#Lisa Lombard
jetslay · 1 year
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The Daily Planet staff by Edwin Galmon. (From Superman Annual #1)
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why-i-love-comics · 1 year
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Superman Annual #1 - "The City of Secrets" (2023)
written by Joshua Williamson art by Mahmud Asrar, Edwin Galmon, Caitlin Yarsky, Max Raynor, Jack Herbert, Dave McCaig, Alex Guimaraes
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robynsassenmyview · 6 months
Ode to the Patron Saint of Mediocrity
TAKE that! Antonio Salieri (Alan Committie) above, in a fit of jealousy with Mozart (Mark Elderkin). Photography courtesy of Montecasino Theatre. WHEN YOU THINK of Amadeus, Peter Shaffer’s perfectly wonderful play of 1979 that cast mischievous light into the mysterious nooks and untold crannies of the life of 18th century Vienna composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the first thing that comes to…
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whoknowsyourfuture · 2 years
Knives Out 2: The Glass Onion and And Then There Were None
Spoiler warning for The Glass Onion.
So, I watched The Glass Onion and absolutely loved it, I think even more than the original. Of course, as with all media I fall head over heels with, I dive into the Tumblr tag for it, and I've noticed something interesting. I've noticed a few people talking about how it draws from Clue, but I haven't found anyone talking about the parallels with And Then There Were None, which is interesting because of how clear they were for me. To be fair, I have acted in a community production of And Then There Were None, so I know it very well. I thought I'd go over what I noticed linking the two since there are just. So many threads guys.
So clearly the setting is the most obvious, an over the top mansion on an island which is unable to immediately be accessible to those on the mainland. The second is in some part the invitations, even if in Knives Out they are both more outlandish and less individual, as the puzzles boxes were the same and not created by Miles, whereas the letters from U.N. Owen were designed specifically to get each person there. The third biggest initial thing is how Duke brings a gun to the island, which is also an excellent red herring for those familiar with ATTWN, as we're expecting it to become a big thing, but maybe not in the way it ultimately becomes significant. For those not familiar with ATTWN, one of the characters, Phillip Lombard, brings a gun at the behest of U.N. Owen, and he is arguably the most dudebro of the book, even if he has an extra depth we discover later on, which again is similar to Duke.
There are a few other little things that could be references or not that I'll run through before I get to the biggest ones. The islands are both run by significantly less staff than normal, with the Rodgers the only servants in ATTWN and robots in Knives Out. The hourly dong could be a reference to the record of accusations in ATTWN. Even Miles almost running over Duke could be a reference to one of the characters in ATTWN, as Anthony Marston almost runs another character off the road on the way to the island and does run over two children driving recklessly. Both stories even have detectives invited to the island, although motives are very different for those characters. 
Then we come to Duke's death. Stroke for stroke, it is very similar to Marston's death in ATTWN. Accusations are levied, the party grows uncomfortable, and one character drinks, almost immediately dying. Poison is the immediate suspect, and it is discovered that they cannot escape the island until morning. This is where the parallels diverge, as everything happens a bit faster in Knives Out, but there is a period when all lights go out, and another body is found.
Finally, the simplest similarity, but it’s hard to notice as the story literally tells you not to notice. In ATTWN, ten people are on the island. There are ten people on the island in Knives Out.
Benoit Blanc
Miles Bron
Birdy Jay
Claire Debella
Lionel Toussaint
Duke Cody
Andi/Helen Brand
Yeah, Derol. He literally goes ignore me, I'm not here, but he is the tenth living person on the island. This is also a bit obfuscated by Benoit telling Miles that he has invited 7 people to the island with reason to want him dead, which I think most people will brush over and think yeah, there's seven people there, either forgetting Peg and Whiskey in the moment or not counting Benoit, Miles or Derol. Arguably, there’s a case for either Helen and Andi counting as separate people, or the Mona Lisa counting as a person, but as for alive people on the island, Derol rounds it out.
There’s probably dozens of influences for the movie, just like there were for the original Knives Out, but I think ATTWN has a very marked influence that I thought was very fun and left lots of misdirections for those familiar with both works. I loved how it brought elements into the story, but did not try to be an adaptation. I’ve already watched Glass Onion twice, and I’m sure I’ll watch it plenty more times with how much stuff there is to catch for the wary viewer.
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droshaoregon7 · 10 months
James, the very best... and Lisa
I met James when Tashi was in 3rd grade, I think. I signed her up for just about everything by then, and nothing seemed to keep her interest. I had gone thru soccer, lacrosse, t-ball, dance, gymnastics.... I felt like I had tried everything when she mentioned basketball. Her brother, Jans, had been playing basketball. Tashi had never even picked up a basketball at that time, didn't know how to dribble and didn't understand the game. Anyway, we were at one of Jans' basketball game when I mentioned Tashi's interest to someone at the gym and he mentioned James to me and gave me his business card. Best thing ever.
I called James. He told me they meet at Waldorf in Milwaukie and to bring Tashi to a practice. Tashi was nervous, she had no idea what she was doing... at all. James was warm, he was kind, he was magical to watch. He was great with all the kids. Every single kid felt special and they were, to him.
Fast-forward, Tashi played varsity basketball all 4 years and went on to play college basketball at ACU. When she returned, she started helping James with elementary school kids that wanted to play basketball and then would meet him every Saturday to play pick up with a bunch of adults.
On Sunday, October 29, 2023, I received a call from Kristi, Justice's mom. She told me that James and his wife, Lisa, had been killed in a crash. The driver was arrested for manslaughter, later upgraded to murder. A vile 29 year old, who had been arrested twice before for other crimes, destroyed a family.
I had to go home and tell Tashi, then call Jandro. They sobbed. They both loved James so much.
I still feel gutted for them, my heart breaks for everyone.
James won Boys and Girls volunteer of the year, he touched so many lives and made every single person feel special and needed and wanted. James couldn't be James unless he had an extremely supportive wife sitting side by side. They will be forever missed.
James was telling me that he was going to start training Bubby this summer. I hate that Bubby will not have that relationship.
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deltabusinessadvisors · 11 months
Amazing Breakfast at Paul Martins
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Lisa thoroughly enjoyed her experience at the Accelerent Breakfast event hosted at Paul Martins. She wanted to extend her appreciation to Dot Graphtics for their generous provision of the mugs and their captivating presentation. It was great to see everyone in attendance this morning. Andrew Rangel Amanda Hope Rainbow AngelsLisa Riley Delta Business AdvisorsDebbie Stephen DMS Companies Inc. dba HernandezTony Altosino Dot Graphics IncGina Altosino Dot Graphics IncLaura Wolman Harvard Group InternationalJohn Grammer Impact Employee SolutionsRyan Puccinelli IQ Total SourceShawn Byrne My Biz NicheRobert Keller My Biz NicheAndy Walters PayrocBill Davis Quantum Leap ProductionsStacey Fischer Senior Resource ConnectorsAndrew Lombard Accelerent Read the full article
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maudlombard · 1 year
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𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
Name: Mary Maud Lombard (nee Harkin)
Title(s): N/A
Referred to as: Mrs Lombard; "Dora" by her husband
Nickname(s): N/A
Age: 33 (29 January 1890)
Gender: Cisgender female
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Socialite (current); housemaid (former)
Nationality: Irish
Religion: Protestant
Class: Middle (current); working (former)
Place of birth: Belfast, Ireland
Hometown: As above
Faceclaim: Liv Lisa Fries (Babylon Berlin)
𝐏𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
Height: 5'6 (167 cm)
Weight: Underweight and bony for it
Build: Built like a bird (or a child, depending on how charitable your perspective), Maud has the figure for this new fashion obsession with the androgyne
Distinguishing marks: N/A
Hair colour:  Plain old brown
Hair style: Frizzy in the vein of Zelda Fitzgerald, brushed into a chin-length halo of half-formed curls. It is not a flattering style, but Maud has tried everything to no avail. She normally wears a hat or scarf of some kind just to keep it quite literally under wraps
Eye colour: Dark blue, though not remarkable in any way
Clothing: One would think that as a new member of the nouveau riche Maud would been spendthrift, but the opposite is true. She dresses in nice but plain clothes, and favours whites and creams regardless of the season or whether it's appropriate. Her favourite colour is burnt orange and so she uses that as an accent wherever possible. She often wears hats or scarves to tame her ridiculous mane of curls. As she never had her ears pierced, Maud doesn't wear much jewellery except for the choice pieces Felix bought her.
Scent(s): Face powder, cigarette smoke, burnt coffee, a sugary perfume bought in Paris that reminds one of treacle tart
Accent: The swift singsong accent of Belfast. She often sounds indignant even when she's not, and the pitch at the end of her sentences rises to turn any observation into a challenge.
Summary No one could say that Maud was easy. She isn't easy to love, get along with, or even understand. While she's certainly dramatic and outspoken on various injustices, she shrouds her true self beneath different layers of her character. The only person who has ever seen and loved the whole of her is her husband, who is the singularly most important and yet dangerous person in her life. Maud was taught never to put one's happiness in anyone's hands but God's - well, she must be a fool at heart, because Maud feels as if she leaves fragments of herself wherever she goes. She clings to shards of her identity, guarding them jealously as jewels, because if given the chance she would be left with nothing. Maud wants safety. She wants to be understood. Mostly, she wants freedom: to do as she pleases, to go where she likes, and to never be beholden to anybody. This fierce pursuit of independence can make her loved ones feel, at times, as they are simply there for the ride, there to facilitate her meteoric ascension in life. But Maud doesn't know how to live quietly. She wants to consume. All her life she has been hungry.
Virtues: Pragmatic, friendly, outspoken, charismatic, individualistic, independent
Vices: Selfish, childish, hot-headed, dramatic, short-sighted, vengeful
Moral alignment: Chaotic Good
Natal chart: Aquarius (Sun), Scorpio (Rising), Cancer (Moon)
Habits: Rolling her own cigarettes, sun-bathing, drinking bourbon, driving fast sports-cars, putting on accents as she reads out interviews with actresses in her women's magazines
Character tropes: Fiona Gallagher (Shameless)
𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬
Spouse: @felixlombard
𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐬
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page-a-pages · 1 year
Pas l'temps je lis (mars-avril 2023)
Pas l’temps je lis est la chronique que je tiens dans le supplément culture qui paraît chaque samedi dans le quotidien Le Temps. Ci-dessous vous trouverez la liste des livres présentés dans les chroniques. Elle permettra aux abonné.es du Temps de les retouver facilement, offrira des pistes aux lecteur.ices du blog et sera utile aux éditeurs.trices qui verront ainsi quels livres ont été retenus et auront une idée du ton de la chronique.
4 mars 2023 - John Lennon et Franz Kafka
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John, Emmanuel Bourdier, Flammarion - Roman 10-12 ans
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Kafka et la poupée, Larissa Theule, Rebecca Green, Les Editions des Eléphants - Album dès 5 ans
11 mars 2023 - L'amitié
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L'Arbre généreux, Shel Silverstein, L'Ecole des loisirs - Album dès 5-6 ans
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Un meilleur meilleur ami, Olivier Tallec, Pastel / L'Ecole des loisirs - Album dès 5-6 ans
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Hipou, Oili Tanninen, La Partie - Album 0-3 ans
18 mars 2023 - Le Cycle de la vie
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Il est où Diouke, Emilie Boré, Vincent Di Silvestro, La Joie de lire - Album dès 5 ans
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La Fougère et le bambou, Marie Tibi, Jérémy Pailler, Kaléidoscope - Conte dès 5-6 ans
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Insectorama, Lisa Voisard, Helvetiq - Documentaire dès 8 ans
25 mars 2023 - Salon du livre de Genève
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Elles : tomes 1 et 2, Aveline Stokart, Kid Toussaint, Le Lombard - Bande dessinée dès 11 ans
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Magda, cuisinière intergalactique, Nicolas Wouters, Mathilde Van Gheluwe, Sarbacane - Bande dessinée dès 10 ans
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Le Livre bleu, Germano Zullo, Albertine, La Joie de lire - Album dès 5 ans
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Dix petites souris, Colin Thibert, Haydé, La Joie de lire - Album dès 3 ans
1er avril 2023 - Dès livres animés pour les petits
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Bleu pop. Blanc pop, Aurore Petit, La Martinière - Livres animés dès 9 mois
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Jazzy dans la jungle, Lucy Cousins, Hélium - Livre à caches dès 2 ans
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La Souris qui portait sa maison sur son dos, Jonathan Stutzman, Isabelle Arsenault, Les éditions des Eléphants - Album dès 3-4 ans
08 avril 2023 - Des romans pour les vacances
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Moumoute et la boîte aux trésors, Inbar Heller Algazi, L'Ecole des loisirs - Roman dès 6 ans
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Suzanne Griotte et le parc aux limaces, Thibault Bérard, Clément Devaux, Gallimard Jeunesse - Roman dès 8 ans
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Les treize sorcières, Jodi Lynn Anderson, Nathan - Roman dès 9-10 ans
15 avril 2023 - L'engagement à hauteur d'enfant
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La Chambre de Warren, Jérémie Moreau, Albin Michel Jeunesse - Album dès 4 ans
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Eddie et Noé: plus chauds que le climat, Max de Radiguès, Hugo Piette, Sarbacane - Bande dessinée dès 11 ans
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Le Cercle des Dryades : opération Eurydice, Richard Couaillet, Actes Sud Jeunesse - Roman dès 8-9 ans
22 avril 2023 - Le pouvoir de l'imagination
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L'Ami du grenier, Mamiko Shiotani, La Partie - Album dès 4 ans
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On ferait comme si, André Marois, Gérard DuBois, Grasset Jeunesse - Album dès 5 ans
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L'Idée du placard, Jean-Luc Englebert, Pastel / L'Ecole des loisirs - Album dès 6 ans
29 avril 2023 - En vacances
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Ah! les voyages, Marie Caudry, Editions Thierry Magnier - Album dès 5 ans
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Emile dort chez des gens, Vincent Cuvellier, Ronan Badel, Gallimard Giboulées - Album de 3 à 6 ans
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Presque perdu, Hervé Giraud, Aurélie Castex, Seuil Jeunesse - Roman dès 8-9 ans
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wutbju · 2 years
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Jessie L. Silianoff, beloved mother, grandmother and friend to so many, left this world on the morning of June 24, 2022 in Burleson, Texas at the age of 85. Born in Pontiac, Michigan to mother Blanche Sproule Standridge and father Jesse Raymond Standridge on May 30, 1937.
Jessie spent her youth in Pontiac, graduating from Pontiac High School, then continued her education at Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina focusing on art studies. Known for her beautiful artwork, she later had illustrations published in Chicago Magazine. Always the creative, she built a career in fashion merchandising and was able to merge that with her husband's career as a golf pro, bringing her expertise to golf clubs around the country.
Jessie met Daniel Silianoff at the Terrace Restaurant in Lombard, Illinois and married exactly one year later on September 4, 1973. They spent their years traveling the world, playing golf, hosting the best parties and loving on their family and friends - all to the soundtrack of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Peggy Lee, Carly Simon and, of course, Elvis. Jessie was known for making everyone feel special and loved. She would make each of her children's favorite dishes when they visited and serve them all at the same meal, so each child could have exactly what they wanted and loved while they were home.
From Chicago, Jessie and Dan relocated to Lufkin, Texas in 1979, followed by Pearland in 1988 working for Crown Colony Country Club then Southwyk Golf Course. They left the Houston area and headed to Duncanville in 1999. While there, she worked at the World Trade Center in Dallas as a merchandiser. They went back to Houston where they lived in Columbia Lakes before retiring in 2004 to Lakeway, Texas. After losing Dan in 2005, she was able to spend her remaining years in Lakeway with her friend and partner Jim Houghton. Jessie and Jim spent their retirement playing golf, dancing to their favorite tunes, bird watching and were actively involved with their church community at Lakeway Church. Jessie also volunteered with Stephen Ministries. Jim shared in Jessie's love of art and they would travel to beautiful locations around the country where they could paint landscapes together.
Jessie is preceded in death by her husband, Daniel D. Silianoff and her parents Jesse and Blanche Standridge, along with her brother Fred Standridge and his wife Celia.
She is survived by her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren: Mark Davis, his wife Tonya and their children Dane Doocy and his daughter Tara, Brennan Doocy, Isabella Sepúlveda-Salas and her husband Hector, Troy and Roman Davis; Brad Davis, his wife Sharon and their son Hunter Davis; Colleen Silianoff and her daughter Jessie Silianoff; Lisa Roberts, her husband Jesse and their children Jeremy Roberts, Eric Roberts and his daughter Elaina, Christine Escobar and her children Bryce and Arica, Lindsey Benke, her husband James and their son Jae, Mallory Panturu, her husband Stefan and their daughter Olivia, Noah Ray and his wife Karly; Daniel Silianoff, his wife Mandee and their daughters Maryn and Macy; Jill Mikeska, her husband James and their son Nicholas. She is also survived by her loving nieces and nephews. Jessie will be forever remembered in the hearts of her friends, family and all who knew her. She helped make this world a more beautiful place and now Heaven is just a little bit fancier.
The viewing will be Friday, July 1, 2022 at 11:00 AM with the funeral following at 12:00 PM at Lakeway Church, 2203 Lakeway Boulevard, Lakeway, Texas 78734. Interment will follow at Austin Memorial Park, 2800 Hancock Drive, Austin, Texas 78731. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that contributions be made to the American Alzheimer's Association at alz.org.
Memorials and guestbook can be found online at wcfish.com
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My ESC 250 (#190-181), featuring three of the most powerful vocalists in the Balkans, the Spanish Evita, and Bulgaria's only qualifier for almost a decade.
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badmovieihave · 3 years
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Bad movie I have Pet Sematary  1989
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jetslay · 1 year
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Superman Annual #1 (2023) preview.
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why-i-love-comics · 1 year
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Superman Annual #1 - "The City of Secrets" (2023)
written by Joshua Williamson art by Mahmud Asrar, Edwin Galmon, Caitlin Yarsky, Max Raynor, Jack Herbert, Dave McCaig, Alex Guimaraes
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hoochy-coo · 3 years
Are we talking current or are we including those from the past?
We’re talking about all of them!
Whew ok, this is gonna be a long list cause Hollywood did truly give us a bunch of iconic couples:
Old Hollywood: Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy, William Holden and Audrey Hepburn, Ava Gardner and Frank Sinatra, Carole Lombard and Clark Gable, Bogie and Bacall, Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor, Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman, Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio, Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting
Couples of the past/broken up: Jack and Anjelica Houston, Winona and Johnny, Brad and Jen, Brad and Angie, Angie and Billy Bob, Edward Norton and Salma Hayek, RPatz and KStew, Vanessa Hudgens and Austin Butler, Rihanna and Drake (it is what it is), Lisa Bonet and Lenny Kravitz, Cameron Diaz and Mat Dillon, Jada and Tupac (they never officially dated but you know what I mean), Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal, Ari and Mac Miller (RIP), Alexa Chung and Alex Turner, Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerhalder, Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield, Courtney Cox and Michael Keaton, Heath Ledger (RIP) and Michelle Williams, Bowie (RIP) and Iman
Couples that are together currently: Jada and Will, Bennifer (again, it is what it is), Jordyn Woods and Karl Anthony-Townes, Tom Holland and Zendaya, Michelle and Barack Obama, Gabrielle Union and Dwayne Wade, Beyoncé and Jay-Z, Emily Blunt and John Krasinski, Mila and Ashton, Blake and Ryan, Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn, Isla Fisher and Sacha Baron Cohen, Jhene Aiko and Big Sean, Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner, Sarah Paulson and Holland Taylor, Freddie prinze jr and Sarah Michelle Gellar, Saiorse Ronan and Jack Lowden
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aprilrph · 6 years
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hey y’all!! beneath the cut is #178 fcs that are underused, 35+, and have resources or content to make resources from.  it’s organized by gender and alphabetically.  by no means is it every actor available but it’s a good start. as far as i know,  there’s no one problematic on it,  but please let me know if you find someone who is!!  like/reblog if you find it useful.
abigail spencer (1981)
aisha hinds (1975)
aj cook (1978)
alex rice (1972)
amy adams (1974)
angela bassett (1958)
angelica ross (1980)
annie wersching (1977)
bae doona (1979)
brittany ishibashi (1980)
buthaina al raisi (1983)
candy palmater (1968)
carla gugino (1971)
caterina scorsone (1981)
celina jaitly (1981)
chandra wilson (1969)
charo bogarin (1972)
chelsea peretti (1978)
christina chang (1971)
danai gurira (1978)
deborah mailman (1972)
dichen lachman (19822)
elaine miles (1960)
elena finney (1982)
elizabeth mitchell (1970)
elodie yung (1981)
elsa pataky (1976)
fluvia lacerda (1980)
freema agyeman (1971)
gina torres (1969)
gisele marie rocha (1973)
heather rae (1966)
heather white (1983)
inez jasper (1981)
irene bedard (1967)
jamie clayton (1978)
jana mashonee (1980)
jennifer love hewitt (1979)
jennifer pudavick (1982)
jerrika hinton (1981)
jessica capshaw (1976)
jo in-sung (1981)
julia chan (1983)
jun ji hyun (1981)
justina machado (1972)
karina lombard (1969)
karlygash mukhamedzhanova (1983)
kate siegel (1982)
kate walsh (1967)
katherine heigl (1978)
kimberly guerrero (1962)
kirsten vangsness (1972)
kristen bell (1980)
kulap vilaysack (1980)
laleh pourkarim (1982)
laura dern (1967)
lauren cohan (1982)
laverne cox (1972)
linsay willier (1983)
lila downs (1968)
lisa hammond (1983)
loreen (1983)
mais hamdan (1982)
marisa tomei (1964)
mariska hargitay (1964)
marsha thomason (1976)
maggie q (1979)
melissa fumero (1982)
mia sable (1984)
ming-na wen (1963)
octavia spencer (1972)
paget brewster (1969)
ravshana kurkova (1980)
sandra oh (1971)
sara ramirez (1975)
sarah drew (1980)
sharaya j (1984)
sheri foster (1957)
sofia boutella (1982)
stephanie beatriz (1981)
sydney freeland (1980)
tamara feldman (1980)
tanya tagaq (1975)
tina ferreira (1972)
trace ellis ross (1972)
transaaradhna (1983)
velina hasu houston (1957)
viola davis (1965)
yaya dacosta (1983)
abhay deol (1976)
adam beach (1972)
adam rodriguez (1975)
adam garnet jones (1982)
alex kruz (1978)
andre braugher (1962)
andrew lincoln (1972)
andy samberg (1978)
ben bass (1968)
benjamin bratt (1963)
brett dalton (1983)
brian tee (1977)
colin donnell (1982)
chadwick boseman (1977)
cress williams (1970)
daddy yankee (1977)
daniel dae kim (1968)
daniel henney (1979)
daniel sunjata (1971)
eddie spears (1982)
eric dane (1972)
eugene brave rock (1978)
gabriel macht (1972)
gil birmingham (1953)
gong yoo (1979)
henry ian cusick (1967)
ian anthony dale (1978)
idris elba (1972)
james pickens jr (1954)
jason george (1972)
jesse borrego (1962)
jesse spencer (1979)
jesse williams (1981)
jocko sims (1981)
joe lo truglio (1970)
joe mantegna (1947)
john cho (1972)
john krasinski (1979)
jonathan joss (1965)
jon bernthal (1976)
josh dallas (1978)
josh keaton (1979)
justin chambers (1970)
keanu reeves (1964)
kenneth choi (1971)
kevin mckidd (1973)
kunal kapoor (1977)
laurence fishburne (1961)
litefoot (1969)
luke evans (1971)
malcolm barrett (1980)
malcolm-jamal warner (1970)
manish dayal (1983)
manu bennett (1969)
mark-paul gosselaar (1974)
martin henderson (1974)
matt czuchry (1977)
matt lanter (1983)
michael shanks (1970)
michael spears (1977)
michael greyeyes (1967)
miguel angel silvestre (1982)
nicholas gonzalez (1976)
omar lotfi (1983)
patrick dempsey (1966)
ricky whittle (1981)
redcloud (1978)
rudy youngblood (1982)
santiago x (1982)
shemar moore (1970)
simon baker (1969)
sterling k brown (1976)
steven yeun (1983)
taika waititi (1975)
taylor kinney (1981)
terry crews (1968)
todd grinnell (1976)
tom ellis (1978)
tony goldwyn (1960)
tristan thunderbolt (1980)
william jackson harper (1980)
will yun lee (1971)
zach mcgowan (1981)
zahn mcclarnon (1966)
alec butler (1959)
b scott (1981)
jill soloway (1965)
kelly mantle (1976)
tomson highway (1951)
if you know any other nb fcs to add to the list, please let me know!!  i probably won’t add more men or women because there’s plenty but it’s very challenging to find 35+ nb fcs.
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murderballadeer · 5 years
1, 26, 28, 52 :)
Salut! Comment ça va?
1 – A movie you’ve seen most times in cinema. You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie more than once in cinema. 
26 – Favorite movie characters. OK this might get long but
Hildy Johnson (Rosalind Russell - His Girl Friday)
Nick & Nora Charles (William Powell & Myrna Loy, the Thin Man series)
Bunny Watson (Katharine Hepburn - Desk Set)
Hazel Flagg (Carole Lombard - Nothing Sacred)
Sugarpuss O’Shea (Barbara Stanwyck - Ball of Fire)
Cosmo Brown (Donald O’Connor - Singin’ in the Rain)
Grandpa Vanderhof (Lionel Barrymore - You Can’t Take It With You)
Liz Imbrie (Ruth Hussey - The Philadelphia Story)
Lisa Carol Fremont (Grace Kelly - Rear Window) I don’t even like Grace Kelly but this was an amazing movie and a very well-written character
Lily Mars (Judy Garland - Presenting Lily Mars)
Oscar Jaffe (John Barrymore - Twentieth Century) this guy is a major jerk but he has some great lines
Louise “Babe” Bennet (Jean Arthur - Mr. Deeds Goes To Town)
Nina Ivanovna "Ninotchka" Yakushova (Greta Garbo - Ninotchka) 
Sabrina Fairchild (Audrey Hepburn - Sabrina)
Louis Renault (Claude Rains - Casablanca)
Gilda Farrell (Miriam Hopkins - Design for Living)
That’s all I can think of for now but I’ll probably think of 20 more 5 minutes after I post this.
28 – Best remake. The 1954 version of A Star is Born! I’m still mad about the Judy Garland Oscar thing. High Society has great music (I feel like that’s bound to happen when you have Louis Armstrong, Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra together in one movie) but it just doesn’t compare to The Philadelphia Story.
52 – Favorite pre-code. I’m not terribly well-versed in pre-code cinema, but I’d say Design for Living is my favorite. I love Miriam Hopkins.
Thank you!
(movie ask game)
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