, but usually only if it's below the belt and breaks all the rules of engagement.
War crimes and chaos, if they aren't committing one of the two, they must be defective goblins.
There are occasions in the pathfinder modules where it encourages the DM to have the goblins get into antics over attacking the players. One such example is during a fight at a festival, it reccomends having some of the goblins focus on the festival food over the potential threat of the player characters, since they'd find the food much more important.
Some I came up with include swinging from ropes and attempting to grab players' hats, hoods or helmets, having some attempt to crawl into the clothes of the players instead of attacking, or even just crawling and wallowing all over them like opossum babies. My personal favorite and what got a huge laugh out of my players was having one find a big cast-iron stew pot and putting it on its head. It made it blind, but it also gave it more armor, making it sort of run at the characters to attack but not being able to hit them because it couldnt see, and the swords and maces bouncing off the pot due to the additional armor made it difficult to kill him. Pair that with the constant deafening the goblin would endure with the "bong" sounds any impacts would make, causing it to panic and run around more, bumping into walls and people alike.
What I love about these little tidbits of fight modifications is that it exemplifies the "combat doesn't mean roleplaying is over" factor many players and DM's either have never considered or just miss entirely. Many people complained that "man, if only combat in D&D was like the movie," and to that, I say: it can be, if you stopped being boring and made it that way! Describe what your character does! Add flavor to it! An action is 6 seconds. You can do so much in six seconds while still attacking! Describe the actions you take! Take free actions to do little flairs or flourishes! Show off! Fight with elegance, fight with brutality, fight with conniving, fight with confidence! Spend an action doing something in character instead of attacking! Yes, it's not efficient, but it's more interesting and entertaining to take a fall for a storytelling moment instead of spending yet another turn attacking. Flawed moments are far more interesting than constant perfection, that's why you use dice instead of always having a nat20 every turn. Use the failures to your advantage, show how your character reacts to a bad situation or rough luck!
Don't just spend the time in between your turns waiting for yours to roll around. Instead, be planning the sick ass thing you'll do if the dice allow you to, or the reaction to the adversity if they don't! And, sometimes, break away from the "I swing my sword, I cast a spell, I eldritch blast" combat! Push enemies off of elevations with the push action! Flip a table over to get cover from spells and ranged attacks!Grapple them to make it easier for your team mates to hit them or use them as a human shield! Grab a big rock off the ground and chuck it at someone! Cast a spell that doesn't just do damage!
"You shoot a fireball at the thief as he attempts to escape."
"As the the thief runs, I go to launch the fireball at him, but notice the mirror to the left of me. My narcisim gets the better of me, and I end up taking a second to check my hair. Ah yes, dashing. Oh, wait, I was doing something. I manage to tear myself away from the mirror long enough to barely catch the thief in my fireball as he attempts to flee."
So, I say all that to say this: players and Dms alike, roleplay during combat! It's a roleplaying game, not a roleplaying game+formulaic tabletop war game any time there's combat. And hey, if you ever find yourself needing inspiration on how to make fights more interesting in your tabletop games, grab a couple low level modules off Paizo, and read up on Pathfinder goblin scenes, they pay extreme dividends.
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cursedpupperino · 3 months
Okay… I’m gonna start posting OOTS rants and analysises or whatever the word is. I’m gonna start talking about one of my favorite OOTS characters- but first, a spoiler warning to anyone still reading!!! I don’t recommend reading this post unless you’re all caught up. (Now’s probably a good time to mention I have all the book compilations, so I might reference those and/or the titles of those at one point.)
Okay… time to talk about Tsukiko. She’s a very… interesting person in a lot of ways. Still, she’s one of my favorite characters.
I’m gonna come out here and say, yeah… the stuff with Xykon was a little weird, but also fuckin hilarious imo. It is a comedy strip. That isn’t the focus of this post, though, just something I thought I’d throw out there. We’re also gonna completely ignore how goddamn hot she is and focus exclusively on her character here.
Anyways, I’m going to explain why I personally adore this loser. First and foremost, her introduction is really funny. “Hey Redcloak, check it out! I totally conducted a job interview in the middle of a battle!” will ALWAYS get at least a chuckle out of me. And the blade barrier scene? Fucking PRICELESS! I love the way she and Redcloak interact- it will never not be funny.
Okay, in terms of her actual character, the concept of a necromancer who views the undead as her children is really, really interesting. It’s fun to watch, and the way she reacts to people harming her wights is uncommon for a necromancer. Most give zero shits about their undead creatures, but she genuinely cares for them.
Erm, anyways… her death scene is so upsetting and so well done. It shows how truly delusional and ill she is, to genuinely believe that her wights wouldn’t kill her. Her dying words being “Why don’t you… love… me?” is sad, to be honest, and it gives us more insight into the way she thinks and why. She’s a traumatized person who wants to be loved, and resorts to whatever means she views as neccesary to feel that way. The undead can’t abandon her, and they can’t say anything she doesn’t want them to (while they’re under her control, at least.) Watching her whole world and belief system come crashing down in her final moments is so, so beautifully done. This is something we also see with Miko, but oh BOY do I have things to say about her (next post. trust.)
The line in which she claims “Xykon will kill you and all your hobgoblin friends when he finds out about this!” Is also really, really delulu of her. She doesn’t seem to quite grasp that evil doesn’t care, simply because Xykon bears some resemblance to her undead ‘children.’
The fact that not a soul gave a shit when she died is also really sad. She was a big part of the team, but nobody cares I guess. Unsurprising, but still upsetting.
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vintagerpg · 10 months
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Temple is the anchor TSR’s second experiment with what we would now call an “adventure path” (the first being the original Dragonlance modules, which themselves would find themselves collected in similar softcovers in the early '90s). Temple brings characters from level 1 to level 7. Zuggtmoy defeated, they move on to the second book, Scourge of the Slave Lords (1986), which reprints modules A1 through A4.
Once again, these aren’t modules I am super fond of. A4 in particular commits the annoying foul of “you’re captured and have none of your cool stuff.” But even generally, I don’t find the arc of the story particularly interesting (understandable considering the module’s origins as tournament modules) nor the villains thrilling (orcs, hobgoblins, gnolls and ogres, primarily, none deployed with gusto). I also think it is weird to follow the conflict of Temple (with its demoness) with slavers (who seem so prosaic).
This book is superior to the original modules, though, as the weird tournament edges have been smoothed over and the sections have been developed further. I still don’t love it, but I dislike it less. Its a shame they didn’t use the old art, though, which I do mostly like. This features a lot by Ron Lindahn and Val Lakey Lindahn, which reminds me a lot of the costume-y look of Ralph Bakshi’s monsters in Lord of the Rings. It’s unusual. I like rather like it, honestly. But I also liked the old stuff.
Oh, speaking of art, I have a devil of a time visually parsing that Jeff Easley cover. I don’t know why, but that orc always looks like some Harryhausen-style centaur to me because of how he is getting tackled. Weird.
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Ya know there is so much in the Fandom and yet I have noticed a distinct lack of Buggy and Sanji content.
Not in a shipping way either but like. Buggy, the Flashiest Pirate In The East, would ABSOLUTELY go to the Baratie if only for the renown it has for its food. Also I bet he knew - or knew OF Zeff at the very least - when he was still a pirate. Buggy visiting the Baratie occasionally, sometimes in Normal Flashy Fashion, sometimes more toned down because he just needs a bit of a break. Zeff would absolutely take one look at this traumatized little hobgoblin of a pirate and go "oh wow. Someone get this bitch a meal. Bitches love meals"
Sanji, a wee tyke learning the ways of the kitchen, sees this absolute bozo who he, at first, assumes to be a second rate pirate. Zeff is better. Zeff tells all these stories about the Old Ways, the Pirate's Code, and Sanji thinks "this clown doesn't know the meaning of a code"
Then smth happens to completely change his tune. Maybe Buggy says or does something. Maybe Sanji overhears or sees smth. Maybe someone else kicks a fuss, and Buggy responds in the Right Ways. Who knows?
But Sanji is now intrigued. And Sanji is a kid, with lots of trauma sure, but a kid nonetheless. And Buggy Notices.
He gets forcibly assimilated into Sanji's found family. He never agreed to this. He never had a choice.
Sanji grows up with Zeff and uncle Buggy. He happens to leave with the Strawhats at the perfect time to do so - and he keeps avoiding Buggy via near misses, to the point Bugs is SEETHING playfully. How dare. Truly. All of his nephews are EVIL.
It comes to a head when, years later, with Emperors crowned, there is a series of wacky shenanigans which lead to Cross Guild and the Strawhats meeting face to face.
Sanji is flabbergasted by the realization that he now has step-uncles, one of which is the mosshead's mentor/father-figure. The other is the brutal ex dictator of Alabasta who later passed the captain's vibe check and might just be said captain's other father, there is no confirmation.
Buggy meanwhile is having twelve different attacks of a variety of nature bc he's due for his yearly fight to the death with his one nephew, and the other is here and within throttling range and - IS THAT A HICKEY!?!?!
Cue veeeerry awkward Meet The Family where Buggy and Usopp actually get along well while Sanji is debating his chances of kicking these men's asses and if it would dishonor Zoro's dreams if he threatened mihawk....
Both conversations boil down to "he's been through a lot, so be good to him or you'll be hearing from me, okay? Okay. Good."
Usopp actually is chill with this both bc "I would never" and also "even if he came for me, I could kick a clown's ass probably. If nit me, then Luffy. And if Luffy doesn't, then I will deserve it."
Crocodile and Mihawk are mildly amused but also curious - the clown? Having trauma? As if. They think of it initially as smth of a comparison. Severity of trauma is the highest rank. They think of Buggy's past as "his captain died, he broke up with his best friend, the end". They do not know of the interim details. The reasons that Shank and he both refuse to allow anyone below 14 at the bare minimum onto their crews. The reason Buggy was frothing when Shanks told him about Uta - after the fact. The reason Buggy only drinks certain brands of rum because some make him physically sick. The reason he can't sleep in pitch black darkness. The reason he sometimes simply Can't Sleep At All.
There's more to it, to everything, to all of it, than any one person knows.
Just. Back on topic but Buggy and Sanji. I just think they'd have the neatest dynamic.
You just chose two of my favorite characters and did THIS and I love it 😭 The funny thing is that it does make sense that Buggy had gone to the Baratie and met Sanji at some point... I've always thought mostly on Usopp/Buggy parallelisms but Sanji kind of relating to Buggy too because of feeling inferior to his family,,,, Besides I think the dynamic would be hilarious because okay, they get along, but I can imagine them growing closer and caring about each other but arguing all the time Sanji/Zeff style? So at first, everybody thinks he has something against Buggy because when they meet they won't stop yelling at each other but when they ask them about it, Sanji is like "??? Nah, he's something like my uncle don't- Don't think too hard about it". And I am also SO sure Sanji would know stuff about Shanks that Luffy doesn't because Buggy explained Sanji their childhoods,,, Going insane about this one, actually.
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tamtamandtim · 6 months
So I’ve finished Moominvalley season 2 (2019) and my god I loved it but it hurt me so much in return holy wow. Anyway if you’d like some of my thoughts about it feel free to keep reading ^-^
(fair warning it’s a lot longer than I thought it’d be)
Episode 2 the fire spirit got me so bad in my feelings and even funnier yet I could tell it would by not only the title and thumbnail but the second I heard the song by cavetown I literally was like ‘hm it sounds like something by cavetown…This should be fine’
oh how wrong I was because of how it ended with the little fire spirit sacrificing itself to save Moominvalley and how upset Snufkin was, he seemed to be pretty attached to the lil goober when the gang dropped it off.
So having his care and attempts to protect it, be basically for nothing would’ve been soul crushing for him.
Holywow I loved how the Hobgoblin and Sniff were just bouncing off eachother so well. Then the Hobgoblin giving Sniff ✨EMPATHY✨ my god that was amazing, especially with how Moominpapa and Little My were like “ew get away from me”
I love how the Groke is now just becoming a more casual part of the community especially with the trial episode, like don’t get me wrong they’re still uneasy with her presence but they still wanted to give her a fair trial and everything.
Ooooh no the ✨The bad feelings✨ I was having about Snorkmaiden and Moomintroll were riiiighttttt. Moomintroll seemed more angry about having to leave the valley (and Snufkin by association) than leaving Snorkmaiden to the point he was unintentionally hurting her. Twice. Technically thrice if you include the fact they broke up. But I’m glad that Moomintroll is beginning to learn that he’s gonna have to accept a couple of things about Snufkin, if he ever wants him to stay. But still kinda hurts a bit.
I loved that Moominpapa and Moominmama have character arcs that don’t involve getting divorced, it’s refreshing and sure they still fight and have moments being mad at eachother but at the end of the day they still love each other and honestly? I love them for that.
Ah Moominpapas midlife crisis, I hope that I can be able to just pack up and go when I hit mine. Sounds like the dream honestly and I wish I could be as creative as Moominmama, just painting the walls with no worries.
I also LOVED the sea shanties just 👌😩 it brings me so much joy because there was a good chunk of time where that’s all I’d listen too.
The last episode though also gave me a gut punch because of the fact Snufkin came back before he left for the winter, and that he just welcomes himself in because he knows that they wouldn’t mind him being there, regardless of if they are or not. I hate it here. Snufkin you found family fuck. And that everyone there played ‘The Moomin Family’ for the kid.
“Have you checked his bedroom yet?”
“Naturally c:”
of course you have you absolute loser I love you for that. Seeing him get so excited about possibly finding HIS letter, only to be disappointed was devastating too.
Oh but the puppet show, oh when I tell you I almost cried, It’s even sadder that Moomintroll (seemingly) isn’t going to back to Moominvalley. Also my heart dropped to my ass when they almost lit the fire with the ancestors inside, but Snufkin excitedly finding the note inside the fireplace? Put my heart right back in my throat
But more lightheartedly damn Snufkin has got some moves and seeing everyone close to the Moomin family looking back at their time and memories together fondly was so incredibly sweet.
Anyways TL;DR a super strong season that got me right in the feels every time, I’m so excited to be able to start the 3rd season soon!! But thank you so much for reading this! I hope you have a wonderful day, night or time and take care!!
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lyzelky · 6 months
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“Throw me.”
“What?” Karlach calls in between swings, “I can’t hear you— just a tick!”
The barbarian seizes a pair of unlucky goblins and smashes their heads together with practiced ease. There’s a audible crack and both slump to the ground, unmoving, and Karlach turns to face her.
“Throw me.” Tav repeats desperately, “It’s the only way we’ll get a blow in. I can take him down.”
Karlach’s brow furrows, then her eyes widen in understanding.
“You’re insane,” She beams, “I love it! Brace yourself, Soldier!”
Tav readies herself, feels Karlach’s searing grip on the back of her doublet, and then she’s airborne— She’s got to give it to her, the woman has impeccable aim.
Several goblins down below actually stop fighting to watch her ascent, but she only has eyes for Dror Ragzlin. The hobgoblin is preoccupied with Lae’zel, and she uses that to her advantage. She leverages her tail as a counterweight, twisting mid-air as her momentum builds, and slams the blade downwards. ----------------------------
Here's some fanart of my Tav and a snippet from the fanfic I'm dabbling in. Tav is a Paladin and normally a bit of a klutz, but she rolled a 20 on her dex for this move. Takes place during the goblin camp arc.
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technicallyr43 · 1 year
I saw this Bg3 au where astarion is actually found by some goblins at the beginning before the party finds him and thought it’d be a great idea to run with. He’s dragged to the camp and Minthara decides he’s be great food for the bear they have locked up. So he’s thrown in the bear cage with bear!Halsin. And halsin is iffy about this twink that’s thrown in that’s refusing food and shit. So when rats come in, halsin hogs them all from a starving vampire boy. Until Astarion grabs one and sucks it dry before giving it to halsin. And then halsin realizes that he should’ve realized the twink was a vamp and starts offereing him the rats before he eats them. And then let’s astarion curl up in his fur bc the poor baby is cooold (listen the tadpole also gave him back his sense of feeling. He doesn’t feel dead anymore ok). Astarion starts pouring his heart out to the bear, bc he thinks it’s a bear and animals are very cathartic when ur traumatized. But then Astarion is dragged off to Drogor, the hobgoblin dude, for the goblins entertainment. While he’s there, he’s beaten, tossed around and generally tortured.
Meanwhile the party has infiltrated the camp and find halsin, who asks for their help to kill the leaders and find astarion. Bc he’s a little smitten with the vamp(read very smitten) and wants him free. So they all go on killing spree and find astarion in that big throne room, about to be dropped into the spider pit with a noose around his neck so he can hang there and the spiders can try to grab him, you know, barbaric entertainment. And while their all fighting, one of the goblins push the vamp into the hole and he’s hanging, trying to breathe when wyll sends a boot to stop him from hanging but now he’s in the pit with some goblins who were thrown down there and the spiders. And astarion is just a tiny bit shattered, going through a panic attack and curls up in a corner while the fighting is going on. And after the spiders kill the goblins that are thrown down there and full, they go to astarion and think he’s awesome and now the vamp has spider dogs that are curled up with him(bc the idea of Disney princess astarion actually tickles me in some way).
After the battle, halsin rushes into the pit and finds astarion with his 2 new guard spiders, and thinks, wow I love this man, and I’ve only known him for like a week. Halsin introduces himself as the bear, and astarion is only a little bit embarrassed about spilling his beans to a person but halsin convinces him to come with them back to the grove.
Later that night, when the tieflings are partying, halsin takes astarion to the side and shit happens.
After that, it’s one great live story between a vampire and his bear man.
I just want astarion to be happy.
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dungeonclown · 25 days
Dungeonclown D20 “Rankings”
In quotes bc i love pretty much all of them and just had to post this for posterity and if one of my friends asks which season(s) to watch. [Bullet Points not in any particular order]
Level 0: did not finish
Pirates of Leviathan (lovely cast but i couldnt get all the way thru due to audio quality issues from being the first remotely recorded show.)
Shriek Week (gabe hicks)
Coffin Run (didn’t hold my interest)
Level 1: I Really Like This 😊
Fantasy High Sophomore Year (i love this season, literally the only downside was the livestream format. No!!)
Fantasy High (OG - we’ve come so far)
Tiny Heist (i mean, so darling, so funny. what so u expect)
Mice & Murder (better quality for remote but could tell the cast would have killed it in person since the zoom call situation is a big barrier)
Misfits & Magic (very cute and wholesome. Spaulding forever)
The Seven (needed more episodes to tell the story!!! wish they had sets and minis; covid problems)
Neverafter (love the themes and imagery, such a good study on storytelling.)
Dungeons & Drag Queens (fave sidequest character art and minis, mainly so impressed by brennans skill as a gm for new players/roleplayers)
Level 2: I Absolutely Love This 🤩
Fantasy High Junior Year (first show watched as it was airing, best FH yet, mary anne skuttle what more could u ask for)
Unsleeping City Part 2 (literally only downside is being filmed remotely. Breaks my heart they couldnt do this in person since this season is so special. BUT - got to see character art and illustrated backgrounds which was really fun)
A Crown of Candy (goddamnit brennan)
The Ravening War (goddamnit matt)
Mentopolis (superb cast w great chemistry and just lots of fun idk man i just think theyre neat)
Burrow’s End (fucking incredible storytelling by aabria, the cast, the crew w sets and minis and SHADOW PUPPETS goddamn.)
Never Stop Blowing Up (so stupid so joyful im just happy to be here)
Level 3: Has a Special Place In My Heart 🥰
Unsleeping City (some of my all time favorite characters and i just love how deeply these people love and understand New York City. Its the molecular structure of NYC in a show and its special)
Escape from the Bloodkeep (the first season i was like I Have To Stop Immediately And Share This With My Family. Every character is perfect. Every NPC is perfect. The minis and sets are darling. Every day i think about Hamhead and about muh hert)
A Court of Fey & Flowers (i just love them, i never thought id be invested in regency shit but if you put it in the feywild and add goblins and hobgoblins and owlbears and idiot bird people and shit im so down goddamn. Killed it. Absolutely killed it. Also gorgeous sets and costumes and props??? Gagged.)
Level 4: Rewired My Brain Chemistry 💀
A Starstruck Odyssey (screaming, crying, throwing up. The energy of these people being in person after covid creates a truly incredible maelstrom of dumb beautiful bozo shenanigans. id give a kidney for more ASO content. I Love This Show. And that it was based off of Starstruck is so fuckin special. This setting is amazing. also big barry syx is the exact bullseye of character im obsessed with that it makes me feral to think about him. I was going to joke that he was made in a lab specifically to appeal to my big beefy sex idiot himbo mercenary sensibilities but thats exactly his backstory and im mad about it)
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littlemourningstarr · 1 month
Introductions (And New Beginnings)
For once, a visit to Lolth's Cradle doesn't feel daunting, but renewing. And even if Sekh is there with a purpose, it is still pleasing to see old friends again.
Read below or on AO3!
Pairing: Astarion x Transmasc tav
Part of the Eternally Yours series!
Tags: Transmasc tav, lots of future plot set up, underage drinking, who gave Yenna whiskey
The streets of Lolth’s Cradle were lively, but in a different way than Sekh and Astarion had last seen. Already there was a more diverse population walking the streets- a steady stream of drow, yes- but the hobgoblin numbers had arisen, and Sekh was silently pleased to notice none of them seemed to be dressed in the drab clothing of slavery he had previously seen. Duergar still made up a number of roaming inhabitants- but Sekh noticed now a number of svirfneblin- deep gnomes- had joined the ranks, and seemed to be moving without fear.
Next to him, Yenna was glancing around, green eyes wide and dancing at the sights. While Dalyria’s keep was indeed impressive, he knew it wasn’t a drow city- and he had to admit, he had a bit of pride welling in his chest over his girl seeming in awe at his culture.
For all its faults, Sekh still had some pride in his drow heritage.
He rounded a familiar corner, pausing outside the comforting sight of Wriath’s Lullaby. He smiled to himself, before he chanced a glance back at Astarion, who stood just a step behind him and Yenna.
The vampire seemed pleased as well, at the sight of the tavern. At the silent knowledge that within, there were friends.
And next to him, Dalyria was looking with just as much awe as Yenna.
Sekh pulled the door open, stepping in, his little party following. The tavern was bustling wildly- far busier than he even remembered. Behind the bar was a male drow he didn’t recognize, along with another flitting about the crowds, quite audibly checking in on patrons.
Had Dezz and Brindell hired help? Sekh had kept up communication with them via letters, and Dezz had mentioned that the tavern was busier than ever, but she hadn’t mentioned help.
He headed for the bar, just as the door to the back opened- and there was a familiar face. Brindell, with his pale blonde waves shockingly free, holding a rather large parchment and pen, as if he had been taking stock. He glanced up, and the moment he saw Sekh his face split into a huge grin.
Sekh wasn’t braced for him to run around the corner of the bar, to throw himself on him- but he had to admit, it was a lovely feeling. He wrapped his arms around the other drow, holding him tightly, rocking slightly as Brindell pressed his face into Sekh’s shoulder.
When he finally stepped back, there was a rather cute pink to his pale, purple hued skin. “Dezz said you were planning on visiting, but I still always half expect to never see you again.”
Sekh grasped one of his arms. “Never my friend.” Brindell glanced past Sekh and utterly beamed at Astarion, before he noted the rest of Sekh’s party- Yenna, standing at his side, looking attentive- and Dal, looking a bit confused.
“More new faces,” Brindell mused, before he switched from drowic to common, “sorry, I wouldn’t want to keep them out of the conversation.”
And, in nearly perfect drowic, Yenna said with a smug grin, “Don’t worry, I could understand you.” Brindell’s red eyes widened a bit, before he gave Sekh a proud little smile.
“She speaks like she was born here. Better than Astarion, even.”
The vampire scoffed, moving up to Sekh’s side. “Excuse me, I speak perfectly fine, thank you.” The vampire’s mock offense fell, and Brindell hugged him next, clinging just as tightly to the elf as he had to Sekh. Astarion went so far as to reach up, stroke back some of his hair- and Sekh heard the way Brindell’s breath caught.
The poor, easily flustered, precious thing.
“Give me a moment,” Brindell said, straightening up, “and we can talk somewhere quieter.” He moved back to the bar, saying something to the barkeep, who glanced past him, quite obviously taking in Sekh and the group. While Sekh might have expected a bit of morbid curiosity from the drow’s stare, considering his party was definitively not drow, there was only a look of gentle intrigue, before he nodded, and went back to work.
Brindell moved back around the bar, gesturing for the group to follow him. Sekh had expected that they might move to the back room, make the descent to Brindell and Dezz’s living quarters-
But instead they moved for the door, leaving the tavern completely. They crossed the street, approaching a cozy black stone building, which was built directly against its neighbors. Brindell fished out a key, opened the door, and gestured for the group to step inside.
The moment they were inside, the sounds of the city seemed to fall away. Faintly, Sekh could still hear the commotion on the streets, if he tried to listen- but inside it was the gentle tick of a clock, located off in another room- and from the set of stairs that faced the door, the melodic sound of music.
“Business has been good,” Brindell said, before Sekh could ask. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his trousers. “We finally got a real place, instead of just the basement of the tavern.” He paused, a sweet, content smile spreading across his lips. “Never honestly thought it would happen.” He cleared his throat then, nodding towards the stairs. “Dezz is upstairs. She’d be royally pissed if I didn’t bring you right over to her.”
Sekh didn’t doubt that. He began up the stairs, the group following, the sound of music growing slightly louder. It was a soft melody, something soothing that sat in the background, could cradle the thoughts in one’s skull. It was coming from an open door, and when Sekh peeked inside, he found Dezz sitting at a desk, a mess of papers and parchment spread out. The music was coming from a little music box next to her- obviously enchanted to play an endless loop while it was opened.
“Hello stranger,” Sekh said. She tensed, before she turned- and the tension melted away. She grinned, drawing lines along her mouth and red eyes, before she shoved her chair back and stood up.
Sekh entered the room, moving right to her, accepting an embrace within her well defined arms. Gods, the muscle felt harder than the last time he had seen her. She was solid under his hold, warm- and he found it easy to relax against her.
When he stepped back, he took her in- she had chopped most of her pale blonde hair off, so it sat in messy waves along her temples, some strands curling behind her ears. But otherwise she had those same red eyes, that seem stark smile, that he remembered.
“It’s so good to see you,” she said, grasping his arms, squeezing at his biceps. She paused, her smile turning wicked. “Why you feel solid. Have you been hauling your little vampire around over your shoulder?”
“Why does everyone assume I’m the one carried around?” Astarion asked, sweeping properly into the room and right up to the two.
“Because you’re built like a prince from one of those haughty, lewd novels that should be carried over the threshold of every room.” Astarion scoffed, but accepted the hug Dezz offered him- making a rather undignified, surprised noise as she hoisted him off his feet and actively spun around once, to prove her point. Once she had set him down, she glanced at the two new faces- Yenna, properly in the room, looking at her with excited eyes- and Dalyria, a few paces back, just beyond the door frame, where Brindell was now leaning, the drow grinning. “New faces?”
“This,” Sekh said, gesturing for Yenna to walk up properly, “is our Yenna.” The girl grinned, offering a full half bow- and Dezz, to her credit, gave a mock gasp and clutched at her chest.
“I try.” Yenna said it with such ease that Dezz glanced at Sekh.
“She was a better student than Astarion.” The vampire frowned. Sekh turned towards Dalyria, switching to Common. “And this is Dalyria- Astarion’s… sister.” He paused, so Dalyria could give a little wave. “I haven’t yet gotten to teach her or any of the spawn undercommon.”
Dezz folded her arms, studying the new vampire. “Still wild to me that just a few days east there’s a whole hoard of vampires.”
“Your common is so smooth,” Dalyria said, stepping closer, quite obviously relaxing now that she knew she could communicate. “Have you been to the surface?”
“Not even once,” Dezz admitted. “Brindell and I taught ourselves in case the chance ever arose. But honestly, things have been good since little Sekh here helped overthrow the last house matron.” She jabbed an elbow into Sekh, who couldn’t help but smile. “We may never even need to.” She moved away then, shoving some papers around on her desk and hopping up onto it, sitting comfortably. She gestured to her chair, and Dalyria took the invitation, settling herself neatly.
Yenna hopped up onto the other side of the desk, kicking her legs a bit, not even hiding that she was trying to read any of the words scribbled on all of those papers.
“You’re here with a purpose,” Dezz said, “so spill it pretty boy.”
“I want to introduce Dalyria to Vrynelle.” Sekh placed a hand on the back of Dalyria’s chair. “The spawn have built a little world for themselves, but I think it might be good for them to interact with others.”
“I don’t disagree,” Dalyria said, “but I fear letting them loose in a city without some assurance that they won’t be immediately hunted.”
Duzz hummed. “Listen, we see every bit of life in this city- honestly, even more now that Nendra is dead- may her soul rot in the demon webs.” Behind them, Brindell snorted a little laugh in the doorway. “Vampires would be less unusual than just surface dwellers.” Dezz's face softened a bit. “But I imagine they are your family, and I understand wanting to protect them.”
She glanced back for a moment at Brindell, before turning her attention back to Sekh and Dalyria.
“I’ve meant every word in my letters, that Vrynelle has been good for this place. There was a bit of a tense transition period when she suddenly broke up the slavers selling on the streets- but that gave room for the rest of our city to flourish. Case in point- we have a home that isn’t under the tavern.”
Sekh appreciated the assurance. Dezz had spoken quite highly of Vrynelle in all of her letters, but ever since leaving after Nendra’s death, Sekh hadn’t spoken a word, written or otherwise, to the current house matron. He had nothing to go off of but his friend’s words and his gut.
But his gut had told him to continue trusting Vrynelle.
“We don’t have a lot of extra room,” Dezz said, bringing Sekh back from his thoughts, “but you’re all welcome with us. I promise it is more comfortable here than over the tavern.”
Sekh wouldn’t have cared if they had all been sleeping on the floor back in the basement of the tavern- he was just excited to be among his friends again.
Sekh noted that the guards outside the Duskryn house seemed less sullen than they had, upon his last visit. One wasn’t even a drow- but a stocky duergar woman, who was actually chatting with the drow standing at her post.
Sekh walked up the steps, and they paused their conversation, taking him in. He gave a half bow with an easy smile, offering up before they could ask, “I don’t have an appointment, but I was hoping the house matron might have time for a… friend.”
The drow studied him, before her brows shot up in recognition. “You, I remember you.” She stepped closer, but Sekh noticed her body was relaxed. “You helped take out Nendra.”
Sekh offered a bit of a cheesy smile. The drow didn’t seem upset at him for it, which was a good sign. “I may be guilty of a bit of political uprise, yes.”
The duergar snorted, giving a deep chuckle. “He’s good in my book if he got rid of that annoying twat.”
“Gerryn,” the drow groaned, yet she didn’t disagree. The duergar just waved her off.
“Let us check that she’s available. Wait right here- and try not to cause another insurrection?” Sekh gave a nod, and the duergar stepped inside, leaving him with just the female drow guard.
“I expected a bit more of a hostile welcome,” he admitted. The drow leaned against the large halberd she was holding, looking almost aloof.
“Gerryn really wasn’t wrong- Nendra was a twat to put it nicely. I don’t serve the house because I feel some fealty towards the Duskryns- it’s a job, at the end of the day. And Vrynelle is quite an improvement.”
Sekh was relieved to hear it- he had wanted his gut to be right about the other drow, but he knew better than to put full faith in it.
The duergar reappeared quickly, a hobgoblin behind her- one that Sekh recognized. He had been present during his last visit- had been one of what he presumed were Vrynelle’s personal slaves.
He was dressed far differently now- even boasting a pin with the house sigil on it. He grinned when he saw Sekh, motioning for him. “The lady will gladly see you.”
The door was opened for Sekh and he stepped in. What had once been Nendra’s office was now filled with vibrant works of art- the mess of maps that had been along the wall replaced with paintings. Various flora were settled in vases and pots around the room, offering a number of pulsing lights.
And sitting at the old desk, pen in hand, working at a stack of paperwork, was Vrynelle. She looked much the same- her white curls free about her shoulders. She was dressed almost plainly in drow aristocratic sense, not boasting any of the showy bits of armor Nendra had worn, as if the previous matron had needed those around her to think she was some great warrior.
Vrynelle pushed her chair back as the door shut, leaving Sekh alone with her. “I almost didn’t believe it was really going to be you,” she admitted, standing to her full height- still shorter than Sekh, but the heels of her boots added an additional inch. Before Sekh could speak she crossed the room, briskly walking to him-
And tossing her arms around him. She embraced him tightly, and Sekh returned it, before Vrynelle leaned back, studying him.
“But gods be praised, it is you.” She gestured towards her desk, and Sekh followed her, perching on the corner of it as she settled back into her chair. “You could have written.”
“I figured you’d be a bit busy. Running a city doesn’t just happen overnight.” Vrynelle flashed a smile.
“No, it doesn’t. But I assume you’ve had someone updating you on how it has been going- and making sure I’m not becoming my sister- Lolth take her.” When Sekh didn’t answer, Vrynelle added, “I’m not asking for names, Sekh’met. I am just beyond sure that you have other contacts in the city. That is your business, not mine.”
Sekh saw no point in denying it.
“I also presume this isn’t a social call- although I must admit, a social call would be quite welcome.” Vrynelle paused, added, “It’s still quite lonely here, even without Nendra’s shadow consuming me.”
Sekh felt almost bad, in that moment, that it wasn't. It had seemed fairly obvious that Vrynelle hadn’t had friends, when Nendra had still lived. Friends would translate to allies, and that is something the late house matron would have not tolerated, Sekh was sure
“It’s not,” he admitted. Vrynelle gave a little nod. “But perhaps after, it can be.”
“If you’d trust having a glass of wine with me, I would be forever in your debt.”
Sekh had to smile at that. “Promise not to poison me?”
Vrynelle laughed at that, tipping her head back. “Swear it on this city. You’re not my type, Sekh. I only like women- and the consenting kind.” She stood up then, heading for a side table and flipping over two glasses. She lifted a bottle of wine and filled both quite full, carrying them back and offering one to Sekh. “And I have a feeling I’m not your type, either.”
Sekh took the glass, the wine a very light color, like pale sun. A dry white. “Believe It or not, despite my devilishly handsome husband, I have bedded plenty of women.”
Vrynelle’s eyes seemed to dance at the mention of husband, but she didn’t push. She raised her glass in a silent toast- to what, neither specified- and Sekh took a sip of the wine. “Speaking of, where is Astarion?”
“Off in the city, causing mild trouble I’m sure.” Sekh had considered bringing his entire entourage to the meeting, but in the end ultimately decided it would be best if he spoke to Vrynelle alone first. “I have a proposition for you.”
Vrynelle arched a delicate brow, taking a healthy drink of her wine. “Proposition? Look at you, being political.”
Sekh snorted. “Hardly. Look- Astarion’s family is here in the Underdark. His sister runs a keep with over a hundred vampires. They’re isolated, and I think they could benefit from purpose.” When Vrynelle didn’t interject, Sekh continued. “Many of them had trades they were skilled in. They’re growing resources they don’t need themselves. Resources perhaps the city might need.”
Vrynelle glanced at her wine, and Sekh watched her upend it, downing the rest. She stood, walking back to the side table, refilling it. “You’re asking me to welcome vampires into my city?”
“Yes. They’re in control of themselves, Vrynelle. They’ve been free of their former master for years. If they couldn’t control their hunger, they were put down.”
Vrynelle leaned against the small table, looking into her wine. After a moment, she sighed, sounding resigned. “I think before I knew you even I would think this a disastrous idea. But frankly, if you trust them… I want to.” She turned her stare back up to Sekh. “I haven’t truly trusted someone in so long, it’s freeing and terrifying. Just to be clear.”
Sekh offered her a soft smile. “It’s a good feeling, to trust again.”
“You sound like you’re speaking from experience.”
“I am.” Sekh stood from the desk, didn’t bother launching into any tirade regarding his experiences over the past years- how he hadn’t trusted anyone aside of Syl until the Nautiloid had stolen him away and thrust him into a whole new world, a new life- with people who reminded him he could trust, with his whole heart, his whole being.
Vrynelle gave a second, more dramatic sigh. “Fine,” she said, “bring in your little vampires and I’ll welcome them with open arms.”
“If you’d like to meet one, I can arrange that. I promise she’s a treat.”
Vrynelle gave a sly, playful smile, nearly purring, “She?” And Sekh, he laughed.
“Yes, she.” Sekh set his glass down, offering his arm. “Allow me to escort you, mistress.”
Vrynelle took it, and Sekh felt a bit of calmness coming over him- that his gut had been right, to trust her.
Sekh had been right that his party hadn’t strayed much into the city- but had simply moved back across the street to Wraith’s Lullaby. By now the tavern was bustling, teeming with patrons. Brindell was running about, from one set of patrons to the next, while Dezz stood with her hands on her sturdy hips, eyeing the work of the bartender that Sekh didn’t know very closely.
When they stepped in though, the chaos seemed to calm down for a moment- heads turning to openly stare at Vrynelle. Yet Sekh didn’t feel as if it was in fear.
She smiled, a practiced, pretty one, and gave a little wave, before curling tighter to Sekh’s arm. And just like that, the tavern resumed its rowdiness. Had that been Nendra, Sekh was sure the tavern would have burst with many trying to get close to her, to earn her favor.
He didn’t think anyone needed Vrynelle’s- it was just freely given.
He could see Astarion, Dal, and Yenna at a table off in the corner, and escorted Vryenlle over. Astarion was in the middle of raising his cup to his lips when he saw them, and lowered it, grinning wide enough to show off his fangs. “Your majesty,” he teased, as they neared, Vrynelle reaching for a chair and settling down without much grace, body going loose as if she found it relaxing to be in the vampire’s presence.
Sekh presumed she did.
“Your grace,” she taunted back, giving a bow of her head. Sekh could see her eyes gleaming, and Astarion chuckled. Sekh could tell he was still guarded, as Sekh himself had been- but less so than if they were with a stranger. “Back to stage another coup?”
“Do we need to?”
“I hope not.”
“Good. Grand.” Astarion picked up his glass, giving a little wave between Vrynelle and Yenna, and the girl leaned her elbows on the table, looking at Vrynelle with these large, adoring eyes. She had looked at Dalyria in a similar way- as if she was seeing magnificence for the very first time.
Sekh wanted to laugh. His Yenna had a type, it seemed.
“I’m Yenna,” she said in her ever perfect drowic, “ignore Astarion. He’s an ass.” Astarion reached over with his free hand, messing with her short hair.
“A human speaking drowic? Today really is a day to remember.” Vrynelle glanced at the cup Yenna had in front of her. “What are you drinking little one?”
“What?” Sekh glanced from Yenna to Astarion, as the vampire finished off his wine. Yenna had begun drinking wine on the occasion, and Sekh wasn’t naive enough to think she and her friends didn’t get into trouble- but to just be openly drinking whiskey, that had to be far stronger than any she had snagged on the surface, was a new level of brass.
“Dezz said it had tongue of madness in it. You grow a lot of those, so I figured it was fine.” She picked up her glass, downed the rest of her two fingers of whiskey and grinned. “It’s pretty smooth.”
Sekh tipped his head into his hand, while on Yenna’s other side Dalyria looked on- quite obviously not understanding anything being spoken. He’d have to give a proper introduction to Vryenelle for her, offer to translate. But it could wait- he was fairly sure he needed to sit down.
Astarion reached out, curled an arm around Sekh’s waist and pulled him onto his lap, happily nuzzling into the warm skin of his neck, still boasting little bruises and healing cuts from their tryst a few nights prior, in front of the spawn. “You’re going pale, pet.”
“You just let Yenna drink like that?”
“She was going to irregardless of what I said. At least she has good taste. I do believe you offered this same whiskey to a man we drained utterly dry, years ago.” Astarion dragged his lips against Sekh’s skin, and the drow knew he could smell the blood, beneath his healing cuts. “Quite a lovely set of memories.”
Sekh shifted slightly- he couldn’t argue that, but if Astarion thought he was going to completely distract him, he was quite wrong.
The night had been a success, he had to admit. Vrynelle seemed rather at ease with Dalyria- kept stealing little glances at her when she spoke common to the rest of the table, as if she wanted to memorize the way her lips and tongue could form the unknown words.
Sekh would set up a plan to teach the spawn undercommon. He couldn’t stay in the Underdark to teach them, but he could start, at least. Maybe find whoever might be the fastest learner and offer to teach them, so they could then share the knowledge.
There was another option, he knew- two very trusted friends who spoke common quite well and he was sure could teach the spawn. But he couldn’t ask Dezz to step away from her tavern- it was everything to her, the only more important thing was probably Brindell himself.
And Sekh felt guilty at the thought of asking to separate them.
Sekh shifted, arms folded across his chest, leaning against the tavern as Vrynelle lit a long, elegant pipe. The two had stepped out from the now quite rowdy tavern. The smoke that rose from it was earthy, a hint of mint- without much thought, Sekh rambled off a few various mushrooms as Vrynelle inhaled.
On her exhale, she laughed. “Clever as always. You know, there’s always a place for you here, if you’d like.” She took a long drag, and when Sekh didn’t answer, she gave a sad smile, the smoke seeming to escape through her teeth. “But I can tell by the look in your eyes that isn’t what you want. What then,” she paused, took a step closer, so close that Sekh could smell her perfume, “do you want?”
Sekh opened his mouth to speak, to claim it was exactly what he had done- he’d checked on the spawn, he’d made an introduction to further enrich their lives, he’d visited friends-
But there was something else, something he felt perhaps Vrynelle could help him with.
“When you transitioned, did you do it on your own, or with help?” Vrynelle paused her inhale, moving the pipe from her lips. “Because I was alone, and gods below I probably did some real harm to myself.”
“There was a family physician- she… assisted me,” Vrynelle admitted. “But why? Even if you’re concerned about what harm you may have caused, you’re quite obviously fine now. I’d argue more than fine.”
Sekh smirked- he couldn’t help himself, “I thought I wasn’t your type.”
Vrynelle laughed, holding her pipe out to Sekh, who took it, inhaling. The mint was a rush to his sinuses, but made his head feel achingly clear. “You know what I mean.”
Sekh exhaled, handing it back. He did, he was just stalling. Because this was a personal leap, a level of trust he hadn’t been sure he was ready to give her yet, but he didn’t know where else to turn- “I want to have a child.”
Vrynelle choked, coughed as she exhaled, leaning over. Sekh reached out, gently pat her back, before she straightened, looked at her pipe, and pinched out the smoldering end with her bare fingers. “I’m going to need something stronger than this.” She stowed the pipe, seeming to compose herself. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”
Sekh nodded. Yenna was growing faster than he had ever been ready for- and he had wanted to wait, yes- but a part of him was almost anxious, felt like perhaps the waiting had happened already, at this point. Besides, it would take time to figure everything out-
Gale was still hunting for information on Astarion’s own concerns regarding fertility, with Vette’s help- Sekh couldn’t just wait until they had answers before he moved to figure out his own.
“I can write back home,” Vrynelle said then, “I’m not on bad terms with the larger House- if anything, my overtaking Nendra put me in better standing.” That didn’t shock Sekh- even if Vrynelle was humane, unlike her sister- she would still earn respect for upstaging her older sister, and taking the city for herself.
Sekh smiled. It was all he could ask for.
Vrynelle inclined her head slightly, studying Sekh. “I guess you and Astarion would make beautiful little babies.”
Sekh laughed over that, reaching out and shoving her without much thought- as if she wasn’t aristocracy, but just another girl, just another friend- just another somebody who had struggles and pain that mirrored his own.
By the way her face cracked into a grin, it was all Vryenlle had ever wanted.
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