femmefatalevibe · 1 year
I don’t want to be a lawyer but I love debate and watching the moots mock court. Any tips on how to be transversed in communication and confident speech like lawyers when they prep? Thank you!
Thoroughly review and research
Deep dive into all of the facts and plot points/characters & timelines of your "case"/argument
Create a logical story arch based on fact, statistics, reason, and common sense with enough evidence to dispel the counterargument (the "defense")
Refine your argument to engage in compelling, convincing storytelling using words, factual-based arguments/interpretations, personal anecdotes, visuals, videos, etc.
Hope this helps xx
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omegaphilosophia · 11 months
Theories of Leadership
Leadership theory is a vast field with various approaches and models that attempt to explain and guide leadership practices. Here are some prominent theories of leadership:
Trait Theory: This early theory posits that effective leaders possess specific traits or characteristics, such as intelligence, confidence, charisma, and determination, which make them natural leaders.
Behavioral Theories: These theories focus on the actions and behaviors of leaders rather than inherent traits. They classify leadership styles into categories like autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire leadership, and assess their effectiveness.
Contingency Theories: Contingency models, including Fiedler's Contingency Model and Hersey-Blanchard's Situational Leadership Theory, propose that effective leadership depends on various situational factors, such as the leader's style, the followers, and the context.
Transformational Leadership: Transformational leaders inspire and motivate their followers to achieve higher levels of performance. They often use charisma, vision, and individualized consideration to encourage personal growth in their teams.
Transactional Leadership: Transactional leaders focus on exchanges with their followers. They set clear expectations, provide rewards or punishments based on performance, and ensure that their followers meet certain standards.
Servant Leadership: This philosophy emphasizes leaders' role as servants to their followers. Servant leaders prioritize the well-being of their teams and aim to serve and support their needs.
Authentic Leadership: Authentic leaders are genuine, self-aware, and lead by example. They align their actions with their values and encourage open and honest communication within their teams.
Situational Leadership: Developed by Hersey and Blanchard, this theory suggests that leadership style should adapt to the readiness and development level of the followers. Effective leaders adjust their behavior to the specific needs of their team members.
Path-Goal Theory: This theory, proposed by Robert House, posits that leaders should help followers achieve their goals by clarifying paths, removing obstacles, and providing support, which can improve job satisfaction and performance.
Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory: LMX theory focuses on the unique relationships that develop between leaders and their individual followers. It suggests that leaders often have varying relationships with different members of their teams.
Charismatic Leadership: Charismatic leaders inspire followers through their personal charm, vision, and charisma. They have a strong influence on their teams and can create a sense of shared mission.
Trait and Skills Theory: This modern approach combines trait-based leadership research with the development of leadership skills. It recognizes that while certain traits are beneficial, leadership can also be learned and developed.
Ethical Leadership: Ethical leadership places a strong emphasis on moral and ethical principles. Ethical leaders act with integrity, model ethical behavior, and make ethical decisions.
Distributed Leadership: This perspective suggests that leadership is not the sole responsibility of one individual but can be distributed among team members. It emphasizes shared leadership and collaboration.
Adaptive Leadership: Adaptive leaders focus on facilitating change and guiding organizations or teams through challenges. They encourage flexibility and innovation.
These are just a few examples of the many leadership theories and models. Leadership scholars and practitioners often draw from multiple theories to adapt their leadership approach to specific situations and contexts.
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emonydeborah · 11 months
trektober day 13: superhero AU
To her enemies, she was the Huntress. Bomb manufacturers and drug kingpins disappeared in the dead of night and reappeared in maximum security prisons, if they reappeared at all. Politicians spluttered about vigilantism and CEOs bellowed about privacy when their illegal dealings ended up all over the internet, signed only with her trademark bow and arrow.
To her supporters, she was Number One. The first person you wanted by your side in times of trouble, the fastest responder to any hostage situation or natural disaster she could get to. There were stories about children lost under buildings after earthquakes and tornados, impossible to reach, turning up in their local ERs without a word. Tearful young women thanked her on tv and hoped she got the message. It was rumored she had once carried a grown man two miles to the closest hospital, something no human woman should have been able to do. She never commented on the rumor. She never commented on anything.
To her team, she was the Commander, directing their efforts and cutting off budding problems before they became a threat. Tall and authoritative, she demanded the best, and that was what she got. She never budged, never cracked, and never lost control.
To the people she loved, she was Una. Chris cleaned her cuts and kissed her bruises and held her when she slept, soothed the nightmares away. He whispered her name into her skin and she knew that was all he needed, just her, no superhero, no inspiring figure. Just Una.
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jokingluna · 2 years
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kia-azki · 4 months
I never finish anything…. WOW ME??? MAKING A LIST!? NO WAY.
Here is a list of things I should ‘work on’:
Web design
There’s more?… oh right- Russian! How could I forget, that’s like the main thing I should focus on.
Sign language
Hitting 50k words in the pedophilia wip
YouTube videos (I have no clue what to post there)
Instagram (my acc is so trashy)
My blog- or should I just say website??
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xntrek · 7 months
Embracing Redundancy — My Unconventional Path to Career Progression
Exploring the rugged terrains of Australia, going off-road isn’t just a pastime for me; it’s a profound lesson in resilience, discovery, and stewardship. There’s a thrill in navigating unfamiliar paths, in the challenge and unpredictability it brings. But beyond the adventure, it’s a practice grounded in respect — for the land, for the journey, and for those who will follow. The off-roader’s…
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teriel · 7 months
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When you’re in a romantic relationship (or more than one), one of the challenges that can come up is around how you show up in that relationship. Are you showing up as the little boy craving approval or are you showing up as a mature man, confident in himself and his presence? The answer to that question can speak volumes to the overall happiness and satisfaction you experience in your relationship, and can provide a valuable clue for how your partner(s) responds to you in your relationship.
Your partner doesn’t want the little boy craving approval. It’s a real turn off on every level of the relationship and can be a relationship killer. When you show up as the little boy, you treat your partner as a parental figure, seeking out their approval for what you do. It shows you don’t have a spine and it puts a lot of unwanted power in the hands of your partner. You put your partner into a position where they have to take charge and guide and lead you, which ends up being a relationship killer. You don’t want to be the little boy in a romantic relationship, because being that way demonstrates that you aren’t ready or capable of showing up in your relationship in a way that cultivates respect or shows that you are a man who can be relied upon.
Want to read more? Click the link.
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True leaders are not driven by power and authority, but by a sincere desire to serve and uplift others. They prioritize the well-being, growth, and development of their team members, catering to their needs and aspirations.
Seek out those who embody this!
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rohanscornernz · 1 year
Are you a Leader or a Follower? Exploring both Avenues
Daily writing promptAre you a leader or a follower?View all responses The choice between being a leader or a follower depends on personal preferences and the context. Leaders take charge, provide guidance, and make decisions, while followers support and implement the leader’s vision. Some people thrive in leadership roles, enjoying the responsibility and the opportunity to influence others.…
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Nicolas Russell hails from Lincoln, NE, and has a strong military background. While he was in the National Guard, he developed valuable leadership skills and enjoyed working with senior personnel. After more than 3 years as a National Guard soldier, Nicolas Russell of Lincoln, NE, started working as a motor transport operator for the U.S. Army. His military service has reinforced his commitment to community service. As a result, Nicolas Russell of Lincoln, NE, regularly volunteers for local charities.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Hi lovely!
I come from grandparents who are illiterate and my uncles, aunts and mom have degrees and went to college but they still have issues with using large vocabulary and understanding things in a larger context. Idk how to explain it. But it’s like they’re only saying what they know and misuse words. I find myself doing that too and didn’t realize it til I was corrected by a college professor in front of the whole class and it was embarrassingggg.
For me it’s worse, because my cousins have this issue too and they’re all in school but my parent had a stroke and I’m always around them and their words are slurred and they use to wrong words and I pick up on that habit because I help take care of them.
One day I want to do public speaking- debate club - stuff like that. I want to be in leadership but i feel held back or not good enough or knowledgeable enough even though I study hard, and speak to different people when I can.
Even though I read and listen to educational stuff on YouTube from different views, I still have the habits my family does.
What should I do be better with my words, mindset, and stuff like that? Thank u so much :)
Hi love! It sounds like you're going through a lot with your family, so sending love <3
To improve your vocabulary, communication, verbal delivery, and public speaking skills, I would suggest:
Read. A lot. Try reading articles/essays from well-written publications (The New Yorker and The Atlantic immediately come to mind), and books & essays from classic and contemporary authors across cultures to diversify your lexicon & expand your worldview.
Listen to TED Talks. Also, programs like Toastmasters are supposed to be great for public speaking.
Practice talking to yourself in the mirror. Give yourself a pep talk or have a self-debate with yourself in the mirror when alone.
Write journal entries that mimic thesis statements. Vent like you're writing an informal essay. Then, take some time away from the page and revise it into a logical string of thoughts/arguments to prove why or why your decision made sense, was the most helpful, etc. for a more minor situation that occurred throughout a random day (let's just say why you made a certain lunch or time you decided to shower – nothing emotionally-charged or heavy on the mind/soul).
Free write to expand on your strongest or most unpopular opinions. You can learn how to justify/craft a compelling argument with no one trying to interject when you speak while always having the final say.
Hope this helps xx
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omegaphilosophia · 11 months
The Philosophy of Leadership
The philosophy of leadership is a multidisciplinary field that explores the nature, principles, and ethics of effective leadership. It encompasses various philosophical, psychological, and ethical perspectives on leadership and aims to understand what constitutes successful and ethical leadership. Here are some key elements and areas of focus in the philosophy of leadership:
Leadership Ethics: Examining the ethical responsibilities and moral principles that guide leaders in their decision-making and actions.
Leadership Theories: Analyzing different leadership theories, such as transformational leadership, servant leadership, and ethical leadership, to understand the underlying philosophies and values that inform these approaches.
Leadership and Power: Investigating the relationship between leadership and power, including how leaders acquire, use, and share power, and the ethical implications of power dynamics.
Leadership and Morality: Exploring the moral dimensions of leadership, including the moral character of leaders and the moral dilemmas they face in their roles.
Leadership and Authenticity: Examining the concept of authentic leadership, which emphasizes the importance of aligning personal values and beliefs with one's leadership style.
Leadership and Virtue Ethics: Applying virtue ethics to leadership, focusing on the development of virtuous leadership traits and the role of character in effective leadership.
Leadership and Social Justice: Investigating how leaders can promote social justice, equity, and fairness through their actions and policies.
Leadership and Followership: Understanding the role of followers in the philosophy of leadership and how leaders can foster positive relationships with their followers.
Leadership in Different Contexts: Considering how leadership philosophy may vary across different contexts, such as business, politics, education, and nonprofit organizations.
Historical Perspectives: Exploring historical examples of leadership and how leadership philosophies have evolved over time.
The philosophy of leadership aims to contribute to the development of principled, effective, and ethical leaders who can positively impact organizations, communities, and society as a whole. It provides a philosophical foundation for leadership development and decision-making, emphasizing the importance of ethical and values-based leadership.
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bloggersmap · 2 days
Effective Leadership Skills for Modern Managers
The days of the micromanaging, autocratic boss are thankfully behind us. Today’s successful leaders are more like team captains than dictators. To thrive in the modern workplace, you need a toolkit of leadership skills that goes beyond just giving orders. Let’s dive into the essential skills that can transform you from a manager to a true leader.
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kree8r0 · 8 days
Is leader authenticity a matter of integrity?
The original question this article responds to in its complete format is as follows: “Is leader authenticity a matter of integrity? Should leaders behave similarly across different contexts and situations? Provide a specific example to explain your position.” Authenticity IS integrity. I often cringe when I read “Should” so-and-so do, be, or say such-and-such because that implies an externally…
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jeanpatrice · 9 days
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The Purpose of Communication
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destkelamedia · 10 days
How Leaders Can Show Their Team Members That They Value Them: Essential Strategies for Building Stronger Teams
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