#Laws and rules
strelles-universe · 2 years
Rites of the Sky: Overview
The Rites of the Sky  - frequently simplified as the Sky Rites - are the collection of laws that dictate the organization of the Kingdoms. Divided into three sections based upon the gods themselves, they’re important; the Sun Rites, the Moon Rites, the Rites of the Stars. 
The rites of the Sun and Moon were said to be granted to the mortal kingdoms below by the gods themselves, Vrayushu and Vashaŕa spoke through various mediums to convey these terms to their creations. The Rites of the Stars are the mortal modifications of the rites that are updated with the times - within the kingdom of the Dancing Stars, the Star Rites are considered to be the most important version of the rites to follow.
The Rites of the Sun are based around interacting with strangers - with non-related cats, other animals and handling over religions. Vrayushu encourages acceptance and warmth towards all creatures of the world though even his kindness has limits. 
The Rites of the Moon are based around interactions with kin and your lovers - individuals that you’re tied to by blood, heart or duty. Vashaŕa advocates for an altruistic lifestyle that caters to the kin you interact with, non-cats you consider kin and if you’re in a position of authority, it also addresses how to treat those under your power.
The Rites of the Stars are the interpretations and additions to the previous two rites created by the Kingdoms themselves. They also specify certain punishments for crimes committed - it’s widely agreed that the Rites of the Stars are always meant to be publicly in view. At first, it was in the form of a cat who recited the codes to anyone who asked, but overtime, when writing first came to the Sky Kingdoms from the fox skulls (starting in the Racing Clouds and spreading west-ward), it’s come to be a massive pillar easily accessible to the masses with the laws painted or carved upon it.
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recreeds · 6 months
Adv. Pratibha Bangera(Divorce and Family court lawyer) explains how domestic violence infamilies separates the family bond toour Editor in chief Dr Vaidehi Taman
Domestic violence of any kind may deny a woman from enjoying a good family bond. Every citizen is entitled to have a good family life and dignity. How can a person suffer humiliation and not react? And why should any woman suffer the reckless violent behaviour of another family member? Unfortunately, there is no constitutional duty towards “Good Family behaviour or community behaviour” neither does our education system train families. Some educated and socially well settled persons also treat members of their family with violence. Giving and taking respect from family comes with personal responsibility and if it does not come, there are courts to help.
Can everyday fights of family be termed as Domestic violence?
No. Only those family fights that have a “criminal intention” to cause physical, emotional, mental, sexual or financial harm to “a woman” is unlawful. Including name calling for not having children or male child or alienating property or holding valuables or jewellery, or restricting movements or household facilities or even willful omission can be termed as abusive depending on overall facts and circumstances.
Is the PWDV Act only for protection of wife?
No. Every woman including mother or sister or daughter who is suffering within the family can file a DV complaint.
And should this complaint be only agains men or other women also?
“DV” complaint can be filed against another woman including a mother-in- law or a sister-inlaw in addition to other male members of family.
But can a mother-in-law also file a “DV” complaint against a daughter-in-law?
Earlier, only a wife could file a “DV” complaint against a husband or his relatives but the Supreme Court has deleted the words “adult male” from the Act as its unconstitutional and if other ingredients of domestic violence are satisfied, a suffering mother-in-law can also file DV complaint against her daughter-in-law. What is the procedure to file this complaint? The police of area in which the suffering woman stays with her family acts upon her complaint and makes a “domestic incident report” but the police cannot provide any reliefs withou a court order. The suffering woman, therefore, should get court order and seek implementation through police.
Why was the “PWDV Act” introduced when relief in Family court are almost similar?
A suffering woman needs protection orders. A registered company or cooperative societ can also file a complaint on her behalf and no action can be taken against them for helping such woman. There are several shelter homes who take such distressed women by virtue of this Act. Under the PWDV Act, there i an urgency made out to expedite hearing of these matters. The judiciary and police officers are given periodic sensitisation and awareness training. While family courts cases are for disputes between husband and wife, the “PWDV” complaints are responsibility of the State and police machinery to reduce criminal acts.
Is it not encouraging women to misuse this special right given under DV?
Every Act is introduced to reform laws. The use or misuse of these Acts are also checked from time to time as required and necessary. To ensure that these complaints have substance, the family is sent to police mediation center to resolve disputes amicably. There are Supreme Court guidelines for procedure and the Magistrate is also required to check the “domestic incident report” before registering the complaint. While final decision is subject to trial and “proof of violence” the suf-fering woman gets immediate relief and financial support through court which directs husband to pay for monthly maintenance, child support, fees and residence for herself and her children. Misuse of any law happens mostly because of wrongful means for which judiciary cannot be blamed. There are reliefs and remedies available even for false cases. Ignorance of law is no excuse.
To vist Website-https://topritejuris.com/artical-updates/
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wiisagi-maiingan · 1 month
I love tornado survival guides. "Shelter in a basement or interior room without any windows. But if you're in a mobile home, just fucking die I guess lol"
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newttxt · 5 months
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no matter what kind of pirate you are, luffy /will/ get you
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lavendervirgos · 4 months
If you grab and squeeze my thigh under the dinner table we're going to the bathroom to fuck. I don't make the rules.
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4ft10tvlandfangirl · 7 months
So the South African Foreign Affairs Minister Dr. Naledi Pandor and her family are being threatened for her (& South Africa's) support of Palestine. Surprise surprise western media hasn't said a thing about it.
"I think one of the things we must not allow is a failure of courage."
She has my respect, truly. God protect this woman and her family 🙏🏾
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reality-detective · 1 month
American History You Were Never Taught! 🤔
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sher-ee · 2 months
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This weeks cover of The New Yorker.
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sanjiaftersex · 17 days
cant stop thinking about when the strawhats were having sandwiches for breakfast and Law was like I HATE BREAD so sanji served rice cakes especially for him
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cubbihue · 8 days
If you're taking itty bitty requests, have you done itty bitty hazel yet? she'd be so cute! and Winn and Jasmine too! itty bitty trio <3
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POV: You are Dev, and you're having fun with your fellow Fairy friends now that Fairy School's over.
Or: An Alternate A.U where all the kids are all itty bitty fairy children and they get up to fairy shenanigans.
Bitties Series: [Start] > [Previous] > [Next]
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tapakah0 · 10 months
Okay! I don't know where you got the idea from and my best guess is that your brain is connected to mine via bluetooth but.
Me and Hoddie have a royal au and your animation made me think of it again.
Nothing crazy special, but...ah...I should probably give a little context yeah...hmm.
Uh, okay. There's a kingdom. whose king and queen have died, leaving behind several possible heirs who are not their direct children. Right now, the king's first general is sitting on the throne, because the power of the army is, you know, a pretty powerful argument in a fight for the throne, right? This creepy regent is Cass. And Cass came to power thanks to Hoddie, who's basically the king's heir too, but she's pretty distant and her chances of the throne are quite slim. This has made her a professional rat and back stabber. The whole palace is busy weaving intrigue and destroying each other in a competition for power. Contests in cunning and sneakiness. A maximally intellectually uncomfortable environment in general.
Until Hoddie finds the true heiress. The king's blood daughter, to whom the throne should rightfully belong.
Problem? The problem is that the heiress needs to be two years older to be old enough to rule. And Hoddie and Cass' goal is to make sure she lives to that age in an environment where every other person wants to frame or kill her.
That heiress is you, Tap. But we couldn't think of what you'd look like in this au ahaha.
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MHHMMM I SEE ONCE IN A WHILE BRAIN BLUETOOTH IS A GOOD THING you left me a window for my part and I grabbed this opportunity with sharp teeth Since there was no mention of my part, I have the audacity to add my own version. Did I understand correctly that my existence as an heiress was not known? It would be strange if the king was not looking for me, if I was the only heir (by blood), which means they were hoping for a new child, or already had plans for an indirect heir, or wanted to hide me. What other power is there, besides the king and the army, that holds the common people? Church. The king could have sent me to be trained as a priestess in order to gain support from them (either I was not considered worthy of receiving the throne in the future, which is why they preferred to hide me, or the king so badly needed their support that he was ready to sacrifice his only blood daughter) . Thus, from a young age, the beauty of a non-existent world somewhere beyond the heavens was drummed into my head and, in general, “God speaks all our actions.” I have an inconspicuous appearance, a position above a simple servant, but such priests are usually considered to be the daughters of high nobles, but not the king himself, which is why not everyone could know who I really was. Thus, they forgot about my existence ~ After the death of the king and all the heirs, the church quickly realized what to do next, and crushed me to itself, hiding me from the world until I reached the age of succession to the throne. (But children could take the throne under a regent. Could Hoodi become my regent as one of the older contenders for the throne?) So, back to the turmoil. Hoodie found me at church. Since childhood, my worldview could have changed greatly under the influence of the church, so, well, you will have to hammer a lot into my head, in addition to the throne’s education (You know... it's bit complicated to make a human sona not as a stupid little ball XDD... it literally can't get a shape at this point... maybe you will place a real bunny as the new king? It will be eating cabbage 24/7 and everyone will be happy)
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gwydionmisha · 4 months
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eamour · 1 year
manifestation rules
everybody has a different set of beliefs when it comes to manifesting, determining their journey. some believe that nothing unfavourable can manifest for them, some believe that they can get whatever they want even if they react to their outer reality, ... whatever you choose to believe in creates the basis for the way you go about manifesting your desires. therefore, it's always nice to make manifesting easier and more effortless by sticking to certain rules that can protect, guide and make you feel more at ease while manifesting a certain desire.
applying the rules
it's totally up to you: you can make all of these your new rules or just pick a few new ones that resonate with you the most. the way you make these rules "work" is by simply declaring that this is now your new way of manifesting! don't worry, you don't have to learn them all by heart but remind yourself of them in times of manifesting. it's the most affective when you don't overcomplicate it!
here are the rules
whatever i want, wants me more
everything conspires in my favour
i am the only creator in my reality
the world revolves around me
i’m the main character and always get my happy ending
i am destined to win and succeed
everything is rigged in my favour
i easily manifest
manifesting is very easy for me
it’s all in my command and under my control
i am in charge of pretty much everything
there’s only one operant power and that’s me
i always get everything i want in my life
i was made to rule both dimensions
everything always falls into place for me
it all perfectly works out for me 
i never chase, i attract
everything i want is easily given to me
i have it all
i’m a master manifestor
i’m a pro at manifesting
whatever i desire is already mine
i’m the blueprint
i’m way too perfect not to have it all
all of my desires are meant for me
i effortlessly manifest the life of my dreams
everything is always about me
i am the prize, everything chases me
i decide what happens next
i am the god of my reality
i’m the master of my destiny
my desires are done deal 
everything is mine for the taking
i have my desires simply because i say so
as the god of my reality, it is my right to have everything i want
i get everything i desire since everything i say, goes
life is a game and i keep winning
i never fail to get what i want
it’s impossible for me to fail
not getting what i wish for isn’t possible
“failure” doesn’t exist in my life
others might not succeed but that doesn't go for me
i manifest quickly, effortlessly and instantly
my desires materialise very fast
i always get whatever i want whenever i want it
everything i want is being handed to me instantly
whatever i desire is mine in the very moment
i get whatever i want as soon as possible
i manifest regardless of everything and anything
there is no such thing as “impossible”, “illogical” or “unlikely” to manifest
circumstances don’t matter
the outside world doesn't affect me in any way
nothing can hinder my manifestation process
i cannot not get my desire
no one can stop me from attaining the life i want
the 3D immediately conforms
everything always works out perfectly for me
i am limitless
my abilities are infinite
anything is totally malleable 
i can change reality to my liking
the world only shows me what i wish to see
i mould my own world
in imagination, i have it all
regardless of any circumstances, i get whatever i like
intrusive thoughts, doubts or worries cannot influence my manifestations
the 3D quickly reflects my desires
my outer world shows me my inner world
negativity doesn’t exist for me
i am protected from anything undesirable
unfavourable thoughts never manifest for me
with love, ella.
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justaz · 7 days
i prefer happy ending bbc merlin where morgana becomes court sorceress and arthur becomes king and merlin remains as his servant (until they eventually marry) and lancelot lives and he and gwen marry but that damn game of thrones (?? probably idk) audio on tiktok that goes “i mean to fight this war and win it.” “good. to war then.” keeps giving me visions of king arthur of camelot on the verge of war with other kingdoms and his powerful court sorcerer merlin standing by his throne. arthur declares that he wishes to go to war and merlin (eager to bring about the united albion the prophecies speak of) supports arthur immediately and declares they’re going to war
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winonaparadise · 7 months
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trafalgar d. women law and monkey d. yuri [one piece]
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violottie · 7 months
🇵🇸: The ICJ Hearings on the Legal Consequences of Israel in Occupied Palestine is live now!
Watch on Al Jazeera Live or
on the International Court of Justice's live stream
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Today we will be hearing from:
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
& Chile
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