kitty-otome · 3 years
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welcome to day 19 of the 60 days of voltage challenge!
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⇦ day 18 | day 20 ⇨
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honestly, i usually don’t really like mc’s bestie, for some reason she’s always really nosy and gossips a lot, however...
i adore rika from after school affairs! she’s super supportive (without being overbearing) and she’s comedic gold! 10/10 bestie.
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kitty-otome · 3 years
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from human trafficking to cohabitating with demons, here are five voltage games i would never want to live in, no matter how cute the boys are.
p. s. they’re in no particular order.
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i love kissed by the bidder, but no. absolutely not. nope. human trafficking??? no. who wants to be put up for auction? who? i don’t care if you’re hot, if you bought me, we aren’t becoming friends, much less lovers. i’m not drinking that stockholm juice, count me out. just imagine how stressful it must be, to live with someone who’s a mobster, a corrupt cop, a shady businessman, a famous artist, a most wanted thief, a mad auctioneer, an assassin or a blood thirsty politician. i don’t know about you, but i really want to survive to see the age of at least 30. the parties, the material goods and the fancy trips are not worth it. plus, getting ordered around by mr ichinomiya all day? nope. i like myself way too much for that life.
i’m way too vain for this life. living on a disgusting boat with a bunch of pirates who probably never wash themselves and have scurvy? no thank you, i’ll pass. also just the stress of thinking that the ship could get attacked at any time would really get to me, could you imagine all the free trauma you’d have? exactly. i can’t fight for the life of me either, so i’d probably die pretty fast.
do you realize how absolutely disgusting the medieval times were? people were literally so unhygienic, even the rich were gross by today’s standard. it’s the reason why the black plague spread so fast, it was because people didn’t wash themselves, like ever. yeah, being a princess might be fun and all, but we got to look at the risk to benefit ratio here — what am i risking to what benefit? being a princess is not worth catching 199183 diseases all starting with the letter h! i’m too much of a neat freak shallow perfectionist for this life. if you need me, i’ll be in the 21st century.
edit: actually, it’s kind of unclear what time period they’re in? i was sure they were in medieval times, but looking at their clothes, i’m not so sure anymore... anyways, still wouldn’t want to live in that game, too stressful, next.
it would be too much for me. i could never live in an environment where people around me are getting killed or injured left and right, where houses and buildings were being set into flames around me, where children and women were being put at risk... i know that’s the reality for many, even these days, but i personally don’t think i could handle it, and quite frankly, i don’t think anyone should have to endure that. not only that but, falling in love with someone that you could lose at any time would absolutely ruin me emotional and mentally. just knowing that there’s a fairly high chance they won’t come home for dinner... i just couldn’t.
living with demons? being hunted down my evil creatures? HECK NO! that is a hard no, i already hate having roommates as it is, i would literally leave the country if i had to living with fricken demons. i don’t care how hot you are, if you have crazy powers and wreck havoc at my house, you’re out. oh my god, and don’t even get me started on the evil creatures (AKA the ayakashi’s), could you imagine them following you around wherever you go? i’m already paranoid as heck, don’t do this to me. if i’m going to get killed by ayakashi’s, i want to die knowing i didn’t waste my life trying to house a bunch of horny demons (no pun intended).
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kitty-otome · 3 years
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we are on day 18 of the 60 days of voltage challenge!
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⇦ day 17 | day 19 ⇨
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oh, easy!
sakura from kissed by the baddest bidder! she’s an old friend of baba’s, and she genuinely makes me question my sexuality. she’s super bold, flirty and funny! i kind of wish the mc had a personality like hers, to be honest.
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kitty-otome · 3 years
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i made a this or that tag! if you end up doing it, make sure to tag me in your post ♡
click below to see my answers!
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kitty-otome · 3 years
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welcome to day 17 of the 60 days of voltage challenge!
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⇦ day 16 | day 18 ⇨
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okay, so i have a lot, but here are just a few.
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from soryu oh’s main story (kissed by the baddest bidder)
soryu being hot and dominant, what’s new?
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from jinpachi yushima’s campaign (serendipity next door)
*hyperventilates* this man will be the death of me.
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from hideki ishigami’s main story (my sweet bodyguard)
i don’t know why, but this cg makes me feel some type of way.
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from shuichi hishikura’s traitor wedding march story (kissed by the baddest bidder)
it’s shuichi hishikura, enough said.
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from the jin namba’s main story (her love in the force)
honestly all of jin’s cg’s are gorgeous. or maybe he’s just the one who’s gorgeous, who knows?
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from hideki ishigami’s sequel (my sweet bodyguard)
my man lookin’ finer than wine!
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from soji okita’s main story (era of samurai: code of love)
era of samurai: code of love has especially nice cg’s.
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from takuto hirukawa’s main story (love letter from thief x)
imagine not falling in love with him at first sight.
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kitty-otome · 3 years
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welcome to day 16 of the 60 days of voltage challenge!
click here for the questions.
⇦ day 15 | day 17 ⇨
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i remember smiling the entire time while reading ryota mochizuki’s main story from our private homeroom. even when things got tense in the story, mc and ryota’s connection really warmed my heart!
other stories that make me really happy are most of the main stories from dreamy days in west tokyo and bad boys do it better.
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kitty-otome · 3 years
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today is day 15 of the 60 days of voltage challenge!
click here for the questions.
⇦ day 14 | day 16 ⇨
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i have a few, but i think the story that hit me the hardest was eiichi matsunaga’s main story from romance mc: always on call.
i don’t want to spoil anything, but let’s just say that i relate to matsunaga in many aspects.
i also found hiroto chitose’s main story from my wedding and 7 rings and a few of the main stories from era of samurai: code of love to be very touching.
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kitty-otome · 3 years
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because i know i’m not the only one who always picks the oldest man in the cast.
the order is from left to right, top to bottom!
p. s. everyone here is 35 or older + the oldest love interest in their respective games! (you’re welcome)
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MITSUBARI BABA — 35 (kissed by the baddest bidder)
EIICHI MATSUNAGA — 45 (romance md: always on call)
JIN NAMBA — 40 (her love in the force)
AYAME SUO — 39 (our two bedroom story)
ATSUMU KASHIWABARA — 35 (love letter from thief x)
KENTARO INUI — 40 (dangerous seduction)
JINPACHI YUSHIMA — 40 (serendipity next door)
KANATA TACHIBANA — 35 (finally, in love again)
KUNIHIKO AIKAWA — 35 (my forged wedding)
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who’s your favorite older voltage guy?
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kitty-otome · 3 years
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we are on day 14 of the 60 days of voltage challenge!
click here for the questions.
⇦ day 13 | day 15 ⇨
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i feel awful for saying this but, any story that involves sohei otori from forget me not, my love is so uninteresting to me.
honestly, the main reason why i dislike his stories so much might be sohei himself. he’s just so boring! you’d expect an arrogant rich guy to be at least somewhat entertaining (e. g. eisuke ichinomiya), but he’s just boring. he has literally nothing to offer, except for a lot of money. don’t get me wrong, he has his cute moments, but those are like 0,5% of his scenes.
also, his mc is really naive and way too trusting. she eats up anything he feeds her. she’s pretty dumb and she’s almost as boring as he is.
his stories themselves are fine, but kind of forgettable, in my opinion.
it kind of sucks that i don’t like any of his stories, because i genuinely really wanted to like him. he’s really cute and since forget me not, my love, is a new story, i really wanted to like at least one of the two currently available love interests (don’t even get me started on the doctor guy).
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kitty-otome · 3 years
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RELEASE DATE: january 22nd 2021
SUMMARY: you may be a trust fund baby, but you work hard to achieve your dreams: making your mark, and maybe finding love along the way. sadly, your parents have other plans, surprising you with a fiance. are you bound to you parents choices? or does the voice beyond your balcony offer something more?
p. s. “first impressions” means i only read the prologue and the first chapter of every main story available. i make a lot of assumptions and i’ll probably go on a tangent at some point or another, so please be warned.
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in short, the mc (you) is a rich kid who dreams of becoming successful without the help of your parents (just like every millennial born wealthy, how predictable). unfortunately for her, her father unexpectedly throws her into an arranged marriage (on her birthday, might i add) with the flashy ceo of an entertainment company. in this story, your fiancé is chosen for you, so the other love interests are not other wealthy men, but people who work for your family/with you (AKA people your parents wouldn’t approve of). meaning, unless you pick the fiancé’s route, we’re falling into a romeo and juliet dynamic (hence the title of the game).
i think the premise is fine. it’s nothing new or original, but that doesn’t necessarily make it bad. who doesn’t love a good forbidden romance? i think it’s interesting that your fiancé is picked for you, rather than you pick the fiancé, i think it’s a good chance of pace.
the writing is quite good, much like the writing in most of voltage’s new stories. there isn’t too much description (at least in the prologue/first chapter), thus quickening the pace of the story. so if you’re someone (like me) who likes slower paced stories, you might find that these first chapters feel a bit rushed, i know i did. but if you’re someone who hates descriptions and long monologues, and who just wants to see action, you might really be into this style of writing.
personally, i love long descriptions and endless monologues describing the train of thought of the mc/narrator, but i know i’m of the minority.
furthermore, i find that whoever wrote this is very good at creating intrigue. although the writing isn’t particularly poetic (in my opinion, at least), it definitely sucks you in in other ways. the writers managed to spark curiosity in the readers without confusing them (something voltage writers then to do when attempting to create intrigue), which is quite a feat.
there are currently four love interests that you can play at the moment, they are keiji fujieda (the butler), haruto miyake (the chef), yoshiki minagawa (the coworker) and shotaru uekusa (the childhood friend). the love interests that are not available at the moment are hisashi aoyama (the fiancé) and motoki takahashi (i don’t know what he does, you don’t see him in the prologue, but i assume he works for hisashi based on the information available about him).
they’re all very attractive characters, aesthetically they’re very nice to look at. keiji truly does not interest me at all, he comes off as a cardboard box with a high sex drive, and hey if that’s your thing then get your thick brown packing material sis, but that’s just not for me. haruto seems alright, he comes off as quite immature to me, but i find that him and mc have good chemistry. yoshiki interests me. i’m really curious to see what he’s like when he’s in love (since he’s always as. stiff as a board). his main story seems pretty good too. however, i feel like they might’ve tried to recreate a takuto moment with his character design? who knows. shotaru seems pretty cool, i find his relationship with mc to be very cute. however, the love interest i want to play most hisashi. he seems like a very complex character and i’m really curious to know what are his motives behind marrying mc. i feel like he has a really fascinating/tragic backstory.
i don’t know what i feel about the mc. i think it’s still too early to really make a true judgment of her character. however, from what i see, she’s basically the stereotypical angsty rich kid who wants to live like one of the middle class kids, and i’m not crazy about that to say the least. i’d honestly rather have a bratty and self centered mc than an arrogant and “rebellious” mc who tries to act like she wasn’t born with a silver spoon in her mouth, because then at least she’d acknowledge her privilege and have room for growth. but that’s just my opinion.
with that being said, her desire to distance herself from her parents is very understandable. her father is a raging misogynist and and her mother is an airhead-ish enabler. so her dislike for her parents is very understandable.
(off topic but, i think i should mention that her father’s words really hurt me, like actually hurt me. they gave me flashbacks from my own childhood, so if you’re sensitive to parental abuse or misogynistic remarks/insults, i would probably steer clear from this game.)
now, earlier i called the mc rebellious with quotation marks. the reason why i did that is because this mc has a very.. anticlimactic way of showing rebellion (in my opinion). this mc has a regular office job. there’s nothing wrong with having an office job, but if you hate your parents and want to rebel against them, shouldn’t you a) become a heavy metal singer so your parents are too embarrassed to be seen with you or b) become so successful you parents can’t interrupt your life anymore? who the hell becomes a regular office employee to rebel against their overbearing millionaire parents? not only that, but she explicitly says she isn’t completely satisfied in her current position. if she was satisfied with her job, then it would be a completely different story, but she isn’t. so, how is it rebellion? how is working a job you’re unhappy with supposed to make anyone jealous or envious? i honestly would’ve loved an angsty alt mc, who’s more interested in touring the world with her band than getting a husband, or a really brainy mc who’s more interest in pursuing higher education than getting married, or even a really business oriented mc with a wildly successful company who’s more interested in making bank than babies.
just imagine picking a job that you’re only half satisfied with when you have all that money at your disposal? that’s humiliating.
plus, she talks out loud to herself a lot which makes me weirdly uncomfortable. i understand you’re frustrated girl, but just get a journal or something. you’ll wake up the entire neighborhood with that blabbering.
most of the plots actually seem really good. in keiji’s main story, you realize you’ve fallen for him while he’s helping you plan your wedding. in haruto’s main story, you make a bet with him that you’ll fall in love with your fiancé, but you end up falling for him instead. in yoshiki’s main story, you start falling in love with him as you work together, but then you realize he might have sinister motives (much like a certain plot from irresistible mistakes). all of these plots seem great!
shotaru’s main story, on the other hand, seems absolutely pointless. in his story, you fall in love, but then he starts falling for a maid and you start falling for your fiancé, but for some reason, you’re trying to save your relationship, even though it sounds more convenient for him to marry the maid and for you to marry, well... your fiancé. (???) i promise i’m just as confused as you are. maybe the summary is just written really weirdly. i assume that’s what it is because the reviews are really good.
unfortunately, there’s no music. although they let you know of that aspect at the beginning of the story, it still bums me out a little.
the sceneries are kind of boring, most are just old recycled backgrounds that i’ve seen a million times before, but the driving animation looks really fantastic (you know, when the love interest is driving)! it’s a different pov, the mc is in the backseat rather than the passenger AND the steering wheel is finally on the left. yippee-ki-yay! i know the steering wheel is usually on the right in japan, but as an american, i was very happy to see it on the left. that right side steering wheel irked me so much for some reason. it’s such a small detail but it brought me so much joy.
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so, will i buy one of the main stories? maybe, mostly because i’m genuinely intrigued by where this story’s going to go. i’ll probably buy yoshiki’s main story, or hisashi’s main story, when it comes out. motoki looks to be my type, but i don’t know anything so far about his personality, so i couldn’t say for certain.
have you already bought any of the main stories? if so, what did you think? let me know!
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kitty-otome · 3 years
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today is day 13 of the 60 days of voltage challenge!
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⇦ day 12 | day 14 ⇨
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to be honest, there is not one story of rhion hatter’s (from kissed by the baddest bidder) that i don’t love.
i absolument adore rhion! he’s so cute, yet unexpectedly hot at times. his mc is really likable, not dumb at all, in fact i’d say she’s a pretty smart girl. their connection is amazing, they respect, understand and care for each other so deeply. they genuinely want what’s best for the other, and you can tell it goes so much deeper than just physical attraction. i literally want what they have.
all of his stories are so good! the music is super catchy and his cg’s are some of the prettiest. it’s a shame that there aren’t many of them.
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kitty-otome · 3 years
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welcome to day 12 of the 60 days of voltage challenge!
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⇦ day 11 | day 13 ⇨
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i don’t know why i love kissed by the baddest bidder so much. the stories are kind of a hit or miss, the premise is problematic, the mc is annoying, but the game is so addicting! i can’t stop playing it! plus, i adore the love interests (especially mitsunari baba).
granted, we all love things that are trash, but i am kind of disappointed in myself for liking this game so much.
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kitty-otome · 3 years
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we are on day 11 of the 60 days of voltage challenge!
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⇦ day 10 | day 12 ⇨
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i’ll admit, i’m usually not a big fan of voltage music, but her love in the force and the rhion hatter’s route from kissed by the baddest bidder *chef’s kiss*
my favorite track from her love in the force is the suspense one that plays when something bad is happening in the game, it’s incredible!
rhion hatter (the mad hatter) has his own soundtrack since the story originates from the party version of the game, and it’s so good!
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kitty-otome · 3 years
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today is day 10 of the 60 days of voltage challenge!
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⇦ day 9 | day 11 ⇨
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here’s my problem with asahi kakyouin, i really like him in other character’s stories. although he’s arrogant, you can tell that he genuinely cares for mc. it’s obvious that although part of him wants to marry mc for the benefits, another part of him genuinely likes her and genuinely wants what’s good for her. he’s really sweet to her and super protective of her, just in his own way. he gives me (slightly mean) onii-san vibes sometimes, and i actually really like that.
however in his own stories, he’s really unlikable. he’s like a mix of eisuke ichinomiya from kissed by the baddest bidder and miyabi from enchanted in the moonlight, which is literally the worst combination ever. one minute, he’s picking a fight with mc and the next he’s pushing her down without her consent, like huh? he’s somehow even more arrogant and he literally has zero respect for her because he’s probably under the impression that she won’t leave him. i swear, this man’s nerve.
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kitty-otome · 3 years
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so, i asked my best friend (who doesn’t play otome games) to guess which subject the after school affairs love interests teach and this is how it went...
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her: ... *clearly disgusted* god, this is interesting. what kind of-
her: the hair! and just the “english” next to it. oh god.
me: okay so obviously he’s an english teacher. and um... yeah. he’s really good in english? i don’t know, i don’t really like him that much.
her: okay, i don’t know if this is my experience but the male english teachers are really weird. like i had an english teacher who always made sexual jokes, yeah it was creepy.
me: eww! i’ve only ever had female or gay english teachers, so i can’t relate, but i’m so sorry.
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me: okay, guess what kind of teacher this-
her: SIR, THIS IS AN EDUCATIONAL- okay okay, hmmm. god, i feel like he could just be so many things things... i’d say either history or math?
me: yes, you got it! he’s a math teacher!
her: oh, really? yay! i still don’t get why he’s smoking, though.
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her: okay, i have to say history because of the sword.
me: yeah, it’s history.
*bursting out laughing*
her: he looks ready to slash the students with it!
her: actually... that’s pretty cool. like if my history teacher brought a sword i’d find them pretty cool.
me: i’d be kind of terrified, but agreed.
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her: aww, he seems so nice! uh... what subject? umm... like science? or gym?
me: GYM?
her: okay, i know he’s wearing a lab coat, but he’s outside!
me: *wheezes*
her: okay, okay, i’m saying science!
me: nope, he’s the school nurse.
her: ... oh yeah, that makes sense.
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her: awww! um, i have no idea why he has an animal? kind of confused? uh... i do not know what he can be.
me: he’s a physics teacher.
her: ... with a cat?
me: with a cat.
her: okay...
me: he’s an ex gang member who somehow became a physics teacher.
her: oh okay. i thought he was like a counselor who offered pet therapy.
me: ... that actually sounds nice. physics teacher are always psychopaths.
her: agreed!
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me: okay, this is the 17 year old i was telling you about.
her: ... huh?
me: you know, the 17 year old who likes the mc? i told you about him.
her: ohhh, him! huh... interesting.
me: i know, he doesn’t look 17.
her: he looks the same age as everyone else. he might even look older.
me: it’s probably the justin bieber hair.
her: *wheezes* it’s definitely the hair!
her: i want hair like the english teacher. and i still don’t get why that other guy was smoking.
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kitty-otome · 3 years
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welcome to day 9 of the 60 days of voltage challenge
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⇦ day 8 | day 10 ⇨
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alright, i couldn’t pick one so i picked three. your welcome, so now you have options.
first off, satsuki kitaoji from seduced in the sleepless city. this man is filthy rich, he literally has no need to be nice, he could be a total jerk 24/7 and his quality of life wouldn’t be affected. yet, he’s still an absolute sweetheart. he’s generous, he’s kind, he’s thoughtful, he’s literally so precious, please protect him at all cost.
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next is hiroto chitose from my wedding and 7 rings. although he’s obnoxiously flirty, he has this really soft and gentle aura to him that i find to be really attractive.
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finally, we have shuya komaki from our private homeroom. he is the ultimate onii-san! he’s sweet, he’s caring and he’s really protective of mc in a non agressive way, which is nice for a change!
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kitty-otome · 3 years
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we are on day 8 of the 60 days of voltage challenge!
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⇦ day 7 | day 9 ⇨
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here’s the thing, meanest is subjective, it really just depends on what kind of insults/ways of being mean hurt you more.
for me, i’m not going to lie, keith alford really hit where it hurts. like i know he’s a supposed to be a tsundere/oresama and stuff but sometimes his insults just got too real LMAO.
i still love him, i think he’s the second best boy in the game (after yakov) but dang he was harsh in his main story.
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