rain2bow2 · 4 months
Why the fuck would Crystal act like that?
Okay so, Episode 8, Crystal and Niko go to help Edwin and Charles out of Esther's house. Big, final, heroic scene.
Crystal throws the bag to Charles, who she sees is locked up in an iron collar, and then throws that bag AS FAR AWAY FROM HIM AS POSSIBLE for no reason. Like, it would have had been easier to pass the bag to him because he was literally just less than a metre away. But no! We throw the bag ONTO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOM for NO REASON.
Great. Fantastic. Makes no sense.
Of course, you may think that it is because she perhaps though that he could reach for it (likely) but like, why shove the bag onto the path of the witch, had she come back into the room with Charles? It is extremely visible to her had she walked by, making her aware that an escape attempt is imminent and that the place wasn't as secure as she thought.
AND she didn't even make a face when she threw it to the other side of the room, not even like an 'oh shit i threw it too far' one or like 'oops i just made an accident' one. That means that SHE FULLY INTENDED ON THROWING IT AS FAR AWAY FROM CHARLES AS POSSIBLE. WHY THE FUCK?
again, absolutely just godawful decision.
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dangermousie · 8 months
This scene made me lose not just my marbles, but a whole marble store. Because she overhears his plans to leave and tries to literally cut the spell out of herself aaaaaa!!!
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And of course he feels it and rushes over like mad...
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Oh god, babies! They are total babies!!!
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It's not a hug, it's literally the two of them entwining around each other as much as it's possible with human anatomy - if they could bend their bones further, they would.
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They break my heart! (But what on earth is the actual truth if it's worse for her than the stuff she's going through right now?!)
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He keeps stroking her but he does not answer, does he?
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He does think she should be with her family and expand her world beyond him (it was one thing when she had nobody else, he had an excuse to keep her to himself, but he can't now) but it's not just that - he needs the distance for himself since their whole world has been overturned.
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The way he stops himself from even touching her clothes now...
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Either both of them are dead at the end of the drama or one is dead and the other is left. This is SO not having a happy ending, I can tell.
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harryfeatgaga · 9 months
Think we need to discuss breaking up right before your bday and he doesn’t know how to act cus it was always his favorite day just spoiling you he’s literally pacing his house debating on texting or sending flowers or just doing something because he feels so useless and that night he just says fuck it and shows up at your house, he subconsciously didn’t expect you to be home and thought you’d be out with friends so it’s even more of a shock when you answer the door in your pjs and a glass of wine and he’s like “Why are you home?” but you don’t wanna admit you’ve been just as miserable the entire day not wanting to celebrate because it’s the first time without him but based on your silence he knows😔😔 he’d notice the half eaten mini cake on your kitchen and the bottle of wine next to it basically confirming it’s been a hard sad day for you😔 your cat would also be next to it and that makes him smile knowing you at least had a little company….you end up talking and eating the cake together and after a while he’s like “I should get going, just wanted to say happy birthday🙁” but before he stands you’re pulling his arm and telling him to stay😔
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k3uuu · 1 year
Since it will take me until I’m home to answer your novel (: ,,, entertain me, plz. For LS!Tom and canon!Tom where you have an opinion.
1, 3, 9, 11, 17, 23, 27, 33.
Sorry, some of these are boring answers 😭
1. Canon I outright reject
Alright, this is for canon TMR: anything to do with cursed child’s existence. As much as I love our Delphini, I just can’t accept anything that came out of it… the thought of Voldemort having sex with Bellatrix? It’s repulses me. I just can’t see him wanting a child, either. It’s all weird.
If I was a fagette in LS, I would reject trueship and be obsessed with godfag/peepfag. You KNOW, I’d be so obsessed with that ship, and would be so miserable with the “canon” ship.
3. Obscure headcanon
Tom was a bed wetter, which would lead to issues with the matrons. This is also one of the things we talked about when we first became friends which makes it extra special to me.
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
Oh man… I’m not gonna lie, I read HP for the first time in high school and it’s been a loooong time since then. I think the entire plot with Diary Tom had me so on edge. Finding out Tom Riddle was VOLDEMORT? Insane. Shocking. Life changing. I didn’t really ship anything yet so it was purely this feeling of oh my goddddddd.
11. Faceclaim for the role
I don’t have face claims. My minds eye doesn’t work properly, so I just default with Christian Coulson. I don’t like the actors for HBP, so fuck that. For LS Tom…. I don’t even know. Tall, dark hair, skinny twink.
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
Lemon boy by Cavetown for Lover’s Spit Tom Riddle, thanks to our girl whisker!
I don’t really connect songs or quotes or anything to characters (beyond our ocs), I’m just bad at it 😂. I do usually relate playlists you make to the characters, so anything you’ve made. When I listen to music, I can always somehow make it about characters even if it makes absolutely no sense - which makes me horrible for this question!
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
I’m really not sure 😆. I’m not good with smells either. TMR doesn’t inspire a smell for me. He’s just … I don’t know. He makes me think of a hospital room, sterile. Off putting but it fits him.
27. Their guilty pleasure
Hahahah. Stalking and creeping on Harry. This can fit for either LS TMR or canon TMR, I’d say. I also think canon TMR still has sticky fingers and steals sometimes, even after leaving the orphanage.
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry
I just. can’t picture canon TMR crying. It’s so abnormal to me and doesn’t look right. I feel like you gotta attack him as a kid, low blow him to get the tears.
LS TMR, I think anything related to his mum when he’s younger could bring some tears. Not publicly, but around daddy.
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johnwickb1tsch · 10 months
A different anon here! I'm too shy to comment directly on your lovely Helen sis fic but oh my goddddddd 🙈🙈🙈🙈😳😳😳😳😳 I thought he was going to go all the way with her for sure BUT HE DIDN'T. What kind of man gives amazing head and leaves for the night??? (Ok, the brilliant feminist! kind that John is but BUT IM SCREAMING!)
Looking forward to seeing the fallout 😳 it must be a whole other thing to see John's face again after knowing he stuck his face down there LOL.
The way you write dialogue and describe settings, dress and food is just impeccable. Thank you for writing ❤️
Nonnie!!! First of all, thank you SOoooOoo much!!!! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤This made me cackle like a madwoman in the best way. Secondly, how right are you?!! I think the best answer I can give, without spoiling the next part, is a man who is Devoted! to his late wife. We all know that, it's no secret. But it seems he's pretty smitten with you, Dear Reader! 😉 Can't wait to post part 4, it's going to be 😈😈😈, thaaaank youuuu so much for reading!!!🖤😁😘
Also, fuck yeah John Wick is a feminist, bless! U hit that nail right on the head!😁😁😁
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mossy-mushrooms · 8 months
The dark harvest
Pt 4
A week had passed since the incident, Ryu and his guardians were more cautious at night and when they had to be near the forest.
Right now he was sitting in the principal's office, sitting quietly while Yuuki was talking to the principal to enroll Ryu.. again, for the fifth time.
"Well I think we're all set, I'll assign him a guide for tomorrow. He will give him his schedule and lock combination" the principal talked to Yuuki, but when Ryu heard about what he cared he heard it all before so he just promptly zoned out while staring out the window that was in the office.
"alright thank you sir, come on Ryu how about we go get something to eat?" Yuuki turns to him while standing up and Ryu just nods before walking out of the office. "Ah... Sorry about him, he's not used to talking to people" he says before getting his coat and walking out after Ryu
Ryu was silently eating his fries, looking out the window at the perpetually foggy town. He had already seen a few same faces twice or thrice, "so.. do you think you'll like it here?" Yuuki asked as he drank his coffee, Ryu looked up at him and put up a finger up as he chewed.
"it's creepy as hell here. Not to mention the people, they all stare at me like I'm a plague that should be avoided" he grimaces as he says that, clearly annoyed. Leaning back on the booth seat as he crosses his arms, "I'm sure they're just cautious this is a small town and they're not used to new faces" Yuuki reassures him as he leans on the table with his forearms. "Isn't that what you said like three times before?" Ryu retorts as he dips another french fry into mayonnaise before eating it in one go.
"where are Santos and Sam anyway? They're running late" the teen grumbles as he looks back out the window. "Uh let me see" Yuuki mumbles as he fishes his phone out of his pocket and sending a text to both of them, he sets his phone down on the table and takes a bite of his steak. "I bet Sam will reply first" Ryu remarks and takes a sip of his tea, he hums at the taste. Forest fruit was always his favourite tea, "cuz he's always on his phone? I bet he's playing games or something- oh speak of the devil" Yuuki picks up his phone and reads the message resulting him to sigh heavily. "What?"
"they're lost, they are somehow In a park and if memory serves, that's on the opposite side of town." He groans, running a hand through his dark curls as Ryu just stares, his mouth slightly open.
"you're fucking with me. Oh my goddddddd, how!?" He groans as he puts his face in his hands. "Yeahh, I dropped out location to them, I'm guessing Santos was leading the two of them.. neither of them are capable for shit." He sighs and turns off his phone. "So what now? It'll at least be an hour untill they get here, should we just go home and get them some take out?" "You think we won't be gossiping for the next hour? Also I have money so we can order more don't worry about it" at that Ryu perked up and leaned forward. "Work gossip already??"
"look who's finally here" Yuuki snarks as he looks at the two disheveled guys that are standing at their booth. "Dude. There were strays" he wheezes out as he plops down next to Ryu while Sam sits next to Yuuki quietly but still panting. "Oh shit, all explained then, wait how many dogs were chasing you?" Yuuki asked as he flagged down the waiter "there we six I think" Sam answered as he stole Santos coffee "what the hell man? Why do you drink coffee black??" Sam gags as he sets down Yuuki's drink.
"you really are American.." Ryu mumbles as he drinks his second mug of tea as the other two just nod. "What the hell is that supposed to mean??" "Nothing, nothing" the teen quickly says while the others look away in any direction that isn't where Sam is sitting, much to Sam's annoyance.
Ryu sighed as they are finally home and immediately plopped down onto the black love seat in the living room. Sam sat on the faded purple couch while Santos went upstairs to who knows where in the lodge and Yuuki went into the kitchen to prep the chicken and potatoes for tomorrow's breakfast so he wouldn't need to rush.
"Ryu don't go to bed too late okay? You're gonna be going to school in a few days" Yuuki's voice was reassuring but the teen already knew that the man didn't want anymore incidents like that night. "I won't stay up to late don't worry, I don't wanna hear the wind at night more than I have to ugh" he shakes his head slightly as he thinks about the creepy noises.
"okay then, if you need anything I'll be in the office room" the teen nods at that and Yuuki ruffles his hair before walking off.
The teen sighed and grabbed a blanket and covered himself while scrolling through Pinterest, after a while he slowly fell asleep on the couch as the warm fire kept him warm..
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angrelysimpping · 2 years
Mmm imagine the absolute angst of it being an arraigned marriage to help put the orphans in some way and the pc love the li back
No Sydney for this one =P
(DoL relationships; abduction, not explicit)
They want to fight it.
It's not right! Forcing you to marry someone else for the sake of the orphanage!
No matter how many times you tell Alex to drop it, they won't.
They come really close to keeping you on the farm against your will, to be honest.
Comes to the wedding, whether you invite them or not. Drinks too much.
Again, will try to fist fight your new spouse and end up in tears by the end of the night.
It's worse than if you didn't love them. If you were choosing to marry someone else, if you never loved them, at least then they could maybe turn their hurt into anger, vilifying you in their head for "leading them on."
But not if you're getting married like this, putting others' needs ahead of your own.
Avery is probably the best at handling this situation. Avery knows people, has connections, they could get you out of an arranged marriage. Of course, you’d have to marry Avery instead.
If they don't, or can’t, pull any strings, Avery will still go to the wedding.
Strained smiles and slightly overfamiliar as they congratulate you on your marriage.
Maybe they'll see you at some parties in the future, another orphan on their arm.
Might try to steal a few moments of your time when at those parties.
Showing up at the wedding with their shotgun, if not sooner.
They don't care. They don't care!
The orphanage means nothing to them.
It doesn't matter what you want, either. You say you have to do this to help the others, but Eden only cares about themself.
You're their spouse, no one else's.
If you're ungrateful for them rescuing you, they'll keep you tied up in the cabin.
Immediately tries to kidnap you.
It doesn't matter that you're pleading with Kylar that you need to do this for the sake of the orphanage! They don't care!
They don't like seeing you cry, but they'd much rather you cry and be with them than put on fake smiles and lay in someone else's bed.
If they fail in abducting you, they can't go to the wedding. They're imprisoned. Wouldn't go even if they could. They wouldn't be able to control themself.
They know you have to, but they can't stop crying.
Tries to put up a brave front around you, but you can tell they're on the verge of tears.
Even with high confidence, they can't stop you. They can't put their own happiness ahead of everyone at the orphanage.
Spends as much time with you as they can, forsaking their drink stalls and following you wherever you go.
Goes to the wedding. Probably part of the wedding party, if your betrothed allows it.
Will try to keep in touch with you, if they can. They have their "debt" to pay and your spouse might block your communication with Robin.
Pissed as hell.
You love them, or whatever, right? So forget marrying someone else.
They don't care that you're doing it for other people, they couldn't give a shit about the orphanage.
You're their slut! So shut up about marrying someone else for any reason.
Does everything in their power to fuck things up. Destroys your wedding clothes. Tackles you to the ground and keeps you pinned under them for hours for no other reason than to make you miss wedding appointments. If they can, they'll pick you up and carry you off. Half the time, you show up with Whitney's fluids on your face and in your mouth.
Shows up at the wedding and disrupts it as much as possible. Gets tossed out but sneaks into the reception, tipsy.
Corners you, rambling. You love them, right? Right? Even though they're an asshole, you love them? Want to be with them? So why don't you? Why don't you run away with them?
They don’t let you answer before slamming their mouth to yours.
Will try to drag you away with them.
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lilithgrax · 2 years
Seeing In Color
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Summary: Jungkook decides karate is better than boxing and takes you to Dragon’s Gate, where you meet the Boy With the Dragon Tattoo.
Pairings: Yoongi/Reader
Rating: PG; swearing
Warnings: Swearing; Taehyung is a little shit-stirrer, isn't he?
Author’s Note: This has turned into more of a slow burn than I intended... I just cannot help myself with these side characters. They stir up ideas.
You can find this work on my Ao3 as well at Lillith_Grax.
One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven - Eight - Nine - Ten
Yoongi looks at both of you quizzically but gives you a gummy smile. He's not wearing his gi, just a plain white t-shirt and grey sweatpants, and you assume he must be done with his classes for today. You try not to let him notice you're staring but his shirt is just too tight and his sweatpants are just too low on his hips for you not to. A few lingering seconds on his chest let you know that the red on his chest is just ever so noticeable through the white fabric of his shirt.
Jungkook doesn't answer and looks everywhere but Yoongi's face, not sure what to say. Yoongi stuffs his hands in his sweats pockets, taking a deep breath and backing up a step.
"Did I interrupt something? I'll just go get my coffee and be on my way then."
He starts to walk away but you blurt out for him to wait and grab the leg of his pants before he can get too far. He turns to look down at you and you let go, feeling your face heat up in embarrassment. He didn't seem annoyed, or angry, but you wondered if knowing what happened between Jungkook and Hoseok would change anything. You've been told over and over that it was just a fling, it was a long time ago, but you can't help but feel the bile churn in your stomach whenever you think about it. You've never been friends with an ex before and that concept seems entirely foreign to you.
"Come down and sit with us after you get your coffee." Jungkook offers, saving you from having to think of words to stumble over. Yoongi smiles in affirmation and tells you he'll be right back. Your best friend just stares at you with a tired look on his face and shakes his head at himself.
"I should have known he might show up to the coffee shop thats right next to his dojo. I'm a fucking idiot." You notice Jungkook squint over your shoulder and then his eyes widen, a look of terror crossing his face and he sucks in a breath of air in a loud gasp.
"Oh, no." He whispers. "Oh no. Oh Goddddddd."
You spin around in your chair and look over to the counter. Yoongi stands off to the side, waiting at the end of the counter for his drink to be made. He's talking to another man who also seems to be waiting for his drink. He's a couple of inches taller, dark brown wavy hair falling around his eyes. He looks trendy in a floral print button down that shows a little too much collarbone, but it doesn't dawn on you the reason for Jungkook's reaction until you see him stick out his plump, pouty bottom lip at Yoongi.
"Oh my God." You whisper, whipping back around to face your friend. "Is that the hot artsy guy?! From Sculpture & Painting?!"
"Shhhhh!!" Jungkook takes his hood off of his head and swipes his hair back, internally panicking. You peek back over your shoulder and they both now have their drinks in hand, and you see the tall one point at Jungkook before they both start walking over.
"I look like shit. And Yoongi's going to bring up Hoseok." Your best friend whispers, almost inaudible. "This is a nightmare." He emphasizes the last word, eyes going wide. You notice Jungkook's struggle not to sink down into his chair to try and become invisible as they approach the table.
"Taehyung." He says immediately, offering you his hand to shake. You take it. "Nice to meet you." The smile that he gives you is dazzling. This close, you notice that he has a gold choker on, and big pearl earrings. You can feel a few rings on the long, slender fingers of his hand that you're holding. Very stylish, but different than Hoseok, you think. Expensive taste.
"Y/n. Nice to meet you too, Taehyung." You think about adding 'Jungkook has told me a lot of good things about you' to the end of your sentence, but you don't want to add to your best friend's embarrassment. You flick your eyes over to Yoongi, and he's smiling fondly at you. Warmth pools in your chest. Then you realize they're both standing, shifting weight on their feet, and you look around for extra chairs. Taehyung is ahead of you, walking around to your other side and pulling a chair in between you and Jungkook. You look up at Yoongi and he just smiles down at you, moving next to your seat to rest his hand on the back of it. You feel his thumb touch start stroking your upper back, but after a second he pulls his hand away, thinking better of it. Your stomach churns and you can't decide what you're feeling right now.
"Taehyung started student teaching when I was a senior at the university." Yoongi starts, "I recognized him from the class, but he says you're much better at the arts than I was, Jungkook."
Jungkook perks up and gives an 'Oh?' to Yoongi before glancing over at Taehyung, who's flashing him a winning smile. He chuckles when Jungkook glances away almost immediately and tries to cover his face with his hair. You watch Taehyung's eyes give him a long, lingering once-over; smile still plastered on his face. A thousand thoughts start to swirl in your head- there's something about Taehyung but you just can't put your finger on what you're feeling.
"Have a late night last night?" Taehyung's voice is smooth and velvety, but not sultry like Yoongi's. You try not to think about it too much so you don't get turned on. His smile has turned into a little teasing smirk, leaning towards Jungkook with an elbow on the table.
Yoongi interjects. "Oh yeah. I heard you mention something about Hoseok. Is he alright?"
Both of you freeze. Jungkook looks at you with pleading eyes. This man you just met, Taehyung- is just as gorgeous as Jungkook made him out to be. In that moment you figure out what that something about him is- he's beautiful and has an air about him that tells you he knows he's beautiful. You definitely believe your best friend when he says people fawn over him all the time. But something about the way he's looking at Jungkook tells you other things- that he knows Jungkook has been flirting with him, and he's totally into it. Maybe. And after all he's done for you, you try to think of something fast to save his ass. You turn and look up at Yoongi.
"He's fine! He just drank way too much last night and Jungkook was nice enough to babysit and make sure he got home safely, since Namjoon went home early."
For a second, as you're locking eyes with Yoongi, your heart pounds so loud in your chest you swear he would hear it. He shakes his head and rolls his eyes.
"Tch. Not surprised. He was always the lush of the group." He sticks out one finger from around his coffee cup to point at Jungkook. "Told you that wasn't Joon's scene. Surprised he even went at all."
He takes a sip of his coffee and you fight the urge to physically express how relieved you are. Thankfully, nobody is left to stew in their thoughts for too long because Taehyung speaks up, looking over at you from behind his wavy hair.
"Are you two on a date? Did we interrupt?"
In a complete twist of his attitude, Jungkook laughs.
"Absolutely not." He responds to Taehyung, almost sounding disgusted. You'd be offended if you didn't know the intricacies of this situation completely. Taehyung keeps looking at you, studying both you and Yoongi, and the wheels in his head seem to start turning. From the few moments you've known Taehyung you can't tell if you like him or not; you like that he's so forward but it also makes it seem like he enjoys drama.
"Is that so?" he laughs. Jungkook's eyes light up watching him laugh, you can see the infatuation written plainly on his face. But for some reason, Taehyung is still looking at you.
"If not Jungkook, do you have a boyfriend, y/n?"
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you know what? lukebobby pride and prejudice au (with side willex as bingley/jane) (definitely more side ships but willex screams bingley/jane). bobby as an awkward, judgy, and non-communicative darcy and luke as lizzie, hot-headed but with so much heart and love for his family, and a way with words. and the longing. oh the longing. and staring.
anon first off i need you to know that when i saw this last night i immediately sent it to @where-you-go because i needed her to see it asap (and i wasn't in the right headspace to answer this properly yet)
like. besties bobby and willie??? bobby seeing willie fall head over heels for alex but worrying that alex doesn't feel the same way so he automatically thinks i have to protect him from heartbreak and takes him away???? it's for his own good?????
but also imagine him immediately falling for luke and not knowing how to deal with it. "feelings??? what???? no i must avoid him at all costs this is the worst."
AND LUKE AS LIZZIE???? MY GOD ANON THE GALAXY BRAIN YOU HAVE!!!!! he loves his family so fiercely!!!! he'd do anything for them!!!! especially fight for their honor!!!!!!!
because he knows firsthand how hard alex loves but ALSO how scared he is of really letting himself be loved :( and so luke is always gonna be there to help him and push him when he needs it!
but also the AUDACITY of bobby just assuming that alex doesn't love willie as much as willie loves him???? luke's gonna rage. also oh my godddd just imagining what sort of comment luke would overhear and turn around to use against bobby a la "what do you recommend to encourage affection?" / "dancing. even if one's partner is barely tolerable." LIKE!!!! JUST IMAGINE THE SASS BETWEEN THESE TWO!!!!!!
and like. i know you didn't include them in the ask but i can't stop thinking about reggie and julie and flynn and maybe even carrie in all of this because oh goddddddd imagine carrie as bobby's sister (aka georgiana) and her totally ratting bobby out for how much he likes luke IN FRONT OF LUKE???? perfection. you know she'd do it on purpose.
and tbqhhhhhhh i'm imagining julie and flynn as kitty and lydia (tho neither run off with any version of wickham bc this Ain't About Them) which leaves reggie as mary (my beloved) who just wants to be included!!!!! i just. i love them all so much.
there would be so much longing in this. SO. MUCH. so many weighted stares and wistful daydreaming about each other and WHAT COULD BE if only HE WASN'T SUCH A DOUCHE (which can be said about both of them tbh) and all the PINING!!!!!
i'm obsessed. thank u for this anon, it's truly a gift and an A++++++ idea.
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How about B, I, L, U, V for our big boi Theo? :3c
Sure thing, bub!! Theo hcs coming right up! 💙💙💙💙
I really hope you like them!!!! :3c
Fluff ABCs Template here for requests
Body -- What is his favorite part of her body?
Do y’all have any idea how hard it is for me to answer this letter without making this horny hours.
ANYWAY losing my mind because my instinct was to respond with “her tears.” And then my brain was like. Minnie that’s not a part of the body…that’s not how any of this works…But let’s pretend for a moment like I am valid, shall we?
No cap, I die on this hill. And my answer comes in two parts. The first reason tears destroy him like nothing else is because of how much she feels for the van Gogh brothers tbh. I think Theodorus is very accustomed to their situation being seen through a lens of indifference, a kind of “oh well, what can be done ¯\_(ツ)_/¯” especially. While he may argue that he’s used to it, he’s full of shit. It hurts every time–even more so because people are being dismissive about the person he loves most in the world (other than her, of course.) He’ll be silent for the most part, usually pretty stoic if those things come up, but the way her eyes glisten with tears just undoes him. He feels stupid to be so affected, but it’s something else entirely when somebody actually gives a damn. Somehow it's harder to keep his composure under that gaze...
The second reason is more about teasing. He can’t resist getting a reaction out of her sometimes, or seeing her brought to frustrated tears. That lovely blush overtaking the tips of her ears and face, to say nothing if it happens during nsfw hours. They make her face shine, a visible manifestation of all the emotion he tries so hard to deny–to run from–that it just moves him like nothing else. Where he can't find words or proper expression, she always does. Leonardo said once that a single glance at that man and you can tell he’s in love with art. And he was right, save that that kind of passion can be found in him again in moments like this. Alone, driving her to madness and pleasure.
It’s the part of him that belongs to her, and her alone.
Injury -- How would he act if she got hurt?
Lmao call Vincent instead of Theo if you actually want anything productive to be done about it.
I’m KIDDING mostly but to be honest I think he has a hard time hiding his distress when MC is hurt. If it’s something small he’ll try to play it off as mild irritation, muttering about oblivious hondjes and how she needs to be more careful. If it’s something like a bruise or a bandaged cut–maybe she bumped into something–he’ll just clumsily try to pat the pain away. Don’t try to hide it from him either because he has eyes like a hawk and will expose you. He’ll be a dumdum but it’s really sweet because he’ll be so gentle over such a tiny wound (it always amuses Dazai so much) that all the men will have to kind of hold back laughter. They don’t mean to mock the guy but he takes it so seriously it’s a little bit funny. Vincent is so unironically proud of him for being sensitive though and it’s enough to make a girl cry TwT
If it’s a very serious injury I am sorry but you are getting nothing but probably a panic attack from him. He doesn’t really do well with even the slightest suggestion of losing a loved one, so if she breaks a bone or experiences excessive bleeding–whatever the risk may be to her life–he is fighting to stay in control of his body’s response. He’s trying so hard to be strong for her, but he can hardly breathe and his vision is a little fuzzy and did they say she would be unconscious for a few days? Needless to say he’s a bit of a mess. Ideally, Vincent would do his best to help the guy stabilize while he waits for things to improve, but it’s touch and go for a bit there.
When she wakes up, he needs as much gentleness as she does in many respects. The stress attacks and constant distress have just resulted in so much tension and exhaustion, he doesn’t even have the energy for any verbal swipes at anyone. (I was going to say “he’s just a big puppy” but the irony hit me so hard I literally couldn’t finish typing the sentence). He just really needs lots of kisses and hand holds and promises she isn’t going anywhere, completely unprompted. Not to be emo (WAKE ME UP) but he really needs to be brought back to life slowly, in a way. He’ll get better with some time and assurance that she’s going to make it, but oTL hondje please, he can only take so many heart attacks in one lifetime.
Love -- How does he show her he loves her?
He does not.
I’m KIDDING but I stand by the fact that he’s more of a show than tell type of guy. He has a really, really hard time verbalizing everything that he feels, so I think the person he loves would ideally have to keep that in mind. He’s lowkey but very classy, imo. Gets surprise flowers every once in a while, buys groceries after work all the time if she needs things at home, always reliable with taking care of their finances (and in general). I feel like the thing about Theodorus is that he’s the quiet romantic; he won’t smooth talk or endlessly go on about love, but when she needs him? He’s there. Come hell or high water. When things are hard, when things feel impossible, when life just feels like one slap in the face after another–he’s warm and there and steady, leading her by the hand.
He's very proactive about just about anything other than expressing his feelings directly, so write that down--
Upset --How does he act when she's upset?
LMFAO catch him crashing at Vincent’s place tonight, no thanks murderous hondje ain’t it for me, sorry sweaty.
All jokes aside, I think he’s the type of guy who just has no idea how to handle it. I mean she’s the one that’s usually pretty stable emotionally, so when she isn’t it tends to be a big deal–the cause of her foul mood has got to be sizable. While he may be stymied upfront, will most likely go after the root cause of her distress and kill it with a hammer when her back is turned. Nobody upsets his hondje (unless it’s him) and gets away with it. The man has two modes: kill and more kill, and so he uses the second one as necessary in these situations.
That being said, it doesn't mean he's completely bereft of sensitivity. If it's a more sorrowful kind of upset, he'll try to make time for a lot of cuddling and pampering. Get her things she likes to eat/drink, rub her back gently, put on a movie she likes (even if it's boring to him). He hopes that some care and a few little distractions will be enough to calm her soon. He loves his hondje best when she's smiling, after all ùwú
Vaunt -- What is he proud of? Does he like to show her off?
Oh my goddddddd. Bih. If this man suffers from a cardinal sin, it’s pride I swear. Even if he’s Mr. Bad Mood Stink Face he will literally never say a bad word about her. There are so many people convinced he’s deadass got some kind of disorder because he has scary face, but also looks so delighted at the same time it's terrifying. Gets all puffed up about what a hard worker she is, how talented, how he couldn’t have done any of this without her. Even when he’s roaring drunk, now he just rambles on and cries about how much he loves her and Vincent and it’s beyond hilarious. Would throw down for her, would die for her, would steal a clown’s balloon for her–you name it.
She can do absolutely no wrong, so write that down.
Has a love hate relationship with showing her off (in the more blatant way) though because. Homewrecking. Does she look lovely in that dress? Undoubtedly so. If he sees one more gross lustful/covetous gaze directed at her though, he’s just gonna leave with her in tow. (He would throw hands but she doesn't like that.) Y’all know the whole Lord of The Rings’ “My p r e c i o u s” thing? That’s his vibe LMFAO. Depending on his mood he will either be like "hell yeah that's my wife you jealous bih, I'm the luckiest guy ever ik now buzz off" or he will just get more and more lowkey steamed until they leave.
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elle-eedee · 2 years
oh HOLD UPPPP im only listening to the audio on that frankie vid now!!!! they really just SAID IT OOUUUUGHHG i was just gleaning context clues before and i assumed it was like ”[frankie answers a question correctly] [teacher voice] they’re right, class!” or some shit BUT OH MY GODDDDDDD
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ok bhah ch11 my longest yeah boi ever
i’m literally... so excited I can’t even read it ok ok
oh no not the wedding invitations not this
i swear to god if we have to go through this wedding. knifeemoji
listen I have a fear that we’re gonna get the break up and the car accident same as canon dear god don’t put us through that either
no fears *literally everything that could make bhah more painful* several fears dot meme
god not the jamie invite. she cant even do it. another sign from god you are choosing to ignore
straight to Jamie’s house oh
lmao the red door I just worked out that’s a hill house reference from when I was wondering in like ch3(?) lol the inner workings of my dumbass brain never stop
“can we talk?” it’s happening what is happening
Dani was so tired of lying oh my god
my heart is literally beating so fast
alone in Jamie’s room bro wtf wtf
Jamie is just so soft and understanding always always aaaahhhhh
fuck she just wants out of this wedding so bad but she can’t even tell him
fuck fgkjhdfkjgh this is not good oh no. Dani finally finally fucking doing something for herself and Jamie so aware that this cannot be happening like this right now
and yet both of them just falling into it anyway oh my goddddd
jesus christ jesus christ “Dani had half crawled into Jamie’s lap, kissing her with a fierce and fervent heat” I am on deaths door
god they’ve both wanted this for so so so so long I can’t believeeeeee
(i am so thrilled that y’all just went there right away btw)
“Please, just - I just want to feel how I’m supposed to.” oucchhhh Dani
god her just... knowing. after one kiss w Jamie that she can finally do it and talk to him and end it and it’s so terrifying but goddd yes
“You think I can ever say no to you?” oof
“Ask,” Jamie breathed. “Ask me.” fucking fuck the power of this line oh my god Jamie is so fucking ready to jump of a bridge for her it’s- the dedication the love the longing the everything I am going insane is it too early to start drinking at 1pm
you’re not you can’t NOT THE CANON DINER SCENE
fuck this is like watching a car crash i can’t look away it’s so fucking visceral and nerve-wracking and painful
but god I’m so proud of her for finally saying what she wants
oh thank fuck y’all didn’t take him out with a passing delivery truck
“You must have known. You know me.” oh god this sentiment always kills me
“She couldn’t say it — the words ‘I’m gay’ forever out of reach — so instead she said, “I can’t.”” my whole body is on fire oh my god this is.... too fucking real
jesus christ the near miss w the truck are u trying to kill me (i actually kind of love that Dani will have to deal w her feelings w him face to face instead of having to bury it all in grief like in canon I am so excited to see how y’all handle that)
a fucking HOUR in the car dfkjghdfkjh the torture
oh honey. literally both of them suffering so much ouch
her favourite saucepan pls this is all so awful and sad but that make me laugh so much the poor confused little duck I am glad she has her comforts
god poor Dani
"Is she here to cook something?"  fgkjdhfkgjhfkjgdf
“No. I think you’re brave.” oh
“We’ll figure it out." listen listen I am undoubtedly losing my mind god this is soft
“She had spent so long being asked and not asking. Never asking. She never dared. To ask was to be known, to be made visible, words forging reality as surely as a smith’s hammer. And yet Jamie waited, letting Dani gather the courage herself.
"Can I -?" Dani said, "- stay?"” please fuck I am just so !!!!!!!! about Dani getting to know what she wants and having a fucking voice. just !!!!!!!!
“Jamie inviting her in” fucking just both of them finally getting some of that quiet courage w each other I am yelling so much
“Dani knew that it wasn't just her feeling this, that it had never just been her.” YOU’RE GODDAMN RIGHT BABEY
““But you do?” Dani asked. “Want to?”
Jamie’s answering laugh was brief and incredulous. “You have no idea.”” I AM: HOOTIN. AND: HOLLERIN
“I am here” hello? hello I am not coping I am on another plane of existence. DANI FINALLY FEELING SO PRESENT AND WHOLE IN THIS MOMENT
god they’re just holding each other i’m tearing up. Jamie is her home
Dani finally sleeping through the night ow my fucking heart
Mikey’s so chill about all of this sdkdhfdkj I love him
Jamie going out n buying her favourite jam... god the tenderness. love is stored in the strawberry jam and the hairdryer
hmmmmm her attraction to Jamie is so closely tied to a lot of really hard feelings this is gonna take a bit to work through huh???
aw Jamie going to Carson I am so happy she has her little band of gays to help her rn
I love that she can just kiss her now when she gets the urge like maybe chill out a lil just landing all these surprise kisses but like good for u girl. good for both of u
the warmth of the house hmmmmm I love that she’s found this esp because she is perpetually cold and Jamie is always warm but keeps it like that for the kid (and probably for Dani too) aaahhhh
cgjkdfhkjgh Dani is so thirsty poor Jamie trying to keep them in check. these moments are so fucking loaded holy shit
Dani Jamie and Mikey are the cuuutest lil family aw
god the tentativeness between them trying to figure this all out and the casual intimacy and just. all of it is so much and so beautiful to watch unfold
i love this little bubble inside Jamie’s house and Jamie kind of drawing the curtains around them both physically and metaphorically while she lets Dani figure things out and lets it settle between them
it’s all about the hands
oh my god Hannah instantly asking if she needs a place to stay she really is the best
soft little mornings with her Jamie like... once Dani finally defeats the ball of guilt in her chest there is so much goodness to look forward to and I am v glad she has that right now even as she is still struggling a bit. my girl needs all the sweetness in her life
also the idea of Jamie getting to wake up to sleeping Dani in her bed every morning after a lifetime of trying to repress her feelings... god
heh she’s already figuring out all the ways to push Jamie’s buttons god these two are going to have some fun w each other
this idea of learning the creaking floorboards of a new home is so... warm
Jamie leaving all the curtains drawn for her oh my heart keeping her safe keeping her safe
Nan would be so proud of ms Dani u know it’s true
awww Mikey comin home to keep her company
Mikey Dani time is always so sweet I love them
my god Dani n Jamie are so intense w each other and just so full of fucking desire... when those floodgates finally open will they even survive
oof Dani is dealing with soooo much ugh. Jamie always there with a gentle way to bring her back down to earth tho my hearrrtttt
“You’re allowed to be happy.” she is SHE IS ty Jamie Taylor voice of reason
a pinky promise to deal with everything together awwww
“why are you so good to me” “you know why” oh my goddddddd. that’s so soft that’s so gentle that’s so much love
Dani finding little bits in herself in media god i love this
Dani Mikey hours best hours
god Carson... sweet boy. And Judy sending over a whole bunch of food oof just. these quiet little reminders of their love for her. Dani’s about to go through a whole bunch more emotions huh?
fkjdfkjgfh Mikey going into protector mode when Carson is there pls i love hm
ohmy “our room” aaaaaaahhhhh
god Dani expecting him to be upset with her I am so fucking emotional. I relate far too much to Dani in canon and in this story and it’s just. painful as hell to see someone go through the things you know hurt the most holy shit
please Carson is so sweet and understanding and telling her he’s proud of her is making me cry so much I can barely see
this whole like.. uncomfortable but relief-filled kind of coming out between her and Carson is so so beautifully done I can’t stop fucking crying
“God, you two were agony to watch.”  fglkdfgkjdfhkjgh Carson a voice of the people
“You deserve to be happy.” - Carson and also me and also everyone reading this
god he is so wonderful!!!!!! this reminder that she’s not alone and everything will be ok!!!!!!! Carson I love you so much
the box being described as “the beating heart of their childhood“ god the imagery
Jamie so sweetly making room for her and welcoming her into a home I am emotional again the tears have really been unlocked now I’m gonna be a mess the whole rest of this chapter (i say as if I haven’t been already)
the really sweet way Jamie gets her to open up and trust her with the things that have been on her mind
and Dani doing the same for her god this gentle honest space between them makes my heart feel so full I am just so happy that they’ve got each other
“I want you to stay.” please (also now I’m thinking about AE putting Stay on her Jamie playlist jesus christ I am being tortured)
they get... to wake up.... in bed together. i’m so close to crying again when will this stop
i kind of love there hasn’t really been any like... just no more kissing u know but we still get this insane intimacy between them in a way that’s not them shying away from the way they want each other but so carefuly and sweetly and honestly coming towards each other
awww them always waking up all tangled is so cuuute (also Dani feeling so safe and comfy with her that her subconscious is like lets latch on she is good she is home)
lmao Dani having to mediate between these two dweebs and their playfights is so good
Jamie having her lil family surrounding her aww
(also i just noticed the rating change oh god)
sfkjfhdg Jamie looking at her hips all dark eyes and wanting we’ve all been there girl
“you can look” BOLD DANI MY BELOVED
god these two........ the grabbing her silver chain god @ google how to breathe properly??????
“Then show me.” oh my god
fkgjhdfkj so much electricity they shorted out the power
“this is just as nice” when they’re just hugging please they are so soft
i love that there’s just like... gentle soft banter between them in these quiet moments so much
“Dani, give him more homework.”  ghrfjkhjgkjgh
god the heated cheek kiss
this ‘game of chicken’ god they’re just.... really in it huh this is so fun
hmmm Dani going through the suitcases and sort of being able to bring some of herself/her past into this new place is so nice
heh this lil family and their snowfights are so cute
:( she can’t bring herself to eat Judy’s food
Jamie bringing her flowers oh soft
ugh they’re just so softly melting into being together it’s so sweeeeeeeet
“You’re lovely.” and the way Jamie just sinks into her with Dani’s fingers in her hair pleeease I am dying this is so warm
aaaahhhh they’re dancing soft soft soft
“gray eyes fluttered closed, as though the weight of Dani’s touch was too much to bear” god i am..... aaaahhhh
“a gentle calm settling within her. It had seemed that for all her life she had waited for the quiet of this” y’all this is so beautiful and lovely and wonderful and all the good things
ah that kiss. kinda feels like their first real kiss where they just get to be god I am so happy “a profound sense of finally” oh oh oh that’s such a pretty concept
god I love how much they just want each other that second kiss and them just all over each other is perfect and having to try and reel that in and being able to because they know it’s not going anywhere please it’s so so good
god Dani vs Desert Hearts I love this callback and the entirely different circumstances of her watching it again
dsjfhdkjfh oh no Dani losing her mind at Jamie touching her knee god these two have got the biggest storm coming
dfkdjhkgdjh god them like.... trying to take things slow but still letting things happen while having to be aware of Mikey is so funny but I kinda love it and how indicative it all is of them being so grown up and able to approach their relationship in such a mature way. as much as I wish they’d had their teenage love story I do like that it’s unfolding this way now.
“it struck Dani then that she couldn’t remember ever laughing while doing this.” aww
Mikey’s “oh gross” hahahaha poor kid
god this is so funny
“ferret kid” jamie why are u like this sfkjhdfkjf
oh lordt it seems we have reached the unabashedly horny phase good show ol’ chaps
god they’re still so soft tho this is so fun to read
i looove how flustered they both make each other w just their presence. it’s just so !!!!!!
lmao Dani knowing exactly what to do to drive Jamie insane is fdkgfdkjgh perfect amazing show stopping more neck kisses more teasing more barely restrained desire i love it
“the reckless rush of being in each other’s arms” AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH
lmaooooo Mikey Jamie is going to lock you outside if u keep doing this
the fact it can just fade back to comfortable companionship too is like. ugh i love them together
“Yeah. You can touch me whenever you want.” oh jesus
“No more interruptions, no more waiting, no more holding back.” it’s happening god it’s happening everyone stay calm (also the slow build to this point has been so fucking perfect y’all are writerly geniuses)
lmao Dani is like please can we just get naked why do u want to watch a movie I am literally right here
“What do you want?” god the tension
aaaaahhhhh just. them being so out of their minds with want but still all nervous and wanting to check in but still just. wanting this so much god this is *chef’s kiss*
lmao Dani already having the hair pulling thing figured out is so good. poor Jamie lol is she even going to survive this
god the fact they’re both still fully clothed n still getting this fucked up just making out n grinding on each other I love this for them
mum just came in to tell me dinner is ready I AM ALREADY EATIN GOOD
lmao fuck I am just... so thrilled for Dani finally getting to experience this get ur whole world rocked baby u deserve this
thumb in her mouth i-
“my idiot” pls that’s so soft
“You have me.” i know this is like. horny but it’s also so romantic sfgkjhdfkjg
ayoooo Jamie’s tattoo excuse me while I lose my mind a lil bit
my god Dani is so impatient to get her naked I love her for it so much “I just want to feel you”... ma’am
Jamie being all nervous is so cute aw
god having this lil moment where they just call each other beautiful n get all cute about it while they’re fully naked n grinding on each other.... perfection
god I can’t stop thinking about every other mention of Dani having sex w Eddie and it just being like adequate or like her not letting him touch her and now LOOK AT MY BABY GO SHE’S REALLY HAVIN THE TIME OF HER LIFE LITERALLY BEGGING TO BE TOUCHED LET’S GO LESBIANS LET’S GO
I feel like I’m like cheering Jamie on rn sfjkghdfkj u guys need anything? some snacks? a condom?? ur doing great!!
Dani crying and thanking her like this is an acceptance speech love that for her
Jamie kissing all over her face aww
I can’t believe this whole chapter is them just getting to fall in love for real
“I want to taste you” i am blushing goddamn Jamie get it
oh my god the dream. she’s literally living out her dreams
“that same focused intensity that could make kingdoms fall” I love that Jamie is just as into getting Dani off as Dani is getting off lmao GOOD FOR THEM
Dani: desperately tryin to get Jamie off. Jamie: are u sure u want to tho??? miss ma’am let the girl touch u already she deserves it (but i do love that she’s always just like.... never wanting to make Dani do anything she doesn’t wholeheartedly want to)
“You sitting here on top of me like this is doing more for me than you can imagine.”  iconic jamie moment
Jamie literally just like.... ‘you can do whatever you want to figure this out’ is so sweet I love her capacity for just. giving herself over to Dani in every way (not just the horny ones) to let her forge her own path
“It was easy to understand now, the exhilaration of it, why people went crazy for it.” god I love this for her so much everything just falling into place
they’re so soft n comfy together and it’s all just so right and lovely
i love that once they’ve started they basically can’t stop honestly get it girls u deserve all the orgasms
“When did you know?” “Sixteen years.” oof my heart she’s known the whole time aaahhhh. all these lil memories god it really was all out of love I could cry. and Jamie admitting the scarf/scar thing whew she really carried around that moment on her face for the whole world to see (also lol at Dani being so fixated on it this whole time that’s so perfect)
heh they’re so cute with their lil teasing banter exchange
lol goddamn this so so spicy I am just dfklghfjkdjghkjdf (that is to say well fucking done I can’t even speak rn)
Jamie just being like you could literally just look at me and I am turned on I... love this whole situation for her so much
god they’re really just going all in Dani is getting like the.... lesbian sex speed run amen
oh god not Karen on the phone just hang up Dani do it do it
god she is so evil
omg she told her abt Jamie go off Dani I am v v proud of u right now
and she hung up on her godbless babe i LOVE your audacity
heh Jamie so transfixed by Dani’s lil purple sweater and skirt I love her
Dani u are such a tease sfkgjdfkg good 4 u tbh
awwww she got Dani’s desk for her oh my god that’s so lovely
Dani n Jamie being entirely not subtle over dinner w their lingering glances and Carson just laughing at them fkjghdkfjgh i love it. he’s so happy for them even w his teasing aw
aaahhh i just love Jamie giving her this space and this room in the house and Dani feeling so right in it
oooh an almost “I love you” god they’re just fuckin u-haulin in love perfection huh
and now we’re back to horny hours love this for them. gotta bless that desk somehow huh!?
i love the mentions of all this soft stuff about belonging when they’re about to rail each other it really rounds it out emotionally
HELL YEAH IT IS this is truly what we all deserve
oh my god literally ripping her clothes off her fuck i love how desperate they are for each other and just how into this they both are always
dfgkjdfh jesus Dani are u ever going to be able to get work done at this desk again after Jamie does.... all of this to u on it
“Good girl.” the single most powerful sentence in the lesbian language
jesus christ this is still so incredibly steamy sdflkhskhg it never ends. and them like.... experiementing a bit w some different um. approaches? lol good 4 them good 4 them (and us)
my god them instantly getting all soft after about making each other happy please they’re so dang cute
ok love that we are also getting Dani on her knees it’s equality.gif
this little “I like you” “I like you too” confession right now is... so fucking soft and like... after everything they’ve gone through they still have the power to kinda knock each other off their feet w lil things like this huh?? sappy lil shits
oh no Judy I am scared
holy shit Dani “Didn't think you'd love me anymore” owwww my heart
god Judy is such a good mama I love her so much. reassuring her she’s still a part of the family my god I am so emo. she loves her so much
aw I love this lil shared bathroom scene after so many awkward moments w Dani and Eddie in their bathroom and so many mentions of her fogged reflection. things are finally clear and it’s wonderful!!
lol Jamie well if u didn’t want Dani to get all horny u shouldn’t have worn suspenders!!!!! it’s simple math!
god Dani has changed so much this chapter which only takes place over a couple of weeks right?!?!? after so much anxiety and being so unsure of herself this is so fucking beautiful to see
stop the car thing oh my godddd. she doesn’t even care about having her own cause she’s so happy w the person she’s sharing with I’m so overwhelmingly happy
“You’re perfect.” please I will cry this chapter was so perfect (also so are the memes I cackled so much)
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tellywoodtrash · 3 years
balh2 31.08.21 lb
priya stops the auto to let ram in, but he's whisked away in the now-fixed car by his posse, and she's like yeahhhhhhh seems about right for rich ppl, and goes her way.
very subtle playing of song show title is based on. ram hums along happily while priya tells auto bhaiyya to pls turn it off. lol she really does hate any type of sentimentality, and i'm here for this peak grumpy girl representation.
blah blah time waste establishing ram's family. aaaaaaaaaand they have shubhaavi choksey playing his mom when she's the same age as him irl. wonderful. best. very nice. i'm not angry about this at all.
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snobby rich ppl greeting exchange. air kisses missing.
priya comes home to discover maitreyi and her husband are visiting. she just ignores them and walks into her room.
meanwhile ram walks into heartache after heartache. ek toh sagaai went on without him, and shivi's toast is only for her other brother shubham and her mom and her besties. (one of whom looks very familiar, where do i know her from???????) anyway someone give ram a (non-vegan) cupcake to feel better from having a shitty fam.
vedu notices ram and points him out to shivi, who's suddenly all RAM BHAIIIIIIIIIIIII, MY BIGGEST SUPPORTERRRRRRRR. pssssh.
oh btw, that fucker who wanted to use that totally non happening video for blackmail seems to be vedu's husband/???
ponky from naagin 5 is a friend of ram's. but he's a literal fetus???? i'd have thought he was a younger brother ala rudra.
priya's brother has his fucking shoes on her bed and mereko jo gussa aa raha hai na by goddddddd. YOU JUST CAME IN FROM THE FUCKING RAIN YOU DIRTYASS............
anyway priya's like idgaf that maitreyi married my ex bf.
"humein khush rehne ke liye kisi ki zaroorat nahi hoti." she's saying words i agree with, but show immediately cops out by showing her tearing up and blubbering "i don't need anyone, i'm fiiiiiiiiiine" unconvincingly. guh. idk if i'm gonna be able to watch this show if it keeps diluting its messages like this.
ram toh udhar giving lecture on baarish. BRO ENOUGH. I AM SO DONE WITH THIS TOPIC OF CONVERSATION. itna toh baarish se lagaan ke champaaner waalon ko pyaar nahi tha jitna iss show mein log karte hain.
priya doing a very convincing mimickry of kinda pretentious maitreyi to entertain one new younger sibling. how many fucking siblings does priya have??????? (too fuckin many, is the answer.)
i do not appreciate the characterization of ram's chamcha friend's wife as a nagging ball and chain type.
new mangatar and bitchy shubham are snidely remarking about ram and his bechaara broken dil thanks to vedika.
ok if shivaay was obnoxiously self assured, ram is just......... almost annoyingly roll over and show your belly type of soft and diplomatic and people pleasing. only extremes for nakuul sir i guess.
adi's wife (brinda?) catches him looking out into baarish and shedding a few silent tears, and she's here to nag HIM now about getting a wife. yes brinda, because you make marriage look like SUCHHHHH AN APPEALING PROSPECT.
ram's like no i don't need anyone and then wistfully stares at vedu saying i'll never find someone who loves like she does her husband.
brinda's like it's all fake, dude. real couples fight and argue and cuss at each other and wow.... i think brinda and adi might need couples' counseling coz..... you're not SUPPOSED to be so complacent about your marriage being so dysfunctional.
oh breakup was 6-7 saal pehle. ok yeah sir you should have gotten over it by now. therapy for you too.
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priya refuses to have ice cream because of her principles against capitalism. which............... ok??? there's no ethical consumption under capitalism, sis. just eat the overpriced ice cream.
just realised that the eldest sister is played by the actress who was jai's elder sister in just mohabbat.
anyway eldest sister (sara) and youngest sister (sandy) are team!priya over maitreyi.
priya is as anti-shaadi as me and asks sara if she's happy (priya clearly doesn't think much of sara's husband who leaves all the child-rearing to her, in addition to running the bakery) and sara's like "maate, mujhpe mat shuru ho jaate, pls" snort. yeah, no one likes their bad choices rubbed in their faces.
oh, their dad ran away after allll the betiyaan and married someone else. zindagi gulzar hai sitch hai.
more of priya asserting that she's happy single and show undermining her with the music cues and character reactions. fuck this messaging. why can't it be that she's genuinely happy single and ram is just a good complementary partner she finds and decides to change her mind about marriage coz that's what they want for themselves. i hate this black and white nonsense.
sisters are forcing priya to go on a date (with whom?????) and the scene just cuts off awkwardly.
ram has PINK shoes on today. man this is so a nakuul thing, this one (1) atrangi styling element of an otherwise formally dressed man.
ram also being set up on date by adi/brinda. should be with someone else, i guess. i don't think brinda and priya run in the same circles.
ram is right in that the least these ppl could do is ask consent before setting it all up.
priya is grumpily refusing to do any thaam jhaam dress up for date. good for her.
lol @ sara trying to sneak away priya's beloved raincoat.
anyway psych 101 shit ki priya has confidence issues and is so down on herself that she rejects everyone before they can reject her.
lmao priya is me at hearing the date is in some hoity toity place where they give small portions for exorbitant amounts of money.
sara di gets call ki some "unhone" didn't pay their share of bakery emi? the nikkamma husband? or some other business partner??
priya is out on warpath to go confront that person.
she's psyching herself up outside their door. i think it's her dad?
ok dad's a rudeass fuck. he's all she's not my daughter, but all ready to dole out thappads when she says it like it is. sperm donors like these should be kneed in the nads.
idgi tho? there's ONE beta there tho???? is akshay not his biological son?????
anyway, priya is right in thinking men suck. #yesAllMen
precap: her date niiiiiiicely validates the misandry by being a fucking jerk. looks like ram is cheering her up in a sweet moment? priya catches akshay getting cosy with.... shivi i guess??? idk all these girls look the same to me. #faceblindness
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fallingappleshurt · 4 years
Can I get another headcanon/oneshot post about Techno and Tommy?Something similar to the sword stealing scenario 🙃 I love your Au!!
(Thank youuuu :DDD I’m sorry for such a long post!)
Alright I’m very tired so I’m sorry for any grammar mistakes but let's go!
-Tommy had a day off from school and was spending it at home with Techno, who was doing house work because Phil works and Wilbur is out
-Tommy asks Techno to show him how to do some weird acrobatic type move and Techno said no, Tommy kept bugging him until Techno said he’d teach him to walk on his hands.
-Techno got out an old mat and started showing Tommy how to do a handstand but Tommy has no sense of balance
“I thought you said you’d teach me how to walk on my hands!” Tommy complained, shifting his hands, trying to stay upright.
“I am but you have to be able to do a handstand first, that’s like half of the process.” Techno said, holding Tommy’s ankles so he wouldn’t flop onto the mat.
“Well I’m ready! I can do it!” Tommy said.
“Really? So if I let go of your legs then you will stay upright, completely balanced? No issues?”
“Of course!” So Techno let go.
He fell over.
“Graceful,” Techno commented dryly, as Tommy scrambled into a sitting position.
“Shut up! If it’s so easy then you do it!” Tommy sputtered
Techno just stared at him, taking a few steps back then leaned forwards into a handstand. He looked at Tommy from between his arms then walked over on his hands looking Tommy dead in the eyes.
Then he smirked.
“It’s easy, Thomas, easy.” Tommy stuck his tongue out in response.
- “I’m bored!” Tommy groaned as Techno stood back up on his feet.
-Tommy asks if they can go into town, Techno says sure. Tommy immediately wants to go see Tubbo so they walk over towards his parents stand/shop
-Tommy starts asking for Tubbo then goes to see him by the animals while Techno just kind of stands there, making bad small talk with Tubbo’s parents, because social anxiety.
-While Tommy is talking to Tubbo, who is trying to work, a man dressed in fancy clothes approaches them.
-”How much for a stall?” He asked, adjusting his tie. Tubbo gave him a confused look, “What?”
The man glared at him, “How much for a stall, boy? I’m in a hurry.”
“I-I don’t understand what you mean sir,”
The man glared at Tubbo then closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose, “I’ll ask you one more time, How much for a stall?”
“I don’t-”
“Damn it! Do you know who I am? God, I’ll find someone else!” The man snapped, waving his hands frantically before storming off, muttering about ‘useless children.’
-Tommy blinked for a moment, still in shock before starting; “That assh-”
“It’s fine Tomm-”
“No it’s not! Who does he think he is? Coming in here treating you like that! Someone should beat some manners into that guy!” Tommy glared at the man as he continued down the road, probably to harass more people.
“Tommy, it’s fine, really-”
“Too late I already have an idea!” Tommy said, sliding off the fence he was sitting on, Tubbo groaned.
“Just make sure that Techno is distracted!”
-Tommy slipped behind the shop and ran along an alley until he caught up with the Fancy man, who was trading documents and papers at another shop.
-He waited for the right opportunity as the man pulled out his wallet, Tommy walked by and stumbled into Fancy man, knocking them both to the ground, scattering the man's papers everywhere.
“Would you watch where you’re going?” The man snapped, grabbing at his paperwork, Tommy shuffled through the papers, feeling for the wallet, as he did he apologized profusely, handing the man his things. Once his fingers glazed over the cool leather of the man's wallet he slipped it into his pocket before handing the man the rest of his stuff.
“Once again, I’m very sorry sir.” Then he turned and walked away as the Fancy man dusted himself off.
-Tommy was a few stores down when the man suddenly shouted, “Wait, I’m missing something. Hey! You kid! Where’s my wallet!”
-And instead of replying, Tommy panicked then started sprinting. He dodged through crowds of people, trying to find an alley to duck into as the man thundered after him.
- He swerved into one, crashing into some trash cans in the process and continued, he could still hear the Fancy man and what sounded like guards chasing him. This caused him to panic even more, he couldn’t get caught, it would cause so many issues with his family and would cost so much money.
-He was jerked out of his thoughts, literally, as someone yanked him to the side. He yelped and fought against their hold until,
“Stop it you nerd!”
“Techno? What are you doing? How did you find me?”
“What did you do?”
“Answer my question first!”
“Mine is more important!”
“Okay fine! So, someone was being really rude to Tubbo so I thought that if I was able to take something from them it would teach them a lesson about being an asshole.” Tommy explained, he started off strong before slowly quieting.
Techno just stared at him, “How-In what universe-Why would you do that?! It doesn’t even make sense!”
“Yes it does! How did you even find me anyways? Did Tubbo tell you?”
“No, I saw you the second you left the shop.”
“What! How? I snuck out all sneaky like!”
“Nevermind that, we have to get out of here.” Techno said, looking around.
“Wait so you’re not gonna make me return it?”
“Hang on, I hear voices over here,” Someone new interrupted their conversation.
“Oh my goddddddd,” Techno groaned, he grabbed Tommy’s wrist and started running. Tommy could barely keep up with Techno, let alone predict where they were going. Techno was doubling around, looping, and zig zagging in every direction.
-They made it closer to the third circle when Techno spotted a balcony, “Get ready to jump Tommy.” He put his hands together and boosted Tommy onto the ledge, then jumped on a nearby dumpster and leapt onto the balcony.
-They waited in silence as the guards searched the ground frantically before moving on, desperate to find the thief.
-Techno waited a few extra minutes, just in case before scoffing to himself, “They must be new, no well seasoned trainee would have missed those obvious tracks.” He turned to Tommy, “Are you okay?”
-Tommy nodded then asked, grinning, “So you really aren’t gonna make me return it?”
-Techno slapped him upside the head.
(Hope you like it!)
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readbythestarlight · 4 years
On hi Gale!
"Boyfriend? Ugh!" xD
Oh lord here we go.........
Oh Jesus okay here we go
I’m worried about Caleb here. Just, being faced with Trent like this, in this place especially, and being back in a corner
god I’m shaking
Counterspell counterspell
Someone hug him
Using message?
"I don’t know if I’m ready to talk to you yet"
No babes he’s not talking to you
Fuck you Trent
Veth being surprised they actually succeeded Lol
Give one to Essek plz
Attunment sigh
Veth honey do you not have a key to the house
I’m going to crawl through my screen and tear him apart
Oh no
Now the assembly is gonna be after them for sure
Carrots are immune to scrying it’s canon
Also fuck they shouldn’t have gone to Veth’s house
Caleb... babe......
Fuck now he knows about the
Oh no
"I have my theories about where you might have learned" don’t TOUCH my other boy Trent I WILL personally fuck you up
And he knows about Vess too great
YES be worried for Essek
Please check on him
Caleb is shaking so bad
And now if something happens to Essek Caleb will blame himself for that this is NOT what I want
Okay good, good, reassure him
"I am responsible for your family. And yours. And you."
"And I worry... that I am... the very thing he told me I was."
"Not yet. Not yet."
"You did good. You got what we needed."
Good, reassure him.
Oh no she did talk about her mom to the guard fuck
"He was looking at you with puppy dog eyes?"
"Oh my god Fjord he loved me so much."
Jester is gonna send her to the Gentleman xD
"I think we’ve done enough damage today." Taliesin xD
Okay seriously huh Caleb please
Also I’m Shadowgast trash so I hope something comes from this
One to all family members and then one for Essek good
Hn I get Fjord’s point tho being near the ocean isn’t good for him personally
Veth and Yeza are literally just so wholesome and cute
Divine Intervention okayyyy
Artagan left her on read lol
Awww Yasha talking to the Stormlord
Whatcha so nervous about, babe?
Jester trying to help Yasha out is so sweeeeeet
Artagan is SUCH a dork I love him
Oh no
It’s THOSE crystals
Caleb is fucked UP right now y’all need to take care of this boy
God this is fucked up fucking fuck
Genuinely when is it going to be time to kill Trent
Taliesin xD
I miss whispers pandemic will be over WHEN
Awwwww god I love their reunions
Oh god poor Marion
I hate this
"What have you done?"
"I’m not angry I’m just—I just worry about you."
I’m crying it’s fine
We stan supportive family members
Uncle Caleb
Fjord you dork xD
Be careful Blud buddy
Oh Fjord, what have you done you goober
Anyway I’m nervous about those two
I need to sleep ugh
Anyway can we briefly talk about how Veth is apparently planning to leave the group after Aeor
Not that I can blame her but that’s gonna be SAD
Anyway I’m glad they’re gonna take a calm "let’s talk to them" approach
"Making’ my way downthestairs" I love how they always burst into that song
Ooooo Jester going in disguise as mom, that could be risky
Stop fucking calling him Bren
Is it Astrid and Wulf??
Holy shit and they’re WARNING him??
Oh god oh god oh fuck
This is bad
"Trent is, um... frustrated" Trent can choke
"And I hope we don’t meet again."
They’re helping him and I’m baffled yet glad
Oh man... poor Jester, she’s gonna be so upset with herself for mentioning her mom
I know Cad doesn’t go for it, but I’m gonna forever believe Wulf has a bit of a crush on Cad
They’re helping Caleb specifically which is giving me some hardcore feelings
Blud should go with them too if he wants, he can help keep Marion safe
Also god I can’t wait for the Gentleman to open the door and see all this happen
Who is it who is
Oh another one?? How are Astrid and Wulf going to lie about being there if there’s a
Veth honey be careful
Don’t go in don’t go in they WILL catch you
Okay good
Time to GO
I hate the idea of splitting up but time to go time to GO
God I’m so fucking stressed
I hope Yussah is willing to help them
And NOW we go to break
L: "we’ve played this game for years! It’s make believe! I’m so scared!!"
They can track Yeza, and also probably Marion
Please Yussah be willing to help them I’m begging
Wentsworth is a good boy at least I like him
How is Marion?? Is she okay?
Oh sweetie
Hardcore agoraphobia poor dear
Caduceus you’re such a sweetheart
Also Cad is scared too he sounds so tense
He’s in the
He’s out of town?
He went to the WHAT
I love that he’s trying to help I guess but that makes me vaguely nervous
Aw not dragon, what a shame
Oh sure Jester there’s no way THAT could go wrong
If y’all get Yussah’s tower fucked up he’s gonna be so pissed
Using unknown magic is probably not your smartest choice rn
Wait can’t Beau just read any language? I thought that was a monk thing
Okay okay okay
I really wanted Blud to come with them :(
Plane shift oh dear
Y’all don’t need to plane shift how will you get back again??
Can y’all then get back after resting?
And it’s not even big enough for all of them
And also like they could just end up getting stuck fighting things they don’t have spells for
Caleb shut the fuck up
Thank you for putting that down immediately, Cad and Veth
Sewers gross
Why don’t you all just go to the sewers and hide out and get to a ship and go
I don’t like splitting up I don’t like splitting up I don’t like splitting up!!
Like they’d be split up for at least a few days right? And I don’t like it
Hide them in the ball???
I was thinking that, Veth! Not that it’s a good idea but I just so hate splitting up
fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck I’m so STRESSED
oh fuck
Who is at the DOOR
Right it’s like reverse Narnia
No Matt now you’re backwards xD
They’ve all confused themselves now with the time ball
So you’re gonna send the family to the fire plane instead??
Fuck fuck fuck GO
Yussah’s gonna be so pissed if someone breaks into his tower because of them while he’s looking for answers for him
Aw Fjord’s and Jester’s little goodbye “be safe” moment
I’m so fucking stressed
Can y’all believe the happy fun ball has become such a useful thing?
I can’t breathe
“It’s like Rolf in Sound of Music” except Rolf betrayed them
I’m SCARED y’all god like I’m literally so stressed out
Is it Thursday yet??
God I hope Yussah is safe and that the Assembly doesn’t hurt him or steal any of his stuff
And Wentsworth too
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lihikainanea · 4 years
uhm so I had a thought... Taunting Bill, practically rearranging Tiger's guts as he's so deep inside her – BUT THEN HIS AGENT CALLS. maybe it's one of those nights where he needs Tiger's submission? maybe he's been a lil anxious about said call? and (if it's smthng Tiger is fine with) all Bill does is pick up his phone from the nightstand and answer it, doesn't stop his thrusts, gives his thumb for Tiger to suck on and a pointed look that just tells her to Be. Absolutely. Quiet – Or Else.
bish WHAT.
Oh goddddddd my lady bits. Hang on, reel it in Lei. Jesus, a bitch is tingling.
Alright so look, you’re bang on. He’s got her real small for him, right? Because Bill is big and just dominating the sweet fuck out of her, it’s one of those nights when he really needs her submission, needs her to just take every single thing he throws at her and beg for mercy. He wants her to beg. To tell him to stop, that she can’t take anymore--it’s all part of it. Until he hears a safe word it’s a green light, and having tiger hiccuping and whimpering under him, an overstimulated mess as he shows no signs of stopping--goddamn, it’s exactly what he needs.
And maybe you’re right, maybe the big dude’s all worked up about a call that he’s waiting on, and they’re really dicking him around on it. They got his hopes up with a verbal yes only to retract it and say now they’re not sure, and it’s a role he really wants. And Bill...you know, he’s gentle, but anybody in that industry is a fierce fucking competitor with a bit of a vain streak. So maybe they tell him it’s between him and some other dude--maybe a bit of a career nemesis, Bill is constantly competing with this actor dude for roles because they’re the same type.
And that just....oh god, Bill’s seeing red. And tiger knows she’s in for it when she barely heard him creep up, and all of a sudden her hair was balled in his fist and his hand was in her panties and she has no idea how she even ended up on the bed but now there she is, hands tied to the headboard, getting her guts rearranged so good and he shows no signs of stopping.
And tiger knows her part, when he gets like this. She knows what he needs. So she’s real vocal, whimpering for him, telling him she can’t take anymore, moaning when he keeps hittin’ it just right.
But then like--the call comes in. The call he’s been waiting for. And while he’s balls deep in his favourite place, one hand clutching the headboard so he can thrust in harder, the other hand reaches for his phone. He’s covered in sweat, his hair sticking to his forehead, his eyes a hundred shades of wild. Tiger would clutch at him, would really sink her nails into his chest, if her hands weren’t bound so tightly to the headboard. He leans his face in close to hers.
“Don’t make,” he grits out, and it’s low and angry, “A fucking sound.”
And then the bastard, he answers the fucking call.
“Hello?” his voice is strained, punctuated with a small pant at the end, a restrained groan. When tiger whimpers--just barely, but it’s audible because god he’s in so deep and she’s so sensitive--Bill glares down at her, shifts his weight to his elbow and clamps a hand over her mouth.
“No, just working out,” he says through his teeth into the phone. Tiger’s clenching around him, whining into his hand and he’s barely holding it together.
A few seconds of silence as he glares down at her
“No, it’s fine,” he tells his agent, but then tiger clenches around him extra hard as she writhes. “Fuck.”
He sucks in a breath through his teeth, pushes his hand harder down onto her mouth in warning as he glares.
“Fuck,” he repeats for emphasis, “I’ve been waiting for your call. What’s up?”
And then, then he gets an idea. So with his hand still pressed real solidly to her mouth, he drags his hips back and then thrusts in deep--real deep. Tiger’s eyes nearly roll back, and when she inhales deeply to let out a moan he leans down and bites her neck in warning.
“Okay,” he answers the unheard question on the phone, “So then--” a pause to bite back a moan--”What?”
He drags his hips back, pushing in deep again as tiger’s toes curl.
“Uh huh,” he says, and he’s gaining speed now. Pulling back and thrusting in, hard enough to jut her up the bed as tears stream from the corners of her eyes. She’s close--he can feel it, in how she’s pulsating around him. He can see it, her eyes shut tight, her teeth biting into her lip in a silent scream under his hand. And Bill is just a bastard, and you bet your ass he’s going to throw her over the edge right there, while he’s on the phone with his agent.
“Okay,” he says, and it comes out as a deep sigh as he bites back the groan in his throat. His eyes are closed now, his mouth slack as he drives in deep and tiger pulls at her binds, writhes beneath him.
“Hang on a sec,” he says into the phone, because tiger looks like she’s about to scream. He mutes the microphone, ramming his hips into hers as he keeps his hand over her mouth.
“Don’t you dare,” he tells her, because he knows she’s about to come, and god he’s a bastard. He’s loving this, loving how well she takes it, and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t just want to be a little mean to her. Tell her that coming is against the rules, and then not do a single thing to help her when she’s already at the point of no return.
“Yeah, sorry,” he says back into the phone. Tiger whimpers but he glares at her and she shuts up, sniffling. He rams into her again, biting his own lip until it almost bleeds.
“Oh, great,” he says, and it sounds shaky and tense, “That’s great.”
He inhales sharply through his nose, trying to reel it in as tiger tugs at her binds and digs her heels into the backs of his thighs as he drives in deep.
“Make sure you--fuck,” he cusses, his hips driving in quicker now, “Make sure you factor in some added uh, expenses.”
He looks to her pointedly, a grin full of just a little malice and a whole lot of satisfaction.
“Into the contract,” he pants out, “So that....you can come.”
The comment isn’t to his agent. The comment is meant purely for tiger, whose eyes promptly roll back as it slams into her. It’s a wave crashing, and she catapults up into him as much as she can while still bound, trying desperately not to make a sound. But Bill...Bill can’t take it anymore. He was close before, but her being so good for him, so submissive for him, holding off and then coming command--Bill’s losing his mind.
“Thanks, gotta go,” he grits out, and it’s nearly a yell. He no sooner hits the hang up button that he probably does yell, lets out a roar as he drives her back into the mattress, finding his release as he fists her hair and bites down real hard on her shoulder.
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