#outlast trials headcanons
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love-minor-poltergeist · 7 months ago
A/N: I've only known this man for roughly a week and I want to pour milk on him and violently throw him against the wall (lovingly). While I'm not known to write for horror media, let alone for a franchise as brutal as Outlast, but I've been quite captivated by the Outlast Trials since the July 16th update. Because of course I would fixate on the hyperviolent mafioso with extreme mommy issues. _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_
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General Franco Barbi Headcanons
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Loathe as he is to admit—  that is if he’s willing to acknowledge it— Franco and his father are far more alike than one would think. Both men share the same hair-trigger temper, a fondness for collecting artisan firearms, tastes in women… And who could forget that sailor’s mouth? 
Hell, prior to his exile, it became something of a running joke between the triggermen of the Barbi family. The minute they hear Franco and Don Barbi’s shared “FUCK”/“CAZZO”, they share a knowing look amongst themselves. Like father, like son.
Of course, they also take it as a warning to keep their heads down and quietly pray that lupara isn’t pointed their way.
His birth mother was killed long before he could even remember her. No one dared utter it aloud, but he knew why. He would’ve been downright stupid to think it was because of anything other than how he came out. Ugly. Malformed. Hell, his father certainly made it clear how he felt about his defective son whenever he got mad; and Franco’s got the scars to show it.
However, during one of Don Barbi’s infamous bouts of rage– fueled by alcohol and his ever-growing frustration over Franco’s reckless spree killings– he had let it slip that Franco resembled his late wife far more than he was comfortable with. 
Dark eyes– cold and vast like the deepest parts of the sea– regarded the crumpled form beneath him. Franco couldn’t have been more than seventeen or eighteen then. He had just gotten back from a hit. Some rat bastard from another crime family; a lowly racketeer who thought he was hot shit. At least he did until he was filled with hot lead from lupara. Only thing was— his father just wanted the intended man dead. It was a simple request. And what did his ugly shithead fuck of a son do? Franco ends up massacring the whole bar he had tracked the man down to. Staff, patrons, and a band of musicians that were unluckily set to perform that night— a whopping thirteen other people on top of the measly single target the Don wanted. And the real fucking kicker? That very bar– dinky as it was– was under Barbi family protection. And they had paid handsomely for their services. 
All hell broke loose once Franco came home. The minute he stepped foot in his father’s office, the world became a blur of violent shouting and spat expletives. The walls and furniture shook with each slam as the Don punched and kicked at the younger man. Franco had tried to fight back, getting in a few nasty hits himself, but it was clear his father easily overpowered him. In a matter of minutes, his vision and lungs grew wet with blood. Everything hurt, and all young Franco could do was fight for air.
“You had one job, boy. One. Yet I find that we lost a paying customer— one that we’re supposed to protect. Making me look like the asshole for not keeping my word.” 
The older man crouched down, yanking Franco by the little patches of hair he had. The Don was baring his teeth now, eyes boring holes into his son. 
“You’re even lucky I let you live, you miserable waste of spunk,” he pulled harder on Franco’s hair, ignoring the latter’s grunt of pain. “I could have killed you in your crib. I should have.” 
He accentuated each word with a rough yank, and a particularly pathetic pained moan from Franco only made the Don slam his head into the floor. Hot, sticky crimson coated his broad fingers, and he regarded the now weeping visage of his son with disdain; as if he had found a piece of gum stuck to his shoe. A pregnant silence fell between the two. Nothing but the faint sounds of breathing filled the air. 
Then the Don spoke once more.
“Even now, you look just like your mother. Useless, bloodied, and soft.”
Don Barbi never did talk about his first wife again after that incident. Not that Franco ever cared. He never knew her. Though, he did faintly hear from a few of his father’s older associates that he shared his mother’s eyes, or that he had the same hair as her. One man even said that had Franco been born normal, he would’ve been the spitting image of her. 
Said man was later found in the alley between a bar and sundry store. Discarded within a dumpster and body absolutely mangled. 
Once, when he was around maybe ten years old or so, his father had tried to take him to the dentist in order to get braces. Something to fix up those “broken piano keys” he had, as his father put it. Franco didn’t even last a half hour before a capo had to come pick him up because the boy went and bit the finger clean off of the poor dental assistant that tried to get him ready. 
He has some breathing problems, going off what could be heard within the trials. If he’s not yapping off, he could be heard heavily panting and straining to catch his breath. It’s nowhere near bad enough to be considered asthmatic, but Franco’s definitely not winning any marathons, that’s for sure. Not that his little baby legs would let him-
Absolutely refuses to drink anything that isn’t sweet enough to send a bear into a diabetic coma. If he doesn’t have his thermos of wolf’s milk on him, he’s dumping a whole bowl’s worth of sugar into whatever’s given to him. He doesn’t care if it's already been sweetened. He needs it sweeter.
Murkoff’s budgeting department is at their wit’s end and it is absolutely Franco’s fault. Does he care? Of course not. He deserves nice things and it’s a travesty that someone of his status is forced to live in squalor. About a week after he’s been taken to Sinyala, a special budget ends up being put aside for him. He goes over said budget every time. No, he won’t stop, either. He is a luxury that few could afford.
The first thing he demanded for his living space was the fanciest phonogram Murkoff could get and some records. He didn’t particularly like juke boxes– he thought them too flashy and that they usually played the same boring tunes. Usually if you walk by his containment unit, you'd hear the rich, dulcet tones of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, and the occasional Engelbert Humperdinck.
Don’t ever take him to the beach for too long. He usually forgets to put on sunscreen and ends up sunburnt at the end of the day. It’s one of the few things he doesn’t miss about Miami/Cuba. 
Small dogs hate him. His stepmom Angelina owned a few pomeranians. He and the little bastards never got along. It wasn’t all too uncommon to walk in on him telling one of them to fuck off whenever they bit at the pant leg of his suit. He’s held a vendetta against all tiny dogs ever since. 
While he may not look like it, he’s quite fond of the ocean. He enjoyed the boat rides he took to and from Cuba, and would occasionally fish if time was passing by a bit slow. Though he didn’t do it very often thanks to bastardly seagulls and pelicans trying to bully him for whatever he caught. 
Would probably own an aquarium of tropical fish if Murkoff trusted any of their test subjects with a living thing under their care. When he was younger, Franco’s father had an associate who owned a giant tank full of brightly-colored tetras, cherry barbs, and guppies. And while his dad sat through boring talks, Franco would usually watch the little things dart around in the water.
Speaking of, he’s particularly fond of ranchu goldfish. Mostly because, in his words, “they’re ugly little fuckers”.  Franco means this lovingly, of course. 
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systemic-chaos · 5 months ago
i beg of you, please give us your nsfw franco headcanons 🥺
I'm bored at work and finally got my meds refilled, so here you go!! Everything is gonna go under the cut again because I don't want to subject anyone to horny Franco Barbi nonsense unknowingly
- First off, Franco is bisexual to me. I think he wants a daddy just as bad as he wants a mommy, since he barely had either one.
- He's also got so much internalized homophobia going on. Man feels horribly emasculated by liking men, which either results in being overly aggressive to other men to try to reclaim his feelings of masculinity (cough cough my easterman headcanons) or finding the act of being emasculated more erotic when it's from a guy. Take your pick depending on the guy!
- Canonically, he's got erectile dysfunction about anything that isn't humiliating. I also extend this to getting involuntary boners whenever he is humiliated, even if it's from someone he doesn't like. It's a sort of trauma response for him, since I don't think the whole stepmom situation was even remotely able to be consensual. I mean, he was like a teenager when that happened if I remember correctly, and teenagers can't consent to adults especially if they are in a position of power over them. All this to say, man's erections have a mind of their own separate from what Franco wants.
- Franco is HEAVILY into ageplay. The baby schitck is DEFINITELY sexual to him. At the same time, I think he finds it both comforting and arousing. It feels a deep gash in his psyche left by continual trauma to go back to a simpler time where he can be comfortable and warm. His favorite sex is when people indulge his fetishes about ageplay.
- Franco is NOT good at penatrative sex. He's a little too selfish in that regard, and I think he doesn't really know how to properly use his dick in that kind of way. He'll just frantically hump you a few times, then he's off like a rocket. Short refractory period if you make fun of him for it, though!
-On the other hand, he's GREAT at oral. Hello, oral fixation! He can happily suck dick or eat you out for hours without a break. It's like a bottle to him. He'll whine about not getting a turn, but he won't really mean it.
-He likes to be denied, up to a point. The humiliation of begging someone else for an orgasm is really nice, that is until it starts to hurt. He can and will throw tantrums about blue balls.
-Sex without humiliation is rare for Franco (since he puts too much stock in needing to get hard) but if you were to avoid humiliating him, he'd be both surprised and grateful. Degradation is sexy, but he values feeling like someone's special little guy who can do a good job pleasing them.
-He'd also be a diehard romantic to anyone who slept with him more than once voluntarily. I'm taking rose petals on the bed, candles everywhere, slow sensual music. Man wants very badly to be seductive and loving.
-If you humiliated him too intensely during sex, he might have a panic attack. He's prone to flashbacks about his father's beatings, and very rarely about his stepmother (since he mostly convinces himself that it was consensual with her). You could probably get him off even if he was panicking, but watch out; He'd definitely try to kill you after.
-He's a champion of aftercare and pillow talk. He's a cuddly little monster and he can be surprisingly considerate to others. He'd praise you to the moon and back, letting you know exactly how great you were to him. He'd also try to get you to take a bath with him. Baby loves baths.
Also random headcanon, but I think the man wears a onesie after sex and just zonk out with his binkie in his mouth. Just lights out for the lil guy.
Hope you enjoyed!! I might do more headcanons, both NSFW and otherwise, sometime!!! Mostly I'm thinking about Mother Gooseberry...
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evilproxxy · 4 days ago
art and writing requests 🔪🖤
thought I'd make a post about requests after getting some very kind feedback on my recent art/fic - here's some information for anyone interested!
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writing masterlist
original art tag: #my art
general rules for requests
MDNI - this is an 18+ nsfw blog - requests from minors, ageless blogs, and anonymous users will not be accepted under any circumstances. this is non-negotiable.
if you wish to remain anonymous, please either specify this in your ask, or just DM your request instead, because...
I will always be discreet. I will never publish any asks that request anonymity (I will instead include the request details in the post) and I will not name you under any circumstances.
don't be shy! I'm not bashful, and I won't freak out if you send something taboo or extreme. I'm open to most stuff, and if I don't like/don't agree with/just don't want to complete the request, I'll simply decline it. I will never shame you.
art requests 🎨🖤
these will primarily follow the same rules as requests on my main blog, but I will reiterate a few points here:
sfw art requests can be made to my main art blog, @elproxxy - I will be drawing suggestive and nsfw art here, however it will be at my discretion which requests I accept.
I am happy to take requests for characters from outlast, particularly the outlast trials - this includes character ship art*
I am not prepared to draw nsfw of ocs, or nsfw ship art between characters and ocs. I may consider drawing suggestive ship art of ocs (18+ only) depending on the request.
please remember that this is just for fun! requested art usually won't be fully rendered pieces - it will generally be doodles, lineart, or grayscale/simply coloured art.
*I'm not picky about ships (and crack ships are fun) so request whatever and I'll probably draw it lol. you been dreaming of fuckin pitcher x pouncer?? let me know
writing requests ✍️🖤
unlike my art requests, I will only accept requests for characters from the outlast trials specifically, because this is what I know best.
I am happy to write character ships, xreader, and headcanons.
I'm not prepared to write fics or headcanons specific to named ocs. xreader writing will be nameless (second person) and descriptions of reader will be kept to a minimum.
nsfw xreader writing will generally be from the perspective of a fem/afab reader (because again, this is what I know best). I will try to keep sfw/suggestive writing as genderless as possible.
content rating:
in addition to text labels, I will now be using simple headers to denote the rating of my content. these are:
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any non-sexual, safe for work content (e.g. non-sexual headcanons, platonic relationships, most joke/meme content).
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non-sexual but suggestive/intimate/sensual content, or non-explicit references to sexual acts.
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not safe for work content, including but not limited to: explicit descriptions and depictions of sexual acts, graphic or violent content, and other potentially triggering themes/depictions.
individual posts will also contain the relevant tags in addition to this categorisation, and warnings/potentially triggering content will be highlighted.
note: if there are particular themes/kinks/scenarios that are triggering or offputting for you, please DM me along with your request so that I can avoid these in your post!
please remember: these are requests, not commissions. I do not expect anything for the art and writing I make here, so in return I only ask for patience. I reserve the right to reject any requests without having to justify my decision or specify a reason.
~these rules may be subject to change.
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letternotekisses · 6 months ago
Hi there! I'm hopping on board with your requests, and am very politely asking if you would be willing to write some NSFW headcanons for Coyle? Please and thank you! ♡♡♡
hii ofc i can! <3 nsfw under da cut
"I'll have you on your knees..."
Coyle is very heavy on having firm control over you - as evidenced by the way he'll have you in any way he wants. A favourite of his though, is having you between his knees - baton pressed against your cheek and cock lodged deep down your throat. Sometimes he'll have his baton crackle to life and give himself a shock - combining the sensations and making you choke in surprise around his throbbing shaft.
He likes a bit of fire. Likes to watch you squirm while he fucks you - bent over one of the desks in the police station - paperwork strewn messily across the floor. He'll curl an elbow around your neck, grasping your chin and keeping you pinned in a headlock as he ruts his heavy cock into your sweet little hole, having you bite into the leather of his sleeve to ground yourself.
Likes it when you behave, but it makes his cock stiffen when you don't. Leland loves to think he's teaching you a very valuable lesson by catching you and fucking you into the tough marble floor - the slap of his pelvis against your ass loud enough to attract the attention of stray Ex-Pop nearby. But he makes sure they know just who's prisoner you are, huffing and growling into the crook of your neck as he grinds his cock in that particular motion that makes you sing like a caged canary.
After a long day, Coyle likes a long drag of a cigarette, a drink and a sweet little pussy for him to bury his face into. His beard is scratchy against your inner thighs - tickling the plush flesh as he drags his heavy tongue through your folds, not hesitating to plunge back into your sweet little hole. He'll hold your thighs open and eat you up until he's had his fix, giving a pleased and appreciative grunt every time you come undone in his mouth.
Gives you a little spark from the baton once in a while - not enough to fry you - but certainly enough to get you to squeal. He's not nice about it either, rather more pleased with himself as he grips his belt, his hand coming down to grope his hardening cock through his trousers. Sometimes he'll swoop in right after for a rough kiss, his beard scraping your cheeks as his hand comes to cup your jaw.
Coyle will handcuff those pretty wrists behind your back and have you ride him until the cows home home - or, at least until you're whining and drooling at him to fuck you proper, which he's all too happy to deliver on. Pinning you down, his chest pressed against your back - his gear digging into you as he stretches your pretty little hole open. Growling about how he'd rehabilitate you - or better yet, keep you caged up - just for him, and him only.
"Oh, sweetness." >>>
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southernspooks · 2 months ago
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who let this man drink at the company party??? ;/
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eyelambspider · 1 month ago
Spider. Eye. Lamb. || COD/Outlast Au
⤷ summary : you and him. together you'll be the ones to make it out of the trials... (drabbles/hcs)
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┊pairing : könig, gaz, price x gn!reader ┊content warning : mentions of gore/death/blood, horror, pining(?) finding comfort in each other ┊a/n : ffffffuck! i love the outlast trials! (forgive me i like scary games) also: for god sakes, i'm doing chapters/scenarios for this
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▹ König
Its nearly impossible for König to hide while in the Trials. He can't fit into the lockers quickly (or the barrels), so he opts to linger in the darker rooms with the burnt out bulbs.
so. he's usually wearing his night vision goggles or his eyes are adjusting to the dark. leading him to be more anxious and feeling exposed in brightly lit places.
Because of his size, König can break through the wooden boards blocking doorways with one kick if he needs to run.
Other reagents (people) in the sleep-room are afraid of him and tend to stay away. He looks too similar to the Prime Assets in the trials, with the cut up pillowcase over his head... and his height.
it doesn't help his mental health, not talking to much people in the sleep room... but the doctors seem to like him. If not only for his physical build.
sometimes, König comes to the metal door of your room and stands there, unsure how to really ask but- he likes laying with you on your bed. the two of you laying there in each others arms for nothing more than the comfort of being with another person who... knows how scary it is.
König likes to protect you in the Trials, intervening just as the grunts try to bring down their weapons on your prone form by shoving them off violently.
▹ Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Gaz is the quietest and is hardly seen by those who roam the halls and rubble-filled streets of the trials.
he always has a lockpick on him, and often uses it to open up medical supplies for himself. always proving to be especially resourceful.
Uses bottles to throw and distract the enemies when he works.
Gaz is one of the braver subjects to be put into the trials, always taking risks and evading the prime assets and enemies by a hair.
Gaz's biggest fear in the trials is that he is too good at it. Trials become easier and easier, but it messes with his head to think that instead of getting this horror show over with as fast as possible-he's actually doing exactly what the doctors want him to do.
Is it just survival... or is Murkoff's twisted form of 'treatment' actually working?
Gaz likes talking to you.
Well, having your company. He doesn't open up about what he thinks and fears. Just sort of... sits with you and chats in the cafeteria during meal times.
And on the shuttles (from the sleep room to the Trials) Gaz likes to sit across from you, even with the TV in front of his face, and the bars on the side of his head (forcing him to watch)... he likes knowing you're right there. Likes reminding you to be angry instead of scared, "Fuck the doctors-remember that-fuck the doctors!"
You actually might be the reason he's still resisting the treatment. He tries to protect you from feeling as... as desperately terrified of becoming what the doctors want.
▹ John Price
Price hates to get paired with you in the Trials. Solely because he'd hate to see you hurt but... "its good to see a friendly face"
Price would do well in his trials, ranking a grade average 'B'.
It would be better, but he despises being apart of these sick games and 'messes up' on purpose.
(When you're afraid in the Trials) Price grabs your shoulders and forces you to look at him, keeping you grounded and giving you something to focus on other than the threat of dying. "Just get the key, alright? Its got a little black star on it. You get it and bring it back here... and we'll both get out of here. Won't let anything bad happen to ya," he assures.
In the sleep-room, Price always tells you to come and play a game of chess with him. "No buts." He knows it will distract the both of you for a while, and if you don't know how to play, he's got all the time to teach you.
(When you don't make it back to the exit) Price always waits for you, has to watch you enter the transport himself to make sure you're okay. And when you don't, he gets antsy, glancing at the red timer above the door that says you have only three minutes... "Fuck," he decides, turning his back on the exit and beginning to run back into the Trial to find you.
he likes taking care of you, gives him something else-something more important-to focus on outside of the trials.
if anyone was getting out of the trials, he'd hoped it'd be you
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rymaninlimbo · 7 months ago
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Can you imagine meeting him in a dark, lowly bar?
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He sidles up to you, a sideways grin on his face as he spoke, “Care to let me buy you a round, sweetness?”
You scoff at his boldness, but there’s something about a man in uniform that is… alluring~
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makeucrawl · 3 months ago
I like to head canon that Easterman has absolutely no concept of personal space, especially after his divorce, and he’s completely oblivious to it.
When he likes someone, he’ll stand a little too close, maybe resting a casual hand on their shoulder.
If he really likes them, the proximity becomes even more intense—he’s practically pressed against them, and that hand on the shoulder lingers just a little too long.
Over time, his touches become more familiar: a hand on their lower back, an arm wrapped around them. If they’re sitting together, he might rest a hand on their knee or even their thigh. And through it all, there’s the unbroken, almost overwhelming eye contact.
None of it is calculated—he’s not even aware he’s doing it. It’s like his body is unconsciously seeking out any shred of physical connection he can get.
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chocolate-gore · 3 months ago
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Angelina Barbi doodle because I need more representation of her and Franco’s relarionship ~
To me at least, these two represent the only healthy relationship any of the villains ever had and I will die on that hill because my son deserves all the love he can get [as well as heels to his face & balls]
[I tried to make her look like those super airbrushed black and white photographs of Hollywood stars back then while also rushing to get it done]
Here are a couple of headcanons I have about her:
27 year old trophy wife from a modest middle class family of Italian immigrants [age gap between Franco and her: 3 years]
Married Salvatore for his money but is actually a sweetheart and very caring despite outwardly looking like the gold digger stereotype. Quickly learns to despise Salvatore though, miss thing is not living the best of both worlds
People call her "Angie" and she hates it, like "Call me that again and I’m ready to throw hands" type shit
Can defend herself with ease and Franco is not mad about it at all
Very Jessica Rabbit coded
Salvatore doesn’t like it when she wears heels because it makes her look taller than him, Franco buys her loads of heels anyways
Big tiddy, essentially she’s a pinup of a woman
Jazz singer voice
Leland would have a stroke if he found out that Franco wasn’t lying about them being an item
Actually genuinely loves Franco, which he high-key can’t grasp
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toxictigertonic · 5 months ago
Can the Toxic Family Trio go to Disneyland? 🥺
They're going to kill each other and we're all going to point and laugh.
- Starting out strong, he is the reason they're going to be late to Disneyland. He wanted to be out of the facility at 8 am sharp and he woke up at 9.
- Was in charge of buying the lightning lane passes. Forgot. Franco was ready to kill him over it but Gooseberry remembered.
- He REFUSES to pay for more than one food item. He is not going broke for a sandwich just bc a fuckin mouse is selling it to him.
- There is a single exception to this rule, and it's pistachio cold brew. He'd buy 7 and drink them throughout the day. He cannot resist the pistachio.
- He's having fun on the rides but if you ask him about it he just gets grouchy as hell. God forbid this grown man have fun.
- He forced pusher to come along to push their little buggy with all their shit in it. Pusher is being paid in coke by Gooseberry for their help.
- His feet hurt like a bitch by the end but he won't say it, he just limps and moans and groans. He won't ask to sit down either bc he's a big strong man and "men don't need to sit down", whatever that means.
- If anybody even LOOKS at one of the gift shops he's throwing a fit. He doesn't care if it's their money to spend, you're not wasting money like that!!
- Just because he's the law doesn't mean he's not gonna break Disneyland rules. He's going to make someone break character, and he's going to get them in trouble for it.
- Woke up bright and early and got everything together for the trip. Had no help from anybody. Eternally seething.
- Wants to take photos with every character, ESPECIALLY the princesses. She's imagining herself as one, pretty dress and all. She's no princess but she is a queen ❤️
- Giftshop enthusiast, wants to look at and touch everything. Will she actually buy anything? Not if she wants Futterman to stay quiet.
- Futterman would shout a curse word in the middle of a crowded area and Phyllis would tape his beak shut for the rest of the day.
- Futterman also refuses to pay the prices for food and drink. Eats a kids ice cream cone and makes the kid cry.
- Futterman would also HATE Donald Duck. Genuinely. Feels like he's the only fowl allowed around here. Would try to snap at whoever is in the Donald Duck outfit.
- Loves all the rides, but especially "It's a Small World". Phyllis is singing along while being periodically interrupted by Futterman screaming for mercy.
- Planned matching outfits for everyone to wear, including Futterman! Futterman does not willingly wear his mouse ears but superglue solves all problems.
- If Coyle and Franco act up too much, she spends the money on Mickey Mouse harness backpacks and puts those fuckers on leashes.
- Hidden Mickey finder right here, she will find them all and you will not have a chance to even look for them.
- Harasses the princesses. Phyllis is going to beat him senseless in a second if he doesn't behave. She spent too much time planning to get kicked out over him.
- Also harasses the mascots but more to the effect of trying to steal their heads. He's a damn menace.
- He got ice cream all over his shirt 10 minutes into being there. Pissed he spilled his milkshake. Coyle is talking mad shit to him about it too.
- Demands a balloon and a cute pair of mouse ears, throws the worst tantrum ever if he doesn't get either. Scream cries if he accidentally lets go of the balloon.
- Steals a child's balloon if he is not allowed to buy one. Would honestly steal just about anything he could get his hands on. Why pay when he can just take?
- Tried to cut in line and got dragged back by Coyle. Coyle might be a jackass but even he understands the importance of waiting your turn in line.
- Yet again, not allowed to have Lupara with him. Resorts to having his pacifier in his mouth the whole time for comfort. Please stop taking Lupara it makes him anxious.
- Speaking of his pacifier, Gooseberry was nice enough to buy him one with Mickey Mouse on it for the trip. It makes him feel special :)
- His feet got tired so he got into the cart that Pusher has been pushing around. Pusher hates him so much and has considered dumping him into a fountain more than once.
I have never been to Disneyland but I do have Google so I think I know what I'm talking about
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thehivemindsys · 1 month ago
I need more outlast oomfs desperately. PLEASE BY GOD dm me if you wanna yap about outlast or if you RP outlast. Nobody under 18 tho. I WILL REVIVE THIS FANDOM SINGLEHANDEDLY I STG
(I know jack shit about outlast 2 tho)
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love-minor-poltergeist · 7 months ago
A/N: I saw the positive reception that my Barbi hcs and I wanted to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you kindly!! I always find myself feeling apprehensive on deviating from the fandoms I usually write for, so the fact that you all seemed to liked my Barbi content means a lot! (〃^▽^〃)
In the spirit of things, I decided to try my hand at baking a batch of hcs for our lovely, awful Police Sergeant Coyle! I will admit that his character was a little bit more difficult to write for since there's a lot uncomfortable themes and ideals related to his character. However! I welcome the challenge and hope that these turned out okay. Lemme know what y'all think!!
!Content Warning!: There's a passing mention of CSA/Childhood Sexual Abuse since the comics implied that it happened, and while it's only mentioned very briefly, it's better to play it safe
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General Leland Coyle Headcanons:
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Ever since his father served in the military briefly in WWII, which subsequently left the older man an invalid– having lost a foot and permanently unable to walk normally– Leland was left to carry out most of the physical labor around him and his family’s cattle farm. Pa would still insist on bossin’ him around, though, and Leland usually had to be the one to help him walk the fields while dealing with the cattle. Of course, once he joined the local police force, most of those duties fell upon his ma. 
Granted, in his ever charming views, he always thought Ma did a crap job of the physical work, so he’d usually take over anyway. All the while he and Ma argued back and forth on the fields.
An average day, if he wasn’t off dealing with police duties, he’d watch the cattle and make sure they’ve eaten and prod any escapees back into the fields. He was none too gentle, either, and he’s earned his fair share of bruises and narrowly avoided a few nasty kicks. Leland’s even got a particularly nasty scar on his lower abdomen from getting gored by a rowdy heifer. It luckily wasn’t deep enough to get him sent to the hospital, but boy did his parents ridicule him for being dumb enough to let it happen in the first place. 
Cannot cook for the life of him. Pa drilled it into his head that cooking was a woman's job, so he never really bothered to learn. All of the housework was handled by his wives, and god forbid if they wanted a break from it… During the brief stints between each marriage, Leland’s survived off diner food, cigarettes, coffee, and the occasional frozen tv dinner. 
On the other hand, however, he’s completely fine with a man cooking if it’s to handle a grill. Hell, Pa was the one to teach him how to prepare meat after they’ve sent their cattle off to the slaughterhouse, and goddamn can he cook a mean steak. Now that he thinks about it, Leland sometimes wished he paid more attention on how to make fried chicken when his Ma tried to show him… 
The Coyle family were devout Christians and attended Sunday mass each week. Of course, Leland doesn’t practice the religion much as he grew older, but much of the values taught to him remained; most of them perverted to fit his ideals. 
Thanks to his chronic smoking habit, Leland’s appetite is close to nonexistent. He does it so much that the other officers of the Blackwell Police Department often joked about how Sergeant Coyle’s office may as well have been an oven with how much smoke emanated from his office. However, given how he’s the one to handle most of the paperwork until the asscrack of dawn, and with only a cigarette and numerous cups of coffee littering his desk to keep him going, no one really complained. 
Usually shaves his head during the summer time. Sure, he’s a vain man, but it’s become a habit after his time in the military. Not to mention that it usually helped him keep cool during the days where he toiled in the fields with the sun beating down on he and Ma. The habit followed him into the Sinyala facility, where staff usually had to shear him down since, though he’s a Prime Asset and thus has special privileges, he’s still not to be trusted with anything sharp. 
Has extensive firearm training. Pa first showed him how to handle a rifle whenever the farm had to deal with coyotes and stray dogs that harassed the livestock. On the offtime there wasn’t anything to shoot, young Leland was usually spotted by the fence posts in the outer perimeter of the farm, practicing his aim with a few cans and empty bottles. Which eventually graduated to shooting at any unlucky birds or cats that wandered too close to the property. He was also put in charge of putting down any sickly cattle, too, after Pa was left crippled.
His aim only got better thanks to his time in Okinawa. He’s got more experience in rifles and pistols, but he has a natural knack for machinery, and he’s a quick learner. Not to mention that he follows gun safety to a fuckin’ T…. Which only made him even more offended when he learned that some deformed, baby-talkin’ runt got a gun before he did in Sinyala. 
Usually has a sore back after trials. Sure, he can handle lugging around that pontiac car battery on his back for hours if he needed to, but goddamn is that thing heavy. First thing he does after a trial is stretch until he hears his back pop. 
Suffers from really nasty night terrors. Going back to his comic and how it briefly touched on how Leland’s exhibited signs of CSA, it’s highly possible that much of the abuse occurred behind closed doors and at night, where everyone else was asleep. He’s avoided sleep like the plague since then. Both as a means of trying to protect himself and not have to deal with constantly reliving the incident. He’s never talked to anyone about it, and refuses to do so. 
He’s also coped with it via hypersexualising himself and inflicting pain on others. It gives him a sense of control and a rush of power that was stripped away from him. Silently vowed to never let himself be that vulnerable again.
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systemic-chaos · 5 months ago
Anyyyy hc of esterman/franco? I lovr ur hcs btw!!
I apologize for making you wait so long!! The hyperfixation train answers to no man. This turned out a little more NSFW than I expected, probably cuz of all the creative energy I've been using for my horror erotica novel, so it's going under the cut lmao
-Easterman would NOT be the top. He's a cringefail babygirl to me. Franco probably loves sticking Lupara down his throat. Makes Franco feel powerful/masculine.
-At the same time, I can also imagine Franco liking to call Easterman his daddy. Franco's romantic, sexual, and familial feelings are already so wrapped up into a tangled nightmare that Sigmund Freud would name three new complexes after him, so I think the idea of Franco giving Easterman the role of a father in his mind while still being dominant in the relationship isn't shocking at all
-Two words. Gun. Play. Hendrick 'If you take the gun away, you are castrating him, his father, and his grandfather all at once' Easterman definitely has ulterior motives for letting Franco keep his gun.
-Also, I feel like Easterman probably moans out Rudolf Wernicke's name during sex. Easterman has at least a one sided crush on Wernicke, if they don't also fuck on the side. Franco has threated to shoot him for doing this multiple times.
-Adding on to the previous point, Franco is both clingy and HORRIBLY jealous. Is Easterman spending time doing literally anything else, including his actual job? Franco is throwing a fit. Franco wants Easterman's total and undivided attention at all times and will cry, fight, or kill in order to get it.
-In turn, Franco get SPOILED by Easterman. Franco is HIS baby boy, why wouldn't he want him to get all the benefits he could give him? Easterman plays favorites, and Franco's weird and offputting charisma makes him an easy favorite for him.
-Franco gets very excited whenever he gets to spend time with Easterman. In his mind, Easterman is kind of the mob boss of Sinyala, similar to Franco's own father. But Easterman makes time for him, considered his feelings, and submits for him. He's the opposite of Franco's abusive father in nearly every way Franco could dream of!
-Franco can and will brag about his relationship to anyone who would listen. Leland isn't sure if he's jealous or disgusted. Mother Gooseberry is proud of him. Though I'm pretty sure that Dr. Futterman is homophobic.
That's all I got right now, thank you so much for the ask!! I love writing these things when I'm not in the throws of Mental Illness lol
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motorbutcher · 3 months ago
Inspired by @pyro-clown
The relationships i think my reagent oc (Maus) has with the prime assets +some ex-pops (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
-Sargent Leland Coyle
Maus doesn't do well with authority, because they mean lack of autonomy. He doesn't have any issues with coyle as a person, since he's more of a "live and let live" kind of guy and also way too absent-minded to really pay any mind to the dude. And Coyle himself is fucking blind sometimes so it's rare he even spots Maus. Barely any interactions between the two of them. He does giggle at some of Coyle's ramblings sometimes, since they both have similar political beliefs.
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-Mother Gooseberry
Massive woman. If she freshened up a little, Maus would probably attempt to hit on her (who knows how she'll react, maybe positively, she is a little naïve after all). However, Maus is absolutely terrified of doctor Futterman, wholly convinced he's real. Not even as in the multiple personalities kind of way, he is SURE this thing's alive. If you were to ask him to explain how the hand puppet is supposed to be it's own entity, he'd go on a rant about government issued homonculi.
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-Franco Barbi
He doesn't take him seriously. All Maus can relate to is Franco's distaste for jurisdiction, but he finds him icky. Maus actively avoids Franco's trials, since he'll quickly lose whatever little composure he had to begin with, and start raving and ranting about the stupidity of this guy!
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Special ex pop mention!!
I decided that Maus fw her because i fw her and i drew them before. I don't know how okay she is with his presence, but he certainly seems to revel in her's. You'll find him sitting next to a locker of some sort, yapping his heart out to the pouncer inside. About pretty much everything. Conspiracies, his home, his relationships, his paranoia, etc,,, he hasn't tried to really interact with her yet. He sees a kindred spirit in her so he leaves her be- mostly.
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Additionally, a short note about
He's extremely paranoid about them, even in the sleep rooms. They're so devoid of individuality and personality, he's got a big dislike. They're like drones, he'd say.
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letternotekisses · 6 months ago
HAII May I request Franco Barbi NSFW headcanons/drabble? THANK YOU SM!! <3
franco barbi nation this one is for u <3 nsfw below da cut
"You'll keep your fuckin' mouth shut about this."
You barely register his threats when he's crowding you against the cold wall, impatiently kicking over a barrel that was somewhat in his way. You take his growls with a grain of salt - seeing as this wasn't exactly the first time he'd bent you over mid trial. Franco is always quick to tear that stupid gear off your chest to get to your plush tits underneath, burying his face in them like he'd die without.
He's all talk. Don't be afraid to get a little bit stern with him - curl your fingers in his disarrayed hair and guide his movements while he feverishly eats you out. Franco wants you to make a mess on him because he's so desperate to please, he doesn't care if you get his expensive suits dirty - he can buy several more. It's actually almost pathetic how desperate he is for it.
Franco isn't above humping your leg to get his fix - and I imagine it probably just ties into his humiliation kink. Call him a good boy and he'll cum in his pants almost instantaneously. Same goes for whenever you let him fuck the supple flesh of your tits - anything to do with it has him kicking his feet and flushing a deep, bashful red.
Doesn't like sharing his things, and you fell under that category the moment you allowed him to sink his cock into your tight little cunt. It'll have him distracted in trials - chewing out anyone who dare touch you in a way that seems opposed to violence. Would one hundred percent throw a fit and shoot someone in the foot with his lupara.
"Come here, sweetness." >>>
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southernspooks · 5 months ago
My friends wanted me to share some of my little silly head cannons. Maybe I’ll eventually share some of my nsfw ones 👀 but for now silly!
Outlast Trials HCs:
You're shocked to learn how good of a swing Coyle has. You think it’s to keep the ladies impressed. Why else? He'll have you whirling around in no time, so you better be able to keep up. With ease, he wills you around his body, launch you into the air, catching you, and dipping you. By the end, you're dizzier than a cow in a tornado. But don't let your guard down. Coyle will seize any opportunity to get a few gropes.
She would love to dance with you! You both laughing and smiling as you spin around. However, you're driving Dr. Futterman nuts ,goddamnit! Cut it out! You would gladly slow everything down and give her a tight hug. Phyllis hums a gentle melody while you both sway in unison. She doesn't care if you tread on her feet a few times, but her father does! He chastises you two. "What is wrong with you?! Ya can’t just move side to side!? "Well, Phyllis, maybe they wouldn't step on you if your hooves weren't so big!" The next time, you consider packing duct tape.
Although Franco isn't much of a dancer, he will seize the chance to put his hands all over you. With the assertion that he can only slow dance, he quickly latches himself to you. Face buried in your chest, hands squeezing your behind. You wobble uncomfortably from side to side, almost unable to stay upright. He is relying too much on you to keep you both upright. He actually feels as though he's getting heavier. Wait. Did he just fall asleep??
He’ll send you a nice outfit to put on before meeting him in his office. He would never dance with you in your typical attire. Once you’re both alone he turns on his record player. A waltz and draws you close. You are trampling all over his elegant dance moves. You apologise profusely, but he tells you it's alright. He will lead you in the right direction. He is, after all, your teacher. He’s going to teach you so many new things.
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