#Lesser deity
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cynic-mimic · 1 year ago
D&D Deity Redesigns
Based off headcanons and I treat them more like my own personal OCs cause their lore is all over the place so I have created my own version but it’s not written out
Goddess of drow, spiders, chaos, and assassins
Formerly Araushnee, goddess of dark elves, destiny, and artisans | Was also married to Corellon
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God of elves, magic, music, arts, crafts, and warfare | Was married to Araushnee
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Corellon technically has nothing to do with butterflies according to canon but I thought it would be fun to associate him with some sort of insect since Lolth is associated with spiders. I don’t plan on making my own design for Sehanine but I associate her with lunar moths since she’s the goddess of the moon.
Sorry for disappearing for what- a year now? Idk how long it’s been lol BUT I hope you all enjoy the art
Anyway, if you’re interested in my headcanon version of their lore, don’t be afraid to ask any questions about it! Also I hope to make these kinds of redesign refs for Vhaeraun and Shevarash cause I’m kinda hyperfixated on them at the moment as well as these two but idk if I’ll ever get around to that
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funky-rhizomes-rpgs · 9 months ago
Trivia, Mother of the 777 Triflings
The Context: Deity for a Dungeon World campaign.
The World: in this world, spirits are akin to lesser deities, inspired by things like Worlds Beyond Number: The Wizard, The Witch and the Wild One, japanese Kami and general animistic polytheism, in which every little thing can have a spirit associated with it.
"Bless her benevolence, for lady Trivia did not have to be so kind. But could it have been any other way, I wonder ? Could one bearing the Divine Title -the Midwife of Mercy- turn a blind eye to spirits so small in stature and domain ? No, I suppose not. Of course, what she was called actually back then we don't know, nor is that title one she uses these days. But it doesn't matter, for through her Seven Hundred and Seven adopted little orphans, she is never want for a Divine Title.
The people of the north call her Lucta, the lady of fortune, with her 777 underlings she sends to do her biding, and bring small fortune or misfortune to the days of mortals.
Whatever the case, a prayer to her name can be heard anywhere where a small misfortune has run amock pestering mortals, in the hopes she will recall it with a mother's disaproving glare"
Trivia, originally a spirit of motherhood, kind deeds small and big, now spirit of luck and all sorts of small domains no big spirit holds. Every temple that respects itself will have a shrine to Trivia and the Triflings, sometimes separate (but rarer).
Domains of her children deities include: - carelessly unfastened saddlebags, and forgotten tattered flags. - a tree falling of its own accord, any blemish in the blade of a sword. - those crunchy bits, leftover from frying,any secret that takes some prying. - thinking fondly of first loves, lonely and un-mated gloves. - to propagate a plant from cutting, or help a swollen door start shutting. - many many more etc.
The above domains taken by d4caltrops blog, trully inspiring me to write this powerful spirit (who maybe my players one day find).
What do y'all think ?
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voidsoulfishing · 1 year ago
I bait a jigging hook with a dream, a promise, and a future, and I lazily drag it behind my one-lunger.
Name: Vár Azlin Pronouns: She/They Species: Lesser Diety of Promises Age: Ageless, Appears in her Early 30s Why did the Bait work? Lured in by her duty, Vár wandered the realm of dreams to see the oaths and promises of the future. They watch over these pledges, guarding them and ensuring oath breakers receive due punishment. Backstory: One of many lesser dieties, Vár watched over the mortal world, watched over those oaths made between the mortals and ensured each was protected. She ensured Oaths were kept, and that those who broke them, received suitable punishment. With those that broke less serious promises, simply encountering a small misfortune, while those that break sacred oaths find their lives ruined. They are not cruel however, instead they are simply Just.
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travelingthief · 10 months ago
Tarot Card Associations for Hellenic Deities
Fool - Dionysus, Hermes, Pan, Ate, Gelos, Momus, Horme
Magician - Hephaestus, Hermes, Hecate, Aristeaus, Circe, the Muses, Apollo
High Priestess - Hecate, Persephone, Hera, Circe
Empress - Hera, Aphrodite, Demeter, Hestia, Gaia, Rhea
Emperor - Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Ares
Hierophant - Demeter, Persephone, Hecate, Hestia, Hera, Gaia, Rhea
Lovers - Aphrodite, Eros, Dionysus, Adonis, Hera, Philotes
Chariot - Hermes, Charon, Iris, Morpheus
Strength - Athena, Ares, Heracles, Nike, Bia, Kratos, 
Hermit - Hades, Hestia
Wheel of Fortune - Hermes, Tyche, the Fates, Zeus
Justice - Athena, Themis, Nemesis, Astraea, Apollo
Hanged Man - Hermes, Harpocrates, Prometheus, Psyche 
Death - Hades, Thanatos, Dionysus, Charon, Persephone, Ares
Temperance - Athena, Demeter, Artemis, Harmonia
Devil - Dionysus, Pan, Comus, Ate, Priapus
Tower - Ares, Poseidon, Deimos, Phobos, Eris, Moros, Enyo, Hybris
Star - Aphrodite, Artemis, Astraea, Urania, Hermes, Eos, Hesperus
Moon - Selene, Artemis, Hecate, Nyx, Hypnos, Erebus
Sun - Apollo, Helios, Hemera, Hyperion 
Judgment - Zeus, hades, Athena
World - Hermes, Demeter, Gaia, Hestia, Harmonia, Pan, Tyche
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immult · 6 months ago
ugh. imogen could've summoned a reilora when they were appealing to the masses you know. even under the zone of truth imogen wouldn't be lying if she had twisted it to say that the "terrors" can be bent under her will and power. do you know how hopeful that display would've been for the room's- exandria's morale? do you know the amount of positive votes that alone would get bells hells?
but it will send the wrong message. it is never about reining or annihilating the ruidians. it's about imogen arriving at kreviris and saying how wonderful it would be if she's allowed to share the taloned highlands, her birthland, with them.
Exaltant Hope as in her hope was so enduring that it saves. Red Storm as in her bloodright, curse, and blessing. but the title was always meant to be read together: Exaltant Hope of the Red Storm. she is the red storm's hope. ruidus' and ruidians' and ruidusborns' and all the exandrian dreams dreamt on that ruddy surface.
it is imogen in whitestone, leaning against the door that shuts her out, saying things that look scary can be so beautiful if you give them a chance.
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aceofcupsbiggestfan · 9 days ago
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Blessed Lesser Mysteries all! I hope you all have a wonderful time this Mysteries and enjoy the presence of Lady Demeter and Lady Kore!
Pictured is my offerings to Demeter and Persephone (I gave to Persephone instead of Kore as where I am is still wintery, so she is still in the underworld.) With it I said hymns to both Goddesses. Khaire Demeter! Khaire Persephone!
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ratcandy · 1 year ago
(spoilers for the new update btw; this is tagged as spoilers too but just to be safe) By the way, headcanon-wise, I don't think the parasite is out of Sozo's system that easily.
like. I understand to some extent imprisoning him is forcefully sobering him up by denying him further intoxication, which would be one thing, but this is not Just Drugs . this is Drug Parasite. That is a thang inside him that is alive
At least this is assuming that he is indeed based off of an ant with cordyceps. Which I figure is most likely But even if OTHERWISE, I emphasize:
we revived him. by planting the mushroom
Mans was resurrected . Not through our usual means. But through the mushroom. There is no way, if it is the literal Thing that brings him back to life, that he is separated from the parasite by just popping off the outward manifestation of it on his head .
Surely planting the parasite would only bring IT back. But it brings him with it when it is revived, because not only is he its host, he's the best damn host its had. Considering just how he goes to fucking town on those mushrooms (or the mushroomos)
I mean we could argue that re-education while in prison is a literal cleansing process somehow, but For Me. Personally. As someone who feeds too much on angst. I keep imagining a scene wherein Dr. Sozonius is just sprouting a new mushroom again (if not various across his exoskeleton) and just .freaking out. Because while he doesn't remember any of what he was like or what he did during that time, he knows that it fucked him UP because why WOULD IT NOT fuck him up .
he lost his family. his home. he has no idea where he is. he woke up in some strange place feeling like he was gonna vomit. because he was so full of mushrooms why wouldn't he.
but there's something still there. there's something depending on him to the point that HE depends on IT
and just gradually... as the mushroom(s) sprouts again... he starts slipping into his old mannerisms......... he starts craving..... and he knows he Should Not. he knows he's so old now it would just kill him (not knowing it already killed him once). surely he wouldn't handle it again.
but it's so . tempting. the mushrooms. he needs them. he can hear it. them. whispering. to him.
something internally. pulling
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chemicalforgery · 2 months ago
Shrine of the Lesser Known - Khaos
Shrine of the Lesser Known is a personal project in which I research various lesser known deities and share my findings with the community. The first deity on my list is Khaos/Chaos.
"Verily at the first Khaos (Chaos, the Chasm) [Air] came to be, but next wide-bosomed Gaia (Gaea, Earth), the ever-sure foundations of all the deathless ones who hold the peaks of snowy Olympos . . . From Khaos (Chaos) came forth Erebos (Darkness) and black Nyx (Night)."
Khaos, also known as Chaos or Aēr, is the first primordial deity in Hellenic believes and the progenitor for all other deities. Before Khaos there was nothing and after Khaos came all the other primordial gods, titans, gods, humans and so on. She is considered the endless void, the abyss, the chasm of air, the lower atmosphere which surrounds the earth - both the invisible air and the gloom of fog and mist. She is also believed to be the goddess of birds and one of the goddesses of fate.
When it comes to the gender of Khaos, the sources have mixed opinions. Overall, she is a sexless deity, referred by both she/her and he/him pronouns in various sources. In more modern media, the pronouns they/them have also been adopted when referring to any representation of Khaos.
Khaos has only two children, Nyx and Erebus. The other primordial gods came after Khaos, but not born from Khaos.
The information on Khaos is few and hard to come by. Since she mostly represented the endless void of nothingness from which everything else was born, the ancient greeks were hesitant to worship her. But in modern times, the general opinion has changed and, although still small, there is a community of Khaos worshippers (using the word "community" loosely since there is nothing formaly organised).
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mushroomnoodles · 10 months ago
I'm sorry if I've missed/misunderstood something, but why does Relle and Oberon look so different from all the other Golbabies? Selaphiel gets a pass for her "Be Not Afraidness" since she's a lichtrikov Golbaby, so she doesn't really count in this.
But if we're going off Morri as the 'Template' for Golbabies so to speak, then Melinoe and Melopia are pretty normal, though we haven't seen Axom so maybe being more other worldly is the norm with them.
morri is not like the other golbabies in one key way: they are a fragment of GOLBetty's power. A piece of her in a very literal sense.
semi long post so im cutting it
"I was nothing, first. Well, I think I was kinda everything."
"I know mom sifted me from the vastness of her power. I was just a few strands of her."
if the other golbchildren had been conceived the same, with a fully human simon, they would look a lot more like morrigan, but in the sense that they would take more after simon physically. i'm assuming the main part of the question is probably, "why is oberon a centaur? why is relle a fish? why are relle and melinoe BLUE?" now while the kids past oberon do not have 100% finalized designs, there are three reasons for why they do look so different.
1.) as morrigan has demonstrated, they could in a way control how they developed in the womb. morri actively changed their development pattern to resemble simon's human form as a child- this isn't just them turning from a bean into a person. bringing back this pic
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oberon is also white, purple and red because she has albinism.
2.) simon, when he conceives oberon (and perhaps the others) is not a human. it wasn't intentional, but when simon was revived he was not brought back the same. the human body is more like a shell, an exterior that he was put into. it is his actual human body! but there is more going on beneath the surface, his entity form can only come out as a projection (leaving his physical body behind, asleep). also he's blue.
thus, they're conceived between two entities rather than GOLBetty and human simon. simon is kinda weird also, where he is sort of able to pass on both his deity set and human body set of genes to a degree.
3.) the energies conceiving relle and oberon were particularly extremely positive, and relle and oberon are almost strictly benevolent deities where the other kids are neutral. its design choice sorta.
oberon is a lesser deity of memory, wisdom (not intelligence) and mental well being, and relle is a lesser deity of tranquility and healing. GOLBetty's bright reds don't exactly evoke those vibes to me, especially for relle. but i still wanted them to look distinctly nonhuman and ethereal.
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divine-crows · 10 months ago
Connecting with a lesser-known deity was something I never expected to feel so special.
Like don't get me wrong, my bonds with other deities are just as special and I cherish them deeply--
but there was something about having to dig endlessly to find information on Belisama after she reached out to me. There was something about having to intensely look and search and discern until I was 100% certain it was her. There was something about the fact that I've been drawn to thematic light/sunlight since I was a child and there was something about how I always felt a calling whenever I visited large bodies of water.
Especially because she was the first goddess to reach out to me in a very long time, it felt holy in a weird way? Like... after years of wondering why I never seemed to connect with goddesses... after years of worrying that I somehow offended them or caused them to hate me... she found me and she helped me learn how to connect with other goddesses.
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ghosting-medium · 1 year ago
・❥・ Way of the Fellowship ˗ˏˋ꒰ ��� ꒱
✦ North
✦ East
✦ South
✦ West
✦ Northeast
✦ Northwest
✦ Southeast
✦ Southwest
Lesser Entities:
✦ Pope - Diishah
✦ Cardinals (Note: Not the Deities, but the Entities that help) Atria & Ryū
✦ Archbishops - Fleur, Iris/Asterid, Damien
✦ Bishops - Hilda, Kalin, Onyx, Ravette
✦ Priests - St. John (not the actual Saint John he’s different), Adriene, Anala, Kempley, St.Matthew (once again not the actual Saint Matthew)
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The Way of the Fellowship is a conpantheon, found by @kaisleaves, @moonlight1237, and Kalmi. In my notes a conpantheon is a new and modern term stemming from the words "constructed" and "pantheon". Con- being the prefix meaning that it means together (from the wondrous and amazing, Kalmi).
I find that there are many different beliefs, and theories surrounding conpantheons. Some think it's unknown deities being discovered, deities who were known but never recorded, some are entirely built my the practitioner. It's not like an original character though, it requires a lot of thought, boundaries, patience, and energy.
Always double, nay, triple check information. Do research on some of your findings, maybe the name has come up before in history. Or the name possible has an origin meaning, giving more insight to the entity. Always cleanse, ward, and protect before reaching out to an entity!
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Background on the Fellowship:
My two other partners in this, helped tremendously and I want to note that they helped with every step of the way. All credit goes to all three of us, and I'm insanely proud of each of us.
Questions & Answers:
Firstly, we started asking questions about the Cardinals origins. Were they self-constructed, were they always an energy in the Universe that went undocumented? Were they deities in other mythology, religions but weren't documented heavily or even at all? Were they once documented, but their information got mistaken with other deities? Truly who are you, and where did you come from? Were they previously dormant and are now "awake"? So many questions swiped around, and we got answers individually from each entity.
North: "We were always energy in the universe, most nature entities are. However, the lower entities of this pantheon are more created/shaped by you three (Kalmi, Moon, and I). Some of us might have ties to other mythology, and religion, but we are highly undocumented until you three came along. So, you could say we were sleeping, and now are being found. The more accurate description would be that we were energy in the Universe already, but now we are fully formed and documented with loose ties in other religions"
South: "Just as North said, however most sun/fire entities have more documentation that others. Lunar deities might have the same level of documentation in comparison. You might be able to find information on me elsewhere but nothing as detailed or accurate as you all would be doing."
East: "I am the most related to Mother Earth in a sense, more of the earth element. As you described a warmer breeze, warm chocolate chip, very relaxing vibe. My documentation will mainly come from the work you all are doing now."
West: "I was always an energy in this world, no documentation. I would describe myself as an entity that was sleeping and is now being found."
Secondly, how are the lesser entities related to the major deities in this pantheon?
I just want to note the term lesser, and lower entities are a title that they all are comfortable with. It does mean that they aren't on the same playing field as the Cardinal, the actual deities of the Fellowship. The lesser entities are helpers that assist certain deities/energies by spiritual or mundane means. Perhaps to be invoked or evoked by a practitioner/believer when the practitioner is wanting to assist a deity. Together they all make a team. The lesser entities assist in temple cleanings within the spiritual realm, mundane and spiritual teachings, and assisting followers of the deities. They can be interacted with, but worshipping of the lesser entities is either not common, or not accepted.
Can humans be priests/have positions to assist The Way of the Fellowship, or can only the divine do this?
The World, and King of Swords as confirmation. Yes, humans may assist The Way of the Fellowship and have positions, but they may not be listed amongst the divine.
Can humans be spoused to the deities?
Knight of Cups, Justice, and 9 of Cups as confirmation. Yes, if the offer is given and if the offer is accepted mutually and not forced. However, it should be debated heavily before accepting.
Can humans be spoused to the lesser entities?
Knight of Cups, 10 of Swords, and Death. The offer is more rare than if it were a deity, but, once again if the offer is given then it should be considered. Spousing a lesser entity within The Way of the Fellowship does promise trials of transformation and a lot of work. In other words, these trials aren't optional.
Prayer Sign Offs:
Can either say you or me depending on the circumstance
May the path guide your/my way
May the breeze guide you/me
Let the compass guide you [direction either Cardinal, or Sub-Cardinal, or home]; eg.; Let's say you were in East's residence you would either say "Let the compass guide you East" or, "Let the compass guide you home".
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Logo/Compass Rose:
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Compass Rose by Nick Matej
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hecatesdelights · 1 year ago
Oreads, Mountain Nymphs in Greek Mythology
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abyssembraced · 6 months ago
Where did Ghost really go before returning to Hallownest ?
Frankly, the question that was asked of them was one that Ghost wouldn't mind knowing the answer to themself.
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Their memories... Even their early ones from when they first returned to Hallownest were hazy and fragmented. The more challenging fights they'd faced in the Crossroads and their first encounters with the bugs they'd come to call their friends still existed in their mind, yet lay scattered and untethered from each other with unknowable gaps in between, with no certainties as to even the order in which any of the events occurred.
Before that? They knew hardly anything of their past.
What did they do in the vast, endless wasteland outside Hallownest? What caused them to return to the fallen kingdom? Why did they even leave it in the first place?
They didn't know.
They typically didn't care to think on those questions much, either—it made more sense to focus on the present, and the things they knew now, rather than dwell on an unrecoverable past. Yet, here they were, being asked to recount those lost memories.
They... Could at least make an attempt?
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Grasping at those memories was hard. Though they knew for a fact that they had spent much of their life outside the kingdom's bounds, it was as though the memories of that time had never existed in the first place.
But... They could fight. Even before coming back to Hallownest, they already knew how to wield a nail. So, then... They must have met someone out there. Travellers, perhaps. Someone who taught them how to fight—or at least the basics of it, anyway. Perhaps they were even the one to gift them the nail that had since carried them through many battles, or maybe that was a different Someone.
But who? Ghost couldn't picture them. They didn't even know for sure that such a person had even existed, but it only made sense, right?
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There was only one time that they had ever managed to recover a long thought lost memory, and that was with the Dream Nail. If they were to enter their own dream once more, unlock the hidden secrets within their own mind... Would that give them answers? Would it do anything at all?
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Although... Did it even matter? The stranger's curiosities aside, they... Didn't particularly care about discovering their past. It wasn't as though whatever it was that had happened back then could be changed. Nor did they think that learning anything new about it would affect their present life. They were happy where they were right now, with their family and friends in the recovering Hallownest.
They didn't remember what they did before their return to Hallownest, but that was okay.
#ask#.🪲#🪲 ghost ic#🪲 headcanon | ghost#distrxst#🪲 verse | post dream no more#((trading a backstory ask for a backstory ask are we? dhdgshf))#((except that ghost doesn't remember Anything about their time before returning to hallownest rip dgshf))#((they weren't conscious enough to actually form memories at that point))#((even the abyss cutscene was something they only remembered In That Moment thanks to the dream nail))#((and i'm inclined to say that that memory was a special exception. perhaps due to the high quantities of void in the abyss))#((and my ooc answer honestly isn't super interesting! hence why i wrote a little ic thing instead <3))#((i think ghost just kinda. wandered around aimlessly in the wastes for several years.))#((they did meet various people! including someone who taught them to fight like they speculated))#((whether or not it was the same person who gave them their nail is something i haven't decided and probably never will))#((there was also someone who taught them sign language and how to read and write!))#((ghost didn't bring that up in their musing because they haven't realized that those are things that actually need to be taught))#((they think it's just kinda. something they've always inherently had? like their ability to understand hallownest's spoken language))#((though to be fair. at least *some* of it probably *is* an inherent ability/knowledge for them due to being a deity))#((they may have hung around various campsites and such at others' requests for a bit but they never had a permanent 'home'))#((even if people *wanted* them to stay. they'd always eventually end up wandering off on a hunt and then were never seen again))#((they never ended up wandering into any living kingdoms like pharloom either. they just stuck to the wastes))#((and they were able to gather enough soul from the lesser creatures out there for their body to stay alive. but not much else))#((they never gained enough nutrients out there to ever be able to molt for example))#((and then in hallownest where soul *is* more plentiful they uh. became entirely void biologically. and thus lost the ability to molt))#((which is why they still look like a child vessel physically))
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pomegranatehymns · 1 year ago
Participating in the lesser and greater mysteries of eleusis this year and with the calander I'm using today is the first day of the lesser mysteries
So, lots of research and doing what I can do in modern times to recreate myesis
I'll try to update this post with information about myesis/the lesser mysteries :)
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yuelun · 2 years ago
As I'm finally writing more, I needed to just note how much I love Guizhong of Liyue, again.
I cannot describe how much it thrills me to my very core to write a character that is so otherworldly and divine, but is so absolutely humanly curious about seriously everything and honestly, even the little, trivial things that one would think don't matter. And it's the latter that gives me such serotonin to write, to witness in these mental images in my head.
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tomatoderby · 2 years ago
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My interpretation of a human version of Leg Cat, mfxdraw’s OC.
I don’t really know much about leg cat other than he’s british and has committed several crimes (??) so I tried to make my human version of him look like a scamp.
Reblogs and likes are appreciated but please do not repost!
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