#Like I am actually so passionate about this
Ice's Favorite Black Characters, #3:
Charlotte, from Queen Charlotte
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Okay so first: I have zero intention of watching the rest of Bridgerton. It doesn't appeal to me. But every time a clip shows up, if I see my girl I'm like "ooooh what my girl Charlotte wearing today??" Bc she be DRESSING.
I cannot tell y'all how much I love this woman. First of all, the casting was superior. And I'm sure y'all have noticed by now, but I am a huge fan of costuming that actually works with Black characters, especially in a period piece. There's shoving us into these outfits with bad wigs meant to forcibly and uncomfortably assimilate us, and then there's STYLING your Black characters! Her AFRO and afro extensions are in full force in the left pic!! Her look as an older woman looks like the way my granny would curl her hair, pinned into an extravagant wig!! It looks like their Black hair!!! (HBO should be a fucking shamed)
Okay. Onto her personality. I'll be honest, Charlotte reminds me of me. Charlotte is blunt, and I love that. She said what she said, and that's that. No bullshit. She's not a sweetheart, at all. Society doesn't like Black women that are direct, let alone when they're in power. I feel like if she were a man, we'd be saying she was an "autistic icon" for her bluntness, and her issues with occasional empathy ("sorrows, prayers") Alas, Black women don't get to be autistic, we get to be "bitches".
She shows her naivete and ignorance often, but she's not stupid- when she senses something is off, she calls it out. Period. She's also very loving! But she's not... Affectionate, in a way that most people would deem affection. but it is clear that she loves the people she loves, and holds them dear to her. Lady Danbury wouldn't be her right hand (and Brimsley her left) if Charlotte didn't want and value her there.
Not to mention, she's very passionate, especially about her man. You don't drop a line like "I care not for his sanity! I care for his happiness, I care for his soul." And not be passionate. But that's also one of her flaws! Charlotte is so caught up in the mission impressed upon her and George, that she loses sight of her own children's happiness. She's not the greatest of mothers, and it's clear it's bc she's prioritized her own mission (babies, continue the great experiment, keep George okay) onto the next generation. Meanwhile, she herself was just as awkward and naive and unsure when SHE showed up to court. Also, "virgins to the left of me, whores to the right" was a wild comment to make lmao. Read the hell out of them damn kids 🤣 she wasn't right but she was right.
Lastly, I love seeing a Black woman loved and adored. George LOVES her, to the point he's willing to go through literal torture to be the man he thinks she wants. I wanna see that. I wanna see us being loved on that intensely. And she loves him just as much.
So yeah. Queen Charlotte was amazing to watch as a Black girl who likes pretty dresses, isn't a sweetheart, and wants to be loved unconditionally. 🤌🏾🔥💕
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dr-spectre · 13 hours
Being autistic sucks because you could become obsessed with something out of your control but it makes your brain happy. And if you try and talk about your obsession in a general fandom sphere you get made fun of because it seems childish by other most likely autistic people as well. And so your passion is put into question and you start thinking "am I a man child? Why am I so obsessed with something so childish? I'm so stupid. This is stupid. I'm a baby. Why can't I just be obsessed with something adult and that has actual themes? Why do I get so laser focuses on people's word choices over CALLIE FUCKING CUTTLEFISH!!!!?!??!!?! SHES SO SILLY! NO ONE TAKES HER SERIOUSLY...."
(speaking from personal experience. As in I got made fun of in a tumblr comment section on a post that I replied to.)
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Lady Vampire (with a brooklyn accent): I gotta tell ya, bein' immortal and a vampire has it's perks, but the one issue is that sex with the opposite gender gets borin'. You can only have so many men inside ya before they feel the same. I've lived a long time too. The amounts of guys who've been like 'I'm the one that can make you feel like a natural woman' and then don't have left me more hungry than me on a blood lust. Then I met up with this woman in the 60s who was a repressed lesbian because 1860s. Took her home, next thing I know we're sweaty and layin' in the bed-
Spoiler: Why are you telling us this?
Vampire: I'm gettin' there. I'm into many genders, but women's is what I enjoy. They soft, they listen, we both like cuddlin', but they're still a challenge.
The vampire looks directly at Spoiler as Red Robin and Red Hood step away a few inches.
Vampire: It is actually hard givin' them an orgasm. I thought it was me. My point is, I don't want any of the mens you're with. I want you blondie. You got the look I like, reminds me of this old pirate back in 1865 and your body is bangin'. What do you say, one night of passion?
Spoiler remains silent as her entire face turns pink unsure of what to say.
Vampire: I'll release your friends from my thrall if you do.
Red Hood: Spoiler, go on over to her. Have that night of passion.
Vampire: I've got vanilla scented candles.
Hood: That's your favorite.
Spoiler let's out an angry growl directed to Hood. Red Robin, standing next to the two, chuckles slowly which grows more and more until he falls on the floor in hysterics.
Vampire: What- What did I say?
Spoiler: I- Y- I need a moment- you said a lot things that I'm trying to process. Is anyone warm? I am gonna just walk for a second.
Spoiler walks away.
Red Hood (chuckling): Are you thinking about it?
Spoiler: Ignoring you!
Red Robin, on the ground laughing, starts snorting as well.
Red Robin: Oh God, oh God, that was the- Oddly enough I agree with your thinking, but with men.
Vampire: Oh you're pan or bi?
Red Robin: Bi.
Vampire: Wow, good for you. Blondie, do it for your friend, he understands.
Hood: I'm on board with this as well. Spoiler, you can cross it off your bucket list.
Spoiler: I am not banging a vampire- Would you just let our friends go for a different reason! Have sex with one of them!
Vampire: Come on, I'm gentle. Won't even bite ya.
Spoiler: I am not banging a vampire! Man or woman, not happening!
Vampire: I swear, some of them are hard to win over.
Hood: Preaching to the choir. Give me a second.
Hood walks over to Spoiler and carries her back to the group.
Spoiler crosses her arms angrily.
Vampire: All right, all right, no sex. I respect the boundary. How about a kiss, no tongue, just lips.
Spoiler: I-
Hood: Nightwing is a vampire, do it for him.
Spoiler: Frick it, fine. Pucker up!
Vampire: Yes!
Five days later:
Dick: How were you able to defeat her again?
Stephanie: I stuck a dagger in her heart and nothing else!
Dick: Um okay.
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jellyfishsthings · 3 days
WARNINGS: reader is a Velaryon with some Targaryen features but not an OC, this is just some story building there will be other parts. I just finished the books and I am obsessed with GOT wither way I was bored and this is the result so beware ... I think that's it. Also Theon is a pookie in this fic because I said so
PAIRING: fem!reader x Robb Stark (romantically), fem!reader x Jon Snow (platonically), fem!reader x Theon Greyjoy (platonically)
part 2 (is a WIP)
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The cold wind still raged on, hitting the walls of Winterfell. Her room was one on the lower floors next to Jon's and Theon's rooms. The sunrays gently fell on her sleeping figure dragging her from her deep slumber. The fireplace was filled with ashes and the chill in her bones was reasonable. It might still be summer on the North, yet the occasional snow always drifted down from the dark grey clouds. A discreet knock pulled her out of her thoughts and Theon's irritated voice filled the room.
"If you are not in the courtyard in two minutes, I am ratting you out"
Like clock work the same words sounded the moment dawn greeted the North. It was a small routine they had formed two namedays ago. She covered herself in Robb's old furs, the ones he secretly gave to her and claimed he lost them. They had kept her warm for over six moon cycles, they had holes in several places and the edges were coming apart but it was her most prized possession. At first it smelled at him and she was always trying to bask in his scent, that was until Theon caught her smelling the neckline while wearing it and she wouldn't hear the end of it until she openly caught him staring longingly at Sansa.
Unfortunately, they were both in the same position, they wanted people they could never have, and only each other knew. They would drink together glasses of wine and they would stumble giggling around the castle. One time he had drunk so much that he composed atrocious poetry about the beauty of his lady Sansa and her copper hair and then about the Northern prince that fell in love with a girl that had mud brown hair adorned with streaks of silver grey and deep violet eyes that appeared dark blue in the right light. She knew that her appearance betrayed her ancestry the Targaryen blood that flowed in her Velaryon veins.
Her family had been brutally murdered, she had heard and read the tales of how her mother gave her life to protect her dark-haired girl and the bloody necklace that hugged her fathers throat. At the tender age of seven moon cycles her whole family had perished and she had been the only survivor. Ned Stark had found her in a bundle of fabrics crying her heart out and once he saw the sword that could have taken her head, he swore to protect her and take her in as his ward. She should have been grateful, she knew as much, he had given her everything, a warm house, plenty food, clothes and a loving family one she wasn't actually a part of and maybe that was the reason she was closer with Theon and Jon, the outsiders. It wasn't like she didn't like the Starks, she loved them to bits and yet she could never be one of them. She would be the squire under their Maesters care with her nose hidden in ancient books and scrolls, lost in maps and various languages and basic training as a healer. But her new passion was sword fighting. As a woman she had only been allowed to practice archery that she was quite good at and always betted with the boys around their performance.
And that was how Theon found himself at incredibly early hours with a wooden sword in his hand, frowning at drawings of fighting styles freezing his "balls" off. She had bested him at the fine art of combat at practically her fifth lesson in a few hits. She had a strategic mind and she was quick on her feet, the most perfect and most deadly combination that existed.
He pitted the man that would take her as his wife, because most men were incredibly controlling but there was no chance, she wouldn't get things her way. He was proof enough.
She had the three of them wrapped around her little finger from all those years back. She had grown up with them from when she was a babe, but at her seventh nameday her and the Maester left, since she was his squire, she had to follow him, he had taken her under his wing, she had practically been his daughter, the one he never had. At that day and several later they had cried so much that even Lady Stark was regretting her decision, she liked the girl enough, she had the tendency to wreak havoc and get lost in her books a bit too much, neglecting her chores and her lessons at needlepoint half the time, but she made her kids happy and she was too smart and witty for her own good that it was impossible not to have a sweet spot for the orphaned girl. She had been overjoyed when she learned about her return nine namedays afterwards. Her son, her calm and collected Robb was shuffling at his feet, nudging rocks around and toying with the hem of his cloak, the bastard and the Greyjoy ward were portraying similar behaviors and she had to control herself not to laugh at their antics.
Ned had pushed his son forth, claiming that it was around time he greeted their guests, he shot him a glare and his parented watched him as he wiped down his palms at his breeches and headed towards the carriage, his hand shook as he lightly grazed the handle and pulled the door open while staring into place, not ready to accept that his best friend might have changed. He was frozen in his place as a girl wearing a dark blue dress and heeled leather boots stood before him. She tilted her head to the right and only then did he notice her hair.
A knot at the back of her head that was a swirl of chocolate brown and silver white strands that framed her face beautifully. Her violet eyes hid a familiar mischief that he had dearly missed. She nodded at him, before facing his father and dropping into an elegant curtesy. It was as if he was on a trance, unable to tear his eyes from her form. It wasn't until he heard her voice, she was speaking in a language he didn't understand, yet he could recognize the bite on her tone. His father wore an amused smile as he answered her back. He would learn at the evening feast what had caused such reactions, the news almost swept him from his feet, his whole existence reduced to one word. Betrothed. Ever since then it was like they were walking on eggshells around her. All three of them longed for their missing link.
It wasn't until a few days latter when they invited her on a hunt that they could glimpse on what they were. They had found a boar and his in bushes only to lose their horses in the process. They had been walking for hours and all it took was an ill-fated joke from Jon.
"No. I do not love you. Of course I lied to you. Yes, it does make you look fat. No, I have never been in the Riverlands. It is pronounced Eyrie. And all of this pales to utter insignificance if we are to let ourselves be food for the hounds."
They had all been tired and snappy, making comments left and right and picking fun at her the way they used to. They had been waiting quite impatiently for her to snap back and the moment she did, loud laughter echoed in the woods. And just like that everything was back to the way it used to be.
Ever since then life seemed dreamy to Robb, he had his friends and his family all getting along and everything seemed perfect. But reality hit him hard each night knowing that the girl he fostered feelings for was promised to another.
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pedrilcvr · 3 hours
PEDRI WHERE WHERE WHERE he comes home after a long, exhausting day and before he can even pull u in for a hug/kiss, u begin to ramble on and on about ur day (he loves it nonetheless), but he just cant help but flicker his gaze down to ur lips ever-so-often and u notice and finally give in
Cherry flavored — Pedri Gonzalez.
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Pairing: Pedri Gonzalez x Fem!Reader
Summary: Pedri can’t seem to stop staring at your lips while you’re in the middle of rambling, and you finally notice.
Disclaimer/s: reader is a teacher!
A/N: video from @/bcx0012__ on tiktok!! Vid had me actually crashing out on enya it was soooo. Finished the rest of this draft while suffering from influenza ✊😞
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You were sitting on the couch when Pedri walked through the front door. Excitement coursed through your body as you lurched off the couch, rushing toward him with a wide smile on your face. You’d been waiting for him to get home for hours to tell him about your day.
“Pedrooo,” you grin, “i’ve been waiting for you!” You don’t notice the way his arms had reached toward you before slowly dropping back to his side as you began your rant.
“So, my kids were asking about my boyfriend today, well more specifically, you. Then asked why they couldn’t meet you and I had to explain—“ You continued your rant while Pedri set his bag aside and took off his shoes.
You both slowly make your way into the kitchen so Pedri could grab a glass of water while he listened intently. He’d been itching to touch you, to hug or kiss you since he left practice, but he didn’t want to interrupt.
Leaning against the counter, only a few feet away, you continue talking. Hardly registering what Pedri was doing as you were too caught up trying to explain what your student had done.
Your boyfriend adored your rants, especially when talking about your students. He knew how much you loved your job and the kids you taught, and even more, he loved to hear you talk about them.
The way your eyes lit up when you talked about something funny or amusing, was one of those things that he couldn’t stop thinking about even after it goes.
Pedri turns around, closing the fridge behind him, and opening his water bottle. His eyes flickered across your face the more you talked, darting from eyes to lips then back again.
He notes the way your lips were shining, a light red tint to them. You were wearing cherry chapstick, he loved it when you wore that. His lip twitches at the thought of it.
You noticed this immediately, stuttering over your words when his tongue darted out to wet his lips when his eyes were focused in on your lips. “Pedri—Pedro. Stop doing that!” You blush. Yes you blush when your boyfriend does these things. No matter how long you’d been together, he still made you nervous.
“What?” He meets your gaze, eyebrows dipped as if he hadn’t even noticed what he was doing. But he knew damn well. He knew. The slight tug at the right side of his lip gave him away instantly.
“Don’t act clueless.” You laugh, taking the final few steps toward him. In that small amount of time, Pedri’s eyes continuously flickered from your lips to your eyes, unable to figure out what he wanted to focus on.
Pedri pushes himself away from the counter, standing straight in front of you, “your lips,” he starts, eyes wondering down to them, causing your face to heat up. “You’re wearing your cherry chapstick.”
Your throat bobs in place, you never knew how he noticed those things. It’s not like the tint was that noticeable.
Humming, you subconsciously bring a finger to your lips, “I suppose I am.” Letting your hand drop to the side, you tilt your head, “and?”
“And they just look very, very kissable.” He says, “but! I can wait, what were you saying? Something about having to—“
You cut him off, standing on your tip toes, and placing a long kiss to Pedri’s soft lips. It’s slow and passionate, every ounce of love showcased within it.
It felt like this every time you kissed. Something in Pedri couldn’t help but delve every part of himself into you the second your lips molded together.
His arms wrap around your waist tightly, holding you to him like it was the last time he’d ever touch you. All his exhaustion and weariness dissolving in that sacred moment.
He was so full of love, so full of you, he hardly noticed your teasing smirk when you pulled away. His lips darting out to taste the leftover cherry flavor. “Happy now?” You chuckle, “because, I have a lot more to tell you.”
“Very.” He nods, arms loosening around your waist, but still holding you close to him. “First, let me get a snack, then i’ll join you on the couch?”
You clap your hands together eagerly, “sounds fantastic! I shall leave you to that!” And without another word, you wiggle yourself from his grasp and skip toward the living room.
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DTS , @halfwayhearted @spidybaby @gadriezmannsgirl
Also so sorry sometimes I forget to tag you guys!! I’ll try to remember from here on out!
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Last post you talked about your ideal version of canon, I was wondering could you share it with us? If not, that's ok
Oh man, I could go on about my dream version of canon for ages! I've talked about various aspects of it on here with stuff like my "sugar" posts on Nino and Alya, but the broad strokes are:
Serialized story where it's basically one large narrative told in chunks
A true teams setup where Adrien, Marinette, Alya, and Nino feel like this amazing, tight friend group who grows into a found family as they get older, giving platonic and romantic love more equal billing
No guardian order, just have it be a single-person role that gets passed on from person to person
Kagami and Luka in supporting roles that have nothing to do with being love interests
Sympathetic Gabriel who feels like a truly tragic figure, but who does NOT get redeemed
Emilie gets an actual character
No sentinonsense
Revised miracle box that is way smaller and that has strong lore
The Agreste's aquiring the miraculous is far more morally complex, makes sense, and was not done for explicitly selfish reasons
Reverse the love square right from the start and never have the crushes flip
I've talked about all of these things on here, but the one thing that I've only briefly touched on is my love of a reverse square setup. I am passionate about that one, so let's take a moment to talk about why since it's probably going to be the most interesting to read.
I don't hate the canon setup for the crushes, but also I don't think that they're the ideal crushes. When it comes to romance stories, you want to design your love interests around each other. You want them to feel special and like they bring something unique to the table. Canon doesn't really give us that. There's nothing all that special about Adrien that makes him feel like the person that Marinette would be drawn to above all others. Same goes for Chat Noir and Ladybug, but we'll get to them in a second.
What is Marinette's biggest struggle? Her role as Ladybug.
Who is her main support in that role for most of the show? Chat Noir.
Who is her main support on the civilian side even before the reveal? Alya.
So why is Marinette's crush on Adrien and not Chat Noir? I don't know. It's the lesser setup by far and that goes beyond just the logic elements of who it makes the most sense for her to fall in love with. A lot of Marinette's worst behavior actually feels justified in a reverse crush setup, allowing you to write her without major changes to her character.
For example, Marinette keeping a chest of gifts for Adrien is kind of pathetic. She's friends with Adrien and she gives her friends gifts all the time, why can't she give him gifts, too? Reverse the crushes and suddenly this behavior makes perfect sense. Marinette isn't storing up gifts because of overblown fears of rejection. She's storing up gifts for legitimate fears about how her partner will explain these random gifts, thereby risking his identity, meaning that she has a sold argument for waiting until the time is right (post reveal) to give them to him.
There's also the legitimate fear that confessing her love could ruin their dynamic and put Paris at risk. Keeping her feelings to herself is now an act of self-sacrifice and not just an act of nerves. Basically everything about Marinette's hesitance just makes so much more sense if it's on the hero side.
But what about Adrien? How does this fix him?
I love the idea of our male romantic lead falling for our female lead because she's bold and brave, but it honestly doesn't fit Adrien's character. He is surrounded by powerful, confrontational women. Nathalie, Chloe, Kagami, Amilie, Audrey, and Tomoe are all no-nonsense women who get what they want. This means that Ladybug doesn't bring something unique to his life. She fits the standard mold. Adrien falling in love with her after she talks down Hawkmoth doesn't feel like the right choice for his character because it doesn't feel like something he'd be wildly impressed by.
Meanwhile, Marinette is shown to be a generally wonderful friend. She cares about others and will do what she can to make them feel welcome and accepted. That's a much more unique thing for Adrien to experience. Think about the umbrella scenes and imagine if it was Marinette apologizing. Marinette owning that she treated him poorly and asking his forgiveness. How often do you think Adrien gets moments like that? Doesn't it make more sense for something like that to make his heart flutter?
We see Marinette doing things like making banners to celebrate her friends (Timebreaker) and making sure everyone feels included (Reflekta). Imagine her giving Adrien that kind of treatment because it's just who Marinette is. She shows up to his fencing matches to cheer him on. Brings him his favorite snacks as a treat just because, surrounding this poor boy in honest, genuine love and support. Add in respect, too, and he'd be a goner because those are the things that he's not getting anywhere else! The things that make Marinette unique.
This brings us to our new civilian dynamic. In canon, it's Marinette failing to confess in ever more spectacular ways as Alya tries and fails to help. In a reverse crush setup where everyone is friends without gender barriers, it's things like Adrien coming up with his canon confessions and then watching Alya and Nino react with genuine horror because, dude, you're going to give her a panic attack! No! Bad kitty! Stop that! No confessions until you come up with a plan that we approve of and read at least five books of dating advice because holy shit did homeschooling do you dirty in this area!
Then, while Adrien is working to learn how dating works, he learns that Marinette is in love with Chat Noir and, oh no! He thinks she's into his public persona, totally unaware that she knows the real Chat Noir and loves his dorky self. So he tries to emulate his sexy alter ego while Nino and Alya suffer and Marinette is just generally confused because she doesn't think of Chat Noir like that, so she doesn't even notice what Adrien is doing.
This also adds a nice mitigating factor to Adrien's unwillingness to give up even though it's pretty clear that Marinette isn't interested in his civilian self. If he knows that she loves him, then his persistence is less concerning and more comedic. It's not that he can't take a no, it's that he honestly knows with 100% certainty that the answer is NOT no because she's told him that to his face. He just needs her to realize that the guy she's in love with is right here, ready and willing!
The potential for comedy is just so much more broad and so much less mean spirited because Marinette has none of Adrien's reserved nature, so her friends would totally know about her massive "celebrity crush". Adrien comes over for school projects and just stares longingly at her Chat Noir posters, wishing he could tell her his secret, but knowing that he can't.
In my world, that is so much more fun than canon's setup where Marinette has no reason to hope. I also wouldn't draw the crushes out anywhere near as long as canon did. I like getting couples together in the mid-game. It's a nice early plot to hook you in, but defeating the villain is the end game, so we don't need to draw the romance out that long. Romance isn't that special. It's not all that different from an arc about two characters becoming friends.
That's far from the only major change I'd make to shape canon into my ideal version, but it is the probably the change that I love the most. It's also the change that requires the least context to explain, so there you go!
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Is There Somewhere?
A/N: This is not proofread and I am not perfect. There will be spelling and grammatical errors. No smut here. Just some angst and fluff 
Inspired by this song: Is There Somewhere by Halsey
Word Count: 2.0k
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Age gap (referenced frequently), reader is in late twenties and Hugh is 55 
You and Hugh had been sleeping together since filming started for the marvel movie that you were both in. He had warned you in the beginning that you and him could be nothing more than good friends as far as anyone else was concerned. He told you that since you were only a few years older than his oldest child, he didn’t think that they would approve and that he really liked you but given the age difference there’s no way anything real could be there. At the time, you thought it’s okay, you weren’t gonna catch feelings. You verbally promised him that you would be fine and you wouldn’t want anything more than sex and friendship. He literally made you verbally promise him that you wouldn’t fall in love with him. As corny as that promise sounds, and you had actually laughed at the time thinking you could totally handle this. You fell for him a hell of a lot quicker than you thought possible. 
You were in denial about it for a long time. Even your friends had noticed there was change with you and that you were absolutely smitten with the secret friends with benefits you were in. Your friends knew you were hooking up with someone from the set, but they had no idea who it was. Not even Hugh’s best friend, Ryan, knew that you two were sleeping together. Everyone believed that you two were just good friends despite being love interests on screen and having “amazing on-screen chemistry”, no one suspected that there would be anything going on between you two. Truthfully as far as you were concerned, you couldn’t care less what anyone said or what anyone thought about your age difference. I mean you were almost 30, you were old enough to know what you wanted or even who you were in love with. 
You had rented an apartment where filming was located but you ended up staying at Hugh’s place more than your own. You finally accepted that you were in love with Hugh, when you were doing a press tour with him for the movie, this was a few months after filming finished, and while on this press tour, you both had often shared a hotel suite, unbeknownst to anyone else of course. You had both finished your interviews for the day. By the time you both were finished, it was around dinner time but neither of you had wanted to go anywhere but the hotel room and just finally relax. You had both agreed on ordering room service for the night. Your relationship, at this point, had developed beyond sex, and there was truly a friendship there. 
While you and Hugh were waiting for your food to come up, you and Hugh were currently smoking your cart while in the kitchen of the suite you both were staying in. You were sitting on the counter while he was singing and dancing around. He was wearing a white tank top with sweatpants and tube socks. He invited you over to dance with him by extending his hand out to you. You jumped off the counter to accept his offer and he playfully danced and sang with you til a knock at the door startled you both, making you both break out into laughter before you exited from view while he grabbed the food. It was that night that you finally accepted that you were completely in love with this man. He had been extremely flirtatious with you and playful. 
“So, y/n, I’m thinking of, maybe, pursuing a secret passion of mine.” Hugh told you after you two had finished eating.
“What? Porn?” You said, sarcastically but with a serious face. 
“Yeah, that’s exactly what it is. I’m glad that I didn't explain and that you just knew.” He responded seriously while looking you in the eyes before you started laughing, but then he continued. “No, you fucking jackass, and don’t make fucking fun of this, but poetry. I write poetry in my free time and I’ve got enough of it that I could publish it.”
“Oh, well, what kind of poetry?” You asked.
“Mostly just about life and some about parenthood.” He said sincerely.
“What about romantic poetry?” You asked him.
“Not really my thing.” He responded.
“I think that it’s really amazing that you write poetry and I think that you should absolutely publish it, if that’s what you wanted.” You responded with all sincerity.
You were an actress but you occasionally released original music. You did more of a hobby than a career. However, as your acting career grew, so did your music career. Only problem was, you wrote music based on events in your life. As a few weeks went by and some of the press tour was finished. Unfortunately for you, Ryan, had let it slip during a comic con that you had a special hook up friend, meaning you and Hugh had to be even more careful and you couldn’t really stay in the same room like you had done so many times before. You could feel it in your gut that it was wearing on Hugh’s mind, that someone was going to find out. It got to a point where he was practically avoiding you. 
You were in your own hotel room, watching some random show when your phone buzzed with a text from Hugh. It was your only two days off before the next leg of the press tour began.
“We need to talk. Is now a good time to come to your room?” As you reviewed the message, you felt tears come to your eyes, knowing in your heart that it was over. Your vision blurred as you typed out a simple “yes, now’s good.”
You fixed yourself up in the mirror before he came over. He took longer than you expected to get to your room. It was about twenty minutes after you sent him your room number that he showed up at your door. You let him in and he immediately began pacing the room, before finally settling on the be, while you stood leaning against the wall in front of him.
“Y/n, I need you to know that these last two years have been amazing.” He said with a sigh avoiding your gaze.
“Don’t.” You said, holding back tears while looking at him.
“We can’t do this anymore. There’s too much that could be jeopardized if anyone found out about you and I.” He went on, causing tears to build up in your eyes threatening to spill over. “If I was years younger or maybe you were older, we could work out.”
“If it’s truly over, then I want you to look me in the eyes and tell me that you feel absolutely nothing for me and that’s over.” You responded tears already falling, you wanted him to look you in the eyes and tell you because then maybe it’d be easier to move on.
Without missing a beat, he stood up from the bed keeping a fair amount of distance between you two before looking you in the eyes. “There is nothing more than friendship between you and I. There never will be, so this has to end.” 
You let the tears flow freely and a sob escaped you before you went on to tell him that he needs to leave. He did as you said but made sure to tell you if you ever need him, he’s always there for you. You almost scoffed at his words given how hurt you were. The funny thing is, there were moments when you two had been together that truly felt like love and now you wondered if you had been delusional in thinking so.
After a three month hiatus, the last leg of the press tour was beginning. You hadn’t spoken to Hugh since that night. You preferred it that way, you buried yourself in your creative outlets to keep him off your mind, but unfortunately, he was always on your mind. A month and a half after your last conversation with him, it became news that he had released a book of poetry. It wasn’t until 3 weeks after it’s release, that you learned it contained romantic poetry which Hugh had denied being something he’d do. Curiosity eventually got the best of you and you read some of the romantic passages on various sites. It didn’t take long for you to realize that he was referencing moments from yours and his relationship in his poetry which made you break down that day. Feelings that you had buried, coming to the surface.  
You decided to do what you do best. You wrote a song about it and fully intended to release it as quickly as you could. After you released the song, some celebrity gossip blogs put two and two together and speculated that you and Hugh had a “torrid” affair. You figured that the following verse of your song was what maybe gave it away. 
“You're writing lines about me; romantic poetry
They’ve got red in their cheeks, 'cause we're something they can’t see
And I try to refrain but you're stuck in my brain
And all I do is cry and complain because no one will be the same
I'm sorry but I fell in love that
I didn't mean to fall in love
You're looking like you fell in love tonight
Could we pretend that we're in love?”
You felt bad that someone had somehow figured it out but you figured since it was in the early stages of a rumor, you could deny it completely for Hugh’s sake. You didn’t want his relationships with his kids jeopardized because of you. You knew deep in your heart that you loved him and always would. You had a comic con panel with Hugh and Ryan coming up in a few hours and you were going to address the rumors. 
However, unbeknownst to you, after Hugh ended things with you, he was a wreck at first and ended up confronting everyone close to him about yours and his relationship. His kids didn’t approve at first, but upon seeing how genuine his emotions were when it came to you, they came around. They even helped him put a video together using your song with the hopes of winning you back. 
When you all were sat in the panel room, nearing the end when you all were doing Q/A, someone had asked about the rumors regarding you and Hugh. You were about to speak when Hugh cut you off. 
“You know, I think that now would be an excellent time to address those rumors and I would like to direct everyone's attention to the screen to get the perfect answer to that question.” He said, making you extremely confused as the lights dimmed and a video started playing.
As you watched the screen, you saw pictures of you and Hugh together throughout the last two and half years, with your song in the background. Nearing the end of the video, Hugh’s kids appeared on screen.
“Y/n, listen, our dad finally fessed up about you and him.” His son started.
“We were apprehensive at first, but we can see how much he cares about you.” His daughter continued.
“And we would like you both to be happy.” His son finished before in unison Hugh’s children said that you’d have their approval. Shortly after, the lights came back on and your eyes darted from the screen to Hugh, waiting for him to say something while there was hushed murmuring from the crowd.
“Y/n, I tried so hard to deny what I felt for you and I was so scared of what this meant that I pushed you away. I want to say that I love you and I hope that you still love me too.” He said.
“I love you too, Hugh.” You said before getting up from your seat and kissing him, causing Ryan to start clapping while the crowd followed, making you laugh.
You didn’t know what the future was going to hold, but you knew that as long as you had Hugh, you would be alright.
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 days
Papercut kiss hcs your honor,,, papercut being soft w each other hcs,,, papercut being sleepy and snuggly and giving each other tired little kisses.,,,,,,,,… do you feel me 😞
i get u anon,,,,lets do this,,,
•i am telling u rn curly WILL randomly kiss the guy, they could b talking and he randomly does it, pony will never get used to that, its like he physically stops when it happens and curly will always tease him for it
•its like, so rare for pony to actually go for it, partially bc hes scared he’ll look stupid
•lets not sit here and pretend that curly wouldnt go to kiss pony then purposely swerve out the way to make pony look dumb and laugh at him
•when they kiss its damn near always a lil rough, thats just how
•if u think they HAVENT kissed in a movie theater while it was dark, i dont wanna hear ANYTHING u say, and id say this is one of the times where ponys like, at ease, but only if theyre in the wayyyyyy back back and not in the dead middle
•they accidentally bump heads numerous times and have gotten bumps on their lips from going in to kiss too hard, and they both make fun of each other for it
•when i say theyre both yappers i mean it, they kiss and talk in between, or more realistically they TALK w kisses in between, like yea,,,keep talking about this thing i do not understand bc i like how passionate ur getting over this it make u look fantastic, king, this especially happens when theyre sleepy, but instead its just slurred speech and more kissing lmao
•i said sometimes pony would wear chapstick for his dry ass lips and im telling yall, curly WILL lick his lips after kissing pony to taste the damn flavor of it, what an odd ball, that or he rubs his lips to just, fix his own chapped ass lips
•curly asks for a kiss or just straight up kisses pony before he goes into a fight, he says its the equivalence of a princess doing “that sword shit to the knights shoulders” and it gives him good luck
•OK LOOK, before curly thought it was stupid to ask someone if they can kiss em, but pony did it to him a few times and curly would never admit it, but that was like, top 5 gayest moments of HIM bc of how he acted to it, he tries to play it cool and tease pony for asking that, but he rlly wasnt like that inside, on the inside he was a mess, for a moment curly felt valued???? or whatever?????he felt more than how he was usually treated
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justatypicalwizard · 3 days
Writers and publishers of physical books should take notes from internet smut writers.
I just read a smut fragment from the fic To Shape a Home by @kweenkatsuki-fics and dear Lord. It was perfect. It was like granny made dinner and put in the perfect amount of slightly silly, realistic, sweet, hot, feet kicking, passionate, gripping and beautifuly written. It was not too short, not too long. REALISTIC! I know I said it a second time but as an adult I hate seeing (no matter on paper or the internet) fake ass sex. I love seeing something that may happen, things that people can look up to and search because it's reachable, all the small imperfections that make intimacy intimacy. Fantasies and cool but creating unrealistic standards... I personally don't feel so well about it.
After reading the said beautiful chapter I thought about a series of paper books I've been reading latety - Brigertons. And all the sex scenes from them. They are laughable. They do not even crawl to the level of what I just randomly read on the internet. I feel this is a thing occuring so often. Idk if I pick books that just so happen to have shitty smut? There must be examples of ones that are good but where are they? Who hid them? And most importantly who agreed to publish the rest of the shit that I laid my eyes on?
How can people criticize internet smut and, at the same time, praise sex scenes that consist of (physically typed) "oh"s and "ah"s and weird names for a cock.
I am full of awe for people here who decide not to shy away from intimacy and actually master writing sex scenes. I hope one day I'll also be able to write such beautiful scenes and stories, not only smut ones but writing in general.
And ya'll run read To Shape A Home its FIRE
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mothsakura · 3 days
Pssst, I really love your OCs and would like to know more about them 🐋
I AM VERY HONORED- hmmmm as for ocs let me think although i will give a small disclaimer: anything older than 3 months is most likely outdated lore, i update these dude's lore frequently if you have any specific ocs you have in mind then please tell me! but i'll ramble about my favorite: GRANDPA <3 <3 <3 (Rotting Balance)
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(little icon i made for him <3) First off, Rotting Balance (ID: 0.2|000021) was made with the purpose to be able to neutralize rot, following the recent (at the time. this was around late prototype/very early first gen) case of an early prototype succumbing to the rot. His administrator, Reflections in Last Fracture, Speaks of Mirrors had planned RB to become the next major breakthrough. However RB's construction put the council in debt, as Fractures basically built RB behind the council's back while stealing funds. Yes, Fractures was politically powerful enough to do this (second highest ranking), no the council was NOT happy. Furthermore, Fractures had neglected to approve RB's model (he tried post-activation but failed). RB's model is not listed on any network either, he literally does not legally exist by the law (at the time. no this was not fixed). Neither did RB turn out successful at all, he failed to pass the rot trials, the rot had (ironically) rotted the R.N.C (rot neutralizer core) from the inside out. That and RB's severe dislike and distrust of benefactors (the dudes who built the iterators) made him very hard to work with :( I do have a post about this actually! The art looks.................. kinda goofy............ I was tired and this was a while ago so unfortunately it did not end up turning out well, I will link the post here if you want a more coherent ramble on his backstory.
His circumstances are nothing to be desired. He's rotting, he's restricted via protocol (he lashed out at Fracture, Fractures "taught" him a lesson on that. The protocol shuts down half of his structural water-collecting pipes, which leaves him unable to provide his structure with enough water to cool down.), and his tired old machinery is far from it's prime. But it isn't all doom and gloom tbh!!! He is very passionate about his work ....that being crazy scientist experiments with rot and whatever weird contraption he builds, usually nicknaming it "The Rot Wrangler"
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his crazy scientist look on full display here <3 <3 <3 He does not trust people easily, but if you are one of the people he trusts, asking him about his work will practically have him rambling on for hours about his weird contraptions that fight the rot <3 Also hc but not canon: he adores common ferns. He thinks they're funky little plants. They do not grow in his district, but he'd definitely try to keep one. (and accidentally kill it....) He also has a purposed organism named The Mauler!!! Mauler lives up to it's name, as it is a mix between slugcat and red lizard, but it is pretty docile to RB. It has become sort of like a therapy dog to him?
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he's practically a whole other hyperfixation at this point ......................................................... mad scientist grandpa ................................................ i adore him.................................. and his weird old machinery
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This is one of his 4 cores! It is unfortunately waaay too hot due to the aforementioned issue with cooling his structure :( but despite that, it still continues to function. Iterators were built to last after all. I probably have more to share but unfortunately my brain seemed to leak out of my ears as of lately- i am not too good at rambling in public- but i do hope that this ramble was coherent enough!!
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i think the main thing i hate about 'suicide units' in school health classes is how bad the advice is. like wtf??? no dont tell a persons parents theyre suicidal without the persons permission thats fucked up
instead of doing what school tells you, please follow these rules:
dont tell authority figures about someone's suicidal thoughts/sh unless you know theyre in active danger or they gave you permission. its a breach of privacy and trust, and it could put them in a bad spot if their parents are abusive.
please dont treat a suicidal person with pity/babying. its just plain demeaning. unless youre sure theyre okay with something else, treat them normally and just check in on them more.
and if YOURE suicidal, they dont even teach you how to deal with it or cope, they just give you 988/other hotline and send you on your way. its superficial care.
here are some ACTUAL tips if youre suicidal/struggling in anyway with mental illness:
if you cant do things the way youre supposed to, then cut corners. some is better than nothing.
the little things can make a difference. seeing your keychain always makes you feel a little better, so take that keychain everywhere. it wont fix everything, but a little bit of joy can go a long way.
find other people who are struggling like you. online spaces are a good start! however, if you feel like the environment is just making you feel negative and more depressed, you should leave to prevent further harm.
FIND THINGS YOU ENJOY. please. whether it be rhythm games, reading, drawing, hell, doing math equations, things that youre passionate about can be like a rock to support yourself when it gets bad. they make you feel better, they give you a purpose (though you dont need one to be worthy of life, remember that) and they give you something to connect to others with.
try to get some sunlight. vitamin D deficiency is awful and can cause serious depression, so letting the sun do its job can make you feel a little better. bonus points for either going outside or opening a window to get fresh air!
as soon as you can comfortably and safely do so, please try to go to a therapist to help you figure out how to cope with your symptoms. theyll still be there, but they can live alongside you instead of preventing you from living.
a lot of this stuff can be good for executive dysfunction too! if you need depression meals, a basic rule of thumb is to try and get all the food groups. if you only have instant noodles and some eggs, then make the instant noodles as cook the eggs in the broth. if you only have rice, peanuts, and some hot sauce, put those together. etc etc. there are tons of great resources out there too, ill probably reblog later with some.
most of all, of you seriously think youre at your wits end and might kill yourself after another issue, or maybe your parents yelled at you, or maybe you got laid off, whatever it is, call a hotline. things can be fixed, but if theyre fixed when youre gone, you wont be around to see how happy you could be :(
okay thats all. i hope i gave a few people better health education than school did. try to drink some water and maybe have a snack if you havent, and remember, i love you!!
(ps im not a licensed professional nor am i an expert, ive just been pretty depressed and suicidal for a long time, so this is speaking from mine and other's experience. if anyone else has something to say on it, i encourage sharing!! lets use our collective knowledge to defeat the pta mandated shallow health class)
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I lied
The #1 thing I want in CME isn't Garvez
It isn't Temily
It isn't Reid or Matt or Morgan or Hotch or any of the old main cast
It's Grant motherfucking Anderson
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clouvu · 1 month
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Cooking up an older Clervie outfit design so I don't have to keep drawing her looking like her child self but Long
#genshin impact#clervie#ngl i have so many thoughts about an older clrv's design but at the same time artistically im not that creative </3#mostly tried to make her look more like a direct contrast to arlecchino's design (which was already present but we ignore that)#cause arle's design is mostly very sharp and angular while i'd imagine clervie's being much more rounded out and softer#like they are the round vs pointy cat meme in human form#the hair was really tricky cause on one hand much like everyone else we dont really keep the same hairstyle our entire lives#butttttt at the same time idk i feel like her long hair flowing down (and her headband) are very recognizable parts of her#so i decided to not change much (also cause i dont trust myself making multiple drastic changes without changing their identity too much)#also halfways through coloring I realized she's kinda giving crucabena outfit wise but we ignore that </3#anyways clervie would def be a support/healer character if actually playable (leaning more towards buffer support imo)#ITS A MASSIVE 50/50 IF SHE WOULD BE A HYDRO OR ANEMO USER but i decided hydro for the time being cause it compliments HOTH's dpses more#aka Arlecchino Lyney and partially Freminet since if i remember correctly he's more physical based but cryo nonetheless#i just really like the idea of Clervie's passive being along the lines of boosting stats/dmg if there's HOTH members present in a team#anyways sorry for the text wall I just really need to be kicked out of the kitchen#i am UNDERCOOKING the food#character design is not my passion </3
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theslimeologist · 6 months
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can we take a moment and ask what happened here? like what did they do to her??
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deoidesign · 2 months
Hi, how did you learn to draw Steve's physique?
Ohh what a complicated thing to answer...
When it comes to how I learned to draw anything, it's hard to say anything too specific since it's always a culmination of many years of assorted study and practice... but I can try to do my best to explain some of the biggest things that helped me learn, some tips I keep in mind, and maybe at least some places to start/delve further.
(just a little disclaimer it's not like my drawings here are going to be 100% medically accurate.. they're just to illustrate concepts!)
The main thing about learning various physiques is understanding anatomy. Which feels obvious, but I don't mean proportions; these are important, but perhaps more important is understanding the skeleton and how it moves and learning where muscles connect to bones and where fat grows on the body. When you understand how these function on a more mechanical level, depicting form and movement in a way that feels natural comes in tow.
For instance, understanding things like the pronation and supination of the radius and ulna, as well as the fact that muscles can ONLY contract or relax, will help you understand a bit better which muscles will be flexed and which will not while someone moves. It's inherent to the positioning based on the structural makeup of the body... It's not like you NEED to memorize all the muscles and bones, of course, but understanding and gaining at least a passive familiarity with the concepts really helps.
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In tandem with this concept is the way parts of the body flow into eachother. Muscles ALWAYS come in groups because they can only contract. Whatever muscle is there to lift something, there is a muscle on the other side to pull that bone back down. What this results in is a series of straight edges next to curves, which gives us a lot of really lovely "s curves" and dents and folds and so on and so forth just naturally occurring.
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I would suggest at least learning the "bony landmarks", which are bones (usually) visible on the surface of the body. things like the iliac crest, the great trochanter, the 7th vertabrae, the acromion process... These can be used to help you understand the parts of the body as angles and relationships, rather than trying to remember lengths and sizes, which vary immensely... (since you asked about steve, he can be our model... also study these on your own don't just take my word for it haha, these are the ones I personally keep in mind)
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I've done the same thing with body hair... learning where it grows and in which directions... It helps me make up variations without needing reference, because I have a set of rules I can follow.
The biggest thing that helped me understand all this on a much deeper level was my ecorche course. I sculpted this guy. We started by sculpting the entire skeleton to understand the bones, and then we added muscles on top. Not every single muscle, of course, but the "artistic muscles" AKA the ones which directly affect the surface of the body. Doing this let us see where muscles connect, because we would make a shape, put it on the bone where it actually goes, and then you get to see how other muscles overlap that.
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This helped me, perhaps, more than anything else. But I also didn't just start with this course, I had been drawing for years before I even took it. I had been in school for years before I took it. Not that I think it wouldn't be helpful to someone just starting out, but I do think that the more you know going in, the better an in-depth course like this will help you and stick with you. Classes are also expensive, though so I'm not really like... recommending you pay potentially thousands of dollars to take one... But it did help me a lot, personally.
I also, of course, have done many figure, gesture, and master studies...
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These just help you quickly gain a stronger understanding of generalized anatomy, and gives you real life examples of and practice with of how people move and balance.
What all this does when combined, is gives me a very solid ability to depict movement and form in a way that feels relatively natural from my subconscious without the need for reference.
The rest of how I've learned to draw his physique is honestly mostly just stylization. I understand the body, and this is how I am depicting it for his level of musculature.
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And as I move into depicting him in other ways, either moving in comics or in animation, realistically rendered, or extra stylized, these concepts inform every step of that process for me! When he keeps the same/similar relationships between parts, he gets to still look like himself.
It ALSO really helps when putting clothes on, because the way cloth falls and bunches and lifts is all directly related to the form it is on... So the more you understand that form, the more you can depict clothing and movement in a way that feels natural.
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This is all, of course, true when I draw anyone, you asked about Steve so I'm trying to mostly show with him! But because I'm just drawing from raw information of general anatomy rather than trying to study one body type at a time, it allows a lot more "give," I think!
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Like, here's most of the cast from TTA so far... actually, they're not as varied as I thought they were nevermind LMAO ignore this part
But, it also makes monster and alien design much easier! It's a lot easier to come up with non-human anatomy when I understand human anatomy, because I can manipulate the knowledge I have...
There is infinite more to study in the world of anatomy... The complexity of the human body goes extremely deep. For our purposes as artists, we need only depict a fraction of it, but more information rarely hurts the process.
I'm sure there's something in here that's wrong on a technical level, I'm mostly going off of memory. But that's kind of my point - I understand enough generally and conceptually that when I am missing something and need to find reference for it, I understand what I'm looking at. It's much easier than trying to learn AND draw at the same time.
I hope even one thing in here helped you! Sorry it's so long.
#asks#somewhereinasgard#anatomy#art tips#anatomy tips#don't like... take my word as gospel OF COURSE#I am sure there's like one thing or more in here that's like. genuinely wrong#but whatever#anyways. I love steve LMFAO#I was thinking about zagan a lot too in this one tbh LMAOOOO cause he's got a similar body type#and when I just did that action animation of him#and people were like how the fuck did you do this so fast#I sort of have been realizing all this knowledge I have about anatomy#and how much easier it makes my life pretty much every single step of the way.#those action poses did not need reference.#I almost never need reference for drawing people#unless its like... realism. but I mean in my comics or animations#when the arm is coming towards the camera I know what's going on in the arm and what the form of it ACTUALLY is so I can properly draw it#there's no guesswork. I know what I'm doing.#which makes it so that when I'm depicting someone like flipping all around or whatever#I just know what the body looks like. how it moves. how it balances. etc.#I would say it comes naturally to me but it doesnt.#it is subconscious at this point#but it is very extremely studied#not a damn bit of this came out of nowhere LOL#ok anyways this was a really fun ask#I got extremely carried away I am so sorry#this is like my biggest artistic passion I LOVE anatomy SO much#I love drawing muscles#I love the technical feelings that happens in my brain when I draw an arm moving and figure out how the muscles are engaged
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antiquepearlss · 3 months
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I’m too tired to post an essay but my girl was just a victim of bad writing and a lack of critical thinking from the audience okay I love her.
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