#Lesbian research
artinvain · 6 months
maybe let’s stop comparing lgbt+ to animals, I really don’t care anymore if it’s about research. as sentient as animals are, they are not the same as humans and as a lesbian and nb I would like to stop being compared to fucking whales to justify my perfectly valid and very normal identities. if you want to study us, stop being cocks and ask fucking questions about us TO US.
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floral-ashes · 4 months
For Nature’s new series on sex/gender, I wrote with the amazing Shari Brightly-Brown and G Nic Rider about gender modality, the limits of the cis/trans binary, and how to study gender more respectfully and accurately.
Gender modality is a term I coined in 2019 that has picked up a lot of steam in the last few years. It refers to the relationship between someone’s gender identity and gender assigned at birth. It’s a lot like ‘sexual orientation’ but for trans/cis instead of gay/straight.
The term helps us be more accurate and more respectful when describing the experiences of trans people, and opens up space beyond the trans/cis binary.
For instance, it’s often more accurate to say that discrimination against trans people is based on gender modality than based on gender identity. After all, a trans woman has the same gender identity as a cis woman, so that’s not the salient point.
There are also many people who don’t neatly fall in the trans/cis binary, and gender modality helps us talk about that. Non-binary people who don’t identify as cis or trans, gender questioning folks, detrans folks, people with culturally-specific identities, etc.
Our world is incredibly rich with experiences and our language should reflect that. As we say in the paper, the first step in science shouldn’t be assuming, it should be to engage in the world in all its magnificent complexity.
I am grateful to our editor for the opportunity to publish in such a prestigious journal with such amazing coauthors. I hope you all enjoy the read!
For those who prefer to listen, here’s an audio version.
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emolionsrawr · 4 months
gerrard: buckley, what in the devils name are you doing?
buck, with a clipboard in hand: well, gerrard, i was going over everything in the firehouse and i noticed some things
gerrard: what is it buckley?
buck: well, you sir are in violation of the sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression discrimination act, over the past week i've noticed you refer to henretta wilson with slurs, very offensive slurs, as well as myself, due to this myself and mrs wilson have made note of each time you've done this, and reported it to our head HR representative, this here *hands gerrard a piece of paper* is a letter from the chief, requesting your presence for a meeting about your retirement
gerrard: you fucking fa-
bobby: i'd be careful if i was you gerrard, and get out of MY firehouse
gerrard: *screws up the paper and leaves*
chimney: see i told you all we needed to do was set clipboard buck on his ass
hen: look i know i'm a lesbian, but buck has never looked so good before
buck: i am the defender of lesbians!!
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baileyjayy1 · 6 months
If I unveil this present 🎁 will you suck it?🍆
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it's hailing today and the gloom outside is casting peculiar shadows around my room...
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ashleyeveerson · 5 months
Haven't been able to think about anything other than the victorian/edwardian/WW1 twink and his 80's punk almost-boyfriend for a week, send help
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yourlocalabomination · 11 months
*fingers aggressively gripping my thighs* Yea I think about that one sleazeball a normal amount.
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ineffable-aaaaaaaaaa · 9 months
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manifesting the lesbians for season three :))))))
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rosyborealis · 1 month
There’s this phenomenon that isn’t quite queerbaiting, and therefore shouldn’t be called that in my opinion, but there isn’t a specific word for it as far as I know. Basically the phenomenon where a couple isn’t explicitly shown to be a couple on screen (usually due to corporate homophobia), but is definitely intended by the creators to be a couple.
Edit: The two phrases that have been brought up in the comments are queer-coding and Herero-baiting. I’m partial to the latter.
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genderqueerdykes · 11 days
"Honing in on bisexuality specifically, in the UK the LGBT+ charity Stonewall published its Bi Report in 2020 to summarize their recent findings on the experience of thousands of people who are bi in Britain. They found that 80 of bisexual people in their sample were not out to all of their family members, and 64 percent were not out to their friends. This meant that bi people were less than half as likely to be out as gay or lesbian people in the study.
Research conducted in the US by the Pew Research Center in 2019 found similar results, with 74 percent of bisexual people in their sample being closeted to most or all of the important people in their lives, compared to the 29 percent of lesbians and the 23 percent of gay men. Additionally, in 2013 Pew had found big differences between men and women. About a third of bisexual women said they had told the most important people in their lives that they were bisexual, but only 12 percent of bi men had done the same."
-- "Bi: The Hidden Culture, History, and Science of Bisexuality." - Dr. Julia Shaw.
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blackbackedjackal · 6 months
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year
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i don't feel like really coloring this rn so here are some rough sketches of my older tealmask designs! kieran is a mask maker & competitive battler while florian is paldea's new pokémon professor, (he specializes in pokémon mythology & terastallization.)
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trracstudy · 6 months
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Queer researchers seeking participants!!
We're a queer research team based out of University of Maine and Fordham University, recruiting 15-18 year-olds in the US for our study of mental health, coping, and online experiences. This study should take ~25-35 minutes to complete and does not require parental permission. If you want to enter our raffle for a gift card at the end of participating, you'll be entered to win one of 20, $25 Amazon gift cards!
Click the link or scan the QR code to participate: https://fordham.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ehWjq8RIi2c14Oy
Help us learn more about mental health for LGBTQ+ teens. Queer research for queer youth!
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gay-otlc · 6 months
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baileyjayy1 · 6 months
Say Hello to me and my big friend down there 😉🍆
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nb-goblin · 6 months
study participants needed!
UPDATE: thank you everyone that's taken part :) the study has now closed, we got over 200 participants!! thank you so much
Hi, I'm a second year psychology student doing research on how queer people view others within the LGBTQ+ community.
Its just a short task and survey that should take 5-10minutes to complete, any participation is appreciated! Thank you!
Link (including info about our ethical aproval): https://run.pavlovia.org/Wake/public-iat/
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Extra clarrification on some things under the cut :)
In this study we use the words "(gender) conforming" to mean anyone thats not part of the LGBTQ+ community and "(gender)non-conforming" for anyone that is. This was suggested to help us code the results better, but we now know that this may have overcomplicated things.
The first part of the study involves an IAT, for some people they will be put into the "positive, conforming" conditioin first and others will be the "positive, nonconforming" first. It may seem scewed, and some people have bought up that it can seem bias, but that is just how this type of test works- it has been used and tested in many other studies and has not shown internal bias.
These are the main two points people have bought up, feel free to ask any other questions about this research though I will be happy to try and answer as much as I can :)
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