#Lily is not bad she just does not like Reggie
ilovebarty · 1 year
Imagine this a jegulus to all the boys I loved before au where Regulus is Lara gene Sirius is Kitty and the 2 boys are James and Remus because Sirius is Kitty and the older sister combined. When sirius reads these letters after an argument with Regulus he sends them out not expecting the drama that unfolds ,
like if you want me to write it
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thebestofoneshots · 8 months
Gilded Constellations | (wolfstar x reader)
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 6.2K Warnings: Use of the word fag in a derogatory way. The person that does it gets told off for it. Prompt: After the day you've had, you could really use a drink, if Rem let's you go through with it, at least. This IS a Wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it. Proofread by lovely: @aremuslupinsimp
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Chapter 31: Strange Magic
You walked all the way to the common room as fast as you could, you were hoping your little talk with Reggie hadn’t been so long that it would have Lily and Remus worrying about you. Once you arrived, the lady in the portrait gave you a bit of a scowl. 
“It was you, wasn’t it?” 
You were taken aback. “Me? Whatever did I do?” 
She arched an eyebrow at you, looking rather displeased, “You gave the password to that pretty Slytherin girl and her younger friend.” 
“No,” you said with a head shake. “I’m not friends with the Slytheri–” 
“Hey, Star Seeker!” You heard Minho’s voice from behind. “You gonna let me in or what?” 
You winced at that, the fact that Minho had his quidditch sweater on only aggravating the situation further, the lady gave you a look and you shrugged. “I don’t ascribe to the whole house rivalry we’ve got going on.” 
“That’s right!” Minho said as he wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer to him. “We’re transcendent mates.” 
“What?” You asked, turning to him with a frown. “Transcendent mates!?” 
“You’re telling me «chowol chingu» doesn’t have a literal translation that makes sense in English?” You shook your head, you might have studied many languages, but you had no idea what chowol chingu meant. “Like, umm…” Minho seemed to struggle to find the right words, trying to think of a time when he heard someone say something similar,  “Best chums?” 
“You almost blew my head off in the game today!” 
“Not my fault you were on the other team,” he said with a shrug. “Besides, I wasn’t nearly as bad as Barty.” 
You laughed. “Best chums then, all right,” you said as you shook your head. “Will you let us in?” you said, turning to the lady in the portrait with the same charming smile you used to convince Remus of silly things. 
She pursed her lips, rolled her eyes and took a deep breath before leaning her head down, “Password?” 
You smiled, “Boneless phoenix wings.” 
The portrait opened up like a door and allowed both you and Minho to get in. “It’s so much less hassle to get into my common room,” he said with a sigh. 
You hummed, “Yeah, your brick wall is nice, a lot less talkative, but the Lady on the portrait is a taste you acquire.” 
“How do you know about the brick wall?” He asked, a little confused. “Wait, it was you!” 
“No it wasn’t,” you said with a frown and looked around the room, Tom wasn’t too far. 
“It had to be you, and it makes so much sense omg, you little–” 
“Tom!” you called, the boy turned to you, and you shoved him onto Minho’s face, Minho was terrible at keeping secrets, and you weren’t about to spill the beans about the prank onto him, “Minho was looking for you, go ahead and talk,” You said with a smile before you scurried away. You noticed the blush on Minho’s neck as he threw you a desperate look and you just shrugged and shot him a wink. 
You slipped towards your room, Lily had found some nice clothes for you on the bed, and you smiled and changed into them. It was a pair of snug corduroy pants and a thick sweater. It was stylish and yet simple. You cleaned up and changed into the clothes, walking downstairs trying not to cause too much attention, skidding past some with your head low until you reached the spot where Remus stood. Near the fireplace, with a cup in one hand and a plate in the other, he was wearing a quidditch sweater that fit him snuggly, perhaps a little tight. 
“That’s not yours,” you said when you approached. 
“Sirius gave it to me, said it fit the spirit. Left it with a note on my bed and everything.”  He did not mention what Sirius had written in the note, “Wear it if we win, give it to Vix and cheer her up if we don’t”.
“Romantic,” you joked, Remus rolled his eyes, trying to avoid your gaze. “Suits you well.” 
“Must be for my dashing good looks.” 
“Oh… and it came along with Sirius’ personality.” He chuckled at your joke and finally turned to look at you again, almost allowing himself to get lost in your eyes. “You saved that for me, yeah?”
“In my pockets,” he said, hands still very occupied with food and drink. 
“Which one?”
“Back, left,” he said automatically, not realising you would reach down and grab it “Oi! That’s the right,” he complained as you dug your hand in his pocket, brushing his arse and making him panic slightly. 
“Sorry,” you mumbled and went for the other pocket “Should’ve specified which left.”
“There’s only one left!” he said in disbelief as you pulled the little flask out. 
You shrugged “Never been good at knowing which is which.” 
“Or… you just wanted an excuse to touch my arse.” 
“Oh no!” you said ironically, “You’ve discovered my evil scheme. All I wanted was to get a good feel of those round butt cheeks.” Remus almost choked on his drink from the laugh that got caught in his throat, you smiled and extended the small flask towards him. “Cheers mate,” you said before taking it to your mouth and drinking a few big gulps.
Remus left the plate on the mantle and pulled the flask off your mouth, “Hold up, slow down little witch!” The Firewhiskey was rather strong, he was sure you’d be tipsy in no time.
You looked at him reproachfully, your lips were wet and looked incredibly juicy before you gave them a lick and collected the remnants of alcohol from them, he forced himself to look at your eyes instead “Rem!” you reproached. 
“Uh-uh,” he shook his head as he raised the bottle above his head. “You tell me what this is all about and then I give it back to you.” 
“I just need a drink.” 
“Because of the fall? The monster in the swamp? Whatever you’ve got going on with Nightshade?”
Fucking perceptive werewolf best friend “No.” you said with a loose shake of the head, he realized you were being honest. 
You sighed and reclined against the side of the chimney, staring at him through your lashes with an expression akin to a reprimanded puppy. “Can I please…?” He shook his head and raised an eyebrow expectantly. “I had a talk with Regulus.” 
Remus’ eyes narrowed on you, lowering the flask as he looked at you in shock. “If he said something to you that–” The werewolf seemed about ready to throw punches, even if he didn’t think too bad of Reg in the first place, he also saw in him all the things of Sirius you did. 
But you shook your head, and he could see the contrition in your eyes, “He didn’t rat us out.” 
Remus tilted his head to the side, just a little, prompting you to continue. You let out another deep breath and looked to the side “So then how did…?” 
“He said they got an owl,” you explained, “Must have been the creepy wizard from ‘El Maleficio', I get chills from the memory.” 
“That’s the muggle but then not actually muggle magic shop, correct?” 
“Where we bought the animagus recipe and this,” you said as you pulled out the necklace Sirius had given you.
“He still has the mark from it.” 
“The mark?” you asked with a frown.
“I’ll tell you about it later.” Remus wasn’t sure if telling you about the bIood magic linked to it was a good idea, “So the man sent a note.” 
You shut your eyes at that, and your frown deepened. “They asked Regulus, he lied and then they– they gave him veritaserum.” 
“And then there was the letter–” 
“The one you burned down.” 
You nodded, “I hadn’t gotten a reply to any of the letters I sent to Sirius and I was angry and sad and–” you sighed, “he said the letter explained it all.  Poor Regulus thought I was mad at him even if I knew– And I’ve been treating him like dog shit…” You let your head fall back with a groan. It crashed onto the wall, a little loud for Remus’ enhanced hearing and he worried. 
“It was a situational thing.” 
“I could’ve been more rational,” you said as you opened your eyes again, a reproachful tone directed straight at yourself. “Attempt to be a decent person–” 
“You’re already one of the nicest people I know,” he said “Stupid selfless if you ask me.” 
You threw him a look, a half-smile on your lips “I’m not selfless.” 
“Says the girl that was ready to be eaten…” 
“I wasn’t ready to be eaten! I was thinking of a different approach!” He raised an eyebrow and you pushed him back playfully, “Can I please, please get my flask back?” 
“Drinking your sorrows away is not a great habit.” 
“What do you mean sorrows? I caught the snitch, I should be celebrating!” 
He took a long sip of the firewhiskey before passing it over to you. “Don’t gulp it down again,” he warned. 
“Ugh, you’re such a mom,” you replied as you took a sip.
“A mom?!? Not a dad?” 
“Daddy maybe,” you snickered, he rolled his eyes at you but smiled regardless.
At some point, Marlene discovered you in the corner and dragged you to dance with her, you barely had time to hand the flask to Remus before she was prompting you to shake around in the improvised dance floor. After a while, you started to feel the strain in your shoulder and decided to lie down instead. But you were stopped by Nox, who waved at you from the side to get closer. 
“Hi!” you greeted, “Glad you and Comet made it.” 
He nodded in response and then hesitated as if he wanted to say something “Do you,” he scratched the back of his head, “Fucking Neil, I’m getting him for this,” he mumbled. “You see, some kids from my class and a few others who’ve joined decided to make a mini quidditch game.” You hummed in response. “Each of the teams we formed will be allowed to invite one of the pros to the game.” 
“One of the pros?” you asked, an eyebrow quirked. 
He nodded, “Yeah, one of the members of the quidditch teams…” he took a deep breath. “Would you… would you like to be in our team?” he asked.
You simply nodded, “Sure!”  The fact that James wouldn’t be too happy about you over-exerting yourself didn’t even cross our mind “Who’s the other player?” 
“It’s Alex Wood,” he told you “You’re friends, right?” 
You nodded, “It’ll be nice to see him as a keeper before the official game.” 
Nox shook his head “Oh no, he’s… he’s not going to be a keeper, he’ll play chaser.” 
“Really?” You asked, a little shocked. 
“Yeah, it was part of the rules, so the game was more balanced. We were thinking of making you a seeker, but well, it wouldn’t be very balanced, would it?” 
You raised your eyebrows “If that’s your way of complimenting my seeker skills Nox, I’ll take it gladly. Especially from a Slytherin.” 
“As if you needed more compliments than you already have,” he scoffed. “Anyway, how do you feel about being a chaser, or a beater?” 
“Well…” you said, rolling your wounded shoulder unconsciously.
“Can’t do beater sorry,” Sirius said as he wrapped one of his arms around you, placing his hand near enough your wound, not to hurt you, but to remind you. “She needs some time to recover after the fall.” 
“Puppy you’re back!” you said as you leaned onto him. “How was detention?” 
“Humdrum, as you’d expect,” he replied, not giving it too much thought. “If you need a beater I could fill in for her.” 
“Oh no,” Nox shook his head calmly. “She can be a chaser, it’d better actually, I believe, Solacis wanted to be a beater.” 
Sirius tilted his head, and Nox swallowed “Anyway, that was what I wanted to ask, I’ll give you more details about the game during the week,” he said before scurrying off. 
You turned to Sirius, “You threw him the look.” 
“You shouldn’t be playing quidditch,” he responded simply and squeezed your arm a little. “You should be resting instead.” 
You shrugged, “We won.” 
He nodded “Peter told me,” he said with a slightly displeased nod and leaned the butterbeer he had in his hand towards you, “Want some?” 
You took it from his hand and gave it a sip, “Did he tell you about…” 
“The way you fucking jumped off your broom? Of course, he did.” 
“Nosy little rat,” you mumbled. 
“And you think I wouldn’t have found out?!?” 
You shrugged. “I didn’t jump off, by the way… My broom was being coursed, I would have fallen down regardless, I just thought I’d have higher chances of getting the snitch if I leapt towards it.”
“And your counter jinx didn’t work?” 
“What?” You asked, head snapping his way, eyes opened wide.
“Your counter Jinx? I assume it wasn’t working because–“ he noticed the surprise on your face. “You did try to use a counter jinx before jumping off your broom, right?” You looked at him, dazed.  “Starshine…” 
You gave him an apologetic look, “I guess I just didn’t… I needed to get the snitch.” 
He groaned, laying his head on your shoulder. “You do know counter jinxes, right luv?” he asked, turning to look at you, still from the crook of your neck, his breath tickling over your soft skin. 
 You swallowed, the closeness making you nervous. “Well… I mean I know a few, not a specific one but–”
“I know a couple, I’ll teach you,” he said determinedly. “We’ll practise next time we go flying with James, I’ll be trying to throw you off and you’ll have to counter it. It’s advanced wandless magic, but if anyone can master it, it’s you.” 
You leaned down and gave him a small peck on the temple, “Thanks Pups.” 
“Pas de problème,” he said simply. 
“Sirius we need to move,” James said as he gripped your boyfriend from his jacket and hauled him off your shoulder. 
Your boyfriend groaned at the loss of your touch, “James, next time you cockblock me like this I will hex you.” 
“McGonagall is coming,” James said simply.  Sirius’ breath hitched. 
“What’s wrong with that?” you asked. 
“She gave us specific instructions to go straight to our room,” Sirius explained.  “Said if we didn’t, we’d be in detention for a lot longer.”  
“Invisibility cloak?” you asked looking at James, he shook his head and you took your wand out, disillusioning them both at the same time, “Go, I’ll distract her.” 
“Thanks, Vix,” you heard James say quietly.
Then felt a hot breath on your shoulder. “On the hideout we used for Marlene’s party after Maggie’s gone to check our room, I’ll take the cloak.” 
You turned to him with a smirk, even if you couldn’t see him, and nodded. Then you moved towards McGonagall, who was looking around the heads of students in the common room. 
”Professor!” You called, she turned to you, hesitant, as if she still needed to find something, “Professor I’ve been meaning to ask you something.” 
She sighed and turned to you, “Yes, darling?” 
You smiled at her, charming and apologetic, “If I’m distracting you then–” 
She shook her head, almost feeling bad at herself for not giving you the necessary attention, “Are you alright? That was– it was a nasty fall you took on,” she grimaced. 
And then you remembered, she was going to be a professional player but fell off her broom and got injured, you instantly felt bad, your fall must have brought back a lot of memories, “I am,” you responded quickly and changed the subject. “But it’s… It’s actually about transfiguration… I thought you would ask Remus to help me with tutoring?” 
She looked at you a little taken aback, “You didn’t ask him yourself?” 
You shook your head “I should have?”  
“Well, since you were in classes together. And you seem to be really close, I assumed you had already… Never mind, would you like me to ask him?” 
“Uh… no, no, I suppose I can just do it myself.” She frowned but nodded, and then gave a step as if to go back to searching “Wait!” you said, a little worried James hadn’t gotten to his room yet. 
“I’m…” fuck what do I even say, “I’d like to know about contraceptive potions.” The professor seemed visibly scandalised at your question, “For a friend,” you added meekly. 
She gave you a rather stern look, I’ve fucked it up, I’ve fucked it up, but McGonagall just sighed and nodded. “It’s only natural to be curious about this stuff,” she started approaching the subject in a rather neutral and tentative tone. I really fucked it up. “Especially when it’s not a subject included in the curriculum. And believe me, I have been trying to include it for the longest time.” 
You held back a gasp, looking at her surprised, “Wait, really?” 
She nodded, “Generally I gather the Gryffindors in the last year to teach them the basics before they go out in the world but I suppose since you’re dating Mr. Black, and Merlin knows that boy is rather… eager–” You winced, way to throw poor Sirius under the bus. You already knew how to brew the potion, you’d gotten the recipe from a book Marlene had borrowed, given to her by her older sister, and you certainly didn’t expect to have that kind of talk with Minnie, but you had to pull through, for your friends. “So I suppose you could come to our next meeting, of course you’d have to get a letter from your parents stating you can do so, since you’re still under age.” 
You nodded, trying to settle the small frown that had formed on your face. Now you’d have to find a way to fake a letter from your mom or something, “Of course,” you said, “thank you very much, Professor McGonagall.” 
She gave you a look and sighed again, “Is there anything else I can help you with?” 
You realised you were still blocking her way, and you shook your head “No, no… I’m sorry,” you responded and moved out of her way, looking at the way she disappeared through the stairs. You took a deep breath and sat on one of the sofas. Head laying back as you processed what had happened until you felt the pressure shift beneath you. 
You turned to the side and smiled when you spotted him, he had a glass of something that smelled alcoholic in his left hand “Hey Pete!” 
“You know, I’ve been thinking…”
“Must have hurt.”
“Prick!” He said with a laugh as he shoved you with his shoulder and then proceeded, “When I was 10 my parents got me my own cat.” He said. You knew he was going to continue talking so you let him. “And we rubbed the kitten on my sister’s older cat so she would accept it as part of their family.”
You nodded, frowning a little as you tried to process what he’d said “I don’t have a kitten.” 
He frowned and then realised his statement might have been a little ambiguous. “Oh, well… I mean, you know how Moony chased you fiercely last moon and he’d been chasing after you earlier too. Like, in the previous moons he’d been absolutely relentless, wanting to get in the castle, almost impossible for Padfoot and Prongs to control. I think… well I think it might be because of the way you smell? I mean I’m not nearly as good as Pads with the sense of smell but… you do have a rather strong scent.”  
Your frown deepened. Strong scent? “Should I be offended?” 
He shook his head quickly “NO! I don’t mean to say that you smell bad!” He was stumbling with his words “I’m just saying it’s distinctive… especially for us, probably a lot more for them since they’re canines too.” 
 “So… bottom line is, you’re saying I should go rub myself into Remus?!” You asked incredulously. He flushed. But then you thought about it. It wasn’t that far-fetched… “I’m around you guys all the time, the smell should already be there already anyway, right? Didn’t seem to help last Monday either.”
Peter shook his head “You’re not around us in animagi form.” 
“Oh, so I’m supposed to turn into a fox and then go rub on Remus? Cross my paws he doesn’t eat me on the spot?” 
“Not Remus! You could rub on Padfoot or- Prongs…. I’d say me but I’m way too small,” He explained “That would give you the smell of the pack.” 
“Right…” you trailed off “And that would work? As in, if I go around, trying to get Sirius’ scent all over me, the wolf won’t try to eat me next time he sees me?”
“It’s worth a shot?” Peter said with a shrug “I mean it’s that or he’ll keep looking for you. You know once a werewolf catches a scent it’s… impossible to stop it. And you’re dating Sirius anyway, so take it as quality bonding time.”
You reclined on the sofa, trying to take all the new information in, the more you thought about it, the more it made sense. Perhaps it really could work. Remus sat beside you a little after “Saw you talk to Minnie, everything all right?” 
You groaned at that, letting your head fall back again as you reached for the flask in his hand and brought it to your lips, taking a sip and feeling the taste burn your throat. You sighed, “I need to falsify a letter from my mum.” 
Remus raised an eyebrow “Why?” 
“I asked Professor McGonagall about contraceptive potions,” you said reluctantly, as you shut your eyes. 
Peter, who seemed shocked, was the one to speak next “Oi? Yes I’m coming!” he said as if someone had called him and then stood up and fled. 
Remus on the other side, had tensed, but you were way too fucking preoccupied with the memory to notice. “For you and Sirius…” he acknowledged, almost bitterly, “we could’ve gotten them in the restricted section,” he added, trying exceptionally hard not to clench his jaw.
You turned to him in shock, “What?! I didn’t ask because I needed them! I needed to distract Maggie so Prongs and Pads could run off to their room, couldn’t think of anything better. I already have the recipe anyway, Ma– it was given to me.”
“Oh,” he managed to say then, as if your answer made the whole thing better. “You want help with it?” 
“With what? The fake letter or brewing the potion?” You asked, diverted. 
Remus shrugged, managing to slip back into a chiller demeanour somehow “Both?” 
You laughed, “That’s incredibly kind of you Rem,” you responded. “I’ll tell you when I require help… For now, though, I just need a drink,” you said as you took another sip and then remembered the conversation with Maggie again “Ugh, she now thinks we’re nothing but horny teenagers.” 
“She’s not wrong,” he teased with a smile and you elbowed him in response.
You then felt a tug at your hair, you turned around and there was nothing. You narrowed your eyes but took another sip. And then you felt it again. You knew who it was in an instant and stood up. 
“You leaving?” He asked as you did, not being able to mask his disappointment, even just having you beside him made him feel better. 
“Mhm,” you said as you bit your lip, not wanting to prove his point, “I’ll go get some snacks, want some?” 
He shook his head, and you started walking to the hideout. Sirius was just behind you, using the cloak to hide, his hand firmly pressed to your shoulder. You looked back, and then the two of you attempted to slide inside the tight passage, but there were already two people inside. And those two people were snogging. You pulled back, stepping on the cloak and causing it to fall from Sirius’ shoulders. The four of you staring at each other in complete shock. Two of which were a lot more mortified than the rest. 
You, being distracted by the situation, did not feel the way Sirius’s hand on your shoulder tensed. And since your back was to him, you also didn’t notice the way his eyes had gone wide or the way his breath hitched on his throat. 
“Oh hey Sly Sprite, wanna join in?” Tom joked as he stared at you, Sirius, somehow overcoming the initial shock gave him a murderous look, the same he had used on Nox earlier, the Black family scowl, but it seemed to have no effect on the boy. “You can join too handsome,” he winked. Earning a slap on the shoulder from Minho.
Sirius, who had been enthralled in the sight, was instantly taken aback by Tom’s words as you spoke, “Sorry to bother you boys, we’ll find a different place to snog.” You had a very apologetic look on your face as you grabbed the cloak from the floor but Minho grabbed onto your arm, eyes pleading. “Don’t worry, I’ll deal with him,” you told him, “Not a soul will find out.” 
“You promise?” He asked, still apprehensive. Tom, who had looked diverted up until that point, seemed to understand the delicacy of the subject for Minho, and placed a hand on his upper arm reassuringly. 
“Sirius is trustworthy, as much as Sly Sprite, no one will know unless you want it,” Tom said, he was now rubbing Minho’s arm reassuringly.  
“Yes, that’s true,” you agreed, “I’ll talk to him Min, just enjoy yourself, and um… maybe put a spell up so this doesn’t happen again.” You then grabbed Sirius by the arm, and covered the two of you with the cloak.
Minutes stretched into silence as you and Sirius moved away from the spectacle, the sounds of the party fading into the background as you pulled him towards a different direction. 
Up until then, Sirius Black had never seen two boys kiss. And he was experiencing things he was so not supposed to be experiencing after it. You were still dragging him towards a different section, your hand intertwined with his as you sorted through people, as he stared blankly ahead. You didn’t stop until you were both hidden on a small section near the back of the spiral staircase that you knew was also another snogging spot, but a lot less used because of how cramped it was. You didn’t mind being so close to Sirius though, you never had.
“Tom and Minho, they’re… fags?” he said once you cast a muffliato around the two of you.
“That’s an awful word to use,” you reprimanded with a frown, Sirius seemed to be taken aback by it. 
You tilted your head, making a rather unconvinced hm, that just seemed to confuse Sirius even more, the scene of Tom and Minho kissing replying on his head over and over and over again, sometimes with them, sometimes with different people being the ones kissing. That was the one that scared him the most. 
“Well, technically Tom is Bi but–” 
“By? By what?” 
“Bisexual… or pan I think.” Your brain was a bit cloudy with how much you’d had to drink, and you were so not expecting to have this conversation with Sirius “He just doesn’t give a fuck about gender.” 
“And Minho?”
“I think he only likes boys, but I’m not sure, we didn’t talk much about it.” You admitted with a shrug “As you can see it’s a rather delicate subject for him.” 
“And you knew? About both of them,” he said with a frown. “Why did you know?” 
You shrugged, “Tom told me, with Minho I sort of guessed, and he spilled the beans about… never mind. You are aware absolutely no one can find out about that, right?” 
“But why? Rock singers… they too– I mean. Why do they hide it?”
“Cause people will start calling them fags if they don’t,” you said as if it were obvious. “Sirius if you were gay you wouldn’t go out and announce it to the entire world.” And then you thought about your words, and let a long sigh escape your lips “or perhaps you actually would.” 
Sirius seemed to think about it for a moment but didn’t say a thing. “So you can like men and women at the same time?” he asked, brow furrowing as he tried to process the information. Of the entire conversation, that had somehow slipped into his brain, and it would mull it over and over again since you mentioned it. He didn’t know. 
“Yeah,” you responded with a shrug, “I like girls too, sometimes,” you were not expecting to admit that to your boyfriend, but apparently that firewhiskey had been strong enough to let it slip by.
Sirius was surprised by that revelation, so surprised he almost let go of the initial wave of shock that had gone over him and the images that would play on his brain over and over again. Of Remus in the library, of him and Remus in the library. 
His initial reaction faded into a warm smile, and he chuckled lightly, this new discovery about you allowing him to forgo his thoughts only for a second, and mask them with humour, like he was accustomed to, "Well, that's interesting. Any particular stories you'd like to share?" He had an eyebrow raised, a cheeky smile on his lips. 
“Sirius.” You admonished. 
He shrugged, “What, it’s kind of hot.” 
You huffed out a laugh and turned to the side before looking back at him, half diverted that such a revelation garnered said reaction. Perhaps you should have expected it, you were dating Sirius Black after all. 
If you had been a little less drunk, and a little less tired from the fall just hours ago, perhaps you would have noticed the way Sirius’ eyes moved rapidly from one side to the other as he was thinking, how he asked about bisexuality with such a careful, and controlled tone, as if trying to sound casual and hoping his nerves wouldn’t betray his thoughts. You would have seen the way you stated you were also bi, had given him a sense of reassurance. As if his thoughts were somehow a little more acceptable now.
But you were exhausted, the fall, the talk with Regulus –that you still had to mention to Sirius– the talk with McGonagall, you were barely holding yourself together at that point. With so many things weighing over your shoulders, too preoccupied with Minho being found out and McGonagall’s thoughts of you that you missed most of it. Letting yourself be easily fooled by Sirius’ half smile and flirty wink.
Eventually, you turned your head back, looking at him straight in the eyes, and adopting a more grave tone “Sirius, nobody will know of what happened in that closet except for the two of us, deal? Not James, not Peter–” 
“Not Moony–” he finished. 
You were about to tell him Remus knew but thought better of it, Sirius was so naturally curious he’d want to know why he did, and there was no good way of explaining it.
“Yes,” you confirmed. 
“Okay,” he said simply. “No one will know.”
And then there was silence, something between a rather awkward situation and both of you deep in your thoughts. Sirius’ mind slipping back to the library, and the images of things that had never happened and could never happen, because he loved you. He was certain of that, and whatever the hell was going on in his brain must have been nothing more than his overactive imagination thinking of silly things. Silly tall things with big broad shoulders and brown-golden eyes. Silly things that smelled of books, chocolate and sometimes cigarette smoke. Silly things that he shouldn’t be thinking about but his stupid brain insisted on putting at the forefront of his head. 
You had, at some point, gravitated towards him, letting your head fall on his shoulder with a sigh, but didn’t say anything more. He found he liked you being close to him like that. Even if you weren’t kissing, he always liked having you close, holding your hands, or giving you hugs, and you had always been eager to return those affections. 
You were perfect, from your smaller frame to the way your breath tickled his neck, from the way your hands intertwined with his to the tip of your shoes clashing against his own. He looked down at you, at your eyes shut, resting on his shoulder, your lashes curling upwards and making you look absolutely angelic, he was sure it was one of the prettiest sights of his life, and yet his mind insisted on switching, the perfect image of you laying on his shoulder replaced by flashes of a taller figure in the library.
To his taller frame and his light brown lashes, to his warm breath and the way his large hand had covered his mouth. It was silly, you were perfect, and Sirius was sure, undoubtedly sure that he loved you like he hadn’t loved anyone in his entire life and yet, he kept thinking of him.
He was so engrossed in his own thoughts that he barely realised when you let out a long and silent yawn, let alone when the rhythm of your breath steadied or when your body slumped slightly a little more into his. Only noticing when you let out the lightest, most heart-warming snore he’d ever heard. He turned to you, your peaceful sleeping figure, and smiled at himself, admiring the way your eyes would tremble slightly, and the way your cheek pressed against his shoulder forcing your mouth into the tiniest of pouts. 
He chuckled “ Starshine! Did you fall asleep?” he teased. 
Your eyes opened up slowly, a frown etched on your face as you looked up to him. “No,” you lied shamelessly before yawning. Sirius’s little smirk just grew a tinge more. 
“Come on,” he said as he patted you on the arm. “You should get some sleep, you must be really tired.” 
You shook your head, or attempted to do it at least, only managing to shake it a little “I wanna be at the party… I wanna be with you.” 
Sirius could tell you were a lot more sleep than awake, especially since you were complaining like a toddler, he wished he could get you on recording. “I can’t be at the party,” he reminded you softly, his deep voice echoing in your ears soothingly. 
“Then just with you. I like it here.” 
“In the cramped space under the stairs?” 
You nodded with a confirming hum, “You’re warm.” 
Sirius nuzzled his head into yours and placed a soft kiss on your cheek. “If the fall is not making your bones creak by the morning, then sleeping while standing up in the most cramped little snogging hole in the entire common room will, come on, let’s get you to your room.” 
Your frown deepened “Party popper.” 
Sirius had never been called a party popper in his entire life, in fact, he’d go as far as to say he was always the life of the party. But eventually, you woke yourself enough to pull back and stare at him, your eyes still hooded with sleep and tiredness, not having had a minute of relaxation in almost the entire day, and being close to Sirius had somehow gotten you to let all your walls down and rest, maybe it was the dog in him, like a service dog or something. 
“You’re cute,” you said suddenly, and Sirius was so surprised that he went red. “Really cute,” you added with a satisfied smile. 
He chuckled a little afterwards, “I’m going to start thinking you’re not only sleepy but also seriously drunk.” 
You frowned, and yawned again “I’m neither,” you insisted. 
Gently, Sirius wrapped the cloak around the two of you and guided you up the stairs, you had leaned your head on his shoulder and drifted between sleep and awake a couple of times as he walked you up the staircase. When you were finally in your room he gave you another look, you lifted your head from his shoulder and tilted it the other way “What’re you looking at?” 
“At my stunning girlfriend,” he responded 
“Mhm,” he confirmed, “go to bed now, you’ll feel like shit in the morning. I’ll tell James you’re not flying–” 
“I AM flying!” You complained, waking up enough to argue.
“You’ll have a hangover tomorrow–” 
“I had only like–” you counted with your fingers, but gave up after you finished with one of your hands, “A few sips.” 
“You’re a lightweight then, go to bed.” 
You scoffed, “Sirius Black, if you’re gone by the time I walk down in the morning because you convinced Prongs that I’m not coming, I’ll wake up Remus and tell him it’s your fault.” 
You nodded, “He gets pissed if he doesn’t sleep his hours and you’re working on your magical theory project with him tomorrow, he’ll be pissy and make you work extra.” 
Sirius frowned, “You little minx!” 
You gave him a satisfied smile, “So keep that in mind before leaving tomorrow. Besides, you promised we would practise counterspells.”
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Series Masterlist | Next Chapter
TAGLIST:  @rayrlupin @callmelovergirl @warcelia @ireneop @endversewinchester @moonyunebi @smuttysluttybitch @mazzymoons @drugs-for-memes @sofiacblair @vmpir3lvr @remuslupinisbae @rabluver @willgrahamisalesbi4n @thatobsessedreader @orkwardx0  @itskailey24 @hell0-kittie @belovedmoony @blacksgarden @loving-and-dreaming @cassie-love20 @starchaser-lily @zucchini-queenie @springflwer07 @sseleniaa @cometsghost @orkwardx0 @imdoingbetternow  @sbrewer21 @remuslupinsbae @maxinehufflepuffprincess @wifiatthetrainstation @unstablereader @msblacklupin @oliversaurus @jaylienpotter @remussbitch @hermionelove @izuoyarmin @themarauderswife7 @keira-kaz2y5 @lampthemacarenagod @bugg06 @a-n-1-m-3-f-r-3-4-k @darlingeels @kissmeunicornbaobei @xluansstuff @boo8008 @angelmixer @voteforintensedreams @allons-y-molly @aremuslupinsimp @imaginexred @writingshae @nyanwyn @poetrypirate @crazyhorseforgot @saturnhas82moons @ryeyeyer @itsthequackshire
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A/N: Well, the cat's outta the bag. A few chapters ago you were talking about Sirius figuring out Vixen is bi and I had already written this chapter, I kid you not, it was so hard to keep my mouth shut hehe. Side note: more of Sirius' gay panic, it's one of my favourite things to write ngl.
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noblehouseofgay · 22 days
HIHI HELLO i see u've asked for asks and so i shall ask :] (i wrote a lot so OBVIOUSLY u dont need to answer all of them if u dont want to)
i cannot think up proper fully fledged questions so
tea party with the marauders OR with the skittles OR with the valkyries (i think thats what they're called?)
take arithmancy OR ancient runes classes
take divination OR astronomy classes
beat up snape OR give a character of your choice a hug
sirius in moony's sweater OR remus in sirius' leather jacket
the rosier twins with dreadlocks OR without
jily/flowerpott OR jegulily OR marylily OR pandalily OR marypandalily (yes ik its a lot of options im sorry 😭 basically just which lily ship)
partyvan OR rosestarkiller OR jegulily (as crack treated seriously)
barty's patronus/animagus being a raccoon OR a hyena :0
sirus being genderfluid OR identifying as a guy but loving to express his femininity (especially thru his clothing and hair)
WHICH IS MORE CANON (not literally bc yk):
the fact that james wore red converse OR that moony wore doc martens OR that sirius wore leather jackets
the fact that sirius stole remus' sweaters or that reggie stole james' shirts
the fact that marlene thought effie was hot OR that reg thought monty was hot
autistic regulus OR adhd james OR bipolar sirius
lily only being friends with snape at the very beginning of first year before realising he's a bigot and ending their friendship OR lily being a snape apologist all the way up until year 5 (?) and trying to ignore the fact that he's racist until she can't anymore and becomes his Biggest Hater TM
Fuck yes this'll get me thinking
1 tea with the skittles for sure. I'm the most like them, plus tea with pandora sounds amazing
2 ancient runes
3 astronomy!!! I genuinely love astronomy, plus the astronomy tower is my favorite
4 hug!! I need a hug from james. So fufkign bad. We both need it anyway
1 siriis stealing moonys sweaters <33
2 I can go either way with the twins hair but I do love them with dreads. I think pandora is constantly changing her hair, you never see it the same way twice
3 pandalily!!! Ugh I'm obsessed with them rn. Genuinely they're so special to me. Etherreal gfs. I do enjoy marylily and marpanlily too tho
4 hehe I love his patronus being a raccoon. Tho hyena is such a fucking good one. But I love his being a raccoon and evans is a possum bc they kinda match
5 both! Genderfluid sirius my beloved, but in the way they he does not give a shit. Bitch wears whatever tf they want all the time. But if someone sees him just as a dude that's perfectly fine. I just think sirius would hate being restricted in how they express himself
1 obviously leather jackets but I looove the red converse
2 Reggie stealing james shirts. You give me anything jegulus and I'll pick it <333
3 HA ok marlene definitely wanted to fuck effie. All james friends had a crush on his parents you cant change my mind
4 autistic reg my beloved
5 I think she really really tried to see the good in him, but he just kept getting worse and worse ans she decided it was b3tter for herself to leave
TYSM FOR THIS genuinely making my time stuck in the airport better <333
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struttingstag · 1 month
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Week 4 Recap
The Strutting Slut Fest is a prompt-based fest run by The Strutting Stag pairing James Potter with at least two characters.
You Learn to Fall Asleep Alone (10k words, ongoing, rated E) by @cassiaratheslytherpuff Sirius Black/James Potter
A mission for the Order goes wrong, and the threat of losing his best friend forever makes James realise he loves Sirius in a way he’s never let himself acknowledge. For the first time since he was eleven James hurts without being able to go to Sirius for help, because if he does he’s pretty sure he’ll lose the only part of Sirius he gets to have - his friendship.
truth, dare, spin bottles (5,370 words, rated E) by shoopsthereitis  Regulus Black/James Potter, Barty Crouch Jr/Evan Rosier, Regulus Black/James Potter/Barty Crouch Jr/Evan Rosier
Looking back, James can so easily see the threads that led him to where he is now. “If I remember correctly, you really enjoyed me and Evan kissing, didn’t you James?” James’ cheeks go hot at the insinuation. “Oh, really Jamie boy? You liked that?” Barty asks, crawling towards him. Regulus nuzzles into him, pressing a soft kiss to his neck, “It’s okay James, I felt the same way watching you and Barty.” Evan’s still sitting on his chair, legs spread in confidence, “You know, I did clock your question about a threesome, James.” Barty is on the floor in front of them, leaning one arm on the couch looking up at Regulus. Whatever Barty conveyed, Regulus responded with a small shrug and a grin, Barty’s eyes then shifting over to James, “What about a foursome?” OR Regulus throws James his perfect birthday party, including cheeky games from their teen years like spin the bottle and truth or dare. At the end of the night things take a turn and James gets more for his birthday than he could have anticipated
Moonlit Confessions (12,486 words, rated E) by @lunymoonymoo Sirius Black/James Potter, Remus Lupin/James Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Sirius Black/James Potter/Remus Lupin
James never understood what Sirius saw in Remus. Was he a bad friend for being jealous? James was there first and could give Sirius anything he wanted, yet Padfoot seemed to be infatuated by their lanky and awkward best friend. That is, until one day something went wrong, and James was bitten by a werewolf. Moony, being one himself, helped him through the transition, and James finally understood.
beautiful (4,955 words, rated E) by @cassetteinability Narcissa Black/Regulus Black/Sirius Black/James Potter
Sirius flashed a wicked grin. “Me and Reggie will polyjuice into James, and we can all go.” “We’ll just switch off whenever we’re ready to Avada ourselves from the wretchedness of the event,” Regulus said, deadpan. James crooked an eyebrow at Regulus. “Maybe you should stay home.” “If Siri gets to be you, so do I.” “I don’t know how I feel about both of my boyfriends looking like me,” James said skeptically. Narcissa let out an undignified cackle before getting off the couch and walking back toward the floo. “Be ready by seven on Saturday.”  Or Narcissa asks James to take her on a date, and she gets three Jameses instead
Sun’s Orbits (3,324 words, rated T) by @jaylienpotter Regulus Black/James Potter, Lily Evans/James Potter, Sirius Black/James Potter, Remus Lupin/James Potter, Sirius Black/James Potter/Remus Lupin
“Never have I ever fancied Potter”, said Dorcas during a drinking game between Gryffindors and Slytherins. James was taken by surprise when most drank. But more than that, he realised that the several people he fancied liked him back. How would he choose?
Spellbound: Love knows it’s way (1,728 words, rated E) by @maxymumu @pink-x-eye James/Lucius Malfoy, James/Regulus Black, James/Severus Snape
The heart wants what the heart wants, and James wants more that anything to follow what it tells him.  Does one’s love ends in one person? 
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waterlilychaser · 8 months
“I’ll set you up with someone? Who do you like Regulus?”
Who does he like?
As always, his traitorous mind goes straight to James.
Regulus does his best to shove James back into the farthest corners of his mind where it’s best to keep him, but with the boy himself standing right in front of him, it’s made exceptionally more difficult. A bit of emotion must flicker onto his face, because James reacts to something he saw on it.
“Reggie.” A playful smile tilts his lips. “Do you have a crush?”
“No.” Regulus responds immediately. But he can feel the blush coloring his cheeks. Marking him a liar.
James laughs victoriously, at finally finding his leverage. “No, you do! So come on, who is it?”
Regulus keeps his mouth firmly shut, refusing to give in to his teasing.
“Oh come on, Regulus, if you don’t tell me I’ll just start guessing.” He tilts his head from side to side as though he’s measuring up his options. “Your teammate Meadows? She’s very pretty, and she seems like she’s grouchy enough for you two to get along well. Or maybe-” His eyes widen, realization darkening his face. “It’s not- please don’t tell me it’s Lil-”
For some reason, Regulus doesn’t want him to say it. So he cuts him off, yelling out the first name that comes to his mind.
They just stare at each other. Impossible to tell which one is more shocked.
“Barty.” James repeats, mouth wide open. “Barty Crouch Jr?”
Regulus can’t reply. He can’t speak. Everything he says always comes out all wrong. Out of all the possible excuses he could have made, this was the absolute worst one to go with.
“A boy.” James says it almost to himself, as though he’s thinking it through out loud.
Regulus closes his eyes. Wishes that he could wake up from this bad dream.
Regulus opens his eyes to see James’s expression clear in front of him.
“Okay?” Regulus murmurs with expected dread.
“Okay. I’ll help you get Barty Crouch Jr.”
Regulus lets out a hysterical laugh, shaking his head.
This can not be happening.
“Yeah, no thank you.” He tries to make a desperate escape from the locker room, but James takes another quick step towards him and reaches out to grab his shoulder. To hold him in place.
“Have you ever kissed a boy before Regulus?” He murmurs down to him.
Regulus’s head spins. He can’t speak. He can’t think of something witty to say. Can’t remind himself he hates this boy. Can’t remind himself he can’t want him.
“No.” He whispers back, hating that his empty brain can only provide honesty.
James smiles down at him. He’s so pretty. He’s so dangerous.
“Then,” He begins, reaching out to grab Regulus by the other shoulder, nearly cradling him between his hands. “You can tell me about Lily,” He’s leaning in. “And I’ll show you how to kiss a boy.”
Regulus’s brain is moving impossibly fast. But not nearly fast enough to comprehend all that is happening.
James is offering to kiss him? It’s like everything Regulus has ever dared to want is being served up to him on a silver platter. This doesn’t happen to Regulus. He doesn’t get good things. That means that this will only end with him getting hurt.
Now that, he’s used to.
So he’s willing to take that risk.
His brain latches on to another piece of information, his curiosity giving him the words to breathe in question, “You’ve kissed a boy before?”
James smirks down at him, winking from behind his crooked glasses.
He leans over until his face is hovering right in front of Regulus’s.
Regulus doesn’t dare move a muscle. Fearing that he might break this illusion.
James runs his dark eyes over Regulus’s face. He releases a breath.
“Whatever it takes,” James murmurs to himself.
Then he’s kissing Regulus.
And- and Regulus can’t think.
And he can’t move because he’s still so scared that this is all pretend.
But James’s hands are running from his shoulders down to his arms and his tongue is hot in his mouth.
And it feels so good.
So Regulus kisses him back.
Once he starts moving again it’s like he can’t stop. He meets James's bruising kisses with an equal intensity. Tries to move his hands up to grab onto James, but finds his arms are still being held firmly down.
“No.” James breaks the kiss to look sternly down at him. His lips are pink and spit-slick when he opens them to say. “You have to keep your end of the deal.”
“Wh-what?” Regulus finds it impossible to focus as James leans back down to begin trailing kisses from his neck up to his ear.
“Tell me about Lily.” He whispers into the shell of Regulus’s ear.
“R-right now?” He splutters in shock.
“Yeah.” James peeks his head up to meet his eyes with Regulus. He presses another kiss to the corner of his mouth before repeating his demand right into it. “Tell me about Lily.”
Here is My Secret by ashshmee on ao3
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rizzulusarcturizz · 5 months
hi hi hi!!! ... need your thoughts on regulus today... and you seem so cool... <3 <3 <3 <3
hi bella!!! you seem extremely cool too and i'm always happy to talk about my favorite boy!!!
i am and always will be a trans reggie truther; walburga and orion wish they could think of a name as cunty as regulus arcturus. the first time he cut his hair short he told sirius he wanted to look just like him <3 sirius didn't realize at the time it was because regulus is trans but he was absolutely the first know and accept him. even when their relationship was at their worst he never misgendered or deadnamed him and would beat the shit out of transphobes
the sorting hat wanted to put regulus in hufflepuff because of his loyalty, hard-working nature, and dedication but regulus begged to be put in slytherin. after seeing what sirius went through for being placed in gryffindor he was terrified of what his parents would do if neither of their children were placed in slytherin.
he became seeker during his second year and was extremely nervous to be on a team of mostly older students. dorcas pretty much immediately became his friend so he could have someone on the team. once she got to know regulus and how snarky and funny he was they became very close friends. they're the only quidditch players in their friend group and are VERY intense about it.
autistic regulus!!! making friends can be difficult for him because he really struggles with social cues. he also has a tendency to avoid eye contact and genuinely doesn't enjoy general small talk. people tend to think it's because he's rude because of it and even when he gets older it's hard for him to mimic allistic social norms. the wizarding world doesn't really consider autism a thing and even sirius just describes his brother as being shy and standoffish but well-intentioned. remus clocks him as autistic after knowing him for like ten hours lmao
close friends with miss lily evans herself!!! they both relate over their parents preferring their older sibling and feeling like their older sibling is embarrassed by them. younger lily doesn't get along with the gryffindor girlies well because of her friendship with snape and disdain towards the marauders leaving her getting snubbed. regulus being straight to the point with her and not getting easily offended is a much needed change in the people she spends time with. regulus is also an extremely empathetic person and doesn't get easily overwhelmed by lily's loud anger and bitter frustration
eventually lily does mouth off to sirius and reveal that regulus worries he's a burden and embarrassment to sirius which leads to an extremely emotional conversation. sirius loves regulus exactly as he is and wants to protect him from their parents but he's not embarrassed by him at all. he just worries that the things that make regulus who he is, being trans and autistic, might put him in their parents line of fire
his very first relationship is with barty ofc and they experience most of their firsts together! eventually they decide they're better off as friends and have a very amicable split. barty ends up dating evan but remains super protective of regulus. evan isn't threatened at all and feels equally protective because they know how bad reg's home life is. they might not be able to protect him from walburga and orion but they can definitely beat the shit out of snape for calling regulus a freak!!!
obviously he's endgame with james!!! regulus has a crush on him first year but sirius and his friends are assholes to the slytherins so it gets less intense. the first time james hears regulus infodump on thestrals he thinks regulus is the smartest and most passionate person he's ever met. regulus also really sees through the "perfect son, student, and friend" mask james' puts on and encourages him to not prioitize making everyone else happy all the time over his own happiness and well-being. james isn't used to people seeing him so clearly and it's both intimidating and awe-inspiring.
remus and regulus both have wands of cypress and unicorn hair!!! they definitely crushed on each other at some point during their time at hogwarts and i'll accept no criticism on this take
regulus is only like 5'6 and skinny but he has a bit of an intimidating aura that makes him seem bigger!!! he's not one to start a fight by any means but he's got a quiet confidence about him. he knows he's extremely intelligent and skilled so why bother being modest about it?
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lqdystardust · 2 years
fuck jkr, she’s lost character rights. they’re my ocs now.
and i say where sirius is harry’s godfather, so too is regulus luna’s godfather.
sirius and regulus in a (obnoxious, silent—respectively) competition to be the better godfather. sirius gets harry to start calling everyone padfoot (including lily, and regulus, much to the latter’s chagrin) and thanks to regulus, luna’s first word is literally reggie. pandora considers strangling him for it, and then she considers strangling sirius too.
sirius buys harry his first broom. he charms it so harry can never fall off, and helps him fly around the living room. he walks around the potters house with harry on his shoulders. he teaches harry bad words. you know this already.
but imagine: regulus helping pandora and xeno set up luna’s baby room. they paints constellations on the ceiling, charming them to shift as the earth moves. regulus goes into a craft shop and buys fleece fabric to make luna a blanket the muggle way. one side in dark blue and the other side has a forest dotted with deer and rabbits and birds. he goes through the slow going steps of laying the fabric out, cutting the strings, tying them together. he charms it so that it’s always warm, so that it grows as luna herself grows.
he babysits any chance he’s offered. he doesn’t know how to handle children, but with luna and sirius’s advice he learns. when luna is upset and pandora has exhausted all known methods of getting her to stop, she calls regulus. regulus is the only one that can get luna to stop crying. no one understands it, least of all regulus himself, but as soon as he steps through the door and luna catches sight of him, she stops. regulus takes her from pandora so pandora can rest. he talks to luna like she’s grown, wiping her tears away.
i imagine little luna wiping regulus’s tears away too telling him he’s gonna be okay which really just makes him cry more
luna loves him. regulus doesn’t understand it, but he doesn’t ask questions. doesn’t doubt it. he loves her too. he does not tell sirius he was right about loving a godchild like they’re your own.
when luna is three years old, regulus gets her a tiny plastic tea set, with disney princesses on it. her favorite princess is repunzel. regulus sits on the floor until his knees and his back aches, having tea parties with little luna and all her stuffed animals.
when luna is thirteen years old, regulus gets her a hand painted porcelain tea set. each dish has different flowers or trees painted across them, charmed to bloom and wave as if blown by the wind. the set comes in a dark oak box, engraved with luna’s name. he tells her she’s graduated from plastic, and to treat this set with care.
she keeps it forever. passes it down to her children. her children’s children.
and while that’s all very sweet and heartwarming, i think regulus also teaches luna too many swear words, and a number of little hexes that she definitely uses against other kids when they get on her nerves. everytime she gets in trouble for calling a kid stupid or hexing them so that their finger gets stuck in their nose when they try to pick it, pandora knows exactly who she learned it from. she can’t even be mad at regulus, only exasperated and slightly proud that luna looks up to him so much.
luna calls him uncle reggie, and she’s the only one he’ll actually allow to call him that. imagine her classmates surprise when they show up to hogwarts for the very first time and she shouts HEY UNCLE REGGIE waving her tiny arms frantically to get professor black’s attention as he’s sat up on the platform. imagine their double surprise when he gives her a fond smile and waves back. triple surprise when he waves at harry too. he cheers for her when she’s sorted into ravenclaw. he keeps an eye out for her every single day in that castle.
he loves her like a father and i’m so very sick and emotional over it so everyone else must suffer with me
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craw-dacious · 10 months
Review of the making of the map by fox_pitch
I'm new to marauders, this is the second fic I've read.
Summary: I liked this fic, a lot. It was a fun read and I really liked the progression of both Wolfstar and James/Lili (is it Jilly? I can’t remember). A bit less angsty than what I usually read and some parts felt underbaked, but the author kept my attention INCREDIBLY. I stayed up about four hours later than I usually do binge reading this. Very good.
Since chapters are shorter ill do bigger recaps infrequently throughout, but still little chapter notes
Chapter one
Cannot wait to see this unfold <3333
Aw they’re so cute, definitely a wolf star focus
I hope this goes through seventh year so I can see James and lily play out
Chapter two
Why did I not process its the first day of term thats wild and crazy
Ok so lily still is buddies with Snape which tracks timeline wise I guess
Do they pants him at the end of the fifth or sixth year I can’t remember
I am confused on the lily dynamic tbh what does she think of the group
Chapter three
This one kinda ate, im liking the short chapters I get more invested in each part of the story
Obviously I know they’re not just gonna kill off Peter, but him dying in the shack did cross my mind
I wonder when lupin gets the potion stuff
Chapter four
I hope remus gets over himself soon how was Sirius supposed to know how intense the situation was bruh
Blanket statement that I apologize for all shitty teenage boy behavior they need to chill
Chapter five
Calling him inbred is hilarious Im liking remus’s pov
Hes gay James stop
Literally he’s gonna go be ur wingman be happy
Good chapter very chill
I like the silliness thats been in this so far. I am NOT liking that remus and Sirius aren’t talking to each other. Is it a narrative device? Absolutely. But I despise it so much.
I think Sirius’ characterization is very good so far, I’m surprised they haven’t fleshed out the Regulus stuff more yet. Hopefully will get his pov soon
God I hope this is a save reggie fic cmon
I really hope this passage is the one to honey dukes.
Im sure the plots about to pick up more since they’re actually making the map
Chapter six
If I was lily I would’ve folded so fucking fast bruh
Like I know he’s annoying but like he’s cute, and likes her so much, and is clearly like progressive what is the problem
Anyway, sirius needs to chill if he wants to be gay
Chapter seven
Closet time closet time its time to be emotional in the closetttt
Calling him a cat is funny
Sirius is my fave because he’s also like a fixer upper with issues but he’s not EVILL he just has trauma
And he actually wants to be the best version of himself yk (unlike some dumb ass fucking bitches I know)
Chapter eight
Cradling his head
Sirius licking him
God can marlene just fucking kill herself please
Chapter nine
Honestly there is no world in which I wouldnt feel awkward with my friends jokingly offering to kiss me as a form of like emotional comfort like thats not normal
Like my best friend gave me a big hug after I broke up with my ex she’s not gonna go “oh haha idk what else to do other than make out with you lol lol.” Sirius what the fuck
Anyway I love to see the lily and James bonding but I can tell it makes remus feel lonelier
Wonder if we’re gonna get Peter development at all
Chapter ten
I dont even want to write uodates anymore because im liking the fic too much
Hes so stressed abt being gay I thought he already knew he was gay bruh Sirius is clueless obvi
Chapter 11
Love how the maps coming together
This is not going over well with Sirius im sure
Ok so bed making out
Im so fucking horny I need to make out with someone STAT
Preferably someone with a penis bc it confirms they like me but tbh I don’t give a shit
Its 1:12 am
So it did go over well with Sirius. I expected some internalized homophobia or something but he’s actually being chill for once
so i got so engrossed in the story that i forgot to write my chapter notes
but so far i feel fantastic about it
the regulus thing is making me want to kms. i have like no hope for reg redemption bc the fic isn't long enough, and i feel like all that happens will be the murder mystery and MAYBE gay shit
sirius was SO STUPID with marlene like clearly remus has some issues with being open and you need to like discuss,, not make out with some other bitch
also them both being bi is not what i expected? feel like remus should be gay
peters character is... interesting. why are they friends with him. also he has bo gryffy qualities wtf.
Recap AGAIN but not done yet
Ok, the wormhole shit is interesting. Poor elves.
I wonder what happened to them, is this the in between place or whatever?
They’re being too romantic on the battlefield you gotta lock in guys
Also I thought an avada grazing you killed you no matter what
Also Sirius fully used crucio and nobody like cared other than remus. Like no commentary
Hilarious. Peak comedy. Coming back to life and IMMEDIATELY kissing Lily. Her being grossed out. Literally perfect.
Ok the introduction of the OOTP, seems good.
Honestly really like what I’ve seen in the fic, but it’s a bit TOO silly for my tastes. I need more angst.
Like obviously I want Remus and Sirius to be openly gay and in love but it was too easy in this fic, like with Destiel its always SUCH an issue lmao.
I liked this fic, a lot. It was a fun read and I really liked the progression of both Wolfstar and James/Lili (is it Jilly? I can’t remember)
I do feel like it was a little too light at times, there wasn’t a whole lot of grey area morally, and a lot of big issues weren’t fully fleshed out. I wish they’d dived into Regulus more, and Snape. I wish they’d addressed Sirius’ use of the Cruiciatus curse, and I wish they’d address Dumbledores failings more directly
Werewolf shit was fantastic to read, the angst, the fear, the violence, the drama. I thought the transformations were excellently done and I really enjoyed the progression of them figuring out the roaming/playing
Hogsmeade passage shut off? Strange.
I did not enjoy that I cannot be sure they are safe. That’s a benefit of post-hog warts fic, if its truly marauders James and Lily often don’t die.
Overall very happy fic. I did love the aggressive use of drunkness as a plot device, I liked Lily’s characterization for the most part, and it was pretty addicting in the middle.
I thought Characterization was good, not fantastic but definitely good. Peter threw me, not very likable. It’s hard to do him correctly and have him add worth to the story, but I just did not like him the whole time, and I felt like Remus and Sirius both didn’t care for him and found him annoying.
7.5/10 <3
My rankings are not supposed to be biased. Horrible shitty fic would get like a one, something readable but bad would get a fourish. Most fics that I read will be around 7-9 simply because I sort by Kudos and get recs from misuss so they’re better quality to begin with.
Great light silly read, with just enough depth to keep it interesting. I could see myself re-reading this fic once I get to know the marauders better.
Also, I do not like the fanart in this fic but I'm sure that's not universal. The artist is credited within the fic but I'd like to tag them here just to acknoledge the hard work that went into it. I checked them out and ADORE some of their other work, this one was just not to my liking. They have some percy jackson shit up that EATS.
@komodokai on instagram
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risetherivermoon · 2 years
How To Not Die Young - Chapter 7
“Remus doesn’t have it that badly, he knows that. People have parents who hit and treat them like shit beneath their shoe because they hate them. Hope Lupin has always loved her son, so how could this be bad? She just needs extra help and attention.
It's fine. He’s fine.”
“Forgot you live under a rock,” Sirius says. Remus scoffs.
“Excuse me?” He says, rubbing at his eyes, trying to stop himself from falling asleep while walking. Sirius stops walking for a second and turns to Remus before they enter the building.
“You do! You didn't even recognize me when we met. I'm humble, but I know I'm popular.” Sirius says, tucking hair behind his ear and smirking.
“I don't live under a rock, I just don't pay attention to stupid highschool popularity. I honestly only knew who James was because of Lily.” Remus says. “Didn't know Peter at all until James introduced him to me.” He mumbles a bit. Sirius laughs.
“Wow, you just proved my point, Moony.” Sirius turns back and starts to walk inside. “Who’s your homeroom?”
“Slughorn.” Remus responds. “You?”
“I've got good ol’ Minnie.” He winks.
“Minnie?” Remus furrows his eyebrows at Sirius, who laughs and then freezes.
“Why are James and Regulus talking?” Remus looks up and sees where Sirius is looking. Sure enough the two of them are talking at which looks to be Regulus’ locker. James hands something to the younger boy before running away, Filch yelling at him to walk.
“Weird.” Remus says. “Does it bother you or something?”
“Uh- I mean, not exactly. Reggie doesn't like it when I talk to him at school, you know. So, I wonder why he and James were talking.
“Well, Regulus looks happy.” Remus says, and he does, the younger boy is smiling gently at something he has in his hands. “So it doesn't seem to have been a bad reason.”
“Yeah, James is good.” Sirius says.
snippet of the new chapter as per usual!
this one is a bit of a sad one feat. remus and his issues
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allamericanb-tch · 5 months
you signed up for this thoughts (3)
last part ! 
chapter 21
choking ?! 
oh, sirius
barty jump scare
barty pov oh me oh my
HELP i thought the choking would be kinky but nope it’s just fighting
go get your man reggie
oh ?!
poor barty ☹️
i love evan so much 
kisses his teeth
wolfstar! so cute i love them
james calling regulus ‘mi vida’ ❤️‍🩹
i love them so much
minor spelling mistake 🤬
i love jegulus
chapter 22
marlene!!! also exact date and time ?! eat
“What’s a year to two determined lesbians?” i love you marlene 
please i don’t know 24 hour time
regulus you menace
i lowkey forget they went back to london. even though i JUST READ IT 
oh me oh my why is lily telling them to get out of the water (trying to be panicked for them but mostly i’m happy that i understood what she said)
sperm whale!
remus please ask him i’m begging you
mi vida ❤️‍🩹
dorcas is so me when i text
live laugh love peter
oh me oh my
ew omg. 
chapter 23
🎶august sipped away like a bottle of wine cause you were never mine🎶
me saying ew to all of this and then continuing to read it 
sirius is asking remus to stay
omg i love regulus
platonic jily the love of my life 
yes night swimming is so fun
oh ?
“You want me to inception your brother?”
live laugh love wolfstar 
chapter 24
three more sleeps ☹️
james is so real ☹️
i want to move to spain
poor regulus ☹️
i love lesbians
cliff jumping is lowkey terrifying 
i love dorlene ❤️‍🩹
oh my
i’m literally at my friends house sitting next to her in her bed reading this
ew omg
ahhhh im traumatized 
chapter 25
they’re at the bench ❤️‍🩹
hanky panky
minor spelling mistake
sad goodbye ☹️
i’m going to cry
sad sad sad
dorcas pov
stop i’m going to cry
this is reminding me of my sad airport goodbye 
regulus is so me
oh my gosh
please tell me he’s going back in the next chapter
chapter 26
poor james ☹️
HES ONLY FIVE HOURS AWAY ?! i could drive in my state for five hours and still be in it and i don’t even live in a big state
i am going to cry. 
“Why can they make it work but Reg and James can’t? Why does Reg have to fall apart? James deserves better.” i know this is what we all are thinking. 
dorlene my loves 
poor james ☹️ he is just going through it right now
barty! it’s been a while
regulus ?!
oh ?! 
remus has to leave too ☹️
i love that james calls lily liliana
but i mean good for james ? but bad for james also
i’m gonna cry but in a good way this time
so that’s what the spit is for. huh. 
remus too 😭😭
sweet brotherly moment in the midst of all this hanky panky 
chapter 27
title chapter!
it’s december! 
jegulus ❤️‍🩹
minor spelling mistake 🤬
poor sirius 😭😭
this is hilarious
i love them all
the way james likes his christmas decor gold and red and regulus likes it silver and green
i love christmas 
effie and monty!!!!!!!!
the black brothers are. oh absolute menaces
“i’m pretty sure james gets the bisexual from effie” HELP i love effie she’s an icon
poor sirius just out here suffering because of overhearing regulus and james being regulus and james
i love effie with my whole heart 
james got a tattoo for regulus omg
i love christmas
i can’t believe remus and sirius ever hated each other. 
mary marlene and dorcas i love them 
new year’s eve!!
yes i love the grapes 
🎶who says i can’t wear my converse with my prom dress🎶
happy new year!
chapter 28
bonus! huzzah!
i love architecture 
i love that they just befriended a bunch of strangers
omg. their tradition is to watch the sunrise. that’s amazing. 
sometimes i forget they’re british
what a great read. this was a good fic.
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wistfulenchantress · 5 months
If it's make-believe why does it feel like a vow we'll both uphold somehow?
@my-castles-crumbling ttpd microfic
“Ugh. Yule ball? Really? That’s so dumb,” Barty groans.
“I don’t think it sounds so bad,” Regulus says.
“Cause you’re shagging Potter!” Barty protests, “And you’re going with Lily, so not a word out of you,” he looks over at Pandora. She rolls her eyes, but is blushing.
“Evan, should we go? Cause finding girls is too hard?”
“Sure, going to a dance with your best mate is as good as anything else,” Evan replies dryly.
Barty sees Regulus and Pandora exchange a look, but elects to ignore it.
Barty takes Evan’s arm, sarcastically, both of them in dress robes and makeup. He smiles, and Evan smiles back. Butterflies move around in Barty’s stomach.
Just a friend date, he reminds himself.
They sit in the corner, for a while, eating and talking.
“Look at Reggie,” Evan points. Barty follows his finger, and sees Regulus smiling at James, slow dancing.
“Eww,” Barty moans, “We should dance. Go and embarrass him.”
He regrets the words immediately. And doesn’t know why his stomach flips as he waits for Evan’s answer.
“Sure.” Evan stands up nonchalantly, and offers Barty his hand.
They make their way to the dance floor. Evan’s hands are on his waist, and Barty’s heart rate goes up so much he is surprised Evan can’t hear it.
Just a friends thing, as he intertwines his fingers behind Evan’s neck.
Just a friends thing, as they don’t remember to go bother Reg.
Why doesn’t it feel like a friends thing?
0 notes
hannahjane3 · 1 year
does anyone else find that the marauders fandom (maybe even harry potter fandom in general) can be like kinda really fatphobic. like peter is the only like canonically fat? (i’m not sure if this is the right word to use, please correct me if i’m being insensitive) marauders character and mans deals with the most shit for it.
like people shit on canon peter for causing the potters death (and marlenes? idk if this is just fanon though) but have no problem overlooking barty and evan (i’m leaving reggie out cos he had a redemption arc) being literal murderers. like yea, pete was their friend but the shit evan probably did and barty definitely did i think is worse? or at least same level of bad?
fanon peter is literally the loser friend of the group. he gets the worst grades, is the most unathletic, most unattractive and is always considered to have no luck in the romance department. like literally every other marauders era character, even characters i would consider low key minor has ships with intense supporters except for peter. and idk if this is all because people don’t give pete any redeeming qualities because hes fat.
also like there are people who are so against plus size headcanons. i’ve seen people getting literally angry at plus size lily (which i actually fucking adore and i’ve read things where this lets her character have a more emotional development ig? like she starts to learn to embrace herself and stops seeing herself as different and let’s herself join in) for no reason other than their idea that lily evans has to be this skinny white girl. idk everyone’s entitled to their headcanons but like i feel like part of having headcanons is reading other peoples to get new ideas or just to see what they have to say even if you don’t agree.
also like the bully’s who’s only character traits are dumb and fat (crabbe and goyle, mulciber and avery (although not as much as crabbe and goyle) who do their skinny white boys bidding
i’ve like gone on like a massive tangent here but like. idk. my written expression is trash idek if this makes sense
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youvebeenjegulused · 3 years
Endgame Jegulus Head Canons
They kept it a secret, at first.
They get together in James's fifth year, and Regulus's fourth.
James calls Regulus not only Reggie, but baby just to piss him off.
Regulus gets the mark the summer before his sixth year.
Whenever Sirius and Regulus would fight in the hallways, James would never look Regulus in the eyes, he was always too afraid that he would let something loose.
The first time they exchanged 'I love you's' was a few days after James found out Regulus had been forced to take the dark mark. He kissed his arm and whispered sweet nothings to him.
After summer and winter breaks, Regulus would close himself off for a little while after. It hurt James at first, until he knew why.
After James became head boy, he and Regulus would sleep in his room, instead of various meet-up spots.
The rest of the mauraders found out in James's seventh year. Sirius had screamed at him, how could James do that to him? Remus and Peter had been upset as well, Remus albeit more because of his boyfriend.
Sirius didn't talk to him, or Regulus for two weeks after he found out. Eventually, he and James sat down and he threatened to kill him if he ever hurt his little brother.
James stopped liking Lily in his fourth year, after he finally gave up on her. Although, they did become close friends, but nothing more.
For their seventh year prank finale, James and Sirius hung up pride flags around the school, and Sirius kissed Remus in the great hall during breakfast.
On the day of James's graduation, he proposes to Regulus. Of course, Reg says yes.
James comes out to his parents that same day.
They have to keep their relationship secret, because of the war.
Regulus becomes a spy for the order.
They find out Peter is a traitor, and sadly, they have to kill him.
Their wedding is absolutely beautiful. Wolfstar, Dorlene, Lily and Minerva Mcgonagall are the only guests. It takes place in a field full of wild flowers and blue skies. It's the first time James sees Regulus cry.
Soon later though, James sees him cry for the second time, when he feels the kicking coming from James's stomach.
James decides he's never felt real fear before when he watches his husband almost drown.
He saves him, of course. But not all of him. His left arm and peaceful sleep will forever be gone.
They decide to name him Harry James Potter. He has messy brown hair, big grey eyes and skin like a doll.
Uncle Padfoot really loves Harry, he does. Just not when he's six months old and breaks Uncle Moony's favorite mug.
Voldemort still (somehow) finds them. It's too bad that Lily is visiting when he is.
James and Regulus attend her funeral with heavy hearts. Harry's forehead adorns a lightning bolt scar.
Raising Harry with one arm is quite the task, Regulus often ponders.
Sirius, Remus, Regulus and James have a bet on Harry's Hogwarts house.
James and Sirius owe Regulus five galleons each when Harry's letter comes back with the words Slytherin written within it.
They owe him five again, when Harry sends another letter talking all about Draco Malfoy, and how annoying his blonde hair is when it glows in the sunlight.
That's why their not surprised in fourth year, during the second task when Harry drags Draco out of the water with him.
Regulus has never willing killed anyone. But when Sirius dies, so does the nearest death eater in sight. He doesn't bother looking at their face.
James and Regulus hold their son as he cries about his boyfriend, who was forced to get the mark. Just like Regulus.
Together, they worry about Harry, Neville and Luna, who are alive, somewhere out in the world, trying to destroy horcruxes.
On nights where Regulus wakes up screaming about wet hands and dead sons, James holds him close, like he used to when they were teenagers.
James cries twice that day. Once, when he sees Harry after he escaped Malfoy Manor. The second time when he sees Luna. Her eyes are dull, and she has blood dripping from her mouth.
Regulus helps Harry bury Dobby.
Harry meets Teddy Lupin, a surprise baby that came from a one night hook up between Remus and Tonks. Remus had thrown up afterwards, and decided Tonks was better as a friend, without knowing of his son.
Regulus holds his wand to Voldemorts face when he brings out Harry's dead body. James is right next to him.
With the help of Neville, Regulus kills Nagini.
James almost starts sobbing when he sees his Harry alive and breathing, throwing spells with his wand.
Regulus Potter realises how much he loves his family when he sees his son staring down at the dead, mortal body of the dark lord.
Draco and Harry take in Teddy as their own, which is a relief to Andromeda.
At Harry's wedding, James gets flashbacks of Regulus walking down the isle as Draco does. They'd chosen the same spot as he and Regulus. It's bittersweet, with the two empty chairs for Sirius and Remus.
Regulus and James go to their first pride parade. Regulus magiks rainbows onto their cheeks, and together they yell and kiss and cheer.
James Sirius Potter is a beautiful baby.
They are old now, so very old. They have a small house that overlooks a sunny clearing in the woods. They have rocking chairs that they sit in and drink tea. They tell stories of love and pranks to their four grandchildren.
James Sirius, Al, Scor and Lily remind James of the mauraders. Regulus shakes his head in exasperation, that's full of grey curls.
When James dies, Regulus forgets how to feel again.
Slowly, things brighten, but Regulus will always remember. His everything, his happiness, his partner for infinity.
So it's not unsurprising when Regulus slips away from the world on a warm summer day, a few years after James. His hand is held by a crying Harry, Teddy behind him.
They're buried together, under a willow tree. The whole family visits, at first. But slowly they all trickle away, until it's only Harry and Scorpius who still come by.
James and Regulus loved each other, beyond words and everything else in the entire world. Harry vows to remember that.
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sophsicle · 3 years
“I don't want James to be perfect. I don't find that interesting or relatable.”
There’s the bad faith argument I was expecting. There is a mile wide gap between portraying a perfect character and what’s been constructed here. James wants to ask his pregnant muggleborn girlfriend to open their relationship to a member of a racist cult trying to kill her that he’s already cheating on her with. There’s no such thing as retroactive polyamory- poly never starts with infidelity. He’s lied to her, betrayed her trust, carried on an emotional affair for at least few months, and has been an apologist for a death eater’s actions for years. This isn’t love, or complicated feelings, or a garden variety teenage romantic fuck up. This is insidious narcissism and selfish cruelty. If he actually loved her at all or even just respected, he would never even consider asking her in the first place because it’s such a shitty position to put anyone in, let alone a muggleborn. But also, he’s not asking her a question, it’s inherently an ultimatum: **he already told Regulus to come**. He didn’t care about her consent. Her only other option this is to remove herself from the situation which again confirms it’s an ultimatum. I don’t know who this character is, but he sure ain’t a canon compliant James Potter.
But considering how the chapter comments look, they are unsurprisingly already on board with justifying all of this, no one cares about narcissistic abuse if it means poor Reggie can be happy. They will probably call Lily a bitch if she threatens to stand in their way which wouldn’t be the first time but it doesn’t matter since Regulus is never going to make it to their house. I wouldn’t bother to call all this out if not for the fact that it’s the biggest Marauders fic right now, influencing countless readers and writers and has already lead to SA victim blaming and misogyny on Ao3 and TikTok. But also, this is your ask box, so you can just delete if you don’t think my points are valid.
"poly never starts with infidelity" Is just factually incorrect. In an ideal world poly would never start with infidelity. In an ideal world everyone would understand their feelings enough to be able to articulate them to their partners and have conversations before infidelity happened. However, we do not live in an ideal world. Neither do these characters. That is my point. Lots of poly relationships start with infidelity listen to like three Savage Lovecast episodes and you'll see that. Does that make it okay? No. Does that make it morally correct? No. It's just a fact of life that people do not always manage to do the right thing in every situation. James stops Regulus. He could have kept going. BUT he doesn't. He is fighting with himself and his feelings and what to do about them. He's a kid. He's trying his best. Is what he is going to ask Lily unreasonable? HELL YES. Is Lily going to point that out to him? HELL YES. James is a romantic and an idealist and his feelings runaway with him and he is caught up once again in a world where he can save Regulus and it is blinding him to some of the realities of the situation. Which, once again, Lily will point out to him. "Carried on an emotional affair for at least a few months" This is a bit of a stretch. He runs into Regulus by accident one time. And then thinks about him. Thinking does not equal infidelity. He doesn't write him letters. He doesn't show up at his house. He doesn't try to call him. He doesn't get off to the thought of him. He thinks about him sometimes and misses him and is sad. That does not constitute an emotional affair.
"it’s inherently an ultimatum: **he already told Regulus to come**. He didn’t care about her consent" I agree. Like I said above I think James gets carried away, I think he gets caught up in his feelings and his fantasies and his idealistic dreams. And I also think that this is one of the moments where we see Lily call him on his shit. Unfortunate that you are yelling at me about a scene in this story you haven't even read yet. Though I would like to point out context here. This isn't a normal situation. James does not have the luxury to pop back home, have a good long chat with Lily, let her think about it for a few weeks and then go talk to Regulus again. They're in the middle of a war and Regulus is in a very dangerous situation. DOESN"T MAKE IT OKAY. Just complicated. What I think is a bad faith argument, is to dismiss Regulus's whole character by just calling him a death eater. He is essentially a child who we have seen for the past thousand or so pages experience various forms of abuse, he is more complicated than that. That's the whole point of this fic. I don't know how you could have gotten this far and missed that. Doesn't make anything he has done okay. Doesn't make him a good person. But you are being reductive here. You are absolutely robbing this kid of everything he has been through and experienced and everything James knows he has been through and experienced that allows him to hurt so much for him. To want so badly to help him. This is not a Victorian novel. These characters do not all represent virtues and vices. They are a mix of both. They are forced into extreme situations in which they make extreme choices. "I don't want James to be perfect" is not a bad faith argument. I don't think that he is a bad person for the things he does, to me, in the fic, the reasons he crosses the line are understandable even if they aren't justifiable.
Listen, I am all for discussion, but you came at me angry. And you came at me mean. Which I think you know? SO yeah, I didn't really feel like outlining a whole essay for you. Because I am not a published author and I don't actually need to justify anything. SO if you wanna have conversations maybe try not starting them "in bad faith" because it isn't productive.
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blush-and-books · 4 years
For the celebration ask: canonverse, comfort, confession, flower
Also, congrats on almost or actually reaching 1.5k ❤️
Thank you so much for this ask, my darling!! I kinda went off. not healthy when i have so many of these to do but oh well. i had a very vivid idea so thank you!!!!!
So, maybe it was one of those days for Julie. 
They had become more and more few and far between since the boys came into her life, but occasionally, her brain couldn’t help it. Her mood would be soured for no reason besides the fact that she missed her mother, and sometimes it wasn’t even that -- she just wanted to cry with no purpose behind it. It was pent up emotion that needed to be let out, and anything from a sympathetic look from Flynn to Tia bringing her hot cocoa with whipped cream (Julie hates whipped cream) would set her off into a sobbing frenzy. 
The band had yet to see her like this until today. 
They could all tell that something was up since that morning -- especially Luke -- when Julie came in the garage to say goodbye before school, and could barely look any of them in the eyes. 
“Hey,” Luke pulled away a little quicker than usual, reaching up to cup her face in his hands. “You okay?”
Pathetically, she nodded. “Just tired,” her unconvincing voice reported. 
But he still saw the tears in her eyes as she grabbed her backpack and turned away. 
After that, it became his personal mission to find a way to cheer her up when she came home. He knew that she wouldn’t want him making a big deal about her mood or going out of his way to be disgustingly sweet to her. Julie Molina does not want to be coddled.
Luke can, however, make her smile. 
He toils over what he can do for her that won’t make her punch him in the face and run -- he decides, eventually, on getting her some flowers, and setting up some of her favorite music on the garage stereo, and covering the couch in blankets and pillows for her to crawl into when she gets back from school. 
(Yes, she could technically go to her bed, but if he can get her to stay in the garage then thats where he wants her.)
He even goes through the trouble of sneaking her favorite cookies from the pantry without Ray noticing the pack floating out of the house. 
Everything is pretty easy to set up except for the flowers. He wants to get her dahlias, but he wants to get her more -- like the big bouquets that have five kinds of flowers and weigh a few pounds. It isn’t until he has teleported between grocery stores and farmer’s markets that Luke realizes trying to sneakily swipe a bouquet and poof away before anyone notices will cause the kind of chaos that Julie hates. 
So he settles on finding some nice local gardens instead. 
He’s as gentle as he can be as he rips some of the foliage from the ground and different pots, finding dahlias and lilies and hydrangeas and honeysuckle and tulips. As soon as Luke returns to the Molina house, he washes them off with the hose in the back, and ties them together to make a bouquet with a stray shoelace from one of Alex’s old pairs of shoes.
Soon enough, it’s almost 3, and Julie should be home from school at any moment. 
Luke falls into a panic as he hears the car pull up -- Reggie and Alex left because they didn’t want to overwhelm her with too much attention, and Luke doesn’t know if Julie will even come by the garage if she’s been having such a bad day-
But one of the garage doors opens, and he is gripping the bouquet with an iron fist, and Julie’s hunched frame enters the space with a solemn look. 
When she notices him, and the music playing and the flowers in his hands and the comfy setup on the couch, her lip trembles. 
“He- Hey, Boss,” Luke tries to greet her, terrified that he has seriously made her day worse. “I- I- I just thought you might need to relax today, so I wanted the place to be ready  by the time you got home, and t- th- th- the flowers were just something I thought you might-”
Julie bursts into tears that she seems to have been holding in all day. She’s so distraught that her backpack is still weighing down her shoulders as she lifts her hands to wipe her tears, and Luke charges towards her with the flowers in hand to slide the straps off of her shoulders and pull her into a hug. The backpack hits the floor with a thud. 
“I’m sorry,” Luke mumbles, half-heartbroken, into her hair. “I’m sorry. I just wanted to make you smile. I didn’t mean to upset you, I’m-”
“I’m sorry,” the girl in his arms sobs into his chest. Her broken voice cracks Luke’s heart and he somehow attempts to hold her closer, feeling his own tears well as she shakes against him. “I’m sorry. It isn’t you, I’ve just felt so bad all day, and I’ve been so close to crying, and now I come home and you’re trying to make me feel better and-”
Her own cries cut her off. All Luke can think to do is softly shush her and run his right hand over her hair, as if it can help. He doesn’t know what will help -- he just knows he wants her to stop crying. 
“I’m not upset that you did this, I just- When I feel like this, any little thing, good or bad, will get me to cry. You literally could have smiled at me and I might have reacted the same way. It’s just so sweet, and sometimes I love you so much it hurts. Thank you for doing this.”
As desperately as he wants to immediately question her on the fact that she just told him she loves him so much that it hurts, he can tell now is definitely not the time to deep-dive into that. 
So he lays a kiss on the side of her head, and the soothing motions of his right hand continue. “Well, that makes two of us. I love you so much that all I thought about all day was making you happy again. I didn’t know what to do.”
Julie lets out a shaky exhale into his chest, followed by a sniffle. 
“You did everything perfectly,” she croaks as she lifts her head and slightly pulls away from him. His left arm comes in between them with the bouquet of flowers, and Julie looks down at them with a weak smile. “Where did you get these? Whose shoelace is this?”
“You have some very generous neighbors,” he vaguely explains. “And… Alex’s. So you should probably get those in a vase so I can put the shoelace back before he gets home.”
In any other situation, she would probably yell at him about the flower thing. But he only sees her smile wider as she takes them from his possession, and looks down at them like they are a precious heirloom. “Okay,” she nods, wiping her eyes. “I will.”
“And then when you get back, we can do whatever you feel like.”
Julie eyes the comfy arrangement on the couch behind him, and the pack of cookies on the coffee table.
“Like cuddle and nap and eat?”
He notices that she finally looks relieved. Not perfectly happy and sunshiney -- but like she’s getting there. To maybe even score a laugh, he darts over to the couch and leaps onto it, toppling some of the pillows. “For as long as you want, Boss! I’ll be waiting.”
After a few minutes, she’s back; speedwalking over to the couch and crawling under the blankets and into his arms like she has been programmed to do so. 
“Thank you,” she whimpers into his neck as she rests her eyes shut. The notion of being thanked is so ridiculous to him, because-- Because there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for her. 
“I’d do anything for you, Julie. You know that.”
The hum he feels against his collar bone is all that he needs to know she is finally content, after a long day of searching for peace.
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Portrait of the FBI trainee as a young adult
or Some thoughts on how Riverdale aged up their teen protagonists
Jumping seven years in the future over the span of just seven days is not an easy feat, but it can certainly be done: changes in physical appearance and “adult” stories are very useful tools. But this is Riverdale, which means that, while all characters are adults in season 5, some characters are more adults than others.
Jughead Jones, Veronica Lodge and Toni Topaz, in particular, come to mind.
Adult Veronica has been blessed with a new sensational wardrobe befitting a more mature character. To be honest I’ve never met a 25-year-old dressed like Ronnie, however, her clothes are those of a grown up. Character-wise nothing has changed for adult Veronica. However, she had always been portrayed more like a young adult businesswoman than a typical teenager. So, in a way, post-time-jump Veronica hasn’t so much changed, as grown into her age. As a result, she might not be different from her pre-time-jump self, but she is convincing as an adult.
Toni had a similarly drastic change of wardrobe, accompanied by equally drastic changes in terms of her character: Toni is now pregnant but -most importantly- in a position of authority. She might not have her own story line yet as advertised (so far, she has supported the plots of Big Bad Hiram, Hero Archie, Investigator Betty and Isolation Queen Cheryl), however, in every scene she has been portrayed as someone dealing with adult responsibilities and being successful at that. She runs the Whyte Worm, she used to work at Riverdale Social Services, she’s Riverdale High School’s guidance counselor, she secures financing for the school and its activities, under her captaincy the Vixens have become a winning sports team heading out to championships. Adult Toni is drastically different from teen Toni.
The most adult character, however is Jughead. In terms of physical appearance, he has ditched his trademark beanie and very recognisable wardrobe for a new set of clothes, a couple of tattoos, glasses and facial hair (that some love and some hate). In terms of story lines, like Toni, he has the most adult ones. And the most different ones from those of his youth. He has meetings with his agent where he talks about his job. He no longer investigates to unravel Riverdale’s mysteries as much as he interviews people for a book, for which he already has a contract and a deadline. He takes a second job to make ends meet. He faces debt. He (supposedly) drinks a lot. As a teacher, his storyline has been the most realistic of them all. Instead of condoning dance-offs with 25-year-old Cheryl or being given a class of minions like Veronica (wasn’t that a very taciturn and obedient bunch …), Jughead is shown staying out late to prep for class and giving pop quizzes to students who are actually unprepared/bored/rude. Mobster-like debt collectors and alcoholism aside, his “adultness” is the most relatable and the most easily recognized as such.
And then, there’s Betty … Who, apart from her longer hair, has been given a mixed wardrobe of 1. new adult capri pants and heels, 2. her old high school combo of sweaters and collars (that she often wears when she investigates – which makes for quite the visual throwback to her high school sleuthing years) and 3. an FBI jacket than makes her look even younger than when she was blackmailing Donna back in the day. Betty’s natural make-up makes her look especially young. (Hadn’t Lili commented once upon a time about how they had gradually darkened Betty’s make up in s2 or 3?) In terms of characterisation, unlike Toni and Jughead, and much like Veronica, Betty is given the exact same material: in her case that’s: “investigating sleuth usually barging into places demanding answers”. Unlike Veronica, however, Betty has not grown into her role, because from Buffy the Vampire Slayer to Nancy Drew, the teenager-badass-investigator-played-by-an-older-actress has been an effing trope, and, so far, the writers have failed in differentiating between 18-year-old Betty and 25-year-old Betty in terms of dialogue, set ups, story lines, agency. In other words, FBI trainee Elizabeth Cooper lacks adult gravitas.
Disclaimer #1: this is in no shape or form a diss on the actress, whom I like a lot. This is a diss on the writers, who didn’t bother to update an extremely tropey character, when they updated her on-screen age.
Disclaimer #2: neither is this a diss on the actor playing Jughead, whom I also like a lot. Just because he’s getting better material, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t put in the work: from suggesting the glasses to Jughead’s fed-up, weary, disbelieving or conspiracy-excited new mannerisms.
Then there’s also the matter of how Veronica, Archie and Jughead, all have regular partners for their post-time-jump story lines, whereas Betty has been given the short end of the scene partners stick.
>> Veronica’s foe is daddykins/Chad (who is, anyway, just another version of daddykins).
>> Archie’s story is Archie & his posse against the world. His partners even dress alike to reinforce the idea that they act as one unit! In 5x5 it is Archie and his posse of similarly leather-clad friends against the Ghoulies. In 5x6 it is Archie and his wannabe Bulldog students against the illusive football funding. In 5x7 it is Archie and his similarly dressed merry band of volunteer firefighters against the blazing inferno that is Riverdale.
>>Jughead shares half his scenes with the same new, exciting and extremely likable Tabitha Tate.
>> Betty’s scene partners, however, are seemingly whoever is available at the moment. Polly. Alice. Kevin. Archie if naked. Glen. A trucker. Dr Curdle Jr, A victim’s mother. Reggie. None of them stands out. As this is Riverdale, it’s hard to tell if this is bad writing (focusing on other characters and letting, for some reason, Betty fend for herself, counting on her popularity to maintain the viewers’ interest) or a conscious choice to portray her as being isolated. If, however, it’s the latter, it does the character no favours at all. Jughead’s also isolated, but his plot is new and exciting. In Betty’s case, 1. we’ve already watched the story of her searching for her missing sister when she was a sophomore and 2. I don’t particularly care about any of her scene partners, who are either secondary characters or people we’re not going to see ever again! And this makes her storyline, for lack of a better word: boring (or, in naked Justin Gingerlake’s case, extremely annoying).
I’m absolutely elated to see Betty investigate with Jughead, not only because this will eventually lead to Bughead, but also for the possibility that her mystery plot line will finally become more engaging. That’s not a very nice thought to have for your favourite female character. That’s not a very nice way to treat your most popular female character, especially when you have previously “gifted” her with a cheating story line and the least popular ship (yes, barchie, that’s you).
5x7 came and went and I’m still waiting to see what’s new about Betty Cooper and her storyline. (This is true about Veronica and Archie too, however, this is a bughead blog, so Jughead and Betty take priority! – and, also, let’s be honest, I never cared much about Archie.)
I do not appreciate that FBI trainee Cooper is written exactly the same way as teenager sleuth Betty. Why affiliate her to the FBI if you’re not going to give the character real authority? I do not appreciate the writing choices that make 5x5-5x7 Betty’s plot boring. Why come down so hard on your show’s most popular female character? I love Betty Cooper, both with Jughead and on her own. Likewise, I love Jughead both as part of bughead and on his own. Adult Jughead definitely has my attention. So, when may I have my interesting adult badass female character back?
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