#simon returns timeline
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mushroomnoodles · 3 months ago
tw/cw sfw and non kink mpreg
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old doodle of simon pregnant with oberon (the centaur baby) i never posted
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lostintransist · 3 months ago
Let's talk about a reader who really hates gets frustrated with the guys when they try and take care of them. And I do say try.
Gender neutral reader.
John: "Dovie I said I would take care of fixing the stair when I got back," John shouts into the open front door. He stared at the new wooden step, the bright color at odds with the worn in dirt on the other three.
You appear at the door, face posed in a question. John points to the stair.
"I said I would handle it."
"Yeah?" You lift a brow, "And then you were on a job the next day with no timeline of return. I took care of it."
Slightly hurt he looks up at you. Caring for you is one of his greatest joys.
"Don't look at me like that John," you start down the steps pulling his face close, thumbs brushing his cheeks above his beard. "I nearly broke my ankle the day after you left when I was heading to work and forgot it was broken. I fixed it. I've told you if something isn't handled I will take care of it."
Sighing John tugs you closer, resting his face where it landed.
"I love taking care of you." His muffled words still reach your ears.
"And you do," carding your fingers through his hair and smiling down at him you continue, "I take care of everything you leave behind."
Simon: It shouldn't have turned into an argument. You knew he had gotten a call that someone he served with came home in a box and you snapped at him anyway. You took it as a testament to the solidness of your relationship that Simon allowed his anger to be seen by you.
"Dammit why won't you let me get your door?" He slammed his in frustration.
Annoyed already from a text fight with your sister you snap at him without looking up from the phone.
"Be faster than Simon. I refuse to sit and wait for you to do something like open my car door. I am not a lady in the 1800's first off and secondly I don't like being in the car so the sooner I can get out the better."
He is toe to toe with you when you look up. Exactly like you expected. His job taught him his size was an advantage, but not when the weapons are words.
"It's one thing! Why is it so hard to let me do this for you?" His hands are searching for where to land. He does that when he's nervous. Fingers twitching for a gun to hold or a tac vest to curl around. Finding nothing he shoves his hands in his pockets. He needs to moisturize, you could hear his skin scraping against the edge of his pockets.
"I capitulate to every other request Si!" Your hand flings to the side as if trying to cast away your frustrations.
"Ooo capitulate. Pulling out the big words are we?"
The mocking tone is too much.
"Fuck off Lieutenant Riley I would like my boyfriend back when he has a second to pull his head out of his ass," you snarl as you step around him and head into the local grocery store.
This was longer than I meant for... Should I do more of the COD guys?
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just-a-sewer-goblin · 2 months ago
Collars Of Duty 4
MalinoisHybrid!Simon x reader
- Chapter 3 - Chapter 5
Simon's gone and you're left to deal with his sudden absence. But maybe it's not all over yet.
~ 8,3k Words
Content (might contain spoilers): reader being mean to themselves in their thoughts, hybrid AU, mention of past injury, hints at past attack, mentions of therapy, biting, blood
A.N: I messed with the COD timeline here. I know that some of the things I mention don't happen during this time and don't fit with the canon but it's my AU so shush. Curious if you lot catch the cameo. Have fun. Also not my best chapter but I poured a lot of heart, time and effort into it.
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It’s been almost a week since Simon’s transport back to England. A week that you’ve spent at home again. The day you arrived at work to find Simon gone you went back to medical leave. Now as you sit on your couch and look out through your living room window you wonder if that was the best decision.
Simon’s sudden absence left you hollower than you anticipated. You spent barely a week by his side, most of which he was unconscious. So how come you care so damn much already?
You go through your usual routine. Making food, going outside, meeting friends, attending therapy, working on your mind and body. You do everything you did the past few weeks that helped you get back to your feet after Phillip but the worry for Simon won’t fade. It’s always there in the back of your head, a nagging feeling that leaves you thinking about him way more than you probably should.
Is he okay? Are they taking good care of him? Do they take it slow and take his trauma and needs into consideration? Does he have a handler that knows how to help him? How are his wounds?
You feel silly for caring so much about the large hybrid but another pitiful part of you whispers that it might prove that you’re a good person. Caring so much about someone you barely know surely proves that you have a good heart.
Then there’s another part that admonishes you for thinking that. No truly good person would think about whether their actions or thoughts make them a good person and you grow ashamed again. You try to shove all those thoughts somewhere in a corner of your mind where you don’t have to hear them constantly. The back and forth driving you insane without coming up with any conclusive answer.
You worry about him. That’s how it is. You care There is nothing you can do to change that except try not to think about him so much. But honestly you don’t want to stop thinking about him. Something about Simon struck your heart and you feel the need to figure out what.
You sigh as you nurse your mug with your favourite hot beverage in it, taking another slow sip savoring the taste. Has Simon ever had a drink like this? You sigh. Here you go again, thinking about the malinois hybrid without pause.
You let your head fall back against the backrest of the couch, staring at the ceiling. When did your home start feeling more like a self inflicted prison? There’s a restlessness growing in you. It’s starting deep in your stomach and spreads its way through your limbs making you bounce your knee until you almost spill your drink jerking your head back up to safe it at the last second.
Why did you go back to medical leave? You had been more than willing to return for Simon’s case. But as soon as he left you went back home like a snail hiding in it’s shell. You rest your elbows on your knees and let your head hang forward the muscles of your neck stretching uncomfortably.
You’re a damn coward. Resting at home. It doesn’t feel like healing anymore it feels like you’re running away. Running from the center and all the hybrids it houses. You hate it, hate Phillip for ruining all dog hybrids with just one attack. Why does he have the power to make you afraid of all of them. It’s not fair.
Do the others think you’re a coward as well? Hiding at home again after you came back for a week. What is management thinking? That you could return for an emergency but not for the relative calmness of every day? What will happen if you don’t come back quick enough for them? Will you lose your job? Would they actually fire you over something like this?
Just like that sitting at home feels like wasted time. Every minute spent on your couch is a minute you could be working and trying to get over your fear. And suddenly your certain that you have to return to work if you want to make further progress.
Additionally to your sudden urgency to just do something instead of sitting at home and licking your wounds the thought of everyone secretly judging your return to absence makes you feel itchy. But it’s your own judgment makes you the most uncomfortable. You can’t escape your own thoughts that remind you how cowardly you’re behaving. How you’re wasting away thinking about a hybrid who never even was your charge.
Thinking about a hybrid who you foolishly put a lot of hope into.
It makes no logical sense that you feel like Simon was your way back to working with hybrids. You had been sure that working with a problem hybrid would be the worst thing that could happen to you. You had been sure it would make you feel worse and undo everything you’ve achieved in therapy so far.
Now it feels like anyone other than the problem hybrid will hinder your recovery.
For a moment you feel selfish for wanting to gain something out of helping a hybrid. How can you think like that? Even if working with one stops your progress it would be worth it if you could help them. It’s not their job to help you. You’re supposed to help them, that’s what you’re being paid for, dammit. Helping them without gaining anything should be all you want.
Still it would be the best case scenario if working with one would also allow you to slowly get used to them again. It would be nice if the hybrid could help you too. And you decide that you can allow yourself that little bit of selfishness.
But even if that best case scenario were to happen. Before you can get anyone elses help you’ll have to want to help yourself.
The days of peacefully sitting on your couch letting the world outside continue to turn while you exist in your own little reality that consists of your home and the doctors office are over. You’ve had enough time off. It’s time to return to work. If you don’t your own thoughts that continue to run in circles will drive you insane.
No matter how often you dissect what happened with Phillip it won’t change what happened and maybe it’s time to accept that.
It’s probably best if you go back to the center today, before you lose your drive. And what better way to return than just going for lunch. Nice and casual. Nothing scary. At least that’s what you’re trying to convince yourself of as your palms immediately begin getting sweaty.
It’s tiring always being scared and even if it scares you more to go back, at least you’re doing something. You can’t take another second of sitting at home waiting to feel better while doing nothing.
A sudden burst of energy has you rushing all over your home while you get ready and sprint out of your front door before your nerves catch up to you.
You try your hardest not to second guess yourself as your unsteady hands hold the access card against the entrance of the compound. It opens with a beep and you rush through. When you stand in front of the main building you freeze. Your hands are shaking and you will yourself to breathe deeply.
There will be a lot of hybrids at the cafeteria, and suddenly your feet wont take another step. Flashes of teeth, dripping with vicious saliva, snapping and tearing at you appear in your mind. You’re certain that there’s an aggressive hybrid growling behind you but when you turn there’s no one there. Wincing you wrap your arms around yourself, trying to make you feel some semblance of safety.
You’ve already managed to come here and turning around to go back home feels like defeat. You can already taste it’s bitter tang just from thinking about not going through with your plan. For a moment you chew on your lower lip, indecisive then you look up at the building. Liz should be working right now. Maybe she’s willing to have her break with you.
Taking two steps at once, you rush up the stairs hoping you don’t meet anyone, especially no hybrid before you reach Liz’ office. Your heart pumps hectically while you strain your ears to make sure you’ll hear approaching steps over your harsh breathing. You’re lucky, getting there without running into anyone and you quickly slip inside without knocking.
Your heart swells at the way Liz positively beams at your appearance. It should not surprise you as much as it does when she immediately takes her break so she can go to the cafeteria with you. The way she links her arm with yours is so easy and natural that it makes you gulp suppressing the strong urge to hide behind her.
You grow more and more tense the closer you get to the cafeteria. Liz chattering fading to the background even if it’s her attempt to distract you. There are two hybrids and their handlers joining your direction. Luckily they’re concentrated on their handlers and the promise of food after training. The two of them don’t even give you any attention besides a quick glance.
When you realize that they won’t attack, you relax minutely. Everything is okay, you’re okay. The hybrids at the center are all friendly. Usually.
Aggressive Hybrids are usually kept on leash. There’s various reasons why a handler might decide to keep their charge on a leash and none of the handlers here would let an aggressive hybrid roam free.
You almost manage to gain some control over your fear until you hear a sudden bark behind you. It’s loud and startling and you can feel your heart jump painfully in your chest.
You rip your arm away from Liz, whipping around. Fear clogs your throat and you can feel your eyes watering in sheer panic.
A golden retriever hybrid is running at you his steps slightly uneven. Where his left leg should be is a prosthetic attached but it does nothing to slow him down. His handler is further down the hallway and from the leash that loosely hangs from the hybrids collar it’s evident that he ripped himself free from his handlers hold.
His ears are perked up and flop with every step, his face lit up with obvious joy but it doesn’t help the terror that floods through you at the sight of him running at you. A very faint voice reminds you that you know this hybrid and he wouldn’t hurt you, but that voice is easily silence by the dread that overpowers everything.
He stretches his arms out to the side and Liz takes a step forward.
Before he reaches you, or Liz can step into his way you thrust out your hand out in front of yourself in sheer desperation.
Alex skids to a halt like he just ran against a wall, having to shift his weight so he doesn’t fall. The prosthetic makes an awful screeching noise as it scrapes over the floor. His ears droop and his tail halts mid wag, uncertain what just happened. You’d feel bad at the obvious hurt in his expression if you weren’t so desperately harnessing your fear to shove it back into the dark corner it crawled from.
Panic squeezes your lungs and denies you access to your own breaths. You think you hear Liz tell Alex’ handler to wait when he goes to grab Alex’ leash but you concentrate on regulating your wheezing breaths, your hand still outstretched to halt Alex.
The golden hybrid looks at you and takes a few small steps on the spot he’s glued to. His nostrils flare and he cocks his head at you.
“You’re afraid of me?” He half asks half states and the devastation in his voice rips your heart right in two. A whine makes its way from his chest and you shake your head. You panic retreating at the need to reassure and calm the hybrid. He did nothing wrong and here you are, hurting him by panicking.
“No! I’m not scared of you.” You say even if you’re not sure whether that’s true. But you need to say something, anything to stop the hurt in his eyes. He cocks his head at you in question.
“Just got spooked from the way your ran at me.”
He visibly perks back up at that, his tail slowly starting to wag again even if it’s decidedly less enthusiastic than before. Then it slowly gains momentum, getting quicker and stronger until his entire body wriggles with his joy and the sight steals a small smile from you.
“I only wanted to hug you. I haven’t seen you in forever. I promise I won’t rush. May I hug you?” He asks with so much hope in his voice that you can’t say no.
Briefly you scan his body language, finding nothing but excitement and restraint so you nod even if the way your blood rushes through you is almost painful.
Alex stays true to his word, slowly steps forward, opening his arms for you and waits until you mirror the gesture. Then he wraps his bulky frame around you, squeezing you to his chest. Immediately he pushes his face against you and takes a deep breath, smelling you. His mustache tickles you and you squirm giggling inadvertently.
He rumbles deep in his chest, huffs in displeasure at your movements which only makes you giggle and squirm more. Your fear slowly retracts its claws from your chest, hissing in displeasure at your entire being remembering Alex as safe.
You can feel him relax right along with you. Until all that is left is warmth and contentment. The close contact to him after weeks of staying away as far as possible from any and all hybrids fills your chest with warmth choking you up slightly. After you allow yourself to bask in his hug for as long as you deem acceptable and after you swallow your tears back down, you step back and shake your head at him fondly.
“You know that this is exactly why you’re still on leash. Always so easily distracted rushing off to investigate whatever scent you caught. Although I’m honored I’m the distraction this time.”
He folds his ears back and the chuckle of his handler reminds you of his and Liz presence. The man, Chad, steps forward and gently cuffs the back of Alex head. The hybrid playfully snaps in the direction of his fingers. You nearly flinch until you remind yourself that this is Alex and he’s just playing.
“Lucky for him we’re not training right now and you’re a very special distraction. It’s good to see you again.”
You remember the day you left Alex as his charge, a mixture of pride and pain in your chest. You’d worked months with Alex after he lost his leg in an explosion during a mission. You’d helped him regain his agility and confidence and it was only normal that you developed a deep bond with the hybrid.
It was always a happy occasion when a hybrid got to go back to having a work handler and you shake Chads outstretched hand with a warm smile. As you make your way into the cafeteria you try to concentrate on Alex and his handler, who’s taken his leash in hand again.
“We get to go back to the real work next week.” Alex tells you puffing his chest and pride blooms in your own chest. You know how much his work means to him and it will be great to see him leave the center after a year and a half of working hard to get back in shape. Still the thought stings a little.
You’ll miss him. He’s been one of your favorite charges and even after you left him in Chad’s capable hands - so they could work and train to become a team while Alex fully regained his abilities - it was nice to meet him in the hallways and outside on the training grounds.
You try to concentrate on the joy instead. He’ll get to go back to doing what he loves and you wonder when you’ll be able to do the same. With the way you currently need to check every hybrid around you for any sign of aggression you don’t see any possibility of you taking on a new charge soon.
With Simon it had been easy. He’d been an emergency which left not enough time to think, to doubt, to get lost in your fear. Now that he’s gone you have too much time to cook up all the worst case scenarios in your head again.
While you try to have lunch without always looking around like a spooked rabbit you get to watch Chad and Alex interact and their easy camaraderie and banter makes you jealous. It makes you overly aware of the fact that you’re unable to interact with a hybrid like that at the moment.
But you love this job. You love working with them and helping them and developing all these bonds. Harshly you stab your fork into the food. Even if it takes forever, you will be able to do it again.
As if to mock you the scar on your shoulder throbs at the aggressive movement and you subconsciously reach up, pressing against it. Alex turns his head towards you from his place besides you. You give him a small tight lipped smile.
He says nothing, but under the table he moves his leg until his thigh touches you and you stare down at the contact.
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The next day you join Alex and Chad while training at their insistence the day before. They’re all too eager to show off their hard work to you and it’s almost mesmerizing the way they clear the obstacle course together.
The centers agility course is a jungle of platforms that are raised over the ground with obstacles in between. The platforms vary from the size of your hand to a square meter and some are slanted to test the balance.
They can be roughly divided into two heights one being a few centimeters above the ground while the second level is mostly at two meters with platforms of varying heights in between. There is no designated path through the course which allows a handler to challenge a hybrid with new angles at already well known obstacles.
The slight tugs Chad gives on the leash help Alex to find the right footing while he concentrates on sniffing out the hidden object. You.
You’re crouched behind an obstacle that’s on the second level, keeping out of sight. You peek at the pair of them moving through the course stopping at a point where you doubled back to confuse Alex.
The single minded focus of the hybrid is admirable but also dangerous out in the field. In the field concentrating on nothing besides what he’s supposed to sniff out means running into the line of fire, stepping onto a contact mine or whatever other horrible things wait for them in the field. That is why he’s connected to Chad with the leash.
You almost shout a warning, your heart leaping into your throat, when Alex lifts his head to track your scent not watching the small platforms under his feet. You can already see his foot miss the next platform but Chad gives a gentle tug and Alex rights his direction without looking down.
His foot finds the platform and you exhale heavily with relief. You can only continue watching in awe. You’d known that Chad was a good handler. While working with Philip you had often seen the two of them train but you always had your own hybrid to concentrate on so you never got to appreciate the incredible team these two make.
Alex finds you easily while Chad watches over him, clearing his path, making sure he doesn’t get hurt while he concentrates on his work and when Alex finds you in record time, you can’t help but clap and holler in excitement.
Chad ruffles Alex hair and the golden retriever hybrid beams with pride. His tail wags a mile a minute and when you’re all back down on the ground he does a few silly circles on the spot giving an excited bark which makes Chad laugh.
A deep feeling of peace settles over you. This is what it’s supposed to be like. A soft smile sneaks onto your lips. Watching Chad and Alex is weirdly healing, reminding you of what a healthy hybrid handler relationship looks like. You have been able to build one with every charge you’ve had besides Phillip. And with him it wasn’t because you didn’t try.
For the first time fear isn’t the first emotion bubbling up when you think about Phillip. This time it’s sadness. In his chase for his independence he sold his soul to someone else. But you don’t think that the proud hybrid realized that. He probably didn’t realize that the gesture of attacking you was empty considering the reasons for it. It proved jack shit. But hey at least he got what he wanted in the end.
Even that thought doesn’t chase the sadness away. So you concentrate back on Chad and Alex and you realize you’re a little less frustrated with yourself when you go to bed that evening. You got to work with a hybrid again and it had went well. Things will get better after all.
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After the day you spent with Alex you come back to work for good. You do not have your own charge at the moment but you try to be useful in every way you can. Instead of working with a hybrid you start helping with the equipment, running errands and giving the other handlers advice that you feel not qualified to give considering how long you’ve been absent and the reason for your absence.
The way you try to avoid running into hybrids makes you feel ashamed of yourself once more but you don’t have it in you to just casually cross paths with them. It’s so stupid, the way one hybrid ruined every hybrid for you. You’re determined to change that, to not see a threat in every hybrid but maybe… maybe not today.
You duck around the corner as you spot a hybrid walking down the hallway with her handler and press yourself against the wall counting down from ten to calm yourself. It’s frustrating as hell that interacting with Alex didn’t magically heal you.
Why could one hybrid not heal the wounds of one other hybrid? Your pulse still jumps at every hybrid you see. You still try to hide instead of normally passing them. And you grow frustrated with yourself. Healing sucks. It’s hard to understand why books and movies always seem to picture it as this magical beautiful journey when most of the time it feels like running in circles and standing in your own way.
How would things be if Simon was still here? Would you walk the hallways unafraid with his large form looming next to you? Maybe if he’d become your charge you would feel better already.
You shake your head. Thinking about that doesn’t help you, you try to remind yourself. Simon’s in England and there isn’t anything you can do.
You peek around the corner, seeing that the hybrid is gone you continue on your way, glad that the tiles help you hear when someone’s approaching. You look at the stack of papers in your arms and almost scoff at yourself. Running errands instead of doing what you actually get paid for.
But with Simon gone you don’t know how you’re supposed to jump into the deep end and take the position as a handler again.
You should have known. You should have known it would come back to bite you in the ass that you didn’t sign the handler agreement. Maybe with that you could have been transferred with Simon and stayed by his side for the time it will take for him to be able to go back to active duty.
Apparently the Doc had asked for the papers that prove that Simon is your charge so she could have you called to the center before he left. When she called the office they had to tell her that no such papers were signed.
You’re lucky that the Doc hasn’t told anyone that you lied to gain access to his medical report. At least you don’t think she has or someone would have approached you about it by now. It still might happen and you’re unsure whether you should talk to her about it before you possibly get a lawsuit.
Thinking about that does nothing to calm your racing heart and you almost flee inside Liz’ office when it comes into view as if her presence will shield you from your own thoughts and feelings as well.
You drop the stack of papers on her desk and she sighs, pushing up her glasses and meets you eyes.
“I should probably thank you but honestly, how dare you bring this to me instead of accidentally spilling coffee all over them.”
Hearing Liz who enjoys the office work say something like that startles a laugh out of you and she grins.
“One of those days?” You ask and she nods, stretches her arms over her head and groans when her back audibly pops.
She takes her smoothie and slurps it through her straw. “You know I looked into it for you. But there is no way for us to obtain any information on Simon’s well being. I’m sorry.”
You plop down into the empty chair before her desk and crane your neck until you’re staring at the ceiling. “Yeah. I already expected that. If only I had signed those damned papers.”
You catch Liz shrug out of your peripheral vision. “Well with the English laws being the way they are it’s not certain that would have done anything either.”
Lazily you let your head roll forward. “Hm?”
“Ah, right. You only do the hands on work. The hybrid-handler laws in England demand the hybrid to sign an agreement too for the handler-hybrid relationship to have legal effect. So your signature alone would probably not give you any information on him anyway.”
“Oh.” You think about it. You know the English laws are different but you never looked into it since they don’t concern you, at least they never did until now. Either way you will never know what’s become of Simon and it frustrates you.
“Well, it is what it is.” You say resigned and put your hands on your knees to push yourself up. If only you could mean that. “Back to running errands I go.”
Before you can leave the room Liz’ voice stops you. “You have to take on a charge again at some point.”
You half turn to her smiling, even though you don’t feel like smiling at all. “Exactly. ‘At some point.’ That point is not now. It’s barely been a few days of me being back.”
She shakes her head at you and you’d be embarrassed or angry at her disappointed expression but you know it’s because she cares. “Why are you so damn hesitant? You were fully ready to take Simon as charge?”
You purse your lips in thought, turning to her fully. “With him it was easy. I didn’t have time to imagine all the things that could go wrong. Just ‘bam here’s this hybrid you have to take care of’. Now that he’s gone I have too much time to think about what it means to take on a new charge.”
Liz clicks her tongue. “Maybe I’ll just drop a hybrid at your doorstep so you don’t have time to think.”
You gasp in mock offense. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Try me.” She says dryly and you’re not sure if she’s still joking. So you laugh it off while fleeing her office before she decides to make any more valid points.
That better have been a joke or you’d strangle her. And then thank her because thinking about it - dropping a hybrid at your doorstep might actually work. Your close the door, turn to walk back down the hallway and almost walk into Meg from HR.
“Oh good. I was looking for you.”
You gulp. Oh no. Did the Doc rat you out after all? Would they fire you? Shit. You rub your palms against your pants. Did you do anything wrong? What if she knows you lied to get the Doc to talk about Simon? Would they file a lawsuit because of something like that?
“Follow me.” She says curtly and you nod, too startled and scared to get a simple yes out. Walking behind her through the hallway makes you feel like you’re walking to your own execution and you thank whoever is listening that you don’t run into any hybrids. You’re not sure your heart could handle any more anxiety.
The clicking of her door closing while she indicates for you to sit down at her desk sounds like a threat and when you sit you rub your sweaty palms against your thighs.
She sits down on her side of the desk and clicks something on her computer then she looks at you seriously and you feel like you’ll be in serious trouble in a few second. Hopefully you won’t cry, that would be embarrassing.
She sighs. “Do you remember the aggressive hybrid you were called in for from your leave?”
You nod and this time you manage to weakly say: “Yes.” Oh no. Oh no no no no. Pleas no.
She taps a pen against her chin and studies you. “You know we really hoped you could take another charge soon so management isn’t the happiest about it but we were promised a substitute and compensation so we decided to leave it up to you.”
Is she doing this on purpose? Dragging it out? What substitute? What the hell is going on?
“We got a request for you from the center in England he is currently at. They want you to work there with him for however long it takes to get him back on his feet. You’re one of our best even if you’re currently not exactly fitting your job description. I heard you got along well with him.” Something in her gaze softens at her last statement and you release your held breath a heavy weight dropping off your shoulders.
She doesn’t know about the papers. It feels like your heart can finally get a break. But then everything she said hits you and you start nervously bouncing your leg. They requested you? You’re sure they have more than enough handlers at the center he’s currently at. Surely they have competent personnel?
“Why… did they request me?” You carefully ask, not sure you’re allowed to ask any questions. Which is absurd if you think about it because of course you’re allowed to ask questions if she specifically called you to her office to give you a choice.
She purses her lips and twirls the pen in her fingers. “Apparently he’s giving them trouble. They don’t know what to do and found out he was more comfortable with you. Usually they would just give a problematic hybrid like him a medical discharge from his duties but apparently he’s a big enough asset for them to reach out to us.”
You nod trying to understand. What happened? Things hadn’t looked that bad. What had happened that Simon is once again deemed a problematic? Are you willing to go to England for an unknown amount of time because they ask you to? It might be months until he’s rehabilitated.
Your thoughts return to the few moments you had with him. You remember him in the bath, the way he’d let you dry his hair. The way you felt like you might overcome your fear with him. Maybe you don’t have to try with another hybrid. Maybe Simon is meant to be your charge so you can both help each other. This might be what you’ve been waiting for without knowing.
You’re a bit unsettled by how quick you’ve come to your decision. You should probably think this through more but you’d sign the handler papers in a heartbeat. That reminds you…
“What about him? Don’t the laws in England demand that he agrees with me being his handler?”
She nods, rifles through a stack of paper on her table and finally finds what she’s looking for. She folds the stapled stack of papers open on the last page and slides it over her desk towards you. At the bottom two lines for signatures sit.
“He already signed.”
You stare at the line where his name sits in neat block writing. You can’t help yourself but run your finger over it. Your heart thumps hectically in your chest. He already agreed to you being his handler. All you have to do is sign as well. You try to come up with all the logical questions and things that should make you hesitate.
“What about housing and stuff?” You hate how you say ‘stuff’ like you don’t know what you’re talking about. Your thoughts are rushing. You have a hard time getting a hold of them. Taking care of contracts and the whole organizational stuff was never your strong suit. Your strong suit is working with hybrids, at least you thought so until Phillip. But the fact that Simon apparently wants you as his handler makes the smallest bit of confidence grow.
They want you in England because whatever happened makes them think you can help him. Whatever he said makes them think you’re who they have to turn to. You can do this. This is also what the hybrid wants. What will happen to Simon if you refuse?
Meg rips you from your thoughts. “They board and lodge their staff if they chose to live on site.”
You nod and then hold your hand out for the pen.
“Are you sure?” Meg asks and hesitantly gives in to you. You scribble your signature on the line next to Simon’s.
“Yes.” You say. Actually you aren’t sure at all. It’s probably stupid to sign so quickly when you haven’t asked a lot of important questions but if you don’t sign now you’ll think about it and then fear will claw at your chest and prevent you from going for it. Maybe it’s stupid and reckless. But it feels right.
Meg shrugs and takes the paper with your signature back. “Alright. Simon Riley is officially your new charge. They want you over there as quickly as possible so you should take the earliest flight you can. We’ll prepare your papers and request your substitute.”
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Liz is gripping the steering wheel so hard her knuckles are stark white. Your knee is bouncing again and she glances at you from the corner of her eyes every now and then. She insisted on driving you to the airport and you’re very thankful despite arguing at first that she doesn’t have to.
“What is it?” You ask and now both your legs are bouncing.
Her hands shift on the wheel before gripping hard again. “Are you sure about this?”
You sigh and put your face in your hands. “No.” You mumble. She has the audacity to laugh at that. You shoot her a look and then start laughing too. What the hell are you doing? You’re about to fly to a whole other continent for a hybrid you don’t even really know.
She shrugs but her hands relax. “We can still cancel it all. I’ll kidnap you, no one will ever know that you tucked your tail and ran.”
That makes you laugh harder and you shake your head resting it back against the headrest. “I feel insane for this but I couldn’t say no. Maybe I’ll end up regretting this but maybe… Maybe everything will work out? What if this is what I need? A problem hybrid in a whole other country who wants me as his handler.”
Liz purses her lips. “I don’t know. I’ve never known you to be so impulsive but if you feel like you have to do this I won’t stop you. But if I receive word that you want to come back and don’t want to do this after all, I’ll terminate the contract and personally come get your ass back to the US.”
You snort at that but something in you calms down. Despite her joking tone you know that she means every word. You look at her for a while and it hits you that you don’t know how long you’ll be in England. Who knows when you’ll be in the same room as her again.
“Thank you.” You say quietly and Liz just nods.
The rest of the ride is comfortably quiet.
At the airport she squeezes you tightly and helps you with your luggage. Before you know it you’re on the plane and taking off. Your whole body starts getting jittery with nerves. You breathe deeply remembering one of the exercises your therapist gave you. She offered to keep holding your sessions online and you’re incredibly thankful for it.
You manage to calm down during the flight and even sneak in a nap, waking up with a racing heart to the announcement that the plane is on approach. As soon as you touch ground and have permission to use your phone you text Liz to let her know that you landed safely.
Half an hour later you’re in a cab going for the rehabilitation center you’ll stay at for an unknown amount of time. You wipe your hands on your pants thankful that the cab driver doesn’t try to make conversation so you can look out the window at the darkness of the evening.
It’s weird to think about how much more of the day Liz has left while it’s already very late evening here.
The street lights illuminate parts of the road and you feel like you’re dying inside from all the uncertainty of what is to come. You wish the drive would never end so you can’t arrive at the center. Alternatively you’d be happy with a concise list of what exactly will happen and who exactly you’ll meet. You get neither an endless ride nor a list. Sooner than you’d like the cab stops and you’re left with your gigantic luggage on the sidewalk.
You sincerely hope no one watches the awkward waddle you do while dragging your heavy bag with you to the front gate. Your wishes go unnoticed because someone approaches you quickly and you straighten up your heart jumping into your throat.
When the person is finally close enough for you to make them out clearly your breath hitches and you can’t help but look at him with wide eyes. He’s a snake hybrid. You’ve never seen one before and even if you’re aware of how rude it is you can’t stop staring.
“Welcome! You’re the handler from America, right?” He greets you and you gape at him nodding. He has a split tongue. The street lamps illuminate him dimly and if you aren’t mistaken the faint outline of scales is visible at his temples and his jaw.
He waits a moment and then slightly squirms under your scrutiny. “Ah. Am I your first snake hybrid?”
That manages to shake you out of it and you nod mumbling an apology. He easily hoists up your baggage onto his shoulder and opens a door in the gate with a key card.
“Don’t worry. I get that reaction with most people. We’re all really happy that you’re here. Simon has been… difficult to say the least.” The snake hybrid goes on and you can’t help but wonder how he knows so much. Who is he? Is he the companion hybrid of one of the handlers here?
You’re staring again while you follow him and his shoulders tense. “Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. How silly. I’m Nathair but please call me Nate.”
You give him your name in return and he stops for a moment to extend his hand for you to shake before continuing his way towards a large building. Before you can get a good look at the way it’s structured Nate leads you through the entrance door and towards a reception desk.
Smoothly he slides behind it sorting some papers and putting them in a folder then he gets a key card and stands again. He extends the folder to you and you take it before Nathair rounds the desk again, takes up your luggage once more and makes his way down a hallway. You hurry to follow.
“Those are some papers we need signed, some information like a map and the rules of our center. I also included Simon’s file.”
Suddenly your interest is piqued. “Where is he?”
Nate turns down another hallway and you already know it will take a while before you’re comfortable with the layout of the center. Thank god for the map.
“He’s being kept in a safety room where he will stay until he is ready to join you.”
“Join me?” You have to jog a few steps to keep up with Nate’s quick pace and when he notices he slows down. Here in the light of the building you can get a good look at him.
He’s magnificent. Broad shoulders, copper coloured hair and a dusting of dark reddish brows freckles that get denser towards his temples and fade into a few scattered scales. His skin is pale and along his jaw fading down his neck you can make out some more scales.
His eyes are big and round and something about them is slightly off. You can’t say exactly what it is though. The hands which are holding up your luggage are strong but slender and on the back of them you can once again see reddish brown scales disappear under his sleeves.
“Yes. Join you. Hybrids and handlers share their rooms here but with Simon being the way he is we didn’t deem it safe enough to bring him to the general housing wing yet. “
Suddenly you feel stupid again. You really agreed too quickly without enough information. You didn’t even know about the rooming situation. You straighten your shoulders. It’s too late now and it’s not like you would decide differently if you were given the choice again.
“This one’s yours.” Nate finally stops in front of a door. Right on the door, engraved in a small plastic plate, is your name. You swallow nervously as Nate unlocks it and puts your baggage down inside against the wall next to the entrance.
You walk in and a small smile blooms on your face. It’s cosy. Not so small that it feels cramped but not big enough to make you feel lost in it either. The curtains are drawn over the windows and there is even a small kitchenette cramped into the corner next to one of the windows.
On the right side nestled into a corner is a decently sized desk and on the left opposite to it is the bed pushed against the wall.
You walk in looking through an open door on the right side at the end of the room. It’s the bathroom. At the far end of the tiled room you see another door. Once you’ve scanned every corner you turn back to ask Nate about the door and you catch him with his split tongue out. He blushes a brilliant red under his freckles and lifts his hand to rub the back of his head.
“Ah… sorry. I was just smelling the room.” He sheepishly admits and you cock your head at him in curiosity.
“I smell better with my mouth and tongue than I do with my nose and I wanted to get your scent.”
You laugh at the embarrassed expression on his face and he turns even redder which makes you shake your head and put your hands up. “No, no! I’m not laughing at you!”
You take a step in his direction. “Nate, I work with dog hybrids for a living. I’m used to being smelled.”
He seems taken aback by that then he grins. “Do you mind then?”
You shake your head and Nate takes a step closer his split tongue testing the air for a few moments before he steps back and nods. “Thank you. Not knowing how someone smells feels like I don’t fully know who they are. Like I never saw a their face.”
You nod. “If I say I understand that I’d be lying because I obviously do not experience these things like you do. But it makes sense, no need to be embarrassed.”
He seems happy with that and looks around the room. His eyes settle on another door in the middle of the right wall. He steps towards it.
“Through this you’ll get to Simon’s room. It’s exactly the same as yours just mirrored. His room also shares the bathroom with yours.”
Ah that’s the other door you noticed in the bathroom. Curiously you open it and look into Simon’s room. Just like Nate says it’s a perfectly mirrored version of yours. But it’s empty and suddenly you can’t stay a moment longer here without having seen Simon. You need to make sure he’s okay.
“Nate. Where is Simon? Can I see him?”
The snake hybrid once again scratches the back of his head. “It’s already late.”
“Please. I need to know he’s okay. I came all this way specifically for him.”
Nate looks at you for a long moment and whatever he sees in your expression makes him sigh and relent.
Your ribcage hurts from the violent beats of your heart as you follow Nate through the building. He leads you down so many turns that you’re sure you won’t find your way back on your own.
The fact that all the hallways look basically the same doesn’t help your orientation but all you think about is seeing Simon again. He’s probably mostly healed by now. Will he be excited to see you? After all he signed the agreement first.
Nate leads you down the corridor to a seeming dead end but when you get closer you see that there is actually a door at the end. You both stop before it and the snake hybrid gets his key card.
“Would you like me to go in first and make sure he’s calm?” He asks and you immediately shake your head.
“It will be fine.”
Nate presses his lips into a thin line but nods and unlocks the door. You wipe your palms on your pants the excitement of seeing him again almost overwhelming you. You’re here and he is here and everything will be fine.
The door opens and you step into the room. Simon’s on his feet at the other end and oh, he looks spectacular. You’ve been separated long enough that his health noticeably progressed during that time.
His ears perk forward and Nate slips into the room besides you, closing the door.
Seeing Simon standing on his own without any struggle fills you with relief and your eyes with tears. Physically he already looks so much better than you remember him and the joy of that realization almost makes you shake.
“It’s you.” He rumbles and you cannot restrain yourself anymore taking hasty steps in his direction. Giddy that he’s alive and on his feet and looks well. Everything will work out after all. You’ll take care of each other.
You realize your mistake too late, blinded by the happiness. Time seems to almost slow to a halt. For a moment Simon’s eyes widen, then his tail bristles and his ears press against his head, his lips peel back revealing his dangerous canines.
Your heart stops but you’re mere steps from him and before you can stop the malinois hybrid charges the last steps that separate you.
“No!” Nate shouts somewhere behind you but you barely hear it over the ringing in your ears.
Simon barrels into you, throwing you to the floor and your head cracks against the tiles making pain explode all over the back of it. Simon’s honey coloured eyes are narrowed in aggression and his growl rattles your bones. His big body presses you against the cold hard floor uncomfortably. Every bone aching from the fall.
His teeth flash and you barely have the time to throw up your arms, crossing them in front of you to shield your face and neck. His fangs sink into your forearm. The intensity of the pain almost makes you cry out and you grunt.
Your eyes widen as you look up at Simon’s expression, nose scrunched as he grinds his teeth deeper into your arm until you feel like he’ll break right through your bones. He’s growling like he wants to kill you. His broad shoulders block out the room behind him. All you can see is his vicious snarl and angry eyes.
For some reason it’s the trickle of blood running down to your elbow that catches your attention. How funny, you think, that your own blood can tickle you like this.
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dejwrld · 1 year ago
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of the words of berleezy, i'm a gamer...i do this. the do in question is thirst and thinking about getting bent over by your favorite video game characters. deciding to mix this year's (technically my first every kinktober) up and step away from my animanga roots. so ladies, gents, & non-binaries angels, this year's kinktober is dedicated to some of my favorite video game characters. — TAG LIST FORM
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— after a quite interesting run in with joel and ellie, you're stuck with them through the long journey to ensure ellie get to the fireflies in one piece. through bickering and nearly getting them killed, with a bottle of old whiskey and the moonlight shining down on you—joel miller shows you just how much he hate your guts.
( cw ) ⸻ fem reader, female anatomy described, firefly!reader, power dynamic, mentions of reader technically being held hostage by joel, mean dom!joel, oral (m.receiving), profanity, reader literally has the smartest & dirtiest mouth, age gap between reader and joel but nothing too big, alcohol consumption, spit usage, takes place during 1st tlou game, reader & ellie banter
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— game synopsis: your boyfriend has been quite neglectful when it comes to your needs. not particularly being the best book boyfriend similar to the books you've read. but the one demon that visits you in your dreams seem to give you everything you need.
( cw ) ⸻ fem reader, female anatomy described, mentions of reader having a boyfriend, doggystyle, unprotected sex, dirty talk (simon calls reader a slut), mentions of wet dreams, pillow humping, monsterfucking, mentions of simon having horns
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— game synopsis: he's been your guardian angel since you were sixteen years old. protecting you from danger you didn't see coming, but now that you're slowly wanting space from him—he makes it his mission to remind you who you belong to until you take your final breath.
( cw ) ⸻ fem reader, female anatomy described, slight enemies to fuckers, reader somewhat purposely put herself in danger, possessive!sephiroth, mentions of sephiroth having pretty white wings, mating press position, cream pies, mentions of soul ties,
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— being the handmaiden of the grandmaster of the lin kuei has its perks. although you feel like an odd one out in a winter storm, your bond with the cold grandmaster seems familiar. as if you've experienced it before.
( cw ) ⸻ fem reader, female anatomy described, takes place in the mortal kombat timeline where kuai liang is the lin kuei grandmaster, clit play, ice play, temperature play, mentions of reader & kuai being multi timeline lovers, reader has siren powers, fingering, edging, slight exhibitionism,
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— game synopsis: bigby wolf has to juggle being the sheriff holding the fables together in the busy city of new york, but now a former prey returns to the city stirring up trouble & bigby's primal past.
( cw ) ⸻ fem reader, female anatomy described, mentions of folklores, marking kink, blood kink, primal kink, mentions of infidelity (bigby is dating snow/snow white), takes place after first the wolf among us game (spoilers may be included), cunt slaps, witty nicknames being said during intercourse (reader calls bigby the big bad wolf), reader is new in town, slight established relationship between bigby & reader
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⸻ short game plays to savor your sweet tooth from your favorite halloween candy
— ellie williams x reader, trick n treat ( fem reader, oral [reader receiving], dirty talk, thigh marks )
— jin sakai x reader ( female reader, arranged marriage trope, virginity lost )
— leon kennedy x reader ( female reader, doggy style position, marijuana usage )
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queenhunter102 · 10 months ago
Cod boys and how they come home.
Captain John Price I can see this man having one of his last phone calls with and in code telling the rough timeline of him and his boys coming home. When he does finally step off that chopper and onto that British Soil, I can see that man running to you full speed as he wraps his arms around, damn near toppling the pair of you over. “Hello, my love,” he would whisper as he buried his face into you, just taking in your smell, that thing he wished he could bottle up and take with him on missions, not that he didn’t already have his matching ring. He just wanted that scent to linger longer than it did while he was on missions. Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick Now, Kyle? I see him as the type to just rock up to your flat looking like a little lost puppy, his big brown eyes and the fake petty lip when you swing the door open to him before pouncing on you like a lion when you welcome him into your arms. This man’s mouth would not stop running like he would constantly utter words of praise, like “I adore you” and “You are my everything.” It would be like this man is layering it on thick, hoping you don’t let him go any time yet. Why would you? He was the best damn teddy there ever could be. Alejandro Vargas Now, sweet talker over here? He wouldn’t immediately just go straight home. No, oh nononono, this man would stop off and get you flowers, your favourite drink, food, you name it, like this man is acting like YOU had left on a mission and had finally returned, not him, and when he had unlocked the door to his little house. He would drop everything onto the coffee table just long enough for him to launch himself at you, pinning you to the couch and peppering kisses all over, “Necesito que me des Vida”, he would whisper as he pressed more and more kisses to your jaw. And why wouldn’t you give him life? You did every day. Johnny ‘Soap’ McTavish See Johnny here. This man is a fiend when he comes home, like he is everywhere, all over you. Despite being the smallest out of the group, he makes up for it with his ability to find a way under your clothes. To the point, you are a giggly mess, and to where you are shirtless and locked in a cupboard somewhere, pressed against the door, trying to steal all of your oxygen, only breaking apart to whisper things like “Please let me in no-one will notice” or “five more minutes, just five I went months without you.” And who could you deny him? He had fought in your honour, in your name… well, his really. Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley Now, Si? This big oaf would have waited hours before rushing home. He would have filled out the paperwork he needed to, making sure it got to the right people, even if that meant hand delivery. This man would have spent so much time at the base that you would think you must have had the dates wrong or that the worst must have happened while you sat on the couch and waited for him to walk through the door. And when he finally did come home, you would wrap him into your arms pulling him into you, “Sor’ove, had shit to finish” he would mutter before wrapping you in his arms, pulling you tight into him. What are a few hours of waiting when he has the next two weeks off?
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Taglist: @cringeycookies (If you wanna be in my Taglist: Here) Remember: leaving a like, re-blogging, and commenting helps in this world and encourages more. See you around, my little loves. Kissess.
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sim0nril3y · 2 years ago
First Meeting
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Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Civilian!Reader
Scenario: Being dragged out for the night with friends Simon find himself desperately trying to be alone when a girl with a broken shoe stumble across him.
Note: Set in 2014
Warnings: No mask Simon (It's my personal headcanon in his regular life he probably wouldn't wear it), briefs mentions of abuse, mentions of smoking, mentions of alcohol, suggestive conversation, mentions of age gap, derogatory comments. Note: I made this an OC rather than a Reader because she has her own backstory and family and dreams that may not align with the whole Reader aspect of writing. If you guys do want something like that let me know and I'll see if I can work something out.
30-08-2020 Edit: I’ve updated this fanfic to be a reader rather than OC.
Returning from deployment never really changed for Simon. It wasn’t something he ever enjoyed. There was something about the regiment of the forces that grounded him, something about the strict timelines and regulations. None of that mattered back home. It wasn’t like he could speak to his "friends" about the trauma of being away in war-torn countries. It wasn’t like they even asked; they knew better.
Occasionally on nights out Simon would get asked the rude question of his death tally. He’d simply brush off the question. Honestly, he wasn’t sure if he had a reasonable answer to it anymore. No, instead he would pretend like he didn’t hear as other friends chastised for even asking that sick question. Why was it sick? Did they not think of him as a killer? Maybe that tainted their idyllic persona of the perfect solider. Simon knew that war was disgusting and bloody and each time he took another life a little bit of his own chipped away too.
Stand outside he brought a cigarette to his lips, inhaling slowly and just enjoying the cold winter air. “Bollocks…” A voice slipped from beside him, glancing over his shoulder to see the slight frame of a woman bent down trying to repair the band of her high-heel. As always, he stayed quiet, used to just observing and not interrupting the flow. “Need some help, sweetheart~” A drunk came stumbling in her direction.
In an instant she shot to her feet, stumbling in her broken heel as you turned to face the offending man. “Oh-” “Gonna catch y’death out here, sweetheart. Specially in that little dress…” He commented and Simon gave himself a moment to take in your outfit, it was particularly short from a night-out in January, not that any of the other birds were dressed any different. “Why don’t we get a taxi back to my flat.” He offered and Simon saw the way your shoulders seemed to tense at the suggestion. “Oi…” His voice began before his brain registered that this was a poor idea. “Fuck off and leave her alone.”
“The fuck you think you are?” Came a drunken drawl back in his direction. “Think I’m gonna be your problem if you don’t leave her alone.” He rose then, towering over the two of them you, double both your weight, double both your size. “Pshh… fuckin’ have the slag…” Drunkenly he turned and stumbled back into the club. “Thanks…” Your voice was small as you tilted your had up to make eye-contact. “S’nothing…” Then turning he moved back to where he was sitting.
“Mind if I join you?” Your voice was quiet, flasing a packet of cigarettes in his direction. “Not gonna stop you.” Simon answered with a short shrug. “Fuckin’ shoe…” You grumbled under your breath before joining him delicately, sitting close enough that it looked friendly but far enough away to give him plenty of space. It a light voice your informed him your name. It was pretty. It suited you. The way your voice cut through the cold air, warm personality shining even on this night.
Simon didn’t reply, simply continued to smoke his cigarette in the quiet whilst you lit up your own beside him. “Y’even old enough to be in there?” Suddenly you looked at him before snickering. “Turned 21 months ago.” You announced proudly. “Even got my ID to prove it.” Fuck, you was young. 9 years younger than him, in fact. Whilst he was being beaten and abused by his sick father you was just coming into this world. Fuck, don’t think about any of that. “So, do I get to know your name? Gonna have to tell the story of how a dashing smoker saved me from a weirdo.”
Dashing? Were you flirting with him? You… were way out of his league. Jesus, why was you even paying him any mind when you could go home with practically any lad in there. Why did that sentiment bother him so much? “Simon.” He ground out finally, putting a firm stop to his inner monologue. “Nice name.” “No, it’s not. Just a name.” He couldn’t help the smirk that tugged at his lips. “Don’t be stupid.” He watched the way your pretty face contorted into a smile and then fell into a fit of giggles. It was fucking bliss. The way that you laughed. It was almost fucking musical, or at least it was to Simon’s ears. “Nice fuckin’ name…” He repeated shaking his head. “Kid, you’ve got to work on technique a bit.” Then shaking his head as he took another long drag of his cigarette.
“Well, maybe you could help with that…” Your voice was suggestive and inquisitive, putting the question out there loosely enough that he could see it as a joke or an invitation. “M’sure there are plenty boys your age that could help with that.” There was finality to his tone that even you could sense. Jesus, you were 21 by your own confession. You was so fresh and new to the dating scene. He, on the other hand, was just beginning his 30s, though his years of service made him feel a lot older. There was no way he could just fuck around with a girl like you. It wouldn’t fair.
Sensing his apprehension you simply shrugged your shoulders, as carefree as ever and then muttered. “Maybe~” Nabbing a nearby empty cigarette packet and jotting down your details onto the card before sliding it in his direction. “Guess if you change your mind, you know where to find me.”
A flurry of girls stumbled from the club, surrounding her in a moment in a loud chatter of excitement. “We’ve been looking for you everywhere!” “C’mon, next club~” “Who is that?” “What happened to your shoe?” The questions buzzed around his mind and you kept his gaze until whisked away by her friends. “Fuckin’ hell…” Cursing under his breath as he inspected the packet between his fingers, taking the final drag of his cigarette and then flicking it aside.
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Masterlist | Ask | 28-08-2023
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taylorklosscomeout138 · 4 months ago
Daylight, Carly Simon/James Taylor, and how it's all connected! (Long but worth the read!!)
My theory has BEEN that when the clocks turned back Nov 3rd at the end of Daylight savings, we reversed back to Lover era bcuz it began at the START of Daylight savings
WITH a lyric from Daylight
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Lover was originally called Daylight, and of course if we are in coming out 2.0 then we would be in Lover era 2.0!!!
This ties the whole Carly Simon and James Taylor of it all too btw because when was their marriage anniversary?
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Nov 3rd, 11/3 (113) when the clocks turned back. And they ended in 1983 no less.
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Right before, Taylor played This Love x The Prophecy and sang "these hands had to let it go free AND change the prophecy" as in to say she HAS changed The Prophecy
The Prophecy that cursed her and Karlie to be destined to not last,
(James Taylor and Carly Simon's ending)
This is an extremely important detail because a lot of TTPD is through the lens of Carly Simon and James Taylor/James Hart. The Alchemy is about correcting the timeline to where "Carly Simon" and "James Taylor" stay together this time.
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How do I know for sure? Well many have no explanation for the lyric "He jokes that it's heroine but THIS TIME with an e." But this actually refers to why Carly Simon and James Taylor split (google it)
The implication here is that despite being named after them, Taylor and Karlie changed their fate, changed the prophecy, and in this ending their love CAME BACK to them.
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("What if I told you I'm back." "I'm making a comeback to where I belong." "It's still reserved for me."
(Who are we to fight The Alchemy)
Also Karlie's favorite book is "The Alchemist"
AND I forgot to mention the same night she played This Love x The Prophecy, she played Maroon. And exactly 38 mins before the clocks turned back that night Karlie posted at a WEDDING with MAROON NAILS.
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Also "tell me something awful, like you are a poet, trapped inside the body of a finance guy" is about who Carly Simon moved on to after James Taylor, JAMES Hart. He was an insurance sales man that was secretely a
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Carly was with him for 20 Years. Does that sound familiar to a certain LOVER era lyric?
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mushroomnoodles · 6 months ago
tw/cw for sfw and non kink mpreg
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he may have perhaps been exaggerating a bit so folks wouldn't worry but he holds strong that this one IS easier than morrigan
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mistydeyes · 2 years ago
𝔀𝓮𝓵𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽!
i’m currently not active atm but feel free to pursue my previous works <3
here's a short lil explanation as to where i am lol
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click me for asks + requests :)
requests: closed atm!
pairings status: closed atm!
rules for requests - i love when you send things 💌
note - message me or comment on any one of my works if you want to be added to a tag list :)
I usually post on mondays, wednesdays, and fridays
izzie's fic recommendations - updated daily!
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some things about me :)
the basics: 22, she/her, from the us :)
i'm a third year pharmacy student! also minoring in justice, law, and society
along with writing, i also intern at a retail pharmacy during the summer and a psychiatric hospital during the school year
so naturally my pharmacist series is my absolute favorite to write and research!
𝓶𝔀𝓲𝓲 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓷𝓽 - the full masterlist
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don't know where to start? here's a few readers' favorites :) ❤️ - izzie’s favorites
💌 if you want to peek at all of my writings
"your prescription is ready for pick-up" - 141 x pharmacist!reader
all of my works and our pharmacist reader
a panacea❤️ - 141 meets the cure to all their ailments
sick day visit - you prided yourself on never getting sick but the day has finally come. as you’re resting in your quarters, a certain group pays you a visit :)
fake hypochondriac ghost x reader (sequel to “a panacea”) - ghost goes to extreme lengths to see his favorite pharmacist
pain-killer fueled thoughts price x reader (sequel to “a panacea”) - price landed himself in the medic tent and his pain killers are making him tell the pharmacist his feelings.
keep your weapons hot and bodies hotter (18+) - stripper!141 x fem!reader (codename: Phoenix)❤️
hunk-o-mania 141 edition - feast your eyes on Delilah's Den's newest male dancers
playboy bunny phoenix edition - an unforeseen guest complicates the mission, now you have to get ready to act as the distraction on stage
the joys of civilian life - 141 x civilian!fem!reader
opposite occupations - while on leave, the boys each meet a civilian that makes their time deployed and defending their country worth it
family moments - 141 x fem!reader
little moments and little voices - precious moments you spend in your home with your husband and children :)
oh, darling, don’t you ever grow up - your husband leaves this world too early and now you have to pick up the pieces with your children
secrets and pointed fingers (requested!)❤️ - simon "ghost" riley
behind locked doors - when the 141 thinks you're the mole, they make sure to extract the information in whatever way possible
empty apologies and avoiding glances - when you return back to base, everything is far from normal
half empty glasses and unchanging perspectives - you try to run away from the trauma at the pub but with a glass in hand, simon finds you
O N E - S H O T S
odd hobbies - 141 x reader everyone has their own hobbies, yours are just unique to 141’s perspective
butterfly effect - 141 x fem!reader they say "a butterfly flaps its wings in the amazonian jungle, and subsequently a storm ravages half of europe." what once was a silly quote now has implications as one action leads to your death.
opposite of a meet cute❤️ - 141 x civilian!reader most people have a cute story as to how they met their significant other but yours is a little more eccentric
V I S U A L S + R A N D O M
random things in pockets and bags❤️ SERIES - what does the 141 carry on them when they’re on leave?
pt i- kyle “gaz” garrick
pt ii - simon "ghost" riley
pt iii - johnny "soap" mactavish
pt iv - john price
E X P L A I N S my series of explaining the various timeline's of the games and characters
simon "ghost" riley's backstory
which modern warfare game should i play first?
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some writings from the inbox
medication mixup - the medic unknowingly prescribing you a penicillin has disastrous results due to your allergy
141’s dossier - see what the dossiers laswell gets at the end of mw 2019 looks like! + template
ghost’s doppelgänger - how does the 141 and los vaqueros react to you joining the team? their reactions are even better when you share an uncanny resemblance with ghost
running mascara - 141 x fem!reader harsh words are said and you try your best to run away from the cause. however, everyone needs to face the issue eventually and now the 141 is left to pick up the pieces. initially part of my 1k celebration but i added a sequel as it was highly requested! PART I and PART II
mw2 x reader - my ongoing series of pairing y'all up and writing a short lil blurb about how you met and your relationship
izzie’s 1K celebration! - closed now :) but feel free to look and see some of the prompts + how i answered them
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rotating-hyperfixations · 21 days ago
Yellowjackets Rewatch Thoughts - 01x08
Van and fire, the original otp (curious to see how she responds to the cabin fire in season 3)
Our Laura Lee centric episode
My one gripe with Laura Lee is that she’s seemingly a Catholic (going off the camp name) but her mannerisms and the way she goes about her faith are more in line with baptists; which are not commonly found in NJ
Callie really did not deserve to have a front row seat to her parents marriage seemingly fall apart
Shauna, once again you are a terrible liar
Also, Jeff do you know your wife at all. What possessed you to buy that dress for her
Nat immediately clocking coach ben as gay is so funny to me, especially given how shocked he is
Kinda miss Nat and Ben’s little father-daughter relationship thing they had going on
If they kill Van in season 3 after all this shit she’s gone through I’m gonna lose it.
Ohh Jackie, your being an ass unintentionally, but like your words have meaning baby girl.
Also, Travis clearly making jorts of his jeans has me dead
Misty Quigley doing coke is exactly what the show needed.
Not that Travis feelings are invalid, but Nat has a point. Wtf was she supposed to do, just know his backstory by osmosis.
Jackie NPC stance has returned this episode
Taishauna best friendism in the adult time line is so special to me.
Shauna and Jackie being the first to go to Misty when they return, they are good people!
If they kill Akilah off this season I’m going to be pissed
Teen timeline was acting like rent was due this episode, Jesus Christ
Hearing Shauna talk about the life she never had, I’m going to kill Jeff and then myself.
Juliette Lewis’ best scene is when she crashes the hotel room while on the phone with band
Some of Christina Ricci’s best acting also comes from this episode.
Teen TaiShauna and adult TaiShauna paralleling story beats, god I love this show.
Also, ever since that when interview Melanie Lynskey say she thought Tai and Shauna were going to make out during their heart to heart, I can’t unsee it.
Adam, you stupid bitch, you don’t know how badly you fucked up
Jackie, outing Shauna’s pregnancy like that, not cool. I get you had good intentions, but that’s a huge violation of trust my guy
This is the exact episode where Ben lost control of the girls
Is AA/NA inherently Catholic, or is that just because it’s set in New Jersey
Im curious if we’ll finally get into the Travis Nat suicide pack in season 3
Kind love Jackie’s little manipulative streak, wish we had gotten to see more of it.
Tai finally gets a hug, she deserves it!
Simone, I get that Tai is walking mess come season 2, but she did give you an out at this point.
Laura Lee strapping Leonard into the plane is making me suicidal, she was just a baby!
I knew Laura Lee’s flight wasn’t going to go well the first go around, but watching it all unfold was one of the most devastating moments of the show and the first time I cried watching.
I kinda wish they had kept Courtney’s scream in, but the silence also makes it so much worse.
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skeedelvee · 3 months ago
Carry On Countdown Day 2 - Chosen
For this year's COC I've decided to put together daily fic rec lists! Let me know if you find any new favorite reads from these <3
For todays prompt I've gone with fics that involve Simon being the chosen one
Not Really by @sorbriquette
Rated T, 67,592 words
Enemies to friends to lovers. This is a really extensive and excellent take on it
After learning of the growing distance between the Mage and his heir, the Families decide that they'd rather make an ally of Simon Snow than kill him. Snow is nothing if not loyal though, so turning him is going to need a little more than a good deal. New loyalties must be created and who better to do that than Snow's roommate and soon to be ex-archnemesis, Baz Pitch. Basically, an AU where the Families get Baz to befriend Simon and try to flip him. Then it develops into something more.
Hang the Moon by @captain-aralias
Rated T, 29,171 words
Arranged marriage as a way to end the war with the old families. Oh so good!
Fighting one war is bad enough; three is almost impossible. That’s why, when the Old Families offer the Mage a deal that will put an end to their conflict, he accepts. Simon hates everything about the deal. (And his life. And he definitely hates Baz.) He’s only going along with his part in it because he’s the Mage’s Heir and he has to. There definitely aren’t any other reasons. Or at least, if there are, Simon doesn’t know them. Yet.
Your Fragile Bones Are Mine by @artsyunderstudy
Rated E, 40,581 words
Great use of time in its storytelling, I love the way the story goes back and forth in its timeline. Excellent angst and going off scenes
The grounds around the gates of Watford are burnt. The dining hall stinks of magick. It's three months since the tumultuous end of seventh year—one lonely summer, and six more weeks in a lonelier room—and Baz is finally back. And Simon needs to know why.
Keep Calm by @captain-aralias
Rated T, 68,943 words
What would happen if the Mage actually shepherded Simon away for eighth year. Great humdrum attack scenes
The kidnapping attempt fails, but it’s not the Mage’s only scheme. Eighth year begins. Tyrannus Basilton Pitch returns for the start of term – and finds his roommate missing.
Magic in the Midnight Sun by Coldskin
Rated T, 9,279 words
Baz has to save Simon with a true love’s kiss after he gets cursed by the humdrum. Great getting together story
Simon is struck with a fairytale curse.
There's No Place Like Home by @annabellelux
Rated E, 15,650 words
Simon’s magic teleports him to Baz when he’s in danger. Really fun, lots of barging in at in opportune times
Simon got away from the Humdrum at the end of 7th year by teleporting back to Watford—which Simon thought was all well and good, until he started teleporting to Baz over the summer at the most awkward possible times.
✨Gratuitous self rec✨
Masquerade by me! @skeedelvee
Rated E, 4,191 words
Simon and Baz work together to fight off a Humdrum attack at the end of this one!
Watford is throwing a masquerade ball for its students. With everyone in disguise, who knows what will happen?
If you have any recs that fit the prompt that I've missed, feel free to leave them in the comments! There's plenty of gaps in my reading so there's a good chance I may not have read it.
Also I've had a hard time finding if some people are here on Tumblr, so if you know someone who hasn't been tagged, feel free to leave that in the comments as well <3
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newtonsheffield · 9 months ago
If the show makes Kanthony have a daughter first (as a lot of people are speculating as it kind of wraps up Anthony’s whole ‘wed bed bred’ mantra he had in season 2) will you incorporate this into some stories?
I know we love sweet little Neddy over here, but it would be refreshing to see Lottie make an appearance
Maybe. I highly doubt it’ll be a girl though because it would invite an awkward narrative, not from Kate and Anthony, but from other characters that they couldn’t produce an heir. It’s a much neater bow that they already have an heir and their line is secure
Of course, we could have seen this but no. No idea if baby’s even been born yet. With how free and easy they play it with timelines Kate and Anthony will likely return from India with no baby and her still 23 months pregnant 😂
At least Simone has said Kate Sharma’s here to stay
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lightlysaltedtaters · 1 year ago
Okay, this might just be some incoherent rambling but Fiona’s apparent knowledge that her world was supposed to be magic put this idea in my head and its been driving me nuts so here we go.
Going under the assumption that Fiona World and regular Ooo have the same timelines, Fiona, like Finn, was about 17-18 at the time that Ice King turned back into Simon, removing the magic from Fiona world. So essentially, this girl spent her entire childhood and teen years in a magical world, filled with wonder and fantasy, and as soon as she became an adult, the world around her *literally* lost all of its magic and became a boring, monotonous place. Her childhood was all fun and adventure and magical creatures, and adult life came with such a drastic tone change that she was ultimately unable to cope with it and was constantly searching for a way to return her life to that magic she knew as a kid. And not to be that guy, but that is one HELL of an allegory for growing up!
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callofdudes · 1 year ago
I need to see this happen !!
Could you do a platonic Gary roach Anderson headcanon please, but with a twist. MWII 22 timeline please
My little bug boy! I'm currently laying out a timeline for him, so guys, seriously, ask me about Roach. I'm building an empire of lore for this man in MWll 22. Thank you for blessing us @itsscromp
Gary 'Roach' Sanderson headcanons
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The timeline that I'm working out for my favorite bug boy is that he was forced to go KIA after a mission gone too far south a couple months after Simons return from his capture with Roba. 22 timeline, somewhere within the time Simon was still in rehab.
Friendly reminder in the og, Simon was shot and killed, Gary had to watch as both were burned alive.
So I headcanon that he shares some burn scars with Simon. And has some of his own.
When he is introduced back to our sergeant, Egg, as we now call you. It's on a whim excursion. I think I'm sticking to the idea that Simon happens to recognize him when out in public with you and that's how it started.
You start to get along well with him, even if he does stick by Simon most of the time. The two attached at the hip. He's quiet, and you often see him using sign language when alone with Simon.
Gary could talk, but was often much more comfortable with sign language. Actually talking and trying to find words a lot of times put some mental stress on him.
A lot of times, having to speak and not having the right words can frustrated him to tears.
"Roach, where are those papers you were supposed to get to the main office."
Gary opened his mouth, faced with a commanding officer than wasn't Price. Gary is strong, but when in a situation like this he can't focus. He couldn't find words. It's like he was stuttering together something in his head but he couldn't verbally get it out.
His hands moved anxiously, knowing he couldn't sign his way out. Stuck in place. He tried to speak, but nothing would come out. The officer only questioning him again, telling him to just spit it out.
Noticing Gary's growing anxiety, you came over and lightly tapped his arm. "It's ok Gary." You whispered.
Gary attempted some frazzled sign language, his own lack of communication making him frustrated, tears reaching his eyes.
You squeezed his arm. "Gary did send them in but there have been slow processing times down at the office recently. You should get it soon."
The officer seemed to accept this explanation, and you were left with Gary.
He whined in frustration and you rubbed his arm. "Hey, it's ok. It's ok, we got there in the end."
And you decided hey, if he liked to talk in sign language, what's the harm in trying to learn? So you started to spend some of your free time every day trying to learn BSL.
And eventually you had learned enough for some basic conversations, signing Hi! From your seat in the cantine, grabbing his attention. Gary gently patting Simon's arm and tugging him over to sit with you, signing back.
You smile nervously at him, attempting the sign from across the room, hopefully he'd see it.
You could see how his eyes lit up when you signed to him. He immediately grabbed Simon's sleeve, grabbing his lunch plate and tugged him over to you.
He sat down across from you and signed back. Again getting excited when you signed back. Simon sat next to you, also joining in.
You didn't know a lot, and Gary tried to keep his sign simple, experimenting sometimes of what you knew.
He was touched that you were learning sign for him so you could be a part of his choice to go nonverbal.
That's how the real conversation started. You started to ask him questions, things about himself and how things were before he left. Before all the shitty stuff happened and you arrived. And Gary is happy to talk.
I think that Gary is very selectively mute with his people. He will speak but there has to be a trust there. Whether it's the trust Simon shares with you, you learning BSL or just doing little things to help him around back on base he feels secure with you.
A life of learning to not trust people did that to him, and his family life was probably a little rocky. But he trusts you, eventually getting deep into conversation with you.
Also, you're going to have to clarify to him if you like bugs or not right off the bat before he shows you his... friends.
And while he's all about bugs, he's also a flower guy. Nature in general is his favorite topic but I think he knows a lot about flower language. Another way he conveys how he feels.
Silly, but I think he has a bunch of those fake flowers and a vase in his room, so whichever flower is in the vase the guys at least somewhat know how he's feeling without him having to use the words to express it.
Hes very athletic and flexible. He can fit into anything. It's not uncommon to see the little guy lounging on top of the fridge before Price has to swat him off. Or hearing him crawling through some of the vents by the gym or something.
One time placed a speaker in the air vent by your room and started playing creepy noises. You only called him out when you heard that little giggle.
Quiet, but I think he has the most distinct giggle. Like, you know it's Gary. It's not quite a cackle, but it is in a way. It's very distinct to him.
Once let a recruit get away with having a tarantula on base because he thought it was cute. Simon screamed at him when the thing got out.
Gary is as silly as he is tactical. Let's not forget just how amazing he is at his job. Gary is the guy who can get in and out without being noticed. Under the cover of a snowstorm you would never see him.
He's Ghost's main team up, of course he's skilled.
When you get surrounded by enemy soldiers with nowhere left to run you think you're going to die. Until the enemies start getting shot down from bloody hell know where! Precise bullet after bullet until their down. Only then does Gary pop up.
"Surprise! Miss me??"
Has bug themed pajamas.
Did a spicy pepper challenge and was crying on your lap for over an hour while quivering and blowing his nose into the thoughts of used tissues. It was not good.
Once got a lip piercing once as a 'dare'. Was sad when Price eventually found out about it and made him take it out ☹️
Took you to the zoo once, wanted to spend all his time by the bats and the snakes. They even had a tank of spiders that he desperately attempted to get you near because 'look how cool and pretty they are!'
Gary is also an incredible comforter. He's small, but he attempts to lay across you. If you're bigger than him, he'll starfish out across your chest, snuggling his head into your chest to try and keep you cozy.
If you've had a nightmare he'll wrap a blanket around you and stay with you.
He snuggled up to you, wrapping his arm around you. He tilts his head a little, pulling down his mask to offer you a crooked little smile of reassurance.
"It's ok." He whispers, trying to calm your shaking. He takes your hand, bringing it close to his chest, making sure you're ok.
"It was just a nightmare, I promise." He whispers again.
You lean against him, and he embraces it, taking the weight for you. "I got you, I won't let anything hurt you ok?"
"Thank you Gary..."
You once saw him slap Simon hard across the face (a little spat) and you thought that little man was going to die. Apparently Gary has the powers of the sun because Simon just nodded and shut up. Like what!?
You love him but you're also scared of him...
He's as cute as he is deadly, and just... Be careful with him. 😅😅
(sorry if I mentioned Simon too much, realistically I think they are brothers who would not go anywhere without the other)
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beevean · 8 days ago
"what did maxim do" Yeah, with everything established, it's hard to not imagine Maxim must have done something horrible.
Someone must have started the ritual of reviving Dracula, and Maxim is the one who found the remains so he is the likely candidate. And since the rituals usually involves sacrifices… Or he would want Dracula in a weaken state he could skip the sacrifice part? He still need to have learned some dark ritual, which still raises questions…
Maxim wanted to spare Juste of his fate but instead harmed Lydie (and who knows if he harmed more people) and forced Juste into his fate. Truly tragic.
So, this seems to be the timeline, at least from what I understood:
Maxim departs for his self-imposed mission of relieving Juste of his fate, and perhaps to even the circumstances because he felt now inferior to his friend.
He has the phantasmagoric idea of retrieving Dracula's relics and destroy them, to both "save" Juste and prove himself just as worthy.
The relics react with his soul, with Maxim's innermost resentment towards Juste. They don't possess him (like Albus with Dominus) or curse him (like Isaac with the Curse), but Evil Maxim is born, confined in Maxim's head.
Through the power of the relics, and called forth by Maxim's souls, the castle is risen, but unstable as it's tied to two souls not yet merged. Death is very confused by the lack of Dracula and sets to investigate.
Evil Maxim kidnaps Lydie and hides her behind the throne room, presumably to drain her of her blood to become the dominant spirit.
Maxim has some sort of fight: at this point, I can guess with himself, to drive away Evil Maxim. (Lydie's dialogue implies that she met the real Maxim and thought he was going to rescue her.) He loses his memory, which puts a dent in Evil Maxim's plans as he can no longer remember where's Lydie, and returns to Juste "covered in wounds", but remembering at least that Lydie needs to be saved.
Game happens and Maxim fucks everything up. good jorb 👍
I suppose what we don't know is exactly why the relics were still around. In both Simon's Quest and Symphony of the Night, they appear just as Dracula is about to be resurrected, and at least in the latter's case with people actively working on it. However, if you don't find any relic by the time of Sky Walkway, Maxim directly comments on this saying:
"According to legend, it's still too early for Dracula's resurrection. It is not like anyone is cursed right now either. At first, I was doubtful that I could find all his remains… But I uncovered six parts, as if guided by a higher being…"
So, it seems that Maxim himself has noticed that no one in particular seems to be working to resurrect Dracula earlier. So who knows what the "higher being" is? Death? Fate? The remains of Dracula's influence on the land? Maxim's own desires, making the relics spawn to "grant his wish"?
To be fair, I think Maxim merely wanted to destroy the relics, much like Simon planned to burn them and didn't know about the fang of Vlad hidden on the altar. He should have studied the Belmont history better, then.
Anyway, I really would love some sort of prequel narrating Maxim's journey, what he learned, and how he managed to find six relics, but most importantly what kind of thoughts were going inside his head.
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childotkw · 4 months ago
Hi jordan! Hope you're doing well! It's flourdove (to clarify because username change aha) - I've been doing my seasonal ybtm reread and my annual surf through the ybtm tag on your tumblr (just full of gems. Dopamine hit goes crazy). Lots of stray thoughts...
This time around I've been reading especially slowly to soak in all the details (it's a trend. I go slower for each reread) and I can't believe I actually missed the elder wand detail in the beach/shade scene and THEN missed the implications in the first (I believe) Grindelwald scene when he mentions the wand disappearing and then coming back with grains of white sand on it. Want to smack myself on the head for that because even though it's not necessarily... a huge detail (I think) it's still something that's kinda embarrassing to miss aha I've been thinking about if Nathan actually lived through his accident and Harry never came to take his place, and how exactly all that would go, especially in regards to characterization because amnesia can be wild considering how it varies from case to case. That AU would be interesting imo and it is Tempting to try and take it on - though if I did, I might be biting off more than I can chew (I am not the plot genius of genius master that you are). one day (one day...)
Also have been chewing on Harry-Turns-Into-Simon AU, I love big brother potter and it Hurts. I think the image of Tom nagging Simon!Harry would be very funny and also disconcerting because I have a hot white hatred for that child (as much as I'd like to pick at his brain) regardless... hope you're having a good day! I am waiting very patiently for ybtm21. Have a polite lioness
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(2/2) I forgot to add this before hitting send on my last ask but for nathan lives it'd also be. Real Amnesia. If the tangent on how amnesia varies didn't make it clear sorry!!!
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Hello love! Thanks for the update - and congrats on your new username! And thank you for the lion 🥰
Ahhhh yes, the elder wand! I did sneak that one in there hahah Grindelwald is very much befuddled by what's going on with it, but the pieces are kinda coming together for him 😂
If Nathan never got taken over, and Harry never came to be in this time, I think that would be a very dark timeline indeed. Nathan would either go one of two ways - he would continue to drown under the weight of the horrific treatment he was being subjected to, or he would, with a truly stunning amount of courage, find a way to overcome things.
Because I want my boy to be happy, let's say it's option two.
Maybe Nathan wakes up, disorientated and confused, but accepting of what the doctors tell him. He was injured, he hit his head, he has amnesia. It's not quite a 'factory reset' but it does lead to some changes in his personality and reactions to things.
He's convinced by his parents to take his time with his recovery, and then, most likely, to remain home-schooled rather than return to Hogwarts. Nathan has no drive to go back to the castle anyway, since he can't remember anything about it, and Simon's horrible whispered words have told him that whatever bullying had occurred, it had occurred there.
So, our boy is home-schooled, and what do you know? When taken out of a crushing and toxic environment where everyone is out to get him, Nathan flourishes. His tutor is a kind but strict woman who pushes him at just the right speed to get him to excel.
He takes his OWLs and his NEWTs months and years in advance with her hand guiding him and his ambitions, and he passes both with flying colours because he's had a dedicated teacher that's only focus is on him, not hundreds of other students.
Nathan doesn't know exactly what he wants to go into - he doesn't think he has the right temperament to be an auror, despite some boyhood dreams of his - so he instead turns his focus to the Unspeakables.
Normally, being hired as an Unspeakable doesn't happen straight out of school, and especially not to someone graduating years before they usually should. It requires decades of study to even be considered. But Nathan's tutor, who is more well connected than even he knew, gets him an interview. He gets himself the job.
It's boring work initially, being a gopher for his older colleagues, but as he proves his competence and knowledge, they start getting him onto more and more interesting, and dangerous, projects because the Unspeakables play fast and loose with rules and what do they care if he's not hit his majority? He wears the robes and the mask. He's one of them
Nathan loses years down in the dark bowels of the Ministry, but they are some of the best years of his life. He distantly hears about Grindelwald's defeat, and the frantic running of his Acolytes all across the globe, but pays it no mind because the device in his hands is far more fascinating.
Around that time, he gets a letter from his old tutor, asking to meet.
He goes, of course he does, because he hasn't seen his parents in months and has been ignoring their letters even longer, but Leopolda was always offered him just that bit more than Benedict and Cynthia could with their love forever tainted with guilt.
More encouragement. More praise. More advice. More magic.
That's why he does nothing when she introduces him to her brother, Klaus. That's why he says nothing when she admits to who and what they are.
That's why he takes her hand when she asks for help.
Nathan's an Unspeakable, and he specialises in wards - making them, destroying them, twisting them.
He can guess why they've come.
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