#then a photo of Franco in a dress falls out and i snatch it up before anyone sees
toxictigertonic · 22 days
Glad to see that my mad ramblings are entertaining this corner of the outlast community, I will continue to talk until I've juiced the smooth ball of gum I call a brain of all its flavor. Pspsps Franco fans hiiii tell me what I should draw him doing/wearing pleaaaase.
Today's headcanons are: How are the prime assets when it comes to board/card games?
- Do not play games with this man unless you want to have the least fun of your life.
- He has the rule book out on the table as you're playing so he can read them off at any point.
- In fact I know that fucker memorizes game rules and starts fighting people if they don't play by them.
- "WE GOT LAWS AROUND HERE! WE GOT FUCKING LAWS!" "Leland calm down we're playing uno..."
- If he catches someone cheating he's hopping the table, there's a crime in progress and he's about to be SUCH a good cop.
- Play monopoly with him to experience The Thrill of being tased over fake money.
- If you use a +4 on this man in Uno he will scream until you show him your hand to make SURE you're not lying about not having any other cards to use. He'll also pout about you using it in general.
- The sorest loser ever, genuinely. Somehow worse than Franco. And Franco is a baby man with a gun.
- It should be a rule that he's not allowed to play cards with Franco but Phyllis is stubborn and wants them to get along. It never ends well.
- Gets far too giddy playing Mousetrap.
- Forces Leland and Franco into game nights. They can't say no or they'll upset her, thereby upsetting Futterman, thereby risking their lives to The Goose.
- Has a massive collection of card games and board games, take your pick.
- And she knows how to play all of them, mind you. She has the rules memorized as well but doesn't have an electric stick up her ass like somebody we know.
- LOVES Candyland and Parcheesi. The brighter and more colorful the board the more she finds it adorable.
- Futterman eats pieces when Phyllis is losing. Don't turn around he's a hungry little guy.
- He got caught eating pieces once and had to wear the Bag of Shame for multiple game nights afterwards.
- Futterman also is allowed to play the games, somehow always wins in the end. Leland is suspicious of him cheating (but isn't willing to face drill wrath to investigate)
- Have I mentioned that Futterman will call both Franco and Leland awful names when he's losing? Because he does. Has made both of them cry before. Game night had to end early and Phyllis felt very bad.
- Not a sore loser per se, but will ask to play again until she wins. Futterman will stare whoever down until they agree to another round.
- If you don't help her put away the board or cards she's holding a grudge. And if pieces are missing you BETTER help find them, even if it means shaking them out of Futterman's mouth.
- Play silly games, win silly prizes. I'm saying if you try to beat him at cards (and you're not a fellow prime asset or someone whose lap he wants access to) you're getting shot in the foot.
- He's required to turn in Lupara at the beginning of game nights now after he tried to take Coyle's shin off. He only gives Lupara up bc Phyllis asks so nicely (and because he's a simp lol).
- Really good at cards, but still cheats. Mainly to fuck with Coyle. He'll take any opportunity to piss that man off.
- Sometimes wants to play solitaire like an adult, other times he's playing candyland with Phyllis having the time of his life.
- If it's a game with unique pieces you BETTER let him pick his piece first or he's throwing a tantrum.
- If Leland's winning he'll kick him under the table then say he was imagining things. Leland is THIS 👌 close to starting a fight.
- He lets Phyllis win to get on her good side. Doesn't matter the game, he'll let her win. Gets pissy when she wins naturally though.
- He always tries to gamble when they play anything. Coyle does not approve of gambling. Have I mentioned these two want each other dead?
- Phyllis complimented him on being really good at shuffling a deck of cards and he rode that high for weeks.
- Very good at convincing the others that it's his turn if they've lost track of who goes next. Doesn't matter if he just went, he will get to go again.
- Likes to play card matching games by himself when he doesn't wanna think about the game too hard. Phyllis sometimes sits with him and plays too. Futterman calls them both stupid if they fuck up.
I love how much Franco and Leland hate each other I want them to fist fight ❤️. Lock them in a room together and whoever crawls out at the end wins. No weapons just two bald bastards.
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