#Leland Coyle Headcanons
rymaninlimbo · 3 months
Leland Coyle Headcanons because I’d like to share my thoughts on this man and what I think he’s like behind the scenes~
•Leisure clothing/behavior•
- He wears Murkoff brand sweatpants, and a plain white shirt sleeve shirt, he also wears slippers when he’s going around in the sleep room. He prefers wearing plain clothing usually, clean and simple works for him.
- He generally keeps to himself in his room, writing in his journal or drawing randsome landscape scenes. (Mostly open pastures from his youth, maybe some cattle and storm clouds)
- In the morning, he wakes up at 0500 on the dot to begin his routine of calisthenics before showering and eating breakfast.
- Usually he regards the other Ex-Pops with mutual respect, if they keep to themselves so will he, in trial environments it’s similar behavior but he’s willing to be rough if they’re not doing their job.
•Comfort Item(s)•
- His sunglasses are very important to him, not only are they a momento from before he joined the Marines, he’s always hated eye contact.
- Always viewed it as windows of the soul and too personal, he only ever takes them off when he’s alone or with someone he trusts enough to show off his striking baby blues.
- (Tw abūse) In the past when he was a kid, after each time his mother dunked him under the bathwater and held him there, she would force him to look at her eyes as she screamed in his face. “Cleanliness is next to godliness, Leland. Don’t you get that?”
- Depending on the situation, looking into his eyes while he wears his aviators can pull different reactions from him. If it’s out of hatred and fear, he’ll have a near visceral reaction to it. Wanting nothing more than to jam his thumbs into their eyes to get them to stop looking at him. But, if you look into his eyes with respect, firm but neutral, he’ll be curious to see how far that goes. What can break you?
- Generally smells like cigarette smoke, burnt leather and spicy aftershave
- Depending on what time the trial is, you’d most likely smell coffee or maybe his recent meal on his breath, subtle but noticeable if you’re paying attention to it.
- He showers daily so usually you can smell a hint of his shampoo and body wash if you catch him before he smokes his first cigarette of the day.
- Sometimes, usually every Sunday, you’ll find that his boots look shinier and smell of the leather conditioner and oil to make them pretty, he takes pride in having his boots look good while he executes you. ;)
That’s all for now~
I’ll most likely add more laterrrr
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letternotekisses · 26 days
Hi there! I'm hopping on board with your requests, and am very politely asking if you would be willing to write some NSFW headcanons for Coyle? Please and thank you! ♡♡♡
hii ofc i can! <3 nsfw under da cut
"I'll have you on your knees..."
Coyle is very heavy on having firm control over you - as evidenced by the way he'll have you in any way he wants. A favourite of his though, is having you between his knees - baton pressed against your cheek and cock lodged deep down your throat. Sometimes he'll have his baton crackle to life and give himself a shock - combining the sensations and making you choke in surprise around his throbbing shaft.
He likes a bit of fire. Likes to watch you squirm while he fucks you - bent over one of the desks in the police station - paperwork strewn messily across the floor. He'll curl an elbow around your neck, grasping your chin and keeping you pinned in a headlock as he ruts his heavy cock into your sweet little hole, having you bite into the leather of his sleeve to ground yourself.
Likes it when you behave, but it makes his cock stiffen when you don't. Leland loves to think he's teaching you a very valuable lesson by catching you and fucking you into the tough marble floor - the slap of his pelvis against your ass loud enough to attract the attention of stray Ex-Pop nearby. But he makes sure they know just who's prisoner you are, huffing and growling into the crook of your neck as he grinds his cock in that particular motion that makes you sing like a caged canary.
After a long day, Coyle likes a long drag of a cigarette, a drink and a sweet little pussy for him to bury his face into. His beard is scratchy against your inner thighs - tickling the plush flesh as he drags his heavy tongue through your folds, not hesitating to plunge back into your sweet little hole. He'll hold your thighs open and eat you up until he's had his fix, giving a pleased and appreciative grunt every time you come undone in his mouth.
Gives you a little spark from the baton once in a while - not enough to fry you - but certainly enough to get you to squeal. He's not nice about it either, rather more pleased with himself as he grips his belt, his hand coming down to grope his hardening cock through his trousers. Sometimes he'll swoop in right after for a rough kiss, his beard scraping your cheeks as his hand comes to cup your jaw.
Coyle will handcuff those pretty wrists behind your back and have you ride him until the cows home home - or, at least until you're whining and drooling at him to fuck you proper, which he's all too happy to deliver on. Pinning you down, his chest pressed against your back - his gear digging into you as he stretches your pretty little hole open. Growling about how he'd rehabilitate you - or better yet, keep you caged up - just for him, and him only.
"Oh, sweetness." >>>
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toxictigertonic · 27 days
Glad to see that my mad ramblings are entertaining this corner of the outlast community, I will continue to talk until I've juiced the smooth ball of gum I call a brain of all its flavor. Pspsps Franco fans hiiii tell me what I should draw him doing/wearing pleaaaase.
Today's headcanons are: How are the prime assets when it comes to board/card games?
- Do not play games with this man unless you want to have the least fun of your life.
- He has the rule book out on the table as you're playing so he can read them off at any point.
- In fact I know that fucker memorizes game rules and starts fighting people if they don't play by them.
- "WE GOT LAWS AROUND HERE! WE GOT FUCKING LAWS!" "Leland calm down we're playing uno..."
- If he catches someone cheating he's hopping the table, there's a crime in progress and he's about to be SUCH a good cop.
- Play monopoly with him to experience The Thrill of being tased over fake money.
- If you use a +4 on this man in Uno he will scream until you show him your hand to make SURE you're not lying about not having any other cards to use. He'll also pout about you using it in general.
- The sorest loser ever, genuinely. Somehow worse than Franco. And Franco is a baby man with a gun.
- It should be a rule that he's not allowed to play cards with Franco but Phyllis is stubborn and wants them to get along. It never ends well.
- Gets far too giddy playing Mousetrap.
- Forces Leland and Franco into game nights. They can't say no or they'll upset her, thereby upsetting Futterman, thereby risking their lives to The Goose.
- Has a massive collection of card games and board games, take your pick.
- And she knows how to play all of them, mind you. She has the rules memorized as well but doesn't have an electric stick up her ass like somebody we know.
- LOVES Candyland and Parcheesi. The brighter and more colorful the board the more she finds it adorable.
- Futterman eats pieces when Phyllis is losing. Don't turn around he's a hungry little guy.
- He got caught eating pieces once and had to wear the Bag of Shame for multiple game nights afterwards.
- Futterman also is allowed to play the games, somehow always wins in the end. Leland is suspicious of him cheating (but isn't willing to face drill wrath to investigate)
- Have I mentioned that Futterman will call both Franco and Leland awful names when he's losing? Because he does. Has made both of them cry before. Game night had to end early and Phyllis felt very bad.
- Not a sore loser per se, but will ask to play again until she wins. Futterman will stare whoever down until they agree to another round.
- If you don't help her put away the board or cards she's holding a grudge. And if pieces are missing you BETTER help find them, even if it means shaking them out of Futterman's mouth.
- Play silly games, win silly prizes. I'm saying if you try to beat him at cards (and you're not a fellow prime asset or someone whose lap he wants access to) you're getting shot in the foot.
- He's required to turn in Lupara at the beginning of game nights now after he tried to take Coyle's shin off. He only gives Lupara up bc Phyllis asks so nicely (and because he's a simp lol).
- Really good at cards, but still cheats. Mainly to fuck with Coyle. He'll take any opportunity to piss that man off.
- Sometimes wants to play solitaire like an adult, other times he's playing candyland with Phyllis having the time of his life.
- If it's a game with unique pieces you BETTER let him pick his piece first or he's throwing a tantrum.
- If Leland's winning he'll kick him under the table then say he was imagining things. Leland is THIS 👌 close to starting a fight.
- He lets Phyllis win to get on her good side. Doesn't matter the game, he'll let her win. Gets pissy when she wins naturally though.
- He always tries to gamble when they play anything. Coyle does not approve of gambling. Have I mentioned these two want each other dead?
- Phyllis complimented him on being really good at shuffling a deck of cards and he rode that high for weeks.
- Very good at convincing the others that it's his turn if they've lost track of who goes next. Doesn't matter if he just went, he will get to go again.
- Likes to play card matching games by himself when he doesn't wanna think about the game too hard. Phyllis sometimes sits with him and plays too. Futterman calls them both stupid if they fuck up.
I love how much Franco and Leland hate each other I want them to fist fight ❤️. Lock them in a room together and whoever crawls out at the end wins. No weapons just two bald bastards.
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A/N: I saw the positive reception that my Barbi hcs and I wanted to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you kindly!! I always find myself feeling apprehensive on deviating from the fandoms I usually write for, so the fact that you all seemed to liked my Barbi content means a lot! (〃^▽^〃)
In the spirit of things, I decided to try my hand at baking a batch of hcs for our lovely, awful Police Sergeant Coyle! I will admit that his character was a little bit more difficult to write for since there's a lot uncomfortable themes and ideals related to his character. However! I welcome the challenge and hope that these turned out okay. Lemme know what y'all think!!
!Content Warning!: There's a passing mention of CSA/Childhood Sexual Abuse since the comics implied that it happened, and while it's only mentioned very briefly, it's better to play it safe
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General Leland Coyle Headcanons:
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Ever since his father served in the military briefly in WWII, which subsequently left the older man an invalid– having lost a foot and permanently unable to walk normally– Leland was left to carry out most of the physical labor around him and his family’s cattle farm. Pa would still insist on bossin’ him around, though, and Leland usually had to be the one to help him walk the fields while dealing with the cattle. Of course, once he joined the local police force, most of those duties fell upon his ma. 
Granted, in his ever charming views, he always thought Ma did a crap job of the physical work, so he’d usually take over anyway. All the while he and Ma argued back and forth on the fields.
An average day, if he wasn’t off dealing with police duties, he’d watch the cattle and make sure they’ve eaten and prod any escapees back into the fields. He was none too gentle, either, and he’s earned his fair share of bruises and narrowly avoided a few nasty kicks. Leland’s even got a particularly nasty scar on his lower abdomen from getting gored by a rowdy heifer. It luckily wasn’t deep enough to get him sent to the hospital, but boy did his parents ridicule him for being dumb enough to let it happen in the first place. 
Cannot cook for the life of him. Pa drilled it into his head that cooking was a woman's job, so he never really bothered to learn. All of the housework was handled by his wives, and god forbid if they wanted a break from it… During the brief stints between each marriage, Leland’s survived off diner food, cigarettes, coffee, and the occasional frozen tv dinner. 
On the other hand, however, he’s completely fine with a man cooking if it’s to handle a grill. Hell, Pa was the one to teach him how to prepare meat after they’ve sent their cattle off to the slaughterhouse, and goddamn can he cook a mean steak. Now that he thinks about it, Leland sometimes wished he paid more attention on how to make fried chicken when his Ma tried to show him… 
The Coyle family were devout Christians and attended Sunday mass each week. Of course, Leland doesn’t practice the religion much as he grew older, but much of the values taught to him remained; most of them perverted to fit his ideals. 
Thanks to his chronic smoking habit, Leland’s appetite is close to nonexistent. He does it so much that the other officers of the Blackwell Police Department often joked about how Sergeant Coyle’s office may as well have been an oven with how much smoke emanated from his office. However, given how he’s the one to handle most of the paperwork until the asscrack of dawn, and with only a cigarette and numerous cups of coffee littering his desk to keep him going, no one really complained. 
Usually shaves his head during the summer time. Sure, he’s a vain man, but it’s become a habit after his time in the military. Not to mention that it usually helped him keep cool during the days where he toiled in the fields with the sun beating down on he and Ma. The habit followed him into the Sinyala facility, where staff usually had to shear him down since, though he’s a Prime Asset and thus has special privileges, he’s still not to be trusted with anything sharp. 
Has extensive firearm training. Pa first showed him how to handle a rifle whenever the farm had to deal with coyotes and stray dogs that harassed the livestock. On the offtime there wasn’t anything to shoot, young Leland was usually spotted by the fence posts in the outer perimeter of the farm, practicing his aim with a few cans and empty bottles. Which eventually graduated to shooting at any unlucky birds or cats that wandered too close to the property. He was also put in charge of putting down any sickly cattle, too, after Pa was left crippled.
His aim only got better thanks to his time in Okinawa. He’s got more experience in rifles and pistols, but he has a natural knack for machinery, and he’s a quick learner. Not to mention that he follows gun safety to a fuckin’ T…. Which only made him even more offended when he learned that some deformed, baby-talkin’ runt got a gun before he did in Sinyala. 
Usually has a sore back after trials. Sure, he can handle lugging around that pontiac car battery on his back for hours if he needed to, but goddamn is that thing heavy. First thing he does after a trial is stretch until he hears his back pop. 
Suffers from really nasty night terrors. Going back to his comic and how it briefly touched on how Leland’s exhibited signs of CSA, it’s highly possible that much of the abuse occurred behind closed doors and at night, where everyone else was asleep. He’s avoided sleep like the plague since then. Both as a means of trying to protect himself and not have to deal with constantly reliving the incident. He’s never talked to anyone about it, and refuses to do so. 
He’s also coped with it via hypersexualising himself and inflicting pain on others. It gives him a sense of control and a rush of power that was stripped away from him. Silently vowed to never let himself be that vulnerable again.
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lilbluebastard · 3 months
I’ve already told Leland headcanons! Can I hear yours 👉👈
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sad-zombie-boy · 1 month
My personal height headcanons!
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southernspooks · 6 days
My friends wanted me to share some of my little silly head cannons. Maybe I’ll eventually share some of my nsfw ones 👀 but for now silly!
Outlast Trials HCs:
You're shocked to learn how good of a swing Coyle has. You think it’s to keep the ladies impressed. Why else? He'll have you whirling around in no time, so you better be able to keep up. With ease, he wills you around his body, launch you into the air, catching you, and dipping you. By the end, you're dizzier than a cow in a tornado. But don't let your guard down. Coyle will seize any opportunity to get a few gropes.
She would love to dance with you! You both laughing and smiling as you spin around. However, you're driving Dr. Futterman nuts ,goddamnit! Cut it out! You would gladly slow everything down and give her a tight hug. Phyllis hums a gentle melody while you both sway in unison. She doesn't care if you tread on her feet a few times, but her father does! He chastises you two. "What is wrong with you?! Ya can’t just move side to side!? "Well, Phyllis, maybe they wouldn't step on you if your hooves weren't so big!" The next time, you consider packing duct tape.
Although Franco isn't much of a dancer, he will seize the chance to put his hands all over you. With the assertion that he can only slow dance, he quickly latches himself to you. Face buried in your chest, hands squeezing your behind. You wobble uncomfortably from side to side, almost unable to stay upright. He is relying too much on you to keep you both upright. He actually feels as though he's getting heavier. Wait. Did he just fall asleep??
He’ll send you a nice outfit to put on before meeting him in his office. He would never dance with you in your typical attire. Once you’re both alone he turns on his record player. A waltz and draws you close. You are trampling all over his elegant dance moves. You apologise profusely, but he tells you it's alright. He will lead you in the right direction. He is, after all, your teacher. He’s going to teach you so many new things.
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maria-crossover · 22 days
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Leland doesn't know how to share his wife with his son, and he doesn't like to do it :P
He wants all his wife's attention and affection for himself >:c
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kammomilla · 28 days
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I saw everyone else doing this so here's mine. My headcanon is that Coyle thinks he's taller than average and Franco is noticeably shorter than an average man. Gooseberry seems like she would the tallest and she doesn't bother to care about it.
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iceysnow · 4 months
saw someone writing Outlast sexuality headcanons so here's mine! Waylon Park: oddly enough I can't see Waylon as anything but hetero/ace despite shipping him x Eddie. Miles Upshur: Omni with no pref
Blake Langermann: Bi but he's had trouble with men after loutermilch
Lynn Langermann: shes also bi
Chris Walker: Aro/Ace Richard Trager: He's either bi or hetero (but he'll still kiss Jeremy good night)
val: Pan- I feel like I should discuss their gender but honestly I don't know either. maybe gender fluid or trans, Idk.
Marta: Ace lesbian (this is my 3rd ace, what does this say about me?)
Jeremy Blaire: Bi man with preference to women but he can only pull men😞
Leland Coyle: Omni- he doesn't care as long as your willing to get 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 with a phone charger
mother gooseberry: Pan icon!!!!
Pauline Glick: ANOTHER ARO/ACE???
Paul Marion: hetero
Dr. Wernicke: Looks at Trials Homo
Frank Manera: Foodsexu-
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ur-fav-bpd · 6 months
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Leland Coyle from Outlast has BPD!
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rymaninlimbo · 2 months
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Can you imagine meeting him in a dark, lowly bar?
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He sidles up to you, a sideways grin on his face as he spoke, “Care to let me buy you a round, sweetness?”
You scoff at his boldness, but there’s something about a man in uniform that is… alluring~
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letternotekisses · 24 days
Hewwoo i dont know if you do threesome nsfw headcanons but if you do, can i request Leland Coyle feeling generous and sharing his "prisoner" (aka the reader) with his trusted Big Grunt (the brown haired one)? 👉🏻👈🏻
size kink go brrr <3 nsfw under da cut
"Oh, you pretty little thing..." - Big Grunt, during a chase.
Coyle's a possessive man...but he's also a freak. The man likes watching you take a big cock, so what better to get his trusted big grunt involved? Leland does take control of the situation, mind. He splits you open first, staking his claim by having the grunt watch as you squirm on his cock. He's kind enough to let the brute fondle himself while he watches - but if he wants to share Coyle's pretty little prisoner, he's gonna have to fuckin' work for it.
Leland ensures you're ready for it - he won't have his favourite prisoner broken just yet. He watches on, cigarette hanging from the corner of his lips as the Grunt works his oversized fingers into your sweet little hole. He gives the Grunt a small zap with the baton every now and then - encouraging him to eat you out just a little bit faster. Big Grunt's cock hangs between his thighs, throbbing and pulsing with the need to stuff himself into your cute little cunt already but - ah ah, she ain't ready yet! And with a shock, he's back between your thighs with a newfound vigour.
Once he's happy with the soaking mess between your thighs, Coyle finally lets the Big Grunt align his fat cock up against your slit. By all means, the Grunt's sheer size and enthusiasm made up for any experience he may have lacked - as even Coyle slid his sunglasses down to get a better look at the way his cock filled you up - pushing you to your limits. But hey, Leland can't let his Grunt have all the fun, and he soon moves his hand up to grab your soft throat - sliding inside your warm mouth with one smooth movement of his hips.
Big Grunt's movements are jerky, hips stuttering sloppily against your backside as he buries himself impossibly deeper inside your tight hole - making you whine with uncertainty around Coyle's cock, sending vibrations up his shaft that make him grumble in pleasure. Leland cups your cheek, your mouth hollowing around the head of him as he stares down at you through his sunglasses - the burning cherry of his cigarette wafting smoke sensually through the air. His voice is a quiet growl because of course you can take them both, you wanna be rehabilitated, don'tcha?
The Big Grunt likes it when you writhe under him as he watches the point of where you both meet with delight, his fat cock plunging in and out of you. Places a huge, scarred hand on the small of your back when you clench around him especially tight, keeping you grounded and still with a deep chuckle, "Easy, now."
I'm also making it a point that Coyle hates to be shown up. If you moan and whine a little bit more when the Grunt delves inside of you, the bastard cop will make it a point to get you to scream louder. In the end it just results in you being thoroughly worn out, splayed over Leland's lap as he enjoys his post-sex cigarette with a hand planted firmly on your ass. The Grunt stumbles out of the room in a daze, cum streaking his thighs as he prays and hopes that Coyle will feel generous a bit more often.
"Why, you been rehabilitated." >>>
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fleshdeliveryboy · 9 months
Sergeant Leland Coyle would be horrified of Dr Futterman and no one can tell me otherwise.
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Modern day stuff I think would send Leland Coyle into a coma
Disposable vapes
Lipstick tasers/pocket tasers
Pistachio flavored everything
Sexy cop halloween costumes
Touchscreen soda machine (specifically at Five Guys)
Fergie’s rendition of the National Anthem
The current state of the socioeconomic climate in America
My tumblr.
(please add more this concept has me laughing way too hard)
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lilbluebastard · 3 months
I’m sorry but here’s my headcannons for Leland because I’m bored 😭
- Leland is definitely a coffee and donuts man, he loves chocolates donuts with vanilla cream filling , he likes his coffee black because he’s a monster , no creamer no sugar 😔
- snores louder then the amber alerts
- he’s into woman of all sizes (he’s a raging bisexual but he’s mostly into woman in my opinion but he will fuck a man, he ain’t afraid 💙)
-he’s got a beer belly, that man may be strong but I can’t see him with a six pack that’s literally nightmare fuel for me 😭
- he stinks…….like burnt meat, burnt hair , alcohol 😭
-smokes a lot but takes his time with cigarettes, savers the taste and sometimes chokes on the smoke lol
- drinks beer, but only American brands
-has a hard time reading and can’t spell certain words
- cries sometimes but if he gets caught he’ll beat your ass
- will call gay men the f-slur knowing full well his ass is bisexual (but he don’t care, he’s Leland Coyle, the most racist and homophobic man you’ll ever meet)
- has limits which are children, he may be a horrible man but his limits are children, he will never ever in his entire life hurt a child ( from his experiences from his poor childhood he’d rather protect children then hurt them💙)
I like to think he’s still a good guy, he just needs to soften up a bit 💙
But yeah that’s about it for now lol, maybe I’ll do other characters
If you disagree tell me and if you wanna here more also tell me
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