#Leap Year Film
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firstkanaphans · 3 months ago
Hi, penny for your thoughts. I know there are still some leftover shows for 2024 but I was looking at the cast and directors for the 2025 lineup, and maybe i'm wrong, but I think the only BLs that will have both main cast and director free (as in, the main 2 leads are not cast in multiple series and the director has only one title for 2025) post New Year are Burnout Syndrome and Cat for Cash. I assumed they'd both air in the 2nd half of '25 but maybe either one or both will air sooner than that?
I don't feel knowledgable enough to answer for all of the BLs/actors because I don't follow them closely enough, but I do think Cat for Cash will probably start production in the first half of the year. P'Au has to finish Ossan's Love but after that, the whole cast should be free.
For a lot of the other BLs, it's probably going to depend on Scarlet Heart's filming schedule and how quickly the half of the CP cast in it is killed off lol. Other BLs I think could probably have a quick turnaround would be Memoir of Rati, That Summer, and My Magic Prophecy (if P'A isn't busy filming something for Idol Factory right now). Boys in Love is apparently already on Q15, so they'll definitely be first.
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thatfraudcassandra · 6 months ago
Day 16: A film that sparks nostalgia
I recently went into a romcom binge and rewatched these nostalgic gems. Mid-2000s romcoms are top-tier, change my mind!
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 8 months ago
So remember how I said previously that there were only three movies that have made me cry? Yeah. Four. There are now four movies that have made me cry.
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dearclassictvandfilm · 1 year ago
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Green in Irish Films
Evelyn (2002)
The Secret Scripture (2016)
Ondine (2009)
The Quiet Man (1952)
Widows' Peak (1994)
Leap Year (2010)
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magnusmodig · 10 months ago
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||. not me at midnight crying over the ending of 2011 again ... FUN FACT : t.h//or makes this sniff into a tiny little, strangled gasping noise because he's so in SHOCK and overcome with intense emotion over this moment and it's those kinds of tiny intricacies littered through he.ms//wor.th's performance that absolutely SLAY me
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kevinpshanblog · 11 months ago
Leap Year: A Lost Comedy Classic
Leap Year is a silent comedy film directed by and starring Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle, one of the most popular and influential comedians of the early cinema era. The film was produced in 1921, but it was never released in the United States due to Arbuckle's involvement in the Virginia Rappe death scandal, which tarnished his reputation and career. The film received its first release in Finland in 1924, and it finally saw an American release of sorts in 1981.
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The film follows the misadventures of Stanley Piper (Arbuckle), a wealthy heir who is in love with his nurse, Phyllis Brown (Mary Thurman). His uncle, Jeremiah Piper (Lucien Littlefield), is a misogynist who wants to keep Stanley away from women, as he believes that Stanley falls in love with every woman he meets. He sends Stanley on a fishing trip, but Stanley ends up getting engaged to three different women: Loris Keene (Harriet Hammond), a movie star; Molly Morris (Gertrude Short), a waitress; and Irene Rutherford (Maude Wayne), a socialite. Stanley tries to get out of his predicaments by faking illnesses and fits, but his plans backfire hilariously. Meanwhile, Phyllis and the other characters find their own romantic interests, leading to a happy ending for everyone.
Leap Year was Arbuckle's first feature film, and it was different from his two-reel shorts in several ways.
Leap Year had a more complex and coherent plot than his shorts, which were mostly based on gags and situations. The film had multiple subplots and characters, and it followed a clear narrative arc. Arbuckle's shorts were more episodic and improvised, and they often ended with a chase or a fight.
Leap Year had more dialogue and intertitles than his shorts, which relied more on visual humor and physical comedy. The film had many witty and sarcastic lines, and it also used some sound effects, such as a phonograph and a telephone. Arbuckle's shorts had fewer and simpler intertitles, and they used music and sound effects sparingly.
Leap Year had more satire and parody than his shorts, which were more slapstick and absurd. The film mocked the Hollywood lifestyle, the celebrity culture, and the social norms of the 1920s. Arbuckle's shorts were more playful and whimsical, and they often spoofed other genres, such as westerns, melodramas, and thrillers.
Leap Year had more romance and sentimentality than his shorts, which were more cynical and anarchic. The film had a happy ending for all the couples, and it showed Arbuckle's softer and sweeter side. Arbuckle's shorts were more edgy and irreverent, and they often showed him as a troublemaker, a womanizer, or a victim of fate.
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Leap Year is a showcase of Arbuckle's comedic talents, as he displays his physical agility, facial expressions, and timing. He also co-directed the film with James Cruze, and co-wrote the script with Sarah Y. Mason and Walter Woods. The film features many gags and situations that are typical of the slapstick genre, such as chases, falls, pies, and mistaken identities. The film also parodies the Hollywood lifestyle, as Arbuckle interacts with various celebrities and filmmakers, such as Sidney Bracey, who plays Loris Keene's press agent. The film also has some risqué humor, such as Arbuckle swimming in a full suit and hat, and pretending to be a woman to escape from his fiancées.
VLeap Year is a rare gem that deserves more recognition and appreciation from film fans and historians. It is a testament to Arbuckle's genius and resilience, as he made the film during a difficult time in his life. It is also a reminder of the potential that he had, and the legacy that he left behind. Leap Year is a film that will make you laugh, and also make you wonder what could have been.
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doctor-mccoys-sanity · 1 year ago
I love romcoms but my biggest pet peeve in them is American Girl x “British” Boy
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mizzlexz · 3 months ago
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📺 Leap Year
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anetherealpoetess · 8 months ago
perfect triple feature: leap year, chasing liberty, and stoker.
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showbizjunkies · 1 year ago
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sunyot · 1 year ago
Cinematic Moments - Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back 1980
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We're all in this scene...
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rjzimmerman · 1 month ago
Excerpt from this story from National Geographic. All photographs byJoel Sartore:
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CARACAL | CARACAL CARACAL Consummate predators, some small wildcats can take down larger prey. The caracal of Asia and Africa is less than two feet tall but has been filmed leaping over nine-foot fences to prey on sheep. PHOTOGRAPHED AT COLUMBUS ZOO AND AQUARIUM, OHIO
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PALLAS'S | CATOTOCOLOBUS MANUL A famously grumpy expression made this Central Asian species an Internet star. Conservationists hope the cat’s celebrity will help save its habitat from encroaching farms and other threats. PHOTOGRAPHED AT COLUMBUS ZOO AND AQUARIUM, OHIO
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IBERIAN LYNX | LYNX PARDINUS One of the world’s rarest cats, the Iberian lynx is slowly increasing in number as scientists release captive-raised cats and boost populations of rabbits, the lynx’s staple food. PHOTOGRAPHED AT MADRID ZOO AND AQUARIUM, SPAIN
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FISHING CAT | PRIONAILURUS VIVERRINUS The cat may look peculiar, but it’s perfectly adapted to its lifestyle: Big eyes help snare prey underwater, double-coated fur keeps out the wet, and partially webbed feet and a muscular, rudderlike tail aid in swimming. PHOTOGRAPHED AT POINT DEFIANCE ZOO AND AQUARIUM IN TACOMA, WASHINGTON
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EURASIAN LYNX | LYNX LYNX The largest of the four lynx species, the Eurasian lynx also has a huge range, including most of Europe and parts of Central Asia and Russia. Unlike many other small cats, its population is stable and threats are relatively low—although some isolated subgroups are critically endangered. PHOTOGRAPHED AT COLUMBUS ZOO AND AQUARIUM, OHIO
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JAGUARUNDI | SHERPAILURUS YAGOUAROUNDI With long, squat bodies and tiny ears, jaguarundis are otterlike in appearance. Thanks to their huge range—parts of Mexico, Central America, and South America—and lack of widespread hunting, the cat is considered a species of least concern. PHOTOGRAPHED AT BEAR CREEK FELINE CENTER, FLORIDA
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RUSTY-SPOTTED CAT | PRIONAILURUS RUBIGINOSUS The smallest of the small cats, the rusty-spotted cat, a native of India and Sri Lanka, can weigh as little as two pounds. Not much is known about the speckled feline, but destruction of habitat, hunting, and hybridizing with domestic cats are threats. PHOTOGRAPHED AT EXMOOR ZOO, ENGLAND
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AFRICAN GOLDEN CAT | CARACAL AURATA Inhabiting the rain forests of West and Central Africa, this species is threatened by forest loss and bush-meat hunters. This seven-year-old male, Tigri, is likely the only cat of its kind in captivity. PHOTOGRAPHED AT PARC ASSANGO, LIBREVILLE, GABON
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CANADA LYNX | LYNX CANADENSIS Like the Iberian lynx, the Canada lynx is a specialist hunter, preying almost exclusively on snowshoe hare. The North American species has giant paws that help it run through deep snow after prey. PHOTOGRAPHED AT POINT DEFIANCE ZOO AND AQUARIUM, WASHINGTON
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amirasainz · 20 days ago
Could I please request Hamilton daughter reader. Maybe a cute moment with Roscoe and Leo?
Enjoy reading and send some requests!
-xoxo babygirl ♥️
Dogs, Bikes, and Free Rides
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It was a sunny afternoon at the GP, the air warm and inviting as birds chirped faintly in the background. The paddock was bustling with energy—mechanics fine-tuning cars, media crews setting up shots, and team personnel buzzing around like bees.
Five-year-old Yn was less concerned with the hustle and bustle of the race weekend and more intrigued by the perfect weather. Her curly hair bounced with each excited step as she explored the Ferrari motorhome with her dad and Charles. The two were deep into filming some content for the team, laughter and friendly teasing filling the space between takes.
Yn sat cross-legged on a bench, her chin resting in her small hands as she watched her dad talk animatedly to the camera. Charles stood beside him, his trademark grin ever present. Boredom started to creep in, making Yn fidget.
Then, she had an idea.
Spotting her little red bike propped against the fence nearby, Yn's face lit up. But there was a problem—she didn’t want to leave the dogs behind. Roscoe, her dad’s beloved bulldog, was lounging lazily on the grass, while Leo, Charles’ mischievous dachshund, wagged his tail excitedly as if sensing adventure.
“Hmm,” Yn mused to herself, tapping her chin thoughtfully.
Determined, she marched over to the dogs. “Okay, guys,” she announced seriously, “we’re going on a ride.”
Roscoe snorted in response, clearly uninterested in moving. Leo, on the other hand, barked happily, ready for anything.
With great difficulty, Yn managed to coax Roscoe up and into the front basket of her bike. He grumbled but complied, his heavy body nearly tipping the bike over.
“Whoa! Stay still, Roscoe!” she giggled, struggling to balance.
Leo, much lighter, was easier to handle. He leaped into the basket beside Roscoe, his tail wagging furiously. Yn stepped back, admiring her work.
“Perfect,” she declared proudly, dusting off her hands.
Gripping the handlebars tightly, she climbed onto the bike. With a determined push, she started pedaling, the dogs wobbling slightly in the basket before settling in.
The wind whipped through Yn’s curls as she cycled down the service road that ran parallel to the track. The rhythmic hum of engines in the distance only added to the excitement.
Meanwhile, her dad and Charles had just wrapped up their segment. Charles stretched his arms overhead, glancing around. That’s when he spotted Yn in the distance, pedaling furiously with two dogs precariously balanced in the basket.
A laugh bubbled up in his chest. “Uh, is that Yn?”
Lewis followed Charles’ gaze, his brows furrowing in confusion.
“What the—” he started, blinking in disbelief. “Is she... is that Roscoe and Leo in the basket?”
Charles nodded, grinning. “Yep. Looks like they’re getting the VIP treatment.”
As Yn drew closer, Lewis stepped toward the edge of the track, waving his arms.
“Yn! What are you doing?” he called out, his voice a mix of amusement and exasperation.
Yn didn’t even slow down. Her little legs pumped furiously as she yelled back, completely unbothered, “The dogs wanted a free ride!”
Charles burst out laughing, doubling over as Lewis stood there, utterly baffled.
“A free ride?” Lewis repeated incredulously, shaking his head. “Roscoe doesn’t even like moving!”
Yn zipped past them, her focus unwavering. Roscoe looked mildly annoyed but resigned, while Leo barked gleefully, clearly enjoying the adventure.
“She’s fearless,” Charles managed between laughs. “And creative. You gotta give her that.”
Lewis sighed, though a smile tugged at his lips. “Yeah, she gets that from me, I guess.”
Charles nudged him playfully. “Sure, let’s go with that.”
They watched as Yn disappeared around the bend, her determined figure growing smaller.
“You think we should go after her?” Charles asked, wiping a tear of laughter from his eye.
Lewis shrugged, a fond smile settling on his face. “Nah, she’ll be back when she gets tired. She’s got this whole paddock wrapped around her little finger.”
“True,” Charles agreed. “Plus, Roscoe’s too lazy to let this go on for long.”
As predicted, it wasn’t long before Yn reappeared, her pace slower but still steady. She pulled up in front of her dad and Charles, her face flushed with triumph.
“See?” she panted. “Told you they wanted a ride.”
Lewis crossed his arms, trying to look stern but failing miserably. “And what if you tipped over, huh? What then?”
Yn gave him a confident grin. “Didn’t tip, though.”
Charles chuckled. “She’s got a point.”
Lewis shook his head in disbelief. “You’re too much, kid.”
Yn beamed proudly. “Thanks, Daddy.”
Charles crouched down, scratching Roscoe behind the ears. “So, how was the ride, Roscoe?”
The bulldog snorted, clearly unimpressed. Leo, on the other hand, barked enthusiastically.
“Leo liked it,” Yn said matter-of-factly. “Roscoe’s just grumpy.”
“I can relate,” Charles teased, earning a playful swat from Lewis.
“Alright, adventure girl,” Lewis said, lifting her off the bike. “Let’s get you and these dogs some water before you pass out.”
“Okay, but can we do it again later?” Yn asked hopefully.
Lewis sighed, exchanging a glance with Charles.
“We’ll see,” he said diplomatically.
Charles grinned. “That’s a yes.”
Yn cheered, throwing her arms in the air. “Best day ever!”
As they made their way back to the motorhome, Yn chattered animatedly about her next great idea, leaving her dad and Charles shaking their heads fondly.
One thing was certain—life was never boring with Yn around.
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bunny-jpeg · 2 months ago
max verstappen, blueberry bars, belgian waffles, tim bits with margarita and root beer. like, reader is max's naive and innocent best friend and he does this without her knowledge, asleep or drugs. she ends up preg and max convinces her that it sometimes happens and promises to take care of her.
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want to submit an order? the bakery is open! submit your orders and i'll try to get through them as fast as possible. been a bit of a slow period because of the holdays/end of the year, but i'm making a comeback with 'em since they are very popular with ya'll! i was immediately drawn to this one, i love a good dark fic and i knew i had to write it! so thank you, thank you! enjoy <3
blueberry bars: “gonna make you a mamma and you're gonna make me a daddy.” + belgian waffles: "i cum in that every night." + tim bits: "stupid little thing." + margarita: unprotected sex + root beer: filming/recording served by max verstappen!
tags: smut/pwp, dark fic/dark themes, filming/recording, unprotected sex, breeding& pregnancy, best friend!reader, non-con somophilia, innocent!reader, mad!max, drugging
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the sight of you was beautiful, there was something about your sleeping form that drove him mad. max knew that he could have any woman he desired, but why would he desire them when he could have you. you pulled him in, but even after years of friendship. you never seemed to notice max's advances, and he was getting desperate.
earlier in the evening you complained about not being able to sleep. you were visiting your best friend who was happy to house you in his apartment in monaco, so when max handed you a dainty little pill and told you to have a good night, you happily took it. and when your soft snores could be heard from the doorway of the bedroom, max felt himself getting arousing.
you looked like an innocent princess, and max believed himself to be the prince who will protect you. even if that meant having his hands under your shirt while you were asleep. a prince deserved a reward didn't he?
you laid under the sheet, which max pulled off slowly. you were in a thin tank top and underwear. he felt his heartbeat leap at the sight of you. he took out his phone to take photos.
he chuckled to himself lowly, "i cum in that every night." a cheeky joke as he had spent the last week slipping you a little pill and having his wicked way with you once you were asleep. you were quite nice when you were asleep, so much softer. it only made max yearn for you more. he wanted you, you were just too beautiful. he groaned as he felt tension in his sweatpants, "stupid little thing."
there was hunger inside of him, he needed you. wanted you in carnal ways that he couldn't put into words. the sight of you, he took more photos as he got his cock out of his sweatpants and rubbed it against your now bare stomach. he shuddered, "beautiful little thing. so stupid. need someone to protect you. you need to be saved don't you? well that's what i'm here for." he then got your panties down around your ankle and exposed your entire form to him.
it was only right for him to admire every inch of you, you were going to be his wife. the mother of his child. he said softly, “gonna make you a mamma and you're gonna make me a daddy.” and you shifted a little, it excited him as he got between your legs. he felt the rush through him as he sank his cock into you.
he had been doing this every night for a week now. every evening like ritual, he made sure you were tucked in, only for him to peel back the sheets and fuck you with a feverish want while you sleep. max had enough of beating around the bush with your love, he was a man of action.
and all he needed was for two little cells to meet before that action became a plan. some would call it baby trapping, but he'd call it a promise of commitment. you weren't going to do it alone, you'd have max every step of the way. he'd even retired to make sure that you and his baby were taken care of.
he could feel the pleasure through his body as he moved against you. he held your legs wrapped around him as he leaned in to kiss you on the lips. he snatched his phone up from the bed and snapped photos and took a small video of his cock being rocked in and out of you. he let out a small groan as the pleasure seeped into his blood. you felt amazing, he eyed your sleeping form as he picked up the pace a little bit more. he filmed a little more and let himself just enjoy the feeling of your slick cunt.
it was like a warm vice that pulled him in further. he took it as a sign that your body wanted it. you wanted this too, to carry his child. of course you did, you were so innocent and sweet. bordering on naive that max knew that you'd want a baby. a chubby little verstappen baby at your hip, you'd make a good mother.
and max knew that, even if you didn't at that moment.
he groaned lightly as he held onto your hips. he felt the climbing warmth in his body as he fucked you. feeling your body against his. your sleeping form was like the future in his eyes. he could imagine your wedding, having your family. you being the perfect wife for him. it was only destiny for the two of you, you had been friends for ages.
he knew everything about you, no other man would be able to compare. to think they could would be stupid to think, you were meant to be with max. for him to dote, love and protect. you didn't need to do anything else besides be his wife and the mother of his children. he had already made enough money to sustain a full house for three lifetimes. you deserved a man who could provide, max knew you 'dated', but they never lasted long. they didn't deserve to be with a woman like you. an angel from the heavens brought to earth.
"i love you." he said, "even when you don't see it. i know you do, i know you love me. you want me badly, but you don't think you're good enough. hopefully when i get you pregnant you can realize that i love you. i need you." his breathing was heavy as he thrusted against you.
there was no protection between you two and honestly he didn't need it. 'protection' wouldn't get you pregnant, wouldn't keep you as his. plus, it felt so much better bare-back. to feel the closeness to you. fill you with his seed and let it take root inside of you. then maybe you'd come to your senses.
maybe he could've done it a different way, but why would we do that? you looked so peaceful, he knew you weren't getting sleep. and max, the dutiful husband, would always make sure that you were alright. he just happened to want your sweet cunt wrapped around his hard cock at the same time. who could blame him, your pussy was the kind to salivate over like a hungry dog.
to love you, in his own twisted way, was a sign of utter devotion. even in your sleep, he would protect you. he knew what was right, and had convinced himself that breeding you while asleep was the best course of action. it'll prove that max is the man you need in your life, the protector. you were so innocent at times, anyone could hurt you!
but not max, at least in his logic.
you cunt felt amazing around his cock. his heart hammered in his chest a she rocked against you. he panted heavily as he moved against you. he held onto your thighs firmly and the dirty talk spilled from his lips. it was hard to make it stop at the feeling of your cunt like a vice around his cock. he rutted up into your further, as deep as he could go, as he said, "you're a fucking good girl. always did everything right, you were so trusting. that's why i have to keep you with me. close to me, where you belong. you're my wife, i knew that from the moment i met you. but the older we get, the further you're getting. time to bring you home. you, me and baby." his voice was hushed, but his words were protective and loving. or his version of loving.
if anyone saw or heard what he was doing. they'd be in shock, but they didn't understand. they didn't get how much you meant to him. he spent so much time trying to find you in other women, but why bother with them when he had you. all of you.
and soon there would be a product of your love. your union together. that only made him work his hips faster against you. you remained limp under him as he drilled his cock into you. your let out a small moan in your deep sleep and it made max near drool as he finished inside of you.
he thrusted quickly against you and felt all semblance of control start to slip. he was left hungry, near feverish from the intensity of the pleasure. he loved it, just as he loved you. of course the love of his life would have a cunt that drove him to near insanity.
he soon finished inside of you after the pleasure took hold. he clutched onto you tightly and felt the intense heights of pleasure. he let out a loud moan before he slowed to a stop. he wiped his sweaty brow and eyed your still sleepy form. it made his cock twitch inside of you for a moment.
he leaned in to kiss you on the lips before he pulled away to get you re-clothed and tucked back in. before he left the room, he kissed you on the face once more and said,
"everything i do. i do for you."
you were in tears weeks later, you showed max the pregnancy test when fear in your eyes. and while you looked distraught, max looked excited. the test clattered on the floor as max took you in his strong arms and kissed your face.
"how..how did this happen?" you asked meekly.
max replied with a wide smile, "don't worry about it! it's our little miracle! you and the baby won't go without. we'll have to get a bigger place, and move your stuff back home. or i can buy you new things since you'll be going through so much change... and then of course, i have to marry you. it's only right!" he was already talking like you two had planned this pregnancy.
but it was hard to do much thinking when max held you so protectively. you held onto the front of his shirt and rubbed your face against his chest. you exhaled deeply, still feeling shaken to your core. you held on tightly like a lifeline, knowing that max's child was growing in your womb. a part of you wondered if the things you were feeling late into the night weren't dreams after all. <3
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the-tenth-knot · 6 days ago
This definitely had more of a Matthew vibe than a Declan vibe. But I'm okay with it
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months ago
Heart VI
Mapi León x Ingrid Engen x Child!Reader
Summary: You like Patri's birds
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It was sitting in a charity shop.
The camera that is.
It's an old camera, kind of battered from a life well used but still seemingly in working order.
Honestly, it's kind of retro and Mapi really likes the look of it.
She'd only been passing by, off to the shops to get Ingrid some chocolate and stock up on milk. She wasn't quite sure why she stopped to stare but she does.
It's sitting in a box with a roll of old photo film and a camera strap to wear around your neck.
She goes into the charity shop and buys the camera, a steal of ten euros with the roll of film and the strap included.
So, Mapi comes back to the house with Ingrid's chocolate, a pint of milk and a new camera.
"Hey, sunshine," Mapi says, patting the spot on the sofa next to her," Come here."
You sit with her happily and Mapi shows you the camera. She demonstrates how it works and shows you how it prints off the photo immediately like your more modern Polaroid.
"It'll take us a while to find some more film," Mapi tells you," But, here, I've got an idea. You've got maybe four or five pictures left. I want you to really think about what you like and what you want because what you take a picture of, me and Mama will buy it for you. Sound good?"
You nod.
"Good girl."
When Ingrid heard of Mapi's plan, she expected you to start taking pictures of everything right away.
You carry your new camera everywhere with you, the worn strap hanging around your neck.
But you don't take any pictures whatsoever.
You look like you want to but, with an impressive amount of control of a kid, you stop yourself.
You're waiting for something, Ingrid thinks.
You're good at waiting.
You waited for years for your Santa Heart. You can wait to take a picture too.
That's much easier than living in a hospital bed.
Your surgical site has healed up now, leaving only the sliver of a scar that Ingrid still finds herself compulsively checking over at bath time, just to check that nothing's changed with it.
Your check ups have decreased to once every three months now and you're coming along leaps and bounds.
"Patri!" Mapi calls out from the kitchen," Have you got anything kid friendly in here?"
Ingrid sits on Patri's sofa as the rest of the team mill around for team bonding.
Mapi had gone snooping in the kitchen immediately to get snacks for herself and you.
"Yeah, should be in the top cupboard!" Patri yells back.
She's much more preoccupied with bringing her two birds out of their cage to show you.
You're enamoured by them, oohing and aahing ever since you first saw them in the cage earlier.
"You need to be very careful with them," Patri tells you," They're nervous."
"They're pretty," You say," Pretty birds."
"Would you like to hold them?"
"Yes, please!"
These birds are the prettiest birds in the world. They're very sweet as they sit on your arms, making soft little chirping noises and demonstrating tricks for you to see.
It's hard to separate you from the birds for the rest of the day, completely enamoured by them and Patri seems both delighted and surprised that you love them so much.
They're all you talk about on the way home from team bonding and all you talk about during your bath and bedtime routine.
Ingrid's taken control of that for tonight as Mapi changes into her pyjamas and feeds Bagheera some treats.
She turns with a smile.
"Have you come to say goodnight, sunshine?"
You nod. "Mama is choosing our story. She said I've got to say goodnight now."
Mapi crosses the room quickly, pulling you into a hug and kissing your cheek. "I love you."
"Love you," You echo, suddenly looking extremely nervous.
Mapi frowns. "What's up? Huh? What's wrong?"
"I...er...I...Mami I used my new camera."
"There's nothing wrong with that. That's what it's there for."
"No, I..." You nibble at your bottom lip. "I think I did it wrong. I took pictures of something you can't get me."
Mapi's frown only deepens and she kneels down to your height, hand going to rest on your cheek. "Why don't you show me?"
"I don't want you to be mad."
"How about this? I'm going to close my eyes and you can give me a picture and run off back to Mama and go to bed. We can discuss it tomorrow."
"Okay, Mami. Eyes closed."
The little Polaroids are placed into Mapi's hands and she waits until your footsteps have gone silent to open them again.
"Oh, sunshine," Mapi says to herself.
All five pictures are of the same thing.
Patri's birds.
One of them in their cage.
One of them pressed up against the bars.
One of them on Patri's head.
One of them on your arm.
One of them of you and them cuddled up together.
Ingrid inspects them that evening.
"I don't know what to do!" Mapi exclaims in bed, head resting on Ingrid's chest," She really liked Patri's birds and I told her that whatever she photographed she could have! But she seemed so nervous like she didn't even want to ask!"
"Mapi," Ingrid says," She was nervous because she thinks we won't want to buy her birds. You told her just last week that cats don't like birds and we do have Bagheera."
"Bagheera's lazy," Mapi replies," She won't care about birds."
"Then what are you worried about?"
"I...I don't really know. Are you okay with us having birds?"
Ingrid smiles, cheeks going slightly red. "I was already looking for cages."
It's been weeks since you first met Patri's birds and you're just as obsessed with them are you first were when you met them.
Patri seems to love it, endlessly bragging and showing off new pictures to you that you suitably coo over and secretly wish you had a pair of your own.
But you don't push Mama and Mami on it.
Bagheera is a cat and cats don't like birds. It says so in your storybook so you wish for birds secretly and clip the pictures you took of Patri's onto the soft fairy lights that hang around your room.
You wish you had birds of your own but that'll be something that happens when you're an adult like how Mami and Mama are adults and have Bagheera.
Ingrid holds you up on her hip as she walks from the elevator to the front door, easily carrying you, the shopping and unlocking the door all at the same time.
"Tia Ale wants a baby," You tell Ingrid," She told me so."
"That's because you're just so cute," Ingrid replies, fluttering kisses all over your cheeks," Alexia's got baby fever."
"But I'm not a baby."
"You're my baby," Ingrid declares," Mine and Mami's baby."
You giggle, the kisses tickling you.
"Now," Ingrid says, setting you down," Mami has a surprise for you in your bedroom, okay? You have to be very quiet and very responsible. Can you do that for me?"
You nod. "I can."
Ingrid gives you one last kiss on the cheek. "I knew you would be. Why don't you head in to see Mami?"
Mapi is standing by your bedroom door, giving you her customary kiss and cuddle before opening your bedroom door.
By the foot of your bed is a big cage with a blanket over it.
You gasp.
Mapi nods.
"I told you I'd get what you photographed. Do you want to meet your new birds, sunshine?"
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