Marlene McKinnon. 22. Order Member. Hit Witch to-be. Generally a Bad Influence.
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Marlene McKinnonÂ
 “She was too quiet, or she was too loud. She took things too seriously, or not seriously at all. She was too sensitive, or too cold-hearted. She hated with every fiber of her being, or loved with every piece of her heart. There was no in-between for her. It was either all or nothing. She wanted everything but settled for nothing.”
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She smiled and took a seat next to her. “If you’re sure.” she said then grinned. “It’s a spectacular day Mar.” she said brightly glad to see the girl so lively. “It is a bit. Do you need a jacket or a spell to heat it up. Wouldn’t want you catching a chill.” she said pulling her wand out not noticing the woman’s from. She generally didn’t push anyway if someone didn’t want to talk but with everything going on around her sometimes she became much less observant.
“I am Mar. I am having a lovely time it’s gorgeous here and I get to celebrate a good friend’s birthday with her so it’s spectacular.” she said and nodded. She thought about all the reasons there was not to celebrate and her stomach twisted. She shied away from war talk with a lot of people keeping her thoughts to herself. “It’s always brighter with friends like you.” she finally found the words she needed bumping her shoulder playfully. “I’m so glad you invited me.
“Of course I’m sure. That’s of my primary personality traits.” Glancing up at the sky, Marlene nodded in agreement. Violet was right in both respects, it was a spectacular day because it was her day and it happened to be a beautiful day as well. Usually, April in London was godawful. She’d gotten lucky this year. “Nah, I’m alright.” She dismissed, shrugging off the cold. “The goal is to get enough booze in my system that it feels warm. That’s a thing, yeah? Like, they send Saint Bernards with booze to rescue avalanche victims? I think I read that somewhere.” As if to prove her point, the blonde downed the rest of whatever was in her cup, letting the familiar burn set in. She wasn’t nearly tipsy enough considering how late into the party it was. What a shame.Â
“Well good, there’s no point goin’ to things you don’t enjoy.” Marlene insisted, taking note of the pause that followed her comment. It wasn’t unusual for people to avoid war talk, Marlene herself was often guilty of such. “I’d be a pretty shit mate to have not invited you. Nothing’s worse, y’know? Like back in school when you know your house is havin’ a party but they’re tryin’ to keep certain people out of it? Trash.” There was very little that Marlene prided herself on, but being a friend to everyone was one of them. “Besides, imagine how bored I would be if you hadn’t come along? Sittin’ out here by myself. It would’ve been tragic. You’re savin’ me from myself.”
Break to Breathe | Marlene & Open
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The day shift was Peter’s least favourite, but as the clock neared the end of his shift there was an impending sense of salvation. The working part of the day was nearly done and he could already taste the freedom awaiting him on the other side of the bar. As he flicked his wand, absentmindedly changing the record playing from some sappy crooner to something a little more of the times. He wondered if he had any texts, but he knew better than to look at his phone on the clock, being behind the bar was like being on show and baby he was a star.Â
His ears perked up as he heard somebody tap their empty glass against the bar. “You know they’re not taking away booze anytime soon, you can take it slow.”
Marlene’s thoughts were pulled from the clear liquid in her glass when the music began to pick up with a familiar beat. It mist be night soon. Peering up, she glanced around the bar, noting that a few more seats were filled than when she’d entered. Poor sods, the lot of them. No one went to a bar in the middle of the day unless they were down on their luck, brokenhearted or lost. Shooting her drink back, she tapped the edge of the glass against the bar, fishing in her purse for some cash to tip with. “Oh, Pete!” Perking up immediately, Marlene smiled, leaning forward against the bar. She must’ve been too lost in her thought to have noticed he was on shift when she came in. “Have you been here the whole time?” She asked, the words slightly tinted with embarrassment. It was gone almost immediately, however, as her lips pursed slightly at his chiding.Â
“C’mon now, that was my first glass, it’s basically like drinkin’ water.” Which probably wasn’t something most people would or should brag about. “Take a shot with me? I’ll buy.” She offered, sliding some bills across the counter. Â
honest work | modern au
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Rita had gotten to the party late and it took her very little time inside to realize that Marlene was not there. “Have you seen Marlene?” She asked multiple people, practically yelling over the sound of the music. It was about the fourth person before she finally was told they were sure the blond had slipped outside. She sighed a bit and walked toward the stop, grabbing a couple of drinks on her way out.Â
It wasn’t terrible outside. A little chilly, but the sky was pretty. However, that was no reason to be spending it outside. She tilted her head to the side as Marlene turned to face her. She gave a small smile and shrugged her shoulders. “I mean, there is a great party going on inside; but little point when the birthday girl is outside.” She held out the cup she hadn’t been drinking from. “Sickle for your thoughts?”Â
Immediately upon recognizing Rita, Marlene’s shoulders relaxed a bit, an easy smile taking over her expression. “Hey now, there’s always a point to a party, whether the guest of honor is present or not.” She retorted, instinctively shifting over on the bench to make room for the other woman to sit. “Besides, I’m not quite convinced half the people in there know who I am.” Which she genuinely didn’t have a problem with. She herself had made plenty of friends by stumbling upon parties she wasn’t invited to and just slipping in with the crowd.Â
Accepting the glass from Rita’s hand, she inclined her head slightly at the space next to her, an invitation to sit. “Oh, they’re not very interestin’ right now I’m afraid. Just busy bein’ woeful about the inevitability of age.” She said with an exaggerated sigh, tipping her head back to glance up at the stars. “But I think I’ve finally decided that as long as I die before I get wrinkles, another few years won’t be too bad. The backup option is a heroic side-quest to find the fountain of youth, but that sounds lonely. Do you want to join me?” The humor was apparent in her voice and she giggled under her breath at the end, taking a sip of whatever liquor Rita had ended up with. “Gil is always up and leavin’ on adventures, it’s about time the rest of us had some fun, y’know?”Â
Break to Breathe | Marlene & Open
#//Sorry about the no gifs I'm on a new computer#{ Melancholic Afterglow | Rita }#{ beetlexskeeter }#{ Break to Breathe | Convo }
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“ Isn’t that everyone’s favorite things to do. Pissing off my mum.” He chuckled shaking his head. “ I am bit with it as well. I can make an Instagram post, I can text, anything else. I’m shit with it.” He chuckled, he was close to dropping the stupid thing in water and paying a new one. “ I have no idea, I feel like it’s a fucking kiddie tracker, like I’m a child or something.”
“Probably, your mum’s a bit of a hag. All offense intended.” Although she hadn’t interacted much with the woman, Marlene remembered her distinctly from when she was a child, the woman with a constant frown on her face. Fiddling with his phone slightly, Marlene had no idea what she was actually looking for. “Well if it’s somethin’ physical, I’ve got no idea. They don’t teach you that in barista trainin’.” She mused, only half paying attention to what Regulus was saying as she began flicking through apps. “I suppose this is a lesson learned to not let your phone leave your sight, yeah?”
Starbucks is life|Modern Au.
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Violet enjoyed the party. It was beautiful and she was grateful to be invited but she needed some fresh air away from everyone drinking and going out of their minds. She hadn’t even thought about it as her feet took her out the door and into the garden. It was just a normally more comfortable place where she could collect herself and to be honest just feel like more of a person. She could lose herself among flowers and plants and she just felt a little more energized. She just hadn’t expected to run into one of the birthday girls out here and away from the party.
“Your party is amazing but gardens are my second home,” she said jokingly. “I just wanted a little fresh air but I can leave you be if you want to be alone” She didn’t want to bother the girl if she needed some time. It was her party after all.
Marlene relaxed slightly upon noticing Violet and she immediately shook her head. “Nonsense, come sit.” She insisted, tapping the cobblestone bench next to her. “I’d be a terrible host and an even worse friend to send you off when you’ve taken the time to celebrate the day of my birth.” Ending the sentence with a dramatic flourish of her hands, Marlene laughed quietly and shook her head. “The garden view is nice from here, though it is a bit cool out tonight.” Or maybe she was just catching chills. Liam used to insist that she ran hot, but got cold too easily. Thinking about her brother and his absence had her frowning slightly before she returned her focus to Violet.Â
“I hope you’re havin’ a good time. I know things can get...well, a little out of hand.” Like most things Marlene was involved with, there was always an aspect of chaos. “But hey, that’s why we rent big ass houses like this that have quiet spaces.” She was rambling, nothing new there, and leaned over to brush her shoulder against Violet’s. “Thanks for comin’. Havin’ somethin’ to celebrate makes the world look a little brighter in times like these.”
Break to Breathe | Marlene & Open
#//New computer means no gifs sorry!!#{ spare-sister }#{ Break to Breathe | Convo }#//I will find them a tag eventually
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Lucinda hugged her back, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “ I’m a goddess here to weave her way into the hearts of all women.” She teased, walking into the home more, taking a seat at the counter putting down her things.  “ Oh I agree it is much better when you are tipsy, you are looser and the men love it, you know all men love a little tipsy girl.” She laughed. Lucinda took the glass taking a long sip before answering. “ I’ve been traveling a bit more, and writing for the blog. Met this lovely woman that could do wonders with her tongue in France, I told her if she ever came to England she has to come out drinking with us.”
“Please, you already have.” Marlene quipped back with a playful roll of her eyes. “Yeah, because it’s the only way they can make the scene even slightly realistic.” Neither of them were under any illusions that the men they dealt with were young and attractive. It didn’t matter. They were all old, lonely, and generally loaded. As long as they respected their boundaries, Marlene had no problem putting on a show to remind them of their youth. Her eyebrow raised slightly at Lucy’s statement as she took a sip from her own glass, swirling the amber liquid around in the cup. “Is that so? You should’ve brought her back with you, she sounds like a good time. I’ve never had a three-way on camera but I imagine it would go down well. Or maybe I’ll just have to tag along with you next time you go.” She didn’t travel much, preferring the comfort of her city, but everyone needed an adventure on occasion.Â
Sickly Sweet | Modern Marlene&Lucinda
#//Just realized I'm without gifs because I'm on a new computer sorry!#{ Your Parents Warned You About Us | Lucinda }#{ theworldaccordingtolucy }#{ Sickly Sweet | Convo }
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Forget about it, yeah, forget about him, yeahÂ
                    Forget about me
#{ We Could Be Immortals | Gilderoy }#{ Melancholic Afterglow | Rita }#{ Your Parents Warned You About Us | Lucinda }#{ Messy Hair | Messy Mind }
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“Clever girl. You play with fire because you want to be burnt.”
— Holly Black, The Coldest Girl in Coldtown (via nastyorchid)
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@bibliophilesnet mission 3: favourite minor character
↳ marlene mckinnon
“she’s a riot grrrl she’s a rebel yell”
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the sound of high heels on the pavement as you walk is the ultimate power trip, like you could be buying milk or on your way to assassinate someone
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His nose twitched a bit in response to the sound of the gum popping. He smiled though so the noise obviously did not bother him. Even though for him it was a little louder than the average human. He nodded a bit. “Interesting point…” He probably wouldn’t have actually put the wolf part in the title; it had just been a pass in go idea, but she did have a point. “Right. Film the morning routine, no wolf. Got it.”Â
Pushing her tongue against her cheek, Marlene actually glanced up from her phone to address Fenrir. “Honestly, and I know this isn’t really my arena or anythin’,” she started, putting air quotes around the word arena, “But aren’t mornin’ routines a little stale these days? I mean, what, you wake up, get swol, drink a protein shake...anythin’ else?” Crossing her legs underneath her, she straightened up slightly. “You’ll get enough views if you’re shirtless, but I’m not sure if mornin’ routines are really goin’ to be your niche, y’know? You’d be better off doin’ a fuckin’ mukbang at this point. Oh! A shirtless carnivore mukbang, that might be bangin’.”
Daily Vlogs || Modern Life
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Lucinda had a very successful camgirl channel, one that she loved being on, being a vixen and using the bare minimum to get men to sent her money. She sadly hasn’t been on it in weeks thanks to her blog taking off, but she missed at and what better way to get back in it, then visit her favorite little camgirl.
  “ Honey bunches of oaks, I’ve missed you.” She said walking into her flat, pressing a kiss to her cheeks. “ Oh I can never leave you in dust,Marlene. Trust me I much rather be here with you, to make it up, I brought fire-whiskey and brownies.”Â
Marlene threw an arm around Lucinda’s waist immediately, leaning her weight onto the other woman in a half-hug. “Two of my favorite things. You sure know the way to my heart.” Leading Lucy into the apartment, she gestured at the countertop and went to dig out two glasses from a cabinet. “Y’know, I know people always say it’s a bad idea to do shows tipsy, but I honestly think the blokes like it better most of the time.” Although, most men would blow their load from the mere thought of two women together, so perhaps that wasn’t the best gauge. Sliding one glass over to Lucy, she cracked the top off the firewhiskey, pouring for both of them. “You’ll have to catch me up on everythin’ you’ve been up to these days. I don’t like just seein’ it on your blog, I want to hear it first hand.”Â
Sickly Sweet | Modern Marlene&Lucinda
#{ Sickly Sweet | Convo }#{ Your Parents Warned You About Us | Lucinda }#{ theworldaccordingtolucy }
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Regulus looked up from his phone at the familiar voice of one Marlene McKinnon. “ Ah Marlene, sorry I didn’t know it was you.” He said, he didn’t even realized she was the one that made his drink. “ It won’t take to long, Well I’m unsure.” Regulus was only good with technology when it came to Instagram. “ My Mother, the old crone, has put a tracker on my phone, to know where I am. Do you think you can disable it. I will do something for you in exchange.” He said smirking.Â
Marlene waved off his apology, taking a moment to glance around the bustling interior. “Honestly Reg, there is very little I would enjoy more than upsetting your mum.” She started, planting her elbows on the table to try to glance down at his phone. “But I’m a bit shit a technology, y’know?” Though she’d never admit it, she had called Lucinda practically in tears because she couldn’t figure out how to sign up for a damn caming site. “Wouldn’t hurt for me to look at it though.” Extending her hand, she waited for him to pass the phone over. “Is it some sort of program? Or like, a literal tracker from spy movies and shit?”
Starbucks is life|Modern Au.
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She laughed. She knew she was a bore compared to most people but honestly she never minded. It was what she liked to do. “You say that now. But when I get you the best pepper up potion with the best ingredients to stave off the humongous hangover you’ll have later you’ll be thanking me.” she said teasingly. She knew this one drink might screw her up. She very rarely drank anything stronger than butterbeer but her friends all seemed to be fine and at 22 maybe she could have one night cut loose. “Fine. One drink. If you get me too drunk I will not be happy and you’ll owe me a cuppa tomorrow.” she teased downing the drink and wincing at the taste before setting the cup down. “Of course. You better not be getting me pissed and then leave me alone.” she said following after her.Â
“I have complete and utter faith in your ability to function with a hangover. I don’t think anythin’ could get you down, not for long.” Marlene replied without pause. She was a different story, Marlene was infamous for being especially whiny after a night out. Headaches were no fun. When Violet agreed, however, she clapped her hands with excitement, only to pause when the other woman downed the drink in one go. “I’m goin’ to be honest love, wasn’t expectin’ you to do that. Might fuck you up more than I let on.” But, there was no turning back now. Reaching behind her, Marlene entwined her fingers with Violet to ensure she didn’t lose her in the crowd, only coming to a stop when she found a large enough space for the two of them to dance. Even while she walked, she swayed with the music, enjoying the way the room blurred and twisted around them. “I’m never goin’ to leave you alone. C’mon, I’m better than that.” She complained, leaning up to practically yell in Violet’s ear. Â
In the Club
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