I saw this dream about the Sonic movie 3 and they had a silly and unnecessarily long sequence of Shadow doing stretches and warm-ups in a park before some chase/running scene with Sonic.
Also Amy and Rouge were at a bridge. (Amy had her CD-design in the first shot but then the modern one in rest of the scene? Damn, the production team (my brain) fucked up big time)
If any of this happens (or Amy and/or Rouge are in the movie in general) I'm quitting everything and becoming a clairvoyant (=just sleeping as a full-time-job lol) :^)
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pepperf · 1 year
I feel like I’m being gaslit by this article. You’d think a successful TV series about baseball, released literally just last year, would merit a mention, but no??? Admittedly they’re talking about movies, but they don’t even mention A League Of Their Own the movie, never mind the TV series:
It wasn’t until The Natural, however, that Hollywood once again saw the baseball film as a profitable venture. Based on the Bernard Malamud novel – and notably changing his bleak ending to a more hopeful one – the Robert Redford starrer grossed $48m and was nominated for three Oscars, paving the way for Bull Durham, Major League, Eight Men Out and Field of Dreams, as well as a wave of kids’ baseball movies like The Sandlot, Angels in the Outfield, Rookie of the Year and Little Big League. After that, the baseball film petered out again, and while the last decade produced both a massive hit (Moneyball) and a hidden gem (Sugar), Hollywood seems to have returned to its baseline position of wariness about the genre’s profitability.
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baphofemme · 11 months
something that's commonplace in things i experience is that i never really get nightmares but just the most inexplicable acid trips of dreams possible
#case in point: the dream i just woke up from#i had this dream that i was on a trip to some european country (i don't recall the name of it. it was definitely somewhere in europe though)#and i alternated between using my parents' car and something that was a mix of a train and a washing machine (?)#and the catch was that i had to keep the washing machine mechanism ON in order for the train to start#oddly enough the trip to the unspecified country only took an hour although it felt like six#when i'd arrived i'd stopped at a movie theatre that was empty save for about three people who spoke dutch#i felt defeated after my one-hour trip#i think i was carrying a large slice of bread as well (what???). it was a bread plushie (yeah i'm as confused as you are)#for some odd reason i was able to understand the people speaking dutch although the only language i knew was english#i told them about my trip and we collectively had a good chuckle#they explained that it's commonplace for tourists to experience the exact same thing#after i talked to them and left the theatre somehow i ended up in slovenia#that was the most i could remember after waking up#i know symbolism within your dreams speaks to what you experience while conscious but how in the HELL am i supposed to explain this#what's cookin' in hell's kitchen?#should i make a seperate tag for my eldritch entities of dreams? i think i will.#i feel like labeling it as a 'dream diary' seems way too predictable#i'll call it 'adventures within my amygdala'#adventures within my amygdala
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youremyonlyhope · 1 month
I really should know better than to watch dumb romcoms while I'm 90% sure I'm ovulating.
This time it was Netflix's Love in the Villa trying to make me cry.
#is this tmi? maybe. but this is the tmi site.#look ok romeo and juliet holds a special place in my heart and not because i've read the play#i've never ever read the play at all#but i've worked on 3 different productions of it in different formats and each time was a turning point in my career#so it means a lot to me so adding R+J references to this movie's dumb romcom-ness just makes me emotional#i say dumb romcom super super affectionately#literally the last 2 days i had pain that i get every few months right by my right ovary that tends to coincide#with the time that my period app says i'm ovulating. i don't actually pay attention to ovulation since i don't need to.#(yay being perpetually single and somewhere on the asexual spectrum)#but if i notice that pain i'll check the app and usually it's within a couple of days of its prediction#and that suddenly made the last few days make a lot of sense since i was like... YEARNING. yearning and longing.#like i realize now that that's probably why 2 or 3 days ago i went into a ramble in the tags of a post#about a conversation i had on a date but the topic was really only sorta related to the actual post but i just kept going#and ruminating on the conversation and our texts afterwards and him ghosting me a couple weeks later#and me simultaneously being like 'eh. he was nice but i'm not hurt.' and also 'WHYYYYYYYYY' over that situation from MONTHS ago#and i think that's why i had a dream 2 days ago the featured the ex of a celebrity crush. all adjacent. to the yearning.#anyway. love in the villa was cute. i'm always here for my knight babies from merlin. i laughed out loud at certain points.#and gasped and aw'd at others and was feeling all the emotions by the end.#on that note. i'm gonna go rewatch Set It Up for the 10 billionth time since it's just unironically one of my faves#and i have some stuff to crochet#oh and today is also the 15 anniversary of the last day of my first period. yes i remember these very specific things.#so add me realizing that fact to all the other weird emotions about ovulation.
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suiana · 4 months
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(yandere! co-actor x gn! co-actor reader) (theyre co-stars who act as lovers n have to act like they love each other but they actually don't)
"but oh, darling, how i adore your face in all its glory..."
your co-actor immediately pulls away from you, face scrunching up in disgust as he completely refuses to acknowledge your presence. you do the same, wiping your hand with a cloth as you walk to the opposite side of the set.
yes, the two of you were co-stars who secretly hated each other. shocking.
to be honest, it was shocking because you didn't hate him initially. you had actually admired him and even wanted to act together in a movie! he was once your idol after all.
and by some stroke of luck, your manager had gotten you the opportunity to be a co-star on a romance-horror movie that was predicted to be the biggest film of all time.
but now that you had achieved that dream... you really wish it hadn't come true. for people's facades come down once you get to know them.
you and him did not get along at all. constantly butting heads, fighting over the littlest of things... yet, you two manage to act out the roles of obsessed lovers who would die for one another.
the fact that the movie was about how you (the love interest) and him (the male lead) were dating and how he would go crazy and stuff-
ugh you can't believe you had to act this out! you're too annoyed to even think straight now! like, what kind of false reality is this?!
well i mean, it is kinda your job as an actor to sell a false reality but still! the way you two can pull a 180 each time you have to get on set is crazy!
"oi you, don't breath all up in my face next time. yoy are repulsive."
"we're literally supposed to stand close to one another! how am i not supposed to do that-"
"then don't breathe."
"you two stop it!"
the director barks at the two of you, shaking his head as the both of you roll your eyes. seriously, to everyone else it looks like little kids who are fighting over the smallest of things. how childish!
"we're gonna be filming the next scene. get in position!"
you begrudgingly walk over to the middle of the set at the familiar phrase, getting into place as your co-star unwillingly holds you in an intimate pose. with him pressed up against a wall and you pinning him up against said wall.
you shudder in disgust as the cameras begin rolling once more. ew, you really can't understand what you used to see in him. like he's so dramatic and sassy! what-
your eyes widen as you see him shiver fearfully, a spider crawling on his head. what the hell?! where did this spider come from?!
you wanted to back away from your co-star but the second you saw how his eyes started to water, the way his lower lip trembled... you knew you couldn't just leave him to suffer. even when you hated him.
"don't move..."
you mumble, eyebrows furrowing slightly as you use a shaky hand to approach the spider. hm... it's not like you were scared it's just... why's it so big?
you gulp nervously, eyes widening slightly as you watch the spide crawl up your arm. damn, if you were a bit more of a coward...
you set the spider on a nearby desk, humming softly as you let out a shaky sigh of relief. oh well, at least it's over.
as you were drinking some water, your co actor couldn't help but feel his heart race, cheeks flushed red as he tries to regulate his breathing. what the hell? why is he getting so flustered over you getting close to him?
his eyes drift to your figure, taking in your carefree attitude. he quickly looks away as your eyes glance at his staring. hiding his face in his hands, he huffs and turns around, grumbling something about you as he feels his heart rate spike even more.
all he can think about as the rest of the shoot goes on was whether you had looked this beautiful before.
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crunchycrystals · 2 years
i have had dreams that predicted the future multiple times and i don't know what the science of that is
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phaedraismyusername · 2 years
This year some of my favourite books I read were written by indigenous American authors and I just wanted to shout out a couple that I fell in love with
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The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones
Horror being my second most read genre, I did not think books could still get under my skin the way this one did lol. It follows four Blackfoot men who are seemingly being hunted by a vengeful... something... years after a fateful hunting trip that happened just before they went their separate ways. The horror, the dread, the something... pure nightmare fuel 10/10
Moon of the Crusted Snow by Waubgeshig Rice
An apocalyptic novel following an isolated Anishinaabe community in the far north who lose contact with the outside world. When two of their young men return from their college with dire news, they set about planning on how to survive the winter, but when outsiders follow, lines are drawn in the community that might doom them all. This book is all dread all the time, the use of dreams and the inevitability of conflict weighs heavy til the very end. An excellent apocalypse story if you're into that kind of thing.
My Heart is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones
This book follows Jade, a deeply troubled mixed race teenager with a shitty homelife who's *obsessed* with slasher movies. When she finds evidence that there's a killer running about her soon-to-be gentrified small town, she weaponises that knowledge to predict what's going to happen next. I don't think this book will work for most people, it's a little stream of consciousness, Jade's head is frequently a very difficult place to be in, but by the last page I had so much love for her as a character and the emotional rollercoaster she's on that I had to mention it here.
Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger
Taking a bit of a left turn but this charming YA murder mystery really stuck with me this year. Elatsoe is a teenage girl living in an America where myths, monsters, and magic are all real every day occurrences. When her cousin dies mysteriously with no witnesses, she decides to do whatever she can, including using her ability to raise the spirits of dead animals, to solve the case. The worldbuilding was just really fun in this one, but the Native American myths and influence were the shining star for me, and the asexual rep was refreshing to see in a YA book too tbh
Split Tooth by Tanya Tagaq
The audiobook, the audiobook, the audiobook!!!! Also the physical book because formatting and illustrations, but the audiobook!!! Tanya Tagaq is an Inuit throat singer, and this novel is a genre blending of 20 years worth of the authors journal entries, poetry, and short stories, that culminates in a truly unique story about a young girl surviving her teenage years in a small tundra town in the 70s. It is sad and beautiful and hard but an experience like nothing else I read this year.
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meltinghun · 9 months
A real gentleman ; Joseph Descamps.
summary: Joseph and Reader never got really along until something changed.
warnings: genderneutral!reader, enemies-to-lovers, idiots in love!!, Y/N mentions lol, just kiss already.
author's note: Hi! I wrote this bc I fell in love with Mixte 1963, and when I looked up for ffs, there were NONE, so I said, 'I'll take one for the team' and came up with this. Please keep in mind that I'm not a writer and english is not my first language, I'll appreciate it if you can point at any errors. <3
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The chilly breeze hitted their faces, making them close their eyes momentarealy due to its force, breathing in the smell of wet soil mixed with the freshly made bread from the bakery a few houses down the road.
The day looked very promising; today they woke up a little bit earlier than usual, using the extra time to finish in advance some english homework assigned for the next week and even strarting a big upcomig proyect due to the end of the month, hearing the weatherman in the radio as a background noise, announcing that it was going to be an unusually warm day of autumn.
Everything seemed perfect, the subtle orange hue of the skyes illuminating their face as they walked and the soft rumbling of cars passing by the principal street made them feel like a character of one of those romantic movies they dearly love watching, a thought that felt reinforced when every leave they stepped on made a perfect crunch sound. A soft greeting left their lips when they walked past one of their neighbours who was heading out to work like many other people did at those hours.
It truly felt like a peaceful morning.
'You seem lost in thought. Are you daydreaming about me already?'
Until it wasn't.
They dedicated a slight scowl towards the person who dared to interrupt their peace and inhaled a big breath of air before answering.
'Not even in your greatest dreams, Descamps.' They made a condescending gesture with their hand. 'Now leave me alone, yeah? I was perfectly fine until you came with your annoying presence.'
A booming laugh abandoned his throat. 'Don't act so disinterested. I know you couldn't live without my annoying presence even if you wanted.'
Joseph Descamps. He was a classmate of theirs that took an interesting liking towards their persona, or how they liked to say, a liking towards making their life miserable.
Since the start of the year he took every possibility to annoy them out of their mind, it started with some snark remarks insulting their way of doing certain things and it slowly progressed to petty acts, such as slighty tugging their hair when passing each other, hide their belongings when they aren't looking and even blocking their path by standing in the entryways, smiling down at them while demanding a 'password' that changed every day. Just petty acts meant to be a pain in the head.
He was everything they couldn't stand: a bully with some serious narcissist tendencies who, on top of it all, loved to get a rise out of people by pushing their boundaries and provoking them in any possible way.
But even with that horrendous description, Y/N couldn't avoid that rare feeling at the bottom of their stomach whenever he was close. At first they thought that it was a reflect of how disgusted they truly felt by his persona and the gross acts he usually did, a few weeks later, that feeling was accompannied with their heartbeat increasing when they noticed that he was invading their personal space, but chalked it up as just being nervous of his tall frame hovering them like some sort of prey, that made total sense on their head. However, some days later, he did something that made them realise what they truly felt for the boy with the patch.
It started to rain towards the end of the day, exactly 15 minutes into their english class and the frustration was clearly palpable, it was so unexpected that nobody could've predicted it; what it seemed to be a passing grey cloud turned out to be a massive downpour, Y/N started to complain with their friends about how it was a shame that they chosed to use the new sweater their grandmother knitted for them and how sad it was that now it would get ruined under the relentless rain. When the class was over, they noticed how Joseph went outside the building running and disappeared behind the school gates. They thought it was really weird, but they knew better than to expect something coherent from him. Minutes passed and it seemed like the temporal was getting worse so a few people decided to just suck it up and walk under the cold rain, sighing for themselves and rapidly lamenting once more the lost of the sweater, they prepared to follow the steps of the brave mass of students when a breathless voice interrupted their movements.
'L/N, wait!' A disheveled and completely soaked Joseph made himself seen, his shout drawing attention to the both of them.
'What do you want now, Descamps? I'm already late to home, I don't need you keeping me here any longer than necessary.' They stated with a confused frown, curious as to why was he there but trying to mask it behind indifference.
A smirk made its presence on his sharp features. 'I know, but I couldn't just let you go like that under the rain, that wouldn't be so gentlemanly of me, don't you think?' From behind his back, he pulled a blue umbrella and extended it to a dumbfounded Y/N.
Was that really happening right now? Did the most annoying person they ever met just ran under the rain to bring them an umbrella? And not only that, but he somehow managed to get one with their favorite color, too. Did he just called it to be a mere gentlemanly act?
It might as well start raining cats and dogs.
They opened and closed their mouth, being left without anything to say for the first time, a half-hearthed chuckle interrumping their messy train of thought.
'I heard what you said about your sweater and how sad you would be if it got ruined.' They swore that their heart would get out of their chest for how hard it was beating. 'And I didn't want you to get heartbroken for it, so I thought that you could use one of these.'
He closed the distance that separated them by taking a few steps, reaching out for their free hand and making them hold the umbrella, the contact between their fingertips sparkling a something deep inside each other.
'I know we are supposed to not like each other, but let me be nice to you for once, please.' His eye shining with an intensity they couldn't explain. 'Don't worry, we can keep hating us tomorrow.' When he saw that they wouldn't object, he turned around and began walking outside, getting under the rain once more.
Feeling the heat creeping on their face and having found their voice, they asked out loud.
'How did you know?' His head turned around enough for them to see his face. 'How did you know that it's my favorite color?'
They knew that it could've perfectly been a mere coincidence, something insignificant that shouldn't be overly analized, but something told them that it wasn't like that. They really hoped it wasn't. And it was confirmed when he flashed them another one of his infamous smirks.
'Sometimes I listen to you more than i should.'
Since that very moment it's been really difficult to fight the involuntary smiles that made a way into their face when he unexpectedly tries to integrate them to a conversation by asking their opinion on a subject, or the feeling of warmth that invaded their chest everytime they made visual contact and let's not forget how everytime they both "accidentaly" brush hands Y/N had the extremely rare need to interlock their hands with him.
But after all, he was still Joseph Descamps, the attractive cocky idiot who is always up on some trouble that he himself seeked out.
'...-ou cold?'
They blinked repeatledly with confusion written all over their face, the taller boy smiling down at them for being able to catch them distracted.
'I asked if you weren't cold.' He repeated the question slower, a soft look on his eye. 'You are shivering'.
If he didn't pointed it out, they wouldn't noticed that, in fact, they were shivering. The chilly air becoming colder than before making them lowly insult the unstable weather of the so-called "unusually warm day", having only a thin cardigan that didn't do much to help.
'It's nothing. The school's a few blocks ahead, and I can take a little bit of cold.' Grumbled under their breath, only to sneeze some moments later.
The boy snorted while shaking his head before swiftly taking off his coat and placing it on their sholders. 'You are not going to catch a cold, or at least not on my company.'
'You are being awfully nice to me lately.' In a slight moment of braveness, they blurted out the question that was tormenting their head. 'Are you flirting with me, Descamps?'
An incredulous look got settled in his face, and they regretted saying it immediately, wishing to come back on time to stop themselves and save them from the embarrassment. Did they read the signals wrong? Was he only trying to become their friend? Was he only being nice? Was he...?
'Yes! Thank you for finally noticing it, I was starting to think that you were cruelly ignoring my advances.' A beautiful and dashing smile was sent in their direction, the biggest they ever saw him smiling.
And it was because of them.
A shaky sigh left their lips accompanied by a nervous laugh, not realizing they were holding their breath, with equally shaky hands coming up their head to accommodate their hair on a jittery action.
'I... I didn't know, really. I had a slight impression, but I thought that I was imagining things.' They cleared their throat in an attempt to regain their cool and collected personality. 'So, when are you taking me on a date then?'
The slight quiver on their voice was noticed by the still very amused boy, who took mental notes on how cute they looked flustered and to try to do it again in the future when given the opportunity.
'Would you accept if I asked you to skip school with me and have a date right now? I don't think I can wait any longer.' He asked with a playful tone, typical of him.
They let out a snort. 'I would tell you that you are crazy if you think that I would do something as risky as that. But lucky for you, I'm free today, so meet me at the cinema at four o'clock.'
'Then I shall see you there.' Replied between soft laughs, not believing that this was really happening. 'Some recommendations for this poor soul?'
The open gates were a few meters ahead of them, the other students that hanged outside throwing curious and shocked looks on their direction when they noticed the much larger coat that lied on Y/N's shoulders and the flustered smiles on their faces.
'Yes, the most important thing, don't you dare being late. If I get there and I don't see you, you can even forget that we know each other.' He brought both hands up in the air in a sign of redemption. 'I'm serious about this. You'll regret it if you do.'
'I wouldn't even dare thinking about it, I'll let Magnan take my other eye before screwing my opportunity with you.'
Their eyes widened at the hidden seriousness of the statement and the simplicity with which he pronounced it, the sincerity of it all making their heart race like crazy. Slowly nodding their head while trying to gather their thoughts.
'Well, it's settled then, at fo-...'
'Four o'clock sharp, I couldn't forget even if I wanted to.' He made a pause, regaining his usual playfulness. 'Should I bring you flowers? I want to be a real gentleman with you.'
'Okay, now you are showing off that you know how to flatter someone, shut up.' Rolling their eyes with a smile, they started walking toward the gates, leaving him behind. 'And I like camellias, for your information.'
'I only wish to flatter you, nobody else!' He said loudly, making people start to whisper about the supposed swear enemies.
'You don't want to know.' Was the only thing they said, accompanied by a slight shrug of shoulders.
Trying to bite back a bigger smile they waved him off, getting closer to their friend group with each step they took, all of them looking the exchange with incredulous eyes, silently begging for an answer as to what just happened.
They never before wished that the day would end up sooner.
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unlosts · 23 days
is it casual now?
prompt: “i’ve never noticed how nice your voice sounds up close.”
1.5k words
There are many things you shouldn’t do in the BAU, you shouldn’t talk to Spencer about astrology unless you want a 46 (yes counted) minute lecture on the impossibility of the stars to predict your personality (funnily enough what a Virgo going through his Saturn return would do, but you thought it best to keep that one to yourself). 
You shouldn’t ignore JJ when she’s showing you cute Herny pictures even though she has in fact shown you those exact same ones about 4 times before. 
You shouldn’t invite Hotch to go for drink after a case, but that’s mostly because thats’s been - statistically speaking - a waste of everyone's time.
And above all you should not go drink for drink with Emily Prentiss, no matter how much she dares you to. 
But seeing as you were able to read Spencer his horoscope, JJ kept it to only two pictures today and Hotch did, in fact, agree to go out with all of you. You decided that it was a good enough night to tempt fate. 
Like Icarus you flew too close to the sun only to crash and burn. 
Only you crashed and burned into the back of your boss's car.
The five Cuba Libres you drank sat heavy on you, but at that moment you thought that the thing really making you dizzy was Hotch sitting next to you. His profile illuminated by the passing lights, occasionally tinted red by the streetlights. You wanted to reach out and touch his face, see if the color bleed into your hands. 
Old movie star handsome turned technicolor. 
You rested your head back in the passenger seat, closing your eyes for one moment only to feel his hand on your leg softly shaking you awake. 
“C’mon, don’t fall asleep yet, we’re almost there” Despite his words he spoke softly, and you couldn’t help but think that he never sounds like this at work. 
“I’ve never noticed how nice your voice sounds up close.” It seemed your words took him by surprise as much as they did you because he kept his hand right there on your thigh as he drove.  
But a lot of things could be blamed on your blood-alcohol level so there was not much to lose now. 
“Yeah you usually sound very strict but that’s the voice you use when you talk to Jack, it’s nice, a little less deep but … soft yknow?” 
“I..” He seemed caught between looking at the road and wanting to keep looking at you “I never thought about that” 
“That’s okay” you said right before a yawn cut you off “I notice you plenty for the both of us” 
“You do?” He asks tentatively as he pulls into your apartment complex. 
“Oh yeah” You reply smiling back at him, daring him to ask for more. 
“Like what?” His tone is hushed, a little shy in a way you only dreamed of hearing. 
“hmmm” you pretend to think, if only to extend the moment, and also quite distracted by his hands on the steering wheel as he parked, the loss of his hand on your leg a minor price to pay. 
“You always take your coffee black but that’s only because it’s easier when in reality you like it better with a splash of milk and two sugars “
As you spoke you both leaned closer and closer to each other.   
“You pretend you don’t have time to hear Pen describe in detail each episode of the Bachelor, but you take an abnormally long time heating up your lunch every time she’s doing it” 
“Oh” you whisper “and you wanna kiss me real bad right now”
“I do?” he asked just as hushed, as if afraid that if he speaks any louder you’ll realize what you’re saying and stop.
“Oh yeah, actually ever since my like fifth case when I told that detective to fuck off and you preteneded to be mad at me for it” 
“Well, It seems profiling is your calling after all” 
“You do only hire the best of the best” Right as you’re done speaking he leans over and kisses you. 
The bubbles from the rum and coke just as fizzy on your tongue, and making you feel just as drunk. 
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer, crowding yourself against the passengers side door. His hands roaming your back and messing up your hair. 
The feeling of him above you all encompassing, the cedar and vetiver smell of his cologne and the warm strong muscles of his shoulders under your hands moving as one of his hands reached up to the back of your neck making you dizzy. 
You wanted to live right in this moment as long as you could. 
“Wait” Hotch said as he pulled away for a moment, panting and out of breath, lips red and tie askew making you want to pull him back “I didn’t want to do it like this” while he spoke you pressed one kiss against the side of his neck which seemed to render him speechless for a moment, his eyes closed before he kept going.  
“I wanted to ask you out and kiss you at the end of the night, in your doorstep, not“ he said pointedly, bringing back his unit chief voice ”the car.” 
“Well” you sighed “if you insist on cutting the night short” 
“I do, but just this once” He replied with a small crooked smile. 
“Fine, but quit smiling like that or we’ll be here a while” 
“Duly noted” 
He still insisted on walking you to your door, all the way up to the third floor. His coat over your shoulders at his insistence to keep the chill away gave you the chance to press the collar. 
At your door you took off his jacket to give back but when you extended it to him he just kept his hands in his pockets, instead of taking it. 
“Keep it and give it back to me tomorrow”
“Yes, tomorrow at dinner, after you’ve had the chance to sleep off the hangover I’m going to pick you up and take you to dinner” 
“Couldn’t resist waiting another day huh?” 
Hotch just laughed a little and looked back at you. He lingered on your doorstep looking at you and you decided to cut it short before he had to take you out for breakfast instead. 
“See you tomorrow Hotchner” 
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veturiusofserra · 3 months
when you know, you know | s. r.
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𑁤 synopsis: in an interview she opens up about how easy it is to be loved by Spencer, sharing the story of how they met and how his love inspired her music.
𑁤 pairing: spencer reid x singer!reader
𑁤 words: 1.090
𑁤 disclaimer: This was 100% inspired by something my bf said a while ago, and I love the song. I hope you will enjoy it too <3
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“As we reach the close of our conversation, one thing’s bugging me. In your song “Margaret,” there’s this line ‘when you know, you know.’ Like, how do you just know someone’s the one? I’ve been through my share of relationships, yet I haven’t experienced that kind of thing you sing about. In your song, it’s all so clear-cut, like you can predict the future. It reminds me of a kid believing in the tooth fairy – sweet idea, maybe not quite real. But that’s probably what makes the song so good. It talks about this perfect love where everything just clicks, and all your worries disappear. Maybe that’s what I’m still looking for, or maybe it’s just for some lucky people. Either way, your song paints such a strong picture of love that it makes me wonder if I’ll ever have a ‘Margaret’ of my own.”
“It’s funny, right? The answer everyone gives is so simple: “you’ll just know.” Like love hits you like a lightning bolt, destiny calls, happily ever after guaranteed. But maybe that’s the problem. We get this picture-perfect idea of love from movies and books, and then we miss the real thing when it’s right under our noses. We set these high expectations, these checklists of what “the one” should be like. And if someone doesn’t tick every box, we write them off. It’s like searching for a flawless diamond, forgetting that even the most beautiful gems have tiny imperfections. Because guess what? We all mess up. You make mistakes, I make mistakes, everyone does. Maybe that’s what makes a real connection so special – accepting someone, flaws and all. Speaking of which, there’s this story I wanted to share with you.”
“We're all ears!”, the interviewer and the crew smile with waiting faces.  
“For the longest time, I believed I was destined to give love, but never receive it.  Maybe because... well, let’s be honest, I can be a bit self-absorbed, lost in my own head and neglecting others. But even with the no love life mantra, there was always this yearning for a family, a deep desire for children I could call my own. The ‘what ifs’ terrified me, though. Would I be a good parent? Would they be happy? Could I provide for them? Eventually, I resigned myself to a life of music, making people happy through my art, having a few friends, maybe a tragically young death – you know, the artist’s curse. 
Then, I found him. We both know Penny, but run in different circles. He’s in law, I’m an artist – about as different as you get, except for maybe a shared love of fancy vocabulary. We met at Penny’s birthday party, and while he claims it was love at first sight for him, I just thought he was the most handsome man I’d ever seen. But that was it. He was too shy to introduce himself, and I was sworn off men at the time. Funny how fate works, right?  We never crossed paths before, but after that night, it seemed like everywhere I turned, there he was. That’s when I decided to take a chance, and boy, I was so scared!
All those stories about soulmates and butterflies? They weren’t for me. Anxiety had been my constant companion for as long as I could remember. Butterflies just meant another battle brewing in my head. What I craved was peace, a steady hand to anchor me until I was ready to set sail. So, I built a friendship with him. We shared secrets, dreams, and vulnerabilities. He turned out to be a brilliant mind, a walking encyclopedia with an IQ of 187. Yet, he never made me feel inferior. He found humor in my quirks, and we seemed to complement each other perfectly. The more time we spent together, the more his words resonated: “We were designed for one another.”
And then, it hit me. Love. Deep, unexpected, and all-encompassing. It felt effortless, a perfect fit. But fear gnawed at me. It was all so new, so unfamiliar. Just as I was drowning in uncertainty, Penny, our mutual friend, reached out. She had something to show me – “Margaret.”
“She wrote it?” she asked, intrigued.
“Well, she started it,” I clarify. “Inspired by him, she penned the first lines that night after the birthday party. She couldn't shake the image of his longing gaze, a sight she’d never witnessed before. It felt sacred, a raw glimpse into his heart. The initial draft, rough around the edges, went something like this: ‘just writing for a friend. My shirt's inside out, and penmanship is messy. He met her on the rooftop, and she wore white. He said, ‘I think I’m in trouble.’ He saw flashes of the future.” A gentle smile graces your lips. 
“Seriously, that’s adorable.”
I nod, a blush creeping up my cheeks. “Right? Her words sparked inspiration within me. I wrote the rest, my mind consumed by-”
“By him.” she prompted, leaning in.
“He made love feel simple. Loving me was effortless for him, a stark contrast to the struggle I’d always imagined. It was like breathing, a natural and easy rhythm. He helped me discover the light that had been hiding within me all along.”
“There’s a saying,” the interviewer began, “to be loved is to be changed.”
I smiled. “I prefer a different one: to be loved is to be known. Because maybe, just maybe, he saw the affection within me all along, the part I couldn’t quite see myself.”
“You are indeed full of affection,” she said warmly. “Thank you for sharing this story with us.”
“Thank you for listening. I know it's a cliché, but there truly is someone out there for everyone. You never know what tomorrow holds, but deep down, a tiny spark ignites within us, guiding us towards that love. Trust it.”
“That wraps it up for our interview with the lovely Y/n! But before we say goodbye, there's one more message for her. Can we play it, Jonah?” A nod later, the studio fills with the sound of a familiar voice.
“Hey there, love. Just wanted to say congratulations on the album! You poured your heart and soul into it, and I’m incredibly proud. But hey, can you come home soon? Two days feels like an eternity without you. Miss my other half. Love you tons, sweetheart. And everyone listening, stream Ocean Boulevard! Dex says hi to mom, too.” A meow erupts in the background, eliciting a laugh from you and the studio crew.
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thoughts? or prayers idk
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ienjoywritingfilth · 2 months
love me more part ii
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hi: you know i write filth. you can't be surprised by the depravity of this.
pairing: dbf!Joel x fem!reader part one here
trope: Mom's Boyfriend! Javier Pena
summary: After some great news you're in the best mood when your Mom's boyfriend Javier comes over. What's the harm in a little fun with him while she's not there?
warnings: public-ish sex (not sure how to define???), age gap, sexual tension, forbidden rel, absolutely filthy talk, daddy kink, oral (m receiving), swallowing, dub-conish, dark!JavierPena, almost caught, other shit but I've probs forgotten.
word count: 2.5k
rating 18+
wanna see my other stuff?
love me more part ii
Moving out wasn't going as quickly as you'd hoped. Rent on an apartment to call your own was exorbitant and your meagre savings weren't doing much to help. 
Harper offered to let you stay at hers but the random men she brought home to her bed made you feel decidedly weirded out. You couldn't imagine actually feeling at ease in a home where you didn't know the person sitting next to you over cereal in the morning.
Five months had gone by since that night of fucking with Javier. Calling him faddy and seeing him get worked up. Five months since you heard him fucking your mother's brains out as he spoke filth about you, knowing you would fear. Five months since you made yourself come to the memory. 
Well, actually, that's never really stopped. It's your favourite spank bank memory lately. 
And you told yourself you'd quit the whole seduction act with Javier, except it was really hard because he was around more often. There in the kitchen when you went to grab coffee. There on the couch with his legs spread wide, a bottle of beer held casually between them as he stroked your mother’s hair. He was there in the mid afternoon when you came back from shopping with Harper dressed in tight jeans and t-shirt as he repaired the broken fridge. And he was there in her bedroom, fucking her brains out night after night.
As he should be, he was your mom's boyfriend for fucks sake.
Until he wasn't. 
You came home from a weekend away with Harper to find moving boxes in the apartment and a wedding ring on your mother's fourth finger. 
"We got married," your mother announced with a girlish giggle as you walked into the kitchen. Javier was at work and your mother was already three beers in. You goggled at the shiny emerald, shocked at the class of the design.
"Javier has friends in Texas. We went for a little getaway to visit them and we passed this sweet little chapel and Javier's cousin is a priest and one thing led to another..." 
She gave another girlish trill, practically floating around the kitchen.
"Why would you get married?” you choked out, still disbelieving. “You barely know him."
"We've been together seven months," she pouted. "Why aren't you happy for me?"
"I am happy, mom. I'm just surprised." 
And now you sit in your bed watching a movie on your phone on a Thursday night, still confused as to how you ended up here with your hands stuffed down the front of your pyjama pants as you imagine your new stepfather fucking you in your bed. 
He and your mother are on their date night. Dinner and a movie. It's almost endearing if it wasn't also pathetically predictable. Like they bought into this whole white picket fence suburban dream despite the fact that they share a shitty apartment with you and your mom is shitfaced most nights. 
Ever since the marriage you’ve tried to stay away from Javier for the most part, you'll say a polite good morning or good evening when you see him. You share the occasional meal with your mother and him, you even make extra coffee on the mornings that you start really early knowing that he'll want a cup as well. And he's equally polite to you, his eyes never straying from your face, his hands never coming anywhere near your body. 
And it's driving you insane. 
You hate how cordial you are to one another, you hate that you still think about his body and his voice and his eyes when you touch yourself at night. You hate that sometimes when he and your mother are really loud you press your ear to the wall and hopes of hearing snatches of his deep baritone groaning. 
You're sick. 
Your phone beeps. 
I'm coming to pick u up. 
It's late. 
Bitch you need a life. You been working too hard
Harper is one of the lucky ones who get everything paid with her dad's credit card. You've had to work for everything you've ever had, coming from a poor background, being brought up with no father, you've had to overcome things at Harper can never even dream of. 
I'll see you in thirty. 
Harper doesn't bother replying to you and it's probably because she already has her tongue down some guy’s throat. She has a real affinity for guys that treat her like shit. 
Despite needing to leave shortly you can't help but be drawn back to your bed. Your hand finds itself strumming your pussy once more to thoughts of the one man you shouldn't. When you orgasm his name bleeds from your lips before you throw yourself into the shower. 
You dress in your best slutty club wear, applying deep red lipstick and calling an Uber. 
You arrive home hours later a little buzzed and more than a little horny. The guys at the club didn't do it for you. None of them have what you want, none of them are forbidden. You danced with them, let them kiss your neck, let them grind their hard cocks against your ass while you danced, but that was it.
You stumble through the front door after attempting the lock three times. The TV is glowing quietly. 
Your mom is lying snuggled on the far end of the L-shaped couch with her face to the wall. She's snoring loudly, a sure sign that she's had too much to drink.
Javier is in the same spot he usually picks: the opposite end of the couch. He's watching some bullshit 80's action flick on the TV, empty beer cans littering the coffee table. You can tell from the brand that they were all your mothers. When you count up to eight cans you can only sigh exasperatedly. 
Javier hears you enter the room, glancing over his shoulder to watch you stumble towards him. He’s got a cigarette smoldering next to him in the ashtray on the side table. It billows seductively.
"Hey. Didn't know you were still up."
Javier nods before going back to the film. You glance to see your mom still snoring, deep in sleep. She's hard to wake up on these nights, one where she drinks herself into a stupor. You trip into the kitchen, pouring a glass of water and drinking it quickly before pouring another. 
Javier's ignoring you resolutely and it makes you want to break him. You want to see that wild look in his eyes from so many months ago. The way he shuddered when you called him daddy.
You take another gulp of water before an idea comes to you. You tilt over the sink dribbling cold water down the front of your thin shirt. Without a bra the buds of your nipples jut beautifully through the fabric. 
You saunter out to the TV room, the glass of water forgotten. You walk up to the TV, pretending to be engrossed.
“Watcha watching?”
You stand to the side, aware that Javier can see everything. 
“A boring movie.”
You hold in a smirk when you turn to face him, your wet t-shirt clinging to you. The water makes the fabric stick to the curves, showcasing the round pert of your tits. 
Javier doesn't look amused. He looks positively steaming when you turn, walking to the back of the couch. You stand behind him, looking down at the top of his head, the tousled hair, the wide shoulders. He continues to ignore you, fingers twitching at his sides. 
You don't know why but you're desperate to touch him tonight. Your fingers slide up his neck, coming to wrap in the loose curl at the base of his skull and tugging. 
"You have such nice hair," you murmur huskily. "So thick." 
Javier knows you're fucking with him.
Even as the goosebumps rise on his skin at the sensation of your fingers gripping his hair, even as your fingernails trace down his neck as you slowly pull your hand off of him. 
He knows that you've been playing this game for weeks. Every time you brush up against him unnecessarily when you grab your coffee in the morning. Every time you stretch and show him that thin band of flesh between your shirt and pants. It's just enough to tease without being obvious. 
And he knows why you just showed him his own personal wet t-shirt contest. You think you're powerful, you think you have him where you want.
Silly girl. 
He knows that even him ignoring you is fun to you, to see who will fold first. He knows you want him to fold. This is your game. 
But tonight it ends. 
You smirk to yourself when you see Javier shift under your touch. You move around to the front of him and now his dark eyes move up your body, lingering over your breasts before forcing themselves to your face. 
You tilt forward, your knees touching his. Your chest sways enticingly before him while your hands go to his shoulders. He tenses under you, his eyes wide and pupils overtaking the iris. You move your mouth towards him and he leans forward, confused when you move past his mouth to his ear. 
"Have a good sleep, daddy," you whisper, your lower lip catching his earlobe. Javier shudders. 
But you pull back sharply when your mom snorts. You and Javier watch her shifting slightly before she falls back into a deep slumber. 
That was close. 
You almost jump when Javier's hand darts out and grabs your wrist. In one fluid motion he covers your mouth as well, tugging you onto his lap. You collapse over him, your legs are spread, your crotch against his. He's hard. 
"You wanna act like a whore?" Javier murmurs against your temple. "Then I'm gonna treat you like one." 
He pushes you off of his lap before forcing you to your knees between his parting legs. He darts his dark eyes over to your mom's sleeping form, her snores still heavy. 
He wouldn’t.
You watch mute as he unzips his jeans, his eyes on you the entire time. He doesn't even hesitate to pull his hard cock from its confines. It's angry red, jutting out like some beacon and the tip glistens.
You continue to kneel there, your eyes flying from the weeping head of his cock back to his face and then back again. One large hand grasps you by the back of the neck. You gasp when he holds the base of his cock with the other, tapping the head against your shocked lower lip. 
"C'mon now, bonita," he whispers huskily when you don't act. "I know a slut like you isn't afraid of a cock." 
Offended you tense, trying to pull out of his grasp.
"I’m not go-"
"I'm not asking," Javier says and the amusement has fled from his features. "I'm telling." 
You swallow, feeling your nipples tighten and your cunt clench even though you know what he’s doing is wrong.
"I'll wake up my mom," you whisper weakly.  
An oily smirk settles across his handsome features. He drags his cock along your lips and you can taste his salty pre-cum when your tongue darts over it almost immediately. 
"I'll deny it. I'll tell her about all your little games. She'll see your tits on display and I'll tell you you've been hitting on me since we started dating."
The worst part is you know she'll believe him, her wonderful new husband. Javier surprises you when he takes your hand and curls it around his aching cock. You surprise yourself by allowing it. He captures your eyes with his again.  
"Do what you've been promising me for months." 
"I haven't promised you anything," you whisper with a tremble. 
Javier leans forward, his eyes burning as his face stops inches from yours. His voice was already quiet and raspy, but now it seems like it's scraping the floor. 
"Yes you have. Every time you called me daddy, every lingering touch, every longing look promised me everything, you little slut," he muses. "And you know it." 
You watch in shock as he begins to thrust his cock between your fingers.  He does it slowly at first, letting himself get used to the warmth of your palm and the shock present on your features. But you don’t stroke him, you don’t do anything but watch.
"Didn't grow up with a daddy so you don't have any manners," Javier whispers. He leans back, his fingers holding yours against his throbbing cock as he continues. "Guess I gotta teach you." 
He strokes himself with your shocked fingers, casting a smarmy smile in your direction. You watch mesmerized as the pre-cum coats the meat of your palm, allowing him to glide unencumbered. 
“That’s a good girl,” he murmurs. “Think you can handle it on your own?”
You don’t reply, but you do stroke him as he thrusts. His hands go to the back of the couch, one hand reaching into the ashtray at his elbow. He plucks his smoldering cigarette from it, popping it between his pillowy lips and inhaling slowly.
Your palm twists, jerking him and tugging. He grunts softly, his gaze slipping over to you sleeping mother before going to your breasts which sway as your arm pumps. He feels such a thrill at doing this. At fucking your hand while his wife sleeps only a few feet away, likely to turn over at any moment. It makes him harder.
He blows the smoke into your face, amused at the wrinkle of your nose when he does.
"Get them out," he orders, his voice still a husky murmur.
You shake your head, knowing what he's after. 
"Cut the shit and get your tits out."
You frown deeply before lifting the hem of your shirt. Then realizing you don't want to be on more display then necessary you change course, bringing your shirt down low enough for your breasts to spring free. 
Javier makes a soft purring noise, like some horny jungle cat.  He pops the cigarette back into his mouth . He palms them both, marveling at how good they look, how soft they are before taking another deep drag from his smoke. He again blows it in your direction before speaking around it.
"Need that little whore mouth now.”
There’s a small voice that warns you there’s no coming back from this. That reminds you that Javier Pena is your mom’s husband. And yet he doesn’t even need to touch you and urge you forward, because you’re already shifting forward.
Your mother could turn around at any second and see you on your knees between his legs, hands in your lap and your head moving towards his throbbing cock. It's pathetic how easily your jaw is dropping open for him, urging his fat cock between the lips of your mouth, tasting every ridge.  
What else would she see? The almost eager gleam in your eyes as soon as he moves over your tongue? The way your toes curl as he groans softly, his wide fingers tangling in your hair?
Would she notice now your eyes roll back not in pain but in ecstasy as he plunges himself deeper and deeper until he's fucking your throat? 
Gotta keep quiet. Gotta keep quiet. 
Would she be in shock to see her new husband fucking her daughter's mouth? Javier, sat back relaxed and forcing her head to bob up and down for him? Would she even notice the way her daughter slips one hand beneath her skirt and begins to rub her clit in time with Javier's thrusts? 
"Faster," he pants quietly above you, slipping his slobbery cock between your lips over and over. He's enjoying the sight of you there on your knees, needy and desperate with your head snapping as he fucks your face. 
Gotta keep quiet. Gotta keep quiet. 
All you can smell is him, all you can taste is him, all you can feel is him. Thick and ridged as he coats himself in your saliva, forcing your jaw to drop as he feeds you more of him. You hear the way he works to muffle his grunts. You could be caught at any second. 
Your eyes are smudged with mascara and you're drooling around his cock. He continues to hold his fist around your hair, fucking his cock deeper into your throat. 
"A little whore like her mama," Javier purrs softly with what could sound like affection. "You swallow like her too?"
Your eyes roll back into your head at the degradation, your fingers stuttering around your clit until the explosion of pleasure hits you. It makes you tense and release, a fluttering between your thighs making you thrash as he continues to thrust into your mouth. 
Gotta keep quiet. 
You swallow you moan, shuddering violently as you continue to hollow your cheeks and take him. At the sight Javier feels his balls tighten and without warning he floods your mouth with his warm spend.
"Swallow daddy's cum," he manages to grind out, hips rolling as he explodes into your waiting throat. "Swallow it down like the good little whore you are." 
You are a good little whore. His good little whore, wet and needy for him. You hold in a moan, feeling the warmth coat your tongue as you swallow him down, neck bobbing as Javier strokes your collar. 
Gotta keep quiet. Gotta keep quiet. 
Javier is breathing rapidly, his hair in his eyes as he stares at you. His cock is slick with your saliva and even watching it softening you are shocked at how much you want it back in your mouth. 
He notices your hypnosis and he smirks before tapping your cheek gently with two fingers.  
"Show me."
You tilt your face back and show him your clean mouth, eyes still wet and your pussy throbbing. 
Your tongue slides out, flipping to show him you weren't lying. Javier smirks, nodding at the fucked out expression on your face. 
"Daddy's good girl." 
Your mother suddenly snorts, half wheezing and shifting in her sleep. The sound terrifies you both. Javier tucks himself back into his jeans as you pull up your shirt and scamper off to your bedroom. 
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mcflymemes · 5 months
CHALLENGERS (2024) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary.
who says i want somebody to be in love with me?
i don't want to fuck you to prove a point.
fuck me because you want to.
are you gonna do it or not?
tastes even better than it looks.
i just told you i missed you.
i really want to kiss you right now, but i'm worried that if i try, you'll think i'm the worst friend in the world.
you know, it hurts me sometimes how little you believe in yourself.
decimate that little bitch.
let's be honest, you gotta feel bad for the kid.
you're not a spring chicken anymore.
dude. he's a pancake. you're gonna flatten him.
how's this feeling?
we're ready for you.
so obviously this isn't the result you wanted today.
you choked.
i don't want you to embarrass yourself.
i'm just a little rusty. it's a confidence thing.
get your fucking confidence back. i can't do it for you.
i'm so sick of you using this as an excuse to have a fucking meltdown.
you said we could watch a movie.
you're evil.
i'm gonna quiz you on it tomorrow.
sir, i don't know who you are.
i don't think we have much more to talk about.
i haven't spoken to you in five years.
i was just taking a little nap.
move, or i'm calling the cops.
you were really something back then, huh?
we always talked about how amazing it would be to win this together.
i'm a crazy person.
any predictions about how that's going to go?
can you do me a favor? can you not, like... demolish me tomorrow?
shut the fuck up.
if it matters to you so much, i can just give it to you.
i need it to look like i really beat you.
don't guilt me with your dying grandmother.
she's the hottest woman i've ever seen.
you were... fucking incredible.
baby, we've got to get going.
i'm not going to that party.
are you that threatened by me?
we can't both just go in there, dicks swinging.
i'd let her fuck me with a racket.
hey, do you smoke?
of course they will remember you.
see, that's your problem. you think you're like an artist or something.
you just want to win because you love it when people tell you how talented you are.
are you on facebook?
i told you tennis was boring.
you just got this crazy look on your face.
are you on a date?
i don't kiss and tell.
why did you want to have dinner with me?
i think you might be the worst friend in the world.
i didn't know you were so concerned about my feelings.
of course you still have a thing for her.
we just had what i'm assuming is the best sex of our lives.
i fucked your brains out?
what do you think you need? a cheerleader? a fuck buddy? a girlfriend?
you're talented, you're charming, and you've got a big dick.
excuse me for inconveniencing you.
don't expect to sleep here tonight.
stop going easy on me.
i'll be whatever you need me to be. i'll fuck off if you want me to.
i need you here, actually.
you're referring to when i declared my love for you.
you're not in love with me anymore?
i've been dreaming about this for five years.
i'm gonna propose something to you, and it's gonna make you angry. it's gonna make you very angry. but you have to hear me out, okay?
i'm finally ready to listen to you.
how dare you fucking ask me that.
do you think it's cute what you're doing? do you think it's funny?
that's the stupidest fucking thing i've ever heard.
i've always wanted you.
you didn't do anything to me. i did it all to myself.
i think i've reached the limit of my willingness to have this conversation with you.
do you understand how embarrassing it is that you're here?
you've never beaten me.
tell me it doesn't matter.
will you just hold me?
i'm not here to fuck you.
i miss watching you play. you were so beautiful.
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whatsnewalycat · 3 months
Designated Person | 10
Pairing: Francisco “Catfish” Morales x F!Reader
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Chapter 10: Flat Tire
Rating: Explicit (18+ only)
Word Count: 6.9k+ (nice)
Tags / Warnings: reader pov, infidelity, past romantic & sexual relationship, angst, food & eating, blackout, movie references, car problems, alcohol & alcoholism, 12-step programs, lying, conflict avoidance, crying crying crying sorry, internal conflict, monologue, toxic relationships but listen we're tryna get better, journal entries, nightmares, ptsd, flashback
Notes: WHAT UP PARTY PEOPLE?? MAKE SOME NOIIIISE (insert dallas buyers club matthew mcconaughey scream crying in his car). Sorry for being a bummer lol sometimes growth hurts but we're gonna get thru this I swear. Ok thank u let me know what you think!!!
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Blackouts work like magic. 
One second you’re perched on a barstool, trying not to sway or slur your words while ordering another drink, and the next you’re jolted awake by the thud of a door closing. 
Heart pounding in your chest, you sit up and look around, breathing a sigh of relief to see you somehow made it to your bedroom last night. 
You grab your phone off the side table, swiping away the missed calls from Frankie and Leah, then discover that you apparently re-downloaded a dating app in your alcohol-induced fugue state. Judging by the number of reply messages in your inbox, you must have hit up every man in the tri-county area who was “looking for a good time.”
Perfect. Of course you did. Why wouldn’t you? Bad decisions and dick has never ever steered you wrong. 
You read one typo-filled exchange between yourself and Russ K, 34, before deactivating the account and uninstalling the app. 
When you set your phone back on the nightstand, you notice a mason jar filled with ice water and frown. Beside it sits a small plastic container holding four neon orange tablets and two white tablets. A sticky note on the table reads ‘Went to a meeting, be back this afternoon’ in Frankie’s handwriting. 
Alarm trickles through your veins and inspires a wave of nausea you can’t ignore. Clasping your hand over your mouth to hold down the rising bile, you jump out of bed and beeline to the bathroom. 
After emptying the sparse contents of your stomach into the toilet, you lean back against the cool tile wall and search the ceiling for answers. How did you get home last night? Did you say anything to Frankie? 
You think about the ice water and over-the-counter pills left on your nightstand, then think about the note Frankie left. However you got home, he must know you were hammered. Which means you definitely interacted with him while blacked out. Do you even want to know what you said to him? 
Mortification twists your stomach when you imagine the possibilities. You could have tried to fuck him or murder him or anything in between. Given how you feel about him right now, it’s impossible to predict. That fact alone makes your mouth start to sweat again. 
So… no, you don’t want to know what you said to him when you were drunk. You don’t want to know how you got home or why the fuck your hair is damp. All you want is to get through this fucking day without hurling again. Maybe greasy food and a NASCAR nap, too. 
With this new clear goal in mind, you pick yourself up off the bathroom floor and set about making your low-stakes dream a reality. 
You wake on the couch to the soothing lull of commentators giving a play-by-play of the Rays versus Yankees game. A thick web of fatigue clings to you, fighting against your efforts to open your eyes and sit upright. 
Instinctively, you look towards the noise at the other end of the couch, locking eyes with Frankie. His face droops with this wounded expression that gets under your skin. Diverting your gaze to the TV, you cross your arms and try to keep your demeanor aloof despite the deep ache in your chest. 
“How are you feeling?” 
You choke out a humorless laugh and shake your head, keeping your eyes trained on the screen. A few tense seconds go by before he accepts that you will not be answering his ludicrous question, so he takes an alternative approach. 
“I brought home cubanos from that place you like. For, um… for family dinner. If you still wanted to do that.” 
Home, he says, as if the word meant something to him. As if he didn’t match every brick you laid in the foundation of this relationship with paper mache blocks. As if he didn’t take a wrecking ball to whole fucking thing regardless. 
Maybe to him home is just a place he rests his head at night, not where he anchors his heart. A matter of physical location rather than a feeling. You, on the other hand… never felt quite at home in this house until he started living here. 
Are you crazy for having felt like that? Like home was a space you held with him and him alone? 
Your parents were right. You make too much of things. You’re overdramatic. 
Why would he love you? Why would he choose you over his wife? You knew what you were getting into when this started. 
Stupid girl. 
“I understand if you don’t want to, though.” 
His voice brings you back to yourself. You blink hot tears from your eyes, then wipe them from your cheeks, trying to hold yourself together despite the whisper of ‘stupid girl stupid girl stupid girl’ at the back of your head. 
“Can we… can we at least talk about it?” 
You wince as a fresh batch of tears surges up your throat. Rising to your feet, you shake your head and manage to choke out, “Just forget it,” before fleeing to your bedroom. 
I slept most of the day yesterday so it took me forever to fall asleep. Also Frankie was walking around the house all night. At 11ish, I heard him talking on the phone, then I think someone picked him up. I texted him to see where he went because I’m unfortunately still his designated person. He said he was with someone from AA and he’d be back soon, just needed to talk. I couldn’t fall asleep until I heard him come in at 1. He wasn’t stumbling around so I’m guessing he was sober??? Hopefully he was. I don’t want this to get in the way of his recovery. Which I sort of hate. I wish I could delete the feelings I have for him. I wish I didn’t care. But I guess I do, so… I don’t know. This fucking sucks. Leah said I should kick him out, but I don’t want to fuck up his program. Maybe I’ll talk to Ralph today and see what he thinks. The thing is… the more people I talk to, the more I just want to talk to Frankie. Nobody makes me feel like he does. More than the lies, this is what bothers me the most. The fact that I can feel this way and he just doesn’t. I don’t understand how he can’t feel it, too. I thought this was real. But I guess I always do. I guess he’s just a really good liar and I am just a stupid girl. 
Tossing the notebook aside, you sit up to grab your mug off the side table. Wisps of steam rise from the coffee and dissolve into the air. The image blurs as a thick, wretched sensation twists up your throat. 
God fucking damnit. 
Every time you think you have no more tears left to cry, you prove yourself wrong. They just keep coming. Yesterday you waded in and out of these sudden fits where crying was all you could do. It reminds you of all the other times he broke your heart, but especially the last time. 
After Angie caught the two of you fucking, part of you hoped that maybe she would leave him. From what you understand, though, he convinced her to stay. Called you a mistake. An ‘isolated incident’ or whatever. Fucking asshole. 
Seeing each other became logistically and emotionally difficult. Participating in an affair is much easier when it’s still a secret, for obvious reasons. He tried to see you when he could, which wasn’t nearly as frequent as you wanted. When you did see him, he was drunk. You’d pick him up from the bar, or he’d come over after Angie went to bed, but he was always at least five drinks in and counting. 
You bailed him out of jail twice in those six months. Once for drinking and driving, once for getting in a fight over a fucking pool game, of all things. 
He seemed so walled-off from you, too. Like he detached from his emotions when he saw you. Maybe it was because of the liquor, but a million other reasons are just as likely. After sex, he would leave. The sex was… well, it was still good, but… different. Rougher, impersonal. It felt less like making love and more like fucking. 
You still loved him, though. You still had fantasies of having a real, normal relationship with him. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, you still wanted to believe that he was meant to be with you. 
Stupid girl stupid girl stupid girl
And then, well… 
Your phone starts to ring. It’s Ralph. 
You take a few quick sips of your coffee, then set the mug aside to answer. 
“Hey, kiddo. Do you have a minute?” 
His tone, less jovial than normal, gives you a small burst of anxious energy.
“Sure, what’s up?” 
“I just got off the phone Mr. Morales and he briefed me on the, ahhh… situation over there.” 
Unsure what to say, you fold an arm over your belly and stare down at your lap. 
“I understand that things are a bit tense due to an incident that occurred on Saturday, is that correct?” 
“Yeah,” you nod, voice wavering, “Yeah, I, um… I overheard him talking to Angie, and… well, basically I found out he’s been lying to me.” 
It sounds so pathetic when you say it out loud. 
“Uh-huh. He lied about the nature of his relationship with Mrs. Morales.” 
You prepare for Ralph to tell you it’s not a big deal. Brace yourself for the inevitable scoff, or for him to accuse you of overreacting. 
So he lied to you, so what? You knew who he was. You knew he had a family to keep together. You should have known better than to get involved with him. Stupid girl, why would you put yourself in that position in the first place? 
“And this isn’t the first time he lied to you about this particular matter, am I understanding correctly?” 
“Well…” you frown and shake your head, “No, not really. When we were together before, he was pretty explicit that he wouldn’t leave her. I just… I just thought… I don’t know. It’s dumb. I’m fucking dumb.” 
Ralph doesn’t respond right away, so you add, “Sorry. I’m still in my feelings.” 
“Don’t sweat it, I think I’m picking up what you’re putting down,” he pauses here to clear his throat, then recounts, “Before, he told you leaving her wasn’t a possibility. And despite my warning going into this, the two of you re-established your romantic relationship, he told you that kind of relationship was effectively over with his wife. Which wasn’t true.” 
“Ok. Got it. Has Mr. Morales exhibited any unusual or suspicious behavior since the incident on Saturday?”
After thinking about it, you tell him, “I wouldn’t call this suspicious exactly, but yesterday he left a note saying he was going to an AA meeting, which isn’t normal. And late last night someone picked him up. I texted him to check in and he said he was with someone from AA, talking.” 
“Do you believe he was being truthful?” 
“Yeah, I do,” you shrug, “I mean, I’m obviously not the best at detecting his bullshit, but I’ve seen him under the influence more times than I can count and he didn’t seem… like that.” 
“Well, that’s good. And it’s good you checked in with him, I take that as a positive. You are still responsible for him while he’s on parole.” He sighs, “Which brings me to my next question. Are you thinking you want to continue serving as his designated person, or should we start looking for alternatives?” 
A lump rises in your throat. You swallow it down, wincing at the tears that burn behind your eyes, “I, um… I’m not sure yet. Can I have a few days to think it over?” 
“Sure. How about this. Why don’t you take some time, maybe go to one of those Al-Anon meetings I told you about, and I can stop by Saturday to have a sit down with you and Mr. Morales. Does that sound agreeable?” 
“Ok,” you nod, “Yeah, that sounds good. We can do that.”
“Alrighty then. I’ll shoot you an email with some details sometime today and we’ll go from there.” 
“Thanks, Ralph.” 
“Call me if anything comes up, ok kiddo?” 
“Will do.” 
After hanging up, you put in a load of laundry and wander around the house, stopping by the fridge to stare at the cubano Frankie brought home for you yesterday. You roll your eyes with annoyance as you grab it, then you return to the couch and put on Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. 
By the time Frankie comes home, you’re four feature films deep in your angsty post-breakup movie marathon and feeling indignant enough not to surrender the common space to him. 
His eyebrows do this little surprised jump when your eyes meet his, and he glances at the TV, “Reality Bites?” 
You don’t respond, just curl deeper into the couch and return your attention to Ethan Hawke’s spiteful cover of Add It Up.
He kicks off his work boots and walks into the kitchen, coming back a minute later to ask, “If I make something for dinner, will you eat it?” 
Your stomach rumbles at the thought of food. Without looking at him, you shrug. 
Accepting the non-verbal answer, Frankie returns to the kitchen and starts bumbling around, cussing and grumbling under his breath. Eventually, though, he seems to get the hang of it. 
Just as the end credits of Reality Bites start rolling, he enters the living room holding two plates and sets one on the coffee table for you, then takes a seat at the opposite end of the couch. 
You sit up, crossing your legs as you pull the offering into your lap, and toss the remote control to his side of the dividing cushion. He wordlessly searches for something else to watch while you study the avocado-filled hot dog buns. 
“What is this?” you ask. 
“Completo. Hot dog topped with good shit, basically. Avocado, tomato, onion, condiments.” He selects play on Moulin Rouge, then looks at you and shrugs, “Ma would make it for me when I had a bad day.” 
You stare at him for a moment, then roll your eyes and shake your head as you turn to the TV, “I see what you’re doing.” 
“What’s that?” 
“Kissing my ass.” 
He chuckles, shifting a little, “Yeah, well… yeah.” 
The movie starts to play. You don’t mention that this will be the second time you’ve seen it today because he probably knows that. After taking a bite of the completo, you hum at the mix of flavors and textures as you chew. 
“Good, right?” Frankie says through a mouthful. 
“Mmm,” you nod in agreement. 
He swallows, glancing between you and his food before asking, “Can I ask why you haven’t kicked me out yet?”
When you contemplate how to answer, the reasons all snarl into a tight knot of which you can’t quite make heads or tails. 
“Fair enough,” he murmurs, letting his gaze linger on you, “Do you want me to give you some privacy, or…? Because I can go—” 
“It doesn’t matter, Francisco, just stop talking.” 
“Ok, but—” 
You hold your hand up to him, “Shhhhhh.”
He sighs, but accepts the silence. Tension resides in the air at first, but slowly dissipates as you clear your plates, then settle into the couch. And although your eyes stay trained on the screen, you can’t make yourself pay attention. 
You keep wondering why he lied about being with Angie. He’s never had a problem making that clear in the past, even if it meant breaking your heart. Is it because he lives with you? It’s possible he didn’t want to risk getting kicked out, so he kept it a secret. 
Then why get involved with you again? Did he think this was the best way to stay in your good graces? Has he been manipulating you this whole time? 
It’s possible. It’s also possible you’re another one of his bad habits he can’t kick. A coping mechanism. Disposable, like always. 
You remember the night you asked him to come over so you could talk to him about something important. He promised to be there at eight o’clock, which is when you planted yourself on the front porch swing to wait for him. At nine o’clock, his truck came rumbling down the street and parked in front of the house. 
“What’re you doing out here?” he smirked as he climbed the porch steps. 
“Waiting for you,” you glared at him, observing his fluid movements when he plopped down beside you.
“I went and got a drink, lost track of time.” 
He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and drew your stiff body closer to kiss your cheek.
Something hot flared in your chest, and you distinctly remember wishing he would show up sober for once. This wasn’t the scab you wanted to pick, though. 
He tilted your chin up, pressing his lips to yours, breath heavy with whiskey, then pulled back to frown at your lackluster response. His body swayed a little as he studied you, “What?” 
“I need to talk to you.” 
“Ok,” he leaned away from you with a scoff, “Well, I’m here. Talk to me. Tell me how I fucked up this time.” 
You winced, “Don’t do that.” 
Crossing his arms, he stared at you, all fucking wobbly and drunk, irritation folding his facial features. He shrugged, “Do what?” 
“That! You’re being an asshole.” 
“Oh, I’m being an asshole?” he mocked, “How’s that?” 
Rage simmered beneath your skin. You let out a chuckle of disbelief, shaking your head as tears pooled in your eyes. After taking a moment to gather yourself, you spit out, “Do you love me?” 
“Do I—?” he furrowed his brow like he didn’t understand, shifting in his seat, “Do I love you?” 
“Yes, Frankie. Do you fucking love me or not?” 
His indignation melted. Shoulders slumping, gaze going soft. He swallowed hard and looked out at the street as if searching for an escape hatch. Emergency brake. Make it stop. 
“Because I love you. I’ve been in love with you for so long… and-and I still don’t know what the fuck I am to you.” 
He seemed frozen, staring at something a million miles away without sparing a reaction. 
Nine months later, you can still feel the frantic vibration of your bones when you moved closer and cupped his cheeks, forcing him to look at you. When his eyes met yours, they were so cold and vacant that you barely recognized him. You tried to get through anyway. 
“I need you right now, Frankie. But I need all of you. I can’t be on the back burner anymore. I need you to be with me or I need to let you go.” 
“You know I can’t do that. I can’t be with you, not like that.” 
“But you could, though. You could. We could do this, we could make it work, start a life together—”
“I won’t leave her,” he shook his head, “I have a family—goddamnit, you knew what this was when it started.”
You sobbed, letting your hands fall away from his face, and his eyelids fluttered with the ghost of an emotion that you didn’t understand. 
He started, “I don’t—” then paused, tapping his clamped lips. His bloodshot eyes flicked around the porch and settled a million miles away again, “I don’t love you.” 
With this declaration, he took his chisel to you, lined it up in just the right spot, and gave it one firm tap. You crumbled at his feet. Shattered into dust. 
He got up and drove off while you were still bawling on the front porch swing. 
Onscreen, Toulouse-Lautrec shouts, “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return!” 
It hits you square in the chest. 
With tears brimming your eyelids, you jump up and flee to your bedroom before he can see them. 
Terrible nights sleep. Every time I drifted off, I was in the bedroom at my parents house but it wasn’t in my parents house. He was there but he wasn’t there. I don’t know how to explain it. I felt his presence but knew it wasn't him. I kept my eyes closed because I was scared to see, but I could hear him getting closer and closer. When I opened my eyes I woke up. The feeling stuck to me. It took me forever to fall back asleep and when I did it started over. 
Frankie didn’t go to work this morning. I don’t think he slept well either. Heard him walking around all night again. Idk if I should ask him what his deal is. I don’t want to talk to him about it yet and he’ll probably try to do that. Which is weird for him. A year ago I’d give anything for him to open up like he’s been trying to. But it hurts too much right now. It’s so messy. I’m all tangled. I need to straighten myself out before talking about it. 
I think I’m going to an al-anon meeting today and I’m nervous. Not sure what to expect. Keep worrying they’ll tell me I don’t belong there or make me talk about him. I don’t know if I belong there. I don’t know if I belong anywhere. 
Pulling back from your notebook, you stare at the last sentence for a while before closing the cover and setting it on the end table. 
Frankie walks out from his bedroom and rounds the corner to the living room, looking suspiciously formal, wearing slacks and a white dress shirt. His dark curls have been combed into a neat side part. It even looks like he trimmed his facial hair. 
As he peeks through the front window curtains, you blurt, “Are you wearing a fucking tie?” 
He looks surprised to hear you speak, raising his eyebrows as he glances down at himself, then up at you, “Yeah. I have a uhhh… a deposition today.” 
“Is that good or bad?” 
“Not really either. It’s normal, I guess. They’re just asking me questions on the record.” 
Nodding, you study his nervous demeanor, watching him reflexively go to lift his hat, faltering a little before running his fingers through his hair anyway. 
A desire to comfort him trickles through you, extinguishing the glowing embers of contempt inside your chest. 
“How is the case going, do you know?” 
The corner of his mouth pulls back into a kind of grimace. He takes another peek out the window, then steps back and shrugs as he approaches the couch, “The lawyer says they’ll probably offer a plea deal once this is over. We’ll see what that looks like.” He sits down at the other end of the couch, pulling out his phone to keep an eye on the little car on his rideshare app, “He thinks maybe they could agree to a reduced sentence.” 
You pick at your frayed cuticles, holding your tongue for as long as you can before asking, “How are you doing with… everything?” 
When you glance at him, his face is crooked with contemplation. He shifts in his seat and crosses his arms, lips parting with an answer. A notification dings on his phone. 
“My ride’s here,” he murmurs and meets your eyes with an apologetic expression, “We can talk about it later?” 
You give him a non-committal smile, “Good luck at your thing.” 
The woman who gave you your new member packet, apparently the leader of the meeting, looks around the room and announces,
“This afternoon, our fearless speaker will be Taylor. Everybody please welcome Taylor.”
From the back row, you sink down in your metal folding chair and glance around at the attendees, joining in when they start to clap for a woman approaching the podium. 
“Hi everyone, my name is Taylor. I’m a member of Al-Anon.” 
The room responds in unison, “Hi Taylor.” 
Taylor smiles and shakes her head, looking down at a small stack of trembling notecards. Her round shoulders raise with a deep breath. She closes her eyes for a moment, exhales, then looks up at the room. 
“If you would’ve told me a year ago I’d be the speaker at an Al-Anon group, there’s no way I’d believe you. But here I am,” she chuckles, “Wow. Thank you everyone for coming in today. I see so many familiar faces and some not so familiar faces and I’m grateful to see all of you. I’m proud of you for coming to this meeting today. 
“One of the biggest preconceived notions I had when I started attending Al-Anon meetings nine months ago is that they would help me support my alcoholic husband. At the time, he was about a month into sobriety and had just started going to AA meetings. He was struggling like hell and a friend of his asked if he wanted to go to an AA meeting with him. So he did. 
“I’ll be honest, when he suggested I go to Al-Anon, I was annoyed. I really was. At that point, we’d been married for five years. He tried quitting, oh, I don’t know… six times in that five years? Three 90-day inpatient rehab stays, two arrests, more sleepless nights than I can count.” 
Taylor pauses and looks down at her notes, then back up at the room as an amused smile spreads across her face. 
“What it always reminded me of was this story my husband told me. Every so often, he goes through these phases where he gets very very interested in a particular subject. It completely takes him over. All he wants to do is read about it and talk about it and… well, you get it. 
“When he was in his Greek mythology era, he told me about Sisyphus, the king of Ephyra. Sisyphus killed people who visited his palace, which angered the gods because they considered it impolite, which is the understatement of the millennium, but that’s neither here nor there. When Sisyphus died, Hades punished him to an eternity rolling a boulder uphill. He would fight his way up this steep hill, pushing the boulder with all his might. The boulder was enchanted, though, and every time the it got near the top, the boulder would roll back down the hill, then he’d have to try again. So he does this over and over and over for eternity. Infinite frustration and exhaustion. 
“Sometimes it felt like that with him. With my alcoholic. Like I was stuck in this loop, fighting like hell to push his dead weight to the top of the hill. Just when I got a scrap of hope, it went tumbling back down. Over and over and over again. I structured my whole life around his relationship to alcohol. Checking in with him constantly, making sure I didn’t say or do anything that might trigger another relapse, putting myself on the back burner to accommodate his needs. So when he suggested I try going to Al-Anon meetings, I expected it to be another chore catering to his sobriety. I thought I would come here and learn all the ways people support the alcoholic in their life the right way. Because I obviously wasn’t doing it the right way. If I was, he would have years of sobriety under his belt. 
“Regardless, I agreed to go, and quickly discovered my preconceived notions about Al-Anon were wrong. Al-Anon doesn’t exist for us to better service the alcoholic or alcoholics in our lives. Sure, we’re all here because of the alcoholic in our lives, but the point is to better service ourselves. I think that distinction is important. 
“When I came home from my first meeting, I went through the new member packet Mario gave me, and found a handout that said: Detachment is neither kind nor unkind,” Taylor nods at the memory and looks around the room, “That struck a chord with me, that phrase. Detachment is neither kind nor unkind. It didn’t make sense to me at first. I thought, how is detachment neither kind nor unkind? It went against my instincts completely. How was I supposed to help my husband if I detached from him? Isn’t love about being attached to someone, sticking together through thick and thin? 
“Attending meetings and working the steps helped me get a better grasp on the concept. I came to understand that, in Al-Anon, detachment can mean two different things. The first is separating the person you love from their alcoholic behaviors. The second is a little harder to define, but it centers around the idea that you are separate from other people, and their actions do not control yours. Let me show you what I mean, though.
“In my relationship with my husband, we were entangled,” Taylor laces her hands together and holds them up for everyone to see. “Wherever he went, I went, too.” She moves her clasped hands back and forth. Spreading her hands apart, she says, “I didn’t want to be apart from him. But what I found with detachment is,” she flattens her hands palm-to-palm, “We can be close without being entangled. That way, if he goes to a dark place,” she moves one hand away from the other and shakes her head, “I don’t have to go with him if I don’t want to.” 
Taylor looks around the room, allowing her words to sink in, then returns her attention to the stack of notecards and flips to the next. 
“When we detach in this way, it both relieves us of our perceived responsibility for their actions and emotions, and grants them autonomy to make their own choices. They deserve dignity and freedom, which is difficult to obtain if we try to manage their lives. 
“So often in our marriage, I thought that loving my alcoholic meant rescuing him from himself. I thought that if I exerted myself hard enough, pushed him up that steep hill long enough, we would get to the top together. But the effort was Sisyphean. It didn’t matter how much time or effort I put into controlling the direction of the boulder. It would always roll downhill, because the boulder was enchanted. Even if I spent an eternity trying, even if I begged and screamed and pleaded with the boulder, it would still be enchanted. And, you know… maybe that’s ok. Maybe he’s not meant to sit at the top of the hill. It’s not his fault, either, and I came to realize that instead of getting frustrated at him for being enchanted, I can meet him where he is and love him anyway. If I don’t like that place, I don’t have to stay there. When I detach with love, I grant myself autonomy as well as him. 
“Putting the metaphor aside, I’ve used this in practice by no longer lying for him. If he’s at an AA meeting and our daughter asks why he’s not home, I tell her the truth. When my family or friends ask how everything is going, I don’t try to make it seem easier than it is so he can save face. I confide in them with sincerity because that is what I need. I’ve stopped giving him advice unless he asks for it, because I’ve learned here that most times people don’t need advice, they just need someone to listen and be present. I’ve stopped trying to take the reins when I think he’s making poor decisions, because he doesn’t need someone to do it for him. He needs to learn to do it himself. Part of learning is making mistakes and growing out from beneath the consequences. 
“Detachment is neither kind nor unkind, it’s a tool we utilize to free ourselves and the alcoholic in our lives. Al-Anon doesn’t exist to teach us how to help the alcoholic in our lives, although the tools it gives us can aid in their recovery as well as ours. This fellowship exists to help us, the families of the alcoholic, so that we may lead more joyful and serene lives. Thank you.” 
Applause erupts from the crowd, and you join in, watching Taylor glow with pride as she steps away from the podium. 
Damp, hot air pours in through the rolled-down windows, carrying with it the earthy scent of algae-bloom off East Lake Tohopekaliga. Driving along the slow, steady curve, you pass by sprawling oak trees, their eaves all draped in spanish moss. 
Your hope was that taking the scenic route home would clear your head, but it’s not doing the trick. Something shifted inside you during the meeting. You can’t quite put your finger on exactly what shifted or why it happened, although your circular thoughts give you the sense you’re on the precipice of understanding. 
You keep thinking about the speaker, Taylor, and the lesson she relayed from her podium. Her situation is different from yours, but you know it all the same. You know how it feels to dig your heels into the dirt, struggling like hell to push someone in the direction you think is best. You know how it feels to see him tumble to the bottom time and time again. And for what? It’s not like he’s any better off because of your efforts. It’s not like you are, either. 
How many times have you betrayed yourself for the sake of his favor? How many times have you put your needs aside to tend to his? 
Calm blue-gray water flickers behind the trees you drive past. It looks peaceful. Further up the road, you spot a public access point to the lake and turn into the lot, hitting a bump. When you do, a loud BANG reverberates through the car. The steering wheel shakes as you slow to a jerky, lopsided stop.
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” you fume, shifting the car into park. Folding forward onto the steering wheel, you pinch your eyes shut and take a deep breath, then exit the vehicle to look at the damage. 
The front driver’s side tire sits flat against the pavement. You stare at it and shake your head, muttering, “God fucking damnit,” before walking to the trunk. 
You open it and pull up the mat to the spare tire well. It’s empty. 
“Fucking of course. Jesus fucking—” 
Cutting yourself off with a furious groan, you pull out your phone and go through your contact list, pointedly scrolling past the F’s to pause at Leah, who’s over an hour away, then Marla, who’s busy enough as it is. You even briefly consider Rory, but the idea makes your stomach lurch. 
You could just do it all yourself. Order a car on one of those rideshare apps. It would take forever, though, and you’ve never changed a tire before. 
Frankie is the logical choice. The first person who came to mind, if you’re being honest. Something hard and stubborn inside your chest throbs when you hover over his name. 
It’s pride, you realize. Maybe a little fear. You don’t want to ask for his help. You don’t want to burden him. You don’t want to be disappointed if he says no. 
All the same, you dial his number. He picks up on the second ring. 
“Are you at the house?”  
“I am.” 
“Are you busy?” 
“Nothing I can’t put off ‘til later. Why?” 
“My fucking tire blew out, and my spare is in the garage,” you sigh and throw your head back, propping a hand on your hip, “Is there any way you can bring it out to me?” 
“I, umm… yeah, of course. Where are you?” 
“East Lake Toho.”
He snorts, “Christ, what’re you doing all the way out there?” In the background, you hear the floorboards creaking, mapping his way through the house. Before you can respond, he asks, “Spare tire in the garage, need me to grab anything else?” 
“Uhhhh…” you wrinkle your nose at the trunk, “I don’t know, I have a jack and the tire iron thing.” 
“That should do it. Wanna drop me a pin? I’ll have to get a ride out there.” 
“Yeah. I can pay you back if you need to order a Lyft or whatever.” 
“Just take it off my tab,” he jokes, the back door squeaking open behind his voice, “Hang tight, I’ll be there in a bit.”
You turn around to lean back on the bumper, “Ok, I’ll be here.” 
After hanging up, you share your location with him, then wander down to the dock. It rattles around as you teeter to the end and sit down, letting your feet dangle over the edge. 
Cattails and lily pads have been cleared from the shoreline near the boat landing, giving you a clear view across the lake, broken up here and there by thick swaths of aquatic vegetation. The glassy surface of the water reflects the hazy blue sky, and stagnant air sticks humid to your skin. Insects buzz and birds sing and somewhere far away you hear a boat motor chugging across the lake. 
When you think of serenity, this is what you picture. Stillness and calm. Peace. You inhale the scene, allowing it to stretch out inside you and unfurl your tensed muscles. 
As soon as the unease evaporates from your body, fatigue takes over.  
Lying back on the dock, you stare up at tall, fluffy clouds littering the sky. Your eyelids grow heavy as you watch the slow-moving parade of shifting giants, the warm air lulling you into comfort until you let your eyes drift closed. 
Your awareness fades in and out while you sleep. At one point, a car door shuts, then the car drives off. Vaguely, you know it’s Frankie but can’t lift your limbs, syrupy thick with lethargy. You hear grunts and metallic clattering. Some time later, your trunk slams shut. 
When the dock starts wobbling around beneath you, you blink your eyes open and sit up, scrubbing your hands over your face as a yawn overtakes you. 
“Hey sleepyhead.” 
You glance over your shoulder at Frankie, who comes to sit down beside you with a groan. He’s back to his usual attire, jeans and a t-shirt, baseball cap firmly in place atop his head. 
Still groggy, you yawn, “I couldn’t make myself wake up.” 
“Not sleeping well?” 
“Fucking awful, honestly.” 
“Yeah, I know.” 
You frown at him, searching his face until he gives you a little shrug, at which point you mumble, “Oh. I forgot that I, umm… yeah. Sorry.” 
“No need to apologize,” he tells you, squinting up at the sky before dropping his eyes to his hands as he fiddles with his wedding band, “Same here. The—the sleep part, not the nightmares.” 
“Yeah, I know. I hear you pacing around at night.” 
“Oh… sorry, I didn’t realize—”
You push yourself up straighter to watch his legs dangle next to yours, “It’s fine.” 
Quiet settles comfortably between you. Near the dock, you see a cluster of bubbles rise to the surface of the lake and burst. The ripples flatten out and calm returns. 
A question swells in your ribcage. Just a small pocket of air at first, maybe the size of a pebble. The longer you sit and stare at the water, though, it expands. It works its way up your throat, taking up more and more space with each passing second until you can’t contain it any more. 
“So you were lying to me, right? About not being with her?” 
He meets your gaze, dark eyes all remorseful and gooey, then he nods, “Yeah. I was lying. To both of you.” 
Folding your legs up onto the dock, you look away in the hope that he won’t notice the tears starting to come. When he speaks, his voice comes out hoarse and quiet. 
“How much do you want me to tell you?” 
The question replaces the air in your lungs with a vibrating sensation. Another cluster of bubbles dissolve on the surface of the lake. You manage to croak, “I don’t know.” 
He doesn’t respond. You sense that he’s waiting for you to make the next move. 
Your mind wanders to the front porch swing that night you forced him to choose. He felt so far away. Until he told you differently, you were so certain he was in love with you. 
“I don’t know how to trust your words as truth, Frankie. All the way back to the start, I don’t know what was real and what was bullshit and I am fucking—” your voice cracks from the emotion burning up your throat. 
He goes to comfort you, but pulls back before making contact. 
Every cell inside you aches for him to bridge the gap. You follow the instinct, grabbing his shirt to curl into his shoulder. As soon as you do, he wraps his arms tight around you, bringing you in closer. 
A wave of moth-eaten hurt wells up your chest. 
“Why?” you sob, “Why did you do this to me? I don’t understand—”
He starts to rock you in a slow, soothing motion, burying his face in your hair as you cry into the collar of his shirt. In the background, behind your racing thoughts and shattered breaths, you hear him whisper on repeat: I’m sorry, baby… I’m so sorry.
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punksocks · 1 year
Astrology Observations No.23
*just based on my experiences only take what resonates
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Quite a few people with Chiron in Gemini are singers, talented ones too
We always talk about intuition of Pisces and Scorpio but Cancer placements are also crazy intuitive. I feel like you really can’t fool someone about how you’re feeling with Cancer in the big 6.
Air moons tend to catch feelings when someone is unavailable; earth moons tend to catch feelings when someone is more stable/ambitious than them; fire moons tend to catch feelings when someone is passionate and courageous; water moons tend to catch feelings when someone has sort of dreamy/otherworldly energy to them (that unspoken spark really gets to water moons)
If you wanna seduce Venus in 9th, travel with them or teach them something new
if you want to win over someone with Venus in 2nd/Taurus you should get them gifts (can apply to earth moons too imo- as long as the gift is useful or high end for them)
Quietly I think Capricorn in the big 6 can make you just as domestic as cancer in the big 6, but a Capricorn is usually going to talk about/pay attention their public image more
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Someone said the only thing they can’t deal with is someone throwing it back in your face when you try to help them/give them advice (like the other person saying you don’t care or that you’re just in it for yourself) and yeah that’s Virgo mars
Moon square/opposition to the ascendant could have people assume you’re putting on a personality/faking something
Saturn in Pisces is another placement to make sure you watch your mental health, all of Saturn’s consequences come at your subconscious
Do water risings seem to have a theme of like not trying to let their perspectives be colored by some sort of sadness ? (Cancer Asc - nostalgia /which isn’t always sad but if you hear cancer placements talk about it then they often filter their own nostalgia through a certain sadness; Scorpio Asc - traumatic experiences that shaped their perspective; Pisces Asc - a feeling of like ennui, a certain kind of listlessness)
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Neptune in the houses can show frequent locations if your dreams (3rd house- school, childhood neighborhoods; 4th house- childhood home, places you’d visit a lot with your family; 6th house the workplace; 9th house places you’ve traveled to or want to go to, etc)
Something we don’t talk about with Chiron in 1st is that it’s an energy amplifier imo. So when you’re healed you give off healing energy, but when you’re unhealed or even toxic you subconsciously spread that energy around (or maybe consciously, a lot of people I’ve known that belittle and nitpick others from a place of insecurity have Chiron in 1st)
If mars aspects your 4th house you may have grown up fighting and arguing a lot, especially with your family but in your childhood environment in general
Taurus placements will have their whole day impacted by a disappointing meal (especially moons- also mars imo)
Aries placements have trouble maturing sometimes bc their sign is then youngest of the zodiac (Pisces is the old man but this can make them unclear and disconnected too)
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Aquarius in the big 3 (especially Aquarius moon) tend to be really good at playing detached and calculating (in real life too lol but I’m thinking of Rosamund Pike and how well she sold her cool girl speech from gone girl - she’s a double Aquarius) (also in real life people aren’t always so predictable/controllable so this calculating behavior can go sideways sometimes)
I love how the Pluto in Scorpio generation is making all of this mainstream art about transformation and healing generational trauma (everything everywhere all at once is what I was watching when I thought of this)
Also I’m still working on how to utilize degree theory best but Daniel kwan (one of the everything everywhere all at once directors) has Scorpio moon at a cancer degree (19) and his most acclaimed movie so far is about depression, trauma, and generational curses (I love everything everywhere all at once pls watch it, I cried 3 times when I watched it and I’m a Capricorn moon so you know that means a lot lol)
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rosegoldrosieee · 4 months
so high school
while flesh-eating walkers had seemingly crushed your long-held dreams of experiencing romance as a teenager, carl grimes made you feel so high school.
♡ carl x f!reader, fluff, implied suggestiveness, friends to lovers (sorta), ambiguously alexandria, reader has a spine
a/n: wrote this yesterday hiding in the bathroom during lunch on my school-licensed chromebook for maximum immersion
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it was times like these, standing outside on someone’s back porch to get away from boisterous conversations and forced interactions, that reminded you of stupid high school chick flicks with cheesy one-liners, twenty-something actors playing sixteen-year-olds, and predictable love triangles.
you never got to navigate and, most importantly, surmount pubescent awkwardness, nor gush about crushes at sleepovers, because by your twelfth birthday, the dead somehow began to roam the earth.
out of sheer necessity, you’d eschewed any shot at teenage romance for survival skills, and effectively turned into a wallflower when you rejoined civilized society.
a gentle tap on your shoulder snapped you out of your reverie.
there stood the very reason you were even thinking about early-2000s romance movies in the first place: a chronically flannel-clad, one-eyed cowboy, notorious for merely sharing the same last name as the de facto leader of alexandria, now two feet in front of you holding a shot glass of fruit punch.
“didn’t mean to scare you.” he says with a sheepish grin plastered on his face.
“the only thing that’s scaring me is what you’re using as a vessel for your fruit punch.”
“everyone used up all the solo cups so i had to dig around in the cabinets,” he replies nonchalantly, holding up the glass. “why are you out here?”
why were you out here?
you can’t even remember.
“i don’t know.”
it’s hard to think, much less remember, anything when carl’s looking at you like that, arms crossed and leaning forward onto the banister, blue eyes boring into your own.
“did you even hear me?” he taps your hand that’s resting on the ledge gently, his lips quirking up with the ghost of an amused smile.
your eyes flick up to meet his attentively. “…what?”
“wow, you’re really out of it today,” he laughs, sipping from his shot glass. “forget it.”
you shift your weight, shaking your head. “well, i’m listening now, so tell me.”
his fingers are fidgeting with yours, you realize. tapping gently on your knuckles. intentionally, unintentionally? it was cute either way.
he tilts his head. “i just want to know what you’re thinking about.”
you shrug, as dismissively as you possibly can. swallowing down the butterflies that threatened to crawl into your throat.
“getting away from this stupid ass party.”
he raises an eyebrow, tone skeptical. “and?”
you narrow your eyes. it was a bad habit, using vitriol to mask your emotions. you were well aware. “what do you mean, ‘and’?”
“‘cause you’re smart,” his lips curl into a smirk. “that’s not all you’re thinking about. you’re never all…spaced out, like this.”
fuck you, carl grimes.
“i’m just tired,” you fib. your eyes drift to your hand, intertwined with carl’s, before quickly looking away. “you’re reading into it too much.”
“only because you’re not acting normal,” he teases, a dimpled grin gracing his features before he adds, “and you definitely would’ve pulled away by now if you didn’t want this.”
you steal a glance at your entangled hands again, heat rising to your face before you ask, skeptical, “what are you trying to do, exactly?”
“what do you think i’m trying to do?”
you glance to the side furtively, tongue-tied, still able to hear the muffled revelry through the shut screen door, before your eyes trace over his features again.
you wanted to wipe that shit-eating grin off his face so badly.
tugging at the collar of his unbuttoned flannel, you shift your weight to the balls of your feet, connecting your lips to his fruit-punch-stained ones.
you swear you’ll never drink hawaiian punch, or any drink with red-40 in the ingredients list, again without imagining the taste of him lingering on your lips.
expression tinged with a gradient of conflicting emotions when you pull away, you open your mouth to say something— and then he pulls you in this time, words dying in your throat with a soft whimper.
the party fades into an afterthought until you hear the screen door open just around the corner, thudding against the frame. quickly, you disentangle yourself from his arms, faces still flushed.
it’s rick, his rugged, stubbled face and piercing gaze (so it must be hereditary, you wagered) flickering between the two of you suspiciously, nodding at you curtly.
thank god for your quick reflexes — those, at least, hadn’t deteriorated just because you were sheltered by alexandria.
carl swallows, freckled face flushed as he quickly looks at you, panic etched on his face. the evidence of your little affair conveniently disguised by the shadow of his cowboy hat and the darkness of the night.
“dad, can’t we stay a little longer?”
“think the party’s ‘bout over.”
you peer into the ajar casement windows, abandoned solo cups decorating the vacant living room, watching abraham stagger into the mudroom and nearly take a shelf with him when he topples forward. rosita, unamused, rolls her eyes, grumbling something unintelligible before dragging him along.
before the grimes family gets into a fight, you take it upon yourself to leave first, retrieving your cardigan that was hanging on the banister. “see you around, carl. bye, mr. grimes.”
both of them wave as you disappear into tree-lined streets, intermittently illuminated by uniform streetlights.
as soon as you’re out of earshot and out of sight, you let out a pleasant sigh, smiling from ear to ear like an absolute idiot as your hands reached up to feel your flushed cheeks, still hot to the touch as you giggle to yourself at the incredulity of it all.
at home, once the high had worn off, or more realistically, ebbed for the time being, you shed your cardigan, scrutinizing the crimson patches blooming on the side of your neck in the mirror, smiling like a fool.
these were the only kind of bites you’d ever tolerate.
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wonbinistic · 1 year
Dreams Do Come True
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Rated: 18+ mdni
★ Author's note: i'm sorry for making y'all wait so long forgive me please❤️ this is my first writing piece since a very long time so bear with me... I'm not really satisfied with this it's why I kept delaying releasing it
english is also not my first language! so if you anything grammatically wrong don't hesitate to correct me🧡
★ wonbin x fem!reader
genre: smut
word count: 1.7k
summary: movie night goes in an unexpected direction for you and Wonbin
warnings: swearing, lots of kissing, fingering, cum play, cum eating, penetration...
This is not how you imagined the usual movie night would end…left alone with wonbin you squirmed uncomfortably on your seat. Wonbin who sat the end of couch gave you a quick look which you didn't even notice. He let the sound of the TV make the only noise in the room before speaking out. He noticed you were slightly shivering worrying if you were feeling cold.
"I could turn the heat up if you want."
"No I'm alright."You replied before turning your attention back to the film playing in front of you.
From your peripheral vision you could glimpse wonbin moving closer and soon you felt a warmth around you as he wrapped his arms around you. "A pretty girl like you shouldn't feel cold."
You were sure he could hear your heartbeat if not it was your unsteady breathing. You weren't really close to him nevertheless this close. It's something you were longing for the longest time. This closeness. Only one person knew you had this admiration for wonbin and it was anton, who promised never to tell. Somehow wonbin knew.
How could he not though?
Everytime he was in the room you turned all flustered, your cheeks would heat up and you didn't dare to look in his direction. He found you endearing and wanted to approach you, become close with you and spoil you. He kept his distance though. Today he's got you all alone. He might be tempted to try.
He cooed as you murmured a small thanks and let your head fall on his chest. Breathing in your lavender shampoo he tried hard to restrain himself.
"Hey ___?" His gentle voice he used with you made you look up to him. He was so close to you, his lips just above yours. You felt your insides turn. He was just so beautiful…and so he thought about you.
"When was the last time you kissed someone?" The question let your cheeks heat up not expecting that. Your last kiss was a long time ago, it was anton too. It was just a silly little kiss between you two a few years ago. You were young and in middle school.
"Would you mind if we kissed right now?"Your heart stilled, mind not being able to function as you repeated his question in your head more times than needed. When would you ever get the chance for this to happen again?
"We don't have to, I just really wanna kiss you,"He could've put his lips on you as soon as you looked up but he asked you. With your heartbeat beating into your ears you answered back giving him permission to put his lips on you.
Like predicted his lips were pillow soft and so gentle with you. He held your face in his hand bringing more force into the kiss. His tongue run a line on your lower lip before biting into it and pulling away leaving you stunned.
"So soft", wonbins finger traced your lips with his thumb. He went through in his head what the next scenario would be - should he go further?
"princess do you wanna sit on my lap, make yourself more comfortable",his eyes scanned your face for any discomfort not finding any.
He held your smaller hands in his helping you climb on him. From there he resumed your kiss this time it was a little more demanding, spit dripping down your chin as you tried to keep with him before giving up as his warm tongue entered your cavity of your mouth. Your tongues tangled up then went back to exploring. Wonbin shifted in his place trying to control the growing boner in his pants.
"Are you okay?" You asked into the kiss.
"Yeah I'm alright,"He replied dropping his head to your neck. He started with small pecks there before his tongue came into play sucking in a particular spot. That's when you felt a sensation down there. You could feel rubbing yourself on your own wetness. But you weren't the only one feeling some type of way. The throbbing feeling of wonbins cock underneath you was not subtle at all.
"Princess, should we take this to my room?" You were sure if you opened your mouth not a single coherent sentence would come out so you gave him a nod. Your mind was hazy, your attention split on different things to how your bodies were pressed against one another to his lips finding his way back to your neck as he carried you to his shared room with one of his friends. Luckily they all decided to leave, leaving you two alone in the dorms.
A messy kiss was shared as wonbin let you on your own two feet leading you further into his room till you fell onto his soft mattress. His body hovered over you trying not to crush you and there you felt it. His growing hard cock pressing right into your cunt. Wonbin let a groan out when he felt your hand wander between your bodies grabbing right at his erection. He swore if he didn't let his dick out in any minute it would burst.
"getting braver are we?"he muttered under his breath.
"I need you to," you panted, "take these off.”
With no hesitation wonbin worked on getting his pants off ordering you to do the same. In no time you felt one another's skin, warmth spreading throughout the room feeling closer than ever. Breathing intensifies as you feel him pressing right on you, no clothes standing in the way. Wonbin grabbed his cock before taking your hand, leading it right at it and wrapping it around it.
"That's right just move your hand like that."He let go of guiding you seeing you didn't need any further help. his mind was spinning, cock hard as a rock with your hand attached to it. He was visibly throbbing in your hand, drops of precum dropping on your belly. You followed along the lines of the veins pulsing on the side of his cock. More droplets of precum found their way on your stomach as you played with his angryily red tip. A weak spot. Wonbin let his lips wander, finding its way to your earlobe. His teeth held onto your skin before letting it go, finishing it over with a lick of his warm tongue. Oh how he wished he had it in other places.
"I need to prep you princess, is that okay?" wonbin muttered against your lips. You hummed giving him the green light to let his fingers trail down. One swipe was enough to have his fingers soaked in your juices.
He wanted to have you badly on his tongue, drenching him, having you scream his name at the top of your lungs till you succumbed to your orgasm. But he saved that up for another time.
He hopes another time like this would come knowing it would be almost impossible with everyone else being around here 24/7. It's like you eight were attached to the hip. For once in his life he found that frustrating.
"Argh…wonbin please," you groaned. His index finger slowly entered your soppy cunt. Wonbin hissed at your walls hugging his finger perfectly tightly. You pulled him with quickness into a deep sensual kiss tangling your tongue together as you tried to contain yourselves from moaning into each other's mouth - unsuccessfully. You are both a mess.
Filthy wet noises from his fingers thrusting in and out of you filled the room.
"Need to be inside of you"He moaned. Abruptly you were turned on your stomach having him pressed against your back. His tip prodded on your entrance making you curse under breath.
Until you remembered…
Wonbin pulled away from you hearing that. You reached your arm to the bedside table getting a pack and passed it to him behind. Relaxed, you laid back to your previous position feeling a tap on your butt. You mentally prepared yourself to have him inside of you. Wonbin was gifted in width & length and he seemed to know how to put it to use. It's what got him partners from his previous relationships keep coming back to him. They swore they wouldn't get it any better from anyone else which boosted wonbins ego a little bit.
"Why are you so tight doll…oh fuck."
You bit into the pillow under you as he adjusted his length. Wonbins hand grabs onto your tit squeezing the flesh in his hand before pulling his cock out of you to ram back into you. This time you couldn't help but let out a scream. Wonbin couldn't be helped either, he was a hot mess driving any sounds out of himself. He groaned into your ear as his balls hit your clit each time he railed into you with no halt.
The squeaky sound of the bed mixed with the wet clapping sounds of your bodies halled in the apartment.
"My sweet baby girl you're so good to me," he moaned. "Are you going to let me cum on your tummy hm?"
The thought of his seed splattered on your belly had you going crazy. You hummed in response. It was nearing the end, feeling yourself combust any minute with wonbins dick pulsing inside. He too couldn't keep it any longer and soon you felt him throb even more. He pulled the condom off, turned you on your back finishing off on your stomach. You cleaned his cum stained fingers clean before he shoved his tongue down your throat as he messed with the cum on your belly smearing it anywhere on your body. When you pulled off the kiss only a string of saliva connected you two.
After all the work up you needed to relax which Wonbin sensed. So he run you a bath, massaged your tense shoulders and lastly gave you a head message. With changed bed sheets you both drifted off pretty quickly.
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