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recreancyrpg · 3 years ago
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An emergency meeting is called at midnight, at the cusp of June 25th to debrief about the botched mission. They have a spy — they know this already, but it’s more than evident now. Someone leaked this information to the Death Eaters. 
A voice comes from the back. A haughty drawl from none other than the youngest Black sibling. You've overlooked the obvious. Not a surprise, I know, but I didn't expect to think for you all again. If you're this worried about spies, stop being so fussy about personal privacy or whatever it is you’re dithering over and make everyone show their forearms, Regulus scoffs, and the members of the Order give one another confused stares.
Regulus explains about the Dark Marks that Voldemort places on his most trusted followers and any spy will thus surely have one. Eyes go to Severus, questioning. Severus confirms what Regulus is saying, claiming he did not share this prior because Dumbledore has his reasons. He shows his forearm — a pale skull with a serpent tongue rests there. Severus explains how it works for Voldemort to call his followers to him.
Alastor and Hestia send for Theodosia from the infirmary. The same symbol rests against her skin. She’s allowed to return to the infirmary. Much chatter ensues — arguments, frustration, exhaustion — but, soon, each member shows their forearm. No other member has a visible Dark Mark. The Order is left back where they started — with a spy they don’t know, one step behind the Death Eaters.
To end the meeting, each Team Lead gives their reports. The meeting concludes around two in the morning.
Team London, led by Wila Travers.
Prior to the explosion, Edgar and Nicky were stationed in the orchard in the back and Wila and Lily were stationed in the front. Xenophilius joined them in the front. There was no sign of trouble. The explosion happened at approximately 12:03 pm. The exact location could not be pinpointed, but it was very near the Pierce home. It completely destroyed the street, along with several homes. 
Nicky and Edgar sustained minor injuries: Nicky a concussion after being blow from a tree; Edgar a minor wound on his side that later reopened and became more severe upon Apparating to headquarters. Xeno was blown back from the blast and sustained a concussion and other minor wounds. Wila suffered a broken wrist and cuts and bruises. Lily was critically injured after being blown into a car. She survived, but is still being observed in the infirmary. 
Wila sent Edgar, Xeno, and Lily back to headquarters to be seen by the healers, and sent Nicky to find Regulus and Marlene, who had arrived as back up. They were tasked with finding as many muggles as they possibly could to help. The three of them passed on the story that a gas main had exploded and they helped as many muggles as they possibly could. 
Wila met up with Ted, who was there working for the Ministry, on the scene of the explosion and Ted informed her that official cover-up story is a burst pipe. The news will be covering the story in the morning. They were able to locate Wilma’s family in the Pierce house and bring them to Muggle police.
Wila reports on how well her team did in the face of all of the chaos that surrounded them. They handled the change in team lead and the emergency planning meeting, along with the fallout of the explosion. The team members that were injured in the explosion all wanted to stay and continue helping the muggles, but Wila sent the most injured back for healing.
Team Liverpool, led by Gideon Prewett.
The Death Eaters approached Liverpool just after noon, as expected. However, there were more of them than anticipated. Severus, Theodosia, Alastor, and Gideon distracted the Death Eaters and drew them away before engaging in battle. Alastor and Theo sustained larger injuries. Gideon and Severus sustained minor injuries. The team was able to make their exit to the safe house, with Severus supporting Theo to the infirmary at headquarters.
Reggie and Lucinda went to the house for the family. They were held with a knife to Reggie’s throat before Lucinda called Remus for back-up. Upon his arrival, they were successful in getting the family, including an infant child, to the safe house using their portkey. The trial run with the amulets worked well. 
Team York, led by Peter Pettigrew.
The team began split into two with Peter and Gwen at the top of the hill and James and Amelia near the house when dementors approached just after noon. James called headquarters for back up and Robyn and Andromeda joined them. James found Peter, while Robyn found Amelia. Andromeda and Gwen were tasked with getting out the family. This was successful with minor set backs where Andromeda had to return for one member. She was splinched upon arrival back to headquarters, but was healed and discharged.
Robyn reports that she approves of James’ focus on finding Peter when it was clear he'd be at a disadvantage, but tempers that praise with a note about failing to inform Amelia of what he was doing when he ran off. She also praises Amelia for staying cool and in control under pressure. She notes personal concerns about Dementors slipping away from Azkaban and the potential implications that could have on a broader scale, with recommendations on remedial Patronus lessons for all Order members in case they are an ongoing threat on future missions. In the meantime, she advises all Order members be made aware of the Patronus status of their teammates going forward. Andromeda backs up this notion with colorful swear words.
Amelia has requested to not be paired up with James again after he left her in the lurch, while Andromeda reports that Gwen was very helpful in getting her to the infirmary after splinching. She is worried about Gwen’s safety on the field. Gwen praises Peter for his leadership, James seconds.
It is noted to the Order members that James’ patronus has changed to a dragon.
Team Wiltshire, led by Alice Longbottom.
Upon their arrival, Emma triggered a trap on the property of the farm, which was no doubt put there by Death Eaters after the Order’s plans were leaked. Alice inferred there would be more traps and warned the group, splitting them into teams of two to search for and disarm the rest. Dorcas and Emma took one side of the farm, while Sirius and Fletch took the other. They believe they were able to find all traps and successfully dismantle them. Dorcas, Emma, and Fletch sustained minor injuries from the traps.
Right around noon, the final trap was set off and Fiendfyre encircled the farmhouse, with Dorcas on the inside of the ring nearest the house. Alice and Emma were able to make their way across the fire with minimal damage. A patronus was sent to HQ for back up and Dirk arrived for support. Alice praises Dirk for his quick thinking to contain the fire and the group began to work as one to do so. Frank arrived on the scene, bringing news of the incantation to reverse Fiendfyre. They were successful in clearing the area of fire, although damage was done to the property.
Alice checked in on the family, who were safely inside, and did likely see the spellcasting. She reports to Ted that the Ministry may need to get involved, as the team left quickly once Muggle authorities arrived. Dirk and Dorcas called them firefighters. Dirk reports concern over Fiendfyre’s lifelike ability to adapt, change, and target individuals. He requests more studying to be done on the subject, in case they run into this again.
Burns and smoke inhalation were sustained by every member of the group, with Alice having the worse of the burns (though not severe) and Dirk having the worst of the smoke damage to his lungs. Alice and Dirk were also affected by temporary magical draining from using patronuses too near the fiendfyre, although as yet no Order members are aware of this effect. All members were treated at the infirmary and cleared. Alice expresses (somewhat surprised) pleasure with how well the whole team dealt with the unexpected (and deadly) events with a particular focus on how well members looked out for one another in the face of danger.
Infirmary, report given by Evan Rosier.
Evan gives a shoutout to everyone since no one died. With that said, Lily and Theo will be spending the night in the infirmary for overnight observation. Severus will assist in overnight monitoring.
He requests a bigger space for the infirmary. One room, along with a makeshift morgue, is not enough space if more than two people need to be observed overnight or longer. Death Eaters are upping their game and he has no issue with upping his, but cramped spaces aren’t going to cut it for mass injuries. This request is granted by Gideon and magical construction can begin in the morning.
Evan forces everyone into a lecture to discuss what “minor injury” and “I’m/it’s fine” means. For future missions, he requests avoidance of black/navy blue outfits for the sake of people being able to tell if they’re injured before getting back to HQ. He understands this could change for covert operations.
He praises Emmeline for being in her element and keeping her cool throughout the entirety of the healing support. Remus, Robyn, and Daisy get shoutouts for stepping in to assist. At the team’s request, please assign Robyn someone to practice her mummification skills on after each mission. (They need a source of entertainment to lighten up the somber mood.)
Evan would like better warnings on who he is getting for team members since scrambling to try to figure stuff out is not an ideal. There was some confusion among the additional pre-mission staff as to why they were put there in the first place. It is not a helpful for anyone if Evan doesn’t know what to do with them and people don’t know why they were assigned to him in the first place. He also requests that people not assume he’ll hit it off with someone purely because they’re both purebloods.
Finally, James is temporarily banned from the infirmary. This is non-negotiable.
Strategy and Field Operations, report given by Hestia Jones.
Hestia begins her report by giving specific commendations. Daisy did some excellent work in both headquarters and the infirmary. Pandora was a necessary assistant to headquarters. Dirk did well with the fieldwork. Gwen’s work exceeded expectations. Peter led his team against the absolute unexpected with aplomb. Good work, as usual. Alice continues to kick ass. Gideon held his own in the field against unfair odds. Great work. Edgar brought a level of know-how well above his level. Brilliant job. Emmeline continues to show incredible promise as a healer. Wila showed exemplary leadership skills on the field. James managed himself well on the field.
She is proud of the Order’s teamwork and ability to keep all the families safe. Despite the challenges, they completed their objective. She has plans to discuss concerns with individual members privately, but appreciates the reports given tonight. Some members should be prepared to be called into a meeting with her and Alastor later this week if concerns need to be discussed.
She also reports on possible changes to be discussed later:
Daisy optioned for possible assistant work for team leadership/infirmary. 
Frank has made a full recovery and is back on the roster.
Wila to be optioned for more frequent team leadership/possible First Level promotion. 
Dirk to be optioned for field work slightly more often. 
Gwen given Third Level field work status.  
Gideon officially reinstated as Team Lead. 
Edgar to be optioned for Second Level field work status, a promotion.
James’ request for leadership is still under advisement and will continued to be monitored based on performance. The infirmary ban is supported.
Concerns (Note: These were not shared with the group, but have been discussed with Alastor and these members may be called in for a meeting or plotted with by players):
Regulus may need to be kept on a shorter leash regarding his leg. Will be monitored. He may be optioned for field work less frequently or given easier mission work due to mobility.
Emma will be further monitored regarding field missions. She may not be ready.
Lily will be monitored based on her injuries. She is expected to make a full recovery. 
Theodosia will be monitored based on her injuries. She is expected to make a full recovery. 
Severus engaged in an altercation in the infirmary post-field. To be discussed. 
James engaged in an altercation in the infirmary post-field. To be discussed.
Strategy and Field Operations, report given by Alastor Moody.
Alastor also begins with specific praise for each team. For Team London, despite the fact that they literally had shit blow-up in their faces and numerous members injured, not only did Wila keep a level head and get her team out safely, she was also able to get the Pierce family out with no harm done to them. For Team Liverpool, Alastor notes that each member held their own well against the Death Eaters that showed up. Reggie and Lucinda both acted professional and calm despite the weapon held on them, and were able to gain the family's trust to remove them safely.
For Team York, a job well done, but a mild suggestion to check that all team members are with the group at mission's end to ensure members do not need to return to a possibly hostile area. Peter led well, however, during the dementor attack and his team aided one another well beyond this concern. For Team Wiltshire, being put up against Fiendfyre is no easy task and each member of Alice's team conducted themselves exceptionally in the face of injuries, traps, and the fire itself. They ensured not only one another's safety, but the family's too. A job well done.
Concerns (Note: These were not shared with the group, but have been discussed with Hestia and these members may be called in for a meeting or plotted with by players):
Regulus' mobility does not mean he cannot go out into the field, just that they should check what his limitations are. Concerned with phrasing of said concern, and suggests that they bring Regulus in to discuss the matter soon rather than make it a blanket statement. (Vetos)
Emma’s monitoring is fine, but again ask. Provide reasons why she may not be ready, rather than assume so. (Approves with suggestions)
Wishes to discuss Edgar's promotion further. Would like to see him do more work with another lead before being given said promotion. He did well in this mission, yes, but should not be just held to one thing and given an expectation for growth and a place to make mistakes where people won't die if he messes up (Neutral with suggestions)
Would like to add that a shift should be put into place so Lily and Theodosia may be monitored and not burden Evan or Emmeline overly much in the aftermath of the mission. Let them rest. Asks for volunteers to take overnight shift for the evening. Ted, Remus, and Gwen volunteer. Severus will also remain in the infirmary. (Neutral)
Agrees that Severus and James should both be pulled aside, most possibly separately, for their discussions. Alastor does not want to break up a school yard fight and have to send them to time out. (Approves with suggestions)
You may begin threads set June 25th and after. Feel free to react to the debriefing mission in your threads or set paras on same night. 
Theo Sewlyn was able to communicate with Voldemort after returning to the infirmary and he was able to make the Dark Marks invisible, which is how our other spies stayed undiscovered. After the debriefing meeting, spies will notice their Dark Marks returning even darker than before — a sign from the Dark Lord that he owns them. 
Not present at the meeting: Emmeline (stayed in the infirmary while Evan went as Lead), Lily (unconscious), Theo (overnight observation; she attends briefly at the beginning when requested to confirm Dark Mark information).
As always, all existing threads are allowed to be continued, no matter the date set. If you are dropping threads, please provide a short closing summary.
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recreancyrpg · 3 years ago
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The Order expected the Death Eaters to attack. What they didn’t expect was for Death Eaters to know this. At the same time — just after noon — a series of events play out across the various teams and their locations, tipping off the Order that, once again, they’ve been betrayed by a spy. 
Back-up is coming — both because of the watchful eyes on the maps and the patronuses that headquarters receive from their besieged field agents — but, once again, the Death Eaters are one step ahead.
Team London, led by Wila Travers.
As they wait in the busy city for Death Eaters, something even worse happens: Seemingly out of nowhere, a major explosion occurs, throwing the city — and the Order members — into ruin. Without further signs of active Death Eater activity, it’s unlikely the family will be targeted any more today. The new objective: to save as many affected Muggles as possible and get back to headquarters as quickly as possible. The problem: many members from this team were directly impacted by the blast. 
Note: This team will have the highest probability of injuries from the onset.
Back-up to be given by Marlene McKinnon & Regulus Black.
Team Liverpool, led by Gideon Prewett.
This is the only team where things seem to go according to plan...much to their regret. They see a group of several Death Eaters approach, led by Bellatrix, Rodolphus, and Rabastan Lestrange, but it’s more people than anticipated, as the Order planned for the Death Eaters to be spread out amongst the locations. The objective: fight their way out of Liverpool while also bringing the family to one of the Order safehouses where they will call for Minerva McGonagall to take over and prepare the new muggleborn student (and family) for what comes next.
Note: This team has the two double-agents; how do they handle being face-to-face with their masked comrades?
Back-up to be given by Alastor Moody & Reggie Cattermole.
Team York, led by Peter Pettigrew.
They’re waiting for Death Eaters — what they don’t anticipate is something else approaching. Suddenly they feel a coldness down their spines. It’s familiar, but only in that way that’s terrifying. The dementors have never left Azkaban or government control before — this is the first time the Order has come across them. The objective: stave off the dementors and get the family to safety to call for Minerva McGonagall.
Note: Who amongst them can produce a patronus? There is also a squib on the team — can she see the Dementors? 
Back-up to be given by Robyn Lynch & Andromeda Tonks.
Team Wiltshire, led by Alice Longbottom.
Having discovered the numerous traps planted around the Burns Farm, Team Wiltshire has been working their way in from the farm's boundaries towards the house, disabling (or unwillingly triggering) the traps as they go. The moment they cross a certain point — just on the inside of a thin creek that cuts across the property — they set-off the primary boobytrap that all the little traps were hiding: a large water jug tips over, releasing a gout of Fiendfyre that quickly forms a blazing circle around the farm, one that begins to slowly tighten around the wix and the not-distant-enough house that they are tasked with protecting. The objective: manage the fire, disable the traps, and get out. The family will no longer be in danger then — if they can get the fire out in time.
Note: There is no currently known magical way to completely extinguish uncontrolled Fiendfyre. 
Back-up to be given by Dirk Cresswell.
Strategy and Field Operations: 
Hestia Jones will now be assisted by Pandora Malfoy and Daisy Hookum.
Objective: Watch maps, check in on Entry Room, assist injured to infirmary, intercept patronuses with information, adjust plans.
For thread purposes, anything goes as characters currently in HQ are told to provide back-up and teams currently on field start to come back.
Evan Rosier and Emmeline Vance are the only two healers left. 
Objective: heal the injured, intercept those coming from the Entry Room to the infirmary, ensure no deaths. 
For thread purposes, anything goes as characters currently in HQ are told to provide back-up and teams currently in the field start to come back.
Chaos has ensued, so players should feel free to jump around in the timeline — both in action and back at HQ. It might be helpful to mark event threads with a time estimate, but it’s not required.
Theo Sewlyn was the spy who set this up from the beginning (aka why she gave the Order the information in the first place), but no one in the Order is aware of this. Please don’t out Theo as spy just yet! Most members likely assume it was the (unknown) spy that leaked the information back to Voldemort after Theo had given it to them, thus leading the Death Eaters to change their plans.
You do not have to rely on the dice to determine outcomes for your character, but you are welcome to utilize them if you wish! They’re fun to use for spellcasting, injuries, etc.
Injuries are allowed and given that magic can heal most everything relatively quickly we will not be limiting the amount of injured; however if you want a long-lasting or permanent injury for your character please discuss with the admins first.
All event threads are allowed at this point. The only requirement would be that teams don’t mix on the field — only back at HQ — unless they are a designated back-up.
No future threads allowed at this time — everything should be on this date or before.
New threads set before June 24th are allowed, but should be kept to a minimum. As always, all existing threads are allowed to be continued, no matter the date set. If you are dropping threads, please provide a short closing summary.
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recreancyrpg · 3 years ago
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JUNE 20TH, 1984.
Theodosia Selwyn reports to the Order that there was a leak in the Ministry of Magic and the Death Eaters have the Ministry’s list of magical births. Because of the corruption within the Ministry, no one is all that surprised. However, they also know that the Death Eaters will do anything in order to prevent the pre-Hogwarts Muggleborn children on that list from ever setting foot in the magical word.
Theo is able to tell the Order the names of the four Muggleborns slated for the next school year, along with the location of their households. She reports that the Death Eaters have planned a four-pronged raid against the Muggleborns for Saturday, June 24th. The Order decides they will be waiting for them.
Organized and overseen by Hestia Jones and Alastor Moody, the Order members spend six hours coming up with a strategy of attack. They will be broken up into four teams to scout these locations and, if/when Death Eaters arrive, do whatever they can in order to protect the Muggleborn children. The problem: these are Muggle areas and they must abide by the Statue of Secrecy.
For those not out in the field, their goal will be to make sure things are running smoothly back at headquarters, any injuries are healed, and that everything goes according to plan, which they know is likely to become chaotic as soon as the Death Eaters (who are much less concerned with limiting Muggle discovery and casualties alike) appear.
Teams should meet at least once prior to the mission on June 24th to go over details and be prepared. 
Team Lead: Frank Longbottom
Lily Evans Edgar Bones
Location: London
Child target: Wilma Pierce
Team Lead: Gideon Prewett
Remus Lupin Theodosia Selwyn
Location: Liverpool
Child target: Spencer Davis
Team Lead: Peter Pettigrew
James Potter Gwendolyn Lockhart
Location: York
Child target: Aidan Grant
Team Lead: Alice Longbottom
Sirius Black Emma Vanity  Mundungus Fletcher
Location: Wiltshire
Child target: Sidney Burns
Strategy and Field Leads: Hestia Jones & Alastor Moody
Dirk Cresswell Severus Snape
Healing Lead: Evan Rosier
Emmeline Vance Regulus Black
Players should have one planning thread within their team set between June 21st-June 23rd. For groups of four, this can be broken up into two 1x1 paras as long as the full group has discussed details together. 
This plot drop will trigger an event that will happen at a later date (to be voted on in the discord). This event will take place on June 24th in game time and will be the actual Order mission, so please do not begin new threads past June 23rd.
You may want to have threads set in reaction to this meeting with other characters outside “their team.” Consider if they’re happy about their placement - or with their other team members.
For those at HQ, there is still much to be done - characters should make sure plans are set into place, supplies are plentiful, and decisions are finalized. Team leads are in charge of their groups, but those leads at HQ (Alastor, Hestia, and Evan) are in charge of the team leads.
Reminder to plot things out together prior to threading!
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recreancyrpg · 3 years ago
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JUNE 24TH, 1984.
The Order of the Phoenix has spent the last several days prepping for the mission announced during their last meeting. With new information coming to light from Severus Snape, along with Frank Longbottom’s injury, the Order has to scramble to change plans and make adjustments. But they can’t wait any longer - the Death Eaters are one step ahead and they have to do what’s right. The morning of Saturday, June 24th, the teams are dispersed to their locations to get settled and watch for activity. Thanks to some quick planning between Dirk Cresswell and Hestia Jones, those back at headquarters are now able to track the movements of members at each location.
The rule: Do not engage until Death Eaters arrive.
Team Lead: Frank Longbottom Wila Travers (Following an injury on the job, Frank Longbottom has been benched for his safety as he continues his recovery. Wila has been placed as Team Lead in a last minute decision the night before the mission). 
Lily Evans  Edgar Bones  Wila Travers (moved to Team Lead.) Nicola Edgecombe Xenophilius Lovegood (late addition)
Location: London
Child target: Wilma Pierce
Team Lead: Gideon Prewett
Remus Lupin  Theodosia Selwyn  Lucinda Talkalot Severus Snape (added after leaked intel about the Lestranges)
Location: Liverpool
Child target: Spencer Davis
Team Lead: Peter Pettigrew
James Potter Gwendolyn Lockhart Amelia Bones
Location: York
Child target: Aidan Grant
Team Lead: Alice Longbottom
Sirius Black Emma Vanity Mundungus Fletcher Dorcas Meadowes
Location: Wiltshire
Child target: Sidney Burns
Strategy and Field Leads: Hestia Jones & Alastor Moody
Dirk Cresswell Severus Snape (moved to Liverpool) Reginald Cattermole Dilara Yaxley
Healing Lead: Evan Rosier
Emmeline Vance Regulus Black Robyn Lynch
Players should start as though groups are waiting for action. Please do not have characters engage in combat or see Death Eater activity at this point. We will be having a mid-event plot drop related to action after a vote in the discord for timing, and this will initiate the actual conflict. (Feel free to jump at shadows, etc, though!)
Field teams: paras can be broken up into several 1x1 or group threads - anything goes, as long as they stay in their starting locations, for now.
HQ teams: Paras can move between teams, since everyone is in the same location. You may engage in any threads within one another, just not with the current field team characters. These characters are able to track the movements of the field teams using the maps.
No future threads allowed at this time - everything should be on this date or before. 
New threads set before June 24th are allowed, but should be kept to a minimum. As always, all existing threads are allowed to be continued, no matter the date set. If you are dropping threads (such as from the last event), please provide a short closing summary.
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recreancyrpg · 3 years ago
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In the early hours of June 13, 1984, Caradoc Dearborn kicked everyone left out of his pub after a successful - to some - party. While the idea of the “celebration” wasn’t exactly thrilling for a majority of the guests of honor, it was a welcome distraction from the war for most and will likely be the gossip around the Order for the next few weeks.
Whether it’s Edgar Bones’ dance moves or disbelief over the fact that Emma Vanity had never played Quodpot until Alice Longbottom taught her, the idea to celebrate something was a much needed change. Even if some of the gossip isn’t actually good - such as the explosive argument between Remus Lupin and James Potter, which could be heard over even the loud music and had to be intervened in by Lily Evans.
Special thanks to Hestia Jones for a majority of the planning, as usual, and may Caradoc’s door rest in peace. 
This concludes the Welcome Home event. 
The above notes of what happened during the event does not summarize everything that was on the dash. Admins chose certain publicly-occurring plot points to highlight, as they will be most likely to discussed moving forward. If you believe something is missing, please IM the admins through discord and we will edit this post as necessary.
You may now begin paras set after June 12th. Threads set during the event can still be continued, but no new threads set during this time should begin.
Past paras (anything set prior to the roleplay opening date) can still happen at any time.
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recreancyrpg · 3 years ago
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The Order of the Phoenix has had precious little to celebrate of late -- but one stand-out moment of light in the darkness of this war is the miraculous, unexpected return of four of their own whom they had long ago given up for lost.
They emerged from their captivity bloody and traumatized, so their return was more about relief and healing than celebration... but it’s been four months now since they returned; four months of recovery, of restoration. Of remembering all those lost to this war who didn’t make it back, and being grateful that these four did.
It’s time to celebrate their miracle. (Whether the guests of honor are actually in the mood to celebrate or not is a moot point.) And what better way to do that than for Caradoc Dearborn to close the doors of The Flaming Dragon for a private event? Of course, he couldn’t close up shop during prime hours, so he agreed to do it -- but only if it was during the week.
To work around Caradoc’s demands, the party was set for TUESDAY, JUNE 12TH. Not much thought was put into the date and, without realizing it, the Order members who helped plan set it one day before a rare occurrence. A lunar eclipse full moon would be happening the very next day.
Folk tales talk of odd happenings occurring around a lunar eclipse. Those who tell the stories mention heightened emotions or secrets being spilled. Still, the Order has booze, so it might all balance out in the end.
Is your character a planner? Would they have helped plan this event?
How might the lunar eclipse affect your character, if at all?
This is the kind of event that allows all characters to interact, so try moving from your comfort zone into interactions that you might’ve not considered to start the roleplay!
Don’t be afraid to really have your character mess something up!
No para partners or assignments will be given for the opening event.
Remember to tags your posts with the date of event and to tag any open starters with ‘recreancystarter.’ This event does not yet have an end date and one will be voted on in the ooc at a later time. You may begin interactions!
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