comfortablecomfort · 1 year
Zombies aren't Ticklish!
Ler: Edd
Lee: Tord
"Is the coast clear?"
Zombie apocalypse, one hell of an event
Tord got bitten by one of Matt's zombies, but unlike the rest of them, he might still have a brain
Edd checked through the windows and slammed the door shut.
"Yep, we're good" Edd reassured
"God dammit." Tord muttered
"What's the matter?" Edd asked as he sat next to Tord
"If only I wasn't bitten in the first place, none of this would've happened." Tord grumbled
"It's not your fault. It's Matt's. He started all of this anyway." Edd gave Tord a pat on the back
"Yeah, but I just want to find that stupid necronomicon and get it done with." Tord sighed
"Don't worry, I promise you, we'll find it before Matt does." Edd smiled
"Alright, I guess I should lighten up." Tord tried to smile
I think I know what'll cheer you up." Edd gave a cheeky grin
But Tord rolled his eyes, he already knew what was gonna happen
Edd's smile faded a little
"Edd, don't even try it. Zombies aren't-" Before Tord could finish his little rant, he squeaked when Edd poked his side
"Sorry, what did you say?" Edd smiled again, that bastard.
"I sahaid.. Zombies aren't - Aha!" Tord gave the same reaction when Edd repeated the process
"They aren't what? Ticklish? Because you sure are." Edd teased and moved a bit closer
"I'll bihite yohou!" Tord warned, but it was drowned out by his giggling
"You won't." Edd finally targeted Tord's hips, the zombie communist screeched
"Not so cocky now, huh?" Edd asked, the teasing not going anywhere.
"Mhmhmhm! I DOHON'T NEED THIHIS! STAHAP!" Tord tried not to beg
"You're being moody, of course you need this!" Edd whined
But he knew just how to make this situation even better
He lifted up Tord's hoodie slightly
"Edd, l-let's just- GAHAHA NO BIHITING!"
Tord lost it when Edd nibbled his hips softly.
Tord just gave up on fighting and accepted it.
"Sorry." Edd got off of Tord.
Only to nearly be bitten by him.
"Hey! What was that for?!" Edd asked, a little shocked from the sudden move
"Y-You know damn well what it was for.." Tord panted
"You're welcome." Edd giggled
(Uggghhh, my head hurts and I'm at school. Also, sorry if the nibble part was a bit weird. I wanted to make it cuter.)
HAPPY SPOOKY MONTH @eunchancorner
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random-tickle-stuff · 9 months
Awww why ypur draws are so cute🥺❤❤❤❤ please can you make lee Tom ler Edd
Awww thanks! Of course!
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Based of my lil headcanon of Tom having very ticklish palms >:3
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fandomwriter208 · 5 months
Sneaky thief!
Lee! Child!Reader, Ler!Edd
Summary: Reader steals Edd's hoodie, but Edd won't let it go that easily
It's a typical day in the gang's house, Matt is staring at his reflection, Tom is playing his bass Susan, and Tord is out and about in town. "I gotta get my shower" Edd says to you, and he gets up and walks to his room. "okay" you respond, and you carry on doing (insert favorite hobby) about 1 minute later, you sneak into the room and take his hoodie. you walk to your room, and put on the hoodie, and you giggled, the hoodie was too big for you, but you didn't care and kept it on.
(Edd's POV)
I walk out of my bathroom with my pajamas on to see that my hoodie was not on my bed where I left it. "where is it? Did I misplace it somewhere?" I say, confused. I walk to the living room to see that Tord just got back from town. "Hey Tom, have you seen my hoodie?" I ask tom, wondering if he knew where it was. "No, Y/N took it to their room" Tom replies
(3rd person POV)
Reader stands in the mirror, giggling and acting like Edd, a big smile on their face. They turn around to see Edd smiling, standing in the doorway, and Reader looks down in shame. "sorry Edd, the hoodie just looked so comfy!" Reader apologises. "Hey, it's okay! c'mere" Edd responds, opening his arms for a hug. Reader walks into his arms, returning the hug, and that's when Edd attacks Reader's belly with a buncha tickles, making Reader squeal at the tickling sensation.
"HEHEHEHEHEY! EHEHEHEDDIHIHIHIE!" Reader squeals with laughter, trying to squirm out of the cola lover's tickly grasp. "Why are you laughing? I didn't even tell any puns yet" Edd teased, knowing how much it would annoy the giggly 7 year old. "YOHOHOHOU'RE TIHIHIHICKLIHING MEHEHE!" Reader manages to say clearly. "this what you get for stealing my hoodie you silly theif!" Edd replies, as an amused Tord, Tom and Matt watch with amused smiles on their faces as they watch Reader's attempts at squirming away from their cola loving best friend. soon enough, Edd lets Reader breathe and he takes his hoodie back, leaving a giggly Reader on the floor as they calm down their laughs
(Plz be nice, this is my first fanfic, and I tried to make it as in character as possible)
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rainbowwing251 · 3 months
Fuck it, Edd/Double D Tickle Headcanons
Yeah, I couldn’t resist anymore, I had to post these headcanons I came up with for Double D. Going to put this under Read More because this shit is going to be long as hell.
The most ticklish of the Eds. Like holy FUCK is this guy ticklish.
His entire torso and waist is ticklish along with his armpits and ears, but his ribs are his death spot. Tickle him there and he’ll instantly be hysterical and fall to the floor.
Everyone in the cul-de-sac has tickled him for some reason or another.
Is he rambling on and on about an invention he made? Eddy tickles him to shut him up. Is he rambling out of anxiety? Ed immediately drops everything to tickle him until he calms down. Has he been snarky/sassy all day? Eddy wrecks his shit. Is he doubtful of a scam? Eddy wrecks his shit. Is he refusing to go along with a scam? Ed and Eddy tickle him until he gives in. Want to find out what he’s hiding under his hat? …well he’s not going to tell you, but tickle him anyway!
There are a million reasons to tickle Double D, that’s all I’m saying.
A single touch will cause him to fold up like paper. Probably literally given the physics seen in this show, but he’ll try to curl up regardless.
If not curling up, sneaking up behind him to poke him in the side will cause him to fly into space.
Pinning him down is not even a challenge. He’s the weakest of the Eds in terms of physical strength, so much so that even Jimmy could pin him down and he wouldn’t be able to get away. Tickles aren’t even necessary in order to pin him down without a struggle, but the kids do it anyway because torturing him with tickles is funny to them.
He’s so fucking squirmy that it’s hilarious. He’s essentially a ticklish little worm when he’s not pinned down.
He’s twitchy too. If you were to put your hands on his stomach or ribs and not move an itch, you’d feel his body twitch and tremble every second due to the anticipation he’s feeling.
His laugh is the cutest laugh anyone in the cul-de-sac has ever heard in their lives. It’s mostly little giggles and titters with a few full belly laughs in between.
He’s incredibly squeaky too. He tries so hard to not let out squeaks when he feels someone’s hands on his ribs or tummy, but he succeeds only 25% of the time.
If he lets out a particularly loud squeal, he hides his face in his hat out of embarrassment.
Speaking of his hat, when he’s in a lee mood or someone tries to tickle his ears, he tends to hide away in his hat. While it does protect his ears from tickles, it does not protect him from the laughter of all the other kids when they figure out why he’s hiding in the first place, nor does it protect him from Ed randomly deciding to throw him over his shoulder and carry him away to a secluded space to tickle him.
He occasionally snorts when he laughs, which is even more embarrassing to him than squealing. Kevin and Eddy have laughed at him for this at least once.
He actually makes a lot of funny noises in general while he’s being tickled. He can’t help it, it’s like his brain is short-circuiting!
He shakes like a leaf when he’s in a lee mood. He has no idea how to deal with this without flustering himself until he melts into a puddle on the ground, but God damn it, he wants to be tickled so badly!
He’ll be super blushy too. Ed always believes that Double D has a fever whenever he’s like this, but Eddy knows better.
Cannot hear the word tickle when he’s in a lee mood. If anyone says it, regardless of who it is, he’ll fall over like a plank of wood. Eddy loves to abuse the shit out of this.
Double D as a ler through? Terrifying.
His intelligence means that he’s memorized all of the cul-de-sac kids’ worst spots, all of the teases that make them crack, and all of the tools that make them scream with laughter if applicable.
Because of his lack of physical strength, he depends on attacking his lee’s worst spots to keep them trapped under him.
He loves to conduct tickly experiments using all different kinds of tickle tools to see which ones make his lee laugh the hardest or the loudest.
He experiments with teases too to see which ones are the most effective.
When the experiments are done, he writes down everything he learned and hides it somewhere where someone like Ed or Eddy can’t find them. He may be an evil ler, but he doesn’t want this information to fall into the wrong hands.
Of course, while he’s tickling someone, he’ll tell them about tickling. The terminology, the reasons why certain spots are more ticklish than others, how tickling can help friends or family members bond with one another, all of it. It’s like he’s having a completely normal conversation while the lee is dying of laughter.
It gets worse for the lee if he decides to target specific spots while he talks about them.
Teases and the word tickle do not phase him when he’s in a ler mood. Needless to say that pisses Eddy off and scares the crap out of him at the same time.
If he wants revenge, he will come up with a legitimate strategy to get a satisfying amount of payback. He’ll draw entire diagrams, make entire lists of teases and/or tools, and write step-by-step produces on how he’ll get back at his target.
He can’t help but laugh along with anyone he tickles, even when he’s getting revenge. Normally he wouldn’t be entertained by anything he considers to be silly, but tickling is the one exception.
That being said, for him, entertainment doesn’t come from tormenting anyone with tickling, but with trying to forge a closer bond with someone if that’s possible for him to do.
Overall, ler Double D can be scary but friendly. There is one problem however… can he run away before his lee recovers and gets revenge on him?
…no. Most of the time the answer is no.
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eunchancorner · 2 years
Is it fine to ask for a Tord, Edd, and Matt tickle fight?
Ooooo. Time to pull up the good Tord AU (basically he actually moved to the city, but came back (eviction’s fun :,>) and it was Vlahd who attacked (trying to get Tord to join) and killed Jon, and Tom just had a new house built since he didn’t wanna ‘waste money on an apartment’)
  Lers Tord, Edd and Matt, Lees Tord, Edd and Matt
Warning: cussing lol
Word count: 1579
“Alright, I’ll be back in a few days,” Tom informed his three housemates as he started to walk out the door. He was leaving for a few days to visit someone regarding his inheritance (apparently fruit can write wills, who knew!) after putting it off for years.
“Seeya soon!” Edd called.
“Good luck!” Matt added.
“Don’t stink up my car!” Tord demanded from the kitchen.
“As if it doesn’t stink from the bacon, gunpowder and garbage already!” Tom refuted before closing the door. A few minutes later, the car started and they heard it driving away, signaling his departure.
“It’s gonna be weird not having him around…” Matt mumbled from the end of the couch, looking at his brunette friend who was sitting on the chair nearby.
“Yeah, but he’ll be back soon! Only a few days,” he reminded the redhead, who nodded.
“Yeah, but it’ll still be weird…” their Nordic friend pointed out as he draped himself over the back of the couch. Of course, he dropped the facade rather quickly when he suddenly said “You guys wanna go something dumb?”
“Of course!”
But who were Edd and Matt do deny doing something arguably stupid but fun.
“Awesome!... Does anyone have an idea?” Tord spouted enthusiastically, his emotions not matching his very question. He genuinely had no ideas and prayed the others did.
“Well, no?”
“... Vel, faen…” (Well, fuck)
No ideas. No ideas meant nothing to do, which meant boredom. They all hated being bored, almost as much as Tord hated Sunshine Lollipops, but what were they meant to do?
Well, Matt did have a smol idea. But, of course, he had to be sneaky to pull it off.
He watched carefully as Tord struggled and flipped down onto the couch, sinking into it with a bored expression, sighing softly. It was perfect. Almost too perfect.
Slowly, and carefully, he moved his hand closer and closer to Tord, slowly reaching out for him, until…
Matt was suddenly yanked by that very hand over Tord’s lap. He realized that Tord had somehow caught on to his little plan, and now had him trapped.
“What are you two doing?” Edd questioned from his chair, watching them curiously.
“Edd, can you believe this? This little jerk actually tried to tickle me!” Tord feigned anger towards his friend.
“HEY! I’m taller than you! AND I’m not as much of a jerk as you!” Matt defended, before realizing he should probably add something. “A-also I didn’t try to tickle you!”
“Now, why don’t I believe that…? Hm.. oh yeah, because you were reaching straight for my belly!”
“Heh, Matt, reaching directly for the spot you wanna tickle might not have been the best sneaking strategy,” Edd pointed out. “I, personally, go in for a hug and then trap them! It’s effective and affectionate, which makes it even better!”
“That’s nice, Edd, now help me teach this walking torch a lesson,” Tord requested, casually referencing the time he accidentally set Matt on fire (which Matt refused to believe was an actual accident).
“Hey, that was your fault and you know it!” the ginger protested.
“I’m not the idiot who leaned so far back over the match, now am I!” 
“Guys, chill, what happened to tickling Matt?” Edd broke up their little spat as he stood, discarding his phone and the video he was watching on the chair.
“Right, right, right. Anyway, you ready to die, Matt?” Tord teased as he smirked down at the redhead, who suddenly became aware of his very vulnerable position, with his arm pulled over his head, belly up in the lap of one of the worst lers in the house, the other standing right next to him. Fuck.
“W-w-wait, we can talk this out, right? W-we’re friends, of course, s-so you’ve got to have mercy on me! R-right?!” he tried to plead.
“But, like you said, Matt, we’re friends! And friends tickle each other, isn’t that right, Tord?” Edd chirped teasily, his Nordic friend getting in on the act.
“Oh, of course! And it’s been so long since I’ve tickled you, why, I haven’t done it since I moved out! So many years without your laughter, and now I finally have that chance again!”
“B-but I laughed with you! Remember! A-after we went out on adventures! B-before the house blew up?!”
“Oh, that’s different. I was laughing too, I could barely hear you! I want to hear just you laughing now~”
Before the redhead could come up with another excuse or protest of any kind, he suddenly felt two hands (one of which was undoubtedly Tord’s) kneading into his belly, drawing out bubbly laughter before he was ready, and he curled up the best he could. But, of course, Edd and Tord simply couldn’t leave this simple reflex alone.
“Awww, like a little porcupine!” Tord pointed out.
“It’s almost as if he’s trapping our hands so we keep tickling him!” Edd chirped in a voice that sounded cheery and sweet, but Matt knew it was meant to tease. “How sweet!”
“Aw, is that what’s happening? How cute~”
Matt was dying, he was sure of it. The whole being held in his friend’s lap and tickled was bad enough, but all the sweet, flustering teases were absolutely killing him. He had one way out, and one hand to do it with, so it’d have to be good.
Quicker than Tord hiding his magazines, he reached out and squeezed wherever on said friend he could reach, praying it was somewhere ticklish.
He kept squeezing as one of the hands jolted away from him, another releasing his arm, now feeling them shove feebly at his own. He peeked his eyes open to see that, by some miracle, he had grabbed ahold of Tord’s hip, aka, his complete and utter death spot. Although, if he could have paid better attention to Tord’s reaction, he might have guessed that.
The poor guy was kicking and squealing, and Edd, while confused, soon smirked and helped the redhead, taking the other hip, sending their friend into absolute hysterics.
Matt managed to roll away amidst the tickly chaos, but heard Edd’s voice calling behind him. He didn’t dare look back or listen, he just ran.
Little did they know, this was merely the start to a whole night filled with tickly shenanigans.
“Look, Edd, I’m an artist, too!” Tord chirped, tracing soft patterns into the brunette’s belly as Matt held him still, sending the poor cola lover into utter hysterics at the featherlight touches.
“YOUHUR AHAHART SUHUHUHUCKS!!” he dared to say, trying to kick as Tord sat firmly on his legs.
“Hmm, maybe you’re right. Guess I better erase it~”
“NOOHOHOHOHOOOO!!!” Edd squealed as he suddenly felt his friend’s hands digging into his poor tum.
“PLEHEHEHEHEASE! IHIT’S SOHOHO BAHAHAHAD! IHIT TIHIHIHICKLES SOHOHO BAHAHAD!!” Matt squealed and cackled as the two opposite-hoodied friends tickled him from either side. Tord had his belly and left ribs, while Edd had his right ribs and armpit, causing him to snort at the utterly maddening sensations.
“That’s kind of the point, Matt!” Edd pointed out with a goofy smile, poking all over his death spot as his arms clamped tightly to his sides to try to block him.
“Poor little fluffball, too ticklish for his own good!” Tord added, clawing at Matt’s belly relentlessly, causing him to curl up like earlier.
“Tord, come on, we can’t understand what you’re saying!” Edd feigned complaint, kneading the poor man’s hips.
“I don’t think he can speak English anymore, Edd,” Matt pointed out with a quiet giggle, scribbling his armpits, making the communist kick and squeal.
“Then I guess we’ll just have to tickle it back into him!” Edd chirped.
All three friends flopped onto the floor, giggling and panting (Tord more so than the others), finally having ended their long tickle fight. No winner was clear, but it didn’t matter to them.
“Ihit- it’s been a long time since we’ve had Tord around for a tickle fight. You two ok?” Edd asked the others, getting little more than a giggly nod from Tord.
“Yeheah, I’m good. Although it sounds like that’s more than I can say for Tord,” Matt pointed out, glancing at the one still giggling brightly between them.
“Shuhuhuhush…” he complained, covering his face with one arm, “I cahahan’t stohohohop…”
“Well, you’re gonna have to try, otherwise you’re gonna get me laughing again!” Edd warned playfully, only making Tord giggle louder.
“Nohohot hehehelping.”
Matt rolled his eyes and stood, before helping his two friends to their feet. He gently patted Tord’s back to help him stop giggling, slowly calming him down as Edd stretched and went to grab some drinks for them all. 
“Ohokahay… Ohokay, I think I’m calm now…”
“You sure? You were pretty giggly.”
“I think so…” Tord sighed as he slumped onto the couch, slinging an arm around Matt as he sat beside him. “God, I’ve missed this, these crazy tickle fights with you guys.”
“We missed it too, Tord,” Edd responded as he returned with a cola for himself and two apple juices for his friends, which he handed to them.
Matt drank his own without hesitation, Tord took slow sips, putting his other arm around Edd and pulling him close.
“We gotta do this more often,” they chorused as a movie started on the TV in front of them, all of them relaxing.
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veryblushyswitch · 2 years
Double D is so adorable oh my gosh I can’t 😭💖
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sneakygoldie · 6 months
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uh did this ig
kinda scared to post it >///<
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vampiremeerkat · 2 years
How would a reverse au situation with the Lorax and once-ler would work if it even could be a thing, like Lorax being a human and once-ler some sort of embodiment being (makes me think a bit about hexxus, but I guess once-ler would be more like the instinct of greed in people) your "not a sequel" post made me start to think about it but in a full total reverse deal
Toothy black ghosts are cool, but I already have funera.
He'd definitely be some greed-feeding trickster demon. Growth is one of human Once-ler's most defining features, so I'd give him a malleable physical form. Unaffected, he resembles a "human child" wearing a hooded onesie that looks much like the original Once-ler's weird bodysuit thing. When surrounded by selfish asses long enough, he bursts out of his attire and becomes this tall, black, maned beast. At his largest, the fabric only covers up his limbs, but it all grows back again if the transformation were to revert.
Storywise, this is a challenge. There are many story beats and personality traits to keep in mind and translate. In any case, the plot would have to revolve around a personal struggle of The Lorax.
The only setting I can come up with is that Lorax was born in Truffula, spent many years by himself, then strangers randomly show up with caravans and barbecues. More keep coming and he's so angered by the behaviour of these tourists, it attracts The Once-ler to his location -either spawned by the inconsiderate visitors or whatever thoughts are going through Lorax' mind. Is he protecting Truffula, or calling dibs on a piece of land that's not even officially his? Do his feelings touch "greed"? Doesn't matter, our boy is here to ruin all of our lives.
Upon meeting each other, he thinks Once-ler is a lost child. He allows him inside his home for a short while and his hospitality is what makes Once-ler become attached to him. He claims to have always been ignored or lashed out to, though later shows off the ability to create objects and life forms through knitting and tells The Lorax he's his toy in the literal sense of the word. Enough to give a man an existential crisis, but it's taken as a joke. Once-ler lets him know pretty early on he's not human, since he won't stop asking about his parents. I don't want the story to be about him taking care of a disguised creature, this scene is just to convey The Lorax can set aside his dislike for city folk and care for a lost "child". The reveal is not met with a huge response. Lorax accepts the spiritual world and Truffula is an unusual place by itself, so why be dismissive of this demon thing strolling around. He does ask Once-ler many times to return to the Heavens -generously assuming he's not from da land down undah.
The tourists that treat Truffula as their playground help Once-ler grow strong, but so does Lorax' weak offence against his antics. Once-ler's greediness becomes more severe and increases his size as well. He takes from the land, the tourists, and Lorax personally, and always has an excuse ready for his thievery. This Eden snake would probably love to see Lorax consider violent solutions for his entertainment, but in any case, he's the rotten little voice in his ear that insists his rage stems from his unwillingness to share Truffula. He needs to play on his insecurities, because if Lorax feels guilty and doesn't push harder to chase people away, then Once-ler has more people to potentially feed off of. Being lazy or inconsiderate is not synonymous with "greed", after all, he needs specific kinds of people to discover Truffula. He knows its remarkable plant- and wildlife will draw some "zealous" people. It takes The Lorax some time to accept human expansion is inevitable. The only right he really has is to try and educate visitors, he can't begin to threaten or chase them away. This mere man has less authority than the original Lorax, though many animals respect him for obvious reasons. Maybe the police keeps getting involved when he pushes his luck, but when he contacts them, nothing is done. The Lorax gets no support and basically everyone messes with him, so the only thing he can do for Truffula is clean up after everyone. His home is all he has in life. The work and stress become too much for this middle aged man. When his death appears inevitable, Once-ler's emotional abuse of the one person that cared for him stops being funny. Once-ler's late act of redemption here is to lead people to Lorax' body and expose them to the consequence of their behaviour. They don't question whether they played a part in it, as they all know him as a notorious nag and laughing stock, stupid enough to pick up trash all day and play doctor to even the most insignificant insect that happened to get a picnic basket dropped onto itself. Some people enjoyed leaving behind unnecessary work for The Lorax, admittedly because The Once-ler enticed them to. The game is fun when the target is just some tree-hugging Karen. Once-ler only manages to exchange a few words with the bedridden Lorax before he passes away. The political world gets involved and strict rules are implemented -or rules at all- to those who want to make use of Truffula. It becoming a regulated human establishment is not quite a complete victory for The Lorax, but well, the original Truffula couldn't get rid of its one city/town, either. Anyway, the end, this is mostly how it'd go.
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exilynn · 7 months
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Pov: Edds manda foto* tentando seduzir*
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Você pode ler este capítulo no meu Wattpad
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ashaleeleedagurl · 11 months
[Birthday Surprise]
Ler(s): Matt, Tord, Tom, {slight Ringo}
Lee: Edd
Edd was out of the house and his roommates decided to throw Edd a surprise party for his birthday. Little did Edd know, it wasn't any surprise party, it was a special surprise party.
After a few minutes passed and Edd returned home with a few groceries, being scared because the lights were off (in my hc, Edd is scared of the dark, deal with it).
Edd stammered as he tried to find the light switch "G-G-Guys! W-Where are y-you?!" He eventually found it and Matt, Tord, and Tom said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!"
Edd stumbled back and started hyperventilating, trying to get his mind cleared. Tom, Edd's bff, walked up to him and hugged the taller roommate.
"Happy birthday bud..."
Edd hugged back and looked at Tom, who was about to cry "Are you ok Tom?" Edd didn't find it as funny as Tord did but tried to calm him down.
"What's this about?" Edd asked, slightly confused, until Tord pulled out a box that was from the pet store.
Edd opened it, as it said 'FRAGILE', and took out a small, grey cat that nuzzled against his face.
Edd giggled and pulled it against his chest.
"This might be stupid, but Imma call you Ringo!" Edd said happily as Tord and Matt walked up to him, smug looks on their faces.
"Guess you like your surprise" Tord told him.
Matt spoke up and said "Because we're not done yet, Eddy"
Edd looked at them in confusion as Tom started tickling Edd's body, making Edd laugh, blushing hysterically.
Tord and Matt joined in slightly after, as Ringo nuzzled against Edd's neck.
Edd had his bff (Tom), secondary bff (Tord), his boyfriend (Matt), and his cat (Ringo) all tickling him.
"STOHOHOP, IHIHI CAHAHAN'T TAHAHAKE IHIHIT!!!!!" Edd screamed, tears running down his face once Matt started licking Edd's belly.
Eventually, everyone stopped, leaving Edd on the floor, his face bright pink, and tears staining his face "Ihi hahate you guys soho muhuhch" Edd said as he tried to get up.
Matt kissed him, whispering in his ear "Happy birthday babe" Edd kissed back and said "Thahanks"
Ringo fell asleep on him as they watched a movie, Edd laying on Matt, and Tord and Tom asleep on the floor.
Ringo quietly "merow.." and Edd looked at her in a happy-sleepy manner.
They all eventually fell asleep and Edd couldn't help but open one eye and whisper "Thanks for the surprise guys"
All I can say is Happy Birthday Edd!
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comfortablecomfort · 1 year
(@random-tickle-stuff, this might be the closest thing you get to lobster Matt content. Also, this fic contains feet tickles... sorry)
Ler(s): Edd and Tom
Lee: Matt
"PFFT! Hehehey! Yohohou guhuys! That Tickles!" Matt giggled as soon as Edd digged into Matt's sides
"Well, we couldn't decide how else to reward you for helping us win the contest, so we decided on this." Tom shrugged as he prodded Matt's knees.
"And besides, you did look a little stressed out when we found you. So... why not return the favor?" Edd smiled as he sped up the pace.
In case your wondering, the boys got back from the beach and were sitting on the couch in their apartment.
Edd and Tom decided to go to town on their narcissistic friend, and Matt was losing it.
"GUHUHUYS, PLEHEHEASE! *hic* STAHAHAP!" Matt begged, trying to cover the attacks as much as possible. To which it didn't work.
"You should consider this a compliment Matt." Tom said, and ran his fingers up Matt's ribcage.
The poor ginger screeched at the ticklish touches that his ribs were receiving.
"TOHOHOM! DOHOHON'T TICKLE ME THEHERE!" Matt laughed with a slight whine
"We're not done yet though~" Edd teased
The brunette ran his fingers down Matt's leg and stopped at his bare foot, scribbling at the sensitive sole.
Matt clenched his feet to block the extreme attacks, but to no prevail as Tom targeted the other
"THIHIHIS IS CRAHAHAZY! *hic* I GEHEHET IHIHIT! *hic* NOHOHO MOHOHORE!" Matt was accepting the "reward at this point".
"Aww Matt, do you really want us to stop?" Edd asked with a teasing smirk
"*hic* S-S-SOHOHOMEBODY HEHEHELP!" Matt squealed
"I think we broke him." Tom said
Edd nodded and he and Tom let go, patting their panting friend on the back.
"Couldn't have done it without you Matt." Edd said with a smile.
Matt could get used to this.
(My head hurts, bye now)
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My Eddsworld tickle hcs
Definitely a Ler-leaning switch
Tickle spots from not very ticklish to death spot: neck, sides, feet, and belly
Biggest ler in the house and will find any excuse to tickle the others(especially Tom since he's such a grumpy pants)
Really squirmy and squeaky Lee, but (mostly)gentle and teasing ler
Loves to tease the Lee whenever he can
Usually the target for payback tickles given how much he tickles the others
He's one of the tallest so he tries not to squirm to much and hurt the Ler on accident
Hug him from behind, squeez his cute little chubby belly, and watch him squirm and squeal adorably
Doesn't deny being ticklish one bit, but always knows the person plans to tickle him when they ask
Switch but most often a Lee
Tickle spots from not very ticklish to death spot: back, neck, hips, knees, behind ears, ribs
Squirmy and squeaky mf who snorts when he laughs hard enough
Only really a ler when it comes to cheer up tickles
nibbles are his favorite tatic(fangs can come in handy for that lol)
Cuddles are MANDATORY afterwards
Usually gets absolutely wrecked for having such a cute laugh
A really gentle ler, don't expect him to wreck someone unless their super-duper upset
Instead of teasing, he likes to compliment the lee!... then tease them when they blush and shit. He loves to do both basically
His senses got really heightened when he turned into that giant lobster monster thing and he was like 10x as ticklish(his laugh was still adorable, but a lot deeper)
Very open about liking tickles but often doesn't realize the person asking plans to tickle him
Lee-leaning Ler
Tickle spots from not very ticklish to death spot: knees, palms(his palms are ticklish because I say so), neck, feet, underarms
Tends to get tickled a lot by the others because he's always grumpy and moody
Teasing asshole when ler, squirmy and flustered when Lee
Can and will tease the shit out of the lee
He pretends to hate being ticklish/tickled but deep down actually likes it
Will deny being ticklish and get flustered when people ask
He's the shortest so just scoop him up and lightly scratch at his underarms and you'll have a blushy, giggly puddle in no time
Is like 10x more ticklish in monster form and gets even more embarrassed when he in tickled in that form
Enjoys a good cuddle afterwards but won't admit it
Massive Ler
Tickle spots from not very ticklish to death spot: back, feet, ribs, underarms, hips
Squirmy and cussy mf that will try to kick whoever tickles him unless it's a close friend(surprisingly he hasn't kicked Tom all that much in the past)
Got fucking tag teamed when he came back during THE END part 1(Matt and Edd missed him and decided to give him welcome back tickles, Tom only joined in to tease the shit out of him)
Tickled them right back afterwards and actually enjoyed it a lot
Will tease the Lee relentlessly
"Oh? Does that tickle? I'd sure hope so~ awwwww look at you getting all flustered! Tickle tickle tickle~ ooooo such sweet laughter~"(fucking asshole)
He often squeals when his hips are squeezed, before melting into a puddle of laughter
Sometimes forgets how to English when tickled enough
Tries to deny being ticklish and calls tickling "childish and dumb" but the others all know he secretly likes it a little
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mediauser325 · 4 months
Sneaky thief!
Lee! Child!Reader, Ler!Edd
Summary: Reader steals Edd's hoodie, but Edd won't let it go that easily
It's a typical day in the gang's house, Matt is staring at his reflection, Tom is playing his bass Susan, and Tord is out and about in town. "I gotta get my shower" Edd says to you, and he gets up and walks to his room. "okay" you respond, and you carry on doing (insert favorite hobby) about 1 minute later, you sneak into the room and take his hoodie. you walk to your room, and put on the hoodie, and you giggled, the hoodie was too big for you, but you didn't care and kept it on.
(Edd's POV)
I walk out of my bathroom with my pajamas on to see that my hoodie was not on my bed where I left it. "where is it? Did I misplace it somewhere?" I say, confused. I walk to the living room to see that Tord just got back from town. "Hey Tom, have you seen my hoodie?" I ask tom, wondering if he knew where it was.  "No, Y/N took it to their room" Tom replies
(3rd person POV)
Reader stands in the mirror, giggling and acting like Edd, a big smile on their face. They turn around to see Edd smiling, standing in the doorway, and Reader looks down in shame. "sorry Edd, the hoodie just looked so comfy!" Reader apologises. "Hey, it's okay! c'mere" Edd responds, opening his arms for a hug. Reader walks into his arms, returning the hug, and that's when Edd attacks Reader's belly with a buncha tickles, making Reader squeal at the tickling sensation.
"HEHEHEHEHEY! EHEHEHEDDIHIHIHIE!" Reader squeals with laughter, trying to squirm out of the cola lover's tickly grasp. "Why are you laughing? I didn't even tell any puns yet" Edd teased, knowing how much it would annoy the giggly 7 year old. "YOHOHOHOU'RE TIHIHIHICKLIHING MEHEHE!" Reader manages to say clearly. "this what you get for stealing my hoodie you silly theif!" Edd replies, as an amused Tord, Tom and Matt watch with amused smiles on their faces as they watch Reader's attempts at squirming away from their cola loving best friend. soon enough, Edd lets Reader breathe and he takes his hoodie back, leaving a giggly Reader on the floor as they calm down their laughs
(Plz be nice, this is my first fanfic, and I tried to make it as in character as possible)
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rainbowwing251 · 2 months
Ed Headcanons
It’s about time I did this! I did say that I was working on headcanons for Ed AND Eddy when I posted the Edd/ Double D headcanons, and I… kind of fulfilled that promise? Almost, Eddy’s headcanons aren’t done yet. But Ed’s are!
Putting this under a Read More because like the Double D headcanons, this is going to be a long list.
He is the second-most ticklish of the Eds.
Based on the one tickle scene where he’s the lee, his stomach seems to be a weak spot of his, therefore I’m making that his worst spot.
Though really, I feel like he could be a walking tickle spot. Not as much of a walking tickle spot as Double D is, but he’s not that far behind!
For the most part, he loves to be tickled. Tickling makes him happy, and why would he hate something that makes him happy?
The problem with this comes from Sarah tickling him as punishment for misbehaving before she leaves to tell mom. She refuses to show her brother any mercy while she’s tickling him, so he doesn’t like when she tickles him (or at least he didn’t prior to the end of Big Picture Show).
With Double D and Eddy, however, he loves it when they tickle him.
Definitely the one who starts the tickle fights between the Eds. Whether or not he wins them depends of how quickly Eddy gets tickled into submission.
Eddy is NOT going to be an easy victory, even for Ed, so he and Double D often work together to take Eddy down before he tickles them first.
That is of course, if Ed doesn’t decide to tickle Double D first because he’s easier to take down and makes the funniest noises while he’s being tickled, which amuses both him and Eddy at the same time.
Ed is the Tickle Monster of the group. If you don’t want him to tickle you to death (not literally because Ed is surprisingly good at noticing when people are at their limits), you better not show any signs of annoyance, sadness, or anxiousness near him.
Too bad Double D never learned his lesson on experiencing panic attacks around Ed because he will take notice and he will pull him into a hug and tickle him until he can’t even frown anymore.
Ed has canonically said “Coochie coo” or some variant of it at least once, so you bet he’s teasy as fuck, even when he’s not trying to be.
He usually doesn’t use tickle tools unless Eddy comes up with some sort of lie that involves said tool. For example, Ed has once used a featherduster on Double D because Eddy convinced him that the former needed help getting some dust of his shirt knowing full well that he could do it himself.
Tickling Ed is risky because he may accidentally send someone flying, either by launching them off of him if he’s pinned down, slapping the ler away if he’s standing up, or straight up yeeting them if he’s holding them. Of course, he never does this on purpose, and will feel horrible for hurting his ler when it happens.
His laugh isn’t really different from his normal laugh while he’s being tickled, other than him not being able to stop laughing like he normally can.
He’s not as squirmy as Double D is when he’s being tickled, but he might try to break free if you pin him down and he feels he’s approaching his limit. Otherwise, he won’t try to fight back on purpose since he loves being tickled so much.
He’s probably experienced lee and ler moods before, but he has no idea what either of those terms means. If he did though, he’d tell either Eddy or Double D when he’s in either mood with no shame or fear whatsoever.
If Ed’s in a lee mood, tickle him with caution and know that he’ll likely try to get you back. If he’s in a ler mood, run.
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eunchancorner · 2 years
I woke up with shoulder pain and for some reason this is what my brain did
Ler Edd, Lee Eun (self-insert)
Warning: cussing
Word count: 861
Shoulder pain.
There were mornings where it took longer to show up than others, but no matter what, it was gonna be there. There was just something wrong with my shoulder, and I hated it.
However, I was never ready for it to be there first thing in the morning.
I sat up and groaned quietly, that same burning, stabbing pain there earlier than I was ready for. It felt like a long, hot needle being driven into my shoulder, and while usually I could put up with it until I could stretch it out and pop the joint, it just came too early this morning. So, I got up and out of bed, clutching that shoulder and walking out into the living room, greeted by the sight of one of my fellow brunettes already awake.
“Hey, Edd…” I mumbled out, walking around and flopping down beside him on the couch.
“Hey, Eun. Shoulder problems?” he asked, noticing how I held said shoulder.
“Mhmm… It’s too early for thissss…” I groaned, sinking into the cushions beneath me.
“Are you kidding? It’s like 10:30!”
I raised an eyebrow at him before grabbing my phone and checking the time, finding out he was actually right.
“Oh, holy shit…”
“Heh, yeah, Matt and Tom already left to pick up breakfast. I was going to wake you when they got back, but I guess I don’t need to do that now.”
“Mhm, you’re welcome, by the way.”
“Pft- fine, thank you for not making me walk a few meters,” he joked, ruffling my hair (which I absolutely did NOT lean into).
“Mhm… urgh, that’s it..” I groaned, sitting up straight before lifting my arm up over my head.
“What’s it?”
“I’m popping this shoulder, I don’t care anymore, I want this pain gone…”
“Oh, you need any help with that?”
“I- Actually, yeah, grab my wrist and pull it up. That should pop it.”
He nodded and did so, pulling up as far as he could, but still, it wouldn’t pop. Those stubborn days were the absolute worst in my opinion, I hated when it refused to pop and instead just shifted uncomfortably.
“Urgh… this… isn’t… working…!” I grunted out, tugging in the other direction, but still it never popped.
“Hmm… I have an idea that might work,” Edd eventually murmured, seemingly thinking deeply before a slight smirk crossed his face.
“Uhm.. Edd, what’s that look for…?” I asked, quickly growing nervous upon seeing his face. The fact that his smirk grew upon my noticing didn’t help at all.
“Oh, nothing, definitely not that a few tickles might help!” He suddenly dug into my ribs upon the word ‘tickles’, pulling squealing laughter from my lips as I went limp in an attempt to drag my arm down away from his grip using my body weight.
“Ehedd you jeheherk! Lehehemme gohohoho!” I squealed out, kicking my legs and trying to twist away from him.
“Hey, I’m not a jerk! Last time I checked, you were a big fan of these tickles! I mean, I know you prefer Matt’s tickles, of course, but you’ll just have to settle for me until he gets home.”
“Shuhut youhuhur mohohohouth! AHAHA NOHO EHEHEDD!!” I squealed once again as his hand moved up to my armpit, my complete worst spot, and I kept trying to yank my arm out of his hand.
“But you’re so tickle tickle ticklish~”
“Oh, I know, but it’s just so-”
He let go of my wrist as that pop echoed in our ears, finally allowing me to catch my breath as I curled up tightly.
“Uhm… I think you’ll find I did help,” he finally said, earning yet another quiet giggle from me.
“Shuht uhuhup…” I grumbled at him, rolling my eyes.
I probably shouldn’t have done that.
“Shut up? Oh you don’t tell me to shut up! Come here!”
“Oh no- AAH!!”
I yelped as he lunged at me, trying merely to push him off before he dug his fingers into my sides, pulling the fourth squeal from me that morning as I once again tried to twist away from his hands.
Neither of us seemed to hear the door open or close, nor our housemates approaching until Matt walked up to the couch, a delighted giggle falling from his lips upon seeing me getting tickled senseless.
“I get to tickle them after breakfast!” he called before taking his bags into the kitchen, much to my dismay.
“Nohoho! Tohom, hehehelp!” I called to the only man left in this house who didn’t seem dead set on tickling the shit out of me.
“You must be absolutely crazy if you think I’m risking the wrath of both of these idiots. One, maybe, but not both. Now come on, both of you, breakfast time. Or I’ll eat yours, too, don’t test me!” he threatened as he followed his redhead housemate.
Edd chuckled as his fingers slowed to a stop, still smirking down at me as I tried to compose myself.
“Have fun with Matt after breakfast,” he advised playfully, before hopping off the couch and heading into the kitchen.
Ah… fuck.
Lmao what did I just make
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veryblushyswitch · 10 months
Eddward “Double D” ~ (tickle headcanons) 🐜
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*Canonically ticklish and I’m so here for it ✨
*Eddy and Ed absolutely tickle this guy all the time. Whether that be because they need to convince him to go along with a scam, or just because the guy gets nervous and needs to chill out and laugh.
*Ed does a lot of the second one. He’ll notice Double D is rambling out of anxiety and drop everything he’s doing to pull Double D into a tickle hug till he’s nothing but giggles. 💖
*They’re so contagious that whoever’s tickling him can’t help but laugh along.
*Even Kevin has fallen victim to it.
*Kevin definitely sees Double D as a friend in my head. He doesn’t like Ed or Eddy, but genuinely enjoys Double D’s company.
*That being said, he still doesn’t shy away from calling him a dork or “beating him up.” Which just means Kevin will tickle him and make Double D say to Ed and Eddy he got beat up.
*I love to think Kevin and Double D hang out in secret and talk about motorcycles.
*Nazz will sometimes poke at the other guys not realizing she’s tickling them. She loves doing this to Double D.
*He always makes the most adorable funny noises and she adores them. Verbally mind you, and it makes Double D’s face go insanely red real fast.
*Eddy is such a teasey little shit to Double D.
*He loves to sneak in the word tickle into random sentences to watch Double D blush a little.
*He can say the word when doing the tickling, but hearing it in a lee mood makes him all flustered.
*When he’s in a ler mood though, it doesn’t phase him. Much to Eddy’s dismay.
*Is the type of lee to curl up in a little ball rather than try and fight off his ler. Most of time he wouldn’t be able to anyway so why put up a fight.
*He has been ganged up on by the other kids in the cul de sac. Everyone can’t help giggle along with him while he’s tickled.
*Kevin and Rolf are a terrifying ler duo to all the other kids. Especially to Double D.
*They’ll sneak up behind him then tease him till the sun goes down. Rolf is much more merciful than Kevin, but they balance each other out.
*Double D is definitely their favorite victim. They can tell he doesn’t totally hate it and find it enjoyable at how ticklish he is.
*Plus they can pretty much get him to do whatever they want if they tickle him long enough.
*Requires hugs or some sort of physical and/or emotional aftercare when he’s done being tickled.
*Uses a lot of strategy.
*As we’ve seen, he’s very scientific and is incredibly intelligent. So you better bet he’s memorized each little way to make his friends fall apart into giggles.
*Tickles Ed to make him happy. He knows that Ed enjoys it and loves the playfulness. Ed always tickles him back though so he’s gotta be careful.
*Tickles Eddy when he’s being annoying or to distract him while he’s trying to come up with another scam.
*He actually secretly loves being the ler, but he doesn’t get the opportunity to be the ler as much as he gets to be the lee.
*Uses lots of teases.
“Aww, Eddy! I’ve never heard you make that noise before!”
“Oh dear, Ed. It seems my hands are stuck under your arms. Looks like you’ve got lift them or they’ll be stuck there forever~”
“Always so gullible, Eddy. And always so ticklish.”
*Cue Double D’s cute little giggles 😭
*Can use the word tickle is he’s the one doing the tickling. But he can’t say it if he’s asked to out of nowhere.
*Has gotten Kevin back with Rolf’s help lots of times. He doesn’t dare ask Kevin to get back at Rolf because Rolf will go full on tickle monster on the both of them till they’re crying.
*Kevin finds it so flustering that he can be taken down by a dork like Double D, especially to something so childish like tickling.
*Double D always reassures him that it’s not childish and that everyone is a little ticklish somewhere. Cue Kevin’s revenge.
*Knows a lot of science behind tickling.
*All the technical terms and why certain areas are more ticklish than others, and he’ll talk about it while he’s tickling someone.
*Going on and on about why we have 24 ribs while counting them out loud, why our feet have so many nerve endings while scribbling them, as well as giving a personal demonstration of how different tools make the person emit different sounds of laughter.
*Eddy has been the test subject one too many times in his opinion.
*He can never really get away with tickling someone without that person getting their revenge. But all in all, he doesn’t really mind.
*He likes being able to be playful with his friends, and tickling is something he’ll always associate with special memories in the cul de sac.
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