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Swords of Mars, the eighth novel In Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom series. Cover by Michael Whelan.
This is Whelan's least favorite of the covers he did for the Barsoom series, mainly for the predominance of the color yellow, which he doesn't like.
This novel is notable in the series for a couple of reasons:
First, John Carter returns as the story protagonist, something he hasn't been since the third book, The Warlord of Mars.
Second, the bulk of the story takes place not on Mars/Barsoom, but on its smaller, nearer moon Phobos/Thuria. There yet more strange races are encountered, and we learn that Thuria's natives call their world Ladan.
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Dawid reël die diens van die priesters en die Leviete.

23 Toe Dawid oud word en sy ein- de begin nader, het hy sy seun Salomo koning oor Israel gemaak. Hy het ook al die ampsdraers van Israel, die priesters en die Leviete laat byme- kaarkom. Toe getel is, was die Leviete, die mans van dertig jaar en ouer, altesaam ag en dertig duisend. "Van hulle moes vier en twintig dui- send sorg dra vir die werksaamhede in die huis die Here, en ses duisend die orde en regspraak behartig; "vier duisend was poortwagte, en vier dui- send moes sorg vir die lof van die Here op die instrumente wat daarvoor ver- vaardig is.
"Dawid het hulle ingedeel in groepe volgens die seuns van Levi: Gerson, Kehat en Merari.
7Onder die Gersoniete is Ladan en Simi gereken. Die seuns van Ladan was Jegiël, die hoof, Setam en Joël, hulle drie. 'Die seuns van Simi was Se- lomit, Gasiël en Haran, ook drie. Hul- le was die familiehoofde van Ladan. 10Die seuns van Simi was Jagat, Sisa, Jeüs en Beria. Dit was die vier seuns van Simi. "Jagat was hoof en Sisa tweede in rang. Jeüs en Beria het nie baie seuns gehad nie en vorm saam een diensgroep van die familie.
12Die seuns van Kehat was Amram, Jishar, Hebron en Ussiël, hulle vier. 13Die seuns van Amram was Aäron en Moses. Aäron is vir altyd afgesonder, hy en sy nageslag, om blywend die hei- lige diens in die Allerheiligste te ver- rig, om vir die Here wierookoffers te bring, Hom te dien en in sy Naam die seën uit te spreek. 14Wat Moses betref, die man van God, sy nageslag is by die stam Levi gereken. 15Die seuns van
Moses was Gersom en Eliëser. 16 Van die nageslag van Gersom was Subael die hoof. "Van die nageslag van Elië- ser was sy seun Regabja die hoof. Elië- ser self het nie ander seuns gehad nie, maar Regabja het besonder baie ge- had. 18Van die nageslag van Jishar was Selomit die hoof. 19Van die nageslag van Hebron was Jerija die hoof, Amar- ja die tweede, Jagasiël die derde en Je- kamam die vierde. 20Van die nageslag van Ussiël was Miga die hoof en Jissija die tweede.
21Die seuns van Merari was Magli en Musi. Die seuns van Magli was Eleasar en Kis. 22Toe Eleasar gesterf het, het hy geen seuns gehad nie, net dogters. Hulle verwante, die seuns van Kis, het met hulle getrou. 23Die seuns van Musi was Magli, Eder en Jeremot, hulle drie.
24Dit is dan die Leviete volgens hul- le families, die familiehoofde volgens hulle diensgroepe, soos hulle een vir een by name opgeneem is. Die Leviete van twintig jaar en ouer het die werk- saamhede verrig in die diens van die huis van die Here.
25Dit het so gekom omdat Dawid gesê het: "Die Here die God van Israel het sy volk rus geskenk en Hy wil vir altyd in Jerusalem woon. Die Leviete hoef nie meer die tabernakel met al die toebehore vir sy diens te vervoer nie."
"Dit is dus die getal Leviete van twintig jaar en ouer wat diens gedoen
het soos Dawid dit kort voor sy dood gereël het. 28Hulle het die Aäroniete bygestaan in die diens van die huis van die Here. Hulle was verantwoordelik vir die voorhowe, die kamers, die rei- niging van al die gewyde dinge en vir die werksaamhede van die tempel- diens. 29Hulle moes sorg vir die offer- brood, die meel vir die graanoffer, die ongesuurde brood, die bakplaat, die deegmengsel en vir elke inhouds- en lengtemaat. 30Hulle moes ook elke môre hulle plek inneem vir die dank en lof aan die Here, en so ook saans. 31 Verder moes hulle help by die bring van al die offers vir die Here op sabbat- te, nuwemaansfeeste en ander feestye. Dit moes voortdurend voor die Here geskied, volgens die reëlmaat wat daarvoor vasgestel is. 32So moes hulle al die nodige doen by die tent van ont- moeting, by die heiligdom, en saam met huile ampsbroers die priesters in die diens van die huis van die Here.
1 KRONIEKE 23:16
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Genova Ladan, 2023
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𝔞𝔰𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔡𝔞𝔫𝔱 𝔰𝔦𝔤𝔫𝔰 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔦𝔯 𝔟𝔢𝔞𝔲𝔱𝔶

♇ my discord chat chose this to be my 9,600 or 9,700 followers post? either way thank you so much for being with me for this path, i appreciate everyone :)
ʙᴜʏ ᴘᴀɪᴅ ᴄʜᴀʀᴛ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢꜱ ʙᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀɪᴄᴇꜱ ɢᴏ ᴜᴘ can get a paid venus/beauty/relationship reading from me!
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ᴀʀɪᴇꜱ ᴀꜱᴄᴇɴᴅᴀɴᴛ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ

♇ aries ascendant beauty involves them having long heads, or a diamond head-shape, but they usually have a really nice side-profile. they're usually people who have slanted eyes, or sanpaku eyes, [there could be another proper word for it?], though i noticed that they have a large space of whites under their eyes, specifically rihanna, billie and kendall.
♇ their lower face is sharp, and smaller/thinner than their upper-face. they're women who can suit dark hair, and they naturally have dark and sharp eyebrows. most of the times, their eyebrows are straight. they have a thin nose bridge, and a long mid-face, full and distinct cheekbones along with full lips and an apparent cupids bow.
♇ they have a clear redness on their faces, specifically cheeks, like a natural blush. a pointy chin and foreheads that could be considered as large, or in a "nicer" term, a broad forehead.
ᴛᴀᴜʀᴜꜱ ᴀꜱᴄᴇɴᴅᴀɴᴛ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ

♇ taurus ascendants have small heads and very strong cheek-bones, if it doesnt show naturally, it shows a lot when they smile. they tend to have full lips, but the lower lip is usually bigger than the upper lip. the tip of their nose is usually bulbous, i believe taurus rules the nose, if i am correct, especially because it rules the cow! <3
♇ they usually have very arched eyebrows, known as the venusian arch. compared to the aries ascendant, taurus ascendants usually have a wider nose bridge, and a short mid-face.
♇ their eyes could be considered as mesmerising and intense as their stare is usually very strong. their cheek bones are low, it gives them an apple shaped face. while doing my research, i noticed that most of them have wide lips and square heads, but it suits them really well.
ɢᴇᴍɪɴɪ ᴀꜱᴄᴇɴᴅᴀɴᴛ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ

♇ gemini ascendants usually have a pale undertone, and their lips are usually naturally thin and very straight [also wide] with their upper lip being sharp, it could be deemed that they have a strong cupid's bow as well. the tip of their nose are usually distinct, whether it be big, bulbous, something about it would just stick out.
♇ they look good while wearing winged-eyeliner, and gemini ascendant people are usually individuals who have a long mid-face, and i've noticed that their face tends to stick out and can be very long but circular. one thing i noticed about gemini ascendants, specifically those who have strong mercurial placements, [specifically gemini] they tend to have a long edge at the side of their lips, it reminds me of joker lips since how wide it can be.
♇ their lips are usually very pink and they have slender necks. their eyes are usually colourful or could be considered as very pale. their beauty involves them having square foreheads/or a squared upper head. and if their heads arent oval, they tend to be very structured.
ᴄᴀɴᴄᴇʀ ᴀꜱᴄᴇɴᴅᴀɴᴛ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ

♇ cancer ascendant beauty involves them having big and beautiful smiles, the tail of their eyebrows tend to be long, while the front of their eyebrows are short. as expected, they have the crescent moon face touch, so sometimes their face could be unsymmetrical, specifically the lower jaw, [unsymmetrical does not mean not beautiful].
♇ their nose tip usually are wide, and their eyes are bright, usually looks like its glistening. their upper lip tend to be smaller than their lower lip, and they have full cheekbones and meaty chins. most of the cancer ascendants i have met have clear skins or it could have a lot of freckles or moles.
♇ cancer ascendants usually have strong but soft features, it stands out, especially when they turn to the side. and i noticed they usually have long noses.
ʟᴇᴏ ᴀꜱᴄᴇɴᴅᴀɴᴛ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ

♇ very mesmerising beauty here, leo ascendants do well when they have bright coloured hair, specifically golden/blonde, they also have a bronze/golden undertone. their beauty also involves them having a heart shaped mouth and a long nose bridge.
♇ they're normally short women and have a square or rectangular face, and their chins are usually flat or wide, or both. most leo ascendants have feline eyes and full eyelashes. their beauty contains them having prominent smile lines and nice shoulders.
♇ as they have good posture, leo ascendant beauty includes them having a square fore-head and rosy cheeks. they normally have straight or nice teeth, usually because of virgo being in their second house.
ᴠɪʀɢᴏ ᴀꜱᴄᴇɴᴅᴀɴᴛ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ

♇ they sure do love their side profiles! virgo ascendant beauty includes them having pointy chins, sometimes it goes forwards, they have a prominent nose, could sometimes be seen as a "beak nose" as it's usually thin, very structured or bony. their upper face is square and their lips are usually wide.
♇ virgo ascendant beauty involves hem having a thin/narrow face, either doe eyes or feline eyes, either way, their eyes are usually big. they have arched eyebrows and usually a clean look, a structured jaw and sometimes a micro chin.
♇ noted that virgo ascendants usually have a dimple somewhere on their face, specifically their cheek or on their chin. and their figures are very thin most of the time, or they can appear as frail.
ʟɪʙʀᴀ ᴀꜱᴄᴇɴᴅᴀɴᴛ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ

♇ i noticed a lot of them have a light undertone, much libra ascendant beauty involves them having an oval face, [but as libra ascendant is a light essence, their other placements can over take, like anna nicole smith's sagittarius sun making her face more chiselled]. they have a lot of beauty moles and have a glow to them, it could be that hera touch.
♇ a thin nose bridge, very pink lips, and lips that could be considered as pouty. usually like to wear light/earthy coloured clothes, and have short foreheads, or foreheads that are medium sized. like to go for the light coloured hair styles.
♇ as they have a short lower face, their bodies can come off as very relaxed, with them having strong stares, they sometimes appear like they have superior looks. they usually wear much accessories.
ꜱᴄᴏʀᴘɪᴏ ᴀꜱᴄᴇɴᴅᴀɴᴛ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ

♇ scorpio ascendant beauty is them having dark attractive brows, strong cheek bones and a smaller upper lip. they have owl faces, they sometimes bring their faces forward like one, especially with them having slender necks, them looking like an owl intensifies.
♇ their jaw, chiefly the side of their jaws could be long, and their beauty includes eyes that twinkles, chins that are flat, and a low mid face, it makes them look like baby dolls.
♇ could be into having really dark or light hair, but the light hair are usually with scorpio moons. their beauty involves them having curly/wavy hair, and a full face that is still structured. or you can say chiselled. they could have similar thin noses to virgo risings, but it is not as bony looking.
ꜱᴀɢɪᴛᴛᴀʀɪᴜꜱ ᴀꜱᴄᴇɴᴅᴀɴᴛ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ

♇ their big sultry eyes is apart of their allure, their eyes come off as darty, and sometimes they can be the hardest ascendant to tell, appearance wise. they're people who do well with nude colours, and when it comes to their lips, their lower lip appears to be larger than their upper lip.
♇ with high cheekbones, they sometimes tend to pucker their lips a lot, which is funny because it gives the horse face structure, [im a sagittarius ascendant]. their beauty is their long noses with a buttoned tip, their nose bridges could be thin but as the nose goes lower, it can be very wide in comparison to the nose bridge.
♇ they usually have straight eyebrows, long but square faces, and heavy eye make up compliments them well. sagittarius ascendants beauty involves them having big gummy smiles and having this elf/fairy essence.
ᴄᴀᴘʀɪᴄᴏʀɴ ᴀꜱᴄᴇɴᴅᴀɴᴛ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ

♇ capricorn ascendant beauty has them mostly having short and square faces, doe eyes and eyes that are a light shade, with it being paired with having strong noses, they come off as daring and sultry. their eyebrows are usually arched, almost horn-like. most capricorn ascendants have very light pink coloured lips.
♇ they tend to have a small but pointy chin, somewhat like their sister sign, cancer. capricorn ascendant beauty involves them having most of their features in the middle, and they can sometimes appear like they're fragile, example, ariana grande. with the other capricorn ascendant people i've done research on, they usually tend to do surgery.
♇ their beauty involves them having almond shaped eyes and full eye-lashes, like dolls. they remind me of blythe dolls. most of them have this cold beauty, a type of essence that makes them appear like they're hard to reach, muted colours look good on them as well. and i've noticed they have dimples.
ᴀQᴜᴀʀɪᴜꜱ ᴀꜱᴄᴇɴᴅᴀɴᴛ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ

♇ tim burton kind of beauty, have a specific hairstyle, and like the sign they share the same planet with, capricorn, aquarius ascendants have square heads. compared to other aquarius placements, aquarius ascendants are least likely going to have alien shaped heads in my opinion. on the other hand, their beauty involves them having a ghostly or classic type of beauty.
♇ they have pretty hands, could be the aries in the third house, and are likely interest in thin brows, or could be into styling them. overall, the eyebrows are distinct. they tend to have a big sized nose, and when it comes to their eye shapes, they are usually slender and kind of downturned, or it looks sleepy. red lipstick looks good on them.
♇ tend to have a dimple in their chin, and have sad eyes, the tip of their noses are sometimes downturned. and they have low cheekbones which adds onto their ghostly/ghastly look.
ᴘɪꜱᴄᴇꜱ ᴀꜱᴄᴇɴᴅᴀɴᴛ ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛʏ

♇ they look like both baby cows but fishes at the same time, specifically the female fish from fishtales, their cheeks are usually full and puffy, and their beauty involves them having very blue eyes, if not blue, it appears as very watery. when i was looking at pictures of them, most of them had their mouths open...it's a cute fish thing.
♇ they have diamond heads and sharp chins, their beauty involves them having short eyebrows, and tend to have a surprised but focused look. they look good in many colours, but specifically pink.
♇ pisces ascendants tend to have chiselled faces, and big eyes and small figures, if not by the help by other planets. women who are pisces ascendants tend to be midgets, but its a cute look on them.

ʙᴜʏ ᴘᴀɪᴅ ᴄʜᴀʀᴛ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢꜱ ʙᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀɪᴄᴇꜱ ɢᴏ ᴜᴘ can get a paid venus/beauty/relationship reading from me!

#aries ascendant#rihanna#nikki reed#billie eilish#kendall jenner#taurus ascendant#miley cyrus#phoebe tonkin#gigi hadid#megan thee stallion#gemini ascendant#lady gaga#amy winehouse#madison beer#kristen stewart#cancer ascendant#angelina jolie#meghan markle#sharon tate#tyra banks#leo ascendant#marilyn monroe#vanessa hudgens#blake lively#jessica alba#virgo ascendant#ladan farah#bella hadid#millie bobby brown#brooke shields
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Ladan Osman, “Sun to God (Gaza 2021)”
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ghost stories
#destiny 2#i suppose they can go in their guardians' tags#oc: shahin#oc: ladan#oc: nahid#socmed is destroying the quality on this but that's ok [they said thru gritted teeth]#art
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Portrait for Ladan's reference sheet.
Ladan is a character from "Danny Runner and the Phantom Crown". We're slowly posting the story here:
A03: [English][Italian]
Wattpad: [English][Italian]
★FurAffinity|Deviantart|Commission prices|Tapas|Pillowfort★
#portrait#project regis irae#ladan#ladan xanatos#multiversal character#multiverse#art#my art#digital art#digital portrait#danny runner and the phantom crown#human#humanoid#colored work#oc#original character#2024
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sun to god (gaza, 2021) by ladan osman, 2022.
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elladan has Opinions about aragorn's elessar outfit
(btw arwen & elladan have silver hair in this one bc of their treelight hair thing)
#silm#silmarillion#lord of the rings#lotr#aragorn#arwen#elladan#hc: elronds family uses the nickname 'el' for literally everybody#[el]rond; [el]ros#[el]ladan; [el]rohir#est[el]; undomi[el]#+ [el]wing; [el]ured; [el]urin#the sleeve things aragorn has are meant to be worn with a different shirt/robe#so you can have a fancy loose robe or shirt but functional sleeves#which is especially helpful for people with a craft where you dont want sleeves getting in the way#but aragorn for some reason is wearing a matching sleeveless shirt and shirtless sleeves and defeating the point of both#so is vardamir#though he at least has the excuse of having a craft that actually benefits from the separate sleeves
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the song seeking purpose from final tfantasy 14 played as megaman gx attacked osama malphas bin ladin on top of the gaint plane over gensokyo "you can not win against me and my plan to strike every tower on earth at once with these legons of planes" hahaha laughed osama as he cyberized his demon form and punched hard megamn gx who crashed into the wing hanging offf for deer life.
john ward tryed to pray hurting bin ladins demon side while garcia shotgunnned him with face "you are force of wrong and you must go back to hell"
dark energy comed out of the plan as cyberman elon musk with bioweapon sandevsitan mantis blades and gorefield eldrich magic come out of platform "i have empower him with evil now fight" said osama focusing on the prests as cyber boss elon picked up megaman gx and started thrust punching his chest over and over "YOU THE WOKE MIND VIRUS TOOK MY KIDS AND WIFE AND I HATE YOU FOR IT" he said punching and punchgn at him "I WILL MAKE IT WORLDS PROBLAM NOW FUCK YTOU WOKE ROBOT1"!!!" ELON SCREAMED punched him into the jet engine as he burned
"maybe u were a shitty dad" megaman gx powered up his golden mage form and used theos ultma to knock cyber boss elon back
but he aborbved the power "my core is an anti magic antimatter sub systam you fucking woke little basterd" cyber boss elon laughed and slammed megaangx into the floor punching the super out of him
"once evil rules the world once all the woke people are dead people once everyone that maked fun of me is dead then mayebe i can be piece but i hate you i see everything i hate in you megamangx your goodness makes me fucking sick i h ate you i hate you!!!!!" elon was raged.
before cyber boss elon could deal a dueadly blow a portal opened and wuk lamat came down and smashed him real hard with big axe as he went spincoptering in the air "you are boyond help elon not even friendship can be shaving you now you let hate and evil poson your heart" wuk said ready to defend the people
megaman gx got up to see his friend "wuk i have not seen you since the war its good to have old friend here to help" and they did the badass predater handshake.
"it i s pain please i don't like this get me out i want to live i an like iron man EVERYONE LIKES ME I DONT WANTING TO DIE!" he said as the jet engine exploded and fires and grinding tore up his machine body then he was pulled in as bits of matal blasted out of the back on fire "your hate did this elon not us" wuk said.
they focassed back on osama maplhas bin ladin who had the two prests defeeted "elon was a fool but i am an evil master and soon a new age of terror will begin to think those that long ago tryed to fighting me now worship my evil how irony" said osama.
megamangx powered up into holy mage super form unlashing a b arrage of elemental spears witch osama dodged "tell me how to stop 9/11 2 i can not let you do this!" megaman gx shouted.
osama laughed summoning demonic wings as he rammed megamangx "i would not tell you how plan can be stopped then i can not do it idot" osama laughed clawing at megamangx with big long demon arms.
"i have an idea we need to use diemenmsonal fusion and sent all the planes into the void instad of earth" wuk said and megamangx nodded "father ward help me using your magic bible" megamangx asked "got you" said father ward who prreyed.
the power got stong as megamangx used sword of storms magic to hold osama off "i will not let you prevant 9/11 2!!!" he screaming becoming more demonic looking as he clawed and slashed
the spell worked opening a portal into the 13th instead of earth "hey bin ladin, obama sends his regards" megaman gx said blasting theos ultma mark 3 into his face burning him as he realed backwards "jump off the plane now" wuk said and they all jumped off as all 1000 jumbo jets flew into the void gate exploding inside the 13th.
"see you in hell bin ladin" megaman gx said using mage form delta to seal the void gate as he used father fall to land everyone safety in foirest of magic.
"we defeated osama for now but he will be back but at least we have illuminati on the run now" said yukari who met them on the ground.
a door opened as ron desantis was shocked "DONALD TRUMP BUT MEGAMANGX KILLED YOU?!?!?!?!" he was shocked
Trump made ron feel small "you think you are good enough to run this order pudding fingers get on your knees" trumpo ordered and ron kneeled as trump kicked him in the face "now thank me"
ron nodded kissing his shoe "thank u for kicking me master" ron said as trump dragged him to the throne and sat on him farting in his face "now thank me for letting you smell my yummy farts" ordered trump
"thank you master i love your yummy farts" said ron.
nikkey hailey ran into room kneeling "please master trump i wanting to huff yummy farts too and i can do it better than ron" she begged and tramp laughed at how pathatetic these people where to him
"you will both get turns to sniff my farts but now i have plans"
to be continued
#megamangx the adventure#megaman gx#fan fiction#faith the unholy trinity#donald trump#ron desantis#nikki haley#wuk lamat#elon musk#megaman#osama bin ladan
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ima da se obeznanim od smeha sad
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It has awesome music.
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