dipplinduo · 6 months
Yoooooo, what's up.
Okay so I've been chit-chatting with some people here and there and I've heard from a number of you (thank you!) about potential names for the Drayton x Carmine ship. From what I understand there is basically a lack of consensus in terms of how to refer to this ship. I don't wanna act like I run the internet so I wanted to open up a community discussion about it. This is what I'm thinking:
I want y'all to either comment, submit, ask box, etc. (literally whatever is easiest for you to reach me by, idc) your ideas for a ship name. I'll go back and edit this post as I get names, and then over the weekend I'll run a week long poll with the suggestions. I'm hoping this can help build some overall consensus so we can all find the shipping content in one organized place, but if not, whatever y'all decide is whatever I'll refer to them as with posts/reblogs/works of my own on this specific blog at minimum.
(If another name catches on down the line from elsewhere, I'll def adapt my tagging accordingly lol. I just want this ship to be NAMED!)
Here are the names being talked about so far that will be included in the voting poll:
if you've heard of the ship being referred to in any other way, or if you have an idea of your own, please let me know so it can be included!! Lots of love,
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dearestgentlereaders · 2 months
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quirkedupkicks · 2 months
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pretty risky plan, but yeah ..
panel redraw/ode to the hero killer arc 💙 no shade version + the ref pic that saved me ->
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ifwebefriends · 7 months
Okay ngl, I very lowkey ship adamsapple mainly because “egotistical misogynist douchebag who deadnames people, objectifies wlw relationships, and got cucked by the same guy twice” to “disaster bisexual hooking up with the guy who cucked him and is slowly becoming chill but still kinda sucks” is such character development that is also a little bit funny to me
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entomolog-t · 3 months
Bitten - Part I
What is this?? A written post?? My Bite Me size swap is finally up (sorta). I initially was going to post this all in one shot, but it got long so enjoy non canon Bite Me content 💕
I've been absolutely swamped lately, so hopefully me posting is a sign that things are finally easing up!!
Shortly after the events of Chapter 10 Aedes wakes up to a rather big surprise- or perhaps more accurately, a small one.
Taglist: @smallsday @ratcatcher0325 @not-a-space-alien @bittykimmy13 @naive-bias
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Next Part
Word count: 1238
CW: Nudity (non-explcit/implied), Adult language
Warm hands envelope Aedes in a way that dances on the border of intimate and claustrophobic. His thoughts felt thick, almost sticky in his mind, as they struggled to flow. Those soft doting hands clung to him, overwhelming in their size, anchoring him firmly in place. He can’t move- but … was that really so bad? With his mind in a daze, he didn’t have the capacity to tell himself he hated it. Far from it… There was an undeniably comfort in the silken touch, warm in a way that surpassed intimate. Warm in a way that would melt pain from his chest, render flesh from his bones and put him together anew. Those plush hands dotted over him, filled him with life - with such vigor and… and- 
So much want. 
He knew her taste, its memory, sweetened with time, dances on the tip of his tongue just out of reach. So did her name. What was it again… He’d seen it somewhere…
If only he could drink. He was sure he could find her name and so much more hidden away in that taste. 
From her hands, all encompassing in their grasp, he felt her pulse. The rhythm of her rattles his bones, shaking him to his core. Each beat moves him, yet he himself remains unable to do so- anchored in place by strangely sticky thoughts and firm hands. God, if only he could just turn his head. If only he could sink his teeth into her… have just the smallest taste- 
A drop. 
He would gladly drown in a single drop. 
If only he wasn’t stuck- if only he could be set free from their grasp. 
Then, all at once, he was. 
Without their warm embrace- their suffocating hold, was sent falling back-
Or maybe, falling into himself? Aedes awoke as the ground met his face. 
The fall, it seemed, had not been exclusive to the dream. 
Rubbing his face, Aedes feels the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end. Something was off. He grimaced- not at all fond of the strange stain the remnants of the dream, no, nightmare, had left on his brain. It left him with a strange chill on his body, as if he was yearning for the warmth of the dream…
Or… clothes? Aedes looks down, startled by his own apparent lack of modesty. Why am I… 
As Aedes moves to sit up, the strange realization is immediately put on the back burner as a much stranger realization takes its place. His stomach lurches as his mind struggles in vain to right itself. 
High. His stomach lurches, as if forgotten someway far below. Too high- Why was he so high up?? Vertigo hit him with all the grace of a car crash as he heaved- his very being ripped away from the ground and rocketing up by his own doing-  much too high much too fast.  
Slowly, on his hands and knees, Aedes blinks. 
The dizzying spin didn’t leave- but his breath certainly did. 
If he hadn’t so abruptly woken up he would have thought he was still dreaming. Cool morning air sent a chill over his skin from a window he could reach out and touch. Books fit for his hands lined the shelves he had so recently scaled. Clawed fingers traced the various knick knacks that should have dwarfed him… 
That, until this very morning, had dwarfed him.
His mind scrambles to make sense of it all. He needed answers. 
He needed to know how this happened-
How could this happen?
But more than anything, Aedes needed to know how to breathe. 
Each shakily attempted breath felt stuttered, the tightening feeling in his chest constricting each and every inhale. His heart pounded wildly against his lagging lungs, yet it wasn’t the beat of his own that concerned him. 
Aedes' ears twitched, straining to hear the faint thrum, the slightest indication of something, someone, alive in the room with him. 
His eyes locked on the source in an instant. 
Her name finally finds its home on his lips- stolen from some hastily placed piece of ID left laying on her desk. June Murphy. 12 Oakline Road, Saint Mira Lake, ON. Born June 18th. 172 cm.  Aedes swallowed a lump of mixed emotions at the sight of her.  
Small… God she’s so small. 
And he… was not. 
Nearly buried in a mass of blankets and oversized clothes, June Murphy stares at the relative behemoth in front of her- mind reeling as they lock eyes.
This… This has to be a dream right? 
Yet she was all too aware of reality, having been jolted awake by the thunderous impact of what she’d initially assumed to have been … well, really anything but the reality that was staring back at her. A car could have plowed straight through her living room wall and it would have made more sense than what she was seeing.
Yet despite the unfamiliar perspective, she recognized him in an instant. The tousled black hair, the pointed ears… 
Those piercing eyes. 
In an instant, he was on his knees, moving at a speed June found to be even more unsettling now that he loomed above her. The sight of him so close was… bizarre… Uncanny even. Sure, she’d technically seen him far closer, when he’d been… 
Pressed up against her lips… 
In the palm of her hand…
June’s face flushes at the memory. You really don’t get much closer than that… and yet… even at what must have been a foot or more away, she saw him far more intimately than when she’d… June’s thoughts wander off, far too entranced by the man in front of her to remain focused on anything else. 
Aedes was far more handsome than she had initially realized, and she’d already had quite the high impression of his aesthetics. His pale skin was smooth, bordering on flawless even at such a scale, his features were defined, a straight nose, distinct jawline, yet the edges had a softness to them, smooth in a way that seemed inviting- as if they’d been carved from marble. Her gaze lingered on the soft yet rich color of his lips, the realization that this man really wasn’t human hitting her hard- the knowledge that there were teeth behind such a pretty feature sending a shiver through her. Though none of his features held a candle to his eyes. Piercing and black, this stare bore into her… defile her, even…
June scrambles back, face hot. 
Aedes does the same, reeling back at her sudden movement, as if somehow seeing her move confirmed this was, in fact, reality.
Oh… A knot forms in his throat, She’s afraid of me.
He swallows, the act noticeably harder than it should have been. 
Of course she is, he thinks, unable to hold her gaze. She looks so… helpless.  His face grows hot at the thought, guilt, like bile, rises in his throat. 
Did she think he’d hurt her?
“Shhh,” Aedes hushes, hands reaching cautiously towards her, afraid she’d run off if given the opportunity. “Please… don't be afraid.”
He would.
As he reaches, Aedes’ eyes catch sight of his blacked claws. The sight freezes him in place, stomach churning at the thought of what he must look like to her. She had been terrifying. If this woman before him had been terrifying- what was he?
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flybreakerstimz · 3 months
Hi-hi! Love ur stimboardz, may I please have a agere/pest stim? (Like including both if it’s not specific enough)
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"This music is too loud, I wish you guys would stop talking..."
Pest - Regretevator | Agere - Unspecified
Thank u sm! Herez u go :3 Enjoy!
This one was fun but hard :P
[x/x/x - x/x/x - x/x/x]
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diablo1776 · 2 months
There's literally 1.5 guns per citizen in the US.
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mimy2004 · 1 month
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I stole from @tireddovahkiin
But yeah guys as i say: let's goooo
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age-of-moonknight · 23 days
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“The Moon Warrior,” Marvel 85th Anniversary Special (Vol. 1/2024), #1.
Writer and artist: Yuji Kaku; Special thanks to Ken Kunito
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cyncerity · 3 months
hey i found this in my state anyone know who’s it is? @local-squishmallow
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where-dreamers-go · 3 months
"Embrace your inner strength as adventure leads you to a new Realm and introduces you to two fierce, yet friendly faces 🐉✨
#DisneyDreamlightValley's The Lucky Dragon update arrives on June 26th, free for all players!"
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(from Disney Dreamlight Valley social)
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beetleisblue · 3 months
Woke up in a lee mood
Got increasingly tried throughout the day
Now I no no wanna :(
Does this happen to anyone else?
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gayisslayyyy · 1 month
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We celebrate RN!
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Hi 👋
I am writing to u with a heart full of hope and faith , asking for your urgent help .
We are a family living in harsh and difficult conditions due to the war, suffering daily from fear and destruction. And Iam running a fundraising campaign to save them 🕊️.
Plz🙏 could u reblog the post about my campaign on my account!? Every share and reblog can make a difference in my family lives.
I humbly request a donation of 5$ or more if you can my friend and if u can’t just support us enough for me.🌹
In conclusion, my family and I thank you for your kind attention to our message.❤️🌺 🍉
please don't hesitate to share and donate 🙏. Do more than what you think is enough.
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sentfromwolves · 7 months
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Thanks for the tag (again) @maddstermind!! >:333 You are also on my taglist, so I am reverse tagging u in case you wanna do it again hehehe. I got convinced to start zero drafting a new space opera that is rotting my skull. Here is the last line I've drafted from it!
Another shudder. The lift whined, and beyond it, Amris could hear the metal scrape against something different—rocky grit and loose, blood soaked earth. He was nearing the surface of the arena. Amris breathed in through his nose, out through his mouth. The scent of death filled his lungs. He blew it out again. Live, he thought to himself. Live—no matter the cost. 
Tagging the usual suspects! @tananaphone @juls-writes @carrotblr @awritingcaitlin @k-v-briarwood @lunafiorewrites @interroblog @littleladymab @lorenfinch @picrosswrites @flowerbwrites @akiwitch @365runesoftheamalgamations @crwn-nrth @forthesanityofstorytellers
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toasty-self-shipping · 5 months
with the week 8 update finally out I think it’s time for me to drop the full lore backstory on cici that I have been working on for two years!:D
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Princess calista starlight is the daughter of queen Eveila and king mason the rulers of the starlight kingdom on the planet Andiaruta (think of it like a second earth) calista loves her home planet but she doesn’t really like the idea of becoming queen and wants to choose her own life so she decides that earth will be her new home for a few months
now her mom didn’t really approve of it due to being overprotective and worried about her safety but mason was completely supportive with him being human he wants her to know more about earth but Eveila still didn’t like it but after a few days she accepted it and let’s calista go but under one condition she doesn’t used her real name for safety so she decided to give herself a new name and stick with cici
“cici? why that name”
“well mom it’s cute and simple and it has a nice ring to!”
“I agree it’s cute”
“sighs you two are truly are father and daughter”
so after deciding on her new name cici goes to earth and starts her new normal life but her trip down there didn’t go so well the spacecraft had a hard landing and ended up in a tree luckily a certain guy was outside smoking and saw it went little did he know that he was going to meet the princess..
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