#Like imaging fanfiction but not writing it
billowingangel · 2 months
Honey, I changed us into animals
During a G8 or maybe a whole world meeting, England gets pissed at France or someone and is like "I'll turn you into a frog, you frog!" (Yeah he's probably mad at France) and he waves his cartoonishly comical wand but whoops! They all became their national animal!
England - Lion
France - Gallic Rooster
America - Bald Eagle
Russia - Eurasian Brown Bear
China - Giant Panda
Germany - Golden Eagle
Italy - Italian Wolf
Japan - Green Pheasant
Canada - Beaver
So now 8 obviously wild and some exotic animals are all now in a confrerence room. They're somehow able to communicate with each other but to regular humans or nations it just sounds like animal noises. They can't get out of the room and it's pretty crowded with a Brown Bear, Panda Bear and Lion.
America is flying by the ceiling having the time of his life. He's like woohoo!! I'm flying!! Awesome!!
And France, Japan, and Canada are slightly panicking because they're the three smallest animals and there's like 5 carnivores around them.
Canada's like at least you can fly! And France is like no I can't I'm a putain de coq gaulois!
China also wants to help and find a way for them to get out because then maybe they can find a Nation that actually knows magic, but all he is doing is rolling and falling over. Pandas are cute but being one sucks! I knew fortune cookie today was bad luck!
Russia is obviously loving it!
Germany's trying to get control of the situation
Italy's just baffled, all of you are your official national animals right? Germany's like duh italy your so stupid 🤓🫵 Italy is like but I don't have an official animal! why am I the wolf (he doesn't know it's like the official unofficial animal) and then Germany is just baffled too and they both have printer noises in their heads
Anyway, I thought that would be a fun fan fiction idea. I could totally see something stupid like this happening in canon. It's only a matter of time, there's Nekotalia. Get ready for thistalia.
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canvas-madness-txc · 2 years
My Fic Thoughts in my head:
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My Fic Thoughts when I write it down:
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vesteneris · 8 months
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not gonna lie, the cast of @kald-dal-art fanfiction about the first Quartel Quell is just really good
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americanwh0resstuff · 23 days
Would it be weird to write a fic specifically about the way Blaine sits?
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I can’t he’s too long (no pun intended I need to get my mind out of the gutter)
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friendamedes · 5 months
[opens my fanfiction scrivener document] [hit with a sudden bolt of panic]
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d6b-onion · 8 months
a little write-up about Hisami Yomotsu
Hisami's theme is so good and interesting it has me wanting to write something about her.
I am absolutely certain the broader fandom has already oversimplified her to hell and back — pun intended — as "the horny masochist". And to be clear, she absolutely is a horny masochist, but not just that. Do bear in mind I haven't actually researched the character in depth, I'm just organizing my thoughts.
For one, her theme. Go ahead, listen to it, the piano is beautiful. I think it is very elegant, emotional, and honestly? almost romantic. This clashes with what one may assume based the combination of her role and her looks.
Her role is to drag damned souls to Hell, and her ability is to not let anyone escape her grasp, so if you're her target you're kinda fucked. Additionally, she is said to lure people in using her beauty and sweet words. It's worth noting that the creature she is based on is, paradoxically, described as ugly and repulsive.
Fittingly, she is rather conventionally attractive, and I would personally say she is very pretty. The most interesting part of her design to me is her veil. It's very reminiscent of a widow's veil, but purple and made of flower petals, which is a lot more flamboyant. It immediately adds an aura of mystery for most of her face to be concealed in this way. It also ties in to the general floral theme of her design, which I really enjoy.
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From this you would expect her to act like a femme fatale or a black widow (lines up with her black hand- and footwear), enticing people with charm and sweet talk, only to turn brutal and cold once their guard is down.
But she is said to be rather amicable (as long as Zanmu isn't in the picture), and actually keeps the promises she makes to those she drags to Hell (such as sharing her reward), and in any case, she isn't really two-faced. But she is kinda creepy and eerie nonetheless.
I think this is another instance of classic ZUN moe, which is being weird and creepy in a very heartfelt and almost innocent way (cf my popular post about Reisen).
This is of course complemented by her, uh, notorious relationship with Zanmu, literally panting when thinking about Zanmu getting mad at her. She is very clearly infatuated with her, to the point of stalkery obsessiveness.
With that in mind, the gracefulness, elegance and borderline romanticism of her theme paints a very interesting character, lending her eeriness an aura of tragic beauty, that perhaps interfaces with her obsessive love... Or maybe she is really just a horny masochist, teehee.
In any case, I was planning on just saying her theme was cool or whatever but I've grown really fond of her as I wrote this. Hopefully you appreciate her a bit more after reading this.
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Kissing every one of your ridges – With horns and tail and everything
➹pairing: Astarion x F!Tiefling DarkUrge Tav (Bard Saulus by myself @judasiskariot)
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"Let me kiss every single one of your ridges"
➹summary: Tav only reacts totally supportive and respectfully after Astarion’s "But this...this is nice" confession at Act II. But it also hurts her inside to hear that he just tricked her out of bad habit and not meant it true, when she already did. That lurks in her head and she start to delusional thinking, that he also does not want to touch her, because he secretly dislikes her Tiefling body and she begins to hate it…
➹content/tags/warning: angst, self harm, self hatred, body image problems, fluff, romance, lime/spice, body positivity
➹word count: 3,737
➹pictures: all of course by the talented @aristenfromwarsaw ; highly recommend her blog
➹a/n: I am not going to say it is the fault of @aristenfromwarsaw again, but it is her fault 😆🤣😜🤗
Her wonderful romantic screenshot of Astarion&Saulus inspired the ideas in my head to this story
Title credit also goes to her, because it was her reaction when telling her my story idea and yeah 😭❤️😭❤️😭 *ugly sobbing*
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“I don’t know how else to be with someone. No matter how much I’d like to.” " You are worth a great deal to me, no matter what you're going through. I care about you. Deeply" "This…this is nice!”
The conversation was not many days ago. Astarion revealed his true feelings towards the Bard, or maybe some lies about his behavior, but to reveal true feelings at the end. Feelings he seemed to get caught by surprised. He catched them like a cold, at least he sounded while his confession.
But Saulus understood his message. His words did not really matter to convince her, alone the true sound of his voice was enough for her to understand. He never had spoken to her like that before.
Astarion wanted them to be something real and Saulus wanted to give him time, space and respect for his body. Taking the steps back, they made to fast in the first place. She liked Astarion, not his figure or their nightly trysts.
„Is it really okay with you that we kiss?”, asked the Tiefling concerned after parting her lips from Astarion’s.
“I said that I want to take things slow and abstain from Sex, not that we are strangers to each other from now on”, clarified the elf.
He pulled her down on the sleeping roll in his tent.
“I am not made of porcelain, even when I am looking so beautiful like that”, he purred and kissed her again.
Their bodies lay cautiously together and the bard let herself in for a kiss again.
Her arms held Astarion tight while her lips explored his ever more firmly.
The vampire became a little heavier on her, she felt his body weighing on hers.
In a pleasant way.
She heard his breathing and her own sighs between kisses.
His hand lay at the skin of her side, dancing up to her rib cage like a wisp of the wind. Her skin tingled when feeling his own.
The hint of a touch of his fingers at the base of her breasts under the light sleeping fabric.
She wanted to feel Astarion, so much to feel his touch. His hands on her breasts. His firm grip.
Her skin burned under his fingers, burned like the fires of Avernus that could only be extinguished if their bodies were united. How much she longed to feel him inside her. But...no, they didn't want that. That was exactly what they didn't want anymore. And it was good that way. But his lips and his hands on her breasts made her body think further. Her body that knew his and longed for it.
Saulus groaned and her hands automatically pulled Astarion closer to her. He paused briefly and then it hit her that they might be going too far.
She had no control over her lust, was going to overstep…no it seemed she already did. They agreed that Sex did not matter, and yet she enjoyed his closeness too much. In the wrong way.
Frightened, she pushed him away.
"What is it?", asked Astarion irritated.
"We should cease that.”
"What exactly? We're just kissing."
"Yes. Let's call it a night.”
Astarion and the bard separated. They sat down on their knees facing each other. The Tiefling gently took his hands in hers and smiled slightly at him before Astarion leaned back a little and looked at her expectantly. She slowly pushed his hands back and placed them on his knees.
“It's getting too stifling and hot for me in this tent...I....should go.” Saulus downright jumped on her feet “I need to go."
Who even initiated the kiss? Him or her? It was Saulus herself, right? He didn’t really want to kiss her actually, screamed her inner panicking voice in her head.
She messed up.
She told him she would wait patiently whenever he was ready to have a physical relationship with her again, and she messed up.
Like the little obedient Sceleritas Fel said she would. Not in a funny bloody way the butler seemed to enjoy so much, but the in the way to destroy everything that has a meaning to her, when touched by her hands.
Saulus went to the waterside.
Dark, cold water.
Dark and cold like the frowning glance upon her unknown soul.
She slipped out of her clothes and went into the water.
She shivered only a little bit.
The ice cold sparks of the drops felt good on her heated skin.
The blank surface mirrored her reflection perfectly back with the shimmer of the moon casted by the silvery maiden of the night.
Saulus looked at her silhouette.
Her body.
Her face.
Sharp teeth, devilish tail, ridges under skin, pikes upon her shoulders, demonic horns and long claws of a monster, that torn apart the sweet Tiefling bard Alfira. Dripping from her blood.
Nobody mourned her. Nobody blamed her for her death.
Only Gale was a bit scared afterwards.
Yes, she was a monstrous demon. Straight from the hells.
Tears walled up the blue eyes with the burning sparks of Avernus in it and Saulus punched frustrated and full of hate into the water. Punching her reflection, so that she did not have to watch her devilish countenance of a monster no longer.
No wonder Astarion did not like her from the start, only slept with her that she was on his side, saw him of use that her killer rages were to his favor, not against him. No wonder he was scared of her.
No wonder he did not want to touch her no longer.
Saulus would not want to touch her either, if she were in his place.
Why would he?
He might be a ravenous vampire, but still a high elf with full of grace. Head high, perfect posture, fine lips and nose and chaw line.
And she - slowly her silhouette manifested on the water surface again and Saulus looked upon her deep dusk purple appearance…she was just a demon from the hells.
A monster with a little doomed butler that was whispering urges into her ear and soul, that made her hand twitch in desire to kill the sweet moon cleric.
She would also not touch this foul, wretched body full of pikes of a devil.
Not when there were sweet elven maiden with light skin, pink shiny nibbles and long silver hair to touch and kiss.
The other night, Saulus already wished Astarion a good night and made her camp round to bid her “Sleep wells” to everyone.
“And ducks…I like ducks”, said Halsin.
Saulus chuckled.
Astarion’s ruby eyes had left the words from his book a long time ago. At least once the bard started talking to the druid in such a familiar way.
Only his face directed towards the book, to make the appearance of reading. His elven ears were literally all ears for the conversation of the Tiefling and the beary archdruid. Big dumb mountain of muscles, flinched through Astarion’s head.
He glanced side-eyes like a grumpy cat…ready to jump and claw.
“That is incredible cute“, she said her thoughts out loud. “And I pull myself together not to say: Unbearable cute as honey.“
„Oh, I bear you to say that”, Halsin winked and the bard nudged his shoulder while both laughed.
“It is nice to hear some laughter in this shadow curse troubled lands. But I would be happier when the curse is lifted for good. Once and for all”, sighed the druid.
“We are working on it. I hope too that it takes not much longer, Halsin.”
“Thank you. Thank you for everything. Rest now and restore your strength for the tasks of tomorrow.”
“You too, Halsin.”
“Look, I had a plan. A nice, simple plan - seduce you, sleep with you, manipulate your feelings so you'd never turn on me. All you had to do was fall for it. And all I had to do was not fall for you...which is where my nice, simple plan fell apart” "So the nights we spent together didn't mean anything?"
The words of Astarion echoed through her head.
Now when her body wanted to lay down to rest, her head could not stop to speak to her.
When talking to Astarion after her approached at her, all she could think about was to make clear to him, that he mattered to her. Mattered to her in every way. As a person, as a friend…and yes, more as friend. But it would never inflict how she would think about him, help him, protect him.
She wanted him to know that he is valued for just being, not for his body or something he could be use of. She made clear that he is free whatever he wanted to do so. Of course, when this included being with her, would make her most happy, but she would have understood if he wanted more distance, time to think and think for himself and his true needs and desires.
At least Saulus did not the hell know who she really was. The urgings in her head were sometimes…strange.
Having the talk with Astarion seemed to connect them, brought them closer. But lying awake at night, it just made her…sad by now.
All his sweet words and intimacy were just an act for him. He was an actor, playing the only role he knew. Slept with her ‘cause he thought he needed to. The only way to thank her for her blood because he didn’t think he has something else to give. Tricking her into liking him, while only than she would have protected him, as she would only protect lovers and not also friends.
As if they could not be friends without him giving his body and take care of hers.
All this while she wanted to get closer to him, because she started to like him. Fell like a dumb baby bird out of its nest.
She liked him not for his looks, but his snappy words. Giggling like a dumb fool at his mean sarcastic comments. Liking the theatric pronouncing of his words, worth of a bard.
Yes, she wanted to be near to him, only him and the true one, not the façade he put up. But…she only knew the façade, so it seemed. How could she claim to like the “real” Astarion, when he showed him to her only once.
He lied to her, tricked her, fooled her.
Or could she believe that all of this was just a glance and he catched the feelings right away and did his actings still out of behavior? 
She remembered her reflection in the water.  Horns and tail like a devil.
Why would he pick someone like this over others?
“It was easy - instinctive. Habits from two hundred years of charming people kicked in.” "So the nights we spent together didn't mean anything?" "Be true to yourself, my Lady.”
The blood-stained words of the mysterious butler and her own mixed themselves up in her head. Swirling, screaming. Red…dripping red with a murderous frequency of volume.
Saulus grabbed the sharpest dagger at the camp. Determined.
Her feet led her the way besides the Last Light Inn down to the waterside.
Quick, unseen, quiet.
She went again to the waters.
Pulled her blouse over her head and exposed her dusk violet skin to the moonlight, reflecting on the water.
But Saulus no longer looked at her reflection. She only was near the water, so the blood may drip in there and being washed away with no evidence.
No evidence…like killing the bard, my foul lady, again the voice of Sceleritas Fel echoed through her mind full of holes.
Saulus fell for Astarion. She fell so hard, that it almost hurt, she realized by now. Maybe not the tadpoles or the dark urge or the shadows of this lands were her curse, no – maybe it was rather Astarion.
She knew she liked him, really, deeply. But only by now she realized what that really meant. It was maybe a bit scary. Or at least this dark shadow in her swirly head, told her so. Told her not to be worth of loving, or making her kill a whole city for him, if she must. Dangerous thoughts, Saulus knew that they did not belong to her. That were not her thoughts…where did they come from?
She felt light, joyful, sincere, happy, loving the love. That was her. But this things in her mind – in her heart – what kind of curse of those four possessed her, to whisper such things in the Tieflings unconscious?
She bit her sharp teeth together to shake off the voice inside her.
The Tiefling needed to focus on her task.
The bard reached with the knife to her back.
The blood should drop into the water and been washed away, away into the hells she must came from.
Saulus no longer wanted to see the horrific ridges upon her skin. She hated the damn pikes of demonic wings over her shoulder blades. Taken away the wonderful white, smooth elegant skin of a elven maiden, that Astarion could really like, desire…love at the end even.
With sadness, rage and desperate determination Saulus tried to manage to reach her back properly. Began to reach the ridges of the wings upon her shoulders with the sharp shiny blade. Breathing in frustration.
“What in the sweet hells do you think you are doing there?!”, snapped Astarions angry voice suddenly from behind and sounded reproachful and chiding.
He caught her by surprise and Saulus flinched.
At that very moment she felt him snatch the knife from her hands.
„I…I…“, she stuttered, covering her naked breasts in shame, did not know how to explain to him what she was doing.
Astarion looked concerned with his ruby eyes upon the skin of her back, made a step forward and his cold hands breath a hint of touch upon her skin.
Caring and careful.
“You got deep cuts”, he whispered softly, tenderly, concerned. More to himself than to her.
“Let’s go to Shadowheart!”, he said with loud, firm and convinced voice. “Our religious troubled cleric shall heal these cuts.”
“No!”, snapped Saulus quickly and almost panicked back “Not Shadowheart. It is not her duty to heal this.”
“I think a healing potion will not help immediately against the bleedings of the wounds”, explained Astarion to make her clear the cleric was the obvious logic choice. “Or do you prefer your druid to help you”, he muttered darkly with a nitpicky undertone.
“What did you say?”
“Nothing!”, Astarion shocked his head and expelled his own thoughts, seeing they were toxic dumb and made up in his head, “I said nothing.”
“How did you get injured?”, asked the pale elf with an empathetic undertone, that she had rarely heard from him before. Astarion was surprised by himself.
But he cared. Cared for her. He glanced at the knife in his hands, he took from her. “Considering that, you hurt yourself. Why? What did you want to accomplish with that?”
His ruby ​​eyes sparkled at the Tiefling woman with a raised eyebrow. The look of his sharp eyes made Saulus nervous.
“I…”, began Saulus again stuttering.
 “I wanted to cut off this ugly ridges and attachment of wings away from my damn shoulders”, she shouted angrily in desperation. Her face a manifest of loathing, hatred, disgust against her own body.
Astarion's face darkened visibly at her words.
„What? Are you dumb? Why would you do that?” All the softness was erased from his tone and words. His face full of anger and misunderstanding.
“Look at me! I am ugly! I am a monster!”, she pointed at her body. “With this stupid tail and horns. Kagha called me a devil, everyone does…and they are right to do that. That is all I am: A demon doomed by the gods. Straight out of the hells where I should rot with my wretched body. This body nobody wants to touch and love.”
Astarion grabbed her hand pulled her roughly towards him “Don’t you ever say that again!”, he hissed, flashing angrily with his eyes.
“Nothing but, my silly dumb devil girl”, he purred. Astarion closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
“Come…”, he took her by the hand to the water, „…let’s wash this blood off your body.“
Her feet could already feel the sparks of the water.
The elf kneeled down in front of her, he pulled her leather trousers down her legs. The same way followed gently her undergarment.
With almost bated breath, Saulus looked at Astarion's white curls and watched him undress her.
Astarion gave her a quick wave and she stepped out of her pants without saying a word.
After that, his skillful hands undressed him himself.
Saulus watched as the white fabric of his shirt revealed the skin of his muscular chest, which shimmered palely in the moonlight. With slightly flushed cheeks, she looked away to stop staring at him.
It was ridiculous considering that they had slept together several times. But the situation had changed and the Tiefling wanted to be respectful. To give him space and maintain boundaries.
After they were both completely naked, Astarion took her hand again and waded into the water with her.
A shiver ran through her body briefly, which was noticeable on her skin and chest. But only briefly. Because even though the water and Astarion's hand were cold, his presence was still warm.
He carefully turned her around by her shoulder so that her back was to him.
After that, Astarion began to carefully clean the cuts. With a fine white handkerchief soaked in water that he had previously taken out of his trouser pocket, he gently stroked her skin to wash the blood off it.
He didn't say a word.
He was simply gentle and caring.
His hands skillful and loving.
He was just there.
The touch of a tingling sensation felt on both of their skin as they stood in the dark water of the night. Like the touch of angels' kisses: It began to drizzle gently.
The smell of rain slowly rose to their noses.
After nothing was visible on her body except for the cuts, she had made with the dagger in a stupid attempt to cut off her wing attachment ridges, Astarion carefully turned her over. The gentle spray slowly turned into drops of rain.
He probably didn't have to try so hard. The rain would have washed everything away.
It always did, right?
Could the rain wash you clean?
Astarion looked deep into her eyes. Could still see the struggles. The uncertainty.
He put a hand on her cheek, gently stroking it before he leaned over and kissed Saulus tenderly.
His other hand gradually came to rest on her hip and pulled her closer to him.
Despite the rain and her wet hair and the raindrops dripping from her horns, her body was warm.
Warm in the dark, foggy night that was slowly turning into the day. Yes, the night was always darkest before the fog gave way to the red of the morning. They would break the shadow curse as the druid had so urgently requested and longed for and then the sun would rise here again. But first Astarion had to break the shadow over his beloved.
His cold vampire hand stroked behind her head, roughly tangled in her wet hair and pulled it tighter against his kiss. At first they had only gently put their lips together, but now their lips had begun to suck each other deeply, to caress each other. Astarion's tongue skillfully stroked her lower lip while his other hand pulled her closer to him. Her lower body pressed against his, gently and lovingly, not arousingly. The vampire felt Saulus' breasts gently pressing against his own chest, which was getting wetter and wetter because of the night rain.
Astarion felt the rain. But above all he felt her.
His beloved.
His trouble-ridden lover.
She was so comforting warm and Astarion hoped inwardly that his own cold, undead vampire body did not feel too cold for his loved one.
Yes, he wanted to have her, he really wanted to try to have a relationship. Before he lost the chance with her. Lost her to someone else, or to herself. To her darkness.
She gave him something to worry about and care for. He was not indifferent to her like he was to everything else that did not concern him. And her love for others showed him that he was not indifferent to them either. Shadowheart, Gale, Wyll, Lae'zel, Minthara, Karlach and all the others. (Halsin maybe a little)
Slowly their lips separated and Astarion's hand came back to her cheek. His forehead rested on hers.
He felt their wet hair touching. Felt the tickling raindrops dancing on their skin.
"I never want to hear you talk badly about yourself again. Never think that again. You are wonderful."
"Really?" the Tiefling asked carefully and her eyes opened and tried to look into his eyes as best she could.
"Of course. You are beautiful. And I'm not just saying that," Astarion assured her in all seriousness. "I know," he sighed, "you find it hard to believe me after I deceived you at the beginning, right? But believe me, I'm serious. And that has nothing to do with the fact that I really think you're beautiful. And despite the inexplicable, mysterious darkness in you, I think you're a kind, wonderful person."
He smiled at her briefly before his face slipped into the mischievous elf face that everyone knew him to be.
"So despite the bloody start, the evening was actually quite nice and interesting."
"Astarion..." said Saulus and gave him a tormented smile, "...can you at least be serious for once and stop making jokes? If that doesn't work, it's better not to say anything at all."
"Sush..." the elf hissed playfully and led the bard out of the water.
"Come...", he said soft and true again, so true he wanted to be from now on forever to her, "I want you to sleep in my arms. Resting with me. With horns and tail and everything."
Astarion smiled at her “And then let me kiss every single one of your ridges.”
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Original Picture Posts by @aristenfromwarsaw
➹a/n: This turned out way angstier than I wanted it to be 😰
 I never had enormous tragic backgroundstory with huge lore in it like so many others. Only funny quirks maybe. At home we came up with the fun idea, that Astarion started to test whether tiefling tails are erogenous, when he got bored during negotiations with Gortash. Since then it has been a running gag that he secretly does things with her tail in public. I asked if he then tries to find out what he can do with her horns when she is sleeping until she wakes up, until it becomes a game and someone dips her tail in jam.
And then she holds her in jam covered tail tight to her with tears in her eyes.
"NO! Astarion would never ever do such things. If anything, stupid children or Akabi would do it and he would comfort her afterwards."
This is how the idea came up, that when Saulus is nervous she generally holds her tail tight like children hold a security blanket.
"What could she be nervous about?"
"Maybe her wedding day..."
And from this came the fact that she is insecure about her whole tiefling body. Maybe to help others with similar thoughts.
Especially when being with someone so natural beautiful as Astarion with his elven looks.
She wondered why Bhaal would create someone looking like that, when he had the choice of all this beautiful creatures out there in Faerûn. Given the option, he still choose this appearance for his Chosen, his daughter, his own blood. His own spawn.
It could only be to scare people, to show them horror and fear, before sweet death.
So she always tried to hide herself.
But Astarion helped her accept, to love her body and to understand that there is so much beauty out there. In every form and so many different forms out there in Faerûn. Finally she was able to see herself through the eyes of others, how they saw her, how she really looked.
Bhaal may had shaped her, but it is her, that defines herself. Worth of love.
She is big, brave and beautiful!
And I hope this helps everyone with body image problems out there ❤️❤️
I was so inspired and emotionally touched by seeing my beloved blorbos as surprise screenshot, that, for a change, I just started writing my idea straight away.
I have so many BG3 fanfic ideas, why don't I write them? Because I suck at writing fanfiction in english and I really should finish my Resident Evil longfic. And I end up procrastinating not to do either 😅🙈
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wroteclassicaly · 2 years
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Eddie tucking a baby kitten underneath his leather jacket and bringing it home to surprise you. His big, wide chocolate eyes glowing with mischief and mirth as he nuzzles the kitten’s furry little head, pursing his lips in a pout.
“Look at this little girl here, babe. She was communicating with me, I swear. I couldn’t leave her.”
You roll over in your cocoon of blankets, unable to stop the warmth that pools in your belly, admiration flowing in your veins, turning your blood to honey-hot love for your partner and his generous heart.
“Eds, was she from that pregnant cat that follows you into the parking lot after Hellfire?”
He’s kissing her soft cheek and smirking. “Might be… Momma Janis was weening them off, so I found this cutie’s siblings a home. Can’t help it that this one loves me so much.”
“You sure can’t.” You sit up, his sheets draped around your waist.
“Sweetheart, it’s not her fault that she knows where she belongs.”
“Of course not, because you’re so charming, aren’t you?” Eddie settles onto the mattress and leans as the kitten bats at the mess of curls surrounding his neck. He shrugs, grinning that Eddie grin.
“May I ask where the rest of her siblings went?”
Eddie is a tad sheepish, practically eager to spill the beans. “Might’ve gave one to Henderson for his mom. Another to Buckley, and two to Harrington.”
Your brows raise in surprise. “Steve wanted cats at his place?”
“Babe,” Eddie pauses and holds out the white kitten with a brown, striped tail, watching in amusement as it bats its tiny paw forward to latch onto his hair again. “It’s not Steve’s fault that Cruise and Cates talked to him too.”
Your giggle aloud, unable to help yourself. The thought of Steve Harrington playing in a mini pile of kittens is alarmingly endearing. “And Steve named his new children after Tom Cruise and Phoebe Cates?”
Eddie rolls a shoulder. “I don’t pretend to understand what goes on beneath all of his hair, love.”
You reach out to tickle the kitten’s back, already smitten with her. “So what are we naming our baby, Eds?”
“Dunno, but I figured we could toss around some names together. She’s gotta have one before Steve brings his babies over tomorrow to play with her.”
Of course he’s planning play dates for your new fur kid and Steve’s. You really love this cheeky shithead.
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sleepdepravity · 2 years
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Mob was still sitting in the same position, staring at his shoes, continuing to sweat. Serizawa leaned an elbow on the armrest, sitting as far as he could from Reigen. Everybody else eyed each other uncomfortably.
“So we learned some new things,” Dimple said, drawing out the sentence like a very tired kindergarten teacher. Reigen laughed, three sharp ‘ha’s, and sank his face into his hands. Takenaka slowly put in his earbuds.
“I’m really sorry,” Serizawa tried.
“No. Really. It’s fine. I’m not angry. Just a bit overwhelmed, is all. You two did good. Everything,” Reigen said and, without looking up, waved a hand at everything, “is just super.”
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jsdimensions · 8 months
have this drawing i scrapped because as I thought about it i realized that they didn't fit the meme i based it off of
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shsl-box-worshipper · 3 months
A Grave Mistake
Hi, @vexfulfolly! I'm your gifter for @code-swap 2024! I honestly had a lot of fun with making this gift and coming up with ideas. The story I went with was 'What if XANA came back and Jeremie was the last LW after a horrible XANA attack and this is the start of his comeback?' and I ran with it lol.
I decided to go for an art-fic mini combo, starting with the art and building a story based on that and finishing them both simultaneously. Named after a song by Ice Nine Kills (Which is based on the film The Crow (1994)). Hope you enjoy!
Three months.
That's how long it took. Just three terrible months of hell.
It started two years after they were sure XANA was dead. They had all thoroughly moved on from those two years fighting XANA in that time. They all stayed together of course, in one way or another. Odd was still Ulrich's roommate and Kiwi's owner, Yumi and Ulrich were actively dating, William had slowly been accepted back into their friend group to the point where he often shared the big sibling role with Yumi, and Aelita and Jeremie were both the best of their class and smitten lovebirds.
Everything was perfect. Everything was great. They weren't paranoid. They weren't scared for every second they were awake.
Then it happened. It was quite innocuous and almost unnoticeable at first.
Power fluctuations, news about blackouts in areas around former Replikas, phone lines going dead for hours and hours at a time. Two weeks in, multiple regional governments around the globe suddenly shut off all communication with the outside world, shut off access to their areas, and became communication-less zones.
Jeremie jumped at the idea that XANA could be causing all this. But the others calmed him down, reminding him that the multi-agent was dead. Jeremie himself sowed its destruction.
He wished, for once in his pathetic life, he didn't listen to his friends and that he booted up his old laptop. But he didn't, so he did nothing.
Then it began.
Disasters of all sorts struck. Floods, hurricanes, tornados, power plant failures. Infrastructure was failing all across the board and no one could figure out why.
Then they came.
Robots, cyborgs-whatever you want to call them, they stormed into every capital conceivable. Monsters of flesh and metal, attacking what Jeremie could only assume was their former friends and family.
It was at that moment that they all scrambled back to action. But they were unprepared for such a threat.
Odd was first, shot down while they were still at Kadic by the robots while saving Ulrich. He went out as he always did: Smiling and making jokes.
Yumi, Aelita, Ulrich, and himself made it to the factory, but they were hot on their tail. Ulrich stayed behind and tried to hold them off, like he used to. Jeremie knew he didn't make it.
William, meanwhile, stayed behind to keep Kadic safe. Jeremie hoped he was still alive. But even he knew that hope was fleeting.
Jeremie immediately virtualized Yumi and Aelita, but before he could give them instruction, they were onset by a new monster they hadn't seen before.
When Yumi lost all her lifepoints, Jeremie was expecting her to come out of the scanners.
But she didn't. She was nowhere on Lyoko and nowhere in the real world.
Yumi was dead.
Jeremie desperately tried to guide Aelita out of danger and toward the tower, but he lost contact with her.
And whatever Ulrich did to distract the robots failed. One was above him.
Pain filled his entire being as that one robot landed a blow to his gut, causing him to bleed profusely. And he could hear the elevator going down, carrying more of those things. Knowing his time was limited, he did the only thing he could.
He set up a delayed virtualization and crawled his way to the scanners.
That's where he found himself now.
Jeremie knew all for certain that he was the last Lyoko Warrior. The others were either dead or last seen in situations that could only logically conclude with their deaths.
He groaned as he tried to stanch the gaping wound in his abdomen. He nearly swore as his nerves once again screamed at the pain.
So, this was it, huh? Jeremie chuckled at how fate had led to where he was now.
Four years ago, he came to this factory for such an innocuous reason. He was an ignorant 11-year old who simply wanted to win a robotics contest.
He was alone. He was friendless. And he treated technology like his lifeline.
Then he found and turned on the supercomputer, met Aelita, and his whole world was flipped upside down. Friends, love, and a reason to live beyond the technology that was defining his life.
Now, he was back where he was four years ago. Friendless, alone, and with technology acting as his literal lifeline.
It's ironic. The last time he was like that, he was innocent, scared 11-year-old boy. He had done nothing interesting in particular, and was just continuing the status quo he had built for himself.
Writing programs, making robots, hiding from his bullies.
Now he was 15. Nearly 16.
Now he had experienced what he had missed out on. What he never got to taste because of his introvertedness.
And it was amazing. Never before had he had friends who actually cared about him. Never before had he have a reason to keep on living, to keep on fighting.
Never before had he ever fallen in love. Have a girlfriend. KISSED.
He had faced trials and tribulations no child ever should...and he grew from them. He had turned from a cowardly, innocent, lost boy into a wise man, intelligent beyond his years and surrounded by everything he could have ever wanted or needed.
But he had to throw that away. He should've trust his instincts. He should've jumped at the opportunity and stopped it before it got worse.
But he didn't. He trusted his friends too much. He fell victim to his own logic and reasoning.
And now, they were dead.
Everyone Jeremie had ever known or loved...was dead.
Its the robots, Jeremie realized. They had found the hatch, whether by following his blood trail or using deductive reasoning, and they were coming down now.
At the same time, he could hear the scanner he was in start to whir. It was drawing power, something these things always did. Especially when he was beginning the transferring step of his process.
They were getting closer now. Jeremie from the distance of the sound that they were climbing the ladder now.
They were down the ladder now. All it would take was one shot and he would be dead. The scanners would not register his brain activity and would virtualize his corpse as a catatonic dummy.
All it took was one mistake...and his world had ended.
They were scanning the area now, Jeremie deduced. Probably to figure out which scanner he went into.
He purposely chose one that wasn't facing the ladder. Buy himself a few more seconds before they would inevitably find him. Maybe then, he would be safe.
He could hear their metal feet pounding outside the scanner, shaking the entire room and maybe the entire complex.
Knowing he would practically be a sitting duck if he stayed sitting, he tried to push himself up onto his feet.
His body was protesting his every move, his nerves practically begging him to stop. But he needed to stand. He needed to be prepared.
He had to. He made the mistake of not being prepared once.
It took some effort but he was on his feet now, gritting his teeth and trying to keep as quiet as possible.
He could see some of them now. His glasses were in absolute ruins, but he could still see out of one lense.
Metallic feet crushed against the otherwise hard metal of the scanner room, horrific visages of metal and flesh entering his view. He nearly vomitted when he saw his first one only a couple of hours ago. He didn't even know XANA was capable of such inhumane things, but then again, what has this AI not done up to this point?
One in front of him was male, in his 30s, and overweight. Other than that, Jeremie couldn't figure out much about it. Whatever person made up that mechanical monstrosity had their facial features practically rotting off.
The first one didn't spot him, thankfully. It was too busy heading toward the other scanner to realize Jeremie was there.
He left out a sigh of relief as it went. If his calculations were right, the delayed virtualization would be enacted in a few seconds. He just needed just a little more time-
A second nightmare stepped forward, one much more sloppier than the first one. Bits and pieces of it's tech were practically falling out of it.
The second one was smaller than the first one. Looked to be male...and around Jeremie's age.
It set off such uncomfortable feelings in Jeremie's stomach once he realized that. The fact that someone his own age was turned into one of these things...
He couldn't bear the thought.
This one was turning around. SHIT!
The sound of crunching motors and gears filled the air as the cyborg monster turned it's head to look into the scanner.
And at that moment, a loud, piercing alarm sound filled the air, the thing's eyes flashing the Eye Of XANA as it's allies gathered around Jeremie's scanner.
...But they didn't do anything. They all stared at him, eye to Eye as he held himself against the scanner.
It was at that moment that Jeremie realized what was going on, and with it, his remaining vestiges of sanity faded.
It was...toying with him. Gloating at its own success.
It had Jeremie surrounded, it was ready to kill him. And it was gloating. Four years of constantly fighting and it came out on top.
But Jeremie didn't break down into tears. He didn't submit himself to defeat.
In fact, he smiled.
Not a cheery one, no no. Not any that would be seen worn on Odd's face.
It was a look of madness. Insanity.
If XANA thought it had won, it was sorely mistaken. As long as Jeremie was still living and breathing, it would never win. As long as there was something against XANA, it would never be assured victory.
He may be bleeding, he may be alone, he may be even throwing himself to his own death...but in actuality, he wasn't alone.
They may not be among the land of the living now, but he could feel them. His friends. His true family and companions.
Odd's smile, Yumi's protection, Ulrich's comradery, William's devotion...
And Aelita's love. The girl who started it all. And who he shall avenge.
As he heard the scanners begin to rev, knowing that the virtualization process he had so carefully set up was about to begin, he stared directly at the enemy. At XANA's eye.
The eye of a monster, created a decade ago by a desperate man fueled by love and revenge.
Now it will be killed by a desperate man. Fueled similarly by love...and revenge.
Knowing the virtualization was imminent and stanching his wound as much as possible, Jeremie said one, last thing...to this monster.
"Buildings burn and people die...but real love is forever. And I'll say this, XANA...you've made a grave mistake letting me live."
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XANA didn't have time to react before the doors closed.
Its minions panicked and shot endlessly at the scanner, trying to destroy before the process had finished.
They succeeded in destroying it after 30 seconds of constant firing.
...But when they checked the resulting debris...there were no remains.
Nothing was left of Jeremie Belpois in the real world.
Now they were even.
For both, man and machine, good and cruel...had committed grave mistakes. And paid the ultimate price.
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compacflt · 1 year
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for todays wip wednesday i thought it would be kind of fun to do a little wips vs final drafts post just to kind of illustrate how far back first drafts can really start. so following the famous 5+1 fanfic format (4+1 cause u can only post 10 pics on mobile)—four wips (left) & their related final drafts (right) + one that is still a wip (bottom two)
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Surprise: none.
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There's something fundamentally wrong we me. But also, am I really that scary? Or just autistic.
Which ao3 tag are you?
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aster-draws · 5 months
Who’s the hardest character to write and why?
And who’s the easiest?
(I’m totally not asking this because I like reading you explaining things, noooooo)
You are in luck because I love explaining things.
I don't think I really have difficulty writing any one character- I don't like staying in one POV for entire works, that's definitely more of a struggle for me than any one character. Generally if I'm having problems with a character then it's not the place for them? If that makes sense. Like I love Duke to Death but trying to fit him into Wanted was Not It. And that's for writing in their head or for writing them from someone else's. If it sucks hit da bricks, essentially.
Technically, though (as in, regarding a technical aspect) Damian was the most difficult in Wanted because I started off giving him a very strong and distinct voice, and when I went back to his POV in later chapters, I had to edit a lot to maintain consistency.
As far as Better Halves, though, I don't think I'm running into any issues with either of them- i won't be moving to any POVs other than Tim or Danny for the whole work. Tim is Very Easy for me to write. I am him. He is me. in that we have a lot of similar tendencies and flaws. But it's easy for me to find a balance- i don't stay in Tim's head forever, because I just ask myself- who's POV in this scene has The Most potential for. Like. a reaction from my audience. (eg. Angst, Humor, giggling and kicking feet, ect.) and then I just do that.
And OUTSIDE of Fanfiction, the Most technically difficult character I write is one of my OCs, CARMI, who is a brain in a jar operating an android body. I have to make a lot of decisions about her narration based on Neuroscience and our understanding of consciousness, and how learning and the way we interact with our environment affects the way we perceive the world around us. I'm gonna be so fr I still don't know if I can pull this shit off. I'm gonna TRY because it'll be sick as hell if I can do it right. But it's very hard and my brain hurts thinking about it
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lucielmars · 3 months
The two wolves in me since I've started writing smut
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knightmareaceblue · 2 months
I hate to be rude, but don't suppose you could *also* put your ava fic on ao3?
I'm trying to show a friend who doesn't have Tumblr and the screenshots are killing my phone
...I forgot to link the AO3 version, didn't I?
(Sigh) Here you go.
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