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valiantphantomangel · 1 year ago
Since you write for avengers actors can you please do Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston X Teen Reader where she plays Thor and Loki’s little sister and during filming one of them accidentally tickle her but play it off. After directors cut they both question her about it and she denies but they tickle her anyway and Reader ends up being WAY more ticklish than Chris and Tom thought?
On screen brother's discovery.
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How you got here was beyond you, on a marvel set, next to freaking Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth, in full costume which was Asgardian style dress and in front of a whole camera crew.
"Do you really have to toss me around for this scene"? You ask nervously as you fidget with your sleeve.
"Aww don't worry darling we'll catch you" Tom said with a smile as he ruffled your hair to which you slapped his hand away.
"yeah don't worry little one" Chris said as he laughed and got into position.
"And action"! The director yelled and you sprinted away like the script said, the other two not far behind.
"Now now little sister, where are you off to in such a hurry" Tom said in a very Loki matter as he caught up with you and picked you up with ease.
"Ahhh Loki! Put me down" you screeched as you hang in his arms.
"As you wish" he shrugged and tossed you over to Chris.
"That was not what I meant"!! You yelled with a short scream as Chris tossed you back to Tom.
When his hands caught you, he accidentally grazed your sides causing you to let out a surprised giggle with a squeak.
Luckily nobody seemed to notice it (how very naive of you) and you all finished the scene.
"So what was that little giggle that I heard from you hmm"? Tom said casually as you enter the break room to get something to eat.
"W-what" you stutter caught off guard as you turn around to grab your lunch.
"Yeah i heard something too" Chris said as he tapped his chin in thought "You wouldn't be... Ticklish would you?"
"What! N-no that's ridiculous" You said way too quickly.
It was quiet for a minute before you suddenly heard Tom whisper from behind you "You are a horrible liar darling" and trapped you in a bear hug, pulling you to the ground so your back was flush against his chest.
You tried to keep hidden how flustered you were but that all went straight out the window when Tom spidered over your tummy.
Immediately you threw your head back crackling and trashed around, Chris gave a booming laugh and sat down in front of you while grabbing your ankles and dragging his nails over the sole of your foot since you weren't wearing your shoes.
"AHHH GUYS STOP ITHIHIHIHI" you giggled your head off as you squirmed in Tom's hold who in return only held you tighter and blew a raspberry in your neck, you quickly pulled your shoulders up with a laugh.
"My my you really are quite ticklish aren't you dear"? Tom cooed as he squeezed your sides.
"I thought you were ticklish little one but I didn't expect you to be this sensitive" Chris laughed as he spidered up and down your feet, which tickled like hell.
"AHHAHHAHAH" by this point you couldn't even think of anything to say and just surrendered, laughing your breath away.
They slowed down a little so you could get some air as giggles flowed off your lips.
"Norns your absolutely adorable sweetheart" Tom smiled as he pulled you up so you were laying in his lap still breathless from their 'innocent' torture.
"What is it with you and nicknames"? You giggled as you cuddled into him while Chris came to sit next to you two and made an attempt to braid your hair.
"Oh you know you love it" Tom laughed.
"Just so you know, we are never going to let this go" Chris said with a smirk.
"Nooooooo" you whined playfully.
"Yesssss, be happy we didn't tell the rest of the cast yet about your cute little weakness" he said with a grin before pulling you up from the ground "come on we still have some scenes to finish".
You three walked out of the break room, but not before you grabbed your lunch (food is very important), and went on with the rest of the scenes.
Needless to say not much got done that day.
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sunsetsandsunshine · 2 years ago
~ Some Father-son bonding ~
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Lee: Sonic���💙
Ler: Tom🍩🤎
Warnings: A little bit of angst in the beginning, harmful stimming (I’ll tag where it starts and ends) and tickling. If you are uncomfortable with any of the following please feel free to keep scrolling down :)
Summary: It’s been a couple months since the epic battle between Sonic and Eggman. The electric blue hedgehog could finally relax…right? Well…yes and no. Sonic has been living with the Wachowski’s for those couple months and it’s been great! But…he keeps feeling weird. His stomach gets fluttery and he can’t stop laughing for hours at a time…it's…really weird. Maybe he should talk to someone about this…
(A/N: Parent and child relationship. Nothing more. Nothing less. It sickens me that I have to put that in there (bc it should be obvious) but you can never be too sure…I just needed to make it clear that they love each other as family.)
Sonic was sitting up on his beanbag and playing with the rubix cube Maddie gave him about a week ago. He was dressed in a sweatshirt, a gift from Tom that was like 3 times his own size, going almost to his knees and blue fuzzy socks. He groaned as he finished solving the cube again for probably the 12th time now. Speaking of which, you’re probably wondering where he got the rubix cube from…and before you ask, no he did not steal it. It was quite the opposite actually.
Maddie noticed that Sonic was very fidgety at times and often pulled at his quills when he was nervous about something, or completely bored. So she decided to go shopping and buy the blue hedgehog some fidget toys. And by “some”, Sonic means like about 60-70 at least…he hasn’t counted but by the looks on how freaking heavy the box was when she gifted it to him, his estimation probably wasn’t that far off. 
Sonic groaned again, dropping the rubix cube he had in his hands and placed it on his desk, making sure to put it down delicately so he didn’t accidentally dent it; out of all of the fidget toys this one was Sonic’s favorite and he didn’t want it getting ruined under any circumstances. The hedgehog flopped on his beanbag, looking up at the ceiling and putting his pillow to his face before abruptly groaning loudly for like the 100th time, but at least now it was muffled by the pillow. 
Sonic wanted something but he didn’t know what…and this feeling was starting to get on his nerves.
Well- no- scratch that. He did- he did know what he wanted. But there’s no way in all of Green Hills he was gonna tell anyone about it.
There- there was this feeling in his stomach, but he didn’t know what the literal hell it was, and it’s been eating him from the inside since he’s come to Green Hills. His stomach felt fluttery, almost as if there were butterflies instead of intestines- but not in a bad way! In a very weird, confusing, nice way? If that makes sense? And another thing, he can't seem to stop giggling to himself. Which is odd. Because he didn’t even hear a joke or anything! He was just…giggling. Like what? But most importantly, he was craving physical affection apparently??? Ugh. See why he wasn’t gonna tell anyone about this feeling? Or…whatever this was?
Sonic looked at his phone- not far from where he was lying down on his beanbag. He remembers Maddie saying every time she left before work in the morning that if he needed anything, to text or call her…
This is probably what she meant. 
But he didn’t want to bother her. Sonic knew how important Maddie’s job was and he didn’t want to make it more stressful. Besides, what was she supposed to say to her coe-working people if Sonic called or texted? Oh! Sorry! The over-sized hedgehog I have living in my house wants to talk about this weird feeling he’s feeling! Hm? Oh, what feeling you ask? He doesn’t quite know exactly! 
Yeah. Thanks but no thanks. Sonic could handle this weird feeling on his own. Yep. He could totally handle this weird new feeling by himself. Uh-huh. He’s got this.
Maddie…Maddie wouldn’t mind…right?
Oh fuck it.
Sonic grabbed his phone and unlocked it, immediately going through his contacts to find Maddie- which wasn't hard. He only had two contacts: her and Tom.
✨💖The Magnificent Marvelous Maddie💖✨
Today at 1:38 p.m. 
Hey Maddie
If uh
If you’re not busy…can I ask you a question?
Sonic turned his phone off and put it next to him and after a couple seconds of waiting the blue hedgehog immediately regretted sending those three texts to Maddie. She’s probably busy anyway. Sonic could figure out this feeling by himself-
Sonic almost jumped out of his seat at the sudden loud sound coming from his phone. He really needs to figure out how to turn that sound down…he can feel it still ringing in his ears. He turned on his phone to see a text notification- 3 actually- from the one and only Maddie Wachowski…
Well that was fast. 
Hi, sweetie! 
And of course you can ask me a question ☺️!
What’s on your mind, honey? 
Sonic exhaled the breath he didn’t even notice he was holding in, unlocking his phone and going into messages to properly text her.
I’ve been…
I’ve been feeling weird lately- and idk why 
Ever since I’ve come to Green Hills to stay w/ u guys I’ve felt this way…and idk what it is and it’s been pissing me off lately.
So I was hoping…maybe you could help me figure out what it is?
Of course!
Could you maybe try to describe it? 
The thing is idk how to! 
I just- my stomach feels all fluttery 
Not in a bad way tho! Not like a roller-coaster fluttery or about-to-go-on-stage-and-sing-in-front-of-millions-upon-millions-of-people fluttery 
But like- a good fluttery I guess??? I just feel rlly giggly and stuff and it’s weird- but weird in a good way…
That doesn’t make any sense, does it?
No no! I think I understand, sweetie
And I think I can help 😊
Well, not me exactly
As of I’m not home right now 
But I’m sure Tom can help!
Wait what-?
How can Tom help w/ this I’m so confused 😭😭😭
Trust me 
In the past, I’ve had the feeling you’re feeling right now and Tom is the best person to help with it- so just tell him what you told me!
I guess I could do that 
Thanks Maddie 
It’s no problem, Sonic sweetie 😊
Okay, thanks again- I’m gonna go talk to him now
Okay bye! Love you 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️☺️☺️☺️
Love you too 😗❤️
Sonic got up from his beanbag chair, put his phone inside of the desk and opened the hatch downstairs. Sonic quietly tiptoed down the stairs, making sure to dodge the places in the steps that he knew squeaked if he stepped too hard, peeking over the stairway to see Tom watching TV- and from the looks of it it looked like some sheriff documentary- he’s been watching those a lot lately…but Sonic doesn’t understand the hype. The sheriff’s on the TV could be talking about some random paint splatter on the ground and Tom would be hooked. 
“I can hear you trying to be quiet up there, Sonic.” Tom chuckled, still facing the TV as he went to grab the remote on the armrest and pause the TV. The brunette turned to Sonic with a “hah! Caught ya” grin, a grin Sonic knew all too well in his last months of living with him.
 The hedgehog sighed in defeat of being caught, walking down the stairs and going next to the couch Tom was sitting at. The brunette had a grey/gray shirt on with a light plaid print jacket, matching with some black pants and white socks. 
“Uh…’sup, Tom.” Sonic said as casually as he could before leaning on the couches’ arm rest. The brunette eyed Sonic suspiciously, raising one eyebrow as he crossed his arms. Sonic started to sweat under the older man’s glare, whistling and looking anywhere but Tom’s direction. 
“What did you do, Sonic?” Tom sighed, taking the blue hedgehogs’ sudden nervousness as a sign of him doing something he wasn’t supposed to. “I didn't do anything!” Sonic said, mimicking Tom’s expression and pose. The two looked at each other in the pose for a solid minute or two before laughing at their silliness.
“So what do you need, little man?” Tom asked. Sonic cleared his throat, fiddling with his hands and began looking at his feet because honestly? Staring at the ground was much much more easier than looking at Tom at the moment. “I just…I figured we could- y’know- hang out I guess?” The blue hedgehog started, “Some uhm…y’know some father-son bonding activities…?” Sonic said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck, still looking down on the ground. 
There was an uncomfortable silence between the two and Sonic didn't like it. He didn't like it one bit. And the more the silence dragged on the more the blue hedgehog started to second guess himself about coming down to the living room. 
Pfft, “Father-son bonding?” He really has reached a whole new level of patheticness, huh? Why would Tom want to spend time with him? He’s just keeping him around because he pity’s him. He doesn’t actually enjoy his company. Just wait until Tom gets tired of him, then he’ll be all alone again-
Oh this was a mistake.
This was such SUCH a mistake. 
***Harmful stimming starts***
The hedgehog started lightly pulling on his quills out of nervousness with one hand while his other hand started tapping the side of his leg, “O-Or whatever. If- If you want to of course. I don’t want it to seem like you're being forced, hah!” Sonic said, letting out the best fake laugh he could muster before speaking again. “I-If you’re busy- y’know….with, uhh, you’re sheriff stuff…that’s fine as well. I don’t- I don’t care.” Sonic started slowly backing away from Tom, still pulling on his quills- but a tad bit harder this time as his hand tapping on his leg started increasing faster. 
Sonic could hear faint talking in front of him but he couldn’t focus on it. The only thing he needed to focus on was leaving before he embarrassed himself more. “Y’know what? I-I should go, you’re probably doing something busy anyway, uh…lemme get out of your hair, man.” Sonic grimaced, turning away and going to the steps, but before he could walk any farther Tom grabbed both his hands gently. 
***Harmful stimming stops***
“Hey…let’s not do that, okay? You’re hurting yourself….” Tom said softly, holding Sonic’s hands in his own as he kneeled down to try and match Sonic’s height. “Where are your fidget toys?” Tom gently asked, trying his best to keep the questions short and sweet to not overwhelm the younger. These types of moments have happened before in the Wachowski’s house; when Sonic started to panic, asking him too many questions would get him even more upset, so when this happened they kept the questions to a minimum and straight to the point. “I…I left them upstairs…” Sonic mumbled. 
“Oh. That’s okay…uh…here. Sit down on the couch for a sec.” The brunette said as he picked up Sonic and sat him on the couch. Rubbing his head affectionately before walking away to the kitchen rummaging through the kitchen shelves before coming out with a blue squishy ball. He came back to Sonic who gratefully accepted the ball. Tom sat next to Sonic as the younger leaned onto his shoulder, taking another deep breath and exhaling, muscles once tense now relaxed. 
“Sorry about that…” Sonic said, squeezing the stress ball harder and glaring at it as if it stole his last chili dogs. Well this wasn’t how he was planning this conversation with Tom to go. The older looked at Sonic sadly before sighing and turning his gaze looking straight ahead to the paused TV. “You don’t have anything to apologize for, kid. It’s alright.” Tom said. The blue hedgehog hummed at the comic, taking a couple more deep breathers.
There was that uncomfortable silence again, the one that Sonic despised. “I just…I dunno. I feel weird…?” Sonic said, squeezing his squishy fidget ball at a faster pace this time. The older didn't say anything but completely turned to Sonic, letting him know he was listening. The younger somewhat shrunk under the older mans’ look, feeling a tad bit pressure to go on but decided to ignore it. He wanted- no. He needed to get this off of his chest. 
“Ever since I’ve come to stay with you and Maddie after the defeat of Dr. Robotnik, I’ve felt…odd. I feel tingly, and fluttery and it’s just…weird, because I’ve never felt like this before, ever. I talked to Maddie about it in text and she said to talk to you about it…so uh…here I am!” Sonic sheepishly said.
Tom chuckled, “Is that why you said you wanted some Father-son bonding?” The blue hedgehog blushes at the mention, nodding his head. The older one chuckled once again, rubbing Sonic’s head affectionately, “I’d be happy to help you with this fluttery-feeling, buddy!” The blue hedgehog quickly looked at Tom as his ears went up in surprise.  
“Wait. Really?” Sonic asked. “Of course! But before I do, I gotta ask you a question…” Tom said waiting a dramatically long time before continuing his sentence. “Are you ticklish?” The older asked, smirking and raising an eyebrow up. There was a silence between the two, but only this time this one was in complete and utter confusion. The younger ones' eyebrows creased together trying to put together what he was just asked, “Um…gesundheit?” 
“What? No, kid.Tickling. Y'know, being ticklish?” Tom said as he wiggled his fingers near Sonic’s face only to be met by a confused look. “I dunno what you are talking about, man…” Sonic chuckled, now relaxing in the hug as he chuckled at the older mans’ surprised face.
Tom’s dumbfounded expression slowly turned to a soft, genuine smile, then it slowly turned into an evil grin. This kid had no idea what tickling is!
This kid had no idea what tickling is…
Oh Tom is gonna change that very quickly.
“Uh…Tom? You okay over there? Your face kinda looks like that green person we watched on Christmas…” Sonic said, wincing at the memory of the man’s genuine expression slowly slowly turning into an evil one. Tom stopped with his evil grin (for now at least), and raised his left eyebrow in amusement. “You mean The Grinch?” He asked, laughing when the blue hedgehog nodded happily at the familiar name. “Yeah, yeah! That dude!” Sonic smiled.  
“I need you to stay perfectly still for this to work though, okay?” Tom said in the best serious voice he could muster, but probably not as serious as he thought since right after he stopped talking Sonic started laughing a bit. “Pfft, whatever you say, Donut Lord.” Sonic snickered, hopping into Tom’s lap facing sideways.
Tom then began to lightly scratch along Sonic’s sides, the reaction was almost immediate as the blue hedgehog began to squirm lightly and grab at the brunette’s wrists; but not pushing them away. Sonic held his breath; trying not to laugh but that plan started to crumble as Tom began to poke at the youngers’ sides; more quickly than he was before. Sonic let out a tiny shriek before descending into little giggles, kicking his legs and shaking his head. Tom smiled at the adorable sight.
“Whahat? Hehey-! Hehey wahahait! Whahat ahahare yohou dohoing?” Sonic asked while becoming a giggly squirmy mess. Tom chuckled at the youngers’ question, making sure to go easy on him since this was his first time being tickled, so he’d start off with light tickles…for now at least. 
“I’m tickling you, silly! Since it does seem to me that you happen to be a bit ticklish~!” Tom cooed, now using two hands to tase around Sonic’s sides. Sonic threw his head back, suddenly lost in a puddle of giggles and fell on the couch, but still in Tom’s grasp as the brunette tickled up and down his sides. “Whahat ahare you tahahalking about?” Sonic giggly asked, his legs lightly stomped on the couch as some pillows fell in the process. 
“Hmm, hold on…” Tom said as he grabbed his phone from his jacket pocket, typing up something but making sure to keep the blue hedgehog in a giggly squirmy mess. “Ah, okay. Goggle states this: Tickling is the act of touching a part of a body in a way that causes involuntary-“ “Ihihi dohohon’t knohow whahat thahat meeheeans!” Sonic whined interrupting Tom, shaking his head back and forth giggling up a storm in the older mans’ lap. “You didnt even let me finish!” Tom laughed, moving one hand to tickle Sonic’s neck while the other still tickled his side. 
“PFFT- nAhAHAH! GeHEt ohOUT ohohOHOF theHEhehere!” Sonic giggly demanded, still holding Tom’s wrist as he scrunched up his shoulders. The older man chuckled before digging both of his hands in both sides of the blue hedgehog’s neck, fingers fluttering up, down, left, and right. Sonic’s feet drummed on the couch, trying to make a daring escape but anytime he was even a bit close to leaving, Tom would poke Sonic’s sides, leaving the blue hedgehog to be an adorable giggly mess. “Stahay still!” Tom playfully scolded. 
“THIhihIHIs ihihis soHO weeheeird!” The hedgehog giggled, his face beginning to turn a light red. And honestly, if Tom could start crying, he would- out of happiness of course. This was to fucking darn cute. 
“How many ribs do you think you have, Sonic?” Tom asked as he held both of Sonic’s arms up against the couch, trying his best to compose himself from not crying from the younger ones’ adorable reactions to the pokes. “Mahaddie sahahaid weehee hahave twehenty-fohour; twehehelve ohon eeheeach sihihide!” Sonic giggly answered, as he remembered Maddie did a walk-through on the human body and how many bones it has. 
“Hm…you sure? Maybe I should count them for you…” Tom didn’t even spare the giggly blue hedgehog a second to protest as he pressed his thumb into the lowest rib on the right side of Sonic���s ribcage, kneading and circling at a very very slow pace against the artificial bone. Sonic screeched at the sudden sensation against his ribs, kicking his legs a bit faster as Tom slowly slowly slowly began to “count his ribs”.
“One…two…three…” Tom counted aloud, remaining on a rib for about 5 seconds before moving up to a different one. Sonic lurched in Tom’s lap, attempting to pry himself out by pushing at Tom’s wrists but only caused the older to pin up his arms and continue kneading at his ribs. “NahAHA! WahahHAHAIT, plehHEHEase!” Sonic whined throughout his frantic cries of laughter. “Ihi sahAHAId iHi hahaHAVE tweHEHEnty foHOUR!” 
“I'm just double checking!” Tom innocently said as if he wasn’t completely wrecking the boy in his lap at the moment. The blue hedgehog squirmed and squealed at the tickly feeling at his ribs, being unable to do anything but just take it. This went on for a couple more numbers but then Tom suddenly stopped “counting” Sonic’s ribs, giving the kid another breather before hatching another evil plan. “Wait, what number was I on, Sonic?” 
“Tohohom! Yohou lihihiterally ohonly counted toohoo sihihix-!” 
“Oh, well. I lost count! Guess I have to start all over again~! 
Sonic froze in place, laughter now raising an octave as he helplessly squirmed in Tom’s grasp. “WahAHaH- waHahaHAIT *snort* nOHo dahHa- *snort* dohOHOHOn’t!” Sonic snorted, descending into a puddle of maddening cackles feeling the fluttery feeling again. So this was the feeling he was feeling…? He’d have to ask Tom later, when he’s not getting tickled to pieces. 
“Awh~! That’s so cute~! You snort when you laugh?” Tom cooed, wiggling his fingers near the blue hedgehog's ribs but very very close to touching him. Sonic’s laughter became more frantic and loud, squirming underneath Tom, and it's not like he could defend himself either! His arms were pinned up! This entire situation just screamed “unfair”. “NahaHAO! IHI *snort* doHOHon’t!” Sonic giggly said, knowing that- yes. Yes he did snort when he laughed, he did just a couple seconds ago…but no way in all of Green Hills he was gonna admit it, especially in this situation. 
“Oho really? What was that adorable noise you made just then, hmm?” Tom smugly asked. “YohOu’re heehEEARihing thihIHIngs…” Tom fondly rolled his eyes as he pinched and kneaded Sonic’s ribs, leaving absolutely no bone left out from his tickle torture. Sonic threw his head back and cackled like a madman, snorting every now and again as he squirmed like a worm, trying to stop the ticklish sensation at his ribs. 
“NAHAHAO! DAHAHAD *snort* PLEHEASE!” Sonic cried. Tom’s eyes widened at the name title the younger gave, not sure if the blue hedgehog meant to say it, but was very honored and happy at the mention. It made his heart melt. “Please what, Sonic? Pleaseeeeee keep tickling you?” Tom smugly teased, grin widening as he saw Sonic’s face heat up in embarrassment. Guess he’s weak to the T-word, huh? Oho I can and will use that to my advantage… 
“DAHAHA- *snort* OHOHO MY GOHOD! STAHAHAP SAHAHAYING THAHAT!” Sonic yelled as he shook his head back and forth. “Stop saying what, exactly? Tickle~? Ticklish~? Tickled~? Or do you want me to simply stop talking? Which one?” Tom laughed. “YEHEHES!” Sonic cried, not even completely knowing what he just said ‘yes’ to- he was too lost in his own laughter. Tom stopped tickling Sonic, letting him have one last breather before the final kill.   
“Ever heard of raspberries, Sonic?” Tom asked, knowing that he the blu hedgehog has, but probably not the ones he’s talking about. “Lihihike thehe fruhuhuit?” Sonic giggly asked. “Nope! Here, lemme show you…” Tom said as he blew a raspberry on the youngers’ tummy causing him to absolutely howl in laughter. 
“OHO MY *snort* GAAAHAHAD WAHAHAIT! WAHAHAIT!” Sonic screamed, completely not prepared for this new tickly feeling on his stomach…and why did it sound so freaking funny??? That was just gonna make him laugh more! “Wait for what Sonic~?” Tom teased as he blew more raspberries on his tummy, and with his free and scribbling up and down Sonic’s ribs. 
“WAHAHAIT- *snort* IHI *snort* DOHON’T DOOHOO THAHAHAT!” Sonic cried, blue sparks suddenly forming on the kids’ quills, sparkling here and there but some going off of his quills and onto the carpet floor, disappearing. Sonic cackled in the older Tom’s lap, the blue lightning on his quills adding a new ticklish sensation on him.
“Huh. Well they do say you learn new things everyday…” Tom mumbled, watching some of the lighting sparks fall off of the younger ones quills. “PLEHEHEASE! IHIT’S *snort* TIHIHICKLISH!” Sonic screamed, more tiny little blue sparks flying off of his quills and onto the floor. Tom chuckled at the little blue hedgehogs’ reactions, moving down to Sonic’s lower belly as he began to lightly flutter his fingers around it. 
“I think you mean ‘it tickles’, bud.” Tom said into Sonic’s tummy, chuckling. Tom was the sheriff of Green Hills- not the sheriff of grammar; at least last time Sonic checked. Tom began to blow more raspberries all over the little blue hedgehog’s stomach, making sure to add a few nibbles now and again to keep the younger in stitches- which worked out really well on Tom’s part. Sonic’s laughter became more high pitched and loud, snorting more frequently as the older started to raspberry and nibble his stomach.
“OHOHO MY GOHOD *snort* WHATEVER!” Sonic screamed as Tom began to switch between his lips and teeth nibbling mercilessly at Sonic’s tummy leaving the poor blue hedgehog in absolute hysterics. 
Tom dug his fingers in the blue hedgehogs underarms.And Sonic screamed. The hedgehog's feet were kicking probably about a million miles per hour, just looking like a complete and utter blur while the blue sparks on Sonic’s quills multiplied. 
“So~! I think I found your most ticklish spot, huh~?” Tom chuckled, lightly scratching his fingers in Sonic’s underarms, making sure to dodge the little sparks of blue lightning coming off of Sonic’s quills- which  he knew tickled the younger even more due to how much he was laughing. Sonic screamed underneath the brunette’s grasp, trying his best to not kick him in the face but the task being very very hard as his feet were kicking around a million miles per hour. 
“NOHOHO- *snort* DAHAHAH! DOHOHON’T!” Sonic howled, shaking his head back and forth while the heels of his feet dug into the couch. Tom, chuckled, now scribbling and scratching in Sonic’s underarms, “I’m barely even touching you!” Tom laughed, almost as hard as Sonic as he began to pick up the pace with his scribbling. 
“STAHAHA! *snort* NAHAHA- *snort* PLEHEHEA- *snort* DAHAHAHAD!” Sonic screamed, as happy tears started forming in his eyes which Tom took as a sign that Sonic has enough tickles for today. “Alright, alright! Just say Uncle.” Tom calmly said as if Sonic wasn’t screaming his head off. “WHAHA- *snort* WHAHAT?!
“Juhust say Uncle, kiddo-“ Tom said as he accidentally hit a very ticklish spot in Sonic’s underarm causing the younger to let out a girl-like squeal. 
Tom stopped tickling Sonic; letting the kid have a breather and putting him into a tight embrace. The blue hedgehog giggled softly in the hug as he melted into the touch. “You okay?” Tom chuckled, smirking at the younger who was still giggling from the tickles from before. Sonic nodded, wiping away his happy tears with his hand still giggling a bit. “So~, I’m Dad now, huh? What happened to being ‘too cool for your human parental names’?” Sonic blushed, pulling up his hoodie and sinking deeper into Tom’s chest. “Shuhut ihit….” 
“I really don’t mind you calling me Dad, bud.” Tom smiled. “Wahait whahat…? Reheally?” Sonic asked in genuine confusion looking up at the older with shiny eyes- Tom swore Sonic’s pupils had stars in them at that moment. “Yeah, I don’t mind.” Tom confirmed, patting Sonic’s back. Sonic’s eyes glistened a bit but the younger one soon wiped them. “Cool…” 
“So…that's called tickling?” The blue hedgehog asked. 
“So…you tickled me?”
“Huh.” Sonic said, not being able to say anything more than that. “How’s that fluttery feeling in your stomach doing?” Tom asked. “Fine, it's doing just fine.” Sonic smiled as Tom smiled back, rubbing his head affectionately and chuckling. 
“Let's go grab you some water, kiddo. And how about we make some cupcakes after that-“ Tom wasn’t even able to finish his sentence as the blue hedgehog excitedly ran to the kitchen chugging a glass of water and putting out ingredients to make the cupcakes. Tom chuckled, walking over to Sonic to join him. 
Tom definitely had to make a note to tell Maddie about his later, but as of right now he was going to bake some cupcakes with his son. And if they burn down the house in the process, oh well…they both can try coming up with a good excuse to tell Maddie as to why the house is in ashes. 
I LOVE THESE TWO GOOFBALLS SMMMMMM THEY MEAN SM TO MEEEEEE😭😭😭💙🤎. But anyway, hope you all enjoyed it!!! I do have a couple more WIP fics on the way that r almost finished and a gift fic for someone as well which is ALSO almost done so be sure to look out for those :)
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trashyswitch · 3 months ago
Day 27: Non-Human Parts
Tom Nook comes over to Nook's Cranny, to see how the twins are doing. When talking about their day, Tommy brings up a funny story, that Timmy isn't nearly as fond of...This, naturally, leads to a bunch of tomfoolery.
I FINISHED THE LAST TICKLETOBER FANFIC! I'M DONE DAY 31! I'M DONE! I'm gonna get them all uploaded here, probably right now so I can get them done and out of the way. HALLELUJAH! WOOOO! I'm so glad I got them done! And during exams, no less! I hope you all enjoy!
Tom Nook opened the door to the Nook’s Cranny, and looked up to see the twins. “Hello Timmy, hello Tommy.” Tom greeted. 
“Hi Nook!” Both the twins greeted him. 
“How was work?” Timmy asked. 
“Work went well. [Player] paid off the loan!” Tom reacted. 
“That’s great!” Both the twins responded. 
“We sold 8 things today!” Tommy declared. 
“We sold 3 items from the display, and 5 items from the cabinet.” Timmy told Tom. 
“That’s good to hear.” Tom reacted. “Did [Player] have anything to sell?” 
Timmy and Tommy looked at each other, before nodding their heads. “Yeah…[Player] sold 71 items today, making a total of 144,390 bells today.” Timmy told Tom. 
“Wonderful to hear, yes, yes.” Tom responded. 
“[Player] told us that they went on a plane ride with Wilber today.” Tommy admitted. 
“Oh really?” Tom responded. 
“Yeah! And [Player] even ran into Gulliver.” Timmy admitted. 
“Gulliver? Again?” Tom looked at Timmy and Tommy, confused. “What happened to him this time?” He asked. 
“The same thing that happens every time.” Timmy told him. “He fell overboard.” 
“Well, I figured that. But…how?” Tom asked next. 
Tommy giggled. “He and his crewmates got into a tickle fight, and he fell overboard!” He explained. 
“Oh goodness…” Tom muttered. “Well, that is a story, indeed.” He admitted. 
“It’s the funniest story so far.” Tommy admitted. 
“Falling overboard is funny to you?” Timmy asked. 
“No…But being tickled into falling overboard is pretty funny, hehe!” Tommy admitted. 
“Is it?” Tom smiled and sat down at the stool behind the cash register. 
“A little bit.” Tommy admitted. 
Timmy cleared his throat. “Tommy…” Timmy turned to look at his brother. “Imagine running around the boat, just having a tickle fight…and then next thing you know, you’re in the water.” Timmy described. 
“That sounds so fun!” Tommy reacted.
“Fun?” Tom asked with a smile, just watching the two twins debate. 
“No way…that doesn’t sound fun to me.” Timmy admitted. 
“Well…It could be because Tommy likes swimming and you don’t.” Tom explained to Timmy. 
“It’s not about the swimming…” Timmy admitted. 
“Oh?” Tom tilted his head. 
Tommy leaned closer to his twin brother. “Is it the tickle-tickle-tickles?” Tommy teased, wiggling his paws. 
Timmy squeaked and covered his snout. “Nooooo!” He whined. 
“What’s wrong, Timmy?” Tommy asked. “Is someone…scared?” He teased, gasping and cupping his own cheeks. 
“Tommy…” Tom warned. 
“What? I’m telling the truth!” Tommy reacted. “And the truth is…Timmy’s ticklish~” Tommy teased, wiggling his paws at him again. 
“Tommy, stop!” Timmy whined.
“But Tommy, you’re not telling the truth in a nice way.” Tom told him. 
“Yeah! So stop it!” Timmy ordered. 
Tommy smirked and poked his side. “Boop!” 
“eEEK! TOMMY!” Timmy growled and took off towards him. 
Sensing that Timmy was trying to get him, Tommy took off running the other way. “aAH!” He shrieked and ran away from him in a circle. “NO!” 
“Can’t take what you dish out, Tommy?” Tom asked him, smirking a little. 
“Tom, NO!” Tommy yelled as he kept running from his twin brother. 
“Get back here!” Timmy yelled, before tackling him down. “Gotcha!”
“Timmy!” Tommy yelped and squealed as his belly was attacked. “DOHON’T! PLEHEHEASE STAHAHAP!” Tommy begged. 
“Oh wow…He really can’t.” Tom muttered, surprised. 
“Yeah! It’s because he’s so much more ticklish than me!” Timmy admitted. “BEHEHE QUIHIHIET!” Tommy yelled. 
“Nah…I don’t think I will~” Timmy declared, tickling his belly with both of his claws. “Kitchy kitchy kitchy kitchy koo~” He teased. 
“TIHIHIHIMMYYY!” Tommy squealed and shook his head. “STAHAHAHAP IHIHIT!” 
“Stop what?” Timmy asked, giggling.
“STAHAHAP TIHICKLING MEEHEHEHEE!” Tommy laughed and tried to get away. But when he turned himself over, he lost his footing and fell onto his bottom. “Ow…” Tommy muttered for a moment…Only for Timmy to go RIGHT BACK to tickling. “NonONOHOHOHO! HAHAHAHA!” Tommy leaned back to the ground, and cackled in a super high-pitched voice. 
“Oh my…” Tom stared as Timmy completely wrecked his twin brother. “P-Perhaps we can pause this fight and head back home?” Tom asked them. 
“No way!” Timmy declared. “This is so much fun!” He told Tom rather happily. 
“It might be for you…” Tom told him. “But what about Tommy?” 
“Tommy said that being tickled is funny!” Timmy admitted. “And…I can see it now. It IS pretty funny!” Timmy admitted. 
“He meant in the context of being tickled and falling overboard.” Tom told him. 
Timmy looked at Tommy. “Did you really mean it like that?” Timmy asked him. 
“HAHAHA- YEHEHEHES!” Tommy admitted. 
“Alright! Then I’m allowed to tickle him!” Timmy declared before moving his paws up to his ears. 
“eeEEEEHEEHEEEK! NOHO EEEHEHEHEEARS!” Tommy whined and tried to cover up his ears, but to no avail. 
“But I want to!” Timmy declared. “Your giggles are really funny!” Timmy admitted next. 
“Are they even giggles at this point?” Tom asked him. 
“I mean, yeah. What else could they be?” Timmy asked. 
“They sound more like squeals by this point.” Tom admitted. “Hmmm…Nah.” Timmy traced one finger up the back of his brother’s little raccoon ear. This made a big, high-pitched squeal leave the poor twin’s mouth. Timmy looked at Tom proudly. “Now THAT is a Tommy squeal!” He declared. 
Tom chuckled and shook his head. He didn’t expect Timmy to be such a mischievous raccoon! I mean, Tom knew all too well how playful Tommy can be, but Timmy? He’s used to Timmy taking a back seat to the showmanship and helping with the behind-the-scenes stuff of the business. So to say Tom Nook was impressed by his charisma, would be understating it. 
“Sorry for what?” Timmy asked him casually. “FOHOHOR TEEHEHEASING YOHOHOHOU!” Tommy shouted back. 
“Hmmmm…” Timmy looked Tommy up and down, and slowly smirked. “Nah.” He shoved his paws into his underarms. “I don’t think you’ve learned your lesson yet.” 
Tom widened his eyes as an exclamation point went off over his head. “Oh my…You’re really not forgiving him?” Tom asked him. 
“Well, why would I?” Timmy asked. 
“He just apologized to you. Maybe a little mercy would be nice.” Tom told him. 
“Do you know how many times Tommy has apologized to me, only for him to go right back to the same stupid pranks?” Timmy asked Tom. “I’m not forgiving him that easily.” 
Tom smirked and walked up. “Then let me help.” He spoke up. 
Timmy and Tommy both looked at Tom, surprised. 
“NO!” Tommy shouted. 
“Wait, really?! You wanna help?!” Timmy asked him, sounding excited. 
“Well…” Tom gently picked up Tommy. “At least let me get him off your back.” Tom told him. 
“NO, NO, NO! UNFAIR! UN-” Tommy’s words quickly paused the moment he saw his paws touch the floor. “-fair…” Tommy looked up as Tom let go of him. “What-?” 
“Wait, WHAT?!” Timmy screeched as he was suddenly picked up by Tom Nook, and tickled all over his neck and ears. “eeEEEHEEHEHEHEHEE!” Timmy squealed. 
“Now THAT is a REAL squeal!” Tom declared. “This appears to be my first time hearing such a sound leave your mouth.” Tom reacted. 
“NOHOHOHOHO!” Timmy yelled. 
“Oh, yes-yes. Indeed it is.” Tom admitted. 
“Wow…Thanks Tom!” Tommy reacted, somewhat surprised by his involvement. “No problem, Tommy.” He responded. “Now, how ticklish is this little neck of yours?” Tom asked the boy, going for the back of Timmy’s neck next. “NonoNOHOHOHAHAHA! BAHAHAHA!” Timmy’s ears flopped back slightly as he tried to hide his neck. “TOM PLEEEHEEEHEEEHEEASE!” 
“Poor little baby…Can’t handle what you dish out, hmm?” Tom teased. 
And that is exactly why the shop ended up closing half an hour later than expected. 
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savemeafruitjuice · 1 month ago
My first Sonic fic! 😈🔥 🔥 🔥🗣️‼️‼️
(and my first fic of the year)
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Lee: Sonic
Ler: Maddie, Tom
TW!: SLIGHT MENTIONS OF GORE! (Not really descriptive, just a reference to a movie) Other than that just fluff!!!!!
Maddie had to admit, having a kid was an unexpected change of pace to her slower small-town life, but a welcome one nonetheless.
She and her husband, Tom, had recently adopted a young blue hedgehog, who just happened to have come from another universe. Sonic, as she had discovered his name to be, had joined their family after years of being hidden from the world. His newfound family had given him a chance to experience a safe and fun childhood- one that he enjoyed and cherished every single day.
Sonic seemed to be having a blast catching up on all of the things to do in Green Hills, and although he loved the sports, games, and foods he had gotten to try, an interest that had really stuck out among the rest was watching movies. Maddie found it interesting as to how such an energetic teen could be pacified into calmly sitting just by having a film playing in front of him.
Which, she wasn't going to judge at all. Especially when it meant a few hours of peace and quiet.
Sonic had made it a point to she and Tom that they should all watch movies together, admitting as to how he had totally-not-creepily watched a few from their window before he was discovered by the couple, but never got to finish most of them. This prompted an excited, albeit slightly concerned, Tom to insist on the three of them watching all of the classics that night, and having a bit of family time.
And just like that, the newly-made hedgehog mom was lounging on the couch, surrounded by plenty of blankets and pillows as Tom was going through their DVDs, naming them off as their blue-quilled son jumped up and down excitedly next to him, babbling about his favorite parts.
"Uhm.. Oh! How about 'Karate Kid'?"
Sonic jumped onto the couch, barely missing Maddie's leg, and did some ninja-kicks at the air, imitating some moves he must have seen in the movie. "Ohohoh! I love that one!"
Tom chuckled, flipping through another couple discs. "We also have 'The Princess Bride', have you seen that one?"
The hedgehog stopped his attack on the void, going back to bouncing on the couch cushions. "Hmm.. I didn't really understand parts of it. Like, near the end when Westley was threatening to cut off the other dude's nose and mouth and stuff, but leave his ears. Why would a dead guy be able to hear?"
At her husband's pause, Maddie laughed, shaking her head fondly. "I think it was the idea that his soul would still be able to hear things from his body's place. You don't have to look that far into it, though, hun."
Sonic shrugged, and Tom stood from his spot on the floor, carrying the selection of movies the three had agreed on, and settled them near the tv. He put one in the DVD player, and plopped down on the opposite side of the couch as his wife, leaving a bit of room for Sonic to sit once he was ready.
As the first movie's title appeared on the screen, Sonic cheered, letting himself fall onto the couch. He scooted back, then curled up against Maddie's side. "Alright! Jurassic Park sounds cool!"
"Betcha didn't know there are three Jurassic Park movies."
"And another three- don't forget Jurassic World, Tom."
The brunette smiled. "Right, can't forget those."
Sonic was practically in awe, jaw dropped as he stared at the two. "Wait, what? You're telling me there are six movies about dinosaurs?!" He sighed, flopping back onto the couch. "We have to watch them all!"
"Wohow, you're getting ahead of yourself there." Tom laughed, ruffling the smaller's head. "We can't watch all of them tonight, but I promise we can eventually. Just.. not all in one sitting."
Sonic smiled, nodding at the assurance. Tom then pressed play, and the family quieted, focused on the beginning scene in front of them.
As the movie played, Sonic had found himself deeply invested in the plot, rearranging himself every now and then into a more comfortable position. As of now, he was curled up in Maddie's lap, socked feet in Tom's lap. The teen's head was propped up in his hand as he focused on the tv screen, being caught off guard as a dinosaur screeched loudly, flinching back.
He froze, the hedgehog subtly glanced at Tom's face, hoping the Sheriff, nor Maddie noticed him jump. When neither of them had a reaction, Sonic let out a quiet sigh, trying to go back to focusing on the tense scene that was happening.
A couple minutes had passed, and he had finally relaxed again. The air in the room was peaceful, and everyone was calm. Maddie subconsciously reached a hand to gently rub at Sonic's side, used to holding hands with her husband or something of the sort when watching things together.
Nothing, though, could have prepared the small family for the noise that elicited from the blue hedgehog's mouth.
At the touch, Sonic absolutely screamed as if he had been shocked with a million volts of electricity, his head tumbling from his hand as he whipped around. The veterinarian's eyes widened, and her hand quickly pulled away from her son's body.
"Sonic! Are you okay?"
Maddie's eyes swept thoroughly over his torso, searching for any possible sign of injury. Sonic, on the other hand, was now turned to face her, looking just as shocked as she did.
"I- yeah, I'm okay. I guess you just.. scared me?"
Tom looked puzzled. "Seems that way, huh? We weren't even watching a scary movie, kiddo."
The teen shrugged. "I know. Weird."
Maddie thought for a moment, brows furrowing slightly as an idea formed. "Sonic.. Is it alright if I try that again? Just.. to make sure everything's alright."
Sonic nodded, sitting up to allow her easier access. As her hand went to gently touch his side, he glanced down with equal interest, only to jump and giggle the second her hand came into contact with his skin.
"AH! Wait- hahah!"
The green-eyed hedgehog looked up with a confused grin, head tilting slightly as Maddie pulled away again. She smiled back, laughing a bit as she spoke. "Looks like we figurehed out what 'scahared' you!"
Sonic looked back down at himself, grabbing his own side, face pinching in a perplexed expression. "What.. was that? You just- you made me laugh?"
Maddie glanced at her husband, who seemed to be shocked by this new piece of information. The sheriff's jaw dropped, and he stared at Sonic in disbelief.
"You mean you don't know what tickling is?"
When the smaller shook his head, Maddie quickly interjected. "Okay, we are fixing that right now." She straightened up in her spot, and reached for his side again.
"Tickling is when someone touches a specific part of the body that makes them laugh." She squished at his torso, gaze softening as he burst into happy giggles. "It's an involuntary response."
Sonic jerked away from the offending hand, flopping to the side as his arms went to curl around his belly. "Ahah! Snrt- Yohou mean Ihi've been wastihihing my time on johokes? This is- Snrt- ahawesome!" The teen kicked his legs out, squealing as another hand came to his knee. "HAH! Tohohom, noHO!"
"I still can't believe you had no idea what tickling is! I wonder where else you're ticklish!" Tom's excited smile morphed into something more smug, and he spidered his fingers all along the laughing teen's knees, reaching a hand up to dig into his underarm too.
A squeaky squeal escaped from Sonic's mouth, and he quickly clamped his arm down, kicking his legs out frantically. Maddie snickered, placing a hand over her husband's as she spoke. "Be gentle with him. We don't wanna overwhelm the poor kid."
Tom rolled his eyes playfully, but went back to tickling at his knees. When Sonic exploded into bright laughter again, trying to pull his legs away, he stopped, moving to instead rub at his leg comfortingly.
The hedgehog looked up as the fluttery sensation stopped, a confused residual smile plastered on his face. "Whahah.. Why'd yohou guys stop?"
"Figured you needed a break. You were laughing pretty hard there."
Maddie smiled for probably the umpteenth time today. "Unless you want us to keep going?"
She noticed a tinge of shyness in his tone, but the happy smile he wore way outshined it. "Yeah! I-If thats okay, of course. Tickling is just.. really fun!"
"We'd be happy to!" She beamed, bringing her fingers to his belly, scribbling her nails over it. Sonic's limbs flailed for a moment, then his hands snapped up, holding onto his mom's wrists, giddy laughter spilling from his mouth when Tom wiggled a finger into the crook of his neck.
The smaller cackled, scrunching his shoulders up. He wiggled about, legs instinctively kicking at Tom and Maddie's arms, though despite his half-hearted struggling, the kid looked like he was having a blast.
Maddie cooed, half expecting to be pushed away, but she never was. Sonic just held onto her, eyes squeezing shut in mirth. After a few seconds, Tom pulled his hands back once more, his son peeking an eye open through his giggles to see what was going on.
"Honey, can you get his hands? I wanna try something."
"Sure, Tom." She smiled, reaching forward a bit to gently scoop up the smaller's wriggling arms, lifting them above his head.
Sonic tugged at his hands, attempting to pull his legs up to gain some sort of protection, as he was feeling a lot more exposed now. An anticipatory smile tugged at his lips as Tom drew closer.
"Nahah! Snrk- Get awahay!" Sonic tried to kick at the elder, only to squeal in an embarrassingly high pitch as his ankle was grabbed and pulled away, being quickly pinned onto the couch. "Tohom! Whahat're yohou doihihing?"
The brunette grinned, sneaking a tickle across his son's side, prompting the younger to burst back into giggles.
"Nothing much, bud. I just wanna introduce you to tickling properly. And this is the best way to do it!" Tom lunged forward, inhaling deeply before blowing a huge raspberry against Sonic's belly.
The hedgehog shrieked, immediately tearing his arms and leg from his parent's grasp as he exploded into cackles. His arms curled around Tom's head, eyes going wide at the horribly ticklish feeling shooting through his torso.
"PFFAAHAH! SNRK- TOHOM!" he squealed, legs kicking frantically in a blur of movement. A few seconds went by, and the raspberry still didn't stop! The blue teen tossed his head to the side, cheeks growing redder the longer he laughed. "EEEAHAH! HAHAH! SNRK- OKAY OKAY OKAHAHAY! PLEHEHEASE!"
Tom pulled away, chuckling at the giggling mess of laughter on the couch. "Whahat? Too ticklish for you?"
Maddie laughed, shaking her head as she helped the younger up. "Oh my goodness.."
The blue-themed teen slumped into her, hiding his residual giggles into his hands as he recovered from the playful attack. "Geheez, I.. cahan't believe thahat- Snrk- just happehened.."
After taking a moment to catch his breath, Sonic let his arms fall from their spot over his face. He looked up at Tom with a gentle smile. "..Thanks, Tom."
The sheriff smiled back, then crashed into the two, wrapping his family in a hug. "No problem, little man."
The three seemed perfectly content, until the youngest burst into laughter again. "Pfft! Wehe- We plahanned out this whohole movie night, and didn't eheven watch a sihingle movie!"
"Ohoh yeah! We were watching a movie, weren't we?"
Maddie cracked up, shaking her head at the silliness of the situation. "Ihi don't even remember what part we were at.."
"Rihight.." The youngest thought for a minute, then shrugged. "Yeah, I don't know."
"Want to pick a different one, and go back to Jurassic park later?"
"Yeah! Oh, I know the perfect one.."
Rahhh I finally finished it!! I really liked writing this, they're such sillies! 💙💛💙💛
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auroras-blog37 · 8 months ago
Hi! Noticed your requests were open! :]
May I request either Peter Parker or Loki tickle headcannons! Whichever you’d prefer to do, I’d love to hear your thoughts on em! 💕
Of course! Thank you so much for requesting :)
Peter Parker Headcanons:
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The type of person to curl into a ball and just giggle
Secretly likes being tickled but would never admit it for the sake of his sanity
I feel like he would try to provoke you to tickle him
Very flustered to teasing
A mixture of a Giggler and Cackler
Peter is a 50/50 when it comes to tickling, he likes being tickled but also likes to tickle people
His ‘Peter Tingle’ going off when your fingers go near him
Ticklish Spots would probably be his waist, ribs, and neck
Peter loves your laugh so he definitely tickles you whenever he feels like
Would get flustered at teasing you but does it anyway because it effects you more
He likes to use wake up tickles or tickle hugs
Gets butterflies at the sound of your laughter
You dare make fun of Star Wars or his Lego or any of his dorky interests he will tickle you
Uses both soft and rough tickles
If you make any funny noises like squeals, squeaks, snorts or anything he will definitely laugh at you
If you get pouty or annoyed after he tickles you he’ll give you a mock of sympathy and hug you
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gameprincessanya · 8 months ago
Terry's Tickle Monster (OC fic)
Summary: Terry Johnson was 23. He was a handsome man of German descent. He had thick brown hair, green eyes, and wore rectangle glasses. He was 6'2 with a healthy body weight. The only problem was that Terry was the type who kept to himself, the sort who didn't let much light into his life. Can a monster Terry hadn't seen since his childhood help him see the worthiness in himself and let his inner light shine?
(Content warning: Tickle fic, tentacles (non-sexual).) (My first OC tickle story! Yes, I wrote this before "Skylar's Dragon"! If people like this or the other story, I may write sequels! :))
The light of the phone screen made Terry squint his jade green eyes. He immediately switched to dark mode.
He was trying to read fanfiction of his favourite series, "Bendy and the Ink Machine." This one was about Henry finally getting out of the loop he was in.
Terry read through the fanfic and sighed. It was a well written story, but it was as of yet not updated. He thought he may as well read it anyway but was prepared for the cliffhanger it would end on.
There was a shuffle in Terry's closet. He didn't pay it any mind. Probably their orange cat Kimberly having snuck into his room again. He smiled to himself, remembering the cuteness of his cat.
He kept reading the story, but couldn't help notice the shuffles in the closet seemed more like someone was digging through his clothes. Rolling his eyes, he put down his phone, and walked over.
His closet seemed perfectly normal as he looked through it. Nothing was in there.
"Weird," he said as he turned back to go read his story.
Picking up the phone, he read a little more. He was almost at the end of the chapter.
Then he heard something stomp under his bed. Fear spiked through him.
"H-hello…? Anyone there?" He called out.
No answer.
Suddenly the monster came at him, wiggling its black tentacles at him from the ceiling. He shrieked and fell back onto the bed, pulling his covers up to his nose.
The tentacled monster waved at him and smiled, showing its shark-like teeth.
"Terry! Hi!" the monster said, and made itself upright, sitting on his bed. "How are you, kiddo? It's been so long!"
"Tom?!" Terry said, not believing his eyes. "B-but you're not real! Y-you're-"
He cut himself off to just stare at the monster he'd thought was imaginary this whole time.
"Hm? Oh, well usually we monsters don't visit our kids after they grow up. So everyone looks back at us as imaginary creatures they made up as children. But this was an emergency, and I've come to intervene!"
"Huh? W-what's going on?" Terry said, concerned. He was still not over the shock of his childhood tickle monster being real.
"We've got a case of serious grumpiness that I've come to remedy." He said with a smile. He wiggled his tentacles.
"What?" Terry said, with a nervous giggle. "Hehheheh-! Y-you don't mean…?"
"I do. Now Terry, come tell me what's troubling you."
Terry looked over at his phone with dreary eyes, and back at Tom.
"It's a long story…"
Tom frowned and shook his head. "Come here."
Though Terry was grown up now, he found comfort in Tom. He shifted closer to him, and smiled up at him.
"I don't know… I was kind of a jerk. I mean, I feel like a jerk…"
Listening carefully, Tom put a tentacle around Terry's shoulders.
"It was at a co-worker's retirement party. There was a blonde girl there. She wore a purple dress. She didn't wear any makeup, but she seemed kind and optimistic."
"Aww, she sounds nice. So what happened?" He said, curiously.
"Uhh… well…" Terry said, thinking it over. "I was kind of awkward when me and my dad talked to her and her mom. They knew my uncle, and they asked me why I wasn't at his bake sale charity event. I told them it wasn't my style, and I don't know… She seemed a bit disappointed in me."
"Oh? So then what happened?"
"Well, nothing much. I saw there was this bean bag game people were playing. I played a couple times, but my dad was better at it than me… and the girl was a lot more athletic. She was out there for a while, playing it over and over."
"Okay. So did anything else happen?"
He shrugged.
"There was this group gathering. I guess we had a toast, and some food, and then we went home. That's all there is to it."
Tom looked at him sadly.
"So what was the problem here?"
Terry shook his head.
"Well… maybe I should have gone to my uncle's event for charity. He's a nice guy and he's always supported me, so it would be nice to support him in return. Even if the event isn't really my style." He pondered. "I guess, maybe dad was right… Doing stuff you don't always want to do builds character." He smiled a little, the nostalgia of helping his father with his woodworking shining in his eyes.
"Exactly!" Tom said, supporting him in his decision.
"Another thing is, I feel like people at work don't really like me much." Terry sighed. "I delivered some of our supplies to the wrong place. It's my own fault, but I don't really know if I can fix it." He admitted.
"Well, you know what can fix a glum face?" Tom said. Terry then giggled, shifting away.
"Heheheheh! A-already?" He braced himself, ready for the attack. His usual low baritone voice pitched up a bit higher. Tom smiled mischevously and scooped him up in his tentacles. He used two of them to tickle his underarms, making Terry shriek with laughter. "HEEHEHEHHEHEEEEHEHEEHHEHEHHEHEEHEHEHEHHEEHHEHEEEE!!"
"Goodness gracious! You are still as ticklish as before!" Tom teased. He used two more tentacles to sweep up and down his sides.
"HAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHA! STAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHP!" Terry cried, wiggling his body every which way, but still unable to get away because of the way the tentacles held his limbs. Some of the tentacles supported his torso too, and one of them decided to target his back and slide up and down his spine. "WHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHHAHAAAA! NOHOHOHOOT THERE!"
Tom was feeling rather playful, but he wanted to listen so Terry could feel safe with him. He stopped tickling the spine, and moved to support it instead. His other tentacles tickled his ribs, making sure to slip and slide in a way that felt extra tickly.
"HAHAHAAHAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHAAAA! WHY THAHAHAHAHAT?!" Terry shrieked. He felt giddy and carefree like this, the memory of his relatives tickling him coming back. He hadn't been tickled since he was 13, so it was quite the surprise. "HEHEHEHEHEHEEHEEE! C-COME OHOHOHOON!"
Juxtaposing his tentacles, he wiggled them under Terry's shirt to circle his belly from opposite sides. This made him wiggle and shriek even more.
"Because it's fun!" Tom giggled. Two more tentacles came and gently squeezed his hips.
Deciding Terry probably needed a break, Tom stopped. Terry breathed heavily.
"Hee hheee heheheeh hehehe hehee…!" Terry giggled as he gasped for air.
"How was that, huh?"
Terry managed to calm his breathing and looked up at Tom.
"Heh… Y-you forgot… my feet…"
Blinking his dark brown eyes, Tom then grinned.
"So, you want more?"
Terry nodded with a blush and looked away. Seeing Terry's blush, Tom giggled to himself.
"We don't have to continue right away." He reminded him. Terry just huffed.
"Well… Uh… I-I want to."
Tom pulled him into his tentacles again. This time he let Terry rest on his bed while he went at it. Carefully, he lifted his black hoodie and shirt until he saw his ribs. He carefully slid his tentacles under the hoodie and slid his tentacles up his ribs until he rested them in his armpits. He moved them slightly, getting Terry to chortle.
Carefully, Tom's other tentacles removed Terry's shoes. They carefully slipped his socks off as well.
"Are you ready? By the way, I might get your belly again, so don't be surprised."
Terry just giggled in anticipation.
"Heh! I-I won't be-!"
Quickly, Tom used two tentacles to go at his belly, and two more to sweep across his soles. This sent Terry into a ticklish flurry. He wiggled all around the bed but couldn't get away because of the two tentacles that held his wrists, and two more that held his ankles.
"HEEHEHEHEHEHHEHHEEEEHEEE!!" He laughed hard as the tentacles on his belly moved from his stomach, up to his ribs, and swept close to his sides. He squealed as one of them found his belly button, wiggling its way inside. Meanwhile, the tentacles at his feet slid into his arches, going at them rapidly. "HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAAA! PLEHEHEHEHEHEEEASE!"
It felt like torture, but he didn't want it to stop.
"HAHHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHAAHAHHAA! WHYHHYHYHHYHYHYY?!" He squealed, as the tentacles moved to trace his toes on one foot, and slide between them on the other foot. Meanwhile, the tentacles at his stomach swirled in circles again, getting close to his sides, and then quickly moving again, one sliding and then swirling in his belly button and the other sliding back and forth along his mid-back. It slowly went down to his lower back, and then slid up again.
Soon Terry was hanging half-way off the bed, his stomach stretched in a vulnerable way.
Tom didn't let up. He let go of Terry's wrists and held his hips instead, trying to pull him up. The tentacle at his belly button didn't let up, and was able to tickle between the skin folds all the way to the back, which made Terry feel ticklish in a way he'd never felt before. His entire tummy felt ticklish tingles go through it. Terry squealed, his fluffy brown hair getting tossed all about. He was about to cry for mercy, when something else caught his attention.
They were about to fall off his face.
Tom stopped, and pulled him up, using one tentacle to save his glasses. He put them back on his face and smiled at him.
"There. How do you feel?"
Terry gasped for air, laying on the bed to catch his breath. He was still smiling, and gave a thumbs up to him. A few more moments were spent in silence as Terry caught his breath and curled up, rubbing at his stomach and feet to help the tingles go away. His face was flushed and he smiled adorably. He'd missed fun times like this with Tom.
Suddenly his phone buzzed. Picking it up, Terry saw that it was Hailey.
Groaning, he went to his messages and texted her back. Hailey was a girl who had a crush on him. Her hair was dyed bright red and she was kind of cute, with pale blue eyes. However, Terry didn't think they'd be a good match, because Terry was secretly gay.
She was one of the employees under his management. He'd shown her the ropes and helped her, and that had been enough. She'd made her crush quite obvious.
He sighed, seeing that she was just concerned about how he was feeling. He texted back that he'd be alright, he'd probably looked glum the other day.
Tom noticed Terry texting.
"Oh? Who is it?" He wondered, and looked over. Terry quickly hid his phone.
"Uhh, it's Hailey. This girl who likes me." He said.
"Oh. Interesting! So, what's she like…?" He said excitedly.
"Well, she's uh… She's nice! But uh, she doesn't know…" Looking away, he cleared his throat. "Uh, t-that I'm gay…"
"I see." Tom said. He smiled, putting his tentacle on his shoulder supportively. "Do you think she wouldn't accept you?"
Terry didn't answer, just looking away and sighing. Hailey seemed like a sweet girl, but if word got out that he was gay, his parents would probably disown him. And he was still saving up to buy a house.
"Uh, it's not that… It's just that, uh, I want to be cautious. My uh- The last person I told kind of uh, broke my trust."
Tom listened carefully.
"My previous boyfriend. He told the guys at my hockey team and they never stopped making fun of me…" He put his hand over his face. "I uh, just like to be cautious, you know?"
Tom nodded, understanding. Looking down, he noticed Terry's black painted nails. They were slightly chipped, but he hadn't picked off the paint yet.
Sitting in silence, Terry didn't move. He didn't know what to do.
Tom gently massaged his shoulders, wanting to make him feel better.
"Terry… If this girl is truly nice as you said, I'm sure she'll understand. Besides, the faster you get it over with the sooner she can move on." He said. "She's not a blabbermouth, is she?"
Shaking his head, Terry fidgeted with his hands.
"Nah, Hailey is shy. She barely talks more than she has to…"
Tom patted his shoulders.
"I think your nerves are getting to you. It'll be alright." He smiled. "I promise."
"Thank you…"
"No problem, kid…"
Things would be okay in time. Terry was glad he'd talked to someone about this, and knew if no one else had his back, Tom did. He felt loved and supported, and knew he'd have the courage to do what was needed. After all, Hailey was a nice girl and deserved to know the truth.
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Movie Shenanigans
Summary: Behind the scene shenanigans with Tom, Tobey, and Andrew :)
(I know not every enjoys tickle fics about real life people, but this cute idea came into my head and wouldn't leave :) I've had a rough past couple weeks and wanted to type this up as like a cheer up ❤️ I hope you all enjoy ❤️)
"Please Tobes?"
"No!" the older actor exclaimed as he darted into the guys dressing rooms.
"Noho! You're not allohowed ahany whehere near me with that thing on yohour face!"
Andrew's jaw dropped. "It's a beard and how dare you disrespect it."
"Too bad."
"Come on mate, please?" The younger man pouted. "I just want to give you some affection."
"Nu-uh!" Tobey stretched out his hand when Andrew moved closer. "Yohou knohow I can't stand yohour wiskehers!"
"You jerk! You make me sound like an old man."
"You're getting there Drew," another voice chimed in.
Andrew turned. "Shush it you!"
Sitting at one of the counters was Tom. The youngest had his phone in his hand and was half scrolling through it while half eavesdropping on the conversation.
Tom shrugged his shoulders before he was fully focused back on his phone again.
Suddenly, Tobey grinned as an idea entered his head. "Hey Andrew."
The younger man turned back to him.
"Don't get me." The older actor pointed. "Give your affection to Tom!"
The youngest's attention was suddenly drawn back to the conversation. "What?"
A grin immediately appeared on Andrew's face as he stepped over to his costar. "Yes, Tom will let me give him affection."
The youngest set down his phone. "What, like a hug?"
"Ahahawww." Andrew wrapped him in a hug. "That would be nice."
After adjusting a bit, Tom managed to wrap his arms back around his older costar.
"Aw," Tobey cooed.
This earned him a playful glare from Andrew. "Atleast someone here loves me!"
Tobey rolled his eyes. "I love you too Drew."
"No you don't!" The middle costar pulled Tom closer. "Only Tom does."
A stream of giggles came from the youngest actor as he instinctively turtled into his shoulders. Andrew's beard kept brushing against his neck. "Why wohon't yohou give him a huhug?"
"It's not the hug I'm worried about," the oldest replied.
Before Tom could ask another question, Andrew peppered a few scratchy kisses on his face.
More giggles spilled out as he pushed on his older costar's head. "Yohou're beheard!"
"Ahand thahat's why I wouldn't let him nehear."
Tom's phone clattered to the floor. "Drehew!"
"What?" Andrew purposefully rubbed his beard against his face. "I'm just giving affection!"
The youngest of the trio finally managed to pull his face away. "Yohou're affectihion ihis scratchyhy!"
"Hey! Get back here so I can love you more!"
Tom tried to squirm away in the opposite direction. "Noho! No! Tobes hehelp!"
"Oh no." The eldest squeezed Tom's side so he would squirm back the other way. "He's escaping!"
"Ah! Noho! Dohont help hihim!"
Both Andrew and Tobey shared a grin. It was fun to pick on the youngest of the trio.
"Hey!" Andrew held him in a hug. "You know we love you right?"
Tom nodded around his giggles. "Ihi just dohont lihike ticklehels."
Andrew's eyes widened. "Not like tickles?"
The youngest nodded.
Tobey gave his side a poke. "How can someone not like tickles?"
With a squeak, Tom bumped into Andrew's chest. "Thehere just soho childihish. Aren't yohou supposed toho stop being ticklish whehen yohoure older?"
"No way mate!" Andrew ruffled the youngest's hair. "My brother still makes fun of me for being ticklish."
Tobey leaned against the counter. "My ex-wife did the same thing."
Once Tom was free of Andrew's tickle hug, he quickly fixed his hair. "Zendaya thought ihit wahas great too."
The older two literally cooed, causing Tom to roll his eyes. "Sod off!"
"What's wrong?" Andrew reached to grab him. "In need of more affection?"
Immediately, the youngest ducked under his arms and, in true Peter Parkeresque fashion, promptly fell backwards on to the floor.
Both Andrew and Tobey wheezed.
Tom kicked at them both. "Shut up!"
The oldest actor held out his hand. "Yohou alright Tohom?"
As he was being pulled back up, the youngest actor gave Tobey a fake pout. "You two are soho mehean."
Andrew smirked. "If you think that was mean, yohoud better ruhun."
Tom held out a hand. "Noho, dohont even thihiIIINK! NO!
A moment later, all three actors were out the door of the dressing room.
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unwashedspork · 1 year ago
whiteboard things
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my doodlesona sip, my girlfriends doodlesona tom, and act :3
ignore the fact that
hes shirtless
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valiantphantomangel · 1 year ago
A/n: this is my delayed Christmas gift to you all, I hope you enjoy and a happy new year 🎊 🫶.
New years shenanigans
"Y/N get out of bed, the fireworks are about to start!" Robert yelled from downstairs and you groan before pulling a pillow over your head to silence the shouting.
You and the marvel cast were invited by RDJ to spend the night at his mansion to celebrate the New Year and watch the fireworks since his mansion looked over the city.
But you being you, got tired and decided to take a nap (over sleeping and not wanting to leave the warmth of the bed) and now it was almost midnight when the fireworks would start.
"I swear to god come down now or me, Hiddleston and Evans will come and drag you down!"
"But this bed is so warm" you whined softly as you snuggled further under the blankets.
"Alright that's it" Robert yelled and you heard 3 pairs of footsteps coming upstairs, you squealed and quickly pulled the blankets over your head to hide before the door was opened.
You heard them coming closer before Tom Hiddleston ripped your blanket off and tackled you onto the bed as you tried to run away.
"Now that's not very polite Little Dove" Tom mused as Chris Evans pulled your arms over your head and Robert took your feet in a chokehold to keep them still.
"SorRYHAHHAHAHA" i burst out laughing as Tom suddenly digged into my ribs.
"What did you say? I couldn't quite hear you there, did you hear her Evans"? Robert said with a grin as he traced your soles.
"Nope I didn't understand a thing" Chris grinned and tickled your neck softly.
They all faux gasped and you knew you were done for, all of them went full in on your death spots.
It. Was. Torture.
Your scream of laughter went through the mansion as you trashed around, your face red from all the laughing.
"Are you going to come out of bed now?" Tom asked with a smirk as he looked down at you.
"You promise?"
They let you go and you immediately curled up into a ball "i hate you guys" you mutter with some soft giggles as the ghost tickles slowly went away.
"You love us, now come on or we are gonna be late for the fireworks" Chris smiled and pulled you to your feet.
You all rushed downstairs to the rest of the cast who stood outside, counting down the last seconds of 2023.
"They got you too huh"? Scarlet asked as she wrapped her arm around your shoulders.
"Yeah" you said with a soft chuckle.
"Those three are a serious pain sometimes" Sebastian said as he stood next to you.
"Oh you love us" Chris grinned as he punched Sebastian shoulder and quickly stood next to Hemsworth for protection as Seb looked at him daringly.
You all hugged each other as the sky littered with fireworks, illuminating the night's sky.
And as you stood there, in the arms of people who truly loved you, you couldn't believe how lucky you are.
The marvel cast is a family and you were honored to be part of it.
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trashyswitch · 1 year ago
Getting to Know The Crafty Nook
Isabelle is trying to get to learn more about Tom Nook. Amidst his questions, Isabelle quickly discovers that Tom doesn't take breaks! Like, at all! And that will not due! So, Isabelle tries to change that...if only for a moment...
This fanfic was suggested by 🌠anon! Thank you for the amazing headcanons, and I sincerely hope you enjoy!
Tom and Isabelle were working a shift in the town hall. Tom was typing away on the hall’s laptop and reading daily documents. Isabelle was writing notes in her notebook, and checking her teal notebooks for more information. It was a normal day in the workplace on the island. 
Isabelle put down her pen and looked up at Tom. She noted Tom’s focused face as he typed on his laptop. She mentally noted how hard he had been working up until this point. He was always a hard worker who failed to give himself the time to rest. He would usually do this through his nephews, but even then, it’s not truly a rest if you’re still looking after children, is it? She wasn’t sure. How would she possibly know? She didn’t have children of her own. 
“Hey Tom?” She asked softly. 
“Hm? Yes Isabelle?” he replied, looking up. “What do you do to wind down after a long day?” Isabelle asked. 
“Hmm…” Tom thought for a moment. “I usually take care of Timmy and Tommy. Helping them close the store, taking them to the house and reading them a bedtime story before tucking them into bed.” Tom explained. 
“I see…and…after that?” She asked. 
“Well…I usually go to bed myself.” Tom Nook replied. “This old raccoon needs his rest after the long shifts, yes yes.” Tom Nook admitted with a chuckle. 
Isabelle widened her eyes. “You don’t read? Or do any hobbies after work?” Isabelle asked. 
“Well you see, Isabelle…work IS my hobby.” Tom Nook admitted. “I worked hard to get to this place. No time leftover for funny business.” Tom replied. 
“...Funny business, huh?” Isabelle sat back and crossed her arms. “I personally prefer calling them ‘hobbies’. They are supposed to help you learn more about yourself and add some variety to your life.” Isabelle explained. 
“Well…Work does that same very thing for me.” Tom explained. 
“You’ve gotta be getting bored of work…” Isabelle reacted. 
Tom chuckled. “Something tells me you’re confusing my feelings for your own, hm?” She teased.
Isabelle rolled her eyes. “Sure…whatever you say.” Isabelle said. 
Tom went right deep into his work once again. It was like Isabelle hadn’t interrupted him at all! Some things just don’t change, do they? 
Well, Isabelle was determined to change that. Right here, right now. 
Isabelle got up out of her seat and picked up her seat. With the chair in hand, Isabelle walked up to Tom’s side of the desk. “What are you doing exactly?” She asked him, placing the chair beside him and sitting down. 
“Nothing interesting for you.” Tom replied. 
“Oh really? Try me.” Isabelle encouraged. 
Tom raised his eyebrows in surprise and looked at his screen. “Uhh…” He muttered, unsure how to react himself. 
“Tell me.” Isabelle encouraged him again. 
Tom sighed and scratched the back of his head. “Well…I’m working on a spreadsheet of our representatives' earnings in Bells.” Tom explained. “He has paid me 10,000 bells today, which is 1000 more bells than yesterday.” He explained. “If [Player] continues giving 10,000 bells everyday, he should be able to pay for his house upgrade in about 197 days.” Tom admitted. “Though, I have a feeling [Player] will pay different lump sums of money daily, which may decrease his loan payment days.” Tom Nook explained. 
“Wow…That’s a lot of work for our representative.” She admitted. 
“But telling by their payments, it’s not impossible.” Tom admitted. 
“And you’re charting their progress because…” Isabelle asked next. 
“Because I like to know about their daily progress.” Tom admitted. 
“Ah…” She muttered. 
“Is that all you want to know?” Tom asked. 
“Well…” Isabelle muttered, thinking for a moment. “I do want to know more about you.” She admitted. 
Tom nodded his head. “Ask away.” He replied. 
“Like…What are Timmy and Tommy like?” She asked. 
Tom chuckled. “You say you want to know about me…and yet, you ask me a question about the twins?” Tom mentioned. 
Isabelle smiled and looked away. “Maybe…” She teased. 
Tom shook his head with a smile. “Alright.” Tom cleared his throat. “Timmy and Tommy…they’re typical children. Outgoing, rambunctious, mischievous little tanuki children.” He told Isabelle. 
“I see. What else?” She asked. 
“Timmy is the most quick-witted little tycoon I have ever met.” Tom Nook admitted. “And Tommy is a sensitive mastermind. And together, they are the perfect duo to take over the Nooks corporation after I retire.” Tom explained. “I am very proud of the tanuki’s they have both become.” Tom Nook admitted. 
Isabelle smiled and patted his shoulder. “If they are wonderful kids like you tell me…then just wait until they’re fully grown!” Isabelle reacted. 
Tom closed his eyes with a smile under his little snout. “Don’t make me get ahead of myself, Isabelle. They won’t be pups forever.” Tom warned her. 
“I won’t, I promise.” Isabelle replied happily. 
Isabelle looked at Tom out of the corner of her eye. Tom spoke so highly of the twins, and it was adorable. But he rarely ever gave himself enough of the credit. 
Tom could feel Isabelle’s gaze on him. “.....Do you…need something?” Tom asked. 
“Are you ticklish?” She asked absolutely out of nowhere. 
Tom’s body froze in place. His typing paws had paused in place, and he had stared at the computer for a little longer than he was expecting. He didn’t even have anything to say in response. The only thing he was able to really say was: “Uuuuuhhh…why?”. 
Isabelle smirked. “Oh, just curious.” She replied. 
Tom closed his laptop and turned to look at Isabelle. “I know you're planning something devious. You’re not exactly stealthy.” Tom told her. 
Isabelle giggled and poked his side a couple times. “Is that so?” She teased. “Tell me, Tom: What exactly am I planning?” She asked. 
Tom jumped and attempted to push her hands away. “IsaBELLE-” Tom squeaked as a claw poked him square in the ribs. “StOP-” He tried and failed to cover his sides. “Please! We both have work to do!” Tom reacted. 
Isabelle chuckled. “Come on, Tom. You haven’t even answered me.” Isabelle told her. 
Tom stared at her. “A-About what?” He asked. 
“I asked you ‘Are you ticklish?’ earlier.” She reminded him. 
“…You wanted an answer?” Tom asked for clarification. 
Isabelle leaned her head back and laughed. “Why else would I ask you?!” She reacted. 
“I don’t know!” Tom reacted. 
“You don’t know if you’re ticklish or not?” She teased as she poked and scratched his furry sides. 
“That’s nOTWHAT-” Tom threw his head back. “BAHAHA-?!” He reacted, surprised by his own cackle. 
“I think you’re very ticklish!” She declared. “And personally…” She shoved her paws into his armpits with pure excitement on her face. “I think you need a break from work.” She told him. 
Tom threw himself against the back of his chair and cackled rather hysterically. “HAHAHAHAhahaha!” He squeezed his eyes shut, showing off a few of his eye wrinkles as he wiggled around in an unintentionally aggressive manner. “IHIHISABEHEHEHELLE PLEHEHEHEASE!” He yelled. 
“Goodness, you’re louder than I thought you’d be!” She reacted. 
“SHUHUHUHUSHHH!” Tom yelled back. 
“But shushing wouldn’t be as fun! And you know this.” Isabelle replied confidently.
Tom attempted to curl up similarly to how Mayor Tortimer would’ve curled up into his shell. 
“Trying to hide from me?” Isabelle teased before moving her paws to his neck. “Well I hate to break it to you, but you’re not going anywhere.” She declared proudly. 
Tom gasped and widened his eyes. Oh NO! “P-PLEASENO-NOT THERE!” He pleaded. 
Isabelle smirked. “Not where? Not here?” She poked his neck. “Not this sensitive neck right here?” She scritched his neck insanely gently. “Not this exposed, fluffy little neck?” She kept teasing in a voice only her twin brother would’ve heard. 
“NaaaAAAHAHAHA! EEEEEEHEEEHEEEHEEEHEEHEE!” Tom screeched and squealed. 
Isabelle was thrown off by this reaction at first. Isabelle and Tom had been friends for ages by this point. So seeing a serious businessman completely lose control of himself, was so out of character! Tom had always tried to present himself as a reserved, charismatic businessman. So it was almost shocking to see him squealing and losing his composure! Is this the same person?! Where’s the proof? How can we be so sure that this is the same person?!
It didn’t matter if Tom’s words were coherent or not…Isabelle seemed to have an answer for every single comment. 
“PLEHEHEHEASE-” Tom pleaded. 
“Goodness, you’re giggly! Does it really tickle that much?!” Isabelle asked. 
Tom attempted to nod his head amidst his giggly laughter. 
“How ticklish?” She asked with a smirk as she fluttered her paws up his neck towards his chin. 
“WAHAHAIT WAITWAIT-!” Tom squeaked and struggled to cover up his ultra sensitive chin. 
“On a scale of 1 to 10, how ticklish is your chin?” She asked curiously. 
Tom gasped as her finger presented itself mere millimeters away from his chin. He knew that if Isabelle so much as touched his chin, it would be all over. He would lose all his composure, and surely die from the embarrassment alone! And all it would take…was a tiny, simple touch.
The claw finally touched down…but it was only for a second. But that second was all it took for Tom Nook to disappear. The ticklish coworker she had been playing with in the town hall, had suddenly disappeared from her field of vision. 
Isabelle widened her eyes and pulled her paw back. The desk chair that was seating the raccoon had become completely empty. What the- Where did Tom go?! Isabelle looked around the room, flabbergasted by his sudden disappearance. Did he teleport?! There’s no way…no one can teleport like that. Not even the representative is capable of teleportation! 
Suddenly, the back door opened, revealing an exhausted, slumped-over Tom Nook. He was holding a cup of water in his right paw, while leaning against the doorframe with weariness written all over his face. The man looked like he just ran a marathon. 
“Oh my gosh- Are you okay?!” Isabelle asked, running up and offering to help carry him. She gently grabbed his arm and tried to wrap it around her shoulders, so she could place part of his weight onto her. 
But Tom didn’t interpret her actions like that. He assumed that her actions were part of her new elaborate plan to tickle him all over again. So naturally, Tom doubled over and pulled away before falling down. Isabelle took his water cup and let him fall. Isabelle watched as Tom curled up into a little ball the moment his body hit the floor. He wasn’t even able to stop the extra  giggles from leaving his snout. It was somewhat adorable, and still quite out-of-character for the man. 
Isabelle smiled and continued to watch as Tom sat himself up. When Tom reached for the water, Isabelle gave it to him. Tom drank the rest of the water in one big gulp, before huffing. “Are you happy with yourself?” He asked, looking up at Isabelle with a loopy smile. 
Isabelle’s heart dropped for only a second. Did she do something drastic?! Were her actions out of line?! 
…but the Shih Tzu felt immediate relief the moment she saw Tom’s crooked smile. Everything seemed to be okay. He wasn’t angry at her…and she was thankful for that. 
Tom got up onto his feet and got himself some more water from the water jug. “What time is it?” Tom asked. 
Isabelle looked over at the analog clock up on the wall. “It is…10 to 5.” Isabelle said. 
Tom hummed and speed-walked to his desk. “I promised the boys I would make them fish and chips for dinner.” He admitted. 
Isabelle raised an eyebrow. “And you have the time to do that?” she asked. 
“I will as soon as I leave.” Tom replied. 
Isabelle laughed and watched as Tom closed the laptop and put his book away. Then, he pulled out his Nook Phone. “That must be the boys.” He said before picking up the phone. “Hello?” He said. 
Isabelle turned her ear to the right, to attempt to hear what the boys were saying to him. 
“I’m on my way now, Timmy. Alright?” He told him. 
Isabelle smiled as she closed her notebook and schedule.
“I know my voice sounds groggy, but that’s none of your concern.” Tom told them. 
Isabelle looked up, and giggled silently into her paw. Unlike the boys, she knew EXACTLY why Tom’s voice was a little raspy. 
“Alright, I’ll see you in a few minutes. Bye.” He said, before hanging up. “Alright. That’s my cue to leave.” He told Isabelle. “See you in an hour, Isabelle.” 
“Bye Tom!” Isabelle replied, waving until the double doors closed. 
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someone1348 · 7 months ago
Everytime I watch a Spiderman movie all I think about is Lee!Peter ☺️
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no-wings-no-angel · 2 years ago
às vezes vc quando vc pensa em revisitar aquela fic de anos atrás que vc nunca terminou de ler, talvez pra ter uma nova perspectiva, ver se era boa mesmo…
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savemeafruitjuice · 1 month ago
THIS!! SOO CUTE!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Go to Sleep! — Sonic Movieverse
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Summary: It’s movie night for the Wachowskis. But after Sonic helps himself to some sweets before bed which results in a sugar rush, it’s nearly impossible to get him to sleep. Fortunately, Tom and Maddie know exactly how to tire out a sugar rushed hedgehog.
Lee!Sonic 🦔💙
Lers!Tom & Maddie 🍩🥨
Word count: 3.8k
A/N: My first Sonic fic that I wrote four days ago while being bedridden from being sick 🤒 Takes place after the first movie. Also, I just wanted to quickly write some Sonic fluff to take my mind off things this month and cuz my Shadow plushie was delivered today. ^^ enjoy!
Tooth-rotting family fluff ahead! May be too sweet for reader consumption!
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It was movie night in the Wachowski household, something Sonic had been looking forward to all week. Just him, Tom, Maddie, and Ozzy for the whole evening binging movies and feasting on junk food. And tonight, it was Sonic’s turn to pick the movie.
The little blue hedgehog quickly skimmed through the channels before sorting through the movies catergory of their streaming service, trying to decide what movie they should watch. But there were so many options. How was he supposed to pick just one?
Tom and Maddie had already settled down on the couch, popcorn bowl wedged between them. Even their golden retriever, Ozzy, had taken a seat on the couch.
“Sonic, c’mon,” he heard Tom say. “Just pick a movie already. The longer you decide, the less time we’ll have for our movie night.”
“I’m trying!” retorted Sonic. “There’s just so many good options, it’s hard to pick one!”
Tom rolled his eyes fondly, muttering “oh, this kid” under his breath. Maddie overheard, and couldn’t help but giggle.
“Ooh! I think I finally got it!” Sonic exclaimed as the loading icon appeared on the TV screen. He zipped back to the couch, squeezing in between the couple and making himself comfy.
“So what movie did you pick?” asked Tom.
Sonic beamed. “The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie!”
Tom and Maddie exchanged glances before simultaneously uttering, “Ohhh no.”
When the scene came where SpongeBob and Patrick were scarfing down triple goober berry sundaes, Sonic’s eyes widened at the sight of the cartoon depicted ice cream sundaes. “Whoaaaa! I wanna make that! Can we make that after the movie? Can we? Can we?!”
“Slow down, buddy,” Tom chuckled. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to eat a heaping ton of ice cream right before bed. You’ll be bouncing off the walls for hours.”
“Wait, can that really happen?” Sonic asked, immediately convinced. “Now I really wanna try it!”
Maddie quickly intervened. “Uh, Tom’s right, sweetie. We don’t want you to have a sugar rush keeping you up all night. We’ll have ice cream earlier tomorrow.”
“Awww…” Sonic’s ears dropped. Maddie ruffled his head apologetically to get him to smile again.
As their attention pivoted back to the movie, Sonic got a brilliant idea. An hour later after the movie concluded—and Sonic quit scream-singing the lyrics to “Goofy Goober Rock”—it was time to put his idea into action.
“All right, everybody, time for bed.” Maddie ushered them all off the couch before calling Ozzy to take him outside. Tom picked up the empty popcorn bowl and switched the TV off. He caught a certain little blue hedgehog trying to quietly slip into the kitchen.
“Sonic.” Said hedgehog froze in his tracks. “You heard Maddie. Upstairs to bed.”
Sonic shyly twiddled his fingers. “I-I know, I just…wanted to get a quick glass of milk before I go. Y’know, wash out all that popcorn I ate.”
“Well…okay. But make it quick.”
“Okay!” The little hedgehog internally squealed at how excellent his plan worked. “Perfect,” he whispered to himself. “Now to finally make that triple goober berry sundae. Let’s see…what do I need? Ooh, I know!”
Sonic managed to snag everything he needed to make the sundae in under two seconds. He silently thanked Tom and Maddie for having all the ingredients in the kitchen. Then, he quickly constructed his sundae based on memory in another second. When that was done, he stepped back and looked at the finished product. “Whoo! Not bad for a first timer!”
He had successfully made a screen accurate triple goober berry sunrise: three large scoops of vanilla ice cream dripping with chocolate syrup, an M&M smile, and banana limbs with cherries on the ends.
Sonic felt like he could tear up at the sight. But no, no time for that. He had to eat this fast. While also trying to savor every bite at the same time.
As soon as Maddie came back inside with Ozzy, she asked, “Did Sonic head off to bed already?”
“Not yet,” Tom answered, now changed into his pajamas. He gestured to the kitchen. “Said he wanted to get some milk before he went to bed.”
The sound of a spoon cluttering and scraping got their attention.
“That…doesn’t sound like he’s just getting milk,” Maddie said uneasily. Tom slowly shook his head, parental instincts kicking in. The couple slowly peered inside the kitchen, and their jaws dropped at the sight: Sonic sitting on the counter, his face coated with ice cream and chocolate syrup, as he attempted to lick the bottom of his bowl clean.
“Sonic?!” exclaimed the couple simultaneously.
Said hedgehog jerked his head up at the sound of his name, smiling sheepishly as he was caught. “O-Oh…heyyy guuuuys…”
“Sonic…” Tom began slowly. “What are you eating?”
“Uhhh…triple goober berry sunrise?” Sonic shrunk under the parental glares. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it! It just looked soooo good in the movie, I thought…maybe I could make one before bed?”
“After we explicitly told you no?” Maddie asked in her stern mom voice.
Sonic lowered his ears before flashing an apologetic smile. “I promise to clean up?” He zipped around the kitchen in a streak of blue light as he tidied up. “There, see? Like it never happened!”
Maddie tapped the corner of her mouth. “Except you missed a spot here.”
“Oh!” Sonic licked his lips. “Got it!” He suddenly squeaked in surprise as he was lifted off the ground.
“All right, you’re going straight to bed,” he heard Tom say. Sonic whined and tried to squirm out of the awkward hug lift. “Don’t give me that. We warned you about having ice cream before bed even though we promised you we’d have some tomorrow.”
“But I couldn’t wait! And anyway, what’s the big hap? I cleaned up, didn’t I?”
“That’s not the point. And tomorrow, we’re going to have a talk about this.”
“Awww you’re no fun, Donut Lord!” Sonic whined. He managed to squirm free and raced up the ladder stairs to his attic bedroom.
“Aw geez…” Tom sighed as he facepalmed.
“At this rate, he’s not going to get any sleep,” said Maddie.
“Unless we duct tape him down to his bed.”
“I’m kidding! But that’s still an option we can use as a last resort.”
“How about this,” Maddie suggested. “Instead of…that, we’ll gently tire him out; give him soothing pets and rubs, tuck him in snugly, read him a story. That should put him to sleep quickly.”
“Hm. Okay, that works.”
It did not work. Sonic was far too hyper to settle down no matter what they tried. Not even soft scratches to his ears or under his chin pacified his sugar rush. And that always was a good remedy whenever the blue hedgehog was restless.
Tom and Maddie sat helplessly on the edge of Sonic’s race car bed, while he continued to do laps around his room and babbling gibberish. He was bouncing off the walls. Literally; curled up as a blue hedgy ball and bouncing from wall to wall, as if he were a ping pong ball.
Tom turned his attention to his wife. “Well, if we’re both in agreement with restraining the hyper hedgehog to his bed, I’ll go get the duct tape from the garage.”
“We are not duct taping him to his bed.”
“What about those calming gummies you give to Ozzy during the Fourth of July? That should do it, right?”
“Tom! I’m not giving canine calming gummies to a hedgehog!”
“NyQuil? If it’s safe for human consumption, it should be safe for him.”
“Tom, no!”
With no other options, Maddie suddenly perked up with an idea. “Hang on. I think I’ve got something. Something my sister and I used to do with Jojo when she was younger, and in a similar predicament.”
Her husband looked relieved. “Really? What is it?” She motioned for him to come closer to whisper so Sonic wouldn’t overhear. His lips slowly curled into a big grin.
As the hyper hedgehog continued to zoom across the walls, he was oblivious to the fact that his parental figures were plotting something against him. It wasn’t until he heard them call out his name that he skidded to a stop, while still bouncing in place.
“All right, Blue Devil, can you settle down now?” asked Tom.
“I can’t! I’m too hyper!” Sonic declared, still bouncing on his toes.
“Well, will you at least lay down in bed?” Maddie coaxed, patting the bed.
Sonic thought about it for a second, before getting a running start and leaping onto his bed. He landed face first with an “oomph!” before bursting out into giggles.
It was hard for the couple to stay mad at him because sometimes Sonic would be too cute for his own good. His sweet giggles and smile almost made them forget why they were displeased in the first place.
“Alright, we’re not going to tell you again, Sonic,” Maddie tried to sound stern, but the grin on her lips proved otherwise. “You better go to sleep right this instant.”
“I can’t! I’m too hyper!” Sonic repeated through breathy giggles. He giddily kicked his legs, already making a mess of bedsheets and blankets.
“Last chance, turbo toes,” Tom playfully warned. “Go to sleep now or else you’re gonna get it.”
Something in Tom’s voice sparked a fluttery feeling in Sonic’s tummy. Anticipation; and anticipating some sort of playful consequence if he didn’t abide. But there was also a streak of provocative cheekiness. He dared to defy.
“Heh, make me, Donut Lord!” Sonic challenged, sticking his tongue out.
Tom and Maddie exchanged devious grins. Oh, this kid was so asking for it!
Sonic emitted a surprised squeak as his wrists were suddenly grabbed and pinned above his head. The culprit? Tom and Maddie each took a wrist as they sat on either side of him. “Aaah! Hey, what gives? Aw, you two are no fun!”
Tom smirked like a villain. “We warned you, Sonic.” Then he glanced at his wife. “So, Maddie, looks like we’ve got a sugar-rushed hedgehog. As Green Hill’s most elite and respected veterinarian, what do you propose we do?”
Maddie hummed, pretending to think. “Well, normally it wears off on its own. But it looks like we have a severe case here. And there’s only one way to cure a severe sugar rush…”
Sonic didn’t like the way they were speaking to each other. Something in their voices seemed suspicious, like they knew something he didn’t. What were they planning on doing? And why did their cryptic conversation make even more anticipatory butterflies fill his belly? What witchcraft were they doing to him?
His questions were answered when he heard the couple say, “A visit from the Tickle Monster!”
Sonic suddenly burst out into squeaky giggles as two hands gently fluttered against his ears and neck. His ears twitched with every soft tweak, and he attempted to scrunch his shoulders. “Guhuhuys, nohohoho! This ihihis so nohot fahahahair!”
“Again, we warned you,” Tom smirked. He moved his hand down to tase Sonic’s side, resulting in a high-pitched squeak.
“OkAHAhay! Okahahay! I’ve learned my lesson!” the giggly hedgehog squeaked out. Tom and Maddie paused for a moment.
“Hm, should we believe him?” asked Maddie.
“What?!” Sonic exclaimed. “But—But, I mean it! I learned my lesson! I-I’ll never ever eat ice cream before bed again! Swear!”
“Hmm, then why don’t we believe you?” Maddie playfully asked, hovering her wiggling fingers near the hedgehog’s side.
Sonic gasped and tried arching away from her hand as far as he could. “B-Because…Because you guys are jerks, that’s why!”
Maddie pretended to be offended. “Excuuuse me?! Calling us jerks now, huh?”
Normally, Sonic would be terrified of Maddie’s reaction to his choice of words. But he was feeling too playful and cheeky at the moment. And he knew nothing serious was going to happen to him. He just enjoyed seeing the look of their faces as he got quippy with them.
“Y-Yeah! You’re not only jerks, but you’re also fun sponges!” Sonic dared to say. “You suck the fun out of everything!” Then, just to be even cheekier, he dared to stick his tongue out at them again. “Mmmh!”
“Ohh that does it! Tom, hand him over.” Maddie cradled the little blue hedgehog in her lap, who was now giggling and eyeing her with wide anticipating eyes. Awwh, he must really want this.
She wasted no time and rapidly wiggled her fingers against his sides. Immediately, Sonic arched his back with a squeal before erupting into more high-pitched giggles.
“EEEEEAAAHeeheeheehee!! Mahahahaddie! Mahahaddie, nohohohoho!”
“Who is this…Maddie you speak of? I’m the Tickle Monster! And you’re mine, you sassy little hedgehog!” She empathized by tasing Sonic’s sides, making him arch with another squeal.
“AAAAAHH! Whahahahat?! No you’re nohohohot!”
“Oh yes I am! And you’re not going anywhere!” She gently pulled him back into her lap as she noticed Sonic was trying to roll out of her lap.
He yelped and made a dramatic show of reaching out for Tom. “Donut Lord! H-Hehehelp! Sahahave meheeheehee!”
“Oh, I’ll save you, all right. Hand him over, Maddie.” Sonic was passed over, and thought he was safe. But that split second of relief was only short lived as Tom suddenly dug rapid fingers against his ribs and under his arm at the same time.
“AAAAAEEEEHEEHEAAAA!! NAAAHAHAhahaha!! Nohohohot cool, Donut Lohohohord!”
“Who are you calling Donut Lord?”
“AAAHAhahahaha! Y-Youhoohoohoo, Tohohom!”
“I’m not Tom, I’m also the Tickle Monster!”
“HaHAAAhaha! Nohohohoho! NAHAhahat you too!” Sonic giggled madly, rapidly shaking his head. “And quiHIHit sahahaying that! I’m too old for thahahahat!”
“Too old for the Tickle Monster? I beg to differ!” Tom switched tactics; yanking one arm up and scribbling his free hand into the exposed little underarm.
Sonic emitted a girly squeal, and shrieked with laughter. “EEEEEEEEEHEEHEEHEAAAAAAHAHAHA!! NAHAHAHAHAHO! I-I AHAHAHAHAM!! I’M TOO OHOHOLD FOR THE T—HAHAHA! THE TI—MMPHHEEEEHEEHEEHEE!!” Sonic was too flustered to even say the words. And unfortunately for him, that didn’t go unnoticed.
“Aww having a little trouble saying the words ‘Tickle Monster’, sweetie?” Maddie couldn’t help but coo.
“N-NOHOHOHO!” Sonic squeakily protested. No way in Green Hills he was going to admit that he couldn’t say the t-word. Or that just hearing the word flustered him to no end.
“Is it because you can’t actually say the word ‘tickle?’”
Uh-oh. Now they were on to him.
Sonic blushed, panting as Tom halted his attack. “N…No..? Of course I can say it! I have absolutely no problem saying—that word.”
“Ohhh, so sassy, hyper from a sugar rush, and can’t say the word ‘tickle?’” Tom pointed out. “Good to know!”
Sonic rolled his eyes and giggled. “You’re soho meheeheehean, you fun sponge!”
“Oho, still gonna call me names?”
“That’s right!” The blue hedgehog sat up, quickly recovering from the tickly onslaught mere moments ago. “You guys are not only mean, but you’re fun sponges, wazbags, and also hobknockers!” He crossed his arms with a huff before bursting out into giggles as he saw the couple’s mouths agape. “Oh my—hahaha! You…You should see your faces right now! Ahahaha!”
The couple exchanged glances again before Maddie nodded at her husband, silently giving him the green light. Tom gave a single nod back. Time to bring out the big guns.
He made a grab for the little hedgehog, securely cradling him. “All right, you little sass master. Since you clearly still have a lot of energy left to keep sassing Maddie and I, that means you can still take a lot more tickles. Lucky for you, I know just how to teach sassy little hedgehogs like you a lesson for being so snarky. Time to bring out the old Wachowski family special!”
Sonic tilted his head like a confused puppy. What the heck was that supposed to mean? He let out a soft squeak as he was lifted up closer to Tom’s face. “What are you up to, Donut L—AAAEEEEEEEEHEEHEEHEEEEEEEK!!” He didn’t have time to finish his question as Tom leaned down to press his face against Sonic’s belly, and playfully nip the soft surface. “NAAAAAHAHAHA!! NAAHEEEEHEEHAHAHA!! N-NOHOHO, WHAHAHAT ARE YOU DOIHIHIHIHING?!!”
“This Tickle Monster grows tired of your sassy comments, and has simply decided to eat you instead!” Tom spoke against the twitching tummy, chuckling as he heard Sonic shriek like a girl again.
Sonic was squirming like a leech on a salt covered sidewalk. The nibbles to his belly were unbearably tickly. Tingly currents were zipping up and down his spine, and he could feel them all the way down to the tips of his toes.
He frantically batted at Tom’s head, silently begging his father figure to have some mercy on him. Fortunately, Tom did get the message. “So, are you ready to apologize for your sass and head off to sleep? Or do we need to keep teaching you a lesson?” The couple hovered their wiggling fingers over the small hedgehog, making him squeal and curl for protection.
“Aaaah! No, no! Wahahahait! Lemme thihihink about ihihihit!”
After Sonic caught his breath, he tapped his chin and hummed in deep thought. “Hmm….I think you guys need a second opinion before calling yourselves professional Tickle Monsters! No way that’s true! I mean, look at me; I’m still hyper, and full of energy, so HA! Your sneak attacks did absolutely no—AAAAAHEHEEHEEHAHAHAHA!!”
“That’s enough sass out of you, mister,” Tom interrupted. He had scooped up the hedgehog, not wasting another second and mercilessly scribbled under his arms.
Sonic screeched and slammed his arms down to his sides, merely trapping the still wriggling fingers there. He jolted with a louder screech when he felt nails scribbling and digging into his belly. “W-WAIT, WAHAHAHAIT!! NAHAHAHAT THERE!! NOT THERE!!”
“Where? Here?” Maddie innocently asked, vibrating a clawed hand against the center of Sonic’s tummy.
Sonic squealed another octave. He frantically shook his head, kicking his legs at 300 miles per hour. “AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!! NAHAHAHAHAHAAAAHAO!! NAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!!”
Tom chuckled. “Y’know you keep saying ‘not there’, but I’m not hearing you apologize.”
Sonic may have been laughing his quills off, but he was a stubborn hedgehog. “N-NO WAHAHAHAHAY!! I’LL NEHEHEHEHEVER AP—HAHAHAHA—APOLOGIZE!!”
“Suit yourself, buddy.” Tom and Maddie paused their attacks one last time before switching spots. Maddie grabbed and held Sonic’s wrists above his head while Tom made a grab for his legs. “Just so you don’t try and kick me in the face while I do this,” he told Sonic after he shakily asked what were they going to do to him now.
“Oh, just a secret family combat tactic that’s lethal enough to paralyze a victim within seconds,” Tom stated like a villain as he wrapped an arm around the fidgeting hedgehog’s legs.
Sonic gulped. “P-Paralyze..?”
The couple had to fight the urge not to break character. Sonic just looked too cute! He actually looked like a scared puppy, wondering what they were about to do. They wanted to tell him right there that he had nothing to worry about, and explain what they were going to do, but…it was better to show rather than tell.
The fluttery anticipating tingling intensified as Sonic felt Tom slide his arm behind his back, arching his stomach. He had a bad feeling about this. “W-Wait, what are you..?”
Tom took a deep breath, dove down, pressed his lips against the center of Sonic’s belly, and blew hard.
“They’re called ‘raspberries’, Sonic,” explained Maddie with a giggle.
Tom lifted his head. “But like I said, they’re a very lethal weapon that can cripple a victim! Like, for instance, sassy-mouthed hedgehogs who refuse to go to bed!” He leaned down to pepper more ticklish raspberries all over Sonic’s tummy.
And Sonic? He couldn’t stop squealing and screeching hysterics. This was way worse than the nibbles from earlier! “AAAAAAAAHEEHEEHEEHEEHAHAHAAAAAA!! NO!! NO—AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAA!! THIHIHIS IS SOHOHO MUCH WOHOHOHOHORSE!! AAAAAAAAHHH!!”
“Good! Maybe this’ll teach you not to be sassy to your parents!” Tom spoke against the soft tummy again.
“B-BUHUT I WAHASN’T EHEEHEEHEEHEVEN BEING SASSY!! AAAAAAAHHH!! NAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAO!!” Sonic’s protests were interrupted as another fat raspberry was blown to the center of his belly. “O-OKAHAHAY!! OKAY!! I’M SAHAHAHAHARRY!! I’LL GO TO BEHEHEHED NOW!!” He meant it; he could feel his quills starting to spark and he was starting to lose it. Plus, he didn’t want to accidentally cause a power outage if his quills continued to spark.
“You promise?” he heard Tom and Maddie ask.
He nodded frantically. “YES, YEHEHEHEHES!! PROMIHIHIHISE!!”
The couple finally ceased and released him. Sonic lay limply on his bed, panting while trying to rub away the aftershock tingles from his stomach. “That…you…you guys…are so mean..!” Tom and Maddie laughed, affectionately rubbing his ears and head.
“Well, now you know what happens when you refuse to go to bed,” shrugged Tom.
“And when you get sassy with your words,” Maddie added, booping Sonic on the nose.
Sonic sheepishly smiled. “Okay, I guess I did walk into that one. Sorry for sassing, I think it was the sugar rush.”
Maddie gave him more pets to the head. “Now do you see why we don’t want you to have sweets before bed? It’s for your own good. So you can avoid dealing with the Tickle Monsters as a result.” She playfully tased his side one last time for emphasis.
Sonic arched away with a cute squeak. “EEEP! Okay, okay! I get it! No more! Just…please stop calling yourselves that.” With one final pet to the head, Sonic yawned as his ears drooped.
“Ready for bed?”
He sleepily nodded. “Mm-hmmm…”
Maddie carefully slipped off his sneakers while Tom snugly tucked him in. Sonic was out like a light after that. Smiling, the couple each took a turn giving Sonic a good night kiss to his forehead. Their hearts swooned as they saw the little hedgehog smile in his sleep at the affectionate gesture.
“See? What did I tell you?” Maddie whispered to her husband. “A visit from the Tickle Monster works every time.”
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promptttt idea for you: soo it can be like lee for all 3 of the guys but would prefer mainly lee!tom and ler!tobey and ler!Andrew. basically where they are trying to film the scene from nwh after the fight and the 3 of them are just hugging but they can't get the shot right because each time someone is laughing because the other two is tickling them..
Until We Get It Right
Summary: See prompt above :)
(Anon, I loved this idea! ❤️ Never thought about how perfect that ending scene is for adding in surprise tickles 😁 This was fun to get to right and I hope you enjoy :) ❤️)
"I love you guys."
Tom raced into the two sets of open arms. He lost count how many times they had refilmed this same scene. Most of it was the desire of the director to get the scene to look just right.
However, there was another reason they kept having to retape it. It came when this hug lasted two seconds before a singular finger wiggled into Tom's armpit.
The young actor squealed and instantly curled. "Drehew!"
The tallest of the trio pouted. "Why do you always assume it's me!"
Tom twisted to try to get out of the hug. "Ihi knohow it's yohou!"
"Well you're right." The offending finger finally moved. "But it's rude to assume!"
Tom playfully punched his arm. "Buhut yohou made me slihip out of characteher again!"
"Not my fault you're too sensitive to hug mate." Andrew shoved him back. "Plus, you kept making me screw up the other day on that scaffolding scene."
"Shut uhup!"
Tobey chuckled as he pinched his younger costar's side. "Can't blame him for a bit of revenge."
"Ack!" Tom jumped. "Tobes!"
"Alright everyone!" Jon Watts called out. "Let's take it from the top!"
Tom broke away from the hug with one last shove to Andrew. "Don't make me mess up this time."
"Don't be so blimey sensitive," the older costar shot back.
The youngest stuck out his tongue before hurrying back into position. Once the three actors were in their places, the scene started over again.
Both of the older Peter actors opened their arms and Tom once again stepped in to the hug. This time the hug lasted three seconds before a finger wiggled against Tom's side. The youngest actor muffled a squeak but tried to stay quiet. However, the incessant finger wriggled it's way under his lower rib.
Tom squealed and grabbed the offending hand.
The youngest punched Andrew's shoulder. "Drew!"
"It wasn't me!"
Tobey let out a chuckle as the same hand slipped back to squeeze Tom's side.
"Eek! Tohobes!"
"Drew's rihight." Tobey poked his side. "Yohou're suhupeher sehensitive."
Tom curled closer to Andrew. "Noho!"
"Alright you three."
The three turned to the Jon.
"We've been at this for a while. Let's try this one more time then we'll take a break."
"Ugh, fine." Tom slipped out of the hug. "I need aha breheak from you two ahanywahay."
Andrew purposefully widened his eyes. "What did we do?"
"Prat," the youngest shot back before sticking his tongue out at the other two.
"Drama Queen."
Tom turned to get into position. And missed the smirks on the other two's faces.
"Think we should let him get away with that Drew?"
"You know what Tobes, I don't think we should."
"Alright. And, action."
Once again, the three went through the same scene. However, as soon as Tom stepped into the open arms, he could sense something was different. This time, the hug was firmer but not in a good way.
"You know what I think you need." Tobey's hand came to rest on his side.
Tom tried to ignore it and follow along with ab lib. "What?"
"A smile."
The youngest's eyes widened. That tone meant trouble.
Tom pulled himself out of the hug and took a step back as the other two approached. It was scary accurate the way those two dropped into "older brother" mode. After one movie, he now knew how Paddy felt.
And he made it promptly two steps before he was wrapped in a hug from behind. "Wait! What ahare yohou dohoing?"
"Having a little fun," Andrew replied as he pulled Tom's squirming form closer to him.
Tobey appeared and helped pin Tom too.
The youngest of the trio picked up his squirming. "Noho! I knohow exhactlyhy what yohoure doiIING! NAAHA!"
Both Tobey and Andrew dug into Tom's sides and ribs.
The younger actor bent in half as a way to try to get away from the tickling fingers. "AH! NAHA YOHOU JERKS!"
Due to two sets of hands attacking his torso, Tom couldn't tell who was moving where when a hand wiggled into his armpit.
The youngest actor curled himself into a ball by pulling his knees to his chest. "NAAEEEH!"
However, he could feel the grip around him loosening from his squirming. One good twist and he managed to tumble free and on to the ground. Yet before he could get away, both Andrew and Tobey were on either side of him.
The youngest actor pulled his knees to his chest as he pushed at his their hands. "No! Knock ihit ohoff!"
Suddenly, Andrew jumped on top of him. "Dog pile!"
A moment later, Tobey joined him.
Tom flopped and caught his breath. "You twoho ahare horriblehel!"
A hand ruffled the youngest's hair. "Love you too."
Meanwhile, a face finger poked his neck. "A lot."
"Eek!" Tom pushed on the hands. "Noho!"
"And cut!"
The youngest started.
"Alright." Jon shuffled some papers. "Let's take five and then move on to the next scene."
While Tom couldn't see his face from where he was, he could definitely tell that Jon was grinning. A blush spread across his cheeks. "You betteher nohot put that ihin thehe blimey movie!"
Tobey turned to the director. "You gotta put that in!"
Andrew perked up. "Please?"
The director shrugged. "Eh, we'll see."
The older two shared a high five.
Tom whacked them both. "Shut uhup!"
"We're just picking on you Tom," Tobey soothed and moved off.
Andrew followed suit adding in a shoulder clap. "Wouldn't know we cared otherwise."
The youngest pouted. "Can't you pihick ahanother method than ticklihing?"
Andrew shrugged. "Eh, well see."
Tom immediately tackled Andrew on to his back before digging into his ribs. "See how you like ihit!"
And with that, another tickle fights broke out among the three.
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valiantphantomangel · 1 year ago
Could you write a fic about Y/N being new to acting and shes really nervous about it? She feels like shes going to mess it up or something. Ler!Tom Hiddleston or Ler!RDJ (You can pick the ler!)
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"Hey love, ready to start filming?" Tom Hiddleston asked as he walked into your trailer.
"Yeah let's do this" you said with a fake smile and stand up from your bed where you were sitting on.
"What's wrong" he asked knowingly as he walked over to you.
"Nothing is wrong, I'm totally fine"
"You leave me no choice then" Sighing with fake sadness and tackling you onto the bed and prodding into your ribs.
Your giggling quickly turned into high pitched screaming laughter as you squirm around "Tom stop itHIHIHIHIHI"!!!
"No I don't think I can darling, not until you tell me what's wrong and start to smile again like you mean it" Tom said with a smirk as he leaned down and blew a raspberry in your neck.
"GHAHAHHHA NEVERHHIHIHIH" you screamed through your laughter now seeing it as a challenge.
"Never huh? We'll see about that" He switched places and tasered your sides before scribbling over your tummy.
"NHAHHAHAHAH" you throw your head back in laughter as you squirm around before doing something stupid.
You reached up and tickled his sides.
Tom let out a surprised laugh before looking down at you with the iconic Loki smirk "You shouldn't have done that" he pulled your back to his chest and wrapped his arms tightly around you before burying his face in the crook of your neck, blowing raspberries and rubbing his small beard over the side of your neck.
You went INSANE, laughing so hard that your face turned red until you were reduced down into a giggling mess which hung limply in his arms.
"Now are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" He asked as he stopped torturing you for a second.
"yeshihihihihi" you said through the remaining giggles.
He let up his tickles and cuddled you against him comfortable.
After a while of getting your breath back you spoke softly "I'm just really nervous that I'll mess up or do something stupid".
"Oh darling" Tom said with a soft and understanding sigh "There is nothing wrong with being nervous or messing something up, everyone does it because it's human nature, even the greatest actors or actresses mess up sometimes and just laugh about their mistakes because that's what they are, mistakes are simply learning curves Love".
"I know" you murmur as you cuddle against him.
"You are one of the best actresses that I've ever worked with and trust me when I'll say that you'll go far in this world because you deserve it" Tom said lovingly as he gave you a kiss on the cheek.
You guys lay there for a while before your nerves finally calmed down and it was time for filming.
And The Tom Hiddleston never let you forget how amazing you were.
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veryblushyswitch · 9 months ago
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Writing Prompt (ignore me if you got this one already): Maddie giving Sonic a bath?
Another Maddie and Sonic prompt! I always love writing these two. I’ve seen a few stories similar to this one, but I’ll take a shot at it.
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Maddie walked slowly through the hallway of the first floor of the house, listening hard for any signs slight creaks or feet pattering.
“Sonic! You better not be tracking mud through this house mister!” She yelled throughout the house as she looked in the hallway closet.
Letting out a heavy sigh, she went back down to the first floor only to stop on seeing a small clumps of dried mud on one the steps.
‘Oh great, I just mopped this floor yesterday.’ She rubbed her face as she continued down the stairs.
She whipped her head towards the sound of the front door opening, hearing Tom’s voice entering the room.
“Hello? I’m home!”
“Hey babe, I’m over here.” She called out tiredly.
He paused as he hung up his coat, hearing the weariness in his wife’s voice. “You alright?”
“Yeah everything’s good.” He stared at Maddie for a few seconds before he took off his hat and made his over towards her, hugging her.
“Hmm you sure? You sound like you ran a marathon without having the insane smell of rancid body odor.”
She rolled her eyes and punched him in the shoulder as they released from the hug. "It kinda feels like that now, I'm trying to look for you-know-who."
He gave her a questionable look. "Is it Ozzie? Cause I think he's out in the backyard."
"Not him, Sonic."
"Uh-oh, what'd he do this time?"
"You'll see why once you see how Ozzie looks." She moves slightly, motioning him towards the back door.
Tom walks hesitantly towards the window of the door and looks out. "Oh dear god in heaven."
The bottom half of the retriever’s body was covered in mud, which has since completely dried up. He started wagging his tail fiercely as he saw his owner through the window and jumped against the door.
"No jumping Ozzie, get down." The dog obeyed and walked away as Tom made his way back towards his wife.
"Who's that chocolate lab in the backyard?"
"Oh very funny."
"What on earth were they up to out there?"
She let out a breath as she shook her head. "I honestly don't know, apparently he thought it was a good idea to hook the hose up to the sprinkler since it was getting pretty warm out, but Ozzie followed him out, grabbed the hose from him and the rest is history."
He whistled while looking down, slightly chuckling from the described events. "Well that explains everything, so where is the main suspect?"
"That's exactly why I sound like I run a marathon, I found him completely covered in mud trying to wrestle the hose from Ozzie's mouth. Once I told him he needed a bath, he took off like a cat with it's hide on fire and I’ve been looking for him ever since."
Maddie crossed her arms as she leaned against the counter. "I think he's still somewhere in the house, I don't know where he would go if he was still filthy."
Tom shrugged his shoulders. "I mean he was pretty filthy before he came to live with us, heck he barely wears any clothes."
"Oh my, That's....not the point I'm trying to make Tom. I just don't want him and Ozzie tracking mud throughout the house."
"Well then I guess Oz needs to stay outside and have his bath out there. I call dibs on that job."
"Wait, why are you calling ‘dibs’ on that one?”
“I think it’s fair since I wasn’t here to witness the events, I get to choose which one to take care of.”
“That’s not even close to being fair!”
“It is for me.” He ducked his head she swiped her hand at his shoulder.
“Tom! I’m being serious!”
“Yeah me too, last time I tried to give him a bath, I couldn't find him for almost two hours.”
"Oh great, could you at least help me find him? I don't want to keep looking that long."
He placed his chin in his hand and gave him a questioning look. "Hmmm I don't know, I'm putting my life on the line here for you.
Maddie grabbed his tie and tugged it, pulling him closer to her. "How about if you help me with this and you might get a certain reward once the task is done?" She whispers seductively as she lowers her eyes.
Tom blushes slightly as he tilts his head in interest. "Are we both thinking of the same reward here or is it something that could be food related?"
"Well there could be some food involved if you help me out." She gave him a wink as she walked away.
"Oh hell yeah this is so happening." He rushed after her as he loosened his tie from his neck.
'What the heck were they talking about? What's so important about eating food in the tub?'
Sonic listened from the very cramped kitchen cupboard as he heard the couple walk away, moving slightly to regain feeling in his legs that fell asleep.
As he moved, his elbow hit against a pot making a loud clanging noise. He winced as he kept still and listened for any incoming sounds.
After a few minutes, he heard the faucet turn on in the bathroom upstairs. "Oh geez, she's really serious this time." He whispered to himself as he slowly pushed the door open and crawled out on his hands and knees as he looked around the kitchen.
"I can’t believe she’s still looking for me. Usually Tom would just give up at this point." He mutters as he walks over to a nearby mirror.
His azul blue fur was almost completely covered in a dark brown color, splotches of mud were splattered all over his face and torso and his red sneakers looked more like short, brown boots.
'Oh man, that hose really did a number on me.' He winced as he tried to pick at the dry mud stuck in his arm fur. "Oh great not only is it not coming off, it's starting to itch." He growled as he started to scratch his face.
He tiptoed out of the kitchen and in front of the staircase, listening to the cabinets being opened and closed. ‘I know I heard Tom's voice out here, I wonder where he went? Maybe he's with Ozzie outside, he was pretty filthy out there...well no thanks to-.' He pauses as he hears the bathroom door open and sees the light pour into the hallway.
He quickly ducks as he goes to hide behind the wall, peeking his eyes around the corner and watching Maddie’s shadow on the wall.
“You going somewhere?”
He lets out a little gasp as he slowly turns his head and sees Tom standing right behind him, looking down at him while his hands on his hips and a amused look on his face.
“Uh.....no?” He said sheepishly as he stood up straight and faced him.
“Hmm, if that’s the case then why are you hiding from Maddie after she said you needed to take a bath?”
He shrugged his shoulders as he rocked back and forth on his heels. “I....just...don’t feel like taking one?”
Tom gave an unamused look before lowered himself onto one knee. “Listen bud, I’ve been in the same boat before when I was younger.”
“Rolling in mud?”
“Uh no, not wanting to take baths.”
“Yeah, I didn’t want to take one since I still felt ‘clean’ even after a few weeks of not bathing, but my parents were starting to notice that I hadn’t been smelling clean as usual and it got to the point where they stood outside the bathroom door and would checked if I washed throughly.”
The teen’s eyes widened in shock as he listened to the story. ‘I don’t even want to know where they checked’.
“But it’s also important that you do bathe on average, do you realize how many germs you have on your body right now from all that mud?”
He rubbed his fingers against his palms as he thought about that last statement. ‘I mean, he kinda has a point with the whole germs thing, but how much on average does he mean?’
Meanwhile, Tom continued to wait for the hedgehog to give him a answer, only to not receive one seeing that he still thinking about it. Knowing he wasn’t going to get one soon, he simply grabbed Sonic around his torso and stood up, holding him away at arms length.
Alarmed by the sudden motion, he grabbed onto Tom’s arms and looked at him, confused. “What? Wait where we going?”
“Where do you think?” He said with an exasperated tone as he made his way up the steps.
Alarm bells went off in his head as he tried to pry the hands holding him loose, kicking his legs in the process. “Wait! I haven’t made up my mind yet!”
“Well I’m making it for you, you were thinking about that way too long.” He held him farther away from him to avoid being kicked by the flailing feet.
“But you never gave me a chance to say my part on this!” He voice rose in pitch as he continued to struggle his way out of the firm grip.
Stopping at the top of the steps, Tom held Sonic closer so he had direct eye contact. “So what’s your say on it then?” He replies nonchalantly with a blank face.
‘Oh he is not buying this.’ He dropped his arms as his eyes darted around the room. “That I....am.......not...umm...going to-.” He stopped abruptly as Tom continued towards the bathroom.
“Tom! Stop! You’re violating my rights of free speech!”
He let out a laugh as he made his way to the door leading to the bathroom. “Violating- it’s a bath, it’s not your voting rights.”
“It’s still my rights!” He yelled as grabbed onto the doorframe, holding onto it tightly. Tom sighed heavily as he stopped and continued to hold him.
“Sonic, let go.”
“Seriously? Come on, just let go.”
“No!” He continued to hold on as he felt Tom trying to pull him away from the frame.
Maddie sat on the edge of the tub as she watched the two of them, she let out a small laugh as she turned off the faucet and continued to watch the current predicament.
Tom struggled to pry the hedgehog off the door frame as he tried move his arms to avoid be kicked. He glances back to see his wife, looking at him with a wide smile on her face.
“I could use some help over here.”
“Oh but it looks like you’re doing a great job with this.” She said with fake sweetness in her voice. He glared back at her before turning back towards the stubborn hedgehog.
“Ok I’m giving you one last chance to let go NOW.”
He lets out a ‘hmm-mmm’ noise as he continues to hang on.
“Alright, time to bring out the big guns.” He adjusts Sonic’s body to one arm and uses the other hand to tickle his side and under his arm.
Sonic lets out a high pitched laugh as he kicked his legs and lowered one arm to grab Tom’s hand, loosening his grip.
As soon as he lowered his arm, Tom gave one final tug and wrapped his arms around him, pinning him to his chest. “Gotcha!” He hissed as he felt Sonic’s head quills poke into his chest as he wiggled to get out the unwanted bear hug.
“That wasn’t fair! You can’t use someone’s weakness like that!”
"You should've let go when you had the chance, It’s not my fault that you’re ticklish there.” He walked closer to Maddie, who stood up and held her arms out.
He passed Sonic over to her, who has since given up on trying to get away and limply dangled as he was placed in her arms. “Your package was delivered as promised ma’am. I’m hoping there will be a tip involved?” He bowed as he put on a fake cockney accent and looked up at her expectantly.
She giggled as she adjusts her hold on the grumpy teen. “Oh you’ll definitely get more than a tip when we’re done with this.”
He gave a self victory pose as he quickly brushes off the dried mud off his uniform. “Yes! Love you honey!” He gives her a quick peck on the cheek as he rushes out the bathroom door and closes it behind him.
Sonic gave Maddie a look of confusion as he placed him down on the toilet cover and helped take off his shoes while he took off his gloves. “So, what do you guys even do in the bath with food anyway?”
He saw her eyes widen slightly before her face became neutral. “I'll tell you when you’re older.” She said in a serious tone.
“Uh, ok then?”
“Alright, go on in.” She ushered Sonic into the bath as she got out bottles of body wash and shampoo.
“Ok.” He goes to put his foot in the tub, only to lift it out and face her. “Maddie, I can take the bath by myself.”
She raises her eyebrow at him. “Yes normally I would but since you kept trying to hide from me earlier, I feel it be best if I helped you this time. To make sure you completely clean.”
‘I had a feeling she wouldn’t leave me be after all that. Worth a shot I guess.’ He sighs in defeat and quickly placed his foot in the tub, only to feel his foot slip against the smooth floor and fall in head first with a splash. Maddie gasped as he leaned over the side, coughing slightly.
She pats his back lightly as he continued to cough. “Oh my gosh, you alright?”
He coughed once more before nodding. “Yeah, ugh some of it got up my nose.”
“Did you bump your head?”
“Uh no, I don’t think so.”
Giving a sigh of relief, She got on her knees as she poured some shampoo on a washcloth. “Well at least it’ll be easier to scrub all that mud off now.”
She started to scrub his head with the cloth as he splashed water on his arms. “Goodness, do you realize how much grass and twigs are in your quills?”
“Hmm no, I was too busy try not to drown via water hose from a golden retriever mastermind.”
“Oh, well you really have quite a bit just just nesting in there, there’s enough to build a bird’s nest in there.”
“What? I was just in the grass, how’d I get that much?”
“I have no idea sweetie, that’s exactly the reason why you needed a bath. You would have tracked all this stuff into your bed and heaven forbid if you had any insects on you.”
He freezes up and cringes at the thought of those creepy crawlers in his room, let alone his bed. “Oh god.”
“Exactly.” She removes the last of the debris and rinses some water on his head. She pours more shampoo in her hands and starts to scrub behind his ears.
Pausing from scrubbing his feet, he lets out a soft purring noise as he closes his eyes and leans into the touch. He starts to smile as she also scrubs underneath his chin.
‘Oh my god he’s like a little kitten.’ She bites back a laugh as she continued to wash around his face.
After making sure no more dirt was on him, she rinsed him off with the showerhead, got up and grabbed a towel while Sonic unplugged the drain. "How do you feel now after getting rid of all that mud?"
"A little cold, but refreshed! I kinda smell like apples or something."
"Green apple, it's a good scent to have after a nice bath." She held up the towel in front him as he got out and wrapped it around him, the towel being so big it managed to cover his whole body, including his head and eyes.
He lifts part of the towel off his face as she helps him dry off. "Hey Maddie?"
She continues to dry off his head until she notices his hands were starting to wring together, making her stop and remove the towel from his eyes, looking fully at him.
"I...*sigh* I'm sorry I gave you a hard time earlier about...all of this. I'm sorry for being stubborn and not listening to you and...wait that's the same thing. What I mean to say is that I'm sorry-oh geez I already said that..um I just wanted to say-." He felt a hand gently lift his head up and saw Maddie smiling at him.
"Apology accepted, your just lucky you're too darn cute for me to be mad at you." She teased as she nuzzled his nose with his.
He lets out a giggle, blushing as she pulled away and helped dry off his arms. "I'm not that cute. I'm probably handsome than most kids, but not cute."
She stops and looks up at the ceiling as she ponders for a second. "Hmm you know what? You're right, you're not cute at all."
Taken aback, he looks up at her shocked at the blunt response. "Wh-what?"
"Nope, not even close."
'Why'd she say it like that?' He blinks as he feels a pout forming on his face.
"You...are....adorable!" She ends the statement by grabbing the unsuspecting teen and hugging him tightly with the towel protecting her from being poked by the quills, earning a grunt of surprise and discomfort from him.
"Ack! Maddie! Your hugging me too tight! I can't breathe!" He cries out as he tries to get out of the death hug.
"How are you talking if you can't breathe right now?" She starts to loosen the hug but still holding him.
He gets his arms free and pushes his hands against her shoulders, trying to make space. "I......don't know?" He makes a confused face as she starts to laugh as she hugs him tight again. "Aww even your confusion is adorable."
"Ow! Maddie! What is with everyone and wanting to hug me so much today?" She pulled back again, looking at him with mock serious expression.
"You can never have too many hugs in one day young man, well that and also one other thing." Before he could ask, she started to pepper small kisses all over his face and forehead.
He squinted his eyes shut as he moved his head from side to side, trying not to smile at the sudden affection.
"I saw that."
His ear twitches at her voice and peeks an eye at her. "Saw what?"
"Don't think I can't see you trying not to smile." She smirked playfully at him while poking his nose. "You don't want to admit it, but you know that you're adorable too."
"No I'm not! Your kisses just feel really weird on my face."
"They feel weird?"
"Yeah...they just do."
"But you were trying not to smile though, that must mean that you actually liked them?"
"Nope! I don't think that at all." He shut his eyes and turned his head away from her dramatically, crossing his arms.
"Oh, well I can think of one more thing that proves that you are completely adorable."
"What?" He says in a whining manner as he braces for her answer.
"Your laugh." She then starts to blow raspberries on his cheeks.
"Mahha-ddie! Stohop!" He struggled to keep a straight face as he let out a few giggles.
"Oh but you're smiling and laughing now, that's usually a sign if you really happy about something."
"Nohoho ihiht doesn't!" He places his hands on her face to push her away and pants as he grins victoriously at her. "Ha! Now you can't give me anymore kisses!"
She jerks her head away from his hands and narrows her eyes at him, who is still has his arms out. "Oh you think you're safe from that?"
His face drops as she quickly digs her fingers in his armpits and lets out a high shriek. "GAH! AHAHAH! MAHADIE NOHOHO!"
"What was that? I can't hear you, you're laughing way too much." She adjusts herself and sits on the floor crisscross, still tickling the squirming hedgehog.
"Really? Ok then I guess I'll go back to this then." She proceeded to blow raspberries in his neck while still wiggling her fingers under his arms.
Maddie halts her fingers and freezes as she hears Sonic, still laughing and panting as he sat in her lap. 'Did he just...?'
"Sonic?" He looks up at her, still giggling softly. "Did...you just call me mom?"
His breathing hitches as she sees his eyes widen and looks forward, away from her gaze. "I...uh...I don't know, I might have said it....I'm sorry." His voice lowers to a whisper as he looks down at his hands. 'Oh no, is she mad that I called her that? I didn't mean to, it just came out that way! Oh man this is so awkward-. '
He flinches as he feels her arms wrap around him again, this time softly. "It's ok sweetheart, you can call me mom if that's what you feel comfortable with. I'm not mad, just took me by surprise that's all."
Feeling the tension lift off his shoulders, he wrapped his arms over hers and they continued to sit together the bathroom floor.
"Wait, does this mean I have to call Tom 'dad' now?"
He hears her laugh as she releases him from the embrace. "Well, you don't have to, it's completely up to you. Besides it might make him feel more old if you do."
"Hmm, I'll think about it then." He jumps slightly at the sound of Ozzie's barking and Tom shouting coming from downstairs.
"Oh dear, we better go see if he needs help."
He wraps his arms around her neck as she got up. "Knowing him, he probably does."
She shakes head as she gives him a final kiss on the forehead, putting the towel in the clothes bin and carrying him out of the bathroom.
As she walked down the stairs, she could hear scuffling coming from the living room and turned the corner to see Tom trying to dry off/wrestle Ozzie on the floor.
"Uh Tom? You need any help?" He glanced up to see the two of the looking amused at him.
"Heh, no I'm doing great with this big guy. He just needs to keep still for more than 10 seconds!" He said, falling on his stomach as Ozzie ran away and started to roll over all over the carpet.
Maddie makes an exaggerated face at Sonic, who muffles a laugh behind his hand. She places him on the floor as she makes her way over to Tom. "Well, I completed my task, but it seems like you still having trouble with yours."
Tom brushes off his partially wet shirt as he gets up. "Yeah, luckily this wasn't a contest, though I did hear a lot of laughter up there. What were you guys talking about?"
Maddie zips her lips closed as she glances over at Sonic on the couch, who mimics her as he crosses his legs on the seat, smiling widely at her. "It's nothing to worry about."
"I hope you guys aren't thinking about keeping secrets from me." He places an arm around her shoulders as she looks up at him.
"Either you can know what we were talking about or you don't get your reward tonight." She replies firmly, crossing her arms.
His head jerked as she finished, seeing her expression and backs down, raising his arms up in surrender. "Alright, alright you win this round."
"You bet I do." She kisses him firmly on the lips as she walks away. Tom sighs contentedly as she walks away, with Sonic clearing his throat getting his attention.
"Sooo I'm still confused on what eating food in the bath means. Is it something just adults are allowed to do?"
Tom blinks at him before walking over and clasping a hand on his shoulder. "You'll understand once you get married, get a job and have less time to enjoy certain things." He struts away while clapping his hands and bolting up the stairs.
The hedgehog furrows his brows as Ozzie comes over to him, still panting from rolling around and places a hand on the dog's head.
"Oz, I feel like being an adult is going to be a really weird experience."
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