#Lawsuit (Website Category)
Why is this Canadian university scared of you seeing its Privacy Impact Assessment?
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I'm coming to DEFCON! On Aug 9, I'm emceeing the EFF POKER TOURNAMENT (noon at the Horseshoe Poker Room), and appearing on the BRICKED AND ABANDONED panel (5PM, LVCC - L1 - HW1–11–01). On Aug 10, I'm giving a keynote called "DISENSHITTIFY OR DIE! How hackers can seize the means of computation and build a new, good internet that is hardened against our asshole bosses' insatiable horniness for enshittification" (noon, LVCC - L1 - HW1–11–01).
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Barbra Streisand is famous for many things: her exciting performances on the big screen, the small screen, and the stage; her Grammy-winning career as a musician (she's a certified EGOT!); and for all the times she's had to correct people who've added an extra vowel to the spelling of her first name (I can relate!).
But a thousand years from now, her legacy is likely to be linguistic, rather than artistic. The "Streisand Effect" – coined by Mike Masnick – describes what happens when someone tries to suppress a piece of information, only to have that act of attempted suppression backfire by inciting vastly more interest in the subject:
The term dates to 2003, when Streisand sued the website Pictopia and its proprietors for $50m for reproducing an image from the publicly available California Coastal Records Project (which produces a timeseries of photos of the California coastline in order to track coastal erosion). The image ("Image 3850") incidentally captured the roofs of Streisand's rather amazing coastal compound, which upset Streisand.
But here's the thing: before Streisand's lawsuit, Image 3850 had only been viewed six times. After she filed the case, another 420,000 people downloaded that image. Not only did Streisand lose her suit (disastrously so – she was ordered to pay the defendants' lawyers $177,000 in fees), but she catastrophically failed in her goal of keeping this boring, obscure photo from being seen:
Streisand has since called the suit "a mistake." On the one hand, that is very obviously true, but on the other hand, it's still admirable, given how many other failed litigants went to their graves insisting that their foolish and expensive legal gambit was, in fact, very smart and we are all very stupid for failing to understand that.
Which brings me to Ian Linkletter and the Canadian Privacy Library. Linkletter is the librarian and founder of the nonprofit Canadian Privacy Library, a newish online library that collects and organizes privacy-related documents from Canadian public institutions. Linkletter kicked off the project with the goal of collecting the Privacy Impact Assessments from every public university in Canada, starting in his home province of BC.
These PIAs are a legal requirement whenever a public university procures a piece of software, and they're no joke. Ed-tech vendors are pretty goddamned cavalier when it comes to student privacy, as Linkletter knows well. Back in 2020, Linkletter was an ed-tech specialist for the University of British Columbia, where he was called upon to assess Proctorio, a "remote invigilation" tool that monitored remote students while they sat exams.
This is a nightmare category of software, a mix of high-tech phrenology (vendors claim that they can tell when students are cheating by using "AI" to analyze their faces); arrogant techno-sadism (vendors requires students – including those sharing one-room apartments with "essential worker" parents on night shifts who sleep during the day – to pan their cameras around to prove that they are alone); digital racism (products are so bad at recognizing Black faces that some students have had to sit exams with multiple task-lights shining directly onto their faces); and bullshit (vendors routinely lie about their tools' capabilities and efficacy).
Worst: remote invigilation is grounded in the pedagogically bankrupt idea that learning is best (or even plausibly) assessed through high-stakes testing. The kind of person who wants to use these tools generally has no idea how learning works and thinks of students as presumptively guilty cheats. They monitor test-taking students in realtime, and have been known to jiggle test-takers' cursors impatiently when students think too long about their answers. Remote invigilation also captures the eye-movements of test-takers, flagging people who look away from the screen while thinking for potential cheating. No wonder that many students who sit exams under these conditions find themselves so anxious that they vomit or experience diarrhea, carefully staring directly into the camera as they shit themselves or vomit down their shirts, lest they be penalized for looking away or visiting the toilet.
Linkletter quickly realized that Proctorio is a worst-in-class example of a dreadful category. The public-facing materials the company provided about its products were flatly contradicted by the materials they provided to educators, where all the really nasty stuff was buried. The company – whose business exploded during the covid lockdowns – is helmed by CEO Mike Olsen, a nasty piece of work who once doxed a child who criticized him in an online forum:
Proctorio's products are shrouded in secrecy. In 2020, for reasons never explained, all the (terrible, outraged) reviews of its browser plugin disappeared from the Chrome store:
Linkletter tweeted his alarming findings, publishing links to the unlisted, but publicly available Youtube videos where Proctorio explained how its products really worked. Proctorio then sued Linkletter, for copyright infringement.
Proctorio's argument is that by linking to materials that they published on Youtube with permissions that let anyone with the link see them, Linkletter infringed upon their copyright. When Linkletter discovered that these videos already had publicly available links, indexed by Google, in the documentation produced by other Proctorio customers for students and teachers, Proctorio doubled down and argued that by collecting these publicly available links to publicly available videos, Linkletter had still somehow infringed on their copyright.
Luckily for Linkletter, BC has an anti-SLAPP law that is supposed to protect whistleblowers facing legal retaliation for publishing protected speech related to matters of public interest (like whether BC's flagship university has bought a defective and harmful product that its students will be forced to use). Unluckily for Linkletter, the law is brand new, lacks jurisprudence, and the courts have decided that he can't use a SLAPP defense and his case must go to trial:
Linkletter could have let that experience frighten him away from the kind of principled advocacy that riles up deep-pocketed, thin-skinned bullies. Instead, he doubled down, founding the Canadian Privacy Library, with the goal of using Freedom of Information requests to catalog all of Canada's post-secondary institutions' privacy assessments. Given how many bodies he found buried in Proctorio's back yard, this feels like the kind of thing that should be made more visible to Canadians.
There are 25 public universities in BC, and Linkletter FOI'ed them all. Eleven provided their PIAs. Eight sent him an estimate of what it would cost them (and thus what they would charge) to assemble these docs for him. Six requested extensions.
One of them threatened to sue.
Langara College is a 19,000-student spinout of Vancouver Community College whose motto is Eruditio Libertas Est ("Knowledge is Freedom"). Linkletter got their 2019 PIA for Microsoft's Office 365 when he FOI'ed the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (universities often recycle one another's privacy impact assessments, which is fine).
That's where the trouble started. In June, Langara sent Linkletter a letter demanding that he remove their Office 365 PIA; the letter CC'ed two partners in a law firm, and accused Linkletter of copyright infringement. But that's not how copyright – or public records – work. As Linkletter writes, the PIA is "a public record lawfully obtained through an FOI request" – it is neither exempted from disclosure, nor is it confidential:
Langara claims that in making their mandatory Privacy Impact Assessment for Office 365 available, Linkletter has exposed them to "heightened risks of data breaches and privacy incidents," they provided no evidence to support this assertion.
I think they're full of shit, but you don't have to take my word for it. After initially removing the PIA, Linkletter restored it, and you can read it for yourself:
I read it. It is pretty goddamned anodyne – about as exciting as looking at the roof of Barbra Streisand's mansion.
Sometimes, where there's smoke, there's only Streisand – a person who has foolishly decided to use the law to bully a weaker stranger out of disclosing some innocuous and publicly available fact about themselves. But sometimes, where there's smoke, there's fire. A lot of people who read my work are much more familiar with ed-tech, privacy, and pedagogy than I am. If that's you, maybe you want to peruse the Langara PIA to see if they are hiding something because they're exposing their students to privacy risks and don't want that fact to get out.
There are plenty of potential privacy risks in Office 365! The cloud version of Microsoft Office contains a "bossware" mode that allows bosses to monitor their workers' keystrokes for spelling, content, and accuracy, and produce neat charts of which employees are least "productive." The joke's on the boss, though: Office 365 also has a tool that lets you compare your department's usage of Office 365 to your competitors, which is another way of saying that Microsoft is gathering your trade secrets and handing it out to your direct competitors:
So, yeah, there are lots of "features" in Office 365 that could give rise to privacy threats when it is used at a university. One hopes that Langara correctly assessed these risks and accounted for them in its PIA, which would mean that they are bullying Linkletter out of reflex, rather than to cover up wrongdoing. But there's only one way to find out: go through the doc that Linkletter has restored to public view.
Linkletter has excellent pro bono representation from Norton Rose Fulbright, a large and powerful law-firm that is handling his Proctorio case. Linkletter writes, "they have put this public college on notice that any proceeding is liable to be dismissed pursuant to the Protection of Public Participation Act, BC’s anti-SLAPP legislation."
Langara has now found themselves at the bottom of a hole, and if they're smart, they'll stop digging.
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Support me this summer on the Clarion Write-A-Thon and help raise money for the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Copyright (C) 2002 Kenneth & Gabrielle Adelman, California Coastal Records Project, www.californiacoastline.org (modified) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Streisand_Estate.jpgbr>
CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
Langara College (modified) https://langara.ca/
Fair use (parody) https://scholarship.law.ufl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1104
Fair dealing (parody) https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1468015
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odinsblog · 6 months
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The George Floyd Memorial Scholarship offered at a college in Minnesota is facing a lawsuit after being accused of violating the Civil Rights Act.
According to a complaint filed by the conservative nonprofit Equal Protection Project of the Legal Insurrection Foundation, the George Floyd Memorial Scholarship at North Central University in Minneapolis violates Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits “discrimination on the basis of race, color and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance.”
According to the school’s website, applicants must “be a student who is Black or African American, that is, a person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa” in order to be eligible. Applicants who don’t fall into that racial category are automatically disqualified from ineligibility for the scholarship.
At the time of the scholarship’s implementation in 2020, North Central President Scott Hagan said it was created to “invest like never before in a new generation of young black Americans, who are poised and ready to take leadership in our nation.”
(continue reading)
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
My job now wants to give us bathroom passes and has a hall monitor to check passes if you are allowed to go to the bathroom
I’m 27 I’m not in grade school…thinking I should quit
There's gonna be some issues with both OSHA and ADA compliance there I think, legally they can do it within reason but it can open the door to all kinds of lawsuits if they do.
Thanks to the internet and those blessed meme things, many employees live by the meme-philosophy: Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I poop on company time. However, under the law, employers are legally allowed to restrict bathroom breaks, at least, within reason.
Generally, reasonable restrictions will not prohibit employees from using the restroom when the need arises. However, in production, or client facing industries, employers may require an employee to wait for a co-worker to relieve their position before taking a bathroom break. Additionally, if an employee has a medical condition that necessitates frequent bathroom breaks, employers may need to be flexible as frequent bathroom breaks is an easily achievable reasonable accommodation in nearly all situations.
Giving Bathroom Restrictions the Business
While there is no federal law that specifies the number or length of bathroom breaks an employer must provide, restricting bathroom use unreasonably can lead to lawsuits and even all-out labor disputes with picketers and media. OSHA does provide rules that require employers to provide employee restrooms, and allow employees access to those restrooms.
Generally, unreasonable restrictions on bathroom usage will be viewed as a violation of an employee's rights because it subjects employees to detrimental effects to their health, including urinary tract and bladder infections, kidney stones, and other ailments. Furthermore, depending on a company's policy, restrictions on the length of bathroom usage may also have a discriminatory impact on women, or aging individuals, who sometimes need a little extra time in the restroom.
What's Reasonable?
What is considered reasonable will vary from job to job, and likely depend on state law as well. If an employee's bathroom usage interferes with their ability to do their job, or with the production line, or client services, then the law may not protect that employee.
Alternatively, if an employee needs to use the restroom, an employer should not have a policy that denies that employee the ability to do so. Even where an employee has an essential job, such as on a production line, an employer may be required to provide prompt and temporary relief of duties for the employee.
Does an Employer Have to Pay for Bathroom Breaks?
Generally, under the Fair Labor Standards Act, short breaks between 5 to 20 minutes are considered mutually beneficial for employer and employee, and as such, should be paid. However, if the breaks extend beyond 20 minutes, an employer can refuse to pay for that time.
This will be location specific for you I think.
An employer does not have to pay you for a break during which you are completely relieved of your job duties.  Your employer can require you to stay on the business premises during your break.  Only the following breaks are required:
      Minors younger than 16 must be given a 30-minute break if they are employed five hours or more in a day.
      All employees must be allowed toilet breaks when needed.
      A union contract may require breaks and those requirements are enforced by the union.
      Certain other limited categories of workers, such as airline pilots, may be entitled to mandatory breaks under applicable regulations. Check with the appropriate regulatory agency.
Half dozen other sites I've looked at and even the state labor website say 'when needed' so they can't restrict bathroom breaks, not unreasonably at least.
Can't give you little bathroom pass cards at the start of the week and that's as many times as you can pee or anything like that at least.
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do y'all know about the german work report card?
it's actually called a work reference letter in english but the literal translation of Arbeitszeugnis is work report card
so, in germany, any employed worker has the right to ask their employer for such an Arbeitszeugnis once a year. It's supposed to be something you can give a potential futurr employer so that they have an idea of how skilled you are, what your work ethics are etc from an outside perspective.
Only problem is: the employer writing the Arbeitszeugnis is not allowed to say bad stuff about you. Why? Well, it's not exactly a rarity that ab employer and an employee dislike each other, often that's even the reason someone might be looking for a new job. So there's a law stopping employers from writing a bad Arbeitszeugnis that would prevent their employee from finding a new job.
Ok, kind of sensible, but there's a problem with that: if you can't write negative things in a reference letter how much of a reference is it? So since Arbeitszeugnisse aren't supposed to be utterly useless the employers have found ways to.. package negative statements in a positive giftwrap to get their point across without saying something like "My sales employee gave customers too many discounts and spends more time talking to colleagues than working." what they CAN write, however, is "My sales employee was beloved by both colleagues and customers and has high communication skills." which to us means entirely different things but another employer or someone at HR would understand. Some of the worst phrasings to have in an Arbeitszeugnis are "...made every effort to meet our requirements...", "...was able to cope with the usual time pressure and workload...", "...aimed for good results..."
You get the gist. These are the stuff of lawsuits, there's so many court rulings about which phrasings are acceptable and which aren't, there's websites where you input the employee's details, how you would rate their performance in specific categories, and it spits out an Arbeitszeugnis that you likely won't get sued for.
It has gotten to the point where a lot of employers say "Just write it yourself I'll sign it" so now they ARE getting utterly useless, and only older generations of employers and HR people value them.
thanks for reading my unnecessarily long text post about german work reference letters, you may ask questions now
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fic-history · 2 years
Fanfic and Its Reputation
We’ve talked a lot about the history of fanfic, where you can get to it, and what happens when authors start “filing off the serial numbers,” but we haven’t really touched on the reputation of fic as much. Even amongst fic writers, fanfiction has been seen as a kind of lesser craft, a stepping stone on the way to “real” writing. It’s also been seen as dangerous, usually by professional authors. Let’s take a look at some of the differing opinions people have on the matter.
In the media
Especially after it was revealed that Fifty Shades of Grey was originally a fanfic, the media has been a bit more interested in fanfiction than it was in the early days of the modern usage of the term. This article is the perfect example. As far as I’ve seen, most mainstream media sees fanfiction as more of a curiosity than anything good or bad.
Amongst professional authors
Opinions on fanfiction vary quite drastically from author to author. Many authors don’t read fanfiction as a general rule to protect themselves from possible lawsuits if their work resembles that of a fan authors, but that doesn't mean they dislike fanfiction. In fact, many professional authors had long careers as fanfic writers before they started publishing professionally. Naomi Novik, founding member of the Organization for Transformative Works and Temeraire penner, was a prolific Master and Commander fan writer (Jamison 2013). Some authors didn’t write fic themselves but support it anyways. J.K. Rowling, for instance, is fine with fanfiction as long as no one publishes it traditionally to make money off of it, the fics are credited to the actual author of the fic, and not the fics aren’t obscene. Anyone who’s trawled a fanfiction archive ever knows people haven’t really been adhering to that last bit.
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On the opposite end of the spectrum are authors like Anne Rice, who see fanfiction (even the stuff that no one makes money off of, which is the vast majority of fanfiction) as infringement of intellectual property and grounds for lawsuits and cease-and-desists. Rice passed away in 2021, but her legacy as an anti-fanfiction crusader lives on in infamy. In 2000, Rice posted to her website that she does not allow fanfiction, as the characters are copyrighted and it “upsets [her] terribly to even think about fan fiction with my characters.” The following year, Rice’s lawyers sent an email to Fanfiction.net demanding that they remove any and all fanfiction relating to Rice’s properties unless they wanted a lawsuit. The site complied, and to this day FanFiction.net still doesn’t have any categories for works related to Anne Rice and her characters.
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Further Reading
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commiepinkofag · 1 year
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AC-a-a-a-a-B, screamed the goat
again, we see the police PR machine & a complicit press present the innocuous, bumbling barney fife ‘we’re here to protect’ trope.
the ubiquitous coverage of the screaming goat has reached an international audience [if the BBC counts in that regard].
it reminds me of the ‘ah, look! cops dance with ice cream’ which should have been ‘two scoops of fuck you.’
one of the more recent and disgusting examples of police PR/media collaboration has been the ‘viral’ PR: ‘Police dog in Wyandotte accused of stealing fellow officer's lunch.’ 
this ‘story’ originated from a facebook post by the Wyandotte PD, with an accompanying image edited to appear as a mugshot of a black police dog – named ‘Officer ICE.’
however, i found this posted on a ABC affiliate news website, on the same page as an article about Tyre Nichols’ family pleading for justice and calls for the bodycam footage to be released.  
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the timing and content of these press releases is no coincidence.
on august 1 2016, within weeks after the series of murders by police of Delrawn Small, Alton Sterling and Philando Castille, the cop PR machine rolled out #copsgiveouticecream. 
one particular headline — ‘these cops pranked drivers by giving them ice cream instead of tickets’ — fell under the ‘feel good’ category, much like ‘officer ice’ and case of the screaming goat.
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text beneath the image reads: "You can see the sense of relief when the officers explain this ‘violation’ to the anxious drivers who all got a big laugh out of it." 
i can see intimidation, fear, injustice…
‘no cameras!’ — nor accountability
social media has changed the playing field in the propaganda war for policing. like in the instances of feel good news, cops only like social media when it works in their favor. 
the fbi has warned about ‘cop baiting,’ ‘viral attack’ and potential liability. [Social Media and Law Enforcement: Potential Risks; leb.fbi.gov] 
unsurprisingly, this particular article expresses an overarching sense of fear and need for control:
Empowered by social media, cop baiting presents a crisis for law enforcement. Questionable videos of police officers are popular on sites, such as YouTube, and can be financially rewarding to malefactors who file claims or lawsuits. For some individuals, a citation or jail time is worthwhile if a cash payoff results. Cop baiting could become so common that officers may not know whether they are facing a situation that is legitimate, staged, or exaggerated for someone else’s benefit. This puts officers’ personal and professional well-being at stake.
so strange, their fave defense for surveillance [search, et al] isn’t mentioned: ‘if you’re not doing anything wrong, why worry…’ 
copspeak + providing those good feels
i posted the link back in 2016, but i find it’s still relevant: 
Copspeak: 7 Ways Journalists Use Police Jargon to Obscure the Truth [fair.org]
FAIR’s CopSpeak series is good for examining the media-PR symbiosis: 
“The linguistic gymnastics needed to report on police violence without calling up images of police violence is a thing of semantic wonder."
privatization of public policy has helped drive much of this. [Meet the Company That Writes the Policies That Protect Cops; motherjones.com], [Police Policy For Sale; theappeal.org/]. 
the lexipol rabbithole can take you through an insular cop-cult[-ure] & convenient shopping for all of your militarized force needs.
‘Police Chief Magazine’ run by a 503c lobbying group, International Association of Chiefs of Police [IACP], reveals some PR tactics in ‘Media Coverage: When It Doesn’t Work Well… and When It Does’ [policechiefmagazine.org]
The Secrets to Success “It is the role of the public information office to push the positive stories to the media,” says Sergeant John Roth, Glendale Police Department’s public information officer (PIO). His office publicizes the department’s Coffee with a Cop events, as well as other newsworthy items, such as when major cases are solved. … 
it is imperative to develop a rapport with media representatives. He makes a point of meeting with them and establishing relationships built on trust.
‘trust us,’ said at gunpoint… 
[btw, national police week 2023 has begun]
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digital25 · 3 months
How to Make Money from Easy Resell’s MRR Licensed eBook Bundles
The Internet is a place where everyone can make money without any discrimination and without much resources. All you need is some knowledge of English and basic skills.
The burning question of How to make Money on the Internet is an evergreen one for now and though there are millions of answers on YouTube and every other blog, there are even simpler ways to make money and every day, a new person is discovering them and telling them to the world about it.
Easy Resell’s attempt to arm entrepreneurs with the necessary knowledge and legitimate products falls right into this category. We have already given you the details on how to make money using Easy Resell PLR licensed eBook bundles in our last blog. Now, let’s delve into making money with products that come with another type of license, the Master Resell Rights license. By leveraging this license, you can resell digital products and maximize your profit potential. Stay tuned as we explore the ins and outs of using Master Resell Rights to grow your business and income.
How to make money from Easy Resell’s MRR Licensed eBook Bundles?
eBooks can be resold in marketplaces like ETSY, Gumroad or a website of your own on Shopify. Sell only eBooks that come with legitimate licenses since lack of these licenses might land you in trouble like getting banned from the website or worse, attract a lawsuit.
Master Resell Rights allow you to resell the product but with some restrictions. These might change with every product but the gist of it remains the same. If you are not fully familiar with MRR Rights you can read about it here.
Easy Resell’s MRR Licensed eBook Bundles come with a PDF, MRR License, and other marketing material. eBook with MRR license allow you to resell the eBook at a price of your wish but do not give you the right to change the Author name or the content.
The best ways to sell these eBooks and make money are listed below.
Each MRR eBook Bundle comprises some books in PDF format and legitimate licenses with them along with some other material that might be helpful.
After downloading the bundle from Google Drive and extracting it using Winrar or Winzip extractor, you will have access to all the eBooks in separate folders.
Now, Upload the PDF to Canva and create an attractive cover photo for the eBook.
You can Add Borders and designs to the eBook to make it more attractive.
You can use mockup sites like smart mockup to create mockups of your eBook.
Now create an account on ETSY or Gumroad both of which are free, and create a store for yourself.
Go to ChatGPT and ask for a description for the eBook. You can write the title of the book and name some of the chapters to get a more detailed description.
Upload your Cover Image, mockups, and the product that is the eBook that you created and paste the description in the respective field.
Create a social media page (Instagram and Pinterest) for your store and post reels that encourage people to buy your eBook.
As you gain more sales your eBook will become visible to more people and you can make money while you sleep.
You can list all the eBooks and put your hard work into driving traffic to your store through social media. Remember, the more creative you get on social media, the more people will buy your eBook.
eBooks with Master Resell Rights can also be printed and sold in local markets. This is another way you can sell if you can invest a little money.
Read our Blogs for more ideas.
How to Make Money using Easy Resell PLR Licensed eBook Bundles
How to design Rich eBooks like EZ-eBooks from Easy Resell?
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boricuacherry-blog · 4 months
Rihanna's Savage X Fenty Scores Worse Than Shein In Ethical Practices
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US popstar Rihanna is facing backlash after Legal Rights Observatory filed a complaint with the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) of India against the brand.
Her company launched in 2017, Fenty Beauty, was recently reported for allegedly sourcing mica from mines in Jharkhand which employ child labour. Fenty Beauty's connection to "blood mica" became a major topic of discussion.
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Priya Kulkarni from the United States wrote, "Fenty Beauty Brand is under the lens in India for using mica from mines hiring child labour."
It was also brought attention to that it was in violation of the California act, which stipulates audits for companies to ensure that there is no child labour or slavery involved in merchandise.
Taking to Twitter, Poonam from London wrote, "So glad I no longer use #FentyBeauty...of the products I have used...it's COMPLETE trash. I will NEVER support makeup brands for using mica or exploiting child slave labour...So much for being 'vegan' and 'cruelty-free' #ashy #basicbitchmakeup #boycottFenty."
Now, another controversy has been brought to light over her Savage X Fenty line reportedly scoring 'worse than Shein' in ethical practices. This is after some buyers were complaining that the clothing material was flimsy and ripped after limited use.
Ask where a Savage X Fenty product comes from and this is what its country of origin label will tell you: "Imported."
Contacted to explain, one Savage X Fenty customer service officer gave the following reply. "I know SXF items are not made in the US," they stated. "Only assembled and processed." Another replied, "I do not know. I am very sorry."
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SXF is among the lowest-ranking companies on Remake's 2022 Fashion Accountability Report, scoring a meager four points out of a possible 150, demonstrating an utter lack of transparency and accountability in all of the assessment categories. For context, the average score of the 58 companies analyzed in the report was 14, with even ultra-fast fashion brand Shein outranking SXF. Remake's scoreboard for the brand concludes that the company "blatantly disregards industry standards when it comes to social and environmental disclosures, merely noting on its website that products are 'imported.'"
The company doesn't report on its carbon emissions or indicate any carbon reduction targets. Most of its products use oil-based synthetic materials, and the brand has set no clear targets to move away from these materials. Alarmingly, SXF lacks even a Supplier Code of Conduct to define guidelines for assessing factories' compliance with international labour standards, especially in regard to workers' health and safety. This disconnect is striking; we see a brand profiting from using feminism and inclusivity as core elements of its marketing and branding, while at the same time neglecting to put in basic safeguards to protect workers in its supply chain, 80% of whom are women.
What's more, SFX was fined $1 million by Santa Clara County and four other California local governments for defrauding customers by automatically enrolling them in a "VIP" program with recurring monthly credit card charges without their knowledge. The lawsuit also detailed that SXF's website improperly advertised the ability to use store credit and misled customers about the store's products.
"Consumers have a right to know up front what they are paying for and how often," Santa Clara County Deputy District Attorney Jennifer Deng said in a statement. "And businesses have a duty to be transparent about their automatic renewal charges."
The company's actions "were likely to deceive members of the public and were performed with that intent," the complaint said.
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market-news-24 · 4 months
Attention iPhone 7 owners: Apple could owe you up to $349 in a recent settlement. Find out how to claim your refund now. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] If you had an iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus that experienced audio issues, you may be entitled to a portion of Apple's $35 million class action lawsuit settlement. Apple reached an agreement to settle the lawsuit last year, with the deadline for affected iPhone 7 users to submit a claim set for June 3. The lawsuits alleged that the iPhone 7 models were plagued by audio issues linked to Apple's "audio IC" chip, affecting audio quality and FaceTime performance. This was commonly known as "Loop Disease" among affected iPhone 7 users. While Apple denied any wrongdoing, it agreed to settle the case for $35 million. Eligible iPhone 7 users fall into two categories. The first group includes those who experienced audio issues and paid for a repair out of pocket, potentially receiving between $50 and $349. The second group consists of users who reported audio issues to Apple but did not pay for a repair, potentially receiving up to $125. If you believe you qualify for a payout, you can find more information on the settlement website. A final approval hearing is scheduled for July 18, following which class payments will be distributed. For updates and more tech news, follow Chance on Threads, Twitter, Instagram, and Mastodon. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. How much money could I get from Apple if I owned an iPhone 7? You could get up to $349 from Apple. 2. Do I need to prove that I owned an iPhone 7 to get the money? Yes, you will need to provide proof of ownership, such as the serial number of your iPhone 7. 3. Why is Apple offering money to iPhone 7 owners? Apple has agreed to pay compensation to iPhone 7 owners as part of a settlement for slowing down older iPhone models. 4. How can I apply to receive money from Apple for my iPhone 7? You can visit Apple's website or contact customer support to find out how to submit a claim for compensation. 5. Is there a deadline to submit a claim for compensation for my iPhone 7? Yes, there is a deadline to submit a claim, so make sure to do so before the specified date to receive the compensation. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval);
document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000);
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Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism launches the Monitor of Judicial Harassment Against Journalists in Brazil
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Abraji launched the Monitor of Judicial Harassment against Journalists in Brazil on the evening of Wednesday (April 24, 2024), with the goal of systematizing legal proceedings aimed at intimidating, undermining, and silencing journalistic efforts. The research uncovered the existence of 654 lawsuits across the country, focusing on 84 cases of judicial harassment. The launch event was held at the University of São Paulo Law School.
The research results, which conceptualized, mapped, and systematized data on the phenomenon of judicial harassment in Brazil, were compiled into a report available to the public in three languages - Portuguese, English, and Spanish. ACCESS THE REPORT HERE.
The report defines judicial harassment as "the use of judicial measures of intimidating effects against journalism in a disproportional reaction to lawful journalistic work on issues of public interest". It deals with lawsuits filed by individuals or entities, in a context of imbalance between the parties, to the detriment of the journalist, and which may have intimidating judicial consequences for the victim. The study highlights that the action must be evidently unfounded or that the procedural strategies used are abusive, causing exhaustion to the victim and prejudicing the exercise of their right of defense.
The data was gathered by documenting notorious cases, receiving reports from journalists and partner organizations, and compiling case law from the São Paulo State Court of Justice. A database was established, encompassing the analysis of 45 variables condensed into 14 categories. The spreadsheet containing the documented cases is publicly available on the Monitor’s website. Additionally, the website hosts a crucial complaints channel, designed for journalists and communicators who have been targets of abusive legal actions, accessible here.
Continue reading.
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sdettechnologies · 8 months
Unleashing AI: Transforming Accessibility Testing for Tomorrow’s Challenges
In the dynamic landscape of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly becoming a driving force, transforming various aspects of our digital experiences. One crucial area where AI is making a profound impact is accessibility testing. This blog will explore the significance of AI-based accessibility testing, its advantages and how it is shaping the future of ensuring inclusivity in digital spaces.
Is Accessibility Truly a “Challenge”?
Based on data from Internet World Stats, the global number of Internet users stands at 2.4 billion. According to the United Nations factsheet on individuals with disabilities, approximately 10% of the world’s population grapples with some form of disability. This implies that over 27% of potential internet users may possess specific needs related to accessing online content.
Accessibility challenges can be classified into four primary categories:
Visual Impairment — Encompassing total or partial blindness, as well as colour blindness.
Motor Skill Impairment — Refers to conditions that make a mouse or pointing device usage challenging or impossible.
Hearing Impairment — Involving the need for sign language accompaniment or subtitles for video/multimedia content.
Cognitive Impairment — Encompassing conditions that hinder information processing.
Why Address Accessibility as a Priority?
Target Audience:
As highlighted earlier, a staggering 650 million individuals, representing over 27% of the global population, grapple with some form of disability.
Accessibility Legislation:
Government policies and legislation mandate accessibility requirements for websites. Numerous countries have enacted specific laws to ensure compliance with accessibility standards.
Potential Legal Consequences:
Historically, failure to comply with accessibility legislation has resulted in numerous lawsuits and settlements amounting to millions of dollars. Despite the availability of various accessibility tools in the market, the number of lawsuits has consistently risen year after year.
The Essence of AI-Based Accessibility Testing
Accessibility testing is the process of evaluating digital products to ensure they are usable by people with diverse abilities, including those with disabilities. Traditionally, this process involved manual testing, which could be time-consuming and sometimes prone to human error. However, the integration of AI in accessibility testing is ushering in a new era of efficiency and precision.
The Role of AI in Accessibility Testing
Automated Analysis: AI-based accessibility testing utilizes machine learning algorithms to automatically analyze digital content. This includes websites, applications and other digital interfaces, providing a faster and more accurate accessibility assessment.
Pattern Recognition: AI can recognize patterns and anomalies within digital content, identifying potential accessibility issues such as missing alt text for images, inadequate color contrast or improperly structured HTML.
Dynamic Adaptability: AI-based tools can adapt to the dynamic nature of web content, ensuring continuous and real-time evaluation as websites and applications evolve.
Advantages of AI-Based Accessibility Testing
1. Efficiency and Speed:
AI-based accessibility testing significantly accelerates the testing process. Automated tools can swiftly scan and analyze large volumes of digital content, providing quick feedback to developers and testers.
2. Consistency:
AI tools exhibit a high level of consistency in their evaluations. Unlike human testers, AI does not suffer from fatigue or variations in judgment, ensuring uniform and reliable results across different testing scenarios.
3. Comprehensive Coverage:
AI-based accessibility testing can comprehensively evaluate entire digital ecosystems. From websites to mobile applications, AI ensures that every element is scrutinized for accessibility, contributing to a more inclusive online environment.
4. Real-time Insights:
With the ability to analyze digital content in real-time, AI-based accessibility testing provides immediate insights into potential issues. This allows developers to address accessibility concerns promptly, fostering a proactive approach to inclusivity.
Challenges Addressed by AI-Based Accessibility Testing
1. Scalability:
As digital content continues to grow in complexity and volume, the scalability of accessibility testing becomes paramount. AI-based tools can efficiently scale to accommodate the expanding scope of digital spaces.
2. Dynamic Content:
In the era of dynamic web content and frequent updates, AI’s adaptability ensures that accessibility testing remains effective and relevant, regardless of continuous changes to digital interfaces.
3. Diverse Platforms:
AI-based accessibility testing is platform-agnostic, meaning it can assess the accessibility of content across various devices, browsers, and operating systems, providing a more comprehensive evaluation.
The Future Landscape: AI and Accessibility Testing
As we peer into the future, the amalgamation of AI and accessibility testing promises transformative outcomes for digital inclusivity. Here are some ways AI is influencing the future of accessibility testing:
1. Enhanced Personalization:
AI will contribute to the creation of more personalized and adaptive accessibility solutions. By understanding individual user needs, AI can tailor recommendations and adjustments to provide a more customized user experience.
2. Integration with Development Processes:
AI-based accessibility testing is increasingly becoming an integral part of the software development lifecycle. As developers embrace DevOps and continuous integration, AI ensures accessibility considerations are seamlessly woven into the fabric of ongoing development practices.
3. Augmented User Testing:
AI will work in tandem with user testing, providing additional insights and validation. By collaborating with human testers, AI can enhance the thoroughness and accuracy of accessibility evaluations.
4. Expanding Beyond Websites:
AI-based accessibility testing is extending its reach beyond traditional web interfaces. With the proliferation of AI-powered applications, chatbots, and virtual assistants, ensuring accessibility in these domains becomes equally crucial.
Embracing the AI Revolution in Accessibility Testing
In conclusion, the integration of AI into accessibility testing is a game-changer, propelling us towards a future where digital spaces are inherently inclusive. As technology evolves, embracing AI-based accessibility testing becomes not only a necessity for compliance but a strategic imperative for organizations committed to creating digital experiences that are accessible to all. The confluence of AI and accessibility testing is a testament to our collective journey towards a more inclusive and equitable digital future.
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benandstevesposts · 10 months
The Police Entered An Apartment Without A Search Warrant, Shot A Lady's Dog, and Removed The Apartments Occupants To A Patrol Car. And Never Filed Charges.
The county offered to pay the veterinary bill for the dead dog, but only if Umana agreed not to speak out about the shooting or sue the police department. She declined the offer.
"This case is an outrage. It is disgusting, disgraceful, and despicable," said William Murphy, the attorney representing the roommates. "These officers outright abused and mistreated our clients lied to unlawfully break into their house, manhandled them illegally, and shot their dog. And in utter disregard for the severity of their intolerable behavior, they laughed about it."
At a press conference announcing the lawsuit, attorneys for the roommates were joined by representatives from the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland, the NAACP Maryland State Conference, and several other local activist groups, who all said that the incident was part of a long history of civil rights violations by the police department.
"Without a badge, these officers would be trespassers. Without a badge, these officers would be called burglars. Without a badge, these officers would be called assailants," the Maryland NAACP's NaShona Kess said at the press conference. "With a badge and without a warrant, they are trespassers. With a badge and without a warrant, they are burglars and assailants."
After an internal affairs investigation, Ball and Officer Joseph Miranda were found guilty of violating charges of "conduct unbecoming an officer." The department referred the case to the local state attorney's office for possible criminal prosecution, but the office declined to prosecute.
Officers are rarely disciplined for shooting dogs; supervisors almost always find that shootings are justified by departments' loose policies, which usually only require that an officer feel threatened by a dog to deploy deadly force.
For example, a Reason investigation into a string of dog shootings by Detroit police discovered one officer who had killed more than 80 dogs throughout his career. In fact, there's a whole category on Reason's website called "puppycide" documenting cases of police wantonly shooting dogs—shooting toy breeds, including a vicious Pomeranian, shooting dogs at children's birthday parties, dumping dead pets in ditches and trash cans, and more.
The report in its entirety can be found by
Clicking Here!
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mahamid110 · 11 months
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Get The Biggest Package Of Short Footage Videos For TikTok, YouTube Shorts , IG Reels
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creativepixelmag · 1 year
YTS Torrents: A Popular Source of Free Movie Downloads
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YTS Torrents, also known as YIFY Torrents or YTS Mx, is a peer-to-peer release group that distributes large numbers of movies as free downloads through BitTorrent. YTS releases are characterized by their small file size, which attracts many downloaders who have limited bandwidth or storage space. YTS also provides subtitles for various languages and high-quality video and audio formats, such as 720p, 1080p, 2160p 4K and 3D. YTS was founded by a New Zealand-based programmer named Yiftach Swery, who used the alias YIFY. He started uploading movies to torrent sites in 2010, and soon gained a large following of fans who appreciated his consistent and fast uploads. He also created his own website, yify-torrents.com, where he posted his releases and received feedback from users. By 2013, YTS had become one of the most popular torrent sites in the world, with millions of visitors per month. However, YTS also faced legal challenges and threats from the movie industry, which accused him of infringing their copyrights and causing them huge losses. In 2015, YIFY was sued by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), which obtained a court order to shut down his website and seize his domain names. YIFY then announced his retirement from the torrent scene, and handed over the control of YTS to a new team of operators. The new team continued to use the YTS brand and the yts.mx domain name, but changed some aspects of the site, such as adding more advertisements and removing some older releases. They also claimed to have no connection with the original YIFY, and to operate independently from any other torrent site. However, some users and critics doubted their legitimacy and authenticity, and suspected that they were working with the MPAA or other anti-piracy groups to track down torrent users. Despite these controversies and risks, YTS remains one of the most visited and downloaded torrent sites in 2024, with thousands of movies available in various genres and categories. It has a great layout and several great movie torrent downloads to choose from, making it a favorite destination of film enthusiasts134. However, users should also be aware of the potential legal consequences and malware infections that may result from using YTS or any other torrent site, and take precautions to protect their privacy and security online. Some of the potential legal consequences and malware infections that may result from using YTS or any other torrent site are:
Legal consequences: Torrenting itself is not illegal, but downloading and sharing copyrighted content without the owner’s consent is. Depending on the country and the policy, you may face lawsuits, fines, or even imprisonment for torrenting illegally1234. For example, in India, torrenting is considered a violation of the copyright law, and you may be liable to face legal action if you download any torrent file that is protected by copyright2. To avoid legal trouble, you should stick to downloading non-copyrighted or freeware files, or use a proper VPN service to hide your identity and location.
Malware infections: Torrenting also exposes you to the risk of downloading malicious files that may harm your device or steal your data. Some torrent files may contain viruses, spyware, ransomware, or other malware that can infect your system and compromise your security145. To prevent malware infections, you should use a reliable antivirus software and scan every file before opening it. You should also avoid clicking on suspicious links or advertisements on torrent sites, as they may lead to phishing or scam websites. Some of the ways to avoid clicking on suspicious links or advertisements on torrent sites are:
Use an ad blocker: An ad blocker is a software or browser extension that blocks or filters out unwanted ads on websites. By using an ad blocker, you can reduce the chances of encountering malicious or annoying ads on torrent sites, and also improve your browsing speed and experience . However, some torrent sites may detect your ad blocker and ask you to disable it or whitelist their site, which may expose you to more risks. In that case, you should either look for another torrent site or use a different ad blocker that can bypass the detection.
Use a reputable torrent site: Not all torrent sites are created equal. Some are more trustworthy and reliable than others, and have a better reputation among users and reviewers. By using a reputable torrent site, you can avoid most of the fake or harmful torrents, and also find more quality and verified content . However, you should still be careful and check the comments, ratings, and feedback of other users before downloading any torrent file, as even reputable sites may have some bad apples.
Use common sense: The most important thing to avoid clicking on suspicious links or advertisements on torrent sites is to use your common sense and intuition. If something looks too good to be true, it probably is. If something asks you to download or install something that you don’t need or want, don’t do it. If something prompts you to enter your personal or financial information, don’t do it. Always be skeptical and cautious when browsing or downloading from torrent sites, and never trust anything blindly .
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baricenterprises · 1 year
Baric Enterprises
Business name: Baric Enterprises
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Address: 6401 Congress Ave Suite 205, Boca Raton, FL 33487
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Business Description: Baric Enterprises provides lawsuit cash advances and funds for victims of car accidents, personal injury cases, medical malpractice, wrongful death, and all settled cases. We provide pre settlement funding quickly so plaintiffs can get the settlement they deserve. Contact us for more details.
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mrkhan75090 · 1 year
AI WebLab Review-Full OTO Details + Bonuses-World's First Website Security & Compliance Suite
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AI WebLab Review – Product Overview
Product Name: Al WebLab
Created by: Kundan Choudhary
Launch Date: September 8, 2023
Launch Time: 11:00 AM EDT
Price: $17
Category: Software
Customer Support: Highly Effective Support
Guarantee: 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Official Website: Click Here
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AI WebLab Review – What is AI WebLab?
AI WebLab – World’s First Website Security & Compliance Suite
Al WebLab emerges as an innovative web security technology, boldly claiming the title of the world’s inaugural artificial intelligence-driven solution dedicated to safeguarding online assets. Its primary mission revolves around fortifying a multitude of digital entities, encompassing business websites, blogs, links, and documents, against the ceaseless threats posed by hackers, spammers, and other virtual adversaries. It takes pride in its capacity to ensure complete compliance and protection in just a brief 60 seconds, setting it apart as a swift and highly efficient security solution.
Positioning itself as an all-encompassing shield, Al WebLab not only vows to counter external threats but also internal vulnerabilities. Its overarching goal is to furnish users with 100% risk protection, reducing the effort required to uphold security and compliance standards. Additionally, Al WebLab presents an intriguing potential income stream by encouraging users to tap into the robust demand for web security services worldwide. It holds the promise of enabling individuals to generate passive income by offering these indispensable security services to eager business proprietors.
This technology aspires to mitigate the disruptive aftermath of cyberattacks, including phishing endeavors, virus infiltrations, ransomware incursions, and the ever-present specter of hackers. Users are assured that their valuable customer data will remain securely shielded, all without incurring upfront costs or substantial investments. In addition to its robust security features, Al WebLab boasts a user-friendly interface that caters to both novices and seasoned professionals in the field. It underscores the tremendous value of harnessing artificial intelligence to efficiently thwart online threats, potentially saving users substantial sums typically spent on legal fees and lawsuits.
The product proudly showcases the positive testimonials of more than 385 genuine business owners who claim to have preserved significant resources by implementing this technology. To sweeten the deal, Al WebLab is currently offering a special launch package replete with fast-action bonuses valued at a staggering 514,868, coupled with an unwavering 30-day money-back guarantee, adding an extra layer of assurance to its proposition.
How Does AI WebLab Work?
AI WebLab Works In 3 Quick Steps
Steps 1
Log In To AI WebLab App
First you have to login to AI WebLab App
Steps 2
Connect & Scan & Fix Your Websites
You have to connect and scan your websites In just few clicks
Steps 3
Secure, Publish & Profit
Now, you’re all set and done. Just sit back, and relax to share all your business websites with 100% security in a cost effective manner
Features and Benefits Of AI WebLab
First To Universe Technology Keeps Your Business Websites, 100% Secured From Hackers & Spammers
Get 100% Risk Protection From Internal As Well As External Sources With Minimal Grunt 
Make Passive Income Monthly By Providing High In Demand Services To Hungry Business Owners Globally
Never Have Disruptions Due To Cyber Attacks & Other Associated Risks
Stay Safe From Phishing, Viruses, Hackers, Ransomware & Other Related Threats
Keep All Your Customer Data Secured With Zero Upfront Cost Or Huge Investment EVER
Let Our Security Experts Manage Everything Even When You’re Away From Your Screens
Offer Premium Web Security & Compliance Services To Local, National & International Services For Extra Income
Protect Your Business And Stay Compliant By Preventing Loss Of Sensitive Personal & Professional Data
Get Done for You Website Specialist Al ChatBot & Assistant Generate High Quality Al Images For Any Offer & Niche In 3 Clicks
Create High Quality, Professional Marketing Videos In 60 Seconds
Use This Artificial Intelligence Powered Tech To Keep Hackers, Spammers Away Like A Pro
Save Thousands Of Dollars That Could Be Wasted By Getting Sued Or Through Legal Threats
Never Fall Prey To Expensive Lawyers Or Costly Lawsuits 100% Newbie Friendly Technology With Easy To Use Dashboard
More Than 385 REAL Business Owners Saved Over $6,785 Using The Same Technology
Launch Special Deal ONLY-Get Fast-action Bonuses Worth $14,868
Iron Clad 30 Days Money Back Guarantee Included
Brand New, Al Technology To Safeguards All Your Business Websites, Links, Documents Etc From Hackers & Spammers
Get 100% Risk Protection From Internal As Well As Sources With Minimal Grunt Work
Make Passive Income Monthly By Providing High In Demand Services To Hungry Business Owners Globally
Never Have Business Disruptions Due To Cyber Attacks & Other Associated Risks Focus
Stay Safe From Phishing, Viruses, Hackers, Ransomware & Other Related Threats
Keep All Your Customer Data Secured With Zero Upfront Cost Or Huge Investment EVER
Kick Out Expensive & Money Sucking Third Party Web Security Platforms Forever
Let Our Security Experts Manage Everything Even When You’re Away From Your Screens
Offer Premium Web Security & Compliance Services To Local, National & International Services For Extra Income
Protect Tool Business Stay Compliant By Preventing Loss Of Sensitive Personal & Professional Data
Save Thousands Of Dollars That Could Be Wasted By Getting Sues Or Through Legal Threats
Never Fall Prey To Expensive Lawyers Or Costly Lawsuits
Get Done For You Website Specialist AI Chatbot & Assistant
Generate High Quality Al Images For Any Offer & Niche In 3 Clicks
Crush Your Competition Without Any Third Party Dependency Or Huge Investment
Create High Quality, Professional Marketing Videos In 60 Seconds
More Than 385 REAL Business Owners Saved Over $6,785 Using The Same Technology
Who Can Use AI WebLab?
Business Owners: Small, medium, and large businesses across diverse industries can harness Al WebLab to fortify the security of their websites, blogs, documents, and links. Additionally, business owners have the option to expand their service offerings and revenue streams by providing web security services to their clients.
Webmasters and Website Administrators: Individuals responsible for the oversight and maintenance of websites can employ Al WebLab to bolster their website security. This platform provides an efficient means to shield websites from cyber threats, ensuring seamless online operations.
Freelancers and Digital Marketers: Freelancers and digital marketers can enhance the security of their clients’ websites and digital assets with Al WebLab. They can also diversify their service portfolios by incorporating web security services.
Content Creators and Bloggers: Content creators, including bloggers, can safeguard their online content and maintain their audience’s trust by securing their websites and blogs using Al WebLab. Its user-friendly interface accommodates individuals who may not possess a technical background.
E-commerce Website Owners: E-commerce businesses can rely on Al WebLab to safeguard customer data, thwart cyberattacks, and ensure secure online shopping experiences. Enhanced security can cultivate greater customer trust and, in turn, boost sales.
Agencies and Service Providers: Digital agencies and service providers can seamlessly integrate Al WebLab into their service offerings, presenting web security as a value-added service to their clients. This strategic addition can differentiate their services and attract more clients seeking comprehensive digital solutions.
How Does AI WebLab Help You in Your Business? 
Comprehensive Web Security: Al WebLab offers robust protection against a wide range of online threats, including hackers, spammers, phishing attacks, viruses, and ransomware. This security ensures the seamless continuity of your online operations.
Time and Cost Efficiency: The platform streamlines setup, saving your team precious time that would otherwise be spent configuring intricate security measures. Al WebLab also eliminates the need for substantial upfront investments, making it a cost-effective choice for bolstering your web security.
Risk Reduction: Strengthening your web security with Al WebLab helps mitigate legal risks and potential financial losses stemming from cyberattacks and data breaches.
Expert Management: Al WebLab’s team of security experts takes charge of your security needs, allowing you to focus on core business activities with the assurance that professionals are overseeing your online protection.
Passive Income Potential: The platform presents an opportunity for businesses to diversify their revenue streams by offering web security services to other businesses, thereby generating passive income.
Data Safeguarding: Al WebLab prioritizes the security of your customer data and sensitive information, aiding in maintaining the trust of your clients and customers.
Enhanced Brand Reputation: A secure online presence fosters trust among your audience, contributing to a positive brand image and fostering customer loyalty.
Access to AI-Powered Tools: Al WebLab’s AI chatbot and assistant can assist in creating high-quality AI images and professional marketing videos, augmenting your marketing efforts.
My Special Bonuses For AI WebLab
Bonus #1
WordPress Website Security
This specific training course was designed to help you understand how to secure and protect your valuable WordPress site. In a recent study done by Sucuri, around 90% of all the hacked content management systems that they investigated and helped fix in 2023 were WordPress sites.
Bonus #2
WP Under Attack Security
A quick firewall with practical features for internet marketers! If you are a blogger, online business owner or a freelance WordPress developer, securing your asset which is your site is one of your top priorities. That’s why there are many companies nowadays offering backup and security services to many WordPress users.
Bonus #3
WP BotBlocker Security
Stop your wordpress site from being attacked by hackers using bots to try and bring down your site! Website hacking has been an issue for many WordPress users for several years now. That’s why WordPress Developers are making security plugins to defend WordPress sites. If you are having the same problem you need WP BotBlocker Security
Bonus #4
WP MasterLock
Discover exactly how you can secure your WordPress site from hackers who want to steal your data! Recently, many brute force attacks on Joomla and WordPress sites have been happening, you may have heard about this as well? With WordPress making up over 22% of the websites on the web and delivering over 500,000 new posts per day WordPress …
Bonus #5
Free Commercial License Upgrades
With this Free Commercial License Upgrade, You can provide website security services to hungry buyers all over the globe and charge any profit you want…
AI WebLab Review-Frequently Asked Questions On AI WebLab
Is it easy to get started with AI WebLab?
Yes, all you got to do is just follow 3 simple steps that we’ve mentioned above, and get ready to kick out monthly sucking third party website security & compliance platforms forever.
Do I need experience or tech/design skills to get started?
AI WebLab was created keeping newbie’s in mind. So, it’s 100% newbie-friendly & requires no prior design or tech skills.
Do you provide a money back guarantee?
Absolutely yes. We’ve already mentioned on the page that you’re getting a 30-day money back guarantee. Be rest assured, your investment is in safe hands.
Is step-by-step training included?
YEAH-AI WebLab comes with step-by-step video training that makes it simple, easy & guides you through the entire process with no turbulence.
How are you different from available tools in the market?
This tool is packed with industry-leading features that have never been offered before. Also, if you’re on this page with us, which simply means you have checked out a majority of the available tools and looking for a complete solution. You’ll not get these features ever at such a low price, so be rest assured with your purchase.
Does your software work easily on Mac and Windows?
Definitely, AI WebLab is 100% cloud based. You can use it on any Mac or Windows operating machine.
Do you provide any support?
Yes, we’re always on our toes to deliver you an unmatched experience. Drop us an email if you ever have any query, and we’ll be more than happy to help.
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From my own personal experience, buy the product and you will benefit a lot.
Grab AI WebLab
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