#Lie And Deceive
lasseling · 3 months
“Maladaptive Traits”: AI Systems Are Learning To Lie And Deceive
A new study has found that AI systems known as large language models (LLMs) can exhibit “Machiavellianism,” or intentional and amoral manipulativeness, which can then lead to deceptive behavior.
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ceaselessims · 4 days
the most heartbreaking thing about s4 and this interlude to s5 for me is that arthur would have forgiven john. arthur would have understood. he still might. but for godsake john doesn't know how to trust intuition and feelings yet, so he selfishly makes the choice to want arthur's mind wiped because he doesn't know how to deal with shame
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thesobsister · 2 months
TRUMP, in the phrase "to trump up a story," meaning to invent, foist, or fraudulently concoct, Prov. Eng. trump, to lie or boast, as if to sound a blast on a trump or trumpet, is from Fr. tromper, to deceive, Sp. trompar, to whip a top, lead in circles, deceive, lead astray.
from Folk Etymology by Rev. A. Smythe Palmer (1882)
And not a word of that is wrong.
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cynicjovial · 27 days
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woe. slop moment
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the-lark-ascending69 · 4 months
Childhood friends ronance AU in which, rather than Nancy stealing Barb from Robin, it was Barb stealing Nancy from Robin. Old friends who don't talk to each other anymore until Barb disappears and somehow Nancy ends up needing her old friend's help. The same friend who's been in love with her for years.
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gertritude · 6 months
Hey, if you guys see a senate survey going around asking your opinions on stuff like israel/palestine, tiktok, etc, I would advise against answering it. I still want to find the exact source of it, but it seems highly likely it was sent out by Republican Senator Thom Tillis as a means of gathering the opinions of his constituents. Your response isn't gonna do anything.
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zareleonis · 8 days
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“There is no way that I, Focalors, otherwise known as Furina de Fontaine, a member of The Seven, and the Regina of All Waters, Kindreds, Peoples and Laws of Fontaine, could be anything other than your true Archon.”
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aaandbackstabbed · 5 months
Scrooge: can I trust you, Goldie?
Goldie: if you like. But where’s the fun in that
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an-indecisive-nerd · 15 days
Badly Summarized WIPs tag
Thank you @the-letterbox-archives for tagging me here and presenting me with this golden opportunity. I've been wanting to introduce some of my other wips, but I wasn't sure how to do it.
What's Your Story
Something is always going catastrophically wrong, and there are too many hoops to jump through to just die, so I guess we're stuck fixing it.
Appearances Are Deceiving
100 reasons why politicians suck, number 95 will shock you. Do you really think that will get people interested in joining us? No, I just needed you to think I was incompetent so you'd agree to help.
We All Lie Amongst The Thorns
This newborn baby is evil, chucks baby into the woods, why can't I have any not evil babies?
Nearly Parallel Lives
None of us have the faintest idea what we're doing except him, but weird shit is going on and Goddammit we're going to find out why.
The Enchanted Forests
For the love of God, stop cutting down trees! Great, now you made the witch angry.
Survival Is A Team Sport
Happy birthday! Here's an apocalypse! Good luck kids!
Like a Movie
Local man too attractive to be left alone. Please just leave him alone, he's very depressed and bad at talking to people.
Thanks again for the tag!
Tagging the taglist
@thelovelymachinery @unforgettable-sensations @littleladymab
@megamijadeheart @my-bright-legacy @ominous-feychild
@thecomfywriter @wyked-ao3 @anamelessfacelessnerd
@differentnighttale @mysticstarlightduck @the-letterbox-archives
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lasseling · 3 months
AI Systems Have Learned How To Lie And Deceive
AI systems known as large language models (LLMs) can exhibit “Machiavellianism,” or intentional and amoral manipulativeness, which can then lead to deceptive behavior, according to the findings of a new study.
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frecklystars · 2 months
I love that all of my friends who have watched Crazy Stupid Love with me will point at Ryan Gosling's character and say "ohhh I see why you like him... he's like your other F/O, Barney Stinson :) except he kinda respects women a little bit more" and I'm like... what. oh... huh.
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I see.
#ive queued a few love notes and this is one of them. hi. trying to come back slowly but surely#can you imagine Jacob and Barney in the same room??#Barney telling Jacob how to deceive and trick women into giving him their numbers#and Jacob is like '????? no I just ask for it. why are you tricking people'#or Barney tells him about The Playbook or The Lemon Law and Jacob's like '?????????????????'#'I just ask a woman to sleep with me and they say yes. idk what the hell YOU'RE doing'#then it turns into a whole thing abt how Jacob doesn't need to do those things to get a girl to sleep w/ him#bc Jacob is competent and handsome and Barney is just some guy#like if it were just Jacob and Barney in competition to see who gets the most numbers at the end of the night WITHOUT lying/deceiving#Jacob would get *every* single one and Barney would only get a handful#Plus Jacob doesn't lie to the women and say 'ok ill call you'... I'm assuming he doesn't anyway#There's no implication that Jacob isn't letting these girls know 'hey there's no attachment here this is literally just a one night stand'#like why does Barney feel the need to lie to the girl to make her leave his apartment#or why does he feel the need to come up with a lie to sneak out of her place when she's asleep?#why not just say up front 'hey I'm just looking for a one night thing this isn't serious'#whatever maybe I'm just asexual and autistic but I will never understand Not Communicating. esp when it comes to sex. but ok.#woof#love notes#????#💕♬♪ ♡ It feels different when you’re with me - ̗̀☆🥂🖤✨☆ ̖́-#💕 Our love is LEGEND ━ wait for it! ━ DARY! ✨ LEGENDARY! ✨#<- wow you can tell that first ship tag is recent and that second one is from YEARS ago#i need to update my old ship tags and put way more glitter text onto them#love notes: barney ♡#love notes: jacob ♡
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mildmayfoxe · 1 year
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tragedykery · 1 year
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[ID: text from a day of fallen night, reading, “‘Farfetched as it sounds, yes. [start highlight.] He was seen in the haithwood, performing a ritual, dressed as if to mock a sanctarian. [end highlight.] His followers, who fled before they could��. the text cuts off there. /end ID]
I know this is such a trivial detail but it’s genuinely been haunting me since I read this part. the clothing of a follower of the original religion of inysca, seeming to mimic that of a sanctarian of the six virtues? “mocking,” through a secret ritual that is not meant to be seen, especially not by those that are supposedly being mocked?
I think it’s the other way around. that the sanctarian robes are based on “heathen” ones. I don’t know if was deliberate or not, whether galian chose it because it was familiar to his people, to ease the (forced) conversion, or just because it was familiar to him. but most likely, the sanctarian robes are a remnant of the original religion of inysca, still visible in the six virtues, and it probably isn’t the only one. how ironic, then, that heathens are persecuted in the name of virtudom, even as their religion lives on in the other. that what they now deem “heresy” stands at the very foundations of their own religion.
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morp · 6 months
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judyelsayegh · 1 year
Arthur: Merlin and I don't use "pet names"
Gwen: Uhu. Quick question: what do bees make?
Arthur: uh..honey?
Merlin: Yes, dear
Gwen: Don't ever lie to my face ever again
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ekho-ekho-ekho · 6 months
girl if you are gonna cry to me, the aromantic one, about "all the lies" your ex told you, please please make sure the lies are good ones, like, I am begging 😭 did he have a secret wife in Montreal? was he hiding a fetish for anthropomorphized airplanes? did you learn he was a Russian sleeper agent all along?
...or did he say a bunch of normal couple shit like "I Love You" or "We'll Figure it Out" or "It Won't be a Problem" prior to breaking up?
just—look, just tell how mad I should actually be at this guy. that's all I ask. just give me a gauge.
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