void019 · 21 days
Chat I think I have one of em QPR crushes on an irl friend
Chat am I fucked. I think I'm fucked chat
Anyways I'm gonna go try to draw them now even though I don't know how to draw humans. So.
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vadergf · 3 years
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kangals · 3 years
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trying to explain what daylight savings time is but they just keep staring at me like I’m a fucking idiot who can’t read a clock. IM NOT WRONG YOU ARE.
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beholdingslut · 3 years
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this from the guy who wrote the sting pain index, a scale he constructed after letting himself be stung by insects
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shanastoryteller · 3 years
wish there was a non rude way to be like "I understand your criticism, I don't even necessarily disagree with it, but I am doing these things on purpose, because I like them and I want to, and therefore your opinion has no value, because you might think me painting a room entirely pink is tacky, but I did it on purpose"
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siflshonen · 3 years
“I could fix him”; “I could make him worse!” Why??????? Why all this DIY???? I just wanna stand over his shoulder and see what he can possibly fuck up next
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soupwife · 3 years
man you guys have got to stop getting mad at people for tagging your post as whatever annoying thing. tags used to be sacred. you weren't supposed to see it. it's the culture. "Stop tagging this as [character]". No!! You have no right to make demands on me!! I can do whatever I want in the tags. Just cause Tumblr decided to set up a camera in my house and broadcast it live doesn't mean you get to make fun of me for going "wheee!!!" when I get into bed it's my fucking house and my fucking business!!!!!
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ballroomnotoriety · 3 years
im sobbing
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surrealtiktoks · 3 years
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frogbestfriend · 3 years
one of the biggest problems of society nowadays is that i am so so sleepy 
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batfamfucker · 3 years
We don't appreciate the fact that Bruce Wayne is a Kardasian level celebrity enough. Everyone knows him. I want more one shots and crack fic moments where the League (Pre identity reveals) just openly talk about Bruce Wayne in front of Batman.
Just imagine them playing fuck, marry, kill with famous actors and such and throwing Bruce into the mix. And Batman just sits there, silently suffering as he listens to the reasons why Flash and Lantern would marry, fuck, or kill him. He prays they choose kill. They don't.
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thegreatyin · 3 years
found a twitter tweet that was like "oh yeah content warning hatoful boyfriend has a lot of gore and violence" and every single person in the notes/retweets/qrts/whatever the fuck terms twitter has was going "WHAT THE FUCK IT HAS WHAT" and i find that hilarious because. large amounts of gore and violence is a tremendous understatement about the amount of stuff that goes down in hatoful boyfriend
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vendetta06 · 3 years
Do you guys remember this, literally what was it for? it feels like a fever dream because there’s no explanation
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gaybichon · 3 years
my client just said "there's bigger fish to fight" which is objectively a much better idiom
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markets · 3 years
talks to a girl and is immediately hit with an 105 degree fever nausea chills etc has to lie in bed all day wiping sweat off my forehead with a silk handkerchief and writing about my illness in my diary like a malnourished victorian man
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exeggcute · 3 years
not to be overly serious (lol) but if you're mad about these stupid new ""safe mode"" changes on tumblr's iOS app you need to be directing your energy towards apple because, realistically speaking, there is literally nothing tumblr staff can do about this lol. they've either gotta follow apple's rules or get their app removed from the app store.
but also this is just part of a way bigger and longstanding issue with apple's walled-garden approach to software where you can only get shit that meets their very specific standards and doesn't compete with their own proprietary apps AND if users make an in-app transaction apple gets like, a 30% cut or something insane. this is why epic games had that whole thing where they took fortnite off the app store in protest (and which iirc is still part of a big pending legal case that'll have some serious precedent based on its outcome.....?) so like. this is actually just one tiny battle being waged in a full-scale war of online content and access and censorship and yelling at a bunch of ragtag mobile devs on tumblr's staff will fix exactly nothing, I promise. so go complain about it to apple!!!!
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