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exilynn · 17 days ago
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edit. Eddie at corroded coffin concert 🎸🦇🎤🎶
dont repost, my edit.
fic: echoes nocteris
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prideringsbard · 2 months ago
I want to write RadioApple fanfiction, don’t know where to post it.
I’ve been wanting to write RadioApple fanfiction since I saw the show back in spring, back then I was reading a lot of it on Wattpad and thought that was the only fanfiction site, then I got on here and read some fics on here and then discovered AO3 through here and I read on that occasionally.
A few months ago I decided I wanted to start writing, so I made an account on Wattpad, I chose it over AO3 because I was more familiar with it and liked the interface better. I didn’t like how much the platform changed once I made an account, but I thought there’s no going back now. I’ve written a few chapters of my first ever fanfic and I’m ready to post the first chapter but I’m too nervous.
Basically the things I’m scared of are 1 getting in copyright trouble since it’s fanfiction, and 2 having a fanfiction account that posts mature stories linked to me. Anonymity on the internet is very important to me so naturally I haven’t put any of my personal info in my account or anything I plan on posting, but I still get nervous.
I love the fanfic community in my fandom and want to be a part of it, and I also love writing about my favorite show. But I also want to be safe, anonymous, and not accidentally doing anything illegal.
So my question for fanfic writers on here is what is the safest, best place and way for me to publish my fanfics?
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harrrystyles-writing · 7 months ago
NotaAutora: Gente, saudades de escrever 🥹 Olha eu gostei desse viu? Apesar de ser SUPER CLICHÊ, mas eu amo escrever aquele romancezinho com fofura e aquela pitada de angústia, então espero que gostem 💗
Aviso: Melhores amigos, clichê, fratboy Harry.
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Harry Concept #22
— Oiê, tia Anne. — Diz sorridente ao passar pela porta dos fundos da casa do seu melhor amigo, com uma pilha de livros.
— Oi, querida. — Anne observava atentamente os livros deixados em cima da ilha da cozinha. — Alguma prova importante?
— Física! E sabe que seu filho é péssimo nessa matéria. — Brincou.
— Ah! Se não fosse você na vida dele, com certeza já teria reprovado.
— Que cheiro bom, o que está fazendo aí? — Chegou mais perto dela, bisbilhotando.
— Bolo de chocolate, o preferido do Harry.
— Hum, parece que vai ficar delicioso, falando nisso, cadê ele?
— Está lá em cima.
— Obrigada, é melhor eu ir indo temos muita coisa para estudar. — Deixou um beijinho na bochecha de Ane.
— Cuidado com a escada! — Alertou ela ao vê-la cambaleando pelo caminho.
— Tá bom! — Gritou de volta.
Desajeitadamente, você subiu até o quarto de Harry, a porta estava entreaberta, o mesmo estava jogado em sua cama, os olhos vidrados na TV e o som alto do jogo de vídeo game enchendo o local. Por um instante, seus olhos fixaram em seu amigo, como ele parecia sexy daquele jeito. Cabelos um pouco bagunçados, calça de moletom e sem camisa.
Ele estava malhando?
Mas você não poderia pensar daquele jeito, Harry era seu amigo somente isso e sempre será assim.
— Ei, pode me ajudar aqui? — Empurrou a porta com os pés, jogando todo pensamento sobre ele fora.
— Para que tantos livros? — Levantou-se prontamente para ajudá-la.
— Para prova? Não vai me dizer que esqueceu?!
— Que prova? — Deu os ombros, enquanto se jogava na cama novamente assim que deixou os livros em sua cabeceira.
— O que você anda fazendo na aula que não ouve nada?
— Mostrando toda minha beleza! — Brincou.
— Idiota. — O empurrou, sentando ao seu lado. — Então, vamos estudar?
— Tá bom.
— Mas veste uma camisa antes.
— O que que tem? Não gosta de ver esse tanquinho? — Passou a mão em seu abdômen e você teve que se forçar a desviar o olhar.
— Não! — Mentiu.
— Melhor? — Diz ele assim que colou uma camiseta branca.
— Melhor, agora vamos estudar.
Após meia hora tentando ensinar um semestre inteiro em um dia para Harry, ele já estava entediado. Ambos estavam sentados no chão em frente à sua cama, quase cobertos pela pilha de livros e alguns travesseiros.
— Que tal uma pausa? — Sugeriu ele se espreguiçando.
— Ainda não acabamos, tem muita coisa.
— Só um pouquinho.— Fez biquinho.
— 10 minutos,ok?! Vou colocar o time. — Se estigou para pegar o celular, mas Harry foi mais rápido.
— Para de ser tão certinha. — Levantou o braço, vendo-a lutar para pegar. — Já chega de estudos por hoje, já estudamos muito.
— Devolve! — Pirraçou. — E não estudamos não!
— Não vou!— Riu, se divertindo com a situação.
— Harry!— Falou mais alto, nem percebendo que seu corpo já estava praticamente no colo dele.
Rindo, ele a empurrou virando-a, derrubando entre os livros, jogou o seu celular para longe, Harry segurou seus braços acima da cabeça, enquanto seu corpo estava praticamente em cima de você. Você gritou e se debateu tentando empurrá-lo, mas ele era mais forte. Assim que você parou de se debater ele soltou seus braços, mas ele continuou ali te encarando, seus mãos uma em cada lado de sua cabeça.Seu coração começou a bater mais rápido. Ele estava tão perto, agora, que você conseguia sentir o cheiro de sua colônia, o calor dele em sua pele; seus lábios rosados entreabertos e a imensidão do verde que era seus olhos.
— Harry. — Um gemido baixo ousou escapar de sua garganta.
Você não conseguiu evitar. Você tentou parar, mas se sentia atraída por ele.
Você estava ofegante, seu corpo pedindo mais, qualquer coisa que a fizesse saber que não era a única sentindo algo.
— Sim? — Ele sorriu daquele jeito que a fez arrepiar.
Oh! Ele sabia, o quanto você era afim dele!
O olhar dele não conseguia desviar dos seus, ele se inclinou vagarosamente, até que os lábios dele estivessem roçando nos seus, seus olhos se fecharam, se entregando ao desejo e foi incrivelmente bom sentir os lábios de Harry contra os seus, muito melhor do que apenas ficar sonhando acordada com isso.
Harry parecia não ter pressa em beijar você, sua língua tocava a sua delicadamente, seus dedos estavam acariciando seu rosto e você parecia estar flutuando em prazer somente com aquele beijo.
— Oh! O que é isso? — A voz aguda de Anne ecoou na porta. — Harry?!
— Mãe?!
Você o empurrou, se afastando dele rapidamente, se levantou pegando suas coisas que nem viu Anne sair dali.
— Ei, calma, minha mãe já foi. — Ele Levantou-se a puxando. — Volte aqui, temos uma coisa pra terminar.
— Que vergonha, o que sua mãe vai pensar de mim? Acho que ela vai me odiar agora.
— Não se preocupe com isso. — Seus dedos acariciavam seus lábios. — Você é a preferida dela e a minha.
— Harry! É sério!
— S/n, não é nada que ela já não tenha visto antes com outra garota. — Falou despretensioso. — E só foi um beijo, né! Ela nem vai se importar com isso.
Só um beijo? Será que ele não percebeu que esse beijo mudou tudo?
— Para você pode não ser nada, mas importa para mim.— Engoliu o nó na garganta. — Eu preciso ir, depois você me devolve meus livros.
— S/n! Espere. — Segurou em seu braço. — Você está bem?
— Acho melhor esquecermos que tudo isso aconteceu! — Disse, segurando às lágrimas antes que passasse pela porta.
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canonicallyincorrect · 1 year ago
New year means a new batch of fanfiction author interviews! If you are a fanfiction author (or if you know a fanfiction author) who would like to come onto Canonically Incorrect to talk about fanfiction, fandom, and everything fannish, DM us here on Tumblr or email us at [email protected] to join us on the show!
NOTE: You must be over the age of 18 and have written and published fanfiction on any fanfiction forum, website, or webpage to be interviewed on Canonically Incorrect.
UPDATE: We are officially booked up until 2025! Thank you to every fanfiction author who reached out to us wanting to be on the show. We have an incredible lineup of author interviews because of y'all! If you would still like to be a guest on Canonically Incorrect to talk about fandom and fanfiction, please reach out, but know that we will be booking for 2025.
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tokiohotelfanfic · 2 months ago
Demitra Herrmann (avril lavigne)
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Fanfic available on my other profile: @demitraherrmann or in Wattpad @Rockstark_Of_TH
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aneliwriter · 1 year ago
Warnings/ NSFW, dark smut. Dark chapter. Oral sex, orgasm denial, popping cherry, taking turns, explicit language.
Halloween one shot/ ransom, ari, Steve, Lloyd and andy.
Your palms grew sweaty as you swallowed a soft gulp. You retake a double look to ensure your eyes are not deceiving you. In which this case, they are not. You are the only one at the pumpkin patch. There were no other cars but yours in the parking lot, which confused you.
You thought there would be a party of some sort since you received an invitation.
Y/N L/N,
  CONGRATULATIONS, you have been selected for an invitation to join a special event that only happens once a year.
October 31st, Halloween. Time- 5 before sunset.
We take formality and punctuality quite seriously, so please don't be late or I'm afraid, there might be consequences.
Oh and don't forget to wear your scariest costume! There will be a contest and the first winner will win a special prize.
                             Hell Raisers Five.
You double-check the date and time on your phone.
Time 5:58 P.M
You look over your shoulder, The sun has set. But what happens now?
There's no one here, so certainly it is not a party. Could it be a prank? A lot of people do pranks on Halloween but you don't have any friends unless books and fictional characters count. In that case, you have a whole army.
You begin to think about who would invite you here. It takes a moment till your mind goes to the football quarterback jock from your high school.
Ransom Drysdale.
He is awful to you, and always picks and makes fun of you. If it's not slamming your books down to the floor, it's keeping you locked in, in the girl's locker room naked after taking your clothes.
He and his group of heathens own your high school or they like to think so. They are nothing but trouble and you only hoped that this phase Ransom has with you is only that, a phase till he gets bored with you and moves on to torment the next girl.
If it wasn't for the crow cawing, you would have remained in place with your thoughts. Startling, your eyes lift to the crow who flies over to a sign. You squint your eyes and read, "Trick or Treating Corn Maze"
Perhaps the party is in the corn maze?
You look over your shoulder at your car. It's getting dark, and you contemplate leaving but if you do, there might be consequences, according to the anonymous invitation. But if you stay and go through the corn maze, it could be worse.
You have no idea what or whose intention they have with you.
It could be dangerous...
Or it could be a treat...
Well, you're about to find out. You take a step, inhaling a deep breath. You're already dressed and here, might as well find out.
You walk over cautiously, passing the sign, the crow staring at you, tilting its head to the side, cawing. You weren't afraid, although maybe you should be.
Freddy and Jason might be in there waiting for you.
You notice a flashlight hanging off a corn branch, you take it as a sign that the flashlight is for you. You grab it, turn it on, you continue to walk.
In Horror movies, the girl would say "Hello" and "Anyone there?"
But you knew fucking better. You remain silent and wait for the boogeyman to pop out and eat ya. You get to the first corner, and you stop to a halt as you see a figure standing, with a scarecrow mask on his face.
This is the part where you widen your eyes and gulp. Okay, maybe you are scared. He lifts his head from the floor and stares at you through his mask. You remain frozen, Your hand holding the flashlight up to him, shakes uncontrollably.
He strides over to you, he keeps getting bigger and bigger as you keep getting smaller and smaller.
You're dead.
You're positive as Ion television, this masked scarecrow is going to murder you, There's no way he's going to give you a treat... Right?
Your breath hitches as he towers menacingly over you making you feel ten times smaller than before.
"W-who are you?" You stutter through clatter teeth.
He tilts his head to the side and back, you can feel his eyes checking you out from head to toe. "Scarecrow." His dark tone sends shivers down your spine.
"I-i mean your real name." You sigh.
"Scarecrow." He repeats, crossing his arms.
You let out another sigh, as he is not going to tell you and you don't recognize him through his mask. As of right now, you only know him as...
"Till how long will you be scarecrow?" You ask. He somehow takes another step closer to you. Closing whatever inches of distance there was any left.
"Till the course is complete." He says cryptically.
You were about to ask what he meant but he foresaw your question and shook his head before your lips parted.
He looks down at your costume and you can imagine a smirk crawling on his face. "I thought witches were supposed to look ugly." There was a hint of sarcasm in his tone.
"They're not ugly. That's just how movies and shows portray them." You say.
He hums in response.
"Well, Witchy let's begin, Trick or treat?" His tone changed back to dark.
You gulp loudly, nervous about what to answer. "T-treat?" You say in question.
He chuckles. "Good choice." He unzips his pants and pulls them down, dropping them to his shoes along with his briefs.
You gasp as he's sprung free.
You were expecting candy or at least a fucking sticker but not a hard length leaking with precum.
He muses a light chuckle. "Don't be so scared Witchy, you did say treat, so come and get it."
This is the part where you turn around and RUN. But you don't and not just because he could easily catch up to you but because a part of you didn't want to.
You want your treat.
Your legs tremble as you slowly kneel down before him. You stare at his hard throbbing erection and you feel a pool of wetness dripping down.
You glance at him through your eyelashes. "Um, I never-
You couldn't complete your sentence as he grabbed you by the back of your head, you gasped and he took the opportunity to shove himself inside your mouth. He grunts in satisfaction, throwing his head back as he jerks his hips forward.
A single tear rolls down your face as you take all of him at once. You try not to panic and find a way to breathe through your nose as he fucks your mouth into oblivion. "Use your tongue, drag it up and down, wrap your lips tighter." He groans.
You do what he says, wrapping your lips around tighter, and you drag your tongue. "Let me see those pretty little eyes." He says in a sultry tone.
You lift your eyes up and stare at him as your mouth is still working. "Tonight, you're our little slut, got it?" He strokes your cheek, feeling his bulge.
You weren't sure what he meant and the euphoria is blocking your mind at the moment, so you simply give him a nod in response.
It takes four more thrusts and he explodes inside your mouth. "Swallow every drop." He grunts out, pumping any excess cum on the tip of your tongue.
You drink without spilling a drop.
"That's a good little witch." He smirks. You gather yourself and stand up. Panting, he zips up his pants. "You're not done just yet. Go ahead and continue your path." He handed you the flashlight.
"Will I see you again?" You ask naively. His lips tugged a grin. "If you finish the maze you will."
"So be a good witch, okay?" He caressed your cheek. "Okay." You say. You give him a final glance over your shoulder and you continue your path.
You lit up your way to the next corner and sure enough, there's another figure standing in the corner, patiently waiting.
Another large frame wearing a skeleton mask. "Hiya, sweet cheeks." You knew that voice but it couldn't be. Could it?
"Trick or treat?" He mocks.
If it was him, you weren't sure if you wanted a treat from him.
From Ransom.
So you picked option two.
"Trick." You swallowed softly.
"You sure?" He teases.
In the blink of an eye, he marched right over to you and pushed you so rough that it knocked you right on your ass.
That confirmed, that indeed the skeleton-masked man is Ransom. You grunt as you thump on the ground, you look up scowling as he laughs.
"What was that for?" He crouched over and instantly, he pulled up your dress. "For your trick."  He pulled down your panties.
You suck in a breath but you don't move nor tell him to stop. He lifts his mask just enough to expose his mouth.
He dives right in and starts to lick your wet cunt that's been throbbing since Scarecrow. You let out a soft moan and he goes deeper.
"R-ransom." You moan his name.
He slapped your cunt hard, making you flinch both in pleasure and pain. "Skeleton." He murmurs against your skin, sending vibrations.
"Alright then, Skeleton."
You smile hazily, The cloud you're on goes up higher and higher. "Ske- I-i'm going to-
The cloud disappears and you fall right down.
"Hey." You whine in protest, frowning as he adjusts his mask back on.
"Don't pout, sweet cheeks. You'll get your treat in the end."
Pulling your panties back up, you stand, taking the flashlight from him with a frown on your face.
"Lose that pout." He now said in a stern voice.
"Make me." You frown deeper.
He was about to pounce on you but he refrained himself from doing so. "You're going to regret that at the end of the maze." He huffs.
You flash the flashlight right at his face. "You don't scare me, Ransom." You said before you walked away, frowning.
You walked cautiously as you heard a twig snap. You approach the next corner, finding a third figure smashing the shit out of a pumpkin.
Your gasp made him stop and turn to look at you.
Pumpkin masked-man.
You can feel a darker aura with this one, he was more scarier than the previous two. "Hi there." He curtsy.
"Hi." You whisper.
"Trick or treat Pumpkin?"
"On your knees then."
After he gave you your treat, which was the same treat that Scarecrow gave you. He gave you a wink, muttering "See you at the finish line, Pumpkin."
"It's about time." An irritated voice startled you as you got to the next corner.
"I- uh- you stammered.
His mask gave you chills, a red devil mask.
"Looks like Pumpkin Man got greedy and gave you his treat twice." He crossed his arms.
He did and you didn't mind at all. You devoured his greed.
"Turn around and bend over, because of his greed, you're getting a trick."
You drop your mouth open. "What why?" You protested.
"That's fifteen." He spun you around and bent you over. "Thirty for not doing what I ordered."
Before you could even think, a hard smack bounced right on your ass cheek. You yelp, jerking forward.
"That's one."
Twenty-nine hard slaps later,
You rub your butt as you walk to the last corner, even though it was a trick, it sure did feel like a treat the way he kissed you afterward, the kiss was so soft like he was making up for it and you immediately forgave him.
Who knew the devil could kiss you like an Angel?
You look up to someone clapping their hands. "Congratulations, you made it."
The last masked man, the phantom of the opera.
"Is it over? Did I win?"
"You sure did Sweetheart." He steps closer. "And the winner gets a special prize. You ready?" He strokes your cheek. You look into his eyes feeling flutters in your stomach as he stares back into yours.
"Yes." You whisper.
As soon as the word leaves your mouth, four figures pop out of the shadows.
Red Devil
They all stand around you in a circle. "Boys, it's time to treat our girl, right," Phantom informs them.
They all nod. The first one to approach you is phantom. He picks you up and lays you on top of a flat stone and for a moment you think you were about to be sacrificed. But he starts to strip his clothes off instead.
You stare at him with googly eyes, staring up and down at his god-figure-like body. You didn't even notice you were biting your lip hard till a tiny spill of blood slid down.
Those biceps and his hard abs were a treat alone. You were aching to be smothered by him in a hug.
"Your dress... off now." He commanded.
You practically ripped it off your body. There were several growls growling at you, you looked at them confused about why but when Scarecrow pointed down to your chest you looked.
No bra.
You gulp loudly when Phantom towered over you, pinning your arms above your head as he snarled at you. "Why aren't you wearing a fucking bra."
"B-because- I-i t-the d-dress- it- um
You didn't make sense speaking gibberish.
He gripped your chin and you're forced to look into his dark eyes. "Don't let it happen again."
"Okay." You nodded slowly.
He leaned and kissed you softly as his hands wandered down and he began to massage your breasts. A soft moan escaped your lips and vibrated against his mouth. If it wasn't for the shift movement, you wouldn't have been reminded that there were four other guys around you, watching the two of you tensely.
"You're going to give yourself to me. I'm going to take your virginity and we're all going to have our way with you. You have been chosen." He murmurs as he trails his kisses down to your lower abdomen.
"Chosen?" You murmured back.
"Yes, you have been chosen. Tonight you will be honored, among other things." He smirked.
"How did you know I'm a virgin?"
You hear Ransom chuckling in a low tone.
Of course
He starts to stroke himself and you start to panic as he's rather big. "That is going inside me?" You gulped, eyes widened.
He smirks. "Every inch."
"Is it going to hurt?" You whisper as he lines himself to your entrance. "Yes." He doesn't lie.
He saw the panic in your eyes. "Red Devil come here." He ordered.
He steps inside the circle. "Kiss her, have her distracted till I'm all the way in."
Red Devil lifts his mask to his nose, dips his head, and crashes his lips against yours. You moan softly as he deepens the kiss, he holds your hand in place.
Phantom begins to enter his tip and automatically whimpers against the Red Devil. "She's squirming too much, keep her in place." Phantom let out a groan.
Scarecrow and Pumpkin approach, each one on each side holding your body down. Skeleton grips your hands down as Red Devil keeps kissing you.
Phantom's groans become louder as he goes further in and you begin to shed tears. "Just do it, already. The anticipation is killing her." Scarecrow huffed.
"Fuck you, you would take your time with her too. She's fucking tight." He grunts.
"Focus on me, baby." Red devil whispers. "M-kay-
"Aaah!" You let out a scream for two reasons. Phantom slammed himself all the way in breaking your hymen and two, Red Devil bit down on your lip.
He jerks his head forward and stays still. "Everyone back the fuck up, now." He still has his head hung down. Scarecrow and Pumpkin release their hold on you and Red Devil backs away. Skeleton also known as Ransom reluctantly also backed away. "I get dibs next, I was the one who coronated her." Said Ransom.
"Whatever." Phantom lifts his head up and flips him off. He starts to thrust, groaning as he empowers each thrust. You feel your heat welcoming him, loving how good he feels rubbing against your walls.
You moan uncontrollably, as your eyes roll to the back of your head. "Fuck." He curses, grabbing your legs, and throwing them over his shoulders as he picks up the pace.
"How does she feel?" One of them grunted out but you couldn't tell who it was, as you were too busy seeing white lines.
"Fucking perfect." He pants.
"Fuck I'm not going to last! She's fucking clamping down on me." He squints his eyes closed as you scream in ecstasy. He paints your insides white as he cums in you.
"My turn." Ransom grunts out. "Would you at least wait till my dick is out of her, you fucking horn dog." He retorts.
"Remember Skeleton, we wear a condom with her. The only one who gets to feel her bare is Phantom." Scarecrow tells him as if he was a child.
"I don't know why, I was the one who told you guys about her. Why does Phantom get to be the only one to fuck her raw."
Phantoms slid out of you making you flinch slightly. "Because I'm the leader, fucker." He spats.
"What do you two think?" Ransom ignores Phantom and speaks to Pumpkin and Red Devil instead. "If her cunt feels just as good as her pretty little mouth then yea I wouldn't mind feeling her bare." Pumpkin muses.
Red Devil scoffs. "Well, then we have our answer because you were a greedy fucker and kept her longer than your original time."
As you can tell he was still upset about the double treat...
"Would you guys shut the fuck up, Skeleton fuck her already if not I'm taking your turn." Scarecrow groans.
"I think the fuck not." He snarls. Ransom picks you up like a rag doll and has you in a doggy-style position. Ransom slaps your ass hard and groans. "Remember when I said you were going to regret it, I'm going to hate fuck you so good that you'll fall in love with me." He whispered in your ear.
You hear the crinkle of the condom wrapper ripping. He puts it on. "Ransom don't, not in my-
Before you could finish he smacks your ass again making you jump forward. "Skeleton, fuck her pussy, we'll save that hole for another day." Phantom orders.
He scoffs. "I can have my way with her, I don't need to listen to you."
"I marked her first, my cum is filled inside her. You will do what the fuck I say. You could choke her, do other shit but you won't fuck her ass tonight, she's not ready." He grits out.
Ransom growls behind you. "Fine." He spits out.
In the same position, he enters inside, immediately reminding you of the pain that comes in the beginning. He yanks your hair back and forces you to stare at Phantom who swallows hard watching Ransom fucking you hard.
It shouldn't turn you on but it does. You can see Phantom getting hard again and that does something to your core.
"Look what you're doing to him Y/N, what you're doing to all of them." He taunts in your ear. You glance at Pumpkin, the red devil and scarecrow who's burning holes at you and Ransom.
Pumpkin and Scarecrow are palming themselves against their jeans as Red Devil's gaze is right on you. You can feel his eyes making love to you. You moan watching all of them stare at you.
"I knew you were a slut, not once did I buy your innocent act." He chuckled darkly.
Ransom fucks you harder and you feel him twitching inside you. He wraps his hand around your throat and squeezes hard, you gasp, throwing your head back, your eyes rolling to the back of your head again. "Well look at that, you're no longer pouting, sweet cheeks."
"R-ransom i-i'm cu-
"Give it to me, slut." The degradation was enough to trigger your orgasm and you cum as he spills inside the condom.
You find yourself screaming as he bites hard on your shoulder. "I guess we both marked her." He taunts Phantom who snarls.
"I'm marking her next, come here baby." Pumpkin was already secured with a condom when he snatched you from Ransom.
He leans you against the stone, wrapping your legs around his waist and he doesn't waste any time, he starts to fuck you. "Fuck you do feel good, so fucking tight." He groans.
You no longer feel any mascara on your lashes, it's smudged all over your face thanks to them three. But it's not over yet, you still have Red Devil and Scarecrow.
He tugs and plays with your breasts as they bounce up and down as you rock your hips forward meeting his pace. "Mhmm, you are a little slut, you like getting fuck by five guys?" He pinches your nipple.
"Y-yes!" You cry out, feeling another orgasm rising.
"You are going to be so much fun, go ahead baby, cream me." He coos.
You scream once again, digging your nails on his back and you cum for the third time. He grunts in victory, spilling inside the condom.
He pulls out and Red Devil steps into the frame. "He's a greedy little fucker, isn't he?" He tells you.
You wrap your arms around him, snuggling close as you're starting to feel sleepy and sore. "You can be greedy too... I don't mind." You whisper groggily.
He prepares himself. "I think I'll take up on your offer sweetheart." He caressed your cheek. He kisses you tenderly. "Hang on." He soothes.
You whimper again feeling him stretching you out, they all have been but it feels so good. You hang on to him as he goes into stealth mode, you can tell he has a dark side but he can also be soft, at least with you anyway.
You bury your head into the crook of his neck, not being able to do anything about it you just take the pounding he's giving you till you both cum.
"Greed's hell of a drug." He whispers, kissing you once more. "I'll kick Greed's ass if he doesn't move." Scarecrow deadpans behind him.
He kisses your forehead. "She's all yours." He stepped to the side.
Scarecrow closes the distance between the two of you. "I told you, you'll be seeing me again." He parts your lips with his thumb. "I-i don't know if I can handle another orgasm." You swallow.
"I believe in you."
You slowly nod. "If you pass out I'll stop." He assures. "Okay." You nod again.
You don't feel achy anymore when he enters you, you're getting used to the stretch. You inhale a deep breath as you wrap your arms around his large body, all certified lean muscle.
He hitch a breath, feeling how wet and slick you are down there. "God damm." He pants.
"I have to say, I'm glad we finally listened to Skeleton." He mumbles. "Fuck you asshole." Ransom glares at him.
"Scarecrow, she's getting close, make our girl feel good." Phanton palms his hard erection.
"With pleasure." He teases.
He plunges in and out of you, making you cry and whimper. "Oh my god." Your lips quiver.
"No gods here, Witchy. Just devils." He says in a sultry tone. You bite your lip, hot and not bothered by his comment.
You want him, you want all of them.
You need all of them.
The five hellraisers.
Our bodies condense, the sounds our bodies make echoing throughout the corn maze. "I- S-scarecrow, don't stop, even if I pass out." You say in the heat of the moment.
He groans, picking up his pace. "You can handle it, keep your eyes on me." He coaches you.
Your mouth opens wide, your eyes bulging out of their sockets. "I-
"Eyes on me, Y/n. Keep your eyes on me. Stay with me baby girl, we're almost there."
"I-I can't-
You cry, shaking your head.
"Yes, you can, look at me, focus on me." You look into his eyes through his mask. You breathe heavily as you focus on his eyes and somehow you manage to orgasm without passing out. He catches you as your body convulses uncontrollably.
He rubs your back as he holds you. "I told you, you could do it." He says in a playful tone.
"N-no more." You say tirelessly.
"Course has been completed. Congratulations Y/N, your initiation is finished." Phantom speaks.
"Initiation?" You say hazily.
"You just became the five hellraiser's girl. You belong to us now."
"Who's us exactly?" You say.
He takes off his mask revealing his face, Pumpkin follows then Red Devil, Skeleton who was a dead giveaway, and lastly Scarecrow.
You look at each one of them, now recognizing them from school.
Ransom's friends or should you say, brotherhood of some sort.
Ari Levinson- Phantom
Steve Rogers- Red Devil
Lloyd Hansen- Pumpkin
Andy Barber- Scarecrow
Ransom Drysdale- Skeleton
Ari approaches you first, caressing your cheek. He opens the palm of his hand revealing something. "We each will give you a ring, if you accept them you will always wear them. You are not to take them off, this is how everyone in school will know you belong to the hell raisers. So what do you say Y/N?"
"Put it on me." You don't hesitate. He chuckles as he slides the ring down your ring finger. It's a white colored ring just like his mask.
He kisses you before taking a step to the side. Steve comes up next and you stick his hand out to him. He slides a red-colored ring on your middle finger, kissing your hand when he's done. Lloyd shoots you a wink as he puts his orange-colored ring on your index finger. Andy brings your thumb to his mouth kissing it softly as he slides his off yellow-colored ring on your thumb.
Last, Ransom comes up to you with a smirk. "May I sweet cheeks?"
You stare at him for a moment. "I suppose." You say cautiously. He slides his black and white colored ring on your pinky.
"Welcome to the club sweet cheeks." He smiles. You hook your pink with him and you two pinky promise each other.
"So what happens next?" You ask.
He chuckles, looking over to Ari, who smirks.
You had no idea what he meant but as long it also means you get food and cuddles, you're down for it.
Let's reign hell, hellraisers.
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fitzvackertheritzcracker · 2 months ago
wdym i haven't posted in almost a year hahahahaha
anyway i do still write shit so here you go lol: https://www.wattpad.com/user/NOOOOOPE221
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muarimuaji · 7 months ago
Trying to find that one Bittersweet Alastor FF :')
I'm just trying my luck here. Hopefully someone would know the fanfic too and tell me what happened to it and how to search for it back. It was such a good fic that it was the reason I turned to an Alastor simp 😩
There's this one Alastor fanfic in wattpad that I've stumbled upon in I think 2019-2020(?) way back when HH still had little content but I remember vividly that it was about Alastor falling in love with God's only daughter. I swear the title was something like Golden(?) and it also had a sequel Hiraeth(?) but the author soon discontinued it.
The whole plot was that God's adventurous daughter went down to hell to explore and ended up at the Hazbin Hotel. Being the only ethereal being in hell, she attracted a lot of sinners and such to hunt her down and basically endangers her life. Lykos(?) I think was the name of the villian—a demon wolf(?) if I'm not mistaken, got obsessed with her and eventually killed the poor girl with a banned heavenly weapon.
It ended with Alastor holding the girl on his lap while sharing their first and final kiss.
The epilogue had some foreshadowing for the sequal that the girl actually reincarnated as a human with Alastor looking towards her as a deer in the forest.
That is as far as I could remember about the plot :')
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mesa375 · 3 months ago
POV: my sister when my parents ask to see her Wattpad
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psyeulgi · 1 year ago
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᱖ ˙˖࣪𝙽ᥱ𝚠 𝚙ⱺ𝚜𝚝 !! ⭒by ﹫psyeulgi 𔓘⸼ ۫
˙˖࣪☁️ ㅤ⠀pᥱdᎥdⱺ: teste
˖˚📆ㅤ⠀dɑtɑ dᥱ cⱺnclꭎsão: 02/02/2024
˙˖࣪💬 ㅤ⠀nãⱺ plɑgᎥᥱ ᥱ crᥱdᎥtᥱ sᥱ vⱺcê sᥱ ᎥnspᎥrɑr 🐈
˖˚˳tɑgs ☺︎ ៸៸
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dont-u-dare-wakemeup · 1 year ago
oi. eu escrevo isso aqui. quem tiver curiosidade…
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exilynn · 4 days ago
(Almost) love letter to Quinn
by: Eddie
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they are a literal complement, they are the almost cliché couple concept
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harrrystyles-writing · 6 months ago
Yes, Sir! —Capítulo 20
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Personagens: Professor! Harry x Estudante!Aurora. (Aurora tem 23 anos e Harry tem 35)
Aviso: O capítulo terá o ponto de vista de Aurora e Harry.
NotaAutora: Desta vez não demorou muito para sair, espero que ainda estejam animado com a história 💗.
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Ambos parecíamos exaustos depois dessa longa noite, mas silêncio na sala foi interrompido por passos leves descendo as escadas. Endireitei-me no sofá, tentando me preparar para o que estava por vir. Eu sabia que precisava me manter firme mesmo que parecesse impossível.
Aurora apareceu na porta da sala, os cabelos despenteados e o rostinho ainda marcado pelo sono. Quando seus olhos encontraram os meus, um sorriso radiante iluminou seu rosto, trazendo um pouco de alívio ao meu peito.
— Papai! — Ela gritou animada, correndo em minha direção com os bracinhos estendidos.
Quase não tive tempo de me preparar antes de sentir o impacto do abraço de Aurora, seus bracinhos envolvendo meu pescoço com força. Segurei-a com ternura, tentando absorver a pureza daquele amor incondicional.
— Oi, minha pequena. — Murmurei, beijando o topo da cabeça dela enquanto ela se aconchegava em meu colo.
— Eu estava com saudade, papai. — Ela disse com uma vozinha sonolenta e cheia de carinho, me derretendo por dentro.
Antes que eu pudesse responder, Isadora apareceu na sala, os passos pesados e o rosto fechado. Ela parou ao lado de Violeta, me observando com uma expressão que me cortou por dentro. A a distância em seu olhar... isso doía mais do que qualquer palavra.
O que aconteceu com aquela garotinha que sempre corria para os meus braços?
— Bom dia, Isa. — Tentei suavizar o clima. — Estava com saudade, será que mereço um abraço?
A resposta dela foi apenas um abraço breve e frio.
— Papai, tô com fome, podemos tomar café da manhã? — Ela perguntou, os olhinhos brilhando de expectativa.
Eu estava cansado, mas não podia dizer não a ela.
— Claro que podemos, meu amor. — Respondi com um sorriso, tentando esconder o desconforto. — Que tal a gente sair e comer panquecas? Sua mãe precisa descansar.
Aurora bateu palmas, empolgada com a ideia, enquanto Isadora permanecia em silêncio, os braços cruzados, me evitando.
Me levantei, ainda com Aurora em meus braços, e olhei para Isadora, esperando algum sinal de aceitação, mas ela apenas deu de ombros e seguiu-nos até a porta.
O caminho até a lanchonete foi tranquilo, mas o clima dentro do carro estava tenso. Aurora tagarelava sobre seus brinquedos e suas novas aventuras em que eu não estive presente, alheia ao que estava acontecendo, enquanto Isadora permanecia em silêncio, encarando a paisagem pela janela. Quando chegamos à lanchonete, ajudei Aurora a sair do carro e olhei para Isadora, que continuava a me evitar.
Sentados à mesa, pedi as panquecas favoritas de Aurora e Isadora.
— E então, Isa, como está a escola? — Disse tentando quebrar o gelo.
— Do que importa saber? Afinal por causa de você vou ter que deixar meus amigos.
— Isa isso não é verdade, eu nunca quis que vocês fossem para Boston.
— Claro, só você pode ir para lá né ? — Revirou os olhos.
— Tem visto o tio Bryan? — Perguntei casualmente, mudando de assunto como quem não quer nada, mas no fundo queria saber se existia alguma possibilidade de que Violeta e eles estivessem se encontrando novamente.
— Por quê? Está com medo que ele tome seu lugar, pai? — A resposta dela foi direta, carregada de sarcasmo.
Fiquei sem palavras por um momento, o peito apertado com o impacto do que ela havia acabado de dizer.
Será que ela sabia? Não! Impossível! Ela só estava ressentida comigo. Sabia que tinha deixado um vazio em sua vida, mas ouvir isso dela foi como um soco no estômago.
— Não, claro que não. — Respondi, tentando manter a calma. — Eu só queria saber como ele está, já que faz um tempo que não o vejo. — Tentei dar um sorriso.
Isadora me olhou por um longo momento antes de responder.
— Faz tempo que não vejo ele também... na verdade, faz tempo que não vejo ninguém. — Ela disse, a mágoa transbordando em cada palavra. — Não é só o tio Bryan que sumiu, pai. Você também sumiu.
O peso das palavras de Isadora caiu sobre mim com uma força esmagadora. Antes que eu pudesse responder, Aurora, puxou a manga da minha camisa.
— Papai, olha as panquecas! — Ela exclamou, apontando o garçom vindo em nossa direção com um prato cheio de panquecas cobertas de calda e frutas.
Sorri para Aurora, tentando manter o humor leve, mas o nó na minha garganta só apertava. Cortei as panquecas para ela, fazendo um esforço enorme para ignorar a dor que crescia em meu peito. Olhei para Isadora, que mexia na comida sem muito interesse.
— Isa, sei que você está chateada comigo. — Disse baixinho, para que Aurora não ouvisse. — Só quero que saiba que estou aqui agora, e que vou tentar ser mais presente, tá bom?
Ela não respondeu de imediato, apenas me encarou com um olhar indiferente.
— Veremos, pai. Veremos. — Finalmente respondeu, sem entusiasmo.
Suspirei, sabendo que tinha um longo caminho pela frente para reconquistar a confiança dela. O passeio continuou de forma mais leve, as levei para o parque,  Aurora animada brincava com as outras crianças enquanto eu a observava,  Isadora permanecia calada, mexendo em seu celular.
De volta em casa, encontrei Violeta dormindo no sofá, a expressão suavizada pelo sono. Olhei para ela por um momento, tentando ignorar o turbilhão de sentimentos que passavam por minha mente.  Isadora  também observava a mãe dormindo por um breve instante antes de se aproximar.
— Vou acordar a mamãe para levá-la para a cama.
Dei um passo à frente, querendo ajudar.
— Deixa que eu faço isso, Isa. — Sugeri, tentando me aproximar.
Mas Isadora rapidamente levantou a mão, para me afastar.
— Não precisa, pai. Eu cuido disso. — Ela respondeu em um tom ácido. — Já estou acostumada a fazer isso sozinha... afinal, você nunca está aqui.
As palavras dela me atingiram como uma faca afiada, cortando mais fundo do que qualquer outra coisa que ela poderia ter dito.
Fiquei parado, em silêncio, observando enquanto ela se abaixava ao lado de Violeta, tocando suavemente seu ombro para acordá-la.
— Mamãe, vamos para cama. — Isadora sussurrou, oferecendo ajuda para Violeta se levantar.
Violeta olhou para mim por um instante, eu senti a dor aguda da exclusão, mas engoli em seco, sabendo que, naquele momento, era melhor não insistir.
Aurora, olhou para mim e depois para a mãe, sem entender muito bem o que estava acontecendo.
— Papai, quer brincar comigo? — Perguntou com aquela inocência que fazia tudo parecer mais simples.
— Claro, minha pequena. — Respondi, tentando afastar a tensão. — O que você quer brincar?
— Boneca, vem.
Enquanto Aurora me puxava para o quarto com suas bonecas, vi, de canto de olho, Isadora ajudando Violeta a caminhar para o quarto.
O gesto de Isadora, era um lembrete gritante de que a distância entre nós era maior do que eu havia imaginado.
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Saindo do hospital, a notícia ainda perturbava  minha mente, deixando um eco ensurdecedor, eu segurava o papel do ultrassom como se fosse um fardo insuportável.
Como poderia ser real? Eu me sentia perdida, afogada em um mar de dúvidas e medos.
Minha mãe andava ao meu lado, silenciosa, mas com o rosto marcado por uma preocupação que ela tentava esconder. Meu pai, por outro lado, estava furioso. Eu podia ver o fogo nos olhos dele, Ele não conseguia disfarçar a raiva, e eu sabia que estava prestes a explodir.
— Entra. — Disse ele assim que abriu a porta do carro.
Eu só obedeci, antes que piorasse mais as coisas.
— Aurora, como você pôde deixar isso acontecer? — A voz rude ecoou, antes que ligasse o carro.  — Quem é o desgraçado? Quem é o homem que fez isso com você, Aurora? Diga o nome dele, porque eu vou arrebentar a cara desse miserável!
Engoli em seco, lutando contra a vontade de chorar.
Minha mãe e minha irmã permaneciam caladas no banco de trás.
— Pai, por favor... — Tentei defender-me, mas sabia que nada que dissesse poderia acalma-lo.
Eu sabia que não poderia contar a verdade. Não agora, não desse jeito.
— Não venha com "por favor", Aurora! — Ele gritou. — Você está grávida e não vai me dizer quem é o pai? Como acha que vou lidar com isso? Como acha que vai sobreviver sozinha? Quem vai cuidar de você? Quem vai assumir essa responsabilidade?
Eu senti lágrimas quentes começarem a escorrer pelo meu rosto, mas eu as limpei rapidamente.
Minha mãe finalmente interveio, colocando uma mão suave no braço dele.
— Calma, querido. Isso não vai resolver nada agora, — disse ela, tentando suavizar a situação.
—Como não vai resolver? — Meu pai voltou-se para minha mãe. — Nossa filha está grávida e não sabemos quem é o pai! Isso é inadmissível!
— Pai! — Georgia se meteu. — Por favor, vamos para casa, lá podemos conversar. — Georgia suplicou. — por favor!
Ele bufou, mas concordou com um aceno de cabeça. O caminho de volta para casa foi silencioso, mas cada segundo parecia uma eternidade.
Mas era inevitável, a conversa teria que acontecer, chegando em casa, nos sentamos na sala, o ambiente estava pesado, só meu pai permanecia em pé.
— Como isso pôde acontecer, Aurora? Eu pensei que você fosse mais responsável! — A voz dele cortou o ar como uma lâmina. — Isso vai estragar toda sua vida.
— Não é hora de gritar, por favor. — Minha irmã tentou intervir, lançando-me um olhar preocupado.
— Querido, precisamos apoiá-la agora. Não adianta apontar dedos.— Minha mãe me defendeu.
Mas ele estava implacável.
—Apoiar? Como eu posso apoiar isso?—  Sua voz subiu de tom, e eu me encolhi.
— Aurora. — Minha mãe começou, sua voz agora mais firme. — Sabemos que isso não é fácil, mas você precisa nos dizer... Como isso aconteceu? Quem é o pai? Nós só queremos ajudar.
— Eu não posso... Eu não posso dizer.— Murmurei, sentindo a vergonha e o medo me dominarem.
—Como assim não pode dizer? Eu juro, Aurora, que se eu descobrir quem é, vou arrebentar a cara dele! —  Ele socou a parede em sua frente e meu coração pulou uma batida.
Eu senti as lágrimas escorrerem pelo rosto, o medo e a vergonha se misturando em meu peito. Ela não queria que eles soubessem a verdade; a ideia de revelar que o pai de meu filho era um homem casado, e pior, meu professor, era insuportável.
— Você precisa de um plano, Aurora. — Disse ele com a voz mais controlada. — Você vai ficar aqui ou vai voltar para Boston? Você vai ter esse bebê?
—Eu… eu não sei. —  As palavras mal sairam dos meus lábios. —Eu preciso de um tempo para pensar.
Olhei para o papel do ultrassom  ainda em minhas mãos, Como poderia contar a verdade? Como poderia enfrentar a vergonha e o escândalo que viriam?
—Tempo?! — Meu pai  explodiu novamente. —Você não tem tempo, Aurora. As pessoas vão perceber, vão perguntar, como vai terminar a faculdade assim? Todos vão querer saber. Eu... eu só quero proteger você.
Eu ergui o olhar para o pai, vendo além da raiva pela primeira vez. Ele estava tão perdido quanto eu, todos estavam.
—Eu sei, pai...
— Nós estamos juntos nisso, Aurora. —  Minha mãe disse, sua voz um sussurro tranquilizador no meio do caos. — Mas precisamos saber a verdade para ajudá-la, afinal ele também tem parte nisso.
— Ele é... Ele é alguém que não posso expor. —   Finalmente disse, a voz tremendo. — Mas eu vou cuidar disso. Eu vou... encontrar uma solução.
— Então é assim?... eu esperava mais de você, Aurora. — Aquelas palavras cravaram fundo do meu peito. — Mas se você diz que vai cuidar disso, então cuide. — Continuou em um tom ríspido. —Mas lembre-se, as escolhas que você fizer agora... você vai carregar para sempre. —  Disse antes de sair dali em passos duros.
— Eu vou falar com ele depois, ele só está nervoso. — Minha mãe suspirou, acariciando meus cabelos.— Nós daremos um jeito em tudo isso.
Olhando para o papel do ultrassom em minhas mãos, eu realmente não sei se algum dia poderia realmente superar o que estava por vir.
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Faz dias que estava nessa casa que não parecia mais minha. O ambiente estava carregado, pesado, e a cada dia que passava, Isadora mal olhava para mim,Violeta… Violeta estava diferente, como se estivéssemos vivendo em mundos separados, mesmo dividindo o mesmo espaço, só a pequena Aurora ainda me adora como se eu nunca tivesse partido. Eu tentei manter fingir que nada estava acontecendo, que ainda éramos a mesma família de antes. Fiz o possível para ser um bom marido e pai, ajudando com a data da mudança, cuidando das meninas quando Violeta precisava. Até marquei uma consulta em Boston, onde ela iria continuar seu pré-natal prometendo que iria com ela. Mas, no fundo, eu sabia que era uma tentativa desesperada de segurar o que já estava se desfazendo.
O peso da culpa era esmagador, essa maldita culpa, não me deixava respirar. Entrei no banheiro, tirando minhas roupas. Precisava de um longo banho, para ser eu mesmo por alguns minutos, mas a água quente que escorria sobre mim não trazia o alívio que eu tanto procurava. Cada gota de água parecia carregar o peso das palavras não ditas, dos sentimentos que escondi, e da culpa que me corroía. Fiquei ali, sob o chuveiro, deixando o vapor encher o banheiro enquanto minha mente girava em um ciclo interminável de culpa e confusão.
Por que tudo tem que ser tão complicado?
Esfreguei o rosto com as mãos, tentando afastar os pensamentos que invadiam minha mente, mas quanto mais eu tentava, mais eles voltavam com força.
Aurora! O nome dela ressoava na minha cabeça, me lembrando de tudo o que eu não deveria sentir. Cada vez que fechava os olhos, era o sorriso dela que via, o toque dela que sentia. Ela me fazia sentir vivo de uma forma que não sentia há muito tempo.
Eu amava Violeta, ou pelo menos achava que amava. Mas então, por que Aurora tinha esse efeito sobre mim? Por que me pegava pensando nela, mesmo quando estava com minha esposa? Violeta... Ela estava grávida. Deveria ser o suficiente para eu esquecer Aurora, o suficiente para eu focar na minha família. Mas não é. E isso me consome.
O som da porta do banheiro se abrindo me tirou dos meus pensamentos. Sabia que era Violeta antes mesmo de ouvir sua voz, mas estava tão envolto na minha própria confusão que mal consegui reagir.
De repente, senti uma mão pequena tocar meu corpo. Ela havia entrado silenciosamente no banheiro e agora estava ali, tentando se aproximar de mim; seu toque era inconfundível, uma mistura de ternura e urgência.
— Harry... — a voz dela era suave, quase suplicante. — Sinto sua falta…
Eu não respondi. Não consegui. Então, sem dizer uma palavra, dei um passo à frente, afastando-me de seu toque.
— Vi… não posso.
As palavras que saíram da minha boca pareciam rasgar um pedaço do meu coração. Eu sabia que a estava machucando, mas também sabia que não poderia fingir que estava tudo bem.
— Harry... — a voz de Violeta tremia. — Por que você tem lutado tanto para não me amar? — O desespero começava a aparecer. — Porque eu sei que uma parte de você ainda me ama e está sufocada com toda a dor que te causei. — Ela fez uma pausa; eu ainda não conseguia encará-la. — Eu... eu me arrependo de tudo, Harry. Se eu pudesse voltar atrás, faria tudo diferente. Mas não posso...
— Violeta... — comecei, mas as palavras morreram em minha garganta.
— Eu quero ouvir você dizer que não me ama. Porque se você disser isso, eu não vou ficar na sua vida. — O peso de suas palavras me esmagava.
Como eu poderia dizer isso?
As palavras ficaram presas na minha garganta, sufocando-me.
— Vi... — Comecei novamente, minha voz falhando. — Eu perdi o gosto pelo que tinha de bom em nós... eu sinto muito. — Cada palavra parecia arrancar um pedaço de mim, mas eu precisava ser honesto.
— Não diga isso. — Eu a ouvi começar a chorar.
Eu senti um nó se formando na minha garganta. Era tão difícil. Estávamos, quebrados, incapazes de nos resgatar.
Eu me forcei a me virar para encará-la, mas senti algo dentro de mim vacilar. Ela estava ali, tão próxima de mim. Apesar de toda a confusão e dor que eu carregava, a visão dela me atingiu com uma força inesperada, meu coração errou uma batida.
Ela estava linda, seu corpo nu, sua barriga já um pouco aparente, seu rosto suavemente iluminado pela luz do banheiro. Era um lembrete doloroso do amor que um dia eu senti tão intensamente. Mesmo agora, no meio de todo o caos, eu não podia ignorar o quanto ainda me importava com ela.
Por um instante, fui dominado por um sentimento mais forte que eu. E, por um breve momento, isso foi o suficiente para que sem pensar, dar um passo à frente e a abraça-lá. Foi um movimento automático, uma resposta à necessidade urgente de segurá-la, de me agarrar ao que restava de nós. Quando meus braços a envolveram, senti seu corpo tremer levemente, como se ela também estivesse à beira de um colapso. Seu toque, ainda tão familiar, trouxe um conforto amargo, uma lembrança do que costumávamos ser.
Ela relaxou nos meus braços, segurando-me com força, como se estivesse se agarrando à última esperança que restava. Eu podia sentir seu coração batendo rápido contra o meu peito, e por um instante, tudo pareceu ficar em suspenso, como se o mundo tivesse parado.
— Vi… — sussurrei, minha voz carregada com uma mistura de arrependimento e dor. Segurei-a um pouco mais forte, tentando não pensar em como estávamos quebrados. — Você sabe… se uma coisa dá errado na minha vida, eu não consigo resolver. Eu sempre precisei de você, mas agora nós somos o problema, e isto está me matando.
— Me perdoa por ter feito isso com a gente. — Senti suas lágrimas molharem meu peito, e a culpa rasgou-me por dentro. Ela se afastou levemente, apenas o suficiente para me olhar nos olhos. Seus olhos estavam cheios de dor. — Eu prefiro consertar nossa relação quantas vezes for preciso do que começar outra com alguém que nunca vou amar como amo você. — A intensidade em sua voz, o desespero, fez algo em mim vacilar novamente.
Eu ainda a amava de alguma forma?
Se Violeta continuasse assim tão próxima eu não sei se conseguira continuar tão determinado com minha decisão, porque por um breve instante aqui com ela em meus braços todos os pensamentos sobre o divórcio se dissiparam, soterrados por todos sentimentos que me assombravam.
Eu precisava de distância, de espaço para pensar com clareza, longe dela, longe de tudo o que me prendia ao que fomos um dia, porque se não eu não iria conseguir, eu não iria deixá-la.
Essa era a verdade.
—Eu... eu preciso voltar para Boston, Vi. — As palavras saíram vacilantes.
Dei um passo para trás, saindo do seu abraço.
— Harry, por favor, não vá… — Ela me olhou, seus olhos suplicantes. Senti o peso daquelas palavras me puxando de volta, sua voz fazendo meu coração vacilar.
— Eu vou voltar, Violeta. Só preciso de um tempo… para entender o que está acontecendo comigo.
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Os dias seguintes foram um borrão de incertezas e pensamentos confusos. Eu me forcei a seguir em frente, mas a cada passo, me sentia mais perdida.A ideia de voltar para Boston, de encarar tudo e todos, me atormentava e o meu estômago revirava a cada pensamento sobre enfrentar a faculdade e, principalmente, Harry.
Finalmente voltei para Boston, no final das férias, minha mente estava um caos. Eu tinha que ir à faculdade, pedir para mudar de sala. Não podia continuar na mesma turma, não com Harry lá. A simples ideia de vê-lo todos os dias me enchia de pavor.
Subi os degraus da faculdade, o peso de tudo parecia pesar sobre meus ombros. Quando entrei na sala do reitor, meu coração disparou. Ele me olhou por cima dos óculos, uma expressão de curiosidade e leve preocupação no rosto.
— Aurora, sente-se. O que posso fazer por você hoje? — Perguntou, enquanto cruzava as mãos sobre a mesa.
Eu respirei fundo, tentando manter a calma.
— Eu... Eu gostaria de pedir para mudar de sala, senhor, — Disse, tentando soar firme.
Ele franziu a testa, inclinando-se ligeiramente para frente.
— Posso saber o motivo? Está tendo algum problema específico?
Minha mente correu em busca de uma resposta.
— Eu... Só acho que seria melhor para mim, academicamente agora ir para a sala do Senhor Brown, afinal quero seguir uma carreira parecida com a que ele teve, se não houver problemas.— respondi, evitando seus olhos.
— Tem certeza ? Se há algum tipo de problema que possamos resolver, não hesite em falar. Quer dizer, uma mudança assim... — Ele fez uma pausa, esperando por uma resposta mais completa.
— Não há problema nenhum, eu só pensando melhor no meu futuro e acho que me encaixo melhor com o senhor Brown.
— Tudo bem, vou providenciar isso. Mas, Aurora, se precisar conversar, estou aqui.
Agradeci, saindo rapidamente da sala, com o coração ainda acelerado.
Agora eu precisava dar uma passo ainda mais difícil, precisava falar com Lily, sabia que, acima de tudo, precisava da minha melhor amiga de volta na minha vida. Caminhei lentamente até o dormitório de Lily, o coração batendo forte no peito. Cada passo era um desafio. Quando finalmente cheguei à porta dela, fiquei ali por um momento, a mão suspensa no ar, pronta para bater, mas incapaz de seguir em frente.
E se ela não quisesse me ver? E se ela ainda estivesse com raiva? Será que ela me ouviria? Será que conseguiríamos superar o que aconteceu?
Bati na porta, sentindo o coração na garganta, quando ela abriu, seu olhar foi duro, frio.
Eu sabia que merecia aquilo.
— O que você está fazendo aqui, Aurora? —
— Eu... Eu precisava te ver, precisava falar com você, — respondi, quase num sussurro.
Ela cruzou os braços, claramente ainda magoada.
— Falar o quê? Que você escolheu um cara ao em vez da nossa amizade? — A acidez em sua voz cortava como uma lâmina.
Senti as lágrimas começarem a se formar, mas eu não podia me dar ao luxo de chorar.
— Estou ciente do quanto eu estraguei tudo. Fui egoísta, mas quero me redimir. Eu posso entrar?
Ela hesitou, mas então deu espaço para eu passar.
Sentei-me na beira do sofá dela, sentindo as lágrimas ameaçarem cair.
— Olha, eu sei que te decepcionei... — Comecei, mas ela me interrompeu.
— Você não me ouviu, Aurora. Eu te avisei sobre ele. Eu te disse que isso ia acabar mal, mas você não me ouviu!
— Eu sei! Eu sei disso agora. — Minha voz falhou. — Eu descobri tudo sobre Harry, você estava certa sobre ele, e eu fui uma idiota por não te ouvir.
Lily soltou uma risada amarga, descruzando os braços enquanto me encarava.
— Então agora você percebe? Você não pode simplesmente voltar aqui quando tudo desmorona e esperar que eu te acolha de braços abertos.
Senti um nó se formar na minha garganta.
— Sinto muito, eu não espero isso de você, mas eu... eu só sinto sua falta. — Eu sabia que precisava contar a ela sobre a gravidez. Ela era minha melhor amiga. Podíamos estar afastadas agora, mas ela ainda era minha melhor amiga. — Eu... — comecei, a voz fraca. — Eu fiz uma coisa terrível, algo ainda pior do que você pode imaginar.
— Pior? — Ela balançou a cabeça, incrédula. — O que poderia ser pior do que trair nossa amizade por um homem casado?
— Lily... eu... — engoli em seco, as palavras quase me sufocando. — Eu estou grávida dele.
O rosto de Lily perdeu toda a cor, os olhos arregalados de surpresa. Eu abaixei o olhar, encarando minhas mãos trêmulas. Podia sentir o olhar de Lily queimando minha pele, mas não tive coragem de encará-la.
— Grávida...? — A palavra saiu da boca dela como um sussurro, como se ela não pudesse acreditar. — Aurora, você... você está me dizendo que vai ter um filho daquele... daquele homem?
Eu assenti, as lágrimas já escorrendo livremente pelo meu rosto. Não consegui responder, a vergonha me consumia.
— Como você pôde ser tão irresponsável? — A voz dela era firme. — Você se envolveu com um homem casado, ignorou todos os avisos e agora... agora você está grávida? — Ela se aproximou de mim, o olhar mortal. — Você não pensou em nada? Em ninguém? Ou estava tão cega por ele que decidiu destruir sua vida?
— Eu não planejei isso, Lily! Eu nunca quis que isso acontecesse! — Minha voz se quebrou em soluços involuntários enquanto eu tentava encontrar as palavras certas. — Eu fui cega, Lily. E agora estou aqui, despedaçada, sem saber para onde correr. Eu sei que errei, e esse erro está me consumindo... Eu só preciso de um caminho, de uma chance.
Lily ficou em silêncio por alguns segundos, o olhar distante. Ela parecia estar lutando contra uma tempestade interna, tentando decidir entre me abandonar ou me estender a mão. Quando voltou a me encarar, seus olhos estavam cheios de lágrimas não derramadas.
— Eu não sei se posso perdoar você pelo que fez... — Ela disse, sua voz baixa. — Mas talvez, talvez possamos começar a nos falar novamente. Você vai ter que trabalhar muito para merecer minha confiança de volta, Aurora. Eu não vou facilitar para você.
Eu quase desabei ali mesmo, mas me agarrei a essa mínima esperança. Fui até ela e, hesitante, envolvi-a em um abraço.
Lily não retribuiu de imediato, mas, eventualmente, senti seus braços ao redor de mim, ainda que com certa relutância. Eu sabia que nosso caminho juntas seria longo e difícil, mas o fato de ela estar disposta a me dar outra chance era a coragem de que eu precisava.
— Obrigada, Lily... eu prometo que vou fazer de tudo para consertar isso — sussurrei, sentindo uma pontada de esperança misturada com o medo do que ainda estava por vir.
Soltei-a do abraço, mas continuei segurando sua mão, olhando para o chão, sem coragem de encontrar seus olhos.
— Lily, tem algo mais que eu preciso fazer, e... eu não sei se consigo sozinha. — As palavras saíram hesitantes, com a voz embargada. — Eu preciso ir até a casa do Harry, pegar minhas coisas. Não quero voltar lá sozinha. Eu sei que não mereço pedir isso a você, mas... você viria comigo?
Lily ficou em silêncio por alguns instantes, e pude sentir a tensão no ar. Quando finalmente respondeu, sua voz estava firme, mas não sem um toque de compaixão.
— Aurora... — Ela suspirou, parecendo pesar a situação. — Eu vou com você, mas só porque sei que você precisa. Isso não significa que tudo está resolvido entre nós. Mas, se é isso que você precisa para seguir em frente, eu vou estar ao seu lado.
Eu não consegui conter as lágrimas de alívio que escorreram pelo meu rosto. Era um pequeno gesto, mas para mim significava o mundo.
— Obrigada, Lily.
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Obrigado por ler até aqui 💗 O feedback através de uma ask é muito apreciado! Também como um reblog para compartilhar minha escrita com outras pessoas!
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doncella-zombie · 17 days ago
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Momoka x Uraume 🤍🩶
Ya les tengo un fanfic! Se actualiza rápido jejeje
También lo tengo en Ao3!!!
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palaxy27 · 27 days ago
SHARING THIS FANFIC OF A FRIEND!!! AND ITS NEW!!🔥🔥It is basically the continuation of the series, with new characters, new worlds.
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aneliwriter · 1 year ago
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Warnings- SMUT! Cussing, Jealousy issues, Possessiveness, Disturb scene, Toxic relationship.. Dark Miguel O'Hara
I jumped on the miguel o'hara train.. So climb aboard!! He is all over my FYP on tik tok so I gave in 😂
Enjoy! :)
Full story on Wattpad- @alexaaneli
Might be some grammar errors (sorry)
I gasp to the new angle and i hold on to him harder not even caring that one of the bed legs just snapped.
I'll just put 2 hardcover books to stable the bed.. like I did to the other 2 bed legs that snapped.
I'm lost in euphoria... Better yet, I'm lost in Miguel O'Hara.
We started our "Situation ship" a month ago, I was walking home one night and this burglar cornered me in the alleyway, I thought i was done for, I was too afraid to fight but before he could even take a step, A large, Tall brown haired man sunk his teeth into his neck and rip his flesh apart.
I felt like i couldn't breathe but i couldn't take my eyes off of him, I was hooked.
I couldn't look away, I saw how he just tore him apart, snapping his neck in half and i didn't run, Hell i didn't even flinch.
I didn't want to run
I couldn't.. My feet wouldn't move.
They didn't want to move
Once he was done, He stared at me with his dark dead eyes as i stared back at him all bloody, something inside of me sparked, it was like he took my breath away.
I didn't know how i could be attracted to such darkness, but I immediately was to him.
I was attracted to him like i get attracted to fictional characters.
A fucking simp
An unhealthy obsession but i didn't care.
I just knew i would be on my knees for him.. Gladly
Any innocence i had, It was fucking gone.
The innocence was gone.
Gone like the wind
He already had me wrapped around his finger, He instantly had me in a chokehold and he didn't even knew my name... Yet.
I was able to thank him quickly before he disappeared into the night.
I couldn't tell if he was a vampire or a spider, somehow he seemed both.
He had a similar suit design to the friendly neighborhood spiderman but he didn't have once ounce of friendly in him.
And he was so much more well built.. Definitely.
Jesus those fucking arms.. His back...
He was Spiderman on steroids with that God like-figure on him.
That ass.. Just absolute perfection
But when i got home, I was about to get a surprise of my life.
As i was getting into my nightgown, I felt eyes lasering at me. I turn around and he was at my window, staring right at me, standing.. waiting to be invited.
He had followed me home.
But it wouldn't have mattered, He had this hungry stern look he was going to come in.. Invitation or not, He was going to step through that window.
And he did, I opened the window, letting this stranger in without a doubt in my mind.
He could have killed me and i wouldn't even had cared.
I wanted to let him in
I wanted him to ruin me and he did.. Over and over and over.
And he has been coming through that window every night since then, same time, no exchange of words, just strictly animal crazed hot sex.
I'm not allowed to ask questions, what he does, or his past.
I was only given his name and that's it, That's all i know of him... just his name and his determination of not making me able to walk for days.
Disabled.. almost.
I close my eyes as my body goes limp, My orgasm hitting me like a high tide, He curses in Spanish but it sounds like music to my ears.
"Que Maravilla." He grunts as he spills inside me. I moan to his words, to his sultry tone, I will never be able to hear those words the same.. ever again.
Translation- Wonderful
I need paddles to bring me back to life as my soul just left my body.
I wrap my arms around his wide broad shoulders but i can't get all around as he quickly gets up and starts to put his suit back on.
His ass is absolute perfection but his...
"See you tomorrow." He deadpans, not giving me another look.
He exits through the unlock window that i haven't locked ever since that night.
"Bye." I say softly but he's already gone.
I take a deep breath as i prepare myself to find the strength to somehow get into the bathtub.
I pull out my "Just got Migueled" aftercare bag. I run the bath to warm temp and i pour lavender Epsom salt.
I wipe my neck that has a hand printed on with a wipe that will help with the bruising. I rub some ointment on there as well and a few he left on my hips and his handprints on my butt.
I dip my toe in to check the temp, I start to get in and i hiss as the water hits my soreness and bruises but it goes away after a second.
I sink back and i let the remedy heal me so i can be ready to get ruined all over again tomorrow.
Cant' wait
I stare at the clock, blinking a few times as if that would magically make him appear.
I glance at the window and back at the clock.
9:45 P.M
I bite my lip, It's been 15 minutes and he hasn't shown up. He's never late, 9:30 on the dot, every night.
Maybe he's not coming?
A part of me falls sad as i might not see him tonight but he is a superhero after all.
He's probably out fighting crime
Or beating the shit out of someone
He looks like a superhero but he feels more like a anti hero.. A nomad.
The ringing of my phone yanks me out of my thoughts.
"Hello." I answer.
"Hey! What are you doing tonight!" My friend slurs.
"I'm busy." I say my usual line.
"Again?" She groans.
"You've been busy a lot lately, Come out to the club! You never hang out with me anymore." She whines.
"I don't know Lilly." I bite my lip as i stare at the clock again reading 9:50 pm.
What if Miguel shows up and I'm not here?
I never leave anywhere at night, I make sure I'm home in time before he shows up
What if he gets mad that i left?
Will he care?
He isn't my Boyfriend but...
But what?
I got nothing
"What club?" I close my eyes as i internally groan, hopefully i won't regret this.
I'll be sad if he showed up and i wasn't here, He's the highlight of my day.
He's not going to show
"Yay!! Okay I'm at Thriller's! Just say my name to the bouncer, He'll let you in."
"Okay, I'll be there in ten." I say quickly before i change my mind.
I pick out a dress and heels, I dab some eyeshadow on and i put some eyeliner on and i paint my lips red. I put my hair into a high ponytail as i was too lazy to curl it.
I grab my phone and keys from my bed, I look up the window seeing no one.
I sigh as i look at the clock 10:15 P.M
Definitely not going to show up
The bouncer steps aside and lets me in, I walk through the stuffy hot sweaty bodies crowd trying to look for Lilly.
I push my way through as i spot her.
"Lilly!" I call out through the loud music that's blasting through the speakers.
"Hey you made it!" She smiles cheek to cheek as she hugs me.
"C'mon let's get some drinks in you!" She pushes me to the bar.
"Just one drink." I say sternly.
3 drinks later,
"I'm glad i came out." I say tipsy as i sway my hips around letting the music guide my hips.
"Me too!" She shouts happily as she dances with me.
I tense up as i feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist, I turn around but my hope deflates as i don't see the person i was hoping for.
"Hi." A stranger greets me.
"Hi." I say politely.
"Wanna dance with me?" He smiles flirtatiously.
"Sure." I shrug my shoulders.
I start to dance with this stranger, I close my eyes and my brain lingers to the man who's in my head 24/7.
I imagine that the hands that are on my waist right now are Miguel's big firm ones and that I'm lean against his large muscular chest.
That his hot breath is the one that's hitting my nape.
I roll my eyes as i feel something vibrate against me but it vibrates again and i realize it's my phone. I pull my phone out of my purse as the stranger keeps dancing behind me.
My heart drops and i try to adjust my eyes making sure they're not deceiving me to the name of the person who just texted me.
I didn't even know he had my number.
His hands off you.. Now.
I immediately pull away and the stranger gives me a confused look.
"S-Sorry i have to go." I say.
"Whatever." He shrugs his shoulders and goes to dance with Lilly.
I look up trying to find him but i don't see him but i know he's watching me.
I can feel him
His dead eyes lasering through me
I look down as i get another text,
You have 5 minutes to get home, If i beat you there, There will be no remorse.
I look up and i spin around trying to see if i can spot him in the crowd.
I get another text
Time starts now.
I start to run, Not even saying bye to Lilly, I just start to run like hell.
I run out to the streets, taking off my heels and i start to sprint.
Hoping i can beat Miguel home
That man has a strong stamina.
I look up as i run and i start to panic as i hear the wind rushing above me as something is running above me, on top of the buildings.
I widen my eyes as i can hear him, his grunts as he runs. He's running so fast like a Damm predator about to catch his prey and swallow it whole.
I practically beg my feet to move faster, even though i can't beat his speed but i will definitely try to get home fast as i can.
I swing the door open almost falling in of how fast i came in.
I put my hands over my knees trying to catch up with my breathing.
I freeze as i feel the wind rustling in through the window.
The light is turned off but it doesn't need to be on in order for me to know that the window is wide open.
"Did you know if i bite someone it paralyzes them?" A deep dark voice chills in the dark.
My heart stops as i realized i fucked up.
He turns on the desk lamp and i see him sitting in the chair nonchalantly.
I gulp as i try to figure out what to say.
"Do you wanna find out." He deadpans menacingly as he strides over to me.
I gulp with my eyes widened as i walk back till my back hits the wall.
"I-I-w-waited t-then m-my f-friend-
"Oh wow huh huh-" He smiles before punching the wall right next to me.
I gulp again as i shut my trap up.
"You don't dance with anyone and you certainly don't let anyone touch what is MINE." He says sternly as he's inches away from my lips.
His eyes are usually dark but right now somehow they're a shade darker.
"I-I'm s-sorry, I-I wasn't even going to go but i didn't think you were going to come and i haven't seen my friend in a while and i didn't think anything of it"
-I just keep rambling.
He sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose "Can you not talk for a second?" He sasses sarcastically.
I shut up and i nodded.
He grips my jaw, making sure i give him my full and undivided attention.
"Tu eres mia." He rasps slowly.
Translation- You are mine
"Solo mia."
Translation- Only mine
I slowly nod as i look into his eyes, i should be scared, i am but I'm more turned on than anything.. but also scared.
"Say it." He demands.
"Soy tuya." I don't even have to think about it.
Translation- I'm yours
"Asi es." He smirks.
Translation- That's right
My legs are about fold to his devilish smirk
"Now that we cleared that up." He looks into my eyes and somehow he gets even closer to my face.
"On your knees." He soothes.
I instantly drop to my knees.
I look up to Miguel having a satisfying smile on his face.
He pulls his suit down and his hard length sprung free.
"Well what are you waiting for? You know what to do." He smirks.
I nod and i wrap my hand around him and i start to stroke him, I open up wide and i take his tip swirling my tongue around it, I take all of him in as i hollowed out my cheeks making him grunt in pleasure.
He wraps my ponytail around his hand as he pushes me further in.
"Fuck, Just like that." He throws his head back as he groans.
I bob my head up and down on his long shaft, My mascara running as i shed tears.
I wander my hand down to my sex as i need to relieve some tension.. It's killing me.
"Don't you even fucking dare." He deadpans as he still has head thrown back.
I whimper in protest and that makes him smile in pleasure.
"Stay still, I'm going to fuck your mouth." He says lustfully.
I stay still and he thrusts into my mouth and i take the beating that's happening.
Till my jaw locks
He moans as he grips the back of my head.
"Fuck." He rolls his eyes as he thrusts sloppy.
"Get ready Baby, I'm going to give you every single drop." He smiles.
I'm ready Daddy
"Fuck fuck fuck!" He shudders as he paints my throat white.
He taps any excess on my tongue, i lick up all the excess.
He doesn't give me any time to think, he picks me up an a swift movement.
I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.
He devours my lips, he catches my lips and he tugs it and playfully bites it. I part my lips and he sticks his tongue in and i close my lips in.
"Open." He says darkly.
I open my mouth and he spits into my mouth.
My arousal grows and grows.
"Dejeme ver." He whispers.
Translation- Let me see
I open again showing him i swallowed.
"Good girl." He smirks.
"Get ready." He smirks again.
"For what-
But i yelp before i can finish as he lifts me up higher and my legs dangle over his wide broad strong shoulders, my back leaned against the wall.
He smirks thankfully that my dress is short, giving him easy access to my wet soaking lips but that smile quickly turns to a frown and he growls "Why the fuck aren't you wearing any panties!"
I try to talk but i gasp instead as he just dives right in, He angrily inserts his tongue inside as he starts to suck the life outta me.
"Oh my god." I moan as i throw my head back, grunting as i hit my head on the wall but i don't care.
He's a speed demon with that wicked tongue of his.
"Oh Miguel!" I scream tugging his hair as he goes deeper.
He mumbles something in spanish but it just feels vibrations.
"Yes yes yes!" I moan pathetically.
"Please, please don't stop." I beg.
"You like my tongue Baby?" He cook as he licks me.
"Y-Yes." I roll my eyes.
He grins as he flashes his white pearl fangs.
"Cum." He gives me the green light.
He holds my hips still as i start to shake as i cum all over him.
He laps all my juices, drinking all of me in.
He lies me on my back, He takes my dress off over my head.
He eyes me up and down lustfully and slightly frowning at me to the lack of no bra.
"Pose just like that because in a minute I'm going to have you screaming my name bloody murder." He smirks.
He lands his lips on mine, he starts to trail down to my jaw, my neck, shoulder blade until he ends on my breasts.
He swirls his tongue around my nipple as he tugs the other one with his hand. He takes my boob into his mouth, I moan as he starts to suck on it, He looks up to me as he takes turns sucking each boob.
He comes back up and he licks the side of my neck.
"My offer still stands.. Do you wanna find out?" He whispers.
"Do you want me to sink my teeth into your beautiful skin, numb your legs so i can fuck you as long as i want." He taunts.
"I-I don't want to be paralyzed." I whisper embarrassedly.
He chuckles as he shakes his head "Don't worry Baby, I have an antidote."
"What do you say Hermosa?" He caresses my cheek.
Translation- Beautiful
"Okay." I breathe out.
He smirks, He spread my legs and he enters in 2 strokes making the 2 of us moan.
I roll my eyes as i throw my head back.
He thrusts hard and fast just like he usually does.
Just how we like it
He wraps his hand around my throat as he pounds into me.
All you can hear is skin flapping and our moans filling up the air.
"M-Miguel!" I bite my lip down hard, so hard that i probably drew blood.
I think i did because Miguel sucks my lips and wipes the blood with his tongue.
"D-Don't stop.. S-So g-good." I murmur.
He smirks sinisterly, He lowers his head down to my neck, he kisses it softly and then he does it...
He sinks his teeth in, biting my neck as i gasp and cum at the same time.
My pupils dilate as i rode out this euphoric sensual feeling till i can't feel my legs anymore.
Till i can't feel anything anymore.
Miguel roars as he's sent to the deep end and picks up the pace and just keeps thrusting.
He doesn't stop thrusting.
I stare into his eyes as he pound and pound into me, i can't feel anything because of his bite but at the same time i do feel all of him.
I know his sensation, how he feels by heart.
Another hour or 2 so passes by and he's still thrusting until surprisingly his stamina starts to give out.
He pants as he closes his eyes shut and he spills inside me as he growls.
He collapses softly on top of me.
And the not so itsy bitsy spider falls down
"Que maravilla." He says breathless.
I wiggle my toes as i start to get my feeling back after Miguel injected me with the antidote.
He finishes putting his suit back on, He walks towards the window but he stops, clearing his throat but not turning all the way around.
I look up to him.
"I'll be gone for 3 days." He deadpans.
"O-Oh okay." I say softly.
I wish i can ask him why and where but it's not part of our agreement.
"Um be careful i suppose." I fidget nervously.
He just nods and proceeds to go out through the window.
"I might be gone for 3 days but that doesn't mean i won't be watching you." He now acknowledges me.
"I won't go out." I whisper as i nod.
"I hope not... For your sake." He taunts and i gulp.
He leaves with giving me one final smirk.
I get up to do my usual night time after care routine, I turn around to glance at the window.
"Please come back to me." I say to no one but just me in my apartment.
Thanks for reading :)
Instagram @aneliwrites
Tik Tok @galexakcv3z
Spotify Playlist Galexa904
Other books you can read of mine on wattpad:)
Mafioso Series
Mafioso Rogers. Mafioso Barnes, Mafioso Stark, mafioso scars, Mafioso Infierno
Random one shot chapters (Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan)
Fighting For Love (Dark Bucky Barnes)
Reborn by love (Sequel)
Sweet love (sugar daddy Chris evans)
Love in the Dark (Dark Steve Rogers)
Love in the light (sequel)
Invisible Chains (Dark Captain Hydra)
Dark obsession (OB)
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