#Okay I really need a tag for Ed Edd n Eddy
rainbowwing251 · 3 months
Fuck it, Edd/Double D Tickle Headcanons
Yeah, I couldn’t resist anymore, I had to post these headcanons I came up with for Double D. Going to put this under Read More because this shit is going to be long as hell.
The most ticklish of the Eds. Like holy FUCK is this guy ticklish.
His entire torso and waist is ticklish along with his armpits and ears, but his ribs are his death spot. Tickle him there and he’ll instantly be hysterical and fall to the floor.
Everyone in the cul-de-sac has tickled him for some reason or another.
Is he rambling on and on about an invention he made? Eddy tickles him to shut him up. Is he rambling out of anxiety? Ed immediately drops everything to tickle him until he calms down. Has he been snarky/sassy all day? Eddy wrecks his shit. Is he doubtful of a scam? Eddy wrecks his shit. Is he refusing to go along with a scam? Ed and Eddy tickle him until he gives in. Want to find out what he’s hiding under his hat? …well he’s not going to tell you, but tickle him anyway!
There are a million reasons to tickle Double D, that’s all I’m saying.
A single touch will cause him to fold up like paper. Probably literally given the physics seen in this show, but he’ll try to curl up regardless.
If not curling up, sneaking up behind him to poke him in the side will cause him to fly into space.
Pinning him down is not even a challenge. He’s the weakest of the Eds in terms of physical strength, so much so that even Jimmy could pin him down and he wouldn’t be able to get away. Tickles aren’t even necessary in order to pin him down without a struggle, but the kids do it anyway because torturing him with tickles is funny to them.
He’s so fucking squirmy that it’s hilarious. He’s essentially a ticklish little worm when he’s not pinned down.
He’s twitchy too. If you were to put your hands on his stomach or ribs and not move an itch, you’d feel his body twitch and tremble every second due to the anticipation he’s feeling.
His laugh is the cutest laugh anyone in the cul-de-sac has ever heard in their lives. It’s mostly little giggles and titters with a few full belly laughs in between.
He’s incredibly squeaky too. He tries so hard to not let out squeaks when he feels someone’s hands on his ribs or tummy, but he succeeds only 25% of the time.
If he lets out a particularly loud squeal, he hides his face in his hat out of embarrassment.
Speaking of his hat, when he’s in a lee mood or someone tries to tickle his ears, he tends to hide away in his hat. While it does protect his ears from tickles, it does not protect him from the laughter of all the other kids when they figure out why he’s hiding in the first place, nor does it protect him from Ed randomly deciding to throw him over his shoulder and carry him away to a secluded space to tickle him.
He occasionally snorts when he laughs, which is even more embarrassing to him than squealing. Kevin and Eddy have laughed at him for this at least once.
He actually makes a lot of funny noises in general while he’s being tickled. He can’t help it, it’s like his brain is short-circuiting!
He shakes like a leaf when he’s in a lee mood. He has no idea how to deal with this without flustering himself until he melts into a puddle on the ground, but God damn it, he wants to be tickled so badly!
He’ll be super blushy too. Ed always believes that Double D has a fever whenever he’s like this, but Eddy knows better.
Cannot hear the word tickle when he’s in a lee mood. If anyone says it, regardless of who it is, he’ll fall over like a plank of wood. Eddy loves to abuse the shit out of this.
Double D as a ler through? Terrifying.
His intelligence means that he’s memorized all of the cul-de-sac kids’ worst spots, all of the teases that make them crack, and all of the tools that make them scream with laughter if applicable.
Because of his lack of physical strength, he depends on attacking his lee’s worst spots to keep them trapped under him.
He loves to conduct tickly experiments using all different kinds of tickle tools to see which ones make his lee laugh the hardest or the loudest.
He experiments with teases too to see which ones are the most effective.
When the experiments are done, he writes down everything he learned and hides it somewhere where someone like Ed or Eddy can’t find them. He may be an evil ler, but he doesn’t want this information to fall into the wrong hands.
Of course, while he’s tickling someone, he’ll tell them about tickling. The terminology, the reasons why certain spots are more ticklish than others, how tickling can help friends or family members bond with one another, all of it. It’s like he’s having a completely normal conversation while the lee is dying of laughter.
It gets worse for the lee if he decides to target specific spots while he talks about them.
Teases and the word tickle do not phase him when he’s in a ler mood. Needless to say that pisses Eddy off and scares the crap out of him at the same time.
If he wants revenge, he will come up with a legitimate strategy to get a satisfying amount of payback. He’ll draw entire diagrams, make entire lists of teases and/or tools, and write step-by-step produces on how he’ll get back at his target.
He can’t help but laugh along with anyone he tickles, even when he’s getting revenge. Normally he wouldn’t be entertained by anything he considers to be silly, but tickling is the one exception.
That being said, for him, entertainment doesn’t come from tormenting anyone with tickling, but with trying to forge a closer bond with someone if that’s possible for him to do.
Overall, ler Double D can be scary but friendly. There is one problem however… can he run away before his lee recovers and gets revenge on him?
…no. Most of the time the answer is no.
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Soulmate September - Day 4
Day 4 - There is a trail of color only you can see that marks out where your soulmate has been.
Pairing(s): Platonic Patmile, Aro Patton, Aro Emile
TWs: None I can think of rn, possibly a warning for Pat questioning his aromantic-ness? If I need to tag anything that I’ve missed, please lemme know!
Patton wasn’t sure what to feel even as his own two traitorous feet carried him along the sidewalk in the direction of the sparkling baby pink soulmate trail; he knew he would have one, everyone did. At least, that’s what he was always raised to believe. 
“One day, Pat, one day you’ll meet your soulmate and everything will be wonderful. You’ll fall in love and be happy for the rest of your days!”
Patton loved his nana, bless her, but just remembering her words made his stomach churn more than the nerves he felt watching the trail. He already felt so happy with his best friends;  sure, perhaps a part of him felt a little like the odd one out considering they were all in relationships with their soulmates now, but he didn’t feel like he needed a romantic partner to feel fulfilled. But maybe that just meant he wasn’t truly happy. Maybe.
After all, he had a trail. Heck, he was following it right now! That meant he’d have to face his soulmate. Someone who would be looking for a loving partner who’d shower them with romance. Affection, Patton could do. Heck, platonic kisses and cuddles were practically his second job. Romance, however…. That he just couldn’t seem to grasp. Not that he didn’t know what to do, just the thought made him feel uneasy. The bad kind of uneasy, the kind of uneasy you get when you’re about to hear awful news for the first time, not the excited uneasy when trying something new. 
With an exhausted sigh, Patton tried to remain positive as the trail led to the local high school. Was his soulmate a teacher? A janitor? Maybe a parent stopping by to pick up their kid early? Or were they giving a talk to the students? Either way, Patton checked the time and was thankful that he didn’t have to try and explain to someone that he had to go wandering around the school to find his soulmate. Fifteen minutes wasn’t such a long wait anyway..
… Okay maybe it’s a long wait when your mind is positively racing with anxiety. Patton had been so lost in his own mind, it took a woman - probably a member of staff going by her attire -  talking to him to pull him out of his daze, 
“Sir? The last of the students are leaving, are you still waiting on your child?”
He shook his head, “Ah, no, that’s not it, see, I’m looking for-”
Pat wasn’t able to finish. Just as he looked over her shoulder, he spotted his soulmate, the pink trail glowing behind and around him. Gentle looking, perhaps only a couple of years Patton’s senior, wearing a light brown cardigan over a pink tie and white button up shirt. His pressed black pants would have clashed with his adorable pink sneakers if they didn’t suit him so well. Not to mention the pink streak in his dark hair or the numerous cute badges adorning the cardigan. Oh God this was too soon. Far too soon. As his soulmate pushed up his glasses, Patton became aware of the woman still waiting on an answer.
…… Nope, he can’t do this-
Patton made a small whining noise as he turned and took off down the street. He can’t do this. He can’t face his soulmate. Not like this! Not while he was still a mess!! Not while he wasn’t able to be the partner his soulmate surely deserved. Patton hadn’t even met him formally, but already he knew he didn’t want to let him down, not someone who was so clearly a wonderful person. 
For a moment, Patton began to wonder what was wrong with him. He liked him. His soulmate. That much was clear. One glance and he couldn’t get the sweet expression on his face out of his head, yet he didn’t feel an ounce of any romantic feelings for him. Not one. 
He stopped to catch his breath once he’d hit the nearest bench - he narrowly avoided ramming straight into the damn thing - and tried to work out what to do. Pat knew he couldn’t avoid him forever, of course, after all the trail-
Oh no, the trail-!!
Patton looked behind him just in time to lock eyes with his soulmate while he was tripping over the curb and falling flat on his face in his pursuit. 
“Great, now’s my chance to run.”, Patton thought, but upon noting that the man seemed to be hurt, his conscience wouldn’t let him retreat. Damnit. Swallowing the pit in his stomach, Patton rushed to his aid, 
“Are you alright!?”, Patton asked, offering a hand to help him up.
His soulmate beamed up at him, smiling brightly despite the fact his nose was bleeding from the impact with the ground as he took said hand,
“Yeah! I’m a little banged up but don’t worry about me, are you alright um..?”
“Patton!”, his soulmate beamed, unaware of how it was breaking Pat’s heart, “I’m Emile Picani, do you how do?”
Patton was surprised to find himself chuckling at Emile’s antics despite his growing anxiety. “Oh jeez, he IS my soulmate..”, Patton caught himself thinking, unsuccessfully hiding his disappointment with himself in his expression. Emile noted the crack in Patton’s happy facade and decided to try and be light-hearted in his approach, “Hm, lemme rephrase my question; eeeeeh what’s up, Pat?”.
It was a terrible Bugs Bunny impression, but it did get a smile out of Patton. Oh boy, he still didn’t want to have this conversation…
“.... How about I bandage you up a little, then we talk?”
Emile agreed and the two sat down on the bench while Patton opened up his satchel and took out his cartoon network print plasters, a sight that had Emile excitedly bouncing his leg. Of all the people to be his soulmate, Patton couldn’t have asked for a better match, if only…
“Are you a father?”, Emile queried, catching Patton off guard.
“Wh-What?”, he stammered in surprise.
“Your bandaids, I thought perhaps you-”
“Oh, no, no!! I don’t have kids, but I work at the local daycare. It’s my day off today.”, he explained. Emile nodded, “I see! I work at the high school-  well, you know that you, found me there, I mean I’m the school’s student councillor. I’m sorry if my assumption upset you, Pat.”
Patton shook his head, “No, no, it’s fine!”, he waved off the concern as he silently got to work with the bandaids. The assumption hadn’t upset him, well, not in the way Emile probably thought; he hadn’t known Emile for a day and yet Patton knew he wanted Emile in his life forever, but… surely his soulmate would be looking for a husband. A lover. Someone to have romantic nights out with and someone who would love him back. But Patton couldn’t do that. He felt a form of love for the man but the idea of them getting married or anything like that just-
He was pulled from his simultaneous daydream and bandaging work as he listened to Emile hum something familiar. At first, Patton couldn’t pin down where he knew it from, however, as Emile hummed more, Patton recognised the faint singing he was doing under his breath;
“When you trip on your face and your teeth are misplaced..”
“Friends are there to help you.”, Patton sang in continuation, returning the excited grin Emile bore, “Ed, Edd, ‘n’ Eddy, right? I haven’t watched the show in years.”, he admitted.
Emile beamed brightly, “Oh my goodness, really?! Well I have the entire series on DVD! If you want, we can go back to my place and-”
The churning feeling was back. Patton had heard about this song and dance before. What was it his friend Virgil had called it? Netflix and chill? No, that’s the more R-rated song and dance, isn’t it? Either way, Patton’s displeasure must’ve shown on his face as Emile gently placed a hand over Patton’s, 
“What’s got you feeling blue there, my diamond?”
Patton couldn’t help but give an exhausted smile at that. Steven Universe references now. Lord help him, he’s about to break this poor man’s heart. Gathering what little courage he could muster, Patton tried as best he could to explain,
“Emile, you’re wonderful. I just want to make it really crystal clear, ah ha, that it’s not you, it’s me...”, Patton began, noting the way Emile appreciated his attempt to lighten the mood, “But I can’t return your feelings. Not um, not in the love-dovey way, I mean! I really like you, but as a friend?? Gee, I’m sorry, I wish I could love-love you back, but I-! Romance just, I can’t do it and I don’t want to hurt you because you’re so nice, but- ! Ugh! This is so confusing-”
“Oh thank God.”
What. Patton locked eyes with Emile to see genuine relief wash over him, a couple of tears welling up in his eyes as he explained, “I thought I was gonna have to explain me being aromantic to you and hope you weren’t against it-”
“Wait, wait, aro-what?”, Patton asked, perplexed.
Emile took a second, realising what was happening, “Oh, Pat. Um, right, let me explain; I’m aromantic - and genderfluid by the way, I use all pronouns and such but don’t you worry about that right now.”, Emile assured him, continuing, “Being aromantic means you don’t feel any, or very few, romantic feelings for anyone. You might like some things generally considered romantic but enjoy them platonically! Take me for example! I, much like Olaf, like warm hugs! And platonic kisses are a-okay with me too! But if you’re not into that stuff, of course-”
“Oh, no I am!!”, Patton beamed, feeling like a weight had been torn from his shoulders, “I really like physical affection, but I like it from everyone really! I’m just so happy I’m not breaking your heart here..”
“Aw Pat..”, Emile opened his arms wide, giving Patton a look of genuine adoration, “Awkward Soulmate Hug?”
Appreciating the Gravity Falls reference, Patton chuckled, “Awkward Soulmate Hug.”
The hug was far from awkward. If anything it was the best hug Patton had been given all year.
------------ I hope you all enjoy this one!  I wanted to give a little love to platonic soulmates too so here we go!! @tsshipmonth2020
Taglist [just message me to be added!]: @somehow-i-got-an-account  @cateye-glasses
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humanitys-shortest · 6 years
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✨Simself Tag!!✨
I was tagged by the lovely @shyysims to do the Simself Tag, so here we go with the 125 bloody questions! (I commend whoever came up with all of them, because that’s a lot of brain power that I do not possess.) But! I’m so excited to do this, so thank you so much shyysims!! (●´ω`●)
I will tag @calsea-ger, @alienshootlove, @wolfy-drawsstuff, @hallucinosims and @stories4sims - of course, you don’t have too! Only if you wanna & have the spare time. :D
Rules: You have to make a simself and include whatever you wish (like traits or anything about you) Then answer the following questions!! (✿◠‿◠)
And heeeree weee go~
Traits: creative, coffee lover(I liked the icon bcuz I love warm drinks but I actually hate coffee dont sue me), geek, music lover, a photo album, geek, loner, hearts(cuz I’m full of love duh) and bookworm!
I also included my aspiration - to become a photographer. 
What is your full name? Charlotte
What is your nickname? Char, Lottie, and Petey!
Birthday? February 22nd
What is your favorite book series? ..Twilight..
Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Yep!
Who is your favorite author? I wish I could say J.K Rolling but I’ll go with Stephenie Meyer cuz Twilight fueld my younger teenage years.
What is your favorite radio station? Heaven knows
What is your favorite flavor of anything? Wellllll s’kinda confusing! I love chocolate flavoured ice-cream but I can’t have chocolate flavoured crisps, can I? I’m just gonna go with chocolate. 🍫
What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? awesomeeee possssummmm
What is your current favorite song? Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron & Wine
What is your favorite word? coolio
What was the last song you listened to? Lisztomania by Phoenix 
What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? Gotham!!
What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? The Amazing Spider-Man
Do you play video games? Yessiree
What is your biggest fear? Moths & heights
What is your best quality, in your opinion? my storytelling? I’m pretty proud of the ideas I come up with, if that means anything. xD
What is your worst quality, in your opinion? S’always overthinking everything.
Do you like cats or dogs better? kitty
What is your favorite season? Autumn & Winter - can’t chooseeee!!
Are you in a relationship? Yep :)
What is something you miss from your childhood? I relate with @shyysims’ last answer - friends, lmao.
Who is your best friend? My Amber
What is your eye color? Dark brown
What is your hair color? Dark brown
Who is someone you love? My boyf and my bestfriend
Who is someone you trust? The above :)
Who is someone you think about often? Jack Napier
Are you currently excited about/for something? AVENGERS INFINITY WAR TRAILER POSSIBLY DROPPING TOMORROW
What is your biggest obsession? rn, batjokes ofc!!
What was your favorite TV show as a child? Ed, Edd and Eddy & Rugratz. c:
Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? My s/o
Are you superstitious? kinda?
Do you have any unusual phobias? Not that I can think of? Ooh! I hate it when a single strand of hair lands on my skin or something. It freaks me out cuz it feels weird.
Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Behind. I take the photos, I ain’t in them :P
What is your favorite hobby? Writing! Followed by gaming!!
What was the last book you read? Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them (script)
What was the last movie you watched? Fantastic Beasts, The Crimes Of Grindelwald
What musical instruments do you play, if any? The triangle.
What is your favorite animal? Wolves! I also rlly rlly love deers and elephants.
What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? mellie, freddie-luthor, wolfy, elijah & smolbeanjoker :)
What superpower do you wish you had? The power of SELF DAMN CONFIDENCE
When and where do you feel most at peace? Anywhere my s/o is.
What makes you smile? Jack Napier :)
What sports do you play, if any? I used to really love playing basketball and cricket. S’been ages.
What is your favorite drink? Any kind of hot chocolate. :)
When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? October for my bestfriends birthday. :D
Are you afraid of heights? b o i 
What is your biggest pet peeve? Liars?
Have you ever been to a concert? Not with this anxiety I haven’t 
Are you vegan/vegetarian? No. but full respect to those who are :)
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? When I was in primary school, a zoo-keeper... high-school, an author.
What fictional world would you like to live in? The fuckin Harry Potter world please.
What is something you worry about? Life
Are you scared of the dark? Not really
Do you like to sing? Yep! But can I? Nope.
Have you ever skipped school? Uhh yes
What is your favorite place on the planet? My bed
Where would you like to live? Anywhere near a forest/woodland. Honestly Arcadia Bay is my aesthetic.
Do you have any pets? One doggo, three kitto’s.
Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? twittwoo
Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunsets
Do you know how to drive? No :c
Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? Earbuds
Have you ever had braces? Nada
What is your favorite genre of music? The LIS Soundtrack is a genre of music, right?
Who is your hero? Peter Parker.
Do you read comic books? What do you think if my account is based on Batman hmmmm
What makes you the most angry? Liars
Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? Real book
What is your favorite subject in school? Media
Do you have any siblings? two sisters, two brothers
What was the last thing you bought? a selection box. for myself. no no m’actually sharing with @crycel ;)
How tall are you? 5′3
Can you cook? Toast? Yes.
What are three things that you love? My boyfriend, my bestfriend and Jack Napier
What are three things that you hate? liars, my lack of self confidence n’ belief, and widowmaker auto-lockers
Do you have more female friends or more male friends? Female
What is your sexual orientation? pink yellow and blue baby
Where do you currently live? tea land
Who was the last person you texted? Ammmbaaah
When was the last time you cried? Last week?
Who is your favorite YouTuber? Depends on my mood! But recently it’s Shane
Do you like to take selfies? I do, because I really wanna try and bring my self confidence up. Buuuut most of the time it fails and I just feel worse about myself god dammit
What is your favorite app? tech not an app but ao3
What is your relationship with your parent(s) like?
What is your favorite foreign accent? Aussies!!
What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? Bristol. To see my bestfriend.
What is your favorite number? 7
Can you juggle? xD
Are you religious? no
Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? Outer space 
Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? Absolutely not
Are you allergic to anything? Some sort of washing power lmao my skin doesn’t likey much
Can you curl your tongue? nuuu
Can you wiggle your ears? nuuuuuuuu
How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? As soon as I realize I am
Do you prefer the forest or the beach? forest
What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? always try and see the good side of things
Are you a good liar? Mehhhh
What is your Hogwarts House? HUFFLEPOOF
Do you talk to yourself? not really?
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? introvert 
Do you keep a journal/diary? used too! Now I have scrapbooks, if thats any consolation 
Do you believe in second chances? Yes. But it’s got me into trouble, lmao
If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Turn it in somewhere, whatever shop/place is closest if they’re trustworthy
Do you believe that people are capable of change? Yes and no
Are you ticklish? ...no
Have you ever been on a plane? Hell no
Do you have any piercings? all natural bby
What fictional character do you wish was real? Peter Parker. (but i’m the female version of him okay)
Do you have any tattoos? Not yet
What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? HAH
Do you believe in karma? aye
Do you wear glasses or contacts? I think I need glasses tbf
Do you want children? no, my sim bbies are my children. and my cats.
Who is the smartest person you know? my bestfriend (sorry boyf)
What is your most embarrassing memory? we don’t go there
Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? what’s sleep? at least, CONISTENT HOURS of sleep?
What color are most of you clothes? Black from my emo days, but now I’m really into yellows and soft colours
Do you like adventures? Yessss, as long as I’m with someone I feel safe with
Have you ever been on TV? I hope not
How old are you? 19
What is your favorite quote? “ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.” or  “worrying means you suffer twice”
Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? Sweet
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franken-fan · 6 years
I was tagged by @fahrenflame to do this thingy! Thanks!!
Rules: Tag 10 followers you want to get to know better.
Star sign: Libra
Gender: I’mma girl.
Height: Somewhere between 5′4″ and 5′6″, I honestly don’t actually know.
Sexuality: Actually not going to answer this one.
What image do you have as a wallpaper? (m assuming this is a two parter with the two below since I can’t actually think of what the second wallpaper would be)
Lockscreen: A picture by Alice Cooper’s photographer/assistant (the awesome Kyler Clark) of Alice on stage with the top hat and surrounded by bubbles.
Wallpaper: A ridiculously high-res picture of the two-headed Paranormal Alice.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Hopefully done with my PhD by that point (God, I hope so). Most likely working at some radio astronomy/observatory in the middle of the desert, probably somewhere in the So-Cal/Arizona/New Mexico area (maybe even Utah, I’ve heard its pretty nice there).
If you could be anywhere else right now, where?: I sometimes wonder what my life would be like had I gone straight into astronomy somewhere out west instead of staying local and doing a physics undergrad first. But the probably most truthful answer would be following Alice Cooper around on the Paranormal Evening tour, I’ve always wanted to follow a band from tour to tour, but I think him (or Ghost) would probably be the only band I’d be okay with seeing basically every night.
What was your coolest Halloween costume?:
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What’s your favorite 90s show?: It’s a hard tie between Dexter’s Laboratory or Ed, Edd, n’ Eddy.
Last kiss: Never!! And I don’t care!
Have you ever been stood up?: By friends, yes.
Have you ever been to Vegas?: Nope, and I don’t really have a desire to go....except maybe to see Cher.
Favorite pair of Shoes: I will live and die in my black, low-top Converse.
Favorite fruit: If you’ve never had mango with lime juice and chili powder you need to do that immediately.
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done: That’s a long ass list seeing as how I am an actual idiot.
Favorite book: Perdido Street Station, House of Leaves, Frankenstein, and right now The Three Body Problem has my absolutely shook.
Favorite GIF:
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(hhehehhHhehhehhEHEHHHhhehhaaAAHAHHSHHahhshhah, I was SHRIEKING when he did this omfg)
Okay 10 people is a lot of people and I feel like I always tag the same people for these things so uhhhh..... @corpsesandcoffee , @toobertpoondert , @sicknastacular , @mikedirnts-sideburns ..... and honestly I guess anyone else who wants to do this (but y’all really don’t gotta do this if you don’t want, lol).
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freshwater--mermaid · 8 years
Eene post-BPS headcanon, open for discussion.
Okay so the way I personally see it, Eddy and Edd become more isolated after the movie. And this isn’t a bad thing, either.
Edd tries really hard to be approachable and pleasant to people, but I always figured he was naturally antisocial. But since that’s part of what led to the incident, he tries extra hard to appear sociable when he moves to Peach Creek. As the seasons go on, however, this becomes more and more exhausting, leading to his not-so-subtle growing dislike of the cul-de-sac kids.
Eddy is similar, I feel. He’s a shy, private guy who puts up a big front of bravado. It’s partly to hide his insecurities, and partly to impress the cul-de-sac kids. He’s very driven to be accepted by them throughout the whole show, and I feel like after the movie, that need goes away, and it’s like a weight has been lifted off him.
So their solitude isn’t a bad thing, but basically both of them choosing “freedom”, so to speak. So they mostly stick just with each other and Ed, rarely hanging around the other kids. They’re not on bad terms with them, or anything, and everyone mostly gets along. They just have no desire to be around them a lot.
Ed, on the other hand, LOVES being around the other kids. His desire to be friends with them was always genuine. He still hangs out with the other Eds of course, I’m definitely not implying those three aren’t still inseparable. It wouldn’t be Ed Edd n Eddy without big Ed.
But when Edd and Eddy are “socialed out” by a day at school and just wanna go chill at one of their houses, Ed sometimes would rather stay outside and play a game with the other kids. He gets along with all of them, and they learn to adjust to Ed’s nature and not belittle him anymore. Heck, with his imagination he goes on countless “adventures” with the other kids tagging along for the ride.
(oh and of course a side plot with Edd and Eddy crushing on each other. That’s a given)
So this is my own headcanon for the Eds’ lives after the film. Like I said, I’d love to get discussions going about this, and hear other ppl’s headcanons. It’s one of the only good things about the show ending so soon after the movie. We all get to have our own takes on how those events affected the characters, and what happens after.
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