Secondary Tumblr to Vampire Academy Sims Graphic Novel Welcome to my TS2 Pictures and CC reblogs and my TS2 'art showcase' You might also at times see reblogs of neat art and photography
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Hellloooo WCIF for these bushes pretty please :3 *puppe eyes mode
Both of these are by the talented @tvickiesims! The tree on the left is a default replacement of the Simcity Midbiscus (hibiscus) tree. The right is the Tahitensis tree from this set!
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@lamare-sims you sneak! this is so cool, thank you for uploading this to MTS. I'm immediately checking this out rn!
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Monster Energy Drink in Simlish (Deco) and Yeti GX Gaming Microphone for The Sims 2

These are 4to2 conversions from Simkoos, low poly. They are decorative items, you will find the Monster in deco-miscellaneous and the Microphone in small electronics. Microphone led is brighter at night.
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📼kestrelteen's 4t2 nostalgia living set furniture in goat wood and pooklet naturals📼
really cute and versatile set in some more realistic woods and my fave palette for woods. a before and after img under the cut.
the polys are pretty low (they're like 2k at most i blv). texture sizes for the wood is 1024px and the glass is 512px. all have working mipmaps.
i know the glass looks a little iffy but i had to manually separate the design from the transparency which took forever to get right so pls know i tried my best xd
also, im aware that the centre and the bookshelf have identical textures and i made recolours for them each, but i couldn't repository them in my usual method and i just dont have the patience for doing it manually, srry!
i included kestrelteens' original collection file in case you dont have it and the meshes are included too. make sure to visit their original post for more details!
dl @ gd
credits - awingedllama, kestrelteens, goat, pooklet
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TV On The Go and Clear View Fridge Functional for The Sims 2

These are 4to2 conversions from GUA (tv - fridge), medium poly. Tv has two recolorable subset, one for the wood part and one for the games. It also has a slot so you can put a console on it. Fridge was original mini but I made it standard size.
If you want to support my creations, you can send me a donation with Paypal or Ko-fi ☕ If you want to ask for a Paid Commission, HERE you can find more details. Thank you ❤️
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ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ Mellow Moods Mini ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
A time ago, @optimisticcyclefestival sugested that i converted this set by the clutter cat, and since its adorable i decide to do it
Files identified by suffix in the name's file and the file collection icon is the same as the one in the corner of the preview.
The high chair is functional and have dirty states. Also, everything is lowpoly
Download by Simfile 🧸 Here 🧸
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In a break from tops, here are some bottoms as the next part of my closet clean out! These were in made in 2019-2020 so will live back in your catalogs. All meshes included.
@rented-space Jeans with Chucks (CU) | DOWNLOAD
@whattheskell Free Time Boho Skirt | DOWNLOAD
skell's H&M shorts (CF-EF) | DOWNLOAD
Bloom's Seasons Flared pants | DOWNLOAD
@mdpthatsme Jeggings (TF and EF meshes by @rented-space) | DOWNLOAD
mdp's Rolled Ankle Pants (TF and EF meshes by @rented-space) | DOWNLOAD
credit to @curiousb and @poppet-sims for the colour actions.
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So, I kinda had this idea.. I really loved this default that Rudhira did with ufbodysundress with DeeDee-Sims World Collide dress, and when I saw Antoniko's default of the sundress with matching the swatches from the game dress, I knew what I HAD to do! I swapped out the shoes with pforest's sandal edit from longdresshug, because it's a sundress and I felt it needed sandals.. anyway lol so here we are. Also following Antoniko, I changed the navypiping dress to one with flowers instead of babies, because ew.
Because this might get kinda long, more info and downloads below the cut!
Ok, so where to start?
You can download this as custom and/or default.
custom tf standalone OR tf files repo'd to af
if you download the standalone files, the shoes are all repo'd to the celadonvase recolor, so you can choose whatever recolors you want, but you MUST KEEP that one.
if you download the defaults, you can choose between tf only, yf/af only, or tf/yf/af merged.
all ages have appropriate morphs
all files have been clearly named, compressed, shoe sounds changed, and tool-tipped.
everyday/formal categories
custom AF/Alt
custom TF Standalone/Alt
custom TF Repo'd/Alt
default YF/AF/Alt
default TF/Alt
default UF/Alt
I hope I've explained everything clearly, I'm not the best at that, so I hope it makes sense. These are working in my game, but if you run into any issues, please let me know!
credits: EA/Maxis, @deedee-sims, @antoninko, @pforestsims, @rudhira
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This is for SIMS 2!
Downtown Apartments CC FREE!
Available units in the convenience of downtown. Stop by for an application today!
Credits: EAxis Notes: This is an apartment lot. I have Ultimate Collection.
Floorplan under the cut:

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TS2 Sims UV Maps Extracted
I extracted it for my own purposes, maybe it will be useful to someone else:
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3t2 - Antique Adornments 7
"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live." ~~Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Faust, First Part

Episode 7 of the 'Antique Adornments' series. How many more to come? Oh, that's a good question! 💭

Find a detailed list of all of the conversions in this WordPress post.
Mediafire / SFS
Credits: floor by MsBarrows, rug recolor by kjkjljkjkjkjljkj, red paneling by unknown, wallpaper by SIP
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Since @pforestsims is blessing us with tons of amazing content, here are some clothing defaults! Extended SimStandardMaterial Shader by @crispsandkerosene is recommended!
ambodycordjacket and ambodyfancysuit replaced with their Brad M. Suit, the former using the jeans recolours set as everyday only, and the latter using various suit recolours set as everyday and formal. Both are towniefied as well as enabled for EM.
Download cordjacket: SFS - swatch Download fancysuit: SFS - swatch
ambodyeveningblazer replaced with shiny recolours of Nell's Disheveled Suit. Set as everyday and formal, not towniefied. Enabled for EM.
Download eveningblazer: SFS - swatch
afbodydressweddinghourglass replaced with glittery recolours of Maxis dress. Set as formal, not towniefied.
Download dressweddinghourglass: SFS - swatch
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Hi Pinka 😊 wcif Miranda’s kitchen windows? Thanks
Hi ♡
Check out Tinkles Room with a view build set :)
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Decor ♡ Basket | Clutter | Hamper | Hand Cream | Plant | Rolled Towel | Soap | Soap Container | Seashell | Shower Curtain Functional ♡ Bathtub | Sink | Wall Lamp
Download here
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The Warehouse CC FREE!
Up to no good, need a job that pays under the table? Well don't come here. We would NEVER do that!
Credits: EAxis Notes: This is a community lot. I have Ultimate Collection.
Floorplan is inspired by TS4 "Club Le Grunge" by OKest3r_13 on the gallery. Under the cut:

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I was watching lilsimsie make a suburbia in the sims 4, and I was inspired to make something similar in the sims 2.
These four houses act as apartments, so you can still play big families on the same lot.
Download (SFS)
(All CC is included)
*Make sure to have CEP installed for the white roof trim to work*
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Babies Need Diapers V2
Version 2 of babies need diapers is here finally! It can take me a minute to get around to these kinds of things because I am lazy XD.
This mod works for babies and toddlers!
This Version (V2) only covers non custom changing tables.
Fixes and changes made:
Remesh and retexture
20 pack and 5 pack
Check storage levels interaction for changing tables
Checks for diaper box on lot if changing table storage is 0
Dispose Interaction for when there's no diapers left in box
If anyone encounters any problems or has any suggestions for what you would like to see, please let me know! It is greatly appreciated!
This Mod Has Been Updated! - Check it out Here!
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