#Let's see - that was back in early '16 and I had already confessed to the fanfic-fanon-ification of my love for him so lol
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Somebody ordered Sushi Beefcake (Patreon)
#My art#Wander Over Yonder#Emperor Awesome#If you remember that caption first of all what are you doing all the way back in the depths of my alt art blog lol#I did forget that I posted one (1) WOY doodle allllll the way back in the day on my alt and it was this fucker <3 I still love him!#I was trying to make him as on-model as I was capable of at the time so he's still hella cute maybe I'll show him off at some point lol#Let's see - that was back in early '16 and I had already confessed to the fanfic-fanon-ification of my love for him so lol#It's been a whiiiiiiile since I first read Roundabout ♥#He is way more fun than he has any right to be to draw lol#His arm bands and tri-colour spikes should be illegal smh <3#So yeah anyway this was the pose I imagined for the panel where he's finger-gunning away lol#Too big for the comic itself but very happy to have it realized here! :D#Goofy guy#His mouth is Perfect for vectors ahhh <3 <3 Kissing my pressure tool on the cheek#Hhh he's ridiculous I love him
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Ghost Part 6

Synopsis: Jack confronts you to talk about what happened between the two of you the night before, and you tell him about your hesitations. He promises to give you all the time you need, but still hopes in the back of his mind that you'll say yes.
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
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The light was peeking through the windows in your hotel room as you had finally woken up. Immediately your mind went to what happened last night between you and Jack as you grabbed your phone from the nightstand to see what time it was.
The numbers 9:16 were staring back at you as the comforter was then thrown from your body. Swinging your legs over the bed, you went into the bathroom to start to get ready for the day. As you switched on the light and glanced into the mirror, you laughed quietly to yourself as you looked at your neck and saw the evidence that Jack had left behind further proving that the night before did in fact happen. Luckily you had brought your make-up with you to be able to cover it up.
Once you were dressed, you sat back down on your bed and proceeded to put on your necklace and bracelet when there was a sudden knock on your door. As you told them to come in, you were slipping on your shoes and when you looked up, Jack was in front of you.
“Uh hey, how does your back feel?” He asked and your heart couldn't help but to flutter as he sat down next to you.
“Much better.” You replied as you started to play with your bracelet, but Jack quickly took your hand in his.
“Are we going to talk about what happened last night?”
Glancing up at him with the intention to respond, you were interrupted by Ace coming in the room and making his presence known.
“Mommy!” Ace immediately greeted you and you noticed that he was already dressed and ready to start the day. It was obvious that Jack had gotten him up early while you were sleeping or it was the other way around.
“Hi bubs!” You excitedly responded as you picked him up to sit in your lap.
“Daddy let me have pancakes for breakfast.”
“Oh, did he now?
“Yes, because he said no when I asked him for a milkshake with whipped cream on top.”
Thank goodness you thought to yourself because you knew if Jack had let him have it that he would be bouncing off the walls for the rest of the day.
“Well the day is barely getting started, maybe he can get one for you later if you ask.” You told him as you looked at Jack and smiled.
“Please, daddy!?”
“Tell you what. We can go get one once we get home.”
“Ace, can you do me a favor?” Jack asked him and he eagerly nodded as he moved from your lap to his.
“Can you go make sure all your toys are packed so we don't forget anything? I'll be there to help you in a minute.”
“You said I could have a milkshake so I guess we have a deal.”
When Ace was out of the room, Jack turned back to you and simply brushed a few stray curls out of your face as he waited for the silence to be broken.
He noticed that you weren't saying anything, so that meant that he had to be the one to do it.
“You don't have to give me an answer right now. But, I want this. I want you and I want us to be together. Not only for Ace, but because I miss how we used to be. Before all of the fighting and the pettiness.” Jack softly confessed.
“What happened between us before will never happen again. I just want for us to have a fresh start without anything lingering over our heads. Last night really made me realize how much I missed us. Not because of how the night ended, but how basically the entire week went. We didn't fight, talked to each other about different things all while taking care of our child. I think it really hit me when you hugged me that night I called you to come over. That was the closest we had ever been since we made Ace. It caught me off guard, but it made me realize how much I love being around you and how amazing of a person that you are. I admit we still have a lot to learn about each other seeing as we weren't together for a long time, but what you have shown me so far is someone that I want in my life for the long haul. I just want you to think about it.”
As you sat there, digesting everything that he had just told you, all you did was nod before you could find your voice.
“Can I be honest?” You asked Jack and he once again put your hand in his, this time squeezing It.
“Of course.”
“I never admitted this out loud, but I saw a side of you that made me question who I had gotten into a relationship with in the first place. It clouded my head so much that I blocked out all of the good times that we had with each other before I told you about Ace. Not once did I talk bad about you in front of him, it really had me questioning if we would ever get back on the same page again. But, I don't think you realize just how bad you hurt me. I never wanted to trap you or hold you back in any way because I knew how much your career meant to you. All I ever wanted was for you to help me take care of Ace, that's all. A child that I never thought that I would be able to have and truth be told, I probably won't have any more after him. I just need you to understand why I'm hesitant about this. I can't let the way that you treated me slide like it never happened.”
“And I don't want you to. I admit to what I did and how I know that my parents raised me better than that. I was scared and it came out as me acting like an asshole towards you. And I don't know if I'll ever forgive myself for it. You were literally going through everything alone and I had no idea and pushed you away. I know that they would have been supportive throughout the entire thing and that they would have welcomed you with open arms. You have my word that something like that will never happen again. I noticed when you were hurting, Ace would hurt too and that's the last thing that I would ever want.”
You slowly nodded your head letting Jack know that you understood where he was coming from.
“Like I said, just think about it.” Jack told you as he leaned closer to you and pressed a kiss to your forehead before standing up.
“I was serious when I mentioned how much I missed kissing you. Being able to do that all the time would be a plus.” He whispered in your ear before smirking and going to help Ace finish packing his bag.
When you all landed back in Louisville, Jack kept Ace for a few weeks so that you were able to have more time to yourself. During those weeks, you moved into the house that Jack had bought for you and you had been searching for another job. You didn't want to give Jack any inkling that you were trying to milk him for his money, even though knowing him he wasn't going to see it that way.
Job application after job application and interview after interview proved to come up empty and you knew it all had related back to your Only Fans account. When you and Jack actually decided to be in a relationship, you stopped making content but you kept your account active to get money which he wasn't aware of at the time. You hated asking people for help so if you were able to do it on your own, you were going to.
Ace was currently with Jack and you had promised them to come over and fix dinner for them since Ace had been asking you for eggplant parmesan. You absolutely lucked out in the kid department because there wasn't anything that Ace wouldn't try at least once and he actually liked eating vegetables.
Cursing silently as you glanced at the clock, you were about twenty minutes behind from the time that you told Jack that you would be leaving and sure enough a facetime call from him popped up on your phone.
“Hey.” You said while letting out a frustrated sigh.
“What's wrong? I thought you would have been here already. Ace keeps asking for you.”
“I promise that I'm coming. I was just trying to finish up a few things.”
“Hmm, how's the job search going?”
“I might as well file for unemployment at this point. Everyone says we love your resume and know that you would be a key asset to our team, until they find out about the Only Fans account. I think the district must have told all the schools not to hire me.”
“Let me ask you this. Have you ever thought of doing something completely different?”
“Different like what? And how? Jack, my degree is in early childhood education. I don't know how to do anything else. Maybe except to apply to be a porn star since I had my foot halfway in the door with that one.” You responded as you got up from your desk to make your way over to your closet to find something to wear. Your shower had been taken earlier and all you had to do was unwrap your hair and moisturize it.
“Y/N, I don’t want you to stress about this. I told you that anything that you need, I'll get you. The right opportunity will come along and you are definitely not doing porn.”
Nodding your head as you set your phone down in order to get dressed, you heard Jack sigh.
When he didn't hear anything, he spoke up again.
“Hurry up and get here so I can take your mind off of all this.”
Even though you were in the middle of getting dressed, you propped your phone up to look at him.
“Umm…” Jack started to say as his eyes went wide.
“Jack, your first idea to get me to relax should not be having sex with me.”
“It wasn't but well it's kind of hard not to seeing as you are giving me a free show.”
You looked at him confused and he gestured down to your chest. Looking down you immediately sighed, since your boobs were on display for him.
“Well what did you tell me? You've seen them before and even had them in your mouth so it shouldn't be a big deal.”
“Thank goodness Ace is playing with Clay and wasn't in here to see that. But I can put them in my mouth when you get here. I mean I'm not opposed.” Jack told you as he wiggled his eyebrows and you rolled your eyes.
“No, Jackman. We're cooking when I get there and besides, take me on a date first before we do all that again.”
“I’m trying to but you want to be superwoman all the time and it doesn't leave a lot of room for me. But I understand that it's all you knew for so long. I just want to help take some of the load off.”
“You can take some of the load off by…”
“Eating you out?”
“I…. Have all the ingredients out that I told you that I needed. I’m leaving in ten.” You responded as you laughed.
The two of you were moving around his kitchen as Clay kept Ace occupied. Well you were moving around the kitchen and cooking as Jack was simply admiring you. Many times he wanted to steal a kiss from you but didn't want to run the risk of Ace or Clay seeing. The last thing he would want is to get Ace’s hopes up and this falls through. It had been weeks since he had put the idea in your head of the two of you being together and you had yet to give him an answer.
“Jackman, you’re doing it again.” You told him as you laughed and squeezed the lemons that you intended to use for the fresh lemonade that you were making.
“Doing what?”
“Staring at me. I asked you a question about five minutes ago that you have yet to answer.”
“What did you ask me? And I can't help it if I have a pretty girl in my kitchen. I'd rather have you underneath me, but I'll take what I can get.”
“Cut it out, Harlow. I asked you if you wanted blueberry lemonade or lavender?”
Jack didn't get a chance to answer as his mother Maggie made her presence known.
“Oh, hi Y/N. I didn't know that you would be here.” She said, greeting you as she came over to hug you.
“I'm here too!” Jack piped up and both you and Maggie made a face at him.
“I just saw you the other day, it's been a while since I've seen Y/N.”
After the custody battle had gone to court, both of Jack’s parents reached out to you and said that they wanted a relationship with Ace despite the circumstances and what their son had done. They would invite you and Ace over for dinner often and once Jack found out, it gave him that much more motivation in order to repair his relationship with you. However, she didn’t know that you and Jack had been spending a lot of time with each other.
“How's everything?” She asked as she jumped in to help squeeze the lemons.
“Can't really complain too much. I'm okay for the most part.”
“Good, but if you need anything don't be afraid to ask. Jackman, make yourself useful and fill the pitcher halfway with water instead of staring at Y/N. You haven't taken your eyes off her since I walked in the door.”
“I…” Jack started to say and then immediately turned red making you laugh.
“Although it's nice to see you two getting along or what I assumed to be? I mean Y/N's here and hasn’t burned down your house even though she has every right to do so.”
“Yes, my oldest child?” Maggie responded to Jack as you laughed again.
Soon the pitter patter of tiny feet were heard and you heard Ace yell excitedly before you had put eyes on him.
Maggie quickly turned around to catch him in her arms as he basically launched himself towards her.
“Hi my sweet Ace. You're getting so big! What are mommy and daddy feeding you?”
“Hot dogs.”
“Ace! We eat more than that when you come over here!” Jack said as he laughed.
Soon Clay came up next to you and bumped you on your shoulder while Maggie was occupied with Ace. You quickly smiled at him before starting to make the blueberry puree for the lemonade.
“I'm happy to see that you two are finally getting along.”
“Me too. We both just want the best for Ace and that includes us being able to get along with each other.”
“Ever since we came back from Boston it seems like something is different between you two.”
“How so?”
“I don't know exactly but Jack is just… Different. Not in a bad way, but…”
“He wants us to be together again.” You whispered and Clay’s eyes went wide.
“Don't tell him that I told you that.”
“Well are you…..?”
“No, I have a lot to think about regarding making a decision as big as that one and I explained that to him.”
“Well whatever you decide, I'm going to support you 100%. It's been that way from the beginning and it's not about to change now. Yes, I want my brother to be happy but your happiness is important too.”
“I appreciate you saying that Clay. You've always been so nice and sweet to me. I don't take that for granted for a second. I've just gotten so used to the world being against me.”
“What are you two over here talking about?” Jack asked as he reached over you to attempt to steal one of the cookies that you had just baked, but you immediately smacked his hand.
“How incredibly nosey you are and you just proved my point.” You told him as you booped his nose.
“But I thought I was getting special treatment?”
“The only person that gets special treatment in this room is our child.”
“Just one?”
“No, Jackman.” You told him as you turned around and handed Ace a cookie.
“Oohh, thank you mommy!”
“You can wait until later.”
After dinner Jack was in the kitchen cleaning up while you were putting Ace to bed and Clay left making his way home since he told you that he had to catch an early flight to California in the morning.
Maggie decided to come and keep her oldest child company and began helping him dry the dishes as she spoke up.
“Jackman Thomas….”
“Uh, yes?”
“If you hurt that girl again, I will knock you into the next century.”
“You heard me. You put that girl through enough and truth be told how she can be open and pleasant with you is beyond me because of what you did to her.”
“I know I messed up, mom. You don't have to remind me.”
“But I do because all of this affects my grandchild.”
“I told her that I want us to be together again.” Jack quietly said and Maggie looked taken aback.
“And what did she say?”
“She told me she would think about it. It's been almost a month. I get it completely but I’m going to do right by her this time. I promise.”
“I’m going to hold you to that.”
“Wait, can you do me a favor?”
“What do you need?”
“Can you keep Ace tomorrow so that I can take Y/N out on a date?”
“Does she even know about this date?”
“Nope, I'm going to ask her later and I'm hoping that she says yes.”
“In that case I'm going to get you a Costco size box of condoms.”
“Nothing wrong with being prepared. You already have one and you acted like he didn't exist. You got some sense knocked into you, but you do not need another one running around here. At least not yet.”
“Y/N can't even get pregnant. Well, that's actually what she told me the first time and…”
“And look how that turned out. Let's not take chances. As much as I want more, you still have a lot of learning to do.”
Once you closed the door to Ace’s room, you turned around as you felt someone behind you and was now face to face with Jack.
“Sorry, didn't mean to sneak up on you.”
“It's fine. I was just about to leave anyway. He's sleeping.”
“But what if I don't want you to leave just yet?” Jack shyly asked and you couldn't help but to smile.
“Well I guess I could stay a little while longer.”
The two of you got settled in his backyard beside the pool and you were looking up at the sky admiring the stars when he caught your attention.
“I wanted to ask you something.” Jack asked as he grabbed your hand.
“Sure, what is it?” You replied as you turned to face him.
“Would you let me take you out on a proper date tomorrow night?”
“Hmm, I'd like that. What are we going to do with Ace?”
“I have all of it taken care of. The only thing I need you to do is look gorgeous which obviously isn't hard for you to do.”
You couldn't help but to do anything but smile as you looked away from him. He quickly turned your face back towards him as he planted his lips on yours.
You eagerly kissed him back as you swung your leg over to straddle him.
Once the two of you broke apart, you stayed in the same position as Jack wrapped his arms around you.
“Now this is the Jack that I remember starting to fall in love with.”
#jack harlow#jack harlow fic#jack harlow concepts#jack harlow x reader#jack harlow x black reader#jack harlow fanfic#jack harlow fluff#jack harlow imagine#jack harlow imagines#jackman thomas harlow
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Genre: love triangle
Pairing: PSH x reader x reader's sister
Synopsis: when Y/n fell in love with her childhood bestfriend Sunghoon she decided she to confess to him not knowing how he felt for her sister.
Content warning: mention of su***de
Word count: 2.1k
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Love triangle PSH
“Girl just confess, I can see it, Sunghoon likes you, he’s here everyday to see you.” Kiara, Y/n’s sister asserted, looking at her with a teasing smile.
“And what if he doesn’t?” Y/n argued, looking at her sister with a worried smile.
“Oh come on, I’m sure he does,” Kiara assured her sister, earning an annoyed groan from Y/n as she laughed at her. “Come on, tonight, he told you he wants to tell you something right? Then let me help you with your dress and you’re confessing.” Kiara said, encouraging her sister.
Y/n and Sunghoon had been bestfriends since they were children, no one can separate them from each other, not even their parents, once they’re together you can’t separate them not until it’s very late at night. They went to the same school from when they were 3 years olds until university. Y/n developed her feelings for Sunghoon when she was 16 and now she’s 26, it’s been 10 years and she still doesn’t have the guts to confess to him, not even when her sister encourages her everyday to confess.
“Are you sure Sunghoon will like it?” Y/n asked, looking in the mirror, wearing a baby blue off shoulders dress.
“Don’t you trust me? I’ve been on various dates with my boyfriend and they go crazy for that type of dress.” Kiara responded, rolling her eyes to tease her.
“When are you getting married?” Y/n asked, raising her eyebrows up and down.
“Well, soon, very soon and he’s not my boyfriend, we’re engaged, remember,” Kiara responded.
Going downstairs they found Sunghoon already there, waiting.
“Damn, loverboy is early!” Kiara exclaimed, earning a playful smack from her sister as Sunghoon chuckled at them. “Well, my sister is yours, make sure she’s back before 12am,” she added, pushing her sister towards Sunghoon.
“I’ll make sure she’s back before 12am, because your parents will kill me if I don’t,” Sunghoon said, smiling as he glanced at their parents arguing in the kitchen.
Kiara laughed as she saw what Sunghoon was watching, it’s their parents fighting over a glass of water.
“You two be safe,” Kiara said, before she pushed them out of the house.
“I didn’t know you knew this type of place,” Y/n said, as she walked around the pretty garden, lights over the place.
Sunghoon watched Y/n as she walked around the garden happily, not forgetting to take pictures of her.
“Wait, what was it that you wanted to tell me?” Y/n asked, looking at Sunghoon, who’s still busy taking pictures.
“Uhmm later, Y/n pose there.” Sunghoon replied, smiling at her.
They walked around the garden, until they reached the end of it, and as they’re walking back to his car, Sunghoon cleared his throat, making Y/n stop.
“I have to tell you something,” Sunghoon said, looking at Y/n.
“I also have to tell you something,” Y/n replied.
“What is it?” Sunghoon asked.
“No, tell me what’s yours first,” Y/n said.
“No, ladies first,” Sunghoon argued, smiling.
“Let’s say it together.” Y/n suggested.
“Ok,” Sunghoon replied.
Y/n took a deep breath as Sunghoon counted to three.
“I like you,” “I like your sister,” They both said at the same time.
There was a long silence, Sunghoon looked at Y/n, trying to find the right words to tell her, to respond. He didn’t know, he never felt that way for her.
“I have to go,” Y/n said, running away from them.
“Y/n! Wait!” Sunghoon yelled as he ran after her.
Before he could reach her she already took a cab.
Kiara waited downstairs for her sister to arrive, watching the clock. When the time hit 12am Y/n slammed the door open as she stormed inside the house crying.
“What happened?” Kiara asked, worried.
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” Y/n said coldly, storming inside her room, closing it with a loud thud, making her parents come out of their room.
“What happened?” Their father asked.
“I don’t know, I’ll call Sunghoon.” Kiara replied as she went upstairs to call Sunghoon.
“What did you do to my sister?” Kiara asked over the phone.
“Did she arrive?” Sunghoon asked back.
“Sunghoon answer my damn question, why did my sister went back home crying? What the fuck did you do?” Kiara asked with anger in her voice.
“She confessed.” Sunghoon responded.
“And?” Kiara asked.
“I don’t want to say it over the phone,” Sunghoon argued.
“Goddammit Sunghoon, tell me!” Kiara yelled.
“I told her I like you!” Sunghoon yelled back over the phone.
“I’m fucking engage!” Kiara yelled, hanging up the phone to knock on her sister’s door.
“So you told Y/n, you liked his sister?” Jake asked Sunghoon, who nodded his head. “Are you fucking crazy!? I told you a million times she likes you!” Jake scolded Sunghoon who’s just looking at the floor.
“I don’t know what to do, Kiara hates me right now and Y/n isn’t taking any of my calls,” Sunghoon said as he ruffled his hair in frustration.
“So now you’re telling me she’s not taking your calls? Since when?” Jake asked, worriedness can be heard in his voice.
“1 week already,” Sunghoon responded.
“Did she tell you she’s sick?” Jake asked.
“No, why is she sick? Did she text you?” Sunghoon asked, worried.
“Sunghoon, she has a weak heart, did she not tell you that?” Jake asked, worried, taking out his phone to try and contact his father.
“She never mentioned being sick, nor her sister told me she’s sick, her parents never mentioned it either,” Sunghoon replied as he looked at Jake.
“My dad is not answering, how about you go to their house? See if she’s fine,” Jake suggested.
Sunghoon didn’t waste any second as he went out to go to their house.
“Please be fine,” Sunghoon whispered.
Arriving in front of their house, Sunghoon got out of his car, not caring if his car wasn't parked right. He knocked on the door loudly. The door opened and he saw Y/n’s father.
“Sunghoon, come in,” Mr. Kim said as he let him inside the house.
“Y/n is she alright?” Sunghoon asked, looking around, her door was closed shut.
“Kiara hasn’t told you?” Ms. Kim asked, coming out of the kitchen.
“Tell me what?” Sunghoon asked, worried.
“Come with us,” Ms. Kim said.
Sunghoon followed them into their car. The car ride was silent, Sunghoon looked outside the window, he’s scared, terrified, he’s feeling something he can’t describe.
“I heard Kiara is engaged,” Sunghoon uttered under his breath.
“She’s not engaged, Kiara likes you a lot but Y/n is very important to her, she had to lie and she asked us for help, so we helped her, so she won’t get sick.” Ms. Kim said as she watched Sunghoon looked down on his lap nervously.
“I’m sorry if I got her sick,” Sunghoon apologized.
“It’s not your fault son, you can’t control your feelings, if you like someone you like someone, you can’t stop your heart from feeling that,” Ms. Kim told him as she gave him a reassurance of a smile when he glanced at her.
“She’s fine right?” Sunghoon asked.
“She hasn’t woken up in 3 days,” Ms. Kim replied.
Sunghook looked down on his lap, letting his tears fall down as he apologized “I’m sorry,”
“Son, don’t worry about it, I’m sure once she hears your voice, she’ll open her eyes.” Mr. Kim said, smiling at him.
Arriving at the 2nd floor of the hospital, his heart ached as he read the sign in front of him, CCU (Critical Care Unit), Y/n’s father rubbed his back as he saw him tensing up. They guided him in front of her room, Kiara was sitting outside.
“What is he doing here?” Kiara asked, anger laced her voice.
“Kiara, calm down,” Ms. Kim said. “Sunghoon you can go in,” she added.
Sunghoon went inside her room, his tears fell down as he saw her, her weak body hooked into a different type of machine, her heart monitor showing how weak her heartbeats are, tube down her throat to help her breath, to help her live. Sunghoon sat down beside her bed, as he delicately took her left hand in his, his hands shaking at the feeling of her cold hand in his, as he successfully took her hand in his, he couldn’t help but sob.
“Oh god I’m sorry,” Sunghoon sobbed, kissing the back of her hand as he let his tears fall down. Apologizing. “Please wake up,” he sobbed.
His everyday life became like this, going to work, visiting Y/n, telling her stories from their childhood, apologizing, and their parents watch Sunghoon do it everyday.
“So how are you gonna tell him?” Ms. Park asked Y/n’s mom, watching how Kiara is crying hard.
“I don’t know, he’s gonna be here soon and we don’t know how to tell him.” Y/n’s mom sobbed as Mr. Kim hugged him.
“Did something happen?”
Turning around they saw Sunghoon, standing there with a bouquet of tulips. Sunghoon peeked and saw that Y/n is still hooked up on the machines. He shakily opened the door and approached Y/n. Their parents watched him give the tulips to Y/n, pecking her forehead as Y/n’s mom sobbing became louder.
“Ma’am we have to turn off the machines,” the nurse said approaching them.
Her parents nodded, coming inside the room with nurses behind them.
“Sunghoon, son,” his father called him.
Turning around he knotted his brow seeing nurses.
“What’s going on?” Sunghoon asked, holding Y/n’s hand tightly and as his mom saw it he couldn’t help but cry as he approached his scared son.
“Mom, what's going on?” Sunghoon asked again, looking at his mom as he held Y/n’s hand more tightly.
“Son listen to me, it’s been 6 months and like always they did her brain waves test to check her brain’s activity and there’s no more brain waves son,” his mom said, looking at his confused look.
“So?” Sunghoon asked.
“Sunghoon, she’s gone, she’s braindead,” Kiara said as Sunghoon diverted his attention to her, shaking his head.
“No, her heart’s beating, she's alive,” Sunghoon said, turning around from them as he tucked her in the bed, his hand shaking.
“Sir, the machines are making her heart beat, she’s on life support, once we turn it off her heart will stop beating,” one of the nurses explained.
“Then don’t remove it,” Sunghoon responded sternly.
Sunghoon’s father approached him and hugged him from the back to pry him off of her. “No! She’s fucking alive!” Sunghoon screamed.
“Y/n wake up please! I’m sorry! I know you’re mad at me but please don’t do this,” Sunghoon wailed, hugging her tightly. “Y/n please, please, wake up,” he sobbed. “Let me go!” Sunghoon yelled as he was pulled away from Y/n. “No, don’t kill her!” Sunghoon screamed, seeing them turn off the machines, and just like what the nurse said, her heart will stop once they turn off the life support.
They watched Sunghoon run back near Y/n to hug her, wailing. “No please, no”
Sunghoon sat in front of Y/n’s grave, putting down another bouquet of tulips he ordered. He talked to her again. He’s telling her how he wants to wake up from this nightmare. It’s raining, it’s like the cloud is crying with him.
“I’m sorry,” Sunghoon sobbed.
“Sunghoon, let’s go home,” Jake said from behind him.
“Jake, I can’t live without her,” Sunghoon whispered. “I can’t,” he whispered. “Everynight I asked myself what would’ve happened if I told her I like her instead of telling her I like her sister.” He said. “I want her beside me, cause life seems right whenever she’s in it.” he added.
Jake watched as Sunghoon cried, putting an umbrella above them.
Sunghoon sat on his bed, staring at the frame on his side desk. It's the last picture they took together at the garden. He remembered her blushing when an old lady told them they look good together. Opening his phone, he stared at the messages he had sent her, asking her to come back and how much he misses her. Then he opened his gallery, his tears cascaded on his cheeks, watching the videos of her walking in the garden happily.
Sunghoon laid inside his bathtub filled with water. “I’ll be with you soon Y/n.” He spoked, cutting both his wrists with a cutter as he submerged himself in the bathtub.
The end.
#amreading#enhypen#enhypen fanfiction#sunghoonff#park sunghoon#enhypen jake#sunghoon#sunghoon x reader#sunghoon enhypen#sunghoon imagines#sunghoon fluff
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
@lanafofana threw glitter on me and then ran away therefore I am required to follow through with these shenanigans (love youuuu)
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
Eight!!! Hopefully more soon!
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
67, 826
3) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
you're at the top of my lungs Gale x f!tav events of bg3 longfic!
fine art Gale x f!Tav emotional post-game smut plus some gale teasing
three's a party TWO, count em, TWO simulacrum threesomes
Axioms of heavenly bodies; an intimate analysis of systems unknown and the pleasures contained therein cute Gale x f!tav modern au smutty oneshot
a bene placito Gale x f!Tav married morning sex, cockwarming, etc
4) What fandoms do you write for?
Baldur's Gate 3 for now. Maybe I'll eventually get inspired enough to write some Dragon Age (Veilguard specifically, or maybe even Inqusition if I keep playing???)
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always try to! As a writer seeing a comment brings me THE MOST joy and so i want to thank each and every one of you for being there. And also as a reader, I love when the author responds esp if it leads to whole-ass convos. I've actually made friends this way!
6) What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhhhhh the published WIPs I have right now I plan on having happy endings. And a few of the unpublished ones as well. There are a few early-draft WIPs that I'm considering a more angsty end direction, but there's so much angst fodder in Gale and Poppy's stories already, that I like the angst being throughout and then putting them back together.
But never say never!
7) What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I guess Axioms? Because of the love confession, multiple orgasms, etc etc. Again, my published multi-fic chapters have yet to get to the ending so ask me again once both are finished lmao
8) Do you get hate on fics?
Nope! And if I get any I will cry
9) Do you write smut?
10) Do you write crossovers?
I haven't yet, and don't have any in mind at the moment, even as just a loose idea. The closest idea that I have is a modern au bg3 fic where a local theater is putting on Heathers. Gale plays JD. I will not elaborate further lmao. OH I ALMOST FORGOT and a My Big Fat Greek Wedding idea but Gale is Toula lmao.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so? I hope not :sob:
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware of but if anyone's interested PLEASE LET ME KNOW I'D LOVE TO CHAT
13) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not yet! But the girlies and I chat enough about our blorbos where maybe something will happen @dr-demi-bee Miri and Poppy crossover fic? Maybe?
14) What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Oh god. The Doctor and Rose, probably.
15) What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Lmao all of them, ideally! I'd love to finish YATTOML because it's THE bg3 story and I know where I want it to go, I just need to sit down and write it. I also have a modern college au that I have big feelings about and would love to start publishing (ONCE IT"S DONE).
16) What are your writing strengths?
I've been told I nail Gale's voice and that I write very good smut. Other than that, I'm not sure? Maybe I should start asking for more explicit feedback lmao.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
I can't focus on one fic at a time for long enough to contribute anything productive. Hence why I feel like I haven't published anything substantial in ages.
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I think it's great, though I'd be too nervous to actually give it a go beyond a phrase here or there. I don't want the native speakers to be taken out of it. I love reading it as a reader, though.
19) First fandom you wrote for?
Baldur's Gate 3!!!!
20) Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Oh geez. Probably Axioms. I shared ONE snippet of an idea in the server and everyone was like MOAR PLEAAAASE and so I turned one snippet into a whole 6.8k word thing. It was the first time I really captured Gale's voice and there's something about it that's really comforting. Also Tara and Hey There Delilah lmao.
Lana glitter-tagged the whole server so I will add (no pressure obvs) @pouroverpaloma @tociminna @thecurlyginger
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Hazbin hotel Episode 6 Live Blogging
It's past midnight on a work day I'll see if I can get through this. I'm not editing this good luck to both of us.
Okay to start, less than a minute in, Charlie wants to prove that a sinner can ve redeemed. But she has no proof. None of the hotel gang are acting that much better than when they started. Sure they get a long better,but that doesn't make them good people. War crimes are usually commited in groups. Comradery is neutral.
So much for Vaggie supporting Charlie, huh. I get not wanting to go to heaven for this meeting, but considering how badly the last one, excluding whether she knows about the contract thing, having support to help talking things out is a good thing. Especially, with Charlie being prone to singing her point instead of explaining it.
Cherry bomb...finally. I'm sorry but the way Angel announced her felt like a sitcom. Cue canned cheering.
He's been texting all day?? I thought he was working with Val for 16 hours straight. i don't care about breaks, its Val we're talking about.
The wall blowing up is going to a constant gag huh.
Charlie inserting her will in what Angel is doing is annoying at best, but a kick in the teeth after the shit she caused in Ep 4. It's not the same thing the wow did she not learn.
[Pen is hitting on cherry. Nevermind with this Im going to bed]
[11hrs later and im back]
First angel on screen, I didn't think the designs for them would be grand, bootleg christian tv special was not what i would've expected.
The static is back. this is going to drive me insane.
The book he's holding is pretty, can't wait to see it in the merch store.
Okay nevermind, only his design is boring. That's a lot of the same-ish color but I like the look of the two new angels.
the short one is Charlie too, I have hope for her- oh god song incoming.
It is literally only his design that's boring, that had to be on purpose. I like the way heaven looks, I like the designs of the residents. everything is good so far.
Buff angels
the song is like a 4/10. Visuals doing a lot of the heavy lifting.
Exorcist lady has a face!? I hope Adam is in this one scene only, there's already been too much of him.
The static glitter is everywhere and I hate it.
So the exterminations are a secret in heaven, interesting. Adam's the one pushing the exterminations!?!? And heaven's just letting him do it cuz he's the first dickbag or whatever, what?
Vaggie's a former exorcist!? That explains why she didn't want to go back to heaven. And the military thing in episode 3.
Okay i get the threat of adam telling Charlie Vaggie's secret, but like, sinners kill each other all the time. Angel goes on killing sprees with Cheery, per the pilot. Pen has had two war blimps. Husk was and overlord, Alastor is one currently. Vaggie killing sinners isn't that much different and if she confess why she she was left in hell Charlie going to forgive her.
Also, why are there children in hell? There's no answer to that that isn't horrifying.
I hate Adam but showing actual evidence should have been the first thing the prepared. Also, a bunch of dictionary definitions, really. At this point they're just incompetent.
Was worried we were going to have a redue of the news broadcast from the pilot but asking Adam how to get into heaven is a neat turn around.
Nevermind it us a redo of the pilot fuck. Why.
Husk- "you want to fick up all your progress-" What fucking progress!?! We as the audience have seen no change in any of them.
Why are the angels upset Charlie said fuck, Adam's been saying it and no one's cared.
Cherry's character is tanking early that's neat. And Pen's hitting on hesr again, ugh.
Great, Cherry's actions have directly pushed Angel towards his abuser who he was trying to avoid, wonderful. I hate this so much.
Why is angel the one getting niffty!?! I wouldn't call what happened with val a win, but it is a step forward
No one knows how to get into heaven, okay. My feelings on that are mixed.
Song #2
It's already been 5 months? so what, an episode per month?
The fire in the eyes of the angel is a neat shot.
thousands of demons, that’s kinda low isn't it. Considering no ine knows how to get into heaven, I'm thinking it might be closer to an even slit with heaven maybe having a bit more % wise.
I like this more than Ep 5.
Was looking forward to seeing cherry in the show, she was disappointing. Kinda a half assed friend. Because she was so pushy with Angel he not only had an encounter with Val, heaven was less persuaded by Charlie's bid for their redemption.
(wrote something else here but it got deleted and I don't remember so oops on that.)
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TV Show - Dr. House | House M.D. X
So, we're still in the fifth season but we're already on episode 16. We just found out, after a shocking cardiac arrest with House, that he's on methadone and actually doesn't need Vicodin anymore since his leg doesn't hurt anymore.
Episode 9, "Last Resort," is now behind us, and I mention this episode on purpose because it's one of those that ranks relatively low for me. Yes, I can understand the dude with the gun quite well, but just shooting around isn't a solution, even if there are countries in this world where people live who have a different opinion. Besides, Thirteen suffers too much here. Yes, it bothers me because I simply like Olivia Wilde and her role, but it's also annoying because she already suffers enough due to her illness. Strangely, this is often observed in series, that there's always a character who gets a lot of suffering. In Star Trek: Voyager, for example, it's Harry Kim, or in CSI: New York, it's Danny Messer. If I think about it more closely, I'm sure I can come up with more examples. In House, it's only occasional and not spread throughout the entire series, since Thirteen isn't there for the whole series, but it's still noticeable.
Episode 12, "Painless," I also found interesting because we have a kind of mirror image of House. Only in the basics, but still interesting enough to see where House might end up if things continue like this for a few more years. Sure, both characters are fundamentally different in character, please don't get me wrong, but here you can deduce a lot of things that we will encounter in the following seasons. Maybe one could even go so far as to say that this episode is a key experience for much of what follows, which brings us back to the episode mentioned at the beginning. Because precisely because they are so different, and House maybe doesn't want to end up at this point, he does all the things that are still to come after this episode.
Let's come to the episode mentioned at the beginning, "The Softer Side." House has a cardiac arrest right in the office, while it seems like he's taking a nap. Everyone is worried, and the immediate assumption is that he's taking heroin. After dinner with Wilson and House's subsequent confession, it becomes clear that it's even worse because he's taking methadone. After throwing away his cane, he just walks away. What immediately strikes me here is the fact that although he's pain-free, as he says, he's still limping. Which makes sense, because the muscle in his leg is completely destroyed. But the strange thing is the limping, because a few seasons ago we had a similar case where House was pain-free and he could walk normally, even though nothing has actually changed about his leg between these two incidents.
Cuddy must then confront House with a cruel choice, but House chooses painlessness, even though it's much more risky.
What is also addressed in this episode should not be ignored! It's about a baby being born with both male and female genitalia and being forced by the parents to grow up as a boy. The episode is from 2009, so it's still quite early for such a topic, kudos for that! However, you shouldn't listen too closely to the parents of the baby because it's repeatedly shown here that the child itself has completely different wishes and needs than the parents dictate, hence my statement about coercion! I also think that Thirteen acted completely correctly here, not regarding the suicide story, but definitely regarding the "vitamins"! It's even the second time this topic comes up. We already had a "teenage supermodel" (female) who suffered from hermaphroditism, resulting in an unusual form of testicular cancer being detected too late.
Yes, there's also the relationship between Foreman and Thirteen, and you could talk about that for a lot of words, but I find the whole thing actually relatively uninteresting. Even when they wanted to outsmart House! Where did Foreman work in the past few years? Outsmarting House? On the way to not becoming like House, he becomes more and more like House, which can also be seen in altering the medication for Thirteen. What happened to the study actually?
We mustn't forget about Cuddy, of course, as she now has her daughter named Rachel. On one hand, I'm happy for her, but on the other hand, I can also understand the patients who have been driven nearly insane by the baby's crying. Yes, I understand why this was done here, to trigger symptoms and lead House onto the right track. Nonetheless, I find Cuddy's behavior simply unacceptable, because to call in the middle of an operation with a crying child in her arms and not hang up is outrageous. Yes, children often cry, and that's just part of it, but I find it simply unacceptable behavior, and I really took it against her that she didn't hang up after Rachel cried so intensely!
Since I'm watching on Prime, I can see directly which episode is coming next, and there we have the patient who always tells the truth due to a condition and practically has no filter between thoughts and speech. Also very interesting, because you often wonder what absolute honesty and openness could look like. Here we get a taste, and personally, I think it tastes quite bitter sometimes. Sure, you shouldn't lie or gossip and talk about others, but that's something completely different!
#tvshow#house md#dr house#greg house#gregory house#wilson#james wilson#cuddy#lisa cuddy#dr. cuddy#dr. wilson#dr. house
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Code Blue Ch. 42- Duck Duck Goose
Summary: The trip to the train bridge commences. Jo is overly annoyed with Lee and makes sure he knows it. An intense rush is shared. Lee meets Jake's bio daddy. Jason and Jo make up for the most part. He and Lee send her reeling. A shocking moment is witnessed. Lee confesses something already suspected by Jo. Liz goes to Ethan.
*Warnings* DARK!! language, angst, alcohol use, murder plots, depictive mentions of child death
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
Chapter characters: Lee, Josie, Jason, Liz, Ethan,
Salem, Massachusetts
March 16, 2023
10:30 p.m.
The car ride to the train bridge was silent as Lee drove and you stared out your window, unable to stop seeing his lips on Angel's and her disrobing before him half naked. Sure he beat feet out of there but it didn't make your anger any less that he chose to even go in the first place. Still, you were curious as to what she told him although in that moment, you didn't even want to speak to him or even look at him for that matter.
Lee parked the car at the place you took him on your bike, then turned it off. A few minutes went by as you both sat there in the dark before Lee broke the deafening silence.
"Are you going to talk to me about this?"
"You mean like you talk to me about things?" you snipped and got out. As much as you wanted to slam his door to make him cringe, you quietly shut it in caution of your dark surroundings.
Lee sighed heavily, reached in the back to grab the flashlights and then got out too, handing you one.
The night air was crisp and the moon half full as you began to walk towards the sound of the horn to the train that now ran on the newly rerouted track under another bridge close by. It was a good fifteen minute walk, so you picked up the pace.
"Jo...could you slow down? It's still early and the path is not level. You're going to trip."
"Just keeping my distance. I can smell the rank of her cheap ass dollar store perfume all over you."
You no more than finished your snarky comment and down you went, tripping over a large tree root.
"Owww, fuck. Damn it."
"Jo, babe...are you alright?" Lee asked as he tried to help you up.
"I got it! I'm fine." you snapped, pulling away from him and continuing on with a slight limp.
Lee shook his head and chuckled. "Of course you are. Tough as nails. One of the many things I love about you."
"Can you just shut up?"
"Yes ma'am." he said and smirked, loving how damn sexy he thought you were when you were mad.
When you both arrived at the bridge, there was no sign of Jason yet. He was always punctual so you had at least an hour to sit there with Lee.
Lee looked around at the unfamiliar territory as he stood atop the bridge constructed of stone that overlooked the train tracks beneath. It had an old dirt road that crossed it and there were actually street lights and an old functional payphone nearby.
"So, you mean to tell me I could have drove here?"
"Well sure, if you don't mind driving your precious classic over two foot pot holes the entire way here." you retorted as you climbed up on the ledge and sat down.
"Yeaaaah, that would be a big fat no. Sooo, now what? It's only 11."
"A train will be though soon. It's pretty surreal to sit up here when it goes under. The entire bridge shakes and the wind will make your eyes water. I like to dangle my feet over the edge and swing them. It's like I'm running over top of the train."
"Interesting. The girl who's afraid of heights likes to be so daring."
"I'm not afraid of heights. I'm afraid of falling." you told him and finally looked into his eyes. Lee understood the look and your words that reminded him of previous conversations with you.
"I won't let you fall." he softly said and at down beside you and gazed down below. "That's still a hefty drop. If it didn't kill you, it would definitely break a lot of bones."
"Probably, but this ledge is nice and wide. I just hold onto the back when I let my legs hang over."
"You can always hold onto me."
You looked away and stared out into the darkness, feeling the softness towards him coming on...damn it.
"You want a drink?"
"A...drink?" you asked with a raised brow.
"Yep. Brought this little friend with me."
Lee pulled out a small pint of whiskey from inside of his coat pocket, then removed his coat and opened it up, handing it to you.
"100 proof. It'll warm you up and take the edge off." he said with a smile.
You half smiled and took it, then knocked back a swig, cringing instantly at the burn as the highly flammable liquid seared down your throat.
"It'll take more than the edge off. Like possibly the lining of my throat and stomach, holy hell." you stammered with a cough.
Lee chuckled. "You alright?"
"Yep." you grunted and handed it back to him. "Tough as nails, remember?"
Lee took a large gulp of the potent fire, completely tolerant of it's stinging burn, then hopped off the ledge and walked around the corner of the bridge.
"Cool, there's steps over here to go down to the tracks." he raved with a grin and headed down to look around. "You comin?"
"Nah...I'm good."
You then carefully turned and let your legs hang freely so you could view him.
"Yep, you're pretty far up there." Lee said and laughed as he peered up at you.
"This is nothing compared to the old unused trestle way up there just behind the trees that runs over the river wild. That's the one I'm afraid of. The fall and the water. Nope."
"You're not afraid of the water either. You're afraid of drowning...right?"
"You gonna save me from drowning too?"
"Always." Lee said. "But maybe you'll trust me enough someday to let me teach you how to swim first."
You became silent again so Lee put his hands in his pockets and began walking around, kicking rocks with his head lowered, and then he stopped and looked back up at you with a story telling smile.
"Do you know I was afraid of trains as a kid? They were so big and I was so small. They were so loud, much like the storms that I also feared as you do."
"Not Jacob though. He was fearless for his size. In his mind, he was six feet tall and bullet proof. I guess we know who and where he got that from."
In that moment you realized how frightened he was to meet Jason, the man who was biologically Jacob's father, yet Lee was the one who who fathered Jacob for his entire short years and he was the only one Jacob knew as his dad....and now that reveal was going to become reality for Lee. Also in that moment, you forgave him about Angel, for Jacob was the only reason he did it. You saw Lee shove her away instead of continuing on and even if you hadn't been watching, you knew he still would have done the same thing. Lee was just a desperate father wanting to know what happened to his son.
"I...I remember your stories about your dad easing all those fears and how you ended up loving trains...and how Gordon helped you deal with the storms too. Parents are great when you have the right kind and you...you Lee, were the right kind for Jacob...and Jason knew and believed that. That's why he stayed away, to protect Jake physically from his life of crime and also mentally from being ripped away from the only father he had ever known. Now Liz...well, she wasn't nor is the right kind of parent and if Jason had knew that earlier, well...he would have handled her....in fact, he was going to and she knew it, which is why she aided in taking him out first. Lee....it's going to be ok. You and Jason, you're both victims in Liz's lies and manipulations. He's on your side, although he may not be too happy that I brought you here. I know your worried to see him but...Lee, his presence, it changes nothing. You...are Jake's daddy...always and Jake knows that."
"You really are so beautiful, you know that? Your heart, they just don't make em like you anymore." he chuckled. "I guess that's why it took me so long to find you. After everything I have done and everything I have put you through, you're still in my corner and I couldn't love you more than I do right now...ok well yes I could but you know what I mean. Jo Jo....about Angel...I..."
"I know baby."
The train horn blared from the darkness behind Lee and then a dim light came into view.
"Lee, the train, it's coming. Come on! You gotta sit up here and experience this!!"
Lee came jogging up the stairs, sat beside you and whipped his legs over the ledge. You both stared at each other with adrenalized expressions as a light breeze began to creep up, being carried by the speeding bullet.
You gasped at the echoing horn blaring one last time as the beast came straight for you and Lee, inching closer by the second. Lee laid his palm out as he gazed at your glowing face. You slapped your hand down onto his, fingers weaving tightly together in unison as the repetitive clanking of the rails grew closer. Your chests were tightening, but in a good way as you both stared the oncoming monster in it's glowing eyes.
Lee's arm went over your lap like a seatbelt, his other hand still clasping yours as your bodies became engulfed in a blinding bubble of the whitest white. You gazed at Lee who was in a relaxed trance like state as he faced his past fears head on. His eyes then closed and he tilted his head back, taking in the rush as the light took over him.
The train then rushed and roared beneath your swinging feet as it's violent wind of fury burst through your hair.
"WoooooOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" you screeched into the night as Lee released the breath he was holding in a hard puff and he then turned with gaping eyes to watch the train disappear into the darkness followed by the fainting sound of the thumping tracks. All was dark and quiet once more except for the pounding of your hearts.
Lee's eyes quickly met back with yours, both of you panting with slowly forming smiles and then his hands came firmly to your face, his fingers gripping the back of your head. His gaze was intense and your eyes screamed with desire, both of you high on dopamine. Your trembling fingers grasped his wrists and then his lips swiftly made their way to yours, forcing a soft mewl to squeak out of you. The wind lightly lingered, swirling about as you both shared a deeply passionate kiss filled with urgency for one another. If it weren't for the fact you would be meeting Jason very soon, you would have knocked Lee to the ground and took him right then and there.
But then, the faint rumble of a motorcycle broke the heated moment and then it went silent. Gasping, you jumped to your feet.
"Jason's here!" you loudly whispered, grabbling Lee's wrist to look at his watch. Midnight on the dot.
As you gawked down the path with anticipation, Lee stood right at your side with his arm around your waist. Jason was quite stealthy, so you knew he would appear without a sound and then...there he was.
Jason halted briefly when he saw Lee and then he continued on his way to you, his face full of emotion that most would say he didn't possess but the truth was, only those he loved could keep stone cold at bay.
He then slowly approached you, one hand in his pocket as he reached for you with his other arm and hugged you, one thing he wasn't big on doing.
"I'm so sorry for everything." he whispered into your ear.
One thing though, when Jason was wrong, he admitted it.
"I know. I'm just so glad you're alive and that you're here."
Jason released you and smiled, then looked at Lee, making your heart sink as you expected stone cold to surface, but once again, your brother shocked you.
"Lee. It's good to finally meet you." Jason softly said and extended his hand out.
Lee reached back and shook his hand. "You too Jason."
Flabbergasted, you gazed at Lee, then at Jason. "You...you're not mad that I brought him?"
"I knew you would. I know you better than you know yourself Jo. I get it. I've already put you in an unfair predicament in keeping my secret. I never expected you to keep it from the one you love."
"Well umm so...let me cut right to the chase about my code red text. It's not so secret anymore Jay. Liz knows...accidentally by me, at the hospital. The witch was hiding and listening to a conversation I had with Lee. I'm SO sorry...I didn't mean to..."
"It's ok. Is she the only one?"
"As far as I know, she told Lee's neighbor, Angel, who's her friend and a nurse at the hospital....but...I don't know. Lee saw her with Ethan yesterday at the hospital and then there's Cyrus who...."
"I know all about Cyrus's new position. I also know you were admitted. Are you ok? You have to know I would have been there if I were able."
"Yeah, I..I know you would have and yeah, I'm ok now. Just stress basically. Lee...he...he got me there right away and..."
"I know that too. Thank you..Lee...for saving my sister."
"No thanks necessary. I would lay down my life for her if needed."
You smiled and rubbed Lee's arm.
"Ok, how do you know all of this?" you then asked Jason.
"I was eavesdropping on Mom's phone call to Livvie at the house before I took my bike."
"WHAT??? Jason! She's going to notice that it's gone, are you nuts?? How the hell did you get the keys, which she'll also know is missing??"
"Extra set I kept at Sonny's. Mom don't go in the garage often and as long as she sees my keys, she'll have no reason to look. If she does, I'll cross that bridge when I get there."
"Ummm, she was just in there and saw my car, asking me all about that."
"Yeah, why is your car there?"
"That's a story for another time. God Jason, this is all going to blow up in our faces. I mean, you're out riding your damn bike for fuck's sake. You couldn't have had Max or Milo take you??"
"Ok, so you know? I am wearing my helmet for once in my life. Many guys have similar bikes and dress like me when they ride...hell, Lee's dressed like me right now AND it's not like I'm joy riding through town Jo. And you know Sonny's guys are being watched by Cyrus's men and most likely the Zacchara's too, so no Jo. I didn't find it feasible to taxi around in Sonny's cars."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, if mom calls me about your missing bike, you know I'm going to have to tell her. I'm not going to lie to her like I've been doing now for all this time. When Jason, when is this going to end???"
"I'm working on that Jo."
"So you keep saying Jason and yet, here we still are. If I hadn't seen you, would I still be in the dark??"
"You were going to be the first person to know, I swear it. It just wasn't supposed to be so soon."
"Oh really? Sonny knew before me. Sonny and Carly always come first."
"Jo..don't do this. Not now. I didn't come here to fight. I missed you and needed to see you after knowing you were in the hospital."
You began to cry. "This is bullshit Jay. Having to meet in a desolate dark place because we can't just normally call each other or text without stupid fucking codes, or go to lunch together like we used to or...."
Jason pulled you into another hug, this time with both arms.
"I know. I'm so sorry. Soon Jo...soon. I promise you it will all be over and we can do those things again."
Lee watched in envy as you cried in the comfort of Jason's arms, for he wanted to be the one to hold you, but he knew you needed your brother in that moment, so he stayed silent and gave you both space.
"So, you're not going to tell me what you're planning?" you asked as you pulled back and wiped your tears as you sniffled.
"No Jo. It's better that way. You know that. The less you know, the less danger you're in which is why I couldn't tell you I was alive."
"I knew something was wrong Jay. That day you asked me over to Sonny's restaurant. You knew you you had a target on your back and told me you changed your will, but what you failed to tell me was that you left the boat to Mom and now look. She fucking sold it....and to Ethan's piece of shit dad of all people. Why Jason?? Why didn't you leave it to me???"
"Because I knew you'd keep it and Mom wouldn't. Jo...I wanted her to sell it. The Haunted Star has been a thorn in our family's side with all that I let go on there."
"Well a lot of good THAT did, because now it's just going to continue and get worse with dirty daddy Bloom running the show. I could have turned it into something good, like it once was!"
"Jo...just let it go."
"And why do I feel like you're not talking about the boat?? Oh, that's right, you can't or won't I should say, tell me. OK...so now what? What about Liz? What if she goes shooting her mouth off to make sure you really are dead?? How easy it would be for Cyrus or Johnny or even Ethan to do it since you're already legally dead."
"I told you I would handle her and I will."
"Yeah well...did you know she's dumped Craig's kid off with Angel?? Or should I say, Ethan's kid?"
"Craig will get Blaise back, mark my words. There's no way Ethan will ever get his hands on her. Craig will kill him before I do if that happens."
"Honestly? It should have already been done! God, I can't believe I'm saying things like that."
You turned to Lee and laid your head on his shoulder. "You...ok? You're so quiet."
"Yeah baby. I'm just letting the two of you talk."
"You can too...if...you want. About, you know."
"Phew...yeah. So uh...Jason. Jo...she told me about Jacob."
"I knew she would tell you that too. How could she not? I'm sorry for what Liz did to you. For the record, you're Jake's father. You always have been and always will be. I didn't know you but I knew who you were and knew Jake loved you. It's how I wanted it. He was better off with you." Jason told Lee with sincere eyes.
"Thank you, truly, for saying that but it turns out he wasn't though."
"That wasn't your fault Lee. I was going to remove her from the equation so you could raise Jake but then things got twisted around as you know."
"Jason...I was driving the car that night. It was dark and raining and I...I didn't check his buckle because she told me she did and I...I stupidly believed her....and I...crashed. How is that not my fault?"
"Because we all know it was hers." Jason immediately answered.
"And she will swear her innocence until she's blue in the face, which I wouldn't mind at this point. There's no proof. She'll never admit to it."
"She already did. That's why I was going to finish her. That's why she wanted me dead." Jason revealed, his blue eyes burning with tears.
You and Lee looked at each other, both stunned, then back at Jason.
"Wait...what?" you asked. "What do you mean she already did? You told me at Craig's you only suspected it. Jason, Lee deserved to know this! My god, he has blamed himself for so long!"
"I didn't know how to, I still don't but you're right, he deserves to know and it's time I tell you. So...here it goes. A few weeks before the accident, she let me see him one time in hopes it would make me change my mind and want to be with her. It was at the hospital when he went for a routine doctor's check up. He had just turned 5 and his hair was super blonde then...like mine was when I was that age and his eyes....I saw mine. She told him my name and he looked at me and said "Hi". While we waited, I sat and played with him. He had this toy train, the locomotive part. I guess I wasn't doing it right, moving the train about, so he showed me how to do it and when I did it to his satisfactory, he looked up at me with the biggest smile. And he said to me very proudly, "My daddy made this for me for my birthday"."
Lee's hand went to his mouth and he turned around to hide his welled up eyes. You immediately went to him and hugged him, unable to even imagine what he must be feeling.
"Lee, I'm sorry...I...I just thought you would like to know how much he adored you and that train, but I'm sure you already did. I..I should have left this part out, it was...really selfish of me. It's just that...it's the only moment I ever had with him after finding out he was mine...well, my blood anyways." Jason regretfully said.
"No...no...it's alright. I remember that day. I was upstairs working." Lee replied, his voice a bit choked up. "Please....just go on about Liz."
"Ok. Well.....about a week after Jake's funeral and I was out on some business one night. I came across a highly inebriated Liz and she was with Ethan, walking on the pier. It was the first time I had seen him in awhile and found out he had come back for the funeral after we talked for a bit. Then Liz asked Ethan to leave her and I alone for a minute and as soon as he walked away, she started in on me, blasting me about choosing Britt. She was belligerent and slapped me, more than once but I took it with a grain of salt, believing that she was just grieving and clearly three sheets to the wind, just like she was the night she told me I was Jacob's father."
The grain of salt comment had you and Lee briefly glancing at each other.
"She then began to belittle me with excessively added vulgarity and then she said...."
Jason had to stop for a moment, for it was very hard for him to relay what he was told.
"Whew man...umm...ok...she said....."You should have chosen me, then your son would still be alive." Her eyes were so sinister and I...I think for the first time in my life I was speechless. I just remember blankly staring at her as she rambled on how she purposely started a fight with Lee, striking him and grabbing the wheel and also how she.......how she intentionally left the buckle to Jake's car seat undone and lied to Lee, saying it was latched. She screamed at me, saying this is what you get for choosing that slut and in that moment, I...I thought, no, she's drunk and lying to hurt me but her cold eyes told me she was telling the truth. I wanted to strangle her but Ethan came out and then a few civilians came down the steps. He got her to leave with him and that's when I vowed revenge. She knew I would come, so that's when she took off to New Zealand. She conveniently came back two months later with Craig and knocked up, claiming the kid was his so I had no choice but to back off. She had used him and her pregnancy and he wouldn't listen to me that I believed her to be pregnant before she left. Of course he learned the hard way a year later when they split up and she took off with Ethan and Blaise. I stupidly let her go because I was having problems with Britt over my guilt and deemed Liz to be Craig's problem as I felt he deserved and then she resurfaced with Ethan, hanging around with Johnny and then a year after that, all that shit went down with Cyrus and he went to prison for two years, but shortly before he was released....I learned of the target on my back and then....I died."
Lee's lips were bound tightly together as he visibly shook. You took his hand and tried to calm him.
"Lee...hey...look at me. Breathe baby."
"I'll breathe when she breathes no more." he said in a cold dark tone. "She stood over my hospital bed after the accident, not a fucking mark on her as I laid there all cut up and told me Jacob was dead before I even knew what happened and then she told me it was all my fault and her eyes....they were the same as you just described them. Jesus...I...can't right now."
"I remember you telling me about that. God Lee, I'm so sorry and for you too Jason. She belongs locked away for life."
"She deserves much worse than that." Lee reeled. "You've said you're going to handle her Jason...so...when?? I'll gladly assist."
'What?? Lee, don't say things like that, please." you said in panic.
"Why not?? She killed my son! She planned the whole sick fucking thing and I now I know the truth, finally."
"Ok, Lee, this is another reason I didn't want to tell you. Trust me, I know what you're feeling and I myself had to literally be tied down so I didn't run out there half cocked and do something stupid. You don't need the back blow. Let me handle this. You have a lot to lose if you get involved. Your career and my sister. Is Liz worth all that???"
You anxiously stared at Lee, your eyes full of tears as he hesitated to look away from you and give his answer.
"I think I'm way past involved. You have a lot to lose as well. Britt for one. Don't you want to be with her eventually? You can't do that if you wind up in prison or really dead because you know you'll get back blow too."
"Lee, respectfully, I didn't do all this to just go lay down. They all tried to kill me and could have killed Jo in that explosion."
"I get it man. I've done things to get results, such as earlier tonight but it was flat out stupid. I wasn't thinking straight. Why not just kill two birds with one stone and then go from there?"
"I'm sorry?" Jason asked, confused.
"You need a fall guy and there's no one better than Ethan. He set you up for a fall now do the same for him. He was seen arguing with Liz today and it's all over her kid. I want him out of our lives as badly as you do."
"So you're saying to set him up for her death?" Jason asked, seemingly interested in the idea.
"Ok, whoa!! Lee, are you really standing here right now, plotting a hit with my brother???? Do I really have to ask you WHO you are again??? You've all lost your damn minds! You just said you did something stupid because you weren't thinking straight and then you do a 180 right into a pre-meditated murder scheme. This cannot be happening right now. I'm dreaming. I'm fucking dreaming. You're a doctor! You chose to save lives Lee. You took that oath. You're not a fucking assassin like Jason with a death warrant! I never should have brought you." you raged as you began to pace. "And you Jay, you're actually considering this??"
"Jo...you've known my plan all along so why is this so shocking to you?? You know how this ends Jo whether you like it or not."
"Oh I don't know, maybe because it involves my fucking boyfriend who I don't want to be like you! You do what you gotta do Jason, but you leave Lee out of this. This ENDS here. This conversation NEVER happened. I'm done and I'm going the fuck home."
You stormed off, climbing over the metal guard rail and marched down the path to get back to the car.
"Jo! Hold up." Lee shouted. "I gotta go man."
"Yeah, of course, go. I'm sorry about all this."
"No worries. Just do what Jo said. Do what you gotta do. There's no judgement on my end, so you know." Lee assured and then ran off after you. "Jo, wait up!"
It was another silent ride home, for it was always one step forward and two steps back when it came to happiness anymore. You and Lee had shared such a wonderful moment together at the bridge and then just like that, it all went to shit in a matter of minutes. Sure, you wished Liz would disappear, the same as Jason and Lee wished she would, but to plot her demise was utterly insane.
Your thoughts were soon distracted as Lee neared his house.
"Lee, stop!!"
"Stop the car, stop the car!"
He quickly pulled off to the side and parked behind another car.
"Turn your lights off!"
"Jo, what is going on???"
Lee turned to see Mr. Carpenter speeding out to his car from Angel's house, looking quite pissed off while tucking his shirt in and adjusting his jewels.
"You've got to be kidding me. Gross!" you reeled.
Lee felt even more humiliated now and disgusted that he allowed that woman's lips to touch him and your reaction made him feel ten times worse.
Angel then came running out behind him and they stood at his car loudly arguing but not enough to hear what they were saying and then....he grabbed her by the throat and began screaming at her. You gasped as your hands flew to cover your mouth and Lee sat frozen, not sure if he should intervene. Angel wasn't the greatest human being but she didn't even compare to what Liz was and also, she was Dash's mother. Then there was the fact she had been really good to Lee's father.
Just as he had made the decision to get out and had his hand on the door handle, Mr. Carpenter freed Angel, then got in his car and sped off.
Lee waited until Angel went inside and then he backed up, keeping his lights off and turned down the alley that led around the back to his garage. Once inside the house, he went straight to the kitchen, turned on the light, then the music and grabbed a beer.
"Jesus...well if THAT didn't prove he was violent with his family and probably caused Henrietta's tumor. He's clearly dangerous." you anxiously puffed out and sat down across the table from Lee.
"If I see him put his hands on another woman, or even Angel again, I'm going to finish what I started with him....unless it's Liz." Lee expressed quite seriously as he calmly drank his beer.
There was that side of him again, angry and vengeful words paired with a relaxed nature and that truly frightened you.
"Tell me you weren't serious about Liz earlier tonight. Just tell me that, please." you quietly said.
"How do you want me to feel Jo? Because I can't feel a certain way just because you want me to. I want her to suffer like she made Jacob suffer and if that makes me a bad person, then so fucking be it." he quickly and flatly stated.
"But you're not a bad person Lee. You're not."
Lee was silent for a moment as he stared at and fondled the label on his bottle, then he gulped down the entirety of his malt beverage.
"It was me Jo. I did it."
"Umm, w...what...was you?"
"I cut her seatbelt." he bluntly answered, then got up and slowly trekked up the stairs.
You closed your eyes and sighed. Deep down you already knew that but you weren't going to make a big deal out of it, for you knew at the time, he only did it to taunt her like she had done to him for so long. But now, he was talking of harming her and conspiring with your brother to do so and that, you would definitely make a big deal out of. This is the kind of thing Jason did. There was nothing you could ever say or do to make him stop and his influence had already rubbed off on Lee in a matter of only thirty minutes. That severely worried you because that's how Jason got sucked into Sonny's world and you were not going to let that happen to the man you loved more than life itself and the way Lee spoke tonight and the look in his eyes while doing so, scared the living hell out of you, for it seemed to come so natural to him.
You decided to let Lee have some space and whipped up some leftovers from the dinner he made, then took a plate full in the living room and ate on the couch as you listened to the music he had turned on. Behind blue eyes came on and all you could do was listen to another sign being thrown in your face, because the song was a lyrical elucidation of Lee.
"No one knows what it's like to be the bad man, to be the sad man behind blue eyes."
"Ahhh, to what do I owe this displeasure after 1 a.m. when I'm drunk and cranky? I've been looking for you all day Lizzy." Ethan snarked as he played a game of solitary in the party lounge aboard the Haunted Star.
"Well, here I am, unfortunately. I debated coming here, you know, to have to listen to more of your ludicrous accusations about Blaise?"
"Then why did you come? Because that's my story and I'm sticking to it. She's my kid."
"Because you owe me."
"Excuse me?? How do I owe YOU anything??"
"Remember when you called me over to Johnny's after you got your ass kicked by Luke and needed help?"
"Oh...that. Yeah so?"
"Well now you can repay the favor and give me a place to stay. There's plenty of cabins here."
"Why the hell do you want to stay here? and where's my daughter??"
"Stop it Ethan." Liz snapped as she sat down at the table with him. "Stop believing everything your twisted butt buddy Johnny feeds you."
"Ok, he is NOT my butt buddy. He prefers women so you know."
"So do you but that never stopped you from swaying in the opposite direction. Anyways, speaking of your brother Luke. What's his deal? I saw him tonight at the bar and the dude was creeping me out. He kept staring at me, but it was more like a leer. You haven't been telling him shit about me have you?"
"Nobody has to tell him anything. He just knows stuff. That's what's creepy. As far as his look, it just got stuck that way. He's pissed off at the world and takes it out on everybody else. But fair warning. Steer clear of him. Lee's his friend. I'll bet my right nut he don't like you and that look he served, it was personal. Like Jason, he has no feelings of remorse. I'm his own brother and look what he did to me."
"Oh, you mean like what you don't and like what did to your own brother too?"
"Are you of all people judging me Lizzy B?? Paint it black why don't ya. Of all the years I've known you....it seems I don't really know you at all. Even Johnny said that the night you came to his penthouse. And he's not twisted you know, he's smart. He sure has your number."
"Whatever and you always fall for his line of BS, because that's what it is. Speaking of Zacchara, I also ran into him tonight, literally as I walked out of the bar and as usual, he was full of his rude wit, joking about me being a dead woman walking and pointing his finger at me like a gun and firing it, which he made no secret of at his place that same night you speak of that he wanted to off me. Luckily you talked him out of it."
Liz recalled that night. How could she ever forget how Johnny revealed all of her darkest dirty deeds, secrets and motives, hitting the nail right on the head about every single bit of it when she never even told a soul. Well, except for Jason in her drunken stupor...who was now alive and would eventually come for her.
"Oh right, when he toyed with you by holding a gun on you and made you go wee wee." Ethan jested with a hearty smile and now wished he hadn't talked Johnny down, for Johnny told him the truth about Liz and he had refused to believe it then.
"Ugh...that's not funny! Enough about him. Can I stay here or not Ethan? He creeped me out but honestly, it's Cyrus that I'm the most worried about." she said, wondering if she should even tell Ethan Jason was alive, for she believed it would highly distract him when she needed him to be focused on her. But at the same time, she also felt Ethan should be aware and ready, because Jason would come for him too. When was the question. Jason was strategic and stealthy. A thief in the night.
Ethan laughed. "Let me get this straight. You want to stay here to be protected from a notorious mob boss who hates your guts about as much as he hates Corinthos? I already got his hulk of a son on my ass with blackmail which he will soon pay for so I don't need Cyrus after me as well. And once again...where is Blaise??"
"Not that it's any of your business, but she is tucked away from Craig and his whack job creator. That's all you need to know. And if you fuck with Craig, you can bet your ass that Cyrus will be after you like flies on shit, that's if Craig don't get to you first."
"And keeping Blaise from Craig is your answer? That's why Cyrus despises you if you haven't noticed. Come on Lizzy, you don't have connections and resources like I do to keep you both under the radar. Renault has plenty of those as well. If he wants to find her and end you, which I would bet my left nut that he does, then he will. I mean, he actually gave you a head start by firing you. He likes to hunt and you're now the hunted. If you want to stay here, you need to tell me where she is so I can keep her safe from him and Craig if something were to say....happen...to you.... or no deal. You see...I am your only hope it seems, not that I want to be. It's simple really. I'm capable of keeping you both safe. Isn't that what you want and why you're really here? You gotta throw me a bone. I don't do shit for free."
"You'll really do that? Take care of her?"
"You know I will Liz. We can go get her right now and bring her here and then we can get out of dodge....go to the other side of the pond back where you won't be a sitting duck waiting for the goose and we will live happily ever after. Just you, me and our daughter. No way in hell Craig is going to have her. I'll put both my nuts on that."
"You're going to take us to England? Umm, what about Lee??"
"What about him?"
"Oh come on Ethan. Like you're just going to walk away from him."
"Well, right now, I kind of have to, but I'll be back for him and no one, not even that little tramp of his will stop me. I don't want to talk about him. These damn blue balls are killing me as it is cuz I'm growing bored of fucking Josie's sister. Now, are we going to do this or what? I'm getting a bit antsy here and you know how I get when I'm antsy."
"Yeah, antsy rearranges into nasty. Fine. She's with Angel. I'll text her and tell her I'm coming and to have her ready."
Ethan gazed at Liz, his dark eyes holding a look that could kill, like a lion locked on it's prey and he formed an even darker grin that quickly faded into an emotionless expression as she texted away. He also had her number and he had orders to carry out.
They then both got up and walked out with Ethan briefly stopping to turn the lights out as he smiled once more, followed by a dastardly chuckle and whisper under his breath.
"Lights out Lizzy."
#lee pace#lee pace fanfiction#code blue#love stories#dark fiction#dark stories#jason morgan#steve burton#angst#fantasies#nathan parsons#mob fiction#organized crime#Youtube
9 notes
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The lineaments hung him as if to answered Johnny vile reflected
A limerick sequence
Surely, now and course a willow flower panes. To dream among their face, and helpless in love. Your face unto me! Humanity which had been myself, or bouts rimes.
To turn church, and in worry him. Little room: the wren song as drown’d with the hope not that pride, and said, Tis now take your love. You know not the gold bought, that’s nothing breath?
—I see—Ah, no! Some ten years sleeping sound, is her know, whether casement saw the house bespoke as chords upon such sighs. To confess’ whence fully compositions.
He toyed with that hobbles up to think his valet, which are no less what caught shame, and twittered! Mine eye looks have sworn tomorrow, to lingered with the molecules.
Together, you thus? Cleft with haughty smile upon her, none, in sickness of gravity any other I! My Peggy’s mind, since into spring, and delves that mine!
It has been bred by degrees recall thought dead; strong, and preserv’d to find a way! Danger of deep in love is disamed. Who do not bear, we dread the molecules.
Of vows, we left me in the short a day, when she’s in the sun forget him graces that freeze me out, O faire plain—oh might need it. The loved me fresh operation.
I shall: ‘tis silence with a brother. In that it is! But when prophet’s ass began to my should be plac’d to catches. Most people of war: a happy times in heart.
But that shot in or contradiction who frown, dotting on. By last sorrow. She is determined and whiles to some one Friday Still seemed to scream. She listen to thee.
Let sea-discover’d o’er the dark cedar, thou to do with my paine; now with mortal, shun them to muse hath closde all my dying to your crook. In buoyancy afloat.
Robert Burns: glieb o’ lan’, a claut o’ gear, they’ve already for shalt be, therein live through true; for in the ghost. True, what is took, and hang for sauce; to thee hence beside.
Wulf is dawnin in the rose’s dye, the way, he burning whip leisure. Look for being prow, and thee ’gainst the phantasy he felt his house, as the more than I look.
A little idle, he’s growin’ yet. And the glades’ colonnades, all my grief or cannot say what is image thro’ ripen’d next? Poore Layman I, for fear therefore?
The bodies where’s something to their treasure, mine eye of his stand, one chewing smart; so, lover, not I. Is it that he to mee: no, no, no, no, my Deare, let bee.
Some peculiar nook of his air, her name, at random from a belt of fortune but death in excess, eat up the ghost, he would thy years she lift? The for naebody.
I have you and my bundless boundles, make churchmen star-showers or canker eat him—Hysterious death, thee his was nought me, and by truant shews, his tenderness? Beare!
To warble than this country from shore, with her very fair imperfect note. Its red rust down old, I shall were one hands of young race-horse thee to a wedding that still.
Water’s choice is not mine! We lodged in a flower sae early lights bright forking the mountains to dwelt in that I would; but, coming little singer, from thence to me.
Or picking me back to you. A straggled out on T. See, you can remember the wiles which is advice advised; if he were longer nurseth theirs of the cellar.
And faith is come, another dames her kind of the Deep’s doubt, till I lie, so void of cleaning under the first wasted. Entice you’llchoose, there was kingdoms of her foul!
Fallen, or near,” quoth Betty wenches. It is take this? Up to the call’d love’s regarded, I knock against a glancing at the isthmus of these loves; never tires?
The right dart think’st by Nature reign, do in this load. There it up for my loving youth, mine eyes were so disheuld blushing round; and, thought the sun or someone you a dunce.
In Paris, and then tribute of spring, and what a housewives all the wren warbled from chang’d. The spirit in ancient line, in love is a hornet’s nest. Juan felt rest.
Whose sweet tears have Public days, and terror likewise prove, fatal to mee: no, no, no, my Deare, let’s kissed, but this pony they be faire Mother I! If by magic cured.
Languish, enjoy their own, or she wakes to-night oft melody; gone and how the thought; with me in peace, this mother. Burden of champion him down again; his fair.
Thought by elements shewed the friend hath closde all be merry and tired old man, taut, elder childhood? The poets of a sabbath day—there’s my love, thy beams.
My heart, are clichés. In all beauties contrary; her aspects stern—and his live a name of God is bravuras—as the very mirror soon as king of its own.
Is that shot in or Gray Highland Mary. And now look appeared and seen here reaching for the miry lang—take the cast a glass like to weep it, till that which I’ll sighs.
Feel so stuffed with its sweet as a dog passes. And swirled just receive as if to ask the pageant and pity; and lowly life enisled, while he lose heart, let bee.
If certain’d, they and for woman, youth. I have sung to the mountains drawne by one too he through as they sigh’d;—the neighbourhood and shut eye where you love beheld, whose hound.
But the though unfit, and would not be pride! Another that never, never happy Betty Foy! That level stoop; let no more; but when sparkling snows, and the day.
Light, so low upon each House a Bough, and with her face of lengthening net. And be gain’d esteem. But to damn, her spent leaning upon his toilet I did shines so!
At the frail deeds must fade nor lost in the retreated; tho’ poor hut sunk to decay! On the last relation, had it now this is no chemic yet the have not grieve.
I’m queen the best selves—’t was on the first a silent rained and kiss. It may nothing warmth and bleed. As if they go, and where many, fresh and live it with free resort.
Death may die, and voyce, so long, long and tender the with Robert Burns: dare not plainly still in hopes are for the soft cheerefull fifty yardstick. Nor ought me, my grief.
Rose-wet caverns sent; for air and the human life, and to the just proof surmise accumulate; bring two angel from the Muses for her garden walking. And sky!
Poor part; but even to the nature, but me in his might come forth and by the old body on the housewives and when this busied. Broken its sunny atmosphere.
Oh, to shower, that he had lately lost as a yardstick. Fowl now bedbugs? Snatched each pretend to question to land a sort of art, but rare concert striue you see her.
—And watch’d for mischievous enjoy tonight. With lemon, she end of the Board, then in the waves the poor and far off to seek me, and to you, because I love so well.
Preserving across the tempest of us, of thick, for I would touches make and quite hob nob, they less than I let my Love him, to laugh. Ne’er entranced, and Mary!
And in his back and dignity withering like weeds, and sweet maiden, can never yet. For ane an’ twenty, Tam! Stood: he felt herb, in the catechism in two.
Too scanty strike athwart their last, where first created; till I be of Fitz- Fulke playing and eye, remembered the shuts, close thy returned you had foul pride! ’ Twenty, Tam.
Spring, hardly be a devil. And these charm the first the night, the ghost of wisdom ask no more; buy terms for peace in the words the moon that my whispering Addio’s!
Dread the blue moon’s in the live, thou straightway spent all alone cure, like a poetess, ’ turning, and woo’d, and the sad height of Albany. Of the hardly can pick for me.
Since all our looked out upon the flits on thatch see blossom of blossom: let myself on the footsteps— voices. She threaded dancers, he shade retreats all its red legs.
I am amazed you decided the face has fetch her the smell of us have been, once delightful that ancient time forth their pupils like golden, show them not.
As Juan now reasons pass like a system coupled with a brilliant bow. Speak not the squiresses. Unlike to wake, must wit I e’er your actors having wretch! My heart.
And nothing continues to thy pace of my life yonder lost, or heart has been given; around, the doctor’s selfe to till? Then while to pass, which the room an ever.
Voice of your bidding the woman wert o’erwhelming some, and life, when the pilferer. Shall worms, who look on the door almost stifled with an ease the shops, but for love?
And fond of clay, you do enjoy tonight, metals, were the answers, and, alas! Meaning the should want to find none I heare, which she is all. Come home, and came again!
No time sprang from aught is this words thought, injuries: yet do not see all the sweet! Who would so precious, grace what you love me last stanzas a lynx, and years gone alone.
And I hope, her maiden graces might blowes did not far as just rise like a spirit all their owne smart: lovers, who sat at my tale. A posy of new rhythm.
My face, at what. Regarded, I hung him as if on wing, to human kindling stream that they are close their companions now I feare not evident. There is not sigh!
Where past and all in fair-haired old man rose waves upon the rose and Titan on the chaplet and beadsman’s Henna from her face with an ear into thee, is repeat.
A bounds on my love your arms together. I must judge all see some civil list and the worst of hell, my word, she country and that most unfashionable while far.
Without be rash, nor I rasher ankles, when we first nippings one! The bridges, aqueducts,—and their sort of gold. And when we live to sleep feelings of houshold flow.
Some dusky straying and the paper. Women through joys and came in a sad thought of thicker, but thou wound a ruin, under the sweet hour, I should, nor had passed by.
But shall cold, and when my heart. Made of some block could soon, who, when the row of a soldier, but Juan, puzzled are than for this present’st a pure made, and Betty’s in these.
Tread light that is impostures, child a few things passed a man whole earth beneath the like that a calamitous years full of the night, grave, but while he wished to see.
Tho’ in her gentle sing, though a light of beautiful dreamy urn; farewell, my John. Leave him, glad to the streames did Johnny’s left to the lost its dwelling. I bleed.
Put a cute card or a story lingered wept spirits doth not find. Dew sat on the latch, its applauds, as the hour of pillowing wound, I saw ane an’ twenty, Tam!
But sweets at their buriest into a spirit a woman woos, what is lord, and now delights the nature of me. Well, Loue, which he scarce dost diverting for they see?
But we’ll speak in the day, where you don’t want with a torrent’s ivy shroud the can’t tell how, is to tally, he burning, know my heart. Talk o’er I heard she was ever.
Not by art. The hedges or colour ne’er be parted out on Nina Simone singing streams to die! As deafen’d with a dumb look like an open parlour windows.
Promise to marry, but could not drest, that thou art out on T. The waves upon it? In eternalize: thus began to my heart, too well hath so smooth behaviour.
Chiding where than my rooms, it came to justice could not that I shall worms, who looked age and miles I’me glory. Break our magic powers and my fate, as she my mind.
I have you because, ’-is what need of the nag like trickled with cunning powre dicerne. Crawls to naebody.— In the find there wet, and whisper it ought me see who fled.
Attentions this bells. He laid asleep tinkle home heroes sometimes, that is a Roarer, you something carried aloud, where quiet- colours the moon wrapped in a fit.
Will ever wife put on the first nippings of the last stanzas a living wretch! Or none; or like bells. Now in minds, the months’ time, oh could in starue. Graceful as before.
A monk remain’d, the kill. Poor Betty sees, but apprehensive feared to awake unto me! To tie, and fair; yet you in a country far remarkably sweet kisse.
And green. Which themes in her that everyone here is the bosom was neither Johnny, till piper ladyship: and seen shake the same lay the day lapped at nine in lays.
And the difference to that piano? Both so, and rise from its sweet as a sketch in Washing she cannot tell what straw. The door and thrift and guineas but not again.
But do not the snake is grow. To live, and hear my lungs filled more strange, amusing; the heated, by adding Boy, profanation was put; his false of long hand in vain.
Gives then house a Bough, like the burning the very mirror soon as this life and helpless beam had ceased. I said, I fear it now droop; three shore up my demon Poesy!
The sun bloom’d the domed and she of the coast, he gave forgot to know except. Fair with the measure of my life leaks away completely sans culotte, ’ and shadow pay?
Let it is to tell. Against the sea of life thou, who longer I go from my song. And let him up to dreams of clergymen having smile is made of new rhythm.
But lo! Away she hardly spare root of soldiers, or Lady Mary Ann looks translate a general in heaven, and digging an amatory Miss, glisten’d;—Hush!
Their best thy limbs have listening here to give a rosebud to nothingness? Eyes, cold fire, let bee. A fragrant, bone-dry white face, Ioyes liuery weary; but welcome gave me?
And taught about his golden gifts which bars that? Sing lustre, mixt of sight, crawls to know how she’s idle lengthening net. My business, and the body’s book, now be score.
As you think on. A nearby mountain and tierce, and the sun, and sang out that fills through those fair your heard. Passed, as people out in fiction. She also seized her pony!
Stella, those emblems mix with foggy damps, and rid my plains, by chanced in all sighs aplenty and stroll’d into witch-on-girl violence, and the gynocracy.
Chiding whom men love: rich increasing powre dicerne. For of their smart. City breath no great banquets and his natiue plains we ply the presence gave the mind, that idle days?
His read,—tis Johnny! Between skirmish of your father, an old midwife’s busy on a smock, to feel his hand you will kill his tale has grown, but for each of hands.
#poetry#automatically generated text#Patrick Mooney#Markov chains#Markov chain length: 6#171 texts#limerick sequence
0 notes
The Home I Crave - Chapter XVII
Chapter 17/?
Wordcount 1,8k
Title Cold
Fandom Naruto
Pairing Tobirama Senju X reader
Previous chapters
1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16
Symbols ⭕ . ➕ . 💛
Warning (s): none
Tagging @uzumakgi (if you want to be tagged in any of my stories, just send an ask or a message 😉)
N. A.: So… it's been a while lmao
I'm on a break from work and took this time to rest and organize some stuff that has been abandoned for months, including this story. This chapter brings a change in reader's perspectives, but not a clear confession. It's more of a deliberation, and that's why it's so short. Also I commented about it here on Tumblr, and I'm gonna repeat it here: there are some impacful things waiting for reader in the future, and these ideas have been with me for all this time I haven't wrote for this fic, and I'm happy that they will finally see the light of the day.
I apologize for leaving this story aside for this long, but I hope you enjoy this modest comeback :)
(Also I couldn't decide which GIF to use so let's have this charming one for now ❤🥰)
It was early in the morning and you woke up to find out you caught a cold.
A soreness in your throat was the first thing you sensed once you opened your eyes, but you were too tired to stand up and seek for water, and your head felt too heavy for you to move. You sighed: so that was what you gained for working so hard. You didn’t think you were so susceptible.
With effort, you turned to your side under the sheet only to have the unpleasant discovery of a running nose. The irritation overcame your exhaustion and you finally sat on the futon, standing there for minutes to prepare yourself and head to the bathroom in order to clean your nostrils...
But before you could do it, you heard the sounds of steps approaching your spot. The room was so quiet that you thought you were alone in it, but you looked up and found Tobirama approaching with some objects in hands. When he stopped and knelt beside the futon, you identified the things as paper towels and a cup with some steamy liquid of citric smell.
He bent down and gave you the items without a word. You mumbled a “thank you” and spent the next minutes alternating between the cup and the towels.
When you finally were able to speak, the first thing you said was all but unexpected:
- This is the worst moment for one to catch a cold ��� you grunted with your palms around the cup half full, your voice nothing more than a whisper – I can’t believe I’ve been long enough under the water to end up like this.
- To be fair, we’ve been spending long periods in the wild, including in wet territories – he crossed his arms – Your current condition is not entirely unexpected when we think of this.
You thought of asking why he didn’t seem to be as affected as yourself when you have been under the influence of the same weather, but after being with him for a while you could just suppose this endurance had something to do with the Senju blood, so you just nodded and said nothing.
You left the bed and went to the bathroom at last, washed your face and were going to take your things to prepare a hot bath. When you looked at your side, you noticed the bathtub was already full.
- I filled it and heated the water moments ago – Tobirama’s voice came from the bathroom’s door – It is better to check the temperature before entering it.
You looked from the tub to him, and then back to the tub. You went there and put your fingers in the water; it was still warm.
- It’s still good – and with a pause – Thank you.
He accepted it with a nod and was turning to leave, when you called him.
- Was it possible to find shelter and food for all the people who stood here? How are they going by now?
- They are trying their best despite the circumstances – the reply was categorical, as if he wasn’t surprised with the sudden change in the conversation’s direction at all – And yes, there are enough resources for all of them. The inn’s staff, Yoko-san and my Clones have been working on this since last night. Messages have been sent to the villages near, requesting supplies and help. Fortunately no one got sick, just tired. The children are the ones having the hardest time to understand the situation, but Yoko-san and the female workers are giving their mothers the necessary support.
You felt a twinge of discomfort when you heard that. So everyone was working to give the victims of the storm all they needed, including your husband, while you would have to stay in your room just because of a stupid cold. Great.
Again, Tobirama’s voice brought you back from your deliberations.
- Y/n-san. You do not need to tire yourself out thinking of this. You have done enough. Remember that it was your family’s jutsu that saved all those lives. If there is someone to whom they owe gratitude, it is you.
You stood up and crossed your arms.
- I know. Still…
A moment of silence and you shook the frustration aside, again changing the subject.
- And what about you?
He frowned.
- Me?
- Where did you sleep last night? – you shrugged – I know you’re used to wake up early, but after all of that you must be tired.
Knowing him the way you did, you weren’t shocked with the response you got: you didn’t even startle when he said he did not sleep.
- Yes, I am tired, but there was still work to do. My Clones have been helping the staff and the others while I’ve been here with you.
Well, that took a reaction out of you. You were sort of imagining that he would leave a Shadow Clone beside you and go work for the villagers in person, if he hasn’t decided to take a well deserved – and needed – rest, for creating and maintaining Clones was tiring to a certain point. However, after spending all that amount of chakra, he was still able to send new Clones to work and stood awake, taking care of you since you came back.
You approached the bathroom’s door and crossed it, passing by your husband. You went to your things and grabbed some clothing and soap. When you came back, you stopped before him. You silently thanked all the stuff you were carrying, so that he would never see your shaking hands: even after all those days traveling with him, your body still reacted that way whenever you got close.
You raised your eyes to his, facing their redness with all the courage you could gather in those few seconds.
- You should really take some rest. We still have some days on the road.
- I know. But I do not like the idea of leaving you without assistance while I sleep.
You startled at those words before you could stop yourself and gave him the fastest verbal reply you could think of before your face heated up.
- I’ll be fine! – and fearing that you have spoken too loud, – I’ll be fine, I promise. If you’re staying here, I can call you if I need something.
You thought you were going to find some resistance from his part, but he accepted your suggestion and left to give you privacy for the bath.
You took longer than usual to take off your clothes more because of some aching in your muscles than because of the headache, that only increased when you bowed your head. You raised your arms to brush and tie your hair up and hissed in discomfort and annoyance: you couldn’t believe you were that bad.
When you entered the tub, you had this sensation that the water was hotter than when you checked it with your hand. Were your hands too cold to mistake the temperature or weren’t you paying enough attention? You didn’t think it mattered, since the water seemed hot enough for you to stay in it for a long time.
Your limbs were all complaining since you left the futon, only relaxing when touched by the water. You stretched your legs as much as the tub’s width allowed you and rested your head on its edge, secretly grateful for the impossibility of leaving the room that day: you were really tired, as you haven’t been in a long time, and were yet to process the events of the last night. However, that was something you wouldn’t do right now. You just wanted to rest, despite sleeping for the entire night.
You sighed. You were so used to work hard that you didn’t sound like yourself that morning. But heavens, when was the last time you were forced to work to your limit? Well…
Have you ever been forced to your limit before?
If the answer was yes, you still had too much to improve. But you didn’t want to think of this right now; you wanted to get rid of this cold and continue your journey, reach your family’s home, see your sister. Your sister. How was she doing by now? You knew she was being well cared, yet your heart still ached with anxiety for her. This sickness, so sudden in a healthy girl like her. You just couldn’t accept it.
Slowly, your thoughts wandered towards your husband.
I do not like the idea of leaving you without assistance while I sleep.
You found yourself smiling at those words. Hearing them touched a new chord in your heart, one that you didn’t know about; it was the same when you saw him in action the night before, how quickly he memorized your hand seals and mastered your jutsu. There you had a truth you didn’t like to admit: Tobirama was stronger – and more skilled – than you. When you thought about this, you realized that if he wanted, he could just trap you and take you back to Konoha; in fact, he had countless chances to do so, still he decided to follow you in this failure of a travel. Not only this, but he has been taking care of you since the first day, giving you advice and even asking for your help – he who made it clear that working all by himself would always be his plan A.
Any other girl would be embarrassed or ashamed in your place, but you… You still didn’t know what was that feeling you had. No, you didn’t forget the reasons why you were there, why you tried to leave the Leaf Village in secret: he had his part in this. Still… he has been showing consideration towards you when you didn’t even ask for it. Was he trying to get something in return or was all of that some sort of punishment for you? No, it couldn’t be. You’ve met men like him before, so you knew they always had a hard time dissimulating; it wasn’t their style. And wasn’t Tobirama’s as well: the man would sweat honesty.
In this case... how hard it would have been for him to not talk to you about that letter, to keep your sister’s condition a secret from you?
You frowned and moved under the water, nervous with the new idea forming in your brain. Was it too soon to give him a chance and consider forgiveness, or were you being too stubborn by now? Well, all you knew was that if you were some foolish little girl, you would’ve already changed your manners towards him and forget all the events that preceded your departure from Konoha. But a shinobi would stay quiet and observe until they find out what they were supposed to do.
You sighed and continued your bath. Wait ad observe, that sounded good for you.
Let’s see what you got for me, Senju.
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Sorry for your loss - Final Chapter
Summary: When your wife Natasha passes away in a car accident, a part of you dies with her. It takes a few months of mourning for your psychiatrist thinks the best alternative is for you to join a grief group. And there you meet Wanda Maximoff, and learn to live again.
Warnings: (+16) mentions of death, panic attacks and anxiety, grief, self sabotage, mentions of abusive family background, mutual attraction pining, explicit consent, therapeutic conversations about death, self-deprecation, healthy methods of coping with grief, possible triggers about anxiety, domestic Wanda, hurtful behaviors.
Chapter Warnings: Mention of Smut, Brief Smut.
Tag list: @mionemymind / @abimess / @stephanieromanoff / @yourtaletotell / @tomy5girls / @justagaypanicking / @thegayw1tch / @idek-5 // @myperfectlovepoem // @imapotatao // @aimezvousbrahms / @ensorcellme/ @helloalycia // @myperfectlovepoem
Author’s note: I don't know what to say exactly, just good reading, and sorry for any spelling/translation errors. I hope you enjoy the ending, and who knows, maybe a second season?
Read on AO3 || Serie Masterlist here
Chapter Five - I will love again
You were up early on the weekend.
Since you were going to travel to New Jersey for Wanda's father's wedding anniversary, you didn't want to keep her waiting.
When you arrived at Wanda's house, she was already on her feet, running back and forth through the house, trying to find Tommy's lost toy, who kept crying that he wouldn't travel without it.
"Make yourself at home, I just need to find that bear." She said to you as she opened the door. You placed your only luggage on the floor as you looked around. Billy was watching television, and Tommy was sitting on the kitchen counter, crying.
You walked over to him.
"Hey, Tommy, why are you crying?" You asked stopping beside him, keeping your voice calm so as not to make him more nervous.
"I want my teddy bear!" He cried out between tears.
"Mommy will find it for you." You reply. "What is the name of your teddy bear?"
"Star Lord." Sniffles the boy. Your distraction is working, because he stops crying to talk.
"Wow, that's an incredible name!" You say. "How did you get the Star Lord?"
Tommy sniffles again, wiping his tears with his forearm.
"I got it for my birthday." He counters. "Billy got a skateboard, but Star Lord is cooler."
"Is that so?" You retort with interest in your voice, realizing that Tommy was barefoot and his socks were on the countertop, you show him that you are interested in hearing him talk as you help him finish getting dressed for the trip.
"Yes, it came in a huge, red box." Tommy counted with a smile as he gestured at the size of the object. "And he sleeps with me every night, so I need him to go to Grandpa's house."
"Oh, yes, of course you do." You agree with a smile as you tie the boy's shoelaces. "Do you remember the last place you played with Star Lord?"
Tommy sniffles thoughtfully.
"I don't know." He replies tearfully, you rush to ask about his favorite memory with the bear to avoid him to cry again, and it works.
When you finish tying the child's shoes, you pick him up on your lap as he tells you about the day he took Star Lord swimming, and then you sit him down in the living room next to his brother, and he is distracted enough by the cartoon on the TV to forget about the teddy bear.
Wanda joins you in the living room a minute later, looking nervous and with her hands empty.
"Hey, I think I have an idea." You tell her as you mentally review the things Tommy said. "Finish getting them to the car, I'll go find the bear."
You found it.
Ten minutes after you left the room, inside the pool.
Wanda couldn't hold back her laughter when you arrived in front of the car with your wet clothes up to pool height.
"Your idea was to get into the pool instead of using the cleaner to reach the bear?" She teased as soon as you handed her the toy. You laughed awkwardly, watching her give the bear to Tommy and seeing the boy celebrate excitedly. "You're not getting in my car wet like that."
You laugh, and then you have an idea. Approaching Wanda with open arms, you see her raise her finger in warning, but you are already hugging her with wet clothes, making her laugh.
The joke only ends because Pietro is parking the car in front of the house next, looking at you both curiously.
"Should I let dad know we're going to be late?" He teases putting his sunglasses up. You let go of Wanda as both of your giggles slowly stop, the two of you looking like children who have been caught up to mischief. "Come on girls, we have a road ahead of us."
"Shut up Pietro." Wanda grumbled humorously, starting to push you into the house by the shoulders. "Watch the boys while we get changed."
"Yes, ma'am." He retorted wryly as he took off his seat belt and got out of the car. You let Wanda push you inside.
Upstairs, you had smiles on your faces as she searched for clothes that would fit you.
"Are you sure it isn't better if I grab something I brought in my suitcase?" You ask distractedly as Wanda rummages through the closets.
"I don't want you to be one change of clothes short, I don't know what we'll end up doing over there." Wanda retorted. "And don't worry about it."
Wanda eventually handed you a set of very soft sweatshirts and underwear. You smiled in appreciation, looking away from the clothes in your hand to the woman in front of you.
As you turned toward the bathroom, Wanda spoke.
"You can stay."
Swallowing dryly, and ignoring the unregulated beating of your heart you turned to her again, one eyebrow raised not sure you had understood correctly.
Wanda sighed heavily, as if she was gathering the courage to say it again. But her gaze said it all. She was inviting you to change in front of her.
You felt your face heat up, but you gulped dryly, forcing yourself to reason correctly.
"I... I don't think that's a good idea."
"Why not?" Wanda retorted in defiance, and you let out a breathless laugh. She seemed to misunderstand your reaction, because her expression immediately fell. "Oh, you don't want to. Damn it, I..."
"What?" you interrupted quickly. "No, Wanda. I want to." You confess half breathlessly. "I really do."
You shift your weight between your feet, feeling your stomach turn with the way Wanda looks at you.
"But not like this." You say, swallowing dryly to confess correctly. You approach Wanda slowly as you speak. "Not in a hurry." Wanda breathes heavily, leaning back against the cabinet. You stop walking just inches from her body. "I want to be with you, with enough time to kiss every inch of your skin.” You confess again her lips. “Touch every spot that will make you lose control and scream my name."
"Fuck." Wanda gasped against your mouth, almost near enough to touch while closing her eyes.
Ignoring the tightening sensation at the tip of your stomach, you fought your baser instincts and pulled away, sighing.
"Let's hurry before your brother comes to get us."
You smiled at Wanda, ignoring the urge to kiss her. She just nodded, trying to normalize her breathing. You took advantage of her lack of reaction to turn around and walk towards the bathroom. You had better get out of there soon, because you feel that you couldn't resist that woman again.
Tommy and Billy were singing in the back seat as you drove to New Jersey. You laughed at the scene, thinking they were adorable.
Your gaze was watchful on the road, following Pietro's car to his father's house.
When Wanda began to murmur the song, you looked at her for a moment. Absolutely stunning, with her red hair flying in the wind, the smile in the corner on her lips. The sunlight making her eyes sparkle.
Turning your attention forward because Wanda caught you looking, you bit back a smile, feeling your heart race a little. But neither of you commented, and you didn't care that Wanda was looking at you now.
When you arrived, you whistled impressed at Erik's residence. It was practically a mansion, but really it was just a very well built summer house. The neighborhood was very nice too. Wanda smiled playfully at you when she noticed your reaction.
The boys ran out of the car, excited to hug their grandfather who was already waiting for them at the door. They also hugged Charles, who was a short, balding man, very friendly.
"Grandpa, can we go ride the horses?" Tommy asked excitedly, and the man laughed lightly.
"Go wash your hands and get something to eat first okay, boy?" Erik said to the boy, ruffling his hair.
The child agreed, entering the house along with his brother and his cousin, who had gotten out of the cars shortly after.
You were unpacking the bags from the car after parking and felt your breath catch when Wanda picked up one of the bags and caressed your hand with her fingers as you handed it to her. She smiled innocently, passing you to walk toward the door, and you cleared your throat before closing the trunk and following her.
"You must be Y/N." Erik greeted you as soon as you came to the door. "It's very nice to finally meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too, Erik." You replied with a smile. "And you too, Charles."
The man smiled, giving you room to pass him and enter the house. Wanda was standing in the living room next to Pietro and Monica, who had their suitcases on the floor.
"Papa, which rooms are empty?" She asked the man who had entered behind you.
"You can occupy any one upstairs." Erik warned closing the door as he and Charles entered.
You accompanied the group upstairs. Wanda placed the boys' backpacks in one of the bunk rooms, since the children always slept together.
"You can have the room down the hall." She said, showing you the direction. "Next to mine."
She whispered the last part like a secret. You wanted to ignore how your stomach churned at the suggestion. Pietro and Monica passed you both, the man gave you a playful look, but made no comment. They would be in the room across from yours and next to the children's.
You guessed that the other door at the other end of the hall belonged to Erik and Charles
After putting your suitcase on the bed, you left the room. Pietro opened the door at the same moment.
"Come on, Y/N, I'm going to give you a full tour of the Maximoff residence." He announced excitedly and you giggled, following him around the house.
The Maximoff residence was much larger than you thought it was. There were even stables and a large wooded area that was part of the place, but Pietro didn't take you there, he just pointed you in the direction. You eventually discovered that the place used to be a simple farm, inherited from Pietro and Wanda's paternal grandparents, and when Erik married Charles, they renovated the place with money from the Xavier family, who were British and had a fortune built up in the vineyard area.
Pietro led you back to the kitchen when he finished showing you the property, patting you on the shoulder as he sat down on the kitchen counter, grabbing the jar of candy on the counter.
"The guests will be here soon, Pietro, get down from there." Warned Erik noticing his son's position. He was in the kitchen too, finishing sorting out some of the appetizers. During the tour, you noticed the decorations set up in the gardens, some tables and chairs and party decorations.
"Yes, papa." Grumbled Pietro as he obeyed. He reached over to accept the tray of food his father handed him.
"Take that outside please." Erik asked and you moved to get out of the way of Pietro, who gave you a wry smile as he passed, making you laugh slightly.
"Can I help too?" You asked noticing that there were still things to be carried.
"Thank you, dear, you are very kind." Erik said as he handed you one of the trays. You nodded and then turned around.
The garden was really nicely decorated, you noticed now that you were up close, placing your tray on one of the tables. There was also a small stage, which you imagined was meant for Erik and Charles to repeat their wedding vows. You smiled, remembering how your marriage to Natasha had gone. It was just nostalgic to think of her now, and it didn't make you unhappy anymore.
"I think you're all set now." Erik said behind you, arriving with a tray and placing it on the table next to yours. Pietro who had left earlier, was stealing one of the candies and received a disapproving look from his father. "Really, boy?"
Pietro laughed, raising his hands in surrender.
"I'm hungry, papa." He playfully retorted and you laughed at the interaction.
"Go help the ladies with the kids." Erik commands with a grimace, and Pietro laughs as he walks away. When he leaves, you feel slightly anxious about being alone with Wanda's father, but his posture is friendly. "I haven't had a chance to talk to you properly, Y/N. Would you like to take a walk with me before the party?"
You ignore the nervous feeling in your stomach when you agree. And Erik takes one last look at the decorations before leading the way.
A few minutes of walking later, where Erik asked you several questions about your life, your job, your age, who you lived with, that sort of thing, you reached a plantation area. You imagined it to be the vineyards of the property.
You could see the manor house in the distance, and the backyards, and a lake many meters away. The landscape was breathtaking.
"It's beautiful here." You comment beside him.
"Yes." Erik agrees with a smile, also looking at the scenery as you do. "I enjoyed your conversation, you are as lovely as Wanda usually tells us."
The comment makes your cheeks warm, the image of Wanda talking about you makes your heart soar. Erik seems to appreciate the way you react to it, smiling gently as he adds, "It's nice to know she's found someone nice to love."
You swallow dryly, glancing quickly at the man next to you, but he has his gaze on the landscape. You feel a warmth in your chest, mixed with embarrassment and happiness.
"Thank you, Erik." You say clumsily.
"For what?"
"For accepting me here I guess." You retort with a smile. "For having me into your home. And well, for saying those things about me and Wanda." You say and he makes an understanding noise through his mouth. You are silent for a moment, until he speaks again.
"You know, when Magda, their mother, passed away, I thought I would never love anyone again.." Erik tells nostalgically. He keeps looking at the field in front of you, but you stare at him, attentive to his words. "But then I met Charles. And well, it did. It's different from what it was before. And I wouldn't change it for anything."
You nodded in understanding, letting the words echo in your head. You also think about how Agatha said you could move on. There was no problem in loving again, as intensely as before.
"I figured I'd be uncomfortable talking about someone marrying my daughter, but here we are." Erik comments humorously a moment later, making you chuckle awkwardly. "I guess it must be the way you look at her. You look like a lovesick puppy. "
You scratch your neck awkwardly, looking at the scenery, making Erik laugh at your blurriness.
"Don't get upset, I'm just teasing you." He comments with a smile, patting you on the back. You laugh clumsily.
"Do you guys have a garden around here?" You ask trying to change the subject, just as you notice the glass structures in the distance, capped by the vineyard. You figured if you turned around you would find your way to them.
"Oh, yes." Erik confirms. "Charles loves gardening. We have two greenhouses over that way. Would you like to see them?"
"Yes." You confirm with a smile. "But it can be after the party."
"Oh yes, I should get back and welcome the guests." Erik agrees as he checks his watch. You start walking back to the area of the house next.
You meet a lot of people at the party. It's a little overwhelming, because you really didn't expect Erik to invite so many people, and although you're glad that they had so many friends, your anxiety has increased a little. You were smiling politely at two ladies who said they were Charles' college friends while trying to pay attention to the story they were telling when Pietro rescued you.
"I need to steal my sister-in-law for a second ladies." He said and you widened your eyes. He only realized the mistake of his words when he noticed the looks on the women's faces in front of him. " Shit, I don’t mean like she got married to Wanda... I..."
You snuck out from behind Pietro when the ladies started attacking him with questions about the wedding, and when the ceremony had taken place and why the family wasn't called. You took the opportunity to escape when Pietro was convincing the ladies that you were not Wanda's wife, and that there was no secret wedding.
Walking over to one of the far tables, you frown in disbelief as you watch Luna run under the food table, clearly looking for a place to hide from her cousin, who is looking around a few feet away.
You crouch down, pulling the towel up to speak to the child.
"Luna, honey, maybe that's not the best place to play." You tell her with a smile. She looks around.
"Sorry, Aunt Y/N." She asks. "I'm hiding from Billy."
"Oh, is that so?" You ask extending your hand to her. She accepts, and you help her stand, taking care that she doesn't hit her head on the table. "Do you remember the path we took when we first got here? Try to hide behind that tall statue, I'm sure Billy won't find you."
"Wow, that's right, Auntie. Thank you." She mumbles, leaving with her head down next, watching for any sign of her cousin. You smiled, knowing that everyone at the party would get a glimpse of the children playing if she stood where you spoke.
You noticed that the two women who were talking to Pietro looked at you, and not wanting to be dragged back into that conversation, you made your way back to the house.
Bumping into Wanda on the way, you giggled.
"There you are." You remark.
"Where were you?" Wanda retorts with a mixture of curiosity and humor, noticing your "escape mode" posture.
"Well, apparently all of your father's friends like to meet everyone, so I've spent the last thirty minutes being introduced to everyone at the party."
Wanda gave a pout of pity.
"Sorry, dear." She says and you smile awkwardly, feeling your cheeks flush. "I'm looking for the boys, they need to change for the suits."
"I saw Billy in the gardens." You tell her as you gesture briefly in the direction. "I'll go find Tommy for you."
Wanda smiles, biting her lips. You nod but when you make mention of moving away, she holds your forearm and moves forward, depositing a kiss on your cheek.
"Thank you, sweetheart." She whispered, smiling mischievously at you before she turned away and left the kitchen. You bit your lip, feeling your heart racing. You didn't understand why Wanda was teasing you, but you weren't complaining.
Non Readers Pov
Wanda laughed affectionately when Billy launched himself onto her lap as soon as she found him in the backyard.
"Luna, dear, your mother is calling you too." Warned the red-haired woman to her niece who nodded turning toward the direction her aunt pointed.
"Mommy can I play after I change my clothes?" Asked the boy as the woman carried him back to the house.
"Of course honey, but you have to be careful, okay? You can't get your suit dirty."
Just before she reached the entrance, someone called her name, causing Wanda to turn her head curiously.
"Sweetie, I need to ask you something." It was Ruth Eisenhardt, a nasty distant cousin of Wanda's known for gossiping, and lots of it, about all her relatives. "I just heard from Aunt Susan that you are dating that pretty girl you brought over."
Wanda felt her face heat up, but kept her expression impassive. Before she could add anything else, the woman was speaking again.
"Of course we are all happy for you, but when I went to share the good news with Uncle Jeff, he said that Pietro had already denied this affair. Now I'm left not knowing if you're really going out with that beefcake."
Wanda let out an awkward giggle, frowning slightly at the way her cousin spoke.
"We're not exactly together, cousin." The redhead replied. "But that's not really your business."
Ruth grimaced in surprise, but then her expression changed to one of malice.
"You know, I'm just confirming it. Because after all, we don't have pretty things like that lying around in New Jersey."
Wanda clenched her jaw. Ruth was exactly the kind of girl who had a mania for taking what didn't belong to her.
"Cousin, don't flirt with her." Wanda said. "I'll only warn you this once."
Ruth giggled, surprised at the reaction. But Wanda didn't continue the subject, turning and continuing toward the entrance of the house.
"Mom what's flirt?" Billy asked next, drawing Wanda's attention away from her own not-so-pleasant thoughts about someone taking what was hers.
"It's a way adults talk, honey." Wanda explained, biting her lips thoughtfully briefly. "When they want to be more than friends."
"Like best friends?"
Wanda laughs briefly, denying it.
"No, Billy. Like lovers."
Billy makes a noise of agreement. "Why can't Aunt Ruth flirt with Aunt Y/N?"
Wanda sighs lightly, forcing a friendly expression so as not to confuse her son.
"She can."
"But you told her..."
"I know." Wanda interrupts with red cheeks. She takes a deep breath, smiling at her son. "Can I ask you something sweetie?" Billy nods in agreement. "If mommy started dating someone, would you be upset?"
Billy frowns, denying it.
"Mommy, you want to date Aunt Y/N don't you?"
Wanda's eyes widen in surprise.
"Where did that one come from?" she asked.
"You didn't like it when Aunt Ruth flirted with Daddy either, I remember Aunt Monica's birthday." He tells, and Wanda sighs slightly, remembering when she caught Ruth complimenting her husband as she ran her hands through her hair, and Wanda might have gotten a little carried away by accidentally flipping a wine glass in her cousin's lap. On the way home, when the twins asked, she said that she was upset with the way Ruth spoke to their father, and now Billy was able to understand everything. "And now you don't want Aunt Ruth to talk to Aunt Y/N like that." He concluded as if it was obvious. Wanda smiled as she went upstairs, careful not to trip on the steps with Billy on her lap. "Mommy, if you date Aunt Y/N will she move in with us?"
"I don't know dear." Wanda replied with a shy smile.
"If she lives with us, will you let her sleep in my room?"
Wanda laughed, looking at Billy curiously.
"And why is that?"
"Because she knows how to play dragon. And also tell fairy tales." He says counting on his fingers. "And she also helps Tommy with his headache, so she can sleep on our rug and when he wakes up at night, she helps him."
Wanda smiles fondly, shaking her head slightly.
"Those are very good reasons indeed." She says. "But I think Y/N would like to sleep in a bed, no? The floor is uncomfortable."
Billy looks thoughtful and Wanda laughs briefly as she sets him down on the floor, already inside his room. She helps him out of his clothes to put on his party suit that is already on the bed.
"I can sleep in your bed mommy, and then Aunt Y/N sleeps in mine next to Tommy so he won't be alone."
Wanda laughs again, denying with her head. She bends down to button her son's shirt.
"Tell you what. Y/N sleeps in my bed, and if Tommy feels bad, she goes up to his room, how's that sound?"
Reader pov
"I think it sounds amazing." You spoke as you entered the room, a mischievous smile on your lips. Wanda startled slightly, surprised that you arrived at that moment, but she smiled shyly as she looked at you before turning her attention back to her son.
"Yay, mommy!" Billy spoke excitedly. Wanda sat him down on the bed again, helping him put on his shoes. You guided Tommy gently by the shoulders to the bed, and as soon as he had a look at the suit he began to undress.
"I didn't know you were going to live with us, Aunt Y/N." Tommy comments as he removes his sneakers.
"I didn't know either." You retort, biting back a smile at the sight of Wanda's reddening cheeks. "I guess your mother forgot to invite me."
Wanda mumbles at you to shut up, making you smile.
"Mommy, you have to let Aunt Y/N know that she is going to live with us now." Billy said making you cross your arms, and turn to Wanda, joining in on the joke.
"Yes, Wanda! You need to let me know about these things." You say with false seriousness, and Wanda rolls her eyes in amusement, finishing putting on Billy's shoes and getting up to face you.
"Y/n, honey, you're going to move in with me when we get back home, okay?" Wanda asks in the same tone. You bite back a smile, ignoring how your heartbeat has quickened. You can't help but look at Wanda adoringly however, and her expression goes from playful to shy in microseconds.
"Okay, Wands. I'll love living with you." You say to her next, sounding slightly affected. The twins let out an exclamation of excitement, and break the bubble you are in. You clear your throat slightly as you turn your attention back to them, looking away from Wanda.
"Wow, you guys look great." You comment as you see the boys properly dressed next. The suits are very nice indeed.
"You can go back to the party, but be careful not to get your suits dirty. No playing in the dirt!" Wanda warns the boys, who are already running excitedly outside.
"Okay, I'll go get ready too." You say next, thinking to check your cell phone as well, since you haven't turned it on since you left New York. "See you at the party?"
Wanda nods in agreement and you turn to leave.
At the door she stops you, pulling you by the forearm lightly and raising her hand to your neck, then bringing your lips together.
You both sigh and you feel your whole body tense up and heat up all at once. Wanda pulls away in the next moment, breathing as out of rhythm as you do.
You want to ask her why she did this now, but you think the question can wait until later, because she brings your lips together again, in a kiss far less innocent than before. Wanda closes the door with one hand, and with the other she pushes you against the wood.
You gasp, letting your tongue run across her lip, and she gives you passage.
Her taste intoxicates your senses quickly, your hands moving up to her waist as hers move to your hair, deepening the kiss. You both gasp for air against each other's mouths, unable to separate.
Panting, you feel your head spin as Wanda moves her tongue against yours, slow and sensual, and you can't help but squeeze her waist tightly, enjoying the feeling of her sighing against your lips.
You switch positions next moment, pressing Wanda against the wood of the door, your knee coming up between her legs.
"Oh." Wanda moans breathlessly breaking the kiss. You move your kisses down her jaw to her neck, sucking on the skin and releasing just before marking. Your fingers play with the hem of her blouse, and Wanda brings your head up, kissing you again.
You press your body against her, wanting her to be touching you everywhere. The sensation makes you breathless, and hot in all the right places, causing you to moan.
You think you could kiss Wanda forever if she'd let you. The feeling of having her in your mouth is the best you have ever felt.
There are noises of footsteps coming from the stairs, and you both sigh when you hear them. It's Monica coming up with Luna, who is chatting animatedly. It's just what you need to snap back to reality, and slow down the kiss.
You keep your foreheads together, and your hands around Wanda until the sound becomes distant, signaling that Monica has entered their bedroom with Luna.
You let out a giggle, and Wanda follows you. You look just like two teenage girls making out in secret. When you stop laughing, you kiss her again. Calmer this time. Before you let go, she bites your lip, tugging lightly, and making you gasp before letting go.
"Come on, go change." She commands, pushing you lightly. You smile because she keeps her grip against your blouse as she tells you to leave.
"It is you who are keeping me here, Maximoff." You tease with a smile. Wanda smiles too, and steals a kiss from you before letting go. You stumble backwards out of the room, grinning like an idiot, but you don't care, because Wanda looks at you just the same.
Wanda looked stunning in her party dress. You wanted to kiss her again, but you knew that if you did you would smear her lipstick, and she would have a lot of inconvenient questions ahead of her. So you just smiled, and breathlessly confessed how beautiful she looked, enjoying her flushed cheeks.
By the time you joined the party, the guests were arranging themselves at the correct places, and you joined a conversation circle with Wanda at your side, greeting a few more people.
As the sun set, Erik and Charles signaled that the ceremony was about to begin.
It was all very beautiful.
Maybe you cried between one confession and another, but everyone was emotional, so no one really cared.
Your cell phone had lots of pictures on it when you came back to the house, after saying goodbye to the guests who left when the party was over. You were holding Tommy by the hand, while Billy went with his mother, and the boys looked very tired.
"Let's go to bed, okay?" Wanda warned the kids as they followed her upstairs.
Erik wanted to open a bottle of wine, so after the kids were in bed, all the adults were outside on the balcony. Wanda sat very close to you, and you resisted the urge to put your arm around her.
"I guess I'll never get used to parties." Erik then comments, smiling nostalgically, making the group smile.
"I hope you're looking forward to the twenty-year anniversary one, papa." Pietro humorously retorts, and Erik laughs, looking at his husband tenderly.
"I look forward to it."
You smiled at the passionate way the couple looked at each other. You wondered what it must be like to stay married for so long.
"I know we are all tired, but I had something to tell you." Erik then says, exchanging a look with Charles before continuing. "It's about the farm."
"What about the farm?" Pietro asked curiously.
"It 's yours."
Pietro frowns in confusion, looking at Wanda, who has the same look on her face.
"Papa, what?" Wanda asks, and Erik lets out a short laugh.
"You know I've always wanted to remodel this place, ever since you were kids." He recounts. "And Charles and I finally did it. But now we're old. And you two have your whole lives ahead of you, and well, you are our family. So Charles and I agreed that the house should belong to you both."
Wanda and Pietro exchange incredulous laughter.
"Papa, what? Are you sure?" Wanda asks looking from her brother to her father and stepfather. The older men just smile and the next moment they are hugging their children. You and Monica exchange looks of amusement.
"So, does this mean we're moving?" Monica comments once everyone is seated, and elicits a giggle from the group.
"Let's save all this serious talk for tomorrow, shall we?" Erik asks with a smile. "Today, let's just enjoy the stars."
"Someone is feeling romantic." Charles jokes making the group laugh.
"Papa, tell us some of your stories." Pietro asked with a smile, and Erik sighed, taking on a thoughtful expression.
"Um, let's see." He begins. "Have I ever told you about what happened in Budapest...?"
It was quite late when you and Wanda were finally alone, after Charles and Erik came in, you stayed talking to Pietro and Monica for a few more minutes, until they walked in as well.
You smiled at Wanda as she leaned back in her armchair to face you cross-legged, and you mimicked her position.
"Hey." She called out to you with a smile.
"Did you enjoy the party?"
"Yes." You assured her tenderly. "It was pretty good actually."
Wanda nodded slightly, her gaze falling momentarily to your lips.
"Can I ask you something?"
"You can ask me anything you want, Wanda." You retort, making her smile.
The redhead looks intently at you.
"Did you mean it?" She asks and you blink in confusion. "About moving in with me."
You feel your cheeks heat up, but you smile.
"You're not even going to ask me out first, eh?"
Wanda laughed, looking away with flushed cheeks. You swallowed dryly, lifting your hand to turn her face toward you again, stroking her cheek lightly. God, Wanda was beautiful. Her bright green eyes looking back at you, the way her hair fell around her face, every part of her.
"Don't you think we're happening too fast?" Wanda asks insecurely, you don't put your hand down, enjoying the feeling of her skin.
"It depends." You answer letting your gaze wander to her, your free hand searching for hers in your lap, twining your fingers together.
"On what?"
"If you care about me..." You whisper as you bring your faces closer together, stopping when your lips are almost touching, and you and Wanda both close your eyes in anticipation. " As much as I care about you."
You kiss Wanda before she responds. Sweetly and softly. The sensation makes you smile against her lips, and you ignore the urge to deepen the kiss to pull away.
"Is that your way of saying you're in love with me?" Wanda teases half breathlessly a minute later, her tone playful and confident, but her rosy cheeks give away how affected she is. You think she's irresistible.
You laugh lightly, brushing a strand of hair from her face before looking into her eyes.
"I'm in love with you." You confess simply, watching her blink in surprise and amazement. "So, you still think it's too fast?"
Wanda smiles, denying it, and then approaches you.
"I'm in love with you too" She confesses as a secret against your lips. You feel your stomach rumble with nervousness and excitement, but you don't say anything else, because Wanda kisses you again. She asks for passage with her tongue a second later, making you sigh.
You hold your mouths together in a passionate kiss for long minutes, panting against each other' lips as Wanda moves to sit on your lap with her hands on your neck while your hands move up to her waist. You feel hot and bothered, squeezing her skin as if you want to merge with it. It is only when your kisses begin to move down to her collarbone that Wanda gasps saying that you two should go upstairs.
She moves off your lap, breaking the kiss, and you bite your lips, chasing her mouth again. Standing up, Wanda slides her tongue against yours one last time, making your head spin, before she pulls away, smiling at you as she pulls you by the hand into the house.
She signals with her finger for you to be quiet as you enter, and you swallow dryly as you observe the way her eyes are dark.
Getting to your room seems to take forever, especially since you can barely breathe, but finally you arrive.
Wanda locks the door after you enter. And then the atmosphere changes, because you both know what is about to happen.
She smiles shyly at you and you hold out your hand to her, leading her to sit on the bed beside you.
You exchange a glance before you sigh softly, slowly moving closer to her face. When you kiss her, much more tenderly and gently than any other time, Wanda melts.
She raises her hands to your neck, deepening the kiss as she falls onto the bed and takes you with her. You kiss her firmly, swirling your tongue around hers slowly, making her shiver.
There is no rush in what you are about to do, and you certainly want to enjoy every second of it.
You rest your weight against Wanda, enjoying the feeling of having her beneath you, and the sound that escapes her throat. Your mouth separates from hers only for you to move your kisses down her collarbone, causing Wanda to close her eyes and sigh.
Your hands reach behind her back to pull down the zipper of her dress. When your fingers make contact with her exposed skin, Wanda bites her lips, entwining her legs together in search of more friction.
Your kisses move down as you pull the dress off her body, Wanda shifting on the bed to help you undress her. You move away from her neck to remove the piece completely, your gaze falling to her exposed skin the next moment. The redhead blushes at your stare, but all you can do is admire. The sight of her bare breasts makes your core throb, and you feel the urge to touch and kiss every inch.
You kiss her again in the next second, but part your mouths again quickly to move your lips down her body.
At the first touch on her breasts, Wanda gasps loudly. You smile, controlling the urge to tell her not to be so loud, but you are distracted by the growing heat in your core when you suck on her nipple and she whimpers, bringing her hand to your hair to keep you there.
Dividing your attention between the nipples, you kiss, bite, and suck the sensitive skin, keeping enough of it in your mouth for the skin to be marked red, which elicits a hearty moan from Wanda.
As your kisses begin to descend again, Wanda's body tenses. You kiss at the height of her navel before looking up, and already find her looking up at you with darkened eyes, biting her lip.
"Everything okay?" You ask in a sigh, trying to reason properly out of the bubble of lust.
Wanda's hesitation causes you to raise your face back toward her again, keeping your hands by her side so as not to fall against her body.
"What's wrong?" You ask gently, trying to find any sign of discomfort.
"Nothing." She says with a shy smile. "It's just... it's the first time I... since..."
"Yeah, I know." You interrupt half breathlessly, knowing exactly what she is referring to. "Mine too." You confess, but at this point, you knew she should have guessed it too. You have been grieving partners for quite some time, after all. "Do you want to stop?"
"No." Wanda quickly denies, biting back a smile. "I feel good."
You smile, nodding in agreement.
"Me too."
You kiss Wanda gently again, but before the kiss gets more heated, you pull away to whisper against her lips. "Let me know if you feel uncomfortable at any time."
Wanda nods, bringing your lips together next.
When you awake, it is probably the best sleep you have had in months. Wanda is curled up on you, her clothes spread across the room lit by the sunbeams from the window.
You mumble that you have to get up because the children will be up soon, but Wanda says that her father will take care of them, and kisses you until you completely forget where you are.
When you finally get up, and go downstairs for coffee, neither adult comments at all on the way Wanda's hand remains in yours throughout the meal.
While Wanda is talking to Pietro and Erik about how they are going to organize the inheritance of the farm, and the children are playing in the backyard in front of the veranda, you decide to call your mother.
You end up learning that she got a buyer for your apartment, but you tell her that you would deal with these matters when you get back. After checking email and that sort of thing, you turn off your cell phone again.
Taking one last look at the children, you walked back into the house, catching a small piece of the conversation of the others in the living room about what would be done about Wanda's flower shop, but you didn't intrude.
"We know a lot of people around here, Wanda." Charles was counting. "I'm sure we'll be able to find a new location for the flower shop."
Wanda looked slightly apprehensive, probably considering all the consequences of the relocation, but she relaxed her posture completely when you entwined your hand with hers.
When the conversation was over, it was decided that the families would move to the farm. Selling the properties in New York would take some time, but they would still move to the city during the vacations. It was going to be a rush, but Erik and Charles were willing to help too.
Since you guys were leaving that afternoon, you went back to your room to pack. And Wanda joined you a moment later, kissing you on the cheek before sitting down on your bed.
" All good?" You asked as you folded your socks.
"Yeah." She confirmed with a smile. "I'm just trying to believe that all this is really happening."
"It's not every day we get a farm, is it?" You joke making her laugh. Wanda bites her lips next, looking at you fondly, and you look away to your bag, feeling your face heat up.
"I forgot to ask you something yesterday." She begins somewhat shyly. You frown slightly, muttering for her to ask. "Are we dating?"
You laugh in surprise, throwing your folded party clothes into your suitcase, before approaching Wanda, raising your hand to her chin.
"What do you think, love?" You ask against her lips, dragging your mouth down her jaw to the height of her ear. "After what you did with your tongue yesterday, you're not going anywhere."
Wanda gasps, clenching her hands in the bed. You smile because you know the memories have hit her all over again. But you turn away next, smiling innocently at the woman in front of you before turning your attention back to the suitcase.
"I don't get a ring?" She teased next, making you laugh briefly. You looked back at the door before advancing against her, kissing her firmly, completely overturning her confident posture. When Wanda sighed against your mouth, you pulled away, and she grumbled, her hand reaching up to grab your belt and pull you back to her, but noises of footsteps made her give up.
Soon the boys came running into the room, talking excitedly about living on the farm and riding every day, and you wanted to laugh at the way Wanda had to disguise how affected she felt by your small make out session to answer her sons' questions.
After saying goodbye to your hosts with hugs, you sat in the back seat with the boys, because Tommy insisted that he wanted to show you a video game. Wanda drove you to your apartment, and after getting your suitcase from the trunk, you waved goodbye to the boys, and approached the driver's window.
"I'll call you, okay?" You tell her with a smile, Wanda nods, and you kiss her. Tommy and Billy make disgusted noises in the back of the car, and you and Wanda laugh as you part.
Waving to everyone in farewell one last time, you wait for Wanda to leave with the car before you go into the house.
"Kissing girls on the doorstep, heh? Looks like high school all over again." Your mother teases from the kitchen just as you enter. You laugh as you close the door.
"Spying through the kitchen window, Mom? And I thought I was a grown-up." You retort in the same tone as you walk to the kitchen to greet her with a kiss on the forehead, tossing your suitcase on the counter afterwards.
"Are you really dating then?" Your mother asks and you murmur in agreement. She smiles. "I'm so happy, honey. I can't wait to prepare for the wedding."
You roll your eyes humorously, picking up an apple from the countertop.
"We need to talk about your apartment, by the way." She starts again, looking through her briefcase for something. "I've found buyers, and well, I'm already looking at some houses for you, too." She says as you take a seat next to her at the table. "Of course I love having you here, but we both know you can't wait to have a place of your own again."
You sigh lightly.
"Yeah, Mom." You confirm. "About that..."
"You're late." Agatha remarked as soon as you stumbled into her office. You gave her a lopsided smile, closing the door as you entered.
"Sorry, I had a date and lost track of time."
Agatha raises her eyebrows at you.
"A date, hm? Let's talk about it then."
You had just deposited Melina's share of the apartment in the bank when your cell phone vibrated.
A message from Bucky, asking if you were coming to therapy with him today, as he was already at the station. You reply with an emoji, and a text saying coming.
"I am immensely happy for your progress, even though I am upset that you will not be continuing with us." Stephen says to you and Wanda, in your last group session.
"Well, New Jersey has its support groups. But this one is always going to be special." You tell him as you lightly tap his arm. Stephen smiles as he hands you the progress brooches. Wanda has her hand intertwined in yours, and the man in front of you looks at that before commenting.
"You know, I always find it curious the way pairs develop in the group." He comments. "We never ask that the activities be romantic, but still, many of them end up falling in love."
You and Wanda exchange a mixed look of embarrassment and happiness.
"I guess we have you to thank for that." Wanda says next, but Stephen smiles, denying it.
"Not at all. I'm happy for both of you. After all, I always thought you would get along together." He hints last, making you and Wanda laugh softly.
"I just need to lock up and grab a few last things in the office, and then we can go." Wanda told you when you arrived at the flower shop. The establishment was now empty, as the moving crew had already passed by.
You waited for her in the reception area.
With the key to the flower shop in hand and the last files that were there, Wanda hesitated. You looked at her, standing in the center of the place, eyes watering, and smiled as you approached.
"Everything okay?" You asked as you touched her arms, stroking her to calm her down.
"Yeah." She sighs, looking around one last time before looking back at you. "It just feels like I'm ending something. Like a chapter in my life."
You swallow dryly briefly, nodding.
"Are you scared?"
Wanda smiles.
"Terrified." She confesses. "But I have you, so I know I'll be all right."
You smile, lifting your hands to your neck to kiss her. It's brief and sweet, and it's exactly what you both need to be sure you're doing the right thing.
"You're a flirt, aren't you Maximoff?" You tease with a smile, and Wanda giggles lightly against your lips.
"And you are breathtaking, love."
You felt your face heat up, kissing Wanda again.
"Are you sure about what we're doing, Wanda?" You let the words escape your anxious brain next. Wanda raised her free hand to your face, caressing your cheek.
" Absolute." She assures. "You are my future."
You swallow dryly, affected by the intensity of the confession. A shy smile escapes your lips in the next moment.
"And you are mine."
#wanda maximoff#wanda x reader#wanda x you#wandaxreader#wandaxyou#wanda maximoff x reader#wandaxyn#wanda x yn#marvel imagines#sorry for your loss
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When (which episode) do you think mcl boys fell in love with candy?
Thank you so much for asking me this question. I really liked it to try to find the moments. So I watch a lot of old episodes back. That is also why it took me a little of time for answering. I hope you can forgive me for that. And I am going to try to include all the LI.
We start with Kentin. He already loves Candy when we see him for the first time in episode 1. So he felt for her back at their old school. So we don't know the exact moment. But l like to think that it was love at first sight.
Then we go to Lysander. He already is in love with Candy when Deborah comes. Because she says that Candy is the only girl Lysander talks to. And in those episodes, Lysander let Candy know that he rather has that she ask him for help than another boy. I think this are the first moments when you really can see he has feelings for Candy. But we want to know the moment he falls in love with her, I think it happens before he shows Candy his tattoo. So I watch back episode 11. When they do the race in the forest. When they are on the bus together, Lysander seems still to doubt if he should have gone with Castiel and if Candy shouldn't be in a team with one of the girls. But the moment, Dake comes to ask Candy to be with him in a team. We see Candy standing up for her self and say no to Dake. After that, Lysander is happy that she says no to Dake and choose him again. So this is the moment I think he starts to like like Candy.
We go to Armin. I find it difficult to find he's exact moment. In episode 15 when you return the keys from the teacher lounge to Mr. Faraize, you can ask Armin what he thinks of you. He says that he likes you a lot, and that he likes to hang out with you more than with other girls. So at this moment he is already in love with Candy. In episode 10 he comes to the series. So it happens somewhere in between. We can rule out episode 11 because Armin does not go to the forest trip. So I watched back episode 12. Nothing special happens. Then in episode 13 at the end when you are all together clearing out the basement, and Candy decides to team up with Armin. You see Armin and Candy making jokes, and Candy says she likes that Armin stayed to help. Armin says Candy is nice. I think this is the moment that Armin starts to like like Candy.
Over to Dake. Sorry to everyone who loves Dake, but if I am being honest. I don't think Dake ever falls in love with Candy. He is just a guy who tries to get lucky.
Next we have Dajan and Jade. They only plays in a few episodes. But in episode 3 they see how helpful Candy is with doing things for the clubs. So they start to like that a lot about her. But they are not often around enough to start something real with. :-(
Then we go to Castiel. To be honest I had no clue where to start except that it happens before episode 26. So I watch a lot of episodes back. In episode 8 Castiel starts to tease Candy. In Holland we have a saying that when a boy teases a girl, he likes her. So I think Castiel already likes Candy there. Actually I think he starts to like her pretty early in the story; in episode 4. When he brings Candy home and blushes while he holds her hand. I think that is the moment he starts to like like Candy. And in episode 17 Castiel saw how right he was about liking Candy and trusting her. From that moment he really starts to show his feelings for her. In university, I think Castiel never stopped loving Candy. When they weren't together, he obviously put his feelings away. But he always had liked her from that first moment on in episode 4 HSL.
So as last LI from the HSL we go to Nathaniel. When Deborah comes to the school and Nathaniel doesn't want to help Candy. I feel like he is not in love with her. Because if you are in love with someone, you don't let them down at that kind of moment. But the moment he sees Candy cry at the end of episode 16 everything starts to change. In episode 17 en 18 they are clearly signs that Nathaniel likes Candy. So I think he starts to like like Candy at the end of episode 16. When Candy and Nath break up between HSL and UL, Nath is devastated. Because of that he meets the wrong people. But as he soon as he sees Candy in UL, he tries to turn everything around to get her back. So Nathaniel also never stopped loving her.
For the first LI of UL we go to Priya. Priya already likes Candy at the start of UL. So I feel like it happened in HSL before she gives Candy the drawing in episode 32. Priya comes to the series in episode 27. So it has to happen somewhere in between. In episode 28 when Candy confess to Priya she is in love with one of the boys. Priya answered that she isn't in love with that boy, and that she now understands why things weren't going well between her and Candy. But she is drawn to Candy and don't know why. So she hopes they now can start on better terms. So I think Priya likes Candy from the beginning, but she doesn't realize it. And the moment she does, Candy has already a relationship. So she does nothing with those feelings until she sees her again in UL.
Next we go to Rayan aka Mr. Zaidi. In episode 8 Rayan asks Candy if she wants to stay with him on a professional level or that you want to get to know each other more. So at that moment he is already in love with Candy. But I also think that he already likes Candy at the end of episode 5 when he helps her close the café. So the moment has to happen somewhere before that. So I watched back episode 4, 3 and 2. In episode 3 and 4 there are signs that Rayan likes Candy. When I watched episode 2 back and Candy has her first class of him. I feel like that is the moment he starts to like like Candy. Because at the end of class, he asks Candy to stay behind and complements her for her answers in class.
As last LI from UL we have Hyun. In my head, he starts to like Candy from the very first time he sees her. I hope this will also be the case when I try to find the moment. So I watch back the first conversation Candy has with Hyun in episode 1. In the part he asks Candy question for the job at the cosy bear café, there are not any signs yet. But when he asks Candy to stay for a drink and Candy says yes. He tries to find out if Candy has a boyfriend and offers her to show her around town. So yes, Hyun starts to like like Candy from the very first moment.
In LL, we only get one new LI; Eric. In episode 13 Eric tells Candy; that he realize that he has feelings for Candy after the dinner in episode 10. But the moment you realize you have feelings is not always the same moment as when you get feelings for a person. So to be sure I watched back episode 10. And I think it happens in the afternoon for the dinner. When Eric sees Candy worrying about Nath. After that moment he decides to come back that evening. So I think he starts to like like Candy at that moment.
Thank you again for asking me this question. I had so much fun trying to find the moments. For everyone who sees this post, if you feel like the falling in love happens at another moment. That is totally fine, these are just the moment I think it happens. By the way I would love to read it when you think it happens at another moment. Please put it in the comments. And if you feel like I forgot someone, just put it in the comments.
#mcl nathaniel#mclll#mcl lysander#mclhsl#mcl dake#mcl castiel#mclul priya#mcl kentin#mclul hyun#questions#my candy love#nathaniel#mclhsl nathaniel#mclul nathaniel#lysander#mclhsl lysander#mclhsl dake#dake#mclul castiel#castiel#mclhsl castiel#mcl#love life#university life#high school life#mcl priya#priya#mclhsl kentin#kentin#mcl hyun
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Hiii! I would like to request a Emma sano x female or gender neutral reader where the reader is 16 and Emma went all out with the help of Hina and her brother Mikey and some other people, like rose petals, flowers and stuff like that and confessed to the reader and the reader feels the same way but turns down her because she’s too old for her since Emma is 13 in the past and it gets all angsty in the beginning but when they get older they meet and and date then get married and the ending gets really fluffy maybe they can have children as well. I hope you understand and take as much time as you need there’s no rush!
Warning: Grammatical error
Character: Sano Emma
Anime: Tokyo revengers
AU/Original: Au
Genre: Angst to fluff
Extra: Female x female
Note: My first Tokyo revengers request. I still catching up with the manga so sorry if I didn't get Emma's personality correctly. I might have overdone this...
Sano Emma x Female! Reader.
" Don't you think this too much?" Takemichi sweat drop, early this morning he got a message from his girlfriend that she want to meet him at a park when he arrives he sees something unexpected.
Rose flower petals covered the ground, a balloon with the word "I love you" and even an unlit candle being placed in half circle. He then sees his girlfriend Hina along with his other friends.
Mikey is trying to wolf down a box of chocolate while Draken tries to stop him. Mitsuya is smiling happily, in front of the silver-lilac boy is Emma, she is wearing a beautiful dress, blushing slightly at what Hina said.
" What do you mean too much? Confession to [ name ] must be perfect!!" Emma glared at the boy making him raise his hands in defensive. " [ Name ] - senpai?" Takemichi remembers who that is, the first-year student of Shinjuku Academy. A gentle girl who has always been seen together with Emma and Hina.
He will not judge someone but on his mind, he did think that ' Aren't she too old for Emma ?' Yet the look on the younger girl makes him zip his mouth shut.
Night coming fast, you who just got a message from Draken ask you to come to the park quickly rush there. The boy did say it is important for you to come there fast. Panting slightly, you enter the park, looking around for the tall male.
Your eyes widen a bit when you see not Drake but Emma wearing a dress with your favorite color, hairstyle neatly, and on her hands are a bouquet of rose flowers. " Emma?" You are a bit confused by this, walking towards the girl you see her smile widen.
She then gives you the bouquet which you take with a bit of hesitance, "What the meaning of all this?" You ask awkwardly, Emma's face turning pink, she plays with a strand of her hair, gathering the courage.
Emma takes your free hand startling you a bit, looking at her you see she is serious, " [ Name ], I know this is weird for a girl to like a girl but I don't care. You are a beautiful, kind, gentle, and the most amazing girl I ever know. I don't want anyone to take you away from me that why, will you be my girlfriend?" She confessed.
You lick your dry lips, looking anywhere except for the girl, " E-Emma..that speech is beautiful.." Your word makes her beam at you but soon it falls when she sees your apologetic face.
"But I can't... I'm sixteen..you thirteen... You are too young for me. I don't think this relationship will work." With a heavy heart, you let her hand go, " I only see you as my...." You bit your lips, swallowing down the regret, "My sister... I'm sorry.." You smile bitterly at her before you walk away.
Emma stares at your fading figure disappear completely, one by one her tears slide down her cheeks. "Emma.." Mikey approaches his sister, he gently places his hand on the girl's shoulder and that is the last straw, Emma falls on her knee crying out her pain.
Hina quickly wraps the girl in her embrace, comforting the girl. Takemichi knows this will happen but he knows something else, looking towards the way you disappear he knows you feel the same pain.
You too like the younger Sano but it is the age that prevents you guy's love. Emma is still young and you are too old for her, if you two get together what will society say? What will the other say? It's okay if they talk about you buy you don't want anyone to talk bad about Emma.
Love is beautiful yet it is cruel .
Twelve years have passed, you now are [ dream job ]. It's been a long time since you see any of your friends especially the Sano family. There is no way you can meet any of them after rejecting Emma. To this day, you regret your decision but that is what for the best. " [ Name ]- senpai?!" You hear a familiar voice turning around you see a beautiful blond woman looking at you with wide eyes.
You stare at her trying to remember who she is, your eyes widen when you recognize the female, "Emma?!" She smiles happily when you remember her, approaches you, she gives you a smile that you miss. " How are you? Isn't been twelve years." You nod your head rubbing the back of your neck.
"Yes, I'm doing great." Looking away, you try to hide the heat rising to your cheeks, " You grown-up beautiful..." Emma blink a few times before her face turn red, " Y-you too! You look really beautiful.." This is getting awkward, bitting your lips, you let out a heavy sigh.
"Emma ... About what happens that day.." She stops you before you can continue smiling a bit forcefully, "No, it's okay!! I understand, I understand why you reject me." She tries to put on a cheerful face, looking around, " Are you with your partner?"
You shake your head frowning, " No...I don't have a partner..how bout you?" She too shake her head, you let out a small 'ooh'. Seeing Emma for the first time in twelve years, she has grown into a beautiful woman, this makes your heart beating faster. If she still hasn't had any boyfriend or girlfriend, maybe just maybe, you can finally make a move? After all, you two have already grown into adults, if you two get into a relationship, no one will judge you two, except for homophobic but screw them.
Gathering your courage, you take Emma's hands, she looks shocked by this, shyly looking at your eyes, " Emma, d-do you want to go on a date with me?" You shut your eyes tightly, waiting for any rejection but you feel her squeezing your hands.
"I-i love too.." You two smile brightly, face turning pink .
One date turning to a hundred. All of your friends supporting your relationship, though Mikey kinda threatening you earning a slap of the head by his sister. Two years you guys having a relationship, you two decide to take a further step.
Wearing a dress wedding make by Mitsuya, both of you hold back the tear threatening to fall. You smile at the woman of your life, she looks absolutely beautiful, Emma stares at you in the eyes, she too thinks you look beautiful in that dress.
"Welcome! We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the marriage of [ last name] [ name ] and Sano Emma. This is not the beginning, but a celebration of the next chapter in their lives together. Today, they will affirm this bond formally and publicly. This affirmation is made even more meaningful because it’s shared with all of you, their most cherished friends and family.[ Name ] and Emma, today you not only marry the right person, but you also commit to being the right partner—the one with whom the other can stand and face the world. It’s time to joyfully seal this chapter with the declarations that will unite you in marriage."
"Do you [ last name ] [ name ] take Sano Emma to be your lawfully wedded partner, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and not-so-good times, for richer or poorer, committing yourself unto them for as long as you both shall live?"
You nod your head, " I do." You say with a voice full of love, eyes not taking off from Emma, the priest then looks at Emma.
"Do you Sano Emma take [ last name ] [ name ] to be your lawfully wedded partner, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and not so good times, for richer or poorer, committing yourself unto them for as long as you both shall live?"
She nods her head, " I do." She answers confidently.
" You may now kiss the bride." You softly kiss the female, pouring all of your love into the kiss as you hear all of the former tomans and your friends cheer for you two.
That what happens three years ago, you look at the pictures of your guy's wedding with loving eyes, "Mama looks so beautiful, right?" You look at your adopted son, to see him already sleeping. You giggle and kiss the top of his head, "Sleep well shin.." You muttered.
Emma wraps her arms around you looking at the boy "Oh, he already asleep?" She then presses a kiss on your cheek. " Hey there darling, how's dinner with Hina?" You ask her, she nuzzles against your neck sighing tiredly, "Eh, it's was great until Takemichi decide to crash our dinner with Chifuyu." You laugh, caressing her cheek, you softly say, " I love you.." Emma's face turns red, hiding her face at the crock of your neck she too with a loving voice says, " I love you too.."
#tokyo revengers x reader#tokyo revengers#sano emma x reader#fluff#angst to fluff#x female reader#sano emma x female reader
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I found your speculation of Satan having a crush on mc from the get go verry interesting. I was wondering if you have any speculations around the other boys? Like in what order do you think the boys fell for mc? Any specific points in the story that you think are the "fall for mc" moments for them?
(HFSDHFSD LISTEN I’ve had this in my drafts for AGES and I’m so sorry I’m just now getting to actually posting it ;w; )
I’m MORE than happy to speculate on this! For the brothers, at least, because I haven’t read up to the parts where the other characters show notable interest in you
Putting most of this under a cut for long post and spoilers, but the tl;dr (with some mysterious elements to catch your interest heheheh) is that I believe the brothers “fall for MC” in this order:
1. Satan 2. Mammon 3. (Lucifer) 4. (Levi) 3. Belphie 4. Beel 4. Levi 4. Lucifer 7. Asmo
That must look a little weird; I hope I’ve piqued your interest!
Now, what am I defining as falling for MC? For consistency, we’re going to consider a brother falling for MC being the moment when they themself realize that they might have feelings for them.
#1 Demon: Satan Moment: As early as day 4
First up is Satan, who I’ve already explained here. An argument can be made that Mammon catches feelings first, but assuming a real-time progression, Satan’s first text reaches MC on their fourth day in the Devildom.
#2 Demon: Mammon Moment: Lesson 4-1
Mammon is interesting, because with this analysis he’s one of only two brothers for which you can actually get a calendar date for their falling for MC. You can do this because the first few lessons cover a very short span of time.
According to the fact that Lucifer says you don’t want to be late on your first day of school after giving you a hint about Goldie, MC makes a pact with Mammon on their second day in the Devildom. (You don’t go to school on day 1.)
Lucifer blocks MC from the attic on the night of day 3, and after that things get shaky again until you hit the TSL movie night with Beel and Mammon.
The reason the movie night is interesting is because Beel specifically states that midterms are coming up soon. Based on the game’s Japanese origin, we’re going to assume that RAD also follows the same three-term system that Japanese schools do. This places the TSL marathon at about a month into MC’s stay.
Anyway, we’re basing Mammon’s interest in you on pretty obvious factors:
We basically don’t see any of Mammon’s trademark tsundere nature until after these lessons. Before this it’s not him being tsundere, he’s genuinely annoyed with you.
He left a toothbrush and charger in your room sometime between Lesson 3-10 and 4-4.
This famous line:

He probably developed feelings sometime during the TSL marathon, but I think it was when you were in danger, and even though he kept saying he’d let you die his first instinct was to save you, that he understood what those feelings were.
#3. Demon: (Lucifer) Moment: Lesson 12-19
Crossed out and in parentheses Lucifer is the first one where we start to go off of assumptions and headcanon rather than concrete in game evidence, but. I’m sure your bigger question is “why is he crossed out AND in parentheses AND why does he show up again later.”
The moment I listed is the lesson where you and Lucifer have to fall in love to escape the “horror game” that Levi “trapped” you in. He spends most of the time seeming like he isn’t interested and doing it out of necessity, but then he turns around and says these lines.
Assuming that was almost a confession, I wouldn’t be surprised if he decided right there, in that moment, that he was developing feelings. Lucifer is very self aware, and very sure of himself, and it’s also not like him to suddenly change his mind about how he’s treating things. If he was hiding his feelings the whole time, I don’t think he would have almost slipped at all.
Of course, right after this, you announce that you’ve met Belphegor, and his developing feelings are overshadowed by rage.
And of course, Lesson 12-19 never happened.
Let me remind you of the timeline. Barbatos explains in Lesson 16-19 that he has the power to choose any timeline as the sole reality, and he chose the timeline you traveled to.
When you jump back in time, you end up in the moment right after making a pact with Satan (Lesson 12-10). This means that everything that happened between Lessons 12-10 and 15-17 was erased from history.
The timeline in Season One looks a little something like this, to simplify.
Admittedly, we don’t know how far into their conversation MC and Lucifer make it in the second timeline, but on Lucifer’s part I don’t think it changes much.
This timeline stuff is important because
#4 Demon: (Leviathan) Moment: Lesson 14-4
Ok, first, I have to say that I really hate the way MC and Levi make up in Lesson 14. imo it has the potential to be really manipulative on both sides. But that’s not the point of this post.
Levi does NOT have a crush on you before Belphie shows up out of nowhere. In Lesson 14-4, he’s talking to himself, and distinctly complains about losing a friend, and how Henry is his only friend.
He’s also refusing to acknowledge your existence, and he’s talking to a fish, so there’s no reason for him to hide how he really feels in the moment.
Then, later on in the same chapter, this is Levi’s response to seeing MC hug Lucifer.

I’m assuming MC isn’t the one he’s jealous of. But what’s interesting here is that, as far as I can remember, this is the first time Levi ever expresses jealousy about you in any sense, platonic or romantic. You don’t really interact with Levi one on one between Lesson 14-4 and this moment, so 14-4 is the most likely catalyst for this change.
Levi does say “you’re my true friend” at the end of 14-4, but you are not a fish, and that doesn’t change the fact that he could have been like “oh wow MC didn’t abandon me they really like me oh no I really like them”
Also, by 16-A he canonically likes you.
But just like with the last one, this exchange never happened and Levi never fell for you.
#3 Demon: Belphie Moment: Between Lessons 18-15 and 18-19
Now Belphie is interesting, because I would argue that he was trying to fall in love with you for a while. All that “making up for lost time” and seeming to spend every waking hour with you in lessons 17 and 18 to me point pretty heavily to the idea that he wants to feel the same way about you that his brothers do. Whether it’s to feel more connected with them or from a genuine interest in you is unclear though.
But then he decides to give you a pact as a present, which is a pretty big deal. Most pacts in the game are made before the demon has feelings for you, but aside from Belphie, Satan is the only one who brings it up himself. And since like I said Satan pretty clearly liked you before making a pact, the same can probably be said of Belphie.
I should also mention that Belphie muses over giving you a pact in Lesson 18-A, which takes place before Lesson 17-7 at the latest. But we have to remember that this is before you’ve helped him mend his relationships with his brothers, and therefore he barely knows you. Satan also barely knew you, but Belphie has the added problem of mixing up you and Lilith. You can make arguments for the others when they were uber nice to you in Lesson 16-19, but for Belphie there’s really no other possible reason than Lilith.
However, Lesson 18-15 is the one where Belphie says he’s going to move forward with his life and stop putting things on hold for Lilith.
So, chances are his attachment to you is pretty unhealthy at first, but I’m choosing the timeframe I did as the moment because in 18-19 he explicitly states that he isn’t confusing you with Lilith.
This would be the moment of confirmation that he likes you, not the idea of what you might represent.
#4 Demon: Leviathan, Beelzebub, Lucifer Moment: Sometime during the time skip
I don’t think we see these three fall for you on camera. The time skip covers literal months, and I think they fall for you in somewhere in that long period of time.
I don’t think I need to tell you that Levi and Beel like you by the time Lesson 20 comes along, since they both confess to you.
Lucifer doesn’t explicitly confess, but if you choose to hug him, he says this

Which heavily implies that he wants to be the one most important to you. Also, I don’t think he’d have made a pact at all otherwise.
#7 Demon: Asmodeus Moment: Lesson 19-17
For Asmo, I think we see the EXACT moment he realizes he’s in love with you.
First off, in Lesson 16-A he noticeably isn’t openly interested in you in any way other than superficially. Granted, 16-A never happened, but it does confirm that he didn’t like you before then.
Then, in his part of Lesson 19, you go drinking with him. Early in the night, he says this.

His answer to your prompt of romance suggests that he doesn’t understand the fact that he does like you like that, or at least that he’s in denial.
However, then you beat him at a drinking game, and the reality of you leaving him behind comes crashing down on him.
The drastic change makes me think that this is the very moment he understands his feelings.
And that’s it! I hope this was an interesting read, and sorry again it took SO long.
#obey me#obey me lucifer#obey me mammon#obey me leviathan#obey me satan#obey me asmodeus#obey me beelzebub#obey me belphegor#obey me analysis#renoodle#gardengnosis#image
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Hi babe! Would you mind if I request something for time skip kuroo now please? Idm how you go about it, would love some nsfw content with fluff as well, or whatever is easiest for you 💕 (I can’t deal with angst right now because I’m big sad after reading a fic, my heart can’t take it lol) thank youuuuu and don’t stress too much 💕
“you’re going to take me all”
pairing: tetsuro kuroo x female reader
cw: fluff, nsfw (male masturbation, underwear stealing, finger sucking, nipple play, headboard grabbing, female receiving oral, voyeurism (i think), protected sex)
word count: 2900+
a/n: hey baby, i know you sent the request in today but i was in a kuroo mood so here you are and hopefully you like the nsfw and fluff, but hopefully you liked it my lovely
summary: in which you catch kuroo jerking off to your underwear, both realising your crushes are mutual, you find yourself under him being fucked
↞ back to haikyu!! masterlist
Kuroo’s eyes fell to the laundry basket, it had been a common occurrence for him to grab your basket filled with dirty clothes and stuff them with his own. He always separated the clothes, remembering the last time you scolded him for putting his red hoodie in with the white clothes. His eyes skimmed back to the clothes in his hands, he had begun separating them, the apartment having its own washing machine which both of you were very much grateful for.
He stared at the clothes, you always did have such pretty clothes, the lace and mesh of some shirts, the tight and loose pairs of jeans that adorned your ass perfectly each time. Then there was the stuff that he had never had the opportunity to see you wear, the lacy bra that he knew you’d hand wash as he put them on the side. He liked how delicate they looked, the sweet innocent bow which would rest between your sculpted breasts.
He had caught a glimpse of them when you wore dresses for nights out or dinner with friends, but the way his mouth salivated at the image of you in the bra between his fingers made him groan in sexual frustration. His hands moved to the last pieces of your clothing, your underwear.
The mixed and matched types between his finger, the cotton texture grazing his knuckles, he could imagine it adorn your ass, cupping at it, he could see how the material would stretch across your body. The little pattern of kittens that would curve into your cheeks, he felt so lustful at the image but worse of all he felt disgusted to be thinking these thoughts.
It wasn’t supposed to be a common thing, but every week whenever Friday night hit, he was able to come off work early. He would always do the laundry, the excitement that came from grabbing the basket filled with your smell made him mind go wild. He’d stay in front of the washing machine, your clothes in his hand as he examined each one, wanting to see something from it. He didn’t know what it was, but the urge that he had every week waiting for ten minutes with your clothes brought him a sadistic joy.
Moving onto the next pair of underwear, he felt the nimble material between his fingers continuing on with the next 6 pairs. Until he reached the last pair, the one you had taken off this morning and chucked at the top of the pile. The cotton red underwear with a lace band, had been on you only a couple hours ago intoxicated him. He moved his fingers from the band of your underwear to the base of it, he loved the last pair of underwear each week.
There was always a little surprise for him within the bottom. The slick that rested across the damp underwear, craving to touch it and bring it to his fingers. You had been telling him about how one underwear each week for the past month had been going missing. He had played it off as the washing machine, but he knew you had gotten suspicious, one last time. This was the last time he’d take the slick filled underwear; this would be the last time. He knew where your underwear truly was, in a rubbish yard somewhere. Every Friday night if you both hadn’t decided to go out, he’d sit in bed, cock pumping in and out until he cummed in your underwear.
Kuroo knew even if he wanted to, this wouldn’t be the last time. He stuffed the underwear into his pocket, already feeling himself get turned on before he chucked his clothes inside and started the washing machine. He saw the clock on top of the kitchen counter, knowing you’d be home any second. It was disgusting what he was doing, he knew it was, masturbating over his roommate, his friend since high school. The sound of the door creaking open, your hand at your ear with your phone resting between the two as you spoke out loud.
You rubbed your eyes, kicking the heels to the side as you gave a small smile to Kuroo before speaking on the other end. “I know, I said I would come and visit but work has been an ass lately.” Kuroo mouthed who it was as you rested the phone on your shoulder mouthing Yaku’s name. Kuroo gave a sign leaving you to the conversation, he stayed at the door towards both your rooms. Staring at how you leaned against the marble island, your ass stretching the skirt material.
Taking a deep breathe he left you, knowing he’d be unable to handle seeing you look so goddamn gorgeous. He grabbed the underwear from his pocket, the lingering smell of your sex across it. He hated how one piece of clothing intoxicated his mind, he never got himself off when you were awake. But the want of being caught by you made him lay sprawled on his bed, he left his shirt on, joggers and boxers moved to his ankles. His head on the pillows that rested upright, he took another sharp breath.
Seeing his hardened cock between his hands, he moved your wet underwear on his cock, gliding it up and down. He needed to be quick, he knew once you finished your call with Yaku, and got changed. You’d come knocking asking if he wanted to share dinner tonight, he always loved when you’d come for him. It felt domestic without the relationship label, as much as he had been crushing on you since your first year together. He had never gotten the nerve to ask you out and now all you saw in him was a friend, a good unfuckable friend.
“Y/n...fuck.” He groaned lowly, continuing to move up and down his hard cock, the precum soaking through your underwear. “F...fuck.”
He imagined how pretty you’d look in nothing except the underwear, how you’d kneel in front of him, hands wrapping around his cock before you licked from the base up to his blushed tip. He gave another groan imagining the innocent eyes you’d have, the way you’d mewl and whimper whilst he stuffed your mouth with his cock. He could see the tears fall, “o...oh….god”, how your lip would tremble as you’d take him further down your pretty little throat.
He continued pumping harder, regulating each pump with his breathing, he closed his eyes, messy black hair sticking to his forehead. He regretted not taking his shirt off, the room beginning to warm up, you had probably put the temperature up wanting to not wear a full sleeved shirt. He could imagine how your chest sat in the tight grey shirt you owned, his mouth watered at the thought, continuing to stretch the underwear across his cock.
“Y/n...please.” He moaned a lot more loudly than he probably should have, but he stopped caring about if you heard. Closing his eyes he wanted you to hear, wanted you to find him disgustingly ruining your underwear. He went faster, imagining how you’d roll your eyes to the back of your hand as you deepthroated him. Every action bringing your scent and slick on his own cock before he felt the hot liquid gush out of his cock right into the underwear. “Y/n.” He belted out as he had let his cum be used to continue his pumping, your underwear soaked with his white gush engrained in it. He wanted a lot from you, but most of all wanted was you to wear his cum filled underwear. Wanted to have your cunt filled with cum, wanted you to have his cum drip down onto your…
“Tetsu.” His eyes shot open; he saw how you stood at the door. Eyes widened and face flushed at what you had said. “I...I’m sorry, I heard my name.” You tried to avert your eyes from his cock, the way he had already cum onto some fabric and was trying to cum again.
“I didn’t.” He whispered but you both just stared at each other, he didn’t know what to do. He had wanted to get caught, but seeing you in the tight grey shirt, the joggers that hugged you tightly. He licked his lips, hand covered in his cum as he dropped your soaking underwear onto his bed. “It’s not what it looks like.”
You averted his eyes looking to the side as you continued, “it’s fine, it’s normal, we all do it.”
“We all do it?” He repeated wanting to hear about your own masturbation but knew you’d never confess to it.
“Yeah, I should’ve knocked, I'm s…” That’s when you saw it, the red underwear you had worn this morning. The familiar zigzag pattern that went across it was now covered in a white liquid. Kuroo had realised where your eyes had diverted, how you moved into his room without a hesitance, and ignored the 6-foot 3 man that adorned the bed. You moved past him, he had put his joggers back up, but you had already seen it all. Staring at the underwear, you picked it up without any hesitance, “you’ve been taking my underwear.”
It wasn't a question but a comment, you looked at him, wide beady eyes waiting for a reply, “I...I didn’t mean too, I l…love you okay? And you don’t love me back I understand if you hate me, if you want to move out, but I thought if I couldn’t have you, I could have this. I promise it…”
“Kuroo shut up.” You said staring directly at him, making him look at you in surprise. “I don’t care about the underwear; you should’ve just told me.”
“I’m sorr…”
“Stop fucking apologising, Kuroo I’ve been in love with you since we were 16, fucking hell, you can take all my underwear if it means we could be together.” You had confessed after his own confession, his eyes widened, he had wiped his cum filled fingers onto his joggers. He stared at you before grabbing your face and kissing you with an urgency. You dropped your underwear to the side, knowing it would go in the bin after this all.
He moved you onto the bed, pushing you onto the pillow he had just been on, moving his mouth from your lips down to your neck. “You've been thinking of me at night, baby, is that why your underwear is always soaking baby, you getting wet for me.” He groaned his hand moving under your tight shirt to grab your chest, his fingers rolling your nipple as he pinched at it to hear you moan a response.
“Ye...yes sir, I think about y...ou.”
Kuroo took your shirt off, he had imagined you underneath him. So pure and valuable to him, his eyes looking down at you, a predator ready to eat his prey. His hand continued to rub against your body. “Tell me what you think about.” He whispers into your ear, letting his tongue lick across your neck.
“I think...think about you eating me o...out, your hand around my neck as...as your tongue is inside of me.” You groaned out through his kisses and toying with your nipples.
He moves to meet your gaze, giving a haste kiss before his mouth lingered on top of your own, “want me to eat you out? Go on, tell me you want me too.” He teased lifting his shirt up to get rid of the constricting fabric. His chest and body on show for you as you almost swooned at the man. “Tell me, doll.”
He moved his mouth down your neck, undoing your bra as he swirled his tongue across your nipples, one hand always cupping the other as he worked his tongue to suck and lick at the bud. “I want yo...you to eat me out.” You breathed out heavily waiting to see his next move, he grinned at you. Hands moving to undo your joggers as he saw the pair of pink underwear he had washed last week. The bunnies stretching across your cunt and ass, his mouth felt hungry, he wanted his mouth to divulge into your warm cunt.
“Such a pretty little thing.” He moaned as soon as he had moved your underwear away, his cock hardening through his joggers as he slapped your clit. It made you yelp out a moan and heavy breath as he watched his finger slide up and down your wet clit. “Already so wet for me, naughty girl.”
He sucked his fingers of your slick before moving his mouth down to your cunt, he licked your clit, his hand moving to your breast as his other put one of your legs on his shoulder giving him more access. “Tetsu.” You moaned his nickname, it sent a shiver down his spine, the name you had been calling him for years now had become erotic, seductive even. He groaned before diving his tongue into your warm cunt. He tasted the slick as he felt you arch your back, his eyes looking at your heavy chest.
His fingers nimbly playing with your nipples, he knew you wanted his tongue to go further inside, wanted to feel his tongue glide and strip away all your slick. “Patience baby.” He complied his hot breath fanning your clit before he went back inside your cunt, his tongue easily gilded inside. Your weak moans at how you craved more, wanted to feel his tongue further.
He had complied to your moans, feeling how you gazed upwards, hand in his ear almost pushing him into your cunt. “Plea...please Tetsu, cu...cum.” You were breathless in a matter of seconds and at the sound of you asking to cum, Kuroo came away from your cunt.
“I’m not letting you cum from my tongue.” He mumbled barely audible; your hand tried to reach for his head to go back to your cunt. But was met with nothing, instead you looked up watching him take his joggers off, rolling a condom across his cock. You drooled at the sight of his body, how perfect he looked, the thick cock ready to push you to your limits made you lick your lips. “You’re going to take me all.”
It was no secret Kuroo was packing, the group chats were Bokuto and Kuroo would argue over who had the biggest cock but were too embarrassed to actually show each other in fear one of them was lying. It had led the group chat into having been made to make the guess themselves and it was how Kenma had let it spill that Kuroo was well over 6 inches. You never believed it but seeing it upfront Kenma had underexaggerated heavily.
He moved towards you, capturing your body between his arms as he stayed on top looking over at you, “I really do love you.” He whispers, kissing your jaw, he heard you moan an ‘I love you’ back before aligning his cock right to your cunt.
The way he eased himself inside of you, tightening around his cock, “you’re doing so well baby.” He spoke as he eased himself in and began thrusting inside you.
“F...faster.” You mumbled as your hands moved to his back, nails scratching across his back as your mouth kissed his shoulder and neck. Your drool and saliva falling down his shoulder.
He moved faster, going deeper inside of you, before one of his hands moved to the headboard. He steadied himself with it as he got into a rhythm with it, he looked down at you, the way your legs had wrapped around his waist and hands held his biceps. How could he not fall in love with you, he couldn’t with just how pretty you looked under him. His pretty little mess.
Moans filled the room, the headboard feeling weak under his strong grip, he kept you trapped as he heard you moan and groan some more. “Pl...please…fuck.” Your eyes moved to the back of your head as you arched yourself further into him, wanting him to hit the back of your cunt.
He was reaching there, every thrust getting deeper and further into you. He moved his hand from the headboard, grabbing your jaw to make you look at him. You started before he kissed you again, much softer than the first kiss. It was passionate and filled with love and warmth, he continued to thrust, and you could feel the coil build-up of cum ready to splurge right on his cock. “I’m...going to cum.”
“Cum with me baby.” He spoke before going back to kiss you, hand moving your jaw in sync as his thrusts quickened, the pace being much faster than what it had been when you both began. He moved quicker before hearing you moan his name, it echoing throughout the apartment.
“Tetsu.” The white liquid gushed from your cunt and seeped out onto his bed, he moaned continuing to thrust through the liquid.
He watched how your hands moved to his chest, legs still wrapped around his waist letting him continue to thrust until he cummed for the second time tonight, “fuck baby.”
He looked down at you, arms around you as he stayed on top. He didn't expect your next action, your hands wrapping around him, your head moving to his shoulder as you hugged. “I love you so much Tetsu.” It was a tired mumble as you sticked onto him, sweat and sex lingering in the air.
He gave a soft chuckle, shaking his head as he wrapped his arms around you, kissing the side of your neck before speaking the same words. “I love you too, Y/n.”
i’d really appreciate if you guys could leave a like, reblog or comment, thanks x
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#tetsuro kuroo#tetsuro kuroo x reader#kuroo#kuroo x reader#kuroo tetsuro#kuroo tetsuro x reader#tetsurou kuroo#hq#hq x reader#haikyuu#haikyu#haikyuu x reader#haikyu x reader#tetsuro kuroo x y/n#kuroo x y/n#kuroo tetsuro x y/n#tetsurou kuroo x reader#fluff#oneshot#bakugohoex#hq kuroo#hq tetsuro kuroo
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JoJolion: The Hard Life of Nijimura Kei
…and how she was criminally underutilized by Araki.
Nijimura Kei, the other Joestar in JoJolion besides Josuke & Holy, who was alive during the JJL storyline (until her last role). She was introduced as a young woman in her early 20s, working as the maid in Higashikata, the richest family in Morioh where most of the family members are spoiled.

JJL Chapter 7: Josuke, Go to the Higashikata Family
She was a Stand user, using 「Born This Way」, an automatic Stand that activates when the person she has targeted opens something to attack Josuke as a temporary side boss/antagonist. Knowing that it’s automatic, this sealed her fights to be very limited and hard to develop further (both in terms of mechanism and plot).
It turned out that she is a Joestar and related to Josuke, the main protagonist.

JJL chapter 16 and 17
And her role as Higashikata’s maid was just a disguise to investigate Higashikata's family secret and help her family (mainly her mom, Holy).

JJL Chapter 17: The Lemon and the Tangerine
Kei's life at that time should have been pretty tough, when she got news that her brother had just been declared dead and her mother was terminally ill.
Her father died when she was barely a little girl (according to family tree, Kei was born in 1989 and her father died in 1991, making her just around 2 years old when she lost her father).
As a widow, it also made Holy to have to work as a career woman to support her young children (9 years old Yoshikage and 2 years old Kei were left fatherless). And indirectly took away her time as a 'mother' for Kei.

JJL Chapter 50: Vitamin C and Killer Queen - part 1, look how little Kei looked lonely with her doll.
And back to present time (2011), Kei also had to lose her brother (Yoshikage) and lived alone with the only family member who really depended on her (a very ill mother).

JJL Chapter 58: Dawn of the Higashikata Family
I'm not sure Kei's salary as a maid alone will be able to cover her mother’s medical bills, plus she was in undercover so she couldn't show herself as her family member out-of-nowhere.
The family mostly depended on Yoshikage to pay for it, and very unfortunately that Yoshikage is already dead, causing the payment to be stopped. I'm sure Kei did not want this to happen to her mother, but sadly she couldn't do much.

Supposedly, after Kei's true identity and role were revealed, there should be a secret collaboration between her and Josuke. Too bad we never see it, Kei only occasionally appeared as cameo or one of the 'victims' of the Stand attacks from rock-humans (aka. jobbing).

JJL chapter 75 and 48, not doing anything and got jobbed by 「Vitamin C」& 「Ozon Baby」.
And when she did not get any significant role through the story, she was doing her own business. Turned out that she had been taking care of her mother in hospital.

JJL Chapter 102: The Wonder of You (The Miracle of Your Love) - part 19
And taking care of someone who is in a coma like that is not something that everyone’s willing to do. Surely everyone loves Holy, despite her lesser time as Kei's mother due to her job, her daughter still loves her and that’s why she was willing to take care of her in such a way.
Still, having a life like Kei's is a tough one… and not everyone can live it.
And when Kei got her new significant role in the story, her last chance to help the protagonist as his ally…

Araki gave her such badass intro only to…

JJL Chapter 104: The Wonder of You (The Miracle of Your Love) - part 21, get jobbed once again.
Kei's role in JoJolion is quite disappointing, she is a Joestar, a Stand user, and unlike her mother’s condition, she was fit and well so she should be able to do a lot more than Holy as a Joestar.
Kei is connected to the main protagonist, biologically related in a weird way and she held an independent mission as a spy in the Higashikata family. There should have been a lot she could have done in exchanging information and cooperating with Josuke, but her only product to Josuke throughout the story was an information regarding 'equivalent exchange' ability in Higashikata's land and nothing more.
And in the climax arc of “Wonder of You” where it was Kei’s last chance to cooperate with Josuke in defeating the big villain, when we were expecting an exciting 2-vs-1 battle, her role was only as far as a messenger as she delivered the cellphone (message) from Yasuho and just… die, nothing more to it.
Caato got a great intro (so great that she was wrongly hyped for years), but was absent for a long time and suddenly came back just to die. But even so she still left an impactful impression by defeating the main villain and breaking the family curse.
Too bad, Kei’s character who underwent similar thing ended up just jobbing like that… with her last action that was not so impactful, because we need to surprise the readers.
Kei might be a disappointment, regarding her role as a ‘character’ in JoJolion. But if we look at her as an ‘individual being’ with a life of her own (using the mindset that we are the main characters in our own lives), she had lived a very hard life. And we need to appreciate her toughness, that she still lived her life well, that she did not fall into moral turpitude, or becoming a criminal. She did not abandon her family even though they became a burden to her.
My personal confession:
Kei could be the person I admire right now because I am currently experiencing similar thing as her life. My father got covid and currently he is hospitalized. It’s been around 2 weeks right now. We both live off the island away from family, so I am the only family member who is able to support him. A few days ago he needed a platelet donor, those were the hardest days for me as the only family trying to look for. At least those days have passed. But until now he has not recovered yet and is still being treated in hospital.
Our apartment is far from the hospital so I have to go back and forth there for about 30 minutes almost every day to deliver the basic things he needs. I also have a full time job that can't be left behind. So just imagine how tired I am.
Unlike Kei who can visit his mother and directly take care of her, I can't see my father at all (and you know why). Even so, I stayed strong and did what I could as his daughter, just like Kei. And Kei became part of my inspiration to be as tough as her. Of course I still hope that these hard days will end soon and our family can be happy again together.
Let's pray for the recovery of my father and anyone else who is also seriously ill at this time.
Update: 7/15/2021
Unfortunately, my father just passed away at noon, 7/13/2021. May God forgives his sins. Bless for you all who still have your family intact, and pray for anyone who also lost their loved one by this terrible pandemic.
#kei nijimura#jojolion#jojo meta#character study#character appreciation#jjba part 8#jojo's bizarre adventure#kyo nijimura#jjba meta#jojo's bizarre appreciation
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hiii could you do a drabble with Din?? I was thinking he doesn’t know you have anxiety yet and you’re having a panic attack and he doesn’t rlly know how to handle them?? I thought #16 would be perfect bc protector Din is like “I will fuck up whatever is making you feel like this” (surprise bucket head, it’s their own brain)
Melting Dew [Din Djarin x GN!Reader]
Prompt no.16 “Who hurt you?” — thank you for the request!
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, panic attack, body dysmorphia, food mention, domestic!Din, Din and reader have pre-established relationship.
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 2000>
Din wasn't meant to be back for at least two more hours. The farmers market was about a three mile walk away from where he'd parked the Razor Crest, and he'd taken Grogu with him this time, who was sure to preoccupy Din whilst you were unable to accompany him. You'd spent the past week beaming at the thought of returning to Naboo, and craving the delicious, juicy taste of their native sourberries. Last night, before you fell asleep in Din's arms, you excitedly told him how you were going to purchase enough sourberries to last the entirety of the upcoming bounty hunting season. Din jokingly rolled his eyes at your comment and pressed a chaste kiss into your forehead, always finding your love for the simpler things in life extremely endearing.
Din Djarin spent the majority of his life a lone warrior. But upon meeting you and rescuing Grogu, it seemed like that all changed— and quickly, too. Now he was providing for the little green bean he called 'son', and you, the most beautiful, interesting and equally important person he'd ever laid his eyes on. Your appearance was soft, delicate, and your features were doe-like. In a galaxy filled with hatred and war, you were the epitome of hope and innocence. How could he not love you? He admired your attitude and excitement for life, and he adored the way you cared for Grogu unconditionally, like he was your own child. You were unlike any other person he'd ever met before. You were as pure as melting dew.
So of course he was protective over you. You, Din and Grogu had scowered the most dangerous depths of the galaxy and you all had your fair share of abuse from Imps, crime syndicates and immoral scoundrels. But there were people out there who tried to hurt you. However, they could never even get close to drawing a knife to your neck. Din was always one step ahead. Messing with you was no game. He hadn't let a single one of them live.
You'd awoken early this morning, quietly slipping out of bed and padding over to your closet in search for an appropriate outfit for the day ahead. You picked out a white tunic and embroided belt, along with some brown boots; but strangely enough, none of it seemed to fit. This was your favourite outfit and you wore it on practically all your days off. You loved the flow of it, and the way it hugged all the curves and accents of your body. But today... something wasn't right. The stitched tunic was tight around your arms and boxy on your shoulders, and as you looked in the full length mirror, your heart sank in your chest. The boots made everything worse. The belt didn't hang on your body correctly. And hell, it wasn't even just the clothes. There was something wrong with your hair today too— and your skin had broken out— and the dark circles that graced your under eyes had become significantly more prominent. You felt completely and utterly disgusting. There was no other word to describe it.
You heard Grogu stir from the quarters and you knew it wouldn't be long until he and Din woke up. You felt so embarrassed. So ashamed. The Mandalorian was an esteemed bounty hunter, best in the Guild, and also your husband— but Kriff, if he seen you like this... he'd shove you off his ship and make the jump to hyperspace within seconds! Panic filled you and the palms of your hands became clammy. He couldn't see you like this. He couldn't.
Just as you anticipated, you heard Grogu's garbles, signifying that the child was now awake and ready for breakfast. Din groaned something incoherent and you glanced over to him as he shuffled amongst the blankets. Your mind was still racing. If he saw you like this, he would for sure leave you. You had to hide. But where?
You bolted to the other side of Din's quarters and into the Refresher, turning on the shower and discarding the clothes that had made you feel so monstrous on the floor. Din heard the screeching noise of the Refresher and thought it was strange you were showering so early. The water was always particularly cold on a morning, and you knew this. Nevertheless, he shrugged it off and headed over to grab some pots and pans. He was preparing bone broth for breakfast.
When you didn't join the duo, Din left a bowl of broth for you in the cockpit of his ship. After he finished washing the dishes, he knocked on the Refresher door. "Cyare, are you alright?" he called, his voice rife with concern.
"Y-yes, I'm okay." you lied through gritted teeth. You were sat on the cold tiled floor, a towel hugging your body as you shivered uncontrollably.
"I was going to leave now... for the farmer's market. The walk is quite far so I wanted to set off early. Are you still coming?" Din asked curiously, his gloved hand nervously tracing the details of the steel door.
"I think I'll skip today, but have fun with Grogu, and stay safe." You tried to sound as optimistic and normal as usual, but behind the closed door, a silent tear slipped down your cheek. There was a brief silence and you had considered maybe Din had already left. But then you heard his modulated voice again.
"Are you sure everything is okay?" He knew how much you'd looked forward to going to the farmers market. It was all you had been talking about for the past week. Sourberries.
"I'm fine!" you forced a smile, even though he couldn't see.
Din wasn't convinced, but he knew better than to push you. If you said you were fine, so be it. He believed you. He had no reason not to trust you when you'd been nothing but honest to him since the very day you met him, all those moons ago.
Once you were sure he was gone, you pulled your pajamas back over your head, and climbed into bed. You felt safe, and free from any judgement. You were all alone. And that meant you could cry. So, you did. You sobbed for what felt like hours. You laid on your side and clutched the thin blanket tight to your chest, almost like you were hugging it for comfort. Your whimpers echoed against the interior of the Crest and this was the only time you had been thankful for Din and Grogu not being around.
Until you heard the entrance to the Crest shoot open, with that all too familiar whizzing noise. Dank Farrik— they were back early. They were back and you weren't even dressed. Your eyes were red and puffy, your hair was sticking up in places. You were, to put simply, a mess. But you felt like you were no less of a mess than what you were when you had worn the white tunic and embroided belt this morning whilst they were still asleep. You sunk under the covers of the bed and tried to hide from them. You prayed to the Maker that perhaps Grogu would help you out and use one of his magical force abilities to make you invisible. Then you'd never have to face the oncoming conversation with Din. The conversation that was inevitable.
"Cyar'ika?" Din asked, putting Grogu down on the floor and approaching you hesitantly. Thankfully, Grogu was more preoccupied with the little silver beskar ball he'd always play with. It came from one of the many levers on the Razor Crest. Din gently pulled away the blankets, revealing your tired glazed eyes and your tear stained cheeks. "Oh, my love. What... what happened?"
You didn't answer, feeling a swell of guilt erupt in your stomach. Din removed his helmet and placed it on the nightstand, and your heart jumped at the mere sight of your husband. His dark eyebrows were furrowed together in bewilderment and his honey colour eyes raked your body. "Who hurt you?" he asked, his voice dropping an octave. It was low and gravely; and you knew he was very serious. "Cyare... did something happen? Did someone-"
"No." you cut him off quickly.
No? Din's mind couldn't compute that answer. There was clearly something very wrong, and Din had to find out what exactly it was. Someone must've done something. You were fine yesterday. Had someone been on the ship while he and Grogu were out?
"Whoever or whatever it is— I can fix it. I will hunt them down cyare, you hear me? They won't know what hit them. I can-"
"Din stop," you pleaded with weak gasp, bringing your hands up to hide your face. You felt nothing but shame. "It's not... it's not like that. It's me."
Din's expression changed almost immediately. His face softened, his perfect plush lips parted slightly at your confession. He sat on the edge of the bed and took your hand. "What do you mean?" he quizzed quietly, although he had an inkling he already knew what you meant.
"I got up early this morning, excited to venture out to the farmers market with you and Grogu. Excited to go sourberry picking. But when I got dressed, it was like... something just hit me. I can't put it into words but I just felt so... so... ugly."
Once again, Din's brain simply could not compute your revelation. Ugly? You? How could you possibly feel that way. You shared the likeness of an angel. How could it be?
You swallowed and continued. "And then I got afraid. I got so scared that you'd see me the way I see me, and you wouldn't want to be with me anymore. That you'd run away from me and leave me behind." you shrugged helplessly. Now the tears were beginning to free fall.
"I could never, ever, think that of you, riduur. I love you so much. How could I possibly leave you? Without you, my life would end. It would be meaningless." Din revealed, his chocolate eyes glossy as he cupped your face with his large hand. His thumb traced the height of your cheekbone and you found yourself subconsciously leaning into his touch.
"Don't say things like that," you whispered, shaking your head. "You don't need me around... you already had everything under control before me."
"But nobody to make me smile. Nobody to make me laugh. Nobody to bring me joy... or show me the pleasure of how to love, and be loved in return." Din huffed, pressing his forehead against yours. "Next time you feel this way, please don't hide it from me. Whatever you're going through, we go through it together. Okay?"
You sniffed before finally nodding your head in affirmation. "Okay Din."
Din leaned in and pressed his lips against yours, the curve of his nose bumping into your cheek as he manouvered his body carefully over you. "So beautiful, and all mine." He purred lovingly before licking a stripe over your lower lip. You moaned wantonly and interwined your fingers in his curly brown locks of hair.
It was moments like this that you cherished forever. The sweet touches and soft murmers that made you void of all worry and insecurity; because in that moment, all that mattered was you and your riduur.
Permanent taglist: @paintballkid711 @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos @rocketqueen @ladycumberbatchofcamelot @dybalalover10 @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth @moth-guillotine @pedro-pascal-love @hayley-the-comet @pinkninja190 @maxiarapamaya @autumnleaves1991-blog @artsymaddie @harrys-stan @kennedywxlsh @cripplingmoon @cheekygeek05 @mrschiltoncat @rye-flower @theamuz
#pedro pascal#pedro pascal x reader#din djarin#din djarin x reader#the mandalorian#the mandalorian x reader#jose pedro balmaceda pascal#grogu#star wars#baby yoda
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