#Love Light Peace and Balance in Our Journey of Life ....
justbeingnamaste · 10 months
🇦🇷Argentina Elects Javier Milei🇦🇷 as President, Economy Minister Concedes Defeat: "Today, the reconstruction of Argentina begins."🇦🇷
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Congratulations President Javier Milei , Best Wishes Brothers Sisters of Argentina ... 🇦🇷
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obsidian-pages777 · 4 months
Pick a Card:Reading for Healing Family Issues: Messages from Chiron
Top Left(Pile 1), Top Right (Pile 2), Bottom Left(Pile 3), Bottom Right(Pile 4)
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Chiron, known as the "wounded healer," is an asteroid in astrology symbolizing deep, often hidden wounds and the potential for profound healing. It represents the areas in our lives where we experience pain and suffering but also where we can achieve the greatest personal growth and healing. Through understanding and embracing our wounds, Chiron guides us to become compassionate healers for ourselves and others.
Pile 1: The Seeker of Wisdom
The Empress
Message: Nurturing and healing energy is at the core of resolving your family issues. Embrace the maternal and nurturing aspects within you or seek out the support of a maternal figure. This card suggests that healing will come through compassion, understanding, and unconditional love. Focus on creating a harmonious environment and reconnecting with the natural cycles of life.
The Ten of Pentacles
Message: This card signifies legacy, tradition, and family stability. It indicates that healing will come through recognizing and honoring family traditions and values. Understand that your family is a source of strength and that by working together, you can overcome any challenges. There is potential for a strong, unified family bond that can provide lasting support.
The Star
Message: The Star brings hope and inspiration. This card indicates that healing is possible and that you should remain optimistic. Trust in the process of healing and believe that the universe supports you in this journey. Renewal and a sense of peace are on the horizon, bringing clarity and purpose to your family dynamics.
Pile 2: The Guardian of Legacy
The Tower
Message: The Tower signifies sudden change and upheaval. This card suggests that healing family issues may require breaking down old structures and confronting difficult truths. It may be a turbulent process, but it is necessary for growth and transformation. Embrace this change as an opportunity to rebuild stronger, more authentic relationships.
The Six of Cups
Message: This card represents nostalgia, childhood memories, and reconnecting with the past. Healing may involve revisiting childhood experiences and addressing unresolved issues from the past. It’s important to approach these memories with a compassionate and forgiving heart. Healing your inner child can lead to deeper family healing.
The Hermit
Message: The Hermit suggests introspection and seeking inner wisdom. Healing family issues may require a period of solitude and reflection. Take time to understand your own feelings and behaviors within the family context. Seek guidance from within and trust that your inner light will lead you to the answers and healing you seek.
Pile 3: The Bridge Builder
The Lovers
Message: The Lovers card emphasizes the importance of harmony, choices, and relationships. Healing family issues requires open communication and a commitment to understanding each other. Focus on building strong, loving relationships based on mutual respect and trust. Choices made from the heart will lead to positive outcomes.
The Eight of Pentacles
Message: This card signifies hard work and dedication. Healing family issues will require effort and a willingness to work on the relationships. Be patient and persistent in your efforts to improve family dynamics. Skill and attention to detail in how you approach these issues will lead to steady progress.
Message: Temperance is about balance, moderation, and healing. This card suggests that finding a middle ground and creating a balanced approach to family issues is essential. Practice patience, moderation, and diplomacy in all your interactions. Healing will come through blending different perspectives and creating harmony.
Pile 4: The Healer’s Path
The Moon
Message: The Moon card represents illusions, fears, and the subconscious. Healing family issues may involve confronting hidden fears and subconscious patterns that influence family dynamics. Trust your intuition and explore the deeper emotional currents within your family. Acknowledging and addressing these hidden aspects will bring clarity and healing.
The Ace of Cups
Message: The Ace of Cups signifies new emotional beginnings and overflowing love. This card suggests that healing will come through embracing new emotional experiences and opening your heart to love and forgiveness. Allow the healing energy of love to flow freely and cleanse past wounds.
Message: Justice represents fairness, balance, and truth. Healing family issues requires a commitment to honesty and fairness. Seek to resolve conflicts with integrity and ensure that all voices are heard and respected. Restoring balance and fairness within the family will lead to lasting harmony and healing.
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astrologged · 2 years
Psyche in the signs
Psyche (16) represents the soul and its journey of evolution, growth, and healing. It is associated with past lives and the karmic lessons that we carry with us from one lifetime to another. The placement of Psyche can reveal our deepest wounds and the areas where we need to heal and grow.
Psyche in Aries: You have a strong desire for independence and self-expression. You are a self-starter and often take the initiative in relationships and projects. In a past life, you may have been impulsive and prone to taking risks without considering the consequences. You likely had to learn how to control your anger and channel your energy in a constructive way. You may have also been involved in physical or athletic pursuits, or leadership roles that required courage and confidence. Overall, your soul's journey may involve learning how to balance your assertiveness with sensitivity to others' needs.
Psyche in Taurus: In a past life, you had to learn about the value of material possessions and the importance of financial security. You may have been involved in some form of artistic expression or had a talent for music, painting, or sculpture. You had to learn how to appreciate the beauty of the physical world and find stability in it. You may have also struggled with being possessive or overly attached to material things, and had to learn how to let go of attachments and find inner peace. In this life, you may have a strong desire for financial stability and a comfortable home environment. You also have a talent for creating beauty in the physical world and appreciate the finer things in life.
Psyche in Gemini: Your soul's journey involves learning how to communicate effectively and express yourself clearly. You have a natural curiosity and a love for learning, and you’re drawn to fields such as teaching, writing, or public speaking. In a past life, you may have been a messenger or a diplomat, and you had to learn how to use your words wisely and avoid misunderstandings. Your challenge in this lifetime may involve developing the ability to focus and pay attention to details, as you tend to get distracted easily or scatter your energy. You also need to learn how to listen more effectively and be present in your interactions with others, rather than constantly thinking about what to say next. By developing your communication skills and learning how to express your thoughts clearly and concisely, you can fulfill your soul's purpose and contribute to the world in a meaningful way.
Psyche in Cancer: The soul's journey involves emotional healing and nurturing. In past lives, you may have experienced deep emotional pain or trauma, which has led to a need for emotional security and protection in this lifetime. You have a strong desire to care for and protect others, and you are highly sensitive to the emotional needs of those around you. You may have had a past life as a caregiver, healer, or in some form of nurturing role. You have a natural ability to connect with others on a deep emotional level and may be drawn to work in fields such as psychology or counseling. However, you also have a tendency to take on the emotional burdens of others and struggle with setting healthy boundaries. Learning to care for yourself as well as others is an important lesson for you in this lifetime. By working on your own emotional healing, you can become a source of comfort and support for those around you.
Psyche in Leo: The soul's journey involves learning how to express oneself creatively and confidently. You have a strong desire to be recognized and appreciated for your talents and unique qualities. However, in a past life, you may have struggled with being too focused on yourself and your own ego. You may have been involved in leadership roles, the arts, or entertainment in your past life. Your challenge is to find a healthy balance between expressing your creativity and shining your light while also being mindful of others' needs and emotions. You may also need to learn to receive praise and recognition gracefully and without becoming too attached to it. Overall, with Psyche in Leo, your soul's journey involves learning to express your true self in a confident and authentic way while also recognizing and honoring the worth and value of others.
Psyche in Virgo: in your natal chart, it suggests that in a past life, you had to learn how to be of service to others and pay attention to the details. You may have had a strong urge to help and heal others, and they were likely involved in some form of service work. You may have also been very analytical and detail-oriented, and you had to learn how to balance this with their desire to help others. You were probably a perfectionist and had to learn how to accept imperfections in yourself and others. In this lifetime, they you feel fulfilled by working in fields such as healthcare, counseling, or education where you can use your skills to help others. You also find inner fulfillment through practicing self-care and maintaining a healthy routine.
Psyche in Libra: Your soul's journey is focused on finding balance and harmony in your relationships with others. You have a deep desire for fairness and justice, and you strive to create harmonious relationships with those around you. In a past life, you may have been involved in law or diplomacy, where you had to negotiate and mediate between different parties. You may also have been involved in artistic pursuits, as Libra is associated with beauty and aesthetics. Your soul's journey may involve learning to make decisions based on your own needs, rather than constantly seeking the approval of others. You also need to work on setting healthy boundaries and standing up for yourself when necessary, while still maintaining harmony and balance in your relationships. Overall, Psyche in Libra indicates a strong focus on relationships and creating harmony in your interactions with others, both in this life and in past lives.
Psyche in Scorpio: Your soul's journey of evolution and growth involves facing your deepest fears and desires and transforming your shadow self. You may have intense emotional experiences and may be drawn to the mysterious and occult. You may have a deep interest in sexuality and the unconscious mind. In a past life, you may have been involved in deep spiritual or healing practices, or you may have had experiences that led you to confront your shadow side. Your soul may have chosen to incarnate with Psyche in Scorpio to continue this journey of transformation and evolution. You may also have a strong psychic or intuitive ability, and you may be able to sense things that are hidden or not easily visible to others. You have a tendency towards being secretive or keeping things hidden, but you also have a powerful urge to bring what is hidden into the light. You also have a deep desire to merge with others on a soul level, but you need to learn healthy boundaries and discernment in relationships.
Psyche in Sagittarius: Your soul's journey involves seeking higher truths and expanding your horizons. You have a deep desire to explore the world and gain knowledge through experiences. In a past life, you may have been involved in philosophy, religion, or travel, and you have a natural affinity for these areas in your current life as well. You are optimistic and idealistic, and you have a strong sense of faith in the universe and its workings. Your soul's purpose is to find meaning in life and to inspire others to do the same. However, you also struggle with restlessness and a tendency to wander, and you need to learn how to focus your energy and commit to a path that aligns with your true purpose.
Psyche in Capricorn: You may have a strong sense of responsibility and a desire for success and achievement. In a past life, you may have learned the importance of discipline, hard work, and perseverance. You may have had to overcome obstacles and challenges to achieve your goals. You also have a strong desire to be respected and admired by others. However, there may also be a tendency to take on too much responsibility and to be overly self-critical. Youneed to learn to balance your desire for achievement with self-care and relaxation. You also need to work on developing healthy boundaries and learning to delegate tasks to others. On a deeper level, it may indicate a past life where you were involved in business or government, and you had to learn about the importance of responsibility, authority, and leadership. You may have had to overcome challenges and setbacks to achieve your goals, but you ultimately learned important lessons about hard work and perseverance.
Psyche in Aquarius: You have a strong desire to be part of something bigger than yourself and to contribute to society in a meaningful way. You are attracted to social causes and are passionate about bringing about positive change in the world. You are highly idealistic and may have a vision for the future that is ahead of its time. In a past life, you may have been involved in some form of activism or social work. You were likely ahead of your time in terms of your ideas and may have faced opposition or persecution for your beliefs. You may have been involved in progressive movements or been part of a group or community that was pushing for change. You have a unique and innovative approach to problem-solving, and you are not afraid to think outside the box. You value freedom and independence and may have a rebellious streak. However, you also have a strong sense of social responsibility and may feel a sense of duty to use your talents and abilities to make a positive impact on the world.
Psyche in Pisces: Your soul journey involves exploring the deeper spiritual and emotional realms. You have a strong intuition and a natural connection to the collective unconscious. You may have past life experiences of being involved in spiritual practices or healing, and may feel a strong sense of compassion and empathy towards others. However, you may also struggle with boundaries and may need to learn how to protect yourself from becoming overwhelmed by other people's emotions. Your soul's purpose in this life may involve exploring your own spirituality and helping others to connect with their spiritual selves. You may also need to learn how to balance your sensitivity with practicality in order to achieve your goals.
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runes and their divinatory meanings
ᚠ fehu
BRIGHT STAVE: wealth, transaction, gold, prosperity, the fiery spark that can initiate productivity. creativity, energy, and generosity
MURK STAVE: greed, duplicity, slavery, materialism and dishonesty, wolves lurking in the forest
ᚢ uruz
ᚦ thurisaz
BRIGHT STAVE: primal strength and persistence, energy, tenacity, the survival instinct, raw energy, desire
MURK STAVE: stubbornness, brutality, waning strength, the fragile ego that acts out
ᚨ ansuz
BRIGHT STAVE: willingness and drive to protect oneself, manifestation of primal will, primordial energy
MURK STAVE: violence, mental disturbance, sexual predation
ᚱ raidho
BRIGHT STAVE: inspiration, oration, "divine breath," heed the advice of the divine
MURK STAVE: being manipulated against the divine, lies
ᚲ kenaz
BRIGHT STAVE: movement, propulsion, journey, discipline is needed to enact a change
MURK STAVE: forced change, chaos, swimming upstream
ᚷ gebo
BRIGHT STAVE: spark of creativity, bright ideas, fire power and energy, light in the darkness
MURK STAVE: pain, exposure and weakness
ᚹ wunjo
BRIGHT STAVE: generosity will be returned, sacrifices made out of love and loyalty
MURK STAVE: stinginess, evil repaid with suffering, charity used to polish self image and boost ego
ᚺ hagalaz
BRIGHT STAVE: joy, bliss, happiness, a sense of belonging with loved ones, support and achievement
MURK STAVE: depression, alienation, rage
ᚾ nauthiz
BRIGHT STAVE: storms and forces beyond our control, our own darkness becomes potential for creation
MURK STAVE: that which festers and broods under the surface, change for the worse
ᛁ isa
BRIGHT STAVE: strife and strain, desire, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger
MURK STAVE: poverty and health concerns
ᛃ jera
BRIGHT STAVE: take a much needed break, reinforces the runes it's close to
MURK STAVE: blockage, illness, self-loathing, laziness, lethargy
ᛇ eihwaz
BRIGHT STAVE: the harvest will be fruitful, your efforts will pay off, this too shall pass
MURK STAVE: efforts put in the wrong place, a poor harvest
ᛈ perthro
BRIGHT STAVE: strength, reliability, mysticism, clairvoyance, communication with ancestors
MURK STAVE: associated with death, caution is advised
ᛉ algiz
BRIGHT STAVE: good luck, good karma, birth/pregnancy, major life altering decisions
MURK STAVE: bad karma, addictions, pessimism, repercussions for your actions
ᛊ sowilo
BRIGHT STAVE: represents a shield (spiritual/ancestral/physical), things we hold sacred
MURK STAVE: something is in danger, take stock and look for unseen dangers
ᛏ tiwaz
BRIGHT STAVE: health, success, life force, radiance, facilitates positive change
MURK STAVE: arrogance, misuse of power, distorted mindset, approach with balance
ᛒ berkano
BRIGHT STAVE: stay on track and stay disciplined, order, righteousness, the god Tyr
MURK STAVE: over-sacrifice, tunnel vision, loss and imbalance, rage and frustration
ᛖ ehwaz
BRIGHT STAVE: light, renewal after chaos, fertility, birth, love, "feminine" magic, children
MURK STAVE: problems conceiving, negativity/confusion with love, unwillingness to change
ᛗ mannaz
BRIGHT STAVE: travel, fruitful partnerships, mutual respect, loyalty, sex
MURK STAVE: jealousy, unequal exchange, strife in partnerships, take care of what's important to you
ᛚ laguz
BRIGHT STAVE: mind and memory, human nature or connection with others, balance between masculine and feminine
MURK STAVE: loneliness, difficulties with intimacy, possibly issues concerning gender (as in personal identity or conflicts with others)
ᛝ ingwaz
BRIGHT STAVE: success, the primordial waters, creation and fertility, psychic visions and dreams
MURK STAVE: subtle manipulation, hypnosis, paranoia, poor decision making, avoiding responsibilities
ᛞ dagaz
BRIGHT STAVE: the god Freyr, gathering of loved ones, home and hearth, peace, prosperity, (male) fertility
MURK STAVE: someone unwilling to leave, responsibilities being avoided
ᛟ othala
BRIGHT STAVE: dawn, illumination, hope, unifying unlike aspects, joy for life is balanced with responsibilites
MURK STAVE: warns that the truth can be painful
BRIGHT STAVE: everything inherited, oaths, revisiting roots, family, ancestors
MURK STAVE: elitism, ethnocentrism, discrimination
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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The Flower Moon Talon Abraxas
Flower Moon Meaning
The Flower Moon’s name isn’t much of a mystery given the time of year it graces the sky. Gardens and landscapes are in full bloom with perennials such as primrose, bleeding heart, bloodroot, iris, violet, hellebore, peony, et cetera; flower trees such as pear, crape myrtle, crabapple, magnolia, redbud, dogwood, and others; and spring bulbs including bluebell, hyacinth, lily of the valley, tulip, daffodil, crocus, and more.
As for the May full moon’s other names, this is the time of year when the tribes and farmers plant corn. The frogs are singing their mating songs, and milk-producing livestock such as sheep, goats, and cows now have lush green pastures to fill their bellies and produce more milk.
Flower Moon Spiritual Meaning
The May full moon embodies the spirit of Beltane and all the energy of new life, passion, fire, and rebirth. It brings creativity, inspiration, and a sense of purpose with it.
The Flower Moon in May is a spiritual reminder that our goals should be manifesting. This is the blooming season, but it’s also the planting season. Tap into the energy for growth and fertility. Take some time to think about your intentions and what needs to be done in order to reach your goals come harvest season. This may mean asking yourself some hard questions and reevaluating your priorities and plans.
Don’t feel overwhelmed if you feel like the goals you set at the beginning of the year are still far away. We can’t magically leap to the top of the staircase in a single jump; the journey happens one step at a time. If you feel like you aren’t progressing, take a moment to focus. What do you need to prioritize? What is the next step forward that needs to be taken? What is holding you back (and therefore needs to be released)?
Let the spiritual energy of the Flower Moon inspire you to continue growing, even though it comes with a reminder that we can’t move forward until we let go of what’s inhibiting our ability to fully blossom.
Flower Moon Altar Tips, Colors, & Crystals
The most common altar colors for the Flower Moon are yellow, red, orange, and green. Freshly cut flowers make a perfect altar decoration.
In fact, you can go even further and find many more ways to incorporate flowers on this special night. Arrange them in vases to decorate your home. Integrate them into your tea and cooking. Add them to your bath. Press blossoms that you can later use in your book of shadows, journal, artwork, or even a thoughtful surprise tucked in a card for a loved one.
Crystals that work well with the Flower Moon include:
Moonstone – new beginnings, fertility, intuition, lunar/feminine energy
Selenite – purification, cleansing, protection, a symbol of light, ties to the moon
Labradorite – connect with the psyche, dreams, creative muses, spiritual awakening
Amethyst – spiritual protection, insight, self-reflection, shadow work
Rose Quartz – love, friendship, romance, self-love
Rhodonite – “stone of love,” passion, fertility, grounding energy, healing emotional scars
Flower Agate – new beginnings, self-growth, restores emotional balance
Moss Agate – restoration, healing, rebirth, a connection with earth and plants
Black Tourmaline – strength, stabilization, grounding, alleviating fear (onyx and obsidian are also good alternatives)
Smoky quartz – grounding, emotional calmness, stress relief
Clear quartz – healing, peace, cleansing the mind and aura, divination
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lazyyogi · 1 year
What helped you at the start of your journey of becoming who you are now and what do you do consistently to keep you on your path to be helpful to others?
Any suggestions on what to do for those who’d like to be able to help others as you do with the answers you provide?
I was blessed with the right balance of suffering.
Some people suffer too little, so they never seek the radical change that comes from the dharma. They're content enough. Others suffer too much; their pain drains and torments and occupies them such that little room is left for thoughts of dharma or the energy to practice it. Similar to how it may be difficult to show a starving person the beauty of poetry. Feed them, ease their pain, and then bring out the poetry.
This is one of the major reasons for why dharma-based religions emphasize helping others. It may bring them to a place in which they are ready and able to awaken from self-based illusion.
While I did experience elements of suffering, my childhood was for the most part extraordinarily blessed. And I was a bit of a brat, albeit a charming one. But when my father died of cancer before I graduated high school, the reality and finality and unpredictability of death struck me hard.
At the time, I was a practicing occultist and so I turned toward a few trusted occultist friends for insight and advice. I was blessed with a friend who pointed me in the direction of tantra, which is essentially a perfect crossing over point for occultists to enter the spiritual path.
Essentially at that point in my life, I had a few of the insights that lead a person to dharma:
Impermanence. Not only the impermanence of our circumstances and their changefulness but also of our very lives. It's one thing to know it in your head, it's another thing to know it. When you realize you are dying and will die, it lights a fire under you.
Suffering and freedom. I felt awkward, tense, confused, angsty, and unhappy. But I also knew that I had at some point lived without those things. This suggests it is possible to be free from them again.
Precious human birth. Beginning around the age of 7, I wondered what my life would have been like had I been born into a different family. Different religion. I didn't understand why kids identified with their family's religion just because that's what their family believed. It is thanks to our human capacities that we can contemplate life, death, existence, and so on.
Freedom is possible. This was a stroke of luck that I encountered the dharma at the right time. Although I wasn't okay with continuing to suffer and I felt that it should be possible to be free from suffering, I didn't know for sure that there is truly a way beyond it. Eventually I did come to discover that through the grace of the way things unfolded for me after my father's passing.
From there I wasn't content to live within the limits of my suffering, I wanted freedom from it. That urge to be free from such limits drove me to learn spiritual practices such as meditation and then practice them with dedication and discipline. My guru sometimes says that if you are sitting on a chair with a time bomb underneath it, you will find plenty of energy to get up and run away.
With spiritual practice, it is like that. When you know you will die and that death may come any time, then you will prioritize that which will liberate you from suffering.
I didn't set out to write a blog encouraging and clarifying the spiritual way. Nor did I really set out to have a 'path.' I just addressed what was most relevant and immediate in my life: the matters of happiness, love, peace, death, suffering, and such. But just as once step after another soon becomes a journey, so too did my obstacles become a path.
Many people helped me on my way and this blog has been my means of paying it forward, as I will never be able to repay them for their kindness. Which is why so long as I am able and so long as there is a space for me, I will always maintain a Lazy Yogi presence somewhere on the internet.
My advice is to free others from yourself first. If we don't work on ourselves, if we don't emerge from our self-based confusion, then we become everyone else's problem. Discover the ways in which you are limited, bound, deluded, confused, and suffering. And then endeavor to free yourself.
The rest will grow from there.
Much love!
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captainkurosolaire · 2 months
Ill-Fated, Sadness
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Disheartening rainfall plunged from weeping skies, promising to be herald historically catastrophic, neighboring farms and abodes were spared no expense of ire. Flooding purest sorrow and mourning it sought to soil upon mortal-lands. Summers passed, a couple of Shadow to Dawn, would have their ultimate harrowing, a wicked test of their characters, love, trialed against fate's sheer remorselessness. Once formerly an expressionless, hollow man, now a dark-clad, husband returned home. Only to find his other-half in a ball between knees, tears-streaming, heavier than rain outdoors, pattering below rivers. Only she unsheathed his cruelty; restoring senses to identity. His blackened-gloves reached out into her unusual visit to darkness and searched answer, "Hey. What's wrong?" Those palms brought the end of many, but maneuvered, so caring. Encouraging to share wielding this pain, not alone. Hoisting gradually, her-features; read, <Please, Forgive Me...> continuing a downpour, "I'm a failure, accursed, flawed." the assassin felt sensations of fury. Whoever is causing these... They'll perish. Outside in the back-drop, thunder-struck with blasting-boom! As Rokeia finally confessed, "I cannot conceive." Twisted-fates would do this? She spent her life, in Shamanism restoring infertile, curing others, relieving spirits from lesser to greater. She wanted to have a child with her lover; trying until she finally discovered a plight. For all he did is know death. After their contract, that saw them entangled, caring for a pathetic-lowly, flower, a Sakurasou. There wasn't doubt, he'd be a perfect father of unbridled security. It may bring him full peace. Across oppositions, he was a devoid-husk being, heartless, a genuine-star-eyed killer. But to moments of heart, a firm-digit reached out lifting her chin. "Together." Plainly said, "...We'll solve anything together. Scour this realm for a solution. No dark is immune to light, you're proof." Suddenly her downtrodden-state was annihilated. The Black Miracle once again; instilling hope. Taking two-fingers, intersecting his lips to create a goof-smile to expressively say; she wasn't alone. This isn't a lone-burden. Clouds she knew, ceased; composure returned. Couple were orbits, necessary for another's survival. Features-loosened up with beautified determination, "You're right! I won't give-in. But... Honey, you need to stay, to East. You've obligations. So I'll journey, traverse all-over. I believe Pirate's are renowned for this... Let me go find our treasure. Then, we'll be arms, with a precious other existence. Our littlest-balance maker of joy! I'm certain they'll bring others too." They'd temporarily sacrifice distance of another for a moment, but they're of essence. Sharing agreement, he personally extended search and become an infamous Slayer of Legends to silent-dwellers of night. Deemed enemies would be erased... slaughter before his appointed-skies. His accolades brought to creating a dynasty. Facing a hundred-other dangerous killers and dismantling their Black-Stars of Weaponry. Rozan the 100 Stars. Was forged, The Last Black Miracle. Her storied-events pushed motion. A woman-of-scouring was born, a Pirate... Of remarkable left recorded to faded-passages. Noble-intentions to retrieve something sacred! Self-Restoration and cultivate precious, Life. She'd free a Founding Captain of the Goldbrand from execution whose Friendship, was integral of future coming-eras. Her gifts made them accelerate in wealth, but wasn't priority. Navigation she pioneered, was ahead-of-its-time. Due to treasure-sought. Embarking mythical adventures, saw her owning an unusual-ship that could traverse even dimensions! Death's Door... Would these lovers be successful in making happy-ever-after? The paired in hardship said to Fate... You won't win. Together. Us. We'll... Rebel! Fight! Sacrifice! Claim! For Our Future. Importantly, theirs...
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[Prev:Chapter]: Sublunary Love ~ ♪"Stay"♪
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Per aspera ad astra: “through adversity, to the stars”
The Vision
“You see a future in the stars?" Alpha Trion asked him quietly.
. . .
“The stars look endless to me,” he [Orion] said eventually. “Out there, you could just go and go, and there’d be enough space for everyone, and things to do and see that go on forever.” (CoP)
In an earlier post (Orion the Dreamer), I shared the full scene where Orion reveals his hopes and dreams to Alpha Trion.
And I mentioned in the previous post (Desire vs. Destiny) that it was Optimus’ deepest desire to peer behind the veil of life and study its secrets by collecting stories and seeking knowledge wherever he could find it.
Putting together both of these, one can see that Orion/Optimus’ personal vision for his life was to be a lifelong learner—one who learned through exploration, discovery of new life, the seeking of stories, and deep reflection.
Change of Plans
I will recover the AllSpark, thought Optimus Prime. Then I will retrace my steps across the galaxy and sow peace on my return wherever our initial exodus has inadvertently fomented division and war. (Exiles)
Life rarely goes as planned, as Optimus found out as the war dragged on.
Where a young Orion dreamt of setting out on his journey with curiosity and hope, a war-torn Optimus came to expect nothing more than a future quest of reparation and what he determined to be a moral duty.
A Fresh Glimpse of Hope
After so long, it was strange indeed to reach this planet again. Although I had heard it was full of life, I did not expect what we found—civilizations, technologies. For the last months, as we have been on final approach, we have learned to know them by their broadcasts, and though the others say nothing about it, what amazes me is how alike we are. Our bodies are different, our lifespans and our needs unalike, but what drives us and moves us is very much the same: humans talk about the heart, and Cybertronians the Spark; they love and fear, think and fight one another, as we do.
I looked for signs as we came within the light of their sun, and I find them everywhere—the many readings of Cybertronian technology on their world, the intensity of their struggles, the strange richness of their stories—against all odds, Unicron the Destroyer of Worlds has borne eons of life. I feel everything hangs in the balance. The Nemesis still pursues. We still track the AllSpark. So long this journey has been, and in spite of all its battles, so unchanging. (CoP)
Upon meeting and observing humans for himself, Optimus saw a glimpse of future potential—a future in which two very different, yet oddly similar species could learn and grow together, just as he’d wanted before the war. After all, Earth was also home to Unicron—the antithesis of Primus. There had to be a connection somewhere, and if not, Optimus intended to create one.
Of course, the war prevented him from getting his hopes too high, but judging from the fact that he trusted a human with the Key to Vector Sigma, it seems he allowed himself to hold onto a sliver of hope that humanity would not only survive the Cybertronian war, but would be part of Cybertron’s future in some way.
Endings and Epiphanies
I saw my death in the descent of the Dark Saber in Megatron's hand. I was surprised a little, disappointed. And then suddenly Megatron was no more. The reprieve was beyond belief. It shook me to my Spark and I felt suddenly with incredible force the fool I had been. I was not alone. I had never been alone, Prime or not. We, the Autobots, were one. (CoP)
After eons of hardship and carrying what he thought was primarily his burden to carry, Optimus was reminded that he was part of a greater whole.
The bigger goal was to see Autobots and Decepticons become one again, but this monumental shift in awareness was a necessary first step on Optimus’ journey to heal and open himself up to possibilities involving Cybertronians of either faction and humans.
A Shared Destiny
Thus ends the story of the Age of the Primes and of the origins of the Cybertronians, though not the whole story of course, for that is still being written in time and space on Earth, and all over the galaxy where the seeds and the sparks of life are growing.
I, Alpha Trion, one of the last Primes, now give this book into your hands, human friend, so that you shall know who your allies are, and your enemies also, how they are made, and where they have come from. Be sure that wherever and whenever you need our aid, the Autobots will respond to your call.
This is the Covenant of Primus, as given to all Cybertronians by right, and to humans by the last wish of Optimus, the Thirteenth Prime, so let it be.
Alpha Trion’s wording tells me humanity is probably the only other species that was given the Covenant of Primus.
This is incredible, to say the least. Of all the races Optimus encountered, he asked that humans be given one of the most sacred texts of the Cybertronian race.
But why humanity?
Well, Optimus firmly believed humans and Cybertronians shared a common destiny.
Alpha Trion, the relics, Unicron, the end of the war.
To Optimus, all of it pointed to Earth and humanity being an excellent starting point to launch into his original dream. He saw in humanity the future he’d endured so much hardship for: a future of learning and growing—not just alongside fellow Cybertronians, but alongside other races as well.
And depending on what each fan chooses to believe is the end of Optimus’ story, he either never got to see the fulfillment of his dream, or he did in some imagined way outside of canon.
Dreamers suffer more, but they also live more.
✧ ✧ ✧
Today, this post and the entire series are dedicated to Peter Cullen on his 82nd birthday, and to one of several beloved Optimi he’s poured so much of his heart and soul into. ❤️
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hlficlibrary · 2 years
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HL Fic Library 💜 Genderfluid Fics
Remember to leave kudos and a comment on the fics you enjoyed to show your appreciation! You can find our other recs here.
💜 love is a word, you gave it a name by  CuckooTrooke / @larrydoinglaundry [E, 158k]
After two decades in brutal show business, Louis Tomlinson is trying to restore his tranquility of mind in the peace of Northern Europe where the sun barely sets, Maria's bar is always open, and young Harry has an irresistible spark in his eyes.
💜 Demon and Immortal (series) by delsicle / @eeveelou [E, 90k]
Harry is a demon and Louis is his eternal mate.
💜 an everlasting eclipse by you_explode /@nobodymove [M, 63k]
The sky is a deep blue and a soft breeze blows through the willow trees. From his position outside the railway station, Harry can see the centre of the village in one direction and rows of trees in the other. He feels his nerves could choke him, but so too could his excitement.
He is to have a family.
Anne of Green Gables/Anne With An E AU. In 1891, orphan Harry is adopted by the Teasdales and goes to live on their small farm in Holmes Chapel. In his new life he finds supportive relationships, he finds himself, and eventually, he finds a home.
💜 Angel of Little Deaths by superglass [M, 54k]
It’s morning light when he looks back at Louis, bright and unfiltered, like a halo. He will never forget this image; he will chase to find it again, in this same way. So perfect in time; if he had a camera he’d capture it. How the thin knit of the sweater falls over the dip of Harry’s collarbone, his lovely neck bared for Louis’ lips when they come close again. His lips stretched wide and pink in a closed smile, until they break free to reveal his bunny teeth. How his legs cross almost childishly, bare ankles crossed, the creamy expanse of his thighs pale. His hair, messy and disheveled, before an array of light. His new love: Harry. His new muse; his new everything. or
Louis is a lonely artist in Florence, Harry is a runaway Parisian student. 1970s au.
💜 Amor Victorious by HappyPrince / @happy-prince [E, 38k]
Louis finds himself following Harry on a journey through Italy, complete with long train rides, greasy food, naked Christs, and too many lingering touches. They're definitely not like other tourists and he definitely doesn't have a crush on his best friend who happens to be an alpha, too.
💜 starin' back from the lookin' glass (there stood a woman where a half-grown boy had stood) by 4ureyesonly28 / @evilovesyou [E, 23k]
Harry squeezed his feet into the black heels his mother handed him from their little satin bag and stood up, slightly wobbly for a few seconds before he caught himself.
“They’re small on you, I know,” Mama said quietly as she went and grabbed the mirror. “You’ll have to use your first money to get a place to stay, but after that you need to buy shoes that fit you…”
She was still speaking, but Harry couldn’t hear her anymore over the blood rushing in his ears as she turned the mirror and made him look at himself.
He looked… He was… He felt like a woman. Where just under an hour ago, he’d seen a boy, barely a young man, shaving off the bits of his beard that had started to grow in so late, he now saw a woman. She was as real as he had ever seen. His posture, unsure and shy, morphed into hers, shoulders straight and hip cocked as she tried her best to balance herself on the high heels she’d inherited.
💜 Little Black Dress (I wanna see the way you move for me, Baby) by HachimansKitsune [M, 19k]
Harry's has an obsession he feels guilty about. When an impulsive moment leads him to make the purchase, he expects to never actually follow through with his desires. Then Louis finds the dress -- the slinky, silky black dress -- and Daddy takes the decision out of Harry's hands.
💜 fallin' and laughin' at the drinks we spilled by enbyharry / @non-binharry [E, 14k]
Louis is living his best #vanlife and travelling around the US, visiting big cities and small towns. In an effort to see as many places as he can, he never stays for more than a day. He stops in some bar in the middle of nowhere Kentucky where he meets a beautiful boy named Harry. He stands out from the rest of the patrons in the bar with his black midi slip dress and fur coat draping off his shoulders, despite it being a hot summer night.
They drink and dance and maybe even get into a bit of a brawl with a couple of locals who have something to say about Harry’s expression (big mistake, she’s a queen who can hold her own) so Harry takes Louis back to his place where he bandages them up and they continue their party into the sunrise.
When Louis heads back to his van in the morning, boxer briefs missing and a draft coming through the large hole in the shoulder of his t-shirt, he thinks maybe Harry might be worth sticking around in this town for a little bit longer.
💜 I Hope We Never Change by @hellolovers13 [E, 12k]
“I just wanted to try how it feels.”
“The clothes?” Niall asked.
Harry nodded. “Is that, that's too weird right, I shouldn't-”
“Hey, stop it. I told you already, it's not weird. It's just how you feel. That's okay. You can try whatever you want, okay. And you can always, always talk to me. Remember that.”
or Harry is confused about everything, so is Louis.
At least they have Niall.
💜 People just gotta have fun by korichiro [E, 11k]
Louis is insecure about his gender indentity. A coming-out story of sorts.
💜 It's Thursday. Let's Get (un)Dressed. by @bananaheathen [E, 9k]
When Louis is peer-pressured into downloading TikTok over the holidays, he fully expects to hate it. And he does hate it. All of it. Well... except for aspiring OOTD influencer, @harrystyles.
💜 but if you really hold me tight by loulicate / @loulicate-recs [NR, 8k]
In which Harry just needs warm cookies, couple sweaters and a certain pretty boy to save this year's Christmas.
💜 little black dress (it's all right) by istajmaal [E, 8k]
harry is a girl sometimes. louis loves her all the time.
💜 and she sleeps in his bed by yourdelicatepov / @harrysmaison [M, 7k]
Never in his life had Louis ever thought about his gender. He’d never really given a thought of who he was and what he wanted to be, as an individual. Being gay was different, to him it felt different than this. The flamboyance was expected, and accepted. He owned it, owned the fact that he was flamboyant. Exuberant. A bit too stylish. Different. Of course, there was no denying that. But when it came to his own gender, he’d always thought he was just one of the lads. Or well, he definitely used to think that until Harry painted his nails and then called him ‘pretty’.
💜 Here's to Elysium by sitandadmire / @louistomlionson [T, 5k]
It's 2045. Dedicated Gunters and IOI Sixers are desperate to find Halliday's Easter egg inside the extraordinary virtual game called the OASIS. Through their attempts to win the Copper Key, the first of three keys, two avatars become closer than they ever expected.
Or: A 1D x Ready Player One Fusion feat. Lara Croft!Harry.
💜 She Feels So Good by zedi [E, 4k]
Louis knows that voice. Harry’s used that voice in his ear more times than Louis can count, said such sweet, naughty things while popping a hip out and pressing up against Louis. All while wrapping the words in that voice. That’s the voice that comes out when Harry’s in a skirt, nails done and gestures soft and flirty. That’s the voice Louis is a sucker for every time, even now when it’s coming from a prerecorded segment playing off a monitor.
That’s Louis’ good girl.
💜 Your Gift Is Wasted On Me by 5secsoflarry [G, 4k]
"We will have a baby soon darling. Remember, we plan on finding a surrogate after Christmas..."
Louis knows the words are of little comfort but he does not know what else to say.
OR Harry wants a baby really bad so they use a surrogate and well, after a few years one baby turns into six...
💜 Exhilarator by 28sunflowers / @vintageumbroshirt [G, 3k]
Lou had always felt a little bit different from his peers. It had been a confusing and frustrating affair, to grow up without feeling like he belonged to one role or another. He had had to fight small wars almost everyday, both within himself and against the world.
But then, on the first day of college, a green eyed boy gives him an encouraging smile from across the room and it’s all Louis needs to stand taller and prouder amidst a class full of strangers.
💜 kiss me with adventure 'til i forget my name by orphan_account [NR, 3k]
“Wow,” Louis says softly, stunned. “You look…”
Vibrant, luminescent, glowing, unreal, magnificent, exuberant, fucking fuckable.
or where Louis both loves and hates her job.
💜 And Everything In Between by fanshae [T, 2k]
The first day Harry wears a skirt to school Louis gets in two fist fights and has to borrow Harry's concealer for his busted knuckles. It was more than worth the dention but Louis lets Harry brush his lips over the scraped skin anyway.
💜 Ready For Anything by wannabebestseller [G, 1k]
Harry is genderfluid and Louis is the most supportive husband anyone could ever ask for. 
💜 Cherry Blossom (You are Mine) by braveromantic [NR, 1k]
Happiness can be found in the most surprising of places. For H, happiness is a queer bar in the middle of her college town, with a blue-eyed beauty and an energy drink she should have ordered more of.
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same-skies · 1 month
Whispers of Healing
In the quiet dawn, where shadows fade,
A whisper of hope begins to cascade.
Through the valleys of pain, where sorrows lie,
Healing emerges, like a gentle sigh.
Wounds may be deep, scars etched in time,
Yet within each heart, a rhythm, a rhyme.
Softly it speaks, in moments of grace,
A tender embrace, a warm, safe place.
With every breath, a new chance to mend,
To find the strength, to rise and transcend.
In the dance of life, through joy and strife,
Healing whispers, "You are enough, embrace your life."
Amidst the chaos, a stillness we seek,
A tranquil heart, where peace can speak.
In the silence within, where calm resides,
Inner peace blossoms, and gently guides.
Through the storms of doubt, and waves of fear,
A beacon of light, ever so near.
With patience and love, the soul finds release,
In the journey of healing, we discover peace.
Each step we take, though small it may seem,
Brings us closer to our inner dream.
A place of balance, where mind and heart,
In harmony dwell, never to part.
In the face of trials, we stand tall,
Resilience within, we heed its call.
With every fall, we rise anew,
Stronger, braver, with a clearer view.
Like a phoenix from ashes, we soar high,
Embracing the sky, where dreams never die.
Our spirit, a river, flowing with grace,
Finding its path, in life's vast embrace.
Hope, a lantern in the darkest night,
Guiding us forward, with its gentle light.
In every heartbeat, a promise we find,
That healing and peace are intertwined.
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justbeingnamaste · 10 months
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One day, you are going to hug your last hug, kiss your last kiss and hear someone’s voice the last time . But you never know when the last time will be , so live every day as if it were the last time you will be with the person you love ❤️
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werothegreat · 3 months
Okay my feed is starting to get filled with pro-Jedi cope and propaganda and I'm just like, did y'all not watch the same movies I did? Did you not see the disgust on Windu's face whenever he looked Anakin? Did you not see how coldly Yoda told Anakin to grow a pair when he came to him for emotional help? Did you not see Anakin being taken from his mother, the only person who ever showed him any affection, only to be told that the fact he missed her was going to turn him into an evil psychopath?
I get it, you've read George Lucas' interviews where he says he's a Buddhist and that a lot of the Jedi philosophy is inspired by his own personal beliefs. But looking at the actual text of the films, it seems like there's more to it than just that.
In the Original Trilogy, Obi-Wan tells us the Jedi were amazing, warriors for good, guardians of peace, the best things ever. And our hero, Luke, wants to become one. We follow him on his journey to do so, and cheer as he, at the end, rejects violence and declares himself a Jedi, "like my father before me."
But then we see the Prequels. We see what the Jedi were actually like. We see their rigidness. Their clinging to dogma. Their inability to change. Their firm belief that emotion and attachment can only lead to jealousy and destructive anger. But people don't work like that. Emotions are part of us, even fear and anger and hate. We can't just throw those away. We're not supposed to be cold, unfeeling Vulcans. Fear protects us from danger. Anger calls us to action. And hate is the only reasonable response to pure evil.
Anakin fell to the Dark Side because at every turn, the Jedi dismissed his concerns, dismissed his emotional responses, dismissed his yearning for his mother. They could have actually helped him. They could have talked to him with dignity and respect. They could have shown him any amount of warmth and comfort. Instead they were cold and distant to him, they resented him, and he grew to resent them.
And who did show him warmth and comfort and dignity? Palpatine. He swooped right in and took Anakin under his wing, and Anakin never looked back.
Western culture tells vulnerable young boys to buck up, to not cry, to not show emotion, to be strong and stoic and to not miss their mother. And those vulnerable young boys become hateful grown men who take their curdled hurt and hurt others in turn.
The Jedi failed Anakin just as much as Palpatine corrupted him. It was a joint effort.
I'm also seeing some talk that "the Light Side is the Force in balance" and don't make me laugh. The Force has two sides - Light and Dark. Ever heard of yin and yang? Darkness isn't "evil", and light isn't "good". They are two parts of the same whole. I love the first lesson Luke gives Rey in The Last Jedi - balance means both light and dark. Warmth and cold. Life and death. Peace and violence.
The Wheel of Time is a flawed series, but I really love the climax in the last book. Rand is tempted by The Dark One with a world of only light - no darkness, no evil, no death, no violence. And Rand finds it abhorrent because it is a world of no choice. No change. It's static and stagnant and there are no real people in it, only simulacra. Life cannot exist like that.
The Jedi thought that cleaving only to the light, to reject the emotions that could lead you to darkness, to be emblems of peace (while being most known for their iconic weapons, ironically), was what the Force wanted. And yet the Dark Side kept returning, whether through the Sith, or the Knights of Ren, or the Nightsisters. Because yin without yang is not balance.
Anyway I've run out of thoughts and that's probably long enough of a ramble. Keep watching The Acolyte, it's pretty great.
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cascadeclan-gen · 3 months
Moon 0
When he wakes, he is in an unfamiliar clearing, trees standing tall and framing the starry night sky. Even after all this time, the sight of the glittering lights sickens him, rage rolling in his gut. Snowbloom turns from the stars to greet the gray and white molly approaching. She looks healthy and full, different from the half-starved corpse she became after whitecough took her.
He purrs. Her fur is smoke and stone and light and she purrs too. “Ridgepelt, I’m… I’m so sorry,” he says. “I failed you.”
“No,” she replies, gently. “You have done nothing of the sort. Cats die, Snowbloom. I knew the journey would be hard, and that we had an uncertain destination. I made my choices and I am proud of them. Now, chin up! I know you wanted it to be me, but it is time for you to receive your nine lives.”
Snowbloom raised his head. “Our ancestors have followed us?”
Ridgepelt shook her head. “For now, there is only me. I give you your first life, Snowbloom: for love. The love of a parent, of a sibling, of a friend. The love that ties a Clan together, and the love that drove you to pull LightClan apart.” It rolls through him, an embrace that burns like anger and soothes like home.
He searches the trees for the next life-giver, and startles when one of the trees begins bending down to him. “Your second life is from the trees,” Ridgepelt continues. “For growth; for standing tall during storms, for bending so you do not break.” This one makes him feel as though he is rooted in place, even as something batters his body. He tilts away from it, but stays firmly planted in the soil.
Next is the undergrowth, brambles and ferns sprouting from the ground until he cannot move without rustling a leaf, and cannot see through the thick cover. “For patience,” Ridgepelt explains. “It takes time to grow and cover, to create such a safe shelter. It takes equal time to traverse it, searching for what you want to find.” Snowbloom hears a mouse rustling through the leaf litter, and though he does not move, he feels thorns sliding through his fur as though he was stalking through the forest.
A wind picks up, blowing away the flora until he is once again in the clearing, though now he is pelted by rain and hail, sun and snow. “The wind grants you speed,” Ridgepelt tells him. “Swiftness to catch your prey, to play with kits, to save your Clanmates.” The wind picks up until he, too, feels he may blow away, and then settles.
“Your fifth life is from the Brightest Star,” Ridgepelt says. “For guidance. That you lead your Clan wisely, and share all that you know.” His world is plunged into darkness, and as he adjusts, he hears a soft voice. His mother whispers to him, telling him the story of the Brightest Star, and showing him how he can use it to find his way home. The memory shakes him, as he gazes up at the lone star he can see. He had almost forgotten his mother’s voice.
The star grows brighter, until the clearing and Ridgepelt have returned, and the sky is clear and blue, and the sun shines down upon him. “The sun grants life. Without it, plants could not grow, and prey could not feed, and we could not thrive, those that we feed would die and those that feed on them would suffer too. The sun gifts you a life for nurturing, and of knowing that all things feed another.” He feels the warmth of the sun and the heat of jaws at his throat, and is at peace.
A small mouse, only just growing its fur, approaches him next. It stands proud, though it is smaller than his own paw. He could catch it or crush it, but instead smiles at it fondly. Ridgepelt speaks again. “From prey, for balance. For taking enough, but not too much. For respecting all things, even the smallest among us.” This life comes as terror, deep in his chest. As though he is running for his life, as though he is chasing something he desperately needs, and all the while moving along a branch so thin one misstep will cause it to break.
When the swaying stops, he opens eyes he didn’t realize he had closed. Standing before him now is a massive beast he has only heard of in stories. Dark-furred and strange, the bear stares down at him. “From predator, for strength,” Ridgepelt says. The bear roars at him, and he knows: for protecting the small. For standing his ground. For letting go. He roars back. The bear nods, satisfied, and lumbers away.
“Watch over my son,” Ridgepelt says. “Know that I am with you always. The wind is my breath and the rustling leaves are my voice. I will not reside in the sky, but I and all who come after me will walk with your Clan.”
“I will watch over him and guide him and love him,” he promises.
Ridgepelt nods. “When you wake, you will be Snowstar. Your final life is from the wildfire.” As the molly speaks, the forest around him begins to burn. “For destruction. And all that comes after.”
Ridgepelt turns to smoke and joins the dark cloud growing above him, and Snowstar is quickly engulfed in flame. The fire and the forest and the leader burns and he screams; the fire recedes quickly, leaving nothing but ash and stone behind. Snowstar stands in the wreckage.
He wakes.
- Snowstar chooses Doveshade as his deputy.
- Skystripe requests that medicine cats be called Healers, and focus more on healing their Clanmates than interpreting dreams and visions. Snowstar acquiesces. Skystripe then requests that Healers be allowed to have kits. Again, while he privately has concerns, Snowstar agrees.
- The group decides on their name: CascadeClan.
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nabiieplays · 1 month
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🍡♡ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴏᴡᴅᴇʀᴇᴅ ᴍᴏᴄʜɪ ʟᴇɢᴀᴄʏ ᴄʜᴀʟʟᴇɴɢᴇ 🍡♡
Written by NabiiePlays and Goddesssilk Me and Melody (aka Goddesssilk) decided to try and write our own legacy challenge based on Mochi named The Powdered Mochi Legacy Challenge. This legacy is to bring some new storylines to the game, and help you use elements of the game you may not have used before, and overall just have fun!
Keep in mind you can add goals, change goals or whatever you need to do to fit your gameplay. This challenge is all about having fun and being creative!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask whatever you need if you don’t understand something in the goals or rules.
General Rules: 1. Each generation will represent 1-3 colors. You must dress up your sim and decorate their house according to the colors given. 2. You may choose the gender of your first heir but for the other Gens you must choose your first born. 3. Complete each skill, career, and aspiration given unless specified otherwise.4. May use “freerealestate on” cheat to achieve your first house. Other cheats are not allowed. 5. Play on whatever lifespan you feel most comfortable with! 6. Feel free to change any storyline you see fit! I love to see the creativity people do with the storylines! 7. If you decide to play this challenge, please tag me on any of my social medias (NabiiePlays Carrd) or use the hashtag #tpml or #thepowderedmochilegacy. We’d love to see your sims and see what you guys do with this challenge! ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘ Generation 1: Matcha Your founder grew up feeling like a small fish in a big, chaotic city. The concrete jungle never felt like home—it was noisy, crowded, and stifling. They spent their childhood dreaming of wide-open spaces, fresh air, and a life more attuned to nature. One day, a letter arrives from a distant relative they barely knew, informing them of a small plot of land in the countryside that had been left to them. Seeing this as their chance to escape the city and live the life they've always dreamed of, they pack their bags and move to the countryside. Here, they begin their journey toward self-sufficiency, turning their plot of land into a lush, thriving garden. Their dream is to create a sanctuary of greenery and peace, where they can live in harmony with the earth. Colors: Light Green Aspiration: Freelance Botanist Career: Gardener (Botanist branch) Traits: Loves Outdoors, Green Fiend, Vegetarian Skills: Garending, Logic, & Herbalism
Goals: -Start with an empty lot or a small, run-down home. -Master the Gardening, Logic & Herbalism. - Grow a thriving garden with at least 10 different plants, including rare or difficult-to-grow species. - Live off the grid for at least the first part of their life, relying on what they can grow or create. - Decorate the home with shades of green, emphasizing natural materials and an eco-friendly lifestyle. - Have a cowplant in the garden as a nod to the balance of life and death in nature (optional challenge). - The heir must be born in a home surrounded by a flourishing garden. ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘ Generation 2: Strawberry Raised in the serene and tranquil environment of their parent's countryside haven, this Sim feels a deep longing for something more thrilling and romantic. The stories of city life, with its bright lights and endless opportunities, captivate their imagination. They move to the city, determined to experience everything it has to offer, particularly when it comes to matters of the heart. Whether they’re serenading someone in a park, planning elaborate dates, or throwing unforgettable parties, this Sim’s life is a whirlwind of romantic escapades. They’re constantly in pursuit of the idealized version of love they’ve read about in books and seen in movies, yet they struggle with the reality that love is not always a fairy tale. Will they settle down with one true love, or will their desire for romance lead them down a more complicated path? Colors: Pink Aspiration: Serial Romantic Career: Entertainer (Musician branch) or Social Media (Public Relations branch) Traits: Romantic, Outgoing, Music Lover Skills: Charisma, Comedy, Guitar Skill Goals: - Max Charisma, Comedy, & Guitar Skills. - Max the Entertainer Career or the Social Media Career. - Sign up for Cupid’s Corner and have at least 5 romantic relationships. - Complete the Serial Romantic aspiration. - The next heir must be conceived on a date and don’t say anything about the pregnancy to the Mother/Father of the child. - Decorate your house in shades of pink and romantic decor.
Optional: - You may choose to get married if you want, but this part is optional. Change the storyline how you see fit! ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘
Generation 3: Black Sesame After witnessing the fleeting and often superficial nature of their parent’s romantic escapades, this Sim becomes introspective and drawn to the darker, more complex aspects of life. They find solace in solitude, channeling their emotions into creative outlets like writing and painting. Their works often reflect their struggles with identity, loneliness, and the human condition. They are fascinated by the macabre, the mysterious, and the unknown, which leads them to live a more reclusive life. Their home becomes a sanctuary of creativity, filled with dark art, literature, and artifacts that speak to their unique perspective on the world. Though they shun the spotlight, their work gains a cult following, appreciated by those who understand their vision. However, their reclusive nature makes it difficult for them to connect with others on a deep level, including their own family. Colors: Black & Grey Aspiration: Bestselling Author or Painter Extraordinaire (Or you can do both!) Career: Writer (Author branch) or Painter (Master of the Real branch) Traits: Creative, Loner, Gloomy Skills: Writing & Painting
Goals: -Master Writing and Painting skills, channeling their complex emotions into their art. - Write and publish at least 5 bestsellers and create 5 masterpieces in painting. - Live in a gothic-style home, filled with dark decor and mysterious artifacts. - Have a secret room or area in the house where they write or paint, which is off-limits to everyone else. -  Meet your Biological parent as a young adult. - Decorate the home in shades of black and grey, with a focus on creating a moody, mysterious atmosphere. - Become a 3 or more star celebrity due to your work. -The heir must be born in the “secret” room or a darkly decorated space, symbolizing the hidden and complex nature of this generation. ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘ Generation 4: Mango The gloom and solitude of their parent's artistic lifestyle push this Sim in the opposite direction—they want to bring joy and vibrancy into the world. Inspired by their parent’s creative flair but unwilling to dwell in darkness, they find their passion in the culinary arts. With a love for bold flavors and bright colors, they decide to open a restaurant that reflects their zest for life. The restaurant becomes the talk of the town, known for its exotic dishes and lively atmosphere. This Sim is driven by a desire to become a famous chef, not just for the fame but for the joy they bring to others through their food. However, the pressures of running a restaurant and striving for perfection can take a toll on their personal life. Will they be able to balance their professional ambitions with their need for personal happiness? Colors: Yellow & Orange Aspiration: Master Chef Career: Culinary (Chef branch) or run a restaurant as a self-employed Sim Traits: Foodie, Ambitious, Cheerful Skills: Cooking, Baking, & Gourmet Cooking.
Goals: - Master the Cooking and Gourmet Cooking skills, focusing on creating unique and vibrant dishes. - Own and run a successful restaurant, earning a 5-star rating and becoming well-known in the culinary world. - Host at least 10 dinner parties, where the food is always the star of the show. - Decorate the home and restaurant with a tropical, orange theme, reflecting the vibrant and lively nature of this Sim. ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘ Generation 5: Taro Growing up in a house full of cooking, this Sim always felt out of place and yearned for a simpler, more natural life. They escape to a rural area to start a ranch, dedicating themselves to raising and training animals while cultivating the land. Through hard work, they turn a rundown property into a thriving sanctuary where animals and nature flourish, finding fulfillment in the freedom and connection to the earth.
Colors: Purple Aspiration: Expert Rancher Career: Self-employed Rancher Traits: Loves Outdoors, Animal Enthusiast, Active Skill: Horse Riding, & Gardening
Goals: - Move into a rundown property and work your way to renovate it.- Master the Riding and Gardening skills. - Own at least 2 horses and train them to max skill level. - Participate in and win at least 3 horse competitions. - Build and maintain a thriving ranch with crops, animals, and horses. - Decorate the home and ranch with shades of purple, incorporating natural and rustic elements. - Host at least 3 ranch gatherings, showcasing your horses and produce. ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘ Generation 6: Red Bean Growing up in a home full of animals and living in a home where everyone is happy family and all, this Sim longs for the warmth and connection of a large family. They decide to focus their life on family and traditions, creating a home that is the heart of the community. They are dedicated to raising a close-knit family, passing down values and traditions that have been lost in the modern world. This Sim’s life revolves around their children, ensuring they are well cared for, loved, and prepared to continue the legacy. They are also known in the community for their big, warm-hearted gatherings, where everyone feels like family. Despite the challenges that come with raising a large family, they are determined to create a lasting legacy of love and unity. However, the pressure to maintain family harmony can sometimes lead to tension and conflict. Colors: Red Aspiration: Big Happy Family Career: Education (Administrator branch) Traits: Family-Oriented, Outgoing, Good Skill: Parenting, Cooking, & Charisma
Goals: - Meet your Soulmate in high school and marry them once you graduate - Master the Parenting, Cooking & Charisma skills, becoming a role model and leader in the community. - Have at least 4 children and maintain strong relationships with all of them, ensuring they grow up in a loving environment. - Decorate the home with a warm, red color scheme, focusing on creating a cozy, welcoming atmosphere. - Host regular family gatherings and ensure that all family members have high relationships with one another. - The heir must be born into a loving family environment, symbolizing the importance of family and tradition in this generation.
∘₊✧──────✧₊∘ Generation 7: Coconut While their parent’s focus on family was admirable, this Sim feels suffocated by the expectations and traditions that were imposed on them. They crave freedom and adventure, and the call of the ocean is too strong to resist. Moving to a beach town, they dedicate their life to exploring the mysteries of the sea and preserving the natural beauty of the coastline. This Sim is deeply connected to the ocean, finding peace in its vastness and beauty in its simplicity. They spend their days swimming, diving, and fishing, living a life of carefree adventure. However, their dedication to the ocean and its conservation can sometimes lead them to neglect their relationships on land. Will they be able to find balance, or will the sea always be their true love? Colors: White Aspiration: Beach Life Career: Diver Traits: Child of the Ocean, Active, Loves Outdoors. Skill: Fitness & Fishing
Goals: - Master the Fitness and Fishing skills, becoming a true child of the ocean. - Reach the top of the Diver career, dedicating their life to preserving the environment. - Live in a beach house with a light and airy color scheme, decorated in shades of white and blue. - Spend at least 3 hours each day outside, either swimming, fishing, or beachcombing, connecting with nature. - Fall in love with a mermaid and become a mermaid. ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘ Generation 8: Chocolate After growing up in a carefree and nature-focused environment, this Sim becomes fascinated by the concept of luxury and refinement. They dream of living a life filled with opulence and status, climbing the social ladder to become one of the most influential Sims in the city. They thrive on wealth, status, and the finer things in life, hosting grand parties in their lavish mansion and enjoying the best that money can buy. However, their obsession with wealth and social status can sometimes lead them to make morally questionable decisions. Will they be able to maintain their integrity, or will their ambition consume them? Colors: Brown Aspiration: Mansion Baron Career:  Social Media (Internet Personality branch) Traits:  Snob, Materialistic, Ambitious Skill: Charisma & Logic
Goals: -Master the Charisma and Logic skills, using them to navigate the world of high society. - Reach the top of the Business or Social Media career, becoming a powerful figure in the city. - Live in a grand mansion, decorated with shades of brown and filled with luxury items. - Host at least 5 grand parties, and try to earn gold status on each and ensuring their reputation remains untarnished.
∘₊✧──────✧₊∘ Generation 9: Ube Growing up surrounded by wealth and luxury, this Sim feels disillusioned with the materialistic world they’ve inherited. They long for something deeper, more meaningful, and turn to the world of art to express their innermost thoughts and emotions. This Sim embraces a bohemian lifestyle, rejecting the constraints of traditional society in favor of creativity and freedom. They live in a small, cozy home or apartment. They have the desire to be a famous popstar, sharing their music and art with the world! Colors: Lavender Aspiration: Musical Genius Career: Singer (Self-employed, focusing on a music career) Traits:  Creative, Music Lover, & Cheerful Skill: Singing, Dancing & Guitar (Optional: You can learn other instruments as well)
Goals: - Master the Singing and Guitar skills. - Create a serene, lavender-themed studio for practice and performance. - Host musical performances and events. -Decorate the home and farm with soothing, lavender tones and musical elements. - Release at least 5 hit singles or albums. - Become a 5 star celebrity. - The heir must be born in an environment where music and tranquility blend seamlessly. ∘₊✧──────✧₊∘ Generation 10: Rainbow With a passion for making a positive impact, this Sim is drawn to Strangerville, where they take on the challenge of uncovering and resolving the mysterious issues plaguing the town. They aim to restore hope and stability to the community, all while discovering surprising family connections along the way.
Colors: Rainbow Aspiration: Strangerville Mystery Traits: Outgoing, Good, Cheerful Career: Freelance Writer Skills: Charisma, Logic, and Writing
- Master the Charisma, Logic, and Writing - Finish the Freelance Writer career. - Write stories like your journey of solving the Mystery of Strangerville. - Focus on Solving the Strangerville Mystery, working to restore the town to its former glory. - Decorate their home with vibrant, multicolored decor to reflect a joyful and inclusive spirit. - Engage in community service and support local initiatives in Strangerville.
Optional Goals:
-Meet relatives from past gens if they are still alive or try and connect with others on your family tree.
∘₊✧──────✧₊∘ We had so much fun creating this challenge for you guys! This is the first time we've done anything like this, it was a challenge but again very fun! I hope you enjoy this challenge again if you play this legacy tag #tpml or #thepowderedmochilegacy ! Happy Simming!! Mochi Icon created by flaticon
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journey-to-balance · 7 months
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Beyond Valentine's Day - Romancing the Every Day
I admit it - I am a hopeless romantic. Yellow roses, antique French lace and hand-painted Limoges porcelain all make my heart flutter. I love the grand "big deal" surprises, like a trip in spring as much as anyone else, but I think it's the small, day-to-day gestures that transform our lives and leave a lasting imprint on our hearts.
I think a romantic lifestyle is a state of the spirit, the daily appreciation of the beauty all around us. This means cherishing what we value most in our lives: love, joy, beauty, family and home. Our home becoming our haven, a sanctuary away from our fast-paced world.
Living a romantic lifestyle means having fresh flowers on the kitchen counter at all times, even if it's just a few decorative branches snipped from the garden in the twilight of autumn or during the barren days of winter, a single rose by the bed, and candles at dusk and at mealtimes. I'm a hold-out-for-old-fashioned-elegance woman. I believe in heirloom or thrifted silver and nice dishes for dinner, tea poured every day in porcelain cups, and reading by the welcoming coziness of a warm fire.
Carving out our own space, filled with laughter and our own rhythm - what could be more romantic than that? There's no rush, no keeping up with the neighbor, nor societal pressure, only what feels authentic and true. We celebrate the 12 days of Christmas, and consider our trees guiding lights during the stark, gray, winter hours. There's no arbitrary man made new year celebration prior to a natural spring, no new year-new me lists, no pressurized goal posts or expectations. In fact, I never know when I will be stimulated by new ideas or inspiration. I do know that it always shows up when I show gratitude to the mundane - the warmth of the sun, the freshness of the air, having access to books and music, or even how the light hits the bark on trees when we are walking in the woods with our dog.
I guess what I am trying to say is that, for me, living a romantic lifestyle means being at peace and in love with my Creator. In many ways, romanticism transcends physical objects, and becomes more of an ideal. More than travel, gourmet food, fine décor, and antique trinkets, it means making the imperfect refuge we call home, a special dwelling. Romanticizing the every day means creating a nesting place, a meaningful haven for ourselves and our families, focusing on rearing children to become warm, well-cultured, principled adults.
There's nothing mystical, no real secret to romancing our everyday. All that is required, is that we begin to look at our days through a lens of joy, and gratitude for what we already have, actively expressing appreciation and enthusiasm for simple things, not afraid to share one's excitement in honest and true ways for this one singular existence and limited time here on Earth.
I over romanticize life, I glamourize life.
I will forever sing to the birds, whisper to the moon, dream aloud to the stars and celebrate in prayer. I will forever rejoice in my existence and not take a single tear for granted, and neither should you.
Valentine's Day is Every Day. You may think me silly, think me looking at the world through rose colored glasses. I... I view this as my life's philosophy. And with that, I bid you well, and send you my love.
Respectfully, Maritza.
Our Journey to Balance
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elisabethbabarci · 2 months
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This is a letter for transcendence and hope — dedicated to heroes and the hero within us!
I am writing this letter in the hopes that you will find inner peace through my words.
Throughout your experiences you have faced great challenges and obstacles. Situations that caused fragmentation, and points where you needed to be the light for others amongst dark times.
One thing I want you consider as I write this letter is, not only have you stood as hero, role model, leader within many communities you have elevated your communities awareness as conscious beings of the complexities within society. It is not easy to be the one to make tough decisions within a moments notice to help the greater good.
In life based on circumstances we put up a wall to protect a sacred part of us and those that we love and protect. As each experience occurs, it compounds like building blocks, till we place a barrier that obstructs our view. Give yourself permission to knock down those blocks of anything that has held you back. When something happens to us, it is always for our highest and best, and the lessons we extract from those situation give us wisdom.
Our scars do not make us or define us, our actions do.
The hero is someone who is strong and has seen a lot within his or her life, always having many roles and always placing the collective before their needs. The hero is balanced and always encompass the stillness within — a hero remains still and observes despite the chaos around them then acts accordingly. They are a lighthouse, that stands as a structure of strength and leadership. A hero’s legacy is every accomplishment and failure, their contribution no matter great or small always changes the lives of the many. The hero within does not allow anyone to disrupt their inner peace. A true hero understands and honors others that dedicate their life to helping others. As we read this, give thanks to every hero you have encountered in your life and acknowledge within all the heroic acts you have contributed.
When you are among others that want to diminish you, stand strong. Bring the light to every situation you encounter. Never give away your power. Above all, never settle for anything less than you deserve.
As a hero you have experienced loss at such a profound level whether it was loved ones, a friend, a stranger, or the fear of loosing someone close to you. In life, nothing is certain. What is certain, and as I say this please place your hand on your heart, is that , we are not alone. Collectively we are all interconnected. We find love through family, friends, relationships of all different kinds, we always will find the places we belong.
As a hero acknowledge that you have selflessly dedicated your time to serving and protecting others. It is in this moment that I personally thank all healthcare workers, officers, firefighters, teachers, mentors, leaders of our great community, parents, loved ones and strangers that enhance our learning experience along our journey. Let us take a moment to celebrate their selfless dedication that they contribute within each of our communities.
No matter what you face in life I hope as a hero you will always feel aligned, safe, balanced, positive, and that you always keep observing situations from every facet. Do everything with compassion and without judgement.
Understand that everyday you will get stronger, wiser, and happier. Our experiences bring us insight to understand the deeper levels of the world, and above all, beyond the fighting, beyond the sadness or grief, ask yourself , “what else is there?.”
Plant your feet firmly on the ground, establish roots, your home is where your heart is. Always remember, every experience is a period of growth and exploration. Learn lessons and move forward. Always be thankful for what you do have. Do not focus on the negative, you serve as an ambassador to protector others, keep being strong and fearless.
I hope that this letter gives you strength as I feel you will read it when the time is right.
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