#Lily orchard is not safe to be around
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sillygoblinantics · 5 months ago
Can I trauma dump for a second?
Personal essay by Bri
Can I be vulnerable with you all for a brief post? You don’t have to read what’s under here if you don’t want to hear about dark thoughts and events from my childhood. So take this as a content warning going forward, especially if you are not in a good state of mind I want you to ignore this post and check out my other light hearted stuff in the meantime. đŸ©”
In the past month spanning the duration of September, Lily Orchard has made several posts answering self asks where she makes various and progressively worse than the last threats on many people who she labels are stalkers.
Each of these posts were said throughout the month that is a very particular awareness month: suicide prevention month. The amount of ways she’s phrased it are just heartless and reckless.
Today, being no different than the others has struck a cord to me personally.
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For context:
I was transferred to a school for kids with learning disabilities when I was 9 in the middle fourth grade. At this private school I would receive proper education and resources that would help me excel but in less than four years at this school I would be the target and victim to one boy’s torment and abuse. Let’s call him Pepsi, because he wouldn’t shut up about bragging about how his mom was ceo of the company’s local branch. Pepsi had been a troubled boy who had bullied kids before I arrived and because of his parents the school couldn’t do anything outside of suspension. I being prone to teasing and not understanding tone or jokes due to being born autistic was the perfect target for Pepsi. So he would harass and pick on me: tripping me in hallways, flipping me off, calling me names and messing with something I showed interest in, standard bullying stuff. During this time I was slowly driven into high stress/anxiety and shortly following I would have depression. I would hurt myself by scratching my arms with paperclips which my mom would eventually request the school have a teacher escort me to and from the bathroom just so I wouldn’t self harm. This was between 4th, 5th and 6th grade.
It was around here that I begun having suicidal ideation
 I tried asphyxia: belt, infinity scarf and even a cats-in-the-cradle toy. These attempts were always at home and would be stopped by my parents
 at one point my old dog came bursting in to check on me when I was crying my eyes out and wouldn’t leave my side until she made sure I was ok.
(I’m tearing up over that specific memory as I type this out
 she was a very good dog
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Seventh grade Pepsi would do something that began my ideations and planning that would go into effect the next grade. During a school dance, I decided to invite my brother and his two friends as I didn’t know any guys or really thought someone liked me. I tried to hangout with my brother on the bleachers in the gym. While sitting on the bleachers one of my peers approached and asked if I’d slow dance with them. No boy ever did this and I thought it was genuine I was so happy until at the other side of the gym, under the basket ball hoop against the wall, surrounded by other boys (who weren’t goons) I saw Pepsi, laughing. Laughing and pointing and I still remember the feeling I had as I could feel my lil heart shatter into pieces in my chest.
I ran to the bathrooms tears running down my face. My brother and his friends saw this and were about to beat Pepsi up but the school chaperones stopped them. I wish they didn’t.
From then to eighth grade I was barely myself and would sit in class staring out the windows down the long uphill half mile long driveway that cut through a small bit of woods and opened to the busy road. I’d watch all kinds of cars pass: big cars, small cars, pickup trucks, suvs, eighteen wheelers, buses and all sorts of vehicles pass by between the tree line. I’d watch and imagine myself being hit, thinking of the day I’d enact this plan.
I was excited for eighth grade, not only would I be graduating and headed for high school but it was the year our grade would get to perform one of two Shakespeare plays! The class before us did Romeo and Juliet and our class would get to perform the Scottish play. I was excited even if I was a narrator. My mom made it clear to the school and teachers to make sure that Pepsi and I were kept apart at all times. At. All. Times.
The one time during rehearsal, when me and Pepsi were in the same room, the one moment that a teacher stepped out for just a few minutes. Pepsi took the opportunity and berated me, said every nasty thing he could at me.
I can’t remember most but what I know is something about my weight and that no one would love me and that I should die.
I felt a switch go off and suddenly I was speed walking towards the door of the gym (the stage was in the gym since the art and music classes were connected to the gym) and as I was walking I could hear my teacher calling my name but I didn’t look back. Once I got out the door I ran, I ran so fast.
I ran down the hill, the sound of my shoes hitting the pavement echoed in my ears still and the only thing in my mind were: the plan but also the hope that I was still being chased by the teacher, I kept running and running and by the third Italian cypress tree that lead to the small forested area and up the driveway of the school I skidded to a halt. I caught my breath and with a glimmer of hope for a hand to grab me I looked behind me:

The teacher wasn’t there
 they stopped chasing me. Why did they stop chasing me? Weren’t they suppose to care?! Why aren’t they here?! I looked back at the road now crying for a different reason. I flaked out
 I couldn’t go through with the plan. ‘No one would care’ I thought
 so I turned around and ran back up the hill and past the school buildings and near the back where I waited and cried for the day to be over or for someone to notice me. The advisor or some type of teacher; who would take his class on nature walks behind the school on the old trails where an amphitheater was; found me. I didn’t tell my mom at pick up. I told my first therapist about it and later was sent to a hospital and then five days at a literal hell where it only instilled fear of being vulnerable and honest about my mental health stayed. I had to stay out of school for a few months until I could graduate
 I missed my chance to be a narrator for the play, I fumbled my science fair
 I would forget about this day until I was a junior in high school with a new counselor and my mom. I only had dreams of running down the hill of my middle school and I never knew why until my mom told me and my counselor
 those dreams stopped after the revelation.
I was twelve years old when I tried to kill myself via being hit by a car.
Lily orchard, you have no fucking right to act like the bigger person because you’re trans or native or whatever bullshit you spew.
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It’s been two or three years since I’ve had any suicidal thought, a year since I’ve self harmed and I refuse to relapse now.
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I don’t wish any horrible thing on you, no one does, no one has or will ever wish harm or ill will on you. And the people who do have something to say about you are validated after putting up with your abuse that has been documented on so many occasions.
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I don’t wish what I have gone through on my middle school bully, I wouldn’t wish the worst thing ever on him. I wouldn’t wish the worst fate even on you.
The only thing I wish you get: is help. Actually human help.
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And Lily, if I see you talk smack about anyone’s mother or father like this again, there’s nothing I can do in my power to act; because you’ve already done it to yourself.
Thank you to those who aren’t Lily orchard for reading this, it’s a heavy subject for me that as I share and open up about becomes much lighter and helps me get the strength and confidence to be able to be honest with the people I care most about outside of the internet.
While I can say I’m in a better place it’s always changing but it’s gotten easier to manage and recenter myself.
Stay safe everyone (ĂłwĂČ)
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sickness-stricken · 3 months ago
Analyzing Lily Orchard losing her fucking mind in real time
@lily-is-a-gooner has the post debunking the fact that this event was not staged, but I wanted to go over some of the noteworthy things I think are worth dissecting. Strap in, this one’s probably gonna be long.
Video link for anyone playing along at home:
[3:15] “You’ve got these things causing fucking car crashes, cuz they go off in people’s cars, startle them and cause them to veer into oncoming traffic!”
I’ll need to see a source on that before I believe it. Looking up “car crashes caused by amber alert” only brings up instances of kidnapped children that the amber alerts were for being involved in a car crash. Wouldn’t there be some study showing that reports for car crashes have an uptick within the hour of an EAS alarm being sent out?
] You’re gonna get one of these things once a fucking week!”
No you won’t. Like. That is factually false. Excluding the test that just got sent out this month I get MAYBE one every three months. They are NOT common.
I thought maybe I was the outlier in that I live in Middle-of-nowhere, Alberta so I asked my Ontarian friend if they were more common there (you know, given the larger population) and what do ya know
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[3:42] “We had one of these come out when Covid was happening! Like, Stephen, we all knew Covid was deadly, we didn’t need you to blow up everyone’s phones over it!”
I was ready to clown on this given I thought she was referring to Stephen Harper who hasn’t been PM since 2015 but I THINK she’s referring to Stephen McNeil who was the Premier of Nova Scotia in 2020. I don’t personally remember that alert going out (but I also have the memory of an anemic goldfish so that isn’t a high bar to clear) so maybe it was only a NS thing but I would assume for a national state of emergency that would be sent out by the NPAC? So, all parts of Canada? What would that have to do with Premier McNeil?
Don’t take this part super seriously I’m mostly just spitballing, this very well could just be an honest slip up on Lily’s part
[5:52] “I get amber alerts for shit that happens in Yarmouth! That’s a 3 hour drive away from me, the fuck you want me to do?!”
Hey, you know how earlier you said the amber alerts are usually about kids that wander off or are taken by a parent in a CUSTODY DISPUTE? Ya think that parent taking the kid is gonna STICK AROUND? They very well could be in Halifax by the time the alert actually goes out depending on how far the parent is willing to go. I myself jumped provinces to escape an abusive situation, that’s not exactly a long drive in comparison.
[6:36] (I’m gonna paraphrase this but essentially she’s talking about how 911 got swarmed with calls just bitching about the alarm going off in the first place and when they said not to abuse the line Lily calls this hypocrisy)
Lily the alerts are reporting imminent emergencies. If a kid (or really anyone) goes missing and they aren’t found in 48 hours it’s safe to assume they’re GONE. Calling 911 to complain about the alarm waking you up (despite them not being responsible for it) clogs up the lines when an ACTUAL report could be trying to get through. This is not comparable to a province using an emergency line for something that needs immediate attention just because it doesn’t affect you directly.
Feel like it’s also worth noting I’ve never seen anyone who wasn’t a conservative complain about the alerts at night. If it’s really that much of an issue you can turn your phone off at night (which you really should do anyway, it’s better for the battery) and get an alarm clock. If you know this to be an issue for you and the solution is completely within your control it is your responsibility to avoid this specific issue.
[7:46] (paraphrasing again: Lily is accusing people who are okay with the alerts going off at night of being hypocrites because they’ll just click their phones off and go back to sleep)
Again, this reeks of self-centrism and I’m once again unsure if Lily is aware that people who aren’t her exist. Yes, the person who acknowledges night alerts as a good thing may dismiss the notification. However, they acknowledge that people working night shift, such as hospital workers or those working at 24hr drive thrus/gas stations ARE awake and able to keep an eye out for certain descriptors, licence plates etc. This is not a hypocritical stance.
[9:10] “I can’t do anything while [the alarm] is playing. I just have to clap my hands over my ears and wait for it to end.”

no??? You can literally swipe it away like any other notification and the noise stops. What are you talking about.
[9:30] (Not typing allat: Lily uses Japan as an example of how they use different alarms for different emergencies)
Oh hey look! Lily saying Japan did something good for once!
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Gotta love how she picked the one country that doesn’t have an alarm that’s ominous as hell because literally almost every other country has an alarm that is just as if not more shit-in-pants worthy than Canada’s if it was played abruptly and at max volume
Maybe this is just personal opinion but I think it’s a good thing that all emergencies are regarded at the same level here. If we had a different, lessened alarm for when a child goes missing then people could immediately go “cool don’t care” instead of reading it at least once quickly to see what it says.
Alright that’s it for me I didn’t have a closing statement I’m gonna go take a nap
 with my phone off
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nudgeride · 7 months ago
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I’m gonna say this.. stay away from this blog. They defend Lily Orchard and have made excuses for her writing child porn, incest porn, claiming that Courtney abused lily in their childhood and is saying that KP is clout chasing.
I am saying stay away because if they can excuse child porn, incest porn and think that allegations of rape should be PRIVATE WHEN PEOPLE ARE AT RISK AND ESPECIALLY CHILDREN SINCE LILY HAS A CHILD FANBASE AND A NIECE AND NEPHEW. Then I don’t this that this person is safe to be around.
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trickstarbrave · 6 months ago
lily orchard is honestly so fucking. i dont know if she's actively malicious, stupid, or both. its probably both but this is a new low.
she admits she linked a nsfw stream in her discord server in a safe for work channel where minors were present. she admits she knew a minor asked "oh why does this steam say its 18+" and her response was just "watch and find out". she then also admits she and her girlfriend flashed her audience in that stream and that that breaks youtube's terms of service. she admits she probably shouldn't have done all that
she admitted all of this. and then a few minutes later in this very same video, goes "this isn't inappropriate behavior with minors nor can it be called grooming. the argument just comes down to 'you didnt try to keep minors out hard enough, therefore you're in the wrong' when there wasnt anything else i could do to gatekeep it. what, did you want me to demand ID verification? if it says 18+ that means 18+ plus and if its good enough for the platform its good enough for me"
you didn't try to keep minors out at all. you didn't say "this is an 18+ stream because there might be nsfw content in it, if you're a minor don't want it". you didn't follow the platform's guidelines either, so no it's not "good enough for the platform" and no one could use youtube's guidelines as a measure of what they should or should not be watching. many times an 18+ stream on youtube only really features dirty jokes, violence, and a lot of swearing because sexual nudity or nudity in general IS NOT ALLOWED!!!!!
you're making shit up to dance around the fact you were inappropriate around children. when you got any backlash towards it you just made your discord server 18+ only but the damage had been DONE AT THIS POINT. you admitted you were doing shit you shouldn't have been doing yet you are bending over backwards to frame yourself as someone who couldn't help but be put in that situation and had no other way of conducting herself. you didn't have to break youtubes TOS. you didn't have to give a vague non-answer to a literal child who asked why a stream was 18+ because they were confused why you would be linking it in the safe for work channels where children were present. you didnt have to do literally any of that and it is not unreasonable to say You Shouldn't Have Fucking Done That. no one is saying you should have ID checked everyone in your discord server and stream, but you should have been clear and upfront about what the stream was going to include, linked it only in nsfw channels, and probably shouldnt have fucking broken youtube's TOS for sexual nudity. there are places to post your tits on the internet with the reasonable expectation children won't see it but you didn't care to do that. you're the fucking problem in this situation
but the worst part is many ppl in her audience are actively eating this shit up.
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opinated-user · 1 year ago
Do you ever feel worried that Lily Orchard is causing harm to trans women through her actions, since trans women are stereotyped as predatory, hypersexual and accused of "grooming" children by transphobes?
Some terfs and radfems also believe that even young AMAB children are sexually aggressive monsters who are a threat to girls and have justified violently threatening young trans girls (and minors they see as trans girls) because of it, so Lily having perpetuated COCSA on her sister starting when she was a child might empower this belief.
no, because TERFs don't ever need any reason to hate trans women. LO could be actually the wholesome and safe person that she wants us to believe she is, no red flags anywhere, exemplary behaviour all around, loved, admired and respected by everyone, and a TERF somewhere is going to believe that she is a predator anyway until her dying breath. because to them is not about behaviour or anything a trans woman said or thought, it's all about them being trans women the issue.
which is actually the reason why we must take out any transphobia out of the way when we talk about her, since that only gives her a convenient shield to hide behind and make it out to be like our only issue is her being trans and not what she actually did, the words she actually said.
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whatstruthgottodowithit · 1 year ago
The Other Evans Girl [Part Twenty Nine]
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauder’s Era]
Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Female Character, Sirius Black x Daisy Evans, James Potter x Lily Evans
Characters: Sirius Black, Original Female Character, Daisy Evans, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Alice Fortescue, Frank Longbottom, Marlene McKinnon, Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix LeStrange, Walburga Black, Orion Black, Jasper Thicknesse, Barty Crouch Jr, Mulciber, Walden McNair
Word Count: 4555
Rating: Mature
Summary: Hogwarts is a safe haven, a home for many, but it’s often a place where heartache, love and complex emotions dwell and none know that better than the Marauders. Lily Evans just wants to make it out as a successful witch though the oncoming war and the ongoing advances of James Potter threaten that. Daisy Evans, her twin, has other goals. Join the Evans sisters as they make their way through Hogwarts, prepare for war and eventually find love.
Tags/ Warnings: Hogwarts, Friends, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Marauder’s Era, Teenage Angst, Babies, Weddings, Dating, Crying, Loss of Virginity, First Wizarding War, Love, Kissing, Teenagers, James Potter is a bit of a dick, Hogsmeade, 1970s, Fighting, Loss of Parents, Grief, Babies, Injuries, Gore, Harm, Christmas,  The Potter’s Mansion // Daisy’s Dress // NYE Lily’s Dress // NYE Daisy’s Dress // Lily’s Ring // Daisy’s Ring
Notes: Okay so I’ve been working on updating this and I’ve finally gone through all the chapters already written before I start writing more. It’s changed a lot so I’ve decided it’s just better to completely re-upload it.  
If you want tagging let me know
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Sirius couldn’t sleep. He tried to but every time he closed his eyes he thought of Daisy, running out of the dining room with no one following her. It didn’t help that James was lying next to him, sounding as if he was revving a chainsaw every time he breathed. After a several fruitless attempts he decided to get up and escape the room which was closing in on him by the minute. He knew he couldn’t go to find Daisy, after all, Lily would be sleeping next to her and he felt uncomfortable trying to explain his presence at her sister’s bedside in the middle of the night, so instead he headed downstairs to the kitchen and made himself a glass of water. It was quiet down here, the only thing he could hear being himself downing his drink in four big glugs and the clink of the glass as it hit the sink ceramic as he tidied it away. Once he was done he wandered through the house in the dark, through to the drawing room and it’s large windows so that he could look out into the garden.
Though the Potter’s garden was large most of its length was barren, just a neatly manicured lawn hemmed in by trees that multiplied as it got to the orchard, but outside the house was a patio which was made up of furniture, a grill and an outside fire which to Sirius’ surprise was lit. And curled beside it, wrapped in a blanket and sitting on a patio chair was Daisy. Granted Sirius couldn’t see her face her mop of blonde hair couldn’t be mistaken.
Sirius heaved a sigh of relief. At least now he could check she was alright. He crept quietly out of the back doors smiling at her as she turned around after being disturbed. She smiled weakly back at him and then turned back to watch the fire as he slid onto the outdoor sofa opposite. He didn’t talk, instead, he sat watching her hoping she would initiate the conversation. Even though she wasn’t crying now her eyes were red and puffy, signalling she had been not long since. As the fire popped and hissed in front of them they sat in comfortable silence until finally, she spoke. It was barely more than a whisper but even so he heard her as she said, ‘I bet you’re fed up with me being dramatic huh?’ ‘What?’ Sirius said genuinely confused by the question. ‘Well, my outburst must have put a dampener on dinner,’ she replied with a sniffle. ‘Not at all. In fact, we were all worried if you were okay,’ he said honestly. She stayed quiet for a moment, fiddling with the tassels on the blanket she was wrapped in before responding in a meek voice, ‘I’m fine
just a bit embarrassed to be honest.’
‘Well don’t be and I’m glad,’ he said, clearing his throat as she looked at him puzzled, ‘that you’re alright.’ ‘I remembered something,’ she admitted, chewing on her lip nervously. Sirius didn’t know what to reply, whatever it was having triggered the outburst and therefore not something he wanted to risk again, but given she’d brought it up he figured there wasn’t any harm in letting her get it off her chest and raised an eyebrow as if urging her to continue. Daisy shifted and mumbled, ‘about mum and dad
it wasn’t anything bad. In fact, it was quite nice.’ ‘That’s good,’ Sirius said. ‘Except it reminded me of last Christmas,’ she said glumly. ‘Oh?’ Sirius said trying to sound nonchalant as his mind raked over last Christmas which they spent in the castle. Sure she’d been injured and the fall out that had followed it hadn’t been great but for Sirius, well, he’d loved every minute of it.
‘Yeah, then I just sort of spiralled because it reminded me that I missed their last Christmas. My last family Christmas and I didn’t have to,’ she said, not looking at him as she willed herself not to cry. Because truth was she wasn’t sad, she was angry at herself. For being so wrapped up in her own life she hadn’t thought of her parents.
‘Madam Pomfrey told you to stay put though right?’ Sirius said, seeing the all too familiar look of self-hatred in her eyes.
‘Yeah but I still came here,’ she said spitefully, ‘I still enjoyed myself whilst they were probably worried sick about me. They didn’t see me for months, when I’d practically been at death’s door, and I just didn’t go home. I didn’t spend their last Christmas with them, what shitty person does that?’ ‘You’re not a shitty person for not predicting the future Dais,’ Sirius reasoned, his heart aching at how broken she sounded. ‘I didn’t predict the future but I took it for granted,’ she said, tears brimming in her eyes, glinting the firelight, ‘I could’ve died that Halloween and I didn’t even think about going home, to let them make sure I was okay.’
‘You’re right,’ Sirius said, his blunt tone taking her off guard as she looked at him shocked, ‘you did take it for granted but Dais what teenager doesn’t? Should you have gone home? Maybe. And did your parents care that you didn’t? Probably. But Dais that’s only because they love you so much. You forget I spent time in your home remember and though, yes, you probably could’ve spent more time there. Maybe even spent their last Christmas with them but that didn’t change how much they loved you. Dais, I felt more love between you and your family in the week I was there than I ever felt in my house in the fifteen years I lived there,’ Sirius said, trying not to panic as her chin wobbled though more out of sympathy for his own situation than hers, ‘is it a shame they’re gone? Absolutely. I mean I’d trade my parents in a heartbeat for you.’ ‘Pads,’ she said sadly. ‘What? I’m just being honest,’ he shrugged. ‘You say it like you haven’t got a family,’ she said, ‘I mean what about me, Lil, the boys?’ ‘I know that which I why I also know that, sure, you missed your last Christmas with your parents but that wasn’t your last family Christmas. We’re family. Always will be,’ he smiled, earning a smile back before she dropped her gaze nervously as she whispered, ‘Pads?’ ‘Yeah?’ Sirius replied. ‘Can I have a hug?’ she said. Sirius didn’t say anything forcing her to look up where she found him making space on the couch, beckoning her to come and join him. She got up in an instant, trying to ignore how the cold nipped at her pyjama clad legs now she wasn’t tucked in the blanket, before they were covered back over as she folded herself up and nestled into his side, his arm around her shoulders, her hand falling onto his thigh which caused electricity to buzz through him. They stayed like that for quite a while though as the night wore on the air around them started getting bitter so much so the fire couldn’t stave the cold off any longer and though Sirius didn’t want to move, he could feel her shivering next to him and so he nudged her causing her to sit up and look at him.
‘I think we better go inside,’ Sirius mumbled, earning a nod from Daisy who to his disappointment got up quickly and headed inside, him close on her tail. Once inside Daisy’s shivering intensified, as her body tried to get used to the warmth of the house, and Sirius rubbed his hands along her arms trying to warm her up which made her smile. After a moment she dropped her gaze and mumbled his name.
‘Yeah?’ he said, dropping his hands from her biceps and watching her in the moonlight. ‘Tomorrow, can we
I mean, I know James will have to because of well
I mean,’ she rambled. ‘The point Dais?’ he chuckled making her look at him and smile. ‘I was wondering if we could skip the party? I mean I understand if you don’t want to miss it, actually forget it,’ Daisy said, waving him off as she attempted to leave suddenly feeling awkward. ‘Dais, it’s okay,’ he said grabbing her elbow so she couldn’t flee. ‘No, forget it I’m being silly,’ she sighed. ‘If you want to skip it that’s fine. I don’t mind and I’m sure the others won’t,’ Sirius said. ‘Really?’ she said biting her lip, ‘what about Euphemia I thought those were rules?’ ‘I’m sure she and Monty will make an exception,’ he said reassuringly.
‘It’s just all too much too soon,’ she explained. ‘I get it,’ Sirius said, pulling her in for a hug hoping to fend off the tears in her eyes. She allowed him to, her head on his chest as he said, ‘leave it with me. I’ll sort it out with Euphemia.’ ‘Thanks,’ she sniffled, ‘I really appreciate it.’
All he could do was mumble an agreement into the top of her hair. All to soon she pulled away, the pair of them exchanging mumbled ‘goodnights’ before she was gone, leaving Sirius standing there watching where space she had just vacated.
As he trudged back to bed he thought it over. He was sure that if he explained to Fleamont and Euphemia they’d understand yet he couldn’t deny the idea made him apprehensive. Over the past day or so they’d done so well at pulling her out of herself, keeping her from spiralling into the hole she had been. He just worried that whilst she might not be ready for the world if they allowed her to regress she might go all the way back. So he compromised, if she didn’t want to go to the party he was going to bring the party to her.
When Lily woke on the morning of New Year’s Eve she found she was alone in her bed. Though she had felt her sister climb into the bed in the early hours of the morning, she hadn’t been awake enough to comment on it, and now she was gone, yet her pillow was mussed and her pyjamas discarded on the bedroom floor suggesting she had slept and changed her clothes two days in a row which was a plus. With a yawn Lily climbed out of bed and picked up her sister’s clothing, throwing it into the washing basket along with her own before she walked to the bathroom and got in the shower. The warm water felt good against her skin and she allowed it to shroud her as her mind wandered.
Though she didn’t want it to, her mind went through the last week recapping its entirety; her loss, the funeral, trying to keep Daisy from spiralling. It was only looking at the difference now, Daisy up and out of her bed for the second day in a row, did she realise how much the Potters, especially James, had helped. And though she hated to admit it she had come to really like him. She had already been edging that way before Christmas but seeing him help them, not for any gain other than being a good person, had solidified those feelings. Only as she thought of how nice he’d been, how nice his parents were, she thought of her own parents and started to cry. Of course she had cried quite a bit over the past week but it was always hidden away, like she was now. Whilst Daisy fell to pieces so publicly Lily felt as though she couldn’t follow suit, that she had to remain solid and so her grief was hidden away until she was alone and the tears could run free. Fortunately they didn’t last long and the shower disguised their presence anyway so by the time she climbed out of the shower it was impossible to tell she’d broken even a little. 
Once out of the shower she dried herself quickly, throwing on a pair of cords, a long-sleeved shirt and a thick jumper, before she threw her hair up into a clip, allowing a couple of tendrils to fall and frame her face. Yet just as she was slipping her socks on there was a knock at the door.
‘Come in,’ she said curiously, wondering who was on the other side. As a mop of messy black hair poked through her heart sped up, thumping against her ribs as James’ head floated in the gap of the door checking to see if he could enter. ‘Hey,’ he said, slipping inside once he saw that the coast was clear. ‘Hey,’ she said, confused at his shifty behaviour and trying to ignore her racing heartbeat. ‘Daisy’s not here right?’ he asked coming and sitting on the dressing table chair.
‘No, why?’ Lily asked. ‘Just checking, I wanted to talk to you without her overhearing that’s all,’ he said simply. ‘About what?’ Lily asked curiously. James’ gaze was roving over her belongings as he replied to her, ‘we’ve decided we’re gonna have a party of our own tonight. I mean we usually do anyway but Sirius said Dais is worried about being around all those people tonight so we-’ ‘When did she say that?’ Lily interjected, worry bubbling her stomach, forcing her beating heart to take second place in her unruly emotions. James shrugged, ‘dunno. Last night I assumed.’
‘Right,’ Lily said, her nerves fading as she remembered her sister slipping into bed in the wee hours. At least she had someone.
‘He didn’t go into much detail; he just woke me up and told me the plan,’ James explained.
‘The plan?’ Lily asked. ‘Yeah, by the time I’d woke up he’d already spoken to my mother who, thank god, told us we’re under no obligation to attend the party tonight,’ James said with a smile, ‘so, Sirius has taken Daisy off into town on some made-up last-minute errand which is gonna take them all day. Then when they get back you’re gonna get her changed and up onto the balcony.’
‘Okay,’ Lily said, agreeing before she realised how little sense it made, ‘wait what, I mean, why’s he took her out the way if we’re just gonna hang out on the balcony.’ ‘Well it might be a little less formal but that doesn’t mean we’re not going to party, even if it’s not the party,’ Jame said, when Lily raised an eyebrow he sighed, ‘we figured we’d make it all nice and shit for you guys. A proper party but without all the boring ministry officials.’
‘That’s kind of you,’ Lily said, unable to stop smiling at the sentiment, even if his wording was the less than eloquent.
‘Well we figured both of you could do with something fun to do even if it is just us six. I did suggest making it a surprise for the pair of you until Moony pointed out you’d probably catch on if we tried to distract you,’ James said, ‘And Daisy wouldn’t see through it?’ Lily said raising an eyebrow. ‘They’ll be too busy fawning all over each other to notice,’ James chuckled until he realised Lily was looking at him wide-eyed, ‘I mean, um
’ ‘Don’t worry it’s not like I don’t know she’s gaga for him,’ Lily smiled, ‘I just didn’t know he y’know.’ ‘He does,’ James said rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. He felt bad for betraying his friend’s confidence but knowing Daisy felt the same made him feel a little less guilty. It was also a relief to finally have someone on the same wavelength about the situation which is probably why he continued, ‘he just doesn’t know how to tell her. And now after everything that’s happened recently I just don’t think he wants to hurt her anymore.’ ‘Well that’s just stupid,’ Lily said bluntly. James looked taken aback at her tone but then he smiled, ‘welcome to the world I’ve been living in for the past six months.’ ‘I mean does he really think that she’d say no?’ Lily asked disbelievingly. ‘I think he’s just nervous,’ James said, smirking as he added, ‘you Evans girls can be intimidating you know.’ ‘I’ll take that as a compliment,’ Lily said flushing pink. ‘Oh, it was,’ James said his grin growing as he noted the tinge on her cheeks.
‘So back to the plan,’ Lily said, ignoring that her thudding heart had returned. James nodded and started telling her their plan for the balcony. Lily listened, nodding in agreement and offering suggestions until they got to a final agreement. Once everything was finalised they decided there was no time like the present and headed to find Remus and Peter so they could help though as they got to the door James felt a hand on his elbow, slowing him until he stopped. Lily looked at him nervously before she said, ‘you’re a good friend for doing this for her.’
‘Well it was more of Sirius’ idea,’ James admitted. 
‘Maybe but I doubt he was thinking of me so
thank you,’ Lily said before walking straight past him and out into the hall.
Daisy stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a towel, hoping to fend off the slight chill in the air and prevent her from shaking like a leaf, as she had been when they’d got home, their enjoyable afternoon in town marred by the journey back which had soaked her to the bone. As she walked out into the bedroom she found Lily sitting at the dressing table applying eyeliner, which slipped as she looked towards Daisy, causing her to wince and hold a finger to her waterline, trying to stop the blackened tears from running down her cheeks and ruining her makeup.
‘Jeez Lil, is this a new fashion trend for next year,’ Daisy mused as she walked into the room, pulling some pyjamas from her dresser. If Lily could’ve, she would’ve rolled her eyes at her twin but seeing as her eye was still stinging from the mishap she thought it best not to risk it. ‘Oh you’re so funny,’ Lily said sarcastically, watching her sister in the mirror as she threw her pyjamas on the bed and slipped some underwear on underneath her towel. ‘I try,’ Daisy quipped, ‘besides who are you dressing up for? I thought Euphemia said we didn’t have to go to the party.’ ‘Yeah about that,’ Lily said turning around in her chair to watch her sister, who’s movements now slowed anticipating what Lily was going to say.
‘You’re going?’ Daisy asked.
‘I think we both should,’ Lily said, sighing as Daisy rolled her eyes, ‘look I know she said we don’t have to but they sounded so excited to have us all attend yesterday and they’ve been so good to us.’ ‘Lily don’t,’ Daisy said, begrudging the way her heartstrings tugged, ‘Euphemia said we don’t have to go and besides I’m really not in the mood to hobnob with wizarding elites right now.’ ‘I know and neither am I but if we show our faces and have something to eat it might be okay,’ Lily said, offering an apologetic smile. Daisy grumbled, ‘oh Lil.’ ‘Oh come on
for me?’ Lily pleaded, adding a fake pout for extra clout. Daisy sighed and folded her arms as her sister stared at her. ‘Fine,’ she said after a moment causing Lily to break out into a big smile, ‘one hour. Tops.’ ‘Okay misery guts,’ Lily giggled, standing up. ‘I mean it, Lil. One hour,’ Daisy said watching her sister stand up and beckon her to the chair. ‘Okay, okay, but even for an hour you’re going to look somewhat presentable now get your arse over here,’ Lily chuckled.
It didn’t take long to get Daisy looking presentable. Of course she hadn’t gone overboard, her makeup and hair routine significantly shorter than it had been last New Year’s, but with her hair neatly pinned up and her makeup done naturally, as Lily favoured, she couldn’t deny she looked pretty. As she stared at herself in the mirror she couldn’t help but realise how much better she looked with the last couple of days now that she was sleeping and eating. Yet as she slipped on her dress and examined herself in the mirror she couldn’t help but feel sad because she couldn’t understand how could she look so nice and feel so crappy.
Deciding not to dwell on that idea for fear of kicking off another round of tears she pushed it away and came out of the bathroom to find Lily dressed and popping in different pair of earrings. Whilst she was occupied looking in the mirror Daisy scanned her eyes across the ensemble, a rich green dress that came just down to her knee and hugged every curve of her body and a pair of black heels Daisy had never seen before. As Lily turned around Daisy noticed her pale, freckled chest was showing ample cleavage, and resisted the urge to quirk an eyebrow as it wasn’t her sister’s normal style. Ever her twin’s opposite Daisy’s dress differed in almost every way. It was shorter and floated off her though Daisy didn’t know if that was due to its design or the face she had lost weight since she had last tried it on at school.
‘You look nice,’ the pair of them said simultaneously making them chuckle.
‘Ready?’ Lily asked, heading towards the door. Daisy nodded, ‘you promise it’ll only be an hour right?’ ‘Of course,’ Lily said opening the door and gesturing for Daisy to hurry up, ‘come on I said we’d meet the boys upstairs and then all go down together.’
Daisy followed her sister as she headed into the hall and then up the stairs to James’ bedroom. She could hear the sounds of music coming from the large drawing room, giggles and conversations echoing from just beyond the doors. It made her stomach turn and she tried not to think of being crammed in amongst them, unable to flee until Lily’s one hour decree was up. Though as she headed into James’ room she reminded herself that even amongst the highest of wizarding society she’d have the boys and Lily. If she didn’t want to entertain they’d jump in for her, she was sure of it, or at least she was until she got inside and found it deserted.
‘Where are they?’ Daisy asked, wondering if they were through in the spare room or god forbid already downstairs which would mean her and Lily would have to enter on their own. Though as she looked at Lily for answers she didn’t say anything, merely smiling back at her before she walked over to the balcony doors and pulled back the curtain. Once it was opened she pushed the balcony doors open and hurried outside, with Daisy following quickly behind. Though it wasn’t as she’d expected. Instead of the normal plain balcony that overlooked the patio below now in front of her was their very own party venue. Balloons, banners and fairy lights hung in the air, seemingly tied to nothing, and candles were also dotted around on the floor. There was a table laden with food and drinks for them as well as a stack of board games next to a record player that was playing a song she wasn’t familiar with. And there, standing in front of her was Sirius, James, Remus, Peter and now Lily watching her with bated breath.
James spoke first, nervous energy spilling out before he could stop it as he blurted, ‘so what do you think?’ ‘It’s amazing,’ she breathed, a million questions buzzing around her brain as she said, ‘but what about the party Lily said-’ ‘Only said that to get you dressed up and upstairs,’ Lily said. ‘Yeah, we wanted a party with glitz and glam,’ Peter said. ‘But without making you mingle with all those people,’ Sirius said, unable to stop himself from smiling once he’d seen her face light up. Yet his smile immediately dimmed, as did the others, as tears brimmed in her eyes as she sniffed, ‘oh boys.’ ‘I mean it’s okay if you don’t want to’ Remus said, his face panicked like the rest of the boys. ‘Yeah, I mean if you just hang out in the games room we can,’ James continued. ‘Yeah,’ Sirius said, his heart hammering, ‘we can scrap it all if you want right boys?’ ‘Definitely,’ Peter said quickly. Lily rolled her eyes. ‘She’s fine you lot, right Dais?’ Lily said, walking towards her sister and offering her a tissue from nowhere as she wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Daisy blotted her eyes and chuckled, nodding at them to signal she was alright.
After they heaved a sigh of relief they beckoned her over, dropping into their seats and getting settled, drinks barely being poured before Remus suggested they play monopoly, a game James and Sirius had never played. As they played, ate and drank the night started getting cooler and darker until eventually, the sounds of the downstairs party spilling out onto the patio below was too much to ignore and the group took to the chance to spy on the mix of partygoers from above.
‘Is that Valentino Quentin editor of the Daily Prophet?’ Lily asked as a raven-haired man walked out onto the patio, wrapping an arm around a blonde-haired woman and smushing a kiss to her temple as she pawed him off. ‘Yeah,’ James said with an air of boredom that is only gained from hobnobbing in exclusive circles since birth, ‘he was only invited because Dad’s recently got an ad running in the prophet.’ ‘Oh yeah, I saw it!’ Peter said, ‘second page in right?’ ‘Monty’s spending the big bucks huh Prongs?’ Sirius quipped. ‘Maybe,’ James said, ‘though he said he bartered a good price.’ ‘Oh is that why Quentin’s hair is suspiciously quaffed?’ Lily teased, smiling at James who feigned shock, ‘Lily Evans! Are you suggesting that journalistic integrity could be swayed by pleasantries?’ ‘No,’ she chuckled, ‘but it’s nice to know which ones are malleable.’
Bolstered by Lily’s interest James broke into a who’s who of all the gossip and intel he had on the wizarding world below, only stopping when heard them start counting down to New Year. James insisted they did the same, wrapping his arms Lily and Peter and insisting they do the same to the others. Pretty soon Daisy was swept in between Sirius and Remus, who dwarfed her until she was buried in a sandwich between them, a circle now formed as the group started to sing ‘auld langs syne’ laughing and giggling as fireworks exploded above them.
And though the volume made her ears ring and she bashed in between the boys since no one seemed to know which direction to sway she couldn’t help but beam with happiness because even if this year had ended awfully, and from the looks of it the next few weren’t going to be easy to navigate, she couldn’t help but thank her lucky stars that she had the best people around her to fall back on when she needed them.
@maeisafangirl @mysteriouslydelicateface @caitlin1996 @imthebadguyyy
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weaselbeaselpants · 2 years ago
@castorochiaro *chefs kiss*
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mood here^ no seriously.
Amongst the weeds of nasty antifandom-absolutism there were and still are a lot of good faith, by which I mean harsh and angry, but still reasonable criticism to be had. But all that would be so hard to digest amongst what is clearly vendetta-based hatred for a series that made a person so mad you have to bother why you continue to give it attention for your own mental health. It's why I'm down with making fun of Helluvaverse for fun/analysis sake but I'm just so goddamn exhausted by the antifandom's obsession with making drama or hating where there is none. Granted, SU I think has less behind the scenes irl drama than spindlehorse does, but it really is a good starting comparrison (for spindlehorse, but also any other kind of critical fandom).
As already mentioned earlier, the Steven Universe fandom had this toxic edge that was super appraising of EVERYTHING EVER and it just made you love the show but hate it's base. If you did so much as say "I wish this plot were handled better"/"I actually think that bit was problematic [explain why]" and not put out first that your were lgbtq and not an altright chud, you would PAY FOR IT. A lot of fans I saw were bullies to each other and treated the show's messaging like some kind of dogma rather than just good morals, and/or was the same as just being gay. Like, we joke but, "I can't be racist/homophobic/sexist, I like Steven Universe"-really hit like a vibe in some circles under some people who needed to get a grip. AND THEN, when the polarizing ending happened, there was this feeling of the 'I just liek the show' sticklerfans hanging around and either loving the ending completely or just wishing some shit was done better but still loving it overrall. I think I def fit into the latter camp. However, when it came to the fans who were gung-ho about the show "finally getting GOOD", as well as the ex fans who'd been disenchanted by the fandom being mean to them, when they saw the final seasons and didn't like it, they REALLY didn't like it.
All this to say; yeah people are allowed to really not like things, nothing is perfect and nothing is devoid of criticism of problematicss...but Steven Universe was really hit with a downpour people who just really disliked the show being led down reeeeeeally bad faith for the sake of bad faith-communities, all telling them their anger was actual activism and that they were the "good ones" in their demographic for "seeing past Steven Universe's lies". It was toxic. Just toxic. Lily Orchard and that one altlightedgy cartoonguy ran that train into the fucking center of the earth.
There are certainly safe ways to commit urself to things you don't 'like' but enjoy watching in the name of critical fandom; there's ironic fandom, being a fan but having a really darkdryblunt sense of humor, considering yourself an exfan but having some joy for the parts you did like (that's me and My Little Pony)....and then there's the layers of antifandom that help no one. They don't really help people who've been hurt by fandom spaces and showrunners, and they really don't breed anything vitriol into media analysis.
If you're going to get angry at something, it should be because there's a problem beyond your immediate fandombrain wants and notwants and has to do with something that effects you (and others) as a person.
people discovering steven universe in 2023 are always like "this show is really good why the hell were yall so weird about it"
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littledevilinside · 1 year ago
Isaac had hummed and hawed about whether to get her anything for Christmas - after all, they were only new friends, however fast they'd fallen together. He decides to play it safe, offering a gift box (obviously from the in-store wrapping service) with a pretty blue sweater inside. Cashmere, incredibly soft. He's also tucked the gift receipt underneath - in case it doesn't fit, or she doesn't like it. In his other hand, he offers a small bouquet of yellow flowers, because those never miss.
she doesn't expect anything for christmas, aaron is not a huge holiday person and her family's gone and disowned her, so when there is a package laying on her doorstep, she glanced down at it curiously. picking it up and bringing it inside, a curious look set across her features.
lori reads the note at first, a bright smile spread across her lips when she notes that it's from isaac, the fact that he took time and energy to get her a gift - she couldn't believe it. of course she was going to get him something in return, she'd already commissioned a wood burned sign of the name of the orchard to hang above his doorstep, and gotten a few treats and toys for lily - their shared pup, because she deserved to be treated as well.
there is an audible gasp that falls from her lips when she opens the box and sees the striking blue sweater, her fingers immediately coming into contact with the softest fabric she can imagine. the color is beautiful, a shade of blue that is reminiscent of the ocean, and knowing it would compliment her eyes well - and his if she wore it on one of their friendly outings.
she immediately picks up her phone to call isaac, dialing his number while walking around her house, filled with too much excitable energy for her to sit still in the moment. when he answers, she begins to gush about the sweater, and how he didn't need to get her anything, and how sweet she thought he was.
the beginning of this friendship proved that it would be one that would become an everlasting relationship, if she had anything to say about it.
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fantasy2reality-things-blog · 1 year ago
Ocean World
I like pirates, you like pirates, and you know what pirates like? Lots of ocean without governments able to control them.
So let's fill the planet with ocean!
My idea is - in essence - a mostly oceanic planet. There is almost no land at all. Instead there are 4 main ways that large communities congregate.
Roots planted deep into the ocean floor, with branches extending up to the skies and granting access to orchards of fruit, these trees come up in two forms.
Full jungles, who exchanged their heights in order to expand out with expansive interconnected root systems. Jungles are generally where you will find small wildlife and the closest you have to 'land dwelling' creatures living naturally. These are safe from leviathans because the root systems deter predators.
1.5 Life Trees
The next type of tree is extreme mega fauna, foregoing 'friends' in order to reach up to the skies, what I am currently calling 'Trees of Life' can hold villages in each of their branches at full size, allowing an entire kingdom to populate a single tree. Those in higher branches are safe, but those among the base and root systems can be susceptible to attacks from young leviathans.
2. Lily Villages
Another large plant-based colony, these villages spread out on plants which group together - roots often wrapped around kept forests and spaces rife with underwater life. These densely packed ecosystems allow for safety of the people living above water, as well as providing those capable of deep diving with plenty of foraging opportunities from the forest below.
3. World Turtles
Instead of avoiding leviathans, some chose to live on these colossal creatures, specifically on giant turtle-like leviathans who, once they reach a proper size, will float along the surface of the water for the remainder of their lives. People will build up towns and villages atop their shells, and can forage parasites off of the creature. Care for their host is interwoven into the lives of these people. These civilizations will struggle to maintain steady trade with any of the others, as the leviathans they rest on tend to constantly be migrating to stay in their preferred climates. Thankfully, they are rather self-sufficient thanks to their symbiotic relationship with their leviathan host.
4. Boat villages
Last and, well, honestly least come boat villages. These are shabby and can be unstable, due to a lack of resources, unstable connections between boats, and the near-constant threat of being leviathan chow. More often than not these will be temporary groupings of much smaller groups or lone ships for trading or festivals.
These are my ideas, I will slowly expand on them, and explain further as I figure things out. There are a lot of leviathans though. And also water spirits/demons and gods that I haven't made up yet. I am open to questions and suggestions.
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sillygoblinantics · 3 months ago
And now the moment you’ve all been waiting for!!!
Gobbo’s Semi-Complete PokĂ©mon Retrospective!!!
Pt. 4 (the finale?)
The reason I’m writing this began when I first watched @agramuglia’s streams watching Lily orchard’s pokemon retrospective on YouTube. Many things I learned about the games and many things stated by Lily I loathed, but Anthony was only able to get up to 8/9 generations. So I thought I’d take it upon myself to power through her gen 9 segment. I lost my mind over it and multiple times did she make uncomfortable innuendos and made points that didn’t make sense. You can read my thoughts on her gen nine segment in my post ““Jock Imoen”” as I will be focusing on everything Lily failed to notice here.
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Gen IX
Let’s get this out of the way as I know this is a big part of these games.
The glitches: yes they’re a big and many people find them ridiculously funny or obnoxiously deplorable, but many who don’t know is that they’ve been apart of the franchise for a while and can still be used to the players’ advantage as a quick rich strategy or for silly shenanigans like invisibike (see below image)
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But main reason for this as well as the complete exclusion of interiors of homes was due in part to a running problem in both animation and game industry across the globe: rushed deadlines and of course the toxic and deadly Crunchtime. You can find many concepts and fully modeled spaces that we never got to see in the region of Paldea. This also includes Legends Arceus with an early cut intro scene that has our trainer beginning in their room in current day Sinnoh, some data miners (shoutout to y’all working hard and finding this stuff! You’re amazing!) found a completely modeled room that resembled the bedroom from the gen four house!
And I’m aware that there needs to be voice acting but honestly that takes away from the fun of imagining the characters’ voices based on the way they talk in the dialogue! It’s fun and meant to be fun for the children audience!
The world of Paldea
Paldea is based on Spain but also Portugal (I still somehow struggle spelling this countries name I’m sorry TwT) and the Iberian peninsula! So while incorporating Spanish the game also has Portuguese in it! And because how Spain is geographically next to France, the inclusion to the academy teaching French or in PokĂ©mon terms Kalosian. (Which was our hint for legends ZA and was for two years!!!) it’s a gorgeous region and on point to the real world places and towns they pull from.
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We once again get new regional variants of old pokemon but we also get what has to be my favorite addition into the biology and ecology of the pokemon world: convergent evolutions! Pokemon that either evolved from the same ancestor but splitting off around a different point in time or pokemon who evolved in a way to resemble something or another pokemon to stay safe.
Wooper and cloddsire
Toadscool and toadscruel
Wigglett and wugtrio
We also got new evolutions for old pokemon! The gen two normal psychic giraffe: girafarig finally getting an evolution that combines the two heads in a balance union of strength but also astronaut giraffe hehe. We also got the beyond metal and gruesome revenant of an ape, Annihilape the ghost fighting type powerhouse of an evolution of Primape! And the king of the chess board evolution of Bisharp, Kingambit.
In both dlcs we get a new split evolution and third evolution of said split of applin, dipplin and hydrapple. And (forgot the name of the one building dragon)
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We also get SO MANY GOOD BOIS IN GEN NINE! But not every good boi 😔
 we get three new dog pokemon all good and each unique in their own respected way
 got side tracked.
Something I will mention is a personal gripe over the exclusion of a specific fruit bearded pokemon from getting a new regional variant, tropius. Who if I had the chance to would make them vary based on where they can be caught by having new fruit or veggie being grown in place of the bananas! Which I did for my pokemon comic with Ripley’s tropius, Dionysus by giving him a beard of grapes! Maybe we’ll get more for tropius in generation 10!
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Before I move on I’d like to to go over the game exclusive pokemon, something never mentioned or addressed how to obtain in Lily orchard’s video: let’s get this out of the way now by talking about the two forms of Paldean Tauros. In Scarlet; the past, primal, untamed gives us the fire fighting form of Tauros matching thematically with its game. In Violet; the future, technical and controlled (for the most part) gives us the water fighting form of Tauros (who can swim and his tail acts as a lil rudder to move him x3)
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Lily leaves out one of the new pokemon of Paldea too, Charcadet a small fiery in the most literal sense charcoal knight who has game exclusive evolutions. Who need specific pokemon materials to obtain evolutionary items sets of armor. Lily fails to explain this so her audience is left not knowing that ceruledge is exclusive to violet while the psychic/fire evolution Armarouge, so the speculation of how she got it is left in the air and most likely not mentioned because she got it from someone else most likely lolo. So yeah.
I nearly forgot to mention the most impactful connective addition to these games! Union circles! A feature meant to let players connect with friends (given in range without Nintendo online or via the internet with Nintendo online) which allows for many fun shenanigans to take place especially during battles or cutscenes, but is expanded on with the indigo disk via the synchromode which

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The three arc or side plots if we look at them through a tv sitcom or series structure. I’m talking about the ABC Plot system. Where the A plot is the main storyline and B and C follow different stories where by the third act we come together to face or wrap up the stories of B and C. We see this in Arven’s Titan quest, Nemona’s victory road, and Penny’s Starfall mission. Arven is the A plot as we learn that he’s trying to get to area zero to confront his parent(s) and needs two more people to join the journey that fill a specific role which is where Nemona and Penny come in! You will cry if you haven’t played yet so keep that in mind and be sure to take the classes as they provide more context into the layers these characters have! Enjoy this clip btw
Let’s head to the smallest addition and slice into the rural side of the Japanese region of the PokĂ©mon world: Kitikami
But this sadly or luckily has to be split into another part as I’ve been going on for a while here but I hope you enjoyed it! So the last LAST FINAL part! Will be about the DLCs and epilogue so stay tuned for the intro of the bestest girl that is ogerpon!
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animezing-fandoms · 3 years ago
Raise Me Up (Gruvia Day 2021)
Relationships: Gruvia
Warnings: None
Summary: Gray gives Juvia a lift to reach an apple, and thinks about all the times she’s lifted his spirits in the past. 
A/N: So I know I haven’t written anything for gruvia in awhile, and I didn’t even know today was Gruvia Day! But this art combined with my excitement for Fall led me to write this quick little drabble for the day.
“Who the hell hires wizards to pick apples?” Gray asks. “This ain’t a job if you don’t even need to use your magic for it.” 
“It’s not a job.” Juvia reminds the bored ice mage. “This local farmer wanted to thank Fairy Tail for all of their help keeping his crops safe from monsters. So he let us get first pick of these apples!” 
They look around at their other guild members in the orchard picking apples. 
“I could probably use some of these apples to make homemade baby food.” Levy notes as she picks an apple from a low branch. “If only I was tall enough to pick enough apples to do that.” She grumbles. 
“Don’t worry Lev, that’s why you picked a strong, tall guy to be your kid’s dad.” Gajeel says and picks a few apples to put in her basket. 
“And I can reach the ones at the tops of the trees too.” Panther Lily says. 
“Hey Lucy! Look how many apples I can fit in my mouth!” Natsu’s muffled voice shouts followed by Lucy’s cry of panic. 
“Natsu spit those out! You’ll choke!” She exclaims and drops her basket to run over to him. 
“Perhaps Juvia could bake Gray-sama an apple pie with these!” Juvia cheerfully suggests. 
“Yeah, I’d like that.” Gray says, blushing. 
Juvia notices a beautiful red apple high up on one of the trees. 
“Oh that one looks perfect!” Juvia admires. “If only Juvia was tall enough to reach it...” 
As soon as she finished her sentence Gray was at her side to see if he could get the apple for her. Juvia giggles when she notices that his shirt and jacket are missing. She’d have to find them later but she didn’t mind. Especially since he was being so helpful to her with apple picking. Except this apple was too high up for even him to reach! 
“Hm, I don’t think either of us can reach it.” Gray says. “And we promised the farmer we wouldn’t use our magic in the orchard because that would risk damaging the trees.” 
“I suppose Juvia could ask Lily, Happy or Carla to fly up to get it for her.” Juvia suggests. 
Gray felt his heart sink. If he was going to be her man then he should be able to help her with everything. He wanted to be the one to make her happy. 
“No, you don’t need to ask them. I can help you get it.” Gray says, thinking of an idea that makes him blush. 
“How?” Juvia asks curiously. 
Gray gets down on one knee and Juvia screams in surprise and joy. 
“Oh my! Gray-sama is on one knee! He’s going to propose to Juvia!” She shouts. 
Gray’s face turns bright red from the suggestion and the fact that all of their nearby guild members heard that and were now staring at them, thinking they were about to witness a huge milestone for their guild-mates. 
“What! No! No no no no!” Gray quickly shouts to both Juvia and everyone watching them. “I’m kneeling so that you can climb on my shoulders so I can lift you up to reach the apple!” 
“Oh.” Juvia says, slightly disappointed until she realizes she’ll be sitting on Gray’s shoulders. “Oh...that’s a wonderful idea Gray-sama!” 
Both of them were blushing as Juvia climbs onto his shoulders. 
The water mage couldn’t help but let out a small gasp as Gray places his hands on her thighs and stands up.
“Oh Gray-sama...” Juvia mumbles. 
“Just hurry up and grab the apple.” He urges, feeling incredibly flustered by the fact that his face was pressed against her bare thighs. 
“Juvia will.” She says. “But Juvia also likes the view from up here.” 
Since they were at the end of the row of trees, by looking around the tree she could see all the way down the orchard, to admire the red, yellow, and orange leaves of the other trees surrounding the farm, highlighted by the light from the sunset. 
“It’s beautiful.” Juvia sighs. 
“Yeah. It sure is.” Gray says, looking up at her. 
This farm was absolutely scenic as hell, but what made it more beautiful was the fact that Juvia was able to see it. 
Juvia had never even seen the sun before they met. He brought light into her world, and she had been in love with him ever since. And over time Gray realized that she had done the same for him by being by his side and lifting him up when he was down. They both brought each other out of the darkness and into the light. They were each other’s light. Reminding each other of the good things in life, and what true happiness and love felt like. 
“Got it.” Juvia says as she picks the apple from the branch. 
She admires it before looking down at Gray and smiling as she brushes a lock of hair behind her ear so she can get an unobstructed view of his face. 
“Thank you Gray-sama. Juvia loves you.” Juvia says, making Gray’s heart swell and his grip on her thighs tighten briefly.
Juvia had never been shy about her feelings. She always knew exactly what to say and what to do. And it may have taken awhile for him to get there, but Gray was learning how to do the same for her. To lift her up when she was down and be there for her like she always was for him. 
“You’re welcome Juvia. I love you too.” Gray says. 
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tempest-toss · 2 years ago
It started with a slight rumble. Water rippling out from a cup as if a T-Rex had begun its escape. Pencils rattling as if a giant train was rushing by. It stopped as soon as it started, and Site 230 was still again.
Then the tremor began.
It was violent and sudden, throwing personnel down as it seemingly increased in strength. Cracks formed along the foundations, and anything not bolted down came crashing. Emergency Protocol E was enacted, emergency warheads were disabled for the time being and covered, and every person was safely hidden under what they must.
The morning was hectic, with all hands on deck. Agents, MTF, and researchers assisted in searching and rescuing any trapped and missing humanoids and D-Class. The psych team was asking questions while medics attended the wounded. Janitors were cleaning up any blood, the cooks were making comfort meals for everyone, and any remaining personnel aided where they could.
Site Director Anne Marie, despite her hesitancy, led well. Sure, she wasn't prepared for what seemed like an anomalous tremor attack, but that didn't matter at the moment. What mattered was ensuring that her personnel and the SCPs were not gravely injured or dead.
There had only been a few deaths and a few more were unaccounted for by after a few hours. Some off-site crew had been called in to help. SCP 919, The Clockmaker's Creation, had her battery damaged, and was currently being repaired.
Anne Marie note that while 919 was being repaired, the "SCP Squad", as they were called in her notes by the former Site Director, were huddled around her. They included Demetria Meadowood, Wizard Wally, Lily Teca, My Guardians, Blood Puppet, Spider-Boy, the Orchard Twins, the Serpentine Siblings, and even though he tried not to look concerned, Easel.
Anne Marie watched with interest as the group watched 919's head cog being reinserted, turning on, and spinning her arms and head 360 degrees to celebrate being turned back on all better. The group of sapients swarmed 919 with cheers and smiles.
"Makes it worth it, doesn't it" a voice called out from behind her. She turned and saw a face she didn't expect to see. There stood the now O5-11, "The Godfather", holding what seemed to be a yam. "I heard through the 'grapevine', that something happened, and I came to check up on things," He said as he lowered himself down to plant the yam.
He joined Anne Marie's side, his eyes immediately landing on the "SCP Squad".
"It pleases me," he began, "That their friendship still lasts. They've found their new family here, and I couldn't be more glad."
The silence was between them both for a moment before Enigma spoke once more.
"Seeing the smiles and happiness of them all... it makes the job more than worth it. Hopefully, you see that already. If not... then I just hope soon you'll see it like I do, Site Director Marie."
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recreancyrpg · 3 years ago
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An emergency meeting is called at midnight, at the cusp of June 25th to debrief about the botched mission. They have a spy — they know this already, but it’s more than evident now. Someone leaked this information to the Death Eaters. 
A voice comes from the back. A haughty drawl from none other than the youngest Black sibling. You've overlooked the obvious. Not a surprise, I know, but I didn't expect to think for you all again. If you're this worried about spies, stop being so fussy about personal privacy or whatever it is you’re dithering over and make everyone show their forearms, Regulus scoffs, and the members of the Order give one another confused stares.
Regulus explains about the Dark Marks that Voldemort places on his most trusted followers and any spy will thus surely have one. Eyes go to Severus, questioning. Severus confirms what Regulus is saying, claiming he did not share this prior because Dumbledore has his reasons. He shows his forearm — a pale skull with a serpent tongue rests there. Severus explains how it works for Voldemort to call his followers to him.
Alastor and Hestia send for Theodosia from the infirmary. The same symbol rests against her skin. She’s allowed to return to the infirmary. Much chatter ensues — arguments, frustration, exhaustion — but, soon, each member shows their forearm. No other member has a visible Dark Mark. The Order is left back where they started — with a spy they don’t know, one step behind the Death Eaters.
To end the meeting, each Team Lead gives their reports. The meeting concludes around two in the morning.
Team London, led by Wila Travers.
Prior to the explosion, Edgar and Nicky were stationed in the orchard in the back and Wila and Lily were stationed in the front. Xenophilius joined them in the front. There was no sign of trouble. The explosion happened at approximately 12:03 pm. The exact location could not be pinpointed, but it was very near the Pierce home. It completely destroyed the street, along with several homes. 
Nicky and Edgar sustained minor injuries: Nicky a concussion after being blow from a tree; Edgar a minor wound on his side that later reopened and became more severe upon Apparating to headquarters. Xeno was blown back from the blast and sustained a concussion and other minor wounds. Wila suffered a broken wrist and cuts and bruises. Lily was critically injured after being blown into a car. She survived, but is still being observed in the infirmary. 
Wila sent Edgar, Xeno, and Lily back to headquarters to be seen by the healers, and sent Nicky to find Regulus and Marlene, who had arrived as back up. They were tasked with finding as many muggles as they possibly could to help. The three of them passed on the story that a gas main had exploded and they helped as many muggles as they possibly could. 
Wila met up with Ted, who was there working for the Ministry, on the scene of the explosion and Ted informed her that official cover-up story is a burst pipe. The news will be covering the story in the morning. They were able to locate Wilma’s family in the Pierce house and bring them to Muggle police.
Wila reports on how well her team did in the face of all of the chaos that surrounded them. They handled the change in team lead and the emergency planning meeting, along with the fallout of the explosion. The team members that were injured in the explosion all wanted to stay and continue helping the muggles, but Wila sent the most injured back for healing.
Team Liverpool, led by Gideon Prewett.
The Death Eaters approached Liverpool just after noon, as expected. However, there were more of them than anticipated. Severus, Theodosia, Alastor, and Gideon distracted the Death Eaters and drew them away before engaging in battle. Alastor and Theo sustained larger injuries. Gideon and Severus sustained minor injuries. The team was able to make their exit to the safe house, with Severus supporting Theo to the infirmary at headquarters.
Reggie and Lucinda went to the house for the family. They were held with a knife to Reggie’s throat before Lucinda called Remus for back-up. Upon his arrival, they were successful in getting the family, including an infant child, to the safe house using their portkey. The trial run with the amulets worked well. 
Team York, led by Peter Pettigrew.
The team began split into two with Peter and Gwen at the top of the hill and James and Amelia near the house when dementors approached just after noon. James called headquarters for back up and Robyn and Andromeda joined them. James found Peter, while Robyn found Amelia. Andromeda and Gwen were tasked with getting out the family. This was successful with minor set backs where Andromeda had to return for one member. She was splinched upon arrival back to headquarters, but was healed and discharged.
Robyn reports that she approves of James’ focus on finding Peter when it was clear he'd be at a disadvantage, but tempers that praise with a note about failing to inform Amelia of what he was doing when he ran off. She also praises Amelia for staying cool and in control under pressure. She notes personal concerns about Dementors slipping away from Azkaban and the potential implications that could have on a broader scale, with recommendations on remedial Patronus lessons for all Order members in case they are an ongoing threat on future missions. In the meantime, she advises all Order members be made aware of the Patronus status of their teammates going forward. Andromeda backs up this notion with colorful swear words.
Amelia has requested to not be paired up with James again after he left her in the lurch, while Andromeda reports that Gwen was very helpful in getting her to the infirmary after splinching. She is worried about Gwen’s safety on the field. Gwen praises Peter for his leadership, James seconds.
It is noted to the Order members that James’ patronus has changed to a dragon.
Team Wiltshire, led by Alice Longbottom.
Upon their arrival, Emma triggered a trap on the property of the farm, which was no doubt put there by Death Eaters after the Order’s plans were leaked. Alice inferred there would be more traps and warned the group, splitting them into teams of two to search for and disarm the rest. Dorcas and Emma took one side of the farm, while Sirius and Fletch took the other. They believe they were able to find all traps and successfully dismantle them. Dorcas, Emma, and Fletch sustained minor injuries from the traps.
Right around noon, the final trap was set off and Fiendfyre encircled the farmhouse, with Dorcas on the inside of the ring nearest the house. Alice and Emma were able to make their way across the fire with minimal damage. A patronus was sent to HQ for back up and Dirk arrived for support. Alice praises Dirk for his quick thinking to contain the fire and the group began to work as one to do so. Frank arrived on the scene, bringing news of the incantation to reverse Fiendfyre. They were successful in clearing the area of fire, although damage was done to the property.
Alice checked in on the family, who were safely inside, and did likely see the spellcasting. She reports to Ted that the Ministry may need to get involved, as the team left quickly once Muggle authorities arrived. Dirk and Dorcas called them firefighters. Dirk reports concern over Fiendfyre’s lifelike ability to adapt, change, and target individuals. He requests more studying to be done on the subject, in case they run into this again.
Burns and smoke inhalation were sustained by every member of the group, with Alice having the worse of the burns (though not severe) and Dirk having the worst of the smoke damage to his lungs. Alice and Dirk were also affected by temporary magical draining from using patronuses too near the fiendfyre, although as yet no Order members are aware of this effect. All members were treated at the infirmary and cleared. Alice expresses (somewhat surprised) pleasure with how well the whole team dealt with the unexpected (and deadly) events with a particular focus on how well members looked out for one another in the face of danger.
Infirmary, report given by Evan Rosier.
Evan gives a shoutout to everyone since no one died. With that said, Lily and Theo will be spending the night in the infirmary for overnight observation. Severus will assist in overnight monitoring.
He requests a bigger space for the infirmary. One room, along with a makeshift morgue, is not enough space if more than two people need to be observed overnight or longer. Death Eaters are upping their game and he has no issue with upping his, but cramped spaces aren’t going to cut it for mass injuries. This request is granted by Gideon and magical construction can begin in the morning.
Evan forces everyone into a lecture to discuss what “minor injury” and “I’m/it’s fine” means. For future missions, he requests avoidance of black/navy blue outfits for the sake of people being able to tell if they’re injured before getting back to HQ. He understands this could change for covert operations.
He praises Emmeline for being in her element and keeping her cool throughout the entirety of the healing support. Remus, Robyn, and Daisy get shoutouts for stepping in to assist. At the team’s request, please assign Robyn someone to practice her mummification skills on after each mission. (They need a source of entertainment to lighten up the somber mood.)
Evan would like better warnings on who he is getting for team members since scrambling to try to figure stuff out is not an ideal. There was some confusion among the additional pre-mission staff as to why they were put there in the first place. It is not a helpful for anyone if Evan doesn’t know what to do with them and people don’t know why they were assigned to him in the first place. He also requests that people not assume he’ll hit it off with someone purely because they’re both purebloods.
Finally, James is temporarily banned from the infirmary. This is non-negotiable.
Strategy and Field Operations, report given by Hestia Jones.
Hestia begins her report by giving specific commendations. Daisy did some excellent work in both headquarters and the infirmary. Pandora was a necessary assistant to headquarters. Dirk did well with the fieldwork. Gwen’s work exceeded expectations. Peter led his team against the absolute unexpected with aplomb. Good work, as usual. Alice continues to kick ass. Gideon held his own in the field against unfair odds. Great work. Edgar brought a level of know-how well above his level. Brilliant job. Emmeline continues to show incredible promise as a healer. Wila showed exemplary leadership skills on the field. James managed himself well on the field.
She is proud of the Order’s teamwork and ability to keep all the families safe. Despite the challenges, they completed their objective. She has plans to discuss concerns with individual members privately, but appreciates the reports given tonight. Some members should be prepared to be called into a meeting with her and Alastor later this week if concerns need to be discussed.
She also reports on possible changes to be discussed later:
Daisy optioned for possible assistant work for team leadership/infirmary. 
Frank has made a full recovery and is back on the roster.
Wila to be optioned for more frequent team leadership/possible First Level promotion. 
Dirk to be optioned for field work slightly more often. 
Gwen given Third Level field work status.  
Gideon officially reinstated as Team Lead. 
Edgar to be optioned for Second Level field work status, a promotion.
James’ request for leadership is still under advisement and will continued to be monitored based on performance. The infirmary ban is supported.
Concerns (Note: These were not shared with the group, but have been discussed with Alastor and these members may be called in for a meeting or plotted with by players):
Regulus may need to be kept on a shorter leash regarding his leg. Will be monitored. He may be optioned for field work less frequently or given easier mission work due to mobility.
Emma will be further monitored regarding field missions. She may not be ready.
Lily will be monitored based on her injuries. She is expected to make a full recovery. 
Theodosia will be monitored based on her injuries. She is expected to make a full recovery. 
Severus engaged in an altercation in the infirmary post-field. To be discussed. 
James engaged in an altercation in the infirmary post-field. To be discussed.
Strategy and Field Operations, report given by Alastor Moody.
Alastor also begins with specific praise for each team. For Team London, despite the fact that they literally had shit blow-up in their faces and numerous members injured, not only did Wila keep a level head and get her team out safely, she was also able to get the Pierce family out with no harm done to them. For Team Liverpool, Alastor notes that each member held their own well against the Death Eaters that showed up. Reggie and Lucinda both acted professional and calm despite the weapon held on them, and were able to gain the family's trust to remove them safely.
For Team York, a job well done, but a mild suggestion to check that all team members are with the group at mission's end to ensure members do not need to return to a possibly hostile area. Peter led well, however, during the dementor attack and his team aided one another well beyond this concern. For Team Wiltshire, being put up against Fiendfyre is no easy task and each member of Alice's team conducted themselves exceptionally in the face of injuries, traps, and the fire itself. They ensured not only one another's safety, but the family's too. A job well done.
Concerns (Note: These were not shared with the group, but have been discussed with Hestia and these members may be called in for a meeting or plotted with by players):
Regulus' mobility does not mean he cannot go out into the field, just that they should check what his limitations are. Concerned with phrasing of said concern, and suggests that they bring Regulus in to discuss the matter soon rather than make it a blanket statement. (Vetos)
Emma’s monitoring is fine, but again ask. Provide reasons why she may not be ready, rather than assume so. (Approves with suggestions)
Wishes to discuss Edgar's promotion further. Would like to see him do more work with another lead before being given said promotion. He did well in this mission, yes, but should not be just held to one thing and given an expectation for growth and a place to make mistakes where people won't die if he messes up (Neutral with suggestions)
Would like to add that a shift should be put into place so Lily and Theodosia may be monitored and not burden Evan or Emmeline overly much in the aftermath of the mission. Let them rest. Asks for volunteers to take overnight shift for the evening. Ted, Remus, and Gwen volunteer. Severus will also remain in the infirmary. (Neutral)
Agrees that Severus and James should both be pulled aside, most possibly separately, for their discussions. Alastor does not want to break up a school yard fight and have to send them to time out. (Approves with suggestions)
You may begin threads set June 25th and after. Feel free to react to the debriefing mission in your threads or set paras on same night. 
Theo Sewlyn was able to communicate with Voldemort after returning to the infirmary and he was able to make the Dark Marks invisible, which is how our other spies stayed undiscovered. After the debriefing meeting, spies will notice their Dark Marks returning even darker than before — a sign from the Dark Lord that he owns them. 
Not present at the meeting: Emmeline (stayed in the infirmary while Evan went as Lead), Lily (unconscious), Theo (overnight observation; she attends briefly at the beginning when requested to confirm Dark Mark information).
As always, all existing threads are allowed to be continued, no matter the date set. If you are dropping threads, please provide a short closing summary.
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opinated-user · 2 years ago
who wants to bet shes talking about zena and poppys interview with courtney? its not above LO to go around calling anyone whos a little mean to her a fascist
i have my own issues with the way poppy and zena carry their channel, but calling them fascist... and especially coming from LO, it's safe to call it a step too far. more than that, i really don't think it's "mean" to call out an incestuous child molester for molesting a child they were related to or lying about being a race they are not. the only people who would care to call that "mean" are the same people who enable that kind of behaviour. (this directed to LO, who thinks anyone putting out boundaries or telling her "no" is also mean, not you, anon)
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lily-orchard-gossip-blog · 3 years ago
Man, I only recently became a fan of Orchard. After stumbling on all the new gossip blogs cropping up I can safely say jesus christ I feel ill for supporting this person. If I had known even half the shit she's been pulling I wouldn't have even thought of making fanart for her. Thank you for all the work you've been doing with calling out all her out on her shit! More people need to know about what she's doing
I think a lot of Lily's ex fans feel horrible for supporting her. I remeber feeling like an idiot when I realised what she was like. I also remeber desperatly wishing to find other people who felt like me.
Which, it turns out, a lot of people did.
Plus, with all the blogs flying around right now, I think Lily is facing the largest amount of accountability she's ever faced when it comes to her online precense.
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whatstruthgottodowithit · 3 years ago
The Other Evans Girl [Part Forty Seven]
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauder’s Era]
Pairing: Sirius Black/Original Female Character, Sirius Black/Daisy Evans, James Potter/Lily Evans,
Characters: Sirius Black, Original Female Character, Daisy Evans, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Alice Fortescue, Frank Longbottom, Marlene McKinnon, Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix LeStrange, Walburga Black,
Word Count: 1240
Rating: Mature
Summary: Hogwarts is a safe haven, a home for many. But it’s often a place where heartache, love and complex emotions dwell and none know that better than the Marauders. Lily Evans just wants to make it out as a successful witch though the oncoming war and the ongoing advances of James Potter threaten that. Daisy Evans, her twin, has other goals. Join the Evans sister’s as they make their way through Hogwarts, prepare for war and eventually find love.
Tags/ Warnings: My Writing, The Other Evans Girl, Sirius Black Fic, Sirius Black/You, Sirius Black x OFC, OFC, Marauders Fic, Eventual Sirius Black, Sirius Black x Reader Fic, Sirius Black Fic, James Potter is a bit of a dick but we LOVE it, Hogsmeade, Friends, Hate, Love, Angst, Fluff, Kissing, Implied Sex, Potters, Babies, Weddings, Dating, Friends to Loves, Slow Burn, Eventual Sirius and Daisy, Teenage Angst, Insecurities, Fighting, Arguing, Bullying, War, First Wizarding War, Marauders, Marauder’s Era, 1970’s, 1970s Fashion, Canon Character Deaths, Loss of Virginity, Crying, Voldemort, The Other Evans Girl, Marauders Era to war, Multiple Parts, GORE, injuries, harm, fighting, blood, The Potter’s Mansion // Daisy’s Dress
Notes: ask if you want tagging. Also i didnt want to do this but no one in hp has grandparents apparently like? why was petunia the only one left smh
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Sirius couldn’t sleep. He tried but every time he closed his eyes he thought of Daisy, running out of the dining room with no one following her. It didn’t help that James was laying next to him and sounded as if he was revving a chainsaw every time he breathed. After a while, he decided to get up and escape the room which was closing in on him by the minute. He couldn't go to find Daisy, he knew that, after all, Lily would be sleeping next to her and he felt uncomfortable trying to explain his presence at her sister's bedside in the middle of the night. Instead, he made his way downstairs and made himself a glass of water. After downing it in four big glugs he put the glass in the sink and made his way through into the drawing-room and looked out at the garden.
Though the Potter’s garden was large it was barren for most of the length of it. Mostly just a neatly manicured lawn hemmed in by trees that multiplied as it got to the orchard. But outside the house was a patio which was made up of furniture, a grill and an outside fire which to Sirius’ surprise was lit. And curled beside it in a patio chair was Daisy. Though Sirius couldn’t see her face her mop of blonde hair couldn't be mistaken.
Sirius heaved a sigh of relief. At least now he could check she was alright. He crept quietly out of the back doors smiling at her as she turned around after being disturbed. She smiled weakly back at him and then turned back to watch the fire as he slid onto the outdoor sofa opposite. He didn't talk, instead, he sat watching her hoping she would initiate the conversation. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying though she wasn't doing so now. As the fire popped and hissed in front of them they sat in comfortable silence until finally, she spoke.
It was barely more than a whisper but he heard her even so as she said, ‘I bet you’re fed up of me being dramatic huh?’ ‘What?’ Sirius said genuinely confused by the question. ‘Well, my outburst must have put a dampener on dinner no?’ ‘Not at all,’ Sirius said, ‘in fact, we were all worried if you were okay.’ She stayed quiet for a moment before responding. ‘I’m fine,’ she said meekly, ‘a bit embarrassed but nothing too bad.’ ‘Good, I’m glad.’ ‘I remembered something,’ she admitted. Sirius didn’t say anything but raised an eyebrow as if urging her to continue, ‘about mum and dad
it wasnt anything bad. In fact, it was quite nice.’ ‘That’s good,’ Sirius said. ‘Except it reminded me of last Christmas,’ she said. ‘Oh?’ Sirius said trying to sound nonchalant as his mind raked over last Christmas which they spent in the castle. He’d loved it.
‘Yeah, then I just sort of spiralled because it reminded me that I missed their last Christmas. My last family Christmas. And I didn’t have to, not really
I mean Madam Pomfrey told me to stay put but I still came here. I still enjoyed myself whilst they were probably worried sick about me. They didn’t see me for months and I’d practically been at death’s door. And I didn’t go home. I didn’t spend their last Christmas with them, what shitty person does that?’ she said spitefully. ‘You’re not a shitty person for not predicting the future Dais,’ Sirius said. ‘I didn’t predict the future but I took it for granted. I could’ve died that Halloween and I didn't even think about going home. Letting them make sure I was okay,’ she said. He could see the tears brimming in her eyes reflecting the fire in front of them.
‘You’re right,’ he said bluntly. Daisy looked at him with confusion as he started to elaborate, ‘you did take it for granted. And should you have gone home? Maybe. But would your parents have cared that you didn’t? Probably, because they love you. I spent time in your home remember Daisy and though yes you probably could’ve spent more time there, maybe spent their last Christmas with them but that didn't change how much they loved you. Dais, I felt more love between you and your family in the week I was there than I had felt in my house for the entire 15 years I lived there. Is it a shame they’re gone? Absolutely. I mean I’d trade my parents in a heartbeat for you.' ‘Pads,’ she said sadly. ‘What? I’m just being honest.’ ‘You say it like you haven't got a family,’ she said, ‘I mean what about me, Lil, the boys?’ ‘I know that
I also know that, sure, you missed your last Christmas with your parents but that wasn’t your last family Christmas. We’re family. Always will be,’ he smiled. She smiled back at him and then dropped her gaze, nervous to whisper the next bit, ‘Pads?’ ‘Mmmhmm?’ Sirius replied. ‘Can I have a hug?’ she said. Sirius didn't say anything so Daisy looked up and found him moving over and beckoning her to come to sit next to him. She moved and sat down beside smiling as he threw an arm around her and pulled her closer. She nestled into his side, her hand falling onto his thigh which caused electricity to buzz through him.
They stayed like that for quite a while though as the night wore on the air around them started getting bitter so much so the fire couldn’t stave it off any longer. Sirius didn't want to move but he could feel her shivering next to him and so he nudged her causing her to sit up and look at him. ‘I think we better go inside,’ Sirius mumbled. Daisy nodded and the pair got up walking back in through the double doors. Once inside Daisy’s shivering intensified as her body tried to get used to the warmth of the house. Sirius rubbed his hands along her arms trying to warm her up which made her smile. After a moment she dropped her gaze and mumbled his name.
‘Yeah?’ he said watching her in the moonlight. ‘Tomorrow, can we
I mean, I know James will have to because of well
I mean,’ she rambled. ‘The point Dais?’ he chuckled making her look at him and smile. ‘I was wondering if we could skip the party? I mean I understand if you don't want to miss it, I mean
actually forget it,’ she said. ‘Dais, it’s okay,’ he said grabbing her elbow so she couldn’t flee. ‘No, forget it I’m being silly.’ ‘If you want to skip it that’s fine. I don’t mind and I’m sure the others won’t either,’ Sirius said. ‘Really?’ she said biting her lip. ‘Yeah, and I don’t think the Potters will mind either.’ ‘It’s just all too much too soon,’ she said. Sirius nodded. ‘I get it,’ Sirius said, ‘leave it with me. I’ll sort it with Euphemia.’ ‘Thanks,’ she said before leaning into a give him a quick hug, ‘I really appreciate it.’
He didn't say anything but mumbled an agreement into the top of her head. As she pulled away she smiled and then left the room leaving Sirius standing there watching where she had just gone. If she didn’t want to go to the party he was going to bring the party to her.
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