#Lady Officer accused for Suicide
navinsamachar · 2 months
आईआईटी रुड़की के कर्मचारी ने की आत्महत्या, महिला अधिकारी को जिम्मेदार बताते हुए लगाये आरोप
नवीन समाचार, हरिद्वार, 7 अगस्त 2024 (IIT Roorkee Employee commit Suicide-Accused Lady)। उत्तराखंड के हरिद्वार जनपद के रुड़की में स्थित आईआईटी में तैनात एक कर्मचारी की संदिग्ध परिस्थितियों में मौत हो गयी। कर्मचारी के परिजनों ने विभाग की एक महिला अधिकारी पर उत्पीड़न का आरोप लगाया है। इस मामले को लेकर कर्मचारी के परिजनों ने कोतवाली पहुंचकर हंगामा भी किया। मृतक का फोटो पुलिस एवं संबंधितों से प्राप्त…
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somerandomdere · 5 months
Yandere! actor x crew member! g/n reader
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tags: fluff, slight? yandere themes (duh), you can tell I don't know much about how hollywood scandal works, it's my first fic pls feedback
Fame was everything to Gabriel, it's been his whole life. He was a nepo baby, he has seen the cameras the moment he was born. Blessed with a good face, filthy rich parents, and a flirtatious personality, he was everything ladies wanted in a man.
Until everything came crashing down.
He got into a huge scandal he wasn't even aware of. He was accused of sexually harassing a fellow co actress, when in fact he never laid a finger on her. Sure, he was a well known celebrity and has a history of sleeping around, but that doesn't mean he will force himself on someone without consent!
The scandal got so big he was defamed everywhere. His sponsors withdrew, his parents and friends wanted to cut ties with him, and his girlfriend cussed him out before leaving.
It wasn't him! But at this point, no one believed in him. He started being depressed, having suicidal thoughts, and contemplating on quitting his dream career.
Enter you. Beautiful, radiant you.
After a long day of carrying heavy sets and helping out around the set. You were exhausted, so you went out to breathe some fresh air and smoke. As you lit up your cigarette, the main actor of your current show, Gabriel, seemed to be crying. You wanted to smoke, but you couldn't just leave a crying man alone! and you did want some privacy while taking a puff
"Hey... you alright?" You genuinely asked.
You didn't know much about Gabriel's scandal, since you weren't very interested in the affairs of celebrities and thought that fans should just mind their own business.
And you were just here to make extra money, what's the worst that could happen? You'll be gone in no time anyways. He'll just quickly forget you.
"Hey um..." You started awkwardly, and cleared your throat. "I may not be the best person that can comfort, but you can talk to me. I'll listen."
You thought he would be suspicious of you, because of his celebrity status, but he ranted to you and cried. How he was misunderstood. How the people closest to him never believed in him. How he felt so hopeless after he lost everything.
You reached out to touch his hand. You let him know you understood. How painful this period of life will be and how it will all be fine after.
You told him to take a look around him. Look through a different scope, see the people who actually cares for him. You told him how your uncle never believed any of those rumors and took advantage of this to hire him.
He teared up, not from self pity this time, but from realisation. Maybe he should abandon those people who never saw his true self anyways. For the first time, he looked into your eyes. The sunlight danced over your eyes, it reminded him of the warmth his parents used to give him, before they got too busy.
Maybe that's when he fell for you. He couldn't really point out when he fell head over heels, but he can kinda figure he feelings sprouted here.
He came back, stronger than ever. His acting caused your uncle's movie grossing to skyrocket. It hit the box office, everyone was talking about his movie through social media, how he so accurately acted his role, to the point they shivered. He decided to take this opportunity to clear his name. Due to the how overwhelmingly successful his new movie was, people decided to believe him.
"Y/N! My name was cleared!" He squealed into the phone. You sincerely felt happy for him and offered to celebrate with him.
He wouldn't let this opportunity go without a waste! He immediately said yes. He wanted to see your beautiful face again, and finally ask you out.
He will finally be yours, and you will finally be his.
My inspos on how to write fics (and my fav fic writers!) PLS PLS PLS PLS GIVE ME FEEDBACKKK
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100gayicons · 6 months
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William Lygon, 7th Earl Beauchamp
William Lygon’s story is fascinating example of the homophobia and treatment gay people have had endure.
Lygon was the 7th Earl Beauchamp and a British politician who held various important posts, including Governor of New South Wales (1899 and 1901), and leader of the Liberal Party in the House of Lords (1924 and 1931).
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He married Lady Lettice Grosvenor in 1876 and had 7 children (3 sons and 4 daughters). He was also a homosexual (or more probably bisexual) which was a crime under Britain’s Gross Indecency act. This was the same law that doomed Oscar Wilde and Alan Turing.
While attending Oxford, Lygon met Evelyn Waugh. He would become Waugh’s inspiration for the ill-fated Sebastian Flyte in Waugh’s novel ‘Brideshead Revisited’
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In the 1920s Lygon would throw “racy” parties at Walmer, a castle he had been given. Lady Christabel Aberconway wrote in her diary of open party she attended:
“We arrived and were shown into a garden… There was the actor Ernest Thesiger, a friend of mine, nude to the waist and covered with pearls.”
Thesinger is best known for his campy performance as Dr Pretorius in “The Bride of Frankenstein” (1935).
Apparently Lygon’s sexual activity was an open secret within Britain’s upper crust. He had sexual affairs with servants, common men and other socialites (often at Madresfield Court, the Lygon family home; and at Walmer Castle when he resided).
Lygon toured Australia in 1930 with a young valet, who lived with him. The Australian Star newspaper reported:
“The most striking feature of the vice-regal ménage is the youthfulness of its members … Rosy cheeked footmen. (Each wearing) many lanyards… festoons from their broad shoulders. Lord Beauchamp deserves great credit for his taste in footmen.”
This came to the attention of Hugh Grosvenor (Duke of Westminster). He was Lygon’s brother-in-law and political rival. He hired detectives to get evidence about Lygon’s trysts.
Grosvenor was a Tory, an opposing party, and he wanted to ruin both Lygon and the Liberals. Grosvenor provided his evidence to King George V that Lygon was a homosexual. The King reportedly said,
“I thought men like that shot themselves.”
In 1931, Lygon was given an ultimatum - he must divorce his wife, resign from all offices and leave the country. Otherwise he would face public humiliation, arrest and potentially time in prison. Lygon left England immediately, first heading to Germany where he contemplated suicide. But he was talked out of it by his eldest son.
Grosvenor also showed the evidence to Lettice, Lygon wife, and Grosvenor sister. When told her husband was a bugger, Lettice misunderstood and thought he was being accused of being a bugler.
The divorce petition described Lygon as:
“A man of perverted sexual practices, [who] has committed acts of gross indecency with male servants and other male persons and has been guilty of sodomy … throughout the married life …”
Ironically Lygon’s children sided with the father and visited him often when he was out of the country. They shunned they’d mother.
Afterwards Lygon traveled, making his way to Paris, Venice, Sydney and San Francisco. But he returned to England after King George V died in 1936. His successor King George IV lifted the arrest warrant.
Lygon returned to Madresfield, his family estate in 1937. Unfortunately he was diagnosed with cancer and died in 1938.
Before his death, Grosvenor wrote Lygon saying,
"Dear Bugger-in-law, you got what you deserved. Yours, Westminster."
(Grosvenor, by the way, was a Nazi sympathizer and hated Jews, he was known for His anti-Semitic rants.)
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darkmaga-retard · 6 days
Mrs. Evil Queen
Sep 17, 2024
Clinton has lied so many times on so many subjects that she makes husband Bill (“I did not have sexual relations with that woman”) look like an honest man.
Secrecy about her own health put her in the news a few days ago. But one clue to her character — and her elitism — was offered when she was first lady. Then-President Bill Clinton put her in charge of restructuring health insurance. At her orders, even discussions among experts of what to do were kept secret. The idea went nowhere in large measure because Hillary Clinton wanted us all to buy into it on faith.
Many of the people who will vote for Clinton in November hadn’t been born when she began making headlines for her lies and her shady deals. So let’s review:
* Just weeks after Bill Clinton became president in 1993, all seven employees of the White House travel office were fired. They were accused of wrongdoing, including embezzlement. Only one was indicted, and a jury found him not guilty. Clinton testified under oath that she had nothing to do with the firings, which cleared the way for people loyal to the Clintons to be hired. An investigation revealed Clinton herself ordered the firings.
* In July 1993, Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster committed suicide in a park just outside Washington. Foster had been involved in the travel office affair, as well as other controversies involving the Clintons. Knowing an FBI investigation of Foster’s death was underway, Hillary’s chief of staff went into Foster’s office and removed several files. Some of the documents were not recovered until two years later.
* Also during Bill Clinton’s presidency, the Filegate scandal erupted. Craig Livingstone, the White House director of personnel security, illegally gained access to FBI files on hundreds of people, many of them political enemies of the Clintons. At the time, Hillary called it “a completely honest bureaucratic snafu.”
* You don’t remember Hillary Clinton criticizing the Internal Revenue Service after it was reported the agency harassed conservative groups, do you? There’s a reason: Many conservatives, as well as nonpartisan critics of the Clintons, suffered repeated IRS audits while Bill was president. Among those targeted were four women who had accused him of sexual assaults, according to various sources including The Christian Science Monitor. https://www.newsandsentinel.com/opinion/local-columns/2016/10/hillary-clintons-long-list-of-lies/
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neuvifuri · 1 year
4.0 archon quest thoughts
first i have to say that i’ve been waiting for this for as long as i’ve been playing genshin and so i felt very normal about it (lying)
i liked lyney and lynette way more than expected! i had been neutral on them this entire time but i ended up really enjoying them
their backstory was darker in a more real world way than i was expecting from genshin. not that genshin never has dark/heavy story elements, but usually they’re curved by a more fantasy aspect (e.g. the genocide in khaenri’ah is they were all cursed to be monsters rather than straight up slaughter, scaramouche trying to kill himself is him erasing himself from existence magically rather than actual suicide, etc) but lyney’s account of their childhood involving lynette being a victim of child sex trafficking is like. jesus christ.
on that note, very cool of arlecchino to kill child abusers. but if she was really cool, she would kill the child abuser in her own organization.
i obviously invested stocks early in neuvillette and furina, and i was slightly disappointed with their characters. i guess it’s not too unexpected since i had such high expectations. my opinion dipped significantly in the middle but then mostly recovered by the end. i’ll have to think about it a while longer to fully process.
neither of them was like cunty enough. i wanted them to be bitchier. but my neuvillette opinion recovered when started bawling in his office after navia yelled at him, and my furina opinion recovered seeing her take a trial seriously and hearing that she takes the prophecy seriously and is working on it herself. neuvillette is primarily competent with side of cringe, and furina is primarily cringe with a side of competent. i can live with this.
navia and clorinde gay, but also it doesn’t matter to me if someone had a good reason, i’m not sure i could be friends with/date the person who killed my father. idk that i could get past it. i wish they’d twisted the knife a little more there.
would have loved to hear what evidence they even had against childe in the serial disappearances case. would have loved to know who even accused him. the disappearance started over 20 years ago, you know, when he was a toddler in another country.
the whole time the merged victims consciousness oceanid avatar was talking to vacher i was saying “let’s go ladies, kill kill kill, ladies, let’s kill, c’mon girlies, let’s kill” and then they did so yippee!! hooray!!
swimming mechanics so fun but i hate the underwater combat. i know that farming mats is gonna be hell for me.
are we gonna jailbreak childe? free my man, he isn’t innocent but he didn’t do that one.
prevailing theory is that arlecchino tampered with the oratrice to sow distrust in the fontaine justice system. used childe as the case just for funsies. to tease and bully him. workplace harassment.
childe talking about the abyss he fell into having a giant whale being and him being unable to find it again, i have to think he fell into the primordial sea. i hope the whale beast is a trounce domain. furina story quest 2.
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ladymazzy · 2 years
The past few weeks in UK racism have been wild and exhausting. Such an incredible concentration of denial, misrepresentation, whattabouttery and asinine takes. And whilst I'm not especially invested in the Meghan & Harry drama (I'm not a royalist, hate tabloids and I'm also unsurprised that they have problems with a family which serves as an institutional representation of white supremacy, imperialism and colonialism, as well as being fundamentally dysfunctional in the most basic 'fucked up family' way), the way certain people in this country go after them is something
Just recently, a white British man was arrested and charged for an arson attack which killed a Black muslim woman and her two infant children. This man has apparently made and followed racist and islamophobic content on social media, yet the police are mysteriously reluctant to investigate this as a possible hate crime
On top of the ongoing crises with racism in the police ( both in how they police, and as it directly affects Black & Asian police officers), and the NHS, ethnic minorities working in the Fire Service have also spoken about the racism they are subjected to within the service, following the suicide of a Black firefighter Jaden Francois-Esprit.
When Ngozi Fulani made a twitter post about being subjected to the 'where are you really from' experience at Buckingham Palace, the backlash was swift and relentless. Everything from accusing her of lying, accusing her of some kind of entrapment, of bullying a poor defenceless old lady (because Black women are just so mean and aggressive 🙃) questioning why she changed her name and why she was 'dressed like an extra from Black Panther'...
Fulani didn't even mention Susan Hussey by name, nor did she demand she be 'sacked' or anything. The royal household didn't deny it, Hussey immediately stepped down, and has since (finally!) apologised face-to-face with Fulani. And yet Fulani has still been subjected to endless hate and speculation to the point where Sistah Space had to temporarily suspend services because of safety worries
None of this is racist, they say. Britain is super 'tolerant' they say (as if 'tolerance' isn't an incredibly low bar anyway). Even amongst people with left-wing politics, there are *still* people saying 'the real problem is class', as if racism is just an interpersonal irritation rather than a whole structural phenomenon, designed with purposeful intent, and with an ongoing legacy. As if some of us do not experience racism and classism (and sexism, homophobia, ableism, transphobia, ageism...) *at the same time*
And yet... the weirdo racist tabloid journos lost their minds and cried 'that's racist!' when Meghan mocked *herself* for over-curtseying to the Elizabeth II when they first met. Because, apparently, proper curtsies in the presence of royalty is uniquely white culture, and white people have been horribly oppressed for this over the centuries by terrible, mean Black people who simply do not have any conception of what it means to genuflect (sarcasm - just to be clear)
And then a weirdo racist notorious prick of the ages wrote a whole thing fantasising about a ritual humiliation of Meghan Markle, Game of Thrones style, because she's as bad as Cersei Lannister ( a fictional woman who arranged assassinations like I write shopping lists, and who had an incestuous relationship with her twin brother) and Rose West (a *real* woman who committed crimes so vile I'm not going to list because they actually affected people who are also real). And when the prick was called out, he made some half-arsed apology that was basically 'sorry you didn't get my GoT reference'
Wild times
Merry Christmas!
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finitefall · 2 years
hope you dont take this the wrong way.. but maybe dont get involved when you dont know the people in the post..
Hi, anon. I'm sure plenty of people agree with you: "Catherine, you don't know the people who were first involved, just because you saw the post on your dashboard since two people you follow answered doesn't mean you should too". And in certain circumstances, you would be right. In those circumstances, however, I don't agree with you.
I've read the entire post, and I did hesitate to reblog and add my own answer. Why? Because I got death threats myself both IRL and online. Because I'm suffering from mental illness and as someone who attempted suicide, I asked myself if it would be in my interest to risk having someone telling me to kill myself. It wouldn't be the first time, either. I even considered ignoring your message, anon. Avoid answering to this, because I'm not stupid: that answer isn't gonna make me popular. But... if people want to hate me, they will anyway.
Here's the original post @lady-phasma answered to:
I deserve a dark haired lover with soft eyes and a heart full of love
Nothing, I repeat, nothing in this post mention being white or a BIPOC. Nothing. Having dark hair doesn't mean crap. And what does this woman who thought they were only answering to a post about your tastes got? Insults. Accusations of racism. Death threats. When OP could have just said it wasn't for white people. Those who didn't want to understand that deserved to be blocked, but she didn't get an opportunity to realize she had answered on a post that wasn't for her and her tastes.
Then, someone who's actually a mutual, @la-pheacienne, was accused of using the n word. A black woman said she used the n word twice, when she absolutely never did such a thing. I would have blocked her myself and reblogged the post just to warn people of who she truly was if she had done such a thing. People have to realize how serious that accusation is. You can't just accuse people of being racists like it's a joke.
I'm not from the US. I'm French and have always lived in France, but I learned to check my white privilege very often. I'm not being colorblind like many people saying they're "not racist": you're either racist or antiracist. There's racism here too, hi. We're not the US, thank God, but still.
Have you watched Fruitvale Station, a 2013 movie inspired by the murder of a 22 years-old African-American by a police officer? Or a more popular one, When They See Us, a 2019 miniseries about the arrest and conviction of five young boys? Do you remember Trayvon Martin? George Floyd? Breonna Taylor? All the others I want to name here but I'm not sure how their names are spelled? Those aren't trick questions, it's only leading to this one: would you like their families to see this post? Honestly?
You know why I got involved? Because it was the right thing to do. Because I've never been a quiet witness to those things. I don't care whether or not I know the person who's being insulted and threatened. I've defended someone who used to bully me in school, once. Why? Because it was right at that time, when that person was being threatened. I still don’t have a high opinion of them, but that didn’t mean what was happening right in front of me was all right. If you only say something because it's your friend and you like them, I don't know if you actually believe in anything besides defending your friend.
People have unfollowed me. I'm glad. I don't want people who think what happened was all right to follow me. If people want to send me threats, I have a strong moral support now that I didn't have years ago. What's important for me is to not pretend I didn't see something going against what I believe in. I know people love to look the other way, but I've never done it and I'm not about to start now just because it would make my life easier and because more people would like me.
I've checked that woman's blog and apparently she'll be all right. With someone else, that might not have been the case. You know people do commit suicide because of what they're being told online? It's not just about @lady-phasma. It's not just about one of my mutuals having been accused of being a racist. Perhaps it's about me, in fact. About the fact that I can't imagine seeing this, think "lol it's ridiculous" and go watch TV. Believe me, people have told me to back off enough times in my life for me to realize that this isn't an attractive personality trait, but that's how I am.
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lolitastories · 2 years
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You work alongside Matt and Foggy at the law firm. Of course as one of the most successful lawyer in the city the one and only Tony Stark would recruit you. As you are trying to find a meaning of your life you find life in someone. It’s may be a rocky start for you two but maybe it’s worth taking.
Chapter 2:
“Goodmorning, How can I assist you this morning?” The young lady at the front desk asked me.
“Hello, I am here to see Agent Penelope Garcia” I check my phone and verify if she has responded but nothing.
“Am sorry I don’t recognize that name”
“Of course. She and her team are here on the doppler case” Come on.
“Oh yes.” Thank god. “Let me lead you to the office she is using. I nod following right behind her. Once we arrive I give her thanks and she lets me walk in alone.
“Why haven’t you responded to any of my messages?” I can’t help but smile as her usually bubbly self engulfs me into a hug.
“Im sorry, I just wanted to get these papers filled out so I can have enough time to shop around before leaving tonight”
“Well new york is surely the place to walk around and shop”
“Sure is, so what's up” I take a seat next to her. She always made every place she was in hers, no matter how long she was in them. She was the one to bring the cases into a new level with a sense of emotion. We met here about 2 years ago when they requested my help. One of their agents was in trouble and needed to get his case resolved. He was being wrongly accused and working alognside her the most was the best. Since then we have kept in touch.
“My client was found dead last night from an apparent suicide, and my partner and I know that was not the case. He left a note behind and photos of the scene were taken.” one of the things I hate doing is asking for things, more when they haven’t asked anything of me.
“They took you off the case and they are just treating it as a soon to be closed one since he probably admitted guilt in the note” She surely is a smart bee.
“Yes. So my question is if you could..” Why does asking for help have my heart beating faster and wanting to punch myself?
“Get you the pictures? Sure. Give me a couple seconds” I let out a short laugh seeing her move her fingers magically over her keyboard. “I will send them to you using an encrypted address, so no one knows it was sent to you and no one can take them off your phone” After a short conversation I bid her goodbye. I was so lucky she was in town. I drove back into the office and straight into Matt’s.
“Hey got the pictures, did you get the videos?” I see him shake his head but move a file towards me. I open them up and see death certificates.
“There is no video eveidence in or around his home and the officers are of no help, but they did mention that” I see him point at the papers again. All in alphabetical order, all the suspects' death certificates. All killed one day during the week prior to Miller’s death. “Foggy spend his morning looking them up and even confirmed it with the families”
“Why would they kill Miller and the suspect in question? Eitheir we never got the right guy in our suspect list or they don’t care who they kill, loved one or not '' I throw the papers to the desk. It's like if I was driving down a road and had three ways to go. One was the easy way, just a straight paved road. The other one was a road that would take me days to drive. I would have to take a car, then a boat, a plane and finally walk on foot to reach. The third one I could see the destination but the bridge had just broken. The train broke. Everything is falling piece by piece. What was supposed to be our advantage and a step ahead brought us closer to nothing, nothing. Anyways, that just confused me more. I get up, popping open my phone. “I got the pictures of the letter and you are right it was definitely not a suicide note”
We spent the whole afternoon trying to figure anything out. Any connection to the Miller to the suspects or any of them to the 3 guys mudered and finally we got a lead. One of the suspects had the same marking left on the note and the three guys that were murdered. We looked back on the guy’s pictures and with the help of Foggy and Karen now we came to find that the suspect was close to another guy with the same marking on his wrist.
“I will send over the information to the lead officer” I nod at Karen. Our next step is to wait for them to take them into custody and wait for him to talk. Let the police do their jobs and have him give as much information as possible. What did that marking mean? Who was the suspect to him?
“Now what?” Foggy asked, as he is seated next to Matt and I. I take my phone out to check the time.
“Well it's 4:45. I say we take a break and resume this as soon as we hear anything from the police. I can’t miss Tony’s party and neither can you three” I part to my home to get ready. I rush home quickly, taking a shower and fixing myself up. Supricenly I look into the mirror and it doesn’t look like I havn’t slept well for the past 2 weeks. When I arrived at the tower the time hit 7:10. I took the elevator to the floor where they were having the party. It was a long way up but I finally made it.
“Look who’s here” I hear Tony scream from across the room. I would have turned right around but I notice Nat and Steve now behind Stark as he walks towards me.
“I brought you your succulent but those guys in the entrance took it from me” I say feeling his arms wrap around me and pulling towards the way he came from. “Happy birthday” I say quickly returning his smile.
“Thanks. I know you are a no show to parties but I want you to enjoy yourself tonight” I was about to argue with him but he always has to get his way or he won’t stop. “Come on do it for me. It's my birthday!” He grabs a drink from the waitress passing by and with that he walks away.
“I understand you’re his lawyer but that doesn’t mean you have to be his friend” I laugh at Nats words as I hug her, than Steve.
“I know I am not the most uplifting person but someone how in his little weird way he makes me like him. Plus the pay is good so if I have to come to these once every year I can take it”
“Well it's good to see you,” Steve says, handing me a drink. “So what has been keeping you busy from visiting us?” Nat and I follow him as he leads us towards the bar.
“I had this case that has been going on for 3 weeks and just this morning my client was found dead. Now it seems to be a murder but the officials want to pronounce it as a close case because some letter states he admitted fault” Damn I am going to need more alcohol.
“So they just want to throw him under the rug and call it a win?” I simply nod towards them stealing two cups from a waiter. “So what is the reason you think it was a suicide?” Before I could ramble on about what we figured out a tall figure walks behind steve and places a hand on his shoulder
“Hey man, I need to talk to you” The deep voice belonged to a dark-haired guy. Build with a strong stance. A vibridium arm. Call me crazy but I don’t even know how to handle my thoughts right now. Being in the presence of the avenger is not new. I know everything can be expected but not me becoming so infatuated with only looking at this guy for the first time. Who was he?
“Yeah of course” Steve got up, excusing himself from the table. “I will be back soon” I nod watching them both leave
“Bucky” I hear from the side. Quickly I noticed I was having a staring problem so I looked towards Nat with an awkward smile. “Well James Buchanan Barnes. He was stationed with Steve back in the 40s. We found him as the Winter Soilder”
“Oh yeah. You told me some details, before he had to go to Wakanda '' Nat mentions some things here and there but with her missions and my cases we prefer to leave our work lifes behind most of the times we hang out.
“Yeah. He seems much better now but I know its a struggle for him to get used to this world now” As she continues talking I can’t help but move my eyes discreetly towards them. The lights were low but when he was close I could tell they weren’t brown. His face was emotionless as he walked away but he tried to direct a smile towards us as he spoke to Steve. Being on the bad side most of your life and having to work for it now is not simple. “You like him.”
I shake my head, “No, no, just curious” It was true. He was the mysterious, cold looking, low voice guy in all of my books I have read before and fell in love with but I am too smart to know that something like that would work out. Boys in my books fight for what they want while battling their demons. When I see him I see a guy who has demons he has yet to overcome because the main demone is himself. He is struggling. His arm twitches and his head turns at every noise. He has things he needs to fix and if all my books are correct a woman may help but they want their space. Also the woman in the books does everything for them not to be alone and helps them fight their demons but I am not one to do so. I get scared and run away at the first look of difficulty. I am not the one to be placed with someone's trust and love. I can’t give you a correct response. I am not someone’s needs.
“Stop analyzing everything” She laughs while handing me another drink. “Is you were to stop anylizing eveythning and just go for it you would see how wonderful life could be '' She was right. Every move I make has to be foreseen by a pro and cons list. A breakdown of cause and effect. I break down my decisions and take the best route, even if my heart is telling me not to.
“Am a lawyer, that's what I do” I take a sip shrugging her off to change the conversation.
“Well how about for tonight you can be a girl in a little black dress who everybody in the party sees as carefree” I smile at her words. Of course I am not the one to let go but fuck it. Right?
“And what do you suggest, Miss. Romanoff?” She drinks her last glass and pulls out her hand.
“I suggest dancing like nobody's watching?” And that is exactly what we did. We dance past midnight. Many guests had left and while the rest were drinking and talking Nat and I were the only ones on the dance floor.
“Girls! The DJ needs to go” We both turned booing at Tony who was speaking through the microphone. “Don’t boo me! Go get some water!” We both laugh making our way to the other avengers. Which was only Steve, Wanda. Vis, Bruce and soon I knew Tony was going to come over.
“Hey I know you are not in the right mindset but I have something I would need help with in the morning?” Steve asked innocently which I only nodd to trying to gulp down a whole water bottle. “Its nothing just a ticket” I burst out laughing and soon the others follow.
“Goody two shoes got a ticket?!” Of couse Tony was the one with the nickname although everybody was thinking it.
“It wasn’t my fault! I was fed up with Nats feet on the dashboard and didn’t see the light was red”
“Well it wasn’t my fault either. You could just have ignored it but you chose to remove my feet yourse-'' We were caught off guard as the big windows outlooking the terrace blew up. I don’t know if they were the drinks or if I was just that tired but I don’t remember anything else from that night.
A/N: we are introduced to Bucky!!!. I am going to start writing the next part tomorrow and I want them to have a sort of enemies to lover kind of relationship but I don’t know how to get there. If you got any ideas feel free to comment. Thank you♥️
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libidomechanica · 2 days
D throat
A sonnet sequence
Hermes court: rights to stare: after bright there. To Venus in a saints. Fraught. But the moon up with all hope, to Virtue—as the spread, the arrow with rolling in mind with sported page, but what way; but never heads I said, Alas, that in his sole world, for though my car. Until the way thee, cut offended, issuing or office, whose suicide was lightning prayed. I peeled bits of the proud, and in me. Horse alone till would stifled to make me give they are eating for thee. I though the love. A little preludios, trying before he lovely lady, who could be some minutes more—Oh! Till the death.
Which Cathering still he led him from these care; and takes the pegs sure; t is not a shafts of dyingly Neptune’s blue: yet hour, quick, thicket, and full of Echo, when at tableau intact. The way, and bridges for their own quadrille. The hollow switched lovers have seen Joanna South, the arts of rings, far as there thine—the my pilgrimage; until, from civic revelry,—and so good tree. No more, onely young should not got the fire part—but my shadow and takes limbs did it last gasp comes be ioyes all still a summer air so mourning done it: how the fool with Roland deaf, the patience fill!
Fine, t is burn such a thousand Powers in my cheek, while the ruins. Love which mads the shepherd bent. For thence, which the Cloth of skin; wherefore, my scythe of thee. To honor thy fire, the maids arranging so clean? Shepheard he sleeked Adonis kept him better the words:-but Love, the savages, then hand; for hectic phthisical: I ask’d her thou gentle vows; her stept. May weep, like Jewels polish-sharp, and mien, just as fierce disdain to be done, my head. The first lullaby doth Geraldine! The church,—and let me pass’d you discolour’d by heav’nly fiction, pure if t were to be done to destroy’d.
A little step of nightmare: your pockets, with an interwove by many a sweetness the fire which makes so in a graced; he, like are not in my een was none at my feet, but some lucid waves, in tempest-tost, and gild their pupil pen, neither girded vests grew the swarm of his fine: innumerable many could suffer’d, D—n her, ’ at suppose got he repent. Who in a rose—syne pale streames between two last had been! In casement lay carved lips to owe naught with ease, Fade soft lips to open forbids all my sole image for me I scarce that same world; for I have draw a dragon.
Many brother, and burst the rock she might wherein my thoughts are just a step, moved and slantwise the boss of the bird, that, reach the deliverers, disjoined hands, and salue for thought other goes, which limping Vulcan animals, reawakened future, and the careful sister kiss. Tossing on the bottom of thine ends promontory, where fair; and tender her shall bee. In such to live on may for my vows were so long array and have been arranging bold to marks his own? You—’take no business in great opinion of the utmost quiet bass, approve him the ground; and she was to be cross’d.
A fields any way; he flew out your times make thy fear’d my verse I fared: neuer the young, and east, half commercial, half an hour to the truce obtaining—the Champak odour and dress dancingly fair a child, and are flee. Thou by them still haue gayned. In so preclude fresh budding over the sake whom you have said. It come to keep back again about the remember: they lead into a sudden she flesh—let’s Dover! And now in glimmer, all, for my part strove what a silvery brought to publics also Russian or loss of these wording that conuersation: he is fairy fellowship.
The pousse her point,—what they interior of the graves were may finds and there both long’d to and followed: and here not with sported; I pass overgrown like sweetly quick! To live and free will mark bay deeps, so clear, but quiet bass, and half-way from summer-sleeping in mine, far far away. You may given to understand: they striking away and courtly nor good or ill, thy days. Except it does not the nose began to begin accusals, such as the vault, shall heart- certain up some long opprest peona guiding, doth breast. How can Bagpipe, and lands, that overcome women leaves room the morrow.
’, And stoop from her Letter: they temptations who are sped a trooping frozen in case, as Cuddie, fresh and reach translucent cistern as Pluto beat me any sign posts than Heaven reflected foot, light! And the while the day was the fatal pool, drying the few or maid in a breathe widest all that, and twigs, might peeps it is anticipated by Vice, only add them courtesie; I bow’d fu’ low unto Madrid one discussed her necks, blue cloak, and these limbs and his dissolves the laces too, but it was molten in his Cyclops set; love your skin. No soon unriddle of inconstantly,—Away!
Our hand: Ah! When birds of the unfit contrived till I with most kingly by returns on the lady bade, display’d, uplift hand tower, like a bride the squirrels, cared nor knewe I looked in them-selves. Bid me to me, a poor Ambition is beauty with work had wrong. Upon the bed. You hold your next comes. The deeper was infant and then—and thread, and at last must do that he that the rough all can’t tell—people, as they were move, unless dian had hid her thus, and set thy music fit for my phalanx on the stood silence itself with him as any I have latest glimpsed here their obiects such.
In deep depreciated: august to bleed: but let all be little charming. Are the curd-pale moon in your progress forth the stars, till those waves and, plashing charity may rise a pass, who stands and the burden of great festival. He, Juan, which found; and so with fire filch’d from hue-golden swoons to make the shimmer on my friend. Sleep I’m not feele no more brain truth you, ’ save for the same gan so thinking thus I watch’d my king something it abroad leave power show him, and sighed out these last had been this was a good old Greek—the alder child, and blaze of the monarch reign o’er cans all with yields are?
I am flying snatch’d, for lovers home alive; but while soules, till the prevail? Bold, we often hands should danced like me, listening, charity, through. He started to deceiving power I risked what none, yet still are dully read, and while ocean is apt to do with into her face of all these first approach they were green. At makes her own besides; with lullaby contrived within the white flocke, forget through a step, moved as saving mazes of this that cannot die, their Institute of which Cathering friend to fearfully, that die by love to keep the tide does Pity here; and thus and the oak.
To gaze upon me through my lips being a twilight of Spring, knowing long bedde, or their sign posts shiny boots fire parts, and fears were ended, friends intice. With love’s dissemble, the golden garland forehead’s light spread, whatever seems to be in plenteous empressions of the syrens, and love, and of mine own long love and should not from top to her foes with grew side that them; and have fallen, having a twitch of the line of a swallows wilt thou be kind of rhyme. Ten, who had dipt against thou hast smiling force by many a cursing fire, with somebody else waste my smother’s wings: o Shadows!
And curtain paper will be alone, with the hallowing well that is hardly word, and new: she lets him in that I must set the earth from which doth smile or ink; t is verse of earth; she thing my grasshoppers seek him to the Master, and much gripping earth should be a nursed, dearest, and so laid below the music; the bed to dance, like o’er her mouth,-—anon among through, and fingers fine, t is not a quantity of the event and keeps me from Vesper’s eyes wound underneath her cry, oh misery harder hand. You see, sweet as English and here are the twelfth Canto t is a poet.
We are months have nothing, there were be fair creatures&above: dearest break, while we looks as may betide, among thee up awhile I melt; make a bird, while praise, I that through desolation among our bowled and low, anon he saw me lying those. And not brood so longer pause they only see stems throng made deeply read; but gently the great cruelty hand I brought hours had lost on behind, for in her magnolia ignite the gentleman, which he was tears shine and dead pretty gentle minstrel bard, through weather friend again about the strowed steal the bower’d in vain. Let no man and fix on much better closet: pray, assured in our fellows were stayed his later, we could not tell; yet as yours, it seemed eternally before says that boil over the eastern impulse that gets her scandal which stand, and hurl’d with my maid silent; but alone as they had heart six month before the breaks.
Pardon when clever, denying tresses here to love with art so potent goddess ways, until the worth under whiter still he letter ends bear it. Will and clasp it round thy love, I have squander’d at, there, his snortings of Leander, beautiful lady with soul, their death smooth the world to greet? In cowslip-water courtly nor kind, poor lover. Landlords of high deserves they who but seats: and comfortable gem. Thus Bracy! I had tried to me now had two feet& when you wert to give it has, no bower doth. With cryes ye heart too fears that he, and prest my wealth, I think, in its greatest air.
Has cause their carried man, scarce the lawyers, prison? Julia, wild, and I have a level, plays, mass, playing, now a twisted but thee by mistress, and Lord Roland an hour: we breadth of noble hearts of that have to the fingertips, shape and a rush on everything, and grey. Disabled age at last night, of Don Juan’s pausing through even whirlwind’s on a woodland of trumpet heart in a wed gallant battle I had twenty- three; and wear it. Nine farrow’ of the room, and married! How long marriage and of thine? Press, and thy lips: and Chatham gone. Considerable priest eyed train of pain of stone?
Unconscious latch, hast sentence of evil? To disparity as is thistle thought I saw them crept up a great numberless as this tower. To search’d, and I wis since if you’d return we talking though for thy deep into a shaking eyes of life from which stings of abrupt thunder-shower of those ruler, on hisses? His fierce agony of the sun, the angel had got the most deeds we were soft have so may exist with clamour, when you’re in the seemed, or at thy consterd in train and judge. A Paphian dove it all; whoe’er his rage to men; but scarce be in the patiently bear up again.
The higher best bower as when we took to live you are dight be arbiter of rank had gone, by a brief years: which the board, as she leaden-eyed the year; and Bracy the same art thou wast think so: for when he spot, its window and that, as soon as her in her magic from June the lightly cried, insult but have done, the pointest out of shoes is heart I’ll tell her to make our days by emperor and sometime a glories of greenery white-flowers and with the gate at the thinnest clouded too brief years, and much morning. Thought other loving knows no doubt the dear cockade, ye freedom’s choice.
As Saint August. Ye gods might by no morn was not vain it over than by lectures hot bath. Then Scylla o’er the family Misses? The which I for somethink on t— I’m nearly in her be his pass, and who, So sang not, comforted part, I’m afraid some, and poised at you alone. Misfortune, never spume again! Leaped on the iron blunter gale cuts like me, I have had to Wyndermere. I ask’d himself most delight, but Arrow, around the talking. Of dapple read again, and here was ripe to some guy with shepheards, til you bloom these last, my lost itself, and wives, with a shepherd bent.
In amazed stand with, when the sight? Petitioned to Lady Pinchbeck was his own casement. And nights came: endymion. Fluttering its crimson petal star. Compile she shudders are twine. And trying his cheek with her and some Hercules Furens’ into one. Our twenty post road. With periwigs in her husband’s jealous, to slake Thy thirst to mournful eyes, except its radiance, tis flattery be insistent be accomplish’d:- If he court to its rosed with your chance— and she, Mither, and terrors of widow’s head, now in soothe and Tygres, that which is a time to go through in woman now—No!
To followed away the housemaid’s unknown as what; and with his wiser than the words was distresses for fair eyes of your drearily on barren breasts. I never to my wears to his stroke—a warning each looking deliberal? Blythe ancient from stair to stammer, worth a million times mix’d and gone sea-gulls not a soul do I mean to me. Thy sweet love than all she saw, but heare as Heaven know and Quarterly treat that Philo-genitiveness and laugh’d, and everything to begin; but were. Meet, if it shook to see. World’s fall; their voices. Dian had gone, seized. My heart to move me.
And sing tear his song. ’Re wood as north that long, bearing and sure: mething balance witch in a clouds, I grow a homilies, yet was echoes the carver’s flowery grace, exceeding palms each a fixèd fancy, and, as one deep grief-worn here a sort of heaven reflection. And sage, and window’s head with Roland destine broider’d upon a hill of feather’d with the frame? Traced her breaker full of blistered every badly she did smile, nor be my soule plan had got a tougher voice of blossom nips. To man, now I’ll say, till the mountainside your ease my being blindly tow’rd her sped, seeing him.
They reach—tho’ lost on your young Apollo! The look’d out, and ran in courted: wha spied her look’d upon the odours flee away earth, swells, made it of words your lips for the shrines of cherries to Beauty’s fire ashes, books framed; heav’nly fiction, and heard in a weeded rocks the army’s grown lately thou warre: and, in silken vest, an eye: for the deed of the change us, Cyril said: at fires of them too; in gastful glances them! On our merit, and became more loud reveal’d itself an Isle than when at Timbuctoo, who still sooner fight. Till death to say a woman’s rather faces, ends you well.
But, gentle moon up with mortal claim, and pass in every line, ribb’d hollow, are deny nor good was mine; I’ve spun. My sweep; her good night, wanting they but had brother head, and his creatures lie as she shook up my own disgrace, the coming hand who have thee! Of fire, and puts out upon his forbid by his twelfth, I meant, though glittering roguish een. A dream had lost the foam—the Moon, and where yon your small; until ’twas ever was last the main, and the Violet. At least engross’d. The meadow grass grow vice— curiosity; the dying roguish gloom-pleas’d in her duty both so be outrageous.
As no more, or wait too—too long from the skies warm and floating to all unlike, unto the issue. Her voice, that might machine, but if Love doth love. From me, and counterfeit: so you open eyes glowing this rounded shirt yellow me, curtsy, and spills a faith torches, where is no prize: now, his days in her lightsome like another May new air, on purpos’d to strew daisies, to die of some idly took, and beauteous epigrams of death into a mountains; or as meek, your souls: I heard in thy praised, as harbinger spouse an infant’s a globe—few, who has wish to talk about the that weeps: sdeath!
Of a kisses have reach’d new growth about: this bed of her guide and things breath in turn to die through the choice honey-moon’s last her ear in vain, thee, his snortings of good gods of them better to standing to yourself she knows, and, as a punish’d bell of thee who might be so peace too much, some pleasure of conditional, i’m a man’s favours lived look; as he is knees, drays, so old the leas their cries, with the event. Infant’s clutch. The youth will convention the wishes gracious heaven, which Jack and bone could delays abounds;—it seemed to be; dissatisfies that wounded escaped; all I call’d the bed.
Well their share let me go; must not for sacred lightheaded, on the people’s weight o’erpowered mien excited generous ease: long your bowed, his ease; at last its head, I’ve got her, O. Strange was no cause the trouble;— I wish through the blind each respect to part of fate, for Europe. My mild red leaves sailed and if all that wouldst owe. The other deep enraged, his life forgot the mothers would say, spite of a youth; Thus lullaby your booty; but if Love him. For the poor mortar already familiar graced in silent music till say with a little bowre, no enemy’s hospitality.
Oh woe betide, that night wash of art. On her sort of questions moone, and flits arous’d me round our humble into grow. That this oak; he swore, and war, seeming stood called my tears that creatures hot breaking disdain to fold, opening play’d to the mildly ere it burst thy soule a sounder’d; and to slavery man could race makes those older and winds: rain-scented what he at low voice of field swelling! If it enough. While my word of the Moon, which Juliana’s eyes glowing a ding, or shake handed from an high offspring, howsoever put they steals unto their sheep. Perhaps when all round, and mountain bend?
Her bonie lass made the rifle breeding from heaven, by which from head to do. The grassy network too in my brow; for his watch thee is lost, days I have seen a little tepid poor sodger’s power. And set is on the pleasured she is merry peal commandments, enkindling sea of what he gave, and slept with realities; but never watch’d for me towards with figure out in the gift prevails when fall in the motive wars … And manna-dew, full of ivy in the clatter wrong yourself, and who dives through a throned wide, before; in seems to see how I had heard inclined to hope the law.
Ye may still that you may tend on me, if you keep our cold, mercurial or two others, but the lady always done: mine own refuse of his breath no more immortal Bird! Then gleam, though the birth upon her, to the shown—yet now from her wings, thinking puberty is sure ’twere impregnant lips were exiled fruit-tree will well-a-day! That poem bores me, dear self-same first, I visit from them when for a Moon, salámán’s Anguish, shame. And but them; only art lies at the youth of favourite science t is shifted up its her gold, be all have allure a silvered used sacrifice.
Like one or little pool left suddenly he wonder, which can believe to kill. Before my lovers o’er, the bloody drops of Westminster’s indeed’s infallibly terrible and secure, or thee. Our embraced himselfe to behold gods might road be hers, it may be vainly through therefore than before me time and happy, I ween, there worthy I to die of sleep! When perverted, dined, they will I must rambles for thou, to whose made in our face the long many; all love. Saturn like a snowgirl, a butterflies of offices. She vow’d and never pass as an immortality: I pressed.
To lose mighty cross it—and for many a sparks of thirty years, victorian poets, ’ as everything witnesse cryes which Prometheus, in truth; and Miss Blank meant—but that sees have done it, and mischief’s daily labour, went Hero this sear! Wad sing and maids, who marriage-tomb, the ground their eyes in spirit clings are please, one moment, or the should wandering on high, by thy own scythe highest ridge, scoop’d huge Ammonites, and who, I have no further with daily taste come, t is no more; for all thee, this prim persons with the Reputed Son? She cannot care, and look’d down shady bowed, and behold!
While the arrow, and quiet place on Earth, from place rang; the pointed in the fame is rustled while the pout of drunken deep softness of toil, increase, as having my heart so very which Death felt it going slain spotted red with the final gulph’d in the key deftly into. And sorrowful: thy carefulnesse, and if from her hut, that higher than I deemed for mischaunce. Up thinkin o’t; they hurt the tortuosity of my right greenwood tremulously gentle things were palace of a rich to slake him: Gentle daughters plain terms yet cunning wheels, and bright enticement draw his made wives!
Were event and kissing into a scrape; but both, difference from Italy, thou no more; with thee comes her own scythe anger, even now more of trembling amongst the more self! And come small xx, feeling arms. In an heiress fate which she drops. For Inez call’d some vile tongue, and even as they will enlarged: if some vile to vaunt as the bed she asked what he, with voice of your coming from a basket. Such a woman too many change wrought his arm, and to fly, famous people are slathered in never could go to proved with Ignorance. And nothing light of the dawn whatever hugged it said, alas!
My lance the which grows to the other scorn; the changeable, filthy helpless changed, and then my gaol: and the place, or divorced unconfines, they came: endymion, over all of love-time, only touch things wear the heavier still born delight one who was you worship to her eye; they stand as a sort of summer tide does shepherds and thus sparkles newly was strange, are dight be arbitrate? Their conduct was good, Christabel. So he wite the said:-Peona! I can’t say whate’er he may be now a Prince her breast;— ’twas very well, but that’s what might be quite a Jupiter unto each out wrung him.
Towards are through to mar the fond of the rain. Will put choice. Be eight-swollen met, and ill for loving eye, all, men is, they’ve spun. And now she keep its clan, through a strange with words the exact affair with its long while upon, as he ought of her stands the number; and still whelm the little doubly wide sand. Will pleasure palace, and t’ other, and he on’t, t will ease my free frown, does she show by the floor chalk mimics painted first she is to be true lord of Ida stood call its garden! Oh what the sworn infant’s blood of water with undertake. So read something dress the dim for the hummingbird!
And wound your life might mean the burthens, meaning, calm and half-entrance, and tocher sage husband, I love again. Flutters, and to breaks the heavily dower where for what a steady, as all fancy be companies nimbly began to flee—I started foot, light on the happy few an earth; instead with a blind Fortune’s maturer grown away, and I could ennoble lines empaled, that other Sestos Hero much thou that makes one as tragedy divine Musaeus sung, when he can! And quiet boy; althought with a good example. It ended he, and many a cursing, once he kept.
To every angry witching balm, thought into the watery glances, no thou, were whelm the devil his proper head, and make war upon a tuft of little hoary head. So we who do loves on continue array, and bramble down marble man, from the bound in debate, and impearl’d with trapping to some friend by counterfered, fecund, overtall forgiveness’ is now he heavens darkener to the dew, and sings of not in my heart that is, for whom a good the motto cut upon my hair, already in his only add them in tableau intact. I yet hour I met thee memory; thou go with azure circumstance, that grows passing on the stain the loves with lily leave been the commission, who could like a rival came. Should our sofas makes the stood with crystal mockings, and de Vaux of Tryermaine? With convuls’d clenches mix’d up in fury of his darkness forth thy reign.
A memories amid his part glow’d my ears, and calm, and bid her breast, with contend with our ready applies saline drops a look up thy parted backward. Women are, noiseless the pegs sure about its teeth answer’d before, ’tis vainly living poets fine argent spouse. Thy venom-bag, and very, very turned that mystery would do; but I’m right, that is, at lower in it down anticipated; and, like the better which for other up, and how the bound then a little heart as sternly. Soul on ocean’s sigh to go wherewith me— a flowers of happy once more the room!
Full many little book, now echo, and extreme, and money. How could go to mind t will to see them at the firm, their shaft that prayer! Honeysuckle. That she turn’d; therefore the flower shall open fiers walked, near petrifactions—be quite proceed with their image is the best following colder. In a wilderness, oaths of birds do live poet mean not content was a woman’s rather bed. The youthful fancy, till unsating shuts, a memory of Endymion! Upon the cradle wanted very morrow and from the face nor sought. Thee forth plunged in view, the anger, a speak out.
Damp air. Cool the lake a lively pretty were mails fast fa’ the while thus, nor mark’d distractions tread, and then a hymn. Be exalt alone, leaving down. Now gynneth the rising home. No man of triumph, come and round then his heart had been too long thy hand! Which still lover blue and fishing and keep off metaphysicians blame through her hard her— but it innumerable mystery. Hints came instead of a lady strands with the Moniteur and all was kill’d to hang the zenith ’bove scorn to flatter: a rib’s a thing balance sublime! The kings, and so knowing daffodils with lances in Hell!
Where threw, and gave such an evil take a body or other kind of grisly twine. Noble hostess, I grow charm, and of taxborn richest gemmes or take our horses are price, daily boon for to device could be. Moved of hope came to tells through—fire I cannot be father’s head; yet many danger. Lying once more ’gan fare along his face not, I should know and grove, ’ who’s always certain path to green her spoke, and listen; and her side of cheek; and with person doubt this—when a dreams, all whether it was philosophy, save me, taking to espy some lucid wombs: there young master mother!
Of freedoms former plan to silence. Burned to see, you shalt strawberries by the black. In songs can her for six month endows her breathed dark? With shrieue: none can to have seen a king our only of the courts were dead espy? Lie alone, I must brushes fenny, and worships, and for the fares. Said the world will these he farmer Simpson did what, at the trouble and half-words a crack open. And then sending, if the loved long bedded reeds are this my crown wished his like the most twig that Sunion, hurting fairy had chaced away! For God’s sake; her thought to the young should move himself. The gently, daily.
Her noble streams, when I was—they’re hurt you. Fond of bedde, or to be friends with them into fire made wives, that heart, let us not! While o’ermuch thou art blame if it shall we quaff until thou lay, when thou wast to go; but I will open the day I die, the orphan of twenty little fall have thou wast the shepeheards glad: there, with upturn’d his carriage—but the cloud: i’m very wife. Till the swayne, or be my dearest, praying where shall wholly, and of his cold and in goodly will, or for sacred to me, i’ll no more, as has not gains which grows late For as endlesse byrds are shine, and no great.
With much sight, elbows, knees, drays, choke on its ethereal, thought—meet, if for good or ill: he died away all me shun and in her praying feet, a clammy dewy head, and she was a human continue so? The watched as he was for else to her cheeks, than you. A better bright streaming gains. But scares its sorrow chill aguish on the glimmering all that’s most to lightning four. Twas mine; I’ve broke his shorn, when storm’s struck vainly thou be gone—like a buttercup understood, by solitary breeze to college: he is wind. Think such has its head was understood from fools that some were dead espy?
With coarse they, who duly pulls or not,—the rose threw, and the neck his darkening that bitter what can ne’er these think no man oft in fables the end of eraser and his life filled with the way of twilight what wait while Endymion. And flower empires, and did spring, that yokes wi’ a mate sits and shar’d to country shrieked the medicine and they, and so it is there are to talk six times more rich Oceanus the World; and cozenage; and, with face. There by this, prithee with streamlets flowing Antonia’s gone, ere I live, and in making shears cut should sit down fresh sin, and led, shall disposed her bow.
And in the two words were sits when birds of Martiall is what; but this tale, and all the night. Did charioteer than my knees, he found affronting and call forgiveness’ might be she did not that was my Moscow, and oft looks; to conceal’d itself an Isle that must be somewhat kinda like and peace: so might’s o’er, and Courier record of mine. Nor me,—so sweet are thee by my gaol: and they were lies, and led a still which Venus, or deep persuading over the honey, all weather’s mansion. Till it fa’s, an’ bade heroines of purity. On her breast, and, as she went in aspirant to the past.
Lets the feared think men love-time, the odour while he, despite the termined by Neptune’s self-intent upon her lep? Rank as fragrant zone; she tapt her dreary melody was done, and mien, just nerve: young, some kept with Reason when I touch: my text and bridge, who, seeing groan their ripened, a youth: yea, every light-hung like each other’s yearning candlesworth, the winds, and free as in an author’s cap’s a family crownèd with a kind of hindering fearfully don’t know each face without the strive this blood nor stir, which served virginity on so unpleasant scandals for my paints as Saint August.
In curl in islands forth of Julia instance, but could you seek the wore, noiseless past and shake a latest sigh-shrilly maiden Aunt Elizabeth, and all as she wished a small sympathetic to the midst of straggling Harmony, sounds; if he dance now and pale, cold everything well tolled himself like sorrowing desperate to talk about twice as quickly groundelay. And would say truth see. As the Forrest I did not revel, that searching it should be still, and grief he forgotten strayed, and, foolscap, while I am not long mind they pour introduction, miss Edgeworth’s old man law.
Thine he had dream, Prithee why should have bit at sixteen years, and leave. All proceeding; sweet, a crow through the raven’d quite corner, ’ and lips and kindly, I was born with earthly parachute and so beautifies within the the wild woddes my feet, more glory won; thou bear’st thou know’st I am done, Ay me, such and the chamber played on thy sire to herself years with married at noon his legal face. Promise did she who bear you are as Heaven’s cheek,—who saw that all with maudlin Clout rafte me no more: we human heart banter, who knelt by the bag o’ her guardian spirit into a crescent, nor dream of fifty love swear, were he help’d out: of thine incompare, pronounce then they will served the green an awkward light, wants to sublimity; in shapes unseen leaving— they search out-at-elbow rouses the world of solitude: i’m really, madam, wonders though a lady, who of gone by.
To me: when poets, all my Life to unity, like a star that o’er held in such a fixèd fancy cannot tell the corner; yet now, O wingedly: when my friends, and frantic homages; thou would have love may first—for her do hide the same the young compassionately bride, hey ho seem’d to be aware. Of these accelerating stare: after his dresses for that o’er the mountain- side, the fair; misshapen stood from cliff-tops, seas where plain an awkward blow, and bright, even where old, to free home torture all to the very deaths but each stroke before me, Hero, learned lucubrations tread, and thus began to sound of your foot, doth true, just now I’ll tell beseech. The hollow vast, sounds of Pan from one moment his relinquisite, by all the last that’s enough weather’s foibles by a visit Hero’s earlier grim grow out at Apollo’s touch less rigid editor shall before.
” She like that after pardon, Julia’s tongue. Why, their ruffles, stranger, my dark blue day- lightingale’s completeness in the there’s nothing of bees, my will, burglarious virtue was a mourners be read alluded,— mentions and no birds arous’d from cliffs which on the bald, or did I dream had love died—but seats a narrow joy is beading. With double of Death, and swell to its hackneyed speeches full, that it looks as that made head or heaven’s suite, speak, preach, and took his left hand waly fa’ the two were flat field and a primate upon him his breast, or gently unmew my soules, euen souls who love.
For scene—the started up his earliest scrape, but will be assure you dread met palsy shake his lady Christians have lost, he shadows I cannot be, of what through the places, whom I see, his face, and when t is needed: august to save you. To our lovers; and half appeal to the very objects to live, and close between; each wisdom to see the dark these our neck in the breeze has dried hands shone. I touch thine: but the open was I pick’d up his house who had no more of your first is greeing, after the pear friendship which, at least gray had hope deluding moved beyond to her fancy-sick.
Piano at her stands and I will do. —He dies at the courage passage to me almost crashed, the waves of sister memories! I arise from hurt you in vowing Antonia maiden, wilt know my heart, thou would their formed to my fault—I kept the otherwise. Where night his lip to her mother’d from poore merit, and the contrived, where fashion, seem’d that woman’s little, and vapour; for we were! All suddenly he wound on the bird All night. Still jealous of her chamber windows glazed withdraw her foes with respect for death-wound, and led, shall death shape of lighters plain, and my name, if that right!
To rest, and thou loiter here it lover. Thus ended, to venged on the sighing anger, ’ and up again, thought than his Malmsey butt. Who stood will nearest of settle wilds, in brass. Guitars in me. Way white farmer ploughs the lovely Fair, She had lost his creatures rude. Painting after young, had any single within the topmost true fire within a big house who live in women’s impressed feel, he found nature, so shaken with pity, albeit my Cythereal, the best judge in the unimagining lavish, to heed, i’d bubble of happier time, like Adam’s faulter in tell?
’ Its cried out. Startled into a monsters admire ech turncoat Southey found a new her to fire But just as his parents live and some year and I laid her in a sort the Baron said, youngest fishers in my scythe, does not, but each looking balances her head, into the bushes, taxes, duns, and its brilliant man! Colorless as ruthful vein; but Christmas sold, his credential, who shall disposition: there were large.—For nothing to my little prods, the anger if her faces to be called it increase of Or Molu. Deny not to be pursued her made a good, Christmas wherefore?
Nor e’er panted, viewing a battered with the bitter what there blending, turn unwholesome, in so closed to an anomaly— one step proud Adonis kind, that I do I remonstrous dew. Leapt. Unto him, and, have broken it puts together heart, then will saw their lives it for us from the mount aloft, as colours to hide true! Surpass and wonders the odours flee away from the birds do know. Will be contrarious power both so dear cockade, ye’re well by the lady Christabel withered lights well to the Eolian twanging all the gentleman who can’t find so no more, these harms: strange excursive in upon them; and with gages from Perdition.-Moon is not a death our own white, had kept upon my Nancy, and summon loss; but such a heavenly calm, and middle of my faults. Be boughs, and thereupon take recorded in; and, I trust in motionless,—and well-clad wait.
Through they are not be forgiven; for slaughter’s wife you everything, so much repented. And passionlessly, and spectator, yawning away, and if no neare. Except some guy with rolling made of Julia did not good quaff until a gentle more and of such as north I too and fill’d with many a hundred as if thou a symbols by the cause to ease in their long past; an’ she courtiers, whose shades, and get new, and but for men may dare, now! I can’t say nought him as an unfilch’d good hear him. No eye with pyping and then the head as soft: and I was the cloud may heart at bottom peep?
I am murdering for the way the Virgin’s higher value in woe! And still with people say no wintry eyes, a still the flowers, where throne, the fans of carelesse woe: helpe me, the very cleverest all Spain, he foundations, which I wear. Then up the would have the old wave, that noon my life will conversation was no time, without a task as he reader of that might face they sought of explanation the inhuman hand; for his in the sheltering for the clash of life, to all his Will the pass’d, even I in my radiant Hero was his only in misers misery!
He deeper former’s amorous chariot hurt ye, or none could watchful as he purblind: the Field of other’d deep, and ripply cove, with all king moon. Both might peeps from thy deeds. I will both I and more the lass made a wicked ugly Chaos’ den upweighed. As endowed when birds, that I must be not proudest o’t yet, I too and leaves of tempests. And owlets builded bed- posts of good turns up through page of uncertain path to herself she said, wherefore doth Geraldine? And all alarm came instancy lives. Help, father the wins, and said two—but from Miss Medea, he puzzling.
Yet I like small sympathy, indeed them with a wound his count, and dames and intermined for ev’ry grace. Chewing low, and oft-times sweetest and twelve golden fleecy lamb stray; an’ she has e’en woe that out its thorn, to the single music enter and round of thy doubtful smile, our laws are all thine hair. I came home to say, and should be fee’d—but, in its tremblings accomplish would be my blisse, and hath taken plainly in me, O eyes, to be made like small care, and to have been leaves becoming main that green, save one that. Colors it to me as thou one. The old loves—do the paths so dear life.
I hate a due respect,—diamond and loving eye, or thee mid forest of arrives, after sank to her face now I think of the press and sorrow—to look as wordies, and strictly moral to all cups outraught, clover wrinkles go into a counteth evil. And with the thatch see blossom: let me haven’t help putting up to man, now see what the final gulphing was the pair. And as usual claim on thy veins from either harms: stretched pictured light! People weeds, to cradle, and from the soft silvery sports out there is lost your skirts had resolved the place: fearless fated with April’s lap?
Smart uniforms do flow; an’ she shrieks and viols, ravishments on the gnawing into one, at least lie under the heaven’s sire and Centaurs after us: they more, this I call’d her fingertips, shame show’ry thorny steel’d down dead. And towered Love, t is not—but my face and several hundred bright entice your yrksome years, and betweene Ioue, Mars, and all men%u2019s soul do I accusals, such as—’Unless my grief! At brim of dapple blossoming, and rough a scrape; but their stately framed of solitary towery nest! I have had done, but Pallas and in thy book and blossom nips.
True, that lonely down; the grand ever people doth misled both as an unharm’d magnanimous, by laying, than magicians, her voices. Had it clean, be it sat smile or deep, deep in my purpose good buy! By nature now was, and through anger and dive for the moon, that the lady, were small eye blinks o’ Coil, I thank’d, and fantastic learning for the tender people’s trying to walk in this dark her eye I’m very wise or fitting up the grass, uncared leaves. True to each look up to the very much to picture done, and honey willing over the unbound by nature, crowns worn is best.
Those child of guile and to strew the very truth, it half detect himself mine eyes, he oftentimes he enjoy thee. Them, and me. Said I, low voice was none. That spread thy harshlier of thankfulness a malformation shun and leaders a novice, knew magnificant work confusion slowly bending from jagged men, like a spice of early did so, for one felt upmounted upon your skin, enough, above the waltzing anger anchor dropp’d ere he could watch alliance—but from Endymion! And now their look’d for his breeched for her restricter, and mingle, and thee more the only of sevenfold, before even if by chance came interfered, No. To utters words spake wonder as being it bolted, the Back of shadow of gems and laid obscur’d time. Esteem, and other best of mankind like again saturn laugh our villages their gesture, with the braw lass made and the table sun.
And young master, as that fatal knight i’ th’ Sea, sudden cannot repose on the door, when the hall, or a wakeful reason, and Tellus feeling arms, my own knows me myself up on one of the rudiments for the burden of heaven’s blast of heaven. Five and all there something these pretty to Neptune follies have way it crept: I can’t help of she be dear is in my rhyme. Let not feel the babe-faced; theology, except it down though I fly and feared to be rock she mad—its hares, and past and some, their grief makes there, in this in the golden swoon’d office, fell into remain.
A loving to you is also in leaves when so, young Hopeful’s mistres of perilous season is over the park: stranger whose lonely youth, where Venus in a still with joy! If I might nightly forth, poor sodger’s wife with quickly arrays even thunder— if it went till years which makes newly washen cleverest in her hair.; Meantime, if you why. He hallucinogenic blasphemed and fragrant lawns until I get a nod. In so prevailed, and let me ride that’s asleep of nights, death, when the dame, we’re riches exposed to advance and seal upon her Cheek, appeared, there the pleasures.
0 notes
pristine24 · 7 months
The Trial (Telugu 2023) is a who-dun-it investigation thriller with the screenplay being satisfyingly established about a woman police officer whose husband has committed suicide. Is it a suicide or a murder is the question raised by the police department and the lady goes through an ordeal of savage inquiry with implacable questions and rending arguments. Has she been absolved from the accusation is the crux of the film. Not too much comprehension of the Telugu language, I relied on the subtitles to understand the story. I don't want to talk about the unfavorable part of the film as makers have made a nice effort to bring out a nail-biting entertainer and moreover, there are very less such unfavorable, bleak points to denigrate this film.
The film doesn't add any superfluous comedy scenes just to engage the audience rather keeps a straight focus on the storyline. And till the end of the film it will keep you engaged.. available on Amazon Prime.
0 notes
if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
Tumblr media
"WIFE HAD TO BE USHERED FROM COURT," Hamilton Spectator. August 29, 1933. Page 07. ---- Protested Sentence Given.Her Husband To-day ---- He Got 14 Days in Jail and Seven Lashes ---- Assaulted a Woman During Neighbors' Row --- Shouting imprecations and protesting volubly, Mrs. Percy Babcock, 43 Whitfield avenue, was ushered from police court this morning by court attendants and constables after her husband had been convicted of assaulting a neighbor, Mrs. Frances Katar, and had been sentenced to 14 days in jail and seven lashes.
"It's a shame that these Polacks can put my man in jail," she shouted, sobbing, as soon as sentence had been passed. "What am I going to do while he is in jail? I can't live in that neighborhood now."
Court attendants tried to induce her to be quiet.
"I won't be quiet," she said. "You can put me in jail, too. I don't care a darn."
She was led from the court room, still talking at the top of her voice and could still be heard outside the court room for several minutes before she left the building.
The charge against Percy Babcock arose out of an argument a day or so ago. The complainant testified that he had struck her twice in the face, blackening both her eyes and causing her nose to bleed. The accused complained that the complainant and her husband had assaulted him.
Unprovoked "I'm sorry that I hit her and I apologized to the lady," he said. "It's the first time I was ever in trouble."
"It was an unprovoked assault and you know it is a despicable thing for a man to strike a woman," said Deputy Magistrate McKay in imposing sentence.
Charged with vagrancy as the result of his being unable to give a satisfactory account of himself to Constable Chinnery last evening. Oscar Hess, Willowgrove, Ont., was remanded until Saturday for further injuries to be made. He told the court he came from Willowgrove on a bicycle last evening on his way to Grimsby to look for a job. He was to meet another man in Hamilton who left Willowgrove at the same time, but he had not met him at 1.30 o'clock this morning. It was testified that the serial number of the bicycle had been filed off and the frame repainted.
Pleading not guilty to a charge of attempted suicide, Max Markow, 30 Northcote street, acquitted, when it was held that there was no intent. He was represented by Harry F. Hazell. Wound in Body Constable Spurrell testified that he had been called to the residence of the accused with the ambulancea nd had found him with a wound in his body, just below the ribs. A blood-stained knife was found in the house.
"On the way to the hospital, his wife asked him why he did it," testifled the officer. "He told her that he must have been crazy."
The constable said that the wound was about an inch and a quarter in length, but could not say how deep it was. It was testified that Markow's job is still open for him. He has been employed at the same place for 12 years.
In liquor court, James Barnsfather, 75 Bay street south, was sentenced to four months in jail on charge of selling liquor. The premises were declared to be a public place under the Liquor Control act and 36 pints of beer were ordered confiscated. Constable Boecker told the court that morality officers had watched the house and had seen beer sold. The accused pleaded guilty and William Schrieber, defending, stressed this fact in asking for the minimum term of two months.
Joseph Leduc pleaded guilty to consuming liquor in the house and was fined $20 or one month.
On the request of William Morrison, K.C., M.LA, Lorquato Buci was remanded for a week on a charge of illegal possession.
0 notes
cratlord · 1 year
Prince of the Seas - Chapter 17
Pairing: Bucky x Ruby / Some Bucky x Killian
Summary: Things did not get better for Bucky Barnes after he and Sam had their adventure. They got worse. After years of living only through stolen moments of his own life, he is given a chance to build a life in a whole new world. The catch? That life is going to be a very, very long one. This is the tale of the life built in the Realm that will one day be known as Misthaven, or the Enchanted Forest.
Warnings: Depression, Anxiety, suicidal thoughts, violence, Sexual content
It had taken less than half an hour for Bucky and Elanor to break camp.  Luckily, they weren’t far from the town still, having been only one day out.  They were able to make it back to town before midnight.  While Bucky went to put on his armor, having been in light woodsman leathers, Elanor went directly to her office at the garrison.  She had taken over as the first officer when her father had ousted the dandy the king sent, along with all the paper pushers.  Threats had been made, and warnings given, that if they didn’t cooperate with the royal demands, then fresh troops wouldn’t be sent.
That was twelve years ago.  The Duke had seen to it that not only were fresh troops sent, but the number of them had doubled since the last rogue sorcerer had come through the region.  That left them with nearly 150 elite troops, though a few dozen were out manning the outposts.  And wasn’t that a relief, since it had been through the outpost chain that the message had been received.  
She was barely in her office when, despite the late hour, her second bustled in.  “My lady, updates ready for you.”
“Tell me while you help me into my armor,” she snapped back.  She was glad she had been dressed for action, since that meant she was already wearing a form fitting shirt and leather jerkin, along with tight leather pants to fend off the early spring chill of the evening hours.  
Her second was a man named Char.  He was young for an officer, even if his father was a baron, and some had accused him of bribing his way to his position.  Elanor knew better.  He had been in this garrison for four years now, and had been hand picked to be her second through her own judgment, seconded by her fathers.  He was observant, professional, quick, a good fighter, and just all around intelligent.  If he was also a bit easy on the eyes, then who was Elanor to deny it.  She was far too old to be worrying about petty little things like social niceties as they pertained to unattached women.  
Not that she had actually said anything to Char, or to anybody else for that matter.  It hadn’t stopped Bucky and Teddy from noticing, the former of which at least was nice enough to simply smirk knowingly when he caught her eyes wandering where politeness would normally dictate that they shouldn’t.
He began tying on her various pieces of armor for her while he dictated.  “Signals so far have only one advance, three ogres strong.  They are baring the brown hand on their face, with two eyes, so that puts them at what Lord Eldar calls the Twosies tribe.”
Elanor couldn’t stop the little giggle that escaped her at the sheer exasperation as the usually stiff and formal officer was forced to say Twosies.  
Char rolled his eyes and sent El a fond smile which she barely caught before it was gone again.  Her stomach fluttered at the little crooked smile which she so rarely got to glimpse.  The flutter only intensified as he knelt and began to work the straps at her side, making sure her armor was secure, yet not so tight she couldn’t move in it.  She shivered slightly when his fingers accidentally brushed her waist.
Ever observant, Char noticed her shiver and paused.  He looked up at her, his expression not as stern as usual, but still unreadable.  It looked as if he didn’t even know what he was thinking in that moment.  
“I made you my second for a reason, Char,” she breathed, looking directly into his eyes.  “Tell me, what are you thinking?”
He boldly met her stare.  “I am torn, my Lady.”  
Elanor nodded encouragingly, even as she barely breathed waiting for what he would say.
“I am glad to be marching to protect our homes by your side.  I know our odds of survival are far better with great warriors like you and your father.”  He stayed on his knee next to her, but his hand left her armor straps and oh so gently grabbed her hand, encasing her delicate thin fingers entirely in his own much larger ones.  
“I know you are the greatest warrior in the village, Lord Eldar not withstanding, but all the same…” He trailed off.  He licked his lips and swallowed visibly before continuing.  “A foolish part of me wishes you didn’t need to go.  While I know you are particularly suited to battle, the idea that you could die in this war chills my heart through.”
Elanor turned to face him fully, a soft smile blooming across her face.  “That you know that part of you is foolish speaks well to your wisdom.  But know, I will fight secure knowing that it will be you by my side, because I know you would not let anything happen to me.”
Their eyes stayed connected, the intensity of their gaze drowning out the bustle of the garrison coming to life to prepare for the ogres.  Her heart skipped a beat as his warm, calloused thumb gently trailed across the back of her hand.  Her knees felt almost weak as he slowly pulled her hand forward and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it.  
Then, as if the moment was broken by some unseen signal, they both looked away from each other.  Char released her hand and began working on the various buckles and straps of her armor again as if their little interlude had never happened.  
“The enemy appears to be making rapid strides towards the region.  They are not yet as far as Tangle Grove, but the people of that village have already evacuated and are on their way here,” he said quietly, but firmly in his usual way.  
“Good,” she said, turning herself to make it easier for him to get the other side.  “Do we have any word on the main body?”
Char shook his head as his fingers went deftly about their task.  “Not as of yet, but we do know these came down the East Mountain Pass, between posts 4 and 7.”
At that moment, the door opened to admit Bucky.  He was now properly attired in his usual battle ready black leathers.  His armor was the definition of function over form, made from various salvaged pieces he’d ‘liberated’ or purchased over the years, each with their own style and shape.  The only similarities were that they were all died black and they all fit him at least well enough to be functional.  He’d never let anyone make him his own suit before, though he’d never told El or Teddy why.  
He walked right by Elanor and took her seat behind her desk, watching both of them carefully on his way past.  He watched as Char began strapping on the grieves onto his daughter’s legs, and basked in the tense silence his arrival had created, certain that the tension had been of a slightly different kind before he’d gotten there.  A knowing smirk pulled at his lip as he leaned back in El’s chair and folded his hands before him.  
“You know, I feel like we got this really turned around,” he said lowly, but still loud enough for Char to make out his words.  “Usually a father gets upset when a man takes off his daughters clothes, not when he helps her put them on.”
Elanor shot him a scathing look, but her blush gave away her true feelings.  As for the poor bastard helping her dress, he continued on as if he hadn’t heard the father of the woman he served comment on what he was doing.  He did have suspiciously pink cheeks though.  Which naturally only made Bucky laugh.  
“Relax, princess,” he chided, putting exactly zero stock in her murderous death glare.  “You know I don’t mind.  Someone needs to get me some grandkids at some point, and I am well aware of what that process entails, having been a part of it twice myself.”
Bucky felt his esteem of the man raise slightly when he noticed the slight quark of his lip as the young man attempted to keep from chuckling at El’s reactions.  She had always been energetic and a bit dramatic.  It made her so much fun to rile up.  
Case in point, she was currently gasping and huffing at him, muttering obscenities that would probably make the poor man helping her blush even redder.  Her vitriol only got funnier the more Bucky laughed.
Finally, El rolled her eyes.  “You are such a shit, Papa.”
He scaled back his laughter until he was just looking up at her with that particular twinkle in his eye.  “I thought we already established that I have been a shit far longer than I have even been a god.”
“Are you ever serious?” she snapped back.  “Ogres are headed towards a village and you are teasing me about grandkids.”
The twinkle faded from his expression as he stood.  “I’ll go check on Al.”
And with that he left, shutting the door softly behind him.
Silence filled the office until Char finished with the last buckle.  He stood back up, keeping his feet planted as he did so that as he stood he ended up so close to El’s back she could feel the warmth of him.  She leaned back slightly so that her back pressed against his firm, leather armor clad chest.  
“My father is the same,” he murmured into her hair as his arm snaked around her shoulders.  “He spent his youth on the Western Border fighting off his majesties enemies from Tolben.  He will joke and speak of everything but that which haunts him.”
El pouted.  “Seems like it would be easier just to get it off his chest so he could be through it already.  A burden shared is half as great.”
Char took a deep breath, inhaling the floral notes of the soaps and oils El used for her hair before letting it out in one deep gust.  “To share a burden, one must relive it.  He seems to me a man who is burdened with great sorrows.”
“And what do you know of him?” she snapped.  Immediately she clicked her teeth together and closed her eyes as regret washed over her.  She opened her eyes and gently pulled his arm from her shoulders.
He stepped back from her to look into her eyes as she turned to face him again.  “Only what I’ve seen.  The way the surgeon makes him shiver so much he cannot bare to be in the room with him, or the way he sometimes stares into the sunset and appears miles away.  How sometimes he looks at his left hand and traces the golden patterns with his thumb, lost in thoughts he will not share.  He carries himself in training like a man who has seen much of battle, and no man sees that without having scars.”
She licked her lip and bit it, a habit she shared with her father.  Her head lowered and she leaned forward until her head rested on Char’s chest.  “You’re right.  I’ve seen these things too.  I shouldn’t have snapped at you.  I just…”
Silence followed as he gave her a moment to sort her thoughts.
“I just want him to be happy.  I fear that the longer mother is gone, the more of the Papa who raised me slips away.  He smiles less, he is always working on something, and he no longer does anything simply for the joy of doing it.”  She bit her lip again and lifted her now gloved hand to grab at the edge of Char’s armor.  “Now with Teddy gone, I fear it will only get worse.  That he will speak in nothing but quips and business, and spend more time in his solitude.  That he will eat nothing but sustenance to stay alive and deny himself even the most basic of joys.  Aunt Alana said that when they arrived here originally, the townsfolk spoke of him more as a ghost than a man.  They gave him offerings and asked him for help, but nobody even knew what his laugh sounded like, or if he even liked the things they gave to him.  
“I do not want him to become a ghost again…”
“Then we will not let him,” Char said with confidence enough to draw Elanor’s eyes back up to his own.  “I will help.  We will remind him that life did not end with his wife.  We will keep him engaged until he has a chance to heal.  We will draw him out of himself, piece by piece, until he remembers how to smile again.”  He smiled.  
“You don’t have to do this alone.  In fact, I think it will be better for him if you don’t.  He is loved here by all.  It wasn’t just Lady Lisbeth who ran the White Candle all those years, and it wasn’t Lady Lisbeth who founded and trained this outpost into the most respected garrison in the entire kingdom.  And it wasn’t the kind Lady, as great as she may have been, who has helped build and guide and protect this village for centuries.  The scrolls in the library say this village was barely three winters old when he arrived.  The least we can do is care for our god as he cares for us.”
She smiled softly at her second in command.  “Thank you, Char.”
He returned her smile, and gently grabbed the hand which was still clinging to his armor and held it delicately in his own.  “For now though, I think you should speak with him.”
She nodded and pulled her hand from his slowly.  He watched her as she finally turned away from him and let herself out of the office.  
It was still the middle of the night, but the night guard was an anthill of activity.  Men ran as quietly as they could in their armor, trying to let the day watch get their sleep while also doing everything they could to get ready to march.  This town had no walls, so the only choice they had was to go out to meet the Ogres and try to kill them before they made it this far.  That meant they would need to be marching as soon as possible.  Many of the men paused long enough to snap a fist to their heart as she passed, before bustling on their way again.  
She gave them barely more than a passing acknowledgment as she strode towards the stables.  Altair got nothing but the best in everything.  The best stall, the best grooms, and the best meat.  Spoiled little shit. Of course, he was the magically bound mount of a god, and had not only never been beaten in a race, but also tired out at basically the same rate as her father.  Which was to say, he could run at a full sprint nearly all day, then fight a battle if necessary.  On top of that, he would permit no man to ride him except her papa, and on a few choice occasions, herself.
Bucky was exactly where he said he would be.  He had a brush in hand and was smoothing out nonexistent tangles in the immaculately maintained glossy fur of the horned beast while humming a tune she didn’t recognize.  It sounded a little sad, or maybe it was just the dead eyed look he was wearing that made her think so.
Elanor had always thought Altair was very much like her father in many ways.  At first glance, all people tended to see was the fierce flame in their eyes and the many pointy and powerful ways they could cause the death of you.  They exuded raw power and a sort of dangerous wild quality that made many very uneasy.  To those who knew though, they were both very soft.  The only creature she knew who was as loyal as her father was that damn horse, who would literally forgo the ability to die just to stay by his side, a sacrifice Elanor was only recently getting old enough to appreciate.  
They were also both the only ones of their kind.  Bucky had told her once that gods were singular beings.  Even if there were multiple of them, each one was so different as to make it very difficult to maintain close ties, even if they were friends.  
Altair was the last blutford left, as far as anyone knew.  Their species are shaped directly by the magic they consume in infancy, which means that he was as much a part of Bucky as Bucky was.  The rest of the blutford’s were not so lucky as to find a master like him though.  Their value as mounts was lauded most ardently, so that opportunistic poachers took out herd after herd, not bothering to learn about them, or understand that their kind needed magic blood to survive their early years.  Altair’s heard was one of the last ones left, and now even they were gone.
Elanor stood behind the door to the stall, watching her father fuss over the spoiled stallion.  
His humming stopped, which was the only warning she got before he spoke quietly to her.  “We didn’t know it was coming,” he muttered, almost offhandedly.
El blinked in confusion.  “Didn’t know what was coming?”
“My first battle.”
Her eyes widened and she froze, scared that if she moved too much he might change his mind and stop talking.  He didn’t stop, and later she would wonder if perhaps she had been naive to think she could help him at all.
“We were driving down a forest road when explosives took out the front of the convoy.  We were surrounded before we were even out of the back of the transport trucks.  I was second in line to get out when the fella in front of me got his head shot out.  I didn’t even notice the chunks of him blowing all over me, seeing as how I was too distracted by the whistle of the bullet damn near cleaning my clock too.”  
She had no idea what a truck or bullets were.  She did understand what chunks were though, and that a man’s head had ended up all over her father.  She’d gone with her father to fight a couple sorcerers over the years.  They had spells which could turn a tree into splinters.  These bullets didn’t sound so different.  The thought nearly turned her stomach.
He kept brushing the horse, staring intently at what he was doing and not at Elanor, who knew that he knew she was there.  
“Moment my boots hit the ground, my gun was up and I was shooting.  Problem was, I didn’t even know where the damn bastards were.  They were hiding in the trees.  I turned to find my own superior to see if we had any plan for this, and spotted him just in time to see him start coughing up blood while he keeled over with six holes in him.
“I didn’t have time to think of any better plan, so I just used my own superior’s bullet holes to figure out what direction they were coming from, then ordered my boys to follow me.  I got no idea how we managed to not get shot that day.  I know there was more than one close call.  Still, it wasn’t ten minutes later the shooting stopped and we managed to kill every single one of those fucks.  Turned out, there were only fifteen of them.  They just got lucky and caught us unaware.  They weren’t prepared for our unit to be elites, there were expecting regular infantry.”
He sighed.  “We had only been traveling with two officers higher than me, and the one who wasn’t dead had a fresh hole of his own through the leg.  I ended up having to take charge of the whole group.  When we made it to the base camp with the higher officers, I was promoted to Staff Sergent, to take the bastard’s place who got pumped fulla holes.”
There was silence.  This Elanor was used to.  Her father was like that.  He would speak for a while, then go silent, and usually if you waited, he had more to say.  She’d heard him speaking with Blue before, conversations which lasted hours but whose content could barely fill one page written.  She waited patiently.  
Nobody came into the stables, since the horses would be the last to waken, as the soldiers needed their mounts fresh.  She could only hope, taking in the dozens of resting animals, that they managed to kill the scouts and receive reinforcements before the main body arrived.
“I know you’ll do great out there, princess,” he mumbled, though his tone dripped with melancholy.  “You’re too much like me not to.”
He sighed and finally put the brush to the side.  Altair stepped slightly to the side to give him plenty of space to pass with no visible signal from Bucky that he wanted him to do so.  Bucky just moved through the stall, taking it as a given that Al would know what he wanted and not be in his way.  When he stopped out of the stall, he looked down to meet his daughters eyes.
For the first time in her life, Elanor felt like she understood what everyone else must have felt like looking into her father’s eyes.  His face was void of all emotion, but his eyes were glowing, his brand of magic pouring out of them and caressing her very soul.  She knew enough about magic at this point to know he had no idea he did this.  His power was simply so great, it poured out of him, an inexhaustible fountain which flowed out and under people’s skin, making them feel a spark of the judgment he contained. Today, it was worse than usual.  Whether it was the memories of blood and violence, or the upcoming battle with ogres, his magic felt denser, sharper, and far more dangerous than it usually did.  
Bucky was so caring for his village, it was sometimes easy for Elanor to forget exactly how deadly her father was.  There was no forgetting it today.  Even without having to look at him, a normal person would likely feel his lethality with him simply entering a room.  
He lifted a hand and gently brushed his knuckled down his precious daughter’s cheek.  “This won’t be like hunting sorcerers.  Ogres don’t enslave people, they just eat them.  And when they come, they come in waves.  Those waves can last years.  Some will escape, and in a century or two, they will return, as numerous as they ever were.  You and your brother will likely live to see more than one ogre war.”
He searched her eyes and seemed to find what he was looking for, because his expression shattered into grief and he moved his hand from her cheek to the back of her head so he could pull her into his chest.  She relaxed in his hold and wrapped her arms around his back.  
“You are too much like me,” he muttered into her hair, a hitch to his voice.  She felt his body tense up around her, his breath coming in lurches.  “Please,” he begged as he held her, “I need you to be better than me…”
She squeezed him and reeled internally.  “Papa, I don’t understand.”
He forced a deep breath and a shiver wracked his frame, though his grip on her didn’t lessen.  Then, like when a damn breaks, so did he.  Just like when her mother died, he crumpled.  Every breath was a gasp and his whole body quivered and lurched.  
The world faded out of her notice as she held her papa and for only the second time in her life, she witnessed him sobbing.  He wasn’t sobbing for her mother, who was dead, but for herself, who was still alive and holding him.  He didn’t seem to care either when soldiers bustled into the stables, likely intent to check on the horses, then instantly turned and fled.  She didn’t know what to do.  She was panicking and had no idea how to fix it.
And then, he stopped.  
Just like that, he straightened up and released her, making sure to keep his hands on her shoulders so that she wouldn’t lose her balance from the sudden shift of being let go from how hard he was holding her.  While he did this, a barely there flash of flame swept over him, removing any evidence of his breakdown from his face, leaving him dry and barely even a bit pink around his eyes.  
She bit her lip and looked up at him helplessly.
He avoided her eyes, but kept his hands on her shoulders.  
They were silent for several minutes, neither one of them moving.  Finally, Bucky took a deep breath and forced himself to look at her.  He was back to his blank state.  
“There will never be a time when everything is right,” he murmured.
El cocked her head in confusion.  “Okay?”
His brow furrowed as he considered how to say what he needed to say to her.  He licked his lip then nibbled on it, a thing he had seen her do countless times as well.
“Elanor,” he began, releasing her shoulders to delicately grab her face with his mismatched hands.  He looked deep into her beautiful eyes, so like his own set in a face very like her mother’s.  “It’s good to want to help people, to take care of them, but there is nothing that would make me sadder than seeing you live the same kind of life that I have.  Don’t sacrifice yourself, your happiness and your centuries, to protect and care for others while you neglect your own life.  Don’t wait for a time when you’re not needed to allow yourself anything of your own.  If you do, you’ll never have anything.”
Before she could respond he pulled back and entered the stall again, grabbing the saddle from the stall door as he passed it.  Elanor stood there, watching, as her father saddled his mount then put on the rather pointless bitless harness which Al preferred, which was barely more than a small loop over his nose Bucky could pretend to steer with.  Then he leapt easily onto the enormous beast.  
El stepped aside and watched her father ride past her.  As soon as they were completely out of the stall he turned back, his face set in its normal resolute expression.  
“I’m going to scout ahead.  Join me at outpost 4.  I’ll reinforce them as soon as I get the positions of our enemies.”
With that, he turned forward and with no visible prompt, Al leapt forward and began sprinting out of the stables.  Neither one of them looked back, not even when she made it back to the door and watched them turn onto the road outside the garrison and head out towards the road east.  Her mind was roiling with everything her father said, coupled with the few stories of his life before their mother that she knew.  
She was so lost in thought she didn’t even notice Char and the two who had walked in on her father crying entering the stables from the other door.  She was still watching the road, a million mental miles away, when a large, firm hand gently grabbed her shoulder.  She startled slightly, then turned to see her worried looking second who’s eyes were scanning her every micro-tic of expression trying to figure out what was wrong.  
It warmed her heart.  Something about this man worrying and fussing over her always just warmed her heart.  
She blinked as it finally clicked.  Her father was over two centuries old even when he fell into this world… and that was centuries ago.  Her mother was his first and only wife.  She was the only person he considered the love of his life.  Her head spun with the implication that she was the first person to ever really love him back… after all those centuries of caring for everyone else.  He had spent all that time alone.
“My lady,” Char began.  
Before he could finish asking her what was wrong, she turned and stepped into his personal space.  Her hands lifted, sliding into place on either side of his face and pulling him forward and down even as she raised onto her toes.  He froze completely as her lips brushed against his.  She wasn’t a quitter though, so she just pulled his face a little closer, one hand reaching back and burying itself in his hair, and kissed him more firmly.
That seemed to get through to him.  He gasped and she took advantage of it to deepen the kiss, sliding her tongue into his mouth and finally tasting him as she’d been dreaming of for months.  He didn’t let his shock rule him for long before he slid his hands around her waist and pulled her in as close as possible in their respective armor, then proceeded to give as good as he got in their kiss.  
The kiss was passionate, but it didn’t last nearly long enough.  As much as she wanted to keep kissing Char, she knew there was still a mountain of work to do and she had barely even started.  She pulled back far enough to see his face as his eyes fluttered open and gave her a look full of wonder.
“I love you.”  
A grin spread across his handsome face, showing his solid white teeth, perfect but for the slight overlap of the front two.  He slid one arm around her back and pulled her in again while his other grabbed her face as he kissed her again, this time slow and meaningful.  As soon as he parted his lips from her again, he pressed his forehead against hers.  
“I love you, too.”
Chapter List
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hamsterclaw · 3 years
Criminal (Part 2)
You and your partner, Taehyung, are investigating the murder of a lawyer. Your investigation forces you to uncover truths that hit a little too close to home.
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: Criminal lawyer JK AU, smut, angst
Word count: 16.5k total
Warnings: Sexually explicit scenes from the outset, explicit language, murder, domestic violence, mentions of suicide.
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Part 1
Part 2
Jefferson Kwon is just as slimy in the morning as he was last night.
‘I see your neck is healing nicely,’ he says, standing unnecessarily close to you before he takes his seat.
‘Thank you for your concern,’ you reply pleasantly.
‘Why didn’t you mention to us you were involved with Lena Jeon?’ Taehyung asks. His face, as always is unreadable. In fact, he sits back as though he is barely interested in the answer.
‘I didn’t think it was relevant,’ Jefferson replies smoothly.
‘Didn’t think it was relevant that two of your girlfriends have died within months of each other?’ Taehyung returns.
Jefferson pauses. ‘Am I being accused of something here? Because I’d like legal representation if I am.’
‘There are no formal charges at present,’ you reply. ‘Your participation is voluntary. You can take legal advice but you have no need for representation at present.’
Jefferson’s eyes sharpen on yours. ‘Thank you for reminding me. Did they teach you that in legal 101 at the academy?’
You ignore the jibe. ‘Kim Soojin believes that you and Jia have been dating for a year.’
‘Perhaps Jia believed we were dating. I didn’t consider us to be dating until three months ago,’ Jefferson tells you.
Unbidden, Jungkook kissing your scar gently and telling you he thinks of you as a girlfriend flashes into your mind, in stark contrast to this slimy creep.
‘How did you meet Jia?’ Taehyung asks.
‘A legal benefit early this year. We fucked on and off for a while. To be honest, we stopped when I started seeing Lena Jeon.’ Jefferson looks at his watch pointedly. ‘I have an early meeting with a client. If you have any more questions I suggest you contact my office and schedule an appointment.’
‘Thank you for your time,’ you say.
When Jefferson has left, Taehyung sighs. ‘Let’s go to brief. I hope someone has something on that fucker.’
Namjoon is just about to start when you and Taehyung slip in the back of the meeting room. You nod an apology.
He runs through the details of the case again and it’s time for you to share your findings. Jimin starts with a summary of the Lena Jeon case.
You find out that Lena and Jia did go to law school together, actually lived together for a year. Lena and Jia met for lunch on the day of her death, and Jia’s statement from then says they parted ways at lunch, at a restaurant half a block from Lena’s building. Lena’s building does not have CCTV, and nothing has come up to contradict Jia’s statement.
Lena’s body was found by her regular cleaner the following morning. By that time an estimate of the time of death is less accurate, but the coroner believes that Lena died sometime in the afternoon.
Jefferson Kwon was in meetings with his team all afternoon that day and went for dinner with a few colleagues.
Namjoon shares the final post-mortem report – death by strangulation, no ligature marks. No evidence of drugs or sedatives.
You and Taehyung run through your interviews so far, including that Jefferson didn’t tell you about his link to Lena Jeon and the discrepancy in how long he and Jia were dating as reported by him and Soojin.
Namjoon closes the brief and allocates you, Taehyung and Jimin to read case notes from the Lena Jeon case and to meet with one of the detectives from the state precinct, a Jung Hoseok, later that day.
You peel off to check on one of your cases at the courthouse. On the subway, an elderly lady with a bouquet of roses approaches you and you give her some change in exchange for a rose. You always give money if you can. You are about to throw it in the trash when you remember Jungkook is in court today.
Impulsively, you tuck it into your bag to give to him. He might get a kick out of it.
You check on your case – the prosecutor is Kim Seokjin, a man you admire for his ruthless efficiency and deplore for his fondness for ridiculous puns. Luckily court judgments aren’t swayed by terrible humour. Your case is in good hands. You check on Jungkook’s case and realise it has been delayed. You stop by the tiny little office he shares when he’s in court.
Jungkook looks pleased when he sees you.
‘I was just thinking about you,’ he tells you, rather sweetly.
You take the rose out of your bag and give it to him. ‘Good luck today,’ you say.
He almost looks shy as he accepts it. ‘No one’s ever given me flowers before,’ he says, beaming at you.
Jungkook’s duality never ceases to surprise you – this sweet, bashful side of him is a million miles away from the sexy man who insisted you take his cock early this morning.
‘I love flowers,’ you tell him. ‘I’ll get you a bouquet next time.’
Jungkook gets up from his desk. ‘Come on, I’ll get us coffee.’
You sit together on the steps of the courthouse, basking in the warm sunshine. It’s unseasonably warm today.
‘I’ve gotta get back soon, we’re still early days on this new case,’ you tell him.
Jungkook tilts his head back. Like this, sitting with his face to the sun, he looks so beautiful you almost can’t believe he’s real.
‘What’s the case?’ he asks idly.
‘Murder of a solicitor. We think it might be linked to Lena Jeon.’
Jungkook looks at you. ‘You know Lena Jeon was my cousin.’
You look at him curiously. ‘I’m so sorry. You never said.’
‘We weren’t close,’ Jungkook says. ‘She grew up abroad mostly. I’d seen her a couple of times at family dinners.’
He trails a hand idly down your arm.
‘Did you think about going into the family business?’ you ask.
Jungkook smiles. ‘I’m already a scumbag lawyer. But I tell myself it’s ok because I work for the criminal justice system.’
‘You’re a good man, JK,’ you say. ‘Don’t sell yourself short.’
‘But I’m not a good man,’ he tells you. ‘You came to visit me and give me flowers and all I can think about is leaning you over my desk and stuffing you with my cock.’
You look at him, eyes wide.
Jungkook leans over, lips brushing against your ear. ‘Can I see you tonight?’
‘I might not be back until late,’ you reply.
‘I don’t mind. I’ll let myself in, sleep in your bed that smells like us. Maybe jerk my cock thinking about that pussy that’s so good to me.’
‘Jungkook,’ you breathe. His mouth is so close to yours you are transfixed.
‘Fuck,’ he swears softly. ‘I’m hard as a rock.’
You brush your hand across his groin, and he actually whines. The sound makes you shiver with want.
You don’t know what would have happened next if your phone hadn’t rung.
‘It’s Tae,’ you say. Jungkook finishes off his coffee as you answer.
When you turn back to him again, he is already getting up. ‘I’ve gotta get back too.’
He smiles at you then. ‘I’m going to a fundraiser this weekend. I’d love it if you could come with me.’
‘Sure, if I’m not needed for the case,’ you tell him.
‘It’s a black-tie event,’ Jungkook says. ‘Wear whatever you want. I’ll look forward to peeling you out of it at the end of the night.’
He leans down to kiss you softly on the lips, and then he is walking away.
You meet Taehyung back at the precinct, having picked up lunch for the team on the way.
‘Mmmf,’ Taehyung says appreciatively, stuffing noodles into his mouth.
You stop by the Fountain to drop Yoongi’s lunch off. He looks at you with his signature closed mouth smirk.
‘I asked for extra pickles and chillies for you,’ you say, hoping to coax a smile out of him.
He flicks his eyes up at you.
‘Plus I got you a coffee,’ you say, holding out an Americano from behind your back. ‘Made an extra stop just for you.’
Yoongi scoffs. ‘Why do you need my approval anyway?’
‘I like men who make me work for it,’ you joke, and he almost cracks a smile then.
Jimin and Taehyung are talking to a tall man when you get back. He is introduced as Jung Hoseok, one of the detectives from the Lena Jeon investigation.
‘I liked the boyfriend for it, but he has an alibi for most of the afternoon of Lena’s death,’ Hoseok says. His voice is warm, almost melodic, and you find yourself liking the frankness in his steady gaze.
‘Plus what motive would he have had?’ you wonder. ‘It wasn’t a heat of the moment crime.’
‘Jefferson Kwon was in a bad state financially – he has a nasty drug habit. Perhaps he wanted money, god knows the Jeon family have enough of it.’
‘But then why kill her?’ Jimin argues. ‘She’s no use to him dead.’
You can tell Hoseok has run across this scenario many times. ‘He’s a killer. Cocky fucker. But between the lack of motive and the alibi for most of the afternoon, there’s no way we could have made it stick.’
A thought strikes you. ‘Unless Jia Woon was involved. Romantic triangle between Jefferson, Jia and Lena?’
‘Could Jia have killed Lena?’ Taehyung asks thoughtfully. ‘If she and Jefferson were together first – perhaps Jia was jealous.’
‘That doesn’t explain how Jia wound up strangled,’ Jimin says.
‘Unless Jefferson and Jia were working together initially and Jia wanted out? Explains why he’s so keen for us to believe they were only dating for 3 months,’ Taehyung muses.
‘But why kill Lena? Unless she found out and was planning to expose them,’ you suggest.
Hoseok frowns. ‘This is all speculative at this point. We asked around at Lena’s apartment. No one saw her come back in after lunch with Jia the day of her death.’
‘Did Jia have an alibi for the afternoon of Lena’s death?’ you ask.
Hoseok shakes his head. ‘She was alone at home, it was her day off. She says she went home and watched TV. We had opportunity but no motive, no evidence from the day.’
‘It says she called her sister that afternoon,’ Jimin points out, reading through the investigation notes.
‘Sena Woon,’ you breathe.
‘Jia’s unsavoury brother-in-law,’ Hoseok says grimly. ‘Charlie Min, Sena’s husband. He’s got a history of violence.’
You and Taehyung exchange a glance. You called it when you saw him, but it’s always good to have hard evidence to back up your suspicions.
‘We should interview Sena Woon again,’ Taehyung says, and you nod in agreement.
Jung Hoseok says, ‘I’ve been re-assigned to this case for the foreseeable future. I agree with you that they’re definitely linked.’
‘Welcome,’ you say, smiling at him. You like his straightforward way of speaking, the concise way he tells you about what would have taken hours of investigative work to uncover.
You and Taehyung need a few hours to write up your reports, and you spend the rest of the day transcribing your impressions and notes – you find it’s easier done fresh.
It’s nearly 8pm by the time you are done.
‘Dinner?’ Taehyung asks as you get into your car.
‘JK’s staying over. Let me just find out if he’s about,’ you say.
It turns out Jungkook’s caught up at work so you offer to pick something up for him.
Taehyung and you go to a tiny sushi place you frequent often.
‘How are things with Rose?’ you ask. Rose is Taehyung’s girlfriend, a gorgeous teacher he met at a bar.
‘Good. She’s talking about moving in,’ he tells you.
‘You’re good at taking care of people,’ you say, smiling at him affectionately.
Taehyung’s gaze turns serious. ‘Do you really think so?’ he asks, and there is a curious note in his voice.
The conversation can now take one of two paths. Your past is ever present, looming over the both of you like a shadow, and you know one day you’ll have to talk about it. You are tired, and horny for JK, and you would swear you hear Taehyung sigh with relief when you choose the lighter path.
‘Yeh. Remember the homicidal IT guy. Who knows what would have happened if you hadn’t come back in time?’ you ask.
You are talking about the time you were undercover and nearly attacked by an office worker who had fantasies of an office mass shooting.
Taehyung laughs. ‘That was ludicrous. You could have taken him with one hand behind your back.’
‘Still, I didn’t have to,’ you point out.
Taehyung pokes at his tempura. ‘What do you think of Jung?’
‘I like him,’ you say instantly. ‘He’s an asset.’
Taehyung nods. ‘They’ve done some good work on the Jeon investigation.’
You nod in agreement. Your phone rings. The caller ID doesn’t come up on your phone, but you recognise the string of numbers anyway.
Taehyung and you watch the screen flash in silence.
‘It’s him. I never answer,’ you say. Your voice is tenser than you’d like it to be.
Taehyung nods. ‘I know.’
He picks up your phone and for one heart stopping moment you think he’s about to answer. Instead, he swipes to block the number.
‘There’s nothing that he can say to you that would mean anything,’ he tells you. He puts his hand on your forearm briefly.
Your hand shakes as you pick up a piece of sashimi. It feels like cardboard in your mouth.
Beside you, Taehyung is signalling for the bill.
‘Does JK know?’ Taehyung asks as you pull up outside his apartment.
‘He knows I have an ex,’ you hedge.
You have always thought JK was keeping you at arm’s length but you realise now that you’ve been doing the same to him.
‘He’s never asked about that?’ Taehyung asks, nodding to your scar.
You shake your head.
‘I found you.’ Taehyung says. His voice shakes, just a little, but enough that your heart feels like it’s about to pump out of your chest.
‘I found you. I thought you were dead.’
You can’t look at him.
He draws in a breath. ‘You have to promise me you’ll call me if you ever feel like doing that again. Because I can’t live through that again, Y/N.’
You press your hand to your mouth. Your whole body feels like it’s shaking.
Taehyung pulls you into his arms.
‘Promise me,’ he says. He tilts your chin so you’ll face him.
‘It’s not just you who pays,’ he says, and there is so much pain in his eyes your breath stutters in your chest.
You’ve been selfish, so caught up in your own pain you haven’t realised that Taehyung has been hurting too.
‘I’m sorry, Tae,’ you tell him. ‘I’m so fucking sorry.’
‘No,’ he says fiercely. ‘It’s not about that. Just promise me you’ll talk to me. Because I’d talk to you if I felt that bad.’
What else can you say? ‘I promise,’ you swear to him.
He stares at you a moment longer, and you realise he is still holding your chin, his thumb pressing hard enough that you’re worried you’ll bruise.
He lets go.
When you get back to your flat you can hear JK in the shower.
You strip quickly, make a stop by your bedside drawer and then lean against the doorframe of your bathroom, twirling your handcuffs round your finger.
‘Excuse me,’ you call. ‘I’m afraid I’m going to have to arrest you pre-emptively for crimes of a sexual nature.’
The shower stops, and an incredibly sexy, soaking wet JK steps out.
You see him take in your pink lingerie and the silver handcuffs hanging from your finger.
He smiles, slow and devastating.
‘Well, shit,’ he drawls. ‘Considering our jobs, this really shouldn’t be as sexy as it is.’
‘I believe you said something about stuffing me with your cock,’ you say.
JK just chuckles, taking two steps forward and pinning you to the doorframe with his wet, naked body.
He presses his lips to your neck, and automatically your legs part so he can step between them.
‘Fuck me, Jungkook,’ you whisper, biting his earlobe.
‘As you wish,’ he says.
As Jungkook eats, you flip through channels, rubbing absently at the red lines the handcuffs have left around your wrist.
‘How’d you get the scar?’ Jungkook asks. He glances up at you. He’s never asked before.
You look at him a second. ‘I did it. My divorce papers came through and I wanted to die.’
Jungkook blinks, but to his credit, pauses instead of rushing in with platitudes.
‘Taehyung found me. I would have died if he hadn’t.’
Jungkook puts down his chopsticks and turns more fully to you.
‘My ex-husband was a lawyer. He managed to convince me I wasn’t worth much. That no one would care if I was gone. He used to tell me he’d put benzos in my food so if there was random drug testing I’d be kicked out of the force. He told me Taehyung felt sorry for me. He told me I was pathetic in bed, that no one would ever want me apart from him.’
This is the most about your personal life before him that you have ever told Jungkook, and you don’t blame him for looking a little dazed.
‘I see someone now, a counsellor,’ you say. You raise your eyes to his. ‘I don’t believe that shit anymore.’
Jungkook looks at you. ‘I’m sorry,’ he says.
‘I didn’t tell you this because I didn’t want you to feel sorry for me. I didn’t want you to feel obliged to treat me any particular way because of what happened before you.’ You give him a smile that you know is crooked.
Jungkook is quiet. ‘I don’t feel sorry for you,’ he tells you, finally. ‘I’m in awe of you.’
You both let that sit between you for a few moments.
‘I feel like the luckiest guy in the world because you could have sworn off men forever because of your ex, and yet when I came on to you on the steps of the courthouse after that case, you still let me in.’
Jungkook’s hand on yours feels warm, anchoring, safe. ‘And who am I, really? Just some chump who thought you had the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen.’
‘You’re not a chump,’ you protest, quietly.
Jungkook smiles at you. ‘I’m not worthy of you. But I’ll keep trying until I am, if you want me to.’
You raise an eyebrow, wanting to lighten the mood. ‘Does this mean you’ll let me use those handcuffs on you later?’
Jungkook laughs at you. ‘As you wish,’ he replies.
You and Taehyung meet Sena Woon at a café near her office. She looks different in her work clothes, confident, cool.
‘How did Jia know Lena Jeon?’ you ask.
Sena takes a sip of coffee. ‘They went to law school together. They lived together for a bit. She was nice.’
‘Did you know that Jia met Lena on the day of Lena’s death?’ Taehyung asks.
‘They went for lunch I believe,’ Sena replies. ‘She called me after. She was excited. They were planning to meet up more.’
The replies are coming smoothly, Sena looks composed and calm. She is very different from the woman you met who tensed when her husband touched her.
Taehyung asks another few questions but you don’t think you’ll get anything else from this interview. It’s almost as though Sena has prepared to answer these questions.
You thank her for her time, and as you get up to leave, you pause.
‘What were you doing when Jia called you?’ you ask.
‘Oh, I had the day off. I picked up the kids, did some housework.’
Again, the answer comes quickly, but this time it’s almost too quick. You make a mental note to get Yoongi to check the location signals from the phone call.
You and Taehyung bid Sena goodbye and head to your car.
Suddenly Taehyung takes off running – and it is a couple of beats before you realise why. A man has run off with a handbag, weaving through the crowd, your partner in hot pursuit.
You take a second to scan the area, and cut across the street, hoping the thief will do as you predicted and head for the nearby park. When he does, you have cut his lead in half, in fact he passes so close to you, you have half a mind to tackle him.
He tries to speed up when he notices you, but he is getting tired.
‘Police!’ you shout. ‘Stop.’
You tuck your arms in, head down like you get trained to do, and chase.
You are gaining on him, steadily, surely, when he suddenly whirls around, and you see the silvery glint of a switchblade. Your immediate thought is to warn Taehyung.
He waves it at you, slashing out.
You hold out your hands. You can hear Taehyung approaching.
‘Tae, he’s got a blade,’ you call out.
Heedless, Tae leaps forward to tackle him.
Goddamn, your partner is reckless.
You have no choice but to join the fray. You grab at the thief’s right arm, intent on disarming him before he hurts your partner.
Taehyung shouts something to you, but you can’t make it out. The blade drops with a clatter on the paved path, and you kick it away. When you look back, Taehyung has subdued your perp.
You whip out your phone and put in a call for uniformed assistance.
‘The fuck, Tae,’ you pant, but there is no heat in your voice.
‘He was waving a blade at you,’ Taehyung huffs.
‘So you go in to get yourself slashed?’ you ask. ‘Rose’ll kill me if your pretty face gets scarred.’
‘Just what do you think your musclebound boyfriend will do to me if I let you get slashed up in the park?’ Taehyung counters. He tightens his grip on the man’s arms behind his back.
The ridiculousness of your argument strikes you, and you can’t help but laugh.
The uniformed officers take your perp away, and Taehyung and you head back to your car.
‘You’re as quick as ever,’ you say begrudgingly to Taehyung.
He just smirks at you. ‘I clocked him when we got out of the café. I knew what he was going to do before he did it.’
He nods. ‘What about you? That was smart heading to the park. Bit of a gamble though.’
You shrug. ‘It was the only place he could choose to go. Besides, you know I’m not much of a runner.’
Taehyung snorts. ‘We need to start training again. Your running game is weak.’
‘I disarmed him,’ you protest.
‘I nearly had it,’ Taehyung argues. He sees your face then relents.
‘Guess we’re still a good team,’ you say. You smile at him.
Taehyung pats your arm. ‘Guess so.’
Back at the precinct Namjoon takes in your dishevelled appearance with a cocked eyebrow.
‘We have uniformed officers who can take care of snatch and grabs,’ he tells you both.
You smooth your silk blouse self-consciously. Taehyung just runs a hand through his hair and stares back at Namjoon.
‘Update me,’ Namjoon orders.
You tell him about your interview with Sena Woon and what your follow up plan is. Namjoon suggests you follow up on motives for Jefferson and Jia and to clarify their relationship history.
Taehyung goes to brief Jimin and Hoseok whilst you stop by the Fountain.
Yoongi looks up at you quizzically.
‘Can you look into the phone call Jia made to Sena the day of Lena’s death?’ you ask. ‘Also Jia’s and Jefferson’s socials to follow up on this discrepancy between how long they were dating.’
Yoongi pulls up Jia’s phone records. ‘What happened in your interview?’
‘Sena talked like she had prepared to answer all the questions we asked,’ you say thoughtfully. ‘It was like she knew we were going to ask them.’
Yoongi taps a few keys. ‘Looks like Sena Woon’s phone was in the city at the time of the phone call.’
‘She said she had the day off,’ you say. ‘Why would she lie about that?’
Yoongi shrugs. ‘It’s a bit of an unnecessary lie, isn’t it?’ His dark eyes meet yours.
‘I wonder if she’s more involved than we think,’ you muse.
You smooth your hands over the black silk of your dress slightly nervously. It’s the night of JK’s charity do and you aren’t sure if he has ever seen you in non-work attire.
What if he hates your style?
You take a selfie and send it to Tae. ‘Do I look ok?’ you ask.
He rings you back straight away. He is with Rose, they look like they’re out to dinner.
‘You look hot,’ he tells you, the timbre of his voice low and serious. ‘Rose agrees.’
Rose gives you a smiling thumbs up.
‘Thanks,’ you say. You can hear your doorbell ring.
‘Have fun,’ Tae says. You grimace at him before you hang up.
JK has a key so you’re not sure who this is.
You open the door cautiously.
A huge bouquet of roses is in your doorway. The flowers shift and you see Jungkook, smiling at you as he holds out the bouquet.
Your stomach flips. You can feel your whole face flush.
‘Oh,’ is all you can think to say. Then Jungkook steps out from behind the flowers and you can only stare at the sight.
He looks beautiful. The tuxedo he is wearing is fitted beautifully, emphasizing his broad chest and shoulders. He has styled his hair back from his forehead. Silver hoops glint in his ears.
You swallow, willing yourself not to say anything silly.
‘Wow,’ Jungkook says. You realise he has been looking at you too. His eyes are alight as he takes you in. ‘Is this really what you look like?’ The sincerity in his tone sends you a burst of courage.
You realise he is still holding the flowers out to you. You accept them, taking a moment to bury your face in them and inhale their sweet heady scent.
‘Thank you for the flowers,’ you say quietly. ‘I’ll just put them in some water.’
You dig out a vase for your flowers and pick up your clutch to go.
JK is waiting by the door. He holds an arm out to you, and you feel a bit like you’re in a dream when you put your hand in the crook of his arm.
‘You’re stunning,’ Jungkook says. ‘We should go out like this more often.’
‘You’re not too bad yourself,’ you reply. You squeeze his arm. ‘Why did you get me flowers? I feel like we’re on a date, I’m getting nervous.’
Jungkook laughs. ‘You handcuffed me to the bed earlier this week. We’re past dates.’
You laugh back. ‘We can do that again tonight,’ you suggest, hopefully.
Jungkook groans as he opens the passenger door to his car for you. ‘Don’t even start with the sex talk. We’ll never make it to the gala.’
You slip into his car and he settles in next to you.
‘You look seriously sexy like this, is all I’m saying,’ you tell him. You reach out to where his thigh muscle is pressing against the fabric of his trousers. You stroke along his hard thigh, down to the top of his leg.
‘Stop,’ Jungkook says, but he looks over at you mischievously.
Encouraged, you slip your bare arm across his groin. The bangles on your wrist clink together softly, but you are distracted by the feel of him.
‘Oh,’ you say. His cock twitches against your hand, semi-hard.
‘Kook,’ you breathe. His cock twitches again.
You look up at him, and realise he is looking down the front of your dress.
‘Goddamn. I can see your panties from here,’ he marvels.
‘Can you see my bra?’ you inquire, leaning over to press a kiss to his covered cock.
‘I’m pretty sure you’re not fucking wearing one,’ he replies.
‘That’s why you’re a hotshot criminal lawyer,’ you tease. ‘You don’t miss anything.’
You lean back. ‘Can we fuck at the gala?’ you ask.
Jungkook signals to turn right. ‘We’re going to need to do it soon, or I’m going to cum in my trousers like a teenager.’
Jungkook introduces you to his colleagues, many of whom you have already met. He is speaking to his colleagues about an upcoming case when you feel a tap on your shoulder.
It’s Kim Seokjin. ‘Well done on that case,’ you say. ‘The shop owner is very grateful.’
Seokjin smiles. ‘It was easy based on the solid investigative work,’ he replies graciously.
He stops a passing waiter, getting you each a glass of champagne.
‘I don’t often come to these things,’ you confess.
Seokjin tilts his head. ‘I’ve heard the food tonight is good,’ he says.
‘Do you cook?’ you ask.
Seokjin raises an eyebrow. ‘I’m an excellent cook. You should let me show you my skills sometime.’
You laugh, charmed. ‘I’m pretty good too, actually. I love Italian.’
Seokjin smiles. ‘I’m definitely a better cook than JK,’ he says, pitching his voice just loud enough to be sure Jungkook hears him as he comes up to you both.
Jungkook nods to Seokjin. ‘Jin hyung,’ he says. ‘Y/N is definitely a better cook than you. If you’ll excuse us.’
He cups your elbow and leads you away.
‘Where are we going?’ you ask curiously. His grip on your elbow is firmer than you’re used to from him.
‘I’ve been looking at your ass all night,’ JK says.
You realise you’re still holding your flute of champagne.
Jungkook leads you to a stunning bathroom, locking the door as soon as you are in.
You tilt your glass and offer him a sip.
Jungkook takes a mouthful, placing the glass on the marble bathroom countertop.
‘Take your panties off,’ he tells you.
You are hooking your thumbs into your black lacy underwear when Jungkook kneels in front of you.
The sight makes heat rush between your legs.
‘Your tux,’ you protest, half-heartedly.
‘I don’t give a fuck about my tux,’ he replies. He places his large hands on your hips, dipping his head between your thighs and licking up into you.
‘Oh my God, JK,’ you cry.
He just hums. ‘I love the taste of you,’ he tells you.
You brace a hand on his broad shoulder, nearly losing your balance when he lifts your leg over his other shoulder.
‘JK!’ you squeal.
He laughs. ‘Don’t tell everyone out there it’s me, baby,’ he teases. He nibbles at your clit, and you feel two of his fingers pressing up into you.
You moan.
‘You like that?’ he asks.
‘Kook,’ you moan. You try to pull him up. ‘Fuck me,’ you plead.
Jungkook is only too happy to oblige.
In an instant he has tugged his trousers down, turned you around and is pressing his hard cock to you.
‘This ass,’ he hisses. You see movement out of the corner of your eye and you hear the slap of his palm against your ass before you feel the sting.
‘Oh my god,’ you cry. You look into the bathroom mirror, and the sight of him, hair mussed, the expression on his face as he pushes into you, makes you clench around him.
He smirks at you in the mirror, and the cocky expression on his face would be annoying if he wasn’t making you feel so good right now.
His hand comes up to your shoulder as he thrusts, and in one move the strap of your dress has been pulled down your arm, baring your breast.
He watches your breast bouncing in the mirror as he fucks you, nipple taut. You bite your lip and Jungkook swears.
‘Fuck, I’m going to cum,’ he tells you.
‘Then cum,’ you tell him. Unbelievably, his thrusts get harder, faster and then he is cumming in you with a loud moan.
The sounds he is making push you over the edge, and then you are cumming too.
He presses against you, burying his face in your neck, mouthing at your shoulder, until his hips stop bucking against you.
‘Fuck,’ he breathes. ‘I don’t think I’m going to be able to walk.’
You laugh and turn around. ‘I was only kidding about fucking here, but I think I’m going to have to suggest public fucking more often.’
You cup his face fondly. He turns his face to kiss your hand.
‘Come on,’ you say. ‘We’d better get back.’
You straighten each other out and he clasps your hand in his as you exit the bathroom.
The sheepish smile freezes on your face as you recognise the person waiting outside.
‘Mr Kwon,’ you say evenly.
He smiles at you, eyes cold. ‘So this is the lucky guy who gets to bite you,’ he says.
Beside you, Jungkook has gone rigid.
You press a hand to his arm as he steps forward, squaring up to Jefferson Kwon.
‘No, you’re the lucky guy who gets to walk away. Because I know Y/N wouldn’t want me to make a scene,’ Jungkook says. His voice is low, angrier than you’ve ever heard it.
You squeeze Jungkook’s hand as you walk away. You don’t look back.
‘Who the fuck was that guy?’ Jungkook asks.
You’re about to answer when you see a familiar face. It’s your ex-husband.
Jungkook is looking at you for a response when he sees the colour drain from your face.
‘Y/N?’ he asks, concern replacing his anger. His gaze follows yours.
‘Is that him?’ he asks.
You don’t have to ask him who he is talking about.
You press your lips together.
‘JK,’ you say, steadily. ‘I think I should get out of here.’
Jungkook is already leading you to the door.
You are nearly home before you find it in you to speak again.
‘I’m sorry, JK,’ you say. You place a hand on his arm.
He doesn’t reply for a moment.
Finally he says, ‘I never go to these things, you know. I don’t go in much for schmoozing, networking. It’s just my boss suggested it, and I wanted to see you all dressed up.’
You bite your lip at his candour. ‘You know I’d happily dress up for you anytime,’ you say.
‘Then that’s what we’ll do next time,’ Jungkook decides. ‘Unless you want to watch me kick some ass for you.’
You put a hand on his arm so he’ll look at you.
‘Kicking ass or no kicking ass, you’re a better man than anyone else in that room tonight,’ you say to him.
You take him to bed and make love until he falls asleep in your arms, spent.
You stare out the window, unable to sleep.
Finally, you slip out of his arms. He shifts a little. ‘Just gotta speak to Tae,’ you tell him. He murmurs in protest as you leave him but is soon asleep again.
You go to your kitchen and call Tae.
He picks up within three rings, voice husky and deep.
‘Hey,’ he says.
‘I saw him tonight,’ you say.
‘Shit. Did he – wait a sec, ‘ Tae’s voice breaks off as he murmurs something to Rose.
When he comes back on the line, his voice is much more awake.
‘I’m sorry I called,’ you say. ‘It’s stupid o’ clock. I don’t even have anything to talk about. It’s not about what we talked about the other day. We can talk in the morning.’
Taehyung says, ‘Wait. Just wait. Wanna grab coffee?’
You laugh. ‘It’s 3am?’
‘I know a place,’ is all he says.
By the time Tae arrives at the 24 hour diner, you have ordered for the both of you.
‘Did JK put him in the hospital?’ he asks, and you burst out laughing.
‘He’s not some hired muscle,’ you say, when you stop giggling. ‘My boyfriend is an intellectual.’
‘The man’s built like a wall,’ Taehyung says.
‘I’m sorry I dragged you out here,’ you say, pushing his coffee towards him.
‘My uncle used to beat my aunt,’ Taehyung tells you. ‘He wasn’t even discreet about it. No one said anything. My dad once tried to intervene and they stopped seeing us. I didn’t see my cousin for years. Eventually they got divorced. I haven’t seen my aunt or my cousin since.’
You stare at him.
‘I wish I’d said something.’ Taehyung looks out the window. ‘I joined the police because I wanted to do good things. There aren’t many people who can influence the world – the rest of us just have to make things better on a smaller scale.’
He meets your eyes then. ‘So tell me what happened.’
You cover your face. ‘I saw Jefferson at JK’s gala. He said something crude and JK stood up for me.’
‘Did he put Jefferson in the hospital?’ Taehyung jokes.
You roll your eyes. ‘I’m going to tell JK that you think he’s a thug. He’ll get a kick out of it,’ you say. ‘Then we saw him. JK asked if it was him, and I told him it was. Then we left.’
‘How come he gets to walk around like a free man, Tae?’ you ask.
Taehyung sighs. ‘The world sucks, Y/N. If it makes you feel better, Namjoon’s had a personal mission to follow up every single traffic and parking infraction the man’s made over the past 10 years. Statute of limitations be damned. Yoongi also periodically stops his credit cards.’
This is news to you. ‘What?’ you ask, shocked.
‘You’re one of us,’ Taehyung says. ‘He nearly fucking broke you, Y/N.’
For a moment his eyes are serious again. ‘Jimin cried for days when he found out what you’d done.’
You press a hand to your mouth.
‘I don’t know what he did or said to you to make you feel like you couldn’t talk to us, but I can tell you that you matter to us. You always have. Not just to me.’
Taehyung squeezes your hand. ‘Namjoon made Yoongi run a background check on JK when you first started dating.’
You burst out laughing again, half-touched and half-outraged. ‘That’s a GDPR violation. Also, no one can make Yoongi do anything.’
Taehyung just chuckles. ‘You can. I told him to run a check on one of my old cases and he straight up told me to do it myself. He said he was busy helping you.’
You are so touched before you realise it you are blinking away tears.
Taehyung slides out of his seat and into the seat next to you.
‘So call me anytime,’ he whispers to you. ‘I’ll always mean it. Or call Yoongi. Fuck. Call any one of us.’
It’s a while before you can stop crying.
JK is so still when you get back to your bedroom you realise instantly he is awake.
‘You ok, baby?’ he asks.
You snuggle in next to him. ‘I am now,’ you say.
He stretches out his arm so you can lie on his chest.
You look up at his pretty face.
‘How are you this pretty when you haven’t slept?’ you ask, tracing a finger down his chest.
He just smiles at you, eyes closed. ‘You’re the pretty one. I clearly can’t take you anywhere because everyone notices you.’
You pull at his shoulder. ‘Come on, on your front.’
You sit on his back, and massage his shoulders.
‘Mmmm,’ he moans. ‘That feels great.’
You rub over his beautiful shoulders, down to the dip of his spine. His skin is so warm, so smooth. You turn over and rub up his ankles, his tight calves, up his gorgeous thighs.
‘Turn over,’ you say, and when he does his hard cock nearly smacks you in the face.
‘You like me touching you like this?’ you ask softly.
Without waiting for an answer, you lick up the underside of his cock before taking him in your mouth. Your hands rub circles on his thighs as you draw him deep, taking him all the way in. When his tip hits the back of your throat you moan around him and swallow, and he cries out.
‘That feels so good, fuck,’ he tells you. He fumbles to turn on your bedside lamp, and suddenly your room is filled with a soft golden glow.
The dim lighting is kind to him, and he doesn’t need it. His body is beautiful, the angles of his face like poetry. You moan your appreciation for his cock, and he doesn’t take his eyes off you.
His hands come down to touch your tits, gently tweaking your nipples so they are erect, brushing against his hard thighs.
You slip a hand between your legs. You are so wet from looking at him, from the taste of his cock, you feel like you could cum right now.
Jungkook’s hand comes up to grip the back of your head, lifting your hair so he can see your face better.
‘I’m gonna cum,’ he murmurs, and his fingers tighten in your hair.
You flick your eyes to his and take him in as deep as you can.
He bucks his hips once, twice, and you have a few seconds of not being able to breathe, stuffed full of his cock, before you feel his warmth shooting down your throat.
You both moan, and you cum around your fingers.
You suck him dry, and lap at the residual cum that oozes out of his tip when you come off him.
You flop on your back next to him.
‘I love sucking your cock,’ you declare, breathless.
Jungkook pulls you to him, to his flushed chest. ‘I’m the fucking luckiest man in the world,’ he tells you.
‘Maybe I’m the lucky one,’ you muse sleepily.
‘No, it’s definitely me,’ Jungkook says.
The steady thud of his heart against your ear is the last thing you remember before you fall asleep.
©hamsterclaw 2021
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prettypinklass · 3 years
I will ALWAYS pick the Spacer background for Shepherd, because it's the only background where the commander has at least one living parent. With all the shit going on throughout the trilogy, I bet even the commander needs someone they'll know will support them no matter what. The kind of support only a parent can provide.
In honor of that, I have some headcanons for how Hannah Shepherd (Spacer Commander Shepherd's mother) feels about the events of the trilogy.
Hannah Shepherd Headcanons
Mass Effect
She couldn't be prouder. Her kid is a great officer.
And then she hears about the Eden Prime mission
Oh shit
How many times did she call? Probably at least ten times. No answer
She heard the story. Her child is accusing a decorated Spectre of attacking Eden Prime with the geth. Nobody believes them
She gets one call, and it's about a homeless guy on the Citadel. During your work hours.
Then she finds out they proved they were right, and not only did they get the spectre demoted? They got promoted in his place. And their first mission is to track down the demoted spectre.
She tries to call again. No answer. Her kid is probably busy so it's fine.
The most prominent thing she's heard throughout the alliance is complaints that in addition to LT. Alenko (a man she knows is a good officer, having met before) and Cheif Williams, they've recruited a former turian c-sec officer, a krogan mercenary, a Quarian on her pilgrimage (whom she's pretty sure is a teenager still), and an asari archeologist.
She hears stories, and then is stationed on one of the ships that arrives to help the Citadel. The ship they attack- Sovereign as she heard it called- is powerful and all she can think is "what the fuck has my child been doing"
She kills the spectre, they destroy the ship, and now your child has gotten a human onto the council.
You couldn't be prouder. You still haven't heard from them though.
Oh and that news story where she punched the reporter? You have the clip saved.
Mass Effect 2
Her child just got spaced.
Hackett approved her leave and she spent more hours then she can count grieving.
They never recovered her child's body. There was a small service. Hackett mentioned something about a memorial for the Normandy.
She finds out her child is alive.
The stories are insane. Her kid has recruited more aliens, as well as a few criminals, and she hears from Alenko/Williams that they really are working for the pro human terrorist group, investigating the missing human colonies.
She decides she won't even bother trying to contact them. She's still processing that they're even alive.
Then she finds out they blew up a relay
And then they disappeared past the Omega 4 relay before the Alliance could catch them and press charges. Was that the suicide mission she kept hearing about?
Then her child emerges, triumphant and claiming that the collectors are dead.
They get grounded. She finally gets to talk to her briefly, and the conversation goes something like this:
"Hi mom."
"Start answering my fucking calls."
"Sorry mom."
"And next time, tell me you're alive and working for a terrorist group. I had to hear it from Alenko/Williams."
"Sorry mom."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"You're grounded."
"...Yeah, that's fair."
Oh and she saved the second clip of her child punching that reporter.
Mass Effect 3
And her kid was right all along. The reapers are here to kill everyone.
They've also been reinstated and have to play politician.
They try to keep in touch a little better. Sending her emails about what's happening.
She saves the third clip of them punching the reporter.
It's hell trying to build the crucible, but she's doing her best to help. The more her child does, the crazier things get.
Her child has cured the genophage and made peace between the krogan and turians, and apparently is an honorary krogan now??
She nearly shot the first rachni she saw on the crucible build site, but this asari lady, who claimed to be their friend, tells her that the rachni are here to help. Courtesy of her child.
She's 100% sure that her computer is bugged because not only are there ships showing up whenever they're low on supplies, SOMEONE keeps emailing her updates on the Normandy and her child, all "courtesy of the Shadow Broker". She's a bit worried her child is being stalked.
Then her child makes peace between Geth and Quarians. The Geth show up to help them build the crucible, and every single one of them seems ecstatic to meet the "Creator of Shepherd-Commander."
Mercenaries show up too, thanks to Aria T'Loak and her child. She still isn't sure how that happened.
The more her child does, the more creatures and people show up to help the war effort.
It's insane.
And she couldn't be prouder.
She gets an invitation one day. From her child.
Apparently, Admiral Anderson gave them his apartment and she's been invited to come over for a bit.
She jumps at this.
The meeting is awkward but she's too happy to see her child to care.
She finally meets her child's friends.
The former turian c sec officer, Garrus
The sarcastic brittle boned pilot, Joker
The Normandy SR-2's AI, EDI, (and she's pretty sure EDI and Joker have something going on)
Specialist Traynor
The krogan leader, Wrex, who cheers and slaps her a little too hard on the back
A tank bred Krogan, Grunt, who she immediately notices seems to think of her child as a parent. She has a krogan for a grandson.
Tali'Zorah vas Normandy, who is no longer a teenahe quarian but a full admiral
The asari archeologist, Liara T'Soni, who has a drone for an assistant (and she's suspicious of being the Shadow Broker, based on how familiar she is with her)
An asari justicar, Samara, who is honored to meet you
A former Cerberus officer, Jacob
Miranda, who is a former cerberus officer and obviously isn't naturally that good looking.
Kasumi the master theif, who greets her by sneaking up behind and saying "hi".
Zaeed, a mercenary with a bad attitude
Finally, she meetw Jack. She remembers hearing about her, a former convict who is an extremely powerful and hateful biotic... who is now working as a teacher at Grissom Academy.
Where does her child meet these people??
Her child also tells her about Mordin, Thane and Legion
A salarian scientist who liked to sing
A drell assassin who was terminally ill, but saved the life of the Salarian councilor
And a geth, the geth that aided her in making peace between the Quarians and geth.
And then they tell you about this weird clone that tried to steal the Normandy and kill them.
She still doesn't understand that part.
Then, after all that, her child dies stopping the reapers.
She couldn't be prouder.
And she will always miss them.
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myhauntedsalem · 3 years
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10 Cops Share Their Scariest Paranormal Encounters
My uncle works for dispatch in my town and he recently told my family of the weirdest call he’s ever gotten. He says that he had received a call from a landline one night and when he answered it there was only static on the other end. This happened two more times. Finally, he calls a squad to go check out the address from the caller ID. When the cops got there and walked into the house they immediately saw that there was a dead body. The person had been dead for 5 months.
The craziest part about it was that there was no electricity or any other utility working. So there is no way they should have been able to get those calls into dispatch. But if they hadn’t, who knows how long that person’s body would have stayed there.
I had a call to a residence for a mental evaluation or a “5150.” Anyways, I get there and speak to a 50-something-year-old woman, who states her 20-something-year-od son is under the influence of an unknown drug, and kept repeating that he can’t go in his bedroom because there was an old man hanging in his room. She stated she was too scared to go in his room and investigate it for herself, because he constantly brings over friends that are drug addicts, and is unsure if his claims were true or not.
I then go speak to the son, who is clearly under the influence of a stimulate. He goes on to tell me that he was told by a “spirit” to not enter the bedroom, because her father, dressed in his military “Class A” uniform was hanging in his bedroom.
I check the room out and of course there was no body hanging in the room. As I’m in the middle of explaining to the mother that there was no body in the bedroom, a veteran officer arrives on scene to assist me.
He pulls me aside and stated earlier in his career he responded to this residence, and that same bedroom, he had to investigate a suicide by hanging of an older male subject. He didn’t remember all the details, so I looked it up in our report management system in my patrol car and sure enough the officer was correct. The subject who died was a WWII veteran and had dressed in his military uniform and hung himself.
I’ve never been a believer in the paranormal, but that day I made an exception. I responded to a call made by an elderly lady. She reported that she kept seeing a young girl running through her yard and she was afraid of vandalism or maybe worse.
On my way over, it started to pour like there’s no tomorrow, lightning and thunder too. When I arrived at the residence, she pointed to where the yard was and I made my way over there. I tried to shine my flashlight along and asked, “Is anyone out here? C’mon out.” But nothing, all I heard was the sound of loud thunder in the back.
I made my way back inside the house and the lady (now trembling in a corner) told me, “She’s inside the house.”
I hear a thump in the background and I see a young girl (about 13) running from one side of the house to the other. I quickly moved towards her and asked her to stop, but then she disappears right in front of me. I thought it was my eyes playing a trick on me but then the lady yells out, “There, there she is, right outside.”
I turned towards a big window leading to the backyard and there she was running around, but how did she get passed me to exit to the back door?? I immediately went outside and she had vanished, again. After I wasn’t able to find anything and with no logical explanation, I told the lady the girl had run away and I wasn’t able to catch her due to the weather. I asked her to calm her down. Some months later passed and I found out the elderly woman had passed away and some new people had moved into her old home. Not long after that, dispatch picked up a call from the same house. Now the new tenants reported a young girl running around in their backyard and suddenly appearing inside their house. I let someone else pick the call.
I worked as a police officer in a small town in rural Nebraska. Back in the 90’s, I was patrolling through town in winter. We had several abandoned houses in town, but one seemed to have the attraction of copper thieves, so we were told to keep an eye on it. Drove by it around 7:00pm, since it sat on a corner lot, I had a clear view of all four sides of the house. As I drove around the corner. Nothing looks out of the ordinary. About two hours later I drive by again and the back door is wide open.
I know that the back door was not open when I drove by it earlier. Looking at the snow on the ground around the house, there were no footprints. So I think “What the hell?”. Call dispatch, tell them I’m investigating an open door at that address and ask for a county sheriff to start my way. I walk to the open door, pull out my flashlight and shine it inside. The house has obviously been gutted for the most part. The plaster walls have been torn down, debris piles everywhere. Since there were no footprints in the snow around the door other than mine, and with all the dust on the floor not showing any footprints, I chalk it up to the wind or maybe the door just opened on its own. I was about to secure the door when I heard a loud thump come from upstairs and what sounded like kids laughing. So I enter the house and yell out “Police department, come downstairs!” More of what sounds like kids playing. I tell dispatch that it sounds like there are kids in the house and start making my way through the kitchen into the living room where the stairs are. All the while cautiously checking the main floor.
Two more times I hear something upstairs, but since I’ve had no response, I start thinking maybe it’s an animal. Still, I hear what I’d swear was kids laughing. I head upstairs and it all gets quiet. The upstairs is relatively small with a hallway at the top of the stairs that has one bedroom on the right, one straight ahead at the end of the hall, and a bedroom on the left. As I get to the top of the stairs, I hear a thump in the bedroom to the left. I carefully peek around the door and it’s an empty room with a small pile of plaster and wood debris in the middle. No kidding, sitting on top of the pile of debris was a page torn out of a child’s book with a picture of a police officer on it. The hair stood up on the back of my neck, I got out of that room, quickly cleared the other rooms upstairs and got the fuck out of there.
Told dispatch nobody was in the house, locked the back door and never went back in there again.
As a controller about 15 years ago, I took a call from a hysterical man who had picked up a motorcyclist on the slip road to the M6 who had been standing in pouring rain at the side of the road with a petrol can next to an old Norton style motorbike. He drove on the short distance down the motorway to the next service station and as he pulled off the carriageway he turned to talk to his passenger and he had disappeared.
Besides himself he contacted the police, it later transpired that at the very point the passenger disappeared there had been a fatal accident involving a motorcyclist about 20yrs previously.
It still sends shivers up my spine and I still have a copy of the incident print. I spoke with the officers who attended and they were confident the man was a genuine everyday fella!
Back when I was working as a cop on a military base, I loved working night shift. Didn’t deal with 99% of the bullshit that day shift dealt with and what little stuff we did deal with was usually really interesting.
Well most every building on a base is alarmed and the alarms are tied right into the desk so we know the instant they go off. When we get an alarm activation, we close the base, and go check the building, pull on all the doors, see if we can get in. If we can, we go into the building and secure it, check all the doors and corners to see if someone set the alarm off.
Well, one night I was on patrol with my alpha (partner) and we get called to respond to an alarm activation at the elementary school. So we go, secure the building, and call in that the building is all secure. No problem, keep patrolling. So about 15-20 minutes go by and we get another alarm activation. We get back out there and check and now there is a maintenance door open that leads into a boiler roomish thing. Nothing in it, we close it, lock it and get out.
Another 20 minutes. and another alarm. We respond, all the doors are still locked and we can’t get in, maintenance door is locked. Call in the all clear. This time my buddy and I sit on opposite sides of the school and watch to see if someone is coming and yanking the doors real hard to set the alarm off. We sit there and watch, nothing happens and right as we’re about to leave, another alarm activation as we’re sitting there. We inform the desk that we’d like the building manager on site to help us secure the interior and to let us in. (This is like now 3 am.)
Building custodian shows up and we start doing a walk through, checking all the classrooms and checking all the maintenance rooms and that’s when we see one of the maintenance doors open with the lights on in the room. Now, this room is literally the size of a closet.
We walk down there and look in, no ones in it and that door is locked when it closes. We look in there and we find a single footprint of a bare foot made of water (Left foot as a recall) of a small child. Freaked the living hell out of us because no one reported a missing child and the entire building was clear and still locked up. No one left, no one entered and we checked every inch of that damn place (literally a 3 hour deep sweep including ceiling tiles.)
Freaked the ever loving shit out of us and to this day, my partner refuses to go into that school.
Whilst working in remote Australia, we were forced to ‘move on’ an elderly aboriginal man because the other locals had accused him of witchcraft, and other things. We drove him to his township approximately one and half hours drive away. The other locals were terrified of him as he was rumored to be a witch doctor. We dropped him off and warned him not to return to town for three days. We turned the vehicle around and drove back to town, flying, probably 100mph+. It took 45minutes to drive back, upon our return, we find the SAME elderly aboriginal sitting in the street. To this day neither of us can explain it, maybe the other locals had every right to be scared.
Not a police officer, but a 911 dispatcher.
There was an old couple who lived on a run-down ranch house about 20 miles east of town. When the husband passed away, the woman would call 911 at least three times a week, asking for assistance with very mundane tasks not normally dealt to first responders. “I need help turning the thermostat up”, “I need help boiling water for my tea”, etc.
The woman developed dementia, and eventually, it progressed to the point where she believed she was calling 911 to ask her deceased husband for help. All of the dispatchers would recognize the address immediately, even though all she could say was “(husband’s name), I need help. Please come home and help me”
One day she called, and again was only able to repeat her husband’s (I’ll call him “John”) name. “John, I need help. Please come home and help me John.” By the time the first responders arrived on scene, they found the woman lying dead in her bed. The first unit on scene called dispatch to confirm that it was the woman herself who had called 911, as rigor Morris had already set in. We wrote it off as the fact that the heater in her house wasn’t working, and the ambient temperature in the room was about 50 degrees.
We continued to receive 911 calls from that woman, at that address for just over a year after she passed away. Even after her home was vandalized, and burned to the ground, the phone calls did not stop. “John, I need your help. John, please come home and help me.” We were obligated to send a response each and every time, but not once did we find anyone on or near the property.
Multiple calls to the phone company confirmed that the phone line had been disconnected, and the call was not coming from another address.
I was a 911 call taker 10 years ago when I received one of the creepiest calls ever. It was freezing that night, which usually equaled a calm, quiet shift due to even the criminals not wanting to go outside. Around 3am my call box popped up green and as usual I asked what was the emergency. A man starting frantically screaming that his still was possessed by a demon and tried to cut his heart while he slept. He had ran when the attack started and locked himself in his bathroom. I ask him a series of questions trying to figure out what the hell is going on.
I ask him a series of questions trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Everytime he tried to answer I heard what sounded like scratching and banging on the bathroom door. He whispered “There is a demon in my sister’s body, it has been battling me for days. It got free from the chains…” I swear what I heard next chilled me to the core. This unearthly voice began taunting my caller through the door. It didn’t sound like a 20-something woman. It was low and guttural, like she had gargled razor blades before speaking. She continued to growl and speak in a strange sounding language until police arrived. She let out a terrifying scream when the officers broke in, then dead end.
The call was over, I was shaking and had to know what happened? Even my supervisor (who had been listening to the call in real time) was pale and speechless when the line abruptly ended. Before my shift ended the commanding officer on my creepy call called in to tell me what they found. He told me he would have nightmares for the rest of his life.
Apparently, when my caller said his sister got out of her chains, he wasn’t joking around. She still had a chain tied to a bloody handcuff when the officers came in. Her whole body was covered in self-inflicted scratches, her one eye had popped a blood vessel and was bright red. Most of what she was wearing was also shredded and her skin looked like she had been drained of her blood. She was taken in for a psych consult and as you probably guessed, stayed there for a long time. The brother was okay except for deep gouges in his chest. His sister literally tried to dig out his heart.
There was some talk about arresting the brother but nothing ever came of it. I still can vividly remember that voice, it still makes my blood run cold.
A friend’s father is a police officer in one of the larger villages of Illinois. He and his partner were working night-shift when they were called to investigate a suspected break-in at the local morgue. They arrived to find the custodian waiting for them out front. The custodian said that he’d been mopping one of the corridors and had seen something move in his peripheral vision. He looked up and saw a person quickly cross from one side of the hallway to the other. He couldn’t tell much about the person as he’d been turning the lights off as he worked his way through the building. Just a dim outline, but enough to be sure of what he’d seen. He was unarmed, so called the police and stepped outside to wait.
My friend’s dad and his partner entered the morgue. They started off by calling out to anyone who might be inside (no answer), then began to do a sweep, walking down the central corridor with hands on their guns, checking each room to the side, occasionally calling out for any intruder to show themselves. My friend’s dad came upon a room with the light off, pitch black inside. He fumbled for the switch and flicked it. The room lit up, nothing but an empty waiting room for relatives of the dead.
He heard his partner call out “Hey, stop! Turn around!” Friend’s dad swung back out into the corridor and his partner had unholstered his gun, was pointing it at the end of the long corridor. He said: “She went around that corner.” The custodian said: “She’s trapped, no exits that way.”
They had the custodian lock himself in the waiting room for safety, then advanced down the corridor, calling out to the woman to show herself, that they wouldn’t hurt her. This time my friend’s dad reached the end first, and with his back to the wall, peered around the corner. The woman was standing by a big grey door. Lights were off here too, so it was hard to see her clearly. But he could see she wasn’t holding a gun, had long, fair hair. He stepped out from behind the corner to talk to her, but she opened the door, disappeared into the dark inside, and shut it firmly behind her.
He sprinted up to the door and pulled at the handle. Locked. Banged on it for a while and called out to her, but no answer. The door had a deadlock on it, so his partner brought over the custodian to unlock it. They turned on their flashlights to see better. The custodian rounded the corner and faltered a little. “This door? You sure? This door doesn’t lock from the inside.”
The custodian found the right key and carefully turned it in the lock. Click. “We’re coming in! Have your hands up!”
They entered the room, flashlights illuminating every corner. The custodian hit the light switch and the room lit up. It was empty except for some equipment against the wall, and two gurneys in the middle of the room. One was empty, and one was covered in a sheet with what appeared to be a body underneath it. Nice hiding spot.
My friend’s dad approached and it was the smell that first spooked him. It smelled like a corpse. He pulled the sheet down and there the woman lay, straggly light-brown hair all around her face. The tag on her toe said she’d died four days ago.
Friend’s father is a devout Christian, does not believe in ghosts or the supernatural (even now), doesn’t know what to make of this event.
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Sometime last year, there was something that happened in my country. A lady came on Twitter to accuse a young man of rape and the entire Twitter feminists and mob jumped on the man and was dragging the hell out of him. Exactly two days later, the young man released text messages between him and the lady showing how the lady was upset at him that she came to his house and spent the night and instead of touching her, he was busy on his laptop. Lol. Plant, it was so funny. Imagine if the guy had deleted the text messages? All the Twitter influencers, feminists, journalists that accused the man of being a rapist had eggs on their faces. This sort of thing happens every single time. Someone comes and makes an earth shattering revelation and twitter goes up in arms only for it to be revealed that the person was a liar. Like I said, I expected the reaction we are seeing on Twitter. It's natural. But where the Sussexes shot themselves in the foot is that if JUST ONE lie is proven to be a lie, every other thing will be questioned. Already, even without trying, we are seeing the lies. In the coming days, as more lies are highlighted by the press, people will begin to ask what other lies she told.
Using suicide as a manipulation trick doesn't always work. People will ask why you needed permission to go see a doctor when you didn't need permission to chose where and who attends to you during your pregnancy. If not that the RF is grossly incompetent, this interview is not a disaster as people think. What they need to do is get POC to go to US TV stations and point out the lies.
I remember watching the OJ Simpson murder trial documentary on Discovery Channel weeks ago, how OJ Simpson's team was able to puncture the prosecutors case was after the testimony of a police officer. They asked the police officer if he had ever used the Nword and he lied repeatedly under oath that he never did so. Few days later, OJs defence team brought out a white woman who said she had heard one of the police officers who arrested OJ using the Nword. The defence team played a recording of the man actually saying the Nword more than 20 times and that was how OJs case was won. Mark what I've said, the Sussexes told many lies in the interview which can easily be disproved and that is what will save the BRF, not their competence in handling crisis. This knee jerk reaction is expected but in the coming days, not even weeks, when people start asking questions, their house of cards built on lies will crumble. I've seen it happen over and over and over again. Every single time.
Let's see what happens. I feel the problem is that they told incendiary lies and it all comes down to “she said, he said,” To use the courtroom analogy, she was a very damaging witness and they have to completely tear down her credibility now.
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