#Labor Laws
animentality · 2 years
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unimatrix-420 · 1 year
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michaelpaul7 · 18 days
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I meant to post this yesterday but I got caught up doing things. Fuck project 2025 - go join a Union!
And as always fuck Donald Trump!!!
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Thousands of spectators cheer as over a quarter of a million marchers show support for the National Recovery Administration (NRA) in a parade on Fifth Avenue on September 13, 1933. The NRA was part of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal to institute industry-wide codes intended to eliminate unfair trade practices, reduce unemployment, establish minimum wages and maximum hours, and guarantee the right of labor to bargain collectively. The NRA ended when it was invalidated by the Supreme Court in 1935, but many of its provisions were included in subsequent legislation. The NRA flag, at the left, is the symbol of a Blue Eagle with the motto "We do our part." This view is looking north at 42nd St.
Photo: Associated Press
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I applied to be a manager at a fast food place a week or two ago, a position I am not qualified for, but I got an email back the next day saying they were moving my application forward. Turns out that was just a form letter sent to every applicant to let them know that the first application didn't count because it wasn't on the company website, so if I really wanted the job I would have to reapply through them.
Okay, whatever, I follow the link and start filling in my info again, but this application is full of those stupid personality test questions like "what was your greatest work related accomplishment," or "explain a negative customer experience you've had," meant to weed out people who can't speak managerese (the correct answers to these questions is to supplicate yourself and make it seem like you would die for the company). I rolled my eyes but continued anyway, until the final question asked me to record a 30 second pre-interview video of myself talking about my hobbies.
Immediate red flag! First if all, that's illegal, and second of all, that's almost certainly AI training bullshit. So I closed out the application without submitting it and emailed their HR team to let them know that the video question violates federal labor laws. They responded with "this is an automated system, please do not reply," so I washed my hands of it and forgot it ever happened.
Yesterday, I got a voicemail from that very company asking me to interview for the position! What kind of mind games are they playing? My original application wasn't qualified, I never submitted my second application, and I accused them of breaking the law, so why would they reach back out to me? Do they like my moxie? I don't get it...
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aquitainequeen · 1 year
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Katherine Trendacosta on the limits of AI, labor laws and workers' rights
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empirearchives · 11 months
Napoleon and Child Labor Laws:
“Napoleon was the first in France to be concerned about the condition of children and had a decree adopted on January 3, 1813 prohibiting the work of children under 10 years old.”
“Across the Channel, the same ban had been in effect since 1801 and concerned children under 8 years old. This was a major breakthrough especially for young miners forced to work in coal mines; many of them died of this terrible labor. Unfortunately, unscrupulous bosses took advantage of the fall of the Empire two years later to send this decree into oblivion.”
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sankhlaco · 4 months
Best for industrial law and labour law for HR
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HR labor law is the area where employment-related legal requirements and HR management practices converge. This area is crucial for making sure businesses manage their workforces efficiently and adhere to all relevant rules and regulations. The following are some salient features of HR labor law.
Hiring and Recruitment: HR practitioners must be aware of the laws pertaining to hiring and recruitment procedures, such as those pertaining to equal employment opportunity (EEO) and anti-discrimination, as well as those regulating the hiring of foreign nationals and minors.
Employment Agreements and Contracts: HR specialists are frequently in charge of creating and managing employment agreements, which may contain provisions pertaining to pay, benefits, working hours, and layoff policies. They are responsible for making sure that these contracts abide by all applicable labor laws and rules.
Wages and Hours: HR departments are in charge of making sure that rules pertaining to minimum wage, overtime compensation, and other requirements pertaining to remuneration are followed. This entails abiding with rules like the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) in the US or comparable laws in other nations.
Workplace Safety and Health: By putting policies and processes in place that go by occupational safety and health standards, HR professionals help to promote workplace safety and health. They might also assist in organizing safety procedure training and managing workers' compensation claims.
HR departments are frequently tasked with handling matters related to employee relations, including as grievances, disciplinary actions, and conflicts. They have to make sure that employee rights are upheld and that disciplinary actions adhere to labor regulations.
Employee Benefits and Leave: Human resources specialists oversee benefit schemes like health insurance, paid time off, and retirement plans. Laws pertaining to the administration of benefits, such as those governing leave entitlements like the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), must be understood by them.
Termination and Layoffs: HR specialists are in charge of managing employee terminations, including any necessary layoffs or downsizing projects. They have to make sure that all termination procedures adhere to labor rules, including giving notice and paying severance when necessary.
Employee Privacy and Data Protection: When handling sensitive employee data, HR departments are in charge of protecting employee privacy and making sure that data protection rules are followed.
Union Relations: HR specialists may be involved in collective bargaining discussions, contract administration, and handling in companies where workers are members of a union.
To know "How many labour laws are there ?" click here
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adoodleintime · 1 year
Do you guys remember the industrial revolution where everyone moved from their farms to the cities to work garbage jobs that paid shit and were incredibly dangerous?
And everyone in a family, even children, had to work up to 16 hours a day to live in terrible apartments and eat cheap food?
And after years of fighting, rules and laws were put into place to protect workers, particularly children?
Remember when a 9-5, 5 days a week, was enough to support your family?
We're reliving history now. People are working just to stay alive. Wages are awful. Housing is awful. Everything is ridiculously expensive. Child labor laws are being loosened because children won't demand a living wage.
This isn't the future our ancestors imagined.
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cryoverkiltmilk · 2 months
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Hey, everyone in Illinois, you should know this exists.
Everyone in other US states should be contacting your representatives and finding out if your state has something like this, and if not, WHY.
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oh-dear-so-queer · 6 months
The belief that all lower-class women were sexually active meant that working class women friends were suspected of sexual activity, and from 1700 single women friendships came under scrutiny and suspicion. Working-class women living and working together could be separated by the labour laws, which allowed magistrates to rule how and where women worked. Four women at South Milton, Devon, who had been self-sufficient in a spinning house together, were ordered to go into domestic service, where they would almost certainly be separated.
"Normal Women: 900 Years of Making History" - Philippa Gregory
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theintoccabile · 10 months
Seems a lot of people here seem to believe at-will employment is the norm but it's really not and an expression of the frankly shitty US labor laws
Not sure where else it may be a big Thing but don't expect to have it in Europe
At-will employment is not anywhere close to universal outside of the US and a really messed up system (so is unpaid sick leave but I digress).
Where I live an employer can only fire you for just about any reason during your probation period, with advance notice. (And even then if it's due to say illness, if they're smart they won't mention that)
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Just called to schedule an appointment and an automated voice told me that phones are off for staff lunch every day from 12-1 and to please call back during NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS and I would just like to say, begging, desperately pleading, on my knees, sobbing, can we please universalize this concept that meal times≠normal business hours? that it is NORMAL to not only allow but require that your workers take adequate breaks for self-care? Can this be the new standard everywhere please
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whimsicalmeerkat · 1 year
The noise I just made when I learned my client is calling something a Stat Holiday because there is a statutory fucking requirement in British Columbia that employees receive holiday pay. And apparently hours worked on those holidays are paid at overtime rates? Double time for anything over 12 hours? Is this another one of those things that’s normal outside the US and just feels mind blowing to me because we’re ass backwards here? Even California doesn’t have any requirement that employers pay holidays and it’s the most employee-friendly state in the country. Seriously, it’s good I wasn’t on a call because my mind is blown and I’m having a bit of a crisis over it.
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