#60 days of voltage
reasonsforhope · 5 months
Scientists have developed a new solar-powered system to convert saltwater into fresh drinking water which they say could help reduce dangerous the risk of waterborne diseases like cholera.
Via tests in rural communities, they showed that the process is more than 20% cheaper than traditional methods and can be deployed in rural locations around the globe.
Building on existing processes that convert saline groundwater to freshwater, the researchers from King’s College London, in collaboration with MIT and the Helmholtz Institute for Renewable Energy Systems, created a new system that produced consistent levels of water using solar power, and reported it in a paper published recently in Nature Water.
It works through a process called electrodialysis which separates the salt using a set of specialized membranes that channel salt ions into a stream of brine, leaving the water fresh and drinkable. By flexibly adjusting the voltage and the rate at which salt water flowed through the system, the researchers developed a system that adjusts to variable sunshine while not compromising on the amount of fresh drinking water produced.
Using data first gathered in the village of Chelleru near Hyderabad in India, and then recreating these conditions of the village in New Mexico, the team successfully converted up to 10 cubic meters, or several bathtubs worth of fresh drinking water. This was enough for 3,000 people a day with the process continuing to run regardless of variable solar power caused by cloud coverage and rain.
[Note: Not sure what metric they're using to calculate daily water needs here. Presumably this is drinking water only.]
Dr. Wei He from the Department of Engineering at King’s College London believes the new technology could bring massive benefits to rural communities, not only increasing the supply of drinking water but also bringing health benefits.
“By offering a cheap, eco-friendly alternative that can be operated off the grid, our technology enables communities to tap into alternative water sources (such as deep aquifers or saline water) to address water scarcity and contamination in traditional water supplies,” said He.
“This technology can expand water sources available to communities beyond traditional ones and by providing water from uncontaminated saline sources, may help combat water scarcity or unexpected emergencies when conventional water supplies are disrupted, for example like the recent cholera outbreaks in Zambia.”
In the global rural population, 1.6 billion people face water scarcity, many of whom are reliant on stressed reserves of groundwater lying beneath the Earth’s surface.
However, worldwide 56% of groundwater is saline and unsuitable for consumption. This issue is particularly prevalent in India, where 60% of the land harbors undrinkable saline water. Consequently, there is a pressing need for efficient desalination methods to create fresh drinking water cheaply, and at scale.
Traditional desalination technology has relied either on costly batteries in off-grid systems or a grid system to supply the energy necessary to remove salt from the water. In developing countries’ rural areas, however, grid infrastructure can be unreliable and is largely reliant on fossil fuels...
“By removing the need for a grid system entirely and cutting reliance on battery tech by 92%, our system can provide reliable access to safe drinking water, entirely emission-free, onsite, and at a discount of roughly 22% to the people who need it compared to traditional methods,” He said.
The system also has the potential to be used outside of developing areas, particularly in agriculture where climate change is leading to unstable reserves of fresh water for irrigation.
The team plans to scale up the availability of the technology across India through collaboration with local partners. Beyond this, a team from MIT also plans to create a start-up to commercialize and fund the technology.
“While the US and UK have more stable, diversified grids than most countries, they still rely on fossil fuels. By removing fossil fuels from the equation for energy-hungry sectors like agriculture, we can help accelerate the transition to Net Zero,” He said.
-via Good News Network, April 2, 2024
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seven-meds · 2 months
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A few interesting Letters to the Editor published in various adult magazines between the 50s and the 90s. Transcripts and sources below:
1: Future Sex (Issue 6, March 1994)
I love your magazine. The articles are well-written, and it's refreshing to see adjectives other than the words "throbbing" and "turgid" being used. Bless you and your thesaurus as well.
I particularly enjoyed Kim Teevan's essay, "Self-Service" (Issue 4), but some of the terminology was used improperly. One woman commented on the power of her 12volt vibrator being powerful enough to bore her with men. Well, that may or may not be true, but it's not voltage that determines the output power of vibrators. (I am an electrician by trade so I'm quite familiar with how vibrators work.)
The "vibes" or "pulses" that come from a vibrator are dependent on its rate of electrical cycles, expressed in hertz. A really good vibrator will have a "rate of fire" of about 60-180 pulses per minute. That translates to about
1-3 hertz. Other good rates lie in the 3003,000 pulses per second range. If this sounds a little fast, don't worry about it. Three hundred to 3,000 hertz is the average frequency of the human speaking voice. It's a nifty little vibration but it doesn't carry as far as the electrically generated vibrations due to limitations in the body's ability to maintain a sustained tone.
If I can make a personal recommendation to heavy vibrator users, you can get about a 40% increase in output power on your vibrators by bypassing the resistors that send power into the vibrator itself. Just solder a little wire around them and you'll soon be able to come so hard you'll shatter windows all up and down your block.
Charles Harris San Francisco , CA
2: Night and Day (November 1952)
Dear Sir:
It's wonderful to pick up your magazine a letter from a fellow uniped such as Beth O. I, too, think it is about time we were being heard from. 1 am 27 years old, blonde and not bad looking at all. I lost my left leg at mid thigh in an automobile wreck. Also I have never been able to wear an artificial limb. I use one special crutch, and my boy friend says I get about as well as a girl with two legs. I wear a 6B shoe and would like to swap with any girl that wears that size. Maybe Beth O. wears that size.
I have been walking on crutches for over ten years, I play tennis, dance and bowl. Can anyone top that? I don't believe there is a one-legged girl in the world that can get about better on crutchés than me. I challenge all comers. It is quite a nuisance being one-minus, but as Beth said, it has its compensations. I haven’t bought any hose in years as my friends give me all their odd stockings. I am waiting with bated breath for your picture spread of us one-legged girls — might even send in one of mine if I can find a good one.
3: Eqqus Eroticus (Spring 1997)
Dear Sir,
I’m a middle aged white male living in the Cleveland, Ohio area. I took an early retirement from the Federal Government over a year ago. But I stay in good physical condition by doing my exercises such as walking, bike riding and playing golf. So I can keep up with if not ahead of just about everyone my age and usually guys who are years younger.
I want to be a cart pony and I could be a cart pony, if only I knew of someone who could train me.
I have almost always been in control. I usually am in charge of what¬ ever I am involved in. At work, I was always the boss. Usually when I joined any club and social activities at some point I became the leader. That may sound great, but it is not easy being the one who has to make the decisions, to be the person people wait to hear from, to always be the responsible one.
Through it all or maybe because of it all, I have always had a suppressed interest in bondage. To “be” in bondage, that is. To be tied strapped, shackled or whatever into complete submission. But there was no one who could or would control me, and I still yearn for bondage. I want to know at the deepest level what it is like to be controlled, forced to respond to any whim of the person who controls me.
In my spare time I found a newsgroup that had all kinds of photos of people in bondage. What attracted my interest most was the pony girls, especially the cart ponies. They were totally controlled, physically and mentally. They weren’t just in bondage; they weren’t held in one position. They were forced to behave and obey just as their masters or trainers instructed them. They were in body harnesses, stiff high collars, with a bit in their mouths, and harnesses holding their heads just right. You might see them in a corral, practicing their gait. They might be shown in a stall, chained to a wall by their neck or ankle or pulling a cart with the whip ready to give them extra incentive to obey. They were always total slaves with no will or choice.
I want to be the one who is being trained as cart pony boy. Held by my reins in a stable or my bit secured above me, holding me straight as my trainer works on my gait. To know that the littlest mistake would be rewarded with a crack or two of the whip. A whip crack I have yet to feel. Taught patience by being left chained naked in my stall, to wait for whatever would come next. I even long to be the one locked to the cart, my head held high by collar and head harness, reins telling me where to go, proudly pulling my trainer. To know that when the trip was done I‘d be back secured in my stall, left alone to await my trainer’s next pleasure.
I’m not interested in appearing in public, or being in competition. I just want to experience what it is to live the training of a cart pony. Maybe out there somewhere is a trainer who would give me what I am looking for. I want this experience so much and I would be forever grateful. I’d prefer female, but since sex isn’t the object, a male would be acceptable. If there is anyone who would train me, they can reach me at my e-mail address shown below. Please help me fulfill my desires.
PonySlaveX@aol. com
4: Eroticon (Fall 1980)
Dear friends of Eroticon,
I read porno magazines secretly, because my husband would not like having such “dirty” things in the house. Couldn’t you show more close ups of the male models muscular buttocks? I also would like to see cocks being soft and nice before the erection. I would really love that!
Finally! A lady with desire. We shall try to get some of the models to overcome their vanity and show “him” in a relaxed state. I definitely agree with you — not only womens asses are tempting.
5: Divinity 7 (1994)
I am enclosing a cutting from the DAILY TELEGRAPH of the 8th September. This indicated the flogging of a bishop.
There are no details and I would be very interested to know more about it, there is no doubt that it was a severe thrashing, but the culprit did not need to have hospital treatment afterwards, and he was fit to sit and walk next day, therefore no real injury.
I think that many of us would like to have details, such as how was he dressed for the flogging, did he have pants and shirt on? Was he standing or laying down?
It would also be interesting to know the conditions for flogging in other countries like Pakistan, Arabia and Turkey, with descriptions of the faults for which one can be flogged.
A photo or two would be interesting or better still a video of an actual flogging in public or in private.
This being an item siutable [sic] for the DAILY TELEGRAPH, and the true record of a news event I would think that a video or photos would be quite OK and legal imports, am I right?
As you are In touch and a publisher, I would like to hear from you on this subject, you may already have information or know of videos available.
Douglas Finlayson Essex
6: Transformation (Issue 6, 1994)
| recently picked up your Magazine #2...it’s great! | like what I’ve read in your magazine, especially a story titled “Dominant Lady Turns Boyfriend into Crystal” on page 10. | have this fantasy...about a dominant lady dentist who has a thing about a trampy TV, and fetish PVC or latex clothing.
Sometimes | am the patient, all dressed in shiny PVC. Other times I’m the nurse, in a white PVC uniform, long blond hair and a shiny nurse’s cap. The dental equipment is an old belt-driven drill and a sit-up chair.
If possible, I'd like to get in touch with Karyn R. and Crystal. But anyone...please write me!
K. Johnson
7: High Heels (Vol. 2 No. 7, 1965)
Dear High Heels.
I would like to see more pictures of handicapped girls in high-heels... I am enclosing some of mine, showing my 6" heel—some also show my peg. I have other pictures showing me in 7" heels...
Thank You,
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drnikolatesla · 2 years
What Happened to Nikola Tesla’s Missing Papers After His Death?
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In 1943 immediately following Nikola Tesla’s death, the FBI ordered the Office of Alien Property (OAP) to seize all of Tesla's belongings, including the safe from his apartment, his possessions stored in the basement of the New Yorker, up to 80 trunks stored in various storage units around Manhattan, and a mysterious safety deposit box at the Governor Clinton Hotel. This is somewhat of a controversial subject in that Nikola Tesla had been a naturalized U.S. citizen for over 50 years, thus the OAP had no legal right to raid his room. The FBI's justification for allowing the OAP to investigate Tesla's belongings was based on the premise that Sava Kosanovic, Tesla’s nephew who was affiliated with the Yugoslavian government at that time, was entitled to his uncle's estate. Since World War II was currently underway and Germany controlled a large part of Europe, Kosanovic was not trusted so the FBI felt it was necessary to seize "enemy assets" without a court order. However, the main reason they seized Tesla's belongings was because there was word that he had completed a working model of his "particle beam" weapon. This device was a natural extension of his high frequency work where he produced 100 foot long sparks in his laboratory experiments at Colorado Springs in 1899. The next step was to control and direct this energy as a weapon. The device he proposed was a open vacuum tube that could charge small or large particles to millions of volts and project these highly charged “non-dispersive” particles through free air to bring down hundreds of enemy airplanes. Since the U.S. government was already skeptical of Kosanovic and was worried that Tesla’s device might get into enemy hands, they impounded all of Tesla's possessions.
John O. Trump (uncle to former president Donald J. Trump), director of MIT's High Voltage Research Laboratory, and a small team of government officials conducted an investigation into Tesla’s possessions. Since Trump was the only qualified scientist to comprehend Tesla's work, he likely spent half the time going over all of Tesla's contents. In their two days of inspection, the team found nothing of value to the U.S. or to the enemy. As for the mysterious safety deposit box, it was found by Trump to contain a wooden chest containing a 20 year old resistance box used for Wheatstone bridge resistance measurements. This, Trump noted, was a common item found in every electric laboratory before the turn of the century. Although the investigation took only two days, it would take nine years for the government to return Tesla's possessions to his family.
Did the U.S. government secretly hold onto important information and acted as if there was nothing of value in Tesla’s possessions? Presumably we'll never really know, but it is a possibility. First, letters from researchers were written to both the FBI and the OAP about Tesla's property during their impound (1943-1952), and neither department claimed they were in possession of his belongings. Each pointed fingers at each other saying to talk to the opposing party. Another reason to be skeptical is that for years, the U.S. government denied having any paperwork, microfilm, or any details on Nikola Tesla. It wasn't until the Freedom of Information Act was enacted that it was exposed that there were in fact documents and microfilm on Tesla. Furthermore, out of the 80 trunks taken from Tesla's belongings, only 60 were returned to his family. This could simply be that his possessions were broken down to save space, but this detail has caused a tremendous amount of conspiracies on this topic.
Did Tesla really complete his weapon of mass destruction? No one really knows. There are many breadcrumbs that hint it may be plausible. One story is based on a woman whose husband's grandfather used to be one of Tesla's trusted employees. He would tell actual stories of Tesla bouncing beams off the moon. A reporter who once interviewed Tesla in his later years told of Tesla describing his work with cathode-ray tubes where sometimes a particle larger than an electron would break off from the cathode, pass out of the tube, and strike him. Tesla said he could feel a sharp, stinging pain where it first hit him and also where it passed out through him. That being said, the closest we can get to the truth is Tesla's elaborate technical paper on the subject (including diagrams), that he sent to a number of allied nations including the United States, Canada, England, France, the Soviet Union, and Yugoslavia, titled “New Art of Projecting Concentrated Non-Dispersive Energy Through Natural Media" (circa 1935). The paper described the first technical description of his charged particle beam weapon. Tesla was directly communicating with the U.S. government and Prime Minster Chamberlain of Great Britain in an effort to promote his particle beam for defense against enemy aerial attacks. His correspondence with Prime Minster Chamberlain was his attempt to prevent Nazi Germany from taking over his native homeland, but when Great Britain, France and Italy agreed to let Germany annex Czechoslovakia at the Munich Conference in 1938, his communication with the government came to an end.
In the end, we'll really never know what happened to his missing papers, or even if there are any missing papers. Tesla made many statements in his later years that his defense weapon was completed and he was going to give it to the Geneva Conference for World Peace, but it never happened. OR NAZI SPIES KILLED HIM AND TOOK ALL HIS BLUEPRINTS BUT STILL ULTIMATELY LOST WORLD WAR II FOR SOME REASON. Lol jk!
What do you all think happened to his papers?
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Scientists have developed a new solar-powered system to convert saltwater into fresh drinking water which they say could help reduce dangerous the risk of waterborne diseases like cholera.
Via tests in rural communities, they showed that the process is more than 20% cheaper than traditional methods and can be deployed in rural locations around the globe.
Building on existing processes that convert saline groundwater to freshwater, the researchers from King’s College London, in collaboration with MIT and the Helmholtz Institute for Renewable Energy Systems, created a new system that produced consistent levels of water using solar power, and reported it in a paper published recently in Nature Water
It works through a process called electrodialysis which separates the salt using a set of specialized membranes that channel salt ions into a stream of brine, leaving the water fresh and drinkable. By flexibly adjusting the voltage and the rate at which salt water flowed through the system, the researchers developed a system that adjusts to variable sunshine while not compromising on the amount of fresh drinking water produced.
Using data first gathered in the village of Chelleru near Hyderabad in India, and then recreating these conditions of the village in New Mexico, the team successfully converted up to 10 cubic meters, or several bathtubs worth of fresh drinking water. This was enough for 3,000 people a day with the process continuing to run regardless of variable solar power caused by cloud coverage and rain.
Dr. Wei He from the Department of Engineering at King’s College London believes the new technology could bring massive benefits to rural communities, not only increasing the supply of drinking water but also bringing health benefits.
“By offering a cheap, eco-friendly alternative that can be operated off the grid, our technology enables communities to tap into alternative water sources (such as deep aquifers or saline water) to address water scarcity and contamination in traditional water supplies,” said He.
“This technology can expand water sources available to communities beyond traditional ones and by providing water from uncontaminated saline sources, may help combat water scarcity or unexpected emergencies when conventional water supplies are disrupted, for example like the recent cholera outbreaks in Zambia.”
In the global rural population, 1.6 billion people face water scarcity, many of whom are reliant on stressed reserves of groundwater lying beneath the Earth’s surface.
However, worldwide 56% of groundwater is saline and unsuitable for consumption. This issue is particularly prevalent in India, where 60% of the land harbors undrinkable saline water. Consequently, there is a pressing need for efficient desalination methods to create fresh drinking water cheaply, and at scale.
Traditional desalination technology has relied either on costly batteries in off-grid systems or a grid system to supply the energy necessary to remove salt from the water. In developing countries’ rural areas, however, grid infrastructure can be unreliable and is largely reliant on fossil fuels.
Creating a low-cost ‘battery-like’ desalination technology removes the reliance on battery technology for using intermittent solar energy in off-grid applications, enabling affordability to rural communities in developing countries like India.
“By removing the need for a grid system entirely and cutting reliance on battery tech by 92%, our system can provide reliable access to safe drinking water, entirely emission-free, onsite, and at a discount of roughly 22% to the people who need it compared to traditional methods,” He said.
The system also has the potential to be used outside of developing areas, particularly in agriculture where climate change is leading to unstable reserves of fresh water for irrigation.
The team plans to scale up the availability of the technology across India through collaboration with local partners. Beyond this, a team from MIT also plans to create a start-up to commercialize and fund the technology.
“While the US and UK have more stable, diversified grids than most countries, they still rely on fossil fuels. By removing fossil fuels from the equation for energy-hungry sectors like agriculture, we can help accelerate the transition to Net Zero,” He said.
“The next step for us is to apply this low-cost technology to other sectors, including wastewater treatment, and producing alkaline to make the ocean more alkaline to help it absorb more CO2 from the atmosphere. By taking this approach not only can we decarbonize agriculture, but wider environmental and climate benefits as well.”
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siplatform · 10 months
Twinkle Star 360 LED Icicle Lights Review: Are They Worth It?
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 Are you searching for eye-catching outdoor Christmas lights to brighten up your home this holiday season? We've recently tried out the Twinkle Star 360 LED Christmas Icicle Lights, and we're excited to share our thoughts with you.
This set of lights features 360 warm white LEDs with 60 drops, measuring 29.5ft in length with an additional 16.5ft extension cord. These outdoor curtain lights are UL588 certified for safe use and have a low output of 30V through a plug-in transformer.
One of the standout features of these lights is the ease of use. Simply hang them on the eaves, handrail, or anywhere you desire, and plug them in for power on and off. The set comes with a controller featuring eight lighting functions to fit any occasion, including Combination, In waves, Sequential, Slow Glow, Chasing/Flash, Slow fade, Twinkle/Flash, and Steady on.
These lights are also connectable, with each set featuring an end-to-end plug that can connect up to three sets together, allowing you to customize your lighting area with the desired length.
Bottom Line
Overall, we highly recommend the Twinkle Star 360 LED Christmas Icicle Lights for your outdoor holiday decor. With their warm white LEDs, eight lighting functions, and connectable design, they are sure to brighten up any space and add a festive touch to your home.
Don't wait any longer to elevate your holiday decor! Click here to purchase the Twinkle Star 360 LED Christmas Icicle Lights today!
Twinkle Star 360 LED Christmas Icicle Lights Overview
We recently had the opportunity to test out the Twinkle Star 360 LED Christmas Icicle Lights, and we were impressed with their performance. With 360 warm white ice cycle lights and 60 drops, these outdoor curtain lights measure 29.5ft in length with an additional 16.5ft extension cord. The lights are easy to hang on the eaves, top of hall, handrail, or anywhere you want. Simply plug them in and unplug them for power on and off using a US standard outlet with a voltage of 110V.
The lights come with eight different lighting functions to fit different occasions, moods, feelings, holidays, festivals, anniversaries, etc. These include Combination, In waves, Sequential, Slow Glow, Chasing/Flash, Slow fade, Twinkle/Flash, and Steady on. Adjusting the lighting modes is easy, just press the round button on the transformer.
These lights are connectable, and each set comes with an end-to-end plug, allowing you to connect up to three sets together, extending the lighting range to your desired length.
Overall, these lights are perfect for both indoor and outdoor decorations, including Christmas, parties, Valentine's Day, weddings, home, window, bathroom, festival, holiday, shows, restaurants, hotels, commercial buildings, shopping centers, and more. They are waterproof (IP44) and certificated for safe use of UL588 whole lights.
LED Christmas Icicle Lights
We recently tried out the Twinkle Star 360 LED Christmas Icicle Lights and were impressed with their quality and performance. These outdoor curtain lights come with 60 drops and are 29.5ft long, with an additional 16.5ft extension cord. They are easy to use and can be hung on eaves, handrails, or anywhere else you want to decorate.
One of the best features of these icicle lights is their 8 different lighting modes, which can be adjusted by pressing the round button on the transformer. These modes include Combination, In waves, Sequential, Slow Glow, Chasing/Flash, Slow fade, Twinkle/Flash, and Steady on. We found that these modes allowed us to customize the lighting to fit different occasions and moods.
Another great thing about these lights is that they are connectable. Each set comes with an end-to-end plug, which allows you to connect up to 3 sets together and customize your lighting area with the desired length. They are also waterproof (IP44), making them perfect for both indoor and outdoor decorations.
Overall, we highly recommend the Twinkle Star 360 LED Christmas Icicle Lights for anyone looking for high-quality and customizable outdoor decorations.
Easy to Use
We found the Twinkle Star 360 LED Christmas Icicle Lights to be incredibly easy to use. The lights are simple to hang on the eaves, top of hall, handrail, or anywhere you want. You can directly plug in and unplug it for power on and off from a US standard outlet with a voltage of 110V. The lights come with a controller that allows you to adjust the lighting modes by pressing the round button on the transformer.
We were pleased to find that the lights come with end-to-end plugs, which means that you can connect up to 3 sets together, allowing you to customize your need for larger range lighting and festival decorations. It is important to note that you should not cut the nylon cable ties as they are used to fix the lights line.
Overall, we found the Twinkle Star 360 LED Christmas Icicle Lights to be a breeze to set up and use. Whether you are looking to decorate for Christmas, party, Valentine's Day, wedding, home, window, bathroom, festival, Holiday, shows, restaurant, hotel, commercial building, shopping center, these lights are perfect for both indoor and outdoor use.
8 Mode Functions
We were impressed with the Twinkle Star 360 LED Christmas Icicle Lights' 8 different mode functions. With a simple press of a button on the remote control, we were able to switch between modes such as steady on, slow fade, and twinkle. The different modes added a fun and dynamic touch to our holiday decorations. We particularly enjoyed the "chasing" mode, which created a wave-like effect that looked great on our outdoor trees. The modes were easy to cycle through and we appreciated the variety of options available. Overall, the 8 mode functions added a lot of versatility to the Twinkle Star lights, allowing us to customize our display to our liking.
Connectable Feature
We were impressed with the Twinkle Star LED Christmas Icicle Lights' connectable feature. Each set comes with an end-to-end plug, which allows you to connect up to three sets together and customize your lighting area with the desired length. This feature is perfect for larger range lighting and festival decorations.
Additionally, the lights are easy to use. You can hang them on the eaves, top of hall, handrail, or anywhere you want. Directly plug in and unplug it for power on and off US standard outlet, voltage 110V. However, it is important to note that you should not cut the nylon cable ties as they are used to fix the lights line.
With 8 lighting functions to fit different occasions, moods, feelings, holidays, festivals, anniversaries, etc., the Twinkle Star LED Christmas Icicle
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nippon-nomad · 1 year
So you’ve decided to take that leap of faith and book a ticket to Japan have you? Congratulations; You’re in for a treat! Whether you’re drawn to the Island nations plethora of ancient Temples and Sacred spaces or the hustle and bustle of the cityscape, Japan and the Japanese people will leave a lasting impression on you that you will undoubtedly carry with you for all your days.
Japan, as we know it today, has a long history of being known for its distinct culture and traditions, some of which extend back to 300BC, what is referred to as the 'Jomon period'. Many elements of the Japanese culture developed fully undisturbed by outside influences and continue to be practiced with the utmost precision and dedication to the ways of old.
A finely balanced mix of unyielding tradition and ever evolving state of the art technologies, there are numerous other reasons why Japan is considered to be one of the world’s most fascinating countries.
So what exactly can you expect to find in Japan? Here’s a basic breakdown to make planning your trip that bit easier.
Language: The national language of Japan is Japanese. English wayfinding is widely available in major cities such as Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto however sparingly found in smaller, countryside towns. Other languages commonly found include Chinese and Korean, with a smattering of other Foreign languages also available.
My advice, no matter how short or long a stay you have planned, is to learn even the most basic of Japanese. You’ll be amazed how accommodating the Japanese people can be when even the most basic of attempts at speaking Japanese is made and who knows, you might just end up making some new friends simply just by trying!
As the saying goes, you’ll never know if you don’t go!
Currency, Credit Cards & ATMs: The official currency is the Japanese Yen (JPY).
In Japan, cash is still very much king. While payment by card is becoming more widely accepted in restaurants and stores, my strongest recommendation is to carry a fair amount of cash with you. This applies to travel in major cities (where thankfully ATM’s are more widely accessible; hello 7-11 cash withdrawals!) as well as smaller, less well-appointed country towns.
At the time of posting 100 Japanese Yen (basically the equivalent of our dollar) buys $1.08 AUD and 69 US cents.
Banking: For cash withdrawals majority of Japanese banks will accept foreign cards (though be prepared to be stung by nasty transaction fees if you don’t have a bank card with 0 transaction fees on international withdrawals (hello Citibank!) with some exceptions.
Things to be aware of when your stash of cash starts to dry up is that not any and all ATM’s will accept International bank cards. I mean this literally; I have been stuck in a situation where my Australian bank card would not physically fit into the card slot of an ATM machine. Don’t be like me. Don’t be that person.
Other things to note is that some ATM’s as well as the cards themselves may have a restriction on what time of day money can be withdrawn. Not only that, but often, ATM’s located in banks are only available during banking hours (typically 9AM to 3PM) and not the full 24 hours some of us are used to.
Additionally, depending on your bank and card type, you may incur a daily cap (often¥300,000 which is equivalent to about (at time of posting) just over $3000AUD) on the amount of money that can be withdrawn from your card and account.
Power Plugs: Power plugs in Japan are type A and B. Plug type A is the plug which has two flat parallel pins and plug type B is the plug which has two flat parallel pins and a grounding pin.
The standard voltage is 100 V, and the standard frequency is 50 / 60 Hz for those wanting to know.
To save yourselves suffering from having a dead phone or no charge in your camera battery (the literal worst thing for photography enthusiasts) I can’t stress how lifesaving a universal adapter is. Using a universal adapter takes the hassle out of having to purchase dedicated Japanese plugs for your devices and what not.
Just make sure that whatever plug and or adapter you go for has surge protection and a converter for hairdryers and hot tools. Let’s not be causing the entire hotel to experience an electricity surge now.
Safety: Japan is one of the safest countries in the world and is perfect for solo travellers.
Being a woman and one that enjoys solo travel, I can personally attest for the safety of Japan. While not recommended (let’s use some common sense here people), the chances of getting mugged while meandering around the streets at 3AM are pretty much zero to none.
It goes without saying that it pays to be aware of your surroundings and do what you must to keep yourself safe, day or night-time. If travelling in groups, be sure to keep an eye out for one another and organise a dedicated time and meeting spot in the case that one of you does get lost (it happens to the best of us!).
In the case of an emergency, you can reach emergency services on the following numbers:
Police: 110
Coast Guard: 118
Ambulance and Fire Services: 119
Emergency telephone numbers can be called from home phones, mobile phones and public phones. When making an emergency call from a public phone, neither money nor a pre-paid telephone card are necessary.
Although there are a few operators who speak English, if you do happen to find yourself in a situation where you need to call upon emergency services, you should be prepared to explain your situation in Japanese, so that the operator can assist you in the best way possible. It is advisable to speak slowly and specify if you need an ambulance (救急車です,  kyuu-kyuu desu) wish to report a fire (火事です, kaji desu), or need to report a crime to the police (犯罪です, hanzai desu). 
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my-sleepy-head · 2 years
Spg automaton swearing headcanons because funny
The Spine: he swears regularly, a specially when frustrated and to emphasize a point in his sentences. He’s however mastered the “I’m innocent! Could a guilty man have such a polite smile?” face and he does try his hardest to hold back in front of children and in public so the Walter Workers don’t reprimand him much… he did however teach Wanda, 4 and Mark how to swear when they were kids because he was mad and 2 and 3. (He also leaned cowboy insults… he uses them quite a bit actually.)
Rabbit: She swears like a sailor in the private of her own home. She’s amazing at holding back in public and tries her best to be a proper lady but at home, a specially hanging out with her Twinpair after a hard day she’s gonna be swearing as he listens and doesn’t judge her. She’s only really said “hell” in front of children that weren’t living at Walter Manor but it’s not that big a deal compared to other things she’s said in private.
Upgrade: she’s more of the kind to not swear for a while and suddenly drop an f-bomb so suddenly no one has time to reprimand her before she’s back to normal. Will also roar more then swear when mad. Sounds like a dragon but she’s still a tiny robot.
The Jon: turns on the profanity filter just to see what comes out of his mouth. He finds it hilarious! He doesn’t really care for swearing though. He does like spelling out swear words with other words to see if the Walter Workers are paying attention though!
Hatchworth: he’s why profanity filers were even installed! His can’t be turned off unless you’ve got the required qualifications and unfortunately for him his favourite Walter Workers doesn’t have the permission to turn it off. He swears worse then Spine and Rabbit combined when he’s not censored and he’s once changed the lyrics to blue portals to have so many f-bombs it’s incredible.
Zer0: he does swear, believe it or not, but it’s so quiet it could be mistaken for him venting steam. He’s picked it up from his two older siblings but know he could get in trouble for swearing. He finds it so much funnier to shout random words when he’s upset anyways! (Like fiddle sticks, Shoot, fudge, ah farts and many other combinations!)
Bonus fanbots + Jenny under the cut
Janet: you’d assume that having worked with the public for like 40 years maybe even 60 years she’d have a pretty mild language. Nope! She’s just good at holding back. She even knows how to swear in cowboy. She just finds it so much more satisfying to drop a “oh, bless your heart.” To someone who’s insulted her instead of saying anything else.
Jenny: also swears like a sailor but she was built cute so she tends to get away with it.
Voltage: if you think he hasn’t gotten in trouble with her father’s extended family for swearing at the kids table think again! He doesn’t even eat, he was complaining about being made to sit at any table as a 20+ year old who can’t eat food!
Judy: has told customers to fuck off. She just doesn’t care, she’s been in the food industry for 70 years and she’s tired. Customers never change and she’s just done. She loves working in the kitchen though, don’t get her wrong, but don’t make her deal with any of the customers or someone better hold her back a little.
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wadupkev · 2 years
Why I Am in a Book Club
…shhhh. If you would like to cheat and get all the wisdom of the books I have read without reading my blog, just scroll to the bottom of the page where the list starts. Buttttttt if you want to make me smile a little bigger, start right here!
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December of 2019 was the first year I ever had a goal for the number of books I wanted to read in that time frame. Yes, I did indeed grow up doing summer reading at the local library. I probably lied then just like I lied in high school about actually doing the reading. What can I say, the free Wendy’s frosty prizes as an 8-year-old were too good to pass up, but too little to do the actual work for. I was probably spending my time training for the Guitar Hero competitions that that same local library put on. That’s where people thought you were cool. Not book club. 
The goal for 2019 was 12 books. One book a month. If I am being super honest, I think I had probably read, front to back, maybe, MAYBE 10 books total in my life up until this point. And I know… Mrs. Anthony (my favorite high school English teacher aka lil’ Trish) is not going to be happy about this but reading just was not my thing. It was way more fun to slam some Mountain Dew Voltage and play COD or take the bikes around the Briarhood than it was to sit and read. However, those ten books I did read? Loved them. Hunger Games? Come on. There was no way that Katniss Everdeen wasn’t a total babe. Jennifer Lawrence proved that. I will admit that it was pretty cool to be able to answer the questions in English class about the book having actually read them even if that was a rare occurrence. The dread that washes over you when you get called on to answer something and you only barely skimmed the sparknotes ten minutes before class. Those moments were no doubt, the most stressful part of my high school days. 
Fast forward to December 26th of 2019. That year I wanted to read one book per month. HA. I had read 8 books and it was the 26th of December. 4 books to go with 5 days left in the year. And if you are doing any sort of mental math here.. My stats for the year would have been completing one book every 45 days. So.. a little behind schedule and a little crunched for time. Odds of reading one book in 5 days are not good at all but odds of reading 4 books? Practically impossible. And I can hear it already. “I read 60 books last year, 4 books in 5 days on vacation should be easy” and to that I say kick rocks. Think this guy reads a million words per minute? No chance. I was however optimistic on the way to Mexico that I brought 5 books. Did I bring 5 of the shortest books in my arsenal? Yes, I did. Did I read 4 and hit my goal? I did not. I read 3. Yes. I was bummed. I really wanted to read 12 books, but did I really want it if I didn’t make it enough of a priority? Anyways. In between that fake surfing machine on the pier and drinking who knows what at Señor Frogs, I managed to sneak in more reading in those 5 days than I did in most of the year. 11 books, one year. I was fairly proud of that. 
But if you know me, you know when I set a goal that I do everything I can to accomplish it. And in that year, I did not accomplish it. I also did not do everything I could to accomplish it. So, the next year was easy to make the same idea of 12 books the goal again. Was that year 2020? Hahaha yes it was. Was that year arguably one of the easiest years to have time to dedicate to reading? Also, yes it was. Like a lot of people, the ‘rona pandie was a shock to my extrovert system. I found myself with a lot of time on my hands (and for those of you who have read my blogs in the past you know this was the time I was living at home after getting my master’s not really knowing what would happen). I will save you the expectation of thinking I read like 30 books that year and let you know I read 15. 3 more than the original goal! I was pumped up about it too. I had been invited to join a book club with a good chunk of guys. A lot of whom I knew from playing sports in high school against them and mutual friends. We read “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coehlo together. It was my first experience as a part of a book club, and I loved it. Getting to chat with guys who had the mindset and desire to grow was so inspiring. Unfortunately, that club dissipated after the first book not because a lack of value, but logistics for getting 7+ people together for a weekly call was really difficult. 
That’s when one of my best friends from growing up, Kyle, reached out and asked if I wanted to read a book called “Emotional Intelligence” by Daniel Goleman. I said absolutely and we were off on what was, and still to this day might be, the brainiest book I have read. It had a lot of great content, but for my amateur reader mind, I struggled through it. It was hard honestly. Some books are like that, just super up there in the sky for the brainiac people. Kyle is one of those guys. So fricken’ smart. But not just the book smarts. Heck, he’s reading a book on emotional intelligence as well! I think we would both agree it was not our favorite book, but it did start a bond that would develop big time in the coming months. After that book, we decided to keep going. To start another one. Coincidentally at this time I had been catching up with a good friend of mine from college. Honestly, I think Mike and mine’s relationship really started to grow after college. Mike had reached out asking if we could catch up on a call and we finally were able to make it happen. We FaceTimed and got to talking, and it may have been just really good timing because Kyle and I had just hung up the FT on our last meeting for the Emotional Intelligence book, so it was super fresh in my mind. After some really good conversation, it was really clear to me that Mike would one, be a great addition to our club, but two, was just as hungry to grow and learn as Kyle and I were at the time. And boy did this spark a fire that would last until the fat lady sings as they say. I invited Mike to the club, asked him to think about it and see if it could be a good fit. Boom. Club member number three was on board and arguable now we were actually a book club instead of just two dudes reading a book together. We were three. That’s a club if I ever knew one. I chose the next book or first book however you would like to look at it and we all agreed to the best gift exchange ever. The person picking the next book, which would rotate each time, would purchase that book for everyone. There is something about a package showing up at the door from someone else that makes you smile right? This allowed for a little mystery and joy each time we got a new book. And just as a sidenote * financially I am pretty sure we are all really close to, if not spot on even on what we have spent on books for the club. Books are pretty fricken’ cheap.
We decided to meet weekly, and that decision was one of the best choices we made early on. It meant that club had to be a priority. It also meant that we had other guys holding us accountable to both doing the reading AND showing up to the FaceTime. It likely would have been much easier to meet once a month and talk about the whole book, but easy isn’t the goal. Deep relationships with guys who want to grow as people was the goal. So, we met weekly, Sunday nights, from then on.
I will spare you the book-by-book analysis, but what I am continually blown away by is the commitment of Kyle and Mike to show up to club every week. And by every week, I mean all but one week since January 2021 we have met together either in person or via FT to talk about our weeks and the book. The sacrifice of time and willingness to be flexible around each other’s schedules is wild. If this was a love language it would be mine. Maybe it falls under Quality Time? In any case, I know that being a part of this club is a choice and when we get on a call every Sunday and sometimes Monday or Saturday night, I feel that love from these guys. No distractions, phones away, notifications turned off. I like to think I am a pretty reachable guy, but in book club, it wouldn’t matter if my own house was on fire, you would not be able to get me on a call. We start by sharing how the week has gone. And not like “Yeah, I had a good week, how about you?”, no no no, we get detailed about how the week has gone. Day by day analysis. Unhurried, unrushed. It takes the better half of our time, and I wouldn’t trade it. Doing life together (the name of a book we read on our first ever book club retreat) is often and should be about the people in which you life physically close to (yes I meant life. Could be live I guess but life sounds so peotic). There is an importance to knowing your neighbors, co-workers, and others that you see on the daily simply because they live close to you. That’s called community. Luckily with FaceTime and a weekly gathering for a couple hours, I really feel like these two are a part of my community from afar. I know that every week I am able to lay my burdens down in front of them without fear of judgement. I know that every week I can show up in a good mood or bad mood and be loved on either way. I know that every week I have people in my corner praying for me during that specific week. I know that every week there are other people hungry to grow in the lives through the power of reading. This is why I do book club. After weekly recaps we start chipping through the section of book we read that week and talk about the lines or sections that stuck out to us. The further into book club we got, the more we were able to connect one line from a book here to another line in a book there. Some ideas have been talked about at length over several books, some have come up once and not heard of again. All with the hope that they, if powerful enough, would shape into how we live.
I get to do life with these guys. That’s only half of the fricken’ equation too! We also READ! HAHAHA. Like Book Club, duh of course you read. Wow has my perspective on reading changed. I really do think for most people who hate reading, there is a ton of relief when school is finally over because reading was forced throughout all of school. And rarely did we decide what it was we were reading. But once that weight is lifted, and you get the choice to read what you want to read? Get outta town. The opportunities are endless. Quite literally. There are SO MANY BOOKS in the world, it’s absurd. Any topic you can think of. And guess what? Each book, in my eyes now, is someone’s best set of ideas and contributions to the world. Like someone sat down and put effort into getting their most important thoughts that they have about whatever it is they are passionate about out of their brain and onto paper just in hopes that it might help one other person. THAT IS INCREDIBLE. Do you not feel the weight in that? Someone’s best ideas and thoughts on paper. What an honor it is to read what they have to say.
This blog might be a little all over the place but the things I really want to say here is how cool it is to have people in your life that love and care for you so well. That looks like a lot of different things to me. The every once and a while catch up with old friends, the best. The FT in the middle of the workday from my parents, the best. The comment on an Instagram post engaging with the content instead of just scrolling past, the best. The getting together with old friends back at home or anywhere for that matter, the best. Getting to do life together with two dudes who are hungry for what the Lord has for them in life, who want to love other people well, who want to grow as men, quite literally the best. It’s. The. Best.
I could not recommend starting your own book club enough. If you want to read a book, do it. Ask someone if they want to join you. Unfortunately, if you ask me to read something with you the answer will most likely be no. Not because I don’t want to or think it wouldn’t be beneficial, but because I learned the importance of boundaries in a book we read on boundaries and I know saying yes to everything will take away from the things I have already said yes to. Schedule a time with your club to talk about what stood out to you. Have conversation about it! Do it together. Life is better together. The one riverbank I might put on this is to keep the group relatively small. Three people can already be hectic to try and find two hours every week to schedule together. That only increases in difficulty the more people you add to book club. This is not to say that I do not think all the time about how cool it would be to have more people in this thing. But I do think the value would start decreasing the more and more people are added. People’s voices become quieter, the loud ones lead every conversation, it just gets harder. To quote one of our most recent book club finishes, “Abundance destroys value. -Simon Sinek”. 
We have experienced a lot of life together now. Mike, Kyle and I. These dudes have seen me in really really high moments in life. They have also seen me deeeeeep in the valleys of struggle and despair of life. We have cried together, we have laughed together, we pray for each other together. We share this experience of life together and that might be the most beautiful part about it. My dad and I were having a conversation about book club one night and he said something along the lines of this thing (being book club) being one of those gems in life I will look back at in 50 years at as one of the most pivotal things I have committed to. And frick he is so right! This is a GEM! I hope in 50 years we are still doing this book club. I hope I have just a massive library of books in my home. And any of the books I have read? I want you to take! I am serious! Come to my place and pick one out. Seriously though if you want one of the books, it’s all yours. They say if you lend someone a book, don’t expect to get it back and boy is that true haha but I would love nothing more than for you to fall in love with reading like I have. It has literally changed and continues to shape how I live. And I am not saying that just so lil’ Trish loves me more than she already does. It truly has reworked the way I think about so many of life’s big questions.
Below, I have listed out every single book we have read in book club, and my at least one if not more favorite quote(s) from each book. We read 22 books together in 2021. This year we have read 18 books and it is only October. It really is not about the number of books, but the value we are digesting through them with each other. We have hard conversations with some of these books. We break down and cry with some of these books. We laugh hard with some of these books. We get challenged by some of these books. Experiencing these emotions allows us to experience life more fully! 
My advice? Start reading now. If you need some recommendations, I have put an * next to my all-time favorites that we have read on the list. Mark those books up too! Mike is going to hate that I say this, but I find I retain things best when I write them down. When a line sticks out to me, I underline it in the book with a pen, I dog ear the bottom corner of the page, and I put that quote in a note on my phone, so I have it forever. That also allows me to give that book to another person and keep my favorite parts of it without losing them forever.
Anyways, below are my favorite quotes from each book in order of how we read them. Thank you for reading this blog. As always, I am so grateful for you. I love you. I mean that. I hope this has made you think just a bit. Frick, if this is just a little note that just my mom reads, that would be enough. She is an absolute rock star. I love you, Mom! Be good.
Emotional Intelligence – Daniel Goleman
“The best formula for a complaint is “XYZ”. When you did X, it made me feel Y, and I’d rather you do Z instead.”
Think Life a Monk – Jay Shetty
“The more your personal spaces are devoted to single, clear purposes, the better they will serve you...in your mood and productivity.”
Dare to Lead – Brené Brown
“Trust is choosing to risk making something you value vulnerable to another person’s actions.”
*The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry – John Mark Comer
“Hurry kills joy, gratitude, appreciation; people in a rush don’t have time to enter the goodness of the moment. It kills wisdom; wisdom as born in the quiet, the slow. Wisdom has its own pace. It makes you wait for it-wait for the inner voice to come to the surface of your tempestuous mind, but not until the waters of thought settle and calm”
“Remember: the question we should be constantly asking as followers of Jesus isn’t actually, what would Jesus do? The more helpful question is, what would Jesus do if he were me? If he had my gender, my career, my income, my relationship status? If he was born the same year as me? Lived in the same city with me? To follow Jesus is to ask that question until our last breath.”
Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man – Emmanuel Acho
“Everyone, and I mean everyone, has biases. It’s the job of empathetic and considerate people not to let them dictate actions that harm others.”
*Cry Like a Man – Jason Wilson
“As men, we must take care of ourselves by truthfully expressing ourselves with other men we can trust.”
*Boundaries – Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend
“As iron sharpens iron, we need confrontation and truth from others to grow.”
“Don’t leave things to chance with people who matter to you.”
“Forgiveness is something that we do in our hearts; we release someone from a debt they owe us. Only one party is needed for forgiveness: me.”
single. dating. engaged. married. – Ben Stuart
“Dating is not a status to dwell in, but a process to move through.”
Love Does – Bob Goff
“When people realize there’s no agenda other than friendship and better understanding, it changes things.”
Disappearing Church – Mark Sayers
“Salvation does not come as a work of self-improvement, but as a divine shock, an undeserved gift given.”
Tuesdays with Morrie – Mitch Albom
“As long as we can love each other, and remember the feeling of love we had, we can die without ever really going away. All the love you created is still there. All the memories are still there. You live on - in the hearts of everyone you have touched and nurtured while you were here.”
*Don’t Give The Enemy A Seat At Your Table – Louie Giglio
“Developing this kind of “even though / I will” faith changes the temperature and trajectory of your life. When the pressure mounts, this kind of faith doesn’t deflate. Instead, it actually inflates. It becomes bolder. More resolute and undaunted. More robust.”
“Sure, Jesus is holiness personified, but the Holy One invited you here. Booked the table. Prepared the meal. Sat down to join you. And this reservation cost Him everything.”
“Lingering with the Almighty is the best defense against the enemy who’s trying to get at your table.”
The Screwtape Letters – C.S. Lewis
“…the safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.”
Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets – Andy Stanley
“Everybody ends up somewhere in life, I recommend you end up somewhere on purpose.”
Make Your Bed - Admiral William H. McRaven
“Find someone to share your life with. Make as many friends as possible.”
When Breath Becomes Air - Paul Kalanithi
“I resolved to treat all my paperwork as patients, and not vice versa.”
*The Gospel Comes with a House Key - Rosaria Butterfield
“Love the sinner and hate your own sin.”
“It was important, though, to resist the idea that love and approval go hand in hand.”
“Hospitality is necessary whether you have cat hair on the couch or not. People will die of chronic loneliness sooner than they will cat hair in the soup.”
“This is not complex. Radically ordinary, daily Christianity is not PhD Christianity. The gospel coming with a house key is ABC Christianity.”
Unbroken - Laura Hillenbrand
“The self-respect and sense of self-worth, the innermost armament of the soul, lies at the heart of human; to be deprived of it is to be dehumanized, to be cleared from, and cast below, mankind.”
Jesus>Religion - Jefferson Bethke
“It puts a whole new perspective on life when you realize even the ability to get out of bed in the morning is a wonderful extension of grace by our creator.”
*Garden City - John Mark Comer
“We need to think of work as a good thing. When God was done working, he sat back and said, this is really good. That’s how we should view our work.”
“Nothing about creation says that God is a tight-fisted, utilitarian, bean-counting pragmatist; God is a lavish, opulent, extravagant artist, and creation is his beauty on display.”
“When we’re down, one of the best things we can do is serve somebody else. It’s the backdoor to joy. And it’s always unlocked.”
“If your dreams are all about you, then your dreams are way too small.”
outdated. - Jonathan “JP” Pokluda
“Feelings would sometimes fail, but since love is an action, you can always love someone regardless of how you might feel at the moment.”
*Searching for Enough - Tyler Staton
“And when Jesus prays, when he talks to God, a certain homesickness arises in me. I want what he has. And is it like someone who’s had it before, maybe only for a moment, and I forget what it feels like most of the time, but when I slow down long enough to actually consider Jesus, there is a vague familiarity that gives way to longing. He actually believed what God said.”
“What is God like? If you’ve never thought long and hard about that question, you should. Because whether you realize it or not, you will always live in response to your answer to that question.”
“To minor on sin is to minor on love because sin constricts the capacity for love. Sin is a big issue to God because love is a big issue to God. If I pretend sin is a minor issue for me, I am intentionally making love a minor issue for me too.”
“Because the God who Jesus revealed is big enough to paint the stars across the sky with a single word from his lips and personal enough for an unhurried conversation with a single individual.”
Greenlights - Matthew McConaughey
“The sooner we become less impressed with our life, our accomplishments, our career, our relationships, the prospects in front of us - the sooner we become less impressed and more involved with these things - the sooner we get better at them.”
Battle Cry - Jason Wilson
“A man can endure a slap in the face, but a wounded heart causes him to guard his love forever.”
Creativity Inc. - Ed Catmull
“Trust doesn’t mean that you trust that someone won’t screw up - it means you trust them even when they do screw up.”
*The Second Mountain - David Brooks
“Real listening, whether to others or yourself, involves that unexpected extra round of questions, stretching the asking beyond what feels natural.”
“The opposite of love is not hate; it’s indifference.”
“There’s a habit of mind that the masters have...they are scanning the social environment for things they can appreciate and say thank you for.” - John Gottman
“Gratitude is a soil in which egotism tends not to grow.”
*Gentle and Lowly - Dane Ortlund
““Christ is love covered over in flesh” Picture it. Pull back the flesh on the Stepford Wives or the Terminator and you find machine; pull back the flesh on Christ and you find love. If compassion clothed itself in a human body and went walking around this earth, what would it look like? We don’t have to wonder.”
“Every friend has a limit. If we offend enough, if a relationship gets damaged enough, if we betray enough times, we are cast out. The walls go up. With Christ, our sins and weaknesses are the very resumè items that qualify us to approach him. Nothing but coming to him is required - first at conversion and a thousand times thereafter until we are with him upon death.”
“Your gentlest treatment of yourself is less gentle than the way your heavenly Father handles you. His tenderness toward you outstrips what you were even capable of toward yourself.”
“It means on that day when we stand before him, quietly, unhurriedly, we will weep with relief, shocked at how impoverished a view of his mercy-rich heart we had.”
“Reject the devils whisper that God‘s tender heart for you has grown a little colder, a little stiffer. He is not flustered by your sinfulness. His deepest disappointment is with your tepid thoughts of his heart.”
The 5 Love Languages Singles Edition - Gary Chapman
“Love is not an island of emotion, but rather an attitude that corresponds with appropriate behaviors.”
Joyful - Ingrid Fetell Lee
“A party without cake is just a meeting.”
*The Stranger in the Lifeboat - Mitch Albom
“I never considered what I would do if I called for the Lord and He actually appeared before me.”
“It takes so much to make you feel big in this world. It only takes an ocean to make you feel tiny.”
““…when people leave this Earth, their loved ones always weep.” She smiled. “But I promise you, those who leave do not.””
Life Together - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
“For Christians the beginning of the day should not be burdened and oppressed with the setting concerns for the days work. At the threshold of the new day stands the Lord who made it. All the darkness and distraction of the dreams of night retreat before the clear light of Jesus Christ and his wakening Word. All unrest, all impurity, all care and anxiety flee before him. Therefore at the beginning of the day let all distraction and empty talk be silenced and let the first thought and the first word belong to him whom our whole life belongs. “Awake, you who sleeps, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light” (Ephesians 5:14)”
The Relational Soul - Richard Plass and James Cofield
“Be an explorer of the hearts of those you love.”
Atlas of the Heart - Brené Brown
“We agreed that we’re very careful and don’t use sarcasm and irony to express emotions and thoughts that we’re afraid to talk about... sarcasm and irony are reserved for playfulness only.”
Love People Use Things - Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus
“Sincere people don’t care what kind of car you drive, where you live, or the brand of the clothes you wear.”
Glad You’re Here - Walker Hayes & Craig Allen Cooper
“Their hands were dirty. They didn’t watch from afar and just think about us or pray for us. They met us where we were.”
Scandalous Witness - Lee E. Camp
“Remember too the primary posture of the church in the world is constructive instead of critical. Our task is to be salt and light; these days, the world may not need more critics.”
*When Invisible Children Song - Dr. Chi Huang
“It changed me so much that it is my desire to live a godly life even if it is at midnight on a Friday night. That spirit lives inside me and continues to change me. Because of this, I am just trying to do what Jesus asks: to serve my neighbors. That's you.”
*The Ragamuffin Gospel - Brennan Manning
“A saint is not someone who is good but who experiences the goodness of God” - Thomas Merton
“Something is radically wrong when the local church rejects a person accepted by Jesus - when a harsh, judgmental, unforgiving sentence is passed on homosexuals; when a divorcée is denied communion; when the child of a prostitution is refused baptism; when an unlaicized priest is forbidden the sacraments. Jesus sat down at table with anyone who wanted to be present, including those who were banished from decent homes.”
“Human love will always be a faint shadow of God‘s love. Not because it is too sugary or sentimental, but simply because it can never compare from whence it comes.”
“Christianity happens when men and women accept with wavering trust that their sins have not only been forgiven but forgotten, washed away in the blood of the Lamb. Thus, my friend the archbishop Joe Reia says, “A sad Christian is a phony Christian, and a guilty Christian is no Christian at all.”
“All we have to do, the parable says, is appear on the scene, and before we get a chance to run away again the Father grabs us and pulls us into the banquet so we can’t get away.”
“We have to stop being afraid to make room for love.”
*Can’t Hurt Me - David Goggins
“Motivation changes exactly nobody.”
“Doing things - even small things - that make you uncomfortable will help make you strong. The more often you eat uncomfortable the stronger you’ll become, and soon you’ll develop a more productive, can-do dialogue with yourself in stressful situations.”
“We don’t rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.”
“The sole reason I work out like I do isn’t to prepare me for and win ultra races. I don’t have an athletic motive at all. It’s to prepare my mind for life itself.
All of us can be the person who flies all day and night only to arrive home to a filthy house, and instead of blaming family or roommates, cleans it up right then because they refuse to ignore duties undone.”
Leaders Eat Last - Simon Sinek
“My favorite definition of love is giving someone the power to destroy us and trusting they won’t use it.”
“All the perks, all the benefits and advantages you may get for the rank or position you hold, they aren’t meant for you. They are meant for the role you fill. And when you leave your role, which eventually you will, they will give the ceramic cup to the person who replaced you. Because you only ever deserved a Styrofoam cup.”
“Trust is not formed through a screen, it is formed across a table.”
“Abundance destroys value.”
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vapehk1 · 11 days
ANYX Iron: Steel. Style. Strength. – The Pinnacle of Pod System Design
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ANYX proudly introduces the ANYX IRON – ANYX Global, a new pod system that blends steel craftsmanship with exceptional performance, setting a new standard in the vaping industry. https://youtu.be/DRAbihfK_4g Sophisticated Design The ANYX Iron is a masterpiece of sophisticated design, featuring sleek steel construction and diamond-cut elegance, delivering both style and durability. Unmatched Pod Capacity Equipped with a 4ml pod capacity, the ANYX Iron ensures longer vaping sessions without the need for frequent refills, offering convenience and uninterrupted pleasure. Versatile Coil Resistance Options The Iron's pod system supports various coil resistances (0.4Ω, 0.6Ω, 0.8Ω, and 1.2Ω), catering to both MTL (Mouth-to-Lung) and DTL (Direct-to-Lung) vaping styles. Powerful Battery Life With a 1000mAh battery, the ANYX Iron provides long-lasting power, allowing up to three days of use on a single charge. Visual E-liquid Check The ANYX Iron features a visual e-liquid check, allowing users to monitor their e-liquid levels easily and avoid dry hits. Smooth Airflow Control The side-positioned smooth airflow control button allows for precise adjustments, offering a customizable vaping experience from tight MTL draws to open DTL clouds. Effortless Auto-Draw Activation With auto-draw activation, the ANYX Iron is ready to use as soon as the pod is inserted, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free vaping experience. Intelligent Battery Indicator The interactive battery indicator provides clear, color-coded signals: green for full charge (60%-100%), blue for medium charge (30%-60%), and red for low charge (below 30%). Comprehensive Safety Protections The ANYX Iron is equipped with multiple safety features, including over-voltage, over-current, overtime, short-circuit, low battery, and child lock protections. Detailed Specifications The ANYX Iron is available in single or carton packaging, with options for both pod-inclusive and pod-only versions, catering to different distribution needs. About ANYX ANYX is an innovative enterprise specializing in pod systems, dedicated to providing the best vaping experience for users worldwide through continuous technological innovation and high-quality products. With leading R&D capabilities and outstanding product design, ANYX has become a trusted and beloved brand in the electronic cigarette industry. For more information, visit www.anyxglobal.com or contact us at [email protected]. Read the full article
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industrynewsupdates · 2 months
Electric Coolant Pumps Procurement Intelligence: Trends and Insights
The electric coolant pumps category is expected to grow at a CAGR of 16.5% from 2023 to 2030. In 2022, the Asia Pacific region dominated the e-pumps category with 40% of the total share. Some of the key factors influencing the sales of electric vehicles (EVs) include the rising levels of vehicle pollutants, rising fuel prices, and the incentives provided by different governments to encourage the use of EVs. All these factors are in turn driving the demand for electric coolant pumps. Fluctuations in the prices of raw materials are expected to hamper the category's growth.
Supply chain problems in various regions, particularly in Europe, were aggravated by the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2022. This in turn affected the general pricing dynamics of the electric pump category. Germany was obliged to severely scale back or, in some cases, cease its automotive activities as a result of the crisis, which made the country's economy worse. Raw materials are sourced from different countries, which means the supply and cost of these raw materials are highly vulnerable to fluctuations in commodity markets and currency exchange rates. Customizations and modifications, the types of rotors and motor material utilized, vehicle type/application (such as EV or commercial vehicles), material thickness, etc. are a few more aspects that may also have an impact on the final cost.
Suppliers actively launch new products with better thermal capabilities, collaborate or engage with different OEMS, expand product lines, etc. A few examples are:
• In November 2022, Robert Bosch added 10 new variants to its electric coolant pump portfolio. The company has been continuously expanding its coolant pump range since 2019. Over the last three years, the company has added 39 variants of coolant pumps to the range. The company’s electric coolant pump portfolio consists of 50 variants, with 14 variants, especially for hybrid and electric vehicles. The entire range caters to 60% of passenger cars and vans in Europe.
• In September 2022, Engineered Machine Products (EMP), a subsidiary of Concentric AB, introduced high-voltage water pumps for application in large vehicles (mainly heavy duty). The new electric pumps, designated WP150 HV, are constructed to operate at a high voltage of 500 to 850V. It has a maximum output of 3kw of power, depending on the application requirements.
• In April 2022, an order was awarded to Concentric AB for the distribution and creation of e-pumps for a global bus, truck, and construction OEM. The agreement envisaged Concentric providing high-voltage electric coolant pumps for FCEVs (Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles). The DC brushless coolant pumps would be used to cool fuel cells.
• In November 2021, Gates Corporation introduced the advanced thermal pro electric water pump for EVs. As a result of its "ThermalPro e-pump platform", the pump can be used for a variety of requirements between 100 W and 3 KW.
Order your copy of the Electric Coolant Pumps Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030, published by Grand View Research, to get more details regarding day one, quick wins, portfolio analysis, key negotiation strategies of key suppliers, and low-cost/best-cost sourcing analysis
Electric Coolant Pumps Sourcing Intelligence Highlights
• The global electric coolant pumps category is highly fragmented. Several new announcements are being made in this e-pumps category along with the electric vehicle market. Manufacturers like BMW, Tesla, and Ford are concentrating on producing electric vehicles and manufacturing automotive components.
• The presence of significant players, such as Rheinmetall AG, Mahle, AISIN, and Gates Corporation, with a better hold on the market results in a moderate threat of new entrants. The need for high capital investment at the initial level to set up a new manufacturing plant and high R&D costs also hinder the entry of new players into the e-pumps category.
• Some of the major cost components are raw materials, technology, engineering, and design, machinery, electronics, and motors, labor, facilities, and transportation and distribution.
• The most preferred countries for sourcing electric coolant pumps are China, Mexico, and Germany.
List of Key Suppliers 
• Hanon Systems Co. Ltd
• Robert Bosch
• Rheinmetall AG.
• Sanhua Automotive
• Hitachi Astemo, Ltd.
• Continental AG
• Johnson Electric Holdings Limited
• Dayco, LLC
• Concentric AB
• Valeo
Browse through Grand View Research’s collection of procurement intelligence studies:
• Electric Vehicles (EVs) Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
• Electric Vehicle Charging Connector Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
Electric Coolant Pumps Procurement Intelligence Report Scope
• Electric Coolant Pumps Category Growth Rate: CAGR of 16.5% from 2023 to 2030
• Pricing Growth Outlook: 10% - 15% (Annually)
• Pricing Models: Volume-based and contract-based model
• Supplier Selection Scope: Cost and pricing, past engagements, productivity, geographical presence
• Supplier Selection Criteria: Voltage type, application, technology, material type, technical specifications, production capacity, operational capabilities, quality measures, certifications, data privacy regulations, and others
• Report Coverage: Revenue forecast, supplier ranking, supplier positioning matrix, emerging technology, pricing models, cost structure, competitive landscape, growth factors, trends, engagement, and operating model
Brief about Pipeline by Grand View Research:
A smart and effective supply chain is essential for growth in any organization. Pipeline division at Grand View Research provides detailed insights on every aspect of supply chain, which helps in efficient procurement decisions.
Our services include (not limited to):
• Market Intelligence involving – market size and forecast, growth factors, and driving trends
• Price and Cost Intelligence – pricing models adopted for the category, total cost of ownerships
• Supplier Intelligence – rich insight on supplier landscape, and identifies suppliers who are dominating, emerging, lounging, and specializing
• Sourcing / Procurement Intelligence – best practices followed in the industry, identifying standard KPIs and SLAs, peer analysis, negotiation strategies to be utilized with the suppliers, and best suited countries for sourcing to minimize supply chain disruptions
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dorleco · 2 months
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs)
July 9, 2024
by dorleco
with no comment
Autonomous Vehicle Technology
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Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs): What are they?
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles is an abbreviation that stands for them. It’s a car featuring an electric drivetrain and an internal combustion (IC) engine. Unlike typical hybrid vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) have a larger battery pack that enables them to run at slower speeds exclusively on electricity.
By attaching the battery to an external power source, it can be charged. Regenerative braking or the IC engine both provide additional battery charging. When the car is cruising at a high speed, the internal combustion engine may take over and drive the vehicle. In certain cases, the engine’s efficiency can be raised by the electric motor as well. Similar to a conventional hybrid car, a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) has a bigger battery pack and can run entirely on electricity.
Powered by both a combustion engine and an electric motor
PHEVs are powered by an internal combustion engine in addition to a battery-operated electric motor. PHEVs often have larger battery packs than hybrid cars. This is referred to as the vehicle’s “electric range” and allows an automobile to travel on electricity alone for moderate distances (between 15 and 60+ miles for modern models).
The majority of a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle’s power requirements when traveling in cities can be met by its stored charge. For example, a driver of a light-duty plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) can charge their car overnight so they can go anywhere entirely electric the following day, or they might drive to and from work only on electricity. When the car needs heating or air conditioning more than usual, when the battery is almost completely dead, or when the speed is high, the internal combustion engine powers the car.
PHEV types
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Additionally, plug-in hybrid configurations are available in two separate styles.
Series plug-in hybrid: In this setup, the car only gets propulsion from its electric drivetrain. Until the battery runs out of juice, the car just uses electricity. The engine runs the electric motor whenever the battery becomes low. For brief excursions and low speeds, the series plug-in hybrid may not require regular fuel.
Parallel plug-in hybrid: In this setup, the vehicle is driven almost entirely by its electric powertrain in addition to its conventional engine. Usually, when the car is powered purely by electricity, it can only drive slowly.
Important parts of the PHEV’s
Auxiliary battery this low-voltage battery starts an electric automobile before the traction battery is engaged and provides power to the vehicle’s accessories.
Charge port: The charge connector allows you to connect the vehicle to an external power source to recharge the traction battery pack.
Electric generator: This apparatus generates electricity from the brake wheels and feeds it back into the traction battery pack. Some cars have motor generators installed that function as the driving and regeneration units.
Electric traction motor: This motor uses energy from the traction battery pack to turn the vehicle’s wheels. Some cars have motor generators installed that function as the driving and regeneration units.
Internal combustion engine (spark-ignited): In this setup, air, and fuel are mixed via injection into the intake manifold or combustion chamber. A spark plug is used to ignite the fuel/air mixture.
DC/DC converter: This gadget transforms the traction battery pack’s higher-voltage DC power into the lower-voltage DC electricity required to operate car accessories and replenish the auxiliary battery.
Exhaust system: The exhaust system transfers waste gases from the engine toward the exhaust pipe. The three-way catalyst in the exhaust system is designed to reduce engine-out emissions.
Gasoline filler: To fill an automobile’s tank, a gasoline dispenser’s nozzle is fixed to the container.
Tank for gasoline: This container retains gasoline within the vehicle until the engine needs it.
Power electronics controller: This device controls the flow of electrical energy from the traction battery to control the speed and torque output of the electric traction motor.
Thermal system (cooling): The engine, electric motor, power electronics, and other components are kept within the proper operating temperature range by the thermal system (cooling).
Traction battery pack: The traction battery pack stores electricity for use by the electric traction motor.
Transmission: The transmission uses either an electric traction motor or engine energy to mechanically drive the wheels.
On-board charger: To charge the traction battery, the onboard charger converts incoming AC power from the charging port into DC electricity. In addition to communicating with the charging device, the pack monitors voltage, current, temperature, and charge level as it is being charged.
How Do Plug-In Hybrid Electric Cars Work?
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It’s simple: after filling up the car with gasoline or diesel as usual (most plug-in hybrid electric cars run on gasoline; don’t ask us why), you plug it in using a designated socket and cable once you arrive home.
Most people install an external home charging device, often called a wall box, in their garage or house to make this possible, while some get by with an extension cord. At all times, stay away from it.
The car may drive without using the engine at all for a predetermined period after the battery is fully charged. Depending on the type, you can often drive 20 to 60 miles on a full battery; however, the manufacturer states on paper that you can travel about a third less.
The majority of PHEVs have three modes: combustion, hybrid, and electric. You can store your charge in combustion mode until you need it, and when you drive in hybrid mode, the engine and battery power are used as efficiently as possible.
When the car is in E-mode, it is forced to use just the battery’s energy until it runs out. This might be quite helpful if you’re traveling to an urban area and don’t want the residents to breathe in your exhaust emissions — you are a considerate person.
A plug-in hybrid electric vehicle’s motor or motors are powered by the battery when it is operating in electric mode. Some require the engine to step in and help over a certain speed, while others may drive alone up to highway speeds.
In hybrid mode, a computer decides when to utilize the engine and motor most efficiently, often alternating between them or using both at once. All you have to do is drive normally here. The best PHEVs will seamlessly integrate the two power sources such that, when driving, you won’t even notice the difference.
The battery-stored electricity powers the motor or motors of a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) when it is in electric mode. Some can drive alone until they reach motorway speeds, but after that, the engine has to step in and help.
When you drive in hybrid mode, a computer decides when it is best to use the engine and motor, often alternating between them or using both at once. Here, you just need to drive normally because the best plug-in hybrid cars (PHEVs) seamlessly integrate the two power sources so you won’t even notice the difference in performance.
What is the duration required for charging?
Again, it depends on the model. While fully electric vehicles typically have batteries that weigh between 10 and 20 kWh, some greatly exceed this range, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) lack the quick charging technology that allows plug-in vehicles (EVs) to be charged in less than an hour. When you had a full gas tank as a backup that would be overkill.
Expect a minimum of five hours to fully charge a normal 2–3kW household supply. This might sound like a lot, but if you leave your gadget plugged in at work during the day or overnight, it is more than plenty. By using one of the above-mentioned wall boxes, you might cut your top-up power use by up to 7kW.
What else should I know about plug-in hybrids?
Since more technology means more money, they are typically more expensive than their gasoline and diesel counterparts. They will still be more expensive and heavier than non-hybrid vehicles even though they have smaller batteries than electric vehicles. Even a few kilowatt-hours’ worth of cells to carry about is a significant weight.
The inside space is also impacted by the battery. There is typically less space inside for luggage and other objects because the majority of PHEVs store their batteries beneath the back seats and boot.
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Plug-in hybrid electric cars, or PHEVs, offer a potential solution to the challenges associated with making the transition from traditional internal combustion engine vehicles to more environmentally friendly ones.
This analysis demonstrates how plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) offer a distinct set of benefits by fusing the range and convenience of gasoline engines with the efficiency and low emissions of electric power.
Furthermore, consumers who may be hesitant to completely commit to electric vehicles due to concerns about range anxiety or the accessibility of charging infrastructure have a transitional choice in PHEVs. This contributes to the decreasing difference between completely electric and conventional automobiles.
With the ability to transition between electric and hybrid modes, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) are a practical solution that can accelerate the adoption of electric drivetrains and pave the way for a more sustainable transportation future.
In conclusion, even though they might not be the ideal solution to every transportation issue, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) unquestionably offer a compelling combination of benefits that make them a valuable transitional technology in the path toward a greener and more efficient mobility ecosystem.
Future transportation planning could be greatly impacted by PHEVs as public attitudes toward sustainability shift and technology progress.
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audio-luddite · 3 months
The Times make a difference.
Back when I was young and developing a taste for good sound I became familiar with Audio Research Corp. They were relatively new and were steadfast defenders of the vacuum tube faith. My good friend had an Sp3-a1 preamplifier which at the time was considered the very best there was. As it was the definition of best that was the sound I came to search for in my stereo system.
But like that English Monarch who earned the title of "defender of the faith" things changed.
They had started out as a service and repair shop under a different name in the 50s and 60s then became modifiers of units like Dynaco tube amps and preamps. Up until the 1970s vacuum tubes were still pretty common. But as the 1970s rolled by supplies of new tubes for Audio Research were getting scarcer and scarcer. Factories in the USA and western Europe were shutting down. Consumer electronics was going solid state and markets for glass dried up. Boutique gourmet products were few and expensive and not big enough to support manufacturers of glass devices on the scale of the old days.
These things were still made in countries the USA had problems with. Russia as in the Soviet Union and Red China still made vacuum tubes, but they were still on the other side of the cold war. It was a serious war with billions spent on nuclear bombs and rockets and jets. It was a problem If you needed new made vacuum tubes.
In a really strange twist the North American Air Defense command in Colorado had a massive computer system to combine and correlate the threats of Communist Bombs and missiles and that computer used vacuum tubes up until the 1980s. The US military actually set up shadow companies to buy Russian tubes to keep those machines running and defending us from Russia.
The times were a changing and the writing was on the walls that tubes were going the way of Dinosaurs and the Dodo. If Audio Research wanted a future they had to adapt.
There was hope in things called FETs. They were solid state devices but worked rather like vacuum triodes but with no vacuum. Today my ARC amp and preamp have a lot of FETs as well as tubes.
So the founding saint of the company W.Z. Johnson came up with some solid state modules to replace the tubes. These are the "Analog Modules". Long and detailed development and testing went into these things. His goal was to keep the voice, but do it with transistors.
FET is the acronym for Field Effect Transistor. As I understand it uses electrical potentials applied to a solid semiconductor face to modulate current flows. A Vacuum Triode uses electrostatic repulsion to modulate the flow of electrons from a cathode to an anode by changing the voltage on a grid placed between them. They are conceptually very similar.
Golden Ears have described FET sound in similar fashion to tubes. If you dig deep there is mention of FET fuzz and Tube Haze in many places. In contrast to that I have found mention of solid state detail and clarity. There are also terms like tube warmth and transistor coldness in used contrast. They use those things to describe their preferences when things get near to the edge of reason.
It is completely understandable that ARC wanted to survive and wanted to build product once there were no more tubes to use. They had no idea that West would win the cold war and the companies in Russia, Eastern Europe, and China would be desperate to sell them whatever they needed. That was in the future.
It is curious that many people bought ARC equipment BECAUSE it had tubes in it. They loved the idea of old technology being used. (I call myself a Luddite too). Take out the tubes and many customers felt betrayed and adrift.
ARC thought that given enough time the goodness of the product would win out. In 1977 ish they released the D100 a pure solid state unit. It had the ARC voice, and was excellent, but.....
There was a Stereophile review 1n 1977 that expressed this confusion.
The jungle drums went wild. Apparently people with Fulton J-modular speakers were upset and didn't like it. With almost every other speaker it was great. Fulton Js are notorious and frankly not that good in hindsight. They had very hard to drive cross-overs as well as finicky electrostatic tweeters. I heard a pair of Js and they were impressive.
Tellingly J. Gordon Holt was conflicted eventually and downgraded it according to a slight preference for a pure vacuum tube beast also made by ARC.
On the basis of sound it was very good and ARC thought it was their best effort yet.
So lets get back to the Analog modules. I recall there being 4 types. All in potted blocks to hide the contents. Most simply put they are OP-Amps made from discrete components. Apparently they use a lot of FETs and high end components. I think they wanted to create an aura of mystery by keeping it all secret. Today ARC has lost the schematics and cannot make replacements anymore. I think they just wanted to forget the whole thing.
The surviving units are orphans and boat anchors if the modules fail.
Over the years people have tried to hack them and decode them. Apparently a recent post in a forum on Audio Science Review indicated somebody has. There is a niche market there.
ARC itself did not fully abandon solid state for a while. Several power amps were made that were pure solid state without the modules, just fully visible discrete parts. They were not as popular, and you sell what people will buy. Eventually ARC relented and has returned to the fold of vacuum and electrons flying through space.
The ARC units with modules were heavily discounted. Ads from two years ago ask for $300 and $400 bucks for a working D100a. Dead ones are scrap. The recent ad I saw locally asks $1700 for one benched and made good. It is desirable as it sounds nice. Also the module saga will have been forgotten or never known by not old people. ARC has brand value.
Of course the transistor amps do retain the ARC "house sound" which means some numbers look less than great. The Audio Science Review tested an ARC D100.2 from 1998 and rated it poor compared to their ideal. I think that is basically the D100 but with no secret modules and exposed parts. It sits near the bottom of the list beside all the tube amps.
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sanaavay · 4 months
Asus ROG Strix B660 A Gaming WIFI D4 Features: Intel LGA 1700 Socket: Ready for 12th Gen Intel Core, Pentium Gold and Celeron processors Optimal Power Solution: 12+1 power stages with ProCool power connectors, high-quality alloy chokes and durable capacitors to support multi-core processors Optimized Thermal Design: Integrated I/O cover, VRM heatsinks with high conductivity thermal pads, and three onboard M.2 heatsinks High-performance Networking: On-board Intel WiFi 6 (802.11ax) and Intel 2.5 Gb Ethernet with ASUS LANGuard Best Gaming Connectivity: Supports HDMI 2.1 and DisplayPort 1.4 output, three M.2 slots, as well as USB 3.2 Gen 2×2 Type-C Intelligent Control: ASUS-exclusive AI Cooling, AI Networking and Two-Way AI Noise Cancelation to simplify setup and improve performance DIY Friendly Design: M.2 Q-Latch, pre-mounted I/O shield, BIOS FlashBack button and Q-LED Unmatched Personalization: ASUS-exclusive Aura Sync RGB lighting, including one RGB header and three addressable Gen 2 headers Industry-leading Gaming Audio: ALC4080 with Savitech SV3H712 amplifier, along with DTS Sound Unbound and Sonic Studio III Renowned Software: Bundled 60-day free trial of AIDA64 Extreme, and an intuitive UEFI BIOS dashboard ROG Strix B660-A Gaming WiFi D4 offers premium power delivery and optimized cooling to unleash the full force of the latest 12th Gen Intel Core processors. Onboard PCIe 5.0, WiFi 6 and three PCIe 4.0 M.2 slots provide lightning-fast data transfers for an endless variety of scenarios, and ASUS-exclusive intelligent controls to help optimize PC settings. On top of all that, DIY-friendly innovations help simplify the PC building process to get to you up and running smoothly. TEAMED POWER STAGES 12+1 power stages combine high-side and low-side MOSFETS and drivers into a single package, delivering the power and efficiency that the latest Intel processors can take full advantage of. ALLOY CHOKES AND CAPACITORS High-end chokes and durable capacitors are engineered to resist extreme temperatures, enabling performance that exceeds industry standards. PROCOOL POWER CONNECTOR The ASUS ProCool socket is built to exacting specifications to ensure flush contact with the PSU power lines, enabling lower impedance and better heat dissipation. DIGI+ POWER CONTROL The Digi+ voltage regulator module (VRM) is one of the finest in the industry, ensuring ultra-smooth and clean power delivery to the CPU. SIX-LAYER PCB A multi-layered printed circuit board design quickly dissipates heat around the voltage regulators to improve overall system stability and provide the CPU with more overclocking headroom. Two-Way AI Noise Cancelation This powerful ASUS-exclusive utility leverages a massive deep-learning database to reduce background noise from the microphone* and incoming audio while preserving voices. Distracting keyboard clatter, mouse clicks and other ambient noises are removed so you can hear and be heard with perfect clarity while gaming or during calls. Asus ROG Strix B660 A Gaming WIFI D4 AI Cooling ASUS AI Cooling technology automatically manages and controls motherboard-connected fans to ensure optimal settings based on current system load and temperature. AI Networking The proprietary ROG GameFirst VI utility is designed to help all users beginners, experts, and everyone in between optimize network settings to ensure smooth online gameplay. New to this generation, GameFirst VI features AI-enhanced identification and boost technologies to ensure faster and smarter network optimization. Adaptive Intelligence GameFirst VI notes what you’re currently doing and adjusts bandwidth accordingly to ensure smooth online experiences, even when multitasking. OptiMem II OptiMem II technology offers higher clock speeds through trace layout optimizations that significantly reduce signal distance and crosstalk while enhancing memory stability and compatibility. ROG Strix B660-A Gaming WiFi D4 supports up to 128 GB of DDR4 memory across four slots.
WiFi 6 (802.11 ax) Onboard WiFi 6 (802.11ax) supports ultrafast wireless-networking speeds, improved capacity and better performance in dense wireless environments, providing exceptional online gaming experiences. Pair your motherboard with ASUS WiFi 6 routers to fully experience the networking potential of WiFi 6. Intel 2.5 Gb Ethernet Onboard 2.5 Gb Ethernet gives your wired connection a boost, with up to a 2.5x improvement over standard Ethernet connections for faster file transfers, smoother lag-free gaming and high-res video streaming. SupremeFX ROG SupremeFX is a unique blend of hardware and software that provides superior audio. In ROG Strix B660-A Gaming WiFi D4, SupremeFX features the ALC4080 codec to increase playback resolution from 192 kHz to 384 kHz across all channels. The front-panel output is streamed through a highly integrated Savitech amplifier thatands capable of driving of a wide variety of gaming headsets and high-fidelity headphones. Undeniably ROG Strix The ROG Strix B660-A Gaming WiFi D4 will turn heads with a striking silver-white finish that contrasts with a bold Aura RGB-illuminated glitch-effect logo. Meanwhile, parallel strakes and dotted text on the aluminum I/O shroud, M.2 and PCH heatsinks tie the whole aesthetic together and underline the ROG Strix fundamentals of speed, diversity and attitude. M.2 Q-LATCH The innovative Q-Latch makes it easy to install or remove an M.2 SSD without the need for specific tools. The design employs a simple locking mechanism to secure the drive and neatly eliminate traditional screws. CERTIFIED COMPATIBILITY ROG Strix motherboards undergo an extensive certification program to ensure compatibility with the widest range of components and devices. Our Qualified Vendor List (QVL) provides a reference for identifying guaranteed-compatible components and memory. ASUS AIO coolers are also compatible with a wide variety of CPUs, up to and including 12th Gen Intel processors, giving you ultimate flexibility to cool the CPU that fits your needs. THE ROG STRIX ECOSYSTEM AWAITS Level up your game with ROG Strix. Enjoy complementary aesthetics, control and compatibility across AIO coolers, cases, peripherals, and much more. ROG offers more choices than any other brand. UEFI BIOS The renowned ROG UEFI (BIOS) provides everything you need to configure, tweak, and tune your rig. It offers intelligently simplified options for newcomers to PC DIY and more comprehensive features for seasoned veterans. Sonic Studio III ROG Sonic Studio supports HRTF-based (head-related transfer function*) virtual surround for VR headsets, casting an immersive aural landscape that draws you deeper into the action. The intuitive Sonic Studio interface also offers a range of EQ options and one-click presets, allowing you to tailor acoustics to suit personal preferences or the characteristics of your headset. DTS: Sound Unbound dts ROG Strix B660 motherboards are pre-loaded with the DTS Sound Unbound app that envelops you in audio as never before, conjuring whole new levels of immersion for extraordinary gaming and entertainment experiences. By leveraging Windows Sonic spatial technology, DTS Sound Unbound delivers audio in a virtual 3D space putting you right in the middle of the soundscape, where you can sense the location and direction of every gunshot, footstep or other sound in your virtual environment. Stereo Sound: Discrete left and right audio channels enable headphone or two-speaker setup. Surround Sound: Audio is split and served over multiple speaker channels e.g., 5.1 or 7.1 to create an enveloping experience on a single, logical plane. Spatial Sound: A virtual audio sphereand effect creates astonishing 360° immersion with you at the center, where sounds seem to travel in all directions. AIDA64 EXTREME ROG Strix B660 motherboards include an AIDA64 Extreme 60 days free trial. This industry-leading system information tool provides detailed information about installed hardware
and software, and it also provides benchmarks for measuring performance of the entire system or individual components. AIDA64 Extreme includes a monitoring and diagnostics feature to detect and prevent hardware issues. All vital system sensors can be tracked in real time, allowing voltage readings, fan speeds, and temperature information to be displayed on the desktop or sent to dedicated displays or to the OLED panels of ROG AIO liquid coolers*. Armoury Crate Armoury Crate is a software utility designed to give you centralized control of supported gaming products, making it easy to tune the look and feel of your system. From a single intuitive interface, Armoury Crate helps you customize RGB lighting and effects for compatible devices and synchronize them with Aura Sync to create a unified lighting scheme across your system. In addition, Armoury Crateands Fan Xpert4 tool provides comprehensive control over fans, water pumps and all-in-one (AIO) coolers. Asus ROG Strix B660 A Gaming WIFI D4
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abakinggoldpup · 4 months
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LVL: 50 Nickname: Twinkle Gender: Male Type: Psychic/Steel Move list:
Shadow Ball
Meteor Mash
Doom Desire
Iron Defense
Zen Headbutt NOTE: Move set may alternate between each battle --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Born in the distant void of space was a strange Jirachi. He was Tsuki's right-hand partner during her adventures, battling alongside Tsuki in ways no one has seen this Pokémon fight before. It is strange that he only has two tags. How did it happen? Hmm, a mystery... 𝗩𝗢𝗜𝗖𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗠: Ryō Hirohashi (Tails JP's voice actress) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 𝗘𝗠𝗢𝗟𝗚𝗔
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LVL: 67 Nickname: Zeus Type: Electric/Flying Type (Mega Evolution): Electric/Fighting Ability: Static Shiny? Yes
Move list (Base form) Electro Ball Acrobatics Thunder Wave Hidden Power
Move list (Mega form) Iron Tail Double Team Mach Punch Rising Voltage 𝗠𝗘𝗚𝗔 𝗘𝗩𝗢𝗟𝗨𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡
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Tsuki's left-handed partner and troublemaker! Zeus is quite the interesting one, indeed. With his bewildering speed, he believes he can conquer the competition. He may have a case with his MEGA powerful form, however. Can't conquer that attitude of his, though. 𝗩𝗢𝗜𝗖𝗘 𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗠: Penny as Sonic from Realtime Sonic Fandubs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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LVL: 52 Nickname: Blitz Gender: Male Type: Fire Ability: Flash Fire Held item: Spell Tag
Move list: Shadow Ball Flamethrower Fire Fang Dig Blitz is timid on the other end. He doesn't typically show his face around new folks, but when he does, he's a sweetheart full of energy! He hopes to reveal what he's made of... if his older sister isn't constantly pushing him
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LVL: 53 Nickname: Chao Gender: Male Type: Fighting
Move list: Focus Blast Force Palm Drain Punch Hone Claws Substitute Aura Sphere Aerial Ace Reversal Chao... a warrior who travels around the Unova region looking for a worthy trainer to challenge. Encountered within Victory Road, he stumbled upon Tsuki, who gave her the hardest challenge she ever faced. After overcoming the hurdle, he opts to train her on the journey to being a mighty champion. He respects Tsuki, offering to protect her at all costs from opposers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗘𝗧𝗔𝗟𝗘𝗦
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LVL: 45 Nickname: Ferox Gender: Female Type: Fire Ability: Flash Fire
Move list: Sunny Day Weather Ball Safeguard Energy Ball Overheat Flame Charge Ferox is a little clingy for her own good. Ever since she met Tsuki in Unova, she's always loved hanging around her. Ferox loves to cuddle with her trainer, gaining all of the attention she thinks she deserves. Anyone getting in the way will fear her wrath! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗞𝗔𝗧𝗢𝗡
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LVL: 60 Nickname: Piko Gender: Female Type: Fairy/Steel Ability: Mold Breaker
Move list: Gigaton Hammer Flash Cannon Metal Sound Stealth Rock One of Tsuki's new Paldean friends! Piko is quite the scary figure. Looking into those eyes would lead you to think she's cute, but inside is a terrifying powerhouse that likes to play rough. Lock into her eyes, and she'll come for you! Watch out! ____________________________________________________________
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battery-guide · 4 months
Ebike Battery Types Comparison: Pros and Cons
From safety to energy density, cost comparisons to environmental impacts, explore the diverse landscape of electric bike battery. Uncover the key differences in lifespan, durability, energy density, and efficiency across various battery types, empowering you to choose the perfect battery for your ebike adventures.
Key Points
LFP batteries: Safety, long cycle life
NMC batteries: Higher energy density
LTO batteries: Fast charge, long lifespan
Lead-Acid batteries: Cost-effective
NiMH batteries: Mid-range cost, performance
Overview of Ebike Battery Types: LFP, NMC, LTO, Lead-Acid, and NiMH
Within the evolving landscape of electric bicycles (e-bikes), the choice of battery technology is pivotal in influencing performance, longevity, and usability. Some of the most typically used battery types in e-bikes are Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP), Nickel Manganese Cobalt (NMC), Lithium Titanate Oxide (LTO), Lead-Acid, and Nickel-steel Hydride (NiMH). Each of those battery sorts offers fantastic benefits and disadvantages, shaped via their chemical residences and technological frameworks. Battery type Chemical Composition typical Voltage Energy Density (Wh/kg) LFP (Lithium Iron Phosphate) LiFePO4 3.2V in keeping with mobile 90-a hundred and twenty NMC (Nickel Manganese Cobalt) LiNiMnCoO2 three.6-three.7V in line with cellular 150-220 LTO (Lithium Titanate Oxide) Li2TiO3 2.4V consistent with cell 50-80 Lead-Acid PbSO4 2.1V according to mobile 30-50 NiMH (Nickel-metallic Hydride) NiMH 1.2V in keeping with cell 60-a hundred and twenty
Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP battery cell) batteries are famous for or their sturdy protection profile and extended cycle lifestyles, making them a reliable choice for everyday, extensive use. On the other hand, Nickel Manganese Cobalt (NMC battery cell) batteries offer higher strength densities, translating to lighter weights and probably longer degrees on an unmarried price, albeit at a better value and barely reduced stability.
Lithium Titanate Oxide (LTO) generation is prominent via its brilliant charge and discharge costs and astonishing lifespan, though it's far normally the most costly and offers lower strength density. Lead-Acid batteries, even as being the most cost-efficient, be afflicted by heavier weights and lower strength efficiencies, which can restriction the variety and overall performance of the ebike. Finally, Nickel-metallic Hydride (NiMH) serves as a center floor in phrases of fee and performance, although it is less commonly used these days because of its heavier weight and environmental issues in comparison to lithium-primarily based options.
expertise these fundamental variations assists in making an knowledgeable decision whilst deciding on an ebike, making sure the chosen battery kind aligns with man or woman needs concerning range, weight, price, and overall performance standards.
Comparing Battery Lifespan and Durability Across Ebike Battery Types
The durability and robustness of an ebike's battery are pivotal elements that affect a rider's enjoy and the lifecycle fee of the ebike. Diverse battery technologies, specifically Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP), Nickel Manganese Cobalt (NMC), Lithium Titanate Oxide (LTO), Lead-Acid, and Nickel-metallic Hydride (NiMH), each showcase distinct characteristics concerning lifespan and durability under various operational situations.
LFP batteries are famend for his or her long lifespan, frequently exceeding 2000 rate cycles whilst maintaining giant ability. They also showcase excessive thermal stability and tolerance in opposition to bodily damage, making them one of the maximum durable alternatives inside the ebike market. However, LFP batteries normally have a decrease energy density as compared to NMC batteries, which may affect their adoption in performance-orientated ebikes.
NMC batteries offer a good balance among power density and lifespan. Commonly, NMC batteries help approximately 1000 to 2000 fee cycles. They're less durable against high temperature variations and physical impacts as compared to LFP, which can barely reduce their realistic lifespan relying on utilization conditions.
LTO technology is referred to for its outstanding cycle lifestyles, potentially up to 10,000 recharge cycles, and robustness in opposition to intense temperatures and fast charging. But, the better value and lower power density of LTO batteries would possibly restriction their sizable use in industrial ebike applications.
Lead-Acid batteries, while being the most affordable prematurely, have a significantly shorter lifespan, usually round three hundred to 500 price cycles. They're additionally prone to damage from deep discharges and usually perform poorly in bloodless climate, that could similarly restriction their effective lifespan.
NiMH batteries, as soon as popular in various electronic applications, provide a moderate variety of charge cycles, commonly round 500 to one thousand. At the same time as they are extra environmentally friendly than lead-acid batteries and greater resistant to memory outcomes than older battery technologies, they lag at the back of lithium-primarily based batteries in phrases of energy density and durability in excessive-drain situations like ebiking.
In end, whilst evaluating the lifespan and sturdiness of different ebike battery technology, it is important to consider the particular wishes of the application, which include anticipated cycle lifestyles, resilience to environmental situations, and the bodily demands of the ebike design. Every battery type affords a completely unique set of pros and cons, influencing its suitability for diverse ebike fashions and consumer necessities.
Analysis of Energy Density and Efficiency in Different Ebike Batteries
when choosing an electric powered bicycle (ebike) battery, understanding the energy density and efficiency of the various types to be had is important for making an knowledgeable selection. power density refers to the amount of strength a battery can save relative to its weight or volume, which without delay impacts the variety and overall performance of an ebike. performance, alternatively, involves how effectively a battery can convert saved strength into usable energy, affecting the ebike's operational fees and environmental footprint.
electricity Density across one of a kind Battery sorts
The 5 foremost forms of ebike batteries include Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP), Nickel Manganese Cobalt (NMC), Lithium Titanate (LTO), Lead-Acid, and Nickel-steel Hydride (NiMH). Every kind reveals wonderful characteristics in terms of power density: Battery kind power Density (Wh/kg) LFP (Lithium Iron Phosphate) ninety-one hundred twenty NMC (Nickel Manganese Cobalt) a hundred and fifty-220 LTO (Lithium Titanate) 70-eighty Lead-Acid 30-50 NiMH (Nickel-metallic Hydride) 60-a hundred and twenty
As indicated, NMC batteries normally provide the very best energy density, imparting more variety according to rate. Conversely, LTO and lead-acid batteries commonly have lower strength densities, which may limit the gap an ebike can travel earlier than needing a recharge.
efficiency evaluation of Ebike Batteries
efficiency in ebike batteries is stimulated via elements inclusive of rate retention, charge of energy discharge, and operational durability. Here's a better study the efficiency traits of each battery type: Battery type Approximate rate/Discharge performance (%) Self-Discharge rate (month-to-month) LFP ninety five-98 <1% NMC 90-95 1-2% LTO ninety-95 1-2% Lead-Acid 80-eighty five 3-four% NiMH sixty six-70 20-30%
LFP batteries stand out for his or her excessive fee/discharge efficiency and extremely low self-discharge quotes, making them appropriate for long-term storage. In comparison, NiMH batteries be afflicted by higher self-discharge prices, which won't be perfect for intermittent ebike usage.
expertise those aspects of power density and performance can greatly influence an ebike's usability, fee-effectiveness, and suitability for distinctive usage scenarios. Whilst NMC batteries is probably preferred for his or her excessive energy density, LFP will be greater appealing for those prioritizing performance and decrease upkeep needs.
Cost Comparison of Ebike Battery Options: From Initial Purchase to Long-Term Maintenance
when considering the purchase of an electric powered bicycle, the value of the battery device is a enormous thing that can have an effect on choice-making. The total cost includes no longer handiest the preliminary purchase fee however additionally long-time period maintenance charges, which vary broadly among distinct battery types: Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP), Nickel Manganese Cobalt (NMC), Lithium Titanate Oxide (LTO), Lead-Acid, and Nickel-metal Hydride (NiMH).
beginning with the initial buy rate, Lead-Acid batteries are usually the maximum inexpensive option available. But, their decrease upfront value is counterbalanced by way of a shorter lifespan and better protection wishes, that could cause extra standard prices over time. In assessment, LFP batteries, recognised for their robustness and lengthy lifestyles cycle, initially price extra but offer higher value efficiency over their operational lifespan because of fewer alternative needs.
NMC batteries are reasonably priced and offer a great balance between price, power density, and lifespan. They are commonly used in mainstream electric powered motorcycles, offering a center ground in phrases of general value effectiveness. LTO batteries stand out for his or her extremely rapid charging skills and great cold climate performance, but these benefits come at a higher fee, which can be prohibitive for a few users. Finally, NiMH batteries, even as much less not unusual, have a tendency to be extra luxurious than Lead-Acid however cheaper than most lithium-primarily based alternatives, with a mild performance profile and renovation cost.
upkeep expenses also range notably. Lead-Acid batteries, for example, require ordinary protection and are at risk of harm if now not properly cared for, main to potential additional prices. LFP, NMC, and LTO batteries, but, generally require much less preservation due to their inherent stability and durability, decreasing the total price of possession. The better initial cost of these batteries may be offset via their longevity and minimal preservation necessities.
considering long-term protection, the stableness and long life cycles of LFP and LTO batteries often present lower cumulative upkeep charges in comparison to different kinds. While the upfront investment is better, the want for battery replacements and ongoing preservation is considerably reduced, making them an economically practical preference for frequent users or the ones planning to apply their ebikes appreciably over numerous years.
each battery type includes distinct benefits and disadvantages concerning fee and upkeep, and the selection in the end relies upon at the person's precise needs, finances, and expected usage patterns of the ebike.
Environmental Impact and Safety Concerns with Various Ebike Battery Technologies
electric bicycles (ebikes) make use of an expansion of battery technologies, every with its personal environmental effect and safety profile. Information the nuances among Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP), Nickel Manganese Cobalt (NMC), Lithium Titanate Oxide (LTO), Lead-Acid, and Nickel-steel Hydride (NiMH) is vital for purchasers and manufacturers aiming to make environmentally pleasant and secure choices.
Environmental effect of Ebike Batteries
The production and disposal of ebike batteries make contributions notably to their environmental effect. LFP batteries, regarded for his or her lengthy life and protection, have a lower environmental burden in comparison to different lithium-based totally batteries due to much less risky fabric utilization. NMC batteries, even as presenting excessive energy density, involve cobalt and nickel, which have better toxicity and pose giant environmental dangers if not properly recycled.
Lead-acid batteries, although cheaper, bring a heavy environmental toll because of the toxicity of lead and the sulfuric acid in the electrolyte. In contrast, NiMH batteries are taken into consideration more environmentally friendly than lead-acid and a few lithium-based totally batteries, as they do no longer incorporate poisonous heavy metals. But, the mining of nickel also poses environmental challenges. LTO batteries, presenting brilliant cycle existence and balance, use lithium and titanium, which have lower environmental dangers but aren't with out mining impacts.
safety concerns with Ebike Batteries
protection is a paramount concern with all battery technology. LFP batteries are usually appeared as the safest lithium-ion option because of their thermal and chemical stability. NMC and LTO batteries, at the same time as generally secure, can pose dangers of thermal runaway if damaged or improperly managed. Lead-acid batteries danger acid leaks and gasoline emissions if overcharged, and NiMH batteries, despite the fact that strong, can experience overheating if not efficaciously handled.
Comparative table of Environmental and protection Profiles
Battery type Environmental effect protection Profile LFP Low toxicity, minimum heavy metals excessive stability, low fire risk NMC excessive toxicity, cobalt and nickel effect moderate, danger of thermal runaway LTO decrease mining effect, makes use of lithium excessive balance, minimum fire danger Lead-Acid high toxicity, lead and acid disposal problems ability for acid leaks and gas emissions NiMH decrease toxicity, however nickel mining issues generally secure, feasible overheating
In conclusion, whilst selecting an ebike battery, it's far crucial to stability performance wishes with environmental effect and safety issues. Advanced recycling technology and higher regulatory frameworks can mitigate some of those affects, making ebike batteries a more sustainable choice inside the transition to greener transportation technology.
Suitability for Different Climates and Riding Conditions: Which Battery Type Performs Best?
selecting the right battery for an ebike depends considerably on the weather and driving conditions it'll be uncovered to. Exceptional battery technology showcase wonderful performances and diversifications to environmental elements together with temperature extremes, humidity, and frequency of use.
Temperature Tolerance and overall performance
Temperature has a profound effect on battery performance and sturdiness. Here, we compare how exclusive ebike battery sorts preserve up in various thermal situations: Battery type Low Temperature performance excessive Temperature performance LFP (Lithium Iron Phosphate) suitable performance all the way down to -20°C strong as much as 60°C NMC (Nickel Manganese Cobalt) decreased capacity below -10°C Can degrade quicker above 45°C LTO (Lithium Titanate) terrific overall performance right down to -30°C top stability up to fifty five°C Lead-Acid terrible performance beneath -10°C at risk of overheating above forty°C NiMH (Nickel steel Hydride) ok overall performance right down to -20°C risks overheating above 50°C
As visible from the table, LTO batteries offer the first-rate tolerance to severe temperatures, making them appropriate for riders in regions with harsh winters or warm summers. LFP also demonstrates strong performance throughout a broad temperature variety, even as NMC and Lead-Acid batteries may also require greater careful control in excessive climates.
Moisture and Environmental exposure
Moisture resistance is crucial for ebike batteries, specially for riders in rainy or humid climates:
LFP and LTO batteries typically have wonderful sealing technology that guard towards moisture and for this reason perform well in humid situations.
NMC and Lead-Acid batteries are greater vulnerable to harm from moisture, requiring extra shielding measures.
NiMH batteries, whilst somewhat immune to moisture, can enjoy faded capability and lifespan in very humid environments.
effect of riding situations
driving situations consisting of terrain and utilization frequency also impact battery performance: Battery kind rough Terrain overall performance high usage Frequency response LFP excessive resistance to vibration right sturdiness with frequent fees NMC Medium resistance to surprise and vibration Can degrade quicker with extensive use LTO remarkable resistance to mechanical pressure extraordinarily durable underneath frequent charging cycles Lead-Acid negative shock resistance; touchy to rough handling rapid degradation with excessive cycle frequency NiMH mild shock resistance reasonable performance beneath frequent use
In end, while deciding on an ebike battery for particular climates and driving situations, LTO batteries generally provide the very best resilience and overall performance versatility. But, LFP batteries offer a more cost-effective solution with nearly comparable overall performance throughout many conditions. Riders in less demanding climates may additionally find adequate overall performance from NMC, Lead-Acid, or NiMH batteries, but may need to take extra precautions to ensure longevity and efficiency.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Ebike Battery Types
What are the pros and cons of Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) batteries?
Pros: LFP batteries are known for their strong safety profile, long cycle life, and reliability for regular, extensive use. Cons: They generally have lower energy density compared to other lithium-based options, which may impact performance in some scenarios.
Why choose Nickel Manganese Cobalt (NMC) batteries for an ebike?
Pros: NMC batteries offer higher energy densities, lighter weights, and potentially longer ranges on a single charge. Cons: They can be more expensive and slightly less stable compared to LFP batteries.
What are the advantages of Lithium Titanate Oxide (LTO) batteries?
Pros: LTO batteries have excellent charge and discharge rates, outstanding lifespan, and great performance in extreme conditions. Cons: They are generally the most expensive option and offer lower energy density.
Are Lead-Acid batteries a suitable choice for ebikes?
Pros: Lead-Acid batteries are cost-effective and widely available. Cons: They are heavier, less energy-efficient, and have shorter lifespans compared to lithium-based options, limiting the overall performance of the ebike.
What are the key characteristics of Nickel-metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries?
Pros: NiMH batteries offer a balance between cost and performance. Cons: They are heavier, less environmentally friendly, and have lower energy density compared to newer lithium-based options.
How do different ebike battery types compare in terms of lifespan and durability?
Each battery type has unique characteristics regarding lifespan and durability. For example, LFP batteries are known for their long cycle life and robustness, while Lead-Acid batteries have shorter lifespans and are prone to damage from deep discharges.
What factors should I consider when comparing the energy density and efficiency of ebike batteries?
Energy density and efficiency are crucial for determining the range and performance of an ebike. NMC batteries generally offer the highest energy density, while LFP batteries excel in terms of efficiency and low self-discharge rates.
How do the environmental impact and safety concerns vary among different ebike battery technologies?
Environmental impact and safety profiles differ across battery types. LFP batteries are considered safer and have lower environmental impact, while NMC batteries contain toxic materials like cobalt and nickel. It's essential to balance performance needs with environmental considerations.
Which ebike battery types are best suited for different climates and riding conditions?
LTO batteries are known for their excellent tolerance to extreme temperatures, making them ideal for harsh climates. LFP batteries offer versatility and reliability across various conditions, while NMC, Lead-Acid, and NiMH batteries may require extra care in specific environments.
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SOYOND 7500mAh Solar Generator - Compact Power On-The-Go
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SOYOND 7500mAh Solar Generator Portable Power Station is a versatile and compact solar generator designed for outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, and travel. Priced affordably at £69.99, it boasts a 3.8 out of 5 rating from 51 reviews. I recently used the Portable Power Station during a camping trip and found it to be incredibly handy. It effectively charged my phone multiple times and provided ample light with its built-in LED bulbs. The ability to charge via solar panel added convenience, ensuring I had power even in remote locations. SOYOND 7500mAh Solar Generator: Portable Power Solution Credit - Amazon.com   Buy On Amazon The SOYOND Portable Power Station offers a reliable power solution for various scenarios such as camping, travel, and emergencies. With a sizable 7500mAh capacity, this solar generator can store energy from the sun to power up LED lights and mobile devices. The low energy consumption feature, including a built-in torch and bright LED bulbs, ensures long-lasting illumination and music playing functions, making it a versatile companion for outdoor activities. Fast and Convenient Charging Credit - Amazon.com   Buy On Amazon With premium lithium batteries, the SOYOND portable power station can be quickly charged using two methods. Utilizing a 10W solar panel in full sunlight, the power station can be fully charged in just 6 hours. Additionally, an AC adapter can also be used for charging. The convenience of a 15ft cable allows for easy charging anywhere, making it an ideal portable power solution for when you're on the go. SOYOND 7500mAh Solar Generator: Multi-functional Design Credit - Amazon.com   Buy On Amazon Not just a power source, the SOYOND Portable Power Station is a multi-functional device. Featuring a digital LED display, built-in MP3 player, and FM radio, it offers entertainment options while being outdoors. With 3 DC ports and 2 USB ports, you can charge a variety of devices, including game consoles, smartphones, cameras, and more. This versatility makes it a handy companion for various activities. Quality and Safety Assurance Credit - Amazon.com   Safety is prioritized by the SOYOND Portable Power Station with its advanced battery management system. This system helps prevent short circuits, over-current, low voltage, and overheating, ensuring full protection for both the device and connected gadgets. The product also comes with a 60-day no questions asked return policy, providing customers with guaranteed value for their investment in a reliable and efficient portable power solution. Read also: - 600W Solar Generator - Reliable and Portable Power Solution - "T-MAX Portable Petrol Generator - Reliable and Versatile Power Solution" - 2.5KW Dual Fuel Generator - Reliable and Versatile Power Solution - ALLPOWERS S2000 Pro MPPT Solar Generator: Your Reliable Power Solution Conclusion In conclusion, the Portable Power Station by Soyond proved to be a reliable and useful companion for outdoor adventures. Despite some mixed reviews, my personal experience was positive, and I found it to be a valuable investment for staying connected and illuminated while on the go. Questions & Answers: Question: Can the Soyond Portable Power Station effectively charge multiple devices at once? Answer: While it has multiple ports for charging, some users have experienced difficulties when trying to charge more than one device simultaneously. Question: How long does it take to fully charge the power station using solar energy? Answer: The time to fully charge the power station via solar can vary based on sunlight conditions, but it generally takes around 6 hours with the provided 10w solar panel. Question: Is the Soyond Portable Power Station durable enough for outdoor use? Answer: Some customers have raised concerns about the durability and overall quality of the product, so it's advisable to handle it with care during outdoor activities. Buy On Amazon Read the full article
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