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latinotiktok · 1 month ago
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Ainda Estou Aqui (2024) / La memoria - León Gieco / Ausencias (2006) Gustavo Germano / Desapariciones - Rubén Blades
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shotofstress · 7 months ago
Coming back after being almost a week without electricity, phone, and internet connection. Huge storms with lightning and rain, and winds. We have never have winds like that here and the roof of so many houses were ripped off, stuff flying, etc. All this bc global warming, and the deforestation and mining in our lands. At this rate, in 5 years we will have tornadoes, a thing we have never ever have here. Nor our lands, infrastructures, states, and culture are prepared for this. Areas of the country are devastated, ppl have died, many are without electricity nor Internet connection so they are isolated. The houses are flooding with water, and the ones that not, are leaking from the ceiling. Too many neighbours and compatriots don't have roofs and the streets are full of fallen trees and pieces of roof material, no electricity, no signal, food rotting, but suffering at the same time for the cold of this terrible winter, and trying to do something, patching even when its gonna go to hell when the storm comes again this next days. More than 33,200 people affected and 41,500 isolated due to 5 days of rain and windstorms. In just a couple of days there were 170,000 homes left without power due to wind and rainstorms and even more as time went by.
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If u want to help me to fix the roof, walls, to buy food and being warm this winter please check my PayPal. If u can't donate, please reblog bc thats the only way to make this being seen by ppl thus receiving help. I'm really not being able to keep living like this, i can no longer cope, so please share.
Here are in my PayPal or MACH . I took the kofi link bc they were charging me a fee.
Please, educate about global warming and the effects on Global South, specially for working class, chronically ill, autistic, disable, and long covid survivor ppl like myself.
Edit: I added links and pics
Edit: the weather is better (is finally spring at this current date 24th nov), but I still need to fix were I live/sleep bc the walls are broken and one of the walls is not a wall, but like 1cm wide stuff and all was bad build so even the door is twisted and dont work correctly, there is black mold that i think is damaging my ears, the paint is falling, the lamp has fallen, everything is broken and ugly, etc. I still need to buy food, meds, and everything so please, please, share or donate if you could. I don't want to survive like this and here, no one mask even when they were the ones giving me covid and they have making me also catch flu the other day bc they cogh over everything and don't care if they kill me, they are abusive and really violent people and are working to put me and everyone in danger. I dont even want to be in my country bc we will have a dictatorship soon, but I have nowhere else to go nor money to migrate (i need like $10.537 dollars or € 9.760,95 euros to pay all the documents, the bank money I have to show to prove I am a human being deserver of rights, the tickets, rent money and stuff to migrate).
I currently (date 14 Jan 2025) have $100 dollars donated (coz i spent 40 in food and meds this past month)
I know i will die here, but at least help me to survive in a less dehumanising way.
Edit: tumblr has blocked me from recive or send messages from the chat and comment of posts, so if you are trying to reach throughout there I can't see it, sorry, I'm cut from any communication (cant even see past messages from chat or asks), except send asks. I'm waiting that tumblr do something, but still hasn't even answered the help file I sent to them.
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phantomsal · 15 days ago
El Bolsón
Bueno gente, hoy 8/2/2025 las cosas en El Bolsón están muchísimo más complicadas, el fuego no da tregua y las condiciones climáticas no ayudan. Se están evacuando nuevos lugares, los bomberos y vecinos hacen todo lo que pueden para contenerlo pero nada es suficiente ya, se siguen causando nuevos focos de manera intencional e incluso hay gente en caballos reprimiendo gente y parando aviones hidrantes para que no avancen.
Quienes son responsables de parar esto brillan por su ausencia, como siempre. Así que otra vez todo recae en el pueblo.
Voy a volver a pasar información para quienes puedan colaborar. Y no puedo parar de repetir: difundir ayuda muchísimo también!
Es sabido que la situación económica en el país está lejos de ser la mejor y muchos quisieran pero no pueden colaborar monetariamente, así que les pido que amplifiquen toda la información que vean sobre esto, datos para donar, puntos de acopio para donaciones en sus provincias, todo ayuda!
[For those who don't speak spanish, intentional fires have been started and are spreading through different places around Patagonia Argentina's forests since last month. Right now the biggest fire is in El Bolsón, Río Negro province. Hundreds of families have been evacuated as of now and the government has completely left the affected people and volunteer firefighters to their own devices, so people around our country have started to help however they can. At the end of this post there's gonna be a GoFundMe linked so if you want to help, any donation is greatly appreciated and if you can't it would mean the world to us if you'd share this around anyway.]
Acá van datos que he encontrado hoy y si alguien tiene más, siéntanse en completa libertad de agregar todo lo que quieran a este post (iré actualizando a medida que encuentre más info).
Brigada Andina
Alias: brigada.andina
Brigada autogestiva de Azul Zafiro Ecoespacio
Titular: Sabina Aimé Bizama
Alias: brigada.azulzafiro
Titular: Silvestre Argorn Muñoz Alvarez
Donaciones destinadas a la compra de mochilas de agua, generadores, mangueras ignífugas, motosierras y demás herramientas.
Asunto: "Donación"
Brigada forestal de Mallin Ahogado
Alias: flanco.foco.fuego
Titular: Natalia Belén Dobranski
Bomberos voluntarios de El Bolsón
Alias: motor.tunel.pera
Titular: Asoc. Bomberos Vol.
Brigada Cuchara y Barro
Alias: cuchara.y.barro
Titular: Rodolfo Patricio Garcia Nuñez
Brigada Río Azul
En el link pueden encontrar una lista de alias para donaciones monetarias y otra de herramientas y equipos que están necesitando.
Universidad Nacional de Río Negro
Alias: solidaridad.unrn.mp
Titular: Federico Juan Vercelli
En el link también van a encontrar lugares de acopio para donaciones y horarios.
Centro Cultural Galeano - El Bolsón
Alias: incendiomallin25.mp
Titular: Maria Emma Zapata
Contacto: +54 9 221 555-5016
Lo recaudado se destina a la compra de motobombas, grupos electrógenos, mangueras y demás herramientas.
SOS Galgos de Zárate
Alias: galgos.solidarios
Titular: Celeste Peyon
Amigos de la Patagonia
Alias: amigos.patagonia
Razón social: Asociación de Amigos de la Patagonia
Tienda de Mascotas
Alias: donacionincendiotdm
Titular: Zoel Moroni Fernández
Incluir la palabra "donar" en el concepto de la transferencia.
Importante: Enviar comprobante con el asunto "donación" vía WhatsApp al +54 9 116726-3633
Lo recaudado se destina a ayudar a animales afectados por los incendios.
En el link también van a encontrar las sucursales que reciben donaciones materiales.
También dejo esta lista de gente que está necesitando ayuda urgente.
For people from outside Argentina/para la gente de afuera de Argentina:
Toda ayuda sirve por más pequeña que sea.
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orfeolookback · 6 months ago
Congress just voted no on a 13k raise for our retired, elderly folks. people who make 230k a month and have to pay 100k on meds and 100k on renting a place to live. 13k was shamefully little and yet these disgusting fucking rats licked the president's shit caked ass and voted NO.
Let it be known today they voted to kill the elderly!
The cops were deployed to shoot point blank at them, gas them, shove them. Theres at least 9 injured. An elderly man has a massive wound on his leg. An 8 year old was gassed in the face. You can google this if you don't believe me.
REBLOG THIS. Argentina isn't trending, but we're bleeding. The cost of living is unbearably high and this authoritarian megalomaniac is getting away with economic genocide of our most vulnerable. Poverty is at a whopping 52%. Please reblog this so that more people may at the very least know what's going on here.
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milarepas · 7 months ago
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Please, talk about what is happening in my country. Especially if you really want freedom for everyone.
A 11yr old boy has been injured with pellets. A 11 YEAR OLD BOY. We cannot lose more lives, Chavistas are denying help to the wounded in the hospitals! people are dying, and Maduro is trying to make peaceful protestants look like terrorists, an old story that we all know.
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cradu · 5 months ago
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I present to you Bolivian Miku🇧🇴 joining the trend fashionably late latinoamerica style!
I drew her wearing a traditional Caporales costume. Caporales is a traditional dance from Bolivia :3
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honeywaldorf · 6 months ago
"Porque así es cuando te mueres. El mundo sigue sin ti y te chingas porque estás muerto"
— Nadie nos va a extrañar.
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argieargive · 5 days ago
Cuando yo era chiquita, el menemismo. Para mis papás fué un infierno, pero yo la pasaba bomba. Entraban chucherías de China que ni te imaginas, tan baratas que te las vendía el kiosquero. Reloj-burbujero, una palomita que hacía equilibrio en el pico, micrófonos grabadores, etc. Y una variedad de golosinas!
En la Crisis de 2001 se develó que en mi provincia, los chicos literalmente morían de hambre.
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En fin, lo que digo es que hay adultos lanudos que tienen la madurez de un chico de seis años y siguen votando al neoliberalismo aunque destruya el país, porque quieren los espejitos de colores.
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liiiiilith · 3 months ago
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sefaradweb · 4 months ago
The Non-Arab Third World and Antisemitism
🇦🇷🇧🇴🇵🇾🇨🇱 En América Latina, aunque existen comunidades judías notables en países como Argentina y Brasil, su presencia es mucho menor en comparación con Europa, América del Norte o el Medio Oriente. El antisemitismo en la región tiene raíces en el catolicismo tradicional, influenciado por la Inquisición y aspectos medievales del cristianismo español. Además, la extrema derecha en estos países ha adoptado la narrativa de los judíos como promotores del comunismo, combinando prejuicios religiosos con teorías ultranacionalistas que ven a los judíos como desleales. En países como Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina y Chile, algunos regímenes autoritarios ofrecieron refugio a criminales de guerra nazis y persiguieron a judíos, especialmente durante la dictadura militar en Argentina. Sin embargo, estas actitudes han sido más limitadas fuera de Argentina, y los moderados en la política latinoamericana han mantenido una imagen generalmente positiva de los judíos.
🇺🇸 In Latin America, while there are notable Jewish communities in countries such as Argentina and Brazil, their presence is much smaller compared to Europe, North America, or the Middle East. Antisemitism in the region is rooted in traditional Catholicism, influenced by the Inquisition and medieval aspects of Spanish Christianity. Additionally, the far-right in these countries has adopted the narrative of Jews as promoters of communism, blending religious prejudices with ultranationalist theories that view Jews as disloyal. In countries like Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, and Chile, some authoritarian regimes provided refuge to Nazi war criminals and persecuted Jews, especially during Argentina’s military dictatorship. However, these attitudes have been more limited outside of Argentina, and moderates in Latin American politics have generally maintained a favorable image of Jews.
Rubin, B. (1990). The Non-Arab Third World and Antisemitism. In: Wistrich, R.S. (eds) Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism in the Contemporary World. Palgrave Macmillan, London. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-349-11262-3_8
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latinotiktok · 5 months ago
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elbiotipo · 2 years ago
The thing is, Latin American identity is not something that began a couple years ago because we all think El Chavo del 8 is cool. It is born out of struggle. Conquest, genocide and slavery were the inheritance of the Iberian empires. The independent states had, and still have, to deal with neocolonialism and the remains of the racist elitist structures reinforced by eurocentrism, which are just getting dismantled at a great cost, with many setbacks. The history of Latinoamérica is not pretty. There is racism, there is genocide, slavery, oppression, and imperialism that still continues to this day.
Cinco siglos igual.
This is why the Latin American identity is based not only in shared culture, but a shared historical struggle against oppression. It's not only fiesta and carnaval and stuff, it's not all cultural exchange and utopian harmonious communities living in peace, it's also a shared consciousness of our place in the world, among the oppressed nations, the Third World. This is why people of so many different backgrounds consider themselves, and thus are, Latin American, which is a concept hard to grasp for Usamericans used to separate communities in discrete units, while our main identity as members of our many nations is this, Latin American. Some people identify more strongly with it, others don't, and everybody has different ideas on how to deal with this, but it is a pervasive "ghost" that hangs over our heads. The pain of the open veins, if you want to get all poetic.
So here we stand then, with our common identity shaped by a cycle of violence that continues to this day. The question that remains is: do we choose to continue it out of greed and negligence, or do we choose to join together in struggle to create a fair, just and free society for all of us? Se los dejo como tarea para la casa.
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latamsource · 1 month ago
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Welcome to LATAMSOURCE, a source blog dedicated to sharing edits, art, and knowledge about Latin America and the Caribbean. Gifsets, edits, and graphics are welcome—as well as original photography, poetry & quotes, artworks of all varieties, essays, and more.
Tag us with #latamsource in your posts to be featured on this blog.
This blog is also open to applications for affiliates and members. Apply here if you're interested.
Please share and boost!
-Mari (@courtana)
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evignonita · 12 days ago
We Latinos will never have a true representation in the media because a single culture from a single country will not represent us all; we are more than 30 countries, more than 800 indigenous communities with their own languages, we speak Spanish, Portuguese and French. We are more than a form of categorization made by the United States
We will never be well represented even if you think we are because we are mentioned sometimes
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nickiisthings · 7 months ago
does anybody else just mix languages in their brain when speaking? I speak both chinese and spanish and i often do that, my brain LOVES it it’s so convenient it makes so much sense for me 😂😂
eg: 你sabe donde ‘ta mi celular 呢?
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