#Lisa x David
idkwhatuh · 17 days
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I heart you!
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I'm just thinking about how David Shore and Hugh Laurie talked about Wilson and House's relationship as definitely romantic in their GQ interview.
David Shores said, "I love that we started the series with House and Wilson, and we ended it with House and Wilson. Ending with a non-traditional romantic story is atypical, and that exploration of male friendship is something you don’t see on TV very often. You see a lot of wingmen giving each other crap, and House most certainly did that. But, the idea of guys giving each other crap who loved each other was new."
This is the same interview that Hugh Laurie said, "Way before this idiot word “bromance” was coined—I wish people wouldn’t jam words together like that, there are enough words—I think it’s true that there was a great sort of weird romantic love between House and Wilson. I suppose that was the show’s central core relationship, and it was irresistible to me. I certainly did grow… I’d stop short of saying romantically involved with Robert Sean Leonard, but we became very close and enjoyed each other’s company. He made me laugh an indecent amount. I think the writers too enjoyed writing that relationship. Shore, in particular, had a real knack for it. There was a scene in which House has been suspended from the hospital, so he’s taken the role of the housewife in Wilson’s apartment. Wilson gets home one day, and House has got a basket of laundry, and he says something like, “Your shirts aren’t dry yet, but you’ve got plenty of underwear.” Shore changed the line to “We’ve got plenty of underwear,” in what I thought was one of the funniest rewrites you could possibly have in the smallest number of letters."
I genuinely take this as them saying that Hilson is canon.
(Interview is linked)
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caitlinclarkspam · 13 days
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Caitlin Clark with David Letterman and Lisa Bluder via rllracing on Instagram
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holyfuckinshitleto · 5 months
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FRIENDS - Christmas appreciation post - 4K 1994 - 2004 | dir. David Crane & Marta Kauffman
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worshipfulmercy · 8 months
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Is this crushing loneliness I feel just for you, or is it really, underneath, the harsh metallic edge of existential longing?
David Cronenberg, Consumed × Gregory House + Lisa Cuddy
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just1riqht · 11 months
I’m still in denial that Matthew Perry died
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Hii could I request Paul and Marko with a reader who is like Lisa Frankenstein? Just some head canons if you don't really know who she is
Okay, listen, I just finished watching the movie, and I can't stop thinking about it - that last scene? Beloved wife? I told you I would hold your hand - iconic. So yeah, eh there are some spoilers here for Lisa Frankenstein.
It has gotten a little bit linger than i thought, and it's a bit more Marko x reader than Paul x reader x Marko, but the pairing is definitely there! 😅 Hope you like this!
"Where are you going?" Trent looked at me. His schoolbag was hanging from one shoulder, his sunglasses slowly sliding down his nose. I shrugged. "For a walk."
"Mum said you had to be home by five."
I rolled my eyes, sighing. Ever since my dad had decided to not only date but marry Trents mom, my life changed. Of course, it had already changed before. That kind of tends to happen when your mom decides to leave. And then die.
"Fine." I walked away from Trent, away from the stuffy schoolbuilding filled with people I didn't want to know. I didn't want to move here, I had liked my - miserable - life back in Santa Cruz. But, with dad being married and all, I had little choice. Moving to Santa Carla, it was. Trent was okay, I suppose. He didn't force me to hang out with him, and he'd let me be - mostly. His mother, however, was overbearing, always wanting to know everything and controlling everything. It gave me an odd, almost claustrophobic sense. And dad? Well, he was more focused on keeping his wife happy than he was worried about me. Luckily for me, it wasn't all bad. I had found a small little sanctuary hidden within the woods.
"Hello again," I said softly as I found my way through the woods. Hidden between several thick trees and bushes was a headstone. The stone itself was rather sober, only a name etched into it. On the ground in front of it, however, was a small bust of a devilishly handsome face. I assumed the face and name went together. It was a shame, really, that this guy had been dead. Had he been alive - well, damn... But he wasn't, and besides, there was this guy in my history class - Michael Emerson? - who was actually kind of cute?
I sat down next to the stone, making my homework, reading in some books, and finally feeling a little at peace. I looked up when I felt a raindrop fall on my nose, quickly grabbing my stuff. "I'll see you later, Marko!" I said softly before running off. The rain started to really pour, and I ran as fast as I could to make it back home to my place.
That night, a storm raged over Santa Carla. Rain, winds, and heavy thunder rolled over the small town. Lightning striked multiple times, but there didn't seem to be any fires anywhere. I lay on my bed, ready to go to sleep. I stared at my window. Lightning flashed again. In the bright flash of the light, I saw a shadow appear in my window, a silhouette. I shot up, looking straight straight my window. Red eyes stared back at me.
I screamed. The red eyed silhouette waved at me, motioning for me to be quiet. Who was he to tell me to be quiet? Angrily, I stepped towards the window, ready to give him a piece of my mind, when suddenly my window flew open. The man stepped inside. I froze. I wanted to scream, but nothing came out. I just looked at him. He looked at me, then at my room. The bed that was slept in, the clothes laying on the chair, the walls filled with drawings and sketches...
He slowly but surely moved towards my art wall, tilting his head as he looked at one of the drawings.
"What is it?" I asked, not sure what to do.
He just pointed at it. It was the drawing I made of Marko's headstone and the bust. I frowned. "So? What about it?"
He pointed at it again, then at himself. I frowned. Surely he didn't mean that-
"You're Marko?" I asked in a whisper. With a sly grin, he nodded. I froze, frowning. "How? Why are you here?"
This time, he gave me a genuine smile. He made a C with his hand and then waved. Puzzled, I looked at him. "Because I said see you later?"
The next morning, I was woken up early by dad. "We need your help."
Once again, he nodded. I took a deep breath.
"I- Hiw? I didn't mean for you to come and see me? I mean - you're dead! I meant I'd come back to your grave?"
Marko looked at me, a hurt expression on his face.
"Sorry! I'm sure you're an alright guy if you were actually - you know - alive?"
I could have sworn I saw his expression turn even more sad. I sighed, deciding I could deal with zombie emotions later. Right now, Marko - or whoever he really was - desperately needed a shower and some clean clothes, and I was in desperate need of some sleep.
I sighed - the woman he married had been working in the meat industry, selling blood. I didn't know why, nor did I want to know why. I had tried to tell my dad that I didn't want to help with the work on the farm, what with me not eating meat anymore and all, but apparently that was not a conversation I could have. I had no say in the matter, I had to help.
Thirty minutes later, I showed up in the barn, begrudgingly starting the work of cleaning them, when a loud metallic clang caused me to look up. One of the many pipes through which the bodily fluids moved had made the sound. I looked up, screaming when the pipe snapped and gallons of blood were poured on top of me. I dropped the shovel I'd been holding, running out of the barn, leaving bloody footprints everywhere I went. I quickly went into my shower, cleaning the blood off of myself.
When I got out of the shower, dressed in my bathrobe, I noticed Marko sitting in a dark corner of my closet. He had changed his muddy clothes for some bright coloured pyjama trousers and an old band shirt I'd gotten from Trent. He looked at me, a certain hunger in his eyes.
"Are you alright?"
He nodded, then shrugged.
"Oh! You need food!" I was already halfway through my room towards the door when I stopped and turned to look at him. "Eh - what, what do dead guys eat?" I asked.
I froze when Markos hand grabbed my wrist, finding the one spot of blood I'd missed, and slowly licking it up. I pulled my arm away from him, disgust written all over my face. "You can't just lick people!" I hissed before realisation dawned on me. "Wait, you need blood?"
That evening, Marko and I sneaked out of the house towards the barn. I had spent the whole afternoon dragging an old and rusty bathtub into the barn, placing it under the broken pipes. I told Marko to wait by the tub as I opened the faucet. It didn't take long, or blood ran into the tub, filling it quickly.
Marko nodded, grinning. I sighed. "I can get you some blood tonight, alright?"
The more Marko drank, the more handsome he became somehow. I couldn't help but feel a warmth inside me when I saw him drink, heard the moans of delight...
"What the hell are you doing out of bed, young lady? And turn the faucet off! It's bad enough that you made us lose so much product today!"
I jumped, freezed, and looked at my stepmother, not sure what to do.
"And who the hell is that? Is he drinking blood? I told your father that I didn't want you to bring your kind over to this place. He wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt, but I knew that morbid loving people like you would only bring trouble, you freak!" She was about to scream, but before I could do anything, Marko was already upon her. Her neck was ripped open, her blood was drunk, and then her lifeless body fell to the ground. I stared at Marko, not really knowing what to say. 'Thanks' felt wrong in this situation. And yet, it was somewhat right?
"You just killed -" I stopped talking, not sure what I was going to say. "We need to bury the body," I decided, grabbing her feet, smiling shyly as Marko easily lifted the dead weight in his arms. I lead the way to the forest, back to where his grave had been - and I couldn't help but feel rather content when he dropped her body in the grave.
"Is it bad, down there?" I asked. He shrugged and then nodded. I grinned. The woman deserved it. Just a little bit. "Good."
One night, he stopped me when I was about to enter the barn. I stopped, puzzled, before realising what he wanted. "You want human blood?"
In the days that followed, every single night, I sneaked him out of the house unseen, making sure he could drink more blood. The more blood he drank, the more whole he became. The more time I spent with him, the more I realised I liked him beyond his looks. And yet, he was still dead. And yet, I still fancied Michael Emerson.
"You know, at the party two weeks ago, he spent a lot of time talking to me? And you'd think it was great, because at the time it was, but then at school he just ignored me? As if we didn't spend three hours connecting? Like, who does that?"
Marko looked at me, clearly telling me that it was Michael Emerson who did that.
"Maybe it was because I was drunk and ran off to throw up, but still. How hard is it to get a guys attention?"
Marko shrugged. I agreed - it shouldn't have to be so hard. But even with his presence, even with his clothing suggestions - no matter what I did, Michael ignored me. I sighed as I pulled the bathtub into the barn again.
He nodded.
After that meal, Marko finally began to talk. His voice was hoarse, but he could tell me about him. How he enjoyed art, how he had been turned into a vampire in the early 1900s, how his vampire family was probably still alive. In the four hours that followed Michael's death, I couldn't help but realise I had never loved Michael. It was Marko. I wanted to make him happy. It was him I wanted by my side. I took his hand in mine as we walked down the forest towards his old grave.
"Shit. I can't just give you human blood, I mean, I wouldn't even know where to get it and -" he was already gone. Quickly, I ran after him, not wanting to abandon the creature I'd come to see as a close friend. He ran towards the boardwalk, the beach - and he found a lone man. Before I knew it, he had bitten the man, draining the blood out of him. It was over surprisingly quick.
The next evening, we spent some time outside the house, lounging on the roof, when I saw Michael riding up to the house on his bike. "What's he doing here?" I asked out loud, looking to see what was happening. Downstairs, the front door opened, and Trent stood there, grinning. Not only that, but within seconds, he was kissing Michael. I looked at it with wide eyes, before jumping off the roof and screaming.
"You motherfucker!" I launched at Trent. "You knew I liked him you fucking piece of-" I stopped when I heard a pained groan beside me. Marko held on to Michael's body. His teeth latched onto his neck, draining him dry. I looked at Marko, a small smile appearing on my face. I then looked at Trent, who was about to either scream or faint.
"You're going to be fine. Just don't tell anyone about this, alright?"
"We can try and find them?" I offered.
"They'd kill you upon sight."
"But you'd be reunited with them."
He chuckled. "You may not value your life, but I've come to value yours quite a lot."
I froze. "You do?"
"You saved me."
"I didn't mean to," I admitted. "It purely happened by accident."
"Happy accidents do exist."
I smiled, laughing when he pulled me close. "I think they do."
"Are you going with?"
"Sure. Do I need to bring the shovel?" I asked, a bit enthusiastically. Of course, killing was bad, I knew that, but there was something about it that gave me an indescribable thrill.
"Nah, we'll find a bonfire." He grinned as he took my hand, leading me towards the boardwalk and the beach.
I'd started a fire while he fed, enjoying the warmth of the flames when I suddenly felt a strange presence behind me.
"What's a pretty thing like you doing all alone?"
I looked at him. "Waiting for a friend."
"I can keep you company if he's running late."
"Don't worry, he's right on time." I grinned, knowing that Marko wouldn't say no to a second meal.
"Shame he isn't here yet, " the young man chuckled, "he might have enjoyed the sho-"
I screamed as he grabbed me, pulling my head to the side, feeling his teeth grazing my skin. I struggled in his grip, moving as much as I could, trying to hold him off when finally I heard his voice.
"Get the fuck off of her!"
Within seconds, I was freed. Marko was standing protectively in front of me, staring at the other vampire. "Paul?"
"Marko? You - you were dead, man! How did this happen?"
"Lisa did. She's a bloody Saint-" I groaned at his pun. "- If it hadn't been for her, I'd be buried still."
"So you saved my mate?"
"Your mate?" I spat the words out. Marko could have told me something about that before leading me on. For weeks he'd been sharing a bed with me, for weeks I'd helped him kill and cover up, for weeks we'd been circling around each other, and now?
"You didn't tell her?" Paul asked, and then he looked at me again, a look of compassion but also curiosity in his eyes.
"Tell me what?"
"Only a mate can save a vampire from the death." Marko said. His eyes softened as he turned towards me. "I didn't want to overwhelm you more than I already did that first night."
"What does it mean being your mate?"
"So, how is he-" I pointed at Paul, "- connected to us?"
"You're one of the loves of my life."
"Aaawh!" I grinned. "That's why you killed Michael? For us?"
Marko chuckled and nodded.
"He's also my mate. And yours."
I grinned. Sure, him almost eating me was quite bad - but if you looked past that, he seemed to really care about Marko, and maybe he could also do that for me?
"So... we - the three of us? We're a thing?"
"We can be," Paul said with an enthusiastic grin. "If you want that is."
"How about I get to know you first?" I asked, smiling as Marko stood next to me. Paul chuckled. "Want to go out for a kill?"
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voidsbabe · 11 months
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"And I guess you’re keeping the 20 bucks you owe me” that’s just ehh it feels like something that Chandler would say to Joey and it breaks my heart even more 🥹
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Oh Jen 🥹🥹
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My sweet Matty, how loved you were 🥹❤️
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How do I even recover from his death? 😭
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leavingubehind · 6 months
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F.R.I.E.N.D.S 30-Day Challenge 07. Favorite Holiday Episode → 9.10 The One with Christmas in Tulsa
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starry-moonshine · 11 months
I wanted to let everyone know that I am back after a long hiatus. I also wanted to say that I'm coming out with a Friends master list, and could use some requests!
I also wanted to say that I am very saddened by the death of Matthew Perry, and want to send my condolences to his friends, family, co-stars and fellow friends fans. May he rest in peace.
Thank you.
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friendstvs-world · 4 months
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Friends TV Series - Season 9, Episode 8: The One with Rachel's Other Sister (November 21, 2002).
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nobodyytodaylol · 1 year
Our school trip to London be like:
Teacher: So now we’re going through Canary Wharf-
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carpenoctxrn · 2 years
Doctor. Doctor. (Spencer Reid x FemReader)
Chapter 1: The Invitation
Warning: Very horny reader. Slow burn. Alcohol Shot.
P.S I have Stranger things smut on my Wattpad @noctxrn
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~ Y/N P.O.V ~
“Y/N! WAIT UP!” Said my friend Dr. Douglas, a.k.a Lisa Douglas.
Her light blue scrubs were crumbled matching the state that mine was in. At 2:29 in the morning I was finally getting out of work.
“Hey Lisa, what’s up?” I said as I stopped walking and stood behind the trunk of the car. I opened my car trunk using my key and began taking off the top of my scrub to wear the hoodie I had in there. The feeling of scrubs whilst I drove made me feel irritated, so comfortable thermal hoodies were the way to go for me.
“So, Luke wants to do dinner-” she paused as she waited for me to pull the hoodie over my head, “- with his work friends.” She finished as I was pulling my hair out of my hoodie.
“WHAT?” I whispered yelled at her as my eyes became wide and I raised my hand to pull down the trunk of the car.
“Is it getting serious?” I asked as my back leaned on the trunk of the car and I bent down on the ground to pick up my purse at the foot of my leg.
“Maybe? Kinda-” she said confused as she tried to figure out the answer she felt was right.
“Awwww…it's adorable that he wants you to meet his friends,” I said “..in a way in law enforcement the people that they work with become family, sooooo I guess maybe scout out a brother-in-law for me.” I said teasing her.
“You are not helping,” groaned Lisa as she put her hands on top of her face.
“My intention was not to help,” I said as I took my hair out of the professional pony-tail it was in and let it fall down on my back in a weird shape.
“You’re heartless demeanour makes me wonder if you’re a cardiologist so you could feel other’s heartbeat,” Lisa exasperated as she eyed me with a glint of annoyance in her eyes but also pride with her retort.
“Didn’t you say Luke was a profiler? As in he catches serial killers by psychoanalysing them and creating patterns from that?” I asked rhetorically. 
“Yes,” she said and I began to grin, “He is not rubbing off on me,” she whined as my mouth resembled that of a Cheshire cat.
“Whatever you say, Dr. Douglas.” I whispered.
“Anyways, I wanted you to come with me. Sort of like moral support.” Lisa asked as she had a pleading puppy face.
“Wouldn’t that be weird?” I asked a very obvious question. A stranger at a party with other strangers would just make everything strange.
“No, not really. You know Phil right?” she asked and I nodded yes in response. “Well I asked him to make you his date for my sake and he said yes.” 
“Oh,” I said now feeling weird that Phil is okay with the idea of taking me on a date, “He doesn’t like me like that, right?” I questioned as I felt the back of neck hair standing due to anxiety.
“No he doesn't. He just considers you a good friend and he understood my predicament and decided to be a generous friend,” she said to calm the obvious nerves that had accumulated in my stomach.
“Okay,” I sighed out. “Is there a dress code?” I asked.
“It's a cocktail party at Agent Rossi’s house, so formal cocktail but not too much. They are celebrating bringing down a cult for context,” she said as she began fishing for something in her bag. 
“Here,” she said as she handed me a piece of paper that had words written in a hast. “It’s the date, time and address of the huge mansion where this event is being held.” 
“So should I be subtly looking for a sugar daddy?” I asked Lisa with a grin on my face as this felt amusing to me. 
“No no, Rossi has a more mature taste,” she said in a matter fact voice, “although if you play your cards right you could possibly steal a dance from him.” 
“So.. sexy yet modest black dress matched with diamonds,” I thought out loud.
“Yes, very classical and convenient for when you inevitably decide to go to the club and get shitfaced drunk.” Summed up Lisa at my obvious plan. 
“Well, I guess I will see you in a day’s time,” I said as I approached Lisa in a hug and patted her back whilst saying “ so forget I exist for the next 18 hours,” with a smile on my face.
“Bye Y/N. See you tomorrow,” waved Lisa as she began walking towards the car that was parked a few feet in the front.
Getting into the driver’s seat of my burgundy 2015 dodge hellcat, I started the engine and felt my body begin to tingle. I was excited to sleep after being awake for 22 hours due to the strenuous nature of my work. My work was a good twenty minutes away from the apartment I lived in. 
Deciding to call my father who lived in Sacramento, California, I knew he was just returning home from out of state. I called his cell once, twice, and a third time but I still didn’t get an answer. Unfortunately I rolled my eyes as I knew what was happening. His wife was probably around which meant that he couldn’t talk to me. 
Pulling out of the car parking lot I saw that Lisa’s car had already left. For some reason the excitement of falling asleep was filled with despair of being alone. All by myself. I could have called my mother but a brutal fight when I was 18 had severed our relationship. We hardly talked, she hardly acknowledged my existence and I did the same to her. 
Taking a deep breath I felt the familiar gurgles of my stomach, signalling that it was hungry. Whenever I got sad or real about my life, I got severely hungry. It was my comfort and it was my coping mechanism. 
Stuffed Crust Pizza!
Cheese and BREAD!
The only thoughts that were running in my sad and hungry head. Deciding to look up a 24-hour pizza joint I asked Siri to do just that. But only a pub that was open till 5am was my only option. Deciding on a BBQ chicken flatbread and garlic knots along with their mozzarella + 5 cheese stuffed calzones with chicken and pineapple. The person taking my order said that it would take them 20 minutes and I was already 10 minutes into my drive. 
Not wanting to wait in my car for 10 minutes I decided to stop by a McDonalds to grab some ice-cream, one large coke with no ice, and a hot chocolate with caramel. Looking at the time on the screen of the car's dashboard, it read 2:59am which meant that I had another 6-7 minutes give or take. 
Still feeling too tired to just sit in my car I decided to throw my hair in a bun that just so happened to be messy. Touching up on my lip with a lip-balm and my cheeks with some blush, I stepped out of my car. Making sure to grab my phone and my car keys.
Walking inside the pub I saw that some people were playing pool, darts, or watching a rerun of some football game. The bartender was a middle-aged blonde woman with tattoo’s. The nametag read that she is the manager and her name is Boyce.
“What can I get for you hun?” She said as she was counting the money a man had just given her.
“I’ll take a scotch” I said “neat, please” I added as I sat down on the bar stool. 
“You’re not going to operate heavy machinery right?” She said as she cocked eyebrow up, whilst pouring me the whiskey in a clean glass. 
“Not for more than 5 minutes,” I said with the kindest voice and an innocent look gracing my tired face. 
“Oh, you live close to here?” She said amused, as she passed me my drink.
“Yea it’s a 15 minute walk here from my apartments,” I said as I threw my head back and downed the burning and horrid liquid. 
“Oh fuck” I said my face contorting in distaste as I slammed the glass back down.
“I forgot this wasn’t tequila,” I said my face still contorted from the shock and taste of the malt substance.
“You’re a funny thing, aren’t you?” She said as she stopped her work to take a moment to appreciate my foolishness. 
“Only when I’ve had five hours sleep and it was close to 26 hours ago” I said as I slowly coughed, not wanting to seem like a bigger tool. 
“I have an order, it might be ready by now,” I said as I stared at the empty glass. Pondering at the idea of food and sleep.
“Sure, flatbread, calzones, and garlic knots?” She asked as she read something from the screen in front of her.
“Yes that’s it, plus the shot of scotch” I reminded Boyce. 
“Yea a shot was right,” She said as she began ringing me up.
“$68.98 will be your total, sweetie” she said as she turned around to pick up my food to hand it to me. I handed her an even $80 and said the rest was her tip. She chuckled and said the drink was getting to me and I just smiled and whispered a bye as I headed out.
I felt a small hue of pink forming on my cheeks. A sign for how much impact social interactions have on my introverted, tired, and fairly one-shot of scotch self. My knees and thighs were warm against the bag of food. 
In a few seconds I was inside the car, the roar of the engine coming back to life once again. I put the food on the passenger seat beside me and began pulling out of the parking lot to head towards the direction of my apartment that was two traffic lights and one left turn away.
As I was driving towards the gated apartment that I resided in I saw the clock that read 3:15am. Feeling even more tired at the realisation of the long hours that I had just pulled, I pressed the play icon on the cold screen of my very hot car. 
Cash Cash on my dick, I like Givenchy 
All those fake hoes told me no but now they chasin’ me 
Cash Cash on my dick, I like Givenchy
Got this shit on lock like penitentiary,
The dirty lyrics of Bow by Reyn Hartley filled the air inside my car. The subtle rumble from his voice that added bass to my speakers made the song come to life. Even though the lyrics were degrading women and boasting about men, I couldn’t help the way I felt about the song.
Actually that’s a lie. 
I love how in my head I personify myself as a woman who transcends into a men’s person so I can relate to this song. Be the purpose of this music. Be the reason for a feeling. 
As the song came to an end my apartment came into view. Going into my designated parking spot labelled 7. As I was about to get out of my car I decided to gather my things around the car to limit the amount of time I have to spend outside of my car gathering my needed belongings in the cold. 
Let’s see. 
One hand will carry the food and the hot chocolate. 
The other hand will carry soda and my purse and my keys. 
With that thought I began gathering the respective items to it’s the correct hand. I began opening my car doors to exit the frozen tundra my car had become in the three minutes it was parked.
The brisk walk to my apartment door was quiet. That’s what happens at 3:30am in the morning. 
Not a soul nor a body.
Just a mind fueled with thoughts conspired by the darkness of the sky and the light showered by the moon. 
In this moment nothing was perfect but everything was so serene it felt like a painting.
I was struggling a bit to open my door, but I quickly placed my drink and my food on the floor so I could open the door much more easily. 
With a sigh of relief I felt happier knowing my home was open and I quickly basked in the comfort of minimal clothing and delicious food. Grabbing my things from the floor I quickly walked inside my apartment. The familiar smell of vanilla and sex indulged my senses. 
Squirt does smell like sex
My thoughts pointed out to me. Living as a single female on the other side of the country had its challenges. Not having the comfort of a home cooked meal was one of the challenges. 
The other was love life. Although this depends on your own view. For some people finding people to hangout with is difficult. And it was the same for me until I came to a realisation.
I didn’t want friendship. I am nice, I help people out when they are in a difficult spot, and I am always polite to everyone. I have “friends”. 
Friends I didn’t want but had. 
What I wanted was skin igniting, drunk on eachother, hardcore sex. I did get hardcore sex from the men in Washington. I just didn’t get that feeling that comes with just needing to have them inside you. Being in the same room as them makes your cheeks turn red and your breath heavy, just as how you would’ve looked when you were cumming on their cock deep inside. 
Many of the men that I hook up in the bar tend to be muscular with tattoo and roughhousing type of men. The men who look like the description of a gangster erotica novel. 
Growing up I exposed myself to Nikita Gil’s poetry about bad boys. The morally grey character in a perfect world who will ruin the reality for your own sake. I assumed that maybe if the muscle and the tattoo fits, so will the sex.
But it didn't. The sex wasn’t bad, but they couldn’t make my body convulse like I could with my finger on my clit and a vibertor inside my hole.
Deciding to quickly change out of the clothes I am wearing, I headed into my room to grab my black and white chequered pyjama pants along with an oversized navy blue sweatshirt that I thrifted. It had a logo of the local police department's soccer group and I felt it would let any potential kidnappers/ killers/ muggers/ rapists get the idea I have a connection to the local police department. 
Turning on the T.V I played the current series I was watching, well more like rewatching. Supernatural.
In this series Castiel had joined the dynamic duo of brothers and was helping them on a case. Walking towards the kitchen that was conveniently in the same space as my living room, I began opening the food and bringing it out to my coffee table. Grabbing my drinks last I sat down on my couch and took a sip of the coke and bit out of the calzone.
It tasted so delicious. The taste of the shredded chicken mixed with the sweetness of the pineapple and the spiciness of the jalapeno was such a treat to my tastebuds. The cheesy texture added more of a chew to the bite. 
After eating half the calzone I took some bite of the BBQ flatbread and realised it tasted perfect but my stomach was after the calzone. So I decided to finish my soda, my calzone, and treat myself to some garlic knots and a delicious cup of hot caramel chocolate from McD’s. 
Looking at the sleek golden clock hanging on top of the T.V, it read 4:30am. The tiredness washed over my body. Deciding to just sleep on my couch I set an alarm for 2pm, and began to doze off to the sounds coming from my screen. I grabbed the chunky crochet blanket off the ledge of my couch and draped it over my sleeping body.
Chapter 2
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peterstricklands · 2 years
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David and Lisa (1962)  - Directed by Frank Perry
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duranduratulsa · 5 months
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Horror Show...Jason X (2001) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #horror #fridaythe13th #Fridaythe13thPart10 #JasonX #seanscunningham #jason #jasonvoorhees #kanehodder #davidcronenberg #lisaryder #LexaDoig #ToddFarmer #melyssaade #kristiangus #PeterMensah #MelodyJohnson #YaniGellman #chuckcampbell #dovtiefenbach #scifi #vintage #vhs #2000s #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsashorrorshow
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